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Applicant Opposes Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Allow Participation of non-attys in Hearing.Should Be Denied as Matter of Policy & Per NRC Rules of Practice.Notice of Appearance,Documentation & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 05/30/1979
From: Conner T, Rader R
Shared Package
ML19268B883 List:
FOIA-81-91 NUDOCS 7906260021
Download: ML19268B882 (21)


, , . .. .. ' . ,.




JUN 1 274 ) TU qqeg af the WW In the Matter of ) 9- "Y I

p The Cincinnati Gas & Electric ) Decket No . 50-35 8 4 Company, et al. )

p f


(William H. Zimmer Nuclear )

Power Station )

APPLICANTS' RESPONSE TO MVPP MOTION TO ALLOW NON-ATTORNEY m.3F3S OF INTERVENOR TO APPFAR AT AND PARTICIPATE IN LICENSING PROCIEDINGS Intervenor Miami Valley Power Project ("MVPP") has moved the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (" Licensing Board") for permission to allow seven non-attorney members of MVPP to appear at and participate in the licensing hearings in the captioned proceeding. The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, et al.

(" Applicants ") oppose this motion on the g cunds that the pro-cedure requested by .WPP is not authoriced by the Rules of Practice of the NRC and would inevitably create confusion and delay in the licensing proceedings.

Appearances and representation of parties before the NRC and its boards are governed by the provisions of 10 CFR S2 . 713 ( a) ,

which states in pertinent part as follcws : -

"(a) A person may appear in an adjudication en his own behalf cl by an attorney-at-law in good standing admitted to practice before any court cf the United States, the Dis- d-'

-' Columbia, or the highest court of any State, territori:y, or pcssession of the United States. . . ." (Emphasis added.)

It is therefore evident frem the clear and unambiguous language of the NRC's rules that a party in an adjudicatien may appear either

_ CL 95004284 in.-(7(co 7w Rr___ _


.W pro se og be rapresented by an attorney. But the regulation dees not authorize a party to appear by its attorney and pre se, since the word "cr" is used in the disjunctive. The language is

=utually exclusive. Inas=uch as the plain language c the regulatien 1/

dees not authori:e the requested precedure, the =ction shculd be denied.

. Further, as a =atter of policy, there are ec=pelling reasans why a party should not be able to appear by its attorney and also e r o _s _e . An attornev must be ar -ractitioner of law whose abilitv. has been desenstrated by his graduatien frc= law school and being licensed to practice. Theredere, his participation in a legal p cceeding such as this is =cre likely to insure the party's confo:=ity with the NRC's Rules of Practice than participation by a lay person. Also, because an attorney has a better cc= prehension of legal precedures, the attorney's representation of an intervener is =cre likely to previde expediticus and useful assistance to the Licensing Board in developing a sound record. Thus, where an attorney has appeared fer a party, the Board =ay prcperly insist that natters of reccrd be handled only by de atter:ey, Moreover, shared auderity between de party acting ero s_e_ and its at cznev will inevicablv. create confusien as :: who speaks wie final authority for the par y, and will al=cs:

certainly cause delay while ene representative catches up with de activities O f the cthers . As shculd be obvious 95004285 s .

1/ See, e.g., C2- ne tti v. United States, 242 U.S. 470, 485 (1917).

with a request that seven lay persens be permitted to represent an intervenor along with its three attorneys , the diffusion of authority and responsibility for the representation of a party to this degree would inevitably cause delay and detract from the party's ability to assist the Licensing Board in developing a sound record.

It is well settled that an intervenor has a responsibility to participate in licensing proceedings so as not to frustrate the " orderly functioning of the administrative process . "-2/ Jus t as an intervenor has an obligation not to " step into and out of 3/

the consideration of a particular issue at will,"- the attorney representing a party has a similar responsibility to the Licensing Board and other parties not to duck in and out of the case at will.

The only justification cited by MVPP for lay representation is an alleged d ossibility for at least one of its three attorneys to be present during prehearing conferences and hearings. Nonethelecc, it may be fairly said that adjusting conflicting schedules is an everyday problem for any attorney. Since MVPP represents in its =ction that its three attorneys "are all familiar with the contentions raised by MVPP and have been working en them," it follows that those three attorneys shculd in fact be able to

-2/ Metrocolitan Edisen Cemeany (Thrse Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit No. 2), ALAB- 4 74 , 7 NRC 746, 748 (1978).

_3/ Northern _ States Pcwer Com=any (Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2) , ALA3-288, 2 NRC 390, C 393 (1975); Public Service Co==any o f Indiana , Inc. (Marble Hill Nuclear Generaung Station, Uni is 1 an c 2 ) , ALA3-493, 8 NRC 253, 269 (1978).

]O c<ss S go

. 4 .

respective schedules te neet ~ any cen.flict. Alter-adjust dei nativelv., if de at==nev. s. es.: icirare eniv. s:cradically , . .

day shocid wi hdraw f::: de p=ceedd "gs altogether. As de Appeal 3ca:d has stated is ether p=ceedings , " the right c f par inipati== is an ad d dstra ive pr:ceeding carries with it de. ebliga. tics of a par-I to assist in ' n& d g the sys-a'" wc:k' .

and to aid de agencI in discha:Ti ng the sta==:c-I chligati=ns 4/ ,

with which it is charged."- The p=cedure p==pesed by MVPP d "-*d g the system c ffers _ lit le p =~d =e dat it w ' ' help in work" and suggests , to the c=$::a 7, de pessibility cf delay and c=nfusi n.

