ML19030A549 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Clinch River |
Issue date: | 01/18/2019 |
From: | James Shea Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | Office of New Reactors |
Fetter A | |
References | |
Download: ML19030A549 (9) | |
d C/o 0
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a me BECHTEL NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Prepared By: MBL Date: 3/5/14 COUNTY: Roane, TN Checked By: JCM Date: 3/5/14 SHEET 1 OF 1 I GEOLOGIST: J. Terry SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Akins/K. Amburn Boring Orientation Inclination: Vertical BORING NO.:
MP-411 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: D-120 (MW-2)
836.8 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING:
571,501 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,500 US ft (NAD83)
199.6 ft I SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 1586-11; 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I ROD TYPE: AWJ I HAMMER (I D): 140-lb Auto (R308)
(ft) 0.5ft 0.5ft 0.5ft 0
20 40 60 80 836.8 Ground Surface ts6tl.ts u.u 50/0.4 833.5 3.3 50/0.4 830.8 6.0 9-f-- 50/0.1 SAMP.
L 0
100 NO.
. 58/(}.1
836.8 FILL: Gravelly SILT with Sand (ML), weak red (2.5YR 5/2),
hard, dry, non-plastic fines, some fine to coarse angular 0.0 f::-_
gravel, little fine to coarse sand, strong HCI reaction 834.3 2.5 SS-2
sampled as Gravelly SILT with Sand (ML), weak red (10R 5/4), hard, wet, non-plastic fines, some fine to coarse SS-3
angular gravel, little coarse sand, strong HCI reaction f---o~---j:=..["
6.0ft: As above, sampled as SILT (ML), dark reddish brown t-----t::~l-(2.5YR 3/4) to weak red (10R 5/2), hard, moist, non-plastic to A ~28.8 low plasticity fines, few to little fine to coarse angular gravel,~
\\strong HCI reaction 1
Soil drilling halted. Log continues on geotechnical coring log Observed water levels:
7.5 ft bgs, AM 8/4/13 35.0 ft bgs, AM 8/5/13 31.2 ft bgs, AM 8/6/13 31.8 ft bgs, AM 8/7/13 32.4 ft bgs, AM 8/8/13 UL-----L---~~--~----~--~~------------------------------~--~--~--------------------------------------------..J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-478 of 706
a me GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG Prepared By: MBL Date: 3/5/14 Checked By: JCM Date: 3/5/14 SHEET 1 OF 4 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: J. Terry SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Akins/K. Amburn Boring Orientation BORING NO.:
MP-411 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: D-120 (MW-2)
Inclination: Vertical GROUND ELEV.:
836.8 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING:
571,501 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,500 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth:
199.6 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 1586-11; 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): 140-lb Auto (R308)
8/3/13 COMPLETED: 8/8/13 I CASING DEPTH: 39.7 ft CORE BARREL TYPE: HQ3/Diamond Impregnated core bits ELEV. DEPTH RUN (ft)
(ft) 828.8 827.3 8.0 1.5 9.5 5.0 DRILL RATE (Min/ft)
~j NO.
L 0
G ROCK DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS Begin Coring @ 8.0 ft 4:56 (1.4)
CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE, dusky red (10R 3/4) to weak red (10R 5/2, 2.5YR 5/2, 10R OLO.O Run 1 1:5710_5 93%
4/2) and dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/4), weak, thickly bedded to laminated, slightly 2:34 (5.0)
Run 2 weathered to fresh, interbedded with trace to few, laminated to very thin LIMESTONE 2:04 100% 76%
(MICRITE), weak red (10R 5/2-4/2), irregular to diffuse bedding, and trace very thin to thin chert beds (dark yellowish brown to black); locally to moderately weathered, slight to 1:28 moderate bioturbation, strong HCI reaction (Upper Blackford Formation-Unit A) 1:30
9.3,11.7,11.9,12.3,14.0,14.1ft: BJ, 30-35°, UR-SR-PR, T-PO, D-E,11-111
- 0.
