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Environ Radiation Surveillance Rept,Jul-Sept 1981, Section 6.7.5(b)
Person / Time
Site: North Carolina State University
Issue date: 02/04/1982
North Carolina State University, RALEIGH, NC
Shared Package
ML20040F278 List:
NUDOCS 8202090037
Download: ML20040F283 (16)


o a NCSU PULSTAR Annual Report Section 6.7.5.(b)


1. INTRODUCTION During the months of November and December 1980 and early January 1981, an increase in environmental radioactivity was observed which is apparently attributable to the atmospheric detonation of a nuclear device (200 to 1,000 kiloton range) by the Chinese governmene at LopNor proving grounds on October 16, 1980 at 12:30 A.M. EDST. Statistical considerations indicated that this apparent increase was of sufficient magnitude to preclude the assumption of normal variation in background counts. Subsequent visual inspection of NaI(TE) spectral data confirmed an increased activity for several radionuclides in the environment. In the months following January 1981, the level of environmental radioactivity was observed to return to that recorded prior to the nuclear test; and as of September 30, 1981, all environmental samplings had consistently exhibited acceptable levels of activity.

In addition to its routine surveillance activities, the environmental laboratory section of the Radiation Protection Office has been actively engaged in developing and implementing new analytical techniques. This work is expected to extend the data gathering capabilities of this laboratory and consequently enhance the quality of future surveillance services to the University community.

2. AIR MONITORING A comparison of ambient campus air activity for the periods previously indicated with environmental samplings taken earlier in 1980 discloses an unequivocal increase in total atmospheric radioactivity. This was first recognized when a series of millipore air filters yielded consistently high gross beta counts (Table 2.2). During several communications, the Radiation Protection Section of the Division of Human Resources related that it was not observing any activity from the bomb test during this period. This prompted an immediate reappraisal of all accumulated data by this laboratory with a resulting confirmation of the original observation. Cacma ccanting of high volume air filters taken from the five campus monitoring stations (Table 2.1) further substantiated the presence of some ur.known nuclide(s) when a previously unseen Gaussian peak occurred in numerous NaI(TE) spectra. Resolution of this peak by Ge(Li) spectroscepy allowed the identity of the nuclides to be ascer-tained both by visual interpretation and computer-assisted analysis (Table 2.3). Zr-95 and its daughter Nb-95 were found to be responsible for the major peak observed in NaI(TI) spectra. The source of this activity was definitely ascribed to fallout from the Chinese test when normal stack and primary coolant samplings at the PULSTAR facility eliminated it as a possible source.

The environmental laboratory is currently examining the problem of pre-paring standards that will be representative of samples collected under the l conditions encountered with rooftop air monitors. However, the direct trans-mission of a precise quantity of radionuclide aerosol through a filter in a manner that typifies environmental conditions presents a formidable task.

One technique which has shown promise in circumventing this difficulty in-volves partitioning an air filter into a matrix of uniform squares and depositing an aliquot of a mixed radionuclide solution onto each square.

An alternative method under consideration relies upon direct dissolution of air filter (s) by a suitable solvent in a Petri dish followed by gamma counting on a Ge(Li) detector. Both of these techniques are presently being evaluated for their applicability in this laboratory.

3. MILK Monthly analyses of pasteurized cow's milk from the Campus Creamery have consistently exhibited levels of Sr-90 activity that are well within

the prescribed limits of safety. I-131 specific activity has continued to remain below its detection limit of 2.0 pCi liter-1 (Table 3.1).

Research efforts by the Environmental Chemist and Associate Environmental Health Physicist are now in progress to establish a procedure suitable for performing direct gamma spectroscopy of milk. This technique would provide this laboratory with the currently unevailable capability for conducting an analysis of milk for the presence of gamma-emitting nuclides. Another pro-cedure is being completed for the separation of radiostrontium from relatively large quantities of calcium, such as occurs in milk. This procedure basically involves the selective precipitation of Sr-90 as strontium rhodizonate followed by low level beta counting. A monograph of sufficient quality for publication is expected to be forthcoming in the near future.

4. SURFACE WATER Specific activities for gross alpha and beta emitters, Sr-90, and various gamma emitters are reported (Table 4.1) for the water of Rocky Branch Creek at its entrance (ON) and exit (OFF) locations relative to the campus. All reported activities have remained at an invariably low level.

The environmental laboratory is currently developing a water analysis procedure utilizing mixed bed resins which will hopefully be implemented in the coming months This will introduce a technique which is both more rapid and quantitative than that which has been employed in the past. In addition, the extent of ion exchange between surface waters and suspended soil particles

(> 1.2 microns) has been under investigation for several months. This laboratory is experimenting with particle flocculation utilizing A12 (SO 24H 4 )3 ( H 4 )2 4 2

in a=moniacal solutlen with subsequent retention on borosilicate glass microfiber filters.

5. SOIL Surface soil samples were collected at various campus locations and at the radioactive material burial grounds in January 1981 and shipped to Teledyne Isotopes Laboratories for contracted analysis. The results reported in Table 5.1 indicate that no significant concentrations of any radionuclide were detected.
6. VEGETATION Corn and soybeans were collected from the University Farm at harvest time and sent to Teledyne Isotopes Laboratories for contracted analysis. The results (Table 6.1) are indicative of very low levels of environmental radioactivity.
8. SEWAGE WATER Processed sewage samples are obtained from the City of Raleigh via Ms.

