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Appeals Aslab 800320 Decision to Deny Standing on Contention 6 Re Environ Preferability of Biomass Farm to Nuclear Plant.Biomass Farm Would Release Less Radioactivity to Environ & Would Alter Landscape Less
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/1980
From: Potthoff F
NUDOCS 8004100474
Download: ML19305C791 (2)



V In the Matter of -

Houston Lighting and Power Company (Allena Creek Nuclear Generating Station)

Docket No. 50 466 CP TO ThE hT0!!IC SnPETY nuD LICENSlhG nrFEuL: B0anD1 Pursuant to.10 CFR 2 714a, I am filing this appeal to the Appeals Board on my contention six.

In an order dated March 10, 1980, the Board denied ma starx11ng on contention six because it said I provided no basis for my contention a biomass farm would be environmentally preferable-to ACNGS. I an aghast at this because I thought I had included s

statements in the text of the contention showing how it would be preferable. Due to my inexperience with procedures, I may have included such a statement with my other contentions, thinking the Board would relize I meant it to cover all my contentions concerning alternative enerdy. I did not realize I should include such a statement, in detuil, in the body of contention six.

The basis of contention six is that a biomass farm of 100,000 acres would be environmentally preferable to aCNGS because: .

1) it would release less radio nucleis to the environment;
2) it would irrevocably alter less land than aCHGS (this includes the uranium fuel cycle, specifically stripmining uranium.')

Because.of this, I believe under the power of the NEPA the Board should deny a permit. for nCNGS.:

I beg the appeals Board to direct the Board to admit this conten tion. ns far as I know, no one else has raised this 8 004100lb7/p

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issue, and I ara af raid if I'm not aci:aitted, no one will protect ray interentu. I beg the appeals Board to not let my ignorance of correct proceduren void ray contention.

nn umorican citizen, n /,? -.

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_. 7 F.H. Potthorf III 7200 shindy Villa #110 houston 'i'tiXbu 77055 713 6386876 l