12.0,12.1ft: J, 55-60°, SRIUR, T-PO, D-E, II l-""
82.,2,..31-__,124""'.5"+--c~+-----oc~--+~=-~--;-;oo-=+-~--;;-~-;:-d_/g2J_ _1~1,13~.2_3~ ~-~t.), 2_0~0_:. LJ_R~~ ~~
~E,_II~I- _______________ 1_4.7 5.0 3:07 (4.5)
Run 3 LIMESTONE (MICRITE), gray (10YR 5/1), strong, thinly to moderately bedded, slightly to 817.3 19.5 813.2 4.1 3:08 2:46 3:41 1:42 3:58 2:01 2:38 3:14 90%
moderately weathered, interbedded with little to some, laminated to thin clayey Calcareous (4.1)
(2.8) 100% 68%
Run 4 SILTSTONE, grayish olive (10Y 5/2), reddish brown (2.5YR 4/3), and dark reddish gray to reddish gray (2.5YR 3/1-4/1 ), mostly planar to diffuse bedding, and few to little very thin to thin chert beds, lenses, and nodules (black, brown, and dark gray, to yellowish red and weak red, most with red jasper specks); trace clasts of dolomitic limestone, strong HCI reaction 14.7,14.8,15.1,15.2,15.6,16.1,16.5ft BJ, 30°, SR-PUSL, T-PO, D-E,11-111 16.6ft: J, 20-30°, UR, P0-0, D, II 16.9,17.2,17.7,18.4ft: BJ, 30-40°,PUPRISR, T-0, B-E, II 17.3-17.6ft: J, 0-90°, SR, VT, A, II 18.5,18.6,18.7,18.8,18.9,19.9,20.0,20.2,ft: BJ, 30-40°, PRISL, T-PO, D-E,11-111 20.6,20.8,21.0,21.2,21.5,21.6,22.3,23.4ft: BJ, 25-30°, PRIPL, T-PO, D-E, II-III 23.6 1--+----+---r'=;""b 813.2 23.6 I -~'>'5"f-0:~h,-;;-{l'!_1:~15~/o~.1rjl?~-hi'li1~--i,s~s-4~i~£}-;2;- -WEATHtRED R6CR7sofL FILLED CAVITY:-sampjed as -WELL GRADED GRAVECwTih -- ;
6 r 812 2 24_6 2.5 N=;~~
(2 3)
(O O)
Run 5
~ -'-I Sand (GW), pale brown (10YR 6/3), very dense, moist, f. to cse. angular gravel, some f. to 1,- -*
3:29 92%
\\.c~.~all_d,_tr<J_ce_Nf>_firJe~ ~Oilg_I:IQI rEJ_a~iOil @~4:_2+/-:_0'J+/-:_6':.5.:tJO/QJ') ______ _
LIMESTONE (MICRITE), gray (5Y 6/1, 1 OYR 5/1 ), weak to medium strong, thinly to 809.7 27.1 3:07/0.5 moderately bedded, moderately to slightly weathered, interbedded with little, laminated to thin
- c';
2.4 4:49 (1.8)
Run 6
clayey Calcareous SILTSTONE, light olive gray (5Y 6/2) to gray (2.5Y 5/1) and dark gray
- Q 3
- 56 75%
(10YR 4/1), mostly planar to diffuse bedding, and little to some thin to moderate chert beds, t:ii""8"-07,_,_.""3I~2.,9"'.5I2:Efi~o.~o2~10~.4~m:Blhif3\\IRiRumn??f~D
~~~~r~a~~~. ~~~~~~2~~~:~~~~al-red, olive, brown, gray); locally to highly weathered, slight
2*6 2:19
24.9,25.3,25.6,26.1,26.5,26.7ft: BJ, 30-35°, UR-PR, T-P0-0, B-D-E,11-111 f-o 2:35
° 0
805.4 25.7,25.9,28.2ft: J, 45-55°, SR, T-PO, B-E, II-III 31.4
- J 804.7 32.1 0:45/0.6
=- -127.7,27.8,28.0,28.1,28.6,28.7ft: BJ, 30-40°, PS-SR, T-P0-0, B-E,11-111 I--
2 ss-5 ~
~LLED CAVlfY,sampTedasdesCribedbeiOW:------ J N=2 SS-6
- c:;, '
32.2-33. 7ft: WELL GRADED GRAVEL with Clay and Sand (GW-GC), yellowish red (5YR 4/6),
med. dense, wet, f. to cse. angular gravel, some cse. sand, few NP-LP fines, no HCI reaction 0
(SS-5 32.2-33.7ft=5-6-6) z N=B ss-T S;'
33.6-35.1ft: SILT with Gravel (ML), yellowish red (5YR 4/6), pale yellow (5Y 7/3), and reddish
? -
gray (2.5YR 6/1 ), very soft, moist, NP-LP fines, little f. to cse. angular gravel, trace cse. sand,
§5 no to strong HCI reaction (SS-6 33.6-35.1ft= 4-1-1; PP=0.0-0.25 tsf)
N=27 SS-8A
