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ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4, Process Alarm Setpoints for Liquid Effluent Monitors.
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 04/26/2012
From: Unifried M
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev 4
Download: ML16277A116 (49)


{{#Wiki_filter:RTL #A9.621A Beaver Valley Power Station ERS-ATL~93-021 Page 1 Radiation P.rotection Section Rcvision4 FORM 112*ADM*l61/F28 Rei* 2 RTL#A9621A Bea.ver* Vallev Power Station \ Radiation Protection Technical PositionlEyaluati.on/Calclilati<)n. Subject 'No. .PAGE 1 OF Process Alarm Set12ointsFor Liguid Efflue11.t ERs*~A'tL-93.:021 Monitors 3A Reference HPP: t-HPP,.4.02.001, 002 & 013 .. 2-HPP.*4fd2.018 &021; EPP: ~PP-1-1aTable.7,,1, ITS:. 5.5'.2. CR: 0201'1-00459-07, 02-06174-002, 06-06059-04, 08-50435 & 08-50765, OCP': 268,..ENV: 1/2-ENV-05.04 . Category Unit 1 Unit 2 D Technical Position

  • Purpose Technical Evaluation D Calcuiation The purpose of this calculation p~ckage is to provide consistent alarm setpoint methodology that is traceable to the ODCM bases for the following liquid*effluentmonitors:
1. For RMS Victoreen Monitors RM.:1RVV-100, RM~1RW-101, RM-1DA-100, RM-1LW-104 and
      !RM.. 1LW-116.
2. For ORMS GA/Sorrento Monitors 2SGC-RQ'100, 2SW$'-RQ161_and2SWS_-RQ102.


 ~               REVISION#                             4 Revision description: The alarm setpohits for RM-1 RW-100:is being changed to reflect decreased detector efficiency at elevated river temperatures. This revision becomes the set point basis for radiation monitor RM-1RW-100, replaCing 8700-UR(BF223.

Based on a change in BVPS procedure 1/2-ADM-1611, this revision is chang'ed'to a Technical Evaluation. by..iMIML-~ L *. 0. -

                     -           .       -,;1.-*
                                         ., [,-*' -
                                                     ;I_,~    'l chO~~ -                               .*.***
                                                                                  ' *. ' ' - ' ' ' 'f*J..!f.-JJ, lnd~p"endentteylew. (ca/C(Jlalli.m only)

Mlchae/G. Unfried '1/l~/l'&d1:1te .John _ - * * * .,,. * * .. dl:lta . NIA date checklist Attachments I Purpose I Res_ults O:Oata Sheets I Methodology I References D illustrations I Input Data I Printouts

       .,  . *.,  ., .. *-,,;.* .,;:;.                             .. ,. u .* '                                      D*Code Li~ting13.. _ ;,,,_;.. ....... .. *"'.          . ..
                                          , "'*'****.*'***/*'*' ""-*                                                                                                 -~

Transmittal. to BVRC D Supt, Rad Ops* * :Auth0r: M. G. Untried I Original RP ERP FILE D Supv; RP Services DEP:

  • MGR,_ Rpdiation Pro_t~ction * '$upv, Rad Wa$te/E:ffluerits* D D

I Radiation Protection Technical &va/11ation!Calcu1atio11 I REVISION 11 wll.......l_.l"'--1.1_,l""--'l_ _ , L _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

RTL #A9.62 IA Beayer Valley Powet 'Station ERS~ATL--93*:021 Page2 Radiation Prote.c.tfon SeCtion RevisfonA By SAP Order 200~'.91646,;9110:* Determine effec,t on the current alarm

