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Spring 1979 Quarterly Rept, for Apr-June 1978
Person / Time
Site: Bailly
Issue date: 06/30/1979
Shared Package
ML19253A379 List:
NUDOCS 7908230341
Download: ML19253A380 (200)


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bY g TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES P.O. Box 22 5621 Dallas, Texas 75265 827 i f.,0 r-

/f 7908230341

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SPRING 1979 QUARTERLY REPORT BAILLY NUCLEAR-1 SITE ENCOMPASSING APRIL-JUNE 1979 15 August 1979 Prepared for NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 5265 Hohman Avenue Hammond, Indiana 46325 Prepared by TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Ecological Services P.0 Box 225621 M/S 3949 Dallas, Texas 75265 827 161 science services division

o FOREWORD Ecological Services of Texas Instruments Incorporated, under contract to Northern Indiana Public Service Company, is conducting an ecological moni-toring program to determine and document existing ecological conditions in the immediate vicinity of the Bailly Nuclear-1 Generating Station site, Baillytcwn, Indiana. This ecological monitoring program will provide data necessary for assessing and minimizing the effects of plant construction on the local environment and will provide information for assessing any future changes.

This report, the 20th in a series of quarterly reports prepared for Northern Indiana Public Service Company by Texas Instruments, contains analyses and interpretation of data for April through June 1979. No collection of aquatics data was scheduled during May 1979 or of terrestrial during April or June 1979. Statements contained in this report are based on data collected over a relatively short time period and should be viewed as preliminary.

827 162 ain ea rvi es division h


Terrestrial Spring 1979 terrestrial sampling on the Bailly Study Area was accomplished on schedule during two periods in May. Sampling counts included:

e Sherman live-trapping of small mammals e Observations of large mammals e Roadside counts of cottontail rabbits and birds e Transect counts of birds e Surveys of reptiles and amphibians e Collection of soil samples e Inspection of vegetation for foliar damage Mammal sampling revealed 14 species; three species were trapped, while 11 were either sighted or their tracks or other signs observed. Small-mammal populations appeared to be low, as might be expected following a severe winter such as 1978-79. Few individuals were trapped; chipmunks and tree squirrels seemed to be less active or less abundant than usual in forested habitats. Only five cottontail rabbits were observed along the road route -

the fewest recorded during this monitoring study.

There were 92 species of birds observed on and in the vicinity of the Bailly Study Area. During the first sampling period, primarily early migrants were sighted; this included frequent sightings of the Common Merganser, Caspian Gull, Yellow-rumped Warbler, and White-throated Sparrow. Surveys during the second sampling period produced higher counts of species that typically reside on the Bailly Study Area during summer months; these included the Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

Although cold wet weather ' undoubtedly limited amphibian and reptile activity in general, several large choruses of gray treefrogs were heard. Of the nine herpetile species recorded, the painted turtle was the only one frequent ly sighted.

827 163 science services division V

o Aquatic Spring 1979 aquatic sampling was accomplished in April and early May. Phyto-plankton, periphyton, zooplankton, benthos, fisheries, and water quality samples were collected. This report does not include results of the chloro-phyll a, benthos, fisheries, and pond sediment analyses for any of the June data. These analyses will be included in the summer 1979 quarterly report.

Lake Michigan and interdunal pond phytoplankton densities were higher in April 1979 than in April 1978 but lower than in November 1978. In the lake, blue greens and diatoms dominated density, while diatoms dominated biovolume; there were nine dominant taxa (4 percent or greater) among a total 53. In the ponds, density increased approximately 3-fold from November 1978, blue-greens were density-dominant, diatoms were biovolume-dominant, and there were five dominant taxa among a total of 50. No unusual or undesirable taxa were found in either the lake or the ponds. April 1979 productivity results for Lake Michigan were similar to those of November 1978, and no unusual values were observed during either quarter. Pond productivity values were much lower in April 1979 than in April and November 1978. The 1979 productivity results indicated no adverse effects due to plant construction.

Periphyton data for April 1979 showed that blue green algae, comprised mostly o f Lyngbva spp. , dominated both Lake Michigan and pond samples. Blue greens and diatoms were co-dominant contributors to lake biovc,lume , while diatoms were dominant and greens subdominant in the ponds. Lyngbva spp. did not contribute significantly to the total pond biovolume. In Lake Michigan, periphyton densities were lowest at station 25 and highest at station 12.

Average lake densities exhibited a 6-fold decrease from November 1978 to April 1979. Pond densities showed only a slight decrease from November to April; however, compared with April 1978, a 2.5-fold decrease in density was observed. Low water temperatures (approximately at time of sampling) are suspected as the cause of the slow spring periphyton growth. Periphyton diatom data indicated that Fragilaria vaucheria represented as much as 69 percent of the diatom assemblage of the lake and that Achnanthes minutissima, Fragilaria crotonensis, and Gomphonema angustatum dominated pond samples.

827 164 vi aclence services division

O s

April 1979 zooplankton densities averaged 1,211 organisms per cubic meter in Lake Michigan and 20,090 organisms per cubic meter in the interdunal ponds.

A ' atal of 42 taxa were observed in Lake Michigan and 33 taxa in the inter-dunal ponds. Nearfield lake densities continued to be higher than farfield densities. The lake zooplankton communi:.y exhibit ed no obvious changes in composition in April 1979. Cowles Bog exhibited the highest density (49,958 organisms per cubic meter); ponds B and C were much lower (3,687 and 6,625 organisms per cubic meter, respectively). Cladocerans dominated ponds B and C, while copepods dominated Cowles Bog. No unusual taxa or density changes were noted in either the interdunal ponds or Lake Michigan.

Ichthyoplankton catches yielded rainbow smelt and unidentified eggs as well as rainbow smelt yolk-sac larvae. The only previous year in which catches had been productive in April was 1975. The cool lake temperatures appear to have promoted some degree of smelt spawning in the lake.

Water quality parameters were measured in both Lake Michigan and the inter-dunal ponds. All values were within acceptable ranges for protection of the indigenous population. Although some parameter values exceeded Indiana standards, particularly those of ammonia and nitrate, which could stimulate growth of phytoplankton, there was no indication of stimulated growth. The general water quality parameters continued to indicate high water quality in Lake Michigan and generally in the ponds. The aquatic nutrients at times exceeded the Indiana standards but nad no effect on the flora or fauna.

Indicators of industrial contamination and trace elements changed little from previous sampling periods.

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o TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page FOREWO RD iii


v 1 TERRESTRIAL 1.1 1.1 STATUS 1.1 1.2 DATES AND PURPOSES OF TERRESTRIAL FIELD TRIPS 1.2 1.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1.2 1.3.1 MAMMALS  !.2 Beachgrass Community 1.4 Foredune 1.4 Immature Oak Forest 14 Cowles Bog (Wooded) 1.5 Cowles Bag (0 pen) 1.5 Maple Forest 1.5 Emergent Macrophyte 1.5

, Transmission Corridor 1.5 Industrial Areas 1.6 Road Route 1.6 1.3.2 BIRDS 1.6 Beachgrass Community 1.6 Immature Oak Forest 1.6 Cowles Bog (Wooded) 1.6 Cowles Bog Trail 1.10 Cowles nog (0 pen) 1.10 Maple Forest 1.12 Transmission Corridor 1.12 Aquatic Habitats 1.12 Road-Route Census 1.12 1.3.3 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES 1.14 Lakefront Communities 1.15 Cowles Bog (Wooded) 1.15 Cowles Bog (open) 1.15 Maple Forest 1.15 Emergent Macrophyte 1.15 Transmission Corridor 1.15 1.3.4 FOLIAR DAMAGE 1.16 1.3.5 SOIL CONDUCTIVITY 1.16 2 AQUATIC ECOLOGY 2.1 2.1 STATUS 2.1 2.2 AQUATIC FLORA 2.2.1 METHODOLOGY 2.3 2.2.2 PHYTOPLANKTON RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.6 827 166 ix science services division


Section Title Page 2 Identification and Enumeration 2.6 Productivity 2.14 2.2.3 PERIPHYTON RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.15 Densit, and 2.15 2.3 ZOOPLANKTON 2.20 2.3.1 METHODOLOGY 2.20 2.3.2 ZOOPLANKTON RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.22 Lake Michigan 2.22 Interdunal Ponds 2.26 2.4 FISHERIES 2.27 2 . '> ICHTHY 0 PLANKTON 2.27 2.5.1 METHODOLOGY 2.27 2.5.2 RESULTS 2.27 2.6 WATER QUALITY 2.27 2.6.1 METHODOLOGY 2.27 2.6.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.32 General Water Quality P4 rameter 2.32 Aquatic Nutrients 2.33 Indicr. tors of Contamination 2 . 3 t, Traca Elements in Interdunal Ponds 2.37 2.7 LITERATURE CITED , 2.39 2.8 HOW TO READ TI COMPUTER PRINTOUTS 2.40 APPENDIXES Appendi'c Title A PHYTOPLANKTON DENSITY REPLICATE REPORTS, BAILLY STUDY AREA, APRIL 1979 B PHYTOPLANKTON BIOV0LUME REPLICATE REPORTS, BAILLY STUDY AREA, APRIL 1979 C PERIPHYTON DENSITY REPLICATE kEPORTS BAILLY STUDY AREA, APRIL 1979 _


O LJ VO TABLES Table Title Page 1.1 Terrestrial Ecology Sampling Status, June 1979 1.1 1.2 Dates and Purposes of Terrestrial Field Trips 1.1 1.3 Mammals Reported from Bailly Study Area, May 1979 1.3 1.4 Small Mammals Captured per 100 Trapnights in Five Sampling 1.3 Locations in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 1.5 Mammals Reported from Sampling Locations in Bailly Study 1.4 Area, May 1979 1.6 Bird Species Observed in Baii;y Study Area, May 1979 1.7 1.7 Birds Observed along Transects in Six Sampling Locations 1.9 in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 1.8 Birds Observed on Eight Transects along Cowles Bog Trail 1.9 ir Bailly Study Area, v'y 1979 1.9 Maximum Counts of Birds Utilizing 10 Aquatic Locations 1.10 in Bailly Study Area, May 19'9 1.10 Results of 22-Mile Road-Route Census of Birds in Bailly 1.11 Study Area, May 1979 1.11 Amphibians and Reptilee Observed in Bailly Study Area, 1.14 May 1979 1.12 Amphibians and Reptilas Encountered in Bailly Study Area, 1.14 May 1979 2.1 Status of Laboratory Analyses for Bailly Study Area 2.2 2.2 Dates and Purposes of All Aquatic Field Trips, Bailly 2.2 Study Area, Spring Quarter, 1979 2.3 Bailly Study Area Site Summary of Phytoplankton Densities, 2.7 April 1979 2.4 Study Area Site Summary of Phytoplankton Biovolume, 2.10 April 1979 2.5 Phytoplankton Density and Biovolume by Sampling Area in 2.12 Bailly Study Area, April 1979 2.6 Phytoplankton Density and Biovoluma at Pond 2.13 Stationc in Bailly Study Area, April 1979 2.7 Phytoplankton Productivity, Bailly Study Area, April 1979 2.14 xi science services divb lon 827 168


Table Title Page 2.8 Periphyton Densities at Bailly Study Area Stations, 2.16 April 1979 2.9 Periphyton Biovolume at Bailly Study Area Stations, 2.18 April 1979 2.10 Periphyton Diatom Proportional Counts, Bailly Study 2.21 Area, April 1979 2.11 uuoplankton Density in Lake Michigan and Interdunal Pond 2.23 Stations in Bailly Study Area, April 1979 2.12 Zooplankton Densities by Station on Lake Michigan in 2.25 Bailly Study Area, April 1979 2.13 Divr:.sity and Number of Zooplankton Taxa at Lake Stations 2.25 in Ba411y Study Area, April 1979 2.14 Zooplankton Densities of Interdunal Pond Stations in 2.26 Bailly Study Area during April 1978 and April 1979 2.15 Diversity and Numbers of Zooplankton Taxa at Interdunal 2.26 Pond Stations in Bailly Study Area, April 1979 2.16 Water Quality Parameters Measured in Bailly Study Area 2.28 2.17 Water Quality Values Defined by Indiana Stream Pollution 2.30 Board, U.S. Public Health Service, or Federal EPA and Applicable to Lake Michigan in Bailly Study Area 2.18 General Water Quality Parameters, Bailly Study Area, 2.31 April 1979 2.19 Aquatic Nutrient Concentrations, Bailly Study Area, 2.35 April 1979 2.20 Indicators of Industrial and Organic Contamination, 2.37 Bailly Study Area, April 1979 2.21 Trace Element Concentrations, Bailly Study Area, 2.38 April 1979

. 37 *. k. 9 xii science services division

o ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Description Page 1.1 Terrestrial Sampling Locations in Bailly Study Area 1.2 1.2 Major Aquatic Habitats Utilized by Water Birds in 1.13 Bailly Study Area, 1979 1.3 Road Route in Bailly Study Area 1.13 2.1 Aquatic Sampling Stations in Bailly Study Area 2.1 827 170 xiii aclence services division

o SECTION 1 TERRESTRIAL 1.1 STATUS Spring 1979 terrestrial samples were taken in May as scheduled (Table 1.1) by the personnel listed in Table 1.2. Sampling locatn as are indicated in Figure 1.1.

Table 1.1 Terrestrial Ecology Sampling Status, June 1979 May*

Sampling Sanling Malyses Parameter Locations ** Scheduled Canoleted Continuing Vegetation General survey 5-mi radius Quantitative analysis 1-6,8 Qualitative analysis 9-11 Aquatic macrophytes 4,7 Foliar effects 1-11 X X Mamals Small-mamal trapoing 1,3,4,6,8 X X Large-mamal observations 1-11 X X Roadside counts 22-mi route X X Avifauna Roadside counts 22-mi route X X Transect counts 1,3-6,8 X X Reptiles and amphibians 1-8 X X Invertebrates 1-8 Soil conductivity 1-6,8-11 X X

  • No sampling scheduled for April or June.

" Location 12 (the industrial zone) was studied for incidental sightings of mamals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.

Table 1.2 Dates and Purposes of Terrestrial Field Trips Date Personnel Sampling Performed 1-5 and Roy Greer Foliar effects 12-16 May Large-mammal observation Small-mammal trapping Roadside counts Avian transect counts Reptiles and amphibians Soil samples 827 171 1.1 science services division

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( 3) SE3GE ME ADOW COPM;NITY (12; INDUSTRIAL 20hE Figure 1.1. Terrestrial Sampling Locations in Bailly Study Area 1.2 DATES AND PURPOSES OF TERRESTRIAL FIELD TRIPS Table 1.2 presents information on the dates and purposes of the terrestrial field trips t' the Bailly Study Area. Data are tabulated for mammals in Tables 1.4 and 1.5, for birds in Tables 1.7 through 1.10, and for herpeto-fauna in Table 1.12. Species checklists for May 1979 appear in Tables 1.3 (mammals), 1.6 (birds), and 1.11 (herpetofauna).

1.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1.3.1 MAMMALS. During May 1979, 14 mammal species were captured or observed on the Bailly Study Area (Table 1.3). As in 1977-78, severe winter weather apparently affected small-mammal population levels: only three species and few individuals were trapped, and there were comparatively few observations of chipmunks and tree squirrels (Table 1.4). jJ}

science services division

o Table 1.3 Mammals Reported from Bailly Study Area, May 1979 Connon Name Scientific name Opossum Didelphis marsupialis Short-tailed shrew Blarina brevicauda Masked shrew Sorex cinereus Eastern mole Scalopus aquaticus Eastern cottontail rabbit Sylvilagus floridanus Eastern chipmunk Tamias striatus Woodchuck Mannota monax 13-lined ground squirrel Spennophilt;s tridecemilineatus Fox squirrel Sciurus niger Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus White-footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus Muskrat Ondatra zibethica

'JCCoen Procyon lotor White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus Table 1.4 Small Mammals Captured per 100 Trapnights in Five Sampling Locations in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 Sampling Locations Innature Cowles Beach- Oak Bog Maple Transmission Connon Name grass Forest (wooded) Forest Corridor Short-tailed shrew - - - -

0.3 Masked shrew 0.7 - - - -

White-footed mouse - -

1.0 1.3 -

No./100 trapnights 0.7 0.0 1.0 1.3 0.3 Number of species 1 0 1 1 1 827 173 science services division 1.3

o Beachgrass Community. The masked shrew (Sorex cinereus) was the only :nammal captured in the beachgrass community during May 1979 (Table 1.4). One individual was captured on two occasions at different stations along the 50-trap transect in this locale.

Tracks of the raccoon (Procyon lotor) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were observed throughout the community (Table 1.5).

Table 1.5 Mammals Reported from Sampling Locations in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 Sampling Locations Inna ture Cowles Cowles Beach- Oak Bog Bog Maple Emergent Transmission Cormon Name grass _ Foredune Forest (wooded) (open)* Forest Macrophyte Corridor Industrial Opossum - - - - " - - - -

Eastern mole - - - - ** - - - -

Eastern ccttontail rabbit ** ** ** - ** - - ** -

Eastern chipmunk - - -

7 - - - - -

13-lined ground squirrel - - - - - - - -


'aoodchuck - - - ** ** - - - -

Fox squirrel - - -

2 - -

4t _ _

Red sauirrel - -

1 1 -

1 - - -

Muskrat - - - - - -

1 Raccoon ** ** ** 4 " ** 1 White-tailed deer ** " " 1 1

%. of species 3 3 4 6 6 3 3 3 1

  • All sightings along dike.

" Tracks or other signs.

  • !n wi!!cws arogrd pend. Foredune. As usual, the same larger-mammal species observed in the beachgrass community occurred in the foredune area (Table 1.5). Theee species generally cross both areas en route to the Lake Michigan shore. Immature Oak Forest. No small mammals were captured in this location during May 1979. Midway through the second sampling period, 22 traps were stolen from the transect. Calculations for this transect were based on 278 trap sets. Except for one red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudson-icus), mammals recorded were the same as those in the other lakefront loca-tions.

82./ 174 1.4 science services division

o Cowles Bog (Wooded). The white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) was the only mammal trapped in the wooded bog during May 1979 (Table 1.4). All captures occurred in the wet woods.

Six other mammal species were sigbted in this locale (Table 1.5). Raccoons appeared quite active along the trail, but the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) seemed to be less active than usual. Also, the fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) appeared somewhat less abundant than in past springs. One white-tailed deer was sighted. Cowles Bog (0 pen). A white-tailed deer was one of six species recorded from the dike that parallels the open bog (Table 1.5). This mature doe was probably the same one observed in the wooded bog just off the trail.

Tracks observed in this and other locations indicated that at least two other deer utilize the Bailly Study Area extensively. Maple Forest. Four white-footed mice were captured along the trapline in this locale (Table 1.4). The red squirrel was the only other species sighted (Table 1.5), although the tracks of raccoon and white-tailed deer were noted. Emergent Macrophyte. Three species of mammals were sighted in the macrophyte sampling location during May 1979 (Table 1.5). On one occasion, four fox squirrels feeding on willow along the pond's shoreline were observed. The muskrat (Ondatra zibethica) and raccoon are fairly common in this location. although muskrat sightings have become less frequent during the past 2 years. Transmission Corridor. One short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda) was captured along the transmission assessment line (Table 1.4).

Trcpping results possibly were affected by an early May fire that burned approximately half of the trapping area. The raccoon was one of three larger-mammal species for which signs were observed in this location during May 1979 (Table 1.5). c 8,2./ 1 ,/ 3 1.5 science services division

o Industrial Areas. A 13-lined ground squirrel (Spermophilis tridecemlineatus) was sighted in lawn habitat in this location during May jip i: 1 (Table 1.5). Road Route. The 22-mile road route survey produced sightings of only five eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) during May 1979. Tlis represented the fewest sightings during the 6-year survey period; the number of sightings per survey has ranged fr7m 5 to 34 and has averaged about 15. The previous low number was 7 in May and July 1978.

1.3.2 BIRDS. The spring 1979 bird surveys in the Bailly Stud; Area produced 92 species; these are listed, along with their probable status, in Table 1.6. In Table 1.7 are data collected along transects in six of the major sampling locations, in Table 1.8 data from the transects along Cowles Bog trail, in Table 1.9 the aquatic survey data, and in Table 1.10 the road route data. Beachgrass Community. One Barn Swallow (Hirundo custica) .:s s sighted on each 375-foot transect in this community (Table 1.7). Tree Swallows (Iridoprocne bicolor) and Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia) feeding on insects flying over the beachgrass were observed during nonsurvey periods. _ _ Immature Oak Forest. The two transects in this locale during May yielded four species of birds (Table 1.7). The Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica coronata), generally one of the first warblers to migrate north during spring, was sighted most frequently (three observations per survey). Cowles Bog (Wooded). There were one to two sightings of six bird species along the two transects in the wooded bog. The Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) and American Robin (Turdus migratorius) were the only species sighted on both transects.

827 176 1.6 science services division

O Table 1.6 Bird Species Observed in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 (Page 1 of 2)

Comon Name Scientific Name Probable Status Horned Grebe Podiceps auritus Migrant Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps Sumer resident Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Summer resident Green Heron Butorides virescens Sumer resident Canaca Goose Branta canadensis Summer resident Mallard Anes platyrhynchos Summer resident Blue-winged Teal Ana[ discors Sumer resident Wood Duck Aix sponsa Sumer resident Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris Sumer resident Comon Merganser Mergus merganser Sumer resident Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Sumer resident Broadwinged Hawk Buteo platypterus Permanent resident Ring-necked Pheasant Phaslanus colchicus Pemanent resident Virginia Rail Rallus limicola Sumer resident Sora Porzana carolina Sumer resident Comon Gallinule Gallinula chloropus Sumer resident American Coot Fulica americana Sunrner resident Killdeer Charadrius vociferus Sumer resident Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Migrant Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia Sumer resident lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes Migrant Herring Gull Larus argentatus Migrant-winter resident Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis Permanent resident Comon Tern Sterna hirundo Migrant Caspian Tern Hydroprogne Caspia Migrant Rock Dove Columba livia Permanent resident Mourning Dove Zenaidura macroura Peman9nt resident Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus Migrant Screech Owl Otus asio Permanent resident Barrec Owl Strix varia Permanent resident Comon Nighthawk Chordeiles minor Sumer resident Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica Sumer resident Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon Permanent resident Comon Flicker Colaptes auratus Permanent resident Red-bellied Woodpecker Centurus carolinus Pemanent resident Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus Pemanent resident Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sphyrapicus yarius Sumer resident Downy Woodpecker Dendrocopos pubescens Pemanent resident Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannnus Sumer resident Eastern Phoebe Sayornis phoebe Sumer resident least Flycatcher Empidonax minimus Sumer resident Eastern Wood Pewee Contopus virens Sumer resident Tree Swallow Iridoprocne bicolor Sumer resident Bank Swallow Riparia riparia Sumer resident Barn Swallow Hirundo custica Sumer resident Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata Pemanent resident n77 OLo 1t ~l7I 7 science services division

O w

Table 1.6 Bird Species Observed in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 (Page 2 of 2)

Comon Name Scientific Name Probable Status Comon Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Pemanent resident Black-capped Chickadee Parus atricapillus Pemanent resident Tufted Titmouse Parus bicolor Permanent resident White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis Permanent resident House Wren Troglodytes aedon Sumer resident Short-billed Marsh Wren Cistothorus platensis Sumer resident Gray Catbird Dumetella carolinensis Sumer resident Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum Sumer resident American Robin Turdus migratorius Sumer resident Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina Sumer resident Hemit Thrush Catharus guttata Migrant Swainson's Thrush Catharus ustulata Migrant Gray-cheeked Thrush Catharus minima Migrant Veery Catharus fuscescens Sumer resident Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea Sumer resident Ruby-crowned Kinglet Reaulus calendula Migrant Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum Pemanent resident Starling Sturnus vulgaris Permanent resident White-eyed Vireo Vireo griseus ~-- Sumer resident Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus Sumer resident Warbling Vireo Vireo gilvus Sumer resident Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta varia Summer resider' Yellow Warbler Dendroica petechia Su u r resident Magnolia Warbler Dendroica magnolia Migrant Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata Migrant Chestnut-sided Warbler Dendroica pennsylvanica Sumer resident Palm Warbler Dendroica palmarum Migrant Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapillus Summer resident Comon Yellowthroat Geothylypis trichas Sumer resident Wilson's Warbler Wilsonia pusilla Migrant Canada Warbler Wilsonia canadensis Sumer resident American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla Sumer resident House Sparrow Passer domesticus Pemanent resident Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus Sumer resident Comon Grackle Quiscalus quiscula Sumer resident Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater Sumer resident Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis Permanent resident Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheueticus ludovicianus Sumer resident American Goldfinch Spinus trist1s Pemanent resident Rufous-sided Towhee Papilo erythrophthalmus Sumer resident Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina Summer resident Field Sparrow Spizella pusilla Sumer resident White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys Migrant White-throated Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis Migrant Swamp Sparrow Melospiza georglara- Pemanent resident Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia Pemanent resident Total Species - 92 827 178 science services division 1.8

@ Table 1.7 .

Birds Observed along Transects in Six Sampling Locations in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 Sampling Locations and Transects Cowles Sog Cowles Bog Beachgrass Imature Oak (wooded) (open) Maple Forest Transmission Species A B A B A B A B A B A B Comon Flicker - - - -

- 2 - - - - - -

Tree Swallow - - - - - -

4 2 - - - -

Barn Swallow 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -

Blue Jay - -

3 - - - - - 1 - - -

Short-billed Marsh Wren - - - - - - 1 - - - - -

Gray Catbird - - - - 1 1 - - - - - .

American Robin - - - - - - - - 1 1 - -

Wood Thrush - - - - - 2 - - - - - -

Ruby-cro.dned Kinglet - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - -

Yellow-rumped Warbler - -

3 3 - - - - - - - -

Palm Warbler - -

- 2 - - - - - - - -

Merican Redstart - - - - 1 1 - - - - - -

Red-winged Blackbird - - - - - - 1 3 - - - -

Cardinal - -

1 - - - - - - - - -

Rufous-sided Towhee - - - -

2 - - - - - - -

White-throated Sparrow - - - -

2 - - - - 3 - -

Swamp Soarrow - - - - - - 2 - - - - -

No. of observations 1 1 7 3 6 6 9 2 5 0 0 No. of species 1 1 3 2 4 4 5 2 2 3 0 0 TJtal species 1 4 6 5 4 0

  • Transect length. 375 feet.

Table 1.8 Birds Observed on Eight Transects along Cowles Bog Trail in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 Towles Bog Trail Transects Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Green Heron - - - - - - 1 I Mallard - - - - -

2 - -

Wood Duck - - - -

2 - - -

Downy Woodpecker - - - 2 - - - -

Blue Jay - 1 -

3 1 -

1 -

Black-capped Chickadee - - - 2 - - - -

Gray Catbird - 1 2 1 - - 1 1 Anerican Robin - - -

2 - - - -

Wood Thrush - - -

1 - - . -

Hermit Thrush - - - - - 1 - -

Swainson's Thrusn - - - - -

1 - -

Gray-cheeked Thrush - 1 - - - - - -

Veery . - - - - - - 1 White-eyed Vireo 1 - - - - - - -

Black-and-white Warbler - - - - - - - 1 Magnolia Warbler 1 4 - - - - - 1 Chestnut-sided Warbler - - - - - - - 3 OvenDird - - - - - - - 1 Comon Yellowthroat 3 -

5 - -

2 1 1 Wilson's Warbler 2 3 - - - 2 2 1 Anerican Redstart 4 1 -

3 - - - 5 Brown-headed Cowbird - - - - - - 1 -

Cardinal - - - - - 1 - -

Rose-breasted G" .dak - 2 - 1 2 - - -

Rufous-sided Te Ne - - - - - - - 2 5parrow - - - - 1 - - -

Whi Swamo te-throa Sparr t'.4 - - 1 - - -

1 -

Total indi duals 11 13 8 15 6 9 8 18 O')~7 1 _., l )

Total spe' es 5 7 3 8 4 6 7 11 O (-. / I/ /

  • Transect length 375 feet.

1,9 science services division

O Table 1.9 Maximum Counts of Birds Utilizing 10 Aquatic Locations in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 Aquatic Locations

  • Species A B C D E F G H I J Horned Grebe - - - - - - - - - 3 Pied-billed Grebe 2 3 - - - - - - - -

Great Blue Heron - - 4 - - . - - -

2 Green Heron - -

3 - 3 -

2 - - -

Canada Goose -

1 - - 3 - - - - -

Mallard - - - - 2 - - - - -

Blue-winged Teal - - - - - 1 1 2 3 -

Ring-necked Duck - - - - - -

1 - - -

Comon Merganser - - -

10 - - - - - 6 Sora - - - - - 1 1 - - -

American Coot 4 3 9 8 2 15 5 - - -

Ruddy Turr. stone - - - - - - - - -

2 Spotted Sandpiper - - - - - - - - - 2 Lesser Yellowlegs - - - - - - 4 - - -

Herring Gull - - - - - - - - - 39 Ring-billed Gull 218 Comon Tern - - - - - - - - -

12 Caspian Tern - - - - - - - - - 8 Belted Kingfisher 1 -

1 - - 1 - - -

Killdeer - - - - - - - - - 1 Total observations 6 8 16 19 10 17 15 2 3 293 Total species 2 4 3 3 4 3 7 1 l 10

  • See Figure 1.2 Cowles Bog Trail. During the first sampling period in May 1979, vireos and warblers had not arrived in this location; by the third week in May, when this bird survey was conducted, however, most of the vireos and warblers had arrived in the wooded bog along with several other species.

Three warblers, Common Yc!1owthroat (Geothylypis trichas), Wilson's Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla), and American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla), were especially common (Table 1.8). Transects 8 and 4 yielded the most species -

11 and 8, respectively. Cowles Bog (0 pen). Five species of birds were observed in the open bog during May transect counts. The Tree Swallow and Red winged Black-bird (Agelaius phoeniceus) were the only species common to both transects.

827 180

.oi.... ..,vio..


O Table 1.10 Results of 22-Mile Road-Route Census of Birds in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 No. of No. of Stops Species Individuals with Observations Wood Duck 1 1 Her-ing Gull 31 1 Ring-billed Gull 212 1 Comon Tern 1 1 Mourtiing Dove 3 2 Corrrnon Flicker 2 2 Red-bellied baadpecker 5 3 Red-headed Woodpecker 1 1 Downy Woodpecker 1 1 Eastern Kingbird 2 1 Barn Swallow 2 1 Tree Swallcw 2 1 Blue Jay 24 10 Comon Crow 3 2 House Wren 4 3 Catbird 8 5 Robin 31 11 Wood Thrush 3 3 Hennit Thrush 1 1 Veery 1 1 Gray-cheeked Thrush 3 2 Starling 12 7 Red-eyed Vireo 2 1 Warbling Vireo 1 1 Golden-v1nged Warbler 2 1 Blackburnian Warbler 2 1 Wilson Warbler 2 2 Bay-breasted Warbler 2 1 American Redstart 7 4 House Sparrow 7 4 Red-winged Blackbird 20 9 Conrnon Grackle 18 8 Cardinal 9 5 Rosebreasted Grosbeak 6 4 American Goldfinch 2 1 Rufous-sided Towhee 5 3 Swamp Sparrow 2 1 Song Sparrow 3 2 Tree Sparrow 2 2 White-crowned Sparrow 1 1 No. of species - 40 827 131

  • I*"** **'"** dI*' "


O Maple Forest. The American Robin, one of four species observed in this location during May 1979, was the only species observed on both transects. Three White-thicoated Sparrows were si, hted near the end of transect B. Transmission Corridor. No birds were sighted along transects in the transmission corridor during May 1979. Most of the area along the transects had been disturbed recently: herbicides and cutting during 1978 reduced shrub /forb cover in the location, while fire during early May 1979 burned approximately one-half of the sampling location, further diminishing the area's vegetation. These events undoubtedly contributed to bird avoid-ance of this location. Aquatic Habitats. Aquatic locations A through J (Figure 1.2) were surveyed on several occasions during May to determine maximum bird use.

The total species count for all areas was 20 (Table 1.9). The outf all area (J) yielded the most species (10) and individuals (293). The Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) was the dominant species. A group of eight Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia), a species that has not been reported in the Bailly Study Area since October 1975, was sighted at location J during the first week in May. Several sightings of Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) occurred during May 1979; some of the geese apparently were trying to nest on pond E. A flight of 10 Common Mergansers was using pond D during the first week of May but, by the third weck of May, apparently had moved farther north, prc.,mably to breeding grounds in Canada. Road-Route Census. The survey of the 22-mile road route (Figure 1.3) in the early morning hours during the third week of May yielded 40 species. The most frequent species was the American Robin, which occurred at 11 stops; second most frequent was the Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata),

which occurred at 10 of the 22 stops. The Ring-billed Guli was the most numerous species sighted: 212 individuals were observed at stop 22. Other commonly sighted species included the Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) and the Red-winged Blackbird.

827 182 1.12 science services division


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Figure 1.2. Major Aquatic Habitats (A through J) Utilized by Water Birds in Bailly Study Area, 1979 "j g LAKE MICHIGAN 13,0UNES PARK l 12 16 22 g to



U 3 N7 827 183 5

START HERE STOP HERE Figure 1.3. Road Route (22 miles) in Bailly Study Area SClence ServlCes divl3lon

O 1.3.3 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. Herpetile activity undoubtedly was affected by the unusual cold as well as by the wetter conditions during May 1979 (compared with previous years); low temperatures inhibited reptile activity, while increased water promoted frog activity. Nine species of amphibians and reptiles were noted during the two survey periods (Tables 1.11 and 1.12).

Table 1.11 Amphibians and Reptiles Observed in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 Species Comon Name Scientific Name Cricket frog Acris creoitans Spring peeper Hyla crucifer Gray treefrog Hyla versicolor Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana Green froc Rana clamitans Wood frog Rana sylvatica Painted turtle Chrysemys picta Northern water snake Natrix sipedon Coninon garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis Table 1.12 Amphibians and Reptilas Encountered in Bailly Study Area, May 1979 Sampling Lccations Ima ture Cowles Cowles Beach- Oak Bog Bog Maple Emergent Transmission Species grass Foredune Forest (wooded) (open) Forest Macropnyte Corridor Cricket frog - - - - -

Spring peeper - - - - * -

Gray treefrog - - - * * -

Bullfrog - - - -

1 -

2 _

Green frog - - -

3" - - - -

Wood frog - - - -

2 - -

Painted turtle - - - - - -

25 -

Northern water snake - - - - - -

2 -

Comon garter snake - - - - - - -

1 No. of species 0 0 0 3 4 1 6 3

  • Chorus (10-50 individuals).
    • 0ccasional choruses of less than 10 individuals were heard.

827 184 1.14 science services division

o Lakefront Communities (Beachgrass-Foredune-Immature Oak). No reptiles or amphibians were observed in the lakefront communities during May 1979. Weather conditions prob 2ly contributed to these results; however, few herpetiles have becc. sighted in these communities in the past. Cowles Bog (Wooded). Frogs were f airly active in the wooded Dog during May 1979 (Table 1.12), with large choruses (approximately 25 individuals) of gray treefrogs (Hvla versicolor) calling from several loca-tions in the bog. Scattered small choruses (approximately 10 individuals) of wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), as well as an occasional green frog chorus (Rana clamitans), were also noted. Cowles Bog (0 pen). Frogs of several species were common in this location during May 1979 (Table 1.12). Of particular importance were cricket frogs (Acris crepitans), which were heard throughout the open bog as were spring peepers (Hyla crucifer). Maple Forest. The maple forest, like other s ampling loca-tions, was unusually wet during May 1979 and contained pools cf water through-out. The only herpetile observed was the wood frog. This first sighting of the wood frog in this location likely was correlated with the wet conditions. Emergent Macrophyte. Six species of herpetiles were observed in the macrophyte community during May 1979 (Table 1.12). Two adult male bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) calling from the shoreline were observed, and choruses of three other frog species were noted, including one large gray treefrog chorus (approximately 50 individuals). Numerous painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) basking on logs in the aquatic macrophyte community were observed, and two sunning northern water snakes (Natrix sipedon) were observed. Water snakes were generally less active during May 1979 than during past springs.

827 185 Transmission Corridor. Small choruses of cricket frogs and spring peepers were heard calling from small temporary pools of water in this locale during May 1979. A wounded common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) 1.15 science services division

o was found along a burned section of the corridor, apparently having been stunned by the fire and attacked by birds or shrews, which had eaten most of its head.

1.3.4 FOLIAR DAMAGE. Older needles on white pine (Pinus strobus) along the entrance road still exhibited some flagging. New needles had not yet formed, nor had deciduous trees leafed.

1.3.5 SOIL CONDUCTIVITY. All soil samples for conductivity analysis were collected during May 1979, and results of the soils analysis will appear in the summer report.

827 186 1.16 science services division

@ SECTION 2 AQUATIC ECOLOGY 2.1 JTATUS Samples were collected under the direction of TI's Frank Crawford in April and June during the spring 1979 quarter. Sampling stations are indicated in Figure 2.1 as well as in Table 2.1 which also lists samples collected and sample status. Dates and purposes of all aquatic field trips during spring 1979 are listed in Table 2.2. Those samples for which data have not been included herein will appear in the summer 1979 quarterly report.

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'S tation 22 's a "flut tag' stat te toc ate s ort the alw ceater line, in rect fer me disch.r-. r 09 7 Uc 1 7 i t i Figure 2.1. Aquatic Sampling Stations in Bailly Study Area 2.1 science services division

O Table 2.1 Status of Laboratory Analyses for Bailly Study Area April June Analyses Analyses Sampling Sampling Sampling Parameter Station Schedule Complete Continuing Schedule Complet2 Continuing Phytoplanktro Identification, enumeration 1-10. 17-21 x x x x Productivity 1-10, 17-21 x x x x Chlorophyll a 1-10. 17-21 x x x x Zooplankton .

Identification, enumeration 1-10, 17-21 x x x x Periphyton Identification, enumeration 1.10,11,12.25 x x x x 17,19,21 Chlorophyll a- x x x x 17,19,21 Benthos Identification, enumeration 1-10. 17-21 x x x x Fish Gill netting 4.7 x x x x Beach seining 23,24.25 x x x x Pond electroshocking 17,18 x x Food habits 1-10 x x* x x*

Ichthyoplankton 1-10 x x x x Water Quality General water quality 1-22 x x x x Aquatic nutrients 1-22 x x x x Trace elements 13-21 x x x x Indicators of contamination 13-21 x x x x Sediments 17-21 x x 4quatic Macrophytes 17-21 x x Since the objective of the food-habits study is to collect 50 specimens each of six taxa over the course of a year, analyses cannot be performed until all fish are collected.

Table 2.2 Dates and Purposes of All Aquatic Field Trips, Bailly Study Area, Spring Quarter, 1979 Date Personnel Parameters Sampled 7-9 and 27-30 Apr Frank Crawford Phytoplankton 1-2 May Paul McKeown Zooplankton Nancy Chaps Periphyton Gail Wandke Benthos Fish Ichthyoplankton Water quality 13-16 Jun Frank Crawford Phytoplankton 12-15 Jul Nancy Chaps Zooplankton Gail Wandke Periphyton Joe Crittenden John Richards Benthos Fish g}[ ]gg Ichthyoplankton Water quality Aquatic macrophytes science services division 2.2

@2.2 AQUATIC FLORA 2.2.1 METHODOLOGY. Duplicate 2-liter phytoplankton samples were collected with a 6-liter Van Dorn bottle at stations 1 through 10 in Lake Michigan and at stations 17 through 21 in the pond areas (Figure 2.1). All samples were collected from 1 meter belos the surface. Before sampling, each 2-liter sample container was prepared with 20 milliliters of acid Lugol's so lution, which is a narcotizing settling agent. After sampling, each container was supplemented with buf fered formalin to a final concentration of 4 percent and 3 to 5 drops of liquid detergent to facilitate sedimentation.

Before processing, each sample was allowed to settle for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />; then 1800 milliliters of supernatant were siphoned off with a membrane-covered siphon.

The remaining 200 milliliters were apun on a laboratory centrifuge at 2000 revolutions per minute for 15 minutes to further concentrate the organisms before the supernatant was filtered off the centrifuge tubes and the " bead" of phytoplankton transferred to 12-dram vials.

In the laboratory, concentrated phytoplankton samples (10 milliliters) were thorought, mixed and three cubsamples placed in Palmer cells. The algae in 12 fields ( four per subsample) were identified, enumerated, and measured at 400X magnification. In instances where there was a scarcity of organisms in a sample, the total field count was extended to 24 fields. Biovolume (micro-liters per liter) was determined by attributing to the algae geometric shapes best suiting their morphology and calculating their appropriate volumes (Nauwerck 1963; Rodhe, Vollenweider, and Nauwerck 1958; Strickland 1960).

Instead of developing an average volume per species based on a few representa-tives, dimensions of each organism enumerated were measured.

Phytoplankton productivity samples were taken at the same locations and sampling frequency used for collections for identification, enumeration, and biovolume measurements. Duplicate samples were collected from 1 meter below the surface at each station in a 6-liter Van Dorn bottle. Each collected sample was strained through a 333-micrometer mesh nitex net to remove zoo-plankters and large detrital material that could be labeled by the carbon-14 material.

827 189 science services division 2.3

o The strained water of each sample was measured in a 2-liter flask to which three 1-milliliter aliquots of 5-microcuries NaH C03 were added and thor-oughly mixed. A time-zero sample consisting of two 0.5-milliliter subsamples was measured and placed in scintillation vials along with one drop of 6N sodium hydroxidc. Two 50-milliliter subsamples also were removed and strained through Whatman GF/C filters at minimum vacuum pressure (less than 50 millime ters Hg differential across the filter) and the filters placed in scintillation vials. Duplicate clear and darkened 300-millili ter BOD bottles were filled with the remaining sample. After all samples had been prepared, they were suspended 1 meter below the surface at their stations for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Following incubation, the bottles were retrieved and the contents of each pre-served by adding 12 milliliters of buf fered formalin. Subsamples of 50 milli-liters were removed from each bottle and filtered as previously described; each was p aced in a labeled scintillation vial with enough tissue solu-bilizer to cover the filter pad. Activity counts were mada with a liquid scintillation counter.

The following formula (APHA 1971) was used to calculate from the scintilla-tion counts the phytoplankton productivity in milligrams of carbon fixed per liter for each replicate sample:

mg carbon fixed /f/4-hr period = (counting rate /cotal activity) x (total sample volume /subsample volume) x mg/l initial organic carbon (mg/f) x 1.064 where Total activity = amount of potentially available carbon-14 at time zero Counting rate = clear bottle counts minus darkened bottle counts Total sample = 300 milliliters volume Subsample volume = 50 milliliters 1.064 = correction for isotope ef fect 827 190 Phytoplankton chlorophyll a, samples were collected from the same water samples from which regular phytoplankton s amples were extracted (stations 1 2.4 science services division

O through 10 and 17 through 21) . To prepare phytoplankton samples for chloro-phyll a_ analysis , a measured volume of water was filtered through a 0.45-micrometer filter pad stabilized with magnesium carbonate. The filter pad war then frozen for shipment to the central laboratory, where it was extrac t.-

ed for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> with acetone, ground for 30 seconds with a tissue grinder, centrifuged, and measured on a narrow-band spectrophotometer at 665- and 750-millimicron wavelengths before and after sample acidification. Periphyton samples were similarly processed using measured scrapings from natural (as available) or artificial substrates. All concentrations were calculated using the following equation (Vollenweider 1974):

Chlorophyll a (mg per sample) = (Db -D,) [R/(R-1)] (V/1) (10 /ac )

= 11.9 x 2.43 (Db -D,) (V/1) where D, = optical , density of sample af ter acidification - D665 -D 750 (acidified)

D Ptical density of sample before acidification = D -D 665 750 b " (unacidified) a = specific absorption coefficient for chlorophyll a (in grams per centimeter)

V = volume of solvent used to extract the sample (milliliters) 1 = path length in centimeters R=D!a b f r Pure chlorophyll a,= 84 (Talling and Driver 1963)

To convert to micrograms per liter or micrograms per square centimeter, the chlorophyll a, value was divided by number of liters filtered or number of square centimeters scraped.

Periphyton sampling was scheduled at five Lake Michigan stations (1, 10, 11, 12, and 25) and three pond stations (17, 19, and 21). Pond samples were collected using a Design Alliance periphytometer, a modification of a samplir first described by Patrick, Hohn, and Wallace (1954). This sampler suspende one rack of eight glass slides, with a surface area of 37.5 square centi-meters per slide, just below the surface as a substrate for periphyton colonization. Colonization generally occurs in 2 to 4 weeks; thus, the 2.5 82 }/ } 9 ) science norvices division


" incubation" time per sampler is 1 month. Lake samples were scraped from stural substrates (as available) at each sampling station. The slides (both sides) and substrate scrapings were placed in 8-dram vials and preserved with 6-3-1 solution (six parts water: three parts ethanol: one part formalin).

Two replicate slides per sample were quantitatively analyzed; however, all slides were scraped and the scrapings saved for references. Counts were made as described for the regular phytoplankton samples. Biovolume estimates were also generated in a manner fashioned after the phytoplankton biovolume tech-nique.

2.2.2 PHYTOPLANKTON RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Identification and Enumeration. Average phytoplankton densities during April 1979 were: Lake Michigan, 8095 i 1035 cells per milli-liter; interdunal ponds, 8469 1 2324 (Table 2.3 and Appendix A). Biovolume averaged 7.90 1.12 microliters per liter for Lake Michigan and 6.15 2.75 microliters per liter for the ponds (Table 2.4 and Appendix B). In both the lake and the ponds, April phytoplankton densities were higher in 1979 than in 1978. Biovolume values were similar to those of April 1978.

Dominant taxa in Lake Michigan (those representing more than or as much as 4 percent of either uensity or biovolume) included Microcystis sp., Aphanizo-menon flos-aquae, Asterionella formosa, Fragilaria sp. Fragilaria crotonensis (density- and biovolume-dominant), Melosira sp., Synedra sp., Nitzschia sp.,

and Tabellaria flocculosa. The diatom taxa were the largest contributors to the biovolume estimates, comprising 92 percent of the total, while density estimates revealed the blue-green algae and diatoms to be equally dominant.

Lake Michigan samples yielded 58 taxa. Diversity (H') and evenness (J') for phytoplankton density were moderate (2.68 and 0.69, respectively), and calcu-lations for biovolume were similar (2.77 and 0.72, respectively).

Samples collected from the interdunal ponds were dominated (more than or as much as 4 percent of the density or biovolume) by Achnanthes sp., Gomphonema sp., Synedra sp., Scenedesmus quadricauda (density-dominant), Cryptomonas ovata, and unidentified members of the Chroococcoceae (blue greens) and Pennales (pennate diatoms). Blue green algae were density-dominant, while 827 192 2.6 science services division

@ Table 2.3 Bailly Study Area Site Summary of Phytoplsnkton Densities (No. of Cells per Liter), April 1979 (Page 1 of 3)

Late micnigan StAttons 9earfield FArHeld 1 8 & 10 1- 9 BEL t3 T&xA x 1.E. A87.

O We!CENTIFif3 ALGAE 24723.02 86599.94 55641.48 30918.46 0.'

O LPf!DENTIFIED AL3AE t LPILI 247:3.02 66599.94 55H 1.48 30938.u 0.7 0 CTANOPHY1A 4601945.00 2630556.00 4 CHp00CCCCACIAE 3616250.00 985694.50 44.7 8 CHR00 COCCUS ELPIll 48943.70 S.0 24481.85 04481.85 0.3 0 MICD3 CYST!S E LPILS 835047.00 597430.00 0

717738.50 1Z0108.50 8.9 60f9PH05PMAERI A LACUSTRIS 419553.06 0.0 209776.50 009776.30 2.6 9 APHAtCTHECE ILP!L) 0.0 1640446.00 820233.00 8:0:33.00 10.1 h OSCILLATCRIAttat 8 050!LLATORI A I LPIL S 2797549.00 0.0 1398774.00 1398774.00 17.3 4 NCSTOCACEAt 8 APHANIZONENON FLOS-AQUAE 497832.44 39 659.50 445245.94 52556.47 5.5 0 CMLOSOPHTTA 461617.54 95225.06 278421.31 183196.25 3. 4 0 v0Lv3Catt$

0 CHLANTOOMCHAS (LP1La 34457.:S 25760.76 30109.02 4348.06 0.4 0 CFLCRCCCCCALt3 0 At0(IST80DESFtJS FALCATUS 3.0 9611.69 4

4605.84 4805.84 0.1 AtMISTRCCESNUS L LP!L a 61804.95 11619.74 36712.33 25092.59 0.5 4 UNIDENTIFIEDI 05030511 9135.02 0.0 4567.51 *547.51 0

0.1 CDCYSTES ILP!La 67155.44 0.0 33577.72 33577.7* 0.4 0 QUADRIGULA (LPILI 16187.25 0.0 0

8093.62 8093.62 0.1 SCENE 3t$:RJS ACUMINA7US 8477.30 0.0 4:18.65 **18.65 0.1 4 SCENE:t$r1US QUACRICAUD4 66189.75 0.0 33094.87 330h.87 0.4 0 SCENEDES'1US ECCPNIS 36759.32 48:32.49 0

4:496.11 5736.79 0.5 SCENECES9US E LP!ll 15378.69 0.0 7689.34 7689.34 0.1 0 PECIASTPWt 80RYAt4Pt 59341.04 0.0 0

29670.52 29670.5 0.4 CECOG0HIALES 4 OE00GONIUrt lLFIll 23:39.48 0.0 11619.74 11619.74 0.1 0 CMLCRCPMtTA (LPILI 63692.04 00 31746.00 317*6.0 0.4 4 tuGLE):0PHTT A 2:601.02 0.0 11400.51 0 EUGLENALES 11400.51 0.1 0 EUGLEt'& ELP!L) 14542.95 0.0 0

  • 71.48 7271.48 0.1 T8 ACHELONONAS ( LPIL S 8:58.06 0.0 4129.01 *1:1.05 0.1 0 XANTHCPH TTA 140164.56 341247.69 0

240706.1 1005 1.56 3. 0 METE 90CCCCALES 0 METEPOC3CCALES (LPIL) 140164.54 341247.69 0 CNDYSOPHvfA 240706.12 100541.56 3.0 7H 97. 62 0.0 18348.81 38348 41 0.5 0 CNsY SCPTNAC A L ES 9 CHRYSOCOCCUS (LP1La 4202.11 0.0 0

0101.05 2101.C5 0.0 OINCESTOs DIVERGENS 38074.76 0.0 4

19037.18 19037.18 0.2 O!NCERYON 500! ALE 15054.51 0.0 0 CleTSOCHpGtJLIMA PANV4 7527.25 7527.*5 0.1 15492.99 0.4 7744.50 7746.50 0.1 0 NCtcS!GALt3 0 f f E LELCNTNAS O!CHOTcNA 3873.*5 0.0 ri?6.6* 1936.62 0.0 0 BACIL LA8ICFHI TA-CENTRIC 1050178.00 594133.00 0 (LT00!$C A LE S 8 2105.50 0279~ 2.50 10.2 S NELCSIN A VA8!aNS 94746.37 0.0 *73*4 19 .7374.19 3.6 0 NELCSIRA (LFILI 392568.31 18*91: 25 0 '877*0 ?* 104S:1.00 3.6 CYCL STELLA S LP!Ll 0.0 57070.12 0 S'Ei dtN00!!CUS ASTp AE A CE3:5.C6 23C35.C6 0.4 0 S TEmat:C31!7LS I LP!LI 56500.97 49775.54 5%32.:6 W 5e66.61 43* 16 0.7 37709.36

  • 3 N .4 5 6033.09 0.5 0 EUFOSISCALES (LPIL) 0 DMt205CLENIALES 108396.62 99535.12 Cl % 103945.87 4430.75 1.3 0 CMITO!CLENIA ERIENSIS 34 3C8 9. 3 7 16c673.75 054381.56 93707.81 3.1 0 B ACIL L AsION T T A-PEte4ATF 2627383.00 309c 30 7. 00 Q 0 rsA3tLADIALES 2363097.00 233709.53 35.4 0 ASTfDICHELLA FORP'OSA 1456870.00 1191135.00 13 N 02.00 13:567.50 16.4 0 O! ATC'1A TENUE 43:o1.07 54 55.87 C"~'"3 54073.47 4787.60 0.7 0 O!ATCNA (LFILD 23563.04 0.0 0 FR AGILAsI A Cp0TCNitr5IS

/ 11534.02 11536.02 0.1 00275*.81 199585.31 'A169.06 *^ 5 3 3. 75 .9 4 FPAGIL&#1 A PItNATA 3*M: 06 0

0.0 Q 7331.03 17331.03 0.2 F#AGILACIA (LPILI '9007.56 11513*0.00 6.3173.75 536166.19 7.e 0

0 SN" A Ultia S.rtEceA stPIL) 0.0 17733.05 -- i(O 6066.5: e* H.52 0.1 12:307.75 181:44.31


15:5*6.00 03738.25 .9 0 TABELLA 8! A FLCCCULOSA 111:35.05 100782.81 10c 0 9 0 0 52:o.** 1.3 0 FWAG!LsEI ALES (LPIL) 384*.6 7 192:3.37 *'

11534.02 7689.15 0.1 0 ACHt.1 NTH A LE S 0 CCCO*NEIS ILP!LI 22565.23 0.0 11272.61 1127*.61 0.1 0 No ! C',;L A L E S S NAVIOULA t LPILI 15774.87 11619.74 13697.30 0 S ACILL t.DI A LE S 077.57 C.2 S NIf t: CHI A ACIC'JLA#!$ 45603.47 0.0  :!C01.73  ::E01.73 0.3 0 NIT 2*C4!A HCL 5 AllCA 8:876.50 0.0 *1438.05 *1*33.I5 0.5 0 NTTZCHIA (LPIll 175189.47 171:57. 0e 0 SU21s E LLA L ES 173:23.** 1466.41  :.1 0 CtMTCPLEUDA SOLEA 17246.92 0.0 e6 2 3.** 86:3.*6 0.1 0 9LSIstLLA ovATA 1E014.25 1326 05 15639.65 *175.10 0.2 0 BACILLA21NHf 7A.FEtasATE ( LPIll 151089.50 77 96.62 114193.ko 3686.*4 1.4 0 PYorHCFMf f A.OINCPHTCE AE 4:18.65 .1619.74 7929.19 0 PCRIDINI ALE S 3650.5 0.1 4 PE010tN!Ls1 INCCrt57 CIAA1 *2!8.65 11619.*4 0 CR YPTCPHIT A 79:9.19 3690.54 0.1 121876.00 2015o1.62 161718.81 19342 51 0.0 0 CarPYor*7;COALf 5 0 CaiPf 0N0hAS MAE550N!! 0.0 11141.24 5590.63 5520.e5 4.1 827 193 2.7 science services division

. - i i- i ip o

Table 2.3 Bailly Study Area Site Summary of Ph"*oplankton Densities (No. of Cells per Liter), April (Page 2 of 3) t... w 0. s e. i.e.

ii..m . i t . .tL 5 taea I*0 0 IO I*I d I I- '"

4 CRrrionchat ILPgLI 4.*1.31 0.0 **10.67 *:10.67 0.0 0 PMCOCTOhAS MD8UT4 11745*.6 0 190768.62 149111.62 11654.17 1.8 0 laiOOor1CNAS I LP1L a 0.0 9611.61 -405.84 *305.

