MONTHYEARL-99-214, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990906 & 07,19 Dead Green Sea Turtles Recovered from Unit 1 Intake Well.Cause Not Presently Known.Capture Efforts Increased Behind 5 Inch Net Until Remaining Turtles Recovered1999-10-0101 October 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990906 & 07,19 Dead Green Sea Turtles Recovered from Unit 1 Intake Well.Cause Not Presently Known.Capture Efforts Increased Behind 5 Inch Net Until Remaining Turtles Recovered L-99-183, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990717,dead Loggerhead Turtle Was Recovered from Plant Intake Canal.Caused by Lowered 5-inch Barrier Net.Net Was Cleaned of Accumulated Algae & Raised Into Position on 990719.With1999-08-13013 August 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990717,dead Loggerhead Turtle Was Recovered from Plant Intake Canal.Caused by Lowered 5-inch Barrier Net.Net Was Cleaned of Accumulated Algae & Raised Into Position on 990719.With ML17229B0301999-03-0101 March 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990207,dead Green Turtle (Chelonia Mydas) Weighing 7.5 Lb Recovered from Plant Intake Canal.Caused by Shoaling of Sediments in Canal Where Capture Net Deployed.Methods of Capture Net Insp Modified L-98-250, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980903,08,14 & 18 Differential Pressure Across Intake Travelling Screens Occurred.Caused by Excessive Jellyfish Buildup.Secured 1A1 Cw Pump & Throttled Three of Four Cw Pumps1998-10-0101 October 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980903,08,14 & 18 Differential Pressure Across Intake Travelling Screens Occurred.Caused by Excessive Jellyfish Buildup.Secured 1A1 Cw Pump & Throttled Three of Four Cw Pumps L-98-196, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980717,discovered That 15 Juvenile Least Terns Died in Roof Drainage Sys at Plant Screens Placed Around Drains Earlier in Nesting Season to Protect Hatchlings from Entering Drain Gutters1998-07-23023 July 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980717,discovered That 15 Juvenile Least Terns Died in Roof Drainage Sys at Plant Screens Placed Around Drains Earlier in Nesting Season to Protect Hatchlings from Entering Drain Gutters ML17229A5821998-01-0808 January 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 971214,discovered Partially Entangled Mantee in Sea Turtle Capture Nets.Caused by Large Openings in Concrete Velocity Caps.Addl Insp of Caps Will Be Made L-97-266, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970912 Samples Were Taken for CBOD5 at Influent & Effluent of St Lucie Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant.Value Less than Permitted Minimum Due to Increased Number of Personnel.Resample Taken1997-10-17017 October 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970912 Samples Were Taken for CBOD5 at Influent & Effluent of St Lucie Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant.Value Less than Permitted Minimum Due to Increased Number of Personnel.Resample Taken L-97-172, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970614 & 30,discovered One Dead Sea Turtle on Each Date.Caused by five-inch Barrier Net Loaded W/Algae.Removed Algae from Net & Hand Drudged Silt to Allow Net to Return to Original Position1997-07-0707 July 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970614 & 30,discovered One Dead Sea Turtle on Each Date.Caused by five-inch Barrier Net Loaded W/Algae.Removed Algae from Net & Hand Drudged Silt to Allow Net to Return to Original Position L-96-261, Noncompliance Notification:On 960918,adult Female West Indian Manatee Observed in Intake Canal.Newly Installed Turtle Barrier Net Was Instrumental in Retaining Manatee in Safe Location & in Good Condition.Manatee Released1996-10-10010 October 1996 Noncompliance Notification:On 960918,adult Female West Indian Manatee Observed in Intake Canal.Newly Installed Turtle Barrier Net Was Instrumental in Retaining Manatee in Safe Location & in Good Condition.Manatee Released L-96-187, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960603,effluent Ph of Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant Observed to Be 4.03 Std Units. Util Believes Increased Numbers of Personnel at Site During Refueling Outage Resulted in Extra Loading1996-07-23023 July 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960603,effluent Ph of Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant Observed to Be 4.03 Std Units. Util Believes Increased Numbers of Personnel at Site During Refueling Outage Resulted in Extra Loading ML17228B4581996-04-0505 April 1996 Unusual or Important Environ Event Re Fish Kill in Plant Intake Canal on 960311.Caused by Extreme Seawater Turbidity Associated W/Storm Conditions,Clogging Gill Surfaces & Suffocating Fish.Well