MVP5's :equest that its att==eys be persie:ed to participate is conjunction wie lay representatives is anal =g=us to de request denied by the Licensing 3 card in the McGuire p :ceeding.

In the c=nst:nction pe d t hearings dere, counsel f== intervenor Car lina Tnviren= ental Study G:=up had participated in de intervenc 's presentation of its case as well as de c :ss-exa=-

inati n of witnesses . Afte: several days of hearing the inter-venc:'s att==ey anncunce dat he wecid n:: fur-her participate in de hearing and that a lay =an wecid represen: the g :up. Ccunsel f== de applicant and Staff Objected :: this precedura by which de att =ey was act fully discharged as de representa,ive of the Lnzervenc: and was free = pa: L:ips-= * '"-'e: aspec:s f :he pr:ceeding. te Chair an cf de Licensing 3 card Stated as f=11:ws :

95004287 4

4j cens==ers 2 ewer cennanv (Midic..d Plant, Onits 1 and 2),

ss ta.4ll " h J , Q eb w,_,

aJ,, , Jf---s J--.4 ., , (. IJ/e

"You are really directing a request to the Board for permission to withdraw frem this case as an officer of the court in the admi nistrative process. You have an obligation to represent your party, too . And it's a continuing one, I would think.

But you are attempting new to shif t the burfen of your client to the Board and the other parties, in a way (by withdrawal) ; and it does raise some rather unique questiens .

- But I am not going to let you leave a long list of questiens and then have them answered in your absence."

Duke Pcwer Cem=any (William 3. McGuire Nuclea: S tation, Units 1& 2), Docke t Nes . 5 0- 36 9, 50-370, Transcript of Censtruction Permit Proceeding at 3092-3093, 3471-3485 (Nov. 2, 4, 1972).

Counsel for intervenor was required to stay in the case until ccepletion of the evidentiary hearing and the establish-ment of a briefing schedule. Thus, the Licensing Board in the McGuire proceeding recogni:ed that an att= ney nay not slide in and out of the licensing proceeding at will. Be must he held fully accountable as the legal representative of his client or withdraw altogether. In this respect, Cancn 2 of the ASA Code of Professional Responsibility, Ethical Censideration 2-31, states: " Full availability cf legal counsel requires both that persens he able to cbtain ecumsel and that lawyers who undertake reeresentation eccelete the werk involved." (Emphasis added.)


6-Accc:dingly, for the reasons =cre fully discussed above, MWP 's motion should be denied.

Respectfully submitted, CONNER, MOORE & CORSER

( TroyA ?v1onner, Jr. s 1 U

M Y W\.k A Rcbert M. Rader Counsel for the Applicants g

MC w 9( ~



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CUAIRK*.N IJ %C s 'Thoy c
n s:k the questionc ':y .

'.:sy ei putting th0 ctat:ren e. in the roenre , ::: .t e ' ' ~

i out what the questienc arc.

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1:cw. in torma cf your getting cuay c: night, it 1: . ::


- neu quart: cf'cor four, :nd ',:o thcugh to .cG d go e.u 1 .




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, . 5:00 er perhapa 5:30. Can you crgani:e your rer.sining :s.r.a  !

@ . ,., . 'a,9,.

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der an hour er en hour and a quartor, and complete?

ypq sit,.,.

Jg :C. BELSER: I would certainly like to go te gyg-g .; ;

$ 3 :30 as long as the Beard is willing to sit, and whatsycr g@llQ*0**$

.rl .

.. . 1: 1 oft vould arrange to havo Mr. Riley ask tho questienc W*? ??i

! ..dnh:d.,

% . g..


., in my cbceneo. r;.ic C

CHAIC W1 LA'0: t Well, it is juct unfair to h$$@2TT rj . , . .


. , , , , . . . +

", evora.'.o .o who has been horc all day to stay much beycnd

~. a.~


.: } 5:00 or $i30. We are prepared to ecue back in the morning.

[ - %W'e if MR. DELSER: I was going to qst.. all the ;eostiens -

is il in by 5:30.

Ih ~*$.h it !jh M::. SlitA: !!r. Chairman, may I r.ake :ne point?


'-M 4I occ in ,:f It eenme to ma that if tae Caro *.ina 3tudy z iT$k' g'.t.1

i Grout 10 going to come bsek temorrow cnd pnce all thace @E$ v' t .c .; . .


.. '[

qucat'.eno in thee fert: of, in offcet, a 1.imited appocranco c p

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g stat.e:wint, vo're scing to have the questier.s cnyhew. :t hwy?}'

h n

%qc '

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-ignt be bottor to have itr. noisor rood th< m into tha racerd 3;

,.g "7

,I kk+ :[.j .

?",? ., [.

a cn i g'it c7 :nat at lecct wo 1:4vo tonight to thi d x cut x t.


I I roolize it's unf air to all the parties , and h zi 6

v*' ~ 'a ly t., the Decrd, thq techniq"a **** "- 5elser ,

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cuggesto, but : really thirW the ethor toch.91q':0 hc0 r - 1. .

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,2 C'i J10 advaT*tagCS , tCC.




. i.:R. UELSER: I 'aculd like a clarifit:.'t.i: T. 07. *

.t .=.

M ./ .. !i uny it'a unfair. -

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': Evezjbedy chart.cteri:es this as unf:: te ccescedy, .; , .


~ ':

..  :.nd I don' see it. It ovpodi-co tho hocring :recc:3.