35.4-39. 7ft: Sandy LEAN CLAY with Gravel (CL)/Gravelly SILT (ML), yellowish red (5YR 4/6),
55_88 ~
pale yellow (5Y 7/3), dark reddish gray (2.5YR 4/1 ), gray (2.5Y 6/1 ), medium stiff to very stiff,
..J N=50!0.2 ss-9
~ 7'}_7 J_
wet to dry, LP-NP fines, little f. to cse. sand, little to some f. to cse. angular gravel, no to strong *- ~.7 u
797.1 39.7 4.8 o:o:J (4.8)
Run 8 ~
I HCI reaction (SS-8A=37.6-38.6'/8B=38.6-39.1')
§ 3:35 100% 83%
I(SS-7 35.4-36.9ft=14-5-3 /SS-8 37.6-39.1ft=4-23-4 I SS-9 39.1-39.3ft=50/0.2')
I vo LIMESTONE(MTcRlfECgraYtodark gray (TOYR571-471)," gray(2.5Y 6/1[ and gray To dark 8
3:53 gray (5Y 6/1-4/1), weak to medium strong and strong, laminated to thinly bedded, slightly
..J 3:56 weathered to fresh, argillaceous, interbedded with little to some, laminated clayey
Calcareous SILTSTONE, wispy to diffuse bedding, and trace to few very thin to thin chert 792.3 44.5 3:1010*8 beds, lenses, and nodules (jasperoidal-red, brown, and gray, with red jasper specks); trace U
5.0 3:13 (5.0)
Run 9 ~
to slight bioturbation, fenestral with trace calcite filled pits and sparry calcite "bird eyes",
4:07 100% 70%
strong HCI reaction (Lower Blackford Formation-Unit A) tJ 3:33 40.0,40.2ft: FZ, 0-40°, PR, 0-MO, N, II 40.6,41.1,43.6ft: BJ, 30°, PR, T-PO, B-D, II
~Z..J 3:24 41.5,41.8,41.9,42.1,42.2ft: BJ, 30-35°, SR-SL-UL, T-PO, E, II 3 12 44.5ft: Lost circulation
""l-~7""87,_,_.""31-~4=9"-'.5"t-"';-t--;:-cc.:~;:-i-=-;;-;-+-~c+--oRc;cu-:-n ""'1 0;---tJ...l 45.3,45.6,45.8,45.9,46.0,46.1,46.5ft: BJ, 30-35°, PS-PR, T, B-C-D, II
~ l-~7,.86"'"."-51-~5,0"'.3"+--c0""""'.8c-t--o:-8:~58~/0;oc.8;:-i (0.8)
(0.0) 1--;c;--~-ti?J...l 46.7,46.9,47.0,47.2,47.5,47.8ft: BJ, 30°, SL-PS-PR-PL, T-PO, B-C-E, Ill u
4.2 2:33/0.2 ~~~
Run 11 ~
47.7ft: J, 40°, SR, T, B-E, Ill
3:10 (4.2)
(4.0) 48.2ft: J, 10-40°, UR-UL, T-PO, B, Ill 2:35 100% 95%
48.3ft: Regained circulation
3:16 48.7,48.9,49.1ft: BJ, 35°, SS-SL, T, B, II
2:54 49.5ft: Lost circulation 782.3 54.5 50.6ft: J, 50°, SR, T-PO, B, Ill 0
5.0 3:00 (4.9)
Run 12 ~
50.7,51.6,52.5,53.6,54.3ft: BJ, 30°, PR, T-PO, B-C, II-III
2:19 98%
54.6,55.3,56.6,57.0,57.3ft: BJ, 30°, SR-PR, T-P0-0, B-C-D, II-III, slight core loss at 57.3' tJ 55.3ft: J 40° SR T-PO B II Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-479 of 706
GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG a me SHEET 2 OF 4 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: J. Terry SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Akins/K. Amburn Boring Orientation BORING NO.:
MP-411 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: D-120 (MW-2)
Inclination: Vertical GROUND ELEV.:
836.8 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING:
571,501 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,500 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth:
199.6 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 1586-11; 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): 140-lb Auto (R308)
8/3/13 COMPLETED: 8/8/13 I CASING DEPTH: 39.7 ft CORE BARREL TYPE: HQ3/Diamond Impregnated core bits ELEV. DEPTH RUN (ft)
~j NO.