Shirley Bell of the State Health Department and analyzed for gross alpha and beta activity and Sr-90 content. The results of Table 7.1 indicate consistently low levels of activity during each sampling period.

Table 2.1 LOCATION OF AIR MONITOR STATIONS Site Direction Distance Elevation (meters) (meters)'

Broughton Southwest 125 - 17 West 500 - 18 David Clark Labs Library Northwest 192 + 11 Southwest 99 - 14 Riddick Withers Northeast 82 - 6 1

Direction -

Direction from PULSTAR Reactor Stack Distance - Distance from PULSTAR Reactor Stack 3

Elevation - Elevation relative to the top of the PULSTAR Reactor Stack As g .:



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.t Sampling Locations Withers Date Broughton DCL Library Riddick


1989 -

4/7-4/11 49.1 + 5.4 50.2 + 5.4 37.3 + 4.9 40.4 + 5.0 11.8 + 3.9 4/14-4/18 36.5 I 4.5 26.9 I 4.3 33.3 I 4.6 28.9 I 4.4 37.5 I 4.8 4/21-4/25 47.1 i p.1 51.1 I 5.3 48.5 I 5.2 48.5 I 5.2 41.4 I 4.9 4/28-5/2 16.4 + 3.9 54.2 I 4.5 22.6 I 4.1 36.6 I 1 8 13.2 I 3.8 5/5-5/9 22.4 I 4.1 37.5 I 4.8 33.3 I 4.6 40.5 I 5'.1 39.6 I 4.9 5/12-5/16 24.6 I 4.1 34.6 I 4.5 26.3 I 4.1 39.3 T 4.7 31.1 I 4.3 5/19-5/23 26.1 I 4.0 12.0 I 3.0 16.4 I 3.8 11.4.+ 3.7 3.9 I 3.4 5/26-5/30 28.0 I 4.0 50.0 I 5.0 37.0 I 4.5 43.I I 5.3 35.3 I 4.7

5/2-6/6 34.6 I 5.3 42.4 I 5.6 T- 44.7 I 5.5 51.1 I 5.9 6/9-6/13 25.9 I 5.0 28.3 I 4.9 34.5 + 5.2 29.7 I 5'.0 23.7 I 4.8 6/16-6/20 30.1 I 5.1 51.7 I 5.9 20.5 I 4.6 40.'2 I 5.4' 4624 I 5.7 6/23-6/27 19.7 I 4.9 27.8 I 4.9 20.7 I 4.7 34.8 I 5.2 20.9 I 4.8 6/30-7/4 43.0 I 5.7 6.6 I 4.0 27.5 I 4.9 36.6 I 5.2 21.6 I 4.7 7/7-7/11 36.2 I 5.4 18.9 I 4.5 36.0 I 5.2 30.0 I 4.9 36.0 I 5.1 7/14-7/18 28.6 I 5.0 54.6 I 5.9 34.5 I 5.1 41.4 I 5.3 70.1 I 6.7 7/21-7/25 24.6 I 5.0 41.3 I 5.5 34.5 I 5.3 31.3 I 5.0 47.4 I 5.8 7/28-8/1 25.4 I 4.9 19.1 I 4.4 23.liI 4.6 28.5 I 4.8 Z-8/4-8/8 52.2 I 6.1 41.3 I 5.4 63.7 I 6.4 79.3 I 7.1 '40.9 + 5.3 8/11-8/15 34.1 I 5.3 35.2 I 5.1 43.3 I 5.5 42.9 I 5.3 34.4 I 5.1 8/18-8/22 49.7 I 6.0 238.2 I 5.3


52.0 I 5.8


70.6 I 6.7 36.5 I 5.3 8/25-8/29 33.2[5.3 46.1 1 5.6 41.7 1 5.5 51.1,i 5.8 28.7 1 4.9 9/1-9/5 - - ; ' 40,.0,t 5.4 27.7 1 4.9 34.8 1 5.2 20.1 1 4.7 9/8-9/12 - - -

'43.8 + 5.5 39.6 + 5.4' 63.5 + 6.3 24.5 + 4.7 9/15-9/19 - - - 4 49.7 I 5.6 50.8 I 5.7 40.7 I 5.2 26.1 I 4.7 9/22-9/26 28.4 + 4.9 'I27.5 I 4.7 22.8 I 4.5 34.1 I 4.9 25.0 I 4.6 t 9/29-10/3 19.7 I 4.6 23.2 I 4.5 15.0 I 4.3 43.5 I 5.4


11.7 I 4.2


10/6-10/10 47.8 1 5.8 47.9 i 5.6 46.4{5.6 67.1 1,6.5 43.3 1 5.5 10/13-10/17 34.1 1 5.1 39.3 1 5.2 26.4 1 4.7 44.515.4 ---

10/20-10/24 30.3 1 5.1 35.7 1 5.1 32.415.0 41.715.4 28.2 1 4.9 10/27-10/31 44.3 1 5.6 37.2 1 5.1 45.3 1 5.5 40.2 1 5.2 31.5 1 5.0 11/3-11/7 45.9 i 5.7 43.1 1 5.3 46.1 1 5.5 49.8 1 5.6 ---