   .Anthony T Lonnett, 1*21191200/J
                                             ,s.efpoints of Wnit 1:Aux Feedwater Area Drain Radiation Monitor [RM-
   .checker/reviewer 3    John T*.Lebda, 12123120.0.8               1DA'"'l00], as previously provided in Calculation No. 8700-UR(B}-223,
    /ndep revif}W (calculation .only)         Rev O:(lmpact of h.trnospheric C.ontainment Conversion, Power Uprate, NA, No Char1ge'i~f'Afl,,thod_olqgy        and Alfernate,Sour'ce Terms.on the Al,arm*setpoints for the Radi~tion
                                             '.M911itor:s ~t2 BVPS~1}a1,1e,:to :vendPr upgr~de FROM thel'V1od~l 843~32
                                             .gamma.:sdntinatien detector +o**me Model a43:.32R replacement By
  • Anthonr Tlonnett, 07121106 ,cR:o5~06059~04: D.etermlf.l'e revised alarm*.setpoints for Unit 1:liquid
                             ** ff* ..
<Jhecker/reviewer' radJ~tlo~ mgnifor~ dueJ9ye1JdQf::l)89rac)e::Of M9del 843:.$0gamma 2 Mich~el DBailko, '!17128/06 'SJ.:lntillation de.tector with:'the Model:843-30R:re*p:1acemerit detector.

lndeptevlew (cafculat;on only) NA,.No Change In Methodology By . .. . . 1; Add Zn".6frto ODCM Uqui(J,Efflu~nt Source Term per (CR02"'.0617 4" Anthony Tlonnett, 08121102 002~ Checkerlrevfewer 2:; Revise Unit 1.sp1;1rc~ T'?rm:.per $&W 'C<;!lc UR(B);.1 q0-3 t :Robert A Moore, 08/28/0Z ... 3;. Provide*documentation:fhat the-EP*P".EAL's.are based~on 2 x lndep revUJw'(ca/culatlon only) ODCM Limit fora UE and 2'00 x ODCM limitfor an Alert

   'NA;}Jo Change In MethodQlofiY fjy*       . .         . ..        .                      Checklist.                        Attachments
   *Anthoni T Lonn~~t; 07112193                                         1 1!1 Input 8ata 0

checkerlieviewer DK Yourd, 09/08193 l""'R!> Assumptions Method6IOQY

                                                                         ~p~esults References I

0 .Data Sheets Illustrations

                                                                                                 .Printouts lndep review (oa/cu/atlononly)                                                            D Cpde U!;>tlr:jgs SFLavl~    for RSC,, 1()/06/93

RTL#A9.621A Beaver VaJley Pow~r Station ERS-i TL-93-02.1 Pa**

                                                                                                              ' g,e .,3 Radiafi(m Protection Section .                                            .Revis.ion 4 DISCUssioN
' Tb¢ obje<.#ve<pftJ\is'eValuath~.n:*package;i$Jo ptovide*consi.sfe:n~ afa.rm~*s.~tpoirit?rn.~th'OQOl()gy'thaf; is. tra~e~able to ()DCM s~tpointmethodology for a,h'Hqui<J eftJuent pathway.r~p1a(ip11,inonitors at: Unit f anq Unit 2..

Revision 4 now-calculates alann set points for RM-1.RW,. 100 t~sing revised dett:ctor model 843:-30 efficiencies provided by .the manufactur~r for elev~ted temperature that c.ould occur following a LOCA.. Original Ala1m SetpointBases . . . . The original alaim setpoints for Unit 1 and Unit 2 effluent mori.itors.\vere based.on the following:

1. *For m:onitots RM-"JRW.4 Off (Component*coolifiglRech-ctilation :Spray Heat Exchangei* Rivet Water
Mo.I1ito1;) and RM~lRW~ 101 (Component CoolingJieatExchanger Rivet'Water:Monhoi} the setpoints were Refetertce l .. The setpoints were frased .011 lO'CFR20:A:ppendix B'to 20; 1-20.601, TabhfU, C<:>L 2 M:eOs:(i.e., BSP ='l .MPC'an:d.HHSP;;::JO.MPC). Since operatoractions:(e.g.; gtab sampling and valving out the faulty heat exchanger) are the $ame for .HSP qr. !UfS:P alanns; th¢n IO CfR 20 Iv.IP Cs would be maintained. *
2. For nionitor RM-lDA-lOO(Aux. Feed Pump Bay-Drain.Monitor), the setpointswered~pumented in Reference 4, and w~re based Q1l.1\1PCs (i~e.,.JISP =*0.25:.Nf.F.C:andlIHSP =8,:FIV1PC). Sinc.e Automatic Actio.ns c~~g.,Jermi11ati01rofdischarg¢) OCCQf Qll,a:fl'SP al~;:tb~n lQ CFR 20 N!PCs would, be 111aintained:
3. F'ormonitorsRM.;JI,W.J{)4:(Liqtiid Waste*Effluent.Monitor) a11dl{M:-lLW-l l6 (Liquid Waste Contam:inated Dr<iin ~fonifor), the setpoints were docmnented in the ODCM, and were based on MPCs
         '(i.e., lllISP =.Q;SMPC). Since.Automatic Ac(ions (e.g., tennirtation ofrdischarge) occuron*a HHSP Alann, then 10 CFR20 .MPCs would be maintained.
4. For monitor 2SGC*RQ100(Liquid Waste.Effluent Monitor); the setpoitltswe1'e docuniented . inthe ODCM and were base&onMPCs (ie.,,. HSP = 0,8 MPC}. Since Automatic Actions (e,.g., tenninafiomof discharge) occur on a HSP alarm, then. 10 CFR20 MPCs would be maintained.
5. Fonrio1:ritors 2SWS.-RQ~Ol and'2SWS~RQl02(Servfoe:WatefMortitors), these~points were.cfocumented in-Reference 21, arid.Were based on two.iim'es tlle..backgt'.ouri.djfi,the process-stream. Since this fype of methodolo.gywt:nildyieltl'a ve~~low setpoint. ti1en.itcotl1d*be*assttmed that 10 CFR 20MPCs would be inaintained in the event ofino.nitor.alanns. However, this methodology is so :conservative, itcQuld result in.nuisai1ce alaims.

t echirical Spec1ffoatio1t.Req1iiremehts (Refere1ice 6) Technical Specification 5:.5.2.a &. b iiichtdes. adnnnistrativerequitenr~iits fol' lilann/tiip setpoints *that _ensure

  • 1haintenance or.,rn ~* 1.<}.G_f.~ t9.:E.Cs*forJ.iqtiid :e,ft1~~t1t~;., ~yps implements tJ:iis ts'*re:q~iremen(via_, tJ1e B:larm.: .. **:

setpoints of liciuia efflu.entradiationmonitors I{M,.;1.RW-100; .RM*JRW-.101, RM .;lDA-100, RM- lLW-104. RM-lLW-116, and.2SGC.-RQ100, 2SWSA{Ql0l, 1;lnd2SWS-RQ102. BVPS-1 UFSAR. Requirements (Reference 7)

1. Section 11~.3:3.l indicates'thateffluent flow to the eilvironmentwill be automafica:ilyte1~minated or pi*ocessed in the eventofa HHSP-alahri. This_statem:ent iS generie; it is notirtterided as a specific reqnfremeh:t fot,al(process ll1oiilto:ts. **

RTLf#A9621A Beaver Valley Pow<?r Station ERS-A'fL.. 93-021 Page4 Radiation Protection Section ' Revision4 2.. Section n .:t3*.3. to does not contain*q11irements .for.alaitn,setpohits ofRM"tRW"'.tot However, it to the monitod.s 1.t'sed detect leak:age*from*:the RCS .or at1 auxlliarysyste1n into the componet)t coolihgwater system..