.s i

J !! will bring the hearing s.. ,. ,4 cc much occuer the.n 1: ' tc u'. d .

s-1.. '

- ctherwiso. But I don't :eo who is treated unfc:.rD/ by sto ., .

z m.

tj 39 technique. gf'.e i..:4.Q, t

Well, it is very lika17 that your  ; {4*f.[

6 h,, _ ' T CEAIT:.%tt I.A:0 2 u.:.. n o. v. . .

7 cli'ent may be treated unf airly in the ceNS ths you would net -. c. A5, . .

. . . .. 4 . .. m:,. y .p.y . _ .

<g g.

.8 U b


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\ . s e hers to:ncrrow. .

y g .s.:.a..;.vi.l.:.q 9 ; y . y.- l ''"Mi~

.y --.. . " " . .. .

Q ^M'$', , .

  1. '-T* f '.f;MR. BEI.31R Ncl.1, they have agreed to preceed j

~ 9 s.h'. ,

. .; .. w V % ..l ..,c,. * ~y. .;

' c ,,

g to 0 in that fashien.

d .

.w- .' s  ;; 15 f . .

Q M.p

, . .y

  • t ij 2 s._

CHAIRMAN I.Atot And you will agree to waive e.ny

g. . . . ,

I pyw-] '" ~

cejections that you have to that procedure?


t4 3

'g . * ' A., ;: t*.. ...

7 -

k i w' h

  • a q .


,Ir we, proceed with this fashien in putting the  ;

y 4..... r- ~ r ..:. i;mj . F >c fc. . . , . . ' -.

14  :

' f ':: questions a.W:Q: mix':?.1,:L%M*: ce to the record W

  • 6:" now, can we have any cb%ctions p

. .- n ' free tra partion as.te the questions caso put in the record *' '

g 5, I il e' -

Q?ds'c.e.2MdMi?dMNiU:.r.~ ' .

tr f.. 7c aew,7so if .there is any argument I don't want. Intervencer l

. , e p s-: . .s 2, . w. f ., e i t; .

h -. standing and saying that their questions were object.ed tc, l;' l 17

- . . , . r.~ gj . a-2 .: ;:e.;.. . ..a l

! and there vas argwnent regarding the relevance aftar they i I

. .~. a. , .

h ..t. '

j;t had withdrawn from the case. So that any dacisions rade I

,, i t . , ; .. . 9 .- a .

... ..c.

. , g

.3 j. tonight as, to .the -questions . .. . .; - ,

are esjectionable is made while ,7-.-,

n .n Interveanor's counsel is stili present. c2h g.u a

.s.g m fir. Conner is the ebjecter, Mr. .@

2 ~.

!! , MS. $1 p -q.F:

WQ 1y Jf: '

  • ) y so .

. , . . . t Chdrman.

. m,,%;3,1 g
30  : %w:.

y O 2"~

u 5 MR. CCt!!!ER: I f eel thin teuches en Orcas of  %.e't'w n '

~i riw T y  ! . . . .

i j

z- A legal ethies, which ma'kos it very difficult to state I 8

4 e.Q, . -

& L. . ,. . c J

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c. ;. .x. . ,, , .i. .s .


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ve this is ,

t,sA :. j'.1hc :. >, : . -

do belie :y i


~g% .y'j

..ft fag.

d'y ; and I centr ary , cimarl s , '

i ly and candi . set a penible abjectione publ c I.think . . .

,;,7.Z: mv m 7e it d.oes-  ?

dangerous precedent. ,.

I think -

.a 4 N.-

w e .. blic intervenero, it' very rules . '

spirit of the role.icachip ..,.. i


.A.c , ;g C'

  • o, J to td. e of pu '

sense that 4$, ug.G in the ssion,'in tho - .


Lad precodent com one instanco by in the relationship tol the ,

d in disappears, and g

  • W.:0gy.

p;gw.w, gr hey cre.representesudrienly d

that g+r he has indicat as-

.w~~. +,,,;x g ;

olocos, where t resother, then f 4*' :.g,- , 7,~

k l or ecunsc1 and in c  :.Q]g}~

yot ecuncelof: ,the.will facets case, bo it appea

,. .. s

. ;a <;; ; v;,.;

come g'

ba k and .

participa qvbp.

j.e f subacquant v n- ve And

5, il in *.he ve-you[
, O v ,. ,.


.y 7. 4y.  :. ' 9,, 7'i is' a' very ask bad situation.

m h 6 O vhs e.-ha ,;


., tr, Belser plans to yl -

- And T think v .a this t I-  ?

A(g.y ttuestions tha '


3 fashion. M.: ,, -

' think' any in the' nokhalthe record shou that .U.. .



, saked 11011, let f
11 ewing teday, M*d . .:i,'.C saculd bo ,

cw s

,, :iR. CC1.523:

counsci .

heir . N' T 5:.

t-4 if. .

u counsel is no longer ewloyed seof the gro,;p the wishes and ton Qq the findin ;d'.

with by the

  • b, .


h2r participatien counsel but k

!n ac.-crdance

.. that any furt ed ,,,,g,*,, d4 %

  • * -~


' financont voittnthrily render . : . q...

not been vil; be .


  • cc facts ?g y' ~. c r a,,

t Well, then, you hav itool!. ' WNL n'.\

', m-y v J

c/rcup client. .-

C1MIMAtt LA:Of of this a counsel's r %'u. ,s.