11/10-11/14 42.7 i 5.6 48.4 1 5.6 51.3 1 5.8 39.1 1 5.2 102.4 i 8.2 11/17-11/21 60.8 + 6.2 56.115.8 58.3 1 5.9 78.0 1 6.8 45.4 i F.4 11/24-11/28 71.4 + 6.8 74.2 + 6.8 65.0 + 6.4 92.5 + 7.6 ?8.5 + 7.0 12/1-12/5 137.8 1 9.9 104.358.1 90.2 1 7.5 102.7 i S.0 35.2 1 7.3 12/8-12/12 140.0 110.1 178.4 111.7 148.2 110.3 169.8 111.3 129.3 1 9.4 12/15-12/19141.4 110.2 220.7 113.8 125.4 1 9.3 -149.7 110.4 119.7 i 9.0 12/22-12/26 74.3 1 6.9 79.317.0 ---

104.4 1 8.2 73.0 1 6.8 1981-12/29-1/2 101.4 i 8.2 89.0 1 7.4 ---

95.3 1 7.7 67.3 1 6.5 1/5-1/9 114.6 i 8.9 --- ---

58.7 1 6.1 89.9 1 7.6 1/12-1/16 25.6 1 4.1 27.5 i 4.1 31.1 1 4.3 38.9 i 4.3 31.8 1 4.3 1/19-1/23 30.5 1 4.0 28.0 1 4.2 32.9 i 4.3 32.9 i 4.3 29.8 1 4.2 1/26-1/30 41.8 1 4.5 39.7 i 4.6 38.6 1 4.6 46.2 1 5.0 26.1 1 4.0 2/2-2/6 46.3 1 5.1 10.1 1 3.3 37.3 1 4.3 37.0 1 4.6 35.0 1 4.5 2/9-2/13 39.2 1 4.6 10.0 1 3.6 34.1 1'4.5 ' 22.0 1 4.0 42.3 1 4.7 2/16-2/20 29.8 1 4.1 ---

43.3 1 4.9 27.9 i 4.1 21.8 1 3.9 2/23-2/27 45.7 1 4.9 ---

34.2 1 4.5 41.0 1 4.7 45.5 1 4.9 3/2-3/6 44.2 1 4.8 40.3 1 4.6 46.3 1 4.9 32.7 1 4.4 50.0 1 5.1 s

Table 2.2 AERIALLY TRANSPORTED GROSS BETA ACTIVITY (fCi m- + 1 a). Continued Sampling Locations Date Broughton DCL Library Riddick Withers 1981 3/9-3/13 40.3 + 4.5 ---

51.8 + 5.0 47.5 + 4.9 42.3 + 4.8 3/16-3/20 52.5 I 5.2 48.7 + 5.0 44.1 I 4.8 39.8 I 4.6 50.3 I 5.0 3/23-3/27 39.5 I 4.6 30.2 I 4.0 43.7 I 4.7 29.6 I 4.1 41.2 I 4.6 3/30-4/3 56.3 I 5.4 41.2 I 4.7 49.3 I 5.1 47.0 I 4.8 35.0 I 4.5 4/6-4/10 45.2 I 5.0 37.1 I 4.7 46.2 I 5.0 43.5 I 4.8 42.7 I 4.8 4/13-4/17 31.0 I 4.3 33.5 I 4.6 50.1 I 5.1 36.1 I 4.5 53.4 I 5.2 4/20-4/24 48.7 I 5.0 51.1 I 5.1 49.2 I 5.0 37.0 I 4.7 40.0 I 4.7 4/27-5/1 60.2 I 5.7 51.3 I 5.0 38.6 I 4.6 40.1 I 4.6 57.1 I 5.5 5/4-5/8 63.2[5.8 T- 47.0[4.9 5/11-5/15 66.355.9 42.1[4.8 58.2 + 5.6 ---

39.9 + 4.6 55.5 + 5.3 53.1 + 5.2 5/18-5/22 I- 50.8 + 5.2 44.2 I 4.8 26.0 I 4.0 41.3 I 4.7 5/25-5/29 32.9 + 4.3 32.6 I 4.4 26.0 I 4.0 29.7 I 4.1 36.0 I 4.5 6/1-6/5 46.2[5.0 28.5[4.1 21.2 [ 3.4 41.3[4.7 38.6[4.5 6/8-6/12 44.4 + 4.9 50.5 + 5.1 39.6 + 4.7 50.1 + 5.6 53.2 + 5.3 6/15-6/19 35.354.6 41.2[4.7 49.255.2 51.2[5.1 47.3[4.8 6/22-6/26 31.7 + 4.3 41.9 + 4.7 45.2 + 4.8 41.0 + 4.7 50.0 + 5.2 6/29-7/3 52.3 I 5.2 50.1 I 5.2 59.1 I 5.5 29.9 I 4.2 36.0 I 4.5 7/5-7/10 31.2 I 4.2 32.9 I 4.4 26.0 I 4.0 39.3 I 4.5 45.6 I 4.9 7/13-7/17 23.4 I 3.9 32.7 I 4.4 32.8 I 4.4 33.0 I 4.4 41.2 I 4.5 7/20-7/24 41.0 I 4.6 21.9 I 4.0 34.0 I 4.5 28.2 I 4.2 20.0 I 3.7 7/27-7/31 46.4 I 5.1 54.9 I 5.4 4 > I 5.0 38.7 I 4.5 40.1 I 4.7 8/3-8/7- 36.0 I 4.5 48.8 I 5.1 43.1 I 4.8 38.7 I 4.6 39.7 I 4.7 8/10-8/14 46.1[4.9 55.2[5.3 31.8[4.3 53.3[5.2 32.1[4.2 8/17-8/21 72.2 + 7.1 66.5 + 6.6 58.5 + 6.3 71.9 + 6.8 75.1 + 7.0 8/24-8/28 71.1 I 7.1 32.6 I 5.2 55.9 I 6.3 44.7 I 5.7 64.9 I 6.7 C'31-9/4 53.2 I 6.1 21.7 I 4.6 27.2 I 4.9 61.2 I 6.2 40.1 I 5.4 9/7-9/11 37.3 I 5.4 44.9 I 5.5 18.9 I 4.5 30.7 I 4.9 153.3 Il0.6 9/14-9/18 45.7 I 5.7 44.1 I 5.5 42.5 I 5.4 30.5 I 4.9 46.1 I 5.6 9/21-9/25 31.6 I 5.0 50.0 I 5.6 40.2 I 5.2 32.0 I 4.8 36.8 I 5.1 9/28-10/2  !- 20.7[4.6

