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ML20035H671 | |
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Site: | 05200001 |
Issue date: | 04/23/1993 |
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ML20035H670 | List: |
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NUDOCS 9305060186 | |
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MONTHYEARML20137G3271997-03-31031 March 1997
[Table view]Rev 4 to ABWR Design Control Document ML20117H3491996-08-31031 August 1996 Rev 3 to ABWR Design Control Document ML20101G9101996-03-22022 March 1996 Rev 7 to 25A5447, Certified Design Matl ML20101G9121996-03-22022 March 1996 Amend 36 to Rev 8 to 23A6100, ABWR Ssar ML20077R9181995-01-17017 January 1995 Rev 2 to ABWR Design Control Document ML20081K9301994-12-31031 December 1994 Rev 1 to Technical Support Document for Abwr ML20080D3411994-12-31031 December 1994 Rev 1 to Advanced BWR Design Control Document ML20081K9111994-11-30030 November 1994 Rev 0 to Technical Support Document for Abwr ML20070H9691994-07-31031 July 1994 ABWR Ssar ML20071H9981994-07-20020 July 1994 ABWR Certified Design Matl ML20069Q3061994-06-30030 June 1994 Rev 6 to SSAR Amend 35 & Rev 5 to Certified Design Matl ML20069H2181994-05-25025 May 1994 Rev 4 to ABWR Certified Matl ML20069H7401994-05-25025 May 1994 Non-Proprietary Ssar Amend 35 & Certified Design Material, Rev 4.W/164 Oversize Drawings ML20065H7861994-04-13013 April 1994 Advanced BWR Certified Design Matl/Itaac Review Guidance ML20065J5791994-04-11011 April 1994 Nonproprietary Mod Pages of Ssar,Amend 34 ML20065B7121994-03-31031 March 1994 Revised ABWR Ssar/Certified Design Matl Cross Ref Matl ML20058L2291993-12-14014 December 1993 Liquid Level Monitoring W/Emus More than Just Measuring Liquid Levels ML20062K7081993-12-13013 December 1993 Amend 33 to Advanced BWR SSAR ML20058J9831993-12-0707 December 1993 Rev 2 to Vols 1 & 2 to Advanced BWR Certified Design Matl ML20058L2161993-10-31031 October 1993 Emus Diverse Sys for Reactor Water Level Measurement in Bwrs ML20056G3121993-08-31031 August 1993 Vols 1 & 2 of ABWR Certified Design Matl A000364, Technical Support Document for Amends to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accidents Under NEPA for Plants of ABWR Design1993-07-31031 July 1993 Technical Support Document for Amends to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accidents Under NEPA for Plants of ABWR Design ML20046A2191993-07-0808 July 1993 Amend 30 to ABWR Ssar. Listed Changes Include 3H,4.6,5.1, 5.4,6.2,6.7,9.1,9.3,9.5 & 20.3 ML20045C8351993-06-18018 June 1993 Revised ABWR Design Document ML20044G7931993-05-31031 May 1993 Suppl 1 to Containment Structural Evaluation for Ultimate Pressure Capacity Rept. ML20056C3641993-05-14014 May 1993 Amend 28 to Nonproprietary Sections of Chapter 19, Response to Severe Accident Policy Statement of ABWR SSAR ML20058L8611993-04-30030 April 1993 Resolution of ISLOCA for Abwr. W/27 Oversize Encl ML20044D8821993-04-30030 April 1993 Sample Analysis for Effect of Postulated Pipe Break ABWR Main Steam Piping ML20035H6711993-04-23023 April 1993 Public Version of Amend 27 to ABWR SSAR ML20035E0731993-03-31031 March 1993 Markup of Advance BWR SSAR Chapter 16,Section 3.3, Instrumention & Section 3.8, Electrical Power Sys ML20035A3071993-03-24024 March 1993 Amend 26 to Selected Sections of Chapters 1-20 of Advanced Ssar ML20128H5991993-02-28028 February 1993 Proposed Replacement of ABWR App 3A, Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Rept ML20034H0681993-02-19019 February 1993 Advanced