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M190124: Scheduling Note and Slides - Strategic Programmatic Overview of the New Reactors Business Line (Public)
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/24/2019
Download: ML19025A039 (39)






Provide the Commission with a discussion of strategic considerations associated with the New Reactors Business Line.

Scheduled: January 24, 2019 10:00 a.m.

Duration: 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Location: Commissioners' Conference Room, 1st Floor OWFN


Presentation NRC Staff 60 mins.*

Margaret Doane, Executive Director for Operations Fred Brown, Director, Office of New Reactors (NRO)


  • Strategic Direction for the Business Line
  • Key Focus Areas and Challenges Robert Taylor, Director, Division of Licensing, Siting and Environmental Analysis (DLSE), NRO Topic:
  • Light Water Reactor (LWR) Licensing Activities Anna Bradford, Deputy Director, DLSE, NRO Topic: ,
  • Initiatives to Modernize LWR Reviews William Jones, Director, Division of Construction Oversight, Region II Topic:
  • Vogtle Construction Oversight 1

John Monninger, Director, Division of Safety Systems, Risk Assessment, and Advanced Reactors, NRO Topic:

  • Advanced Reactor (non-LWR) Preparations Commission Q & A 50 mins.

Discussion - Wrap-Up 5 mins.

  • For presentation only and does not include time for Commission Q & A's 2

7 U.S.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Strategic Programmatic Overview of the New Reactors Business Line January 24, 2019


  • Strategic Direction for the New Reactors Business Line - Fred Brown
  • Large Light Water and Small Modular Reactor Licensing Activities - Rob Taylor

Agenda ( continued)

  • Vogtle 3 & 4 Construction Oversight -

Bill Jones

  • ~u.S.NRC United Scares Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Strategic Direction for the New Reactors Business Line (N RBL)

Frederick Brown Director Office of New Reactors

Summary of NRBL strategic direction

  • Complete work before us with an appropriate focus on "reasonable assurance of adequate protection"
  • Be agile in responding to workload changes
  • Develop enduring guidance and direction to facilitate both clarity and reliability for future applicants

Effectively Executing Our Current Workload

  • "Whole Team" effort with our agency partner offices
  • Reliable in our approach to licensing and inspection
  • Efficient in the timeliness of our decisions
  • Open in our communications and engagement

Scaling the Office of New Reactors for Current and Future Workload

  • Combining internal work units
  • "Pre-merging" work units with the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
  • Maintaining staff continuity and minimizing disruption where possible

Planning and Preparing for the Future

  • Improving internal processes
  • Preparing for the transition to operations at Vogtle
  • Focusing guidance documents and pursuing approved rulemaking
  • Executing the vision for advanced reactor licensing

7 U.S.NRC United Stares Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Large Light Water and Small Modular Reactor Licensing Activities Robert M. Taylor Director Division of Licensing, Siting, and Environmental Analysis

Effective and Timely (1/4)

  • Completed APR1400 DC Review on 42 month schedule
  • Pursuing direct final rulemaking for certification Photo of NRC and KHNP staffs during the signing of the APR1400 Standard Design Approval issued on September 28, 2018.

Effective and Timely (2/4)

  • Completed 50 licensing actions supporting construction schedule
  • lmpr?ved licensing& .

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-RAI enhancements Installation of Ring 3 on Vogtle Unit 3

- Clear review Source: Southern Nuclear Company standards

Effective and Timely (3/4) 1*A 1. ;'191'- .... -

  • Clinch River ESP

- Leveraged audits

- Reduced RAls significantly

- Completed SER with no open items

-Assessed emergency planning zone size creatively Photo of NRC staff examining core borings at Clinch River

Effective and Timely (4/4)

  • NuScale SMR Design Certification

- Phase 1 complete

- Phase 2 progressing

- Resolving challenging issues

- Focus on safety and risk significance New Reactors, Region II and Technical Training Center staff in NuScale Simulator Source: NuScale Power