'5.5 [ 4.7 37.9[5.2 37.0[5.3 l

Y _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Sampling NUCLIDES Period Ce-144 Ce-141 Ru-103 Ru-106- Zr-95 Nb-95 1980 6/30-7/4 4.98 1 4.90 0.51 1 1.11 3.59 1 1.03 3.07 i 8.81 6.21 1 3.02' 10.71 1 1.63

'7/7-7/11 3.11 1 4.78 1.41 1 1.09 2.11 i 1.01 3.13 1 9.10 4.42 1 2.99 9.23 1 1.77 7/14-7/18 3.71 1 4.88 1.91 1 1.11 2.49 1 1.03 4.01 1 9.69 8.51 1 3.10 17.13 1 3.01:

7/21-7/25 5.11 1 4.92 0.79 1 1.08 3.21 t 1.03 5.13 110.14 9.26 1 1.59 18.01 1 1.71 .

7/28-8/1 8.12 1 5.10 1.11 1 1.04 1.89 1 0.89 6.22 110.21 10.11 1 3.41 20.03 1 1.52 8/4-8/8 2.10 1 1.47 1.89 1 1.12 1.41 1 1.20 < 1. 0 . 5.21 1 3.54 10.71 1 1.59 8/11-8/15 5.77 1 4.89 .2.80 1 2.11 1.51-1 1.00 3.14 1 9.09 < 2.0 < 2.0 .

8/18-8/22 1.67 1 2.09 0.91 1 2.01 2.50 1 1.02 < 2.0 9.11 1 3.45 18.10 1.1.98 8/25-8/29 6.81 1 5.91 1.51 1 1.13 4.28 1 1.05 -8.72 111.31 3.48 1 3.15 8.25 1 1.39 9/1-9/5 1.66 1 2.09 < 0.4 2.93 1 1.01 10.01 114 25 -2.93'i 3.19 < 2.0 9/8-9/12' 7.39 i 4.56 2.83 1 1.14 3.21 1 1.03 4.13 1 9.68 8.5313.12 '16.79 i 1.73

.9/15-9/19 5.73 1 5.79 0.81 1 1.08 1.40 1 1.01 < 2.0 '7.14 1 3.09 <T2.0 9/22-9/26 7.43 + 4.81 3.20 + 1.18 4.41 + 1.04. 11.12 +10.13 <~2.0 <'2.0 9/29-10/3 6.73 I 5.00 0.91 I 1.13 5.11 i 1.12 3.04 I 9.51 4.81 + 3.17 < 2.0-10/6-10/10 8.01 I 5.52 1.50 I 1.13 3.23 i 1.01 < 170 8.39 I 4.21 16.15 + 1.53 i- 10/13-10/17 5.25 I 4.99 0.56 i 1.13 < 170 < 1.0 < 2.0 < 2.0 T' 10/20-10/24 3.45][4.80 2.86][1.13 3.12 1 1.03 3.71 1 8.95 2.99 1 3.34 5.37 1 1.75 10/27-10/31 5.60 1 4.91 2.10 1 1.12 2.76 1 1.11' 4.13 1 9.C9 < 1.0 < 1.0 11/3-11/7 11.52 + 5.11 2.81 + 2.13- 13.71 + 0.11 11.60 + 1.08- 23.72 + O.62 37.0' + 4.10 11/10-11/14 14.51 I 5.13 < 074 21.02 T 0.12 13.41 I 2.91 34.81 7 0.91 69.92 I 1.21.

