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Rewritten Nonradiological ETS for Facility
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 07/03/1979
Shared Package
ML19242B318 List:
NUDOCS 7908080317
Download: ML19242B372 (27)





. Section Pace 1.0 Definitions. . . . . . . .. 1-1 2.0 Limiting Conditions for Operation . . . .. . 2-1 2.1 Chlorine and pH. . . . . 2-1 2.1 River Flow. 2-2 3.0 . Environmental Monitoring.. . . .. . 3-1 3.1 Nonradiological Monitoring. . . . .. . . 3-1 3.1.1 Chlorine and pH. . . ,. . . 3-1 3.1.2 River Flow. . 3-3 3.1.3 Thermal Characteristics of Cooling Water Discharge. 3-5 3.1.4 C.'.emical Release inventory 3-5 3.1.5 Imcingement. . . . . . . 3-7 4.0 Special Studies and Requirements. . . . . 4-1 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events. . 4-1 4.2 Exceecing Limits of Other Relevant Permi ts. . 4-2 5.0 Administrative Controls. ... 5-1 5.1 Resconsibility. . .. 5-1 5.2 Review and Audit. 5-1 5.3 Changes in Procedures, Station Oesign or Operation. . 5-3 5.4 Station Reoorting Recuirements. 5-4 y l (

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pace 5.4.1 Routine Reports..... .. .... . . ........... ........... 5-4 5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports... .. ..... .. . .. ... .. ..... ... 5-6 5.4.2.a Prampt Report. . . . . . . .. . ... .. . .. ...... 5-6

5. 4. 2. b Thirty-Day Re: ort. . . . . . . . ... . ......... 5-6 5.4.2.c Content of Nonroutine Reports. . .. .. .. ... ... 5-7
5. 5 Changes in Environmental Technical Specifications and Permits. . ..... . 5-7 5.5.1 Change in Environmental Technical Specifications. ... . 5-7 5.5.2 . Changes in Permits and Certifications. .. . .. 5-7
5. 6 Records Retention. . .. . .. ....... .. 5-8 r



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1-1 1.0 Definitions Blowdown: Blowdown refers to the water continuously removed from the cool side of the cooling tower collection basins to rid the cooling towers of dissolved solids.

Closed Cycle Ooeration: The circulating water system mode in which water is circulated througn the cooling towers to dissipate condenser heat. The only water cischarged to the river during closed-cycle operation is the blowdown from the cooling towers.

Delta T (AT): The difference between inlet water temperature and discharge temperature. ,

s Free Resicual Chlorine: Chlorine that remains in water as molecular chlorine (Cle), hypocnlorous acid (HCCL), or nyoochlorite ion (CCL-) af ter treatment with cnlorine.

Normal Ooeration: Operation of either unit at the c*.ation at greater than 5%

of ated thermal power in other than a safety or power energency situation.

N0E5 Permit: NPOES Permit is the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. VT0000264 issued by the State of Vermont, Department of Conse vation, to Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation (VYNPC). This permit autnorizes VYNPC to discharge controlled waste water from Vermont Nuclear Power Station into the Connecticut River.

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I-2 Station: Station refers to /erment Yankee Nuclear Power Station.

Total Residual Chlorine: The sum of the chlorine present in water as free available. chlorine (i4 the term of hypochlorous acid and/or hypochlorite ion, or elemental chlorine) plus combined available chlorine (such as monochloramine, dichloramine or trichloramine).

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2. 0 Conditions for Oceration 2.1 Nonradiolacical Limits 2.1.1 Chlorine ._

Soecificaticn The free residual chlorine in the plant effluent at the aerating structure snall Fe maintain at or below 0.1 mg/ liter during chlorination by the automatic control system.

Action If the total residual chlorine level at the aera*ing structure exceeds 0.5 mg/l 100 ft frem the discharge structure. as determined by an analysis of 3 saroles, cnicrination shall cease until the system is corrected.

Basis The FES has evaluated the effects of discharge of chlorine at 0.1 mg/l free residual for 40 minutes twice a day and found the environmental impacts to be acceotable. Maintenance cf chicrine concentrations at or below this level will insure that impacts cue to use of this toxic sucstance are no greater

. nan nave already been evaluated.

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2-2 2.1.2 River Flow Soecification A minimum flow of 1,200 cubic feet per second of water shall be provided past the facility at all times during plant operation.

Action If, cue to causes beyond Vermont Yankee's control, the flow of water recorded at tre USGS gauge at the dam at Vernon, Vt. is less than 1,200 cfs, the condenser cooling system shall be operated in a closed cycle mode and a report shall be made to the NRC in accordance with Subsection 5.4.,2.3 of these ETS.

