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Motion to Compel Fuller Applicant Responses to Tx Pirg Third Set of Interrogatories Which Were Responded to on 790828. More Info Is Required Re Need for Power Issue,Consideration of Alternative Sites & Other Related Matters
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/05/1979
From: Jeffrey Scott
Shared Package
ML19322A382 List:
NUDOCS 7910150694
Download: ML19322A383 (9)



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. . EEED STA'ES GF 14 ERICA - .:. tJ S ...


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Before the Atcxu!.c Safety & T.4c=m:ing A-d ~

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In the matter of ) & -i ..

Allen's Creak Unit 1 Dod<at # 50-466 ~ - __G (rxx: sten 74*-ine and Pome Co.)

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Ba: Tntrtt to raid - C. i; - -




Tce Te:ns Pehlic Tn+~~Pst Fasearch Crm:;i (Ts:6IPS), an 4*w in tha abom-styled pror-Ming, stit:ritted a third set of inew, erw4a= to de !ppliaane, Ecustan Lighting and Pome Ccepany, sad is in rac='pt of respuu.a. dated Aug. 28, 1979. .

TexPIRG r:q.uses that tie Board ccapel the Appliemt to ag.mJ zerre fully to de interrrr mem-f x as na:ned harcin. In particular, Te:6IIG ash:s dat the-3or d cctral tis respcase to certain intarrogatories in dich the App 0'e has raic u objecti:ns. All of the ite:s to he presented in this 6


J result fecm is said thi d set of inta.gtories.


2 e App 14rme should be ordered to caswar unre fully the MTe-3fne; requests for 'rh+%, as notad in this secticn:


22 is che need for pc:.vr basis of cc=st-..ct..4ng both AC333 and t:uo -

lignite ' units in It:astene County?

A: Apolicant cbjects to this interrogatory en $a ., v=ds the thn questien is ,

agt:2. Toa tenn "'need for pemr' bcsis" is not d finsd, is om of e- nee and is widot: to a::7 =+-ierad c tatica in thi.s prveg.

.-:- v-=.: .


.e. .

-- r. : .

Ts:6IRG ca:: cot *1=17 belism Applicant's see=" &at ELSP ches not i mdorstand dat is scugint in the int-gai.w.y. First of all, the questien t%dd be era--fnad in the em*=f of the line of quese'm'e.g prior te #5. -

Inavy,w w.las #1 through #4 hava inquLad as to Wy ESP bas noe 4nr14c11,500 We of powe:- in' the systen caperity ::calyses of its F.mi rrweien? 46 Supolemmes (a:s report ad by the Final Supp1-t to the Final Fmiei St ner='umt-) , and Tn=TRE c+.eves this li=a of i=quiry is very . . drp.& s in *=+4~3 the "caed fcr power" analyses, since ESP a its it is p1m#ng such W+ y MA*Fm not.

inelnd'd in those analyses.

.4pp14ame avers that the teIm " Dead for pck'c:" is V7.:gue and md*N"ad; Tat in ..

7 94 0-15 0 (9 Y


. : c.

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3. .

the c:ntext of 14rmaing pour plants sad preparaticn of certain err 6 "1 .-

1.w. s this term should be clear. For instance, 4 chm s.8 caf the Final Supplement -

to the Final Emb,..-ami Stata= sat for Allen's Crede Nw Taar- GararaHT SM ' m is anHelad 'iEED KR PCER GENERATIE CAPETrf." 'Ihe in" cWaa 1-4 Ta=44ng -t" up to this - question are clawly 14*ad togehhsr in that each refers to .,

the same 11gnite Fae414ty as zentioned in the iums-7--y, and seural of those _ -;

4 r- Wwais refer by cicaHm to heHm s.8. . t. . .

' - - .7 Cg  ;-

. n. : .