L 0
G ROCK DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS Continued from previous page 3:44
--- -LiMESTONE(Mic'RrfEfgrajtodark gray (5Y6iT-471fc7:-5vR6Ff-:471Cgray(N6if andgray ---
~ 779.3 56.0ft: J, 0°, UR, T, B, II 57.5 2:46 to very dark gray (10YR 5/1-3/1), strong, laminated to very thinly bedded into moderately to 1-,_7,_77,_,_..,31-~5,9"'.5"+-~:-t-~;;--+~c-+~~t---;;;--~-t-'"n thickly bedded, fining upward repeating beds, slightly weathered to fresh, argillaceous, 5.0 3:28 (5.0)
Run 13 ~
interbedded with trace to few, laminated, clayey Calcareous SILTSTONE, gray (7.5YR 5/1-4/1) 3:21 100% 100%
to dark gray (5Y 4/1) to dark reddish gray (1 OR 3/1 ), wavy to diffuse and amorphous bedding, trace coarse sand to fine gravel sized angular chert clasts; locally disturbed bedding with 3:31 nodular appearance, trace to slight bioturbation, fenestral with trace calcite filled pits and 1:57 sparry calcite "bird eyes", strong HCI reaction 2:15 61.4ft: BJ, 30°, PR, P0-0, C, Ill 1--'-77~2~.34-~6=4~.5~~~~~:-t~~~~+~~~~
5.0 2:14 (5.0)
Run 14 ~
66.6ft: BJ, 25-30°, SR, T, B, II 767.3 69.5 5.0 762.3 74.5 5.0 2:o?
100% 100%
67.3,68.0ft: J, 5-10°, SR, T, B, II 2:34 2:45 2:18 2:50 (5.0)
Run 15 ~-
2:18 100% 100%
2:55 2:37 2:23 71.1ft: J, OS, SR, T, B, II 72.9ft: J, 40°, SR, P0-0, B-E, II 73.7,74.2ft: J, 0-10°, PR, VT, A, I 2:03 100% 100%
77.3ft: BJ, 40°, SS-US, T-PO, B, II 2:05 (5.0)
Run 16 ~
76.4-78.9ft: SZ/FZ, 65-90°, PS, VT, A, I, healed with calcite
- Q 1
- 44
-759.4 77.4 f-o 2:05
--- -DOLOMfTICLIMESTONE(MICRfTE"fvery Cfari( gray (5YR 3hf dari<r8ctdlshgray(10R4!Tj,---
§ 2:oo greenish gray (5GY 5/1-6/1 ), gray (N 6/), and dark gray to very dark gray (N 4/-N 3/), strong,
""1--'-7.,57,_,_..,31-_7,_.9"'.5"+-~:-t-~;;--+~c-+~~t---;c;--~-ciJ thinly to moderately and thickly bedded, fresh, interbedded with trace, laminated clayey
5.0 1:48 (5.0)
Run 17 ~
Calcareous SILTSTONE, wavy to diffuse and amorphous bedding, trace coarse sand to fine
..J 2:15 100% 100%
gravel sized angular chert clasts (reddish brown) and dolomite clasts (light olive gray); slight
bioturbation, fenestral with trace calcite filled pits and sparry calcite "bird eyes", trace to few
1:52 calcite healed fractures, weak/delayed to strong HCI reaction 1:53 79.2ft: BJ, 20°, SR, T-PO, B, II
752 3
1 57 80.0-80.8,83.1-83.3ft: J, 55° and 75°, VT, A, I, healed with calcite 0
84.5 81.8ft: BJ/J, 40° and 0°, SR, VT, B, II
1.7 2:03 (1.7)
Run 18 ~
83.7ft: BJ, 35°, SR, T, B, II o
750_6 86_2 1:0810_7 100% 88%
84.6ft: BJ, 10-20°, US, T, B, II
3.3 1:24/0.3 (3.2)
Run 19 ~
86.1-86.6ft: As above, with SILTSTONE, dark greenish gray (5G 4/1), slightly weathered
~u 2:44 97%
86.0,86.4,86.5ft: BJ, 25-30°, SR, P0-0, B-D, Ill; with slight core loss 2:29
747.3 89.5 2:19
~l--"='-'-"-l-~~f---=5cc.0:-+-"0""2:""'07;;--+("'5"""".0c-)+-c-(4c-.-=-9)+ccRc-u-n""'2o:-t~=r:J 89.6ft: BJ, 30-35°, US-SR-SL, T, B, II o
1.55 100% 98%
89.7,90.3ft: J, 50°/70°, VT, A, I 3
745.0 90.5ft: BJ, 40°, US, T-PO, B, II 91.8
..J 1:52 6--- -CRYSTAU.:II\\JE -DOLOMITEIIJOLOMITlC-LIMESTONE-(rvlk':RfTE), duSkyred (7.5R -3i2) to---
1:51 4
dark reddish gray (10R 4/1-3/1), greenish gray (5GY 5/1) to dark bluish gray to very dark 2:09 Q
bluish gray (5PB 4/1-3/1), and dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/4) to dark reddish gray (2.5YR 0
742.3 94.5
-T-7 4/1 ), locally with weak mottling, strong, moderately to thickly bedded, fresh, trace to few chert
!J 5.0 2:46 (5.0)
Run 21 z!;z and dolomite clasts; slight to moderate bioturbation, trace calcite filled pits, few calcite healed u
1:38 100% 94%
r;z fractures, no tooweak HCI reaction
..J Q
92.5ft. J, 10-20, UR-SR, T-PO, D-E, II g
1:46 D-93.6ft: J, 60°, VT, A, I 1:44 6
94.5-99.5ft: J, 70°, VT, A, I; intact spaced 0.1' 0
1:59 4
94.7,95.9,97.5ft. BJ, 30-40, UR-SR, PO, B-C, II u
737.3 99.5 "9
97.5ft: J, 0°, PR, T, B, II c<
5.0 4:12 (5.0)
Run 22 4 99.5-101.5ft: J, 70-75°, VT, A, I, spaced at about 0.5'
3:40 100% 86%
Q 99.7-99.9ft: Mechanically reduced to rubble 4
6 0_
101.2,102.7,104.2ft: BJ, 35-40°, SR-SL, PO, B-C, II
2:40 0
2:30 6
732.3 104.5 2:34
tJ 5.0 2:51 (5.0)
Run 23 I.
