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NRC-2018-000052 - Resp 1 - Final
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/22/2018
To: Tarver J
- No Known Affiliation
FOIA, NRC-2018-000052
Download: ML18054A070 (36)




NRC FORM .t64 Part I



\! ......






  • DATE:



!Julian Tarver 11 FEB!~ ltt I.


!The f"ust 100 released pages in FOJA 2017--0305.

I PART I. - INFORMATION RELEASED You have the right to seek assistance from the NRC's FOIA Public Liaison. Contact infonnation for the NRC's FOIA Public Liaison is available at'g-rm/foia/contact-foia.html.

D Agency records subject to the.request are already available on the Public NRC Website. in Public ADAMS or on microfiche in the NRC Public Document Room.

~ Agency records subject to the request are enclosed.

Records subject to the request that contain information originated by or of interest to another Federal agency have been D referred to that agency (see comments section) for a disclosure determination and direct response to you.

D We are continuing to process your request.

D See Comments.

PART I.A - FEES NO FEES AMOUNT" D You will be billed by NRC for the amount listed.

~ Minimum fee threshold not met.

$0.00 11* II D You will receive a refund for the amount listed.

D Due to our delayed response, you will not be charged fees.

"See Commeots rcr cletais D Fees waived.

PART I.B - INFORMATION NOT LOCATED OR WITHHELD FROM DISCLOSURE D We did not locate any agency records responsive to your request. Note: Agencies may treat three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records as not subject to the FOIA ("exclusions"). 5 U.S.C. 552(c). This is a standard notification given to all requesters; it should not be taken to mean that any excluded records do, or do not. exist.

D We have withheld certain information pursuant to the FOIA exemptions described, and for the reasons stated, in Part II.

Because this is an interim, response to your request. you may not appeal at this time. We will notify you of your right to D appeal any of the responses we have issued in response to your request when we issue our final determination.

You may appeal this final determination within 90 calendar days of the date of this response by sending a letter or e-mail to the FOIA Officer, at U.S. Nudear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001, or FOIA.Resource@nrc,gov. Please be D sure to include on your letter or email that it is a "FO!A Appeal." You have the right to seek dispute resolution services from the NRC's Public liaison, or the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS). Contact information for OGIS is available at httgs:f/oajs.arc, PART I.C COMMENTS ( Use attached Comments continuation page if required)

Signature - Freedonyojllnformation A**_~,,.,- oc.nesignee I -~ 7//1/( !~~/ I NRC Form 464 Part I (01-fo18) 6

.. , .... -* .~.. ***-.... -- -



McCathran. Wlllam W. EOP/WHO Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:15 PM 4 (bX6) l To: Castleman, Patrid:; Bullock. Katia EOP/WHO Cc ICahugh, Dave E. EOPJWHO; Dl-WHO-hec Clerlr; Vietti-Cook, Annette .

Sultj9d: [&temal_Senderl Del"M!IY to the NRC Mr. Castleman, 1hlric you. We'll have our messenger attempt to deliver again tomorrow moming. Thay wll cal the number.

you haw pn:wided.

  • Wllam McCalhran Assistant ExelUive Cl8lk 1he White House Office

~gEEOB Tel. 1- '(b)((H l

---Orf!jnalMessage-From: casueman. Palrick []

Sent Ttwrsday. Janua,y 26. 2017 5:09 ... PM___~----.----.--.......,

. 70* ~"lf:jcfflMaro ~ ar,WHO ~ ..

. e. EQpJWHO! * (b}(S)

(b)(6} .

-. . .- p; Uock. Katja ~NIHO

!:.:oL-wHO-ExacClerk~: (b)(6) I


I _ ~~l__-

_J V1811i-Cook. Annette <>

The Secretary's phone number Is 301-41&2599. Do you plan to send It by courier? ff so. lllllen? "Thanks.

---Origlnal Message 'I (b)(6)

From: Mc:Calhran. wraam w. EOPMHO [malltq

~ Tlusday. January 26, 2017 5."03 PM 'L--------------........1

.I  :.::sf::t:~ ..

fa* casneuvt;l;:4::r"* <Pabif>D; Bullock. Kalja EOPIWHO (b)(6) l= DL-wHO-Elmc Clad<


COUid pleaSe provide a telephone runber as wel.


---Original Message

  • From: Castleman, Patrick []

Sent Thursday, JanuaJy .26, 2017 4:51 *.P~M.u;.*------,,.~-----.*


1 Mc:Cetbmn (b)(6>WDiam . w FOflWHO f _______, . 'j'Bullock. Kalja EOPNIHO J ........_______........(1?)(6)

Cc: Kalbauab Qme F FO~_MHCr1 (b)(6) 1** *.DL~HO-Exec Clede I (b)(6)

~ ~


1 * cs> J ' -

Subject RE: FW:


Thank you, Mr. McCathlan.

As for the delivery of the original. please send it to:

us Nuclear RegulalOry commission 11555 Rocllde Pike Roekvllle, MD 20852 Attention: Office of the Seclelary Patflck Castleman

--Orlgina9 Message .-----------__;,

From: McCalhran, Wlfiam W. EOPIWHO (mattol (bX6)

Sent: Thursday, January26, ~1Z4*3SPM '------------J To: Bulock, Ka1ja EOPJWHO *~ (b)(6) kcastleman, Patrick

<> r----------- I

~s,EOPIWHOI (bJ(6) ~ DL.-WHO&,c Cled< 1 (b)(6) 1::: a:~1Jw:

Per )'Ol8' 18quest, the attached ccpy al lhe Svin1cki ~ Order is provided far youdnformation.

Wilam MOCathran Assistant Execullve Clellc.

l11e White House Office Room:2, Ef=QB TeL_I (b)(6) j.