'h4ng to the questicn of ubether this irhg.mory has rebuce to this - ~. - M. -

pA-w%, TexPIM finds no reason to think etharaise. In fact, al=4= a 'beed -

.far power" is ace of tha nest inportsat responsibi14% of the Tfeaa44= Board in uneting LEPA obligaticns. At page 1-1 of Fagnin my r:hfda 4.2 (rev. 2), "Ptep-aratica of E:wi-w en1 Paports for Nuclear Pom St nHrm," amp 14esme= are shown the mmar in which they should establish ti,a need for pcmer in their systan, -im1wMm

"' (ing) the rale'4me4p of the propcsed ranHng 4 d'84ty to the appli-csnt's systs:2 and ral*$d systars..."(id.). Is App 14*'s Ic+ yeas to TexPIRG's third set of interregc. tories shcw, App 14emt in this case has app =eT7 cce f=1*

all of the croposed cnycity cad 4H us in its erril wmT w a, and these facts tr1.crscora the inporer.ce of this int: w3ator asidng ~'-= JgpT"c-me, essemHally, to justiff tha need for both Allen's Crash cnd tha rs lign4+= project.

Te:cPIM's cea+ efm f.i centroversy ragardin;; use of .s -ea im is relevant to the issue of need for installed espacity. Initially, c=a nest imow bcza cuch pcw.r is actually needed in the syata= bcfora one estah'f+m the =mmt of conser-utica required to obviate the need for c. rm plant. Texms would, in. fact; argue that ex.servatica, as dace-dhed in ecmtion #7, 4neln% the sihole issue of DE:ed fCr DCUEr by the Applicant'S syst3H. I.ics* Sing MS ha9E pu Mly treated ccuservatica ccatenticos ss an issm of syst*c M for *Tre-ical pccer, and -

Sectica 1.1 of Reg. Guide 4.2 (rev. 2), in fact, requires App 14me to cemid-r w u urien within the mneate of the overall shcwing of a tW for the power _

pro e 4m.

(B.) mtEEcuaTmr 56 Q. Tchy wasn't Tinctexie County cercia- ed as an al e**ve site f5::r AC5GS7 t'In . .

clude an exp1mne4m of the reascn such a si:e is ese4'wed e-m44= ed for ccust=uc-tian of another power plant in the AppMmt's grid, if the sits is noc mit ble.

for ACG.) . . .

A. h basis for alem- =-4 u ew'4date sita sola-*4m is pracantad in Chapter 9 of the ACE Envirrental Report-( Pe=::f.t Stage.


h mere r*% n1 to Chapter 9 of the E.R. is vague and not Imo ve to the ism. mpy. TexPIRG is far-f14=r with all of the ala- " 've site sewh= App 14e=+

has prndm ad during discvvo.y, andfthis questicn was indeed a result of e"-'mity

  • Q._ p. . do # . . ' JD o- .#a c.

f**-o.", e. '.. a.6 _M . , ec"8 *'

4 ". _

c u., ,.. _

as to 4 mat7 tha App 14mt proposes to be the largest power plant in its .

system is ret being built en cae of opti':a' sites analyzed in its w1'wh em and expensive st*aa.

Esm if one uere to assure that the scat ansuar provided does provide the basis for oo cens4M g Iiaastane Cc=1ty, then clearly Applicmt has not respcodad to de sacer'd part of the questicn: "Tm inda an exp1=n=Hm of the .

reasons such a site is considered for eccstrm +4en of a:othe:: power phat in the AppMenn 's grid, if the site is not suitable for AGES." ~


Q. D% the 66th sessica of the Te,.tes Isgislatra (Szing,1979), dat was

- the positi:n, &f any, taken by 1chbyists registared en %=1" of HI.EP, regard to 'i.B.1501/S.B. 794 (M:s Sclar En=._g;f Act) and H.E.1935/S.B. 804 (Solid Waste Ecargy Act)? IGr.t wre the rms of the lebbyists advocn*4m those positims en behnif of HIEP?

A. Apolicant objects to this inte:. csato:7 en &a grounds that it is cot relevant -

to cn M 4 ted ccntentica. App 14 - 1:'s pozition en any 1=4&-4m is cce m issue 1

in di: prcccadig md has absolu:217 ra ra.sysnca to the F=m1 ='t'r of the ccespeed u tentions.