105.9ft: BJ 25-30° SR PO B-C II Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-480 of 706
GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG a me SHEET 3 OF 4 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: J. Terry SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Akins/K. Amburn Boring Orientation BORING NO.:
MP-411 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: D-120 (MW-2)
Inclination: Vertical GROUND ELEV.:
836.8 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING:
571,501 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,500 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth:
199.6 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 1586-11; 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (I D): 140-lb Auto (R308)
8/3/13 COMPLETED: 8/8/13 I CASING DEPTH: 39.7 ft CORE BARREL TYPE: HQ3/Diamond Impregnated core bits DRILL RUN L
G Continued from previous page 2:06 100% 100%
730_5 106.2-1 08.1ft: Vertical feature, possible stylolite with calcite infilling 1 06_3 2:16
strong, thin to moderately bedded, fresh, trace to mostly chert and dolomite clasts, gray to dark gray (N 5/-N 4/); trace stylolites, no to weak HCI reaction 727.3 109.5 2:33 I
2.5 4:21 (2.3)
Run 24 I 726.4 108.3ft: J, 60°, VT, A, I r____1_1_Q,+/-
4:08 92%
108.7,108.9ft: BJ, 30-35°, SR-SL, T-PO, B, II 724.8 112.0 3:55/0.5 CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine grained, dark gray (2.5Y 4/1) to very dark gray (10YR 3/1),
2.5 4:20/0.5 (2.5)
Run 25
to gray (10YR 6/1) and light grayish brown (10YR 6/2) to dark gray to very dark gray (10YR 4:48 100% 100%
4/1-3/1 ), strong, very thinly to moderately bedded, locally laminated, fresh, stylolitic; trace 3:41 calcite and dolomite filled pits and vugs (separate/non-touching), weak/delayed to no HCI 722.3 114.5
reaction (Knox Group-Newala Formation) 5.1 3:27 (5.1)
Run 26 110.6,111.1ft: BJ, 30°, PRISR, T-PO, B, II 3:16 100% 98%
111.6ft: BJ, 30°, PS, PO, B-E, II, slight core loss 113.0ft: BJ, 30-35°, SR, T-PO, B, II 3:35
116.3ft: J, 40°, SR-UR, T-PO, B-C, II 4:17 117.3,117.9ft: BJ, 25-35°, SR-SL, T-PO, B-C, II
- -71_81._ 1 117.6-119.4tt; J, 50-60°, VT, A, I, intact spaced 0.5' 118.6 3:04/1.1
I 717.2 119.6
~1_?_-~._.J,§_O _,_ ~._I-£'0_,_B,_II _______________________
5.0 2:33 (5.0)
Run 27
CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine grained, gray to light brownish gray (10YR 6/1-6/2), to dark 1:56 100% 100%
gray and very dark gray (10YR 4/1-3/1), to weak red (2.5YR 4/2) and dark gray to pinkish gray
(7.5YR 4/1-6/2), strong, very thinly to thinly bedded, fresh, stylolitic; trace to few fractures with 2:17 very dusky red (10R 2.5/2), indurated clayey/silty fracture filling/mineralization, healed fractures with calcite/dolomite through-out, weak/delayed to no HCI reaction 2:37
118.6ft: BJ, 20-30°, PL, D-E, II 712.2 124.6 2:32 120.8ft: J, 50°, PR, T-PO, B, II 5.0 4:02 (5.0)
Run 28 ~
121.3-123.9ft: FZ, 50-60°, VT, A, I 100% 98%
121.3ft: J, 10°, UR, T-PO, D-E, II 3:07
122.4ft: J, 25°, PR-UR, T-PO, D-E, II 4:30
- 709.4 123.8ft: J, 30~35°, UR;SR, T-PO, D-E, II 127.4