11/17-11/21 15.12 I 7.93 2.79 + 2.13 '20.10 I 0.8 ' 14.41 I 3.31 40.11 I 1.12 71.23 I 1.31

.11/24-11/28 22.13 I 9.12 0.69 I 1.98- 13.71 T 0.09 8.22 I 1.9 34.79 T 0.89 68.91 I 1.20 12/1-12/5 17.62 I 9.10 0.79 I 2.08 35.98 7 0.91 23.00 I 4.13 50.91'I 1.13 101.81 I O.82 12/8-12/12 21.38 I 5.14 0.78 7 0.93 19.11 T 0.68 14.59'I 3.81 22.01 I 4.35 43.22 I 1.01 12/15-12/19 29.91 I 9.11 < 074- 24.21 I 0.71 12.31 I 4.01 17.89 I 0.55' 35.89 7 0.31'

  • 12/22-12/26 30.24 I 8.91 2.28 + 2.10 21.11 I 0.58 < 170 41.91 I 1.12 85.03 i 1.10 12/29-1/2 29.76 .i 9.10

- 3.12 I.2.31

- 35.81 .7 0.83

- 16.51 _+ 4.72 52.10 _i 1.10 104.31 I.1.21


1/5-1/9 17.26 + 0.01 1.81 + 2.11 32.31 + 0.75 12.21 + 4.13 51.93 + 1.07 105.12 + 1.35 1/12-1/16 28.91 i 9.07 3.12 i 1.13 26.38 T 0.58 17.02 I 3.81 43.41 I I.11- '87.12 I 1.09-1/19-1/23 30.60 I 9.20 2.44 I 2.10 31.31 I 0.68 11.99 i 3.92 20.91 I 0.91 41.02 7 0.93 1/26-1/30 19.13 I 4.99 3.01 I 1.14 13.87 I O.52 14.21 I 3.21 11.68 7 0.69 24.02 7 0.71 2/2-2/6 11.05 i 4.81 2.32 I 2.11 5.39 7 0.51 < 270 7.22 I 3.01 14.06 i 1.58 2/9-2/13 10.98 I 4.99 1.99 I 1.36 3.82 II 1.07 3.81 +10.12 < 170' < 270' 2/16-2/20 22.13 I 9.20 2.11 i 1.14 < 270 8.98 T13.12 17.82 + 3.72' '37.22 + 1 92 .

2/23-2/27 9.91][4.53 < 074 2.96 1 1.05 < 270 < 170f  :< 2TD

Table 2.3 AERIALLY TRANSPORTED CAMMA ACTIVITY (fCi m' + la), Continued Sampling NUCLIDES Period Ce-144 Ce-141 Ru-103 Ru-106 Zr-95 Nb-95 1981 3/2-3/6 7.11 F 4.32 < 0.4 1.39 + 1.03 < 1.0 < 2.0 < 2.0 3/9-3/13 6.83][4.42 1.15 + 1.03 2.48][1.03 3.92 + 7.21 7.23 1 3.05 15.01 i 1.58 3/16-3/20 5.91 1 4.93 < 0.4 4.73 1 1.07 < 2.0 5.31 1 3.17 11.13 1 1.39' 3/23-3/27 7.00 1 5.91 1.00 1 2.10 3.33 1 0.98 < 1.0 < 2.0 < 2.0 3/20-4/3 4.31 + 4.77 1.29 + 1.11 1.93 + 0.99 < 2.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 4/6-4/10 6.11][4.82 0.99][2.21 2.04}[1.03 14.11 1 9.33 3.84 1 3.11 4/13-4/17 5.72 + 4.91 < 0.4 8.12 1 1.38 3.01 + 1.02 6.42 + 3.12 9.23 + 1.57 20.01 + 1.83 4/20-4/24 6.22 7 4.32 1.04 + 2.13 2.18 i 1.02 < 1.0 <

2.0 < 2.0 4/27-5/1 6.61 T 1.32 < 1.0 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 5/4-5/8 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 5/11-5/15 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 5/18-5/22 5.10 + 1.38 < 1.0 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 5/25-5/29 7.81 i 2.10 < 1.0 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 6/1-6/5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 6/8-6/12 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 3

6/15-6/19 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 y 6/22-6/26 c 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 6/29-7/3 5.P1 + 1.92 1.75 + 1.35 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 7/6-7/1C 6.66 + 2.65 < 1.0 1.73 + 0.32 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 7/13-7/17 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.6 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 7/20-7/24 < 5.0 - 1.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 7/27-7/31 8.81 + 2.37 < 1.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 8/3-8/7 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 8/10-8/14 < 5.0 < I.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 8/17-8/21 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 8/24-8/28 9.38 1 2.55 < 1.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 8/31-9/4 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 9/7-9/11 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 9/14-9/18 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 9/21-9/25 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0< < 0.5 9/28-10/2 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5 < 5.0 < 1.0 < 0.5


Table 3.1 Sr-90 IN COW'S MILK (pCi 1 i 1 o)

Date Activity (pCi 1~ i lo) 1980 April 3.36 1 0.46 May 4.27 1 0.52 June 5.01 1 0.58 ~

July 3.50 1 0.51 August 3.16 1 0.49 September 4.31 1 0.53 October 3.38 1 0.47 November 5.00 t 0.57 December 4.90 1 0.56 1981 January 3.21 1 0.51 February 3.31 1 0.42 March 3.10 1 0.40 April 4.10 1 0.49 May 4.32 1 0.54 June 3.53 1 0.52 July 3.20 1 0.50 August 3.19 1 0.50 September 3.11 1 0.40 Table 4.1 Surface Water Specific Activity (pCi liter ~ t 10)

Date Loca tion Cs-137 Co-60 Co-58 K-40 Sr-90 Gross B~ Gross a April ON - - - -

0.15 + 0.02 3.69 1 0.38 0.45 1 0.11 1980 0FF - -

0.16 1 0.02 3.41 1 0.37 0.34 1 0.10 May ON - - -

1980 0FF - - -

0.13 1 0.02 3.94 1 0.39 0.34 1 0.11 0.21 1 0.03 2.84 1 0.34 0.13 1 0.08 June ON - - -