Chlorination Discontinued L-95-312, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 951016,effluent Ph of Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant Observed to Be 5.54 Std Units,Below 6.0 Std Units Required by Wastewater Permit. Increased Ph Monitoring of Aeration Tanks Undertaken1995-11-24024 November 1995 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 951016,effluent Ph of Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant Observed to Be 5.54 Std Units,Below 6.0 Std Units Required by Wastewater Permit. Increased Ph Monitoring of Aeration Tanks Undertaken ML17228A9501994-12-0808 December 1994 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 941204,2 Millon Gallons of Untreated Parking Lot Runoff Entered Mangrove Impoundment 008E.Aluminum Sheet Pile Will Be Driven Several Inches in Front of Wall ML17228A9341994-11-18018 November 1994 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 941116,untreated Parking Lot Runoff Escaped to Mangrove Impoundment 008E.FP&L Engineering Examining Failure Mode for Event & Will Design Appropriate Mod.Temporary Repairs to Be Completed by 941130 ML17228A9091994-11-0404 November 1994 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 941030,1.5 Million Gallons of Untreated Parking Lot Runoff Entered Mangrove Impoundment 008E.Permanent Corrective Actions Under Review L-93-280, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930915,midnight Discharge Canal Sample Collected During Biocide Application Indicated Concentration of 0.53 Ppm.Communications Between Individuals Involved Increased1993-11-0101 November 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930915,midnight Discharge Canal Sample Collected During Biocide Application Indicated Concentration of 0.53 Ppm.Communications Between Individuals Involved Increased L-93-134, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930503,sewage Treatment Plant Effluent Tested & Found to Have Ph Value of 3.6 Std Units.Util Believes That Acidic Solution Mistakenly Poured Down Plant Drain.Sodium Carbonate Added to Sys1993-07-0606 July 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930503,sewage Treatment Plant Effluent Tested & Found to Have Ph Value of 3.6 Std Units.Util Believes That Acidic Solution Mistakenly Poured Down Plant Drain.Sodium Carbonate Added to Sys ML17227A8021993-04-14014 April 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:Sea Turtle Captures in Intake Canal Increased Dramatically Beginning in Fall 1992. During First Quarter 1993,165 Turtles Removed from Canal. Mods to Ocean Intake Velocity Caps Completed in Feb 1992 ML17227A7601993-03-0505 March 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930114,neutralization Basin,Containing 220,000 Gallons of Water,Discharged to Intake Canal at Ph of 10.20 Std Units.Caused by Miscommunication.Procedure Developed to Address Discharge ML17227A6891993-01-14014 January 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 921221,chemical Feed Tank Inadvertently Discharged Through Drain Left in Open Position,Resulting in Release of Approx 20 Gallons of Amerzine to West Storm Pond.Personnel Counseled L-92-267, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920826,time Allowed for Condenser Chlorination Exceeded.Caused by Human Error. Operating Procedure Re Hypochlorite Sys Operation Revised, Operations Light Order Issued & Chlorination Log Revised1992-09-22022 September 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920826,time Allowed for Condenser Chlorination Exceeded.Caused by Human Error. Operating Procedure Re Hypochlorite Sys Operation Revised, Operations Light Order Issued & Chlorination Log Revised L-92-212, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920714,discovered Loss of Pump Suction on Hydrazine Chemical Feed Sys Tanks, Resulting in Discharge of 72 Lbs of Hydrazine to Storm Drain Sys.Caused by Open Drain Valve.Investigation Underway1992-07-17017 July 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920714,discovered Loss of Pump Suction on Hydrazine Chemical Feed Sys Tanks, Resulting in Discharge of 72 Lbs of Hydrazine to Storm Drain Sys.Caused by Open Drain Valve.Investigation Underway L-92-184, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920507,effluent Ph of Sewage Treatment Plant Noted Below 6.0 Std Units Required by NPDES Permit.Sodium Carbonate Added & Average Flow from Sewage Plant Diluted by Circulating Water Flow1992-06-24024 June 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920507,effluent Ph of Sewage Treatment Plant Noted Below 6.0 Std Units Required by NPDES Permit.Sodium Carbonate Added & Average Flow from Sewage Plant Diluted by Circulating Water Flow L-92-164, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920409,between 920501-07 Inadvertent Release of Hydrazine to Onsite East Stormwater Basin