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Application for Amend to License DPR-65,changing Tech Specs to Incorporate Addl Fire Detection & Suppression Sys Resulting from Various 10CFR50,App R Mods,Design Changes & Other Guidelines & Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/1991
From: Mroczka E
Shared Package
ML20029C109 List:
B13645, GL-87-09, GL-87-9, NUDOCS 9103250365
Download: ML20029C108 (7)


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gM Mb General Othces

~ U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. Attention: Document Control Desk

. Washington, DC 20555 c Gentlemen: i


(1)' S. E. Scace letter to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- i

, sion, " Licensee Event Report 90-001 00," dated February 9, 1990.

(2) E. J. Mroczka letter to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion, " Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2, Proposed Revision to Technical Specifications, Changes Suggested by Generic Letter 87-09," dated August 9, 1990.

(3) G, S. Vissing letter to E. J. Mroczka, " Issue of' Amend-

. ment (TAC No. 77535)," dated February 26, 1991.

Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2

-Proposed Revision to Technical Specifications

-Pursuant -to 10CFR50.90, Northeast Nuclear Energy Company- (NNEC0) hereby -

, -proposes- to amend its Operating License,. DPR-65, by incorporating the attached ~ proposed changes into the Technical Specifications of Millstone

- Unit -No. ! 2. The; proposed changes - to the Millstore Unit No. 2 Technical


$pecifications have been: initiated to incorporate' iuto the Technical Speci-fications additionalifire detection and suppression systems resulting. from various 10CFR50, Appendix R_ modifications, design changes, and _other

- changes, as ' described - in' this submittal, consistent with fire protection'

. guidelines and requirements. The proposed changes will bring the Technical

' Specifications' into agreement with the equipment Jinstalled :in the plant.

.The. disagreement between the Technical Specifications and existing p' ant equipment was previously identified to the NRC Staff in Licensing Event Report (LER) 90-001-00, dated February 9, 1999-(Reference 1). The proposed Technical Specification changes are included as Attachment 1.  !


1 OS3422 REV d.88 9103250365 910318 . 0)1 PDR ADOCK 05000336 '

j, $C_Q f 5 P PDR

U.S. Nuciear Regulatory Commission B13645/Page 2 March 18, 1991 The proposed changes to each Technical Specification section are described below:

1. Index--Planf Systems Index page VIII has been revised to reflect the addition of a new halon fire suppression system under Plant Systems Section 3/4.7.9. In addition, the page numbers for Section 3/4.7.10, Penetration Fire Barriers, and 3/4.7.11, Ultiaate Heat Sink, have been changed to be consistent with the addition of this new fire suppression system.
2. Table 3.3-10. Fire Detection Instruments
a. Page 3/4 3-44
1) Under item No. 1, Containment, the fire zone (FLP 3-3) designation has been added to the East Penetration line item, in addition, for the West Penetration, the zone location has been corrected from (41) to (31) and the fire zone (FLP 3-7) designation has been added.
2) Under item No. 3, Cable Vaults and Areas, the Turbine Build-ing Cable Vault (25') zone location has been revised from zone (21) to zone (22). Also, for this area the total number of channels has been increased from 9 to 34 and the minimum nu'nber of channels operable has been increased from 7 to 34. In addition, the zone location for the Lunch Room Cable Chase Area has been corrected from (40) to (24).
3) Under item No. 4, a correction was made to designate one of the DC Equipment Rooms as the " East" room. The zone loca-tions for both the East and West DC Equipment Rooms and the 480 V East Switchgear Room have been revised. Also, the total number of channels and the minimum channels operable for both East and West DC Equipment Rooms have been increased to 6 each.

In addition, two new areas, the East and West Cable Vault Ventilation Openings, have been added to this item,

b. Page 3/4 3-45
1) Undar item No. 7, Diesel Generators, the zone locations for both diesel locations have been revised. In addition, this item now reflects the removal of the single smoke detector channel for each diesel and now includes the addition of 8 heat detectors for each diesel area.

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission B13645/Page 3'

- March-18, 1991

-2) Under item No. 8,1 Main- Exhaust Equipment Room, a revision has been - made' to now include: the-852 Enclosure and to -

increase the -total number of channels and minimum channels operable of:the smoke detectors to-3 each.- t

3) Under item No. 9, Auxiliary Building, a . third Safe Guards Room, designated as "C," .has been 'added. In addition, -the total number of smoke detectur channels -for "B" Safe Guards-Room has been increased from 1 to 2.

m 4)- Under - ite., b. 11, Containment Building, the fire zone designations-F. ave been added to each RCP listed area.

