ML19170A231 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07109362 |
Issue date: | 06/19/2019 |
From: | Daher Nuclear Technologies GmbH |
To: | Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
Shared Package | |
ML19170A220 | List: |
References | |
EPID L-2018-NEW-0003 | |
Download: ML19170A231 (4) | |
DN30 SAR before after The deformations at 60 °C of the corner of the DN30 PSP are similar to the deformations at RT. The displacements of the inner front plate, where the skirt of the 30B cylinder hits the inner shell, are still small.
The deformations of the corner of the DN30 PSP after the free drop test at 60 °C are increased by 15 % compared to the deformations at RT. The displacements of the inner front plate, where the skirt of the 30B cylinder hits the inner shell, are still small with plastic strains up to 15 %. During the 9 m drop, the inner steel parts are significantly deformed due to the impact of the 30B cylinder skirt.
During the 9 m drop, plastic strains up to 48.5 % occur at the inner front plate due to the impact of the 30B cylinder skirt. After the free drop test, the deformations at -40 °C of the corner of the DN30 PSP are nearly identical to the deformations at RT.
After the free drop test, the deformations at -40 °C of the corner of the DN30 PSP are reduced by 17 % compared to the deformations at RT. The maximum plastic strain at the inner front plate, where the skirt of the 30B cylinder impacts the inner shell, is even smaller.
The maximum plastic strain at the inner front plate, where the skirt of the 30B cylinder impacts the inner shell, only reaches 7.6 %. In case of the rotation preventing devices, only small deformations at the flange are observed. Hence, their function is still preserved and any rotation of the 30B cylinder is prevented.
In case of the rotation preventing devices, deformations up to 24 %
are observed at the flange. Nevertheless, their function is still preserved and any rotation of the 30B cylinder is prevented. At a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz, there is hardly any difference between the two curves.
At a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz, the difference between the two curves is below 5 %. At a cutoff frequency of 584 Hz, the deceleration curve of the simulation at 40 °C shows a significantly higher peak than the deceleration curve of the simulation at 20 °C.
At a cutoff frequency of 584 Hz, the deceleration curve of the simulation at 40 °C shows a peak that is about 60% higher than the peak in the deceleration curve of the simulation at 20 °C. The deceleration curve for the 30B cylinder at a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz is very similar in height and shape to the experiment.
The deceleration curve for the 30B cylinder at a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz maximally differs 15 % from the experiment and is thus very similar in height and shape. Although the calculated errors indicate that the response of the FEM model is generally stiffer than the DN30 prototype, the simulation reproduces the behavior observed in the experiment well.
Although the calculated errors indicate that the response of the FEM model is generally stiffer than the DN30 prototype, the simulation reproduces the behavior observed in the experiment well. Except for the depth of bar penetration, the deviations in the measured deformations are below 10 %. The deceleration curve for the 30B cylinder at a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz is slightly higher than in the experiment.
The deceleration curve for the 30B cylinder at a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz is 6 % higher in the experiment than in the simulation. The deformations of the inner steel parts are significantly increased compared to the 1.2 m drop and the formation of cracks is very likely in this area.
The plastic deformations of the inner steel parts have increased from 24.1 % for the 1.2 m drop to 58.5 % for the 9 m drop. Thus, the formation of cracks is very likely in this area. The deformations of the valve protecting device are relatively small in the simulation and there is still a sufficient amount of foam left to protect the valve area.
With 13.3 %, the deformations of the valve protecting device are relatively small in the simulation and there is still a sufficient amount of foam left to protect the valve area. At a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz, both deceleration curves are nearly identical in height.
At a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz, both deceleration curves differ by less than 5 % in height. At a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz, the deceleration of the 30B cylinder in the simulation is very similar to the experiment.
At a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz, the deceleration of the 30B cylinder in the simulation is very similar to the experiment. With regard to the maximum decelerations, the two curves differ by less than 3 % Only small deformations at the rotation preventing devices are visible inside the DN30 PSP.
Only small deformations below 3 % are visible at the rotation preventing devices inside the DN30 PSP. After the 9.0 m drop, the three closing systems are significantly pushed inside the outer shell of the DN30 PSP so that the foam is noticeably compressed in those areas. There are small deformations at the cylinder skirt at the feedthrough where the lower rotation preventing device is engaged. The rest of the inner steel parts is not deformed that much, especially the valve and plug protecting devices undergo hardly any deformations.
After the 9.0 m drop, the three closing devices are pushed inside the outer shell of the DN30 PSP so that the foam is compressed in those areas. There are deformations of up 10 % at the cylinder skirt at the feedthrough where the lower rotation preventing device is engaged.