Preparing for Licensing Work in FY 2019 and Beyond

  • Continuing licensing support of Vogtle construction
  • No new light water reactor DC or ESP applications expected
  • Completing current applications under review
  • Preparing for new combined license application
  • -~f U.S.NRC Unircd Srarcs Nuclear Rcgularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Initiatives to Modernize Reviews Anna Bradford Deputy Director Division of Licensing, Siting, and Environmental Analysis

Improved Processes

  • Improving the use of Requests for Additional Information (RAI)

- Ensuring an RAI is necessary to reach a regulatory finding

- Linking each RAI to the applicable requirement

- Resulting in better use of resources

Improved Processes (cont'd)

  • Refining the use of Audits

-Applying lessons learned from a successful review

- Keeping audits focused, short, and well documented

- Benefiting staff and applicants

Transformation of Framework

  • Initiated Part 50/ 52 Rulemaking

- Ensuring consistency between the two regulations

-Addressing lessons learned from the initial uses of Part 52 for certification, permitting, licensing, and construction

- Goal to provide appropriate flexibility for applicants and licensees, and improved opportunity for staff to focus on safety

Transformation of Framework (cont'd)

  • Refocusing of Standard Review Plan

- Current content results in an in-depth review across all topic areas

- Revise the SRP to focus on the regulatory requirement and necessary finding, not on historical information and prescriptive language

- Provide a structure for staff reviews to be innovative and flexible, better tailored to specific applications

Original Approaches for Issues

  • Departing from past practice while achieving desired safety and security outcomes

- Tier 2* license amendment request for Vogtle

- General Design Criterion 27 exemption for NuScale design certification

- Demand to capacity ratio for structural analysis in APR- 1400 design certification

~U.S.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Vogtle 3&4 Construction Oversight William Jones Director Division of Construction Oversight Region II

Resources Aligned with Construction and Operational Inspection Challenges 1 ,~ irl:*~ r~~~

  • Effectively NRC implementing -- inspector with inspections through French regulator well qualified staff
  • Previous organizational changes established foundation for NRC transition to inspector observing operations Unit 4 accumulator lift

Effectively Meeting the Construction and Operational Inspection Challenges Vogtle Unit 3: NRC ITAAC Inspection Completion Status vs.

ICNs Submitted & Verified Dated November 5 2018

  • Construction status 1:

70 1 2 0 1 0 1

  • ITAAC and 60 so 40 operational 30 20 programs 10 inspection status 4/2018 *nd P,lor May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Au~-18 l!!!I NRC lTAAC ln$pedion Incomplete for ICNs Submitted GmNRC rTAAC lnspa,:tion Compl<>te (Accumulating Total)

_._ICNs Submitted and Verified [Accumulating Total)



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  • Effectively Vogtle U3: NRC ITAAC Inspection Plan Status executing
  • Compleood rTAAC ln,paction P~ns.


  • rTAAC lmpc,ction Plons Not Complcrtc, associated with tiOTE: ' Ill\!£ lnspeaion

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To date, 34 ICNs or 16%

for Unit 3 have been submitted and verified by the NRC. '~ US.NRC 1........ ,cw, * .. <"'. ltoi. *~ * , ..........


  • Unit 4 Metrics Similar to Unit 3

Innovative Project Oversight

  • Vogtle Readiness Group
  • Effective oversight through cognizant offices throughout agency
  • Independence from organizational changes
  • Ensures integration of guidance and resources for the transition to operations
  • Provides agency and licensee continuity in licensing and oversight activities

Transformational Initiative

  • Integrated Project Plan supports agency readiness
  • Informed by licensee milestones
  • Supports Vogtle Readiness Group decision making
  • Aligns agency staff on program activities through plant operations