1980 0FF - - -

0.14 1 0.02 2.72 1 0.32 0.13 1 0.08, 0.16 1 0.03 2.79 1 0.32 0.15 1 0.08 July ON - -

0.15 1 0.02 1980 0FF - - -

4.03 1 0.39 0.30 1 0.09 0.26 1 0.03 4.19 1 0.39 0.02 1 0.05 Aug ON - -

0.30 1 0.03 1980 OFF - -

3.63 1 0.37 0.13 1 0.07 0.13 1 0.02 3.50 1 0.37 0.02 1 0.05 Sept ON < 0. 3 < 0.8 < 0.2 < 3.0 1980 0FF < 0.3 0.28 1 0.03 5.10 1 0.44 0.34 1 0.09

< 0.8 < 0.2 < 3.0 0.17 1 0.03 4.76 1 0.43 0.24 1 0.08 Oct ON < 0.3 < 0.7 < 0.2 < 3.0 1980 0FF < 0.3 0.16 1 0.02 5.40 1 0.45 0.10 1 0.10

.i' < 0.7 < 0.2 < 3.0 0.16.+_ 0.02 5.02 + 0.43 0.43 + 0.11 Nov ON 0.73 + 0.21 < 0.7 5.12 + 3.23 1980

< 0.2 0.15 + 0.02 3.83 + 0.36 0.34 + 0.10 0FF 0.98}[0.29 < 0.7 < 0.2 7.253[6.31 0.14][0.02 4.47}[0.40 0.173[0.07 Dec ON < 0.4 < 1.0 < 0.3 < 2.0 1980 0FF < 0.4 < 1.0 3.99 1 0.38 0.45 t 0.11

< 0.3 < 2.0 - - -

4.82 1 0.42 0.19 1 0.08 Jan ON < 0.4 < 1.0 < 0.4 < 3.0 1981 0FF < 0.4 < 1.0 2.72 1 0.33 0.21 1 0.07

< 0.4 < 3.0 - - -

3.92 1 0.38 0.21 1 0.07 Feb ON < 0.3 < 0.6 < 0.5 < 7.0 - - -

4.91 + 0.42 0.17 + 0.07 1981 0FF < 0.3 < 0.6 < 0.5 < 8.0 - - -

4.25][0.38 0.06][0.06 Mar ON < 0.2 < 0.5 < 0.2 < 4.0 1981 0FF < 0.2 < 0.5 < 0.2 3.86 1 0.37 0.28 1 0.10

< 5.0 2.92 1 0.33 0.09 1 0.06 April ON < 0.3 < 0.8 < 0.4 < 3.0 1981 0FF 4.91 1 0.42 0.19 1 0.08

< 0.3 < 0.8 < 0.4 < 5.0 - - -

5.72 1 0.46 0.06 1 0.06 May ON < 0. 3 < 0.7 < 0.2 < 4.0 1981 0FF < 0.7 3.58 1 0.36 0.19 1 0.08

< 0.3 < 0.2 < 6.0 - - -

5.37 1 0.44 0.24 1 0.09

i Table 4.1. Surface Water Specific, Activity-(pCi liter-1 i lo), Continued' Date Location. Cs-137 :Co-60 Co-58. K-40 Sr-90 Gross'S~ Gross a  ;

' June ON. < 0.5- < 0.8 < 0.4 < 9.0 1981 OFF -< 0.5 4.90 + 0.42 0.16-+ 0.07

< 0.6 . < 0.5 < 7.0 -- --

~ 5.11l[0.43 0.29 1 0.10.'

.)uly. ON < 0.8 < 1.0 < 0.3 < 2.0 - - '

-1981 0FF < 0.8 .< 0.8 .< 0.3 < 2.0 - ~- - .3.61 1 0.37. 0.15 1 0.06L ,

4.48 1 0.40. 0.42-1.0.11: .

L Aug .. ON < 0.7. < 0.6 <.0.6~ < ' 4.0 - - - - -

-1981 0FF < 0.8 < 0.6 < 0.7 <'7.0 3.84 1 0.37( 0.18 1.0.08

.3.51 1 0.37 0.33 1 0.09 .,;

Sept ON < 0.5 < 0.3 < 0.4 < 5.0 - - '

1981 0FF < 0.5

-3.55 1 0.35. 0.20 + 0.08-

< 0.2 < 0.2. . < 3.0 5.00 1 0.43 . 0.41 + 0.11 -

g. -

I t


-a g.

. - - , ~

Table 5.1 SOIL' SPECIFIC ACTIVITY (pCi gram ~ i 1 c)

Sample No. l' North Campus Soil-Nuclide- pCi gram ~ i la Nuclide pCi gram-1' i la l 1 Gross alph'a- < 1 x 10 Gross beta (1.4'i 0.2) x 10

~I Sr-90

-2' Sr-89 < 2 x 10 <:5 x 10 Be-7 < 8 x 10~ K-40 4589 1 1.08

-2 -2 Mn-54' < 7 x 10 Co-58 < 7 x~10


2 -2 Co-60 .< 7 x 10 Zr-95 < 8 x.10

~1 Ru-103- < 1 x 10 R'u-106 < 6 x 10

-1 I-131 < 5 x 10 Cs-134 < 8 x 10~

-1 s.