---1 125.9,126.3ft. J, 0-10, SRIPR, T-PO, B-E, II 3:57
I 127.0ft: J, W
~nd 25°, SR, P0-0, D-E, II i
707.2 129.6 3:12
,1~ 1.ft._B.J, ~
,_S~,.:r_-f>_O,_B~._II _____________________ I CRYSTALLINE DOLOMITE, fine grained, mostly very dark gray to dark gray (10YR 3/1-4/1) to 5.0 2:26 (5.0)
Run 29
gray (10YR 6/1-5/1), with dark reddish gray (10R 3/1), reddish gray (2.5YR 5/1, 7.5R 5/1), and 2:38 100% 100%
gray to dark gray (5YR 5/1-4/1) with weak red (7.5YR 4/3), strong, very thinly to moderately 2:51
bedded, fresh, stylolitic, locally with trace scattered chert clasts and medium grained, rounded quartz sand grains and laminated to very thin dolomite cemented quartz sand lenses; trace 2:42 g
calcite and dolomite filled pits and vugs (separate/non-touching, fill partly open), healed 702.2 134.6 3:10 fractures with calcite and dolomite through-out, weak/delayed to no HCI reaction 129.2ft: J, 60°, oo and 40°, SR, T-PO, B, II 5.0 3:01 (5.0)
Run 30
131.4,133.4ft: BJ/J, 10-30°, SR-SL, T-PO, B-C, II, stylolites 2:34 100% 94%
134.0ft: J, 0°, SR-SL, T-PO, B-C-D, II, stylolite 3:15
134.6-139.6ft: J, 50-85°, VT, A, I. spaced at 1.0' 135.3ft: J, 65°, SR, T-PO, B, II 3:31
135.8ft: J/BJ, 15°, SL, T, C, II 3:29 136.4ft: J/BJ, 40°, US-UR, T-PO, D-E, II 697.2 139.6 136.6ft: J, 35-40°, SR, T-PO, B, II 5.0 2:04 (5.0)
Run 31 ~
137.3,138.5ft: BJ, 30-40°, US-SS-SR-PR, T-PO, D-E, II 2:19 100% 100%
139.0,139.1ft: J, 15°, UL, T-PO, D-E, II
139.8,140.1,140.5ft: BJ, 30°, PR-SR, T, B-D-E, II 2:13 140-143.0, 143.0-144.5ft: J, 60-90°, VT, A, I, spaced at about 0.1-0.5' 2:21
141.6ft: J, 50°, SR, T-PO, D-E, II 3:05 142.4ft: BJ, 45-50°, SR, B-E, II, stylolite 692.2 144.6 143.4ft: J, 30-35°, SR, T-PO, B, II 3.8 2:10 (3.8)
Run 32
144.0ft: J, 10-15°, PS, T-PO, B, II 3:02 100% 84%
145.0ft: J, OS, SR, T, B, II 145.7,146.7,147.7,147.8ft: BJ, 30-40°, SR-SL, T-PO, B-C-D-E. II 3:07
688.4 148.4 5:34/0.8 1.2 0:35/0.2 (1.2)
Run 33 ~
148.5ft: BJ, 20°, SR-UR, T-PO, D-E, II, stylolite 687.2 149.6 4:29 100% 58%
148.6ft: J, 55°, SR, T-PO, B-C, II 5.0 2:54 (5.0)
Run 34
148.8-149.4ft: J, 90°, VT, A, I 3:08 100% 92%
150.2ft: J, 55°, SR-SL, T, B-C, II 3:10
152.2ft: 70°, SR, T-PO, B-C, II 153.0,153.1,153.4,154.0,154.2ft: BJ, 20-35°, SR-SL, T-PO, B-C-D-E, II, stylolite at 154.2' 3:23
¢ Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-481 of 706
GEOTECHNICAL CORING LOG a me SHEET 4 OF 4 BECHTEL PROJECT NO.: 25847 AMEC PROJECT NO.: 6468-13-1072 COUNTY: Roane, TN I GEOLOGIST: J. Terry SITE DESCRIPTION: Clinch River SMR Project, Roane County, Tennessee DRILLER: G. Akins/K. Amburn Boring Orientation BORING NO.:
MP-411 DRILL METHOD: Mud Rotary/Core DRILL MACHINE: D-120 (MW-2)
Inclination: Vertical GROUND ELEV.:
836.8 ft (NAVD88) NORTHING:
571,501 US ft (NAD83) EASTING: 2,447,500 US ft (NAD83) Azimuth:
199.6 ft SAMPLE METHODS: ASTM D 1586-11; 2488-09a; 2113-08; 6032-08 I HAMMER (ID): 140-lb Auto (R308)
8/3/13 COMPLETED: 8/8/13 I CASING DEPTH: 39.7 ft CORE BARREL TYPE: HQ3/Diamond Impregnated core bits ELEV. DEPTH RUN (ft)
(ft) 682.2 154.6 5.0 DRILL RATE (Min/ft)
~j NO.