Under -item No.12,c Auxiliary Building, the total number of 5) smoke detector channels for the Auxiliary Building elevation

(-5') -has been = decreased from 14 to 13 to reflect actual plant configuration. . No hardware -~ changes are associated with' this change as this is an original as-built condition..

This. change corrects this specification to ' . re flect the actual number of detectors, c.z .Page 3/4 3-45a


This is a new page that has been added to account for the addt-tion of three instrument . systems for. the following areas; new item No.13, Hydrogen. Seal Oil; new item No.14, Intake .Struc-ture;-and new item No. 15,' Motor Driven Aux, Feed Pump Room.

3. Section -3.7'.9.2--Sorav and/or Sorinkler Systems

-a. Under Section, Cable- Vault (Aux. Building), item 1 was

. revised to indicate that the . sprinkler . system an "in-tray" system.and item 2 was -revised to indicate that' the deluge system is a ceiling level sprinkler system. r b

, -b. LSectionc3.7.9.2.d, Cable Vault (Turbine Building), has been revised -to specify the two specific- systems in this area by .now

-1isting.them separately.

c.. Three new systems .have now been added to the list of N 1on.

3.7.9. 2 and' designated as new items -n, o,. and p. Th's incorpo-

- rates three additional areas in the Auxiliary Bu?idirrinto this

~7 specification. These three new systems.are located ia the Auxil-iary Building at MCC B-61, the Charging Pump Cubide and the Auxiliary Building general area.

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4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission B13645/Page 4 March 18, 1991

4. Table 3.7-2. Fire (lose Stations On this table, all of the hose station numbers for the various loca-tions have been revised to reflect the new station numbering system.

.In addition, for hose station number 244-245, the location elevation has been corrected from 22'0" to 22'0".

5. Section Fire Suooression System This is a new specification that has been added to incorporate the installation of a halon fire suppression system into the East and West D.C. Switchgear Rooms. The text of this new specification is now located on page 3/4 7-41.

The addition of this specification has resulted in the renumbering of the pages of the subsequent specifications as follows:

a. Section 3.7.10, Penetration Fire Barriers, previously on page 3/4 7-41 is now on pages 3/4 7-42 and 3/4 7-43.
b. Section 3.7.11, Ultimate Heat Sink, previously on page 3/4 7-42 is now on page 3/4 7-44.

Additionally, Specification 3.7.10 has been carried over onto two pages where previously all of this specification was on one. This was done to accommodate the addition of a new specification a:id to correct an avercrowding problem with the existing text. Only the above page numbers have been changed. No change to the content of these specifications has been made.

6) Section 6.9 - Soecial Reoorts Section 6.9.2.f has been revised to now include the new Halon fire suppression system, Specification
7) Additional Chanaes In a- letter dated August 9, 1990 (Reference 2), NNEC0 submitted proposed changes to the Millstone Unit No. 2 Technical Specifications in response to Generic Letter 87-09. These changes were approved and recently issued by the NRC Staff as License Amendment No. 151 (Reference 3). This newly issued license amendment includes changes that affected, among others, Specifications and 3.7.10 by deleting the reference to the provisions of Specification 3.0.4.

Those changes have been included in this submittal to the extent that the new Specification, being added by this submittal, maintains consistency with License Amendment No.151 by not including a reference to the provisions of Specification 3.0.4.


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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission B13645/Page 5 March 18, 1991  ;

' Safety Evaluation


The proposed changes to the Millstone Unit No. 2 Technical Specifications  !

have been initiated to incorporate into the Technical Specifications addi- '

tional fire detection and suppression systems resulting from, various 10CFR50, Appendix R modifications, design changes, and other changes, _as described in this submittal, consistent with fire protection guidelines and j requirements.1 NNECO.has -reviewed these changes with respect to any potential impacts on l design basis accidents._ Operation of either sprinkler or halon suppression j

- systems is not- assumed ' either as .an initiating event or as a result of a design . basis accident. Additionally, the new detection- and suppression cstems reduce the likelihood -of a failure of a.-safety system due to a I fire. Thus,- the changes associated with the sprinklu or halon suppression 1 s) stems have no impact on design basis t.ccidents. The remaining changes i are clarifications or corrections and do not affect the current coverage or o>erability status of the fire' detection-or suppression systems to fulfil _1 R

.tleir.. primary design functions, j These changes lwill bring the Technical Specifications into agreement with the-. systems currently installed in the plant as a -result of 10CFR50,

. Appendix R modifications and with the surveillance procedures used to

- verify . operability. The : addition of new fire detection and suppression

. systems offer greater coverage and provide enhanced capability'of automati-

. cally: controlling and/or extinguist,ing fires. Based on the above, it is iconcluded- that these changes will not . adversely affect the operability and reliability of the fire detection ~and suppression systems at Millstone Unit  !