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  • Vietti-~ Annette From: Castleman, Patrick Sent: Thursday. January 26. 2017 4:46 PM To: Vietti-Coolc, Annette; Doane, Margaret Subject FW:FW:

Attachments: 20170126155241162.pdf

---C>riginalMessage--- ------------------------------------.

From: McCathran, WiUiam W. EOPJWHO [mailt~ * (b)(6) j Sent ThulSda.y, January .26, 2p11 4*35 PM '-------------------------------1 To: Buttock, Kalja EOP.IWHO{ (b){6) "l castleman, Patrick

. <> * ----------.

1Cc* Kall811ab Dave E -

(b)(6> FOI.JWHO

-' ~.._______ -(b){6) l

.........__ _ _- _. DL-WHOExec Clerk .__ ,J (b)(6)

Subject [Extemal_Sender] FW:

Per your request, the attached copy of the Svinicki Chairman Order is provided fQr your information.

William McCathran Assistant E>cecutive Clerk The White House Office Room 2, EEOB Tel:! {b)(6)

, *. ~ ... - - , ~ - '"* *-~*--..:: P,> ,:.( ** .... ~. -*-..,j.,J,.,_ _....,.,._,_,__ ._~~v-, ...... - ........... _::. - ..... ~***

ORDBR X hereby designate .b' L. SYinicki aa Chaiftlliln oi:

the Kuclear Regulatory eo.iDBion, until. such tinie as I 1ll3ke a subsequent designation or her appointment. terminates by operation of law.

THE WHITS HOUSE, J11Duary 23, 2017.

.*~- * -...- ~ -. . , , , fe I iii.wit--. Jliit!:. ....* " I i : .* ~ ,........~,.,.. .: *at.Jz6d44 -*, 14 .*P+t 4 J&;c ., .. __ .. __ ,._. ___ * . . , _.. ~ . . . . . . , ~

V'..tti-coolc, Annette FrGlft. Castleman. Patrick s.nt: Thursday. January 26. 2017 4:32 PM Ta: Vietti-Coalr, Annette; Doane. Margaret Subjed: fW: Defivery of Chairman Order to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attadaments: 20170126134618945.pdf

--Original Message--

From: Bulock:, Katja EOPIWHO [ma1noJ (b)(6) I Senl: Thursday. January 26, 2017 4:26 PM To: Castleman, Patrick <Patrick.Cast1erp...a.....o..,@....o,_rc....o....o....


Cc: McCathran. William W. EOPIWHO.j (b)(6) I Siqect [External_Sender] Delivery of Chainnan Order to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Hi Bill: Mr. Castleman is ~stin SVinicke's Asst (she is on traveO who will work out with you how to get the original to them. In the nieanlill18 would you please send him a copy of the signed order. Thank you both tor your help.

---Original Message-From: McCalhran. Wlliam W. EOP/WHO [mailtq I


I Sent: Thursday, January 26,~2~~*;:57 PM L ,.------

To: Bullock. Kaija EOPNfflO I::Ka,i.'ji6}'ave E. :i< (b)(6)

(b)(6) . . IDL-WHO-Exec: Cleil< j (b)(6) I su6ject:~ery of Chairman Order to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Katja, We need your help. Our Messengers have attempted to deliver IO Kristine L. Svinicki's Chairman Order to the NurJear Regulatory Cammission 3 times. since yesterday morning.

Ed Thomas in cu office spoke to Jason Zorn at the Rockville, MD, address (see attached rece\)t) yesterday who was expecting delivery. We have not been abte to reach anyone since by phone.

Thanks for anything you can do.

William McCalhran Assistant Executive Clerk


  • The White House Office 2 E1~:6) i 1


. . . *I.':

_____- 1_1********************-IMl-1****~******1*

--- - *.*-*=- -*- .. : *---*.------. - --


--**-- --~ -- -.* -- -- -- ... -.- --" .-- . - *---


-Office of the* Executive* Clerk Receipt '

TO: Nuclear Regulatory Commission UBBbC,* '20.555_* * - * * -

l/25/17 I

. ' .* (-,,.t. '50[~(S~ /. '

11ts.?4'.Jt'il,.llt .f,'u ~f/~;Mb ~~ ~-

  • Raeel:~ed. i'rom'l'lae Wllita Hause: CbaiCll&n O:der CSVINICKI) s i9R_Eid by the - .

President on 1/23/17.

~.... ,, __~~....;..........;..;...,;.;.:;..___.;___....~~-=-~-Benl..tby ________~----.........~~


t l

J i.

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THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 20, 2017 MBMORARDOM POR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPAR'l'MEHTS AND AGBHCIBS FROM: Reince Priebus Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff


Regulatory Freeze Pending Review The President has asked me to communicate to each of you his plan for managing the Federal regulatory process at the outset of his Administration. :In order to ensure that the President's appointees or designeee have the opportunity to review any new or pending regulations, I ask on behalf of the President that you i1D1118diately take the following steps;

1. Subject to any exceptions the Director or Acting.

Director of the Office of Management and Budget (the *am D~rector*) allows for emergency situations or other urgent circumstances relating to health, safety~ financial, or national security matters, or otherwise, send no regulation to the Office of the Pederal Register (the *OPR*) until a department or agency head appointed or designated by the President after noon on January 20. 2017, reviews and approves the regulation. The department or agency head may delegate this power of review and approval to any other person so appointed or designated by the President,* consistent with applicable law.