BWR ATWS Stability Study ML20128C7161993-02-0202 February 1993 Rev B to 23A6100AE, Submittal Supporting Accelerated ABWR Review Schedule ML20128C2791993-01-29029 January 1993 Nonproprietary 11x17 Foldout Drawings to Amend 25 to ABWR Ssar ML20128C0631993-01-29029 January 1993 Draft of Section 19E.2,deterministic Analyses of Plant Performance for ABWR Ssar, Chapter 19 ML20128B7051993-01-29029 January 1993 Amend 25 to ABWR Ssasr ML20127M4521993-01-14014 January 1993 Containment Structural Evaluation for Pressure Capacity Summary Rept ML20117A4771992-11-18018 November 1992 Changes to Nonproprietary 11x17 Foldout Drawings from Chapter 8 of ABWR Ssar,Amend 23 ML20118C0661992-09-24024 September 1992 Generic Model for Progability of Operation w/Mis-Oriented Fuel Bundle ML20101S0961992-07-0606 July 1992 Amend 21 to ABWR SSAR ML20101L7381992-07-0202 July 1992 App 19Q, ABWR Shutdown Risk Evaluation ML20101G5771992-06-0202 June 1992 Human Factors Engineering Program Review Model & Acceptance Criteria for Evolutionary Reactors ML20097A3731992-06-0101 June 1992 Tier 1 Design Certification Matl for GE ABWR Design ML20114D0901992-05-31031 May 1992 Volumes I & II of Advanced Control Room Design Review Guideline:Technical Development ML20094P3731992-03-31031 March 1992 Tier 1 Design Certification Matl for GE Advanced BWR Design - Stage 2 Submittal ML20096F1071992-03-30030 March 1992 Advanced BWR Design Document,Section 3.7, Radiation Protection, Section 12.3, Radiation Protection Design Features & 12A.1, Calculation of Airborne Radionuclides ML20096F0901992-03-30030 March 1992 Advanced BWR Document,Section 3.3, Piping Design, Section 3.6.1, Postulated Piping Failures in Fluid Sys Inside & Outside Containment & 3.6.2, Determination of Break Locations & Dynamic Effects Associated W/Postulated.. 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[Table view]Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Certification of the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design.Supplement No. 1.Docket No. 52-001.(General Electric Nuclear Energy) ML20137G3271997-03-31031 March 1997 Rev 4 to ABWR Design Control Document ML20117H3561996-08-31031 August 1996 Rev 9 to ABWR Ssar ML20117H3491996-08-31031 August 1996 Rev 3 to ABWR Design Control Document ML20101G9101996-03-22022 March 1996 Rev 7 to 25A5447, Certified Design Matl ML20101G9121996-03-22022 March 1996 Amend 36 to Rev 8 to 23A6100, ABWR Ssar ML20077R9181995-01-17017 January 1995 Rev 2 to ABWR Design Control Document ML20081K9301994-12-31031 December 1994 Rev 1 to Technical Support Document for Abwr ML20080D3411994-12-31031 December 1994 Rev 1 to Advanced BWR Design Control Document ML20081K9111994-11-30030 November 1994 Rev 0 to Technical Support Document for Abwr ML20070H9691994-07-31031 July 1994 ABWR Ssar ML20071H9981994-07-20020 July 1994 ABWR Certified Design Matl ML20069Q3061994-06-30030 June 1994 Rev 6 to SSAR Amend 35 & Rev 5 to Certified Design Matl ML20069H7401994-05-25025 May 1994 Non-Proprietary Ssar Amend 35 & Certified Design Material, Rev 4.W/164 Oversize Drawings ML20069H2181994-05-25025 May 1994 Rev 4 to ABWR Certified Matl ML20065H7861994-04-13013 April 1994 Advanced BWR Certified Design Matl/Itaac Review Guidance ML20065J5791994-04-11011 April 1994 Nonproprietary Mod Pages of Ssar,Amend 34 ML20065B7121994-03-31031 March 1994 Revised ABWR Ssar/Certified Design Matl Cross Ref Matl ML20058L2291993-12-14014 December 1993 Liquid Level Monitoring W/Emus More than Just Measuring Liquid Levels ML20062K7081993-12-13013 December 1993 Amend 33 