  • c.1 Y0fal 9131527.00 7051746.01 0015636.00 1935310.50 100.0 OlvieSITf 44 Pe!PE : 2.69 2.65 .63 0.00 Stvte$ttf aJ 7e1 Mil 0.s7 0.71 0.69 0.02 mante or taxa 5: 31 56 sea.t CCMPutt3 USPG SAN'Lt 103 11 ': 21 22 31 32 41 *2 51 5: 61 6:

101 102 71 72 41 02 91 92

!viterdunal Porids , ,

gg,g Cowl.s 800

  • 1 I- AM gg 0 C 337859.12 60136.06 106:22.00 168072.37 96792.00 2.0 S L*4! DENT!PIto ALGAt 96792.09 0 UNICEsit7tto aiGat ELPILS 357859.12 40136.06 106222.00 14807*.37 2.0 0 CYANGPHTIa 6700556.00 4683056.00 332149.37 3931919.00 1999002.00 46.4 0 CHG00CCCCAClat 78926.56 0.0 0.0 26309.85 26308.81 0.3 e CH90CCCCCUS (LPILD 0 .CH90CC0CCAClat I LPILI 0.0 1123809.00 0.0 376603.00 374403.00 *.*

0 0$CILLaf09IACtat 0 05CILLATC#ta I LPILS 6:59451.00 2716399.09 332169.37 31026e3.00 17:1930.03 36 .6 0.0 842857.00 0.0 280952.31 260152.31 3.3 0 LitC3fA ELPIL) 0 NO310CACIAE anaestNA 442176.50 0.0 0.0 147392.12 147312.12 1.7 6

1926788.00 1242947.00 716258.50 1295337.00 350*29.44 15.3 0 CitLOPOPHi r a 0 VOL%OCALES CHLai! 00 MON #1 LP!!t 130023.25 355169.50 0.0 161730.87 191747.06 1.9 0

34013.59 2 0c66. 01 0.0 18027.21 9871.76 0.2 0 v0Lv0CattS IL L) 0 CHLCROCCCCALES AtarISTR0ctSWS P ALCATUS 0.0 197853.12 0.0 5:417.71 $2617.71 0.6 0

Aw15f f 00tfitS ( LPILI 14397.66 12825.57 39792.16  ::315.13 8744.15 0.3 0

CHL0ctLLA ELPILS 17006.00 0.0 0.0 5668.93  ?*45.93 0.1 0

QCC v1 TIS I LPIL D 74940.19 39134 *2 0.0 35039.20 21651.25 0.4 0

0 !CENtCt"t3 ACUMINATUS 97013.87 0.0 0.0  !*337.16 3:337.'6 0.6 SCENT 0t5ft1 QuaC8ItaVCA 1063943.00 0.0 0.0 354e:1.00 35 4 1.00 4.2 0

136054.37 0.0 0.0 *5351.** -5151 ** 0.5 0 SCENT 0tSWS It4TEW"t3!US 0 SCENtO!5MUS ECC9NIS 39*63.28 0.0 0.0 13154,*3 1315*.*3 0.2 0 Pt 0!a518Urt ' ' A)lL*1 230:02.56 0.0 0.0 70734.19 76 7 3 '+ .19 0.9 0 f t ?s AEC9074 tt' . UM 0.0 19731.44 0.0 6577.21 6577.01 0.1 TETRAEC#0re ILPILe 0.0 38905.56 0.0 1:935.19 1:135.19 0.2 0

0 CMLO90COCCALES (LPIL) 0.0 S:1768.75 0.0 173920.87 1739:*.87 2.1 e ulotBICMatt3  ::5486.81 2.7 0 GEMJ 46ta ELPILI 0.0 0.0 676446.50 2:5*88.81 0 Ct000 sIA ES 25870.37 0.3 8 0%CZ*i.UM t LPILI 0.0 77611.12 0.0 25470.37 0

  • Gratmatai ES 0 ticuGE0f!A ILP!LI 89778.94 0.0 0.0 29926.31 ***:6.31 0.4 0.0 20068.03 0.0 6689.34 e659. 3 0.1 0 cuGLENOPMifA 0 EUGLit* ALES 0.0 20068.01 0.0 668*.34 6659.?4 0.1 0 PHACLS eLP!LD 412336.44 $ 6194* . 6 9 0.0 3*4567.00 167915.69 3.4 0 ChsT50rHffA 0 CH9 Y ScrosA0 4 LE S 36738.44 0.0 0.0 12 *6.16 1 *46.1* 0.1 0 SitaJea uvtLLA 0.3 0 OIN06 ATOM StefVLASIA 95033.94 0.0 0.0 *33 4.64 :s34.6 111101.25 181037.81 0.0 99713.00 52899.60 1.2 0 OIM:eer0M O!vtestMs 9

9Ol 0 oo ~



o "o ~ '

i 827 194

,u ~3 v ..

science services division



' q D 0 ~B; o ,[

u vvw

.L Table 2.3 O 'g r -

Bailly Study Area Site Summary of Phytoplankton Densit, e ~ [g7}r [ g (No. of Cells per Liter), April 1979 (Page 3 of 3) " ~

IntePdunAl Ponds 8tt LS TAAA 0 C C0=lel 804 X S.E. A S':

O CH9150CH90ttJLINA PARVA 175090.69 39799 67 0.0 7169*.06 53053.*7 0.8 9 CtCLOef t!S I L8!L D 0.0 269337.00 0.0 69779.00 59779.00 1.1

$ CHWT50rfMADALES I LPILI 0.0 ;DC48.03 0.0 6649.34 's489.34 0.1 0 Chet!CPMsTA a LPILI 0.0 5130 25 0,0 17100,75 17100.75 0.0 0 SACIL L ABIOrMY T A-CENTRIC 1742'.61

. 0.0 0.0 5809.47 5209.67 0.1 0 tup 00!3Catts 9 tuPCCISCALES t LP!LI 17*29.61 0.0 0.0 $809.47 '549.87 0.1 9 B AC I LL ARICPMI T A-Ftf #4A T E 9I6244.19 4306979.00 2643611.00 2626276.'t 975395.19 31.0 0 F# AGIL A#!att3 9 F8 AGILA8! A CROTCNEFISIS 0.0 97013.87 0.0 30337.94 3:337.96 0.4 9 FRAGILANJA fLPILS 30612.25 50170.06 278545.06 119775.75 ?95SS.12 1.4 0 BrNEOPA ILPILS 714;8.50 3074497.00 102834.75 10e3053.f3 9 Pf 3.00 1*.4 0 Yat(Llas! A F LDCOULCSA $6892.67 333t5.56 0.0 31619..e 16;42.63 0.*

O FDAGILaglatt3 I LP!L a 170 C6.C 0 20068.03 0.0 12258.27 6442.01 0.1 4 E'.9C f! ALE S 0 tWCTIA ELPILE 0.0 0.0 112799.25 37599.75 37599.75 0.4 0 ACHNANTH A LES 0 ACHNANTNt3 I LP!L) 3353*0.37 450905.94 709461.44 631969.25 157505.06 7.5 0 C XC(*1(15 I LPIL I 0.0 0.0 19792.16 13*64.05 13:6*.05 0.2 0 NAVICUL ALE S S NAVICULA ELPILI 0.0 58208.34 119576.44 59194.93 34*64 !* 9.7 0 GOMPHCl4MA I LPILI 0.0 0.0 609366.56 276462.19 276461.19 3.3 ,

0 SACILLA8Ialts e NIT 2 CHI A ( LP!L) 17161.25 26144.43 66429.87 43:45.18 120*0.68 0.5 9 BACILLARIODITTA P('SIAf t I LPIL S 37932; :5 90765.50 364 7e 7.12 285116.25 971t 6.3 7 3.6 9 Pt9PMOP4f1 A-0!NCPMTCtat 0.0 26144.43 0.0 8714.61 8714.81 0.1 0 PE PID INI A L E S 9 PE8IDINILt1 INCCatSPICUUM 0.0 2614*.43 *0 8714.41 97L4.el 0.1 0 Ca rpf 0raf f a 60641.31 192637.62 332 =

19216. 60 47t62.87 1.2 4 C9 f PTCh0'!GD&LtS 0 CRipf an0NAS PAos!ON!! 0.0 49082.44 33214.94 :74 R .46 1 4>0.e6 0.3 9 CRf Pfur10f!AS PtFLEXA 0.0 3S805.56 0.0 10935.19 12911 19 02 0 C# vPTC9tCNAS QVATA ).0 0.0 *1759.61 I1% f 5.'1 0.3 0 C# T Pf 0r'Or*AS ( LPIL ) 4620*.92 39470.81 0.0 2!$? S. 56 14=11.03 d.1 0 CHNOCMcNA5 ILP!LS 34436.41 0.0 0.0 11478.80 11 76.80 . 0.1 TOTAL 10503646.0 110735 0.0 3831451.00 8449549.00 23:48 76.00 *1?O.J O!VERSIf f IM PWIME D 2.12 2.31 2.69 2.31 0.19 OIvtp51 T f t J F'#1'18 0 0.57 0.55 0.81 0.66 0.08 54F5En iP TAXA 29 33 14 50 120V2 CottPUTED USING SAMPL2 IDS 1 71 172 141 102 111 192 201 202 231 212 the diatoms dominated biovolume estimates. There were 50 taxa during April 1979 in the interdunal ponds. Ponds B and C exhibited higher densities than the Cowles Bog area. The diversity and evenness indexes for density were moderate (2.31 and 0.66, respectively), and were similar to the b io .rolurae indexes (2.30 and 0.65, respectively).

The nearfield stations (1 through 3) have slightly higher densities and bio-volumes than the other areas. Densities differences among sampling areas (Table 2.5) were smaller than those observed during November 1978 (TI, 1979). ~

Density and biovolume were higher in the discharge area than in the other areas. Previous results had indicated that the high discharge values are probably a result of natural variability rather than influence by thermal stimelation. 7 2.9 science services division

uoispip seopJes ecuelos OT*Z tC tc*c 10' 10'c C'c C IItctSatu .3 s, tics.1 v m. Adsc3 m .s..> C G't OJ'G 60'G GO'O 50'0 va'nJLAdae) G l'0 IC'O 20'C 10'& 10'c wnn32easantal w1INI;2 end c E3 tv1NICIs3J G t'G 1C'C 00'0 (00 10'C 3: 3 3 s wp.I G-v f ma;.iad a s O s't 60'0 5!'c 4C'C L 'O (1141 s 34tses34-vaincl ov111]va C 5't Ow G Ol'C 01'O *1'C V A T A0 v1 *. 3 sl a'.h C 9'E 6: C 50'& 0*C 45'O v 31G3 v e131aOAwa ) C

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O Table 2.4 Bailly Study Area Site Su:mnary of Phytoplankton Biovolume (Microliters per Liter), April 1979 (Page 3 of 3)

nm i w.

8 C Cowles Bog $,

L3 fava } g,,

O C ersoC owt! a Paen 0.00 0.00 2.0 3 00 a :0 2.0 0 C t CLC':E *!S i LPIL t 0.0 3.!* 3.0 0.0+ 0.Se 10 0 CroT5c & aDatts #LPILp 10 0.90 30 S.00 3 03 20 1 C>er?cPwifa ALP!LI 0.0 0.00 0.0 3.09 0 00 30 0 GaCILLas!0fasta-CENYo!C 0.02 0.0 0.0 1,01 1 31 $1 0 E UP"$!!C a t t s 0 (trC0!!CaLE3 sLP!Lt 0.0: 0.0 0.0 1.21 0 D1 S.8 0 Ga!!LLae!CP4f f a-PE*9aaf t 0.65 6.72 . 77 . 71 0.33 76.6 0 reaS!Lastatt5 0 veni!Lasta CeOf t*tt'r5!1 0.0 3.07 3.0 3.** 0.00 0.=

0 sea:! Laeta tLPILI e 01 0 el 3 *1 0 05 0f* 1.

  • 0 Sf"t0sa fL*!Li 3.01 7.77 3 39 . SS .5 =F1 S 'a*f LLatta F LOCCULC?a 0.;1 0.*9 50 0 .
  • 1.09 *7 0 ress!taetatt3 s LP!L e 0 01 0 01 0.0 0.01 0 *1 0.1 0 f t.F '0 f l a t t 3 3 EL cf!a ILP!LI 0.0 0.0 0.35 0.1* 0.1: 1.9 0 aCwnnstwatts 6 aCH'8f f 8?Mt1 I LFIL t 0.04 0.17 0.12 0.11 30* 1.6

% C*CC0"t!S ILPILs 0.0 0.0 0.10 0 05 i S3 05 0 taa t!CVt r LE S 0 Nav!Cuta #LP!La 2.0 0.29 0 05 3 11 13* 1.0 3 30"WC*4taa s LP!L a 0.0 0.0 .16 3

  • 1
  • 11.7 9 tac!Llastatts 0 w!?tCw!a e t#!L a 0 og 0.02 3.01 0.0: o 00 0.3 0

Gat!,LLas!Cruf f a.rfn satt e LP!Li 0.33 0 0F 0.23 0.=1 2.* 6.9 0 PTop *?rwf f a-CtrcPwrCtat 0.0 0.i 0.0 3 Or 0 3* 1.2 0 Pte!*!N!altS 0 ef e !O!'d!b"1 IriCC*iS"!CLU1 0.0 0. 2 0.0 0.07 0 SP 1.2 0 CerPicrwita 0.10 1,51 0.04 3+1 1 51 9.1 0 Ce t PTCM10C a tt S 0 CovpfC"Drea$ Fassgon!! 0.0 0 09 1.04 00 0 $3 0.7 0 Ce f *f c=09:a3 Pt r tt <a 2.0 0.23 3.0 0 03 9** 1.3 0 CetPYC"?sa$ 0taf a 0.3 1.11 30 0 3r 2 97 6.0 0 Ce t PfC*Osai s tPLL I 0.09 0.15 0.0 0.0* 3** 1.5 0 CMP??"Otta$ I LP!L ' O.00 0.0 0.0 3.01 3.51 0.1 70 fat 2.12 11.=2 e.** 6.15 . 75 100.0 0!vteS!ff IM Po tat l  :.07 1.29 2.15 . 33 i ;*

O!vte$tif f J F#1"f l 9.77 0.55 3 t1 9.95 4 0F m te CP faWa 29 )) 14 50 af0VE CCFf'Utt0 L'1!r4 SaFP(3 10 1 71  ! ?. 181 182 191 let ;31 ;42 211 212 D Q O """g u u CO rm g g- -

Table 2.5 O - - a Phytoplankton Density and Biovolume by Sampling Area in Bailly Study Aiea, April 1979 Density Siovolume Transect Station (No./ml) (ul/l)

Nearfield (west of discharge) 1 7,689 5.14 2 6 .31 0 12.04 3 13,C55 7.66 Nearfield (east of discharge) 4 7,594 10.95 5 6,672 7.49 6 4,252 5.16 Farfield 7 4,632 6.84 8 7,533 9.08 9 9,006 4.42 Discharge 10 12,202 10.89 027 198 2.12 science services division

@Within the interdunal ponds, density, biovolume, diversity, and number of taxa were quite variable in April 1979, as detailed in Table 2.6 Table 2.6 Phytoplankton Density and Biovolume at Interdunal Pond Stations in Bailly Study Area, April 1979 Density Diversity Biovolume Diversity No. of Station Taxa No./ml H' J' pl/l H' J' 17 18 12,543 1.82 0.48 2.45 2.48 0.76 18 23 8,464 2.42 0.65 1.79 2.89 0.78 Pond B (17-18) 29 10,503 2.12 0.57 2.12 2.12 0.77 19 24 15,265 2.63 0.71 19.29 1.69 0.46 20 17 6,881 1.58 0.46 3.55 2.09 0.60 Pond C (19-20) 33 11,073 2.11 0.58 11.42 1.89 0.53 Cowles Bog (21) 14 3,831 2.69 0.81 4.92 2.15 0.65 All pond 50 8,469 2.31 0.66 6.15 2.30 0.65 Density (3831 cells per milliliter) and number of taxa (14) were lowest in Cowles Bog; however, biovolume in Cowles Bog was not lowest because of the presence of Gomphonema sp., a large diatom, which comprised 44 percent of the biovolume. Station 19 (pond C) represented the highest density (15,265 cells per milliliter) and biovolume (19.29 microliters per liter). Mean density from all ponds represented a 2.5-fold increase, and mean biovolume a 6-fold increase over November 1978. The blue greens and diatoms were numerically dominant, and the diatoms dominated biovolume estimates. These results are typical of spring growth in small water bodies such as the interdunal ponds.

Diversity and evenness values exhibited no change from November 1978.

Data from both the lake and the ponds were examined for taxa considered either unusual or undesirable. Although large numbers of Oscillatoria spp.

(a blue-green alga) were found in the ponds, densities were not high enough to create an odor problem and no unusual taxa were found. None of the phytoplankton data indicated any effects of plant activities.

827 i99 2.13 science services division

o Productivity. Productivity levels (milligrams carbon fixed per liter per 4-hour incubation period) at the 15 phytoplankton sampling stations are presented in Table 2.7. Lake Michigan values ranged from 0.738 mg C/1/4 hr to 11.795 mg C/1/4 hr (negative values excluded), with a mean of 3.288 mg C/f/4 hr. Pond mean results were lower, ranging from -0.065 (pond C) to 0.813 (pond B) to 5.159 mg C/f /4 hr ( Cowle s Bog). The overall pond mean value was 1.664 mg C/f/4 hr, which was approximately half that of the lake. A comparison of mean lake values of April 1978 and April 1979 showed 1979 to be 9-fold higher than 1978. The differences probably can be attrib-uted to the variability of the productivity studies. Pond means fluctuated only slightly from April 1978 to April 1979. The results in 1979 indicated no adverse effects due to plant construction.

Table 2.7 Phytoplankton Productivity, Bailly Study Area, April 1979 Milligrams Carbon Fixed / Liter /4-Hour Incubation Station Replicate a Replicate b 1 11.795 4.852 2 4.044 5.647 3 0.738 2.767 4 6.283 2.689 5 2.718 2.750 6 4.822 1.473 7 *

  • 8 3.537 -0.920**

9 1.634 1.800 10 1.584 0.974 I, Lake Michigan 3.288 17 0.138 0.194 18 0.222 2.699 i, Pond B (17-18) 0.813 19 -0.443** 0.025 20 -0.193** 0.351 E. Pond C (19-20) -0.065 Cowles Bog (21) 6.773 3.544 i, All ponds (17-21) 1.664 Sample bottles broken during incubation.

Dark bottle greater than light bottle.

827 200 Chlorophyll a. Results of Lake Michigan chlorophyll a for April will be included in the summer 1979 quarterly report.

2,14 science services division

o 2.2.3 PERIPHYTON RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Density and Biovolume. Lake Michigan periphyton densities 6

during April 1979 averaged 1.239 x 10 cells per square centimeter (Table 2.8 and Appendix C); biovolume averaged 0.04 microliters per square centimeter (Table 2.9 and Appendix D) . Average densities were lower in the ponds (5.743 5

x 10 cells per square centimeter) than in the lake; however, biovolume was 0.19 microliter per square centimeter because of the biovolume contribution of the pennate diatoms.

Lyngbya spp., a blue-green alga, numerically dominated both the Lake Michigan and pond periphyton, comprising 86 percent and 58 percent, respectively.

Lake Michigan biovolume dominance was shared by the blue-greens (52 percent) and the diatoms (48 percent), and Lyngbya spp. made up 23 percent of the total. The mean biovol'ce in the ponds showed a slightly dif ferent dominance pattern consisting of diatoms (75 percent) and green algae (23 percent).

Lygnbya spp. did not contribute significantly to the total pond biovolume.

Dominant taxa in Lake Michigan (more than 4 percent of either tha density or biovolume) included Oscillatoria sp., Lyngbya sp., Schizothrix sp., Diatoma tenue, Fragilaria crotonensis, F. vaucheriae, and Comphonema sp. Dominant pond taxa (using the same criteria) included Lyngbya sp., Oocystis borgei, Oedogonium sp., Mougeotia sp., Fragilaria sp., Synedra ulna, Tabellaria flocculosa, Achnanthes minutissima, and Gomohonema sp. The dominants repre-sented blue-green and green algae as well as diatoms. Lyngbya sp. was tae numerically dominant form in both the lake a id ponds, while the biovolume dominants were Lyngbya sp. (lake) and Gomphonema sp. (ponds).

Periphyton densities , howe 4 station 25 to be lowest and station 12 to be highest; it is not known why stations 1 and 25 were low. Pond B and Cowles Bcg had similar periphyton densities; Pond C density was high primarily because Lyngbya sp. we present in large numbers. Lake periphyton densities were similar from April to April. Pond densities exhibited a 2.5-fold de-crease from 1978 to 1979.

827 201 2.15 aclence services division

noisivid secivres ecneics 61 2 202 728 a-a_

gL A~09 h LWO i

2s2 i52 Dl@Q D] 221 121 211 111 201 101 21 11 301 tLPFAS 4'!SU 3ttyPMOC tvd 0A 41 7 4 3 8 AW AY PO stesab 09 51 0 8*.0 52 0 91 0 82 0 77 00 ltM!eP Je fftSatw!O 01.t 12 0 48 0 05 0 05 9 **.0 **.1 llM19P MI 7711et410 61 0611$

0 001 26.F*0307 00 5159321 00 5193903 00 6301202 05 14*551 45 471$7 LAf07 17 1092 60 *6 2155 13 9977 54 35S* 83 15692 00 00 0991 IL!PLI ff A4&DF- Af f HPCt8ALLICAO 0 00 50 10 3725 97 2991 00 08 55962 00 31 8003 )LIPL 4 AMENCHPMOG 0 0

10 32 0701 32 8791 00 61 1935 00 000 )LIPL E ALUC! van S SttaLUCIVAN 0 00 00 34 322 36 322 00 00 00 11 6111 i L!PL I StHTNANPCA 0 00 S0 12 7756 12 7794 00 00 60 66223 00 4F1$S!fUNIM SIMfNANMCA 9 S E L A HTNA48MCA 0 0

5.a 61 960* 54 9975 95 2456 46 66512 00 00 0981 0 tA!01MCUAV A!8AL16407 0 14 59461 30 21 9733 21 9733 00 00 00 04 SISNEN0703C AISALIGARF 9

,2 59**1 80 76 10:1 67 7416 35 7*01 09 77 31 00 *3 0111 tsa>tf AMCf alC 9 StlatsALIGASF 0 75 29241 01 80 37851 86 73073 45 3**11 14 04079 60 68423 93 42o9 tf A#eoP atnuP0tsALLICAS 0 00 00 00 873 00 871 00 00 00 00 0991 B!! plt SUCSI OCpaMP t f S 0 S EL A cst oCPut 0 0

00 00 073 00 873 00 00 00 00 0991 0 C!9TNE C-af r MPOIRAL LICAG 0 00.

00 39 79$ 39 795 00 00 66 9492 *4 I L!PL E SUMS tccef s tatA 0 SELACC0C0#CLMC 0 00 00 39 795 39 791 00 00 46,9493 00 Aft 4P0poLMC 0 00 10 36 3771 36 3771 51 06se 00 00 0.O ' L!PL I 41f M#CtATC 0 00 2.S 19 16221 94 9344e 76 166*1 00 055962 00 00 ILIPL( t leHf 021MCS 0 16 9 59 13 946236 00 6394691 00 1577992 00 2335122 S*.509911 60 02151 59461 ILIPL 4 AY0GNf L 0 00 65 40 66244 78 15996 57 21706 24 609932 00 90 06194 ILIPL4 A!#CTALLICSO 0 tAICA!sDf ALLICSO 0 16 99461 1 4v ** . a . s o t o G . I9 519 Z$ e G . Z7 91 a H 0G.797627 57 58 N 1 21 862*4 effNONAIC 0 97 21 11 el 1 40A .t.3 x ANAT GL Lt8

  • t A0f tats R AgihCH eb AL

)2 fo 1 egaP( 9791 lirpA

,snoitatS aerA ydutS ylliaB ta ) mc/.oN( seitisneD notyhpireP 8 2 elbaT O

o Table 2.8 Periphyton Densities (No./cm ) at Bailly Study Area Stations, April 1979 (Page 2 of 2)

Inter 0unal Ponos is rava 8 1* to C Cowles B09

  • 1
g,g, )

J ora "'.a 8 54. 5. Go 6++ w 3 4. 4 7 .360*.Ce 357730.t 2 5 7*a 5.** es.1 9 Cwe0 MMC ac t at 0 Cw'??'OCCt:5 I LPIL I 0.0 *744.89 0.0 19 9 2. *$ 1992.** 0.3 0 "YCo?C'SY!S eLP!Lt 0.0 .7*59.*1 *176.01 17.*1.6* 15161.57 3.0 0 OSf:Lla f CS! A!!at 0 L"C' a ' LPIL i 18 5*2 0. c4 811772.1: 0.0 3 ?. *00. 0% 245510.** 5 7.

  • 3 *s0* ret a c' t at 8 sesesarna t LP!L e 0.0 0.g 1 ** e 9 . C 5 **%.02 **% 0: 1.1 0 CMLC **fN e f a 21317.17 51459.75 97106.1* *++2*.*1 13437.00 9.1 0 s C LWC a LIS 0 CHL *N Ca"'*ias s LsIL I 0.0 *e 3 O S 3.0 061.03 *el.00 0.0 0 CH LercCM C a t t S 0!3 r?*Ss! 3.0 I?**5 Se S.O e331.25 + 3 31. 8 5 1.1 0 '?Nt 0 t3 it"Oo !C atta ** 3 0. 0* 0.0 0.0 1*7t ?* 1* M 3* 9.3 0 "thr0 t!"JS ECreu!5 1.0 '5u.CO 0.0 52: 00 5:2 00 0.1 0 "'N'.0 ? !" 1 !P!hT .'S 9.0 ;37* *5 3.0 **1.*9  ? *a . S 4.1 0 Cuat str'w sates 0 Sf!SECCL7:!W ( LP!L I g4*0.*$ 0.0 10162.03 6:54.*3  !$ 19 .10 1.1 0 re0?t*te"4 LPILs 3.0 0.0 $**O*.10 1813*.71 lelle 71 3.2 0 OP:,M ON!attS 0 CE0M3'81LM E LP!L i 1299.65 6812.11 0.0 2700.58 20S*.** 0.5 e t v C5tma r a t t s a FOJSECfla I LP!Li 5170.66 5355.*0 0.0 *711.36 6:0.51 L.8 0 CO W '!W iLP!Li 0.0 *?*S s* 0.0 1952. % 153*.% 03 0 CMLO*0"*s t a e LPIL t *049.75 71:3.34 522.0a 3*04.75 1537 *1 3 7 0 E UGLENC **s t ra **3.16 0.0 3.0 15*.3* 15 39 0.3 0 E L'" Lf's ut S 0 ELSLtua e tP!ll ** 3.16 0.0 0.0 15*.3* 15*.39 0.'

0 CPov9:nivfa 21570.93 1566.00 0.0 **1*.*1 69*e.70 33 0 Ci e,$egyaestgg 0 OI* N' i ON OIst*StHS 0.0 '93.00 0.0 +1.00 261.00 0.0 0 E 8!P' < !1 ' LP!L

  • 2357S.*3 0.0 0.9 7190.99 71*:.*S 1.3 0 8 ? t'.'* O* E P* * * !*te I L8 t L 6 0.0 753.00 0.0 et.00 061.00 0.0 0 SaCILLas10rus f a-PENua?! 1*066*.00 l'e'. :S 16 *-;. 06 16*11' 06 *25 4.35 79.*

O Fes0!La*! ALES 0 FeasILaela sagteterat 0.0 0.0 3572.91 11*0.** 1150.** 0.2 0 FeaS!LsP!a e LP!Li 0.0 0,3 *1412.11 13*f4.04 13704.0* *4.

0 =tPIDIC*a CleCgLast 0.0 0.0 500.C0 174. C 3 174.00 0.0 0 Smt*ea Utria 0.0 0.0 **79.61 2159.5* :159.5* 0.*

0 5 rt'!O*a i LP!L1 32 *.12 0.0 0:06.01 1143.39 17*1.95 0.5 0 'attLLas!4 FLCCC;Losa $110.30 13**6.92 0.9 13353.10 10***.f9 2.3 0 t uic fla LIS 3 Etesoffa (LP!Li * ** . 0 5 0.0 0.0 *1=.% *1*.4 2.0 0 ACum taf wa tt s 0 aC$omsf**f S MINUT!S$!"a IC5142.75 132:31.12 5:*.00 T *:

  • S . 6 * =015 7. 0 3 13.0 0 ACHHaNmts a LP!L I 0.0  %
  • 7,
  • 0 13**.00 3513.*3 3007.07 3.6 0 NaVICUlalt$

0 a*C" CEC *4 TIS v!T*t a 6** . 0 5 0.0 $22.00 3?9.** 1*7.65 0.1 0 Na s! Cue.a I LPIL

  • 0.0 0.0 0436.01 01 .03 910.00 0.1 0 C:=PwC*.f ma aCW:HaTLM 4299.65 0.0 0.0 *^fS .
  • 9.29 0.1 0 GCN*C*'EP a ' L PI L I 1:a * . 6 5 0.0 *4170. 5e 25153.41 2*911.*1 *.*

O SaCILLaolatt5 0 LPe! CENT!FIED: 11063114 0.0 215?0.01 0.0 71:3.34 71:3.34 1.

0 MITl* CHIA 8CICULA8!5 3.0 0.0 5: .00 17*.00 174.00 0.0 0 N!f: CHIA eLP!Ls 0.0 3.0 2 0,0.05 7 3*i .$ 9 73 4.65 1.3 0 taCILLas t0PweTa ptNnait s tP!LI '315.*: 1174.50 000*.00 1931.64 2112.13 0.7 70 Tat 34*4*9.37 1115:56.00 259:22.1* 57*33*.19 271750.** 100.0 O!Nt*1 TTY e st relatl 1.e3 1.*6 2 .76 2.05 0.39 01vi85tff a J P8!"E l 0.5* 9.*: 0.77 3.59 0.10 NL'* t t OP fava 16 le 19 3+

ABovt CCt*PVf tD Vi!*"3 Sat PLE 103 171 17: 191 1*2 211  !!! ---

D' I' f' D


  • ~

D)~ @ T i d bL _

3 A totcl of 14 taxa were identified in Lake Michigan samples and 36 in the pond samples. The ponds had higher diversity ( H' ) and evenness (J') indexes than the lake because of their greater number of taxa and greater number of dominant taxa.

2.17 science services division 077 ?fR

noisivid secivres ecneics 81 2 U


~ }~Q~ O OQ

,~ , o 402 728 ,,, ,5

21 121 211 111 201 101 :1 11 S0[ ELPMAS GNIS' DETUPMOC fV08a 1 , 0 .

8 a a , - . -.

45 0 01 0 e. 0 e0 24 0 91 0 97 0 l eft er J e vrISetygO 17 0 3;.0 99 0 89 0 7 .1 03-6 66 1 lim!eP MI fflS8tv!0 30 0 0001*00 00 70 0 01 0 00 0 10 0 laf07 00 0 9 01 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 00 0 ILtpL( tr alet ta-a r e wP0184LLICa B 0 00 0 21 00 0 10 0 00 20 0 00 00 0 8L!PLE AMES HP'?CG 0 00 12 00 0 00 0 00 00 0 00 00 tL!pLI atutivaN S S E L alVC! ban 0 00 00 oc.0 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 llIPLI SEMTNAMkca e 00 1

  • 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 0 00 A913$!fuaPIM S EHTNANH:a 0 S EL a HTNalPMC A 0 00 14 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 00 0 tatsEwtuav atsatIGasp 0 10 0 17 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 SIShtN0f 0PL 419aLIG&eF 0 10 1.S 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 EWET aM0r a t O 0 sttatsattGser 0 0

44 10 9 *00 00 0 50 0 00 0 30 10 0 tf aseP(F-af tHPOt84LLICAB 0 00 51 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 llI'Lf 1yCS!0oiawpETS S S'L a tS! 0Cru t 0 00 51 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 C18TN[C-a f r MP0!eaLLICAP 0 00 10 00 0 00.e 00 00 00 0 00 I L!pL I SN 1100F'SI**A 0 S t t a C C0 C000 t%C 0 00 10 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 0 00 at v MPCPC LHC $

00 9.e 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 00 00 s L!PL s af f emostauC 0 00 1 01 10 0 10 0 00 0 10 0 00 00 I L!7L s 41*pf 0IthCS 0 00 0 3 32 10 0 10 0 *0 0 10 0 00 ' 00 3 s ttPL s atarevL 0 00 63 00 0 00 0 60 0 00 0 00 00 0 eLIPLi aI LLICSC 0 tat:ataCraLLIC30 0 00 0 0 05 10 0 ;00 e0 0 50 0 00 0 03 0 ar e m%aT

  • 3 SO 21 11 01 1 t .E.S x adaf SL t'5 gp A .

gnoitatS nagihC1P tke. "

)2 fo 1 egaP( 9791 lirpA

,snoitatS aerA ydutS ylliaB ta ) mc/lp( emulovoiB notyhpireP 9 2 elbaT O

" *d*****""*'"" 50 /~ 91 2 nagihciM ekaL eht ta nommoc erew ).ps sucsidonahpetS dna ,.ps arisoleM ,.ps alletolcyC( smotaid cirtneC .ekal eht ni tnadnuba erew .pps amenohpmoG dna eunet amotaiD .ecneulfni emulp-lamreht eht fo tnetxe detimil eht ot rotac

-idni na dna tnarelotni-omreht eb ot deredisnoc si motaid sihT .)01 noitats(

aera egrahcsid ht ta wol saw airehcuav airaligarF f o ecna.cnuba evitaler eht

,8791 lirpA ni sA .sdnoc eht ni nommocnu saw tub snoitacc nagihciM ekaL eht fo egalbmessa motaid eht fo tnecrep 96 ot pu desirrmoc airehcuav preligarF 01 2 elbaT ni detcelfer si atad motaid notyhpirep eht fo sisylana rehtruF 21: 11*

291 191 2*1 171 301 ELPmaS GNISU 0ttU# 'fC tv0Fa 51 61 a m. T F0 8f M4$

30 0 .%e . 0 04 0 81 10 0 06 l tmI 8/ J e f f!SotsID 11.O *: : 51 2 01 0 76 29 l EM!e* 44 ffIS#tetO 0 0C170 0 91.e 13 0 01 0 80 0 taf07 1 0C. 110 0 10 0 0 00 0 tLIPL( tiaveita-af enrot saLLICae 0 51 2 02 00 30 3 10 0 00 0 00 ILIFLf alhC2 FIN 0 00 00 0 00 0 00 0 0,0 0 00 518a LJ'CI C A alMCSZTIH 0 50 0c.0 00 0 00 00 0 00 *110+011 :0EIF!fhtOIW e SELatcaLL!cae 0 0 32 50 0 50 0 61 0 00 00 0 s L!pL i aattoH#"CG 0 41 00 00 0 00 0 10 0 nyrantruca aethoh'tnoG 4' 0 10 0 10 0 20 0 00 0 IL!PLI aluC van 0 70 1 00 0* 00 0 00 0 000 00 00 atp?!v SIthcteMcna e SELAlutivaN O

  • .0 30 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 ILIFL1 SthfNanuca 0 2* 00 0 10 0 00 0 20 0 10 0 4M1351f us'IM StufuaNrca 6 s tt amiNane,ta e 50 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 6 !tt8LI atfcPL( 4 s tt a lf eptf 0 1 41 0 30 0 0 60 2 20 0 ASCLUCCOL
  • a t ealt t ta f 0 43 00 0 10 0 20 0 0 00 3 a L!dl e n oCt ev
  • 0 6 11 10 00 0 20,3 73 33 00 0 03 auL 0 0 10 0 00 3 03 00 10 tnatuCPIC'L a t01 Da83ENeS I D EP 0 0.S 2 :03 00 50.S 0 00 00 iLIFLf atsaL!Ga88 0 30 10 0 00 0 00 3 00 00 taf otuCvav at sa t e a88 0 SELatsat!Gser 0 1.$* 90 3 0 / 03 3 0 50 0 f f ewrct saLLICae 0 03 00 0 *1 00 0 00 40 00 3 30 s LIFL e 4+C!o,wr t %cu t*P O
  • .1 30 0 00 0 00 00 0 ItfeLt SI***!PE 0 13 00 0 00 0 g 00 00 0 100 0 'l O 0 3#'f 0* t. S It O t aatC natt7 v p ?CS e seC 0 51 30 3 00 0 g 00 00 0 10 0 afrwece puC 0 20 00 0 00 3 E I 00 00 00 6 IL!PL s atatLW( 0 S E L ANILG'.t f 0 20 00 00 0 p , , 00 00 0*.3 af e e*POHtLGUE 0 50 00 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 , L!pL i af ewrooCLcaC 0 11 00.S0 00 0 000 0 10 0 00 3 9 iLt#LI MVIoa" SOC 0 65 10 0 10 3 s' '

00 00 0 10 3 s L t p L e a t f 0 EGJ*'*f SE t ar aMterGv2 6

0 29 20 0 00 00 $0 0 03 9

  • LIPL e MLt8*C:3?EC e g sttat43500tO 0 7 30 0 00 0 00 3 03 00 LIPLe aa#tArf3PS 0 600 00 0 00 0 q 00 3 09 00 0 iL!PLI Mut NC L CG t "! f S e SEL4ocarC tawC 0 00 00 0 3C.0 00 90 0 00 0 09 0 00 0 03 00 3 00 SU$r'IP!

SItrtC( S SU"! W t3tstCS f C f '.E'CS 9

19 30 0 00 0 03 0 3 00 0 aCLAC!etauG SW3 tDEHf CS 0 F.* 00 10 0 10 3 33 30 O OS IEC5cf S!f SIC 00 0 1tL A C ?C0 8CLe*C 0 10 00 0 50 0 00 00 0 00 ILIPLt saw'wece na twC 0 S IL n CR L0s e

6.  : 30 0 *0 3 10 0 2 0 a f *Mr3#CLwC 0 00 00 3 00 0 00 0 010 0 20 S 0 B L18L e ah t s e'ana 0 ta t c aC07SCH 0 43 00.S 00 0 00 00 6 SO 0 8 LIPL e a e eSN'L 0 ta tcalstr at ti C$0 0 10 00 0 00 3 0 30 0 00 6L!PLI S!f S'CORCIM 0 10 30 0 00 0 000 0 00 0 09 iLtPLI SUC COXC 4C e

";.3 30,3 2 2 a tatcaCCGC0#HC , , _O 12 91 71 "a .E.S 4 asaf gt Lt9 , 108 selwoC C 3 SdyP lenudretnI

)2 fo 2 egaP( 9791 lirpA

,snoitatS aerA ydutS ylliaB ta ) mc/lp( emulovoiB notyhpireP 9 2 elbaT

O stations, but few were observed in the ponds. Dominant pennate diatoms in the interdunal ponds were Achnanthes minutissima, Fragilarg crotonensis, and Gomphonema angustatum; they dominated the ponds during April 1978, appearing to be indicators of the ponds' calmer, more nutrient-rich waters.

Within the interdunal ponds (stations 17, 19, and 21) were different groups of taxa by pond. The dominant taxa (more than or as much as 4 percent mean relative abundance) were as follows:

Pond B Pond C Cowles Bog Achnanthes minutissima Achnanthes minutissima Fragilaria vaucheria Fragilaria croton0 sis Fragilaria crotonensis Gomphonema angustatum Fragilaria vaucheria Tabellaria flocculosa Meridion circulare Synedra ulna Synedra fasciculata Tabellaria flocculosa Synedra ulna As indicated, no dominant taxa were shared by all three ponds. Pond B yielded 24 diatom taxa, pond C 32, and Cowles Bog 12. Pond C exhibited the most taxa; the few dominant forms indicated good distribution of diatom taxa.

Density estimates from whole periphyton (Table 2.6) showed that pond C also had the highest density, while Cowles Bog had the lowest density and the fewest taxa. Density estimates support the diatom counts. Achnanthes minu-tissima dominated both density estimates and diatom counts for ponds B and C.

There was no indication in any of the lake or pond diatom data of adverse effects of plant construction activities. Periphyton Chlorophyll a. Results of chlorophyll a analyses will be presented in the summer 1979 quarterly report.

2.3 ZOOPLANKTON 2.3.1 METHODOLOGY. Zooplankton samples were collected in Lake Michigan and the nearshore interdunal ponds. At each lake station (1 through 10), four samples were collected by bottom-to-surface vertical tows of an 80-micrometer mesh, 0.5-meter-diameter plankton net. Each sample comprised a 827 206 2.20 science services division

@ Table 2.10 Periphyton Diatom Proportional Counts (% Coc3 position),

Bailly Study Area, April 1979 Station 1 10 11 12 17 19 21 25 0 a b a 0 a J e D a a a b a O a Centrales 2.0 1.5 Cyclotella meneanistana 3.9

c. sp. 6.6 0.5 Espodiscales 1.0 Melostra islandica 11.8 1.0 1.7 4 sp. 35.3 2.0 5tepnanodiscus astraea 0.5 2.0
5. s p. 1.9 23.1 17.2 1.0 2.0 Pescales Acenantwes linearis 11.5 1.0 5.0
a. microcepha ea 1.0
3. Sunutis sima 7. 7 2.0 10.$ 54.0 46.8 22.9 10.0 28.6 I, sc. 8.7 2.5 kpnipleura pellucida 0.5 0.5 E phora so. 1.0 somoconets vitrea 4.0 1. 0 1.0 as terionella f mesa 3.9 0.5 6.0 Matopleura soles 0.5 Gbella ampnicephala 0.5
c. custula 0.5 C. Tunata 0.5 C. sicrocep*ala 8.7 0.6 2.0 1.0 1.0 11.8 E. sp. 1.5 1.0 3.0 7.7 2.5 13.5 40.8 0.5 32.0 4.4 "1stoma tenue
v. vuga rF 5.2 4. 3 5.9 1.2 1.0 EpiDemia sp. 0.3 Eun ctia curvata 1.0 1.5 E. flesuosa 1.9 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.9 E. henaglypnis 0.5 T. maior 1.2
f. pec tiaalis 1.0
f. v an eu ro i t 1.5
f. E 2.0 1.5 1.0 Tray 11 aria brevistriata 1.0 F. c 0.5 T. cgucina ro t onea si s 5.5 1. 0 32.5 13.0 32.9 41.3 2.0 T. pinnata 9.8 T. vaucaeria 57.3 39.1 5.9 14.7 64.4 69.0 48.3 8.9 7. 3 3.8 16.0 14.3 T. sp. 22.1 25.7 14.0 2.0 6.0 13.0 Trustulia rnarecides 3.0 0.5 Gunonema acum snatum 5. 9 2.0 2.5 3.5 1.0 0.7 0.9 Magu s t a tum 11.8 6.8 33.5 27.2 f.5
5. olivaceum 28.0 17.4 2.5 2.0 0.5 11.8 13.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 10.8
5. so. 9.1 6.0 Reridion circulare 4.9

%vicula costulata 8.7 N. cryptocco'Kai 7.7 4. 5 10.8

4. lbo onge 0.6 I. popula 0.5 13.0 11.5 1.2 1.0 1.0 E. so. 1.0 0.7 Eeidium iridis Nitzschia acicularis 1.2 0.5 M. ampnibia 1. 2 2.0

%. dissicata 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 V. palee 2.5 '

7. se, 11.3 1.1 12 1.1 >
  1. innularia biceg'^


G ator E. b M is

3. sp.
  • Incicos:neain srva ta 5.+

5taurone's acata 2 0?a1c**!ergq -

preare cacitata ^# 51 3

), f3'5ci- M

5. pT W t 4.4 1. v
g. g 2 s,.

14.g 3.. _' 5 6l .

Tabellaria flece;1osa 2.] 19.7 'i? Li T. 50. 1.0 In54. 9ennales 1.2 mQQQ P L UW 827 207 ao n@mT i i i d Ll a

science servicas division 2.21

o composite of four such tows condensed into one 1-liter sample. Additional zooplankcon samples were collected at the surface in the nearshore interdunal ponds (stations 17 through 21) with a 6-liter Van Dorn bottle. Each of the four replicate samples was concentrated to 1 liter. All samples were fixed to a final concentration of 4 percent buffered formalin.

Each sample, af ter being prepared with 5 milliliters of rose-bengal dye, was analyzed for quantity and composition of all mature and immature zooplankters (excluding nauplii, rotifers, and protozoans) with dimensions greater than the plankton net's 80-micrometer mesh aperture.

2.3.2 ZOOPLANKTON RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Results of the April 1979 sampling (Table 2.11 and Appendix E) indicated mean Lake Michigan zooplankton densities of 1211 239 organisms per cubic meter and interdunal pond mean densities of 20,090 i 14,958 organisms per cubic meter. A total of 42 taxa were observed in Lake Michigan and 33 taxa in the interdunal ponds. No effects of plant construction were observed from either the lake or the interdunal pond stations.

Since the two areas are quite dissimilar, they will be discussed separately. Lake Michigan. Densities in Lake Michigan in April 1979 were greater at the nearfield stations (1 through 6 and 10), where the average density was 1450 1 250 organisms per cubic meter, than at the farfield stations (7 through 9), where densities averaged 972 i 180 organisms per cubic meter (Table 2.12). Density estimates by station exhibited some variability, and there were no extreme highs or lows.

Cassie (1963) indicated that a between-replicate variability (SE/R) of 22 to 44 percent could be expected. All of the stations yielded variabilities that were less than or within this range. Stations 6 and 7 showed the highest replicate variability, but this did not appear to indicate any influence of the plant on population.

Table 2.13 indicates numbers of taxa, as well as diversity and evenness, in Lake Michigan during April 1979.

827 208 2.22 science services division

O q

w Numbers of taxa in 1979 were similar to those in lapril 1978; howevec, 1979 diversity and evenness were lowe- 'his may have been a result of the large number of immature Calanoida forms, which comprised 60 percent of the total lake densities. There were no obvious changes in the composition of the zooplankton community in 1979.

Table 2.11 Zooplankton Density (No./m ) in Lake Michigan and Interdunal Pond Stations in Bailly Study Area, April 1979 (Page 1 of 3)

(dae MtcMigan S*ttioel 9g %eadield Farfield gg 1 6 & 10 19 0 ti.;L AR I A 4TGTale 0.69 0.0 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 M fCES 04 1 MTCRA (LP!LI 0.69 0.0 0.35 3.35 3.0 0 NtmATCD4 IfOYall 76.10 11.25 4 3.72 30.66 3.6 1 N! a a f CS A tLP!LI 76.10 11.*5

  • 3. 72 12.66 3.6 0 OLIG:CeatfA t T0 fell 31.60 3.20 17.30 14.10 1.6 0 t4 AID!3 a t 1 CMal f C".a3TE S I LPIL I 0.06 0.0 0.13 0.13 0.0 1 Na!DICit (LP!Li 18.81 1.38 10.10 5. *2 3.8 19 %LIO . Cat (LPILI 12.33 1.82
  • 07

. S.25 0.6 0 a#ar>NIO& ITOTAll 3.06 0.0 0.13 0.13 3.0 0 P8057 !;"4 74 19 Mv:PAca8!NA ELP!Li 0.26 S.O 0.13 0.13 0.0 0 Cla0CC tB A 873fALi 101.70 *1.93 71.01 29.69 S.9 0 [001!NI5at 1 Po rth! cat tLP!La $2.0$ 21.7% 16.90 15.16 3.0 0 CM'CC3::A 1 ALO in CJ10PANGJLA8!S 0.65 v.0 0.23 0.*3 0.0 i ALCNa I LPIL I 0.21 S.0 0.11 0. 1 0.0 0 ALONa ( LP!L I 0.6a 0.0 0.', 0. 3* 9.0 1 chi:CCWS ILP!LI 7.06 1.01 . 13 1.13 1.3 1 EL9 t CERCUS L A"tLLATU1 *.41 1.76 2.10 0.31 0.2 6 CN1009:0At ILP!LI 4.19 0.0 0.09 0.09 0.0 0 O AFallCit 1 Sar4NI A GALE ATA PtNCOTat 0.*$ 0.0 0.37 0.37 0.0 1 OAPwNIA FULtd 0.19 0.0 0.10 0.10 0.0 6 OAFela ILPIL) 36. 79 11.36 M 2*.07 12.71 0.0 1 0 .F os! A (LPILI 0.00 5.09 2.6* .'.*5 0.2 6 Carnu. t lLP!La 1.12 0.0 Q 0.C6 3.04 0.0 0 McL0rf 3!Dat 6 H3L0rt;!L9 s tPIL S S.10 0.0 0.05 0.01 0.0 6 wCtCPt3:0 A! ( LP!L i 3.0 0.23 r 1 0.12 0.12 0.0 I 3 0 L E P TOO N!!a t 6 L E PT C003 l0 s t iLP!Li 3.0 0.39 0. 0 0.01 0.0 0 "Atr;ft21 ! At CN Og 1 IL f!;P ? PTLS SC?CISUS 0.10 0.0 3 0.0% 0.06 0.0 6 MaCT3?MIC 0at ( LP!L a 2.0 0.33 0.17 0.17 0.0 0 SIDI:st LJ 6 513131t I LPIL S 6.21 0.0 '

S.10 9.12 0.0 0 OST#at;ca a raf all 19 C178aC001 ILPILI 0.?

O 42 3.0 0.0 (C %]

i 3.11 S.11 0.11 0.11 0.0 0.0 0 CCrtFCCA IT3fALI 123,.47 91*.39 1975.53 161.'* 88 8 0 Cat ar.0!Da i Totat I w>

1 DI APTCit$ CmL6ChlM$1$ 0.00 0.0 - 4.0* 0.0, 0.0 1 314PYC*tt$ A!MLAPO! 59 63 33.44 49.94 10.09 4.1 1 O!APf 3*JS PALL!DJS 0.13 0.23 0.15 0.05 0.0 1 3!aPTC%3 SIC 1L13 3.69

  • 02

. J.c6 0.43 0.2 1 0!aP!0."*.,3 P!Nuf ul 47.S* *9.62 =4.73 0.89 *.0 1 0!apf0T*s3 ELP!La 0.10 0.0 0 05 0.05 3.0 1 L!mt.;ataNUS *ACnL11'JS 3.75 1.66  : 70 1.C$ 3.2 14 L r'C aLA'LS MACBJUS 3.66 0.0 3.33 3.33 0.0 to C A L Ar0ID A ELP1Le 753.96 704.06 731 % 27.*6 60.4 0 C fCLcPc::a s tof at l 1 C70LCPS BICU3P!047US T!*CitAS! 31.30 10.57 20.93 10.36 1.7 1 CvCLPTS %EENALIS 1 06 1.01 1.10 3.12 3.1 1 CtCLOF1 (LP!La 3.0 2.29 0.15 9.15 3.0 1 EuCICLCPS A3!LIS 0.97 00 0.=8 0 *5 0.0 1 fvCP0;YCLorS i LPIL I 0.30 1.0 0.15 3.15 0.0 16 CYC'.0FCIO A t LP!L a 3 .34 95.45 210.59 111.7, 17.6 1 CICL:PT;2A tLPILI 0.21 0.0 0.11 0.11 0.0 0 MA#raCTICC134 4 ?3T&LI 6 LO'0IPE:! A ILP!LI S.O 1.67 0.93 0.93 0.1 1 43CraC?!CCISA t LPILI s.47 4.02 3.05 .. 0.3 16 waa P AC T!!O!3 A (LPILI 1,91 0 75 . 63 J.9* 9..

0 waEPAC?! CIO A (LP!LI 0.19 3.0 1.C5 1.35 0.0 n')7, 9AO oc LU/

2.23 science services division

0 Table 2.11 Zooplankton Density (No./m ) in Lake Michigan and Interdonal Pond Stations in Bailly Study Area, April 1979 (Page 2 of 3)

Lage HChtgan $ tat 10n3 LS TAva Metrfield Farfield 4 IIl g.g g 13 7.) I I* 88%

0 AMFHIP*04 4 7071L 0 0.73 0. 0 0.3e 0. 3e 0.0 0 MAUSTC11102t 6 PONT0FCitIA (LPIL) 0.10 0.0 0.05 0.05 0.0 6 AMP 4 TF:04 ILPILI 0.63 0.0 0.32 0.3: 0.0 0 OIPTER A t.C'ATC;tR A ITQTAL ) 2.12 0.*7 1.30 0.83 0.1 0 CH I?CNO"!01.t t CH120n:NI:At sLPIL)

  • 03

. 0.47 1.25 0.78 0.1 6 CHIR * ::'I:At sLPIL3 0.10 0.0 0.C5 0.c5 0.0 0 tar:IOSIC A 4 TOTAL i 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.00 0.0 1 TA2C!;2104 ( LPILI 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.00 0.0 TOTAL 1450.36 971.63 1210.99 239.37 100.0 O!VERSIT f (4 FTI'*t t 0.07 1.55 1.81 0.06 DIvtWSITY (J PRIPf l 0.58 0.w 0.52 0.C6 NU"ZER QF TAXA 37 23 42 A80Vf COMPUTED USINS SAMPLE 103 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34

  • 1 +2 45 53

% CQ 51 41 52 62 .3 54 6.

D 0 101 102 103 104 71 72 73 74 d, C 41 42 83 64 ~

91 92 93 94 h T O f' l~ \

l V 1 (U _ _a Interdunal Ponds = EtL LS TAXA 8 C C0wl01 609 X 3.E. A5Z 0 CNIC A81 A ( TOTAL ) 20.83 0.0 0.0 6.94 6.94 0.0 0 mfd 70ZOA 6 MfCWA tLP!L) 0.83 0.0 0.0 6 . 94 6.94 0.0 0 NtMATCO A (TOT AL) 2145.83 42.50 4666.66 2959.33 1949.26 14.7 1 NEP ATCO A ( LPIL ) *145.83 62.50 4 66.66 2959.33 1949.26 14.7 0 CLIGCCNatTA ITOTALI 270.83 03.33 1750.00 701.39 527.09 3.5 0 NAIDICAt 1 NA!O!Dat l LP!L) 270.83 0.0 1458.33 576.39 447.85 2.9 19 MAIO!O Af I LPIL 3 0.0 83.33 291.67 1:5.00 86.74 0.6 0 ADACwN!4:TOTALI 20.83 0.0 133.33 115.06 107.81 0.6 0 PSCSTIG"ATA 19 Mv:PACA2INA ILPIL) *0.83 0.0 333.33 118.06 107.81 0.6 0 CLACC t#A ITOTAt t 2354.16 2395.83 416.67 1722.22 652.89 8.6 0 80$ PIN!01E 1 80!"INI0At ELPILI 375.00 20.83 0.0 131.94 121.63 0.7 0 CHfCORIOht 1 ALONA RECTANGULA 62.50 0.0 0.0 20.83 *0.83 0.1 1 ALCNA AFr!NIS 62.50 0.0 0.0 20.83 20.83 0.1 1 ALONA CU1:24*CJLA213 20.83 0.0 0.0 6.94 6.9* 0.0 6 ALCNA fLPIL8 61.67 0.0 0.0 13.89 13.89 G.1 1 CAMPTCCE?CUS DECTt#OSTRIS 20.83 20.83 0.0 13.89 6.9* 0.1 1 CH10CPUS ILPIL) 1770.83 2312.50 091.47 1458.33 603.93 7.3 1 PLtL70 'JS CENTICULATUS 0.0 20.83 0.0 6.9% 6.% 0.0 6 CMTCC#!O1E E LPILI 0.0 *0.83 0.0 6.94 6.9= 0.0 8 C artWIC A t 1 SIMOCEFHALUS vtT*JLUS 0.0 0.0 03.33 27.78 27.78 0.1 1 $!." CtPHALUS ( LP!L) 0.0 0.0 41.67 13.89 13.89 0.1 0 OSTW ACa0 A ( TCT All 10. 17 104.17 7833.33 2680.55 2576.37 13.3 19 OSTW ACCO A 4 LPIL) 41.47 104.17 7833.33 0659.7: 2586.87 13.*

1 CSTRACC04 l(PILI 42.53 0.0 0.0 00.83 20.83 0.1 0 C0rtPCO A t TCTALI 135*.17 687.50 31999.98 11347.21 103:8.18 56.5 8 CA' MOIC A t TOTAL) le l aLAt.'0IC A t LPIL ) *0.83 0.0 0.0 6.96 6.94 0.0 0 6. : .JF010A ITOTAL) 1 CTCLOF3 B!CUS"!OATUS TMOMASI 0.0 20.83 41.67 20.83 12.03 0.1 1 CYCLOPS VAPICANS PUttLLUS 0.0 20.83 658.33 159.72 149.43 0.8 1 CTCLCPS vtFNAL15 104.17 0.0 375.00 159.72 111.76 0.8 1 CTCLCPS 1LPIL) 0.0 0.0 61.67 13.89 13.89 0.1 1 tuCrCLCPS AGILIS 62.50 20.83 41.67 1.e7 12.03 0.2 1 EUCTCLCPS P210%PHCDUS 20.03 0.0 0.0 6.94 6.9* 0.0 1 (UCYCLCPS !PEPATUS 0.0 20.83 0.0 6.94 6.94 0.0 1 MACFOCYCLCFS ALSIOUS 0.0 0.0 500.00 164.67 166.67 0.8 14 Mr$00fCLCFS 4 LPIL 3 0.0 20.83 0.0 6.94 6.9w 0.0 1 MESOCTCLOPS E LPIL p 0.0 0.0 41.47 13.89 13.89 0.1 827 210 23 science services division

@ Table 2.11 Zooplankton Density (No./ci ) in Lake Michigan and Interdunal Pond Stations in Bailly Study Area, April 1979 (Page 3 of 3)

Int tedJfia) Pond t ,


  • S.E.

g ( g,g gg ASX 1e C rCLu cIC A ALP!La 979.17 $.e1. 6 7 *e45.00 2 0*e. 61 129*.37 10.2 0 M ARPACTIC0f04 iTOTAL) 1 MARPACT 0010A ELP!Li 104.17 0.0 23041.64 7715.27 7663.25 38.4 14 MAW 9ACT! 0ICA fLP!Li 42.50 +1.67 2533.33 979.17 *27.10 6.9 0 !$CPCOA tTOTAL& 0.0 0.0 144.67 $5.56 55.56 0.3 0 45tLLIOAE 1 ASELLUS (LPILI 0.0 0.0 166.67 55.56 59.56 0.3 0 Ar"'HIM A I TOT AL I 0.0 0.0 '91.67 97.22 97.22 0.5 0 HvattLL10At 1 Mr ALELL A AZTECA 0.0 0.0 291.67 97 22 97.22 0.5 0 EPktr't#0PYt'A I TOTAt t 20.83 *0.33 41.67 2 7. 78 6. 94 0.1 0 CatNICAE 13 CAEN!Dat ILPILI 0.0 20.33 41.67 20.63 12.03 0.1 13 (Fw:*tR0pf tea I LPILI 20.83 3.0 0.0 6. 9e 6.94 0.0 0 OIPYt#4f.t %70CEF4 iTOTALI 333.33 333.33 458.33 375.00 41.47 1.9 0 CHIs0': I!At 2 CH!r? c":Dat (LP!L) 312.50 133.33 458.33 368.06 *5.S* 1.0 6 CMIDO49:0At (LPILI 20.63 0.0 0.0 4.9* 6.9* 0.0 TOTAL 6424.99 3647.49 *9954.16 20313... 1 * '3 5. 6 ) ..J 1 DIvetsITv en Pe! 2.07 1.64 2.12 1.** 8.15 DIvtBSITT IJ PSI."El 9t l 0.79 0.82 0.42 0.74 0.06 Hlf3tB 0F TAta 20 17 20 33 A40'.t CCMPUTto USIp4 SAMPLt 105 171 17* 173 174 181 184 183 164 let 192 193 194 201 2et 20i to.

til 212 213 214 Table 2.12 Zooplankton Densities by Station on Lake Michigan in Bailly Study Area, April 1979 Sta tion No./m 3 Sta tion No./m3 1 1910 1 205 6 1072 t 303 2 826 2 122 7 1250 233 3 900 2 57 8 1031 s 53 O 4 1633 2 89 9 634 2 74 DO '01 5 862 34 10 1950 e 58 CC T f Table 2.13 0L - Q Diversity and Number of Zooplankton Taxa at Lake Stations in Bailly Study Area, April 1979 Diversity Evenness No. of Station (H') (J') Taxa 1 2.36 0.65 19 2 2.09 0.59 17 3 1.60 0.46 19 4 2.14 0.57 19 5 2.11 0.59 19 6 1.52 0.47 12 7 1.63 0.46 16 8 1.40 0.44 14 9 1.62 0.46 19 10 2.28 0.64 18 027 2il 2.25 science services division

o Interdunal Ponds. Densities within the ponds were variable (Table 2.14). Ponds B and C densities averaged 3687 and 6625 orgcnisms per cubic meter, respectively, while Cowles Bog averaged 49,958 organisms per cubic meter. Cladocerans dominated ponds B and C, with 36 and 63 percent, respectively, and C_hy,dorus h sp. was the dominant taxa. Copepods dominated the Cowles Bog fauna (64 percent).