2. With respect to regulations that have been sent to the OFR. but not published in the .Federal Regi.s~er, imaediately withdraw them from the OFR for review and approval as described in paragraph 1, subject to the exceptions described in paragraph 1. This withdrawal lll\1St be conducted consistent with OFR procedures.
3. With respect to regulations that have been published in the OPR but have not taken effect, as permitted by applicable
    • -"'-**~---~---....... -*-...---*~......,...........,._,..;_.... ________________ ...,._._. ___ , .. _____**------

2 law, temporarily postpone their effective date for 60 days from the date of this memorandum, subject to the exceptions described in paragraph 1, for the purpose of reviewing questions of fact, law. and policy they raise. Where appropriate and as pemitted by applicable law, you should consider proposing for notice and

.comment a rule to delay the effective date for regulations beyond that .60-day period. In cases where the effective date has been delayed in order to review questions of fact, law, or policy, you should consider potentially propos1*ng fux-ther notice-and-comment ruleaaking. Following the delay in effective date:

(a) for Chose regulations that raise no substantial questions of law or policy, no further action needs to be taken; and (b) for those regulations that raise su~tantial questions of law or policy, agencies should notify the 0MB Director and take further appropriate action in consultation with the 0MB Director.

4. Bleclude from the actions requested in paragraphs 1 through 3 any regulations subject to statuto:r:y or judicial deadlines and identify such exclusions to the 0MB Director as soon as possible.
s. Botify the am Director promptly of any regulations that, in your view, should be excluded from .the directivea in paragr:aphs 1 through 3 ~cause those regulations affect .critical health, safety, financial, or national security matters, or for soae other reason. The 0MB Director will :review any such notifications and deteraine whether such exclusion is appropriate under the circumstances.

6 . .continue in all circumstances to comply with any applicable Executive Orders conc:erning regulatory management.

As used in this memorandum, 11 regulation 11 has the meaning given to regulatory action* in section 3(e) of Executive Order 12866, 11 and also includes any *guidance document* as defined in section 3(g) thereof as it existed when Executive Order 13422 was in effect. That is, the requirements of this memorandum apply to nany substantive action by an agency (normally published in the Fed'ezal Register) that promulgates or is expected to lead to the promulgation of a final rule or

3 regulation, including notices of inquiry, advance notices of proposed rulemaking, and notices of proposed rulemaking,

  • and also covers any agency statement of .general applicability and future effect *that sets forth a policy on a statutory,
regulatory, or technical issue or an interpretation of a statutory or regulatory issue.*

This regulatclry review will be implemented by the 0MB Director.

Communications regarding any matters pertaining to this review should be addressed to the OIIB Director.

The 0MB Director is authorized *and directed to publish this*

me1110randu111 in the Federal Register.

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110120 - rma1 cos Regulatoly Fnent Merno.pdf From: 'fMancini. Dominic J. EOP/OMB".J * * (b){6)  !.

Sllbjed: (&tcmal_Sender} RE: Memorandum from the <llief of Staff: "Regulatory F.ree2 Pending Review" Da*--* ..,., * --~,*..,n1'7 .., .....*c:.

Tn~I (b)(6) I (b)(6)

. i i'


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. ---***-*"'-*----,.*-*-l;-;--------~-----


Hello again all.

As these things BO, -as soon as l hit send I received lhe attac:hment. Also pasted below for your convenience.

BestReprds, Dom THE WfmE HOUSE_

Office of the Press Sem!tary for Immediate Release January.20, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR 1lfE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMEN'IS AND AGF.NCIES -


Regulatory Freeze Pending Review The Plaidenl baa asked me to mmmunica1e to each of you hl&plan for managing the Federal iegu)atory proa!SB at the OUlllet of Im Administralioo. In onler to ensure that Ille PNsident'sa -ppom-----11eeS- or deslgnees haft the ~ t y lo reriew any new or pending regulatiam, I asltonbehllf of lhe President that you immedtalely lab the lvllowing &tep5:

1. SuJJiect to any exapians the Director or Aeling Dimclur of lhe Of&ar of Management and Budget (the "OMB Director") allow& for emeagesq situations ur other' wgent cm:umstances relating to health.

safely, finah:ial, OI' national security matters, or othenrise. send no iegulalion lO the Office of 1he Federal Register (the "OPR") until a depaabilellt or agency head appointed or designated by the President after noon on January 2.0., 2017, reviewS;and approves the tegulation. 'Ihe depmmentor agmcy ~ may delegate this power of review and approval to any other persdn so appoinled or designated by the Preiident. cansistent with applicab~ law.


Jc It""' bfl, <' __., .,, --~--+--...,..,-.. . .~ * . . . . ~._.,... . . ______,, *-**

2. With respect to regulations that have been sent to the OFR. but not published in tl1e Federal Register. immediately withdraw them

&om the OFR for JeView and approval as desaibed in paragnph 1, suh;!d to the exceptions described in paragraph L _Tim withdrawal must be condudl!d consistent with OFR proa!dun!s.

  • 3. With repect to ~tions that have been published in the OFR but have not taken effect,. as permitted by app.licable law.

temporarily postpone their effective date for fiO days &om the date ol this memorandum, subject lo the exttptions described in paragraph 1, for the pwpose of reviewing questions of fact. hnv. and pollcy they raise, Whereappropriale and as permilted by applicable law. yuu should consider proposing far notice and COll111nmt a rule to delay the effective date for regulations beyond that 60-day period. In Ol9e5 whele the effective date has been delayed in order to review questions of 1'act, law, or policy. you should caw.icier polentially proposing further notice-anckomment rulemaking. Following the delay in effective date:

(a) for dl05e regulations thal raise no substantial questions of law or policy. no further Ktion needs to be taken; and *

(b) for those segulations that raise substantial questions of law or policy, agencies should notify the 0MB Oilector and take further appropriate action in consultation with lhe 0MB Din!clm.

