NL-16-135, Report No. R-P1349, Wall Thickness Profile Sheet. (Sketch)

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Report No. R-P1349, Wall Thickness Profile Sheet. (Sketch)
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/05/2016
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A318 List: ... further results
CNL-16-135 R-P1349
Download: ML16293A508 (3)


  • *

WELD NO: ____ R...:.-.C

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'=------UNIT: ______ .IQ,. _______ _ SVSTEM: ____ H .... C ___ S;.__ _____ _ Record Thickness Measurements As Indicated, Including Weld Width, Edge*To-Edge At o* Position o* 90* 110* 210* Ol * * * * [!) l2,51.. 3.16 2.'Jo l!1 t.54 3.0 1.*S'-z,"i. 141 .1 !>, :2:'1l J.4S' 2.SS [!)

b.4" 2..48

  • Weld Edge 5 Flow .. CROWN HEIGHT: ____ F;.....;../:;;;U:;;.S.:..ihi....-

____ _ DIAMETER:


..::::0 ______ _ CRQWN

_____ _ WELD

_7.=;,5 _____ _ o" \.._ ("'-. . ANll: REVIEWED tr LEVEL: L_W DATE; <G>-Cfi-<..t::>

DATE: PAGE TV A 19668 (NP-5-89)

TVA Office of Nuclear Power -I-REPORT PROJECT: vJBN SYSTEM: J? (5 UN IT: ;{ WELD NO: RCS-4-to R-F',349 -------FL.ow 5 fZ-7-16 LEVEL: a DATE: ld-l-.-fD PAGE oF

  • *
  • WELD NUMBER Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 ltem4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Item 11 Watts Bar Unit 2 TVA Procedure N-GP-31 Attachments 3 & 4 Worksheet Version 1.0 dated 07/01/09 RCS-4-6 Required examination Volume in sq. in. (width x height) Number of scan directions Total Scan volume in sq. in. Total length of weld Total required exam volume in cubic inches Exam volume acheived (sq. in.) in direction 1 X length of weld achieved Exam volume acheived (sq. in.) in direction 2 X length of weld achieved Exam volume acheived (sq. in.) in direction 3 X length of weld achieved Exam volume acheived (sq. in.) in direction 4 X length of weld achieved Determined the acheived exam volume add 6, 7, 8 & 9 Exam volume percentage item 1 O/item 5 x 100 Scan# 3, limitation due to branch connection configuration.

0.8125 2.1875 2.1875 1875 Measured Fields 61.75 61.75 sq. in . .._ ___ 4_.**** ldirections sq. in. ___ 6_>1_ **. _75 ... ** 1 inches Initials JA Date 12/07/2010 cu. in. cu. In. cu. In. cu. In. cu. In. cu. In. %