P Cne of the bills ran* ad in $is quwcien crepesad to prc:: vide i~.'*msr E=-

sOr install ticns, mi the cdor pr:;:ni to a23 2.-" obstwriaa to da use r e s :s e- tc . ~ .;7 F#":ics. Tes30's .~memrica 57 re".:-g to de se of past:iva soir f="4" ties in to Applicrat's servim crea and is rel.avant.

to $2 for.:rt b, dila Ts:P'Ff s prposal for c refuse-to-er-ergy al: ~ m.lva e.urgy prc+c+"em frofi4 ty is reir mt to the latter bill.

T.~2 infor atica =y a d t: e.dd.ssible ev'%, es:- hTTy if Inn m _ar-12 f::rcad to - abut crf potmtial alle. ;2:1.ns by ther Hr.EP has, in good

-~u f-ith, and sii objectivitf, c;sda efffi qJ' studied cna of al m-#'cas.

(.t.) DT?mEOSY # S:

Q Does EI12 base arrf written with an ? 1mr*mtrial acazy.

cnsortiin enliad CAM? In what officar a custody is that corra=pmdan~? State where TexPDG turf i nspect or ccpy that 'r.fcrsatica.

A. Appliccat . objects to this ira:c oga:ory cn de grounds that it is everly broad ad burdercce. Aopliemc's corresporvhm ranges cn.wr title issues e: d is disce: sed in a nu:bar of ##Ns i-. ;t:dcus depz__e. rithote scze reas:nable 1:ricatica cn tha secpa md purpose cf t':e inqui f, loplicant reseectST'y &"na-to oblige.

TexPIEG's caly knowladge of the c:ascrritu C&I is that the crga 4= en is ge.1%

stu9rl=g self-generation and/or co-gcuraticu by industries in tin Appm ~c's ela~--ical sales area, sad thus directly pereMm to # sub-pe en -a industrial salf-gmertti:n. If I;.piM .: is sa re of othar 'hnltiple issues" in-x1ving chh ecasortius, then Ap;.liemt could waiiti 1sa W'md its diccImura of in h e4r- to imons litignie, in this prnea-H% 1.e., selfWer cf p:ss: m



3egardless, App 14emt has F=4'eA to r= the cMMs)

  • dxase custody that infenntica lies, as repested. Providing that 4A  :-im would at least hsv2 prevW a mini =11 acr:rit of in"cr_m* 4:n nc-=== y t:0 *:m-* a :nre spMM<-

in*=-ogatery in de fuhre. Applicmt eccol,irm that hter wncr has not been sp= ~4 ' a encugh in regsting its cc: resp +ce, yet does cet provide a:ry 4o ~.."Hm to cnable Tnceraner to 'isma a r.cre spdM regsast. Nor hsa /spp14c-et provided per: uasive ev4% that 5'191143 the request is ' *=" #, and Wng that it is burdenscc:e, Arplic nt has sqsted nc maner in 411cE T. tervencr may gain the info ~*4m in a les bur sascan d r_. -

._ Interverar has very ifdie r0_cn to p..rsue its u.i m h r%d to self-gm- l erJ.tiCQ Cf b5Mt:"131 pC*r.B':* UI.CaC5- dis *:indEC1 C3-ym 2H'-'"1 of the SDplicant. Q2-- I 4

1 vi::. sly, TexPIEG w:uld fa:a graste-- d4*'-Sty in eM."cg; to subpoeca c. nat-party i su:: 2 as CAM; therefera, tiu get.ep-4*S = of y f- i m s

  • f # n ir-- is ih c@

dishy with pare'r'a tio do han c. csss to d 4 ~ a'e

/coliest should b; crdered to prei02 all tha carrasprnF-'ce reg:ested in cds ints :rgatcry thich raistas en :-gr: :r-ia: or self-~ghen of ek'++-=1 l pcre by the CAM cen .ethn.

- s r..,r - ~, m. :. 3 q .

-.s :.xm - z 1::.. , ..

Q.: Fo- daat ren=s did 'di.T2 r:- ' .. Oro; wad jnbe ai>= ---M $Er.M:EtiCn vem with r.,cu r ~+-7 Cct:nznp T.:a E a=7 -vd-ine en this r-am-,

- .- now _u .,,,.u. r. p : 4u.... ,,


. . . -w.