Table 2.14 Zooplankton Densities of Interdunal Pond Stations in Bailly Study Area during April 1978 and April 1979 Density (No./m3 )

1978 1979 Pond 8 1,541 3,687 Pond C 24,249 6,625 Cowles Bog 51,771 49,958 A comparison of the 1978 and 1979 pond results (Table 2.14) showed some differences, primarily in the cladoceran and copepod densities. Pond B in April 1978 exhibited low cladoceran and copepod densities, while pond C showed the reverse trend. These differences were not significant.

Diversity and number of taxa by individual pond and station are presented in Table 2.15. The diversity and evenness for all ponds for 1979 compared favorably with those in April 1978. Pond C appeared to have low diversity, probably because of the large number of immature calanoid forms. No unusual taxa or density shifts were noted.

Table 2.15 Diversity and Numbers of Zooplankton Taxa at Interdunal Pond Stations in Bailly Study Area, April 1979 Diversi ty Evenness No. of Station (H') (J') Taxa 17 2.21 0.74 18 18 1.93 0.84 9 Pond B (17,18) 2.07 0.79 20 19 1.61 0.78 13 20 1.65 0.87 10 Pond C (19,20) 1.64 0.82 17 Cowles Bog (21) 2.12 0.62 20 All pond samples 1.94 0.74 33 2.26 science services division

@2.4 BENTH0S AND FISHERIES Benthos samples from April and June 1979 have been collected; data will be included in the summer 1979 quarterly report. Lake Michigan fisheries data obtained from gill nets and beach seines are unavailable at this time but will be included in the summer quarterly report. Pond fish data were not collected in April and, because of an equipment theft problem, samples were missed in June. 'Ihe problem has been alleviated, and sampling will proceed in August as usual.

2.5 ICHTHYOPLANKTON 2.5.1 METHODOLOGY. Ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and larvae) were sampled in Lake Michigan in the Bailly Study Area at stations 1 through 10 (Figure 2-1) by two methods: zooplankton net and epibenthic pump. Ichthyo-plankton ecliection with the zooplankton net was an adjunct to zooplankton sampling at stations 1 through 10. The epibenthic pump was used at stations 4 and 7; all of the demersal organisms in the vicinity of the pumping head were pumped by and into an 80-micrometer mesh net suspended in the water column at the surface of the lake. Pumping velocity was high enough to mini-mize avoidance but low enough to minimize harm to the organisms.

2.5.2 RESULTS. Samples collected in April 1979 yielded rainbow smelt eggs and yolk-sac larvae and unidentified eggs. In April 1975, the only ichthf oplankton collected was a single darter. April sampling in other years (1976, 1977, and 1978) yielded no ichthyoplankton. Densities and loca-tions of catches in April 1979 were as follows:

Density (m3)*

Station Taxon 3 10 Rainbow smelt eggs 0 2.63 g g --, q , _,

Rainbow smelt yolk sac 0.08 0.07 UC , Ll)

Unidentified eggs 0.17 0.40

  • All organisms in April 1979 were collected with the zooplankton net; pumping yielded no catc' No eggs or larvae were collectad. at stations 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.

Although egg and larval sampling is not scheduled for the ponds, routine examination of the pond zooplankton samples yielded no eggs or larvae therein.

2.27 aclence services division

O Table 2.16 Water Quality Parameters Measured in Bailly Study Area Par setor Station Method Accuracy AQUATIC Water Cheatstry and Bacteriology General Water Quality Alkalinity, total 1-21 Titration 12 at 100 mg/t Calcius, soluble 1-21 ese 12 Atomic absorption 20.05 mg/t Chloride. total Auto analysis 2/3% at 5 mg/t Chlorine, total 1-21 exc 12 Titration Conductance, specific conductivity bridge 5% at 50 unhoe Oxygen, dissolved 1-21 Winkler and polaro- 20.1 as/t graphic 0xygen saturation 1-21 Calculation N/A Odor, threshold 1-21 exc 12 Threshold N/A Magnestua. soluble 1-21 exc 12 Atomic absorption *0.004 ag/t Hardness 1-21 exc 12 Titration 2.9% at 232 ag/t pH 1-21 Electrode 20.1 pH Potassiwa, soluble 1-21 exc 12 Atomic absorption 20.005 as/t Sodium. soluble 1-21 exc 12 Atomic absorption 20.003 as/t Dissolved solids, total 1-21 exc 12 Gray 1 metric 4% at 100 mg/t Suspended solids, total 1-21 exc 12 Gravinetric 41 at 100 mg/t Sulfate 1-21 exc 12 Colorimetric 31 at 100 as/t Temperature 1-21 The tinomete r 0.1*C Turbidity 1-21 Nephelose t r ic /A Color, true 1-21 exc 12 Standard filters N/A Fluoride, soluble 1-21 exc 12 Distillation 83 at 800 Sg/t Aquatic Nutriente Assonia, soluble 1-21 Auto analysis 0.311 at 8 agat/tN Nitrate, soluble 1-21 Auto analysis 0.591 at 2.5 agat/tN 1-21 Auto analysis 0.59% at 2.5 wgat/tN

, I) Nitrite, soluble Organic nitrogen, total 1-21 Auto ar.alysis 1.25% at 50 mg/1N y( I Orthophosphate, soluble 1-21 Auto analysis 1.983 at 2 baat/tr l Phosphorus total 1-21 Auto analyata 0.892 at 30 mg/tr Q Silica, soluba 1-21 Auto analysts 0.36% at 5 mg/tS102

  1. Trace Elements I i Cadatum, total 13-21 Atomic absorption 20.005 as/t

, Chromium, soluble hex 4 valent 13-21 Auto analysis to.14% at 0.10'as/t


l Chroalue, total 13-21 Atomic absorption 20.002 as/t Copper, total 13-21 Atomic absorption to.03 ag/t a i r Iron, soluble 13-21 Atomic absorption 20.05 as/t yr Manganese, total 13-21 Atomic absorption 20.01 as/t i OC i Mercury, total 13-21 Atomic absorption 20.0002 as/t Nickel, total 13-21 Atomic absorption 20.05 mg/t Zinc. total 13-21 Atomic absorption 20.01 as/t

{a'l Lead 13-21 Atomic absorption 20.01 as/t Indicators of Industrial and Organic Contamination Bacteria, fecal co11 fore 13-21 Membrane filter N/A Bacteria. total co11 fore 13-21 Membrane filter N/A Biocheatcal Oxygen Demand 13-21 Winkler and polaro- 20.1 as/t graphic Nexane-soluble materials 13-21 Hexane extraction N/A Organic Carbon. total 13-21 Combustion - IR N/A Phenols 13-21 Chloroform extractior 10.0001 as/t Methylene Blue-Active Substance 13-21 Spectrophotometric 20.02 as/t Cyanide 13-21 Cyanide distillation 20.005 mg/t Cheatcal Oxygen Demand 13-21 Titration !O.1 as/t

  • ediment Cadmium, total 13-20 Atomic absorption !O.005 as/t Chromium, total 13-20 Atoalc absorption 20.07 as/t Copper, total 13-20 Atomic absorption 20.03 as/t Iron, total 13-20 Atomic absorption t0.05 mg/t Lead, total 13-20 Atomic absorption 20.06 ag/t Manganese. total 13-20 Atomic absorption 20.01 as/t Mercury, total 13-20 Atomic absorption 20.0002 mg/t (flameless)

Nickel, total 13-20 Atomic absorption 20.05 mg/t Selenium, total 13-20 Atomic absorption 20.0003 as/t Vanadium, total 13-20 Atomic absorption 20.002 ag/t Zinc. total 13-20 Atoute absorption 20.01 ag/t Phosphorue, total 13-20 Auto analysis tl.981 at 2 usat/t Scler 1CO ServlCOS dlVISIO

2.6 WATER QUALITY 2.6.1 METHODOLOGY. Water quality parameters were measured in the lake and ponds onsite as well as in the National Lakeshore area, as desig-nated by stations i through 22 in Figure 2.1. Table 2.16 indicates the stations s ampled , the water quality parameters measured, and the methods and their accuracy. Additionally, Table 2.17 lists each parameter and its Indiana Pollution Control Board standard levels; where Indiana standards were not immediately available, U.S. Public Health Service or Federal Environ-mental Protection Agency values were used.

All water quality samples were collected using either a Van Dorn whole-water sampler (or equivalent) or, for bacteria samples, sterile bottles dipped below the water's surface. g situ parameters were measured using a YSI Model 59 temperature / dissolved-oxygen meter with remote stirrer, a Beckman solu-bridge conductivity meter, a standard 4 quadrant Secchi disk, and a Beckman field-model pH meter (or equivale:t gear). Also recorded at each sampling location were wind direction and speed, air temperature, water color, percent cloud cover, and time of day. While these ancillary measure-ments are useful in interpreting some of the biological data, they are not considered part of water quality data and are not presented in the tables; they are included in sections where they help explain biological findings.

Samples from the ash-settling basins (stations 13 through 16), tt tural ponds (stations 17 through 20), and Cowles Bog (station 21) were collected at mid-depth. Lake Michigan samples from locations along the 15-foot contour (stations 1, 4, and 7) were collected from 1 meter below the surface, lake samples along the 30-foot contour (stations 2, 5, and 8) were collected from 1 meter below the surface and from 1 meter above the bottom, and lake samples along the 50-foot contour (stations 3, 6, and 9) were collected from 1 meter below the surface, at mid-depth, and from 1 meter above the bottom. All other lake samples (stations 10, 11, and 22) were collected from 1 meter below the surface. Sediment samples were collected from the substrate in the vicinities of stations 13 through 20.

r,9 7 UL, 7 Cij )~

2.29 science services division

O Table 2.17 Water Quality Values Defined by Indiana Streani Pollution Board, U.S. Public Health Service, or Federal EPA and Applicable to Lake Michigan in Bailly Study Area Cou r al Ma t e r Qua l i t y Units I nd ie s . 1:5PM5 or EPA Levelp Alkalinity as/t 30-500 range, whatever is of natural origin (2)

Calctum ag/t No limita defined III Chlorides as/t 15 single values. 10 monthly average Chlorine og/t .003 as/t (I 2)

Conduc tivity wahos <A00-1200 microahos/cm (at 25'C)(II Color APHA units 15 single ve g maximum. 5 monthly average (I)

Dissolved oxygen ag/l Not < 5 mg/t Dissolved Osygen og/t 80% sinimum(I)

Fluorides ag/l Not to exceed 1.0 at any time UI Hardness as/t 0-500 range, natural origin (2)

Magnesium og/t No limits defined (2) odor odor units pos-neg Single value 8 - daily ave 4(I) pH pH units 7.5-8,5(I)

Potassium ag/t No limits defined (2)

Sodium as/t No limits defined (2)

Total Dissolved Solids ag/t 172 (Lake Michigan monthly avs) 750 elsewhere U) 200 (1.ake Michigan single value) 1000 elsewhere Teral saepended solids ma/t 80(2)

Sulfate og/t 50-single value; 26-monthly average War,r Temperature *C 3*F above existing 1000 ft from discharge ce UI 45*(Jan-Mar) 55'(Apr) 60*(May) 70*(Jun) 80*(Jul-Sep) 65*(Oct) 60*(Nov) 50*(Dec), whichever is lower Turbidity FTU Mone other than natural origin U)

Aquatic Nutrient III Ammonia ag/t 0.05singevalue.0.02monthlyaverage 10 mg/t( - Freshwater (Public Supply)

Nitrates as/t Nitrites ag/t I ag/1(2) - Fresh er (Pubile Supply)

Organic Nitrogen og/t No limits defined Orthophosphate og/t No limits defined - presumably less than total F.

Total Phosphorus ag/t i q0.04 single value. 0.03 monthly average Silicates ag/t i j4o limits defined Trace Elements Arsenic, total ag/t Not to exceed 0.05 at any time U)

Cadmium, total as/t # 1 Not to exceed 0.01 at any time (I)

Chromium, hexavaient Chrosias, total ag/t as/t (m) ' Not to exceed 0.05 at any time (I)


Copper, total Iron, soluble as/t og/t


L 1 g

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{i.0(2) single value. .15 monthly average (I) as/t C)

Iron, total , ' 0. 3 Lead, total ag/t CD Manganese, total as/t [ I Not)'o 0.0 2) exceed 0.05 at any timeU)

Noc to exceed 0.0005 at any time Mercury, total as/t Nicket, total as/t 1/50to96 hr. TL.005 =.5-2 as/t(3) o - at gelenius, total ag/t h '

)Not exceed any time (I)

Venadium, total as/1 F5 tamits defined (2I Zinc. total as/t 5(2)

Indicatore of Industrial and Organte contastnation Bacteria, fecal califora 8/100 at 20/100 (Lake Michigan open water) 200/100 at at beaches W tiased on geometric area of 5 samples secteria, total coliform f/100 at <100/100 at desirable 10.000/100 at a11 owed (2)

Biochemical Oxygen Demand ag/1 No prescribed limite(2)

Chemical Oxygen Demand as/t No prescribed 11 mite (2)

Cyanide sg/t Not to exceed .01 at any time U)

Mesane, soluble asterial ag/t Virtually absent (2)

Phenols ag/t .003 single value. .001 monthly average U)

Methylene glue Active Sub-ag/t 0.5(2)

No prescribed 11mits I2I stances Total Orsanic Carbon ag/t , f (1) Indiana Regulation SPC 4R or SPC 1R-3 U) USPMS Drisking Water Standards (1962)

U) EPA Water Quality Criteria Data book - Vol. 3 (1971) science services divisio 2.30



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0 2.6.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION General Water Quality Parameter. Results of general water quality analyses for both lake and ponds during April 1979 are presented in Table 2.18. No effects of plant construction on either Lake Michigan or the interdunal ponds were indicated by the general water quality analyses. Lake Michigan. Alkalinity, odor, color, and chlorine levels in April 1979 were virtually identical to those in April 1978. Levels of chloride, hardness, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfate, and conductivity in April 1979 were also similar to those of April 1978. Levels of fluoride in 1979 were less than detection, continuing the trend of being at or neer the lower limit of detection. Oxygen concentrations ranged from 11.9 to 13.2 milligrams per liter, and percent saturation averaged 104 (an exceedingly high dissolved oxygen at station 3 was believed to be erroneous).

All concentrations and percent saturation levels exceeded the minimum allowed levels indicated by the Indiana Stream Pollution Control Board (ISPCB). The slightly higher oxygen levels in 1979 were probably a result of lower water temperatures (6.0-7.5 C range), which increase oxygen solubility. The pH levels, ranging from 8.0 to 8.3 pH units, were all at or below the 8.5 ISPCB standard.

As mentioned previously, color level: in April 1979 were idantical to those of April 1978, all being at 1 Platinum-Ccbalt (Pt-Co) unit, an indication of very high clarity. Suspended solids levels were low, averaging 18.6 milli-grams per liter, and dissolved solids averaged 144 milligrams per liter; both values were comparable to those of April 1978. Turbidity levels were low, ranging fror. 1 to 10 NTUs, supporting the above results. Ponds. The ponds can be considered to be four units: ash-settling ponds (stations 13 through 16), pond B (17 through 18), pond C (19 through 20), and Cowles Bog (station 21). Both the natural and ash-settling ponds were monitored for general water quality parameters. Generally, there were considerable differences among the ponds, but only minor differences from the data collected in April 1978.

827 2iB 2.32 science services division

@Oxygen concentrations in the ponds were somewhat lower than in the lakes, ranging from 9.2 to 13.2 milligrams per liter. Percent saturation was 85 to 114. Levels of pH were between 6.6 and 7.2 units, lower than the average of 8.2 observed in the lake. Alkalinity values were low compared to those in the lake. Conductance and hardness were generally higher in the ponds.

Concentrations of ions which would cause these higher levels - calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfates, and chlorides - were generally higher in the ponds than in the lake. Pond C stations tended to have lower levels than the othar stations, and no explanation is readily available.

Pond water temperatures ranged from 8 8 to 12.0 C, the highest occurring in pond C and Cowles Bog, and averaged 5C higher than for the lake in April 1979 and almost 7.0 C higher than for the lake in April 19/6. The shallow nature of the pond during the spring permits it to rapidly warm.

April 1979 color values were 1 in all ponds except Cowles Bog. Previous data had shown the natural ponds (stations 17 through 21) to exhibit higher color values. There is no obvious explanation for the low color values, although the high water levels observed on site may indicate the possibility of dilu-tion.

Odor was present in all natural ponds, as it had been previously. Fluoride levels were at or below detection limits at all stations except settling pond 2 (station 14), but values observed in settling pond 2 were low and did not exceed values observed in April 1978. Total dissolved and suspended solids results were similar to those obtained in 1978: station 13 had lower dissolved solids but higher suspended solids than the other ash ponds.

Cawles Bog exhibited a high suspended solids load, but the results did not indicate a long-term change from past years, since the bog tends to change rapidly because of outside influences. Turbidity analysis yielded low values that indicated a very small amount of suspended material present during April. Aquatic Nutrients. Results for April 1979 aquatic nutrient analyses are presented in Tabic 2.19. Mean values were as follows:

977 Lw e ')

u } 9 2.33 science services divialon

o Stations Labe Micnigan Ash Pond Pond 3 Pond C Cowles Bog Parameter Unit 1-12 & 22 13-16 17-19 19-20 21 4moni a 9/1 0.099 1.9 0.96 0.71 0.22 Nitrate mg/l 0.34 0.28 0.05 0.04 0.03 Nitrite mg/l 0.009 0.022 0.005 0.003 0.004 Organic nitrogen mg/l 0.44 1.: <0.1 0.4 1.2 Orthephosphate ag/l 0.006 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 Total phosphate mg/l 0.034 0.007 0.012 0.019 0.043 Silicate mg/l 0.91 3.6 0.76 0.31 5.8 Results from both the lake and the interdunal ponds indicated no adverse effects on the environment as a result of plant construction.

Ammonia values in Lake Michigan were considered to be moderate. The overall average at lake stations was higher than in previous sampling periods.

Ammonia values in the ash ponds and ponds B and C were higher than those reported in August and November 1978. Cowles Bog also exhibited high ammonia values, but fluctuations are not unusual due to its shallow nature. All values except one (station 8, replicate a) exceeded the applicable single-value Indiana Stream Pollution Control Board (ISPCB) standards (see Table 2.17) as well as the monthly mean value for the lake and the interdunal ponds. Ammonia will continue to be monitored, although present values should not endanger any indigenous fauna (EPA 1971).

All stations had nitrate and nitrite values that were within ISPCB standards.

April 1979 nitrate values generally exhibited a similar trend during April 1978. Average and mean nitrate values were 0.34 milligrams per liter ana 0.009 milligrams per liter, respectively, for Lake Michigan and 0.15 milli-grams per liter and 0.012 milligrams per liter, respectively, for the inter-dunal ponds. 'Ihe highest nitrite values occurred in the ash-settling ponds.

Organic nitrogen levels exhibited little variation, averaging 0.44 milligrams per liter over all stations. Values in the ash ponds were high and were three times higher than in April 1978. Ash pond levels fluctuate widely as influenced by input of bottom ash and/or fly ash. Results from pond B indi-cated little or no leaching from the ash ponds. Pond C and Cowles Bog demon-strated little change from April 1978 or November 1978.

0 2.34 science services division


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O Orthophosphate and total phosphate levels were uniformly low. Although several total phosphate values exceeded the ISPCB standards, as did the mean values for both Lake Michigan and Cowles Bog, there were no obvious biologi-cal indications of the increased levels. Orthophosphate and total phosphate values were extremely low in the ash ponds and in ponds B and C.

Silicate levels in April 1979 were higher than in April and November 1978, but 'here was no indication of a " bloom" condition for diatoms as a result of ti.e higher silicate levels. The ash ponds and Cowles Bog exhibited the high-est silicate levels, while the averages for Lake Michigan and pond B were similar and moderate. Lowest values observed in April 1979 were in pond C.

There are no prescribed ISPCB limits for silicates. The values recorded during April are different from those described previously in respect to the declining silicate values in Lake Michigan (i.e. , the concentrations observed during April are slightly higher than the mean annual concentration expected, beced on an observed 20 year trend of declining silicate levels). Indicators of Contamination. Nine indicators of contamination were examined in the interdunal ponds during April 1977. As indicated in Table 2.20, fecal coliform bacteria were less than 1 per 100 milliliters at all stations and total colifonn bacteria values were less than 1 per 100 milliliters at ash pond stations 14 and 15; at stations 13, 17, 19, 20, and 21, however, total coliform bacteria exceeded ISPCB standmrds. It should be noted that the ISPCB standards were developed for Lake Michigan and do not apply directly to the ponds. Values at the latter stations ranged from less than 1 to 500 per 100 milliliters. During previous years, high total coli-form counts had been attributed to migratory birds, and it is likely that this was the situation this year.

Biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (CCD), and total organic carbon (TOC) had lov values except in Cowles Bog, a trend which has been observed during the last several sampling periods.

Hexane extraction of oils and grease produced the highest values in the ash ponds and pond B (less than 0.1 to 36.4 milligrams per liter), while pond C 827 222 7.36 science services division

O Table 2.20 Indicators of Industrial and Organic Contamination, Bailly Study Area, April 1979 Station

  • Parameter Unit Rep 135 145 ISS 165 175 185 19 205 215 Bacteria, fecal coliform No./100 mi a <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 b <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1 <1 <1 Bacteria, total co11 form No./100 ml a 100 <1 1 100 500 100 <l 301 500 b 200 <1 <1 <1 200 100 400 100 300 Biochemical osygen demand rg/l a 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 b 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 Chem cal oxygen demand mg/l a 3.4 2.3 2.3 <2.0 4.6 4.0 15.5 18.3 50.0 b 3.4 2.7 2.9 6.3 a3 5.2 16.1 15.5 51.1 He ane soluble materials mg/l a 3.5 1.2 23.6 16.'s 6.0 24.4 <0.1 16.4 -0.1 b 36.4 4.8 11.2 24.0 28.4 6.4 <0.1 6.0 14.8 Methylene-blue active w;/1 a <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.0/ <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.52 <0.02 substances b <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.0J 3.'2 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Organic carbon, total (TOC) mg/l a 14.9 4.2 2.5 1.5 0.3 6.9 4.2 6.7 23.0 b 14.8 2.5 1.1 3.0 11.7 28 6.3 6.7 ?4.1 Peenols mg/l a <0.0C5 <0.005 0.015 0.011 0.017 0 220 0.".22 1.027 , 335 b <0.005 <0.005 0.024 1.011 0.020 0.021 0.025 J.022 U.016
  • S - surface and Cowle- Bog were similar to one another. The ovecall va' aes for all ponds were alLghtly higher in April 1979 than in April 1978 (12.4 versus 7.4 milli-grams per liter).

Phenol concentrations ranged from less than 0.005 mil',i; rams per liter to 0.046 milligrams per liter, whereas 1978 cencentrations ranged from less than 0.005 to 0.007. No direct source was evident. Methylene-blue active sub-stances (detergent-like substances) were below the detection limits, as they had been during April 1978. Trace Elements in Interdunal Ponds. Trace elements sere moni-tored in the interdunal ponds during April. As indicated in Table 2.21 cadmium exceeded the ISPCB standard in the ash ponds only ato was aear or at the detection limits in ponds B and C and Cowles Bog. Iror. and aanganese also exceeded the state standards at most c stions. Iror, and sanganese values have also been high 11 previous sampling periods. All o*.her trace ele-ment analyses indicated nothing unusual. Concentrations of copper, nickel, and zine were higher in the ash ponds than in the other sampling partas but should not be harmful to the biota.

g } }/ 2.37 scienca norvsces division

O Table 2.21 Tra.e Element Concentrations, Bailly Study Area, April 1979 Station

  • Parameter Unit Rep 135 14S ISS 165 175 185 195 205 215 Cadmium, total mg/l a 0.017 0.015 0.016 0.016 0.003 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 b 0.023 0.017 0.012 0.016 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Chromium, l.:xavalent mg/l a 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.012 b 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.c04 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.011 Chromium, total mg/l a 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.003 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 b 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.003 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Copper, total mg/l a 0.088 0.043 0.076 0.117 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.006 b 0.114 0.056 0.063 0.033 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.005

[ Iron, soluble mg/l a 0.132 0.326 0.243 0.102 0.331 0.359 0.276 0.303 0.366 os b 0.222 0.324 0.135 0.098 0.458 0.380 0.283 0.303 0.331 Lead, total mg/l a <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 b <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Manganese, total mg/l a 0.190 0.168 0.169 0.171 0.259 0.166 0.002 0.010 <0.001 b 0.190 0.154 0.169 0.043 0.164 0.257 0.004 0.013 0.004 Mercury, total mg/l a <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 b <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 0.0008 <0.0013 a g 'lickel, total mg/l a 0.091 0.158 0.098 0.098 0.009 0.008 0.003 0.003 0.004 s b 0.111 0.111 0.078 0.073 0.010 0.008 0.003 0.003 0.004 o lo a y ic, total mg/l a b 1.23 0.431 0.284 0.365 0.138 0.130 0.353 0.343 0.019 0.019 0.012 0.012 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.006 'l N I *S - surface


a 7 m O 3 9

O 2.7 LITERATURE CITED American Public Health Association. 1971. Standard methods for the exam-ination of water and vastewater. 13th ed. APHA, Washington, D.C. xxxv

      + 874 p.

American Public Health Association. 1975. Standard methods for the exam-ination of water and wastewater. 14th ed. APHA, Washington, D.C. Cassie, R.M. 1963. Microdistribution of plankton. Oceanography and marine biology: an annual review. 1:223-252. Environmental Protection Agency. 1971. Water quality criteria data book, Vol. 3. Effects of chemicals on aquatic life. 526 p. Indiana Stream Pollution Control Board. 1972. Regulation SPC 4R, Lake Michigan and contiguous harbors. Indiana Stream Pollution Control Board. 1973. Regulation SPC IR3, water quality standards for waters of Indiana, dauwerck, A. 1963. Die bezeihungen zwischen zooplankton und phytoplankton. In: See Erken. S ymb . Bo t . Usal. 17(5):1-163. Patrick, R., M.H. Hohn, and J.H. Wallace. 1954. A new method for deter-mining the pattern of the diatom flora. Bull. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. 259:1. Rohde, W., R.A. Vollenweider, and A. Nauwerck. 1958. The primary produc-tion and standing crop of zooplankton. In: Perspectives in marine biology (A.A. Buzzati-Traverso, ed). Univ. of Cal. 299-322 p. Strickland, J.D.H. 1960. Measuring the production of marine phytoplankton. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Bull. 122:1-172. Talling, V.F., and D. Driver. 1963. Some problems in the estimation of chlorophyll a in phytoplankton. Proc. Conf. of Primary Productivity Measurement, Marine and Freshwatet, Hawaii, 1961. USAEC TID-7633: 142-146. Texas Instruments Inco;porated. 1976. Fall 1976 quarterly report, Bailly Nuclear-1 site, encompassing September-November 1977. Northern Indiana Public Service Company. Texas Instruments Incorporated. 1978. Summer 1978 quarterly report, Bailly Nuclear-1 site, encompassing April-June 1978. Northern Indiana Public Service Company. Texas Instruments Incorporated. 1978. Summer 1978 quarterly report, Bailly Nuclear-1 site, encompassing July-September 1978. Northern Indiana Public Service Company. O77 glr 7Qi LLd 2.39 science services division

O Texas Instruments Incorporated. 1978. Winter 1978 quarterly report, Bailly Nuclear-1 site, encompassinJ January-March 1978. Northern Indiana Public Service Company. Texas Instruments Incorporated. 1978, 1977-1978 annual report. Bailly Nuclear-1 site, encompassing April 1977-March 1978. Northern Indiana Public Service Company. Texas Instruments Incorporated. 1979. Fall 1978 quarterly report, Bailly Nuclear-1 site, encompassing October-December 1978. Northern Indiana Public Service Company. United States Public Health Service. 196', Drinking water standards for United States waters. Vollenweider, R.A. 1974. A manual on methods for measuring primary produc-tion in aquatic environments. 79P ::andbook 12. Blackwell Scientific Pub., Oxford, 2nd ed. xvii + 225 p. 2.8 HOW TO READ TI CCMPUTER PRINT 0UTS On the following two pages are detailed instructions for reading the TI computer printouts which appear in Appendixes A, B, C, D, and E. 76 2.b 2.40 science services division

                                                                                  ,TI Project,Nuceet                                                                                      o
                           .Companyy NoRTHERM IPCIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY (497203-BAILLY GENERATING PL ANT -               1.oCation:


     , Project --*Pc TC'Gc LcC              Task and Gear Codes 5 7: n 12 00*-l.ocation:Iode (for computer processing) hde^. . "                                       DURATION                  TOW sat 1P VOL                  WIND         CURENT   TEMP WAT BT TURBD COND 00         PH SALN P 5tationTID, 5!D     191 OATE 6/14/78 isnt o/n units c so 0 0        0.0 0       0.0 No 0.0 SP o uNiis c stCw w T sC or CL SP DI AIR 0.0 0      0.1 6 0.0 0 0         0 0 0        0.0  0 e.0  0.0  0   0.0         0 0.0   0.0   0.0 0
    %eAdicateSJ'        192 6/14/78         0 0        0.0 0       0.0 0.0    0.0 0        1 09O       0.,. o. ,. 0 g    0.0  0 0.0  0.0  0   0.0         0 0.0   0.0 p.0 0 I             "                                                                                                                                     ' '

P et 1 2 M Ead j s104ex . ~.; e NEnAicoA tiOTAtt 16.,2 0.0 38.46 38.46 4.7 1 NEttATC04 ILP!Li 76.92 0.0 38.46 33.46 4.7 IaFon ad 0 OLICOCHAtta (TOTAtt 326.92 192.31 259.61 67.31 31.4 0 elAIDIDAE Taxa }}$ted 1 NAIDIDAE (LFILI jp.phylO 250.00 76.92 163.46 86.54 19.8 0 TUSIFICIDAE  :

f. jenetIC 115.3a e6.15 19.23 11.6 I It'DIFICIPAE I LPIL )
                                                              . order,      '.h 76.92            76.92                                            38.46             38.46    4.7 to                     O GA51ROFC3A tTOTALi                                 i4      0.0 p                     8      PHtSIDAE                                                                          y g                      1        FH154 ILPIll                                        0.0           76.92                                            38.46             38.46    4.7 0 BIVALVIA (TOTAL 8                                         76.92          76.92                                            76.92              0.0     9.3 0     $rHAERIIDAE                                                                            O 1        $rH AERILR1 ( LPIL I                               76.92          76.92                                            76.92              0.0     9.3 0

0 ARACHNIDA (TOTALI FF0571G'*A14 0.0 19.23  % 9.62 9.62 1.2 1 H1DRACAR1HA ILPILI 0.0 19.23 9.62 9.62 1.2 0 ErltEt2RCPTERA (TOTALI 0.0 230.77 115.38 115.38 14.0 0 CAENIDAE C 10 CAEN!5 ILPILI 0.0 230.77 115.38 115.38 14.0

                      $ ODONATA liOTAL)                              .             0.0           19.23                                              9.62             9.62    1.2 O      COENAGRIONIDAE
    .Jndicates      10      COEwA2Ricu!D:E ILPILD                                  8.0           19.23                                              9.62             9.62    1.2
                 -9. O DIPTERA HEt1%TCZERA IT07All                               365.38         1*2.31             t: -                          278.85             e6.54 33.7
    $yggnary i CHIRCt:ortID At ONel* J           G 2        CHIECNO"US ILPILD                                 213.54           0.0                                            105.77            105.77 12.8 2        T ANIT AR$t'S ( L PIL )                            38.46          57.69                                            48.08              9.62    5.0 9                     2        FOLt rEDILt'r1 i t PIL D                           19.23           0.0                                                9.62            9.62    1.2 0                     2        ABL AEE5rti! A ILPIll                              19.23          76.92                                            ** S . 0 $        28.65    5.8 rRCCLADIUS ILPILI                                  38.46          57.69                                            48.08              9.62    5.0

[ 2 2 PAR 12HIRCNC*fJS (LPILI 19.23 0.0 9.62 9.62 1.2 3 FSECTROCLADIUS ELPILI 19.23 0.3 9.62 9.62 1.2 g 2 4 846.15 807.69 826.92 19.23 100.0 TOTAL . OIVERSITY (H PRIME +$hannon Oeaver; 2.66 3.01 2.94 0.07 DIVERSITV tJ ftIttE 4 {ygqqq$g '{gfgy 0.63 0.91 0.87 0.04 N] tutDER OF Tava B0110tl itFE 3 11 10 Y T 15 g { l N O Sa wleS $. 4 Mean of All Standard Error

$""                                                                                                                                          A Sa@les;a             of 4 Samples / ,

a y 8'y, ,o **',7l 9/28/77 h 1600 AQUA 1  % o 3

O iType of Report:~ y IE Project No! lRepiteate=1: station-  ! t HoRTHERn IHotAnA PustTC serv!CE COMPANY I4 m 05 [' Station /Within J Site: = ' , eAILLT GENERATING Plat!T : Site. ;Inultiple stations:with- it gg  ; eene:4IC t1ACROItWERTEERATE HLR1ERICAL ABUI4 DANCE IN0/S4 Ml+ parameteh  !(e.9 ,)p?nd B,2 Lake'- 1 REPLICATE REPORT : iMichigan',b't.)  :-.-

                                                                                                                                                            . y-
                                                                                                                         }PC s         *1Projedt Code; 5 = NIP 5toj bPCTCGC Y3           ,                                                                                               TC GC =~TaskTCode/ Gear Code:Sj n51.: 51:l=' Zooplankton / Net.-     7 oATE                                                   *
        -+ Slo                       ,SID .* Station'!D:' '       -                                                      '56 56 a:Phytoplankton/ Van Dorn
               }U I'f!lN'           ill <w. Station'1,-Repitcate-1                                                       j66 661.=.Per;phyton/ Substrate J2mstatiotti,Jepitcate 2                                                             L71:71 =.msenthos/PonarxEmari LS         TAXA
            ':                                                       LSi=-Life Stage;                                                    j 0 OLIGCCHAETA ITOTAL)                                                                                                      .+

0 HAIDIDAE (10 =; SunInary' Level:. -

                                                                                                                                       ;j 4

I HAIDIDAE ELPIll E 1"" MUlb'- , 8 BIVALVIA ITOTALI {;:2 s': Larvae ~ b 0 SPHAERIIDAE ' N I Srtf AERIUt1 i LPIll L3'.: Pupae ~ 6 BIVALVIA ELPILI y'a4 =: Egg . . .. . C 5-20 '- t Zooplankton: Benthos; 0 EritEt1EROPTERA 8 TOTAll O 10 CAEHIo*E CAEt1IS ILPILI [5-t

Nestling ~ L5 InInature'- <

8 DIPTERA NENATCCERA ITOTAt t f T Imature ' - 6 . Juvenile:- e e CERAT0roccHIonE ir 77 Juvenile -

                                                                                                              -'7:.;Ephippium.:-                               o 2      CERAfor0G0HIDAE ELPIL)                               6            No Code:                    8 -:1LStatoblast                  C 2

R L tLPILI CRIPTOCHIROHCitS I LPIL) 2l 9 / 110' TroCophore-

                                                                                                           ' 101 Nynph>.-

h 2 TANYTARSUS ILPIll ,Ill) Statoblast- - Il Colony'-  ; # N{$UE"t,IC t 12 Nauplius i 12': Undetermined; a a rRectAaluS itPIts 11 3 l Nynph?. . :9 2 PSECTROCLADI'JS ILPILI j]4 .Copepodid  :$ r 3 CHIROt10t1IDAE ILPILI S

45 'PMwW -!


                                                          .    . . !16
                                        ,Shannon4. ICAVer indeX l'17 :
                                                                                  .2001 cPostlarvae _                                           ,

[ g DIVEROF la.21CER $1TT TAXA IJ FRIt1El+--.Evennessdndexeda (18 - Colony'.m . . g Q BOTT0rt TYPE O ;19 rUndeterminedL . O N AsovE C0rtFUTED US!Hf, SAf1PLE IDS * ~ ^* "*"" ' " " N 181 182 O l TV ra a O


ilORTHERil INDIAt4A PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY (49720) BAILLY GENERATING PlA14T PHfTOPLA11K1014 DEllSITY llut:BER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 00 DURATIOf4 TOW sat 1P VOL WillD CUREllT TEMP SID DATE TIME D/H Ut4ITS C SD WO SP D UtillS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT UT TURCD CottD DO Pil SALH P 11 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 12 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                      -                   REL LS          TAXA                                                                                                 X            S.E. AB%

1 2 0 UllIDEllTIFIED ALGAE 71428.56 82215.19 76821.87 5393.31 1.0 0 UtilDEllTIFIED ALGAE I LPIL) 71428.56 82215.19 76821.87 5393.31 1.0 0 CY AHol'H YT A 0.0 5755063.00 2877531.00 2877531.00 37.4 0 CHROOCOCCACEAE 0 GOltritOSPH AERI A LACUSTRIS 0.0 5755063.00 2877531.00 2877531.00 37.4 0 CHLOROPHfTA 1142857.00 164430.37 653643.69 489213.31 8.5 0 CHLOROCOCCALES p 0 UNIDENTIFIED

  • 05030511 0.0 164430.37 82215.19 82215.19 1.1

- 0 tilLOROPHYi A ( LPIL) 1142857.00 0.0 571428.50 571428.50 7.4 H 0 XAHIHOPHYTA 142857.12 0.0 71428.56 71428.56 0.9 CD 0 HETEROCOCCALES N O IIETEROCOCCALES ( LPIL) 142857.12 0.0 71428.56 71428.56 0.9 N O BACILLARIOPHfTA-CEt41RIC 635714.12 945474.62 790594. / 154880.25 10.3 0 EUPOUISCALES 0 HELOSIRA ILPIL) 285714.25 698829.06 492271.62 206557.37 6.4 g 0.0 3571.43 3571.43 0.0 0 STEPifAH0 DISCUS ASTRAEA 7142.86 0 EUPODISCALES ELPIL) 214285.69 246645.56 230465.62 16179.94 3.0 C 0 RHI20SOLEt4I ALES 0 RHIZOSOLEllI A ERIEttSIS 128571.37 0.0 64285.69 64285.69 0.8 0 BACI LLARIOPHY T A-PEll!!AT E 5114282.00 1175677.00 3144979.00 1969302.00 40.9 g 0 FRAGILARIALES O 0 ASTERICHELLA FORT!OSA 1720570.00 53439A.69 1131484.00 597085.62 14.7 g 0 FRAGILARI A CPOTOHEllSIS 2307142.00 0.0 1153571.00 1153571.00 15.0 3 0 SiHEDRA (LPILI 442856.87 0.0 221428.44 221428.44 2.9 0 0 DACILLARIALES O 0 flITZSCHIA ACICULARIS 635714.12 0.0 317057.06 317857.06 4.1

 #     0         H11ZCllIA tLPILI                               0.0         271310.06                            135655.00     135655.00   1.8 0     0 B ACILLARIOPitf TA-PElit4 ATE ( LPIL )                 0.0         369968.31                            164984.12     184984.12   2.4 2     0 CRYPTOPHiTA                                      149999.94              0.0                              74999.94      74999.94   1.0 0     0      CRI P1Ut tot 10D A LE S S     0         RHODuttottAS HIllUTA                     149999.94              0.0                              74999.94      74999.94   1.0 W

CL TOTAL 7257131.00 8122855.00 7689993.00 432862.00 100.0 I DIVERSITY (H PRIME) 2.73 1.62 2.17 0.56 g" DIVERSITY IJ PRIl1El 0.76 0.54 0.65 0.11 g  !!UttCER OF TAXA 12 8 16 3 ABOVE COI1PUTED USIl1G SAftPLE IDS 11 12

t40RTitERil IllDI AHA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY (49720) o BAILLY GEllERATIllG PLAT 4T PHYTOPLAtlKTOla DENSITY hut 10ER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REFORT PC 1C GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 00 DURATIOf8 TOW SAMP VOL WIllD CUREllT T Et1P SID DATE TINE D/H UtlITS C SO HD SP D UNITS C SECH W T SC DI *L SP DI AIR HAT BT TURDD COttD DO Pfl SAlti P 21 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 22 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 LS REL TAXA X S.E. AB% 1 2 0 CYAHOPHYTA 270981.25 2785450.00 0 1528215.00 1257234.00 24.2 CllR00COCCACEAE 0 CilR00 COCCUS (LPIL) 270981.25 0.0 135490.62 135490.62 2.1 0 HICROCVSTIS ( LPIL) 0.0 2785450.00 1392725.00 1392725.00 22.1 0 CHLOPOPlirTA 0.0 159168.62 79584.31 0 CllLOROCOCCALES 79584.31 1.3 0 AllKISlRODESitUS ( LPIL) 0.0 159168.62 79584.31 79584.31 1.3 f 0 EUGLEtt0PH11 A 67745.31 0.0 33872.66 33072.66 0.5 N 0 EUGt Ell A L ES 0 EUGLEllA (LPIL) 67745.31 0.0 33872.66 0 CHR)SOPHYlA 33872.66 0.5 0.0 557090.19 278545.06 278545.06 4.4 0 CitR Y S0t tullAD AL ES 0 Dill 0eRYOH DIVERGEllS 0.0 557090.19 CO 278545.06 278545.06 4.4 O BACILLAR 10PHf7A-CEHIRIC 731649.37 1225598.00 978623.69 N O EUPODISCALES 246974.31 15.5 N 0 flELOSIR A ( LPIL) 270981.25 246711.37 258846.31 0 STEPilAH0 DISCUS ASTRAEA 12134.94 4.1 189686.87 103459.56 146573.19 43113.66 2.3 0 STEPHAHODISCUS ( LPIL) N 0.0 79584.31 39792.16 39792.16 0.6 0 EUFODISCALES ( LPIll 67745.31 4i7505.87 272625.56 0 Rli!ZOSOLEHIALES 204880.25 4.3 T 0 RilIZOSOLEllI A f RIEtlSIS 203235.94 318337.25 260786.56 57550.66 4.1 0,. 0 B ACI LL? R10FH f T A-PElit1 ATE 2553994.00 3828003.00 0 0 FRAGILARIALES 3190998.00 637004.50 50.6 3 0 ASTERIONEllA FORMOSA 1470072.00 1687187.00 1578629.00 10S557.50 25.0 0 DIA10llA TENUE 54196.25 238752.94 0 446474.56 92278.31 2.3 FRAGILARIA CPOTCtlEttSIS 0.0 318337.25 159168.62 0 FRAGILARIA (LPIL) 159168.62 2.5 0.0 1352933.00 676466.50 676466.50 10.7 0 SYtlEDRA ( LPIL l 0.0 39792.16 0 19896.08 19896.08 0.3 _ TABELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 406471.87 0.0 203235.94 203235.94 3.2 0 0 BACILLARIALES l 0 HITZCitI A ( LPIL) 521638.81 39792.16 280715.44 240923.31 4.4 0 B ACILLAR10rilv TA-PEHil A TE ( LPIL ) 101617.94 151210.12 126414.00 O CR) P rorti ri A 24796.09 2.0

h. 203235.94 238752.94 220994.44
 $,   O     CRIP10fOll00 ALES 17758.50    3.5
 #    0         CR Y P10110Ht S ( LPIL )                     0.0         79584.31                                  39792.16     39792.16    0.6 6   0         RH000lt0ttAS tilltuTA                   203235.94       159168.62                                 181202.25     22033.66     .

t#0RTHERil ItlDIAtlA PUDLIC SERVICE cot 1 pally (49720 3 BAILLY GEllERAllilG PLAtlT PilfiOPLAtlKTCil DEllSITY llUMBER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. AD% 1 2 TOTAL 3827599.00 8794058.00 6310828.00 2483229.00 100.0 DIVERSITY (11 PRIttEl 2.90 3.09 3.00 0.09 DIVERSITY ( J PRIttE l 0.81 0.76 0.78 0.03 tlUttDER OF 1AXA 12 17 20 ADOVE CottPUTED USIllG sat 1PLE IDS 21 22 O O e 3 0 O a 8 2 CD E N e y a E ru i va 8

 -      ra a

HORTilERN ItIDIAf4A PUB!.IC SERVICE C0tlPAHY (49720) o BAILLY GEttERATIttG PLAtlT PHYTOPLAttK10tl del 4SITY lluttDER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC L 56 56 0 0 00 DURATI0tl TOW SAttP VOL WillD CURET 4T TEttP SID DATE TIttE D/il UllITS C SD WD SP D Uti1TS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED CO'tD 00 PH SALH P 31 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 e 32 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 C.o 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AB% 1 2 0 UttIDEtlTIFIED ALGAE 0.0 67745.31 33S72.66 33872.66 0.3 0 UtlIDENTIFIED ALGAE (LPIL) 0.0 67745.31 33872.66 33872.66 0.3 0 CYAll0PHvTA 14032492.0 2980793.00 8506642.00 5525849.00 65.2 0 CllR00COCCACEAE O ttICROC)STIS (LPILI 12299396.0 0.0 6149698.00 6149698.00 47.1 0 CortPil0 SPHAERIA LACUSTRIS 270981.25 0.0 135490.62 135490.62 1.0 0 OSCILLA10RIACEAE 0 OSCILLATORIA (LPILI 1733096.00 0.0 866548.00 866548.00 6.6 p 0 ll0STOCACEAE O O APilAtlIZOttEt40tl FLOS-AQUA 5 0.0 2709812.00 1354906.00 1354906.00 10.4 O CHLOROPH)TA 559063.44 203235.94 381149.69 177913.75 2.9 N 0 v0LVDCALES N 0 CllLAtttDat10'AS ( LPIL) 55906.35 135490.62 95698.44 39792.14 0.7 0 CllLORCCOCCA LES N 0 AtlKISTR00EsttOS I LPIL) 55906.35 0.0 27953.17 27953.17 0.2 0 GUADRICULA ILPIL1 223625.37 67745.31 145685.31 779e0.00 1.1 0 SCEllEDESituS QUADRICAUDA 223625.37 0.0 111S12.69 111612.69 0.9 0 EUGLLil0PHil A 55906.35 0.0 27953.17 27953.17 0.2 0 EUGLEttAL E S 0 EUGLEllA (LPIL) 55906.35 0.0 27953.17 27953.17 0.2 3 0 XAtHHOPHITA 0.0 406471.87 203235.94 203235.94 1.6 O_ 0 HE1EROCOCCALES S 0 HETEPOCOCCALES ( LPIL) 0.0 406471.87 203235.94 203235.94 3 1.6 0 CHRv50PHYTA 55906.35 474217.19 265061.75 209155.37 2.0 0 CIIR I S0!!Ot1 AD A L ES 0 Dill 0 DRY 0tl DIVERGEllS 55906.35 0.0 27953.17 27953.17 0.2

   #    0        Ditt0CR)CH SOCIALE                               0.0         270961.25                              135490.62    135490.62   1.0 0        CllRVSOCllRotiULIllA PARVA                       0.0         203235.94                              101617.94    101617.94   0.8 0 BACILLARI0rHeTA-CEllTRIC                           447250.69        745198.44                              596224.56    148973.87   4.6 0    0     EUP001 SCALES 8    0        ftEL6SIRA ILPILI                            111812.69        338726.56 O                                                                                                                 225269.62    113456.94   1.7 O        SIEPilAtt0 DISCUS ASTRAEA                   223625.37         67745.31                              195665.31     77940.00   1.1 h    0        STEPiltt10 DISCUS I LPIL)                    55906.35             0.0                                27953.17     27953.17   0.2 4    0     Eur0015C ALES ( LPIL)                               0.0          67745.31                               33072.66     33872.66   0.3 I    0     RilIZO30LEllIALES 6    0        RHIZOSOLEllIA ERIEllSIS                      55906.35        270981.25                              163443.75    107537.44   1.3


                                                                                       -                  REL X           S.E. A0X LS         TAXA 1            2 4437313.00    2883941.00   1553371.00 22.1 0 B ACI LL AR10Ptif T A-PEtitlAT E             1330570.00 0      FRAGILARIALES                                                     2042586.00   1019499.94 15.6 ASIERIullELLA FORT 10SA               1023086.06  3062006.00                   37259.91   0.3 O

74519.81 37259.91 0.0 474217.19 3.6 0 DI A10f tA TEf fUE 948434.37 474217.19 FRAGIL ARI A CROTotlEllSIS 0.0 30485.39 0.2 0 63970.78 30485.39 SillEDRA ELPILS 0.0 0 0 BACILLARIALES 16936.33 16936.33 0.1 HIIZSCilIA ACICULARIS 0.0 33872.66 0.3 0 44725.03 44725.03 0 HITZCill A ( LPIL S 89450.06 0.0 0 SURIRELLALES 27953.17 27953.17 0.2 0 Cit 1TOPLEUR A SOLE A 55906.35 0.0 209700.19 47651.87 1.6 0 '3ACIL L ARIOPit f T A-PEHilATE ( LPIL ) 162128.31 257432.06 45711.62 1.2 203235.94 157524.31 0 CRYPlurtiVTA 111812.69 O CR (PT 0llOt t0D ALE S 157524.31 45711.62 1.2 u 0 Ril000!lotlAS HIllUTA 111812.69 203235.94 13055601.0 3537396.00 100.0 16592997.0 9518205.00 TOTAL 2.27 0.71 DIVERSITY til I'RIt1E l 1.56 2.93 0.54 0.16 DIVERSITY (J PF It1E I 0.38 0.70 28 17 19 IRRtDER OF T AXA ABOVE COttIUTED USIllG SAf1PLE IDS 31 32 9 0 e 3 O O e 8 g C'3

 ;;-         N e           N e
 &           N

[ DJ 8, b o 3

IIORTHERt4 IllDIAttA PUBLIC SERVICE C0t1PANY (49720) 0 BAILLY CEt:ERATIt!G PLAtlT FilYTOPLAllK10tl DEllSITf 11Ut10ER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 10 DURATI0tl TOW sat 1P VOL WItt0 CUREllT TEl1P SID DATE tit 1E D/li UtlITS C SD WO SP D UllITS C SECil H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR HAT BT TURBD C0tlD DO Pil SAlti P 41 4/29/79 C 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 42 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AD% 1 2 0 CYAtlOPHYTA 6027358.00 0.0 3013679.00 3013679.00 39.7 0 CilROCC0CCACEAE O CllR00 COCCUS (LPIL) 610365.50 0.0 305182.75 305182.75 4.0 0 00f tril0SPilAERI A LACUSTRIS 1525913.00 0.0 762956.50 762956.50 10.0 0 OSclLLAlCRIACEAE 0 OSCILLATORI A ( LPIL) 3891080.00 0.0 1945540.00 1945540.00 25.6 0 CH LOR 0Pil(T A 15:5913.0E 488029.06 1006971.00 516941.94 13.3 p 0 VOLVOCALES 0 CllLAllrD0tt0f 4AS ( LPIL) 76295.69 69718.44 73007.06 3288.62 1.0 O CHLOR 0COCCALES 0 AttKISTRODEsttUS E LPIL) 76295.69 0.0 3S147.84 30147.84 0.5 hI 0 SC[tlEDESt1US ACUt1IllATUS 152591.37 0.0 76295.69 76295.69 1.0

    d    0         SCEt400ESitus ECOR!aIS                    152591.37              0.0                               76295.69     76295.69     1.0 0         PEDI AS T rut 1 00RY Attuti              1068139.00              0.0                              534069.50    534069.50     7.0 pj 0          OEDOC0llI ALES OLDOG0tlIUtt ( LPILI (4 00 EUGLEll0PliV                                               0.0         418310.62                             209155.31    209155.31     0.8 TA                                76295.69              0.0                               38147.84     38147.84     0.5 b     0      EUGLEt4 ALES 0          TRACllEL0t10tlAS ( LPIL)                  76295.69              0.0                               38147.84     38147.84     0.5 0 XANillOfflYTA                                           0.0         139436.87                              69718.44     69718.44     0.9 g         0      llETEROCOCCALES O         O      tlETEPOCOCCALES ( LPIL)                            0.0         139436.87                              69718.44     69718.44     0.9

{ 0 CilR I S0Pil(T A 0.0 69718.44 34859.22 34859.22 0.5 3 0 t10t40SIG A L ES O O ST E L EXOtt0tlAS DICl10TottA 0.0 69718.44 34639.22 34859.22 0.5 0 0 DACI L L ARIOrilV I A-CEtliRIC 1365690.00 313732.94 839711.44 525978.50 11.1

 #         0      EUP00lSCALES S         0         ttEtOSIRA VARIAllS                        801104.69              0.0                              400552.31    400552.31     5.3 4         0         flELOSIPA (LPIL)                          228987.06              0.0                              114443.50    114443.50     1.5 6         0          STEFilAtl0 DISCUS ASTRAEA                 76295.69              0.0                               ?B147.04     30147.84     0.5 4         0          STEPHAt10 DISCUS (LPIL)                   76295.69         209155.31                             142725.50     66429.81     1.9
 #         0      EUF0DISCALES ILPIL)                           76295.69              0.0                               38147.64      38147.84    0.5 (L        0      RilIZOSOLEllI A LES
 $"        0         RilIZOSOLEllI A ERIEt! SIS                106813.94         104577.62                             105695.75       1118.16     1.4 g         0 D A CI L L AR10FH T T A- PEl{ flat E              862141.25        4022748.00                           2442444.00    1580303.00    32.2 g         0      FRAGILARIALES


                                                                              -                 REL X          S.E. ABX LS           TAXA 1          2 0          ASTERI0t1Ett A FORttOSA             534069.81 1959087.00 1246578.00   712508.56  16.4 0          DI A1CitA TEt!UE                         0.0   278873.75  139436.87   139436.87   1.8 0          SitlEDRA ( LPIL )                    22883.71  167324.19   95106.44    72217.69   1.3 0          TAGELLARIA FLOCCULOSA               152591.37  362535.81  257563.56   104972.19   3. .