A...v t

i rqpros't.:ntstive te .

Cdr as a j .NO

'for doon it climinathe further



7 diact.argod 11 to participato

.gy,lH_ b'

,, Mn Cmit:CR . Do CVor'.0ckP*

client O.nnot P . 4. *f', cc'.M

- hin that h thJ part

  • 24 I

rest on91bility to f eir C H 81'3

  • Jf the CDSC, Th4:' :3

.mo -

  • noro is the othe r 4.:ca:icn t'..a: fM y* . .

c';/.? tet t 95004293

) .

< l.Ml' &k,; a ~.

  1. $Ish,sfbr'.a-*.~W~W.-


~ .Y. d.

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    • ~ . . . %e %m .


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t ff$.. %,h. 5eN.INE3MM55D'W ** T e

to f~ - _

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. 9

<* src ;;ing t discu:s c: the end of thic nc:icn. cu

. i;.r3 .g,

-s por=ic ::

01 *. / lir.weing # request c the 3ccid for \

' *.'.:. . r ~ s ,

! b r "#

!. wi ".d::.e f cm th:.u casa as an ef ficer of the court in tho 2.5ministrative precoss. Y:u have an obligatien to represent .

ycur party, too.

A.nd it's a centinuing ene, I would think, s ( -

.1 .

Mn. 3ELSER: Until released by the client, Lad 1,

-~. .'s

. ': .- *4 i

i the client h c so indicated. l

- Cm!7.:L'd! LA?.C And until reic,' sed by the 3 card. (*v3 !-}-]'

'.here in a recent deedcien on that gM9 wa.. $.


'm. 3*:tSUR i --

.i.:cus if :: quired to participate by governmental body, l g'N, 'gh I '.

i @u T . .dd

.r..:ci in entitid to be paid by tha govurnmental bcdy.


l CHAIR"cl Lit.0: McL1, I think ,you knew perfectly 11, counsel, that if ' dis was a cot.trt of law, and you g%;e ,j

@ u

.3 m wanted to <ithdrab in the r.iddle of the case, the court =1ght i u I

'  ??IEsh

'd e.

.:..11 decide that you are obligated to reprocent your client a A


9, .

i or rc:. sin until he had scrdoved er acgstrod ethcr ceuncol. ,

.. hyM .

Y:u could ro: sin :n a voluntary basic tcnorrow cc ning, +gwL , ws

, w or vr.stever tiro is necec cry to complete this mattor, p%

y'r%g . .. .s g@.4


suct. say that ; cm believe that you have not ,

.  ! Er~;sr+;

. .u c.,7 : ran.,5cd st. nehr dule 1:.stterc .s expediticusly :J you ' . .. u{jj n .s

e. :. i t, t'..1: s:o. I dnn ' t co an go be ove rly c: L ..:s . ,  ; 9 n. " . . -

h l

.ov it': difficult. Lluc ygsu cro attcepting ncv :: :hif t h,(.

@ .<.,%.q m:.~

M.{ L ,

%q ty.a .,2rden of yeur client to the Doard and the ether  :.;.g 4....~:


3 7 ,i.-t ,g..g.

. .
r . . < c. , in .~. w ay ; and it doe 0 raise semo rsthor -


. , . n v - . <. :.n .  ;

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a. . .<.:. m ny

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. g!;..yi.,

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.Y).%.a r .s

.,.y.  %. :.P.

. i S. . . -w;. -

! I would say that we should centince sua wr.y va b.op-

-y < : p...

, 1

  • f .4 s Mr v.-


! .! ..avo pla.nne' before: cemplete what you can tenight. If y c i Mg:9 f.;d

must withdraw, wo will have no objections to ycur withdrawing

.J4 i

. ;. l .~

.. .:nd chat your client. can cen'tinuo the case as =est they can

. : >.  : ' --Q 'n:<r L a rf.-= . t.y.: .W . 9 i . s- .

g ,

  • i, ! f.uithout icejal. repreaantation We will receive en the reccrd t ,

., t - y.. . ! , , > G, .' .g .1 :- , a,g ,;,;d,.y.q 17 ;y,.,.'q.g 4 ., . v . , _.

. , . ,$ . ; fgg any st.tecents that they nish. to make by way of f'trther ,

i n.v r)'4 i.- ..,$.a 4 : f. % .' s t @ N J a ,.. ?. . *- .

questicas and . attempt to get answers to those en the record.

.f  ;.

)", ,; . ,w:-;i.;

  • n ,

' But I am not v ing t..

let you leave a 1cag list d* ,

.n:- .

.t absence.

-4 g of c;uestions and then huo them answered in your *

~.s . p p q?S-:s. . m.

y .


. .p- T.lto :nativelf

, ..,... y. . ,. .ycu ..

. . .can

, . , g.

agree ., . to reamsin tecerrw.

A.,4 3 ... . ' : .;;.<.n < -t.sI'.s.

. - ~. think if wo tako a fixed timo as an ending

.:..f' u g.v. . ..

g a.. m. g .. .n- t. e,.,

. ~. .a . .. . .. ;,y .- --

w,..p....q y .s f .c 2.. m. c ..- .

point.1and shoot' !ce. that, we can pecbably get thecugh I

' r.

  • ~W.3,s, (.J, wa* ,,

?. 6 * % W--g p;Wif p

~;., .^, r. , ~. 'c 9 . \



h[d .<;4c.;;;..