Detected.Caused by Need to Drain Sg.Operating Procedures Will Be Modified to Ensure Full Control1992-06-0505 June 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920409,between 920501-07 Inadvertent Release of Hydrazine to Onsite East Stormwater Basin Detected.Caused by Need to Drain Sg.Operating Procedures Will Be Modified to Ensure Full Control L-91-257, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910831,West Indian Manatee Observed in Intake Canal.Fl Dept of Natural Resources Observed Animal to Be in No Immediate Danger. Animal Taken to Zoo in Tampa,Fl for Observation & Treatment1991-09-24024 September 1991 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910831,West Indian Manatee Observed in Intake Canal.Fl Dept of Natural Resources Observed Animal to Be in No Immediate Danger. Animal Taken to Zoo in Tampa,Fl for Observation & Treatment L-91-218, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910715,at Least Two Terns Found in Site Evaporation/Percolation Ponds & Died. Util Evaluating Feasibility of Installing Oily/Water Separator on Turbine Lub Oil Sump1991-08-12012 August 1991 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910715,at Least Two Terns Found in Site Evaporation/Percolation Ponds & Died. Util Evaluating Feasibility of Installing Oily/Water Separator on Turbine Lub Oil Sump L-90-292, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 900616,main Condenser Chlorinated Twice for 220 Minutes Exceeding Permit Limit. Procedure Modified to Allow Only Chemistry Personnel to Alter or Move Signs Indicating Order of Chlorination1990-08-10010 August 1990 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 900616,main Condenser Chlorinated Twice for 220 Minutes Exceeding Permit Limit. Procedure Modified to Allow Only Chemistry Personnel to Alter or Move Signs Indicating Order of Chlorination L-90-173, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 900317 & 18,chlorination Discontinued W/O Collecting Required Samples for Free Available Oxidants at Point of Discharge.Instructions for Weekend Collections Will Be Defined to Prevent Recurrence1990-05-20020 May 1990 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 900317 & 18,chlorination Discontinued W/O Collecting Required Samples for Free Available Oxidants at Point of Discharge.Instructions for Weekend Collections Will Be Defined to Prevent Recurrence ML17223A5851990-03-13013 March 1990 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 900212,fishkill Observed in Intake Canal of Plant.Caused by Depletion of Dissolved O2.In Event of Closure of 16 Ft Diameter Ocean Intake Pipe, Sluice Gate Will Be Gradually Raised Assuring Adequate O2 L-89-368, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890803 & 04,plant Discharge Canal Temp Exceeded 113 F Limit.Unit 1 down- Powered to Clean Condenser Water Boxes1989-10-16016 October 1989 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890803 & 04,plant Discharge Canal Temp Exceeded 113 F Limit.Unit 1 down- Powered to Clean Condenser Water Boxes L-89-252, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890517 & 25,iron Concentration from Radwaste Batch Discharge Exceeded Max Concentration Limit.Source of Iron in Effluent Stream Under Investigation1989-05-31031 May 1989 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890517 & 25,iron Concentration from Radwaste Batch Discharge Exceeded Max Concentration Limit.Source of Iron in Effluent Stream Under Investigation ML20247F5211989-05-11011 May 1989 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890309,effluent Ph of Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant Observed to Be 3.6 Std Units. Unknown Quantity of Effluent W/Ph Less than 6.0 Std Units Discharged.Sodium Carbonate Added to Correct Ph to 6.2 L-88-528, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 881021,10,000 Gallons of Ph 10.4 Water Released Into Intake Canal.Caused by Pipe Break in Valve Pit.Plant Work Order Issued to Repair Pipe1988-11-14014 November 1988 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 881021,10,000 Gallons of Ph 10.4 Water Released Into Intake Canal.Caused by Pipe Break in Valve Pit.Plant Work Order Issued to Repair Pipe ML17219A3131987-01-15015 January 1987 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:Max Temp Rise Limitation Exceeded in Aug 1986.Caused by Failure of Circulating Water Pump & Condenser Fouling ML20083L6261984-04-0606 April 1984 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 840217,high Discharge Canal Water Levels Experienced While Using Multiport Diffuser Under Certain Plant Operating Conditions.Cause Not Stated.Multiport Diffuser Discharge Sys Inspected 1999-08-13