Bases On July 31, 1970, the Federal Power Commission issued an Order Approving the Use of Project Lancs and Reservoir in connection with the cooling water facil-ities for the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station. The Commission found it accropriate and in the public interest to authori p the licensee to operate the facility providing the licensee maintains a streamflow past the project of not less than 1200 cfs in order to aid the Department of the Interior's Anadromous rish Restoration Program. This specification will insure that no additional incremental impacts due to plant operation occur during pericds of extremely low river flow.

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3-1 3.0 Environmental Monitoring 3.1 Nonradiological Monitoring 3.1.1 Chlorine and oH Environ.nental Monitorinc Reouirement Free residual chlorine concentration shall be continuously monitored and recorced at the discharge from the condenser. At least once per month the automatic control system shall be calibrated. During chlorination weekly free chlorine analyses shall be made at the end of the aerating structure by use of analytical methods that are sensitive to chlorine discharge concentration limits to determine the effectiveness of the aerating structure in removing free chlorine. ,

Action The results of the monitoring conducted under this program shall be summa-rized, analyzed, intercreted, and reported'in accordance with Subsection 5.a.1 of tnese ETS. The licensee shall indicate for each parameter the date of the samole, the concentration measured and the method of analysis used.

A nonroutine report shall be submitted in accorcance with Subsection 5.4.2.b of these ETS if the parameter concentrations of the discharges from the plant

' ails outside the range soecifiec in sucsection 2.1.1.

3-2 Bases The purp'se o of these monitoring and reporting requirements is to assure that the chlorine and pH levels discharged from the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station into the waters of the Connecticut River are environmentally acceptable.

The FES-OL for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station and subsequent Environ-mental Impact Appraisals (EIAs) provide the analysis of potential chemical effects of the condenser cooling system discharge on the water quality and aquatic biota of the receiving water. The above information will provide the staf f the Oasis.for determining whether the station is acerating in an environ-mentally acceptable manner.

a 3.1.2 River Flow Environmental Monitorinc Recui ement During normal operation of the station, river flow at Vernon shall be gauged as cescribed in NPDES Permit No. VT0000254 and concenser cooling system made of coeration shall be recorded.

Action The results of the monitoring conducted uncer this program shall be summarized, analyzed, interpreted and reported in accordance with Subsection 5.a.1 of nese ET5.

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3-3 A nonroutine report shall be submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2.b of these ETS if the provisions of Specification 2.1.2 or the Environmental Monitoring Requirement of this subsection are violated.

Bases The results of this monitoring and reporting requirement will provide the staff with information necessary to assure that the station is operating in an environmentally acceptable manner as analyzed in the FES-OL ano subsecuent Environmental Impact Appraisals. Previous analyses of the size of the thermal piume were depencent upon a minimum river flow of 1200 cfs (FES-OL and Environ-mental Impact Appraisal dated September 6, 1976).

i 3.1.3 Thermal Characteristics of Coolinc Water Discharce Environmental Monitorina Recuirement Ouring normal operation of the station, temperatures of the ancient intake water and the discnarge from the cooling system to the river shall be measured as cescribed in NPDE3 Permit No. VT0000264, outfall serial numoer 001.

Action The results of the monitoring concucted uncer tnis program shall be summarized, analyzed, interpreted, and reported in accoroance with Suosection 5.4.1 of

nese ETS. g( {;}

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3-a The licensee shall record the temperature of intake water, tamperature of discharge water, delta T, discnarge flow rate, date and time of measurements, date of instrument calibration, accuracy and sensitivity of the temperature sensors, and occurrence and duration of periods when the sensor system is not functioning or is out of calibration.

A nonroutine report, as specified in Subsection 5.4.2.b, shall be made if thermal characteristics of the discharge from outfall serial number 001 fail to comply with the relevant effluent limitations prescribed by the State of Vermont and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the certificates and permits issuec to the licensee pursuant to the provisions of Sections 401


and 402 of P.L.92-500.

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'he urpose of tnese monitoring and reporting recuirements is to assure that the thermal characteristics of cooling water discnarge from the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station into the waters of the Connecticut River are environ-mentally acceptable. The test of acceptability is consistency with Vermont Yankee NPDE5 Permit cated Octcoer 12, 1978.

TheES-OL for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station and subsecuent Environ-mentai Imaact Appraisals (EIA) arovice the analysis of potential thermal effects of the condenser cooling system cischarge on the water quality anc scuatic biota of the receiving water.