- 'Elthcut 15jurind ycEtcd du?;.R g *r.s % j.:.c p .9 g . 4.. g. w s. h.; g . .

ch.' E N ' M. ' . ';

r. .


.> ye .*j

,a . .

.p' .

e. . w . - . . . . ,

-".; p n.  : . . .z f...y.M;;.t.

.m . . .

s.t.r.; a.g:,3;;R .. r ;* *7olli 1 wc.uld say that I would F/ . - U : .'2 ..D* *- - ,

-f i *[ ' . Wat*==.

  • e , I'r7 *,"g

.;g' . . j(.. .begl'ad  ::;*:.

  • m'.' ton 'cdvise 4. . a-lLW the Beard & - - ' fully.g. : of the f sets regarding the M%

>* da roa sons fer' tho' nood that I withdesu, if there is any cencarn .

n - e. - .


4 . la the'- car 's in as t I

. . . l: -

.n ..e .. ,. .n .* f:. :' f whether m < it is  ; apprevod by the .


i. Interven.cer,- and as I

y, . . : to .p,w s. reasone _ for it.

.t 4

.jg i .,

.:- . 2 thirA it would bo best done in chamtstrs rather ,

nea. *

- ;# 4 i.:


ehan on sto rceerd. p.;.t.,

MV CitAIt'.*W1 LA20 The reporter needs a hreck, oc .

4. i .

-: N'- t.


-  % n v vi.y don ' t ycu all apero.s.:h the bench. 63. '


'J s*  ; .


, 3.;

n3 OJharoupen, a bench conforunco was had.) /. ,

,&T o

OnA: r,1W f.A:c t Would the hearing ecm t: . +.W- (-

s a- -

%~ 1 v


.... - . m e. n , . -


- m.

W .. .. : . -.

95004293 -

D..* _. . _ _

+. w u y.g.. ,r g . g..y w w?m W.~ . . .

.... .. .._ . ... . = - ,...


. . . . .q .

'* f3,t , , *.


  • u .. , ;

,r s.s

..M. W'.;;.*.*r.

.. - . . . _- ., (,r.o.

as 3'p.'.p.h'. C*.,

  • a~,Z - ..

o eg y.1. . v

.- ,g . .. ph. s.._ A .gw ..

  • u , - ' ?.T .w .pi.J.,g, .;~ y,e *

.,_,.,, y.%. ..r..* .f 8

. est

  • v

. m:r'"'6 -



..1'I t 30N p ?.'." *.. *a.


' 3 I vant the record to show that et a meeting i' Uff w% e-f.Y . . ,

1 3,. t s,i a
.1 cour.sel with tho chrJ. in chc.ocrs , it was decided th t  ; ,q..,. 3. . g.'3 e p 1 +3- a.
g. . -

we will co.tinuo the henring temer.*ow. Counsel fer the I ~ Y M<. s I.

&h' ps

? . interveners will remain throughout the rest of the h.aaring jI ,,

. . .

  • J'-5. s.:i7,rs-# 6.D c.. ; b.~ . w -h


' .L = . . . torcernw,.{and. at..,thic, -

.g ..point, we ,wi.l, .l,,.fermally recess .tstil.

s. . . . * -

. ; . n. I.: ?,. 4,.. ' . , ', w. . . .. R *. , M. .N-tmywy;$

c.  : </,,pe '
  • 10 :00 o' clock tomorrez t.orning ,'ypwb ...=Y:. ring counsel fer the '

. Y?a . '


' . .t w .}..*$ '. i l d f'/,2;3 C $ @ M 6 '. M 4 M 2' % . . /G.nt. rvenera. to reed *in-o the reco

~ .M, ..:.~,

" - ~ " > w t- -

.WI.'k ,%.D.'W$X& 7TMl5DM-L Y'

  • . ' ~ . -

} ' 'w'"ich re:aairr to be ansvered by the A-splicant and the Staff'sl h

'v R. vl:n ;. 9- w:c.5;.

w citnessos tetectrtna morning when we come back on the record.


.. e'.. ff F 4 .+ ,c.- ,:. 4 c. 2.':.. ,

. ., M h

S . . J'a..z..Ulr, AL3. of the . questions then will go into tha

o t
. w;..J'. N'.z. e, s . . . , ,.; A:.,

.n ,-

y " ", r.ecord and be part of the transcripts the answers will be - -

- p ' , ' . l. @ 9'*M,@.w ': t; g :,e 9., w .,

Kr. Belser r

will be


.,. .'g - P; ' iprovided on.the rcccrd in the aczning. *- ', - k s *1,- h '.h. .'.6TM.@$- @ **

  • A & M W A M @ " M g

-'t3 6 W*' - rocent- to"representi ,'

p M M his.. client $ Gduring N M the remainder of' '@,. '


.c .f - $ .[;<p $ h @ .

T '.)h  ;',r..P ".-'

. J

+-,*3.'.7 f.,,qi'r thuida q..y. unt.i.L,we..have .gg.pwg;g.e,egge.e.q ccs:pleted.cross-examination.  ::.. .

.m ,

, That l

'1 .



' would maan. tha. tv..t.g;...y would -

%. ; . be no... reason f or .the rest of l

.a. m .. r . .. .

_ _ . ^

.m~..j,,},4 .,Qy4 w & y;,,,.p :y'%gQ.., ..i. .* . f.q L ,,.

' ' s f, '.' 'Rs 'to, Q

. s. a:' r, :4,:,. . . ~ ce.-+ .. r<:' ~ %. - -. I to ask the roperter if possible

,, a g .;

,_e.. #q% . .. . . , . c. s. . .