O HAVICULALES 0 ftAVICULA ELPIL) 0.0 69718.44 34859.22 34859.22 0.5 0 BACIllARIALES 0 tlITZSCHIA HOLSATICA 0.0 906339.69 453169.81 453169.81 6.0 0 HI12 CHI A ( LPIL) 152591.37 139436.S7 146014.12 6577.25 1.9 0 SURIRELLALES 0 SURIRELLA OVATA 0.0 69718.44 34859.22 34859.22 0.5 0 DACILL ARIOFilfiA-PEltllATF ( LPIL) 0.0 69718.44 34059.22 34859.22 0.5 0 PIRRHOPH Y T 4-DINOTH f r: AE 76295.69 0.0 38147.84 38147.84 0.5 f 0 PERIDill! ALES -4 0 FERIDlHIUtt IllC0t10PICUUtt 76295.69 0.0 38147.84 38147.84 0.5 0 CRYPIOfHYTA 152591.37 69718.44 111154.87 41436.47 1.5 0 CR1 P10llotl0D A LE S 0 Rt!OD0l10!1AS HIlfUTA 152591.37 69718.44 111154.87 41436.47 1.5 TOTAL 10086277.0 5103378.00 7594827.00 2491449.00 100.0 DIVERSITY (H PRIllEl 3.09 3.03 3.06 0.03 DIVERSITY ( J PRit1El 0.70 0.76 0.73 0.03 fiUMDER OF TAXA 21 16 29 A00VE C0ttNIED USIllG sat 1PLE IDS 41 42 O E o 3 o e a S (2D 2 l'NJ o -J e 8 rss i b L/J I cts o 3

140RTHERH IrlDIAt;A PUBLIC SERVICE C0!1PANY (49720) o BAILLY GEllERATIltG PLAT 4T Pil1TOPLAtlK10tl DEllSITf t1Ut10ER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC 1C GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 10 WIllo CUREtiT TEMP DURATIOli T0ll SAMP VOL Pil SAtti P WD SP D Uti1TS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURCD CCliD DO SID DATE tit 1E D/fl Uti!TS C SD 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 20.4 4 0.0 0 0 51 4/29/79 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 52 4/29/79 - REL X S.E. AB% LS TAXA 1 2 151276.00 111812.69 39463.31 1.7 0 Ut4IDEtt'IFIEt, ALGAE 72349.37 39463.31 1.7 72349.37 151276.00 111012.69 0 UtilDEllTIFIED A LGAE t LPIL1 2306959.00 2306959.00 34.6 0 CYAtlOnlYIA 0.0 4613918.00 0 OSCILLA1CRIACEAE 0.0 2647330.00 1323665.00 1323665.00 19.8 0 OSCILLATORI A ( LPIL) 0 fl0S10CACEAE 0.0 1966588.00 983294.00 983294.00 14.7 0 Ant AtlIZONEtiott FLOS- AQUAE 437384.87 286108.87 6.6 I 0 CilLOPol'ti t T A  ? m 93.75 151276.00 00 0 VOLVOCALES 110168.37 34530.3' 1.7 0 CilL Allf C0t10tlAS ( LPIL) 144698.75 75638.00 0 CitLOROCOCCALES 37819.00 37819.00 0.6 CD AltKISIRODESt1US ( LPILI 0.0 75638.00 0 144698.75 144698.75 2.2 00CrSTIS ( LPIL) 289397.50 0.0 144693.75 N 0 289397.50 0.0 144698.75 2.2 SCEt1EDESitUS QUADRICAUDA 73993.69 1644.31 1.1 N O 72349.37 75638.00 0 EUGLEil0Pilf T A 0 EUGLEllALES 37819.00 37819.00 0.6 N EUGL EllA ( LPILI 0.0 75638.00 0 36174.69 36174.69 0.5 U 0 TRACitE L0t10t1AS ( LPIL) 72349.37 9.0 220558.31 72349.37 2 ^66.00 300907.69 4.5 N 0 X AllitIOPill i A 0 llETEROCOCCALES 300907.69 226558.31 4.5

   #         0       llETEROCOCCALES ILPIL)                         72349.37         529466.00 151276.00                              111812.69              39463.31     1.7 b        0 CilR'V SOPilVT A                                     72349.37
    #        0       CIIRI S0tlatl AD ALES                                                                                   37819.00              37619.00     0.6 fg        0 0

CliR150 COCCUS I t'IL) OIlicSRYOtt DIVERGL'IS 0.0 72349.37 75638.00 0.0 36174.69 37G19.00 36174.69 37819.00 0.5 0.6 CitRYSOCilR0f tOLIll A PARVA 0.0 75638.00 g 0 1270718.00 1340765.00 70047.00 20.1 g 0 BACILLARIUPHTTA-CEllIRIC 1410812.00

    }        O        EUPOO1 SCALES                                                                                         452183.56            452183.56      6.8 tilt 0 SIR A VARI Atts                    904367.19                0.0 3.9
    -         0 0.0       514338.37                              257169,19            257169.19 0          11ELOS1RA ELP1L)                                                                                    36174.69              36174.69     0.5 h         0          SIEl'lIAll0 DISCUS ASTR AE A                72349.37               0.0 y                                                                      0.0        151276.00                              75633.00              75638.00     1.1 g         0          SIErliAt10DISCL'S I LPIL)                                                                           72349.37              72349.37     1.1
    -         0       EuronISCALES ILPILi                          144693.75                0.0 I         O       RilIZOSOLEllI ALES 289397.50         605104.00                              447250.75            157853.25      6.7 8,,,      O          RilIZOSOLEllI A ERIEtlSIS                                                                         1775026.00            668081.00 26.6 0         0 BACIL L ARIDFH T T A-FEtitlAT E                   1106945.00        2443107.00                                                                      .
    -r                -


                                                                                  -                 REL X          S.E. ABX LS         TAXA 1           2 0     FRAGILARIALES                                                  1042324.19   644402.75 15.6 0        ASTEf?IOt4ELLA FORl105A              397921.44  1686727.00                63470.12   2.1 20:578.25    75638.00   139108.12 0        DI A1CitA TElfJE                                              37819.00    37819.00   0.6 FRAGILARIA CROTOlEt4 SIS                  0.0     75638.00 0

75638.00 128255.69 52617.72 1.9 0 Sit!IDRA ( LPIL) 180873.44 0 AElitaAHill ALES 75638.00 75638.00 1.1 0 COCCOtlEIS ( LPILI 0.0 151276.00 0 BACILLARIALLS 75638.00 75638.00 1. 0 illTZSCHIS ACICULARIS 0.0 151276.00 16443.03 108524.06 75638.00 92081.00 1. . + O HITZCHIA ILPILI 184162.06 323C6.06 2. 0 BACILLARIOrif f TA-pet 31 ATE I LPIL) 217048.12 151276.00 355498.56 213923.94 141574.56 3.2 O CRI P TOI11Y T A 72349.37 0 CR Y Piut101100 ALES 213923.94 141574.56 3.2 72349.37 355498.56 0 RilODOtt0HAS t11tlUTA 9742173.00 6672581.00 3069591.00 100.0 TOTAL 3602990.00 3.63 3.25 3.44 0.19 DIVERSITY (H FRIl1E) 0.81 0.07 0.89 0.74 DIVERSITY (J FRIllE) 28 17 21 l# RISER OF TAXA ABOVE CottPUTED USIllG SAMPLE IDS 51 52 m 9. e 3 0 4 m C e N 2 N E

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a I m 0" 3

t10RTHERN lil01 Atla MJBLIC SERVICE COHPAtif (49720 ) o DAILLY GENERATIllG PLAllT PHYTOPLAt1KT0tt DEllSITY HUISER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 10 OURATION TOW sat 1P VOL hit!D CUREllT TEttP SID DATE TittE D/H UtlITS C SD WO SP D UtlITS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR NAT BT TUROD C0tlD DO PH SAtti P 61 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 62 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AD4 1 2 0 CY AttorHY T A 1749539.00 0.0 874769.50 874769.50 20.6 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE O OSCILLATORIA (LPIL) 1749539.00 0.0 874769.50 874769.50 20.6 0 CHLOROPilYTA 437384.94 276816.50 357100,69 80284.19 8.4 0 VOLVOCALES 0 CilLAft)DottellAS ( LPIL) 62483.57 0.0 31241.78 31241.78 0.7 0 CHLOROCOCCALES p 0 ANKISIRODES!!US (LPIL) 62483.57 0.0 31241.78 31241.78 0.7 . 0 00C)S11S ( LPILI 62483.57 0.0 31241.78 31241.78 0.7 y 0 SCEllEDEst10S GUADRICAUDA 249934.25 0.0 124967.12 124967.12 2.9 0 ECEllEDEntuS I LPIL) 0.0 276816.50 13C408.25 132408.25 3.3 0 EUGLtICP:11TA 62483.57 0.0 31241.78 312'e 1. 78 0.7 CD 0 EUGLEtlALES N O EUGLEllA ( LPIL) 62483.57 0.0 312 'e1. 78 31241.78 0.7 q 0 BACILLARIOPHYTA-CEllTRIC 906011.62 318339.00 612175.31 293336.31 14.4 0 EUPOD10CALES 0 11E LOGIRA ( LPIL I 593593.81 0.0 2s% 796.87 296796.87 7.0 N 0 SIEPilat10 DISCUS ASTRAE A 62483.57 0.0 31241.78 31241.78 0.7 U 0 STEPHAtl0 DISCUS tLPIL) 0.0 69204.12 34602.06 34602.06 0.8 C 0 EUPODISCALES ( LPIL) 187450.69 0.0 93725.31 93725.31 2.2

 #    0     FilIZOSOLEllI AL ES O    O         RilIZOSOLEllI A ERIEtlSIS                62483.57        249134.87                             155809.19       93325.62     3.7 0    0 B ACI L L ARIOPH) T A-PEtitlATE               1549589.00        2780004.00                           2165796.00       t h.97.50  50.9 3    0     FRAGILARIALES h    0         ASTERI0llELLA FORT!OSA                1187107.00        1314878.00                           1251032.00        63845.50 29.4 0         DI AT0ttA TEt:UE                         74980.25             0.0                               37490.12       37490.12     0.9 lg   0 0

DIA10!!A ELPIL) FRAGILARIA PIttt1ATA 0.0 0.0 415224.75 622837.12 207612.37 311418.56 207612.37 311418.56 4.9 7.3 O FRAGILARIA ELPIL) 0.0 69204.12 34602.06 34602.06 0.8 0 0 S)tlEDRA (LPIL) 18745.07 221453.06 120099.06 101353.94 2.8 l 0 0 T AE,E LL ARI A F LOCCULOS A FR AGIL ARI ALES ( LPIL) 62483.57 0.0 0.0 69204.12 31241.78 34602.06 31241.78 34602.06 0.7 0.8 k 0 DACILL/RIALES

  $,  3        HITZCllIA (LPIL)                         174?53.94         69204.12                             122079.00       52874.91     2.9 5   0 BACILLARIOril1TA-PEllflATE E LPIL)               31241.73             0.0                               15620.89       15620.89     0.,

6 0 CR)PTOPH(IA 62483.57 359861.37 211172.44 148688.87 ", . 0

ilORTHERH IIIDIANA PUDLIC SERVICE cot 1PAlif (49720) , BAILLY GEllERAllilG PLAllT PHYTOPLAt!KT0tl DENSITY llut1BER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICAIE REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. AD% 1 2 0 CR (PT0t10tt00 ALES 0 Hl1000t!OilAS t1IIAJTA 62483.57 359861.37 211172.44 148688.87 5.0 TOTAL 4767488.00 3737017.00 4252252.00 515235.50 100.0 DIVERSITY (H PRIt1E l 2.81 2.84 2.83 0.02 OlVERSITY tJ l'RIi1El 0.69 0.82 0.76 0.07 I44tDER OF TAXA 17 11 23 ABOVE C0t1PUTED USING sal 1FLE IDS 61 62 I ~ H W S e 3 0 0 CO e ry

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t10RT>lERil It0IAtlA PUBLIC SERVICE cot 1 patly (49720) o BAILLY GEt1ERATIllG PLAT 1T PitfiOPL AtlKTGt4 DEllSITT IIUttBER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 1 00 DURATI0tl 10W SAMP VOL WIll0 CUREllT TEt1P SID DATE tit 1E D/N UllI15 C 3D WO SP D UtlIIS C SECH W T SC OI CL SP DI AIR llAT BT TURCD C0 TID DO Pil SAtti P 71 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 72 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AE2 1 2 0 UtilDEllTIFIED ALGAE 79584.31 0.0 39792.16 39742.16 0.9 0 UllIDEllTIFIEu ALGAE (LPIL) 79584.31 0.0 39792.16 39792.16 0.9 0 CHLOPOPil11A 79584.31 57670.14 68627.19 10957.09 1.5 0 VOLVOCALES 0 CllLAf t1 DOM 0tlAS ( LPILI 79584.31 0.0 39792.16 39792.16 0.9 0 Cit LOPOCOCCALES 0 Al!KISTRODESt1US FALCATUS 0.0 57670.14 28835.07 28835.07 0.6

 .       0 X AllillOPil f 1 A                                636674.50             0.0                                318337.25     318337.25     6.9 H       0      IIE1EDOCOCCALES N

0 I!E1EROCOCCALES ELPIL) 636674.50 0.0 318337.25 318337.25 6.9 0 BACILL ARIOPH f TA-CEllTRIC 517298.00 467128.00 492213.00 25065.00 10.6 0 EUPODISCALES Q 0 C)CLO1ELLA ILPIL) 0.0 346000.75 173010.37 173010.37 3.7 N 0 STEPilatlCDISCUS ASTRAEA 119376.44 0.0 59688.22 59683.22 1.3 N 0 SIEFilAt10 DISCO ( LPIL I 159168.62 0.0 79584.31 79504.31 1.7 0 EUr001SC ALES ( LPIL I 159168.62 0.0 79584.31 79584.31 1.7 y 0 RilIZOSOLEllI A LES 0 PilIZOSOLEllIA ERIEtiSIS 79584.31 121107.25 100345.75 20761.47 2.2 ~ 0 B ACIll ARIOrilf rA-PEtitlATE 5308271.00 1649364.00 3478817.00 1829453.00 75.1 0 FRAG.LARIALES S 0 AS1ERIOllELLA FOR!iOSA 994803.87 865051.81 929927.81 64S76.03 20.1 0,, O DI A1011A TEllUE 95501.12 69204.12 82352.62 13148.50 1.8 9 0 FR AGil ARIA CROTotlEllSIS 0.0 57670.14 28335.07 28335.07 0.0 3 0 IR/,GILARI A ( LPILI 3422125.00 0.0 1711062.00 1711062.30 36.9 h 0 SIllEDRA UtilA 0.0 5767.01 2833.51 2833.51 0.1 0 $1tlECR A ( LPIL ) 278545.06 190311.31 234'e28.19 44116.87 5.1 lg 0 0 TAGELLARIA FLOCCULOSA FR/GILARIALES ILPIL) 238752.94 0.0 57670.14 115340.25 148211.50 57670.12 90541.37 57670.12 3.2 1.2 {

    -    0      BACILL/,RIALES O    O          t1112Cill A ( LPIL I                      79584.31       167243.37                                123413.81      43829.53     2.7 0    0      SURIRELLALES 0          5URIPELLA OVATA                           795S4.31             0.0                                 39792.16      39792.16     0.9 E,   O BACILLARIOllif TA-PEtitlATE ( LPIL)               119376.44       121107.25                                100:41.81         865.41    2.6 1    0 CRYPTOPilfTA                                      238752.94       230680.50                                234716.69        4036.22    5.1 M    0      CR I P10t10tlCD A L ES 5    0          FilODO!!OtlAS t1IlluTA                   238752.94       173010.37                                205881.62       32871.28    4.4


                                                                                  -                REL LS         TAXA                                                               X         S.E. AD%

1 2 0 Ril000tlotlAS ( LPIL) 0.0 57670.14 28835.07 28335.07 0.6 TOTAL 6060160.00 2404841.00 4632500.00 2227659.00 100.0 2.83 0.,22 DIVERSITY !!! PRIt1El 2.66 3.09 DIVERSITY'(J PRIltEl 0.67 0.81 0.74 9.07 liUltBER OF TAX 4 16 14 22 ADOVE CottPUTED USIllG SAf!PLE IDS 71 72 I ~ LJ N S e O

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HORTHERN It101AHA PUBLIC SERVICE C0!! PANT (49720) o BAILLY GEllERATIt!G PLANT PH fl0PL AtlKT0tl DENSIT( fAJt1BIR OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC CC LOC 5 56 56 0 1 00 DURATI0tl TON sat 1P VOL Hill 0 CLHENT TEt1P SID DATE TittE D/H UtlITS C SD HD SP D UtlITS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR HAT BT TURBD C0tlD 00 PH SAtti P 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 81 4/29/79 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 82 4/29/79 0.0 0.0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AC% 1 2 0 UtlIDEllTIFIED ALGAE 224940.75 0.0 112470.37 11:'470.37 1.5 0 UtilDEllTIFIED ALGAE (LPIL) 224940.75 0.0 112470.37 112470.37 1.5 0 C)All0PHYTA 3749012.a0 348592.19 2040302.00 1700209.00 27.2 0 CHROOCOCCACEAE O APfl At10TilECE I LPIL) 3749012.00 0.0 1874506.00 1874506.00 24.9 0 110STOCACEAE 0 APHAtlIZ0:lEtl0H FLOS- AQUAE 0.0 348592.19 174296.06 174296.06 2.3 0 CHLOROPHITA 224940.75 209155.31 217043.00 7892.72 2.9 f 0 VOLVOCALES H 0 CitLAtttD0tt0tlAS E LPIL) 74980.25 0.0 37490.12 37490.12 0.5 e O CilLOROCOCCALES C 0 AllKISTR00ESr:US ( LPIL) 0.0 69718.44 34859.22 34859.22 0.5 0 SCEllEDEStiUS ECORtlIS 149960.50 139436.87 144698.69 5261.81 1.9

    &                                                                          5226C8.25                             336424-37    186463.87    4.5
     .y    0 XAt1Tif 0FHT TA                                 149960.50 0      HEIEROCOCCALES 0     HETEROCOCCALES (LPIL)                       149960.50         522838.25                             336424.37    106463.87    4.5 D 3 0 BACILLARIOFH1TA-CEt11RIC                        779794.56         871480.44                             625637.50     45842.94 11.0 J "

0 EUP001 SCALES (4 0 ftELOSIRA (LPIL) 404893.31 453169.81 429031.56 24138.25 5.7 0 STEFHAl10 DISCUS ASTRAEA 74980.25 139436.87 107203.56 32228.31 1.4 0 EUPC01SC ALES ( LPILI 224940.75 69718.44 147329.56 77611.12 2.0 g 0 0 RilIZOSOLLilI ALES 0 RilI20SOLEllIA ERIEllSIS 74980.25 209155.31 142067.75 67087.50 1.9 g 3 0 BACILLARIOPHYTA-pet 2l ATE 2549327.00 4908176.00 3728751.00 1179424.00 49.5 0 0 FRAGILARIALES 8 0 ASTERIONELLA FORitOSA 2537095.00 697184.37 1117139.00 419955.31 14.8 3 0 F R AGIL ARI A Cl?OT0llEtlSIS 599642.00 0.0 299921.00 299921.00 4.0 8 0 FRAGILARIA (LPIL) 0.0 3485921.00 1742960.00 1742960.00 23.1 2 0 SillEUR A ( LPIL) 74980.25 306761.06 190870.62 115890.37 2.5 6 0 HAVICULALES tl%VICULA ILPIL) 0.0 69718.44 34859.22 34859.22 0.5 O O 8 0 BACILLARIALES (1 0 flITZCitI A I LPIL I 149960.50 348592.19 249276.31 99315.81 3.3 0 BACILLARIOFHY TA-pet 24 ATE ( LPIL) 187450.62 0.0 93725.31 93725.31 1.2 7 34859.22 34859.22 g 0 PYRRilOrtlY T A-Dill 0PHYCE AE 0.0 69718.44 0.5 g 0 PERIDINIALES

  '               -                                                                                                                                M-


                                                                                   -               9EL X        S.E. AD%

LS TAXA 1 2 69718.44 3iC59.22 34859.22 0.5 L PEDIDIllIUtl IllC0tiSPICUUtl 0.0 26637.78 3.1 262430.87 209155.31 235793.06 0 CRIP10ritYTA 0 CR V PIOf f0fl00 ALE S 3.1 262430.87 209155.31 235793.06 26637.78 0 FilOOct 0tlAS t11truTA 7940403.00 7139157.00 7539700.00 400623.00 100.0 TOTAL 2.70 0.07 31VERSI'if (H PRINE) 2.63 2.76 0.67 0.71 0.69 0.02 DIVEPSITY (J PRI!1El 20 110tt0ER 07 TAXA 15 15 ABOVE C0t1PUTED USIllG SAMPLE IDS 81 82 I u O 0 g CO 3 rG g M a 8 N 3 4 5 n e W b 1 o 3

llORTHERil IllDIAllA PUBLIC SERVICE CotiPAllY (49720) DAIL LY GEllERATItiG PLAtlT o PiliIOPLAllKTota DEllSITY llUltBER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 1 00 DURATI0tl TOW SAttP VOL HItt0 CUREllT TEt1P SID DATE TIttE D/II Ull11S C SD ND SP D Uti1TS C SECil H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURBD CotID 00 Pit SAtta P 91 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 92 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                             -                      REL LS          TAXA                                                                                                     X              S.E. AB%

1 2 l 0 UtlIDLitTIFIED ALGAE 0.0 215074.87 107537.44 107537.44 1.2 0 UtlIDEllTIFIED ALGAE (LPIL) 0.0 215074.87 107537.44 107537.44 1.2 0 CY Al!Orlit TA 0.0 11685734.0 5842867.00 5842867.00 64.9 0 CilR00COCC AC E AE O flICROCYSTis ( LPIL ) 0.0 3584581.00 1792290.00 1792290.00 19.9 0 ArilAlloillECE ( LPIL) 0.0 6093788.00 3046894.00 3046894.00 33.8 0 tt0STOCACEAE 0 APilAllIZOt1Ello.1 FLOS-AQUAE 0.0 2007365.00 1003682.50 1003682.50 11.1 p 368981.56 368931.56 4.1

.         0 XA!!Ill0Pil(T A                                   737963.19              0.0 0      llETEROCOCCALES

[ 0 llEIEROCOCCALES ( LPIL) 737963.19 0.0 368981.56 36S981.56 4.1 CO 0 BACI L L ARIOPilYl A-CElllRIC 355564.00 573533.00 464548.50 108984.50 5.2 N 0 EUFODISCALES ftE LOSIPA ( LPIL) 167718.87 71691.62 119705.25 48013.62 1.3 N 0 33543.78 33543.78 0.4 0 STEPil At:0 DISCUS ( LPIL ) 67087.56 0.0 0 EUPODISCALES ( LPIL) 0.0 143383.25 71691.62 71691.62 0.8 0 RilIZOSOLEllI ALES O 0 RtIIZOSOLEllI A ERIEllSIS 120757.56 358458.12 239607.81 118850.25 2.7 W 0 B ACIL LARIOFilf TA-PEl;tlATE 2012625.00 2165083.00 2088354.00 76229.00 23.2 0 FRAGILARIALES 0 ASTERIO!!ELLA FORtt05A 1482635.00 1570045.00 1526340.00 43705.00 16.9 0 DIA10ttA TEllUE 161010.06 0.0 80505.00 60505.00 0.9

  -        0         SillEDRA UtilA                           100631.31              0.0                                 50315.66        50315.66     0.6 0         SillEDRA ( LPIL)                         201262.69          35845.81                              11C554.25         82703.44     1.3
  $                                                                 0.0         308274.00                               154137.00       154137.00     1.7 0        0          TALELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 0        0      DACILLARIALES gs       O         tlITZCilI A ( LPIL)                       67087.56         215074.87                               141081.19        73993.62      1.6 8        0 E ACILt ARIOPilf1 A-PEl#1 ATE ( LPIL)                  0.0          35845.81                                17922.91        17922.91     0.2 2        0 CP)PTOPilfTA                                     268350.25               0.0                               134175.12       134175.12      1.5 g        0      CR YP10110tl0D ALES 67087.56                                                  33543.73        33543.78      0.4 g        0          CD)PT0ltollAS ttARSS0tlII                                       0.0 ss       O          RilODuttotlAS ttit!UTA                  201262.69               0.0                               100631.31       100631.31      1.1 CL g      TOTAL                                               3374498.00       14639421.0                              9006959.00       5632461.00 100.0
  -      01VERSITY (11 FRIttE l                                      2.57             2.33                                     2.45           0.12 E. DIVERSITY (J PRIt1E)                                        0.74             0.65                                     0.70           0.05 0      flut10ER OF 1 AXA                                             11               12                                       18

HORTHERH INDIAtlA fvDLIC SERVICE COMPAlif (49720) o DAILLY GENERATING PLANT PHYTOPLAtlKTOH DENSITY laut: DER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 20 DURATIOH TOW sal 1P VOL Hito CUREi!T TErlP SID DATE TIME D/tl UtilTS C SD HD SP D UNITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TUROD C0 TID 00 Pil SAtH P 101 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 102 4/2 9/~t9 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AD% 1 2 0 CYAtl0PHYTA 3733226.00 11139919.0 7436572.00 3703346.00 60,9 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0 OSCILL ATORI A ( LPIL) 3733226.00 9711724.00 6722475.00 2989249.00 55.1 0 tlOSTOCACEAE 0 ArilAtlIZOt1EllGil FLOS-AQUAE 0.0 1428195.00 714097.50 714097.50 5.9 0 CilLOROPilY T A 254538.19 571278.00 412908.06 158369.87 3.4 0 CHLOR 0COCCALES

>     0          AtlKISTRODEShdS ILPIL)                   84846.06         142819.50                             113832.75     28986.72    0.9 h     0          00CISTIS ( LPIL)                              0.0         285639.00                             142819.50    142819.50    1.2 N     0          SCEllEDESt10S GUADRICAUDA                     0.0         142819.50                              71409.75     71409.75    0.6 CO     O          SCEtlEDESttVS ECORNIS                   169692.12              0.0                               84846.06     84d46.06    0.7 N)     0 XAtlTHOPHYTA                                     339384.25          71409.75                             205397.00    133987.25    1.7 q      0      HETEROCOCCALES 0      HE1EROCOCCAL ES ( LPIL )                    3393S4.25          71409.75                             205397.00    133937.25    1.7 0 BACILLARiorHYTA-CENTRIC                         1612075.00        1249670.00                           1430872.00     181202.50   11.7 N      0      EUPODISCALES J-     0         NELOSIRA (LPIL)                          509076.37         749802.37
  • 629439.37 120363.00 5.2 Ox 0 SIErilAtt0 DISCUS ASTRAEA 0.0 71409.75 35704.87 35704.87 0.3 0 STEPilAt:0 DISCUS ( LPIL) 84846.06 0.0 42423.03 4:423.03 0.3 0 EUPCDISCALES ( trIL) 84046.06 71409.75 76127.87 6718.16 0.6
 #   0      RilIZOSOL EllI ALES S    0         RHIZOSOLEHIA ERIENSIS                    933306.56         357048.75                            6 % 177.62    288128.87    5.3 8   0 DACI LI_ ARIOFH f T A-PEll!1 ATE                 3648377.00        1713831.00                           2681104.00     467273.00 22.0 0       FRAGILARIALES g   0          AS1ERIOllELLA FORMOSA                  2070243.00         IJ42556.00                           1606399.00     463G43.50 13.2 0          DI ATOllA TEllUE                              0.0           49986.82                              24993.41     24993.41    0.2
 $   0          SillEDR A ( LPIL)                        296961.06          35704.87                             166332.94    130628.06    1.4 g   0          TABELLARIA FLOCCULOSA                    339384.25              0.0                              169692.12    169692.12    1.4
 -   0      ACHi! *.tllil A LE S O   O          COCCONEIS (LPIL)                          84846.06              0.0                               42423.03     42423.03    0.3 l   0 0

ilAVICULAtES ll4VICULA ILPIL) 0.0 71409.75 35704.87 35704.87 0.3 O DACILLARIALES

f. O tlITZSCHIA fl0LSATICA 195145.94 0.0 97572.94 97572.94 0.8 E O 11Ii2 Cili A ( LPIL) 339384.25 164242.44 251813.31 87570.87 2.1 0 0 SURIRELLALES 3

tiORTilERN ItlDI Atla PUBLIC SERVICE COttPAllf (49720) o BAILLY GEllERATIllG PLAtli Pitf TOPLAtlK10tl DEllSIT) IM! DER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT LS TAXA REL X S.E. ABX 1 2 0 CYtt10 PLEURA SOLEA 848 % 06 0.0 0 42423.03 4 423.03 0.3 SURIRELLA OVATA 84846.06 0.0 42423.03 42423.03 0.3 0 BACILLARIOPitYTA-PEllilATE I LPIll 152722.87 249934.12 201320.50 40605.62 1.6 0 CRYPTOPlitTA 0.0 71409.75 0 35704.87 35704.87 0.3 CRI P10ttol'.00 A LES 0 RilOOOttoilAS t11tlUTA 0.0 71409.75 35704.87 35704.87 0.3 TOTAL 9587598.00 14817510.0 1220:554.0 2d14956.00 100.0 OIVERSITY (H PRINE) 2.90 2.00 2.45 OIVERSITY (J PRIt1E l 0.45 0.71 0.49 0.60 0.11 iMIBER OF TAXA 17 17 24 ABOVE C0ttPUTED USIllG SAttPLE IDS p 101 102 CD S e 3 0 Q

             -a a

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                                                                                                    -                 REL X          S.E. AD%

LS TAXA 1 2 3 76821.87 0.0 33372.66 36893.18 22228.10 0.4 0 Uti!DEllTIFIED ALGAE 22228.?O 0 UtilDEllTIFIED ALGAE ILPIL) 76821.87 0.0 33072.66 36898.18 0.4 0 CYAll0PHfiA 2877531.00 1528215.00 8506642.00 4304129.00 2137053.00 47.7 0 CilR00C0CCACEAE 0.0 135490.62 0.0 45163.54 45163.54 0.5 0 CHRC0 COCCUS ( LPIL) 0.0 1392725.00 6149698.00 25I4141.00 1861708.00 27.9 0 111CROCYSTIS ( LPIL) 0 G0tlPilOSFHAERI A LACUSTRIS 2877531.00 0.0 135490.62 1004340.50 937411.50 11.1 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0.0 866548.00 280849.31 208S49.31 3.2 O OSCILLATCRIA (LPIL) 0.0 0 t10STOCACEAE

0. 0.0 1354906.00 451635.31 451635.31 5.0 0 APilAllIZOt1Eliott FLOS-AQUAE 653643.6i 79584.31 381149.69 371459.19 165787.44 4.1 0 CHLOROPilYTA 0 VOLVOCALES 0 tilLAthDOt10tlAS ( LPIL) 0.0 0.0 95698.44 31899.48 31899.48 0.4 p
  • 0 CHt0ROCOCCALES 79584.31 27953.17 35C45.83 23310.48 0.4

$ 0 Atil;ISIRODE5flOS ( LI-IL) 0 UtilDEllIIFIED: 05030511 0.0 82215.19 0.0 0.0 27405.06 27405.06 0.3 0.0 0.0 145625.31 48561.77 40561.77 0.5 0 QUADRIGULA (LPIL) 37270.09 0.4 0.0 111812.69 37270.89 CD 0 SCEllEDEst1US GUADRICAUDA 0.0 190476.12 190476.12 2.1 0 CllLOROPilV T A ( LPIL) 571428.50 0.0 0.0 rv 0.0 33872.66 27953.17 20608.61 10445.03 0.2

-q        0 EUGlEll0PHVTA 0      El'G L E tlA L E S EUCLElla ( LPILI                         0.0     33872.66   27953.17       20608.61    10445.03   0.2 0

N 71428.56 0.0 203235.94 91554.81 59525.93 1.0 0 XAttillOrlifi A O O ifE1EPOCOCCALES 71428.56 0.0 203235.94 91554.81 59525.93 1.0 CO 0 llEIEROCOCCALES ILPIL) 265061.75 181202.25 90684.69 2.0 0 CliR Y SOPit f i A 0.0 278545.06 g 0 0 CllR f S0tlOllAD ALES 0.0 278545.06 27953.17 102166.06 8G557.87 1.1 0 Dill 0DR V0tl DIVERGEtlS {

p 0 D11KT!!f oil SOCI ALE 0.0 0.0 II5490.62 45?63.54 45163.54 0.5 0.0 0.0 101617.94 33872.64 33372.64 0.4 0 0 CilRVSOCHR0119LIllA PARVA 788430.87 110394.12 8.7 8 0 D A CIL L AR10Fil t T A-C EllIRIC 7 2;;-. 37 978623.69 596224.56 m 0 EUFCDICCAIES O NELOSIRA ( LPIL) 492271.62 258846.31 225269.62 305462.50 83965.87 3.6 0

STEPilatt0 DISCUS ASTRAEA 3571.43 146573.19 14568'i.31 90609.94 47519.96 1.1 2 0 22531.77 0.0 39792.16 2/953.17 11796.79 0.3 6 0 STEI'llAtlODISCUS ( LPILI EUF0DISCALES ILPIL) 230465.62 272625.56 33872.66 178937.94 73571.25 2.0 S 0

 #         0      Rill 20 SOL EllI ALES PilIZOSOLE!!! A ERIENSIS            64285.69   260706.56  163443.75      162838,62    56725.72    1.8 Q,        0 3144979.00  3190998.00 2883941.00     3073306.00     95609.87 34.1 7         0 DACILLAR10FilVl A-PEllflATE                                                   ,

g'"' 0 TRAGILARIALES 1131484.00 1578629.00 2042586.00 1584233.00 263027.37 17.6 g 0 ASTER 10tlE LLA FORT 10SA 3


                                                                                                   -                             REL X              S.E.           AO%

LS TAXA 1 2 3 146474.56 37259.91 61244.82 43951.32 0.7 DIAT0t1A TEllUE 0.0 0 159168.62 474217.19 595652.25 293410.31 6.6 0 FR AGIL ARI A CR010tiLilSIS 1153571.00 225488.81 2254C3.81 2.5 IRAGILARIA (LPIL) 0.0 676466.50 0.0 0 19896.08 30485.39 90603.25 65483.95 1.0 0 SVilLDRA (LPIL) 221428.44 67745.31 0.8 0.0 203235.94 0.0 67745.31 0 TABELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 0 BACILLARIALES 16936.33 111597.75 103245.44 1.2 0 illTZScilI A ACICULA7IS 317857.06 0.0 68719.31 1.7 135655.00 280715.44 44725.03 153698.44 0 lit TZCilI A (LPIL) 0 SURIRELLALES 9317.72 9317.72 0.1 0.0 0.0 27953.17 0 CitlTOPLEURA SOLEA 173726.06 24715.29 1.9 184984.12 126414.00 209780.19 0 BACILLAR 10Pl!V TA-Petit 4 ATE ( LPIL) 151172.87 42264.46 1.7 74999.94 220994.44 157524.31 0 CR V P TOPilV T A 0 CRIPI0ttotiOD A LES 13264.05 13264.05 0.1 > CRIP10110tlAS ( LPIL) 0.0 39792.16 0.0 0 181202.25 157524.31 137908.81 32183.55 1.5 0 RtlOOct10tlAS HitluTA 74999.94 p O 9018807.00 2057287.00 100.0 7689993.00 6310828.00 13055601.0 TOTAL 3.80 2.27 2.48 0.26 DIVERSITY til PRit1El 2.17 0.78 0.54 0.66 0.07 DIVERSITf (J PRItE) 0.65 16 20 28 34 t1UttBER OF TAXA ADOVE C0t1PUTED USIllG sat 1FLE IDS 11 12 21 22 31 32 e S e O O

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                                                                                                       -                  REL X           S.E. AD%

LS TAXA 3 6 10 24723.02 12361.93 0.3 0 UtilDEllTIFIED ALGAE 36898.18 37270.89 0.0 12361.98 0.3 36893.18 37270.89 0.0 24723.02 0 UttIDEH11FIED ALGAE ( LPIL ) 4601945.00 1557733.00 50.4 0 CfAi!OPHYTA 4304129.00 2065135.00 7436572.00 0 CllR00COCCACEAE 0.0 48963.70 29927.62 0.5 CilR00CCCCUS (LPIL) 45163.54 101727.56 835047.00 9.2 O 2514141.00 0.0 0.0 838047.00 0 t1ICROCrSTIS (LPIL) 419553.06 301469.56 4.6 0 GollPHOSPHAERIA LACUSTRIS 1004340.50 254318.81 0.0 0 OSCILLA10RIACEAE 2797549.00 1987641.00 30.6 OSCILLATORIA (LPIL) 288849.31 1381324.00 6722475.00 O 0 140STOCACEAE 327764.62 714097.50 497832.44 113891.56 5.5 O APHAt4IZOttEllot4 FLOS-AQUAE 451635.31 461t,17.56 70957.37 5.1 371459.19 600485.53 412908.06 0 CH10903'llV T A 0 VOLVOC AL ES 71472.37 0.0 34457.28 20671.89 0.4 0 CllLAlliDCt10tlAS ( LPIL) 31899.48 p

.      O      CllLOROCOCCALES 113632.75    61004.93     26013.93    0.7 y      0          Al'KISIRCDESitUS ( LPIL) 0 UtlIDEllTIFIED:         05030511 35845.83 27405.06 35736.21 0.0          0.0      9135.02      9135.02   0.1 58646.84       142819.50     671'i5.44   41447.35    0.7 00CYSIIS (LPIll                             0.0 Q       0 0.0     16107.25    16187.25     0.2 0          QUADRIGULA ILPIL)                      48561.77             0.0 8477.30      8477.30    0.1 N       0           SC[t4EDES!10S ACUT11ttATUS                 0.0     25431.89             0.0 89888.62         72409.75    66189.75    15412.04     0.7 0           SCEllEDESitOS GUADRIC AUDA            37270.89                                              25139.25     0.4 0.0     2 5 'e 31  ,)    84846.06    367S9.32 0           SCEllEDES!1US ECORilIS 46136.08              0.0    15378.69    153/8.69     0.2 N                   SCENEDEst US ( LPIL I                      0.0 0

178023.12 0.0 59341.04 59341.04 0.6 0 PEDIAS1RUf1 CORf A!!Ut1 0.0 Ui o 0 OED000ftIALES 23239.48 23239.48 0.3 OED000t4IUt1 (LPIL) 0.0 69718.44 0.0 0 0.0 63492.04 63492.04 0.7 0 CHLOPOPH(TA ELPILI 190476.12 0.0 13340.54 0.C GB 20608.61 47794.44 0.0 22801.02 E 0 EUG LLHOPilv i A 9 0 EUGLfHAtES 0.0 14592.95 7304.73 0.2 3 EUGittiA ( LPIL) 20608.61 23020.26 0 24774.18 0.0 8258.06 8258.06 0.1 TRACtlLLOh011AS I LPIll 0.0 h 0 123542.00 205397.00 140164.56 33893.10 1.5 0 X AtlTil0 Pit t T A 91554.81

  $     0      HEII:POCOCCAILS                                                                    140164.56     33898.10    1.5 91554.81   123542.00        205397.00 g     0      IIETEROCOCCALES (LPIL)                                                              76697.62     54124.81    0.8
  -     0 CHRfSOPHfTA                                   181202.25     48890.63              0.0 0     0      CHRIS0t:OllAD ALES                                                                    4202.11     4202.11    0.0 12606.33 l     0 0

CHR50 COCCUS ILPIL) D1t!OCRioll DIVERGElis 0.0 10 166.06 12058.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 30074.76 15054.51 32234.15 15054.51 0.4 0.2 b 0 Dill 00Rt011 SOCIALE 45163.54 0.0 9304.14 33872.64 12606.33 0.0 15492.99 0.2

  $. O          CllR)SOCllR0!!ULillA PARVA
  #     0      110t 30SIG A LES                                                                      3873.25      3873.25    0.0 SIELEXCitollAS DICHOIOTIA                  0.0      11619.74             0.0 O     O 3


                                                                                                                     -                 REL TAXA X           S.E. AB%

LS 3 6 10 0 B ACIL L ARIOPH YT A-CElliRIC 788480.87 930883.87 1430872.00 1050078.00 194783.75 11.5 1 0 0 0 0 EUPODISCALES ftELOSIRA VARIAtlS ttCLOSIRA (LPILD STEril At10 DISCUS ASTRAE A 0.0 325462.50 93609.9'+ 284245.25 222803.19 35188.10 0.0 629439.37 35704.87 94748.37 392568.31 56500.97 49775.54 94748.37 122086.87 21055.01 18198.01 1.0 4.3 0.6 0.5 0 STEPilA!10 DISCUS ( LPIL) 22581.77 84321.81 42423.03 0 EurCOISCALES (LPIL) 1789S7.94 68074.12 78127.87 108396.62 35414.77 1.2 0 RilIZOSOL EllI ALES 0 RilIZOSOLEllI A ERIEtJSIS 162838.62 236251.87 645177.62 348089,37 150048.25 3.8 0 BACI LL ARIOrif f T A-PEllllATE 3073306.00 21?7755.00 2681104.00 2627388.00 274275.19 28.8 0 FPAGILARIALES 0 ASTER 10t4ELLA FORttoSA 1584233.00 1179978.00 1606399.00 1456870.00 133593.75 16.0 0 DI AT0!!A TEllUE 61244.82 105345.00 24993.41 63361.07 23232.36 0.7 0 OI AT0f!A ( LPIL) 0.0 69204.12 0.0 23068.04 23060.04 0.3 p 202752.81 1964B3.37 2.2

           -     0            FRAGIL ARI A CROT0tlEllSIS            595652.25      12606.33          0.0 34600.06       39602.06 y     0            IRAGILARIA PIllflATA                       0.0 225483.81 103806.19 1153<e.02 0.0 0.0      79007.56       73316.19 0.4 d.9 CD      0            FPAGILARIA (LPILI 0            SitlE DR A (LPIL)                      90603.25     114481.06    166332.94     123007.75       22352.50-  1.4 N       0             TABELLARI A FLOCCULOSA                67745.31      96268.44    169692.12     111:35.25       30366.05   1.2 y                                                                                           0.0       3844.67         38o4.67  0.0 0         FRAGILARIALES ( LPILI                         0.0       11534.02 0        AClit t At4Til ALES N      0            CCCCOtit'IS ( LPIL)                        00 S212.o6      4?',23.05     4254'; .a s    12318.a8   0.2 U7     0        tlAVICULALES 15774.87       10514.41
          -      0            IIAVICULA (LPIL)                           J.0       11619.74     35704.87-                               0.2
    -            0        BACILLARIALES 0            ilITZSCllIA ACICULAPIS                111597.75      25e:J.66          0.0      45603.47.      33790.30   2.5 0            flit 75 Cili A 110LSATICA                  0.0      151056.56     97572.94      808 76. M      4'4221.07  c.9 0            tif T2 Cili A ( LPIL)                 153698.44     120058.00    251813.31     175189.87       39523.32   1.9 h

g 0 St91r E L L A LE S-9317.72 0.0 42423.03 ' 17246.92 10872.22 0.c 3 0 Cit:10rLEURA SOLEA - EL'RI91L L A c/AT A 0.0 11619.74 42423.03 IP 014.25 12656.96 0.2 O O 37098.81 9 u- BACILLAR 10rif f TA-PEtitlATE I LPILi 173726.06 78214.00 201328.50 1510S9.50 1.7 0 P r RFl10P i r T A-01t10Pitf CE AE 0.0 12715.95 0.0 '233.65 .4233.65 0.0 3 0 0 PE RIDIllI ALES 0 PE RIDIllIUtl ItfCollSPICUUrl 0.0 12715.95 0.0 <238.65 '4238.65 0.0 2 35704.87 43014.83 1.3 '. g 0 CRYPT 0ptl)TA 151172.87 17d/50.37 1210/6.00 3 0 CR1D10!Gll00AtES W 0 CL t P10:10ll43 ( LPIL) 13264.05 0.0 0.0 4421.35 4421.35 0.0 ' 137W O.81 178750.37 35704.87 117454.69 4:541.28 1.3 a 0 RM000!!CtlAS t11tluTA Y 9131527.00 1741431.00 100.0 j g TOTAL 01VER SITY til a'?It'Il 9018807.00

                                                                         ?. 48 6173220.00 3.11 12202554.0 2.45             2.68        0.01
  - y                                                                                                                             0.05 O nzyggsy;y g . IRIttEl                                     0.66          0.77          0.60             0.67 R_     9     . . . _ _ _ _


         $1ATICil REPORT
                                                                                                -              PEL X        5.E. AB%

LS TAXA 4 5 6 0 UtlIDEilTIFIED ALGAE 0.0 111812.69 0.0 37270.89 37270.89 0.6 0 Ut1IDEllilFIED ALGAE ( LPIL) 0.0 111812.69 0.0 37270.89 37270.89 0.6 0 CYAllOPHYTA 3013679.00 2306959.00 874769.50 2065135.00 629177.31 33.5 0 CttRDOCOCCACEAE 6 CitR00 COCCUS ILPIL) 3051P2.75 0.0 0.0 101727.56 101727.56 1.6 0 G01tPitOSrilAERIA LACUSTRIS 762956.50 0.0 0.0 254318.81 254318.81 4.1 0 OSCILLA10RIACEAE O OSCILLATC91A ELPIL) 1945540.00 1323665.00 874769.50 1381324.00 310446.37 22.4 0 tl0S10CACEAE O Aril AllIZ0t1Efl0tl FLOS-AQUAE 0.0 983294.00 0.0 327764.62 327764.62 5.3 0 CllLO90Pilf 1 A 1006971.00 437384.87 357100.69 600485.53 204559.81 9. I O VOLVOCALES 0 Clil All dot 10tlAS ( LPIL1 73007.06 110168.37 31241.78 71472.37 22797.06 1.2

 >-         0     CHLOR 0COCCALES p          0         AllK151RODESl!US I LPIL)              38147.84   37819.00  3)241.71   35736.21   2249.22  0.6

~AP 0 u)CVSTIS (LPIL) 0.0 144698.75 31241.76 5C646.84 43961.00 1.0 g ~ s 0 SCEllEDESitus ACUt11HATUS 76295.69 0.0 0.0 25431.89 25431.89 0.4 0 SCEllEDESt1U3 QUADRICAUDA 0.0 144698.75 124967.12 89838.62 45303.62 1.5 N 0 SCEllEDESt1US ECCRilIS 76295.69 0.0 0.0 25431.89 25431.89 0.4 0 SCEllEDESilUS I LPIL) 0.0 0.0 138408.25 46136.08 46136.08 0.7 N O PEDIASIRUt1 BORYAtlUN 534069.50 0.0 0.0 178023.12 176023.12 2.9 (J) 0 OEDOS0llI ALES 0 OEDOCollIUt1 ( LPIL) 209155.31 0.0 0.0 69718.44 69718.44 1.1 g 38147.84 73993.69 31241.78 47794.44 13250.46 0.8 0 EUGLEtt0PH e'I A 0 EUGtEtl4LES 0 EUGLEtlA ( LPIL) 0.0 37819.00 31241.78 23020.26 11665.68 0.4

   #       C          1RACllELot:0tlAS ( LPIL)              38147.84   36174.69      0.0    24774.18  12400.18  0.4 0       0 X AtilllOPilYT A                               69718.44  300907.69      0.0   123542.00  90937.87  2.0 0      0      HETEROCOCCALES 3       0     llETEROCO~CALES ( LPIL)                   69718.44  300907.69      0.0   123542.00  90937.87  2.0 0 CHRISOPilV T A                                 34859.22  111812.69      0.0    48890.63  33031.20  0.8 0     CilR150110tl AD A LE S lg      0 0

CllR150 COCCUS (LPIL) DItiODRioll DIVERGEllS 0.0 0.0 37819.00 36174.69 0.0 0.0 12t06.33 12053.23 12606.33 12058.23 0.2 0.2 O CalRISCCllRO110L1llA PARVA 0.0 37819.00 0.0 12606.33 12606.33 0.2 0 0 f t0tl5SIG AL ES l 0 S1EL EX0110114S DICHOTottA 0 BACILLARIDFHYTA-Cell 1RIC 34859.22 839711.44 0.0 1340765.00 0.0 612175.31 11619.74 930C83.87 11619.74 0.2 215209.19 15.1 b 0 EUPODISCALES 284245.25 142900.00 f, 3 f1ELOSIRA VARIAtis 400552.31 452183.56 0.0 4.6

    #       0         MELOSIRA ( LPIL)                     114443.50  257169.19 296796.87  222303.19  55374.34   3.6 0       0         STEPilAt10 DISCUS ASTRAEA             38147.84   36174.69  31241.78   35108.10   2053.73  0.6 3


                                                                                                      -                  REL X           S.E. AGZ LS          TAXA 4            5            6 0         ST EPtl Al10 DISCUS ( LPIL)           142725.50      75638.00     34602.06     04321.81    31513.10    1.4 0      EUPODISCALES ( LPIL)                       3S147.84     72349.37     93725.31     68074.12    16105.61    1.1 0      Rit!ZOSOLEtlIALES 0         RHIZOSOL[tlIA ERIEllSIS               105695.75    447250.75     152809.19   236251.87    106406.62    3.8 0 B ACIL L ARIOrtlY T A-pet 31& T E            2442444.00   1775026.00   2165796.00   2127755.00    193603.50 34.5 0      iPAGILARIALES 0         ASIEPIOttELLA FORMOSA                1246573.00   1042324.19   1251032.00   1179978.00     6!#83S.94  19.1 0         DI A10tlA TElfUE                       139436.87   139108.12      37490.12    105345.00    33927.59    1.7 0         DI AT0t1A ( LPIL)                           0.0          0.0     207612.37     69204.42    69204.12    1.1 0         FRAGILARIA CROT0!1EttSIS                    0.0      37819.00         0.0      12606.33    12606.33    0.2 0         FRAGILARI A PitD3ATA                        0.0          0.0     311418.56    103306.19   103S06.19    1.7 0         FRAGILARIA ELPIL)                           0.0          0.0      34602.06     11534.02    11534.02    0.2 0         SYtlEDRA (LPIll                         95106.44   128255.69     120099.06    114487.06      9972.28   1.9 TABELLARIA FLOCCULOSA                 257563.56         0.0      31241.78     96268.44    81150.25    1.6 4         O 0       FR/GILARIALES (LPIL)                          0.0          0.0      34602.06     11534.02    11534.00    0.2 g

e 0 AClfil At4T H A LES C 0 COCCCtlEIS ( LPIL) 0.0 75638.00 0.0 25212.66 25212.66 0.4 N O IIAVICULALES 11619.74 11619.74 0.2

    ]     O         t1AVICULA ILPILI                       34859.22         0.0          0.0 0      BACILLARIALES s     1         141TZSCHIA ACICULARIS                       0.0     75638.00         0.0       25212.66    25212.66   0.4 0         illi2SCHIA HOLSATICA                  453169.81         0.0          0.0     151056.56   151056.56    2.4 0         14ITZCHIA (LPIL)                      146014.12     92081.00    122079.00    120058.00     15601.91    1.9 V       0      SUPIRELLALES 0         SURIPELLA OVA 1A                       34859.22            0          0.0      11619.74    11619.74    0.2 0 B ACILL AR10i'H r i A-FEl# LATE ( LPIL )       34C59.22    184;o2.06     15620.89      78214.00    53264.32    1.3 3        0 PI RPHOMit T A-DItiOPHYCE AE                   3S147.84          0.0          0.0      12715.95    12715.95    0.2 0        0      PERIDI!41 ALES e        0          F E RID 1tlIL41 1%OtlSPICUU*t         38147.84          0.0          0.0      12715.95    12715.95    0.2 3        0 CRIPIOPHviA                                   111154.87    213923.94    211172.44    176750.37     33907.10    2.9 0        0      CR I P T0t10t t00 ALES O        0          Ril0DOllCilAS tilitUTA               111154.87    213923. M    211172.44    178750.37     33807.10    2.9 0      TOTAL                                            7594807.00  6672581.00    4252252.00   6173200.00    996693.37 100.0 DIVERSliY (H FRIME )                                    3.06         3.44         2.63          3.11        0.18 O      DIVERSITY (J FRIttEl                                    0.73         0.81         0.76          0.77        0.02 8      iluttSER OF T AXA                                         29           to           23            45 fl     ACOVE COMFUT ED USIllG SA!1PLE IDS I                                 41         42     51      52 I                                 61         62 0


                                                                                              -                   REL X             S.E. ABX LS           TAXA 7          8          9 0 Uti!DEllTIFIED ALGAE                          39792.16  112470.37  107537.44   86599.94       23447.20   1.2 39792.16  112470.37  107537.44   85599.94       23447.20   1.2 0 UtlIDElliIf1ED ALGAE (LPIL)                                                                 1711588.00 0 CY Al!OPiir T A                                   0.0  2048002.00 5842867.00 2630556.00                 37.3 0     CllR00COCCACEAE O         11ICROCVSTIS (LPIL)                       0.0        0.0  1792290.00  597430.00      597430.00   8.5 0         APHAtl0THECE ( LPILI                      0.0  1874506.00 3046894.00 1640466.00      887312.69 23.2 0     flOSTOCACEAE 0         APHAllIZOttEt!Ott FLOS-A4fAE              0.0   174296.06 1003682.50  392659.50      309626.94   5.6 0 CHL OPOPitY T A                               68627.19  217048.00       0.0    95225.06       64052.18   1.3 0     VOLVOCALES a         CllLAtliDOt.0tlAS ( LPIL)             39792.16   37490.12       0.0    25760.76       12897.51   0.4 0     CHLOR 0COCCALES 0         At!KISTRODL5t!US FALCATUS             28835.07       0.0        0.0     9611.69         9611.69  0.1 34859.22       0.0    11619.74       11619.74   0.2

> 0 Ai!EISIRODES!!US ( LPIL) 0.0 48232.89 4C232.89 0.7 g 0 SCEllEDESituS ECOPillS 0.0 144698.69 0.0 vi 0 XAt4Til0F'H Y TA 318337.2h 336424.37 368981.56 341247.69 14817.33 4.8 0 flEIEROCOCCALES CD 0 HETLROCOCCALES (LPIL) 318337.25 335424.37 368981.56 341247.69 14817.33 4.8 0 BACILL ARIOPH r1 A-CEllTRIC 492213.00 825637.50 464548.50 594133.00 I16027.37 8.4 N 9 0 EUPODISCALES 0 IILLOSIRA (LPIL) 0.0 429031.56 119705.25 182912.25 127819.31 2.6 0 CYCLO (ELLA (LPIL) 173010.37 0.0 0.0 57670.12 57670.12 0.8 N 0 SIEPilAt10 DISCUS ASTRAE A 59688.22 107208.56 0.0 55632.26 31014.02 0.8 W 0 SIEPH At!ODISCtJS I LPIL) 79584.31 0.0 33543.78 37709.36 23068.25 0.5 S. 0 EUP001 SCALES ( LPIL) 79584.31 147329.56 71691.62 99535.12 24005.57 1.4 0 RilIZOSOL EllI ALES g 0 Piil20SOLEt!I A ERIEll5IS 100345.75 142067.75 239607.81 160673.15 41263.C6 2.3 0 0 D ACIL L ARIOTH I T A-PEtttl AT E 3478817.00 3728751.00 2088854.00 3098807.00 510104.87 43.9 g 0 TRAGILARIALES 3 0 ASTERIO!1EL LA FORT 10SA 929927.81 1117139.00 1526340.00 1191135.00 176099.81 16.9 0 0 DI AT0f tA TE!!UE 02352.62 0.0 80505.00 54265.87 27143.18 0.8 0 0 FRAGILAPI A CROT0!!EllSIS 20835.07 299921.00 0.0 109535.31 95531.12 1.6

 #       0        FRAGILARIA ELPIL)                   1711062.00 1742960.00       0.0  1151340.00      575743.94 16.3 O       O         SitifDRA UtilA                         2833.51       0.0    50315.66   17733.05        16312.55  0.3 0         S1tlIDP A ( LPIL )                   234428.19  190870.62  118554.25  1012 8'e . 31    33791.59  2.6 C        0        TALELLARIA TLOCCULOSA                140211.50       0.0   154137.00  100782.81        50420.44  1.*

8 0 FRAGIteRIALES (LPIL) 57670.12 0.0 0.0 19223.37 19:23.37 0.3

 #       0     flAVICut ALES CL      0        I!WICULA (LPIL)                           0.0    34859.22       0.0    11619.74        11619.74  0.2 I       O     DACILLARIALES 171257.06        39341.59 g       0        flITZCitI A (LPIL)                   123413.01  249276.31  141081.19                             2.4 6       0     SURIRELLALES 3

tt0RTHERil IllDIAllA PUBLIC SERVICE Cot 1 pally (49720 8 o BAILLY CEllERATIllG PLAtlT PilVTOPLAtlK10tl DEtlSITY dREER OF CELLS PER LITER STATI0tl REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. AB% 7 8 9 0 SUR1RELLA OVATA 39792.16 0.0 0.0 13264.05 13264.05 0.2 0 BACILLARIOPilVTA-pet #iATE (LPIL) 120241.81 93725.31 17922.91 77296.62 30657.87 1.1 0 PYRRtt0PH V T A-01t!OPH f CE AE 0.0 34859.22 0.0 11619.74 11619.74 0.2 0 PERIDIllI ALES 0 PERICIllIUt1 IflCCilSPICLU1 0.0 34259.22 0.0 11619.74 11619.74 0.2 0 CRIPTOPilvTA 234716.69 235793.06 134175.12 201561.62 33699.68 2.9 0 CR Y P10t!O!10D ALES 0 CRIP10ll0HAS ttARSS0!!II 0.0 0.0 33543.78 11181.26 11101.26 0.2 0 Ril0Dat10tlAS tilt #JTA 205881.62 235793.06 100631.31 180763.62 40933.49 2.6 0 RtiOO0t:0tlAS E LPIL) 28835.07 0.0 0.0 9011.69 9o11.69 0.1 TOTAL 4632500.00 7539780.00 9006959.00 7059746.00 1285404.00 100.0 OIVERSITY (il I'RIttE ) 2.88 2.70 2.45 2.68 0.12 p DIVERSITY (J F'RIttE ) 0.74 0.69 0.70 0.71 0.02 . Ilut*BER OF TAXA 22 20 18 31 p ABOVE CottPUTED UStrlG sal 1PLE IDS 71 72 81 82 91 92 8 9. e 3 0 9 e CD 1 rJ g -a 1 TU I W I W o