4. Exclude from the actions requestled in paragraphs 1 thtough 3 any zegulations subject lo st.1.tutory m judicial deadlines and identify such exclusions to the 0MB Duector .u soon as possible.
5. Notify lhe 0MB Director promptly of any regulali.OM that, in your view. excluded from the directives in paragraphs 1 through 3 because thci5e regulations affect critical health. safety, ftruuu:ial. or national security uaaen. or for some other reason. The 0MB Director will review any such nolifications and detennine whether such exclusion is appropriate under the cm:umstances.
6. Continue in all circumstances lo mmply with any applicable

&Kutive Orders concerning iegulatory management.

As used in this memorand~ ~regulation* has the me!llling given to

  • aeguJatory action" ia section 3(e) of Executive'Order 12866. and also.

indudes any *guidance document" as defined in section 3(g) thereof as it existed when Executive Order 13'22 was in effect. That is, the requiremenls of lhis memorandum apply to "any subllanlive a:tion by an agency (normally published in the Federal Register) that promulgates or t s ~ to lead lo the pr:omuJgation of a final rule or a!plation, inc:luclfng notices of inquiry-: advance notices of. piopueed rulemaking, and notices of proposed rulemaking," and also covem any agency statement of general applicability and hmm: efha *t1at sets 3

_......,..... *. _ ..,. .* , **-.-*--~-.,. .. - - ... - ...- _ - , . * . - , r - - J , . . _ . . , - . . ~ ~ * ~ - - - . , . . : . . . ~ ~ - ' ; ~ - i ' " ? - " - - < - r ~ ~ , , ~ ' ! , - - -- , ---*:U'."!!'***.._, - . - - - *.._* . , . _ . : ~ , , - . , ~ . . . . . . _**

forth a policy on a statutmy. mgulatory, or techmc:al fssueor an inlelpntation of a slatulmy or aegulatoiy issue.*

This n!glllatory review will be imp]emented by the 0MB Director. Cmnm*JrioBtions ieganUng any matters pertaining lo this review should be addll!&lil!ld to the 0MB Direcfm'.

l'beOMB Din!Ctor is authorized and diNCled ID publish Ibis memomndum in the Federal K.egisler.

REINCE PRIEBUS 1#:I Unsubsgibe .

lhawtiila~*.1GOD~nnsp,aniir,A¥ema.NW ,W~DC205l!O- 202~111'

. /

Ram: Mancini, Dominic J. EOP/OMB Sent: Saturdav,Januan, 21. 20171L1>9 AM to:I (b){6)" --* I

'I '

I I,,

I (b)(6) 4

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I hope ew!fYOlle is havi111 a BOod day. last C!Vl!!M& the O,ief of Staff iss,ed a*Memonndum for the heads of Executive Depanmems and Agencies reprdllll pendtns rquladons. Due ro recmlall dtd1es t don't yet have a 'llll!ISiDn I can attadl here. but I wtll send that as soon as possible. In summary. the memorandum ab agendes ta:

11 * !Not send anv ~ to tile Federal Resfster unlessa department or azenqo head appointed <<designated by the President after noon on Janua,y 20. 2017, reviews and approwes the n!p)ation.

2) llmmediateiv wllhdraw proposed and final ft!IUlatlons that have been sent to the Federal Rqister, but have not vet been publbhed.

31 Cansi5tent with applicab~ law. extend the effmlve di1tes of rules that haVII! been publlshal In the FedeRI Register. but are not yet effective.

Of cour'S!!. please refer to the memoaalldum, and not mv 5Ufflfflary. far the official actions. I also undemand the transftfon team is worlcins on drafts of the withdrawal rett..s fmm each ~ to the ~ a l lqister. and fsanarlling for the MCeSSary sJgnatun,s. 0MB Is warlclrw an furdw!r tmplemendnalUfdance, partltularfy an Item 3, and* flope to share tllat with vou saun. In the meantime. please let us know if you have any questions.

Best Reprds.

Dom DIIIIIJnicJ Mincinl

  • Deputy and Adilll Administrator Offia! cf lnfOJfllltlon lllld Replatory Affairs *

~andBudlet 5




Acting Dindor .,,~


Implementation ofRogulatmy fret.7.e This Memorandum pro\rides guidance on implementing the Memoandum ofJanuaiy 20, 2017, entitled

..Regulatory FJ'CQC Pending Re\<iew" (..fn:em Memo").

~o{Eftecljve Ort:: ofcatnia PubliQcd Bmkmm Paraglaph 3 of the Fm:21: Memo iostwcts your departments and agencies ("'agencies") as follows:

Wdh n:5pect to n:gulations that have been published in the [1'ederal Regi'1er] but have not taken effect. as pcrmiUcd by 1pplicabJe Jaw, tanporarily postpone their effective date for 60 days Crom 1he date of this memorandum,, subjcet ID 1he exc:eplions dc:&aibcd in paragraph I, for the pwposc ofreviewing qualion& offact, ~w. and policy Chey raise.

Where appropriate and as permitted by applicable law. you should consider propasiog for notkle and comment a rule to delay tbe effective date .f<r RgU!alions beyond that 6C>-

day period. In ~ whe~ the effc:ctive date bas been dclllyed in order to m,icw questions of fact. law, or policy. you should consider polmlially proposing fudhet no~trulemakiog.

Your agency staff has identified or should promptly identify rcgulalions1 that .have been pubfashed in the Federal l&gisler but have not ya 1aken etfec:t. For such regulations. paragraph 3 of the FJCC2C Memo insaructs your agency to undenake SCYcral aclions.