' M.f ,

g 1: to' run 'off'.se=e extra vections u.- ,... ,

of the questions, if that .



,; ..r .w.

.-, .% . . .,. . .. a. .. .; - ,,. w:. :

g r. wculd mean.that .s  : a.

t.he par:les .could, get these questions earlier,

..g,Joc- :

r ' -

i I

1- . .

so that there would be nry need for anycne stay c,. Q

.g .



exempt the reporter and Mr. Belser at this time.

And  ! bhM'- .. .:, i..


. % . g. ,

tt .b.

.9-vo will' roecos new uneil 10:00 o' clock temerrew morning. @,g ' N.

.. .j n.1 g ,. p,

. m.s r- s.-

5 . .

.. tu(R. COMUERt.. -I think the racerd might also

.~*. l

.. N s g

!. 3 .-'*v,,,,

s . ,, .,.,

. .. T- P tha'i Mr. Riley, rupreconting CESG, was alco present f 7,; $ thca.i .'- . ~ . . ~ . , . : a.; . .

. V[.. c...y *%

~ '

.v - ] ';. ./. Q


at the discursion.

+-  ?'


- l .

l a  :.. ~ ~ . . ,

o r

- m m s e g e g g j;jg p g3 m. m e

. . . . . - 9.5004296 e

  • . t a

. .a ,r " -

I4 - % A, .. e.-- p. . t

. t. . . . -

. ~}, .


~ , i: . .. t

.. .;@Wm. .t , , u ' ;l.'. %, , rg ;k:....ol*$** .p .

.rc .. . . , ,

. T.

.....j .. D e ./ g , . s


7" ,

y, ,, .c

. . . ,. , .-.,. 3, . , ., ,


, - ~.

y.. ,


.. ,. . . 7. ;,, ,,,. ..

. . q.e, ,...

,, , ; y71 r

. . + ..-. : , ,.

..3....,,. .. .

1. - veuld c7 pes: then 'to bring es to the peint ebi 1 (i 3I where we sh=uld ha ourc uc h:vo ti.:.3 up 1::co end:.

':M e l .,

3' is as c;;crt rity I venid liho to. cefer, keeping in =ind v.he 4 hour, for brief closing stata=csts if e.ny of tha parties  !

.3 should desire to make such. a.,ets'. =.t, If thers is s'esquest .-


. u . .' .

. . . -.. :a.-

. ,  ?.


for clesing atataments ' thias. let'.s .try to d.ivids the ti:ae up. -['

.s w . , r ,



,  %. i . . .,

~ .

.s .... .~' . .y. ,

...,,.,.d' q re they are n..ot' des.

. .yci -

.. 1. r.y

.- . ire . ~wo cas wi*'~ut

.:.y. .. .. . w .. .n:,s.2 3- .

. .I

, .~..

,p. 7 .,i ...a'

j. them, ~ - .  ;. n .c - .

, . ,:. , .., .., . u.. . .c - . v.

...,<,.. , t s .. ..  ;

, 4 .-

.*<t:i n f RII.ET:. .I .sculd

, w. D %o to mako a closing statament, 23 .MSGT . .' 4.W i ' A . T - - .

. .. j 10 ..,~

O .* M 3' 3 Ws sGG 3D CdV30 tags tO a.*."*/ ,C1cSi2g

, w.... ..

i-u,a -.(Q* e. gs .n.

u.. ,...s,%.. ..'.

p y,vs.:: = .<..'

5. .

~ . f. ~~ 'statsmant=gf,chvicusir cut pesitics will be cet fe=th 13 tha lM.'M > .L*k%55tib.fu&i'&WNGu u.*P:V.C'.'.-  ! .[ .

\. l) .

$'. & .f2- 1.v 9csedSf T a p y,Q g g g,,g . ' i J 4,y.J'.y ,. E ,,.'y q' .4,.'~,. .

4 M' . ,

g' . .. . i,,.

M, e.J:'Q .....w.,,- C -1 ' , ' . .

.o ). . . r W n y.i.i.;:v4 @pMKQ. " W .  % M.A R G ip.

.. ,.is a. M.. , ;.. %

.I w 1. . ..-' . , ..

.p..'... ould wc=t ths reccrd . . - .. to shew that *'* 1-

' ' '*, * ' . .. ; e ,. . .%. . C*'~#tl3.,,6.~.,.

. n, Y'. ..i *. go.%.g.3,:.

.: ~s . ,~ .1.w. ..';, . .m. . . *

.s * * * * *i . . .

. %.. . .<*.,,3 .. ,. ,

'c. 34 , .

th. ars .,M 1. b,,C.%"**'9%.'CCth3 p M,a a d that C0:312*:St . 'J

-.p: W. yf  %*t.yP$Ql fs'dh>g W'@. '.T : * ~ - : j ' . . ."1 .

i .

e.=di=f es '."."==: day, .tha ?::: cat C *.=.sel f:: J 15 ( ,. with ~ . . ..., z.r.vA-:.? ,our{@r::ds:st.

.,,., . df'. hM. ,. ..?%.. y . n...  ;


.. , g. . d. ,. .. Y d0*" '*h



.10 u* 3 - . * ' ~ ~ -- ~- r ^~'* -/ .C c * * - " .~.-~~ # * ~- - ' ' n s.*" .

N . . .er ,  : - .; '** .V ****.. ' .