HOR UIERil IHDI AllA PUBLIC SERVICE C0tiPAllf (49720 ) o BAILLY GEllERATI;;O PLAllT PilVTOPL AtahT0tt DDISIT Y 11UttBER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REFORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 1 1 00 DURATIOli TOW SA!1P VOL WIllD CUREllT TEt1P SID DATE TItt: D/fl UtlITS C SD WD SP D Lit 11TS C SECH W T SC 01 CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED Cot 13 00 Fil SAlti P 171 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 172 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AB:: 1 2 0 UllIDEllTIFIED ALGAE 209155.31 552485.94 330320.62 171665.31 3.0 0 UtlIDEllTIFIED ALGAE ( LPILI 209155.31 552485.94 330820.62 171665.31 3.0 0 CV At10Pil1T A 9411988.00 8287288.00 8849638.00 562350.00 70.6 0 Clip 00CCCCACf A E O CilR00 COCCUS ( LPIL) 0.0 315706.25 157053.12 157853,12 1.3 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0 OSCILLATORIA (LPIL) 9411988.00 7971582.00 6691705.00 700:03.00 69.3

 >=    0 CHLOROPitfTA                                     1647537.00       1341751.00                            1594644.00     ?52893.00 12.7 h

N 0 VOLVOCALES O CilLAlltDOtto!!AS ( LPIll 139436.87 236779.69 188108.25 4e671.41 1.5 0 CllLORCC0CCALES 0 00 CYSTIS ( LPIll 69718.44 0.0 34859.22 34059.22 0.3 0 SCEt!!DESl1U5 ACUt11tlATUS 0.0 157853.12 73926.56 78926.56 0.6 N 0 SCENEDE St1US CUADRICAUD A 1394368.00 789265.62 1091816.00 302551.19 8.7 'M 0 SCEllEDESIIUS ECORilIS 0.0 157853.12 78926.56 78926.56 0.6 0 ZYGilEt1ATALES N 0 #100GE0lIA ( LPILI 244014.50 0.0 120007.25 122007.25 1.0 g 0 CHR r C0Filv T A 69718.44 710339.06 390008.75 320310.31 3.1 0 CllR) Sullotl AD A L ES 0 SrilVRA UNELLA 0.0 78926.56 39463.28 39463.28 0.3 g 0 CitRYSOCHR0t1ULIllA PARVA 69718.44 631412.50 350565.44 280047.00 2.8 0 0 BAC I LL AR IOF ilv i A-CEllIRIC 69718.44 0.0 34359.22 34859.22 0.3 g 0 EUPODISCALES 3 0 EUPOUISCALES ILPILI 69718.44 0.0 34859.22 34059.22 0.3 0 0 BACILLARIOPilf TA-PElit1 ATE 1673242.00 773400.25 1223361.00 449050.87 9.8 0 0 FRAGILIRIALES

   #   0        TAeELIARIA FLOCCULOSA                       69718.44        157853.12                              113785.75     44067.34     0.9 0   0     ACit!!allTil A L ES f   0        AttitiatlIHES ( LPIL I                     627465.94        394632.81                             511049.37     116416.56     4.1 0   0     BACILLAMIALES S   0        flITZClilA (LPIL)                           69718.44         78926.56                               74322.50      4604.06     0.6
   #   0 CACILLARIOPHVTA-PE121 ATE ILPIL)                  906339.69        142067.75                              524003.69    302135.94     4.2 (L  0 CR f P10Pil) T A                                  139436.87             0.0                                69718.44     69718.44     0.6 I   O     CR (P10llO!!0D A LE S I   o        CRIPT0110HAS ( LPIL)                        69718.44             0.0                                34859.22     34859.22     0.3 g   0        CilP00tiot4AS ( LPIL I                      69718.44             0.0                                34859.22     34859.22     0.3 3


                                                                                     -               REL LS        TAXA                                                                  X        S.E. AB%

1 2 TOTAL 13420788.0 11665340.0 12543064.0 877724.00 100.0 OIVERSITY til FRIl1El 1.71 1.92 1.82 0.11 DIVERSITY (J FRIt1El 0.45 0.52 0.43 0.04 IluttDER OF TAXA 14 13 18 ADOVE C0t1PUTED USIllG SAttPLE IDS 171 172 ~ 00 S S e 3 0 e S O a N y -a e

 #            ~J
 @            L'I i             w o

il0RTHERif IllDIAt44 PUOLIC SERVICE C011PAlif (49720) 0 B AILLY CEllERA11tlG PLAllT Flf TOPL At:K10tl DEllSI T T tlUl?ER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPGRT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 1 1 00 DLn A110tl TOLI SAf1P VOL LIIIID CUREta t T Et tP SID DATE tit 1E D/II UtlIIS C SD WD SP D UtlITS C SECil H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURBD C0tO 00 Fil SAttl P 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 181 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 182 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                                -                     REL X             S.E. ABZ LS          TAXA 1                2 0 UtilDEllTIFIEu ALGAE                               612244.69           57550.65                                 334897.62      277347.00     4.0 0 UllIDEllTIb IED ALGAE ( LPIL)                      612244.69           57550.65                                 334897.62      277347.00     4.0 0 CYAt10lHVIA                                       1768706.00        7654236.00                                4711471.00      2942765.00 55.7 0     OSC1LLATORIACEAE O         OSCILL ATORI A ( LPIL)                            0.0       7654236.00                                3827118.00      3827118.00 45.2 0     fl0910CACEAE AtlADAEtlA                                1768706.00               0.0                                  884353.00      884353.00 10.4 O

748299.06 3769565.00 2258932.00 1510632.00 26.7 0 CHLOROHIVIA g 0 VOLVOCALES e O CllL AttiDot10tlAS ( LPILI 0.0 143876.56 71938.25 71938.25 0.8 0 VOLVOCALES (LPIL) 136054.37 0.0 68027.19 60027.19 0.8 g 0 CllLOROCOCCALES N 0 At!KISTRCDESitOS (LPIL) 0.0 57550.65 26775.32 26775.32 0.3 N O CilLORELLA (LPIll 68027.19 0.0 34013 59 34013.59 0.4 0 00CVSTIS ( LPIL ) 0.0 230202.56 115101.25 115101.25 I.4 SCEllEDES!!US ACUttillATUS 0.0 230202.56 115101.25 115101.25 1.4 N 0 1035911.00 1035911.00 12.2 0 SCEt1EDES!!US GUADRICAUD A 0.0 2071822.00 (3) 272103.75 272103.75 3.2 g 0 SCEllEDEsttus IllTERitEDIUS 544217.50 0.0 0 PLDI ASTrull CORYAtlUt1 0.0 920810.44 460405.19 460405.19 5.4 0 ZYCalEtlAT ALES 0 ft0UGE0ilA (LPILI 0.0 11_.01.25 57550.62 57550.62 0.7 g 434284,12 20121.03 5.1 0 0 CllR)SOFHYTA 408163.12 460405.19 g 0 CtlR Y SOllOllAD ALE S 34013.59 34013.59 0.4 3 0 SillURA UVELLA 68027.19 0.0 0 0 DItt0CR(Ott SERTULARIA 340135.9/e 0.0 170007.94 170067.94 2.0 0 0 Dill 0CR f 0ll DIVERGEllS 0.0 460405.19 230202.56 230202.56 0.7

  #     0 BACIL L AR10FilV T A-PEl01 ATE                     748299.00         517955.75                                  633127.37       115171.62     7.5 0     0      FRAGILARIALES 2     0          FRAGIL ARIA ( LPIL)                       122448.94               0.0                                    61224.47       61224.47     0.7 142857.06      142857.06     1.7 5     0          SillEOR A ( LPIL )                        265714.12 68027.19 0.0 0.0                                   34013.59       34013.59     0.4 4     0      FRAGILADI ALES (LPIL)
  • 0 ACHilatilll ALES (1 0 AClitlAlif HES ( LPILI 204081.56 115101.25 159591.37 44490.16 1.9 6CO27.19 402054.50 235440.81 167413.62 2.8 I 0 BACIL L ARIDFH f T A-FEllllATE I LPIL )

115101.25 91564.19 23537.03 1.1 5 0 CR16* PilYTA 68027.19 g 0 CR V P10110t!OD A LES 3

NORlilERif It101 Atla PUBLIC SERVICE C0t1 Patly 149720) o B AILLY GEtlLRAfillG PLAtti PitfiOPL AllKTOil DEllSITY llUttBER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. AC% 1 2 0 CRIPTOt10tlAS (LPIL) 0.0 115101.25 57550.62 57550.62 0.7 0 Ct:200tiollAS ( LPIL) 68027.19 0.0 34013.59 34013.59 0.4 TOTAL 4353734.00 12574804.0 8464269.00 4110535.00 100.0 DIVERSITY IH PRIt1El 2.82 2.02 2.42 0.40 DIVERSITT ( J PRIllE l 0.76 0.54 0.65 0.11 tRRIDER OF TAXA 13 13 23 ACOVE Cot 1PUTED USIllG sat 1PLE IDS 181 182 I w O O E C e m

!.           N
 #           N
  • u, W

D e 8 b i o


                                                                                         -                REL LS           TAXA                                                              X         S.E. AB%

17 18 0 UtlIDEllTIFIED ALGAE 380820.62 334S97.62 357859.12 22961.50 3.4 0 Ul4IDEllTIFIED ALGAE (LPIll 3S0820.62 334897.62 357859.12 22961.50 3.4 0 CY Att0Palv T A 8849638.00 4711471.00 6780554.00 2069083.00 64.6 0 CllC00COCCACEAE O Ct6ROOCOCCUS (LPILI 157853.12 0.0 78926.56 78926.56 0.8 G OSCILLA10RIACEAE O OSCILL ATORIA (LPIL) 8691785.00 3827118.00 6259451.00 2432333.00 59.6 0 140510CACEAE 0 t,tl AB Alll A 0.0 884353.00 442176.50 442176.50 4.2 0 CilL OROPit t I A 1594644.00 2258932.00 1926788.00 332144.00 18.3 0 VOLVOCALES a CllLAtt) dot 10tlAS ( LPIL) 130023.25 58085.00 1.2 188108.25 71933.25 0 VOLVOCALES ( LPIL) 0.0 68027.19 34013.59 34013.59 0.3 f 0 Cit LOROCOCC ALES u 0 AtlMISTRODEst10S ( LPIL) 0.0 28775.32 14387.66 14387.66 0.1

  .H        0          CllLORE LL A ( LPIL I                    0.0     34013.59     17006.80   17006.00   0.2 0          00CYSIIS ILPIL)                      34859.22  115101.25      74980.19   40121.02   0.7 O          SCEt:EDESituS ACU!!Ill4TUS           78926.56  115101.25      97013.87   18087.34   0.9 O          SCEt4EDESt1US QUADRICAUD A         1091816.00 1035911.00    1063863.00   27952.50 10.1 0          SCLilLDESitOS IllTERitE01US              0.0   272108.75     136054.37  1*,6054.37  1.3 NT          0          SCElliDESl10s ECCRills               78926.56         0.0     39463.28   39463.28   0.4 0          PEDI ASTRull BORT Attutt                 0.0   460405.19     230002.56  230202.56   2.2
  ,         O      Z) CilElt4 T AL ES 0          t100GEOII A I LPILI                 122007.25   57550.62      63778.94   32228.31   0.9 0 CilR T SOPilV T A                            390028.75  4 3 'e284.12  412156.44   22127.69   3.9 0      CilR150!!0llAD A LES S      0          SillORA UVELL A                      39463.28    34013.59     36733.44    2724.84   0.3 O

_ 0 DIllCUR10!! SERTULARI A 0.0 170067.94 85033.94 85033.94 0.8 8 0 DIllCLR10ll DIVEPGEtiS 0.0 230002.56 115101.25 115101.25 1.1 3 0 Cl!R)SOCllRO!!ULIllA PARVA 350565.44 0.0 175282.69 1752*2.69 1.7 h 0 B AC I L L AR IGFliY T A-CE!41RIC 34859.22 0.0 17429.61 17429.61 0.2 0 EUPODISCALES lg 0 EUFDDISCALES ( LP. 0 B ACI L L ARIOrli f T A-PEl llA . E 34859.22 1223361.00 0.0 633127.37 17429.61 928244.19 17429.61 295116.11 0.2 8.8 O FRAGILARIALES O 0 FRAGILARIA (LPIL) 0.0 61224.47 30612.23 30612.23 0.3 l 0 SillEDR A (LPIll 0.0 142857.06 71428.50 71428.50 0.7 0 TAE.ELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 113785.75 0.0 56892.87 56892.87 0.5 h, O FR/GILARI ALES ( LPIL) 0.0 34013.59 17006.80 17006.80 0.2 y,, 0 ACllllAtlill A L E S e 0 ACliitt'aillES I LPIL) 511049.37 159591.37 335300.37 175729.00 3.2 6 0 E ACILLARI ALES 3

fl0RTHERis IllDI Atla PUBLIC SERVICE cot 1 patly (49720) o BAILLY GEtlERATIltG PLAlli PIIVTOPLAllKToll DEllSITY lAAt0ER OF CELLS PER LITER STATI0tl REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. AG% 37 18 0 till2 Cili A ( LPIL) 74322.50 0.0 37161.25 37161.25 0.4 0 BACILLARIOPilVTA-FEtolATE ( LPIL) 524203.69 235440.81 379822.25 144381.44 3.6 0 CR Y PTOPllYTA 69718.44 91564.19 80641.31 109:2.87 0.8 0 CRIPI0t tullODA L E S 0 CRYPIOl10tlAS iLPIL) 34859.22 57550.62 46204.92 11345.70 0.4 0 CllR00!! ollas ( LPIL ) 34859.22 34013.59 34436.41 422.81 0.3 TOTAL 12543064.0 8464269.00 10503666.0 J 2039397.00 18'.0 DIVERSITY IH PRINE) 1.82 2.42 2.12 0.30 01VERSITY (J FRIt1El 0.48 0.65 0.57 0.08 tRJttBER OF TAXA 18 23 29 ABOVE C0tlPUILD USIliG SAMPLE IDS p 171 172 181 182 b o O S e 3 0 e CO e N e ~q J E N a - I



110RTitERtl INDI AllA PUSLIC SERVICE cot 1PAHf (49720) o BAILLY GEllERATIllG PLAllT PtiTTOPLAllKToll DEtISITY lluttBER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 1 2 00 DURATIOll TOW SAMP VOL wit 40 CUREllT TEt1P SID DATE TIttE D/II UllITS C SD HD SP D UNITS C SECil W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR HAT DT TURc0 Cot:0 00 Pil SAtti P 191 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 192 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 '.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                           -                   REL LS           TAXA                                                                                                   X           S.E. AEX 1              2 0 UllIDEllIIFIED ALGAE                                      0.0       160544.25                               80272.12     80272.12    0.5 0 UtilDLilTIFIED ALGAE (LPIL)                               0.0       160544.25                               80272.12     80272.12    0.5 0 CY AllorilYT A                                     15522 2.00      7866668.00                           4709445.00     3157223.00   30.9 0      CllR00COCCACEAE O      CilD00COCCACE AE ( LPIL)                             0.0      4495239.00                            2247619.00    2247619.00 14.7 0      OSCILL A1CRIACEAF 0          OSCILLA109I A ( LPIL)                     1552222.00            0.0                               776111.00    776111.00    5.1
 .       0          LillGB) A ( LPIL )                               0.0      3371429.00                            1685714.00    1685714.00   11.0 u       0 CllLOROPilV T A                                     543277.87      2167347.00                            1355312.00     812034.56    8.9 W       0      VOLVOCALES 0      VOLVOCALES (LPIL)                                    0.0        80272.12                               40136.06     40136.06    0.3 0      Cit LOROCOCC A LE S 0          00 CYSTIS ( LPIll                           77611.12            0.0                                38805.56     30005.56    0.3 g                                                                                                                       77611.12     77611.12    0.5
 ,       o          TETRALOR0ll (LPILI                         155222.25            0.0 0      CitLOROCOCCALES ( LPIL)                              0.0      2087075.00                            1043537.50    1043537.50    6.8 0      Ot00G0llIALES 0          OLDOG0f t10t1 ( LPIL)                      310444.50            0.0                               155222.25    155222.25    1.0 N         0 E UGL E110Pil f T A                                       0.0        80272.12                               40136.06     40136.06    0.3 g,        O      EUGtEHALES g         0          illACUS ( LPIL )                                 0.0        80272.12                               40136.06     40136.06    0.3 N     0 CllRYSOPlif TA                                      698500.12       160544.25                              429522.19    268977.94    2.8 0.,   O      CilRiSOM0llAD ALES S      0         DItlOCR)Dtl DIVERGEllS                     698500.12            0.0                               349050.06    349250.06    2.3 3     0          tiln150CliRottUL1tIA FARVA                       0.0        80272.12                               40136.06     40136.06    0.3 0     tilRYS0rlCilAD ALES ( LPIL I                         0.0        80272.12                               40136.36     40136.06    0.3 0 D ACI L L APIGrilV T A-PE!!!IATE                  1940277.00     14970750.0                             8455513.00    6515236.00 55.4 0     FPAGILARIALES 0         FR AGIL ARI A CPOT0ilENSIS                 388055.62            0.0                               194027.81    194027.81    1.3 g                FRAGILARIA (LPIL)                                0.0       200660.31                              101340.12    10LF40.12    0.7 0

0 0 Sit:EORA (LPIL) 0.0 12281635.0 6140817.00 6140817.00 40.2 0 TADELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 155222.25 0.0 77611.12 77o11.12 0.5 0 FRAGILARIALES ( LPIL) 0.0 80272.12 40136.06 40136.06 0.3

   $      0     AClill!.llill A L ES 1669748.00     738414.75
   $,     3         AClitl8tlitiES ( LPIL)                     931333.50      2408163.00                                                       10.9 5      0     flAVICULALES o      0         tlAVICULA ( LPIL)                          232833.37            0.0                               116416.69    116416.69    0.8 3

llCRillERil IllDI Atla PUBLIC SERVICE CottPAtif (49720 ) o BAILLY GEllERATIllG PLAIIT PitYTOPLAt4KT0tl DDISITY llUMDER OF CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. AC% 1 2 0 B ACIL L ARIOPilV TA-PEllf TATE I LPIL ) 232833.37 0.0 116416.69 116416.69 0.8 0 CRYPTOPitVTA 310444.50 80272.12 195358.31 115086.19 1.3 0 CRI PictlOtlO'a ALES 0 CRYPiottollAS REFLEXA 155222.25 0.0 77611.12 77611.12 0.5 0 CRVPIOttellAS OVATA 77611.12 0.0 36805.56 38905.56 0.3 0 CRYPiottotlAS ( LPIL) 77611.12 80272.12 78941.62 1330.50 0.5 TOTAL 5044719.00 25486304.0 15265551.0 10220832.0 100.0 DIVERSITY (11 PRIllE ) 3.05 2.21 2.63 0.42 O1VERSITY ( J PRIt1E l 0.82 0.60 0.71 0.11 14UllDER OF TAXA 13 13 24 400VE CollPUTED USit1G sat 1PLE IDS > 191 192 e S e 3 0 0 CO e N e q 2_. u a I



110RTilERil IllDI AllA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAtl( (49720) o BAILLY GEllEPATIttG PLAlli Pitf10PLAtlETott DEllSITY llUttDER OF CELLS PLR LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 1 2 00 DURA TIOil TOW SAMP VOt. WillD CUREllT TEt1P SID DATE TINE D/fl UtlITS C SD WD SP D UllITS C SECil W T SC DI CL LP DI AIR WAT BT TURBD CollD 00 Pil SAlti P 201 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 202 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AB% 1 2 0 CYAtlOrilVTA 9313334.00 0.0 4656667.00 4656667.00 67.7 0 OSCIttATORIACEAE O OSCILLATORI A ( LPIL) 9313334.00 0.0 4656667.00 4656667.00 67.7 0 CitLOROPif f T A 2209942.00 51302.30 1130622.00 1079319.00 16.4 0 VOLVOCALES 0 CllL Attf 00NOllAS ( LPIL) 1420678.00 0.0 710339.00 710333.00 10.3 0 CliLOROCOCCA L ES 3+ 0 AllKISTRODES!!US FALCATUS 631412.50 0.0 315706.25 315706.25 4.6 k Ln 0 0 Atil:IslF00EEt105 ( LPIL) 00CVSTIS iLPIL) 0.0 78926.56 51302.30 0.0 25651.15 39463.28 25651.15 39463.28 0.4 0.6 O TETRAEDRott HIllll1UN 78926.56 0.0 39 +63.28 39463.28 0.6 1 0 CilR f SOHlV T A 78926.56 1308208.00 691567.25 614640.69 10.1 0 CilR Y S0f10tl AD A L E S

    ,   O          DIt10DR)Dtl DIVERGEllS                            0.0          25651.15                              12825.57      12825.57     0.2 0          CllR)SOCilR0f tUL1tlA PARVA                  78926.56              0.0                               39463.28      39463.23     0.6 O          C)CLOllEXIS (LPIL)                                0.0        1077348.00                             539674.00     538674.00     7.8 0 CilR rSOFil(T A ( LPIll                                    0.0         205209.06                             102604.50     102604.50     1.5 0 D ACI L L ARIOrtl( T A-FilillATE                    157853.12          159037.00                             158445.06         591.94    2.3 0      FRAGILARIALES 0          SitiLDR A ( LPIL)                                 0.0          17955.c0                               8977.90       8977.90     3.1 3       0      ACittl A t till AL ES O       O          ACllilAt4IllES ( LPIL)                            0.0          64127.87                              32063.93      32063.93     0.5 g       0      DACILLARIALES 3       0          llITZCilI A ( LPIL)                          78926.56          25651.15                              52298.86      26637.71     0.8 0       0 B ACIll> RIOFilV T A-PEllllAT E ( LPIL )              78926.56          51302.30                              65114.43      13812.13     0.9 0       0 P r RRiturtlY T A-Dlil0PH f CE AE                     73926.56          25651.15                              52288.86      26637.71     0.8
#       0      PERIDIll! ALES O       0          PERIDitlIUtl It!COtlSPICUUN                  78926.56          ?5551.15                              52288.26      26637.71     0.8 0 CR iP T0i llY T A                                   315706.25           64127.87                             189917.C0     125789.19     2.8 0       0      CR t PT Ol!Ofl0D ALES O       O          CP r PIOttOllAS t1ARSSollII                157853.12           38476.72                              98164.87      59688.20     1.4 8       0          CR)P10!!0tlAS OVATA                        157853.12           25651.15                              91752.12      66100.94     1.3 (L

I TOTAL 1215<46 86 . 0 1608324.00 6881505.00 5273101.00 100.0 I DIVERSIT( (11 PRIllE l 1.32 1.85 1.59 0.26 { DIVEPSITY (J l'RItlE) 0.30 0.53 0.46 0.08 3 flut1BER OF TAXA 11 11 17 A20VE C0t1PUTED USIt1G sat 1PLE IDS 201 202

UJRTHERH IHDI At1A PUBLIC SERVICE CONPAtlY (49720 ) BAILLY GEllERATIr4G PLAT 1T o PHY10PLAHKT0tl DEHSITY hut 10ER OF CELLS PER LI1ER STATI0tl REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. ABX 19 20 0 UtlIDEllTIFIED ALGAE 80272.12 0.0 40136.06 40136.06 0.4 0 UtlIDEllTIFIED ALGAE (LPIL) 80272.12 0.0 40136.06 40136.06 0.4 0 CYAtl0FHVTA 4709445.00 4656667.00 4683056.00 263a9.00 42.3 0 tilROOCOCC ACE AE 0 CliR00COCCACEAE ( LPIL) 2247619.00 0.0 1123809.00 1123809.00 10.1 0 05CILLATORIACEAE 0 OSCILLATORI A ( LPIL) 776111.00 4656667.00 2716389.00 1940278.00 24.5 0 L)HGBf A ( LPIL) 1685714.00 0.0 842857.00 842857.00 7.6 0 CllLOROPHYTA 1355312.00 1130622.00 1242967.00 112345.0(, ' ? O VOLVOC7EES 0 CllLAt11D0t10tlAS ( LPIL) 0.0 710339.00 355169.50 35;169.50 3.2 0 VOLVOCALES ( LPILI 40136.06 0.0 20068.03 20068.03 J.2 0 r.P LOROCOCC A L E S 0 At4KIS1RODESl1US FALCATUS 0.0 315706.25 157853.12 157853.12 1.4 0 AtlKISIR00ESitus ( LPIL) 0.0 25651.15 12825.57 12825.57 0.1 w 0 00 CYSTIS ( L PIL ) 38805.56 39463.28 39134.42 m 328.86 0.4 0 TE IRAEDRoll MIllittu!1 0.0 39463.28 19731.64 19731.64 0.2 0 TETRAEDRoll ( LPIL) 77611.12 0.0 3*805.56 3e805.56 0.4 f CilLOROCOCCALES ( LPIL) 1043537.50 0.0 521768.75 521768.75 4.7 C . OE DOG 011I ALE S N 0 OE00G0HION ( LPIL) 155222.25 0.0 77611.12 77611.12 0.7 N 0 ELF LEttCPil) T A 40136.06 0.0 20068.03 20068.03 0.2 0 EUGLEll AL ES g 0 PilACUS ( LPILI 40136.06 0.0 20068.03 20068.03 0.2 0 CllR1 SOPit V T A 429522.19 693567.25 561544.69 13:022.50 5.1 0 CilR r SOf10tlAD A L E S W 0 Dill 0BR100 DIVERGENS 349250.06 12825.57 181037.81 168212.19 1.6 0 CilR TSOC!!R0flulIllA PARV) 40136.06 39463.28 39799.67 336.39 0.4

 -   0          C)CLCliEXIS ( LPIL i                     0.0  538674.00  269337.00  269337.00   2.4 0      CilR)CollotlAD ALES ( LPIL I            40136.06       0.0    20068.03   20068.03   0.2 g   0 CilRYSOPilVT A ( LPIL)                            0.0  102604.50   51302.25   51302.25   0.5 g   0 D ACI L L ARIOPH r T A-PEtif1 ATE          8455513.00  158445.06 4306979.00 414C533.00 38.9 g   0      FRAGILARIALES S   0          FR AGII ARI A CROT0tlEtiSIS        194027.81       0.0    97013.87   97013.87   0.9
 ]   0          FMSILARI A ( LPIL)                 100340.12       0.0    5017C.06   50170.06   0.5 0          Sit:EOPA ( LPIL)                  6140817.00    8977.90 3074897.00 3065919.00 E7.8 g   0          1ABELLARIA FLCCCULOSA               77611.12       0.0    38805.56   33005.56   0.4 m   0      FR AGILARI AL ES ( LPIL)                40136.06       0.0    20068.03   20068.03   0.2 g   0      AClit13tl1H A LE S
 -   0          ACittl AtlillES ( LPIL)           1669748.00   32063.93  850905.94  818842.00 1   0      t1AVICULALES 7.7 8,  9          11AVICULA (LPILI                   116416.69 o

0.0 58208.34 58208.34 0.5


                                                                                    -                 REL LS       TAXA                                                                   X          S.E. AB%

19 20 0 DACILLARIALES 0 13ITZCilI A ( LPIll 0.0 52288.86 26144.43 26144.43 0.2 0 BACILLARIOPHYTA-PEN!! ATE ( LPIL) 11641%.69 65114.43 90765.50 25651.13 0.8 0 PYRRHOPilV T A-DitiorHVCE AE 0.0 52288.86 26144.43 26144.43 0.2 0 PERIDIllI AL ES 0 PERIDill!Ut1 IHC0t4SPICUUt1 0.0 52288.e6 26144.43 26144.43 0.2 2 CRYPTOPflVTA 195358.31 189917.00 192637.62 2720.66 1.7 0 CRIPT0t10tl00 ALE S 0 CRVPTOllOllAS HA95 sot 4II 0.0 98164.87 49082.44 49002.44 0.4 0 CRVP10110tlAS REF LEXA 77611.12 0.0 30805.56 38C05.56 0.4 0 CRYPT 0!!OtlAS OVATA 38805.56 91752.12 65218.84 26473.28 0.6 0 CRVPT0110HAS ( LPIL) 78941.62 0.0 394,0.81 39470.81 0.4 3, TOTAL 15265551.0 6881305.00 11073528.0 4192023.00 100.0 DIVERSITY (Il PPIHE l 2.63 1.59 2.11 0.52 4 DIVERSITY ( J PRIt1E l 0.71 0.46 0.58 0.13 tRABER OF TAXA 24 1 ~/ 33 A00VE C0t1PUTED USIllG SAMPLE IDS 191 192 201 202 e S e O U

 .        m a         N e

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it0RillERif ItOI Atla PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAttf (49720) o BAILLY GEllER ATIllG PLAtlT PHYTOPLAllKTott DEllSIT Y IA#EER Of CELLS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 1 3 00 DURATIOtt TCH sat 1P VOL HIllD CUREllT TEt1P SID DATE Title D/tl Ut31TS C SD HD SP D UtlITS C SEcli H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR HAT BT TURDD C0tlD 00 PH SAtti P 2.' 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 212 4/ o/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AB7. 1 2 0 Ull1DElli1FIED ALG AE 132859.75 79584.31 106222.00 26637.72 2.8 0 Utt!DEllTIFIED ALGAE ( LPIL) 132059.75 79584.31 106222.00 26637.72 2.8 0 CYAtt0PHY1A 6642SS.75 0.0 330149.37 332149.37 8.7 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE O OSCILLATORI A ( LFIL D 664298.75 0.0 332149.3/ 332149.37 8.7 0 CHLORortifi A 0.0 1432517.00 716258.50 716~58.50 18.7 0 tilL 0ROCOCCALES 0 AtlKISIRODESifUS ( LPIL) 0.0 79584.31 39792.16 39792.16 1.0 g 0 ULOIRICilALES cn 0 GlititlELLA (LPIL) 0.0 1352933.00 676466.50 676466.50 17.7 CO O P ACI L L ARIOPH Y T A-PEtitl ATE 910089.25 4377134.00 2643611.00 1733522.00 69.0 N 0 FRAGILARIALES q 0 t RAGIL ARI A ( LPIL ) 0.0 557090.19 278545.06 278545.06 7.3 0 SillEURA ( LPIL) 46500.91 159168.62 102834.75 56333.86 2.7 0 EUt t0ll AL LS N 0 EUllOTI A ( LPIL 1 66429.87 159168.62 112799.25 46369.37 2.9 @ 0 ACH!! At till A LE S N 0 ACHilAlllHES ( LPIL 3 66429.87 1352933.00 709o81.44 643251.56 18.6 0 COCCollEIS ( LPIL) 0.0 79584.31 39192.16 39792.36 1.0 0 flAVICULALES g 0 ll AVICULA ( LPIL) 0.0 238752.94 119376.44 119376.44 3.1 0 0 GotiPilotlEttA ( LPILI 465009.12 1193764.00 829336.56 364377.44 21.6 [ 0 BACILLARIALES 3 0 illTZCilI A ( LDIL ) 130859.75 0.0 66429.87 66429.87 1.7 0 0 BACILLARIOPHYTA-PEtitlATE ( LPTL) 132859.75 636674.50 384767.12 251907.37 10.0 0 0 CR PTOPHfTA 66429.87 0.0 33014.94 33214.94 0.9

   #     0     CR r PIOf t0tlOD A LES O     0         CRYP10ltoilAS t1ARSSollII                   66429.87              0.0                               33214.94     33214.94   0.9 3

0 TOTAL 1773673.00 5889230.00 3831451.00 2057778.00 100.0 S OlVERSITY (H l'RIt1E l 2.55 2.83 0.69 0.14

   #   DIVERSITY (J PRIt1E 1                                        0.80             0.82                                  0.81         0.01 1,1 IRRIDER OF TAXA                                                  9              11                                    14 4

g ADOVE Cot 1PUTED USIllG SAttPLE IDS g 211 212


                                                                           -            REL LS           TAXA                                                     X     S.E. AD%

21 0 UtilDEllTIFIED ALGAE 106222.00 106222.00 -1.00 2.8 0 Ut'IDEllTIFIED ALGAE ( LPIL) 106222.0C 106222.00 -1.00 2.8 0 CY AllOPit f T A 332149.37 332149.37 -1.00 B.7 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0 OSCILLATORIA fLPIL) 332149.37 332149.37 -1.00 8.7 0 Cit L OROPH f T A 716258.50 716258.50 -1.00 18.7 0 CllLOROCOCCALES 0 AllKISTRCDES RI.'ELPIL) 39792.16 39792.16 -1.00 1.0 0 ULOIRICitALES 0 GENIllEL LA ( LP r.LI 676466.50 676466.50 -1.00 17.7 0 DACILLARIOrtif TA ' Ell!! ATE 2443611.00 2643611.00 -1.00 69.0 0 FRAGILARIALF0 0 f RAGILAP. A ( LPIL) 278545.06 278545.06 -1.00 7.3 > 0 SYilEDRA ( LPIL) 102834.75 102834.75 -1.00 2.7 b u) 0 EUtt0TI AL E S 112799.25 -1.00 2.9 0 EUt10TIA ( LPIL) 112799.25 0 s ".llll Atlill ALES 0 SChilAllTilLS ( LPIL) 709681.44 709601.44 -1.00 18.5 0 COCC0"7ls ( LPIll 39792.16 39792.16 -1.00 1.0 0 ilAVICULALES

                                                                                     *a 0          tlAVICUL A ( LPIL)                      119376.44   119376.44   5      3.1 0          GottPilotlEllA E LPIL)                  829386.56   829386.56  -1.00  21.6 0       DACILLA9fALES 0          llITZCHIA (LPIL)                         66429.87    66929.87  -1.00   1.7 0 BACILLARIOPilVTA-PElit4 ATE ( LPIL)              334767.12   304767.12  -1.00  10.0 0 CRIPTOPilVTA                                      33214.94    33214.94  -1.00   0.9 3      0       CR Y P10t10t10D A L E S CRIPIDitCilAS tlARSSotlII               33214.94    33214.94  -1.00   0.9

[l O e 3 TOTAL 3831451.00 3331451.00 -1.00 100.0 DIVERSITY til PRIttE l 2.69 2.69 -1.00 DIVERSIT f (J PRit1E) 0.81 0.81 -1.00 g flOMOER OF TAXA 14 14

 . ADOVE CollPUTED USIllG sat 1PLE IDS O                                211     212 O         CZ3
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  • 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 12 4/29/79 - PEL LS TAXA X S.E. AB3 1 2 0 UNIDEllTIFIED ALGAE 0.00 0.11 0.05 0.05 1.0 0 UllIDEllTIFIED ALGAE I LPIll 0.00 0.11 0.05 0.C5 1.0 0 C V At10PH Y T A 0.0 0.14 0.07 0.07 1.4 0 CtIPOOCOCCACEAE 0 CottPif 0SPil AEPI A LACUSTRIS 0.0 0.14 0.07 0.07 1.4 0 CilLOP0FilY T A 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.4 0 CtlLCo0COCCALES 0 UtlIDEllTIFIED: 05030511 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.2 0 GM CPortly T A ELPILI 0.03 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.2 Id 0 XAtlTituPMtTA 0.0a 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.1 Fd 0 f tC IEROC(CC A LE S CZ3 0 llL TE"9COCL ALES ( LPIL ) 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 C.1 psj O BACILL, 'IOPilY f A-CElliRIC 0.60 1.24 0.92 0.32 17.9 sa O EUPCDISCALES 0 t1ELOSIRA (tPIL) 0.15 C.57 0.36 0.21 7.0 0 STEPtfAt10 DISCUS ASTRAEA 0.27 0.0 1.13 0.13 2.6 I\) O EUPODISCALES (LPIL) 0.04 0.67 0.35 0.31 6.9 N O PilIZ000LEllI AL ES CZ) O PilIZOSOLEllI A EPIEllSIS 0.14 0.0 0.07 0.07 1.4 0 BACILL ADIOrtit T A-PErpl AT C 6.89 1.24 4.06 2.82 79.0 0 FPAGILARIALES 0 A0TEP10tlELL A f 0PfiO! A 1.47 0.49 0.c3 0.49 19.1 3

0 0 FPiGILAPIA CP010MEtiSIS 4.34 0.0 2.17 0.17 42.2 lI O Sit 1EOPA (LPIL) 0.59 00 0.30 0.30 5.8 3 0 BACILLAPIALES O O ilITZSClil A ACICUL ARIS 0.47 0.0 0.04 0.24 4.6 0 0 ilITZCIII A I LPIL ) 0.0 0.19 0.09 0.09 1.8 8 O B ACILL ARIDFily TA-PEtitl ATE ( LPILI 0.0 0.56 0.23 0.28 5.* O O CPIPT0ril)TA 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.2 0 CPIPIOM0MODa S O 0 Pil000fiOllM 11tlU T A 0.02 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.2 G

 #  TOTAL                                                     7.54           2.74                                    5.14           2.40 100.0
 @  DIVEPSITY til PPIttE #                                    1.95           2.60                ,                   2.28           0.32 4  DIVERSITY (J FPIllEl                                      0.54           0.87                                    0.71           0.16 UE liUf12ER Of TAXA                                            12               8                                      16 O


m _ _. t10RTHEPta Ill0I Atla PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAtlY (497201 o BAILLY GEllERATIt4G PLAtlT PHtTOPLAt1K10tl DIOVOLUt1E MICROLITERS PER LITER REPLICA?f REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 00 DUR A T IOil TOW SAttP VOL WIllo Cl4Elli T Et1P SID DATE TIl1E D/tl UtlITS C SD WD SP D UtlITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT OT TURLD Cots 0 00 PH S Alti P 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 21 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 9 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 22 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0

                                                                                                                                     -                       REL X            S.E.       ADZ LS        TAXA l               2 0.01                                  0.04           0.03       0.4 0 CYAt40PHYTA                                              0.07 0     CHPOOCOCCACEAE 0.07            0.0                                   0.04           0.04       0.3 0        CitPOOCOCCUS I LPIL) 0.0             0.01                                  0.01           0.01       0.0 0        t11CROCVSTIS ELPIL)                                                                                                               0.0 0.0             0.01                                  0.01           0.01

. O CHLOPOFHfTA 0 CilLOROCOCCALES 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0 0 AtikISTRODESt1US ( LPIL I 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 f 0 EUGLEt10PHrTA N 0 EUGLEllALES 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 EUG LE tl A (LPIL) 0.51 0.26 0.26 2.1 C 0 CHRYSOPHtTA 0.0 N 0 CilR 1 SOriOtIAD A L E S 0.51 0.06 0.06 0.1 0 DIllODRYOta OlVERGEllS 0.0 N 5.25 5.38 5.31- 0.07 44.1 0 DACILLARIOPHYTA-CEtliRIC 0 EUPODISCALES 2.03 0.86 1.45 0.58 12.0 0 t1ELOSIR A ( LPIll N 3.15 2.49 2.80 0.33 23.4 O STEPilat:ODISEUS ASTRAE A 0.0 1.15 0.57 0.57 *e . 8

           - -
  • O STEPilAllODISCUS i LPIL I 0.01 0.81 0.41 0.40 3.4 0 EurODISCALES (LPILI 0 RHIZOSOLEtlIALES 0.07 0.06 0.01 0.5 S 0 RilIZCSOLEllI A ERIEt'ils 0.05 6.91 5.48 6.00 0.71 51.5 O., O D ACI L L ARIOPHY T A-PEtitl A n i
   '.      S        0     FRAGILARIALES 3                                                                   1.15            1.40                                   1.28          0.13      10.6 0         ASTERIOilELLA FORT 1034 OIATOt1A TEt1UE                                  0.10            0.30                                  0.20           0.10       1.6 0

G.0 0.55 0.28 0.28 2.3 0 FR AGIL ARI A CRO10tlEllSIS F R /,GI L AR I A (LPILI 0.0 2.68 1.34 1.3% 11.1 0 l 0.0 0.19 0.09 0.09 0.8 g _0 StHEDPA (LPIL) O TAEELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 1.01 0.0 0.51 0.51 4.2 0 0 BACILLARIALES 4.30 0.10 2.20 2.10 18.3 0 11ITZCHIA (LPILI 0.36 0.26 0.31 0.05 2.6 0 BACILL ARIOFH rTA-PEllilATE I L 'IL ) 1.9 0.23 0.17 b 0 CR1PTOFHYTA 0.06 0.39 1 0 CR I P tot 10tlOU A L E S 0.34 0.17 0.17 1.4

           #        0         CRIPIOttOtlAS I LPILI                            0.0
                  ,O          RHODOt10?lAS tiltluT A                           0.06            0.0%                                   0.06          0.01       0.5 O                                                                                                                                      .                    .

o 0 L:: E B 0 RA 0 1 526 240 E 000 S 4330 0872

             - X   220 1

9597 7271 2 130 1 9172 2461 1 220 1 ) 0 0 7 9 4 I Y 4 t A Pt t O C E S C D I I0 V 2 R E E L S P1 t C T l E t A I t t S L A U R B L L E G U P 0 T l l 4 t 1 P V I EE i2 G O L t t S M 4 t I T I t t I U I I B R R RR A T E O PPA D I A l i F P X E D R O E A HJA T l l E i T S R X ( ( T U I t K R A P E f E E T YYF t t l i G A T T TTO o P L I A I I C E Y P L C SSR i L O O I LRRE E Ti L T R L AE E B V 4 )' 1 )s R 0 I A Y H C I P E S T VVtt OI I & U O D 3 T )s ~ - 1 t B P H R L TDDt A CP' P- P o t. N0.e308 #eg599 C7 0L 03

140RTHERH It3DIAtaA PUOLIC SERVICE COMPAlif (49720) o BAILLf GEllERA11tlG PLAtlT PH f10PL AtlKTOlt DIOVOLUt1E NICROLITERS PER LITER HER ICATE PEPORT PC TC AC LOC 5 56 36 0 0 00 DUPATIOP4 TOW SAMP VOL WIND CUREllT TEMP SID DATE TIME D/t4 UtilTS C SD WD SP D UtlI15 C SECH W T SC DI CL SP OI AIP WAT BT TUPDD Cor1D DO PH SAtti P 11 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 u 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 32 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                       -                      REL LS           TAXA                                                                                             X              S.E. A B;-f 1              2 0 UtilDEHTIFIED ALGAE                                     0.0            0.00                                0.00            0.00     0.0 0 UllIDEl4TIFIED ALGAE ILPILI                             0.0            0.00                                0.00            0.00     0.0 0 C)All0PHYTA                                             0.32           0.14                                0.23            0.09     3.0 0       CilPOOCOCCACEAE O           ltICPOC)STIS ILPIll                           0.05           0.0                                 0.03            0.03     0.3 0           00ttPHOSPH AERI A LACUSTRIS                   0.0            0.01                                0.00            0.00     0.0 0       OSCILLA10RIACEAE 3J         0           OSCILLATOPIA (LPILI                           0.27           0.0                                 0.13            0.13     1.7

'cs 0 tlOSTOCACEAE O A Fil All!ZOflEHOta F LOS- AQUAE 0.0 0.13 0.07 0.07 0.9 0 CH LOP 0 Fit (T A 0.14 0.23 0.18 0.05 2.4


0 VOLVOCALES I\3 0 CHLAlltDC90tlAS E LPIL I 0.04 0.22 0.13 0.09 1.7

'd' 0      CilLOPOCOCCALES 0          AtlKISIPDDESitOS ILPILI                       0.01           0.0                                 0.00            0.00     0.1 Tss?       O          QuaDRIGULA tLPIL)                             0.06           0.01                                 0.04           0.02     0.5
  ~sj      0          SCEtlEDESilUS QUADRICAUDA                     0.03           0.0                                  0.01           0.01     0.2 (pg       0 EUGLEllOPit f T A                                      1.02           0.0                                  0.l51          0.51     6.6 0      EUGL EllA LE S 0          EUGLEll A ( LPIL )                            1.02           0.0                                  0.51           0.51     6.6 3         0 XAllTHOPHVTA                                           0.0            0.02                                 0.01           0.01     0.L 0         0      llETEPOCOCCALES I         O      HETEROCOCCALES ILPILI                             0.0            0.02                                 0.01           0.01     0.1 3         0 CilRI SO Pil1 T A                                      0.04           0.13                                 0.08           0.05     1.1 0      CHR s SOtlCtl AD A LES 0          DlllCl,R10tl DIVERGEllS                       0.04           0.0                                  0.02           0.02     0.3 0          DIllOEP)Ott SOCI ALE                          0.0            0.13                                 0.06            0.06    0.8 O          CliR V SOCllROttOLIt4A P ARVA                 0.0            0.00                                 0.00            0.00    0.0 O DACILLAPIOPHITA-CENTRIC                                0.74           2.95                                  1. 8**         1.10  24.0 0         0       EUPODISCALES O         O          itELOSIPA ELPILI                              0.0S           0.13                                 0.10            0.02    1.3
 "         0          STEFHAllODISCHS ASIPAEA                       0.51           2.66                                  1.SS           1.03  20.7 (k        0          STEPPAtlODISCUS I LPIt. )                     0.14           0.0                                   0.07           0.07    0.9 4         0       EUPODISCALES tLPILI                              0.0            0.01                                  0.01           0.01    0.1 UE        O       RitIZOSOLL:4I A L ES

(( ., O RHIZOSOLEHIA ERIENSIS 0.01 0.15 0.0S 0.07 1.0


                                                                      -            REL X     S.E. AB::

LS TAXA 1 4.04 . 45 4.76 0.72 62.1 O B ACI L L AR IOPflV TA -PEttilATE 0 FRAGILARIALES 1.08 24.9 0.81 2.99 1.91 0 ASTEPIOllELLA FORT 105A 0.0* 0.6 0.0 0.08 0.04 0 OIATottA TEttuE 0.61 0.61 7.9 0 FRAGILARI A CROTOtIEliSIS 0.0 1.21 0.61 0.30 0.30 4.0 0 SittEDRA (LPIll 0.0 0 BACILLARIALES 0.02 0.02 0.2 0 flITZSCllI A ACICULARIS 0.0 0.04 0.56 0.0 0.28 0.08 3.7 0 HITZCllI A (LPIL) 0 SURIPELLALES 2.37 0.0 1.18 1.18 15.4 0 Cit 1TOPLEURA SOLEA 0.1% 5.5 0.28 0.56 0.42 0 B ACILLAPIOPilVTA-PEtotlATE ( LPIL) 0.05 0.01 0.6 0 CR V PTOP8ti l A 0.04 0.06 t2 0 CRIFL dt tuttOD Al ES 0.01 0.6 0.04 0.06 0.05 [n 0 Rtt000f tottAS T11t4UTA 6.32 9.01 7.66 1.34 100.0 10TAL 2.85 2.64 2.7% 0.11 DIVERSITY (11 PRIt1E l 0.04 0.70 0.62 0.66 01VERSITY IJ PRIt1El 28 tiUt1BER OF TAXA 17 19 ACOVE cot 1PUTED USIllG SAT 1PLE IDS 31 32 E 6 3 0 8 m e

  . C?D 0     es; e      '~d a

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t40RTHEPH IllDIAffA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAHf (49720) 0 BAILLY GErlEPATIt4G PLAtlT Mif TOPLANK70t1 BIOVOLUt1E HICROLITERS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT FC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 10 OURATIOtl TOW sat 1P VOL WINO CURENT TEMP SID DATE tit 1E D/t4 Ut4ITS C SD WD SP D UNITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT OT TUPE'D COtt0 00 Rt SALH P 0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 41 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 42 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0

                                                                                                                     -                     REL X            S.E. AD%

LS TAXA 1 2 0.81 0.0 0.40 0.'0 3.7 0 CYAHOPHfTA 0 CHROOCOCCACEAE 0 CHROOCOCCUS ( LPIL ) 0.23 0.0 0.11 0.11 1.0 0.04 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.2 0 Got1NIOSPil AE RI A LACUSTRIS 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0.54 0.0 0.27 0.07 2.5 0 OSCILL ATORI A ( LPIL ) 0 CHtOPOPH TA 2.47 0.76 1.61 0.86 14.7 tzs 0 VOLVOCALES O CHL Art: dot 10:4AS ( LPIL I 0.13 0.18 0.16 0.02 1.4 0 CHLOROCOCCALES CD At:KISipOoEsitVS s tPIL: 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 IV 0 SCEllEDESituS ACUt1IH ATUS 0.01 0.01 3.01 0.1

 -Q      0          SCEllEDESituS ECORitIS                       0.02             0.0 0          PEDIASTRUt1 DORYANUll                        2.29             0.0                                 1.15          1.15   10 5 0      OEDOGOt41 ALES g                   OEDOGCil!Ut1 i LPILI                         0.0              0.58                                0.29         0.29      2.6 0

0 EUG L L'lONi t T A 0.11 0.0 0.05 0.05 0.5 W 0 EUGLEt4A L E S 0.05 0.05 0.5 0 TR ACHE LOHOtl AS ( LPIL ) 0.11 0.0 0 XANTHOPHYTA 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.0 3 0 HETEPOCOCCALES O O HETEPOCOCCALES iLPIL) 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 CilRsSOMlviA 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 3 0 flotlOSIG ALES O 0 SIELEXO:10H AS DICHOTOt1A 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 DACILLARIOPHfTA-CEHIRIC 3.17 1.11 3.64 2.53 33.3

 #       0      EUPODISCALES ftELOSIRA VARIANS                            4.91              0.0                                 0.45         0.95    22.4

_0 0.07 0.7 0 MELOSIWA (LPIL) 0.15 0.0 0.07 0 0 STEPilAtlODISCUS ASTRAEA 0.e6 0.0 0.43 0.43 3.9 0 0 STEPilAHODISCUS i LPIL l 0.19 1.09 0.64 0.45 5.8 0 EUPODISCALES (LPIL) 0.04 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.2 h 0 PilIZOSOLEllI AL ES EllIZOSOLEHIA EPIttiSIS 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.0 4


0 0 B ACI L L APIOT H1 T A-pet 1H ATE 2.05 8.15 5.10 3.05 46.6 3 6 ,,,, O FRAGILARIALES


                                                                          -             REL LS        TAXA                                                      X      S.E. AB%

1 2 0 ASTERIOt4ELLA FORitOSA 0.58 1.22 0.90 0.32 8.2 0 DI AToffA TEtiUE 0.0 1.43 0.71 0.71 -6.5 0 Sil4EDRA (LPIL) 0.57 0.85 0.71 0.14 6.5 0 TABELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 0.43 2.74 1.58 1.16 14.5 0 tlAVICULALES 0 tl4VICULA ELPIL) 0.0 0.35 0.17 0.17 1.6 0 DACILLARIALES 0 llITZSCilI A liOLSATIC A 0.0 0.43 0.22 0.22 2.0 0 I41TZCHIA (LPILI 0.46 0.03 0.25 0.22 2.3 0 SURIRELLALES 0 SURIRELLA OVATA 0.0 0.75 0.37 0.37 3.4 0 DACILLARIOPHVTA-PEtlilATE (LPIL) 0.0 0.36 0.18 0.16 1.6 0 P1PPHOFil: T A-0 !i10PH YCE AE 0.23 0.0 0.12 0.12 1.1 bd . O PLRIDIl41 ALES 'd 0 PERIDIlllut! It4COttSPICUUt1 0.23 0.0 0.12 0.12 1.1 0 CRYPT 0FHfTA 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 CR v PTO!!OilOD A L E S 0 Rtt000!!0tl AS f tIttUT A 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.1 TOTAL 11.85 10.04 10.95 0.91 100.0 OIVERSITY (H PRIf1El 2.90 3.15 3.02 0.12 01VERSIT Y ( J PRittE l 0.66 0.79 0.72 0.06 t1UllDER OF TAXA 21 16 29 AGOVE cot 1PUTED USIllG sat 1PLE IDS 41 42 0 e 3 O e

 #  CO 8

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t10RTHERil INDIAtlA PUDLIC SERVICE cot 1PAHf (49720) o DAILLY GEi!E RATIllG PLAT 4T PHYTOPLAtlKTOrt BIOVOLUt1E HICROLI1ERS PER LITER REPLICATE PEPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 10 DUR ATIcti TOW SAMP VOL WItID CUREllT T Et1P SID DATE tit 1E D/f 4 UtillS C SD WD SP D UtilTS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TUR00 cot 40 t)O PH SAtti P 51 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 20.4 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 52 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.P 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                         -                   REL LS          TAXA                                                                                                  X            S.E. AB%

1 2 0 UtlIDEt3TIFIED ALGAE 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 UllIDEt4TIFIED ALGAE ILPILI 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 CYAt10PHVTA 0.0 0.72 0.36 0.36 4.8 0 OSCILLA10RIACEAE 0 OSCILLATORIA (LPILI 0.0 0.41 0.20 0.20 2.7 0 t10STOCACEAE O APH AtlIZOt1Et40tl F LOS- AQUA'i 0.0 0.31 0.15 0.15 2.1 [ 0 CitLOROF'H f i A 0.31 0.05 0.18 0.13 *

                                                                                                                                                 .4 03     0      VOLVOCALES 0          CHL AfinDOt10t4AS E LPILI                       0.23           0.04                                   0.14          0.10    1.8 0         nLOROCOCCALES CD       0          At y.ISTRODESitus ( LPIL t                      0.0            0.01                                   0.01          0.01    0.1 N        0          OOCVSIIS (LPIL)                                 0.05           0.0                                    0.02          0.02    0.3 N        0          SCEt4EDESt1US QUADRICAUOA                       3.03           0.0                                    0.01          0.01    0.2 0 EUGL EtlOPH f T A                                        0.10           0.38                                   0.24          0.14    3.3 g        0       E UGLEll A LE S 0          EUG L Ell A ELPILI                              0.0            0.38                                    0.19         0.19    2.6 0          TRACHELOttOllAS ( LPIll                         0.10           0.0                                     0.05         0.05    0.7 N       O XAtlTHOPHITA                                             0.01           0.03                                    0.02         0.01    0.3 0       HE1[ROCOCCALES
  #     0       HETEROCOCCALES tLPIL)                              0.01           0.03                                    0.02         0.01    0.3 0     O CliR f SOPit r TA                                        0.11           0.00                                    0.05         0.05    0.7 0     0       CHRv50N0!!ADALES O          CHPISOCOCCUS ELPIL)                             0.0            0.00                                    0.00         0.00    0.0 g     0          Dill 0CR10tl OlVEPGEtis                         0.11           0.0                                     0.05         0.05    0.7 g     0          CilR rSOCHRCitVLItta PARVA                      0.0            0.00                                    0.00         0.00    0.0 g     0 D ACILL ARIOrivY T A-Cell 1RIC                           6.06           2.89                                    4.98         1.59  59.8

0 0 E uroDISC A LL.:

                     ;tOSIPA VAPIANS                               2.73           0.0                                      1.36         1.36  18.2 0         aELOSIPA ILPIll                                 0.0            1.36                                    0.68         0.66    9.1 g      0         STE Pil AtlODISCUS g                    3,19           0.0                                      1.60         1.60 21.3 g      0         SIEril*HODISCUS ( LP1Li                         0.0            1.45                                     0.73        0.73    9.7
  -      0      EUPODISCALES iLPILI                                0.07           0.0                                      0.03        0.03    0.5 1      0      RHIZOSOLEt41 ALES E      O         RHIZOSOLEllI A ERIEllSIS                        0.08           0.08                                     0.08         0.00    1.0 0  ,O      B ACI L L AR IOPH Y T A-PElitl AT E                    1.70           2.43                                    2.07         0.37  27.6


                                                                     -              REL X       S.E. AB%

LS TAKA 1 2 0 FRAGILARIALES 0.8% 0.43 11.3 0 ASTERIOt4ELLA FORT 10S4 0.41 1.27 0.19 4.3 0.51 0.14 0.32 0 DIATot1A TEHUE 0.03 0.03 0.4 0 FRAGILAPIA CROTOt;Et4 SIS 0.0 0.06 0.b1 0.11 0.31 0.00 4.1 0 SillEDR A (LPILI 0 AClitl Altlil A L E S 0.01 0.01 0.2 0 COCCollEIS ( LPIL) 0.0 0.03 0 BACILLAPIALES 0.07 0.07 1.0 0 f t!TZSCitI A ALICULARIS 0.0 0'.14 0.26 0.18 3.5 0 flit 2 CHIA (LPIL) 0.08 0.45 0.22 0.02 2.9 0 DACILLARIGI1tf TA-PEttit4TE I LPIL) 0.19 0.24 0.02 0.12 0.07 0.05 0.9 0 CRfPTOPtifTA 0 C R Y P TOllOt100 A L E S 0.05 0.9 0.02 0.12 0.07 E8 0 RHODOt10llAS 111tlUT A e 7.49 0.83 100.0 TOTAL 8.32 6.66 3.26 2.87 0.39 DIVERSITY IH PPINE) 2.49 0.68 0.07 DIVERSITY (J PRIt1El 0.61 0.74 17 21 20 tlUt10E9 OF TAXA . ABOVE C0t1PUTED USitfG sal 1PLE IOS 51 5? 8 S e 3 0 6 g (23 a t sa. g[ si S

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HORTHERH INDI **.A PUBLIC SERVICE cot 1PAHf 649720) o BAILLY GENERATIMG PLAT 4T PHYTOPLAtlKTOta BIOVOLtR1E HICROLITERS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 10 DUR ATIOti TEM SAMP VOL WItt0 CURENT TEtlP 60 S' D UtlITS C SLCH W T SC OI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURPD COto DC PH 's Alti P SID D AT E 'It1E D/H UtlITS C SD 0 0 0 0.0 ' .0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 61 4/29/79 0.0 0.0 62 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                                      -                   REL X            S.E. ABZ LS          TAXA 1                2 0 CYAt10PH                                                0.13             0.0                                        0.07          0.07    1.3 0      OSCIL.          'ACEAE 0         OSC16         71A ELPIll                        0.13             0.0                                        0.07          0.07    1.3 0 CHLOPOPHfTA                                             0.20             0.01                                       0.10          0.10    2.0 0      VOLVOCALES 0         CHL AtivD0t10HAS ( LPILI                        0.16             0.0                                        0.08          0.03    1.6 0      CHLOROCOCCALES D3     0         AtW.IS1PODE!!1US ( LPIL )                       0.00             0.0                                         0.00         0.00    0.0 0         00CISTIS ILPit)                                 0.01             0.0                                         0.01         0.01    0.1 pa C)     0         SCEtiLDEtt!U3 OUADRIC AUDA                      0.02             0.0                                         0.01         0.01    0.2 0         SCEff5DESitOS I LPIL )                          0.0              0.01                                        0.00         0.00    0.1 IN3           0 EUGLEtt0PH V T A                                        0.45             0.0                                         0.22         0.22    4.3
  'd' 0      EUGLENALE3 0         E UG L E tM (LPIL)                              0.45             0.0                                         0.22         0.22    4.3 4.56             0.23'                                       2.40         2.16   46.5 rsj           0 BACILL AR10FM T 3 A.(EHlHIC sa           O      EUPPOILOAL;j ,_
                                                     .~                   R.47             0.0                                         1.24          1.24  29.0

0 NELOS JA ttH..) _ 0.99 19.3 -- 0 STE Pil AtlShtSCUS ASlH AE A A .99 0.0 0.99 STErtlAtl0blSCUS (LPIL) Q,0 0.09 0.05 0.05 0. 9 ' , Q. , , EUP0015CALE4-(LPIL) v y04 - s.0 0.04 0.0% 0.9 c

      .,         O     CHI 700]LENTALL3           -                         _,_                    .