First. absent applK.ahlc exceptions (discussed below), postpone for Q) days the effective dates of n:gulations that have been published bul have IIOI )Id llllwn cffeet for the puipose of reviewing que.slions of fact, law, and poliGy '"as permitted by appliwiblc law.** To the mwdmum e.idcnt possible, your explanations for postponement should be individualized IO the regulatiaa being postponed. Jn addilion.

the Administrative Procedure Ac.:l gcRCDllly establishes procedural requirements far ,gcncies promu)s,atiog rules. subject to certain exceptions and exemptions. Pkasc consult with your ageru;y's Offico of General Counsel as you implement the Freeze Memo and this Mcmonmdum.

Second, con.,;ider poslpooing the effective date beyond 60 days where: appropriate. ff S11cb a postpooement is approprmtc; seek c:ommc:nl on the c,tk:nded postponement. in aa.ordanc;c williiht FtCAI:

I 1 Jn aciconlance with the Freeze Mano. this Memorandum uses a broad definition of"Rgidaa.ion." Please see Ille Applicabilit;y stclion below fM more infilrmalien.

  • Memo.1 If your agency rakes comment on the initial 60-day postponement. t!.g.. by issuing a no1ice of proposed rulemaking. consider 1Li;ing the same action ID take comment on an ex&cndal pos1poncment. In addition. please consider taking comment on. the regulation ibelf. including about questions of f'act. law, and policy that the agency should recognize as it considers whether the regulation raises any substantial questions.
Finally. if during your review you dctermiJ'le a regulation raises no substantial question of fact. law, or policy, please provide.your OfTace oflnformation and ReguJalOIY Affairs (OIRA) Desk Officer a list of such regulations on which you plan to take no further action no later than two weeks prior to the postponed effective date foe lhose regulations. Alternately, if you detcnnin,fa regulation raises a sulmantial question of fact. law, or policy, please notify your outA Desk Officer promptly and consider

-whether you agency should perfonn additional nilcmakiag or take olher further ac:lions. If your agency determines it should take further actions, please consult wilh your OIRA Desk Officer in m:conlance with ihc: Freeze Memo.

Aetions Related to the f.erlm!l.!1.~er: and OIRA Subject to any exceptions, withdraw all n:gulations that have been sent to the otrace of the Federal Rcgister-(OFR) but have not yet bc:a\ published. This will allow review of those RgUlalions as the Fn:eze Memo envisions. l'o l'acilitate such withdrawals, please sec an eumple withdrawal letter in .Appendix A.

Note that Ille OFR's specific n:quin:meias for the withdrawal ofdocumen1s depend on whether those documents have been filed fur public inspection. Some of1hose n:quimncnts an, particularly time sensitM. Specifically. for those regulations that have been filed for public i11Sp1:Ction but not published.

C:haptcl' 4.l oflhe Federal Register Docwnent Drafting Handbook requires the following for wilhdrawals:

If we have filed the document for public inspection, your [Federal Register] Liaic;on OfTaa:r may withdraw j1 fiorn publication only by submitting a letter requesting le withdrawal .*.* An official with authority to sign FederaJ Register document-i ur the Liaison Offic:ermust sign this letter.

The Liaison Offica must e-1111111 the OFR at as soon as possa1)lc to confirm that the lencr has been sent. In addition:

The letter must reach the 01-'R during rcgularotraec hours(B:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. BT) before noon on the workday before the document's scheduled publication dare. We will not withdraw the document until we rccieivc your lctta".

Thus. if it has nol already dolle so, your agency should submit withdrawal letters to the OFR as soon as poSSil>le.

In addition. subject to any cxceptiom,. send no funher n:gulations lo tbe OFR until 1111 agency head appointed or designated by the President after noon on January 20. 2017, reviews mid approves the

~lations.3 Also, consistent with die Fnme Memo's direction to oomply with apailicablc Executive Orders (F.Os) eoriceming rcplatory management. please continue ID follow lhe prooess outlined in EO 2

For guidance documems. as Rferentcd in the Applkability SC!Clion. it may DOI be appropriau: to go through notice and comment for a pmtponrmmt,, e.g.. when 1h= initial guidance did not go dm,ugh notice and comment 1

The FRcze Memo indicates that sucll a cleplnment or lgaK:)'_head DlllY delegate this power of review and appnival to any OIiier pmon so appointed or designated by the Pmidmt, c:onsislenC wilJJ applicable law.


I ~ to detc:nninc whether any such. approved regulation is signiftcaol and lhctefom subject to OIRA review.

Finally, consislcnl wilb lhc Fnw.e Memo's broad scope. and lo msure that OIRA reviews only those regulations that have already bc:cn RYiewcd by the appropriate person at each agency. I am requesting that your agency withdraw any rcgulaliDDS CUIRlltly at OIRA.

There arc two cxccptions to lhc above directions. First, cxs:lude ti'om dlose actions any regulalions "sabja:t to statutmy or judicial deadlines... These are iqulalions when: performing the olherwise n:quiml review actions would eodanga Q)Jllpliana: with illll opcrati~ stalulary or judicial deadline. Fer example. agency civil IIIOllctaJy penalty adjustments that were due: this monlh4 and were not significant n:gulatory actions UDdcc .F.O 12166 likely fall within this ~ion. After you have identified such regulations. please contact your OIRA Desk Oflica with a list of those rquladoos as well as a brief explanation of your dctcnnination thlll provides a ICfcn:nc:c to the statutmy or judicial deadline.