MONTHYEARL-99-214, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990906 & 07,19 Dead Green Sea Turtles Recovered from Unit 1 Intake Well.Cause Not Presently Known.Capture Efforts Increased Behind 5 Inch Net Until Remaining Turtles Recovered1999-10-0101 October 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990906 & 07,19 Dead Green Sea Turtles Recovered from Unit 1 Intake Well.Cause Not Presently Known.Capture Efforts Increased Behind 5 Inch Net Until Remaining Turtles Recovered L-99-183, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990717,dead Loggerhead Turtle Was Recovered from Plant Intake Canal.Caused by Lowered 5-inch Barrier Net.Net Was Cleaned of Accumulated Algae & Raised Into Position on 990719.With1999-08-13013 August 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990717,dead Loggerhead Turtle Was Recovered from Plant Intake Canal.Caused by Lowered 5-inch Barrier Net.Net Was Cleaned of Accumulated Algae & Raised Into Position on 990719.With ML17229B1021999-04-23023 April 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Proposed Amend to Modify TS by Changing Criticality Requirements for Design of Spent Fuel Storage Racks & Increasing Capacity of Spent Fuel Storage Pool ML17229B0301999-03-0101 March 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990207,dead Green Turtle (Chelonia Mydas) Weighing 7.5 Lb Recovered from Plant Intake Canal.Caused by Shoaling of Sediments in Canal Where Capture Net Deployed.Methods of Capture Net Insp Modified ML17241A3621998-12-31031 December 1998 Revised Attachment C, Results from Interlaboratory Comparison Program 1998, of 1998 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Rept L-99-065, 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for St Lucie Plant Units 1 & 2. with . Pages 8 of 12 Through 12 of 12 in 2nd,3rd & 4th Quarters of Incoming Submittal Not Included1998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for St Lucie Plant Units 1 & 2. with . Pages 8 of 12 Through 12 of 12 in 2nd,3rd & 4th Quarters of Incoming Submittal Not Included ML17229B1091998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Environ Operating Rept for St Lucie Unit 2 ML17229B0351998-12-31031 December 1998 Combined Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Period Jan-Dec 1998 ML17229B0231998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Std Format for Reporting Number of Personnel & Man-Rem for Work & Job Functions L-98-250, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980903,08,14 & 18 Differential Pressure Across Intake Travelling Screens Occurred.Caused by Excessive Jellyfish Buildup.Secured 1A1 Cw Pump & Throttled Three of Four Cw Pumps1998-10-0101 October 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980903,08,14 & 18 Differential Pressure Across Intake Travelling Screens Occurred.Caused by Excessive Jellyfish Buildup.Secured 1A1 Cw Pump & Throttled Three of Four Cw Pumps L-98-196, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980717,discovered That 15 Juvenile Least Terns Died in Roof Drainage Sys at Plant Screens Placed Around Drains Earlier in Nesting Season to Protect Hatchlings from Entering Drain Gutters1998-07-23023 July 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980717,discovered That 15 Juvenile Least Terns Died in Roof Drainage Sys at Plant Screens Placed Around Drains Earlier in Nesting Season to Protect Hatchlings from Entering Drain Gutters ML17229A5821998-01-0808 January 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 971214,discovered Partially Entangled Mantee in Sea Turtle Capture Nets.Caused by Large Openings in Concrete Velocity Caps.Addl Insp of Caps Will Be Made ML17229A6941997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Environ Operation Rept, for St Lucie,Unit 2 ML17229A6371997-12-31031 December 1997 Combined Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Period 970101-1231 L-97-266, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970912 Samples Were Taken for CBOD5 at Influent & Effluent of St Lucie Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant.Value Less than Permitted Minimum Due to Increased Number of Personnel.Resample Taken1997-10-17017 October 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970912 Samples Were Taken for CBOD5 at Influent & Effluent of St Lucie Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant.Value Less than Permitted Minimum Due to Increased Number of Personnel.Resample Taken ML17229A4351997-08-0606 August 1997 Environ Assessment & Fonsi Re Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR70.24.Proposed Action Would Exempt License from Requirements to Maintain Emergency Procedures for Each Area in Which SNM Handled,Used or Stored L-97-172, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970614 & 30,discovered One Dead Sea Turtle on Each Date.Caused by five-inch Barrier Net Loaded W/Algae.Removed Algae from Net & Hand Drudged Silt to Allow Net to Return to Original Position1997-07-0707 