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3-5 The licensee has demonstrated that the controlled discharge of selectad amcunts of heated water directly to the Connecticut River at Vernon under certain conditions of ambient river flow and temperature has resulted in no measurable adverse impact on the water quality and biotic communities of that ecosystem.

The NRC staff reviewed the five phase programs demonstrating this and has concluded that the impact during each program was insignificant (Environmental Impact Appraisals (EIAs) dated September 6, 1976, September 30, 1977, and October 13, 1978). The limits set by the NPOES Permit are those evaluated in the October 13, 1978 EIA and were found to not result in significant camage to the biota or water quality of the cischarge water. Occasional temperature excursions of brief duration similarly are not expectec to exert significan; biolcgical effects on' Connecticut River populations.

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The above monitoring program will assure that the station is cperiting accceding to the requirements of the NPDE5 permit.

3.1.4 Chemical Release Inventory Environmental Monitorina Recuirement

1. The chemicals used at the station anc discharged to the aquatic envircnment, excluding cnemicals used in station lacoratories, shall be tabulated frca station inventory and operating records. The taculation shall indicata the chemical name, the system from -hich the chemical is releasec. anc
ne amount of cnemical used during the report pericd.

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2. The licensee shall document the types, amount, date, curation and loca-tion of any chemical discharges from the station to the receiving waters whenever such discharge is not in accordance with respective destriptions of operation presented and evaluated in the FE5 or subsequent Environmental Impact Appraisals.


1. The results of the Environmental Monitoring Program under paragraph 1, above, shall be recorted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.1. If the discharge of a chemical is greater than that addressed in the FE5 or sucsequent Environmental Impact Appraisals, an evaluation of the environ-mental im act of the discharge shall be incl,uded in the annual report.
2. Maintain the information docu'.ented by the Environmental Monitoring Program under paragra:n 2, above, in station records, and report with evaluations provided in the annual report as required by item 1, above.

Bases Documentation of the chemical releases from the station will enable the NRC to determine whether the facili.ty is being coerated, with respect to chemical use and discharge, in the manner evaluated in the Environmental $tatement and sucsecuent Environmental Incact Acpraisals. This program also is recuired by

ne NF.C for evaluation of unusual occurrences revealed by otner programs g7J


3-7 conducted under these ETS. Examples of discharges controlled unter EMR 2, above, are those due ta acid cleaning of heat exchangers, primary containment dumps, and accidental spills.

Spent chemical reagents from the chemical laboratories are not to be included in the reporting requirement because of their small quantities and insignificant concentrations in the liquids released.

3.1. 5 I cincement Envirer. mental Monitorinc Recuirement No monitoring is recuired by NRC uncer this scecitication- This specification relies en monitoring performed to satisfy the requirements of the NPDES permit.

Action The licensee shall submit to NRC results of impingement monitoring required by the NPDES per. nit. This information shall be recorted in accordance with subsection 5.4.1 of these ETS.

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4 3-S Bases Daily impingement monitoring has been conducted at Vermont Yankee from 1972 through June 1979 and the results submi*.ted to NRC. Analyses of these da' indicate that daily losses averaging about 25 fish with a total weight of 0.5 lb may be expected. These losses have been evaluated in an EIA dated and have been found to be acceptable.

To avoid conflict or unnecessary duplication between the NRC monitoring program and tne monitoring program recuired by the NPDES permit, this ETS recuirement relies on the permit program. Submittal of NPDES monitoring program results will ce used for assessment of impingement impacts of Vermont Yankee.


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4. 0 Soecial Studies and Recuirements 4.1. Unusual or Imoortant Environmental Events Reauirements The licensee shall record the occurrence of unusual or important events.

Unusual or important events are those that cause or could cause potentially significant environmental impact causally related with station operation. The followi.'g are examples: excessive impingement of enadromous fishes; ensite plant or animal disease outbreaks; unusual mortality of any species pr:tected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973; fish kills near or downstream of the site; unanticipated or emergency discharges of industrial or other waste water. ,

1 Action Should an unusual or important event occur, the licensee shall make a prompt report to the NRC in accordance with the provisions of Subsections 5.4.2.a and 5.4.2.c.

Bases o

rom t reporting to the NRC of unusual or imoortant events as described above is necessary for respcnsible and order!; egulation of t".e nation's system of nuclear acwer reactors. Promat knu-l:cge and action mav serve to alleviate the magnituce of the environmental impact or to place it into a perspective

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4-2 broader than that available to the licensee. The information thus provided may be useful or necessary to others concerned with the same environmental resources.

4.2 Exceedino Limits of Other Relevant Permits Recuirements The licensee shall notify the NRC of occurrences of exceeding the limits specified in relevant permits and certificates issued by other Federal, State and local agencies whicn are reportable to the agency which issued the permit.

