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Answers to Houston Lighting & Power Second Set of Interrogatories.Provides Info Re Contamination from Gases Carried from Outside Plant,Escape of Radioactive Gases from Fuel Rods,Containment Leakage & Other Matters
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/06/1979
From: Mccorkle B
NUDOCS 7910290384
Download: ML19322A451 (3)


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A. Centention 9 . ,

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1. a. Chlorine detecters al:ne are not sufficient. Cther gases frca cutside I the plant nay enter and contaninate the operaters. I 1


b. htervener ch,'.ects to this interrogatcry en the basis that it is not intervencr's responsibility to devise plans fer H L !.: p; but is the respen-sibility of the prcpenent of the facility.
c. Recently, a large sulfur well caught fire near the prepcsed site.

'Jith this sert of accident near the facility and the wind bicwing in the direction of the facility, there cculd be great danger for the persennel i


1 i

d. I do het have Reg. Guide 1.C5, se at present an unable to answer this question.
2. a. All toxic cases which could get into the control reen, includi.g gases fren wells 1ccatei nearby and toxic chenicals being transpersed cc


the rail line near'cy. .

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3. Cententien lia
1. a. Hydriding is the chenical cenbi.atic: cf hydregen with other elenents, especially active netalc, forning icnic ec..peu-is. ~he reac-ica with the fuel red cladit.? inner s.u ' aces causes cracks and holes in the cladding which allows the radicactive gases inside the fuel reds to escape.
b. Any ec.peunds that centain hydregen, especially water vapcr.
c. All hyd:cgen nust be re:.cVed frc -he plan site tha. ceuli sat inside the fuel rede. ~he fuel reds shculd 'ce assenbled in z. cen;1e:ely hydregen free env'----aa-

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d. It nay not be ineffective in all fuel reds, but it is not succescful in all fuel reds either.
2. a. Fuel ciensification is the shrinkin6 of the volune of .he UC2 f1 pellets *n the fuel reds,
b. An icrease that causes the fuel to nelt in a local area. Ecst cf the c., s .. . .... ear,. ., 4 . ...e op.ra..

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^e. . '"el -.d.s, '. a '. ".. . e '. v- ' '..' .-".a .3e depends en the ccast: action of the fuel pellets.

c. Any increase will .-ake the fuel reds unsafe.
d. Yes, the heat generated can't 'ce transferred to the reacter water so the electricity generated will te less. ~he fuel reds .2.y ecllapse causing radicac-ive' leaks.

C. Cententien 17

1. a. Less than 15 of the total containnent leakage an:1 less tha.n i cubic feet per hcur.
b. If
  • t allcws nere than 15 ef the ra:iicactive centainnent air te bypass the charecal atecrbers.

C. A33 a ... . .y.s. =.+. 4.s A , g.... .a . . ., 3.a. 7 ad.J .4 .

.. .. r. i n.w.n. 3

. w r aa.. .433 se chan6ed to greatly reduce the allowed anount of radiatien to

  • a. .The weather and the heat .renerated in the reacter as well as the heat fren the radicactivity in the adscrber.


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c. Ib C
c. :*o, a refrigeration systen that can keep the ten;erature of the exhaust gases below 100 C at c ** es,

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. -..e 1.1. 5.r.3 2 3 at pages 3.4-7 and ^.


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P M 3TGINLL twelve ncnths,

b. Sta leu, Chief of the pla.nning section for the FAA's district effice in Housten, ci .ed the need for a public airport in the western part cf Harris Ccunty. 3e Xcusten post, rarch 26, 1979, p. 16A.
c. Cne new air;crt is scheduled to open in Fcrt 3end County this su=er.

It,is the Arcola-Heusten Air;crt and will be for cc.7. crate a.ircraf t, " ct for snall planes and transient aviatien." (Source, same at b above). Se FAA is interested in ancther air;crt in western Harris Cennty and ;cssibly ancther at sty, Texas. The exact 1ccation of this proposed new airport has not been deternised, but cne site -ay be west cf Katy and east of Allens _

Creek and scuth of Inters' ate 10. ~he cwner will probably be the city of Housten and the airpcrt will te able to handle and wculd handle regular ec=ercial 'et airliners. I do not knew the current stacuc of plans for the air;crt.

2. The SIR does not censider the increased risk due to heavier air traf-24 c.

3 I no lenger the newspapers. Hewever, air traffic in Ecuscen is new carried en by 75 airline carriers, including the eight added *- +'a past twelve ncnths.

n -

balm 0L.I hi 1 Service list,:

.Shelden J. Wolfe, Esq. Fadeline 3: Robert F:ansen

. ecnard Cheacum Carro Hinderseein "r. Gustave A. Linenberger ') . Farrack

. .. m..ase 3. S'..a-hens

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. ... O. c'.'".c ". . , ..

7 Richard icwerre, Osq.

Atenic Safecy and Licensing A;;eal 3 card A;cnic 2afety and Licensing 3cari panel 3.SVe Schi Ri, coq.

~c h: F. Dcherty

,...e e

.. .2.e .., . . o Janes ". Icott, Jr.

_2nas s Ces a.we.ucc< v.w,gec;- h u ,a

certify that all cf -he abcve parties have been served with a ccpy cf the fcrescing this cch d' cf Septenber, 1979, by de;csit *.: the U. 3.
  1. * +

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