to Advanced BWR SSAR ML20058J9831993-12-0707 December 1993 Rev 2 to Vols 1 & 2 to Advanced BWR Certified Design Matl ML20058L2161993-10-31031 October 1993 Emus Diverse Sys for Reactor Water Level Measurement in Bwrs ML20056G3121993-08-31031 August 1993 Vols 1 & 2 of ABWR Certified Design Matl A000364, Technical Support Document for Amends to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accidents Under NEPA for Plants of ABWR Design1993-07-31031 July 1993 Technical Support Document for Amends to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accidents Under NEPA for Plants of ABWR Design ML20046A2191993-07-0808 July 1993 Amend 30 to ABWR Ssar. Listed Changes Include 3H,4.6,5.1, 5.4,6.2,6.7,9.1,9.3,9.5 & 20.3 ML20045C8351993-06-18018 June 1993 Revised ABWR Design Document ML20044G7931993-05-31031 May 1993 Suppl 1 to Containment Structural Evaluation for Ultimate Pressure Capacity Rept. ML20056C3641993-05-14014 May 1993 Amend 28 to Nonproprietary Sections of Chapter 19, Response to Severe Accident Policy Statement of ABWR SSAR ML20058L8611993-04-30030 April 1993 Resolution of ISLOCA for Abwr. W/27 Oversize Encl ML20044D8821993-04-30030 April 1993 Sample Analysis for Effect of Postulated Pipe Break ABWR Main Steam Piping ML20035H6711993-04-23023 April 1993 Public Version of Amend 27 to ABWR SSAR ML20035E0731993-03-31031 March 1993 Markup of Advance BWR SSAR Chapter 16,Section 3.3, Instrumention & Section 3.8, Electrical Power Sys ML20035A3071993-03-24024 March 1993 Amend 26 to Selected Sections of Chapters 1-20 of Advanced Ssar ML20128H5991993-02-28028 February 1993 Proposed Replacement of ABWR App 3A, Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Rept ML20034H0681993-02-19019 February 1993 Advanced BWR ATWS Stability Study ML20128C7161993-02-0202 February 1993 Rev B to 23A6100AE, Submittal Supporting Accelerated ABWR Review Schedule ML20128B7051993-01-29029 January 1993 Amend 25 to ABWR Ssasr ML20128C2791993-01-29029 January 1993 Nonproprietary 11x17 Foldout Drawings to Amend 25 to ABWR Ssar ML20128C0631993-01-29029 January 1993 Draft of Section 19E.2,deterministic Analyses of Plant Performance for ABWR Ssar, Chapter 19 ML20127M4521993-01-14014 January 1993 Containment Structural Evaluation for Pressure Capacity Summary Rept ML20126G0911992-12-21021 December 1992 Preliminary Safety Evaluation Providing Staff Conclusions Re Consistency of Containment Performance Goals of ABWR Rccv Under Severe Accident Loadings W/Deterministic Containment Performance Goals of SECY-90-016 ML20128D1401992-12-0202 December 1992 Safety Evaluation Accepting GE Proposal for Implementing ISLOCA Issue Resolution for Advanced BWR ML20117A4771992-11-18018 November 1992 Changes to Nonproprietary 11x17 Foldout Drawings from Chapter 8 of ABWR Ssar,Amend 23 ML20118C0661992-09-24024 September 1992 Generic Model for Progability of Operation w/Mis-Oriented Fuel Bundle ML20101S0961992-07-0606 July 1992 Amend 21 to ABWR SSAR ML20101L7381992-07-0202 July 1992 App 19Q, ABWR Shutdown Risk Evaluation ML20101G5771992-06-0202 June 1992 Human Factors Engineering Program Review Model & Acceptance Criteria for Evolutionary Reactors ML20097A3731992-06-0101 June 1992 Tier 1 Design Certification Matl for GE ABWR Design ML20114D0901992-05-31031 May 1992 Volumes I & II of Advanced Control Room Design Review Guideline:Technical Development ML20095A2461992-04-0808 April 1992 Amend 20 to Advanced BWR SSAR 11x17 Foldout Drawings,Page Change Instructions & Page Status Sheets 1997-05-31 |
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