This recuirement shall apply only to topics f NEPA concern within the NRC area of responsibility as identified in these Enviyonmental Technical


Action The licensee shall make a .eport to the NRC in accordance with the provisions of Subsections S.4.2.b. and 5.4.2.c. in the event of a recortable occurrence of exceeding a limit specifi a in a relevant permit or certificate issue : oy anotner, State or local agency.

Eases NRC is recuired uncer NE?A to maintain an awareness of environmental impacts caussliy related with the construction and coeration of facilities licensec

4-3 under its authority. Further, sone of the ETS requirements rely on ccmpliance with relevant permits (such as the NPDES) issued by other licensing authorities.

The reports of exceeding limits of relevant permits also alerts the staff to envircamental problems that might require mitigative action.



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5-1 5.0 Acministrative Controls 5.1 Resconsibility A. Plant The station superintendent has responsibility for operating the plant in compliance with these technical specifications.

3. Ccrocrate The has responsibility for assuring implementation of the environmental technical specifications and assuring that plant operational procedures provide continued protection of the environment. ,,

C. Coordination The has the respons. iiity for ensuring the coordination of environmental technical specifications with the safety technical specifications.

5.2 Review anc Audit Indecencent review and audit for environmental matters will be performed by the Environmental Review Scard (ERS).


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5-2 The above mentioned review and audit shall encompass the folicwing:

A. Coordination of Environmental Technical Specifications development with the Safety Technical Specifications to avoid conflicts and maintain consistency.

S. Proposed changes to the Environmental Technical Specifications and evalu-ated impact of the change.

C. Procosed changes or modifications to station or unit equipment, or systems

.nich might have an environmental impact, in order to determire the environmental impact of the change.

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0. Resuits of the Environmental Monitoring Programs prior to their submittal in each Environmental Monitoring Report (cescribed 'n Sucsection 5.4.i).

E. All nonroutine reports prior to their submittai (described in Subsection 5.4.2).

Investigations of all reported instances of noncomoliance with Environ-mental Technical Specifications, associatec corrective action, and measures taken to prevent recurrence.

G.  ::alementation of the Environmental Technical Soecifications by the station and Scientific Services Section.

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5-3 H. Any other area of environmental protection considered aopropriate by the ERB.

5.3. Chances in Porcedures. Station Desion or 00eration Changes in procedures, station design or operation may be made subject to conditions described below, provided sucn changes are approved by the ERS.

A. The licensee may (1) make changes in the station design and operation, (2) make cnanges in procedures, and (3) conduct tests and experiments without pr.ior Commission aoproval, unless the proposed change, test or experiment involves a change in the objectives of the ETS, or an unre-viewed environmental question.of significant,,imoact.

5. n proposec change, test or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unreviewed environmental question if it concerns (1) a matter which may result in a significant increase in any adverse environrental impact previously evaluated in the final environmental impact statement as modified by staff's testimony to the Atomic Cafety and Licensing Board, succlements thereto, environmental u.ipact appraisals, or in initial or final adjudicatory decisions; or (2) a significant change in effluents or cower level as specified in !s 51.5(b) (2) of 10 CFR 51; or (3) a matter not previously reviewed and evaluated in the documents specified in (1) of this section wnich may nave a significant acverse environmental imoact.
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5-4 C. The licensee shall maintain recoros of changes in procedures and in facility design or operation made pursuant to this subsection. The licensee shall also maintain records of tests and experiments carried out pursuant to paragraph "A" of this subsection. These records shall include a written evaluation which provides. the bases for the determination that


the change, test, or experiment does not involve an unreviewed environmental cuestion of substantive impact or constitute a cnange in the objectives of tnese ETS. The licensee shall furnish to :he Commission, annually or at such shorter intervals as may be specified in the license, a report containing descriptions, analyses, interpretations, and evaluations of sucn changes tests and experiments.

5.4 Station Reoortino Recuirements ,

5.a.1 Ro tine Recorts A. Annual Environmental Oceratino Recort A report on the environmental monitoring programs for the previous year shall be submitted to the NRC as a separate document within 90 days following each anniversary of issuance of this amencment (date, ).