L 0
G 4:o1 7
3:26 (5.0)
Run 35 ~
ROCK DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS Continued from previous page 155.4ft: BJ, 35-40°, US-SS, T-PO, D-E, II 156.1ft: BJ, 35°, PR-UR, T-PO, D-E, II 3:15 100% 100%
3:10 6-679.3 157.5 2:49 r;z.--- -c"Rvsi'AU.:11\\fE DOLOMITE, fine grained, gray and brown (7.5YR 571:5"12) to ctark gray and---
2:33 Q
very dark gray (5YR 4/1-3/1) and reddish gray to weak red (1 OYR 5/1-4/2), strong, very thin to 677.2 159.6 D
thinly bedded, fresh, stylolitic, trace to few fractures with dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4) and l-"'-'-~l-""""""'-"-1f---:c5C"O.O:-t-~2:-;c12~+(c;c5~.0c-) +-c-(5""".CO"O)+--oRo-u-n -;:c36:-tQ/"1 greenish gray (1 OGY 5/1 ), indurated clayey/silty fracture filling/mineralization; trace to few 1:56 100% 100%
r;z calcite and dolomite filled pits and vugs (separate/non-touching), healed fractures with calcite r;z and dolomite through-out, weak/delayed to no HCI reaction 2:34 Q-157.5ft: BJ, 30-35°, SR, T-PO, D-E, II 3:02 D
158.4,159.0ft: J, 50°, VT, A, I 3
06 6
163.8ft: BJ, 35°, PR-SR, T-PO, D-E, II 672.2 164.6
...,L l-~~l-~~f---:c5~.0:-t-~2:~21~+(c;c5~.0")+-o(5""".~o)+--oR~u~n~37:-t~~n 667.2 169.6 5.0 2:20 100% 100%
0 2:40
-T-7 166.9-172.0ft: J, 40-60°, healed fractures spaced at about 0.1' 167.2ft: J, 50°, PR-SR, T, B-C, II 2:36 (5.0)
Run 38 Q
170.1, 171.0ft: BJ, 49°, SS-SR, T-PO, D-E, II 2:41 100% 90%
Q 171.9,1l2.7ft. ~* 60, SR, T-PO, B-C, II 2
172.7ft. BJ, 30, US-SL, T-PO, D-E, II 2:15 Q ~ @
4 1.. -CRYSTAU.:INE ooLoMITE, firletocoarse graTn8d,weakred ('T.5R 472-;-10R 5!2) to greenish __
1 ZP
2:01 Q
gray (5GY 6/1, 10GY 6/1) and reddish gray (10R 6/1) to dark reddish gray (7.5R 4/1) and
- QI-.,6.,.62.,."""21-_,_17,_,4,.6"+-~
- -t-~~+~c-+--=-~t---oo--~-+-T-7L.,.LL dusky red (7.5R 3/3, 10R 3/2), with trace gray (2.5Y 6/1), strong, laminated to thinly bedded, f-o 5.0 3:28 (5.0)
Run 39 +/-:;:2 locally to moderately bedded, fresh, stylolitic, trace scattered quartz sand grains; healed
§ 3:29 100% 78%
r;z fractures with ca~cite and dolomite through-out, weak/delayed to no HCI reaction Q-174.1ft. J, 35-40, UR, T, B, II
2:16 T7 174.5,175.0ft: J, 70-90°, SR, T, A-B, II 0::
- h 174.9ft: J, 10°,60° and 80°, UR, T;PO, B, II
- h 175.1,175.5,1l8.2,;78.9ft. J, 5-25, SR, T-PO, B-D-E, II I-~65~7~.2T-_1~7~9~.6r.~-+-----oc-=---+~~t--;-:c'"=+-:c;--;-o:---lT__L..t_
175.6,177.4ft. J, 40, SR, T-PO, B, II 5.0 2:27 (5.0)
Run 40 4 176.0,1l6.9,1!8.2ft: BJ, 40°, PR-SR-SS-SL, T-PO, B-D-E, II
2:42 100% 100%
Q 177.3ft. J, 0-5, SR, T, B, II o
Q 178.2ft: J, 60-65°, SR, T-PO, E, II
2:23 r;z-181.0-183.0ft: J, 40:65°, VT, A, I, spaced at about 0.4' 0
2:28 Q
181.5,181.6ft. J, 030, SR~ T, B-C, II, stylolites
2:43 T7 182.1ft. BJ/J, 35 and 55, SR, PS-T, B, II
652.2 184.6 X
