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Submits Addl Contentions Per 790521 Order.Conservation Program,If Initiated,Will Eliminate Need for Generating Capacity.Biomass Sys Environmentally Preferable to Facility
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/1979
From: Potthoff F
NUDOCS 7906250431
Download: ML19270H249 (2)


NRC PUBLIC DOCU3!CNr ROOM In the. Matter of EOUSa.'ON LIGliTING cc POWER COMPa1E (Allena Creek Nuclear Generating Station) w e Docket No. 50.466 # *

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In light of the Board 8 a 11ay 21 Order, I am fit ing these additional contenttons* 2344 28'9 V. In the FES, the Staff says conservation in the Applicant's service area wouldn't "be significant. enough to change the projec-tion of power needs."

Eowever the.Bonneville Power Administration did a study which showed with conservation, residential users could safe up to 48% of their to.tal energy used by 1995, commer-cial users could save up to. 44% by 1995, and industrial users could save up to 10%by 1995 (Benneville Power Administration, Electric Enerzy Conserhation Study. Portland 1976.) a study done for the city of Seattle fourd that with appropiate cons.erva,.,

tion measures, no new electric generatias cauacity would be needed through 1990, WELth a decrease in coat per kilowatt hour of 1.3%

(City of Seattle, Departmnt of Lighting, Seattle 1990 . February, 1976a) If the applicant. initi.ated a progran of conservation in i its service. area, na new generating capacity would be needed ani the damagingeffects to the. environnent caused by building ACNGS would be avoided.. Unier the authority of the NEPA, the Board should deny the perait' 7906250 p /

VI. In the FES, the Staff states that biomass production is "not now a reasonable alternative" to ACNGS.. However, Profeet Indepenience estimates fuels. from biomass production (urban w asta, agricultural waste, . terrestrial crops, marine L6 crops.) would. amount to. 3 x. LQ gross EUsper year, ani that large quantities. of marine crops. can be. grown ani harvested without subsidies. when oil. hits. Sli per barrel.. Pro.iect Indeoend dencektstimates a LOO,0000 acre barine biarass farm, producing 1 #8 / year, would cost S578 million. I content build -

27 x 10 ing ani operating a marine biomasa farm, or o.ther biomass production systems, would be environmentally preferable to ACNGS, and ask the Board to deny the permit unier the NEPA.

An American citiran, 1

F.H Potthoff I 18L4 Pine Vil' age Rouston Texas 77080 23AA 290