. '.' &. . ef. v. -

,e. .y . .

g g.- -. n. ...J79 ** . *.i.,..,. *s gggg - da- -w g.. 1 A=.

,g.=4.=4 g. g 4.b J .t ed't.

.ma. a. .

17 [ b



  • .s4-

=.,*8 e, ,,

3, i . . . . .

I 1S COO 3 t C=C:f 4 DG V.R FCyrs: Cat P.:cM i 07 ,

..**.>' . x- e, . . . .,

b. . aJ g> .

.t=- , , . . . ',..?.. A ... - ., . ;

7 1 e y . i

.7 k% c.. -= 4. c.4W

'4' *

f. .M 23t  ;-

. _i u .%,. . . ,

r .


.. y~ . , . . .s- -. , - .


' ".*StIS . cc :l"Oct. F 1*. ' - -

8*l .. .,E.'

.e gEZZ.I:! *.: y,.N es sc",y*,.,, '?2Mi ~.',s .'

,,- , 3.  ;, ,c y e - c.7,I c ,e,, Deem that raico a.y probic=n?


. . .. u .- . .

3 .

t , g

.g. m y .I was undo' t.'.c ," .. *- ..n

. e .*.-

1 .

23 h:d been atated that P.r. Balce: had indic:ted he would in -

r e fe=t participate in the post-evidenticry hes 1:q plo:, ding .

95004297' r h

I h .


. % . .' .'+  :)".s . .c.

. . . < . . ,4.; t. . a. .w, . . ~. , ; . .n... . . , . w .- . ,

i. .

.' & phase of the case, althcugh the pe!=* y work ~ was to be de=s ~


a . . .

a by Mr. Riley, .

3, M2. F""m: That ves met i: rep: cec =tstiva caps-4I city. O mentiened th:t en c vol::ts:7 bcais th t * */ wc*:1d 5 de the work and that I would, on an uscificial, volunte:Y. J.

~. .c.m.

. . . , . . . . .? (:+t.

s r basia, advise theis.-

~ .

..1 ef. . ~.' ;Jr 7 w

C ' . '

.~: -


  • '. xa!p .Y.m.y, . . :w,4 5 ' '41 -c. essza -(,n..ey ,'u w

.:. 3 wil..l'havs

.7. -

.. . n.g -  ;

.. LJ w r.< .

W es'ef f

  • 4 gs and what-o.g;-Q1ser os .legd. adW.s.l. .~ . .i Qc.

r . t r,. . u . . :n.vr. .,:.a.

. .; . . . %. . .:.. . sr,.

y :.v~.n..,

- ? .. . . a s - :-

s .-

e6er else'ad.ght b'ef' filed. 2 Th:t'was c7 unders**-" 9..

s m- 1 r.n -

u -

.-- %s -

to ::a P J Mi dpe. ..M ,.ar; * '

'Q.r.,tacc; BELs2RCaly . :, u;K%

, 3, .

~ .

s, ? - @ c .v.'W V"O S : C .'-- : * . 'i , : ' ' . >

'c h as the Greap is cencarned tid as.fsr as thei: mts:Y pc31- .j

'L' '"

':,. -  :. . k.%y.W . .:"  ;

'i 12 tien is cen8,.4::%.:n'th.ey .

[ ..e do =ct' to,#.,

4:'  ::Y.

f:TthC: 18981 -(

. -a: * 'n ': s st T.M. &.,R R7

. W Q,'.';"

.:. *& .F -

g fess' angh,..N.W$n'ls,;5 l have 'rchi M==5f 5;is'.$.%. c:a ..official . N . '.;& ' '. ^.

e-.,.ssanta- , 3JiP._

14 ..

'.td ca'MNY5'N cf.the3 g.c.2,g,44g hh ,e h yg.h y gh t,4 4 k; h q: kf$p,,nN'h g h g,y $ b*.g;q','..f _pfitN.'


~ -


,1- .-

. + j.

q.c.'.,. ., -?>:g:h;:gn, -% y t,ygs g.:ye,. 3g& n-i W n p =hics wits.this . .

,. }Y '

i.. lass . . ifscsid .Y.*be~sccrithin ' , '
'"2.?WG'CM.h'M$p?%W SWJ@-

g U t


wer ,dMcy. ,


,7.M=gy.@;.& p;S94 '

< m.~ - L 1


'~?-1 . .

.r- ... .

17 L' che L

case M..Ihiling' tcy  :==

. . .s . ,< ~. n

&c...Q$;. 1 bi=g caer the disciplinc  ;!

s ..

~ . .v ; ,.. w , , s.... . ,. :. :: ;c.-n :. .,..- .--. .-.

._ ., , .;, e ,. , .. . .8 ..

.~ .v a

2 to conduct' - S1f 4: 2?c.:':~st c: " ,


) ef the tribe."...=,1 i


.i,.n. .-er .a . . ..e . . ,: ..,g......c.. .. . ; -

p. . . .

to j-hi=salf lief'ero c:7:p-W'c6'Y'fer q"-M.' Pdicid t:B"'"'l -

a. -.

. ,.. .<. . , .s...:,. . ..c a .c .:..., . .

.. . o -: . ~.w , _

. . s c.,

n,za.c.n L u e : ....o P' My, cc a ec;:::e=tch.,,va  :".:.

s a}.

l . , '. c. ,

.y ,x .., .. , * . - i. % .. . yy. :,.-'; ,:

.i .

t t the carolina 2=vi=e==s: ital St:dy,'G::=7, y=u are wsre, ::e you ;_


... m...