183.4ft: BJ, 35°, US-UR, T-PO, B-D, II
..J 5.0 1:47 (5.0)
Run41 :h 184.9,185.8ft: BJ, 30-40°, SR-SS, T-PO, D-E, II, stylolites u
2:28 100% 96%
- h 187.7ft: BJ, 45°, PR-SR, T-PO, D-G, II, stylolite
§ 3:
188.1,188.4ft:J,40°,SR,T-PO-O,B,II 8
~ 648.4 188.4
..J 647 2
189 6
~=6+/-:7I -CHERT," verydarkgrayishbrown (TOYR-3i2),strong, m0clerateiy!J8dded-;-fresh, Witilfew To -=1~.1 g
l--'=~l-""""""'-"-1f---c-=-+-""""""~--+~~-r.-~+-=-----cc:-t67'i tlittle dolomite crystals in matrix, trace dolomite filled pits and healed fractures through-out; no1 5 645.3 191.5 1
9 3:~~:~.9
~~~~~t~~LiNE DOLOMITCffrle -grained-:- dUsky red Tf OR 3!2), reddiSh gray (10R-571/
3.1 0:15/0.1 4-greenish gray (10Y 6/1), gray (7.5YR 5/1), and weak red (10R 4/2-5/2), mottled, strong, 5
4:49 r;z laminated to thinly bedded, fresh; trace dolomite and calcite filled pits (few open), healed u
4:21 r;z fractures with d,?lomite and calcite through-out, weak/delayed to no HCI reaction 3:27 2
189.2ft. J, 0-10, PR, PO-Od B-C, II
642.2 194.6 2
34 4
189.1-190.9ft; SZ/FZ, J, 90, spaced at 0.1 5.0 D
190.7ft. J, 35, SR, T, D-E, II
2:51 ti 192.0,192.3ft: Jd 60°, VT, A, I u
3:07 ti-193.2ft. J, 0-20.ys, T, B, II
4 195.1ft. BJ, 0-99, SR, VT, A, I, stylolite 2:47 Q
197.0ft. J, 0-20, SR, T, B, II 2:35 L;z.
198.0-198.1ft: ~J, 35°, PS-SR, T-PO, B-C, II
637.2 199.6
-T-7 637.2 198.7ft. J, 0-30, SR, T, B, II 199.6
Boring and coring terminated at 199.6 feet.
..J UL-----L---~~--~----~----~--~----~--~----------------------------------------------------------------------..J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page B.1-482 of 706
MP-411-Boxes 1 and 2 AMEC 1'/WJECT G<lliR 13 1!172 fJ()(IING MP-4 11 BOX _L_
DEPTH 8. 0 (fi)TO ~(ft) tiMEC PIWJECT 61)61!13 1072 BORING MP~ II llfPTH JJs MP-411-Boxes 3 and 4 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1-483 of 706
MP-411-Boxes 5 and 6 AMEC PROJECT 646813 1072 BORING Mf-411 sox_5 __
DEPTH G9.5 (II) TO MLifl)
DEPTH ~'1.5 (ft)TO 95.5 (ft) s MP-411-Boxes 7 and 8 AMEC 1'/WJECT fi4lill13 11172 BfJRING MFV/l BOX R oEPrH 11 v.5 itt)ro JaY.~
Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1484 of 706
MP-411-Boxes 9 and 10 AMEC PIWJECT 6461113 1072 BORING M f-.1./ /I BOX I 0 DEPTH /lflJ ~ (ft}TO /5 ~. fo' (ft) e CUNCH RIVER SMR PROJECT AMEC PROJECT 6468 13 1072 BORING M P-'iII BOX _j_J_
DE1'TH / 59 "-'
(fi)TO /71/ b (ft)
J<.u}./~J: f?~.~--/'79' ' (s. o}l~.o'(J (Jo1,Y!:J'(7B/.)
R*.JN!Jo * /7.'-t::. IMk (s.o>jt;.o '(l~:l:)/~.o(t/1)'/.)
RUNql. IB'f£;'J/5.0'{JorJ'I.)/'tR/('jG'I.)
. ~-r.,:
~.- ~
.................. -~~.-~~--
.. --.... ~1'-~;
~~~.!;; -~,---* ~*******
Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1485 of 706
MP-411-Box 13 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page 8.1-486 of 706