The report shall include summaries, analyses, interpretations, and statis-tical evaluation of tne results of the environmental monitoring required by tne nonradiological environmental monitoring activities (Scction 3.0),

anc tne special stucies and requirements (Section 4.0) for the report oeriod, including a comparison with preoperationai studies, cperational

ontrols (as accrocriate),


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5-5 and previous environmental monitoring reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of the station operation on the environment. For those programs concerned with water quality or protection of aquati biota, this requirement shall be satisfied by submitting to the NRC copies of the reports to the USEPA required by the NPOES permit. In the event that some results are not available by the report due date, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report. If harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage are suggested by the monitoring programs, the licensee shall pr /ide a more cetailed analysis of the data and a proposed course of action to alleviate tne proclem.

The Annual Recort shall also include e sumagry of:

1) All ETS noncompliances and the correc.,ve actions taken to remedy them.
2) Changes made to applicaole State and Federal permits and certifications.
3) Changes in station design which could involve an environmental impact or change the findings of the FES-OL, or subsequent Environmental imoact Acpraisals.

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4) All noncoutine reports submitted per ETS Section 4.1.
5) Changes in ETS.

5.4.2 Nonroutine Reoorts A report shall be submitted in the event that a " Limiting Condition for Operation" (Section 2), if applicable, is exceeded, a report level as specified in Section 3, " Environmental Monitoring," is reached (if applicable), an " Unusual or Imcortant Enviromental Event," as specified in Section 4.1 occurs, or if another relevant permit is violated as specified in Section 4.1.2. Reports shall be submitted under one of the report schedules described below, r

5.4.2.a ?romot Recort I".cse events specified as required prompt reporting shall be reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by telephone, telegraph, or facsimile transmission to the NRC followed by a written report to the NRC within 30 days. Thirty Day Recor Nonroutine events not requiring a cromot recort as described in Subsection 5.5.2.a, shall be recorted to NRC either within 30 days of their occurrence er witnin the time limit specified oy the reporting recuirement of the corresponding certification or permit issued pursuant to Sections 101 or 402 of "The Clean 4ater Act," wnicnever time curation following the nonroutine event shall esit in ,e earlier suorittal.

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5-7 5.4.2.c Content of Nonroutine Reocrts Writen 30-day reports and, to the extent possible, the preliminary telephone, telegraph, or facsimile r-ports shall (a) describe, analyze, and evaluate the '

occurrence, including extent and magnitude of the impact, (b) describe the cause of the occurrence, (c) indicate the action taken to correct the reported occurrence, and (d) indicate the corrective taken (including any signif-icant changes made in procedures) to preclude repetition of the occurrence and to prevent similar occurrences involving similar components or systems.

5.5 Chances in- Environmental Tecnnical Soecifications and Permits 5.5.1 Chances in Environmenta. Technical foecifications Recuests for cnanges in environmental tecnnical specifications shall be suomit-te: to the NRC for review and authorization per 10 CFR 50.90. The recuest shall include an evaluation of the environmental imoact of the proposed change anc a supporting justification. Implementation of such requested changes in ETS shall not commence prior to incorporation by the NRC of the new specific-ations in the license.

5.5.2 Chances in Permits and Certifications Changes and acditions to required .Cederal (other than NRC), State, local, a .

regional autnority permits and certificates for the protectica of the environment tnat certain to the retuirements of these ETS shall be reported to the NRC

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5-8 within 30 days. In the event that the licensee initiates or becomes aware of a request for changes to any of the water quality requirements, limits or values stipulated in any certification or permit issued pursuant to Section 401 or 402 of the Clean Water Act which is also the subject of an ETS reporting recuirement, NRC shall be notified within 30 days. If the proposed change is initiated by the licensee, the notification to the NRC shall include an evaluation of the environmental impact of the revised requirement, limit or value being sought.

If a permit or certification, in part or in its entirety, is appealec and stayed, and if this causes water cuality requirements of Sections a01 or 402 of the Clean Water Act to become nonapplicaole, NRC shall be notified as described above. If, as a result of the appeal pyocess, the 401 and 102 recuirements are cnangec, the change shall be cealt with as cescribed in the previous paragrapn of this section.

5.6 Recorcs Retention Records anc logs relative to station oceration shall be mace and retained in a manner convenient for review anc inspection. These records and logs shall be made available to NRC on request.

5.6.1 The following records shall be retained for the life of the station:

a. Recor s of cnanges to the ETS inclucing, wnen acplicable, records of NRC accroval of sucn cnanges.

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b. R2 cords of modifications to station structures, systems and components determined to potentialy affect the continued protection of the environment.
c. Records of changes to permits and certification required by federal (other than NRC), state, local and regional authorities for the protection of the environment.
d. Routine reports submitted to the NRC.

5.5.2 The following records shall be retained for a minicum of six years:

a. Records of review and audit activities. ,
t. Events, and the reports thereon, which are the subjects of nonroutine reports to the NRC.
c. ,'

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