Cs-137 1.06 1 0.11 Ba-140' < 3 x 10

-1 Ce-141 < 1 x 10~ .Ce-144 < 4 x 10


Re-266- 2.20 t 1.01- Th-228 1.01 1 0.10.

-Sample No. 2 South Campus Soil

~1 1 Gross alpha <'1'x110 Gross beta (1.510.2) x 10 1 ~1 Sr-89 < 2 x'10 Sr-90 ~ (1.3 1.0.4) x 10 .

Be-7  :< 6 x 10 K-40 4.39 1 0.61

-2. -2

'Mn-54: < 6 x 10 Co-58~ < 6 x 10


- Co-60 < 7 x 10~ -Zr-95 < 7 x 10

~1 Ru-103~ < 8'x 10~ Ru-106 < 5 x 10

-1 -2 I-131 < 5 x 10 Cs-134 -< 6'x 10

'< 2 x 10 -1


~I '

Cs-137 (1.00~1 0.58) x 10 'Ba-140-


'< 4 x 10 -1

- Ce-141, < 2 x 10 Ce-144 Ra-226- < 1.0 Th-228 1.94 1 0.19 1

I' Sample No. 3 East Campus Soil 1

Gross alpha- < 1 x 10 Gross beta (2.8 1 0.3) x.10 ,


{ Sr-89 < 2 x 10 Sr-90 (8.6 1 3.3) x:10~


! Be-7 -< 7 x 10~ K-40 (1.20 i _0.12) x 10 Mn-54 < 6 x 10~ Co-58 < 7 x'10~

! ~ Co-60 < 5 x 10~ Zr-95 < 8 x 10~

~1 Ru-(03 < 8 x 10~ Ru-106 < 5'x 10

-1 -2 1-131 < 5 x 10 Cs-134 < 7 x 10

-1 ~1 i Cs-137 (4.2010.67) x 10 Ba-140- < 2 x 10

-1 ~1

. Ce-141 < 2 x 10 Ce-144 < 5 x 10


Ra-226 < 1.0 Th-228 (9.98 1 1.00) x 10 4

'l r,7 - ,,,, . .,-,,4-- -- w4,--,n-.--y e _ . - . ,.m. , . , . - , , . < - . .- < ,,s ,. .rw.,. e, or se,- c ,,,..,,,r.-- -e...,.,r~, ,mm.--,s.

4 Table 5.1~ S01L SPECIFIC ACTIVITY (pCi gram" i la), Continued Sample No. 4 West Campus Soil


Nudlide 'pCi gram" I- l a . Nuclide pCi gram"I 1la 1

Gross alpha .< 1 x~10 Gross. beta 1 (1.510.2) x 10 Sr-89 . < 2'x 10~


Sr-90 < 6 x 10~

Be-7 -1

< 6 x 10 K-40 7.60 + 0.76

. Mn--54

< 5 x 10

-2 Co-58


< 6 x 10 Co-60 < 5 x 10~ Zr-95 < 7 x 10



-2 -1

< 8 x 10 - Ru-106 < 4 x 10 I-131 -1 -2

< 5 x 10 Cs-134 < 5 x 10


-Cs-137 (1.06 1 0.55) x 10 Ba-140 < 2 x'10 -1 '


-1 ,

< 1 x 10 Ce-144 < 3 x 10 Ra-226 1.06 1 0.11 Th-228 -1.06 1 0.11 Sample No. 5 Soil Inside New Burial Ground (l.2'+ 0.8) x 10 1' 1


Gross alpha. ' Gross beta (2.3 + 0.3) x 10

< 4'x 10 -2

~1 Sr-89 < 2 x 10 Sr-90

  • ~

.Be-7 < 6 x 10 K--40 '9.67 + 0.97

-2 '

-2 Mn-54 < 6 x 10 -Co-58 < 6 x 10 Co-60 < 6 x 10" Zr-95 -2

< 8 x 10 Ru-103 < 8 x 10" Ru-106

< 5 x 10 I-131 -1 -2

< 5 x 10 Cs-134 < 7 x 10 7

~1 Cs-137 < 7 x 10~ ~ Ba-140 < 3 x 10

-1 ~1 i Ce-141 < 2 x 10 Ce-144 ~ <.4 x 10 i

Ra-226 2.20 + 0.99' Th-228 2.18 + 0.22_

Sample No. 6 Soil Outside New Burial Ground 1

I Gross alpha < 1:x 10 Gross beta < 9.8 1 2.1~

-1 ~

Sr-89 < 2 x 10 Sr-90 (6.1 1 2.5)'x 10 Be-7 < 5 x 10" K-40 3.38 + 0;47


-2 Mn-54 < 4 x 10~ Co-58 .< 5 x'10 Co-60 < 4 x 10" Zr-95 < 6 x 10"

~1 Ru-103 < 6 x 10" Ru-106 < 4 x'10

-1 '

1-131 < 4 x 10 Cs-134 < 4 x 10~

-1 Cs-137 (5.09 1 0.51) x 10 Ba-140 < 1 x 10"