Second. the fll:Cl.lC Memo authorizes the Din:aoror Ai.ling ~ I m of the Of'fic;c of Muagancot aad Budget. to make cxc:cptioos from the Fnczc Memo's n:qwrcmcnts under paragraphs 1-3 "fur cmc:rgency situlllions or other wgent c:in:umstances rr:lating to heal~ safely, financial, ur Dlllioml security IDIJlml.

or otbcrwisc." Please send your OIRA Desk Officer a list of such regulations. if any; the type of*

reg11lalo.ry action each regulation is; which paragraphs orthe Fran* Memo those iegulalions should be exceptccl from; and a briefexplanation for each such reglllation ofihc cmergenL.".Y silualion or urgmt health, safety. fmancial, nalional security. or ocher maner that fonns the basis of the requmcd exception.

'Ille OfTtce of Management and BwlFt will n,view your justification promptly ud provide fintber guidance..

. Am,licabil.ny As used in this Memorandum. "regulation.. has lhe meaning given to "regulatory action* ia sccdon l(c) or EO 12866. and also indudes any ..guidance document" as dcfmcd in seclion 3(g) ofJo:O 12166 as it existed when F.O 13422 was in effect. In other words. ..n:gulalion" means:

I. IA]ay suhstanlivc action by an agency (nonnatlyrJ published in the Federal .Register) that promulgates or is cicpedQI to lead lo lho promulgatim of a final mk: or regulalion.

including notices or inquiry, adv8DCC notices or proposed rulemaking. and ~ of proposed Nk:making,. and

  • 2. Any agency 5181ffllllll1 of general applicability and future et'lcd. mhcr than a n:gulalmy action as clermcd in EO 12866. "'that sets fOl1h a policy on a Slalldory, regulamy, or technical issue or an iDIClpretalion of a stalutory or regulatory mue.*

lfyou have any questions about dais Memorandum, die freeze Memo. or the review proecss. please c;ontact your OIRA Desk otrK:<<.

4 See Fedaal Civil Penakies lnflatian Adjmlmcnt Act of 1990, Pub. L :'olo. 101-410. 104 Sblt. 890 (amended 201S) (codif'Uld H 8rneDdcd at 28 U.S.C. § 2461 not.I:}.

'Note lhcrc may be CRWDStanccs where a samstmaivc action ~the type EO 12166 '°6templales is not published in the F_.ol Registu. .




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170120 - Final COS Regulatory Frem.e Memo.pdf; 4W_001.pdf Fram: *Mandni. DominicJ. EOP/OMB f (b)(6)

Sllllject: [Extemal_Sender) 0MB Guidance on Implementation of the Replato,y freeze D:at*: 24 Januanr 2017 23:09 y,.,I rtlUol .I (b)(6) l


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Please see attached OM& Memorandum Ml7-16,. from .OMB Adi,w Dill!CIOr MalkSandy. titled '"lmplellll!IQtion of ReBufiitory Freeze."

This Memorandum prollfdes furtherlUldaflceon implementing the CNef of StaffMemarandi.m of January Z0, 2017.

titled "'lleplalary Freeze l'endirw Review"', which is also anached. In sum,ary,"the 0MB Memorand1111 provides aumnce on Ille pastponement of Ille effl!aive dales of final reguf;ttians that have been pubished in the f9ra/

~ but are natyet fn effA fwther guidance an withdrawfrW rules that haw beens~ to the hdfflll

~ b u t hive nat been pullfished, and mare information an potential exG!flllon5.

In aclditiM, M17*16:

  • Asks 1bat qencies wi1hdraw all rules 1hat me cmmidy under OJRA ~ ; and
  • Clarifies that once an agency n:ceives clearance to mcm: forward on a rulemaking. agmdes sbouJd.still follow the sign.if"tcanc:e ck:lmrnination process 01dlined in. EO 12866.

Finally, tllwe 0MB Memorandum includes a pneral stm!l'lll!nt thit c:MI moneary penalty adjustment replatlons that W11R due this month pursmnt to the 2015 amendmenls ta the feder.d Clvll Plnalles lnflatlan AdJmtment Aa: d 1990.

and were not sfellificant reaurato,y actions under EO 1Z866, can be mnsidered ta fall within the *statutary or judfcial deadlne"' aceptloll tD the Regulatory FteeZe Memorandum.


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Fedcr.d Civilian Hiring Freczt: Guidance 1- Punme. This manorlllldwn provides additional guidance repnling 1he &eczc on the hiring of Fedaal civilian employees as dimcfd by lhc President on JaDUal)' 23, 2017, via Presidential MCIJIOAlldwn (PM) entitled "Hiring Freeze.'" This guidance is in addition to the initial implementatioa auidance issued by lhe At:lina Din:ctor of die Office of Management and Budget (0MB) on January 25, 2017. 1bis pidlnce provides information on the types of_exemplions alllboriml under this hiring fieeze es well as insbuclions on bow deparlmems and agencies c:an mpEt exemplions liom the Dim:tol' of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM} for critical situations whae additional cxemplions may be warranted.

2. CoYCl8IZe. This memorandum applies to all Executive departments and agcnQCS reprdlc:ss of the SOIRCI of their opcmtionaJ und prugrammatil; funding .sod to all types of Fedaal dvilim appoinbncn1s, n:gudl1:55 ofthe, lcnllh of the appoinlmcnt, cxcq,1 as proviclal for below or otherwise pruvided in law. No vacant positions exisq ad noon on Janumy 22, 2017. muy be filkd and no new posiliom lDII.)' be created, cKCpt in limited cin:umstanccs. For 1be purposes oflhis mcmonmdum, 11 position is llDI considacd vacant if an individual bas been given an offi:r of employment prior 10 IIC01l on January 22. 2017. bas acc:eptm Ille position, and bas a desigu,aled stad date on or before February 22.. 2017.