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.o cay u.Etir .' c=tintict ! 7.' ;s::: :f r.ticts uM- D:75 C-- w Cc:ps:y tera .

ac'; cencm19. Ji2 calf-gemrat:3.7 r c: ;=raticn *~%4 =ss. Since th.c: Ir=:;e t b:: n r:Is r :ca to the :i.2-pr. r .d.c .:=s in %=. tug C-r-*e-' 7 n= :-- ^. my oder isse., la an i cente-/.-ba. n.: sr:jes +.:._ is not wi61n t , :;;cre of pc2=irsi% f.sconry; 2. reqtsri: r. rd?.t=.n ^n : vri ti-f + ar:s c .:f'.is- H A . -

. - as.s:n a to Intc r .te:s ;e. -; pier Dc.7 varm m =a

- eisce.ssar cf ths Linn:= ta lyri. .e faci'ity dircu2ced. in +. - -gr" W 1.i.

TGiS CuesticQ is nec2Ssa y in order t0 3e;Irn m ahcut t e (2701t2Ci.:n and eq pliC3nt#S par:eptica of need for t%t pos: 01:nt; thenfore, dis cus.sticn is ra%nt to Cen+ Hem 7 in the s:ms :nrne cd en tha ss:n line of

_ reascning as i r;r:cssed in II(a) of t'.ds dec.r:nt (ra: resp =sa to 4 :- ~_@.y 25).

Ftzthernre, infc=rH,n f:=1 dis i /.errop.t.~. y =ny p?=--=4kly relata to a ::cre ~

acrrate pr*McHr- of tisser Dan Cb-"cM , e of EL521=--=t: cc.h.,-czy be likely to r.ske a futu:a certversic: tc sa7F-SenernHrv-- Sis CAM, TexFI?G l

c:7 havs great M F9 r "1ty insti.t-

  • 3 disech.f pm' w cn a ncu-party such -

Y ~

  • h& OH Q Fir.2117 , I2KPI3G N U P3 thi.:t $2 3CErd, IE:rFIEG, scd Hr.B shs-dd be 612 c wrk cut an  % - t arctz:d !.pp i icant:s -9h-+14 7 w J ls:s if 22

& n14 r,-,,. umaa vmw4 A. m h+rrns er- en the w m e,a sc se of tiu moblem.

. s O -


(f.) HTIEEIGEDEY # 10:

Q:.. What tras tha projected 4mac~ of the -Head in #9 above (at the Hm it was preposed) tpcn 1-2ES's total Fed, inse=17ad cWhy, and reserve m' in?

A. Sea respcnse to Tui.m&@q lio. 9.

As stated previcusly, the issua of ac'...tal need for parar, as ww ' by a<- ma vs. i:s* =NA cen="4ty, is cru.:ial to the cce-Hm of c+Mm ih:s, the arguments stated above fcr II(A.) here .dso apply for this G:- @uy.

L.=v _u, since the App 14 c*'e has setted previously in respcases thac 'M=+ --

Pewr PLut us not ind.uded in FS-TdS tchles cn projected capacity and that .0.u.drr the D:n vmm-e ms the pre e pic-* , TerPIRG n=da this in? "fr n to ? :- Jun

-iac rmily is iw %i in Table S.S.14 cf the ES-EES. In respmdfno tso T-a g -

tory Ib. 2, ipplicct stated that ths 1.dnsstene "ac414ty cust have beeri left ,

ett bene it was net piel yat. Sinca the Es project is *Thad to be the esrlier lignite propcsal, this i-Scr mHm is W to ' :- . in if it should h:m bea:2 c uttai instad. TcOI2G tculd also :=te that the chj=ede-a of buri::sc-mss a:d & Ame'mt7 =ised in respcase tn M ~ = uWg #9 ,

swid appear to 'cs less applicabla to Intes.zgst u.y # 10.

(G.) Da.e20?_TCIf pil:

C. In calculaths in=cesed el:c -icd. & nd wi+4 the service cea, i#*t by cc==mj nre .~.d IT= Hen tia +c-isi rsers #aich are e.q W t:c wise 15 't, er m cf thn inceassd '-+ m: .'.al 'md 6.cing h p --#nd c;E ths <-$1~1-aHe i. Stata th2 rsrms; s c5 total 4- ~ aced elor'-H cal dW each cf th2sa inistrial users is -srpactid c b2 r.::pencible fr.