July 1997 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970614 & 30,discovered One Dead Sea Turtle on Each Date.Caused by five-inch Barrier Net Loaded W/Algae.Removed Algae from Net & Hand Drudged Silt to Allow Net to Return to Original Position L-97-100, 1996 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept1996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept ML17229A2451996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Man-Rem Rept ML17229A2431996-12-31031 December 1996 Combined Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Period 960101-1231 L-97-101, 1996 Annual Environ Operating Rept1996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Annual Environ Operating Rept L-96-261, Noncompliance Notification:On 960918,adult Female West Indian Manatee Observed in Intake Canal.Newly Installed Turtle Barrier Net Was Instrumental in Retaining Manatee in Safe Location & in Good Condition.Manatee Released1996-10-10010 October 1996 Noncompliance Notification:On 960918,adult Female West Indian Manatee Observed in Intake Canal.Newly Installed Turtle Barrier Net Was Instrumental in Retaining Manatee in Safe Location & in Good Condition.Manatee Released L-96-187, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960603,effluent Ph of Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant Observed to Be 4.03 Std Units. Util Believes Increased Numbers of Personnel at Site During Refueling Outage Resulted in Extra Loading1996-07-23023 July 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960603,effluent Ph of Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant Observed to Be 4.03 Std Units. Util Believes Increased Numbers of Personnel at Site During Refueling Outage Resulted in Extra Loading ML17228B4581996-04-0505 April 1996 Unusual or Important Environ Event Re Fish Kill in Plant Intake Canal on 960311.Caused by Extreme Seawater Turbidity Associated W/Storm Conditions,Clogging Gill Surfaces & Suffocating Fish.Well Chlorination Discontinued L-96-105, Annual Environ Operating Rept1995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Environ Operating Rept ML17309A8291995-12-31031 December 1995 1995 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept St Lucie Plant Units 1 & 2 ML17309A8241995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Radiological Effluent Release Rept ML17228B4231995-12-31031 December 1995 Corrected 1995 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept ML17228B4681995-12-31031 December 1995 1995 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept St. Lucie Plant,Units 1 & 2 L-96-033, 1995 Annual Operating Rept, Including Primary Chemistry Info,Mangrove Photographic Survey Results & Man-Rem Rept.W/1995-12-31031 December 1995 1995 Annual Operating Rept, Including Primary Chemistry Info,Mangrove Photographic Survey Results & Man-Rem Rept.W/ ML17228B3321995-11-30030 November 1995 Assessment of Impacts of St Lucie Nuclear Generating Plant on Sea Turtle Species Found in Nearshore Waters of Florida L-95-312, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 951016,effluent Ph of Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant Observed to Be 5.54 Std Units,Below 6.0 Std Units Required by Wastewater Permit. Increased Ph Monitoring of Aeration Tanks Undertaken1995-11-24024 November 1995 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 951016,effluent Ph of Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant Observed to Be 5.54 Std Units,Below 6.0 Std Units Required by Wastewater Permit. Increased Ph Monitoring of Aeration Tanks Undertaken ML17228B0401994-12-31031 December 1994 Combined Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Period Jan-Dec 1994 L-95-113, 1994 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept St Lucie Plant Units 1 & 21994-12-31031 December 1994 1994 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept St Lucie Plant Units 1 & 2 ML17228B1331994-12-31031 December 1994 Annual Environ Operating Rept (FPL-94),Vol II ML17228B1321994-12-31031 December 1994 Annual Environ Operating Rept 1994 - Vol I ML17228A9501994-12-0808 December 1994 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 941204,2 Millon Gallons of Untreated Parking Lot Runoff Entered Mangrove Impoundment 008E.Aluminum Sheet Pile Will Be Driven Several Inches in Front of Wall ML17228A9341994-11-18018 November 1994 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 941116,untreated Parking Lot Runoff Escaped to Mangrove Impoundment 008E.FP&L Engineering Examining Failure Mode for Event & Will Design Appropriate Mod.Temporary Repairs to Be Completed by 941130 ML17228A9091994-11-0404 November 1994 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 941030,1.5 Million Gallons of Untreated Parking Lot Runoff Entered Mangrove Impoundment 008E.Permanent Corrective Actions