21.I, not, that sa la pd.ty ,


tp this preceeding yeu- s=d ycur c gn=1:n-


u, s

, j . ,

tica and ' ether me= bel-s of'yeur c gasi ation havo had tha cpp =- l z3 ,.

r.;, . .

1 y tecity to pa::ticipato t=d cress d-2 and elicit evide=es.

There are a5so res;c=sibilitloc in tar =m of advisi=g 25 ,.

P L t

i, S .

95004298 ..


m. . _. .. , .

. *; eb32 ,

the Board at the cicss cf the hearing by tray of proposed  ?

2 d far der ploe. dings which cro pr:pecci findings and ce=clusicas ,

o cf law, be:06 cpen the evid- 1: So :::: d. -

,la only 4 en the evidce:c th:t to is thic :::::d that us can Mao a <

5 decisica and t;'o. coed, s=d i-daed, re?'d c the cesistsnee of

.all of 'the pe=,tiene, - -

s ,

.,c .

. ., % . . m .:....i..:x. . .


,..."e.... .-6 ThiS is a 'e..c.utinuing chligatics and normally 'at the

~ .

,, .. . . . . .w. w .

..n. .... . y. w. r '.'

.s. . time we closa,f.he %s..",} as' vii O .ecrtly will, I assume we 5g

.. : . ;,; -y..c. q.i m ., y. :.u.7.Qq , g, -

. . ..a r.

. will set. a schedula: a. d'n expe. . ...ct that en'a given data, pre-5  ?:'


< . r p:. s . . y. >

.- : .,.. .: . .. :,.. . :. g

. . u . ..

a sumably,20 days;af.ter.~.....n.,, cr ices, citar the Applicant has

  • ..n,......


. .. ......2.. , . ,4.3. '1 . .. . "

.33 filed its proposed.. fd-an'd--s and cc. citricts cf law, that the ~


.Intervc=cr would fils it.r pieid4-s.- liithect s-ak pie A Ngs- r

.a "

. .. . : f:.H , .' . w .q . ?. ..q.n o m W . .

.. . .. +

v  :....- .

93 we, in offect, h.:ve an PM--t of ma-Matrative p.m. f.-

)., '; . ."T'., ..

..h :4.L . . . , . . . ..g.,,e ,. ; k_., . . r_ >

. :- -,?.5 4*.'.u,.l;j.fll'.y r eak',. M .f W'il_~.T. k h '(Ci=lection to fils;suchc ~'..s

@$Mxar wen itPbe. ycur i

t. ;7 . u .-

- . w

.a. p y+.,9,.ygy: c...e m. g;.4.v.. :;g<g.. .. ;. . . . , . ..y......w.g.$x.

-.,.a,. y ,.. .

. g.. ;, ,. .,:y.3. u .. .

. o ,,_ . 3 . 3w .. . ;. . ,

,. .- . e.. ..

.c- . . e" -

, .. , gg '- plaadiDG.s7.q;..  :.g y.

,,.s, a

~9 . - s o , c ,A. ,.',

."). . a s '. ;


_ i ' . >: . y,, . . .Q;, a.:9 .P k . ,;?.C.3.).;..

. e .



. - , . ~

2t is'ocr


. 'eI[, M 'MR.[ rid 7:82 9.,dE;-Ntab:1 vb;'Et ycu say.,

. . w. e + .uy. m w.' ".x .

.;-. .,. s. . : ; . '. ..

- "-s.

-M **''"'-*2 -


-- 17 = -r in** *' -

.~ . .n .- .

. - ~ . . . . . . . . . . - . . , . .

- ! we= der.if tho. Board wc:1* Pho into ec sidarstice.

. x. . .;, .4 ,.:c . .. .

,  ! - the. ": t that ths ---Wsi.::f C="# cre all c::.herwise ocer,. dad [

. -- s ,. . . , . . ,

with ,"-ir cc:r.a1 ::m- :: tic = a=d thic, . 2:.: th==, reprososta  ;

, ... 1. ". -


. ..i .

g a part-tina activi~:y .'Pe:h:;c cc : ids:stics cecad bc given i

,:... . . . .: . ... t

., . . . ....r.

u. . . . .


- to that is ta==s c.! ::tti=g the ti=a at which the findings =f j l

, face shesia be received, 23 ,

r. . . . ..

MR cctc22: Ve wculd chject to that c: the g: unds u ,l ,

l that CEM has been is this cece for a=d a half yes:s, .i 25 t

. 6 i .

. 95004299 i ,


  • .
  • t3 s% -

. -Q: - .-


-. eme m..,e .- -p.m....

o .

..n. -

v.. .

.w . . :- . ,

s. ...

a , , , . .%; ..- , . ;. g.. . . .


3474 ,

. 1 . n. .. ... ~

. i .

b4 1 one way or the other. Hri Riley himself has said ha has 6 1

2 roady dedicated 3,000 heurs to it. '

0 ':ho time resired fer prepcssd fi-No is not


) i 4 anywhero rese.r.bling thst u tlef.ti=o a:d isdaad, C27,& c .

e ...


...v. .. ..

s' intarvantion in.;this c.... .ase has delayed.the proceeding already.



"s ' , -!. a.b 9W v. aN!7$$ gram"o@ur.' n .

w'.W/"k/.:-iW:.M . J'ar..of at we w w ee

., Itc.
o. u t. o n e .

, - g,, " -d'..((ff f . ..'

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