-1 Ce-141 < 7 x 10~ Ce-144 < 2 x 10

-1 -1' j Ra-226 (8.80 1 4.75) x 10 Th-228 (6.42 1 0.77) x 10


's.. -r Table'5.1 SOIL SPECIFIC' ACTIVITY (pCi" gram ~~1 lo), Continued

' Sample No. 7 Soil Inside Old Burial Ground Nuclide pCi gratu~ ~ 1o Nuclide' pCi gram ~ I la 1 1 Cross' alpha < 1 x 10 Gross beta ~ (1.1 1.0.2) x-10

-1 -1 Sr-89. < 3 x 10 Sr-90 (1.1 1 0.4) x 10


-Be-7 - 4 x 10 K-40 2.44 + 0.39

-2 -2 Mn-54' < 4'x 10 Co-58 < 4 x 10

~1 Fe-59 < 1 x 10 Co-60 < 4 x 10~

-2 -2 Zn-65 < 9 x'10 -

Zr-95 < 5 x 10 Ru-103 < 5 x 10~ Ru-106 < 3 x 10


< 4 x 10 -2

~1 1--131. - < 3 x 10 Cs-134-

~< 2 x 10 -1

~1 Cs-137. .(2.42'i O.25) x 10 Ba-140 Ce-141 < 8 x 10~ Ce-144 - < 2 x 10 ~

Ra-226 1.14 1 0.16 Th-228 (7.4810.75) x 1:' 1 Sample No. 8 Soil Outside Old Burial Ground

~ Cross alpha ' < 1 x.10 1 Gross beta  :-(1.1 1 0.2) x~1'0 1

Sr-89' 1 -1

< 2 x 10 .Sr-90' (1.1 1 0.5) x 10


-1 Be-7 < 3 x 10 K-40 3.08 + 0.40 Mn-54 < 4 x 10~ Co-58 ~ -< 4 x 10~

Fe-39 < 1 x 10~

Co-60 < 4 x 10~

Zn-65 ~< 1 x 10

-1 -2 Zr < 5 x 10

-1 Ru-103 < 5 x 10 'Ru-106 < 3 x 10 1'

Cs-134- < 4 x 10~ Cs-137 (2.11'i 0.22) x 107 I-131 < 3 x 10 Ba-140 '< 2 x 10 ~1 Ce-141 <8xid-2 Ce-144 < 2 x 10

~1 Ra-226 - 1.30 1 0.15- Th-228 (9.93 1 0.99) x 10 L


Corn Nuclide pCi gra i 1 la Nuclide pCi gra [ Ia l Gross alpha -1

< 6 x 10 Gross beta (1.0 1 0.1) x-10 1

Sr-89 < 2 x 10' Sr-90 < 6 x 10

-3 Be-7 < 8 x 10- K-40 3.66 + 0.36 Mn-54 < 8 x 10 -3 Co-58 < 8 x 10

-3 Co-60 < 9 x 10~ Zr-95


< 9 x 10 Ru-103 < 1 x 10~ Ru-106 < 7 x 10 I-131 < 2 x 10~ Cs-134 < -3 x 10 Cs-137 -3

< 9 x 10 Ba-140 < 1 x 10" Ce-141 < 2 x 10- Ce-144 < 2 x 10-Ra-226 < 7 x 10- Th-228 (4.12 1 1.40) x 10-Soybeans Cross alpha < 8 x 10~ Gross beta (3.7 1 0.1) x 10 1

Sr-89 < 4 x 10~ Sr-90 < 2 x 10


Be-7 < 9 x 10' K-40 (1.69 1 0.17) x 10 1

Mn-54 < 1 x 10~ Co-58 -2

< 1 x 10 Co-60 < 1 x 10~ Zr-95 -2

< 1 x 10 Ru-103 -2

< 1 x 10 Ru-106 < 9 x 10~

I-131 -2

< 2 x 10 Cs-134 < 1 x 10-Cs-137 -2 -2

< 1 x 10 Ba-140 < 1 x 10 Ce-141 < 2 x 10~ Ce-144 < 8 x 10-Ra-226 < 2 x 10 -1 Th-228 < 2 x 10~


Table 7.1 SEWAGE WATER SPECIFIC ACTIVITY (pci liter" i lo)

Date S~ a Sr-90 1980 April - - -

May 11.71 1 1.31 < 0.1 -

June 8.22 1 1.19 < 0.1 1.50 1 0.41 July 9.92 1 1.26 < 0.1 -

Aug 14.12 1 1.42 < 0.1 1.37 1 0.40 Sept 12.12 1 1.31 < 0.1 1.32 1 0.40 Oct 13.37 1 1.35 < 0.1 1.49 1 0.41 Nov 14.38 1 1.41 < 0.1 1.03 1 0.34 Dec 14.88 1 1.48 < 0.1 -

1991 Jan 11.11 1 1.25 < 0.2 < 1.0 Fab 10.67 1 1.27 < 0.2 < 1.0 Mar 10.99 1 1.29 < 0.1 < 1.0 Apr 7.60 1 1.23 < 0.2 < 1.0 May 13.56 i 1.39 < 0.1 1.09 1 0.75

. June 15.07 1 1.46 < 0.1 2.02 1 0.79 July 11.74 1 1.31 < 0.1 < 1.0 Aug 12.81 1 1.33 0.51'1 0.24 1.87 1 0.73 Sept 12.05 1 1.33 < 0.1 1.07 1 0.64 s