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Daher-TLI - Submittal of Application for Amendment of License USA/9342/AF-96 for Model No. Versa-Pac
Person / Time
Site: 07109342
Issue date: 03/16/2018
From: Sewell P
To: Michael Layton
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML18151B047 List:
Download: ML18151B048 (3)


1 of 3 LTR-20000-100-01 March 16, 2018 ATTN: Document Control Desk, Director, Division of Spent Fuel Management, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Mr. Layton:

Daher-TLI hereby submits an application for amendment of license USA/9342/AF-96 for Model No.

Versa-Pac. All amendment contents have been consolidated to Revision 10 to the Versa-Pac Safety Analysis Report, Docket No. 71-9342.

Revision 10 removes the packaging designation VP-55HC, adds new contents for the Versa-Pac package, increases the maximum gross weight for the VP-55, allows for air transport of the package, and replaces the antiquated licensing drawings and thermal analysis. The wording in the SAR is revised to remove the VP-55HC name and list the use of the 5-inch pipe as a separate configuration of the VP-55.

The new contents for the Versa-Pac include an additional enrichment (1.25 wt.%) and 1S/2S UF6 cylinders. The gross weight of the VP-55 is increased to 750 lbs, based on additional drop testing performed on the package. Revisions to the SAR have been made to allow air transport of the Versa-Pac. Finally, the hand drawn Licensing drawings have been replaced by CAD drawings and the antiquated thermal analysis has been replaced with an analysis using a modern code.

The information in this submittal is being withheld from public disclosure because it contains information proprietary to Daher-TLI. The affidavit for withholding from public disclosure is documented in LTR-20000-100-02, submitted jointly with this application. A redacted version of this submittal will be issued by the end of March.

The following information provides general description of the Revision 10 of the Versa-Pac SAR. Full details can be found in SAR Rev 10, Record of Revisions.

General revisions:

o Removal of VP-55HC terminology and replacement with VP-55 with 5-inch pipe configuration throughout SAR Section 1 is revised as follows:

o Addition of air transport limits and 1.25 wt.% for general loading content o Addition of UF6 1S and 2S contents o Revised gross weight of VP-55 based on new drop testing

2 of 3 o Removed references to manufacturing SOPs in Sections 1.4.3 - 1.4.5 to explicitly list insulating material requirements o Replaced licensing drawings with new CAD based drawings Section 2 is revised as follows:

o Discussion added regarding the potential for corrosive reactions from HF acid generated from UF6 contents (Section 2.2.2).

o Addition of new increased weight drop test report results to Appendix 2.13.7.

Section 3 is a complete rewrite including Appendix 3.5.2 to support the transportation of 1S/2S UF6 cylinders. Supporting documentation from the previous revision is retained in the following appendices:

o 3.5.4: Excerpted from Safety Analysis Report for the Century Champion Type B Package Thermal Test (previously Appendix 3.6.3) o 3.5.5: Supplemental Thermal Evaluation of Package Contents (previously Appendix 3.6.6) o 3.5.6: Evaluation of Thermal Degradation of Packaging Material in Versa-Pac (previously Appendix 3.6.7)

Section 6 is revised as follows:

o Addition of air transport (Section 6.7), 1.25 wt.% contents (Appendix 6.10.3), and 1S/2S contents (Appendix 6.10.7).

o Table 6-3 revised to more clearly outline model dimensions.

Section 7 is revised to include operating guidance for transporting 1S/2S UF6 cylinders.

Section 8 is revised to include inspection and maintenance guidance for transporting 1S/2S UF6 cylinders.

Thank you for your attention to this license application for the Versa-Pac. This report is being submitted in accordance with 10CFR71.1, Communications and records. The enclosures of this report are being submitted through the EIE system.

A draft Certificate of Compliance with recommended revisions and sample input/output files will be provided separately to the NRC Project Manager, Nishka Devaser. Please address any questions or comments to the undersigned.

Sincerely, Philip Sewell Email: Senior Engineer Work: (301) 421-4066 Daher-TLI Cell: (301) 514-6567 Digitally signed by Philip Sewell Date: 2018.03.16 14:30:25 -04'00'

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File Name:

SAR Revision 10, Front Matter 001 VP SAR Rev 10 Cover and TOC FINAL.pdf SAR Revision 10, Section 1 002 VP SAR Section 1 Rev 10 FINAL.pdf SAR Revision 10, Section 2 003 VP SAR Section 2 Rev 10 FINAL.pdf SAR Revision 10, Appendix 2.13.7 004 TR-20000-100-001 Rev.0.pdf SAR Revision 10, Section 3 005 VP SAR Section 3 Rev 10 FINAL.pdf SAR Revision 10, Section 6 006 VP SAR Section 6 Rev 10 FINAL.pdf SAR Revision 10, Section 7 007 VP SAR Section 7 Rev 10 FINAL.pdf SAR Revision 10, Section 8 008 VP SAR Section 8 Rev 10 FINAL.pdf