O PHIZOSOLEtlI A ERIoHSIS 0.vt P.14 ~ ' 0.08 0.07 1.5 G 'n D ACILL AP 10PH i T A-PEttti AT E 2.37 2.31 - O.14 0.03 45.4 0 FR AGIt' .RI ALES g 0 AS TEPir..E LLA F ORilOS A 0.92 0.57 0.74 0.17 14 4 , 0 C I A TP1 A T EllVE 0.17 0.0 0.09 0.09 1.7 g 0.01 0.01 0.2 3 0 O L ATL i A (LPIL) 0.0 0.02 FFAGILARIA PItitl A T A 00 0.69 0.35 0.35 6.7 g O 0.03 0.03 0.6

          ==     0         FRAGILARIA (LPIL)                               0.0              0.06 0         Sit 4E OP A (LPIL)                             0.28              0.55                                        0.42         0.14    8.1 g      0         TADELLARIA FLC..iULOSA                          0.23             0.0                                         0.11         0.11    2.2 0      FR3 git ARI ALES E Le IL)                          0.0              0.08                                        0.04         0.04    0.8
          !b     0      OtCILLAPIALES
f. O tilTZCHIA ILPILI 0.72 0.34 0.53 0.02 0.19 0.02 10.3 0.5 y, 0 3 ACILL APIOPHIT A-Petit 4 ATE ( LPill 0.05 0.0 0 o CI v P10 Pit T A 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.6

t:0RTHERtl ItOI Atla PUBLIC SERVICE COtlPAtef (497201 [ DAILLY GEllERATIllG PLAtti PHTTOPL AtlKTott DIOVOLUt1E HICROLITERS FER LITER REPLICATE REPORT REL LS '.AXA X S.E. AD% 1 2 0 CRY PTOt10tlOD ALES 0 Rit000r10llAS t1IllVTA 0.02 0.04 ( '3 0.01 C.6 TOTAL 7.73 2.59 5.16 17 100.0 DIVERSITY IH PRINEl 2.81 2.69 2.75 1.06 DIVERSITY (J PRIt1El 0.69 0.73 0.73 0 0* tiUt1BER OF TAXA 17 11 23 ACOVE Cot 1PUTED USit!G sat 1PLE IDS 61 62 .t# H E e 3 o O C: D

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J llORTHERif IIIDI Atla PUBLIC SERVICE C0t1PAtif (49720 ) o DAILLY GEt1ERATIllG PLAT 4T PflYTOPLAllKT0tl BIDVolut1E flICROLITERS PER LIIER REPLICAT' REPORT PC TC CC LOC 5 56 56 0 1 00 DURAT10t4 TOW SANP VOL WIllO CURif 4 T TEt1P SID DATE TIME 0/l1 UNITS C SD WO SP D Ut1ITS C SECH W T SC OI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED Coll 0 00 PH SAtti P 71 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.J 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 72 4/09/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. Ab% 1 2 0 UtlIDEllIIFIED ALGAE 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 Uti!DENTIFIED ALGAE i LPILI 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 CHLOROPHv1A 0.06 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.4 0 VOLVOCALES 0 Cit L Att t D0t10tlAS ( LPIL I 0.06 0.0 0.03 0.03 0.4 0 CitLOROCOCCALES 0 AttKISTR00ESt105 FALCATUS 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 f 0 XAt31HOPHYTA 0.03 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.2 0 ftE1EROCOCCALES 0 ttETEROCOCCALES ILPIL) 0.03 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.2 0 B AC IL L ARICPil1 T A-CEllT R IC 4.63 0.27 2.45 2.18 35.8 q 0 EUPODISCALES 0 C)CLOTELLA iLPIL) 0.0 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.6 N O ST EPil AtROISCUS ASTRAEA 3.15 0.0 1,57 1.57 23.0 CD 0 S I E PII A tlOD ISCUS (LPIL) 1.40 0.0 0.70 0.70 10.2

-       0      EUP001 SCALES (LPIL)                               0.08           0.0                                      0.04         0.04     0.6 0     Rit!ZOSOLEllI A LES 0         RilIZOSOLEllI A ERIEllSIS                       0.01           0.20                                     0.10         0.09     1.5 0 B ACIL L A RIOrli v T A-PE titl A T E                   6.44           2.09                                     9.27         2.18 62.4 0      FRAGILARIALES U    0         ASI ERIGHE L L A F ort 10S A                    0.75           0.65                                      0.70         0.05  10.2 b    0         DI AfollA T EllUE                               0.18           0.10                                      0.14         0.04    2.1 0    0         F R AGIL ARI A CROT0llE!1 SIS                   0.0            0.08                                      0.04         0.04    0.6 0         FPAGILARIA (LPILI                               2.40           0.0                                       1.20         1.20   17.6 g    0         S rt1EOP A UtilA                                0.0            0.08                                      0.04         0.04    0.6 g     0        Sit 4EDPA (LPIll                                 1.35          0.23                                      0.79         0.56   11.6 g     0        TACELLARIA FLOCCULOSA                           0.96           0.14                                      0.55         0.41    8.1

0 0 ERAGILARI ALES ( LPILI DACILLARIALES 0.0 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.5 0 tlITZCHIA ILPIL) 0.02 0.63 0.32 0.30 4.7 g 0 SURIRELLALES 0 SURIRELLA OVATA 0.60 0.0 0.30 0.30 4.4 g

   -     0 B ACIL LAPIOPitf TA-PEtatlATE I LPIL I                 0.19            0.09                                     0.14         0.05    2.0 1     0 CRYPTOPHYTA                                             0.00           0.06                                     0.07         0.01     1.0 8     O     CR I PIOf10t t00 A L E S O     O        RiiOo0ttot1AS HitsuTA                            0.08           0.04                                     0.06            12    0.9

1 0 L% ED 0 0 RA 0 1 1 274 0 400 E 0 400 S 1 48 o2 0 8972

             - X      0     620 1     24o4 0     40t1 20        230 5136 0     2 971 10        1 20 1

) 0 2 7 9 4 ( Y N A Fl t 0 C E S C D I I2 V 7 R E E L S ) P L M C i E I A I l 1 l P S L At U R L B L L E E G U P O T l l N1 P V I S EE I 7 G O L A t 1 t t S A N I T l t I I U l I B R R 0 RR At T E O t1 PPA D 1 A t t P P O X E 0 R O E A D i JA t T t E T S R X 0 t ( 1 U R l I t K A l Pt E N E E T Ri YYF t l t G A T T T TO o R E Y L P I L A C I I SSR C - h c 'S R I Y C P T VVtt O 0 e A l i I E S 0 OII u B t B P H R L TODH A WO e300 me2ie s g;br!o3 [rW

HORTilEPil Ill0I Atla PUBLIC SERVICE C0t1 patly (49720 ) o BAILLf GEllER ATIllG PLAtli PHYTOPLAtlET0tl DIOVOLUt1E NICROLITERS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC CC LOC 5 56 56 0 1 00 DUR A TI0tt TOW SAMP VOL WItID CURENT T EliP SID DATE tit 1E D/tl UtiliS C SD WD SP D UNITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TUR00 COND 00 PH Satta P 81 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 82 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                      -                   REL LS           TAXA                                                                                                X            S.E. AD%

1 2 0 utilDEllTIFIED At GAE 0.04 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.2 0 UtilDEllTIFIED ALGAE ( LPIL) 0.04 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.2 0 CYAtt0PHVTA 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.2 0 CllP00COCCACEAE O ArilAt40il ECE (LPIL) 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 110STOCACEAE 0 APil AtlIZOttEt10tl FLOS- AQUAE 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.1 b2 0 CIILOPOPH Y T A 0.22 0.03 0.10 0.10 1.3

g. 0 VOLVOCALES S- 0 CliL At11D0tt0HAS I LPIL) 0.19 0.0 0.10 0.10 1.1 0 CliLOP OCOCC A L E S 0 AtlKISTPODES!!US ILPIL) 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 CID 0 SCLilEoEsitus ECORtlIS ' o02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.3 INd 0 XAtlT610Pilv 1 A 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.2

'-J 0 HE1EPOCOCCALES 0 HETER 0COCC ALES ( LPIL) 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.2 p,j 0 BAC I LL ARIOPHV T A-CElliRIC 1.76 6.01 3.61 2.12 42.8 0 EUPODISCALES CDC) 0 t1E LOSIP A (LPIL) 1.33 1.16 1.L. O.08 13.7 k"*I O ST EPil AtlODISCUS ASTR A2 % 0.31 4.77 2.54 2.23 28.0

 #     0      EUPCDISCALES (LPIL)                                 0.11           0.03                                  0.07         0.04   0.8 0,    O      RilIZOsOLEtll ALES 9     0          PHIZOSOLEllIA ERIEllSIS                         0.01           0.04                                  0.03         0.02   0.3 3     0 B AC I LL ARIOPH i T A-PEtatl AT E                       4.91           4.74                                  4.83         0.09 53.2 0      FRAGILARIALES O           AST ERIO!lE LL A FOPitOS A                     1.32           C 72                                   1.02        0.30  11.2 l

g 0 O FPAGIL ARIA CROI0tlEllSIS FPAGILAPIA (LPIL) 2.66 0.0 0.0 1.76 1.33 0.08 1.33 0.86 14.6 9.7 0 SillEDP A tLPIL) 0.32 0.68 0.50 0.18 5.5 0 0 tlAVICULALES 0 ilAVICULA (LPIL) 0.0 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.2 0 BACILLAPIALES Oh 0 IIITZLitI A ( $ Pill 0.54 1.55 1.05 0.50 11.5

 !(    0 BACILLARIOrity T A-PEllflATE ( LPIL)                     0.07           0.0                                   0.03          0.03  0.4 8     0 P v PPilOrlif T A-DIt10Pil)CE AE                         0.0            0.18                                  0.09          0.09  1.0 l[    O      PERIDIllI A LT.S

HORTHERH IIIDIallA PUBLIC SERVICE Cot 1 patly I49720) o BAILLY GEllERATIllG PLAtlT PHVTOPLAtlKToti OIOvolut1E , HICROLITERS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PEL LS TAXA X S.E. AB% 1 2 0 PEPIDIllIUH IltCCilSPICUUti 0.0 0.18 0.09 0.09 1.0 0 CRTPTOFHfTA 0.09 0.12 0.11 0.02 '1. 2 0 CR1PT0ftOHODALES 0 RiiOOOl10tlAS #11PtUTA 0.09 0.12 0.11 0.02 1.2 TOTAL 7.03 11.13 9.08 2.05 100.0 DIVERSITY IH PRIME) 2.61 2.50 2.55 0.06 DIVERSIT Y ( J PR1t1E l 0.67 0.64 0.65 0.01 tiUllCER OF TAXA 15 15 20 ADOVC Cot 1PUTED USlHG sal 1PLE IDS 81 82 .tx1 (11 0 S e 3 0 9 m e C?O Q rs; gr

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ilORTitEPfl It4DI AttA PUDLIC SERVICL cot 1 pat 4Y (4972G I BAILLY GEllEPATitlG PLAT 4T o PHYTOPL AtlKTott BIOVOLUttE - ti!CPOLITERS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC CC LOC 5 56 56 0100 DUPATIOtt TOW SAHP VOL WIIID CUR EllT T E tlP SID DATE tit 1E D/H UllITS C SD WD SP D Ut4ITS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TUPCD C0tl0 00 PH SAtle P 91 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 92 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 C 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AD% 1 2 0 Ut4IDEtiTIFIED ALGAE 0.0 0.11 0.06 0.06 1.3 0 UtlIDit4TIFIED ALGAE (LPIL) 0.0 0.11 0.06 0.06 1.3 0 CY Atl0PH f T A 0.0 0.11 0.05 0.05 1.2 0 CHROOCOCCACEAE 0 ttICROCVSTIS tLPIL) 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 APH AtlOTitECE ( LPIL ) 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.2 0 PlOSTOCACEAE 0 - APil AtlIZOt1Et40tl F LOS- AQUAE 0.0 0.09 0.04 0.04 1.0

 .        0 XAH1HOPHYTA                                              0.05          0.0                                     0.02          0.02   0.5 y        0     HETEPOCOCCALES y          0      HETEROCOCCALES (LPILI                               0.05          0.0                                     0.02          0.00   0.5 0 B ACI L L A RIOPH v T A- CEt4TR IC                       0.98          0.48                                    0.73          0.25  16.5 0      EUPODISCALES 0         t1ELOSIPA 4LPIL)                                 0.77          0.06                                    0.42          0.36   9.4 0          315PHAtlCDISCUS ILPIL1                          0.17          0.0                                     0.03          0.08   1.9 N         0      EUPODISCALES (LPIL)                                 0.0           0.28                                     0.14         0.14   3.2 CO        O      PilIZ000LEHI AL E S p         0         PHIZOSOLEtlIA ERIEtiSIS                          0.04          0.14                                     0.09         0.05   2.0 0 B ACI L L ARIOPH Y T A-PElitl AT E                       4.04          2.94                                     3.49         0.55  78.9 0      FPAGILARIALES 0          ASTERI0ttELLA FOPt10SA                          1.43          1.33                                     1.38         0.05  31.2 3      0         DI ATor1A TEllUE                                 0.67          0.0                                      0.34         0.3%   7.6 0,     O          SillEDRA Ultla                                  0.63          0.0                                      0.32         0.32   7.1 9      0          SrHEDRA (LPILI                                  0.34          0.08                                     0.21         0.1%   4.7 3      0          TACELLARIA FLOCCULOSA                           0.0           1.34                                     0.67         0.67  15.1 0      ^8CILLAPIALES 0         flITZCHIA (LPILI                                 0.96          0.09                                     0.53         0.43  11.9 0 BACILLARIOPHYTA-PEHilATE (LPIL)                          0.0           0.10                                     0.05         0.05   1.1 0 CPfPTOPHYTA                                              0.14          0.0                                      0.07         0.07   1.6

_ 0 CP1 PTortotl0D A LES O 0 CR V F a OHON AS tt APS50tlII 0.08 0.0 0.04 0.04 0.9 0 PHO Jot 10tlas t1111UTA 0.07 0.0 9.03 0.03 0.7 E TOTAL 5.21 3.64 4.42 0.78 100.0 1 DIVERSITY (H PRIttEl 2.82 2.35 2.59 0.23 3


DIVERSIT f ( J F RIltE I 0.82 0.66 0.74 0.03 O -HUtt0ER OF TAXA 11 12 18

140RTilERtl Itt0! Atla PUbLIC SERVICE Cor1PAfif (49720) o BAILLf GEtlERATIllG PLAtlT PHYTOPLAtlET0tl BIOV0LUrtE l11CPOLITERS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 0 0 20 DUR A T I0tl TOW sat 1P VOL WIrl0 CUR E llT TEf1P SID DATE tit 1E D/tl UtitTS C SD WO SP D UtlITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURDD COtID 00 Pil Salla P 101 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 102 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. ADX 1 2 0 C Y At 40Pil Y T A 0.81 0.92 0.86 0.06 7.9 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE O OCCILL A TORI A ( LPIL ) 0.81 0.89 0.85 0.04 7.8 0 flOSTOCACEAE O APil AllIZOf1EtlOtt F LOS- AQUAE 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 CitLOPOPHf T A 0.01 1.32 0.66 0.65 6.1 0 CllLOROCOCCALES txs 0 AllKISTRODEsttOS ( LPIL) 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.2 g 0 00CVSTIS ( LPIL I 0.0 1.14 0.57 0.57 5.2 u 0 SCEllEDEStfUS QUADRICAUDA 0.0 0.15 0.07 0.07 0.7 0 SCEtlEDEst1US ECOPillS 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 Q 0 XAtlTHOPlie T A 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.1 g 0 llE T EROCOCC A L E S . 0 HETEROCOCCALES (LPILI 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.1 0 B ACI L L ARIOFil r T A-CElll R IC 1.31 6.06 3.68 2.38 33.8 0 EUPODISCALES N 0 t1ELOSIPA (LPIll 0.87 2.43 1.66 0.01 15.4 W 0 ST EFil All0 DISCUS ASTP AE A 0.0 3.47 1.73 1.73 15.9 Os 0 STErtletto)ISCUS ( LPIL ) 0.17 0.0 0.09 0.09 0.8 0 EUPODISC ALES ( LPIL) 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.3 g 0 RilIZOSOLEllI AL ES O O PilIZOSOLEllI A ERIttlSIS 0.24 0.06 0.15 0.09 1.4


g 0 D ACIl L APIOPH) T A-PEtitlATE 7.81 3.52 5.67 2.14 50.0 3 0 FF. TLARIALES O 0 A.s.ERI0tlE LL A FOPitOS A 2.13 0.91 1.52 0.61 14.0 0 0 DI ATOt1A TEllUE 0.0 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.5

   #       0          SrilEDPA (LFILI                                   1.28              0.66                                   0.97         0.31    8.9 0  ., O            T/CELLARIA FLOCCULOSA                             0.81              0.0                                    0.40         0.40    3' 0      ACHil A tlit t A L E S O       O          COCC0tlE IS ( LPIll                               0.06              0.0                                    0.03         0.01    0.3 0       0      ilAVICULALES
   #       0          114VICULA (LPIL)                                  0.0               0.85                                   0.43         0.43    3.9 CL      0      BACILLARIALES I       0          ill TZSCtfI A fl0LS ATIC A                        0.10              0.0                                    0.05         0.05    0.5 g       0          flITZCHI A ( LPILI                                0.11              0.66                                   0.39         0.28    3.5 g   . O      SUPIPELLALES 3

140RTHERil IIIDIAtlA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAtti (49720) o D AILLY GENERATItlG "LAt4T PitfiOPLAttKTOtt BIOVOLUttE NICPOLITERS PER LITER REPLICATE PEPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. AD% 1 2 0 Cit 1TOPLEUPA SOLEA 2.63 0.0 1.31 1.31 12.1 0 SURIRELLA OVATA 0.62 0.0 0.31 0.31 2.8 0 D * "ILL ARIOF16YTA-PEfillATE E LPIL ) 0.08 0.32 0.20 0.12 1.9 0 C.. '.OrilVTA 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 CR Y Piot tol10D A LE S 0 Rt10 dol 10t4AS hit 1UTA 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.1 TOTAL 9.95 11.84 10.89 0.95 100.0 DIVEPSITY (H PRIME) 3.02 3.04 3.03 0.01 DIVERSITY (J PRIt1El 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.00 tRntDER OF TAXA 17 17 24 ADOVE COMPUTED USIt1G SAftPLE IDS . 101 102 H k.O N

   ,a N

CO N e O S 3 O 8 9 9 2 O O O I


O_ O


                                                                                      -           REL LS           1AXA                                                           X    S.E. ADX 1    2     3 0 UllIDENTIFIED ALGAE                                   0.05 0.0  0.00    0.02  0.02   0.2 0 OilIDENTITIED ALGAC (LPIL)                            0.05 0.0  0.00    0.02  0.02   0.2 0 CY AHOFli f T A                                       0.07 0.04 0.23    0.11  0.06   1. **

O CHROOCOCCACEAE O CHPOOLOCCUS (LPIL) 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 MICROCVSTIS tLPIL) 0.0 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 GOMFif0 SPHAERIA LACUSTRIS 0.07 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.3 0 OSCILLA10RIACEAE O OCCILLATORI A ( LPIL) 0.0 0.0 0.13 0.04 0.04 0.5 0 il0STOCACEAE O APHANIZOt10t40t. F LOS- AQUAE 0.0 0.0 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.3 0 CIILOROPH f T A 0.02 0.01 0.18 0.07 0.06 0.9 g 0 VC LVOC A L E **

 .          O          CHL All(D0f10tlAS ( LPIL I                   0.0  0.0  0.13    0.04  0.04   0.5 0      CilLOPOCOCCALES

[ 0 AtlFISTPODES!!US ILPILI 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 UNIDEllTIFIED: 05030511 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 g 0.01 0.01 0.2 0 QUADRIGlJLA (LPILI 0.0 0.0 0.04 4d 0 SCENEDEsitus QU ADRICAUD A 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.1 N O CHLOPOfHf1A (LPILI 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.1 0 EUG L Ell 0Pfi r T A 0.0 0.00 0.51 0.17 0.17 2.1 N 0 EUG LEtl A LE S y 0 EUGLE' ILPIL) 0.0 0.00 0.51 0.17 0.17 0.1 0 X Af filiOPilV T A 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.1 0 HETEPOCOCCALES 0 HETEPOCOCCALES ( LPILI 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.0

   #        0 CilR t SOPilV T A                                     0.0  0.26 0.08    0.11  0.08   1.4 O_       Q      CilR I S0!!Ol LAD A L E S 8        0          DItt0LRt0H DIVEPGEllS                        0.0  0.06 0.02    0.09  0.03   1.1 0          DIl100R10il SOCIALE                          0.0  0.0  0.06    0.02  0.02   0.3 g        0          CHRrSGCHROIULIllA PARVA                      0.0  0.0  0.00    0.00  0.00   0.0 g        J BACILLAPIOPHvTA-00t{TRIC                              0.92 5.31 1.84    2.69  1.34  32.5 g        0      EUPODISCALES t10LOSIRA (LPIL)                                                            7.7
      ,,,, O 0          STEPilAt!OOISCUS ASTPAEA 0.36
                                                                    ' 13 1.45 2.82 0.10 1.58 0.64 1.51 0.41 0.78  18.3
   $        0          STEFHANDDISCUS eLPIL)                        s.0  0.57 0.07    0.22  0.18   2.6 j        0      EUPODISC ALES ( LPIL)                            0.35 0.41 0.01    0.06  0.13   3.1
            '      PilIZOSOLEllI ALES O          PHIZOSOLE t4I A ERIEtSIS                     0.07 0.06 0.08    0.07  0.01   0.8 1        0 B ACI L L ARIOPHY T A-PEtill ATE                      4.06 6.20 ** . 76 5.01  0.63 60.5
   #        0      FPAGILARIALES 0    ,   O          ASTERIOllELLA FCPI1OSA                       0.98 1.28 1.91    1.39  0.21  16.8 3

t10RTHERtl IllDI Atla PUBLIC SERVICE COttPAtif (497201 BAILLY GEllERATIllG PLAT 4T PilYTOPLAtiKTotl BIOVOLtif tE t11CPOLITERS PER LITER STATIOtt REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. AB% 1 2 3 0 DI AlOFI A T EilUE 0.0 0.20 0.04 0.08 0.06 1.0 0 FR AGIL ARI A CROT0tlEllSIS 2.17 0.28 0.61 1.02 0.58 12.3 0 FRt.GILARIA fLPILI 0.0 1.34 0.0 0.45 0.45 5.4 0 SillEDRA (LPIL) 0.30 0.09 0.30 0.23 0.07 2.8 0 TADELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 0.0 0.51 0.0 0.17 0.17 2.0 0 BlTILLARIALES

         .       III!?SCHIA ACICULARIS                          0.24  0.0   0.02 0.08    0.08   1.0 0       ill T ZL:lI A (LPIL)                           0.09  2.00  0.28 0.26    0.67  10.4 0     SUPIPELLALES 0       CittT0 PLEURA SOLEA                            0.0   0.0   1.18  0.39   0.39   4.8 0 BACILLARIOPHYTA-PElitlATE E LPIL)                    0.28  0.31  0.42  0.34   0.04   4.0 0 CRvPTOrityTA                                         0.01  0.23  0.05  0.09   0.07   1.1 0     CR) P tot tOilOD A L E S 0       CR VPIOttOilAS ( LPIll                         0.0   0.17  0.0   0.06   0.06   0.7
 .       0       RHOD 0t10taAS HIllOTA                          0.01  0.06  0.05  0.04   0.01   0.4 to TOTAL                                                    5.14 12.04  7.66  8.28   2.02 100.0 OIVERSITV (H PRIltEl                                     2.28  2.83  2.74  2.62   0.17 OIVERSITY (J PPIttEI                                     0.71  0.73  0.66   0.7C  0.02 N       tlUttDER OF TAXA                                           16     20   28     34 N       ADOVE cot 1PUTED USIllG f. At1PLE IDS y                                 11      12      01          22 g                                 32      32 9

S e 3 D U S 2 5 8 m (L I O O



                                                                               -                REL X      S.E.      AB%

LS TAXA 4 5 6 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 UllIDEllflFIED ALGAE 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 UtlIDEtlTIFIED ALGAE ( LPIL I 0.0 0.01 0.07 0.28 0.11 3.5 0 C f Att0 Pit f T A 0.40 0.36 0 CHPOOCOCCACFAE 0.0% 0.5 0.11 0.0 0.0 0.04 0 CHPOOCOCCUJ ( LPIL I 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.02 0.0 0.0 0 GOt1PHOSPHAEPIA LACUSTRIS 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0.18 0.06 2.3 OSCILL ATORI A ( LPIL) 0.27 0.20 0.07 O 0 flOSTOCACEAE 0.05 0.05 0.7 O AFil AllIZOttEtlOla F LOS- AQU AE 0.0 0.15 0.0 0.10 0.63 0.49 8.0 0 CH LOPOPit f T A 1.61 0.18 0 VOLVOCALES 0.12 0.02 1.6 0.16 0.14 0.08 0 Citt AttrDOttOtlAS ( LPIL I 0 CHLORCCOCCALES f 0 AtlKISTPODEEt1US ( LPIL) 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 ta 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1 F" 0 OOCVSTIS (LPILI 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 SC'.t4EDE SilUS ACUt1 Illa 1HS 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.1 0 SCEt4E DESitOS Otl ADPIC AUD A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.1 0 SCEllEDESitUS ECOPflIS 0.01 0.0 ,m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0


0 SCENEDESilUS ( LPIL) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.38 0.3S 4.9 0 PEDI ASlPUll E>OTif AtlUt1 1.15 N O OE DOCollI A L E S 0.10 0.10 1.2 0.29 0.0 0.0 0 OEDOGOt41Ull ( LPIL ) 0.06 2.2 O EUGLEllOPil: T A 0.05 0.24 0.22 0.17 N,

x. 0 E UG L E tt A L E S 0.07 1.8 0.0 0.19 0.22 0.14 0 EUGLEll A (LPIL) 0.04 0.02 0.5 b- 0 TP ACHELr@tlAS ( LPILI 0.05 0.05 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 0
-        0 XAtiTHOPHf T A                                    0.00  0.02  0.0 0        0      HETEROCOCCALES                                                          0.01       0.1 0.00  0.02  0.0     0.01 0      HETEPOCOCCALES (LPILi                                            0.02   0.02       0.2 0.00  0.05  0.0 g        0 CHR f SOPit f T A g        0      CitP f sot 10tl AD A LES                                                0.00       0.0 0.0   0.00  0.0     0.00 3       0          CHRfSOCOCCUS (LPILI                                          0.02   0.02       0.2 0.0   0.05  0.0

_0 DIllOORIO!1 DIVEPGEllS 0.00 0.00 0.0 Q CHRv50CHROr1ULIllA PARVA 0.0 0.00 0.0

 -       0 0      t10t t031G A L E S 0.00  0.0   0.0     0.00   0.00       0.0 g        0          $1 ELE' C!!Otl AS DIEHOTOr1A                                        0.60     4ee.6 3.64  4.43  2.40    3.50 g       0 BAUILLAPIOPHrTA-CEtliRIC
 -       0       EUFCDISCALES                                                           0. 71    16.2 1.36  0.0     1.27 1        O          . F LOSIP A VARI Atis
  • 2.45 0.07 0.60 1.24 0.66 0.3e 8.4
 #_      0          tMLO9IFA (LPILI                                              1.01   0 . 3(e  12.6 0.43  1.60   0.99 0  _0              STEPilAll0 DISCUS ASTR AEA 3   .


                                                                                 -              PEL X       S.E. AB%

LS TAXA 4 5 6 0.73 0.05 0.47 0.21 6.0 0 STEPHAHODISCUS ( LPIL p 0.64 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.4 0 EUPODISC ALES ( LPIll 0 RHIZOSOLEllIALES 0.02 0.8 2.03 0.08 0.08 0.06 0 PHIZOSOLEHIA ERIEllSIS 5.10 2.07 2.34 3.17 0.97 40.3 C BACILL ARICPHYT A-PEHilATE 0 FRAGILARIALES 0.05 10.5 0.90 0.84 0.74 0.83 0 ASTEPIOflELLA FORT 10SA 4.8 0.71 0.32 0.09 0.38 0.10 0 DIATOf1A TEtlUE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0 OI ATO!IA (LPILD 0.01 0.1 0.0 0.03 0.0 0.01 0 FRAGILARIA CR010tlENSIS 0.12 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.35 0.12 0 FRl-GIL ARI A PItttlATA 0.01 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.03 0.01 0 FRAGILARIA (LPIL) 0.12 6.1 0 StilEDPA (LPIL) 0.71 0.31 0.42 0.48

#                                                                    0.0   0.11   0.57    0.51    7.2 0        T ABE LL ARI A F LOCCULOSA                  1.58 0.0   0.04    0.01   0.01    0.2 to       0      FR AGIL ARI ALES ( LPIL i                     0.0
'4       0      ACHtUNTHALES 0.0    0.01  0.0     0.00   0.00    0.1 0        CCCCU!IEIS ELPIL)

Q 0 NAVICULALES 0.06 0.7 O.17 0.0 0.0 0.06 g 0 NAVICULA (LPIll 0 BACILLAPIALES 0.02 0.3 0.0 0.07 0.0 0.02 0 HITZSCHIA ACICULARIS 0.07 J.9 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.07 0 flITZSCHIA HOLSATICA 0.35 0.09 '. 4 0.26 0.53 N O flITZClil A (LPIL) 0.25 W 0 SUPIPELLALES 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.12 0.12 1.6 - O tMRIRELLA OVATA 0.06 1.8 0.18 0.22 0.02 0.14 0 DACILLARIOPHVTA-FEHilATE ELPIL) 0.04 0.0+ 0.5

  #      0 P v PPHOPH Y T A-D itl0PH ICE AE                   0.12    0.0   0.0 0      O      PE RIDIrlI A L E S 0.12   0.0   0.0    0.04    0.04    0.5 S      O         PERIDIllIUll INC0tiSPICUUt1 0.01   0.07  0.03   0.04    0.02    0.5 0 CRYPIOPilfTA g      0      CR t PTOl!Ull00 A L E S 0.01   0.07  0.03   0.04    0.02    0.5
  ,      O         PHOD0l10tlAS tilllUTA 8                                                          10.95    7.49  5.16   7.86    1.60 100.0 g    TOTAL                                                                               0.08 3.02   2.87  2.75   2.83
  --   DIVERSITY (H PRIf1EI                                                        0.71    0.02 O                                                            0.72   0.68  0.73 DIvtPSITY (J FRIHE)                                                            45 29    28    23 tlUttDER OF TAXA b    ABOVE C0f1PUTED USING sat 1PLE IDS 51           52 1                              41         42 9,                             61         62


                                                                                 -                REL X         S.E. AD%

LS TAXA 3 6 10 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 Ut410ENTIFIED ALGAE 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 UtilDEllTIFIED ALGAE ( LPIL) 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.11 0.28 0.66 0.42 0.23 4.6 0 CY Att0 Pit f1 A 0 CHROGCOCCACEAE 0.02 0.01 0.2 0.01 0.04 0.0 O CHP00 COCCUS (LPILI 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0 MICROCVSTIS ( LPIll 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 GCf1F610 SPHAERIA LACUSTRIS 0.02 0.01 0.0 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0.36 0.25 4.0 OSCILLATORIA (LPILI. 0.04 0.18 0.85 O 0 t10STOCACEAE 0.03 0.01 0.3 A0 hat 4IZ0tlEt10t4 FLOS- AQUAE 0.02 0.05 0.01 0 0.46 0.19 5.1 0.07 0.63 0.66 0 CilLOROPHYTA 0 VOLVOCALES 0.06 0.04 0.6 0.04 0.12 0.0 f 0 CHLAtt Dott0f tAS E Lf TLI N 0 CHLOPOCOCCALES 0.01 0.00 0.1 " O At3KISTP00ESttuS ( LPIL t 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 UtIIDEt4TIFIED: 05030511 0.00 0.01 0.57 0.19 0.19 2.1 CD 0 00CISTIS (LPIL) 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 CUADRIGULA (LPIL) 0.01 0.0 N 0 0.00 0.0 0.00s 0.00 0.0 0 SCEllf DES!!US ACUi11tlATUS 0.0 N 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.3 0 SCEllEDESitUS QUADRICAUD A 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0 SCEllEDESitus ECORtlIS s ') O SCEllEDESitus t LPIL) 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.0 1.4 T 0.0 0.38 0.0 0.13 0 PEDI AST RUf1 COR Y At1Ull N 0 OELOGOt4I A LE S 0.0 0.03 0.03 0.4 0 OE00GottIUt1 ( LPIL I 0.0 0.10 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0

 #       0 CHLOROPHYTA ILPIL1                                 0.00 0.0     0.11      0.06   1.3 0       0 EUGLEt:0PH f1 A                                    0.17  0.17 0       0       E UGL E t3 A L E S 0.10      0.05   1.1 0.17  0.14   0.0 0           EUSLEllA iLFIL)                                              0.01      0.01   0.1 TPACitE LottotlAS E LPIL )              0.0   0.04   0.0 g        0 0.00  0.01    0.01   0.01      0.00   0.1 g        0 X At4THOPilV T A g        0      f f E T E P0ct. FC A L E S 0.00   0.1 0.00  0.01    0.01   0.01 g   . O      tlET EROCOCC ALES ( LPIL I                                        0. 0 t*   0.04   0.5 0.11  0.02    0.0
 --       0 CHRYSOPil TA 0      CHR t Sot 10!I A D A L E S 0.00   0.0 0.0    0.00   0.0    0.00 g        0           CHRv 50 COCCUS ( LPIL)                                       0.04      0.03   0.4 0.09   0.02   0.0 0           DIllOER'tott DIVERGElis                                      0.01      0.01   0.1 b        0           DIllOCRVOtl SOCI ALE                     0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0    0.00      0.00   0.0 1        0           CHP f SOCHRO!1UL Itl A PAPVA
 #        0      Mo'l0SIG A LES                                                              0.00   0.0 0.0   0.00   0.0    0.00 O        O           STELEXOttollAS DICHOT0f1A 3


                                                                                     -                 REL X         S.E. AB%

LS TAXA 3 6 10 2.69 3.50 3.68 3.29 0.30 36.5 0 BACILLARIOPHYTA-CEtlTRIC 0 EUPODISCALES 4.7 0.0 1.07 0.0 0.42 0.42 0 MELOSIPA VARIAris 11.0 0.64 0.66 1.68 0.99 0.34 0 ttELOSIPA ILPIL) 0.22 15.7 0 STEril AtIODISM A7,4 AE A 1.51 1.01 1.73 1.42 0.22 0.47 0.09 0.06 0.11 0.9 0 STEFHAtt0 DISCUS tLPIL) 0 EUPODISCALES (LPIL) 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.11 0.07 1.0 0 RilIZOSOLEllI ALE S 0.07 0.06 0.15 0.09 0.03 1.0 4 PHIZOSOL EllI A ERIEllSIS 0 B ACIL L ARIOPfly T A-FEtitl A T E 5.01 3.17 5.67 4.61 0.75 51.2 0 FRAGILARIALES 0 AST ERIOtlELLA FOPt10SA 1.3? 0.83 1.52 1.25 0.21 13.8 0 DI A10t1 A TEllUE 0.06 0.38 0.06 0.17 0.10 1.9 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 f 0 D I ATCit A (LPIL) 1.02 0.01 0.0 0.34 0.34 3.8 N 0 FR AGIL ARI A CPOTotlEtis .3 D 0.0 0.12 0.0 0.04 0.04 0.4 0 FR AGIL ARI A PItitlAT A 0.01 0.0 0.15 0.15 1.7 CO O FRAGILARIA (LPIL) 0.45 0.J2 6.2 0.23 0.48 0.97 0.56 N 0 SYilEOPA (LPIL) 0.12 4.0 0.17 0.57 0.40 0.38 q 0 TADELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.1 0 FPAGILARIALES ILPIL) 0 AClitl A tlTil A LE S N COCCOtlEIS (LPILI 0.0 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.1 O NO 0 flAVICULALES 0.16 0.13 1.8 flaVICULA (LPIL) 0.0 0.06 0.43 U 0 0 DACILLARIALES 0 illTZSCHIA ACICULARIS 0.08 0.02 0.0 0.04 0.03 0.4 0.0 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.5 O 0 ti!TZSCHI A fl0LS ATICA " 0.86 0.35 0.39 0.53 0.16 5.9 O_ 0 llITZCHIA (LPIL) S 0 SU9IPELLALES 3 CytlTOPLEURA SOLEA 0.39 0.0 1.31 0.57 0.39 6.3 0 0.0 0.12 0.31 0.14 0.09 1.6 0 SUPIRELLA OVATA 0.34 0.14 0.20 0.23 0.06 2.5 0 BACILL ARIOPlir T A-PEtitl ATE ( LPIL ) 0.01 r.1 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.01 0 P v PPil0FHY T A-Dil10Pil1CE AE g O PEPIDItlIALES 0.1 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.01 0.01 O PERIDItlIUll IllCOllSPICUUt1 0 0.09 n.04 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.5 0 CRIPTOrtif TA l 0 0 CR V PTott0110D A LES CRIP Turlotl AS ( LPIL ) 0.06 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.2 0.3 0.01 b 0 PttODOttnllAS HIllVT A 0.04 0.04 1 8.28 7.86 10.89 9.01 0.95 100.0

     #       TOTAL

2.62 2.88 3.03 2.84 0.12 0 e

          - DIVERSITY IH PPIt1E )

n i a . r a. 2

flORTHERt4 Itf01 AIJA PUBLIC SERVICE C0t1PANY (49720) o DAILLY GEt4ER ATIt4G PLAT 4T PH f TOPLAta:T0tt DIOVOLUt1E HICROLITERS PER LITER STATI0tl REFORT REL LS TAVA X S.E. AB;: 3 6 10 ilut10ER OF TAXA 34 45 24 52 ADOVE C0t1PUTED USING SAMPLE IDS 11 12 21 22 31 32 41 42 51 52 61 62 101 102 trJ N Ut D e CD 3 N

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                                                                                 -               REL X      S.E. AD%

LS TAXA 7 8 9 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.4 0 UtlIDEt4TIFIEC ALGAE 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.4 0 UtlIDEllTIFTED ALGAE ELPILI 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.3 0.0 0.01 0 C f All0PilYT A 0 CUo00COCCACEAE 0.00 0.00 0.0 MICROCVSTIS ELPILl 0.0 0.0 0.00 O 0.00 0.00 . 0.1 AFHAtiOTilECE (LPIL) 0.0 0.00 0.01 0 0 fl0510CACEAE 0.02 0.01 0.3 O APfl At4IZOttEfloti F t OS- AQUAE 0.0 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.7 0 CHLOROPHy1A 0.03 0.12 0.0 0 VOLVOCALES 0.04 0.03 0.6 0 CHL Atit DGilotlAS I LPIL I O.03 0.10 0.0 0 CHLOPOCOCCALES 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0 At&ISTPODESt1US FALCATUS 0.00 0.00 0.0 W 0.0 0.00 d.0 0 AtlKISTPODESi1US E LPIL) 0.01 0.01 0.1 SCEHEDES!!US ECOPflIS 0.0 0.02 0.0 to O 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.3

  • 0 XAt4THOPHITA 0.01 0 HETEPOCOCCALES 0.02 0.00 0.3 HETEROCOCCALES (LPIL) 0.01 0.02 0.02 CO 0 2.45 3.08 0.73 0.35 0.91 39.7 N 0 DACILLARIOPHYTA-CEtatRIC q 0 EUF0DISCALES 0.37 8.2 MELOSIPA (LPILl 0.0 1.25 0.42 0.55 0 0.01 0.01 0.2 0.04 0.0 0.0 0 CICLOTLLLA (LPIL) 1.37 0.74 20.2 0 STEPH AtlODISCUS ASTRAE A 1.57 2.54 0.0 0.0 0.08 0.26 0.22 3.8 NO O STEPHAHODISCUS tLPILI 0.70 0.07 0.14 0.08 0.03 1.2 iD 0 EUPODISCALES (LPIl) 0.04 0 pHIZOSOLEllI A L ES 0.10 0.03 0.0? 0.07 0.02 1.1 O 0 Pit!Z000LEt41 A ERIEtsSIS 4.19 0.39 61.9 4.27 4.83 3.49 0, 0 c A CI L L A PIOPli r T A-PE titl A T L 0 0 FRAGILARIALES 1.03 0.20 15.2 3 0 ASTERI0tlELLA FOPl10SA 0.70 1.02 1.38 0.14 0.0 0.34 0.16 0.10 2.4 0 DI AT0f tA TEtlUE 0.46 a.44 6.7 0 FR AGIL ARI A CPOTotlEllSIS 0.04 1.33 0.0 1.00 0.88 0.0 0.69 0.36 10.2 0 FRAGILARIA iLPILi 0.12 0.10 1.7 0.04 0.0 0.32

_0 SillEDP A Ultia 0.17 7.4 S t ilE OP A (LPIL) 0.79 0.50 0.21 0.50 O 0.61 0.21 6.0 0.55 0.0 0.67 0 0 TABELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 0.01 0.01 0.2 0 FPAGILARI ALES ( LPIll 0.09 C.0 0.0 0 tlAVICULALES 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.02 0.0 k 0 flaVICULA (LPILI 0.0 1 0 DACILLARIALES ill TZCHI A (LPIL) 0.32 1.05 0.53 0.63 0.22 9.3 S 0 O~ 0 SURIPELLALES , . a


fiORTHEPil It10I At4A PUBLIC SERVICE C0t1PAtif 149720 ) DAILLY GEliERATItlG PL At4T Pilf TOPL AtlKT0tl BIOVOLUt1E NICPOLITEPS PER LITER STATI0tl REPORT _ REL X S.E. ABX LS TAXA 7 8 9 0.30 0.0 0.0 0.10 0.10 1.5 0 SURIRELLA OVATA 0.03 1.1 0.14 0.03 0.05 0.07 0 D ACILL ARIOPilY T A-PEtitl ATE ( LPIL I 0.03 0.4 0.0 0.09 0.0 0.03 0 P f RRitol'iti T A-Dill 0 Pili CE A E 0 PERIDIllI A LES 0.03 0.4 0.0 0.09 0.0 0.03 0 PERIDIt41Ull IllC0tlSPICUUtl 0.01 1.2 0.07 0.11 0.07 0.0S 0 CRYPTOPitrTA 0 CR Y PIOt10t t00 A L E S 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.04 0.01 0.01 0 CRIPTOt10tlAS t1ARS50t4II 0.02 1.0 0.06 0.11 0.03 0.07 0 PHOD0tiollAS tiltlVT A 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 RHOD 0l10tlAS ELPILI 6.84 9.08 4.42 6.78 1.34 100.0 TOTAL 2.98 2.55 2.59 2.70 0.14 DIVERSITY IH PRIttE l 0.72 0.03 tu OIVERSITY IJ PPIt1EI 0.76 0.65 0.74 22 20 18 31 y flUttBER OF TAXA u ADOVE C0t1PUTED USIrlG sat 1Pt E ICS 71 72 81 82 91 92 8 E e

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I O O 3

140RTHEPtl liiDI Atla PUBLIC SERVICE Cot 1PAtif (49720) o DAILLY GErlER ATIllG PlatiT PttiiOP?.AtiV.Toti BIOVOLUt1E MICRO 11TERS PER LITER REPLICATE PEPORT PC 1C GC LOC 5 56 56 1100 DURAT10tl TOW S AMP VOL WItt0 CUR E t4 T TEt1P SID DATE TIFIE D/tl UtlITS C SD WD SP D Ut4ITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED Cott0 00 PH S Alti P 171 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 172 4/ 6/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. ABX 1 2 0 UtlIDEt4TIFIED ALG AE 0.05 0.20 0.12 0.08 5.0 0 UllIDEtiTIFIED ALGAE ELPIL) 0.05 0.20 0.12 0.03 5.0 0 CY A tlOPilV T A 0.07 0.22 0.14 0.07 5.9 0 CHPOOCOCCACEAE 0 CHP00 COCCUS ( LPIll 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.1 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0 OSCILLATORIA (LPIL) 0.07 0.21 0.14 0.07 5.7 to o cy top 0Pti f T A 1.06 1.03 1.05 0.02 42.8 N 0 VOLVOCALES CD 0 CHL Attr00t10tlAS ( LPIL) 0.19 0.66 0.43 0.23 17.4 CO O CHLOROCOCCALES N O 00CVSTIS ILPIll 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.2 q 0 SCEllEDESttUS ACUf1IllATUS 0.0 0.30 0.15 0.15 c2 0 SCEllEDE!11 tis QUADRIC AUDA 0.15 0.06 0.10- 0.04 4.2 0 ScullDESitUS ECOPil!S 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1 N 0 21GilEf f AT AL ES C 0 t100GE OT It (LPILI 0.72 0.0 0.36 0.36 14.7 N 0 Ct1R 150Ftt Y T A 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.0% 1.5 0 CHP r f.0!10tl AD A L ES 0 S1t!URA UVELLA 0.0 0.05 0.03 0.03 1.1 5 0 CHR YSOCilP0ffULIllA PARVA 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.4 O 0 B ACILL Aplortit T A-CEllTRIC 0.09 0.0 0.04 0.04 1.8 8 0 EUPCDISCALES 3 0 EUPODISCALES (LPIL) 0.09 0.0 0.04 0.04 1.8 0 D ACI LL APIortif T A-PEll*l ATE 0.26 1.03 0.95 0.08 33.7 0 FPAGILARIALES 0 TADELLADIA FLOCCULOSA 0.10 0.75 0.42 0.33 17.3 g .,,, 0 ACHilatlill A LE S O ACHilatiTilES ( LPILI 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.00 2.6 0 0 BtCILLAPIALES 0 illTZCttI A (LPILI 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.01 1.7 0 D ACILL APIDFilf TA-PLittl ATE E LPIL ) 0.68 0.15 0. 2 0.26 17.0 h 0 CPIPIOFHYTA 0.22 0.0 0.11 0.11 4.4 1 0 CR I P10Motl0D A L E S

   #      0        CP) PTC'10*l AS ( LPIL )                      0.14            0.0                                        0.07         0.07    2.8 0      0        CitPOOttotl AS ( LPIL I                       0.08            0.0                                        0.04         0.04     1.6


                                                                       -           REL TAXA                                                     X    S.E. AB%

LS 1 2 TOTAL 2.35 2.55 2.45 0.10 100.0 2.86 2.02 2.64 0.02 DIVERSITY E tt PRIffE ) 0.76 2 76 0.00 DIVEPSITY (J PRIf1El 0.75 flut10ER OF TAXA 14 13 18 ABOVE cot 1FUTED USit1G sat 1PLE IDS 171 172 I .to I to C e 0 e /. 3 p _1

                         .4                                                             lj e

e N 2 W 5 co e a (1 I e O 3

is0RIHLPil IllDIAtlA PUBLIC SERVICE cot 1 patly (497201 o DAILLY GEtlEPATIttG PLAtlT Plf y TOPL AtiV.TOtl DIOVOLUTIE F1ICPOLITEPS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 1 1 00 DUP ATIori TOW sat 1P VOL WIllD CUREtlT T Et1P SID DATE tit 1E D/tl UtilTS C SD WD SP D UtlITS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT DT TURED COtID 00 PH S Alti P 181 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 182 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 PEL LS TAXA X S.E. AB% 1 2 0 UtilDEllTIFIED ALG AE 0.34 0.02 0.18 0.16 10.0 0 UtlIDEtlTIFIED n GAE tLPIL) 0.34 0.02 0.18 0.16 10.0 0 C V AtlCPHY T A 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.00 2.1 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE O OSCILLATORIA (LPILI 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.5 0 il0STOCACEAE O A ti! D A E tl A 0.06 0.0 0.03 0.03 1.7 tz 0 Cit LOFJPH f T A 0.05 1.26 0.66 0.61 36.5 O VOLVOCALES o O Cif L AtllDOt10tlAS ( LPIL ) 0.0 0.37 0.19 0.19 10.3 CO O YOLVOCALES ( LPIL) 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.1 N O Cit LOPOCOCC ALES -q 0 AllVIS1RODESt1US ( LPIL) 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.6 0 CHLORELLA (LPILI 0.02 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.5 0 00 CYSTIS ( LPIL) 0.0 0.05 0.02 0.02 1.3 N O SCErlEDESitus ACUf1IllATUS 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.3 4 0 SCEllEDESitOS QUADRICAUDA 0.0 0.17 0.09 0.09 4.8 C 0 SCEtlEDESflUS IllTEPTIECIUS 0.02 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.6 0 PEDI & STRUT 1 DDRI AtlUt1 0.0 0.35 0.18 0.18 9.8 0 ZYGtJEt1ATALES g 0 t10UGEOTI A ( LPIL) 0.0 0.29 0.14 0.14 8.1 0 0 CHRYSortif T A 0.23 0.71 0.47 0.04 26.2 { 0 CtlR Y S0t10?l AD A L E S 3 0 SYtlUPA UVELLA 0.03 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.8 0 0 DIriOE9 tori SERIULAPI A 0.20 0.0 0.10 0.10 5.5 0 0 DItt0ERYO!1 DIVERGEtis 0.0 0.71 0.36 0.36 19.9 9 0 D ACILL APIOrlit i A-PEttil ATE 0.28 0.43 0.35 0.08 19.8 0 O FPAGiLAPIALES E O FPAGILAPIA (LPIL) 0.06 0.0 0.03 0.03 1.6 E O SiliLDR A ILPILI 0.12 0.0 0.06 0.06 3.3 0 0 FPAGILARIALES (LPIL) 0.02 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.7

   #      0       ACHilfilIH A LE S (1     0           ACHtittlillES ( LPILI                            0.02              0.01                                  0.01         0.00    0.8 k      0 D ACILL APIOPil1 T A-PEllflATE ( LPIL )                     0.06             0.42                                  0.24         0.18 13.3 g"'    0 CRrPioritfiA                                               0.01              0.18                                  0.10         0.09    5.4 g   ,. O       CRI P10110tl00 A LE S


                                                                 -           REL X    S.E. ABX LS       TAXA 1    2 0       CRIPTOMOt4AS ILPILI                        0.0  0.18 0.09  0.09   5.1 0       CHROOMONAS (LPIL)                          0.01 0.0  0.01  0.01   0.3 0.96 2.63 1.79  0.84 100.0 TOIAL DIVERSITY (H PRIt1E l                                2.86 2.92 2.89  0.03 0./7 0.79 0.78  0.01 DIVERSIT Y ( J PRITIE l f*Jf10ER OF TAXA                                       13   13   23 ABOVE COttPUTED USIrlG sat 1PLE IDS 181       182

? w t' O E e 3 C'3

,                       m 9                       'M 2

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tt0RTHERil Itt0I Atla PUDLIC SERV 15E C0t1PAttf 149720 ) o B AILLY GEt4ERATIllG PLAT 4T PHYTOPL AllV Tott DIOVOLUt1E HICROLITERS PER LITER STATI0tl REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. ABX 17 18 0 UtlIDEllTIFIED ALG AE 0.12 0.18 0.15 0.03 7.1 0 UtIIDEllrIFIED ALGAE ILPIL) 0.12 0.18 0.15 0.03 7.1 0 CYAt0PHYTA 0.14 0.04 0.09 0.05 4.3 0 CHROOCOCCACEAE 0 CHR00 COCCUS ILPIL) 0.00 0.0 C.00 0.00 0.1 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0 OSCILL ATORI A ( LPILI 0.14 0.01 0.07 0.07 3.5 0 flOSTOCACEad 0 Atl AD AEllA 0.0 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.7 0 CitLOROPHYTA 1.05 0.66 0.85 0.20 40.1 O VOLVOCALES 0 CitL Att D0t10!IAS ( LPIL) 0.43 0.19 0.31 0.12 14.4 0 VOLVOCALES (LPIL) 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 01 f 0 CllLOPOCOCCALES 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.3 u 0 AtlKISTPODESitUS ( LPIL) 0.0 bJ 0 CHLORELLA ( LP!L) 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.2 0 00 CYSTIS ILPIL) 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.6 g 0.01 0.08 0.07 3.7 0 SCEtlEDEsttOS ACUt11tlATUS 0.15 0 SCEllEDESt1US GUADRICAUD A 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.01 4.5 N 0 SCEtIEDESiluS IllTEPt1EDIUS 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.3 0 SCEtlEDES!!US ECORilIS 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 (N O PEDI ASTPUT1 20R Y AtlUtt 0.0 0.18 0.09 0.09 4.1 (-) 0 ZYCtlEttAT ALE S

-          O           t10UGE O T I A (LPILI                       0.36   0.14    0.25   0.11  11.9 0 CHRYSOPitfTA                                          0.04   0.47    0.25   0.22  11.9 0       CilR 150f10!1 AD A LE S
  #        0           StilORA UVELLA                              0.03   0.01    0.02   0.01    1.0 0,        0          DItt0CRf0tl SERTULARIA                      0.0    0.10    0.05   0.05    2.3 0         0          DItt0ERf 0tl DIVERGEllS                     0.0    0.36    0.1S   0.18   8.4 3         0          CHR f SOCHP0t1ULIll A PARVA                 0.01   0.0     0.00   0.00    0.2 0 D ACIL L ARIOPhY T A-CEtiTRIC                        0.04   0.0     0.02   0.02    1.0 0      EUPODISCALES 0      EUF0DI!CALES ( LPIL )                           0.04    0.0    0.02   0.02    1.0

_0 B ACI L L ARIOPt1Y T A -PEttil AT E 0.95 0.35 0.65 0.30 30.7 g O FPAGILAPIALES O O FRAGILARIA (LPIL) 0.0 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.7 0 SillEDRA ILPIll 0.0 0.06 0.03 0.03 1.4 0 TADELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 0.42 0.0 0.21 0.21 10.0 b 0 FRAGILAPI ALES ( LPIL) 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.3 f., 0 ACHilfilTH A LES

  #         0           AClitittilitES I LPIL1                      0.06   0.01   0.04   0.02    1.8 0         O      BACILLARIALES

t40RTHERia ItiDIAtlA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAHf 1497201 [ BA'.L LY GEllERATIllG PLAtiT PHYTOPLAtir.T0tt DIOVOLUllE NICROLITERS PER LITER STATI0ll REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. AD% 17 18 0 IIITZCtlI A ( LPIll 0.04 0.0 0.02 0.02 1.0 0 BACILL ARIOPliVTA-PElit4 ATE ( LPIL I 0.42 0.24 0.33 0.09 15.4 0 CR r PTOPtiV TA 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.01 4.8 0 CR I PT Ot10tiOD A LE S O CR1PT0t10tlAS E LPIL ) 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.01 3.8 0 CHR00t10fl AS ( LPIL ) 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.02 1.0 TOTAL 2.45 1.79 2.12 0.33 100.0 DIVEPSITY IH FRIME) 2.84 2.89 2.87 0.03 DIVERSITY IJ PRiffE) 0.76 0.78 0.77 0.01 tlU11 DER OF TAXA 18 23 29 ADOVE Cot 1PUTED USIflG SAf1PLE IDS n3 171 172 181 182 w u a 0,,, e C73

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llORTHEPit It101 Atla PUBLIC *iERVICE Cor1 pat 4Y (49720) o DAILLY GEllEPATIttG PLAT 4T PilY TOPLAtlKTOtt DIOVOLUME MICROLITERS PER LITER REPLICATE PEPCPT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 1 2 00 DUR A T Iota TOW SAMP VOL WItt0 CUP E t4 T TEMP SP D Ut4ITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURBD Cot:0 00 Fil SALH P SID DATE TIME D/14 Ut4ITS C SD WO 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 191 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 192 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0

                                                                                                                           -                     REL X             S.E. A9%

LS TAXA 1 2 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.2 0 UtlIDEtiTIFIED ALGAE 0.0 0.05 0.2 0.09 0.05 0 Ut41DEllTIF IED ALGAE ( LPILI 0.0 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.2 0 C Y AtlOrit V T A 0 tilP00COCC ACE A E 0.0 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.2 O CHP00COCCACEAE ILPIL) 0 OSCILLATCRIACEAE 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 O OSCILLAT091A (LPILI 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0 0 LillSO Y A ILPIL) 0.0 . O Cit LCPOPit f T A 0.46 0.02 0.2% 0.22 1.2 LJ 0 VOLVOCALES 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.0 0 Volv0CALES (LPIL) 0 CllLOPOCOCCALES C%3 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.0 0 COCTSTIS (LPIll TETRAEOPON (LPILI 0.03 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 FN3 0 0.00 0.0

 -J      0      CHLOPOCOCCALES (LPIL)                              0.0              0.01                                     0.00 0      OEDOCOtlI ALES 0.0                                      0.21          0.21    1.1 0          OEDOGotlIUtt ( LPIll                           0.42 0.0              0.04                                     0.02          0.02    0.1 0 EUG L Ell 0 Plt 1 T A C         0      EUGLEtlALES l/d      0          PHACLfS (LPILI                                 0.0              0.04                                     0.02          0.00    0.1 0 CHP1SOPHYTA                                             0.73              0.01                                    0.37          0.36     1.9 g

0 0 CitP 150!!Otl AD A LE S 0.36 0.36 1.9 l[ 0 OltleeP10tl DIVERGEtis 0.73 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 3 0 CHP SOCtlPOttULIt1 A PARVA 0 0 CHP150ttCtlaD ALES ( LPIll 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0 B ACILL ARIOPHT T A-PEtitl AT E 2.88 31.65 17.27 14.3^ 89.5

 #       0      FRAGILAPIALES O  ., O            FP AGILAPI A CPOTJt1EllSIS                      0.29             0.0                                     0.1%           0.14    0.7 O          FPAGILARIA (LPIL)                               0.0              0.12                                    0.06           0.06    0.3 0       0          SitlECPA (LPIL)                                 0.0            30.95                                   15.47          15.47 e0.2 9       0           TAEELLAPIA FLOCCULOSA                          1.15             0.0                                     0.58           0.58    3.0
 #                                                                                   0.03                                    0.02           0.02    0.1 0       FPAGILARIALES (LPIL)                               0.0 Il      O       ACHil'Ilitt A L E S 1.8 II       O          ACHilatliHES (LPILI                            0.13             0.55                                    0.34           0.21 EE       O      flAVICULALES tlAVICULA (LPIL)                                 1.14            0.0                                      0.57          0.57    3.0

(( O

i30RTifEFil IllDI Atla PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAtlY (49720 ) , DAILLY GEt4ERATIllG PLAtiT PtiYTOPLAtlKT0tl BIOVOLUt1E NICROLITEPS PER LITER PEPLICATE REFORT REL LS Tt.X A X S.E. AB% 1 2 0 BACILLARIOPif(TA-PErill4TE ( LPILI 0.17 0.0 0.08 0.00 0.4 0 CRIPIOPHYTA 2.24 0.38 1.31 0.93 '. . o O CRI PIOt10tl0D A L E S 0 CRYPI0f! ollas PEFLEXA 0.94 0.0 0.47 s.47 2.4 0 CRTPTOt10tl4S OVATA 1.00 0.0 0.56 0.54 2.8 0 CR f PI0t10llAS ( t PIL ) 0.22 0.38 . 30 0.08 1.6 TOTAL 6.30 32.27 19.29 12.99 100.0 DIVEPSITY IH PPINEl 3.04 0.34 1,69 1.35 DIVERSITY IJ PRIttE) 0.82 0.09 0.46 0.36 ilV*t0ER OF TAXA 13 13 24 ABOVE COhPUTED USIllG sat 1PLE IDS 191 192 .t# , U1 S 0 e CD 0 isJ e 'sj A O CD G 4~ (L I E O 3

fl0RTHEPil ItlDI ANA PUBLIC SERVICE cot 1PAtl( I497205 O BAILLY GEtlERATItiG PLAtlT PHVTOPLAt4KTOtl BIOVOLUt1E HICROLITERS PER LITER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 56 56 1 2 00 DUR ATICtl TOW sat 1P VOL WIllD CURET 8T TEt1P SID DATE tit 1E D/tll'< LITS C SD WD SP O UtlITS C SECit W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TUPPD COf fD DO Pil SAlti P 201 4/ 6/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.3 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 202 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2.0 4 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 G 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AD% 1 2 0 CYAt10 PHYT 4 0.05 0.0 0.03 0.03 0.7 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0 OSCILLATORIA (LPIL) 0.05 0.0 0.03 0.03 0.7 0 CHLOPOPHYTA 1.3% 0.00 0.67 0.67 18.9 0 VOLVOCALES 0 CliL Attf dot 10tl AS ( LPIL ) 0.99 0.0 0.49 0.49 13.9 0 CitLOROCOCCALES m 0 AllKISTRODEsttVS IALCATUS 0.26 0.0 0.13 0.13 3.7 0 AtEISTR00ESt1US ILPIL) 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 $ 0 00CISTIS ( LPIL) 0.04 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.5 0 TETRAEDRott HIllIttutt 0.05 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.7 0 CHRISOPit(TA 0.00 0.77 0.39 0.33 10.9 C 0 CHR I S0t t0tI AD A L E S f\ 0 DIt10ER f 0ll DIVERGEllS 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.2 N' O CitR f SOCHR0f tULItl4 P ARVA 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 CYCLCtlEXIS iLPIL) 0.0 0.75 0.38 0.33 10.6 q, 0 CHP)SCFHITA (LPILI 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 D A CIL L ARIOPilV T A-PEtitl AT E 0.07 0.27 0.17 0.10 4.8 0 FRAGILAPIALES UI O SillECRA ILPIll 0.0 0.15 0.07 0.07 2.1 g 0 AClitutlTH Alf S n 0 ACHilAtilHES 1 LPIll 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.2 g 0 BACILLAPIALES 3 0 tIITZCti! A (LPIll 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.01 1.0 0 0 B ACILL ARIOPilY T A-PEtitl ATE i LPIL ) 0.03 0.09 0.06 0.03 1.6 0 0 PIRPHOrtif T A-DINortitCE AE 0.81 0.07 0.44 0.37 12.4 5 0 PtdIDIllIALES O . O PERIDIllIUll IllCOilSPICUUt1 0.81 0.07 0.44 0.37 12.4 2


C CRYPIOPitYTA 3.45 0.27 1.86 1.59 52.4 O 0 CRIP10 Mot 10 DALES 3 0 CRIPIO!! ollas t1ARSSOtlII 0.31 0.06 0.19 0.13 5.3 5 0 CRI PT 0t10tl AS OV AT A 3.14 0.21 1.67 1.46 47.1 C. 7 TOTAL 5.73 1.38 3.55 2.17 100.0 g DIVERSITY (H PRIt1El 2.01 2.17 2.09 0.0S DIVERSITY (J FRIttEl 0.53 0.63 0.00 0.02 0 ,,..n s.