Under Review ML17309A7251993-12-31031 December 1993 Combined Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Period Jul-Dec 1993 ML17228A6121993-12-31031 December 1993 Correction to 1993 Semi-Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept & Response to Brookhaven Natl Lab Request for Info ML17228A4771993-12-31031 December 1993 Personnel Radiation Monitoring Rept CY93, 1993 man-rem Rept Required by Reg Guide 1.16,submitted in 1993 Annual Operating Rept L-94-110, Annual Environ Operating Rept 1993, Vols 1 & 21993-12-31031 December 1993 Annual Environ Operating Rept 1993, Vols 1 & 2 L-94-100, 1993 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept St Lucie, Units 1 & 21993-12-31031 December 1993 1993 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept St Lucie, Units 1 & 2 L-93-280, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930915,midnight Discharge Canal Sample Collected During Biocide Application Indicated Concentration of 0.53 Ppm.Communications Between Individuals Involved Increased1993-11-0101 November 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930915,midnight Discharge Canal Sample Collected During Biocide Application Indicated Concentration of 0.53 Ppm.Communications Between Individuals Involved Increased L-93-134, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930503,sewage Treatment Plant Effluent Tested & Found to Have Ph Value of 3.6 Std Units.Util Believes That Acidic Solution Mistakenly Poured Down Plant Drain.Sodium Carbonate Added to Sys1993-07-0606 July 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930503,sewage Treatment Plant Effluent Tested & Found to Have Ph Value of 3.6 Std Units.Util Believes That Acidic Solution Mistakenly Poured Down Plant Drain.Sodium Carbonate Added to Sys L-93-216, Combined Semiannual Radioactive Release Rept for Jan-June 1993 for St Lucie Plant,Units 1 & 21993-06-30030 June 1993 Combined Semiannual Radioactive Release Rept for Jan-June 1993 for St Lucie Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML17227A8021993-04-14014 April 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:Sea Turtle Captures in Intake Canal Increased Dramatically Beginning in Fall 1992. During First Quarter 1993,165 Turtles Removed from Canal. Mods to Ocean Intake Velocity Caps Completed in Feb 1992 ML17227A7601993-03-0505 March 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930114,neutralization Basin,Containing 220,000 Gallons of Water,Discharged to Intake Canal at Ph of 10.20 Std Units.Caused by Miscommunication.Procedure Developed to Address Discharge ML17227A6891993-01-14014 January 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 921221,chemical Feed Tank Inadvertently Discharged Through Drain Left in Open Position,Resulting in Release of Approx 20 Gallons of Amerzine to West Storm Pond.Personnel Counseled 1999-08-13
[Table view] |
ACCESSION NBR:991 gACIL:50-335 St.
50-389 St.
RECIP.NAME 0120174 DOC.DATE: 99/10/01 NOTARIZED: NO Lucie Plant, Unit 1, Florida Power Ec Light Co.
Lucie Plant, Unit 2, Florida Power
& Light Co.
AUTHOR AFFILIATION Florida Power E Light Co.
RECIPIENT AFFILIATION Records Management Branch (Document Control Desk)
DOCKET 05000335 05000389
NPDES noncompliance notification: on 990906,dead green sea turtle was recovered from Unit 1 intake well. Caused by loading of drift algae approxi8 days prior to first mortality. Capture efforts have been increased behind S-inch.
SIZE: 3 TITLE: Environmental Event Report (per Tech Specs)
1 RGN2 1
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Florida Power &Light Company, 6351 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Flaw October 1, 1999 I 99-214 10CFR 50.36b EPP 4.1 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 RE:
St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Environmental Protection Plan Report Event Dates:
September 6, 1999, September 7, 1999, and September 19, 1999 Unusual or Im ortant Environmental Events The attached report is being submitted pursuant to the requirements of Section 4.1 of the St.
Lucie Units 1 and 2 Environmental Protection Plans.
The report provides descriptions of three reportable green sea turtle mortalities in the St. Lucie Plant intake canal.
Section 4.2.1(l) of the St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Environmental Protection Plans requires reinitiation of formal consultation ifthe amount or extent of taking specified in the Incidental Take Statement is exceeded.
The number of green sea turtle mortalities for 1999 has exceeded the Incidental Take Statement limitfor green sea turtles at St. Lucie Plant.
FPL requests that the NRC begin the necessary steps to reinitiate formal consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for green sea turtles.
Should you have any questions on this information, please contact us.