The rest of the inner steel parts is not deformed that much. The valve and plug protecting devices undergo deformations of up to 6 %
equivalent plastic strain. Consequently, the resulting errors are still small. In contrast to that, the depths of impression at closure device 5 are much smaller in the experiment than in the simulation.
Consequently, the resulting errors are still small and remain below 3 %. In contrast to that, the depths of impression at closure device 5 are about 50% smaller in the experiment than in the simulation. At a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz, the deceleration curve for the 30B cylinder is in good agreement to the experiment, but the response of the FEM model seems to be slightly too soft.
At a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz, the deceleration curve for the 30B cylinder is in good agreement with the experiment, but the response of the FEM model seems to be too soft as the deceleration peak is about 18 % lower than in the experiment. In addition, the valve and the plug side of the outer shell are deformed.
In addition, the valve and the plug side of the outer shell are deformed with plastic strains up to 12 %. After the 9.0 m drop, the deformations of the plug and the valve side are only increased by a small amount because of the large area of impact. However, in contrast to the 1.2 m free drop test, the inner shell of the DN30 PSP now undergoes small deformations. The foam and the outer shell of the top half of the DN30 PSP absorb most of the kinetic energy. For that reason, the rotation preventing devices as well as the plug and the valve protecting device hardly undergo any deformation so that their function is preserved.
After the 9.0 m drop, the deformations of the plug and the valve side are twice as large as after the free drop test. With regard to the increase in the drop height from 1.2 m to 9 m, the increase in the deformations is small. This is due to the large area of impact.
However, in contrast to the 1.2 m free drop test, the inner shell of the DN30 PSP now undergoes small deformations of up to 7 %. The foam and the outer shell of the top half of the DN30 PSP absorb most of the kinetic energy. For that reason, the rotation preventing devices as well as the plug and the valve protecting device undergo deformation of below 3 % so that their function is preserved. Even though the kinetic energy is applied locally, the resulting plastic deformations are small.
Even though the kinetic energy is applied locally, the resulting plastic deformations are below 12 % at the bar impact zone. Small deformations also occur at the connection of the feet with the outer DN30 PSP shell.
Small deformations of about 7 % also occur at the connection of the feet with the outer DN30 PSP shell. Nevertheless, the occurring deformations of the inner steel parts remain small so that the rotation preventing, valve and plug protecting device are nearly undamaged after the 9.0 m slapdown drop.
Nevertheless, the occurring deformations of the inner steel parts remain below 5 % so that the rotation preventing, valve and plug protecting device are nearly undamaged after the 9.0 m slapdown drop. The errors as well as the absolute differences between the measured distances are very small.
The errors as well as the absolute differences between the measured distances are below 5 % in most cases. The response of the FEM model seems to be too soft, but the shape and height of the deceleration curve is very well predicted by the FEM model.
The response of the FEM model seems to be too soft, but the shape and height of the deceleration curve is very well predicted by the FEM model with a deviation of 13 % in the peak deceleration. The comparison shows that convergence is reached as the differences in the results for the coarser and finer mesh are negligible.
The comparison shows that convergence is reached as the differences in the stress results for the coarser and finer mesh are below 0.1 %. Deformations of the prototype of the DN30 package measured after the real drop test are predicted with sufficient accuracy by the calculation model.
Deformations of the prototype of the DN30 package measured after the real drop test are predicted with good accuracy by the calculation model with deviations remaining mostly below 10 % compared to the experiment. The deformations at +60 °C increase slightly compared to RT.
The deformations for drop I at +60 °C increase by maximal 8 %
compared to RT. The deformations at -40 °C are similar to the deformations at RT.
The deformations for drop I at -40 °C decrease by maximal 9 %
compared to RT. The decelerations at -40° increase slightly compared to RT.
The decelerations at -40 °C increase by less than 5 % for a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz compared to RT. The fire test designated Benchmark 1 was conducted in November 2017 using a prototype similar to the production model with the Microtherm thermal insulation layer.
The fire test designated Benchmark 1 was conducted in November 2017 using a prototype having the same characteristics relevant for the thermal test as the production model with the Microtherm thermal insulation layer. While the calculated temperature curves for valve and plug are in good agreement with the measured temperature in the fire test, the difference between the temperatures at the mantle is significantly bigger.
While the calculated temperature curves for valve and plug are in good agreement with the measured temperature in the fire test, the difference between the temperatures at the mantle is 5 % bigger.