                                                                         -          REL LS           TAXA                                                 X    S.E. AB%

19 20 0 UllIDEt4TIFIED ALGAE 0.05 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.2 0 UtlIDEllTIFIED ALG AE E LPIL ) 0.05 0.0 0.C2 0.02 0.2 0 C Y Atl0PH f T A 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.3 0 CitR00C0CC ACE AE 0 CifR00COCCACEAE (LPIL) 0.03 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.1 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0 OCCILLATORIA (LPIL) 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 LitlG0fA 1LPIk i 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 CHLOPOPitf 7A 0.24 0.67 0.46 0.21 4.0 0 VOLVOCALES 0 CilL At1100t10tlAS ( L.'P. ) 0.0 0.49 0.25 0.25 R.2 0 VOLVOCALES ( LPIL) 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 CifLCROCOCCALES I# 0 Alth !STRODEStiUS F ALC ATUS 0.0 0.13 0.07 0.07 0.6 L2 0 AtlKISTRODESt1US ( LPIL) 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 'd 0.01 0 OCCVSIIS ( LPILI 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.1 0 TETR AEDROtt itItilitUtt 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 T E TR AEDPO!I ( LPIL ) 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 CllLOROCOCCALES ILPIL) 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 OEDOG0t41 ALES 0 OEDOGotlIUt1 (LPIL) 0.21 0.0 0.10 b.10 0.9 0 E UGLE t ?OPit V T A 0.02 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 EUGLEttaLES 0 PilACUS ILPIL) 0.02 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 0 CilR ISOPilf T A 0.37 0.39 0.33 0.01 3.3 0 CilR 1 Sol 10tl AD AL E S

#        0         DItt0CRTOtt DIVERGEt.S                     0.36  0.01 0.19  0.18   1.6
9. O CtfRVSOCitPOMULIttA PARVA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0 CICLOllEXIS ILPILI C.0 0.38 0.19 0.19 1.6 lg 0 CtfR ISOt totl AD A LES ( LPIL )

0 CHRYSOPit f T A tLPILI 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0 B ACI L L AR IOPit t T A-PEttilAT E 17.27 0.I' 8.72 8.55 76.3 g 0 FRAGILAPIALES g' '~) g O FRAG;LARIA CROTOrlEtiSIS O.14 0.0 0.07 0.07 0.6

 --      0          FR. ILARIA (LPILI            -)       0.06  0.0  0.03  0.03   0.3 0       o          3,ritops ILPILI              'd' 15.47  0.07 7.77  7.70 68.1 0          TAEELLARIA FLOCCULOSA                     0.58  0.0  0.29  0.20   2.5 h

0 IPAGILAPIALES ILPIL) y 0.02 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.1 2 0 Actfilittill A LES a I. O AClit4* TITHES ( LPIll gy 3.34 0.01 0.17 0.17 15 [1, O flAVICULALLS O O flAVICULA (LPIL) 0.57 0.0 0.29 0.29 2.5 3 -

i4ORTilEPit Ill0I Atla PUBLIC SERVICE cot 1PAtli (49720 ) o BAILLY GEllERATIt4G PL At4T PitiTOPL AtlK10f 4 E.IOVOLut1E MICROLITEPS PER LITER STATIOil REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. AB% 19 20 0 BACILLARIALES 0 illTZCHI A liPIL) 0.0 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.2 0 D ACILLARIOPitV TA-PEtitlATE E LPILI 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.01 0.6 0 P17Pif 3FilY T A-DIt10Pti VCE AE 0.0 0.44 0.22 0.22 1.9 0 PE RIDIll! ALES 0 PERIDItlIUf1 It4COtlSPICUUt1 0.0 0.44 0.22 0.22 1.9 0 CRYPTOPliYTA 1.31 1.86 1.59 0.23 13.9 0 CR I P T Of10lf00 A L E S 0 CRIPiott0tlAS FI ARSS0tlII 0.0 0.19 0.09 0.09 0.8 0 CRIP10ttotlAS REF LEXA 0.47 0.0 0.23 0.23 2.1 0 CRYPTottot3AS OVATA 0.54 1.67 1.11 0.57 9.7 0 CRIPTOt10tl AS ( LPIL) 0.30 0.0 0.15 0.15 1.3 b3 TOTAL 19.29 3.55 11.42 7.87 100.0 DIVERSITY (11 PRIt1E l 1.t 9 2.09 1.69 0.20 00 DIVERSITY (J PPIttEl 0.46 0.60 0.53 0.07 tiutt0ER OF TAXA 24 17 33 ADOVE Cot 1PUTED USIllG sal 1PLE IOS 191 192 201 202 to 0 CD s' IV 3 -J , O e ' - - g (N ' e O - 2 N - a *

                                                                                                 ,, /

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                 ,                               DURATI0t1             TOW    SAMP VOL         HItt0 CUPEt1T    TEMP 31D      DATE       TIME 0/fl Uf1ITS C   00  WD     SP D UtIITS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIP    WAT BT TURED CotID 00   Ptf SAtti P 211 4/ 8/79             0 0    0.0  9   0.0 0.0    0.0 0     2.0 4  0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0   0 0.0   0.0  0   0.0    0  0.0  0.0 0.0 0
                  '?l2 4/ 8/79             0 0    0.0  J   0.0 0.0    0.0 0     2.0 4  0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0   0 0.0   0.0  0   0.0    0  0.0  0.0 0.0 0
                                                                                                                              -                   REL LS         TAXA                                                                                               X           S.E. AB%

1 2

   ,<     _      0 Ut'*9EllTIFIED ALG AE                                   0.03          0.00                                 0.02         0.02    0.4

- ,,e O L a0 Ele:IFIED ALGAC ( LPILI 0.03 0.0c 0.02 0.02 0.4 0 CYAN 0 Pit"[A 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0 OSCILLATORIA (LPIL) 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0

       ,-        0 CHLOPOPrit1 A                                          0.0            0.16                                 0.09         0.09    1.9 0     CHLOPO'* CALES O        AllKI ,1R0 DEST 1US ( LPIL )                    0.0            0.02                                 0.01         0.01    0.2

[F, 0 ULOIRICHALES L2 0 GEt11tlE LL A ( LPIL ) 0.J 0.16 0.08 0.08 1.6 NO 4.77 3.15 97.0 O D A CI1 L A R10PH Y T A-PPillA TE 1.62 7.92 0 FRAGILAPI4LES 0 FPAGILARI4 LPIL) 0.u 0.41 0.21 0.21 4.2 0 Sit't0R A (LPILI 0.57 1.19 0.88 0.31 17.9 0 E Uf.u rI A LE S 0 EUtl0TI A (LPIL) 0.07 0.64 0.35 0.28 7.2 1 ACHilaillH A L E S

             -0           ACiulANTHES iLPIL)                              0.01           0.24                                 0.10         0.12    2.5 0        COCCONE IS ( LPIL )                             0.0            0.LO                                 0.10         0.10    2.0 0     r1AVICULALES 0        ti tVICULA (LPIL)                               0.0            0.11                                 0.05         0.05    1.1
       #         0        00t iPHCtlE t1 A tLPIL)                         0.85           3.46                                 0.16         1.31  43.9
       'I O        flITZCHIA (LPIL)                                0.03           0.0                                  0.01         0.01    0.3 h         0 B ACIL L/PIOrilYT A-PEllN ATE ( LPIL )                 0.09           1.65                                 0.83         0.18   17.9 g         0 CRYPTOPHYTA                                            0.08           0.0                                  0.04         0.04    0.8 g         0     CR I Piott0ll0D A L E S
            .O            CPYPTOttOtlAS 11ARSSOtlII                 7     0.08           0.0                                  0.04         0.04    0.8 3

g rJ

       ==     TOTAL                                              'd-1.73           8.10                                 9.42         3.19 100.0 DIVERSITY I H PP It1E l                                     1.89           2.41                                 2.15         0.26 g      DIVCPSITY ( J PRI!!E l                             qy       0.60           0.70                                 0.65         0.05 fluttBER OF TAXA                                                9             11                                  14 g                                                          g A00VE cot 1PUTED USYtlG SAMPLE IDS                  C
       #                                211        212 o



                                                                                   -             REL LS          TAXA                                                     X      S.E. AD::

21 0 UtlIDEtlTIFIED ALGAE 0.02 0.02 -1.00 0.4 0 Uti10ftiTIFIED ALGAE ELPILI 0.02 0.02 -1.00 0.9 0 CI AtJCPH T T A 0.00 0.00 -1.00 0.0 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE O OSCILLATORIA (LPILI 0.00 0.00 -1.00 0.0 0 CH LOROPti f T A b.09 0.09 -1.00 1.9 0 CliLOPOCOCC ALES 0 AttFISTRODESMUS ILPIL) 0.01 0.01 -1.00 0.2 0 ULOIRICitALES 0 G E t11 tie L L A (LPIL) 0.0S 0.03 -1.00 1.6 0 B ACI LL AR ICFri t T A-PEtttl ATE 4.77 4.77 -1.00 97.0 0 FRAGILARIALES 0 FPAGILARIA (LPIL) 0.11 0.21 -1.00 4.2 f8 0 SyllEDPA (LPIL) 0.CS 0.63 -1.00 17.9

    • 0 EUt!OT I A LES C) 0 EUt0TIA ILPIL) 0.35 0.35 -1.00 7.2 CC 0 ACHtittifil ALES
  • l'N . G ACHilattitiES ( LPIL ) 0.12 0.12 -1.00 2.5
      ~         0         COCC0tlEIS ILPILI                              0.10       0.10  -1.00   2.0 0      t4AVICULALES
     ',         O         IIAVICULA (LPILI                               0.05       0.05  -1.00   1.1 O         GO!!PflCtlErf 4 ILPIL)                         2.16       2.16  -1.00  *3.9 C.'         O      BACILLAPIALES
     'E '       0         t4ITZCitI A (LPIll                             0.01       0.01  -1.00   0.3 0 BACILL ARIOPHY TA-PErit1 ATE ( LPIL )                  0.83       0.eS  -1.00  17.9 0 CRIP T0rit r T A                                       0.04       0.04  -1.00   0.8 9              0      CP I PICt10tiOD A L E S

([ 0 CRIPT0tf0t1 AS FIARSSOtlII 0.04 0.04 -1.00 0.8 e 3 TOTAL *.42 4.92 -1.00 100.0 DIVERSITY IH PRIt1E l 2.15 2.15 -1.00 DIVEPSITY ( J F PIf1E l 0.65 0.65 -1.00 "g tRn1SER OF TAXA 14 14 a_ ACOVE CCt1PUTED USit:G sat 1PLE ID*i O 211 212 e Q. I O O


t10RTHERei It301 Atta PUSLIC SERVICE cot 1 pat 41 149720) c B AILL f GEt1ER AT1ttG PL At4T ( PERIPH f TOtt Dell 5IT Y DEllSITY Ill IPJ!!CER / SQUARE CEt3 tit 1ETER REPLICATE PEPORT PC TC CC LOC 5 e6 66 0 0 10 DURATIOt4 TOW sat 1P VOL wit 3D CUR E t4T TE t1P SID DAT2 tit 1E D/fl Ut4ITS C 50 W3 SP D Ut4ITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED CCt:0 00 FH S Atti P 11 5/ 2/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 12 5/ C/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AC% 1 2 0 CYAtlOFHTTA 128520.25 0.0 64260.12 64260.12 65.5 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE O 00CILLATOPIA (LPILI 93280.19 0.0 w9140.09 991.0.09 65.4 0 Lit 40Ss A ILPIL) 30240.07 0.0 15120.04 15:22.04 20.1 0 D AC I L L ARIOF itV T A-CEt4TR IC 3780.01 0.0 1840.00 1890.00 2.5 0 EUFODISCALES 0 STEFHAt400lSCUS ( LPILI 3780.01 0.0 1890.00 1890.00 2.5 0 0 B ACI LL AR IOFH I T A-FEtotl ATE 11340.02 6708.76 9024.39 2315.63 12.0 h 0 FRAGILARIALES 0 DIATCt1A T E13UE 0.0 '236.25 1113.13 1118.13 1.5 0 FPAGILAPIA VAUCHERIAE 3780.01 0.0 1890.00 184J.00 2.5 0 ACHtat t4TH A LES 0 ACHilAtlTHES ( LPIll 0.0 2236.25 1118.13 1118.1", 1.5 0 flAVICULALES 0 GO 1FHCilElla I LPIL ) 3780.01 2236.25 3003.13 771.8S 4.0 0 BACILLARIOFH TA-PEllllA'E (LPIll 3780.0: 0.0 1890.00 1840.00 2.5 TOTAL 143o40.25 6708.76 75174.50 66465.69 100.0 DIVERSITY IH FRIt1El 1.40 1.58 1.49 0.09 DIVEFSITY (J FRIllE l 0.54 1.00 0.77 0.23 0 14UI:BER OF TAXA 6 3 S 0 8 ADOVE C0t1FUTED USItiG SAttPLE IDS 3 11 12 0 9 0 8 2 is S 8 CD b iG 1 m o 9 3 amm.m.A

HORTitERis It4DI At4A PUBLIC SERVICE C0t1 patly (49720 ) 0 BAILLY GEt4ERATIllG PLAT 4T PERIPHYTott DEllSITY DEt4SITY Illflut18ER / SQUARE CENTINETER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC CC LOC 5 66 66 0 0 20 TEt1P DURATI0tl TOW SAttr8 VOL WItID CURET 4T SP D UtlITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED C0ttD 00 PH SALH P SID DATE TIME D/tl Ut4ITS C SD WD 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 9 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 101 5/ 1/79 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 ' O.0 0.0 0.0 0 if' 9/ 1/79 - REL X S.E. AD% LS iAXA 1 2 0 C? tit 0PilVTA 239171.56 0.0 119585.75 119585.'t5 76.9 0 OSCILLATORIACEf.E 239171.56 0.0 119585.75 119585.75 76.9 O LYllGDV A ( LPIL) 2989.64 1.9 5979.29 0.0 2989.64 0 CilLOROPHilA 0 CitLOROCOCC A LES 2989.64 2939.64 1.9 0 AtlKISTR00ESitOS ( LPIL) 5979.29 0.0 65772.12 0.0 32836.06 32886.06 21.2 0 B ACI L L AR IGFit Y T A-Petal AT E 0 0 AClitl At4T H A LE S 65772.12 0.0 2?886.06 3 606.06 21.2 3 O ACHilAtilitES HIllUTISSIMA 310923.00 0.0 155461.50 155461.50 100.0 TOTAL , 0.44 0.87 0.0 0.44 DIVERSITY (H F91ttEl 0.28 0.28 nIVERSITY (J FHIt1El 0.55 0.0 , 3 0 3 iluttBER OF TAXA ABOVE Cot 1PUTED USIt1G SAllPLE IDS 101 102 W D 5' CZ) J PN) h '4~ e f. -4 Q 5- rsa e e E 1

tlORTHERtl IPOI Alla PUBLIC SERVICE CCt1PAHf (49720 ) o B AILLY GEllER ATIt!G PL AtlT PERIPil1T0f t DEllSITY DEllSITY Ill f aut!CER / SQUARE CEllTIt1ETER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 66 66 0 0 30 DURATICil TOW SAMP VOL Wito CUR EllT T E t1P SIO DATE tit 1E 0/N UtlITS C SD WO SP O UtlITS 0 SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED COto DO PH SALN P 111 5/ 1/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 112 5/ 1/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AB% 1 2 0 C V Atl0PH f T A 193606.06 5250188.00 2724797.00 2526190.00  %.6 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE O CSCILLATORIA (LPIL) 0.0 479S13.25 239906.62 239906.6? 8.5 0 LYtlG0 f A ( LPIL I 193606.06 4232059.00 2215332.00 2016726.00 78.5 0 SCHIZOTHRIX ( LPILI 0.0 539116.00 269558.00 269558.00 9.6 0 B ACI L L A R IOPH I T A-PE titl AT E 0.0 194081.69 970 0.81 97040.81 3.4 0 FRAGILARIALES O 0 DIATO1A T EllUE 0.0 26955.80 13477.90 13477.90 0.5 O FRAGILARIA VAUCHERIAE 0.0 43129.08 215o4.64 2156%.64 0.S 0 FIAVICULALES 0 flAVICUL A (LPILI 0.0 10782.32

  • 5391.16 5391.16 0.2 0 GO:!PHollEtt A I LPIL) 0.0 53911.69 26955.00 26955.c0 1.0 0 BACILLARIOFHt TA-PEtatlATE ( LPIL ) 0.0 59302.76 29651.38 29651.33 1.1 TOTAL 198606.06 5445066.00 2821836.00 2623229.00 100.0 DIVEPSITY IH PRIt1El 0.0 1.17 0.53 0.53 DIVERSITY IJ PRI!1El 0.0 0.39 0.19 0.19 ilUi!OER OF TAXA 1 8 8 ABOVE CottPUTED USItlG SAttPLE IDS 3 111 112 9.



L. S 0 2 g to e IN) W -Q (1 1 t ". e_ o 3 u

14CRTHERt1 IIIDI At1A PUBLIC SERVICE COttPAHf 149720) o BAILLY GEt1ER ATIt4G PL At4T PLRIPHf TOtt DEllSITY D EllSI T Y litt1UttCER / SQUAR2 CEt4TiMETER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 566660040 DUF ATIOtl TOW SAMP VOL WItt0 CURElli TEMP SID DATE tit 1E D/t1 Ut4ITS C SD WD SP D Ut4ITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED CCt!D DO PH S Alta P 121 5/ 2/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 122 5/ 2/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AG% 1 2 0 CVAt40rHfTA :4913420.00 250525.31 3081972.00 2831447.00 99.6 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE 0 OSCILLATORIA ILPILI 121425.50 0.0 60712.75 60712.75 2.0 0 LYtaSDI A ILPILI 5682713.00 232789.06 2957751.00 27 49el.00 95.6 0 SCHIZOTHRIX iLPIll 109282.94 4.0 59641.%7 5*o*1.*7 1.8 0 C Y Atlorit : T A (LPILI 0.0 17736.31 dStS.15 80es.15 0.3 0 E ACILL ARIOPH f T A-pet #4 ATE 9106.91 14780.25 11G43.58 2836.67 0.4 [I O FRAGILARIALES

    • O DIATOttA TEt!UE 0.0 3695.06 I S* 7. 5 3 1847.53 0.1 0 FRAGILARIA VAUCHERIAE 0.0 11085.19 55%2.59 55*0.59 0.2 0 BACILL ARTOPH1 T A-PEtat1 ATE ( LPIL I 9106.91 0.0 %553.45 9553.*5 0.1 TOTAL 5922526.00 265305.56 3093915.00 282So10.00 100.0 DIVERSITY (H PRINEl 0.29 0.70 0.50 0.21 DIVEPSITY (J PRIttE l 0.15 0.35 0.25 0.10 t4UttCEP OF TAX A 4 4 7 ABOVE CaitPUIED USIt4G SAMPLE IDS 121 122 E


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H I4 flDIAtlA PUBLIC SERVICE cot 1 patly (49720) B AILLY GEtlERATIllG PL At4T PERIPHY Tcta DEllSITY DEllSIT Y It4ffJilOER / SQUARE CEriflMETER REPLICATE REPORT PC TC CC LOC 566660050 DUR A T IOtt TOW SAMP VOL WillD CUPEllT TEMP SID DATE tit 1E D/tl UtlITS C SD WD SP O UllITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TUR0D Cott0 00 PH LALH P 251 5/ 1/79 C 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 252 5/ 1/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. ABZ 1 2 0 CYAt40PH f1 A 0.0 33791.21 16895.61 16895.61 33.0 0 OSC1LLATORIACEAE 0 LillGBf A ( LPIL I 0.0 33791.21 16895.61 16895.61 33.0 0 BACILL ARIOPH TTA-PEllflATE 20311.99 48273.16 34292.57 13980.59 67.0 0 FRAGILARIALES 0 DIATot!A T E tlUE 14508.56 14481.95 14495.25 13.31 23.3 0 FDAGILARIA CROTOilEllSIS 0.0 33791.21 16895.61 16895.61 33.0 o 0 BACILtARIOPHfTA-PEllflATE 4LFILI 5803.43 0.0 2901.71 2901.71 5.7 TOfAL 20311.99 82d64.37 51183.18 10876.19 100.0 DIVERSITY IH PRIllE) 0.86 1.50 1.18 0.32 OIVERSITY IJ PRIllEl 0.66 0.94 0.90 0.04 flut1BER OF TAXA 2 3 4 ABOVE CortPUTED USIllG sat 1PLE IDS 251 252 5 0 e 3 O e n e d CD g ca

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140RTP !RH It10! AHA PUGLIC SERVICE cot 1PA!4Y 1497201 BAILLY GEllERATIl4G PLAT 4T o PERIPHYTOtt DENSITY DENSITY Illi3Ul18ER / SQUARE CEr8TIMFIER REPLICATE REPORT PC .C GC LOC 5 66 66 1 0 10 DURATIOtl TOW sat 1P VOL WIH3 CURENT T E t1P SID DATE tit 1E D/l4 UtIITS C SD WD SP D UtlITS C SECH W l SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURCD cot 1D 00 Pil SALH P 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 00 0.0 0 171 4/ 9/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 172 4/ 9/79 0 G 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                                 -                        REL X              S.E.      AB::

LS TAXA 1 2 129691.56 241164.56 185408.06 55736.50 53.1 0 C Y AliOPH f T A 0 OSCILLA10RIACfAE O Li tlGB ( A (LPIL) 129691.56 241164.56 185428.06 55736.50 53.1 13617.61 29017.13 21317.37 7699.76 6.1 0 CHLOPOPIIYTA 0 CHLOPOCOCCALES 3705.47 5158.60 4430.04 726.36 1.3 0 SCEllEDE0MUS QUADRICAUDA 0 CHAETOPHCPALES 0.0 12896.50 6448.25 6448.25 1.8 g 0 STIGEOCLCHIUti ILPILI . 0 OEDOGol4! ALES

  • OEDOGC!11Ull (LPIL) 0.0 2579.30 1289.65 1289.65 0.4 0

0 Z Y Gile f1A T A L E S 4353.93 5803.43 5078.68 724. M 1.5 y 0 1100GEOTI A I LPIll 1489.45 1.2 5558.21 2579.30 40eS.75 g 0 CitLOROPilf T A ELPill 463.18 0.1 906.37 0.0 463.18 0 EUGLEllOPH Y T A 0 E U3 L E t1 A L E S 0 EUGLEr!A ILPILI 926.37 0.0 963.18 463.18 0.1 8337.31 34820.56 21578.91 13241.62 6.2 (s 0 CHRYSOPHfTA

  -     0     CHR 100!10tl AD A L ES 8337.31           34820.56                                 21573.93        13041.62        6.2 g    0         EPIPIXIS (LPIL) 0 BACILLAPIOPHYT)-PEHilATc                             9430%.19          147019.87                                 100662.00        26357.84 34.5 0      FRACILARIALES 0.0            6448.25                                   3204.12         3004.12       0.9 0         SillEDRA (LPIll 10931.14             1289.65                                  6110.39         4000.75        1.7
 --     0         TABELLARIA FLOCCULOSA 0      EUt10TI A L ES 0.0            1289.65                                    644.83          649.83       0.2 o      O         EUl40TIA ELPIL)
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 $      0         Allot 10EOt1EIS VITRE A 0.0             2579.30                                  1089.65         1039.65       0.4 g      0 0

GCllPHCilEllA ACU:1IllATUt1 GO!! Pilo!1Et1A ( LPIL ) 0.0 2579.30 1269.65 108 9. t,5 0.4 g 0.0 2315.92 2315.92 0.7 3 0 BACILLARIOPHY T A-PEtt!! ATE ( LPIL ) 4631.84

 &                                                            O'6876.87           452021.87                                349449.37       10:572.50 100.0
  -    TOTAL 1.88           0.04 I     DIVLRSITY IH PRIt1El                                           1.83               1.92 0.5+           0.09 8     DIVERSITY IJ PRIt1E I                                          0.58               0.50
     -                     Y                                              9                14                                        16

i BAILLY Gr,,lEP ATIf 4G PLAtlT PERIrlifiOtl DEllSITY DEllSIT f IllflutIBER / SQUARE CENTIMETO' REPLICATE REPORT PC TC r.C LOC 5 6( 66 1020 DURATIOtt TOW sat 1P VOL Hitt0 CURENT TEHP SID DATE tit 1E 0/H UtlITS C SD WO SP O UtlITS C SECH H T SC Di CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TUR6D C 0t10 00 PH SAtti P 191 5/ 1/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 192 5/ 1/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                               -                   kEL LS         TAXA                                                                                                    X            S.E. AB%

1 2 0 C Y At 40PilV T A 930206.31 797813.50 864009.87 66196.37 77.5 0 CHPOOCOCCACEAE 0 CitROOCOCCUS ( LPIL I 0,9 9497.78 4748.89 4748.89 0.4 0 f1ICPOC1STIS (LPIL) 0 . 'w 94977.81 47488.91 47488.91 4.3 0 OSCILLATORIACEAE o LYliGB(A E LPIL) 930206.31 693337.94 811772.12 118434.19 72.8 0 CHLOROPitVTA 26915.26 75982.25 51958.75 24523.50 4.6 0 VOLVOCALES [ 0 CHL Atis dot 10tlAS ( LPIL ) 1566.00 0.0 783.00 783.00 0.1

   '4        0      CilLOROCOCCALES 0         OOC (STIS CCPGEI                                0.0             37991.12                            18995.56     18995.56    1.7 0         SCEllEDESituS ECORilIS                      3132.01                  0.0                             1566.00       1566.00   0.1 I\3           0         SCEtlEDEst:US SPIllOSUS                        0.0               4748.89                             2374.45      2374.45    0.2

d 0 OE DOGOllI A L ES 0 OEDOGOtlIUt1 ( LPIL ) 13624.23 0.0 6812.11 6812.11 0.6 (y 0 Z vGilEt1A T A L ES 442.3S 0.8 __. O flOUGEOTIA (LPILI 8613.02 9497.78 9055.40 0 COtt1ARIUt1 ( LPIL ) 0.0 9497.78 4798.89 47%S.89 0.4

           O CilLCROFH I T A (LPIL)                                  0.0             14246.67                             7123.34       7123.34   0.6 0 CHR) SOPH 1TA                                       3132.01                  0.0                             1566.00       1566.00   0.1 0      CitP f sot 1011AD ALE S S        0         DIt:OCR f 0tl DIVEPGEtlS                    1566.00                  0.0                              783.00        783.00   0.1 O.      O         PSEUDOKEril1PIOil ( LPILI                   1566.00                  0.0                              783.00        783.00   0.1 0       0 BACILLARIOPHYTA-PEHilATE                          154251.25            242193.31                           198222.25     43971.03 17.8 3       0      FPAGILAPIALES 0         TACEll ARI A FLOCCULOSA                    15660.04             52237.80                            34948.92     182e8.8S    3.0 0      ACHil AtlTH A L L S 0         ACHilA!1THES t11ttuTISSINA                136242.25            128220.00                           132231.12      4011.12   11.9 0         ACHilat4THES ( LPILI                           0.0              18995.56                             9497.78       9497.78   0.9 g

O DACILLARIALES O O UllIDEllTIFIED: 11060114 0.0 42740.02 21370.01 21370.01 1.9 l, 0 OACILL ARIOPHY T A-PEllflATE ( LPIL I 2349.01 0.0 1174.50 1174.50 0.1 bb TOTAL 1114524.00 1115938.00 1115256.00 732.00 100.0 l( DIVERSITY IH PRIllEl 0.89 2.03 1.46 0.57 5 DIVERSITY (J PRIt1El 0.27 0.57 0.w2 0.15 0 -HUl!OER OF TAXA 10 12 18 3 AOOVE COtIPUTED USING SAMPLE IDS 191 192

itORTHEPH It10IAHA PUBLIC SERVICE COttrAHf 149720) o BAILLY GEllERATIllG PLANT PERIPHYiCil DEti3ITY DENSITY IH t1UttDER / SQUARE CEt4TIttETER REPLICATE REFORT PC TC GC LOC 5 66 66 1 0 30 DURATION TOW sat 1P VOL WIND CURENT TEt1P SID DATE tit 1E D/H Ut4ITS C SD WD SP D UtlITS C SECH H T SC 01 CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TUPCD COto 00 Ptt SAtti P 211 4/ 9/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 212 4/ 9/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. AB% 1 2 0 CY AtlOPtiV T A 8352.02 38976.11 23664.06 15312.04 9.2 0 CHPOOCOCCACEAE O HICPOC)STIS ILPIL) 8352.02 0.0 4176.01 4176.01 1.6 0 flOSTOCACEAE O Atl8D AEtla I LPIL) 0.0 ?S976.11 19488.05 19488.05 7.5 0 CHLOROFtlTTA 1044.00 133168.31 67106.12 66062.12 26.0 0 Cl{AETOPHORALES c) 0 S11GEOCLOt410N (LPIL) 0.0 24360.06 12180.05 12180.03 7 O FROTODEPria (LPIL) 0.0 108808.25 54*04.12 5*404.12 24.1 0 CHLOPOFHYTA (LPILi 1094.00 0.0 502.00 502.00 0.2 IV 0 B ACI L L ARIOPit V T A-PEllN ATE 96987.75 237916.44 167*50.06 70464.31 64.8 N 0 FRAGILAPIALES 0 FRAGILARIA VAUCHERIAE 0.0 7145.62 3572.81 3572.81 1.4 , O FRAGILARIA (LPILI 29230.07 53592.14 41912.11 12100.03 10.0 O MEPIDIOt1 CIRCUL ARE 10*4.00 0.0 500.00' 500.00 0.2 0 S1HEDP A ult 4A 3862.81 9099.42 6*78.61 2615.60 2.5 CO O Sit 1EDPA 1LPIL) 8352.02 4060.01 6006.01 21%6.00 2.9 0 ACittlit 4 TH A L E S 0 ACHt4At41HES NItfuTISSIt1A 1094.00 0.0 502.00 502.00 0.2 0 ACHilatlTHES ( LPIll 2098.01 0.0 10+4.00 10*4.00 0.4 g 0 flAVICULALES O O AtlOt10EGNEIS V11RE A 1044.00 0.0 522.00 522.00 0.2 g 0 ilAVICULA tLPIL1 0.0 4872.01 2436.01 2436.01 0.9 3 0 00r1PHOtlE tt A ILPILI 34e60.8S 113680.25 79170.56 39509.68 28.7 0 0 DACILLAPIALES O O HITZSCitI A ACICULARIS 1044.00 0.0 502.00 500.00 0.2

   #      0         tlIT2 CHIA ILPILI                          8352.02          35728.09                              220%0.05     13tc8.04     8.5 0 _0       BACILLARIOPH1TA '2titlATE ILPILI                 e264.01            9744.02                              8004.02      1740.01     3.1

E TOTAL 106383.69 910060.69 258002.19 151838.50 100.0 9 DIVEPSITY IH FRIttE l 2.76 0.77 0.76 0.01

   #   DIVERSITY ( J PRIttE l                                      0.74              0.80                                  0.77         0.03 g   tilt 10ER OF T AX A                                           13                11                                    18



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flORTHERil Ilot Atla PUBLIC SERVICE cot 1PAHf (49720) BAILLY GEtlER ATIllG PLAllT PERIPHf10tl BIOVOLUt1E BIOVOLUt1E Ill r11CROLITERS / SQUARE CEllTIt1ETER REPLICATE REPORT PC IC GC LOC 5 66 66 1 0 30 DURATIOtt TOW SAMP VOL WIND CURENT T Et1P SID DATE tit 1E D44 Utt!TS C SD WO SP 3 UtlITS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TUReo COto oo PH SAtti e 211 4/ 9/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 212 4/ 9/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                      -                    REL LS          TuA                                                                                                X             5.E. AD%

1 2 0 C Y AtlOP641 T A (s.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1 0 CttROOCOCC AC E AE O t11CROCVSTIS ( LPIL) 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 NOSTOCACEAE O Atla

  • Illa (LPIL) 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1 0 CHLOROPHYTA 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 1.8 0 CHAETOPHORALES
?        0         STIGEOCLOtlIUt1 ( LPIL I                     0.0            0.00                                   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.3 1.4 03       0         PROTODEPttA (LPIL)                           0.0            0.01 0 CHLOROPitfTA (LPILI                                  0.00           0.0                                     0.00          0.00    0.1 CD                                                                                                                      0.30          0.05 90.1 0 D ACIL L AR IOPHY T A-PEllll AT E                    0.26           0.35 N
,q       0     FRAGILARIALES 0          FRAGILA9f A VAUCliERI AE                    0.0            0.00                                    0.00          0.00    0.6 0          FRAGILARIA (LPILI                           0.04           0.07                                    0.05          0.00   17.2 Lv        0          flERIDIOtl CIRCULARE                        0.00           0.0                                     0.00          0.00    0.1 N         0          SytlEDR A Ut tlA                            0.08           0.05                                    0.07          0.02   21.7 0                                                      0.02           0.01                                    0.02          0.01    w.9 N                    SitaEDRA (LPill 0      ACHtl Atl1H A LE S 0          ACHtlAllillES t11HUTISSIttA                 0.00           0.0                                      0.00          0.00   0.0 0          ACHNAHillES ( LPIL)                          0.00          0.7                                      0.00          0.00   0.0 al     O      tlAVICULALES 0.00          0.00   0.1 S      0          AllOM0EOtlEIS VITRE A                        0.00          0.0 0.02          0.02    5.0 0      0          tlAVICULA (LPIL)                             0.0           0.03 3       0         GOt1PHOtlEttA ( LPIL I                       0.11           0.17                                    0.14          0.03  44.4 h       0     BACILLARIALES 0         flITZ5 CHIA ACICULARIS                       0.00           0.0                                     0.00          0.00    0.0 0          llITZCHI A ( LPI I                          0.00           0.01                                    0.01          0.01    2.2 g

g O BACILLARIOPHfTA- .NilATE (LPILI 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 1.9 TOTAL 0.26 0.36 0.31 0.05 100.0 DIVERSITY til PRIt1E l 2.01 2.29 2.15 0.14 DIVERSITY ( J PRIt1E l 0.54 0.66 0.60 0.06 E

  . HUllBER OF TAXA                                             13            11                                       18 1


o APPENDIX E 200PI'5KTON DENSITY R"PLICATE REPORTS BAILLY STUDY AREA APRIL 1979 0 "; 7 790 U s' .LU science se. vices diviolon

HORTHERH II: DIANA PUBLIC SERVICE CCttPAHf (49720) o BAILLY gel;ERATItG PLAHT ZOOPLANKTCH DENSITT (Nunatas/cuelt METEA) REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 551510000 CURENT TEMP DURATION TOW SAMP VOL wit 0 WAT BT TURCD COta DO PH SALN P SID DATE TIME D/14 UNITS C SD WD SP D UNITS C SLCH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 11 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 12 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 13 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 14 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0

                                                                                                                            -                       REL X               S.E. AG%

LS TAXA 1 2 3 4 100.31 219.71 238.10 185.19 185.87 30.56 9.7 0 HEt1ATODA (TOTAL) 185.19 185.87 30.56 9.7 1 NEllATODA I LPIL) 100.31 219.91 238.10 15.43 46.30 23.81 37.04 30.54 6.66 1.6 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTAL) 0 HAIDIDAE 6.86 1.6 HAIDID AE (LPILI 15.43 46.30 23.81 37.04 30.64 1 2.31 2.31 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.26 0 ARACliHIDA (TOTAL) 0 PROSTIGttATA 2.31 0.31 0.1 t,'s e.0 0.0 0.0 9.26 19 HYCRACARIHA (LPIL) 151.12 34.36 7.9 185.19 231.48 95.24 92.59 Fa 0 CLADOCERA (TOTAL) 0 000llIt4IDAE 10.16 4.3 805f tINIDAE ( LPIL) 92.59 104.17 63.49 64.81 81.27 1 CD 0 CHYDORIDAE 7.72 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.93 1.93 0.1 N 1 ALOilA ( LPIL) CH)DORUS (LPIL) 15.43 34.72 23.81 27.78 25.44 4.03 1.3 q 1 13.67 1.0 15.43 57.87 0.0 0.0 18.33 1 EUR) CERCUS LAttELLATUS 0 DAFHNIDAE 12.42 1.3

 '%                                                          54.01           34.72            7.94          0.0           24.17
  -      6        DAPHNIA ILPIL)                                                                            0.0              1.93            1.93    0.1 0.0             0.0             7.94 Ps.)   0 OSTRACODA (TOTAL)                                                                                                 1.93            1.98    0.1 0.0             7.94          0.0 W     19 OSTRACODA (LPIL)                                   0.0 1365.74          2002.31       1238.09        1527.78         1533.48            167.14 80.3 0 COPEF0DA (TOTAL) 9      0      CALAt;3IDA (TOTAL) 30.86           11.57           47.62          0.0           22.51             10.51    1.2 0,     1        DI APTOMUS ASHL At:DI 0.0              1.9S            1.9S    0.1 0.0            0.0             7.94 8      1        DIAPTOMUS SICILIS 3               DI APT 0!!'JS t11t:UTUS                  115.74           127.31           23.81        18.52           71.35             29.09    3.7 1                                                                                                                                    3.66   0.2 l      1 14 Lita;3CALAt:US t1ACRURUS CALAt:3IDA (LPIL) 15.43 532.41 0.0 717.59 0.0 428.57 0.0 620.37 3.66 574.73             61.68 30.1 0      CYCLOFOIDA (TOTAL)
  $      1        CYCLOPS BICUSPIDATUS THOMASI               30.66           34.72           55.56        46.30           41.86              5.62    2.2 g                                                            0.0            0.0             7.94           0.0              1.98            1.98   0.1 1         TROFCCYCLOPS ( LPIL) 609.57          1076.39         666.67        605.55          789.54            104.09 41.3 O     la      CYCLOFOIDA (LPIL)                                                                                             1.93            1.93   0.1 l      1 0

CYCLOFOIDA (LPIL) HARPACTICOIDA (TOTAL) 7.72 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.04 23.73 8.47 1.2 E 1 HARPACTICOIDA (LPIL) 23.15 34.72 0.0 0 DIPTERA 11El14TOCERA (TOTAL) 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.52 4. t> 3 4.63 0.2 1 3 0 CHIROU0ttlCAE 4.63 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.52 4.63 6' 2 CHIRCt:Ot11D AE ( LPIL ) 3

HORTHERif It0IANA PUBLIC SERVICE 8 0MFAt4Y (49720) O BAILLY GEttERATIttG PLAllT ZOOPLAtXT014 DEllSITY (NUM8ERS/CUSIC METER) REPLICATE REPORT REL LS TAXA X S.E. ABZ l 2 3 4 TOTAL 1666.66 2500.00 1603.17 1870.37 1910.05 204.74 100.0 DIVERSITY (H PRIt1El 2.54 2.37 2.37 2.17 2.36 0.03 DIVERSITY (J FRIt1El 0.67 0.66 0.64 0.63 0.65 0.01 PRR' I ER OF TAXA 14 12 13 11 19 ABOVE COMPUTED USIltG SAMPLE IDS 11 12 13 14 f w C'3 e ^'d C, -4 e 3 ~ 0 s L. -J e CD e 2 is S b i

HORTHERH ItlDIANA PUB ( P SERVICE COMPANY (4972 4 BAILLY GENERATING PLAT 4T ZOOPLAHKTOli DEHSITY (monstas/cusic Mtita) REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 51 51 0 0 00 WIND CURENT TEMP DURATICH TOW SAMP VOL HAT BT TURBD COND 00 PH SALN P SID DATE TIME D/H UNITS C SD WD SP D UNITS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 21 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 t 22 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.3 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 23 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 24 (/29/79 - REL X S.E. AB% LS TAXA 4 1 2 3 25.25 21.13 19.21 23.46 2.03 2.8 0 net 1ATODA (TOTAL) 28.17 28,17 25.35 21.13 19.21 23.46 2.03 2.8 1 net 1ATODA ( LPIL) 0.0 3.20 2.91 1.15 0.4 5.63 2.82 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTAL) 0 tlAIDIDAE 3.20 2.91 1.15 0.4 1 flAIDID AE (LPIL) 5.63 2.82 0.0 10.8 105.63 76.82 89.28 6.10 84.51 90.14 0 CLADOCERA (TOTAL) g 0 EOSh1HIDAE 63.38 60.82 57.81 4.28 7.0 005t11tiID AE ( LPIL) 45.07 61.97

 .         1 W         0      CHYDORIDAE                                                                                                                 0.97    0.2 0.0            0.0           3.52          3.20             1.68 C;O         6      CHYDCRIDAE (LPIL)

N O DAFHNIDAE 9.60 28.13 6.59 3.4 D AFHNI A ( LP11) 39.44 28.17 35.21 N 6 0 r1ACROTHRICIDAE 0.88 0.88 0.1 0.0 0.0 3.52 0.0 1 ILYOCRYPTUS SORDIDUS l' 0 SIDIDAE 3.20 0.80 0.80 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 l/d 6 SIDIDAE ELPIL) 750.00 556.98 709.14 119.93 85.8 0 COPEF0DA (TOTAL) 1030.99 493.59 0 CALAt:0IDA (TOTAL) 31.69 41.61 32.41 3.18 3.9 1 DI APTOMUS ASHL AtlDI 28.17 28.17 12.14 3.4 33.60 8.45 59.86 9.60 27.93 1 DI APT 0f tOS i1II:UTUS 3.52 0.0 0.83 0.88 0.1 0.0 0.0 1 DI APTGMUS ( LPIL) 3.52 0.0 1.58 0.93 0.2 0.0 2.32

    -      1          lit!HCCALANUS (1ACRURUS                                                              307.30          453.58         108.02 54.9 749.30         278.87         478.87 lo     14 0

CALANGIDA (LPIL) C)CLOFOIDA (TOTAL) 0.0 8.45 14.08 6.40 7.23 2.91 0.9 e 1 CiCLCPS DICUSPIDATUS THOMASI 0.70 0.70 0.1 1 CYCLOPS VERHALIS 0.0 2.82 0.0 0.0 g 214.08 166.20 151.41 192.06 180.94 13.68 21.9 3 14 CYCLOPOIDA ( LPIL)

        ,O         HARPACTICOIDA (TOTAL)                                                                                                     1.39     0.3 Q                                                             5.63            0.0           3.52          0.0              2.29

1 HARPACTICOIDA ELPIL) 0.0 0.0 0.70 0.70 0.1 0.0 2.82

    $     14       HARPACTICOIDA (LFIL)                                                         3.52          0.0              0.88          0.83     0.1 HARPACTICOIDA (LPIL)                           0.0             0.0 3       0 0.0             0.0           3.52          3.20             1.68          0.97     0.2 g       0 DIPTERA HEMATCCERA (TOTAL)
    -       0      CHIRGH0HIDAE                                                                               3.20             1.68          0.97     0.2 0.0            0.0           3.52 1       2      CHIROHOMIDAE ( LPIL)
  • 122.11 100.0 1149.30 616.90 880.28 659.41 826.47 0 . TOTAL 2.25 2.14 2.09 0.14 3 1.69 2.27
        -DIVERSITY (H PRIt1C )


                                                                                -          REL X    S.E. ABX LS       TAXA 1    2    3    4 0.53 0.63 0.59 0.60 0.59  0.02 DIVERSITY (J PRIME)                                                 14   12   17 HUttBER OF TAXA                                            9   12 ABOVE COMPUTED USItiG SAMPLE IOS 21        22          23        24 P

s, 9 O g CD 3 PG j -4 8 '. N 2 U g r-a e W b i o


        .4ID      DATE       TIME D/H U: LITS C   SD     WD                                                                                   0.0 0 0 0 0       0.0  0 0.0   0.0  0   0.0     0 0.0  0.0 31  4/29/79          0 0     0.0 0    0.0    0.0 0.0  0     11.9 3 0.0 0  0 0 0 0       0.0  0 0.0   0.0  0   0.0     0 0.0  0.0  0.0 0 32  4/29/79          0 0     0.0 0    0.0    0.0 0.0  0     11.9 3 0.0 0  0 0 0 0       0.0  0 0.0   0.0  0   0.0     0 0.0  0.0  0.0 0 33  4/29/79          0 0     0.0 0    0.0    0.0 0.0  0     11.9 3 0.0 0  0 0 0 0       0.0  0 0.0   0.0  0   0.0     0 0.0  0.0  0.0 0 34  4/29/79          0 0     0.0 0    0.0    0.0 0.0  0     11.9 3 0.0 0  0
                                                                                                                            -                  REL X           S.E. AB%

LS TAXA 1 2 3 4 4.20 0.0 4.20 0.0 2.10 1.21 0.2 0 NEHATCCA (TOTAL) 0.0 2.10 1.21 0.2 4.20 0.0 4.20 1 t Et1ATODA (LPIL) 0.0 1.05 1.05 0.1 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTAL) 4.20 0.0 0.0 0 ilAIDIDAE 0.0 1.05 1.05 0.1 ilAIDIDAE (LPIL) 4.20 0.0 0.0 1 5.7 0 CLADOCERA (TOTAL) 67.23 47.62 58.82 31.51 51.30 7.72 0 BOSt!ItJIDAE B0st1IllIDAE ( LPIL) 29.41 22.41 29.41 3.50 21.18 6.12 2.4 t4 1 h 0 1 CllYDORIDAE CliYDORUS ( LPIL) 4.20 0.0 8.40 0.0 3.15 2.01 0.^ CC 4.20 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.05 1.05 0. 1 EURYCERCUS LAMELLATUS O DAPilt!ID AE 1.05 0.1

  • 4.20 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.05 1 DAFII!!IA GALEATA MEtCOTAE 6 DAFittlIA ( LPIL) 21.01 25.21 16.81 28.01 22.76 2.45 2.5 DAP;iHIDAE ( LPIL1 4.20 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.05 1.05 0.1 s~ 6 g 0 SIDIDAE 1.05 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.20 0.0 1.05 g 6 SIDIDAE ( LPIL) 49.91 94.0 0 COFEFODA (TGTALI 983.19 854.34 781.51 763.30 845.59 0 CALA!:0IDA (TOTAL) 0.70 0.70 0.1 0.0 2.80 0.0 0.0 1 DIAPTC:'US OREGONEt! SIS 9.81 6.6 67.23 33.61 79.83 56.02 59.17
#        1        DIAR TO !US ASitLAt:3I DIAPTOMUS SICILIS                               0.0            5.60           0.0          0.0             1.40        1.40   0.2
9. 1 7.00 26.26 10.96 2.9 8 1 DIAPTOMUS 111t:UTUS 50.42 39.22 8.40 3 4.20 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.05 1.05 0.1 1 LItt:10CALAtlUS MACRURUS 0.0 5.60 4.P0 7.00 4.20 1.51 0.5 14 LItt!!0CALA!!US ttACRURUS 14 CALAt:010A (LPIL) 714.29 647.06 584.03 619.75 641.23 27.54 71.3 g 0 CYCLOFOIDA (TOTAL) 1 CICLOPS DICtsSPIDATUS THOt1ASI 42.02 33.61 12.61 14.01 25.56 7.29 2.8 g 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.50 0.88 0.63 0.1 1 EUCYCLOPS AGILIS 0 0.0 2.80 0.0 0.0 0.70 0.70 0.1 1 TROFOCYCLOPS ( LPIL) l 14 CYCLOFOIDA ( LPIL) 105.04 84.03 92.44 56.02 84.38 900.03 10.39 9.4 57.28 100.0 794.82 b TOTAL 1058.82 901.96 1.63 644.54 1.66 1.28 1.60 0.12
f. DIVERSITY (H FRIt!E) 1.84 0.48 0.(7 0.48 0.40 0.46 0.02 8, DIVERSITY (J FRIttE) 14UtGER OF TAXA 14 11 11 9 19 O


HORTHERH IllDIAt3A PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAIIY (49720) o BAILLY GEllERATING PLA IT ZOOPLANKTOH DENSITY (NUMBER $/sBlC MLIE A) REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 51 51 0 0 10 DURATICil TOW SAMP VOL WINU CURENT TEMP SID DATE TIME D/N Ut1ITS C SD WD SP O Ut4ITS C SECH W T SC SI CL SP Di AIR WAT BT TUPCD cot:0 DO Fil SAlti P 41 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 42 4/20/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 43 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 C.0 0.0 0.0 0 44 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL LS TAXA X S.E. A67.

