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Notice of Granting of Relief from ASME Section XI Inservice Testing Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1980
From: Clark R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19338F921 List:
NUDOCS 8010280018
Download: ML19338F924 (2)




7590-01 UNITED STATES flVCLEAR REGULATORY COP. MISSION DOCKET i;05. 50-266 AND 50-301 WISC0?! SIN ELECTRIC PCHER CCMPANY NOTICE OF GRANTIt!G OF RELIEF FROM ASME SECTION XI INSERVICE TESTING REQUIREMENTS The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnission (the Commission) has granted relief from cer:ain recuirements of the AS"E Code,Section XI, " Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Pcwer Plant Components" to Wisconsin Electric Pcwer Company. The relief relates to the revised inservice testing progran for pumps and valves for Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units I and 2, located in Two Creeks, Wisconsin.

The ASME Code recuirements are incorporated by reference into the Conmission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR Part 50.

The relief is effective as of its date of issuance, and is similar to that granted on August 26, 1977 for Unit I and Octooer 25, 1979 ' r Unit 2.

V The relief consists of exemption from the reauirements for measuring certain parameters in the Punp Testing Program and revised schedules for conducting valve stroking tests in the Valve Testing Progran.

The request for relief complies with the standards and recuirements of tne Atomic Energy Act of !954, as amended (tne Act), and the Comnission's rules and regulations. The Cormission has made appropriate findings as required by the Act and the Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR Chanter I, which are set forth in the letter granting relief.

Prior public notice of this action was not required since the granting of this relief from ASME Code requirements does not involve a significant hazards consideration.

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i e 7590-01 The Commission has determined that the granting of this relief will not result in any significant environmental impact and that pursuant to 10 CFR 551.5(d)(4) an environmental impact statement or negative declaration and environmental icpact appraisal need not be precared in connection with this action.

For further details with respect to this action, see (1) the requests for relief (2) dated July 25, 1980 and (2) the Commission's letter to the licensee dated September 30, 1950.

The items are available for public inspection at the Comnission's Public Occument Room,1717 H Street, ". W., Washington, J. C. and at the Joseph f ann Library, 151616th Street, Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241.

A copy of item (2) may be obtained uoon request addressed to the U. S.

i;uclear Regulatory Commission, '..'ashington, D. C.

20555, Attention:

Director, Division of Licensing.

Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this 30th day of September 1980.


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Ecbert Clark, Chief Operating Reacters 5 ranch u3 Divi: ion of Licensing