  • J .. Sectionll.3.3;3.U indicates'that aHHSPalah'n chiRM--lLW'-116 wilLaufomaticaflytenninate the discharae front the contaminated .drain' system.
4. Section l i. that a HHSP ala1m 011 RM-lLW-104 will automatically terminate the dischar$e. from the liquid waste systel'n.
5. Section 7 not contain.any reqoire1nent fo1' alann setpoints or:RM:..fRW-100. However, it does indicate th:arthefnbnitol' is detect.a.leak fhnn;:the'priliiatyplant componehfCoolirtg Water
  • heatexchangers.prtherecitctifatfon spray.heat exchangel's; ** .
6. Section. ll .3;3*1:3::26.iiidicates*.tha:t a:H:Hsl>::alatm on .RM~.lDA-tDOWill .autofuaticaily <liiect'the:auxiliazy fe¢dwat~r m;ea drain tank cl1scharge ti*om::the)ard oil die safeguard~'.tu1n1*el sump. NOTE:

Even tho:ugh the BVPS-1 UFSAR'. u1dicates tl1atthese m!tomatic actions ocmtr on.a HHSP alann, DCP-268*

          .required these actions on a* HSP alann, and it i'$ *installeq per the DCP-268tequirement (Refer:ence 2)*

BVPS-2 UFSARRequirements (Reference S)

    *1. *Section 110$ .2.4.3 h1dicates. that ~ HSP alarm on 2SGC~RQ l:OO*will automatically terminate a discharge n*o111 the liq,1Jiclwast~ syst.em,
  • 2. Bectiop 11.5,,2;5;1 i1,1dicates that a: JiSl' :alarm: on ?SWS~RQJ,d2 ~s indicanv{} o'fafleak:ycompo.l,lent cooling l
  • h<::at exchan.g~rr
  • 3.. *Sec~ion t 1.*s .2. 5.8 does, not contain a~1y r~q~1ire1:nents for' alarm setpoint .of 2SWS-RQ1d1. However; it does indicate that an activity measuremenfjs indicative ofa leaky component cooling heat exchanger. This .

monitor acts as a redundant channel to 2SWS-RQ102.

  • BVPS-1 USNRGSER Requirements (Reference 9)

Section .1 l.6 fodicates that '.th¢ pto¢eSs'JacJiation monitoring systepJ:w.Hl det.e~t, ipdicate, annunciate, and/or

   ,record theli.wels or';fi¢ldsofaytivij.)rto*vt::rifyc0,mpliance,w.ith H>t~FR*ZO and ~e.ep ia(lfatfon. Iev~ls as Iowas practicable. ':('hiS statemer.t is ~eµeric. itis n,ptintended as:a ~pecific req~.irement fhr all pnJcessmonitors.
  • BVPs.:2.'.USNRGSERRegufreinents Q{¢:ference JP}

Section ll.5.2mdicates that pr9visions to provide al1totnatic teimtnation of effluent releases and ensure control over discharges is in accordance with GOC 63. Other Regi1latoi}i'c6miriitriTJfii~*:*;: . ~. *.... ****: *.: .-*. :* .,. *.* * . _ .... "* **.** None;

Beaver'Valley Powe1~ ,Station ER.S.,.1VtL'"93-02J . .Radiation ~:rotectfoh*,Sectioi1 Revisfon4 Offsite Dose Calculation:Manuak(ODCM}'Requh:ements (RerenmC:e ~) ,. ODCM procedure 1/2-0DC"-2 ..01 requires alann setpointsthat ensure maintenance of 10 x 10 CFR 20 ECs for liquid effluent monitors, RM-1Lw:.104, RM-lLW-i 16, RM-lRW-100; RM-lRW*-101, RM-lDA-l 00, 2SGC-RQ100, 2SWS~RQ101, artd 2SWS-RQ102. . Illstnnnent Error Considerations The orig~al Un,it 1 alann:~etpqjnf qalc:uJations ;did µo't,cpn;;iderthe effect offust1iimentand process e1Tors oti thealaim setpoint~;* l}njt ~*ftla1nrsetpdiilt~ did a$sess. thil? .effe¢t1or,mostm:onitors,,;and:the.Urtit 2 DFSAR does cdntain a commitment to Regulato1y:Q11fd.e 1J'05 (Ryferen,ceJt); The>Radiation. SafetyComirlittee discussed this issue iirmeeting'BV;.Rsc.:2'5-87(Referynce.12). Frdm these discussions, a position :with n.~gard to the applicability o:f RG 1.105 to the radiation monitors was, developed and documented in ERS-SFL-87-036 (Reference 13). From this position, it is .inferred that, as alicensingitem, RG 1.105 does not apply to the liquid effluent monitors at Unit 1 and Unit 2. BASES Tl1e',alarm: setpomtifwfil be'.cafoulatea usirig cun'erit ODOM methocl,olpgy for Uqujd,effluent monitor setpoints. INPUT DATA/ASSUMPTIONS References