                                                                ?               2            3             4 0 NEMATODA (TOTAL)                                  97.22            62.50        55.56         90.28          76.39         10.22    4.7 1 ilEt1ATCDA (LPILI                                 97.22            62.50        55.56         90.28          76.39         10.22    4.7 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTAL)                               34.72           118.06        46.30         27.78          56.71         20.80    3.5 0      ftAIDIDAE 1         CHAETCGASTER ( LPIL)                        0.0             0.0          9.26          0.0            2.31          0.31    0.1 1      NAIDIDAE (LPIL)                              34.72           118.06        37.04         27.78          54.40         21.31    3.3 0 CL ADDCERA (TOTAL)                                41.67            34.72       101.85         90.28          67.13         16.93    4.1 f          0      LOSilillIDAE

<b 1 EOS!!IllIDAE ( LPIL) 20.83 20.83 55.56 34.72 32.99 8.00 2.0 CD 0 CHYDCRIDAE N 1 AL0ftA QUADRAT?5ULARIS 6.94 0.0 9.06 0.0 4.05 2.39 0.2

.y        1         CilVDORUS ( LPIL)                           0.0             6.94        18.52          6.94           8.10          3.84    0.5 1         EURTCERCUS LAttELLATUS                      0.0             0.0          9.26          0.0            2.31          2.31    0.1 0      DAFH!1IDAE b          1         DAFH!ilA FULEX                              6.94            0.0          0.0           0.0            1.74          1.74    0.1 U          6         DAFHt4I A ( LPIL)                           6.94            6.94         9.26         4G.61          17.94         10.24    1.1 h          0 COPEFODA (TOTAL)                                1298.61          1409.72     1675.92        1333.33        1429.40         85.39 87.5 0      CALAt:01DA (TOTAL) 1         DI APTCt US ASHLAt:DI                     90.23            62.50        92.59         20,83          66.55         16.70    4.1 1         DIAPTCtUS SICILIS                           6.94            6.94         9.26          6.94           7.52          0.58    0.5
#         1         DI APTCt:US t1II:UTUS                     27.78           104.17        55.56         34.72          55.56         17.24    3.4 S       14         L1t'.!!OCf.LAt:US NACRURUS                  6.94            0.0          0.0           0.0            1.74          1.74    0.1
 #       14      CALAt:3ID A ( LPIL )                        875.00           840.28       981.48        831.94         894.oS         30.34 54.8 fg       0 1

CYCLOFOID A (TOTALI C) CLOPS EICUSPIDATUS THCMASI 27.78 27.78 27.78 34.72 29.51 1.74 1.8 g 1 CYCLOPS VERilALIS 6.94 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.74 1.74 0.1 e 14 CYCLOPOIDA (LPIL) 250.00 347.22 472.22 354.17 355.90 45.43 21.8

       .O        HARPAC. COID A (lOTAL)
 }--      1      HARPACTICOID A ( LPIL)                         0.0            1!.89        27.78          0.0           10.42          6.65    0.6 14      HARPACTICOIDA (LPIL)                           6.94            6.94         9.26          0.0            5.79          2.00    0.4 g       0 TARDICRADA (TOTAL)                                  0.0            13.89         0.0           0.0             3.47         3.47    0.2 g       1 TARDICRADA ( LPIL)                                  0.0            13.89         0.0           0.0             3.47         3.47    0.2 TOTAL                                              1472.22          1633.89     1879.63        1541.66        1633.10         89.00 100.0
  #,,. DIVERSITY (H FRIt E)                                   2.07            2.27         2.22          1.97           0.14          0.07 0    . DIVERSITY (J PRIME )                                   0.53            0.61         0.57          0.57           0.57          0.02


                                                                          -      REL LS        TAXA                                                     X S.E. At1%

1 2 3 4 ABOVE COMPUTED USIt4G SAMPLE IDS 41 42 43 44 U ~ S S e 3 C C:3 e

     .- s r

o ~ 3 5 - e LJ


1 o 3

110RTHD't It01AllA PUBLIC SERVICli COttPAt4Y (49720 ' , o

                                                                                                                                                                      \M EAILLY ;Et ERATIt;G PLAltf                                            ,



SID DATE tit 1E D/II Uillis C SD W3 SP D LPtITS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 51 4/29/79 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 1/ 52 4/29/79 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 53 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 54 4/2?/79 0 0 0 3 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 - REL X S.E. AB% LS TAXA 4 1 2 3 7,04 23.47 21.13 17.61 17.31 3.63 2.0 0 11ENATODA (TOTAL) 23.47 21.13 17.61 17.31 3.63 2.0 1 tCt1ATODA ( LPIL) 7.0. 9.39 7.04 3.52 5.87 1.44 0.7 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTAL) 3.52 0 t4AIDID AE 3.52 5.87 1.44 0.7 3.52 9.39 7.04 1 HAIDIC AE ( LPIL) 14.0B 39.61 9.47 4.6 0 CLADOCERA (TOTAL) 42.25 42.25 59.86 m 0 EOStill!IDAE 12.91 5.63 1.5 COST 11tlIDAE ( LPIL) 0.3 23.47 21.13 7.04

  -       1 0       0      CHYDORIDAE 0.0            0.0              6.16         6.16   c.7 O         0         ALCtlA ( LPIL)                                        24.65           0.0 10.56           0.0              0.0            0.0              2.64         2.64   t, . '

N 1 CHYDORUS (LPIL) N O DAPHilIDAE 15.26 7.70 1.8 6 DAPlillI A t LPIL) 7.04 18.78 35.21 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.04 1.76 1.76 G.2 , 1 DAPH!ilA ( LPIL) 0 HOLOPEDIDAE l 7 HOLOFEDIUM ( LPIL) 0.0 0.0 3.52 0.0 0.88 0.88 0.1 f 785.21 86b.54 788.73 746.48 797.24 25.62 92.5 @ 0 COP *F0DA (TOT AL) 0 CALAt:0IDA (TOTAL) 81.67 11.53 9.5 DIAPTOt US ASitLAtlDI 73.94 98.59 102.11 52.82 1 1.11 1,17 0.1 0.0 4.69 0.0 0.0 1 DIAPict:Uc PALLIDUS 3.52 3.81 1.47 0.4

    #                                                                      0.0            4.69             7.04 1         DIAPict!US SICILIS                                                                                                    41.37         8.79   4.8 E     1         DIAPier:US tilt:UTUS                                  45.77          42.25           59.86          l 'I . 61 3.52            3.52             1.76        1.02   0.2 8     1          LItt 0CALAt:US ttACRURUS                              n.0            0.0 22.50 53.4 426.06           474.18          422.53         517.61            460.09 h   14       CALAt:3ID A ( LPIL )

3 0 C)CLCPOIPA (TOTAL) 24.65 23.77 5.45 2.8 1 CtCLOPS DICUSPIDATUS THOMASI 17.61 14.08 38.73 g 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.52 0.83 0.03 0.1 6 1 CYCLOPS VER*1D IS 180.75 26.93 21.0 221.83 23C.25 151.41 119.72 14 CYCL 0001D A ( LPlu)

    -     O      ffARPACTICOIDA (TOTAL 1                                                                                   3.52            0.83         0.83   0.1 0.0            0.0              0.0 g     1       HARPACTICOIDA (LPIL)                                                                                                                  9.83   0.1 0.0            0.0              3.52            0.0              0.88 g    14       HARPACTICOIDA (LPIL)                                                                                                      0.88        0.88   0.1 0.0            0.0              3.52            0.0 g      0 AttriiIPOD A (TOTAll
    -     0       HAUSTCRIIDAE                                                                                                                          0.88   0.1 I                rot 1 Torc 2EIA ( LPIL)                               0.0            0.0              1.52            0.0              0.88 6                                                                                                                                             0.88   0.1 0.0            0.0              3.52            0.0              0.88 E      O DIPTERA ttEt1ATOCERA (TOTAL)

O a CHIP 0 Tt1TDa


                                                                                         -           REL LS        TAXA                                                                        X    S.E. AB%

1 2 3 4 6 CHIROtlCt1IDAE I LPIL) 0.0 0.0 3.52 0.0 0.88 0.88 0.1 TOTAL 838.03 943.66 883.80 781.69 861.79 34.36 100.0 DIVERSITY (H PRIME ) 2.04 2.15 2.48 1.77 2.11 0.15 DIVERSITY (J rRIt1El 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.48 0.59 0.04 t1UNDER OF TAXA 10 11 15 13 19 ADOVE COMPUTED USIttG SAMPLE IOS 51 52 53 54 .M e 9 S e 3 0 CD

 #    r0 M    -y o

2 y .~ g List

 #    N b

1 o 3

It0RTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAllY (49720) o BAILLY GENERATING PLAllT ZOOPLAttKTOtt DEt1SITY (NUM8(PS/LU8 K ME TE R) REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 551510010 DURATICH TOW SAMP VOL wit 1D Ct9ENT TEMP SID DATE TIME D/N dtilTS C SD WD SP D UNITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR W1T BT TURBD COND 00 PH SALH P 61 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 11.9 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 62 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 C 0.0 e.2 0.0 0 11.9 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 63 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 ' ' O.0 0 11.9 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 64 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 J.0 0.0 0 11.9 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                             -                    REL LS        TAXA                                                                                                          X             S.E. AB%

1 2 3 4 0 PEMATODA (TOTAL) 6.72 16.81 10.50 0.0 8.51 3.52 0.8 1 NEttATODA (LPIL) 6.72 16.81 10.50 0.0 8.51 3.52 0.8 0 OLIGCCllAETA (TOTAL) 3.36 16.81 3.50 0.0 5.92 3.72 0.6 0 HAIDIDAE 1 HAIDIDAE (LPILI 3.36 16.81 3.50 0.0 5.92 3.72 0.6 0 CLADCCERA (TOTAL) 16.81 84.03 24.51 40.34 41.40 15.02 3.9 0 00SilINID12 .M 1 000!!INIDAE (LPIL) 10.08 42.02 17.51 10.08 19.92 7.57 1.9 H 0 DAFHl1IDAE o 6 D APHt:IA ( LPIL) 6.72 42.02 7.00 30.25 21.50 8.78 2.0 C.D 0 COPEFCDA (TOTAL) 668.91 1857.14 717.79 800.17 1016.00 282.15 94.8 N O CALAt:01DA (TOTAL) N 1 DI APT 0!!US ASHLAt DI 6.72 42.02 28.01 50.42 31.79 9.55 3.0 1 DIAPTCMUS SICILIS 0.0 0.0 3.50 0.0 0.83 0.88 0.1 1 DIAPTCMUS ItINUTUS 60.50 67.23 14.01 60.50 50.56 12.29 4.7

  "                                                                            16.81             0.0          0.0            4.20           4.20   0.4 1       LItt:tOCALAttU3 MACRURUS                         0.0 U     14    CALAt:0IDA ( LPIL )                              497.43          1411.76          56.23       571.43         761.97         217.26 71.1 CO     O    CYCLOFOIDA iTOTAL) 1       C) CLOPS EICUSPIDATUS THCHASI                    6.72           25.21            10.50        10.03          13.13           4.11   1.2 14    CYCLOPOID A ( LPIL )                               94.12          285.71            94.54       124.37         149.68          45.89 14.0

O. 1 HARPACTICOTDA ( LPIL) 0.0 8.40 0.0 3.36 2.94 1.99 0.3 j 14 HARDACTICOIDA (LPIL) 3.36 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.84 0.84 0.1 O 695.80 1974.79 756.30 860.50 1071.65 302.90 100.0 g YOTAL g DIVERSITY (H FRIt1E l 1.46 1.56 1.40 1.66 1.52 0.06 DIVERSITY (J PRIME ) 0.44 0.45 0.42 0.55 0.47 0.03 e 8 12

    .UUt! DER OF TAXA                                              10              11               10 Q


$                           el         62          63        64 y

b i

HORTHERN ItJDIA14A PUBLIC SERVICE CottPAliY (49720) o BAILLY GEHERAT!HG PLANT ZOOPLANKTON DEllSITY ime-JFts/Eunit METER) REPLICATF REPORT PC TC bc LOC 5 51 51 0 1 00 DURATI0tl TOW SAMP VOL WIttD CURENT TEMP DAi2 tit 1E D/H Ut4ITS C WD SP D UllITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED cot 1D 00 PH SALN P SID SD 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 71 4/22/79 0.0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.3 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 72 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 73 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 3.6 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.6 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 74 4/29/79 0.0

                                                                                                                              -                    REL LS        TAXA                                                                                                        X             S.E. ABX 1               2              3             4 31.75          23.15         16.03           24.67           3.38   2.0 0 HEMATODA (TOTAL)                                    27.78 27.78           31.75          23.15         16.03           24.67           3.3S   2.0 1 NEttATODA ( LPIL)                                                                                                                       0.5 7.94            0.0           13.89          5. 3'e          6.79           2.89 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTAL) 0    t4AIDIDAE 1    tlAIDIDAE (LPIL)                                  0.0             0.0            0.0           5.34            1.34           1.34   0.1 13.89          0.0             5.46           3.33   0.4 19     fl%IDIDAE (LPIL)                                  7.94            0.0 0 CLAbOCERA (TOTAL)                                   27.78           63.49          41.67         48.08           45.25           7.41   3.6 tn      0    BOSilINIDAE 1    00SitINIDAE (LPIL)                               15.87           31.75          18.52         32.05           24.55           4.28   2.0 g

H 0 CinDCRIDAE 3 CHYDORUS (LPIL) 0.0 0.0 9.26 0.0 2.31 2.31 0.2 3.97 9.26 5.34 4.64 1.91 0.4 CO 1 EURYCERCUS LAttELLATUS 0.0 h ', O D AFHt4ID AE - . 6 DAPHilI A ( LPIL) 3.97 31.75 4.63 10.68 12.76 6.51 1.0 0 NACROTHRICIDAE NACROTHRICIDAE (LPIL) 3.97 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.99 0.99 0.1 6 kN 0 COPEF00A (TOT AL) 904.76 1849.21 925.93 3 % e.96 1173.71 226.43 93.9 l?4 0 CAL AMOID A ( TOT AL) 27.78 119.05 37.04 32.05 53.93 21.77 4.3 Q l DIAPTCt1US ASHLANDI 0.0 2.31 2.31 0.2 1 DIAPTO:US SICILIS 0.0 0.0 9.26 DIAPTO"US HINUTUS 31.75 103.17 50.13 90.81 69.16 16.73 5.5 1

    -     1       lit 3DCALAtUS HACRURUS                         3.97            0.0            0.0           0.0              0.99          0.99   0.1 14      CALAtt0IDA ( LPIL)                            682.54          1500.00         712.96        705.13          900.16         200.05 72.0 g     0     CYCLOPOIDA (TOTAL) 3.97            7.94          18.52         10.68           10.28           3.07   0.8 3     1       CYCLOPS BICUSPIDATUS THOMASI 1       CiCLOPS VERHALIS                               0.0             0.0            9.26          0.0             2.31           2.31   0.2 g                                                                                                                       125.55          16.14 10.0 e   14      CYCLOPolDA (LPIL)                             142.86           111.11          87.96        160.26 Q  .O       HARPACTICOIDA (TOTAL) 1     HARPACTICOIDA ( LPIL)                            3.97            7.94           0.0           5.34            4.31           1.66   0.3 19      HARPACTICOIDA ( LPIL)                            7.94            0.0            0.0          10.68            4.66           2.75   0.4 g
    .                                                                                                                      1250.43         232.61 100.0 g   TOTAL                                                 968.25          1944.44       1604.63        1084.40 1.61            1.35           1,76          1.80             1.63          0.10
    -   DIVERSITY (H PRI.iE )

I DIVEUITY (J PRIME) 0.44 0.43 0.48 0.52 0.46 0.02 IlUMBER OF TAXA 13 9 13 11 16 E. o ABOVE COMPUTED USING SAftPLE IDS 71 72 73 74

HORTHESH INDIANA FUBLIC SERVICE COMPAHf (49720) o BAILLY GEHERATING PLANT 200PLAHKTON PiNSITY (Nun 8ERS/CUBBC METER) REPLICATE REPiRT PC TC GC LOC 5 51 51 0 1 00 DURATI0tt TOW SAMP VOL WIND CUREllT TEMP SID DATE TIME D/H UNITS C 30 WD SP D UNITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED COND 00 FH SAlli P 81 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 82 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 83 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 C4 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 7.1 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                          -                      REL LS        TAXA                                                                                                     X             5.E. AB%

1 2 3 4 0 HEMATOD A (TOTAL) 0.0 0.0 7.04 4.69 2.93 1.76 0.3 1 tt:MATOD A ( LPIL ) 0.0 0.0 7.04 4.69 2.93 1.76 0.3 0 CLADOCERA (TOTAL) 51.64 112.68 28.17 23.47 53.99 20.51 5.2 O BOSHINIDAE 1 DOCHINIDAE (LPIL) 28.17 46.95 17.ol 14.08 26.70 7.38 2.6 0 DAPHNIDAE 6 DAFHNI A (LPIL) 23.47 0.0 10.56 9.39 10.86 4.82 1.1 [1 1 DAPHNI A (LPIL) 0.0 61.03 0.0 0.0 15.26 15.26 1.5 Fa 0 LEPTODORIDAE bJ 6 LEPT 000 RID 3E ( LPIL) 0.0 4.69 0.0 0.0 1.17 1.17 0.1 0 COPEF0DA (TOTAL) 1046.95 1000.00 848.59 995.39 972.71 42.93 94.4 C:D 0 CALAMOIDA (TOTAL)

sj 1 DIAPTOMUS ASHLANDI 46.95 18.78 10.56 14.08 22.59 8.29 2.2
  ,4     1       DIAPTOMUS SIC.iIS                            0.0             0.0           0.0            9.39            2.35           2.35    0.0 1       DIAPTOMUS tlINUTUS                          75.12           79.01         10.56          46.95          53.11          15.93     5.2 1        LIHMOCALAtlUS !!ACRURUS                      0.0             0.0           0.0            4.69            1.17           1.17    0.1

'N 14 CALAtlOID A ( LPIL) 755.87 798.12 718.31 779.34 732.91 17.20 74.0 45^ 0 CYCLOFOIDA (TOTAll C3_ 1 riCLOPS BICUSPIDATUS THOMASI 9.39 9.39 7.04 14.08 9.98 1.43 1.0 g 1 CYCLOFS (LPIL) 0.0 0.0 3.52 0.0 0.68 0.83 0.1 O 14 CYCLOPOIDA (L'IL) 154.93 93.90 91.55 122.07 115.61 14.83 11.2 if 0 HARPACTICOID A (TOTAL) HARPACTICOIDA (LPIL) 1.76 0.2 3 1 0.0 0.0 7.04 0.0 1.76 0 14 HARPACTICOID A ( LPIL) 4.69 0.0 0.0 4.69 2.35 1.35 0.2 0 0 TARDIGRADA (TOTAL) 0.0 4.69 0.0 0.0 1.17 1.17 0.1 g 1 TARDICRADA ( LPIL) 0.0 4.69 0.0 0.0 1.17 1.17 0.1 h[ . TOTAL 1098.59 1117.37 883.80 1023.47 1030.81 53.03 100.0 0 DIVERSITY (H FRIME ) 1.58 1.56 1.12 1.36 1.40 0.11 0 DIVERSITY (J FRIME) 0.53 0.49 0.34 0.39 0.44 0.04

  #    tRRtBER OF TAXA                                            8               9            10             11               14 (1



81 82 83 84 0

llORTHERN Itt0IAtlA HJ3LIC SERVICE COMPANY (49720) o BAILLY GEllERATIt;G PLAtiT I ZOOPLAtlKTOtt DENSITY (huMBEPVCUSIC METER) REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 5 51 51 0 1 00 DURATICH TOW SAMP VOL WIND CURENT T Et'P TIME D/H UtlITS C SD WD SP D UNITS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TLR6D COtD 00 PH SALH P SID DATE 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 11.9 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 91 4/29/79 0.0 0 11.9 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 92 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 11.9 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 93 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 11.9 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 94 4/29/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0

                                                                                                                       -                 REL X          S.E. ABX LS       TAXA 1              2              3            4 2.80          11.20           2.21         8.40            6.16        2.19   1.0 0 NEMATODA (TOTAL) 11.20           2.21         8.40            6.16        2.19   1.0 1 net 1AT004 ( LPIL)                               2.80 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTAL)                              5.60           2.80           0.0          2.80            2.80        1.14   0.4 0     HAIDIDAE 0.0          2.80            2.80        1.14   0.4 1     NAIDIDAE (LPIL)                              5.60           2.80 0 CLADDCERA (TOTAL)                               33.61          30.81         22.11         19.61           26.54        3.37   4.2 0     BOS!!It4IDAE EOst11HIDAE (LPIL)                          16.81          14.01         11.06         14.01           13.97        1.17   2.2 en        1 O     CHYDORIDAE 2.80           0.0          0.0             0.70        0.70   0.1 C         1       CH100RUS ( LPIL)                           0.0 0.0            0.0            0.0          2.80            0.70        0.70   0.1 1       EURICERCUS LA!!ELLATUS 0     DAPHNIDAE

6 DAFHilI A ( LPIL) 16.81 14.01 11.06 0.0 10.47 3.68 1.7 N 0 HOLGPEDIDAE N 6 HOLOPEDIDAE (LPIL) 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.80 0.70 0.70 0.1 0 COPEPCD A (TJT AL) 532.21 722.69 429.01 703.08 596.75 70.40 94.2

 %       0     CALAt:3ID A (TOTAL) 1       DI APTCt1US ASHLAt!DI                     19.22          53.22         24.33         50.42           41.80        6.56   6.6 g                                                                         2.80           0.0          0.0             0.70        0.70   0.1 1       DIAPTCitus PALLIDUS                        0.0

l DIAPTC:tus SICILIS 0.0 5.60 0.0 0.0 1.40 1.40 0.2 1 DIAPTCrtUS ttINUTUS 8.40 50.42 11.06 36.41 26.57 10.15 4.2 l- 1 LIttNOCALANU3 t1ACRURUS 5.60 2.80 0.0 2.80 2.80 1.14 0.4 l0 14 0 CALAN 01DA ( LPIL) CYCLCFOIDA (TOTAL) 400.56 599.44 322.87 473.39 449.06 53.80 70.9 e 1 CYCLOPS BICUS"IDATUS THOMASI 5.60 2.80 6.63 30.61 11.46 6.50 1.8 1 CYCLOPS VER!!ALIS 0.0 2.83 0.0 0.0 0.70 0.70 0.1 g 3 14 CYCLOTOID A ( LPIL) 72.83 0.0 61.92 86.83 55.40 19.lo 8.7

      ., 0     HARPACTICOIDA (TOTAL)
  ]==    6       LCit3IPEDIA (LPIL)                         0.0            0.0            0.0         22.41            5.60        5.60   0.9 g     14     HARPACTICOIDA ( LPIL)                        0.0            2.80           2.21         0.0             1.25        0.73   0.2 3      0 DIPTER A t;E!!ATOCERA (TOTAL)                    0.0            0.0            0.0          5.60            1.40        1.40   0.2 g      0     CHIRCtC:1IDAE CHIROSCitit?At (LPIL)                        0.0            0.0            0.0          5.60            3.40        1.40   0.2 y      2 b     TDTAL                                             574.23 1,63 767.50 1.36 453.34 1.52 739.49 1.95 633.64 1.62 73.69 100.0 0.12 0   _ DIVERSITY (H FRIttEI 3   -DIVERSITY (J PRlt1E)                                 J.49           0.36           0.48         0.53            0.46        0.04


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                                                                              -          REL LS       TAXA                                                              X    S.E. AB%

1 2 3 4 DIVERSITY (J FRINE) 0.76 0.56 0.58 0.64 0.64 0.04 tlUTCER OF TAXA 9 13 15 13 18 ADOVE COMFUTED USIt1G SAMPLE IDS 101 102 103 104 f O S e j CD

. m a N O

d L -J O b E 1

o 9 880 01 10 4, 1850 010 0 1119 01150219 100101 L% . . EB 551 10 C8 4 0000 020 0 0004 03030005 200090 RA 8 4 2 337 77 79 8 4145 505 9 2660 35969604 039334

               . 005          57                  4      6095            353            2     3661                   2957284,9                     022576 E        .       -         7. C                 , .                                                 .

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           - X     001          10      37          3      0960            050            0     0009                   08110216                      400010 771          1              9    5                           2                              2              3   4            5     2             5 0                               5                   3 1

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LS TAXA X S.E. AB% 4 5 6 0 ilENATODA ( TOTAL) 76.39 17.31 8.51 34.07 01.31 2.9 1 11EtlATODA ( LPIL1 76.39 17.31 8.51 34.07 21.31 2.9 0 OLIG 0CilAETA (TOTAL) 56.71 5.37 5.92 22.83 16.94 1.9 0 ilAIDIDAE 1 CilAETOGASTER (LPIL) 2.31 0.0 0.0 0.77 0.77 0.1 1 t1AIDIDAE (LPIL) 54.40 5.87 5.92 22.06 16.17 1.9 0 CLLDCCERA (TOTAL) 67.13 39.61 A1.42 49.39 8.89 4.2 0 LOStIItlIDAE 1 B EttIllIDAE ( LPIL) 32.99 12.91 I?.*2 21.94 5.88 1.8 0 ChY.)ORID AE 1 ALCilA CUADRAtlGULARIS 4.05 0.0 0.0 1.35 1 0.1 0 ALCll A ( LPIL ) 0.0 6.16 0.0 2.05 2.uS 0.2 1 CH1DORUS ( LPIL) 8.10 2.64 0.0 3.58 2.39 0.3 1 EURYCERCUS LA!!ELLATUS 2.31 0.0 0.0 0.77 0.77 0.1 M 0 DAFH!l!DAE 1 DAFiltlIA PULEX 1.74 0.0 0.0 0.58 0.58 0.0 e 6 DAPHilI A ( LPIL) 17.94 15.26 cl.50 18.23 1.81 1.5 g 1 DAFHilI A (LPIL) 0.0 1.76 0.0 0.59 0.59 0.0 0 HOLOPEDIDAE 6 HOLOFEDIUi1 ( LPTL) 0.0 0.88 0.0 0.29 0.29 0.0 0 COPEFODA (TOTAL) 1429.40 J 797.*4 1016.00 1080.e8 le5.35 90.9 0 CALAtJOIDA (TOTAL) Ls 1 DIAPTC:tUS ASHLAt!DI 66.55 81.87 31.79 60.07 14.81 5.1

p. 1 DIAPTO:1US PALLIDUS 0.0 1.17 0.0 0.39 0.39 0.0 q l '.PTO:US SICILIS 7.52 3 81 0.88 4.C7 1.92 0.3 1 )IAPICitUS #11t:UTUS 5F.56 41.37 G0.56 49.16 4.15 ^1 1 LIttt:0CALAt;US 11ACRURUS 0.0 1.76 4.20 1.99 1.22 0.2 14 lit:::CC ALANUS t1ACRURUS 1.74 0.0 0.0 C.58 0.53 0.0 g 460.09 761.97 705.58 128.58 59.3 g 14 CALAt OIDA ( LPIL) 894.68 g

0 C)CLCFOIDA (TOTAL) 3 1 CYCLOPS BICUSP;DATUS THot1ASI 29.51 23.77 13.13 22.14 4.80 1.9 0 1 CYCLOPS VEFilALIS 1.74 0.88 0.0 0.87 0.50 0.1 0 14 CYCLOPOID A ( LPIL) 355.90 180.75 149.68 228.78 64.19 19.2 3 0 HAPPACTICOID A ( TOTAL) S 1 HARPACTICOICA ( LPIL) 10.42 0.88 2.94 4.75 2.90 2.4 HARPACTICOID A ( LPIL1 5.79 0.88 3.84 2.50 1.64 0.2 2 14 0.29 0.0 g" O AMPilIF0DA (TOTAL) 0.0 0.88 0.0 0.29 g (, HAUSTORIIDAE W 6 Po!!TOFOREI A ( LPIL ) 0.0 0.88 0.0 0.29 0.29 0.0 gg 0 DIPTERA i:E!!aTC' ~RA (TOTAL) 0.0 0.C8 0.0 0.29 0.29 0.0 y 0 C!11RCt CitID AE 0.0 0.29 0.29 0.e 6 CHIRO:43:1ID AE ( LPIL) 0.0 0.88 E 0 TARDIGRADA (TOTAL) 3.47 0.0 0.0 1.16 1.16 e.1 l 1 TARDIGRADA (LPIL) 3.47 0.0 0.0 1.16 1.16 0.1


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                                                                                         -             REL LS          TAXA                                                                X      S.E. ABX 3       6        10 1         DIAPTottUS I LPIL)                        0.29    0.0       0.0     0.10    0.10   0.0 1         lit 2:0CALANUS ttACRURUS                 2.16     1.99      7.10    3.75    1.68   0.3 14          LIttNCCALAt:US NACRURUS                   1.40    0.58      0.0     0.66    0.41   0.0 14       CALANDIDA ( LPIL)                         556.53   705.58   1014.78  758.96  134.95 52.3 0      CYCLOPOIDA (TOTAL) 1         CYCLOPS BICUOPIDATUS THOMASI            24.88    22.14     46.87   31.30    7.83   2.2 1         CYCLOPS VERHALIS                          0.23    0.87      2.60    1.2%    0.71   0.1 1         EUC) CLOPS AGILIS                        0.29     0.0       2.60    0.97    0.82   0.1 1         TROP 0 CYCLOPS ( LPIL)                    0.69    0.0       0.0     0.30    0.30   0.0 14       CYCLOPOIDA (LPIL)                         351.62   228.78    366.61  322.34   47.86 22.2 1      C)CLOPOIDA ( LPIL)                           0.64    0.0       0.0     0.21    0.21   0.0 0      HARPACTICOIDA ITOTAL) 1      HARPACTICOIDA (LPlL)                        8.67     4.75      0.0     4.47    2.51   0.3 14       HARPACTICOIDA ( LPIL)                        0.23    2.50      0.0     0.91    0.80   0.1 p3          0      HARPACTICOID A ( LPIL)                       0.29    0.0       0.0     0.10    0.10   0.0 g           0 Attri(IPODA (TOT AL)                              0.0     0.29      1.89    0.73    0.59   0.1 N           0      HAUSTORIIDAE 6         FONTOFOREI A ( LPIL)                      0.0     0.29      0.0     0.10    0.10   0.0 6 At1FHIF0DA ( LPIL)                                0.0     0.0       1.89    0.63    0.63   0.0 0 DIPTERA t1EttATOCERA (TOTAL)                      2.10    0. 'e9    3.98    2.12    1.06   0.1 0      CHIR 0tiO 1!Dt.E l

2 CHIR 0!!CitID AE ( LPIL ) 2.10 0.0 3.9A 2.03 1.15 0.1 6 CHIRONC;1IDAE ( LPIL) 0.0 0.29 0.0 0.10 9.10 0.0 0 TARDIGRADA (TOTAL) 0.0 1.16 0.0 0.39 39 0.0 1 '. RDIGRADA ( LPIL) 0.0 1.16 0.0 0.39 v.39 0.J TOTAL 1212.19 1188.91 1949.97 1450.36 249.90 100.0 g DIVERSITY (H PRIttE l 2.02 1.92 2.28 2.07 0.11 0 DIVERSITY (J PRIt1C ) 0.57 0.54 0.64 0.58 0.03 g HUtlBER OF TAXA 28 24 18 37 3 O ABOVE CottPUTED USIt G SAMPLE 10S O g 11 12 13 14 9 21 22 23 24 8 31 32 33 34 2 .' 41 42 43 44 F 51 F2 53 63 54 64 9 U 61 62 8 w 101 102 103 104

b. CO 1


L illE ZOOPLAtlKTOld DEllSITY (Nunatas/cusic mEtta) STATION REPORT

                                                                                                      -            REL LS         TAXA                                                                   X     S.E. AB%

7 8 9 0 ilEMATCD A (TOTAL) 24.67 2.93 6.16 11.25 6.77 1.2 1 tlENATCDA ( LPIL) 24.67 2.93 6.16 11.25 6.77 1.2 0 OLICOCHAETA iTOTAL) 6. '9 0.0 2.80 3.20 1.97 0.3

.                    O      flAIDICAE 1      HAIi)IDAE ( LPIL)                       1.3-     G.0    2.80              1.33   0.81   0.1 19      HAIDIDAE ( LPIll                        5.46     0.0    0.0               1.82   1.82   0.2 0 CLADOCEPA (TOTAL)                           45.25    53.99  26.54             41.93   8.10   4.3 0      BOSilIllIDAE 1      COS111tlIDAE ( LPIL)                   24.55    26.70  13.97             21.74   3.93   2.2 0      CHYDORIDAE 1         CHYDORUS ( LPIL)                     2.31     0.0    0.70              1.01   0.69   0.1 1         EURYCERCUS LAME LATUS                4.64     0.0    0.70              1.78   1.44   0.2 0      DAFiiNIDAE 6         DAFH!II A ( LPIL)                   12.76    10.06  10 . 4',          11.36   0.71   1.2 1         D AFHlil A ( LPIL )                  0.0     15.26   0.0               5.09   5.09   0.5 f       C      HOLOFEDIDAE 6      HOLOPEDIDAE (LPIL)                      0.0      0.0    0.70              0.23   0.23   0.0 ba W       0      LEPTCDORIDAE 6      LEPTODORID AE ( LPIL)                   0.0      1.17   0.0               0.39   0.39   0.0 CO
           ,s   s    0      MACROTHRICIDAE 6      ItACROTHRICID AE ( LPIL)                0.99     0.0    0.0               0.33   0.33   0.0 N         0 COPEFCDA (TOTAL)                          1173.71   972.71 596.75            914.39 169.09 94.1 0      CALANOIDA (TOTALI s s       1         DIAPT0!:US ASHLAMDI                 53.98    22.59  41.80             39.46   9.14   4.1 0.03   0.0 w         1 1

DIAPTOMUS PALLIDUS DIAPTOMUS SICILIS 0.0 2.31 0.0 2.35 0.70 1.40 0.2s 2.02 0.31 0.2 m 1 DIAPTC:tUS ttINUTUS 69.16 53.11 26.57 49.62 12.42 5.1

                     '         lit 0;CCALAMUS ttACRURUS             0.99     1.17   2.80              1.66   0 58   0.2
              #     14      CAL A!!OIDA ( LPIL1                   900.16   762.91 449.06            704.04 11 . 50 72.5 0,     O      CYCLOFOIDA (TOTAL )                                                                         '

8 1 C) CLOPS BICUCPI ATUS TH0t1ASI 10.28 9.98 11.40 10.57 u.45 1.1 N 1 CYCLOPS VERilAll- 2.31 0.0 0.70 1.01 0.69 0.1 1 CYCLCPS (LPIL) 0.0 0.88 0.0 0.29 0.29 0.0 h 125.55 115.61 55.40 ,8.85 21.92 10.2 14 CYCLOFOIDA ( LPIL) 0 0 HARPACTICOIDA ( TOTAL 1 6 LOi;3IF DIA ( LPIL) 0.0 0.0 5.60 1.87 1.87 0.2 g 1.76 0.0 2.02 1.25 0.2 i 1 HARPACTICOIDA (LPIL) 4.31 0 14 HARPACTICOIDA (LPIL) 4.66 2.35 1.25 2.75 1.00 0.3 0 DIPTERA !!EllATOCERA (TOTAL) 0.0 0.0 1.40 0.47 0.47 0.0 h 0 CHIRC:011IDAE E

  • CHIR 0!;0MIDAE ILPIL) 0.0 0.0 1.40 0.47 0.47 0.0
f. O TARDIGRADA (TOTAL) 0.0 1.17 1.17 0.0 0.0 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.30 0.0 0.0 R 1 TARDICRAD A ( LPIL) 0.0 0 .

3 -TOTAL 1250.43 1030.81 633.64 971.63 180.49 100.0

o LX EB RA 71

                  . 00 E. 00 S

563 542

               - X      10 269 641 910 044 441 810 366 o.41               ,

710 444 789 ) 0 2 7 9 4 ( Y 333 N 789


A R P E M T O E C M E C S C I S D I U I222 V C 789 R / E 5 L E R S E P 8 M C T n A I l t u S N L A ( G B L ) ) t 111 U P Y t P T EE I789 G I NM S A t t S II U H I H RR

  • A T E T PPA D .

I A D R X E O R O A HJA T P E 4 t P X ( t T U I l 0 E A P . E l T R T YYF M l G K TTO O i R N l t II C E Y A O SSR H L L I RRE E T L P T EED V oJy W R O H I A B O O Z A T S S L VVM IIU DDH O B A s ci- LuN 8SloS n yOeb12 f n>

HORTHERN IN01ANA PUDLIC SERVICE COMPAtlY (49720) o BAILLY GEllEPATIllG PLANT ZOCPLANK10!1 DENSITY (NUMBER $/CUSIC METER) REPLICATE REPORT PC 1C GC LOC 551511100 DURATIOtt TOW SAMP VOL WIllD CURE.'T TEt1P SID DATE TIME D/H UNITS C SD WD SP D UllITS C SECH H T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURBD COliD DO PH SALH P 171 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 C 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 172 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 173 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 n,G 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 174 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

                                                                                                                             -                    REL LS       TAXA                                                                                                      X             S.E. AB%

1 2 3 4 0 Ct'IDARIA (TOTAL) 166.67 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.67 41.67 0.4 0 HYDROZOA 6 HYD9A (LPIL) 166.67 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.67 41.67 0.4 0 NEttATCDA (TOTAL) 9500.00 8'.3.33 833.33 1000.00 3041.67 2153.14 29.7 1 tlEHATODA (LPIL) 9500.00 833.33 833.33 1000.00 3041.67 2153.14 29.7 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTAL) 2166.67 0.0 0.0 0.0 541.67 541.67 5.3 0 HAIDIDAE

  .M       1     NAIDID AE ( LPIL I                         2166.67            0.0            0.0            0.c           541.67         541.67   5.3 b)       0 CLADOCERA (TOTAL)                              3333.33        2500.00        5499.90         1666.67         3250.00        823.55 31.7
  • 0 EOSilINIDAE 1 BOCi1INIDAE ( LPIL) 500.00 500.00 166.67 166.67 331.33 96.22 3.3 0 CHYDORIDAE IV 1 ALCNA RECTANGULA 333.33 0.0 166.67 0.0 125.00 79.79 1.2 N 1 ALOM3 AFFINIS 500.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 125.00 125.00 1.2 1 AL0tlA QUADRAtlGULARIS 0.0 0.0 166.67 0.0 41.67 41.67 0.4 qy 6 AL0t!A ( LPIL) 0.0 0.0 0.0 166.67 41.67 41.67 0.4 1 cat!PTOCERCUS REC 77ROSTRIS 166.67 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.67 41.67 0.4 g

1 CH)DCRUC 'LPIL) 1833.33 2000.00 5000.00 1333.33 2541.67 831.59 24.8 0 OSTRACODA (T06AL) 333.33 0.C 0.0 333.33 166.67 96.22 1.6 19 OSTRAC0JA ( LF'IL s 0.0 0.0 0.0 333.33 83.33 83.33 0.8

   #       1 OSTR ACCD A ( LPIL )                            333.33            0.0            0.0            0.0            83.33          83.33   0.8 0       O COPEF0DA (TOTAL)                               8333.32         666.67        1000.00          500.00         2625.00       1905.61   25.6 y'

0 g l 8 O 14 0 CALA1101DA (TOTAL) CALANJIDA ( LPIL) CYCLOPOIDA (TOTAL) 0.0 166.67 0.0 0.0 41.67 41.67 0.4 g 1 C) CLOPS VERNALIS 833.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 203.33 208.33 2.0 1 EUCYCLOPS AGILIS 333.33 0.0 166.',7 0.0 125.00 79.79 1.2 0 g . 1 EUCYCLOPS FRIOMOPHORUS 1%.67 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.67 41.67 0.4

   --     14     CYCLOPOIDA ( LPIL)                         5666.66         500.00         833.33          500.00         1875.00       1266.33 13.3 0       0     HARPACTICOIDA (TOTAL) g       1     HARPACTICOIG A ( LPIL)                      833.33            0.0            0.0            0.0           208.33        20S.33    2.0 14     HARPACTICOIDA ( LPIL !                      500.00            0.0            0.0            0.0           125.00        125.00    1.2 b       0 DIPTERA H!!!ATOCERA (TOTAL)                    2000.00            0.0         166.67          166.67          583.33        473.85    5.7
3. O CHIRCt:OrlIDAE G. 2 CHIRON0!!IDAE ( LPIL) 2000.00 0.0 166.67 166.67 583.33 473.85 5.7 0 .

3 -TOTAL 25833.29 4000.00 7499.99 3(16.67 10249.98 5266.28 100.0 L

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DU L ) T ) ) P n I ) L) ( LL 1 t C T I u H P ) ) L) AL II A I P h / 0000 L L L ALTIA PP S L A ( D ) ( ) I I) TI OPR LL B L ) L L P 3 PL) ) OPTLE ( ( G U P Y E0000 L) A AA L LLALLTL( ( C ) ) 1t 1 P T 1 t ALT HT ( I( TIA( ( OEEE EE I 8 G I I TIOAI O P OPT AATAAA 1 1 t t S1 A N S T T OPTTRTEEELSTLOAARRADDD II U t N R 0 l RR TL( AA(1 AAA( U( ( I I TTEl 1 TDDEE 1t I1 1t t I ( A T E O C0 9999 ( ( f C DDD R  : 1 PFA D A D P O OOPPHo0O X I D l l R E l l t E R L1 7777 E//// T8888 A X ACAAI ll AADIRRt 3 IIAOAA DDI TDEII OO) OCDOORRA0Co RiDDOAPPDO l t i t t : i JA D( T E T U I l 0 1 A A  ! 1 l CC! S) Ct iDLHCCOLLEERRRR P E T E D//// T TTHOHOSSYACAAPCCt t EI II 1 1 YYF 1l l i G K H T C1 4444 AACR DOOl l RREYYEE T HHl l TTO o R A C5 1 t 1 AP t ABDC TTPCCHHPCCC II C E Y A C fE R L SSO FPI SCR H L L I C1 1234 iNA t C OOC EED LRRE E T L P L T5 D8888 AEEC V R I 0


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  • E C5 S S 010070010 o101004030026 OIIU D 4

t B 2 R P L 1 1 1 TDDH A fN l #O.o$g gg2 h. (II O3L D CNy . U (D.


                                                                                                      -                       REL X       S.E.            AB%

LS TAXA 17 18 41.67 0.0 20.83 20.83 0.3 0 C!aIDARI A (TOTAL) 0 HYbROZOA 41.67 0.0 20.83 20.83 0.3 6 HYDRA ( LPiL) 895.83 3041.67 1250.00 2145.83 32.4 0 HEt1ATODA (TOTAll 2145.83 895.83 32.4 1 HEt1ATODA (LPIL) 3041.67 1250.00 541.67 0.0 270.83 270.83 4.1 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTALI 0 llAIDIDAE 270.83 270.83 4.1 1 HAIDIDAE ( LPIL) 541.67 0.0 (.0 41.67 2C .o3 20.03 0.3 O AR ACHNIDA ITOTAL n 0 FROSTICHATA 0.0 41.67 20.83 20.83 0.3 19 HYDRACARIlla (LPIL) 3250.00 1458.33 2354.16 895.83 35.5 0 CLADOCERA (TOTAL) 0 BOSi1IllIDAE 41.67 5.7 333.33 416.67 375.00 1 EOst1IllIDAE (LPIL) 0 CHYDORIDAE 125.00 0.0 62.50 62.50 0.9 F 1 ALO!1A RECTAtGULA 125.00 0.0 62.50 62.50 0.9 N 1 ALOllA AFFIllIS 20.83 20.83 0.3

  • 1 ALONA GUADRANGULARIS 41.67 0.0 41.67 41.67 41.67 0.0 0.6 6 AL0tta ( LPIL) 20.83 O 1 cat 1PTOCERCUS RECTIROSTRIS 41.67 0.0 20.83 0.3 N CHYDORUS ( LP!L) 2541.67 1000.00 1770.83 770.83 26.7 1

166.67 41.67 104.17 62.50 1.6

 ' 'd     0 OSTRACODA iTOTAL)                                                                        41.67    41.67            0.6 19 OSTRACODA (LPIL)                                 83.33             0.0 83.33           41.67                   62.50    20.83            0.9 s        1 OSTRACODA (LPIL)                                                                       1354.17  1270.83 20.4 2625.00           83.33 m        0 COPEPCDA (TOTAL) 0      CALAliOIDA (TOTAL)

CALANOIDA (LPIL) 41.67 0.0 20.83 20.83 0.3 14 0 CYCLOPOIDA (TOTAL) CYCLOPS V RNALIS 208.33 0.0 104.17 104.17 1.6 N 1 62.50 62.50 0.9 0 1 EUCYCLOPS AGILIS 125.00 0.0 EUCYCLOPS PRICl40PHORUS 41.67 0.0 20.83 20.83 0.3 0 1 979.17 895.83 14.8 3 14 CYCLOPOID A ( LPIL) 1875.00 83.33 0 HARPACTICOIDA (TOTAL) HARPACTICOIDA ( LPIL) 208.33 0.0 104.17 104.17 1.6 1 62.50 62.50 0.9 l ,O 14 HARPACTIC01DA ( LPIL) EPHEt1EROPTEru (TOTAL) 125.00 0.0 0.0 41.67 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 0.3 0.3 13 EFHErl:ROPTE RA ( LPIL) 0.0 41.67 0 583.33 83.33 333.33 250.00 5.0 0 DIPTERA HEtATOCERA (TOTAL) l 0 2 CHIROM011IvAE CHIRONOMIDAE ( LPIL) 583.33 41.67 312.50 20.83 270.83 20.83 4.7 0.3 41.67 h 6 CHIRONOitIDAE ( LPIL) 0.0 10249.98 3000.00 6624.99 3624.99 100.0 E


TOTAt. 1.93 2.07 0.14

       . DIVERSITY (H PRit1El                                   2.21
      ' , , * ..            { 
                                                              .      [' ~     _ ,


  • BAILLY GEllER ATItG PLAtlT NPLAllKTOil DEllSITY (Nuretas/cuelt Mtita)


                                                                -         REL X    S.E. AB%

LS TAXA g 18 9 2G IRRtBER OF TAXA ABOVE cot 1PUTED USItG SAMPLE IDS 171 172 173 174 lol 182 183 184 f n CD C g i s) 3 ~J O

*      . . ~

g L. 1 a w is e a b i O 3

HORTiiERH INDI Atla PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY (49720 3 o BAILLY GEllERATIllG PLANT 200PLAliKTON DEt4SITY (NunstRs/ cues t MtTER) REPLICATE REPORT PC TC GC LOC 551511200 DURATIO!I TOW SAMP VOL WItID CURENT TEttP SP D UNITS C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURCD cot 1D DO PH SALN P SID GATE TIME D/H Ut4ITS C SD WD 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 191 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 C.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 192 ./ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 193 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 194 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0

                                                                                                                                          -                                  REL X                       S.E.        ABX LS        TAXA 1                 2                3            4 0.0           166.67               0.0          0.0               41.67                    41.67        0.9 0 HEMATODA (TOTAL)                                                                                                                                  41.67        0.9 0.0           166.67               0.0          0.0               41.67 1 net 1ATODA ( LPIL)                                                                                                                                83.33        1.8 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTAL)                                    0.0               00             333.33         0.0               83.33 0     14AIDIDAE 19     flAIDIDAE ( LPIL)                                  0.0               0.0            333.33         0.0               83.33                    83.33        1.8 0 CLADOCERA ITOTAL)                                   666.67           833.33          11833.32        166.67          3375.00                   2823.00 71.7 0     CHYDCRIDAE 666.67           833.33          11666.66        166.67          3333.33                   2781.38 70.8 f       I        CH)DORUS ( LPIL) 0.0               0.0            166.67         0.0               41.67                    41.67        0.9 LJ      1        PLEUROXUS DEt4TICULATUS 0       0 OSTR AC00 A ( TOT AL )                                 0.0           106.67               0.0        166.67              83.33                    48.11        1.8 19 OSTRACOD A ( LPIL )                                    0.0           166.67               0.0        166.67              83.33                    48.11        1.8 O COPEF0D A (TOTAL)                                   833.33          1000.00           1833.33          0.0              916.67                   375.77 19.5 CO N        0     CYCLOFOIDA (TOTAL)                                                                                                                                         0.9 0.0               0.0            166.67         0.0               41.67                    41.67 1        CYCLOPS DICUSPIDATUS THOMASI q                 CYCLOPS VARICAt3S RULELLUS                      0.0           166.67               0.0          0.0               41.67                    41.67        0.9 1

0.0 0.0 166.67 0.0 41.67 41.67 0.9 1 EUCYCLOPS AGILIS *e l . 6 7 0.9 LN 1 EUCYCLOPS SPERATUS 0.0 166.67 0.0 0.0 41.67 0.0 166.67 0.0 0.0 41.67 41.o? 0.9 U1 14 t1ESCCYCLOPS (LPIL) 1333.33 625.00 275.34 13.3 14 CYCLOPOIDA (LPIL) 666.67 500.00 0.0 CO 0 HARPACTICOIDA (TOTAL) 1.8

      #     14     HARPACTICOIDA ( LPIL)                            166.67              0.0            166.67         0.0               83.33                    48.11 166.67          500.00             166.67         0.0              208.33                   104.86        4.4 S     0 DIPTERA HEMATOCERA (TOTAL) 0     0      CHIR 0!;CitID AE 166.67          500.00             166.67         0.0              208.33                   104.86        4.4 2      CHIRON0!!IDAE (LPIL)
      .h    TOTAL                                                 1666.67          2666.67          14166.64        333.33          4708.32                   3188.79 103.0 g                                                              1.72              2.68             1.06         1.00                1.61                     0.39 g    DIVERSITY (H PRIME) 0.86              0.89             0.35         1.00                0.76                     0.14 Q  . DIVERSITY (J PRIME )                                                                             8             2                13 4                 8 g    nut! DER OF TAXA S

g ABOVE CONFUTED USING SAMPLE IDS 191 192 193 194 g I O 1" " " " '

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E.31 { } [ j } C) science services division


                                                                                -              REL X      S.E. AD%

LS TAXA 19 20 41.67 83.33 62.50 20.83 1.7 0 NEMATODA (TOTAL) 62.50 20.83 1.7 1 HEt1ATODA ( LPIL) 41.67 83.33 83.33 83.33 0.0 2.3 0 OLIGOCHAETA (TOTAL) 83.33 0 NAIDIDAE 83.33 0.0 2.3 19 HAIDIDAE ( LPIL) 83.33 83.33 3375.00 1416.67 2395.83 979.17 65.0 0 CLADOCERA (TOTAL) 0 DOSt11HIDAE 0.0 41.67 20.83 20.83 0.6 1 BOSt1INIDAE ( LPIL) 0 CH1DOPIDAE 0.6 0.0 41.67 20.83 20.83 1 CAtlPTOCERCUS RECTIROSTRIS 3333.33 1291.67 2312.50 1020.83 62.7 1 CHiDORUS ( LPIL) 20.83 0.6 41.67 0.0 20.83 1 PLEUROXUS DEllTICULATUS 0.6 0.0 41.67 20.83 20.83 6 CHYDORIDAE ( LPIL) 83.33 125.00 104.17 20.83 2.8 0 OSTRACODA ' TOTAL) 83.33 125.00 104.17 20.83 2.8 19 OS1RACODA ( LPIL) 687.50 229.17 18.6 0 COPEPODA (TOTAL) 916.67 458.33 f CYCLOPOIDA (TOTAL) w 0 20.83 20.83 0.6 b3 1 CYCLOPS BICUSPIDATUS Til0MASI 41.67 0.0 41.67 0.0 20.83 20.83 0.6 1 CYCLOPS VARICAriS RUBELLUS 0.6 N 41.67 0.0 20.83 20.83 1 EUCYCLOPS AGILIS C.6 41.67 0.0 20.83 20.83

    d    1        EUCYCLOPS SPERATUS                                                          0.6 41.67    0.0    20.83   20.83 14        11ES0 CYCLOPS ( LPIL)

CYCLOPOIDA ( LPIL) 625.00 458.33 541.67 83.33 14.7 ( rq 14 g 0 HARPACTICOIDA (TOTAL) 1.1 HARPACTICOIDA ( LPIL) 83.33 0.0 41.67 41.57 g 14 20.83 20.03 0.6 0 EPHEtt1ROPlfRA (TOTAL) 0.0 41.67 0 CAENIDAE 0.0 41.67 20.83 20.83 0.6 e 13 CAENID AE ( LPIL) 0 208.33 458.33 333.33 125.00 9.0 0 DIPTER A HEt1ATOCER A (TOT AL) 0 0 CHIR 01:Ct1ID AE 3 CHIR 0!!Ot1ID AE (LPIL) 208.33 458.33 333.33 125.00 9.0 2 0 0 4708.32 2666.66 3687.49 1020.83 100.0 TOTAL

     #                                                          1.61    1.67    1.64    0.03 DIVERSITY (H PRIttEl                                                  0.82    0.04 8    DIVERSITY (J PRINE)                                   0.78    0.87 13      10      17
         .HUNSER OF TAXA O

8 ABOVE CottPUTED USIt:G SANFLE IDS 8 191 192 193 194 201 202 203 204 5 o _.

NORTHERif IliDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY (49720) BAILLY GENERATING PLANT 200PLANKTCH DEHSITY (hunutks/cuelc METES 0 REPLICATE REPORT PC TC CC LOC 5 51 51 1 3 00 DURATION TOW SAMP VOL WIND CURENT TEMP SID DATE TIME D/H UMITS C SD WD SP D UNIT 3 C SECH W T SC DI CL SP DI AIR WAT BT TURED cot 1D 00 PH SALN P 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 211 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 212 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 213 4/ 8/79 214 4/ 8/79 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 REL TAXA X S.E. AB% LS 1 2 3 4 0 HEMATODA (TOTAL) 2833.33 21166.66 1333.33 1333.33 6666.66 4846.24 13.3 1 NEHA100 A ( LPIL) 2833.33 21166.66 1333.33 1333.33 6666.66 a+846.24 13.3 0 OLICOCHAETA (TOTAL) 833.33 5833.33 333.33 0.0 1750.00 1371.84 3.5 0 HAIDIDAE 1 HAIDIDAE (LPIL) 0.0 5833.33 0.0 0.0 1458.33 1458.33 2.9 19 HAIDIDAE ( LPILI 833.33 0.0 333.33 0.0 291.67 196.91 0.6 0 ARAi HNID A (TOTAL) 333.33 500.00 333.33 166.67 333.33 63.04 0.7 g

                .                                 O                 PROSTICHATA 333.33                                         166.67         333.33          68.04   0.7 d                              19 0 CLADOCERA (TOTAL)

HYDRACAPINA (LPIL) 666.07 500.00 333.33 333.33 666.67 0.0 416.67 159.57 0.8 CO O CHfDORIDAE FV 1 CHIC 0;US ELPIL) 666.67 166.67 333.33 0.0 291.67 142.32 0.6 N O DAFHNIDAE 1 SIh0CEPHALUS VETULUS 0.0 0.0 333.33 0.0 83.33 83.33 0.2 1 SIM3CEFHALUS ( LPIL) 0.0 166.67 0.0 0.0 41.67 41.67 0.1

                                                0 OSTRACODA (TOTAL)                                                  10000.00          6000.0J    12500.00        2833.33           7833.33       2137.63 15.7 O                                      19 CSTRACODA (LPIL)                                                     10000.00          6000.00    12500.00        2833.33           7833.33       2137.63 15.7
        ~                                         0 COPEPODA (TO'ALI                                                   22166.65        65499.97     35999.99        4333.33          31999.93      12911.19 64.1 0                 CYCLOFOIDA s'OTAL) 1                        CYCLOPS BICUSPIDATUS THGMASI                  166.67             0.0          0.0              0.0           41.67          41.67   0.1 8                              1                        CYCLOFS VARIC ANS RUCELLUS                      0.0            666.67     1166.67              0.0          458.33         283.62   0.9 0
                   -                              1                        CiCLOPS VfRMALIS                              666.67           500 00       333.33             0.0          375.00         142.32   0.S S                              7                        CYCLOPS (LPIL)                                  0.0              0.0        166.67             0.0           41.67          41.67   0.1 EUCYCLCPS AGILIS                               0.0              0.0        166.67             0.0           41.67          41.67   0.1 h                              6 333.33           833.33      833.33              0.0          500.00         204.12   1.0 3                              1                        H2CRCCYCLOPS ALBIDUS 0.0              0.0           41.67          41.67   a i y                              1                        MISOCiCLOPS ( LPIL)                             0.0            166.67 CYCLOFOIDA (LPILI                                   5500.00          8500.00     3500.00        1000.00           4625.00       lbss.07    9.3 e                           14 Q                       ,0                       HARPACTICOIDA (TOTAL) 1                 HARPACTICOIDA (LPIL)                               14166.66        48999.93     25666.66        3333.33          23041.66       9780.54 46.1 14                   HARPACTICOIDA ( LPIL)                               1333.33          5333.33     4166.66              0.0         2833.33       1304.62    5.7 h                                                                                                     500.00           166.67         0.0              0.0          166.67         117.85   0.3 m                               0 150PCDA (TOTAL) g                              0                 ASELLID M
                   ==                             1                        ASELLU3 (LPIL)                                500.00           166.67         0.0              0.0          166.67         117.05   0.3 1                              0 AMPHIF0DA ' TOTAL)                                                   500.00           500.00         0.0            166.67         291.67         125.00   0.6 8                              O                 HYAtELLIDAE O                              1                        HtALELLA AZTECA                               500.00           500.00         0.0            166.67         291.67         125.00   0.6 3


                                                                                                         -              REL

~,c LS 1AXA X S.E. AD% 1 2 3 4 0.0 166.67 0.0 0.0 41.67 41.67 0.1 0 EPilEtlEROPTERA (TOTAL) 0 CAEllIDAE 166.67 0.0 0.0 41.67 41.67 0.1 13 CAEtlIDAE (LPIL) 0.0 0.9 500.00 1000.00 333.33 0.0 458.33 208.33 0 DIPTERA tPrtATOCERA (TOTAL) 0 CllIROint1ID AE 2 CilIR0!1211IDAE ( LPIL) 500.00 1000.00 333.33 0.0 458.33 203.33 0.9 TOTAL 38333.29 101166.12 51499.96 8833.32 49958.18 19259.24 100.0 DIVERSITY (t: PRit1E ) 2.44 2.09 1.91 2.04 2.12 0.11 0.66 0.52 0.50 0.79 0.62 0.07 DIVERSITY (J PRIt1El tRAtBER OF TAXA 13 16 14 6 20 ABOVE C0t1PUTED USIt;G sat 1PLE IDS 211 212 213 214 g b e e 0 e CO 3 '%.3 0 e e f. W 2 C-iie N e b i

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