Very truly yours, J. A. Stall Vice President St. Lucie Plant JAS/GRM Attachment cc:
Regional Administrator, Region II, USNRC, Senior Resident Inspector, USNRC, St. Lucie Plant
'991Qi20%74 99100f Il PDR ADGCK G50003$ 5 S
an FPL Group company
St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 L-99-214 Attachment Page 1
ST. LUCIEPLANT SEA TURTLEMORTALITIES 30-DAYWRITTENREPORT EVENT DESCRIPTION At approximately 0200 hours0.00231 days <br />0.0556 hours <br />3.306878e-4 weeks <br />7.61e-5 months <br /> on September 6, 1999, a dead green sea turtle (CV>elonia mydas) was recovered from the Unit 1 intake well. The turtle, which weighed approximately 4.5 lbs.,
was badly decomposed when recovered.
At approximately 0810 hours0.00938 days <br />0.225 hours <br />0.00134 weeks <br />3.08205e-4 months <br /> on September 7, 1999, another dead green sea turtle, weighing approximately 12 lbs., was recovered from the plant intake canal.
This turtle, which was only slightly decomposed, was found against the 8-inch barrier net located at the A1ABridge.
At approximately 1100 hours0.0127 days <br />0.306 hours <br />0.00182 weeks <br />4.1855e-4 months <br /> on September 19, 1999, a severely decomposed green sea turtle weighing approximately 25 lbs. was also found against the 8-inch barrier net.
These mortalities bring the total to four for this species so far this year at the St. Lucie Plant.
The limits for mortalities of this species in the National Marine Fisheries Incidental Take Statement, issued to the site by the NRC in 1997, is three or 1.5% of the total captured, whichever is greater.
To date, the total number of green sea turtles captured ((100) has not approached the quantity necessary to increase the incidental take by percentage.
CAUSE OF THE EVENTS The 5-inch turtle barrier net, which was installed upstream of the 8-inch barrier net, had been lowered due to heavy loading, of drift algae approximately 8 days prior to the first mortality.
This net had to be lowered again September 13, 1999, due to the approach of Hurricane Floyd.
It has been determined that catastrophic damage to this net can occur ifabnormal tension is placed on the cables and anchors.
Several turtles were observed behind the 8-inch barrier net prior to the mortalities, but capture efforts proved largely unsuccessful.
The small turtle found in the plant intake well was small enough to pass through both the 8-inch net and the plant Underwater Intrusion Detection System.- It is not known ifthis turtle actually died in the intake well or somewhere upstream of the well.
The two turtles found at the 8-inch barrier net were not entangled in the net itself. There were no signs of external injury on the first turtle.
The second turtle was too badly decomposed to make any determination.
From this evidence, cause of the deaths could not be determined.
f The influx of drift algae is attributed to increased wave action offshore resulting from Hurricane Dennis.
This storm passed relatively close to the East Coast of Florida. Following
St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 I 99-214 Attachment Page 2 The influx of drift algae is attributed to increased wave action offshore resulting from Hurricane Dennis.
This storm passed relatively close to the East Coast of Florida.
Following Hurricane Dennis, Hurricane Floyd also passed near the coast, also creating high winds and seas.
Although it is not presently known what caused the death of the three green sea turtles, the harsh conditions offshore and subsequently in the canal could have been a contributing factor.
CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Canal conditions allowed the 5-inch barrier net to be raised back into position September 16, 1999.
This net, due to its steeper and smaller mesh design, is more effective in retaining turtles in an area of the canal where they can be effectively captured.
Capture efforts have been increased behind the 5-inch net until the remaining'turtles are removed.
Section 4.2.1(1) requires reinitiation of formal consultation ifthe amount or extent of taking specified in the Incidental Take Statement is exceeded.
Due to somewhat unusual offshore environmental conditions and the apparent increase in local populations, the number of green sea turtle mortalities for 1999 has exceeded the Incidental Take Statement limitfor this species at St. Lucie plant.
FPL requests that the NRC begin the necessary steps to reinitiate formal consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for green sea turtles.
AGENCIES NOTIFIED The Florida Department of Environmental Protection was notified of the three mortalities in compliance with Marine Turtle Permit ¹99.
Four-hour notifications were made to the NRC at 0225 hours0.0026 days <br />0.0625 hours <br />3.720238e-4 weeks <br />8.56125e-5 months <br /> on September 6, 1999, at 1226 hours0.0142 days <br />0.341 hours <br />0.00203 weeks <br />4.66493e-4 months <br /> on September 7, 1999, and at 1324 hours0.0153 days <br />0.368 hours <br />0.00219 weeks <br />5.03782e-4 months <br /> on September 19, 1999, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(vi).