A. Applicsnt cbjects tc this interccrtory ca the groix:ds that it is up.e, and Ap314c~c cract dct-- *'s '-**e "a rn'e-~' to indiv47--A c-m# ea er cut groups. The intarrogatc.ry ic siso chjecdmeMa in tist it is teitirm referr.cs to a spe-*c H" .

. Terc?IFG does not r t' ink tha cuascir. is '.ga, but r* is w_y speci~4a in its request. The quastica obvicualy seeks the na::as of individt--1 7-- 4a= , = ',m-r th .1 cust::=er groupe, since it statas ".. . list by ccacacy na:In and TM_m ..".


('Iha request is lh:ited only to these c m~4as canected to wise no a.-

less than 15 % of projected indrstri:al de:nand increases in. ordar to avoid I

be?-e equest.) reger' to ti:n period, Tes:PIEG reqcas that it be fer the period of e=1c TaHen, d.ich ebviously rh to F W nmT mi + = c m + W

  • l for this 14refm, since Applica:t :st lu:n that the int wf n a= reint-= * '

to N.R.C. lirana4'g. InfersmHelly, f: c:a M 4ng S.8.2.1 of the PhL. Supp.-

EES for ACI;S, TarPIRG is anre thz: m:' has in:Sividual cem=y data. f=r the five years of the eni-1=*de', at least. A respcnsive a::seser to the 7 in: u.&vppi sv su21d indicate in=nsssd A e4 for each of tha rele. 7a=c: em rur,o in tte fa:=1 sought by the 4r- %g_tcry for cs ::cny years as it is term i: L

~ _ .

g a, (XI. H m e0GAIG E # 12: -

Q. roepect to the -y-tion of the . . .c r=cern vessel , state tim loc *Hm ad mode of placing the reactor wssel ento the barge that -#11 enter the San Berna::ti River. By eat means will the r=e vessel be U%-4 d to this leadin ' of tm' San.

hmeti River?g locctina? I6.11 the lo '=d barp ener tha A. De r==c%- - 4: pressure wssel vi11_ be Mrr-f W sc the C11cago ~dridea and I=n Naclear facility, inced en ths Mississippi in Yar +4=, T-~ .

1he vessel will be loaded onto the barge at tia CBH4 641+*y and will be u1Hmar=17 transported up tha Sen Ben hr >~d River to the off laad4ng point.

The App 14 cme bc2 uct respcrAed to the intscegg=y. Snand M en?17, the AppTie=*-

hss not stated *scher the h+d barge will enter the nocch. of the Saa hm=d Rivar. Intervenor has not'been abic to @d cut, to this pr*t- in tha b'"imm process, setbar the bar;;e will enter tim Se umed River fit:a tha Gulf or rin the intental ca:tal. If 4plicent does not Icrar, Appliem: shouE so stata.

(I.) HEarGAICIE # 13: .

Q.' Ecss IE/2 receiJud my e 'catica, c::al or written, frcm tiSe ERC sW indi-cctb; titt the igpliczat shculd cher' i : w.'.fi:sta of rasity and c:nnnience f w the Public Utility recim pric.r tc pr:.Pdf"3 with cx:nstr'e*4m permit.

sapl#cWen processes? If so, dat van 6 d ta of thzt err m'4*mrt?

A. Anpli". ant objects to tid.s inta:=.y2 tf cn tha g: .: Ids thac F= carr'*'cate of nr.cissic;' a=:i c: r.risrm for AC;GS iscus-l : y the Pub'fo Utilitr c.~rf =sicn of Tc.1 is nct an isata rf.svmt to any add.tted ='s ten- i:1 thds proceed'.r.g.