l. Ai= PaiticulateActivity fromtherelease path(Ci/~) [3, 4, 14]
2. f =Maximum Acceptable Discharge Flowr~te (gpni) [3, 18, 19, 25]
3. F = Diluti<Jn Water Flowrat~ (gpm) [3, 25, 26]

4.. El = Mon.itor $.{}11sitiy,ity (9pm,luGjJcc) [15, 16, 17, 23i24] METHODOLOGY An'EXCEL.spteadshcct.was:.generated to' perfom.1 the ala:fin setpoint cafoulations. See Attaclmi.ent 2 for 'historical (Old Method) alarin. setpoin:ts based, on 1 x. old 10 CFR 20 MP Cs. See Attachm:ent 3 for cti1tent (New Method) alfil1n setpoints, base9>ort 1.0 x ~e\\', 10 CFJ:{ 20 BCs.

        'l,   Si values \Vere,calculated using ODCM: 112:..:onc.:2.01 eg,uation [L.l(;l)-'2) and. f .1.(2)~2J:

s Aj* r *.* '. * ** : *.1 ~-. A i *X"'.

                                  ~ . r
                                    .i where:        Si = the fraction of total radioactivity Ai= the appropriate fudividual nuclid_e sourcetenn values from ODCM l/2-0DC-2.01
                                   'fable l. l:-la and l. l-1 b qr C~lculation J;>aGkage No. ERS-SFL-92"037.

NOTE 1: ODCM Ai values were derived by Stone and'Webster al)d shown ii1Tabie i3. ofReferen:ce:4.

RTL#A9.621A Beaver Valley Power Station ERS-.A TL-93-021 Page 6 Radiation Protection Section Revision4 NOTE 2: Zn-65 was not projectedJ1s a source tem1 radionuclide when the ODCM was originally developed. However; SINCE zinc may be added to the RCS, THEN Zn-65 needed to be added to the ODCM Liquid Effluent Source Te1m. See Attachment 4 for deviation of the Zn-65 activity that was added bODCM 1/2-0DC-2.01Tables1.1-la and 1.1-lh(Reference 22).

2. Civalue was calculated using ODCM l/2-0DC-2.01 equation (1.1(1)-3 and f.1(2)-3]:

Ct= F

Lsi f-i-OEC.I where: = F =Dilution water flow rate (gpm)
                        =22,800 gpm forRM-lLW-104, RM-lLW-116, and 2SGC-RQ100 (15,000 gpm + 7,800 gpm)
                        = 149,800 gpm forRM-lRW-100 and RM-lRW-101 (127,000 gpm + 15,000 gpm + 7,800 gpm)
                        = 86.9 gpm for RM-lDA-100: Assumes that the toal flow from Outfall 003 is the sum of23.8 gpm (0.0343 MGD) from Intemal Outfall ] 03 + 38.9 gpm (0.056 MGD) from hltemal Outfall 303 + 24.3 gpm (35,000
                          ~d)as tlie approximate Make-up Rate for the Secondary System(References 25 & 26)
                        = 8400gpm for 2SWS"RQ101and 2swS:RQ102 f = Maximum acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution (gpm)
                        = 35 gpm for RM-lLW-104
                        = 15 gpm forRM-ILW-116
                        = 80 gpm for 2SGC-RQ 100
                        = 18,000 gpmforRM-lRW-100
                        = 9,000 gpm for RM-lRW-101
                        = 33.3 gpm for RM-lDA-100: Assumes 86% of the 38.9 gpm (0.056 MGD) from hlternal butfall 303 is from the Auxiliary feed Pump Drain System
                        = 7220 gpm for 2SWS,RQ101and2SWS-RQl02 Si = Previously described
 . 3. Ci values were ca.lcula~~~ usi~1g,OQ.~M       1/2-qD.C~2.01,,equatio;n   [1.l(l)-4 and l.1(2)A]:

where: Ci= max ac:ceptable concentration for each radionuclide (uCi/ml) Si = previously described C 1 = previously described