.No.12 and that no design basis analyses are:affected by these changes, j

, 'NNECO has reviewed'the proposed changes in accordance with the requirements  !

of .10CFR50 92 and has concluded that the proposed changes. do not involve a significant hazardsLconsiderations in that these changes would not:

1. Involve! a significant increase in the probability of occurrence or consequences- of- anL accident previously analyzed. The proposed' changes offer greater coverage and provide for an enhanced capability for

" automatically controlling. and/or extinguishing postulated fires and actually increase the level of fire protection. for the plant. .Conse-quently, the changes do not adversely affect the probability or conse-quences of any design basisLaccident and therefore previously analyzed 4 accidents are not affected.

2. ' Create the possibility of a new or diff$ rent kind of accident from 4

'any .previously analyzed. The proposed changes will increase -the plants capability to detect, control, and extinguish fires. No new failure modes are. introduced which would create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident.

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. U.S. - Nuclear Regulatory Commission - '

e B13645/Page 6 March 18,.1991 i

3. Involve i significart reduc +. ion in a margin of. safety. The proposed

= changes do ::ct have any werse- impact on any protective boundary.

Since the proposed changet ~1so do not affect the consequences of any ,

accident previously analyzsc, there is. no redaction -in any margin of t safety.- ,

Moreover,- the Commission has provided- guidance 'concerning the application of the standards set - forth'. in 10CFR50.92 by providing certain examples-(March 6,E1936 51FR7751) of amendments that are considered not -likely to .

involve a; significant: hazards consideration. These proposed changes are

-enveloped by example-(ii), a change.that constitutes an additional limita-

-tion, restriction, or. control not presently included in the Technical 1.

Specifications, because these changes increase the numbers of-fire detector instruments requi. red to be' operable and add systems to the Technical Speci-

-fications which- were not ~ previously included. These ' changes result in an increase in the level .of fire. protection at the -plant and consequently do not involve'a significant' increase in the. probability or consequences of an accident' previously analyzed. The additional changes also included in this Llicense amendment request are ~being made to correct errors in the current

specifications and ato s. maintain consistency with -those changes' made in response, to . Generic Letter 87-09.- These ~ changes are administrative _ in nature. and-consequently do not involve a significant increase in the proba-bility or consequences of an accident.previously--analyzed. .Therefore, the proposed changes do not -increase'the consequences of any event previously

. analyzed..

(Based upon the'information; provided in this submittal, there' are- no signif- -

icant radiological -or--nonradiological impacts associated with these pro-

. posed 1 changes, and = these proposed changes will-' 'not have- a significant effect on the quality of the human environment.

LThe' Millstone Unit No. 2 Nuclear Review Board and the . Millstone - Nuclear sPower Station Site- Nuclear Review Board has reviewed and approved the-

-proposed amendment and-concurred with the above determination,

i. -In accordance with.10CFR50.91(b), we are providing the State of Connecticut with a. copy of the proposed-amendment.-

With respectLto theischedule for issuance of this proposed license- amend-L ment, .this license amendmentJmay be processed on a routine basis with the amendment to be implemented within 30 days.

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission B13645/Page 7 March 18, 1991 We trust you will find this information satisfeory, and we remain avail-able to answer any questions you may have.

Very truly yours, NORTHEAST NUCLEAR ENERGY COMPANY E. JT)fr6czka v Seniof Vice President cc: T. T. Martin, Region I Administrator G. S. Vissing, NRC Project Manager, Milbu>ne Unit No. 2 W. J. Raymond, Senior Resident Ir.spector, Millstone Unit Nos.1, 2, and 3 Mr. Kevin McCarthy Director, Radiation Control Unit Department of Environmental Protection Hartford, CT 06116 STATE OF CONNECTICUT)


Then personally appeared before me, E. J. Mroczka, who being duly sworn, did state that he is Senior Vice President of Northeast Nuclear Energy Company, a Licensee herein, that he is authorized to execute and file the foregoing information in the name and on behalf of the Licensee herein, and that the statements contained in said information are true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.

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