'12 Public l'N'y Regulat:-y lat of Tc: as pr=vides #_cr a datamiva:icn p=:ces ;rcrf2 "~'1dz c2dF :dcn, in dich tha n=4 h a par-icul plant, a::=3 o2ar factors, is c'ei ez:insd.!:n' 4 bdicatien @9 s staff of the FL: shavaed-cerc2.2= r.s to a:ce'-~ gne f's cf =-ad fc- the plant a lead a =N==ible ,

2nd ':'al2Tr"e GVid3nCa CL tile issn2 Of dGt'1S:'- thB p e is MAa'# i'I the .v. D14-:nefs




r i l

Q.) EmmuGC # 15:  ;

n'q. List and describe any doctrunts, morts, or ineammT mmranda on the advisabl-!

l l

fifty cr faat,ibility of e *4nni".g the lifetima or earv'ad un of natural gas pla=ts !

1 d::cgh app 1'c=Hm of rampticas for t.reas with demo *ated ai:: goality cer-Htira  !

i in the P:s:er Plaat and ~.ndustrisl Use Act of 1978."

A. Saa answar to lu." ,

j l

In Tm%gs:==y #15, TexPIRG Irqaired as to sacher EL52 plams tow 13-= tha w=gticas centiensd in 615. TenmG 'cel'.e+.s that the resnema to #16 is, ,

but that the rstapar == dcas not answer 615. .

2e respa:sa of "16A." as refe:=ri to bw the Aca'4e aboe is: "

6:olicant is n:t able to ra .sr tW gaesticn %=a tbs I.~u. rr .e Ihmla ~y Agun:7 bas tot issaad F d ragMsMrr.s under: t'v. Ind ms Y? ? * * #

..- . l e, / . s<- )

and final ragn1*Hm.s as tiey sra issued, and will seek any u wi:1cas p-*4 by tis rezclens f.f such. ==crat n - is dat=-'inM to be in tic im intet of i':s m.>-s and stor%Tee n.

'Ihis respcase d:cs not "; st:::2 +aH-m s:rf of the dociw** ri::q-:si in #15 exist, and does not list cnd'desc:ib= '-M A e.


- "ba use of the woris 'V11 cmH-m to em i-nea" (p ,yesad and final repM=a) 4m1h -

thst in fact scm do::.z:sats d:: cc:ist. TsSIE0 cae~xs m aussae mpm=4w to

.tnt.u..-gatary #1:. ..

(K.) INIZERTRMY # 21: '

Q. Ar cf tha 7

.md===td. Papert, e states that n. sam 2. site nar ths Gulf of m:rico is tec ccativ 12 cnir to asal de tima Ee 2 *r--aA in that sub-p r t. Pro-Mda tha ralc:k.~ cect e-%m= which. provide a basis f=r that statement, t6c screc of thora .c&r:23, + #

  • data en tiiir tis cost estimates wre esicu3r:ed.

A. ACG ZE, S:cticn stana"A c::sstal N using sea wr.:ar fer c cling p_"pocas .3 c:nsidr.nd to 1-2 : Tittia alt 4 7 u by EJP. Ecut mr, tis disad.antages of such a sits i citis:"

(a) Cc:t3 ci prc'n A'n thq1, :.ra=& . sgmiast- Ei.ce.='- .T a=& 1 -~+= as.

(b) Mditicnal cost of nitigatica of :r;im: aa:al #m~-i = ==? *ad t'n Dif5 mar

2. Intie ?ipes.
3. Dr e ' '

A.? Sil::4Hb...(c:z.

o. cc1


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ds:ugs d:.adm cite 7:apactica a.rd plcat cy>Hm, (2) pre 8/- g ;i.qucre proWm s#r.nt fl^ odin;; durire; ' currie =, (3) and developing sad rain-j "4 nim a cooling syster: r.pc':la cf usf-~ s =1 --+ -s, t:ds a. :castal site .t. ass desirsble t. n a size -is:ln &2 1:m Hi.ver Essin." E3., ACES, l

p. 9.2-5 i

.8 . d4 . _

a supplcrant al docm, and a; grant 17 part of t:he cited ' leg.:rgs is c:t

' indirect grta-ica. Rusrdless. 2.PIM: ccpy of += r s. c'i.ezrly sma :Incse factors. A.d Applicant has cet =da w ::':r:t to provide cost c.s'-4-m- Gr disadvantages of a Gu'.f site, ra ragiasta.i in d2 L- rem y.


i. n .