Contmeting outside lb= Govemmeat to circumwmt the intent of the PM shall not be pennittecl. For example, agencies shall not acquire by contract with a C'OIDll1Bl1:ial vmdor services that an: substantially similar to lhose that would have b&zn provided by a Federal civilian ill a vacancy covered by 1l&e PM. Howe'Vcr. nothina in this memumndum is intended to restrict agencies from continuing. 111Ddifying. or entering into service conanu:as for other purposes, consistent with law, regulation. aad any applicable maoaaement direction.

- ~----*-***:-****-** *--*--- *---.---------*--~~*-**--*-* ... ,., . **- __ __ -......

-***-----* ', ' . *-~*.

1k guidaace in this memonndum should be iq1plcmcnled CIOIISislent with any lawful mllmlive bmpiningaWiptiom 1hal may apply.

3. E!nuplions, The following exemptions to the Fcdcml civilian hirina heze IR pamidat
a. MltilllJ peelOlllld in the amu:d fon:cs ad all Fedenl uaifanned personnel, induding 1bc U.S. Coast Olllnl, the Cowuaip;ianed Colps ofdJC U.S. Public Health Service. aad the Commissioned. Officer Coqis of the Nalioml Oceanic and MmaspJmie Admiaiitmtion. .
b. FiDlng of positions under progr8IIB wllae limiting the.ming of pmouel would conflict with ar,picable law. .
c. NamiDlllion and appointment oroflicials to positiollS ~airing Presidential appointment, with or without Senate CGllfumatian.
d. AJJPGintment ofofficials to non-amier positions in lhc Senior Excculm: Service or lo Schedule C appointments in lbe F..xctpted Serwie. or the appoinbnr:nl ofany otllcr officials who .sene
  • tJse p1C1S1uf. of the appointing audlorily (Le.,

~~ posilions of a polilical!non-an:er :mmre).

e. Appoinlment of seammd emplo)'eeS and sburt-tam tcmponuy anployces nee smry IO meet uadilionel1y m:mring IICISIIIJIII wortdoads, pmvided that the agency infonns ils 0MB ltesouree Managment Office in writins in aclvance ofits hiring plus.

t: Hiring by the U.S. Podal Service.

g. Federal cmlim pasannd Ima made by the Office of the Dim:torofNatioml

.Uigmc:e (ODNI) 811d the Central hdigcnce Agcaey (CIA).

h. Appoinlmads made under the Pathways Jnlemihip and Pmidmda1 Mlll!8gcmenl Fellows proBflDIS (lids does .not include lbe Rcccnl Orlduiles pmgtam). Agencic5 sboald m that such lliaes undelSlaDd die provisional DIIUle oflhese

~ md1hat convemcm is not plflllleed.

L Convasious in tic oJdiury course to the compelilive service of current agency employees serving in positions wilb c:oMaSion audlority, such as Ve1em1's Recnd1Jnem Act (VRA) and Palhways pn,grmm.

j. Appointmmsmade muter S C.F.R. § 2ll3J02{r)(timc limited posi1ions in sq,pDit rlfellow!hip or pOfmionaffmdusby cxdmnge p1t,11ams) pmvidcd that tbe tolal number ofindmdnala employed under this llllhority does not exceed the nmnber ofemployees onboard (hm:d unt1erdlisaudlOlity) on Jmmlly22. 2017.


k. Placemezlt of per50JIS with leStoratioft ria)ds IICCoRled by Jaw, such BS nstoJalion afta' absau:e wilh injuly compensalion and nskmdion after mililary duly.

I. Job offers IDrfiik prior to Jauay 22. 2017,. for 'Wbicb the individual bas a confirmed s1art dare OD OI' befme Fcbnmy 22. 2017, TII05e individuals should lq,od to WOik accotdiDg to their mpcctive dc:sipaed stmt dates.

m. Job oftas made pdor IO Jauary 22. 2017,. bm for which the individual bas a confinnc:d slalt dare 111d is laler dJao Fdxuuy 22, 2017 (or does BOt have a confinncd slut dale), &flould be decided GD a case-by-case basislDI ~ 10 duuugb m agency-head review. The agency head sholllcl review each position 1o ddcnninc whclhcr lbejob ofter should lie revoked, or whella1hc birina poem should cmtinuc. A8f,SY beads sboald consider cssenlial mission priorities, amaat qency resoun=es. and fimdiog levels Mm making dctaminaliom about whether or not to revab job offers.
n. Internal caRCr ladder promotions.
o. RadJocations (i.c,. DOIIQOlllpCliM aassiprnmts and dctails) ofcumm Fedaal civilian anp1oyees widy* .. mm to meet 1he highest priority needs fn:Juding pn:scrvation ofDaliona1 sccuritY and other essamal services) are not affedecl Details (seimbcnahlc 811d IIOIMeimbuaable) belweco qencies are also DOI afteetal; however, agency leadelsbip sbouJd ensure that any mmbulSBhle delails betwn agencies are not being used to ein:mnvcnt lbe inteat ofdle hiring~
p. Trmi lllld tcmpora,y appobdmcnls ofaislina Fcdcnl anploya:s may be extmdecl up to the maxiaam allowable lime limil, ccaisleot widl lhe canclitionslrequilemeals of lhe lcp1 authority origimllly used to appoint 1he employee. .
q. A limited munber of'VIJluntay mmsfers of ament SF.S between agencies. as necessary to 5CCute the .ladersbip capaci1y ofasmcies, md wllrm needs cann<<* be me1 by naJiocation ofiaources wilhin n agency"s currem. WOtkfw:e; bo"WeYCr, filliDg ofsudl vaeaacics b suljcct to OPM appn,va1 in acconlmlce wilhsectioa 4 helow.
r. Tbe head of uy agency may exempt any positions dial it deems neces.wy to:
i. Meet national 9CCUri1;)' (including fon:ip madons) rcsponsibili1ies, ar ii. Meet pul,lic safety responsibilities {111Chlding eselllial activities 10 1be extent that Ibey pmled life and property). Apacicsmay refer to

~guidance.which provides examples ofsudtaclivi1ic:s inllllll.