Supportive Infrastructure

  • Well established programs and processes
  • Maintains a forward inspection focus and ITAAC review
  • Independent of agency organizational changes in structure or leadership
  • Joint NRO./NRR Office instruction developed for 10CFR52. l 03(g)
  • Leveraging International Experience
  • Enhanced NRC staff NRC Staff at top of transition to the Sanmen operations readiness Unit 2 steam
  • Gained AP-1000 igenerator startup program experience
  • Eff~ctive knowledge transfer TTC APl 000 Simulator

5J U.S.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Advanced Reactor Readiness John Monninger Director Division of Safety Systems, Risk Assessment, and Advanced Reactors

Broad Landscape Micro Liguid Metal Cooled High-TemQerature Molten Salt Reactors Fast Reactors Gas-Cooled Reactors Reactors (LMFR) (HTGR) (MSR)

Okla *1 1I [ GE-H

) ~ [ - X-ener

[ Westinghouse l11 l Terra Power ) ~ [ General Atomics ) .--

[ ARC l 11 Framatome ) I Sodium-Cooled J ~[

I StarCore )

TR/SO Fuel

_~-f ( I- -~. Terrestrial

[ Westinghouse f1 I ,- - Terra Power

[ Columbia Basin ) [ Elysium

[ Hydromine ) ( Thorcon Lead-Cooled J I( Muons

( Flibe

( Alpha Tech Liquid Salt Fueled

Working the Action Plan Strategy 1 Knowledge , ~~ills JI strategy 2 Computer Codes Strategy 3 Flexible Review Strategy 4 Consensus Codes 11 Strategy Polley and Key 5 11 C

St ra t egy 6

. t' ommunrca ron and Capabrhty & Review Tools Processes and Standards Technical Issues I1 Identification &

Regulatory ASME BPVC I I Siting near NRC DOE l

ONRL Molten Salt Assessment of Section Ill densely populated Reactor Training Roadmap Workshops Available Codes Division 5 areas I

I ANS Standards Periodic Knowledge Management I I Prototype Guidance I1 20.1, 20 .2 30 .2, 54.1 Insurance and Liability Stakeholder Meetings Consequence Competency Non-LWR Design Non-LWR NRC DOE GAIN Based Security Modeling Criteria PRA Standard MOU (SECY-18-0076)

Updated HTGR and Fast Reactor Training Environmental Reviews EPforSMRs and ONTs (SECY-18-0103)

II International Coordination Licensing Modernization Project j

I Functional Containment (SECY-18-0096)

Potential First Micro-Reactors Movers

Integrated Evaluation of the Licensing Framework

  • Removing unnecessary barriers to incentivize holistic approach to safety
  • Systematic use of risk assessment tools
  • Balancing accident prevention and consequence mitigation
  • Inter-relationship and linkage of initiatives being pursued

Developing a Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Framework

  • Evaluating N El 18-04, "Risk Informed Performance-Based Guidance for Non-Light Water Reactor Licensing Basis Development" for NRC endorsement

- Systematic process

- Identification of licensing-basis events

- Classification of structures, systems, and components

- Consideration of Defense-in-Depth

Developing a Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Framework

( continued)

  • Significant stakeholder interactions including coordination with Department of Energy and Department of Defense

Improving the Focus of the Content of Applications I \

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1 (.01 t .(,02 U...Ot 1.(.00 t E*OI U*OZ U.ol MEAN TOTAL EFFECTIVE DOSE EOUIVALENT (REM) Safety-Related SSCs AT fXCLUSION AREA BOUNDARY (EABI Non-Safety-Related SSCs Non-Light Water Risk Significant Non-Safety-Related SSCs Non-Risk Significant ~

Addressing Challenges

  • Planning for the broad range of designs under development
  • Expanding NRC staff organizational capacity
  • Ensuring coherence of new licensing approaches


  • DC - design certification
  • ESP - early site permit
  • FY - fiscal year
  • IPP - Integrated Project Plan
  • ITAAC - Inspections, tests, and acceptance criteria
  • NEI - Nuclear Energy Institute
  • RAI - request for additional information
  • SER - safety evaluation report


  • SMR - small modular reactor