(I . ) IliTEP.ROGATORY NO. 25:

Q. Was underground siting considered as an alterna'.ive plant design? If not, why not?

A. Applicant oSjects to this interrogatory on the grounds that ToxPIRG's Acting Enecutive Director John F. Doherty rep;esented to Applicant's counsel in his deposition under -

catti that TexPIRG had dropped the underground siting portion of ..t3 Contention 6. Deposition of John F. Doherty, at 129, March 26, 1979. IIsnce, this interrogatory is not relevant to any persisting centention.

TexPIRG is not awn:c of withdrawing this contention. The -

Applicant has rtised the "Doherty Representation argument in othar instrn~.5nts : 2 this procosfings in trying to state that TexPIRG has wit.1 drawn contention's. TexPIPG has stated pric to this ti:ta tlat Mr. Doharty was not authorized to withdraw contentions during his deposition. and will not re-hash that incue.*/ Whru and if TxdITG f to withdraw contentions, Tex?IRG will dc co in the nc=nl fashion--by filing an;ndei pie:tdir : with tM Board.

Mcreover, Applicant' " *aliance

.z. pen Mr. Scher . s al .sged stater.unt en this con,tention does r.o. hold un. und - a revie- c th.' fcetc.

In A_ .M.O.T.I.O.N. .T..O en r.J m..... .._; y_q.

.m.._ ;a..

. :.u. , 3... . . ,. . - ,.

w ..,7. a ps ,c y2


..a w. -~.c g ,w. ~w ga ~.~-..w~


u Ef t'.t! th0  :.1 . gad 6.d ? ". C S' .

sti.'..0~ -nt} , Ap!J1icant continueC.

to rernert infc nation n ths 5:aci: for Co .tention. Six? s alle -

i I

c a uf.: n O f ': ;.r .c i .

t'u .a.i.:nu r. er:' :2ct agM nst airelans crashes .

(id. , p.19-20)

And at page 31 of that docu: ent,, in part, stated:

3. . . Applicant has confined its request to those of the second sat of interrogator!.as it considers assential.

Thus, Applicant foes not give any indication that it bel.ietted -

the circursr.anca nad : it unnacas. ary to prepare a case on this issue.

  • /


AppiTcant 3rens intent on utili.:ing these supposed withdravr.ls9 h.v. Mr. Doher 'c.v. as n ' tool" ::Einst TenPZRG for whato' cr purtosd it sees fit. - s

?':blic Util:.ty Com;.tiss .on on a rate issue, IIL&P raised this.

issue in an J.nusual attenpt to deny TexPIRG stanM bn3h* qo o A w P-8._

( O, . ,\


To the a:: tent that Applicant has. rais ed questions within its resrenses regarding the. scope "of TexPIEG inquiry, Te::PIRG would point out to the Ecard. .the guidance of Rule 33 of the Faderal Rules of Civil Procedure. Interroga-tories need not raquest admissible evidence, but rather must be raasonably ; to lead to the ditsoovery of admissible evidence. All of Te:GIRG's interrogatoricas meet that Otandard.


r. . _-

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-- pre.2 it s that the honorahle Scard order the T'.pplic tnt to fully respon63 to Requests Nos.

s, o 7, 9, o,, .,

. s .l, i le. , .
. 2 , 12, 2.t. , 25, ey invala. ..c
bjssti:nc and :Equiri:.g no: e :stpensiva rtn.cwcrs where necesse.r-g 2 aspect. fully Stimitted, Y h.

ma.=?.s E . organ Scott , Jr.

. . ..m.. .. ._. .;. . u

_ m_-_..e. .o.n e

.4 im e .g uhg=r -* -= w .*. =, g=9. gAunu vc i SET.VICS i

l i

I, James Sc=t, Jr. , herein certify that this Motion for ' Cert ' n Respens as has bean ser'.7ed by depcsit in the US Lici.'. on or b.:dare Se-t. 5,19 3 upon the following.

Sheldon Wolfe, S .L.

Cheatua, Gustave Liner 1berger, Jack Newman, J.G Copaland, nichard Lc<arre, Steve Sohfinki, J. ccherty, l Carro Hinderste..n. Brenda McCorkle, and W.. Kentfro.



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