Alem.ztenflpp,. Am,,a,QMPltoM fnN41Jmre of.A~. dilCd 11n 7/1981 [see examples 3f 10 3(1')].

Ageney lleadsshauld consull with ~penormd. ~ tbeagacy ChiefHuman Capital Officer(CHCO) otequivalent cmd apsy couasel when 1

. -- *-- *-* --*-**--*** - . ~--\-, . .,......... *--**- *.- *. . . .................,. _' -******* ,,1,........ _.._.- . . -*."-- -----* ', _.......


determining "Whal positions to acmpl from the hiring m:eze. Apprty heads 1ft also n:quired 10 consult with OPM and 1he *FJCY's 0MB Resource Managrmr:nt Office an their intent to exempt pmilions using their agency bead 8Ulbority before implanauing lhese exemptions. N01e dlll in die cue of an Jmpcctor Oenera.11s (JG) office, Che Inspector General is consicleRd the apm:y head fm tbe pmposcs of detemiining wludJ positions in the IG office n exempt based on the definitions above. as well as far die purposes of the mgcncy-hc:ad review ofjob offi:rs in the JG off"JCe that c:hhcr do not have a 51ml daie or haw a designated start date beyond February 22., 2017.

4. Excmmtions Granted by1hr: Dim;Cor of OPM. The Director of OPM may grane additional excmptiolls fiom the hiring fiee:a: for critical situations. Ac:cordiugly, ifan agency head assesses that cin:umstances wmant ltdditional exemptions 10 lhe hiring fitc7e other lhan those specified above, a mauest must be made in writing to the Director of OPM and signed by 1he agency head. The request must:
  • Explain the critical need and how it relates to essential saviccs or critical mission requirements.:
  • Explain why zalloeatioa (mmignment/detail) of cxisling Slaff within the agency is not meet the needs outlined in the request.
  • Explain the 11f8Pcy of the need and lhe consequences of not filling the position within a 3 to 6 monlh timelhv:.

Agencies must also notify their respective 0MB R.csoun:e Management Office of exemption requests to OPM undet' Ibis provision.

5. Effective Dates. The guidance in this l1lelmJrlUldum is effective immediately. W'rtbin 90 days of the publiadion ofthe PM issued on January 23. 2017. the Din!C1Dr of OMB. in consuhman with the DirectorofOPM. shaU recommend a long-tenn plan IO mluce lhe size of the Federal Govemmmt's workforce tbn>ugh adrltion. The hiring m:eR will exphe upon implementation of the 0MB plan.
6. Inquiries. Questions fium c1.c.,..t1nen1S and agencies regarding the instructions and guidllllc.e in this memorandum shoold be addressed to agency 0MB Resource

~ p a t Offn:cn and OPM .CCJIUCCS provided to Chief Human capilal Officers and HR Dim:tors.


NRCExecSec Resource White,..Amette C. EOP/OMB ~I______(b_)_(6_)_ _ _....I Tuesday, January .31, 2017 5:33 PM*





!Extemal_Sendef) M-17-18 fedPral Civilian Hmng Freeze Guid.1nce M-17*18.pdl Vhis memorandum provirles additional guidance regarding the freeze on the hiring of ~eral civilian employees as directed by the President on January 23, 2017. via Presidential Memorandum tPM) entitled "'Hiri;,g Freeze.

To view this me~ please see the attachment.


FROM: DominicJ. Mancini, ActingAdJrrinislmtor * .. .1:b, .

Office oflafonnation _. Regulatory Al&in >* * *-

  • 1 , *~*


Interim Guidance lmplementins Seclion 2 ef lhe Executive Oadcr of JID.J8)' lO, 2017. TIiied *Redudng Regulation and CcnrmUin&

R.-iJatory Cosas..



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Interim guidance an Reducing Regulations EO.pdf fnn: Pearson, Lama Sent: Th*sdly. February 02, 201712:32 PM ra: AIJert. M"tehelle <Mlchelle.Albet@nrs-,m,p; Vietti-Cook. Annette>

5u111ea: FW: Follow On Guidance on the Executive Order *Redudns Regulation and Conballlng Rqulatof'y eosas*

FVI Laura'*PealSOO Chief, lgrteligence l.laisan & Threat Assessment Branch Office of NUCiear 5ec:urtty and Jncidenl Response U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301..-92.ffl:J (b)(6)


Sent: Mandnl,. DominiCJ. ~ryoz EOP/OMB -PM,.__


  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.

~- b6


!ubji!d: (Exh!rnal_Sender]'Follow On Guidance on the E*ecutive Order *Redudnt Regulation and Control!iflJ REsufatDry eosts*

Please see attached the first round of gudance on the January 30. 2017, Executive Order tided *Reducing Regulation and CollltfOII~ Regulatory Costs." for this interim sutdance, OIRA ls focusing on Implementation of Section 2 of the Executive Order, which cavers Flscal Year 2017.


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Note that we are reouesting comment an thlS interim guidance. They sftau!d be provided ta*

I (b)(6[ Iby FebruilfY 10. 2017. Our goal is to continue to answer yow questions. and provide at least one further rowtd of 1uid;1nce* .is we continue to implement the EO.

Please let 1Uch ThenMlf (b)(6) Jor me know if you have atYQUeStions.

Best Regards, Dom Domlnlc j Mancini Du:..ty and At.lill& Administr.1tor Oftice ol informllian ~ ResuJ&to,y Aff11r!.

Atti:(b~)°"lnt illld Budget 1