RTL#A9 621A Beaver Valley Power Station ERS--ATL~93-021 Page7 Radiation Protection Section Revision 4

4. The monitor count rate (CR) was calculated using ODCM 1/2-0DC-2.01 equation [1.1(1)-5 and 1.1(2)-5]:

where: CR= monitor count rate attiibuted from each radionuclide in ncpm Ci =previously described Ei =detection efficiency for the appropriate monitor (cpm/uCi/cc) References 15, 16, 17, 23 and 24

5. FOR lJNIT 2 ONLY: The Unit.2 monitor display value (DV) was calculated using ODCM 1/2-0DC-2;01 eq~ration [l.1(2)-5]:

nv= cF11 L C1 Ei i where: CFl 1 = L Ci I L CiE; = Conversion factor (uCi/ml/cpm) is an average dete1mined for the source term mix. Original derivations of the CFl l are shown in References 20 and 21. Ei = Pre:viously qescribed Ci = Pl'eviously described

6. The monitor alarm process setpoihts were calculated as follows:

Unit 1: HHSP == 1.00 CR HSP = 0.70 HHSP Unit 2: HSP = 1.00 DV ASP = 0. 70 HSP where: the process upper alaims (HHSP and HSP) and the process lower alarms (HSP and ASP) are the monitor alatm setpoints above background for the. process. stream (net cpm or net uCi/cc) CR= previously described 1.00 and 0.70 = Fractions of total radioactiyity concentration that may be released via the monitored pathway to ensure that the 10 CFR 20 MPCs, or 10 x 10 CFR 20 ECs are

          • maintained; , ........... ** * *:.**- ... " * ... .* 1... .

RTLllA9 621A Beaver Valley Power Station ERS-ATL-93-021 Page 8 Radiation Protection Sec;tion Revision4 The Emergency Pr<;:paredness Plan - Emergency Action Level(EPP-EAL) vah1es were calculated as follows: Unit 1 UE = 2 x ODCM Limit = 2 x HHSP Unit 1 Alet1 = 200 x ODCM Limit= 200 x HHSP Unit 2 UE = 2 x ODCM Limit = 2 x HSP Unit 2 Alert = 200 x ODCM Limit= 200 x HSP

      .RESULTS See Attachment 1 for the ala1m setpoihts (both Old Method and New Method) of liquid effluent monitors at Unit 1 and Unit 2. The ala1m setpoints are n01mally adjusted to :::; the values listed in the New Method.

Health Physics Procedure l-HPP:.4.02.001, page 17of42, requires update. Based on a change in BVPS procedure l/2-ADM-1611, this revision is changed to a Technical Evaluation. This revision also becomes the setpoint basis for radiation monitor RM-lRW-100. Consequently, the setpofot basis should no longerbe specified as 8700-UR(B)-223, which is also being updated. Other output docl1ments to be updated are l/2-0DC-2.01 and setpoint document SPD-RM-IRW-100. EPP-I-la, page 52of55, does not require update because the ODCM values remain less than (or equal to) their cunent value of 2.09E4 cpm (HHSP) and 1.46E4 cpm (HSP). It is also noted that under the revised EALs, based on NEI 99-01, Rev. 5, which has received its NRC acceptance review (but awaits LAR approval), liquid effluent discharge pathways will no longer be considered for Unusual Event or Alert declarations. REFERENCES

1. SWEC, Radiation Monitor Setpoints, DLS-12168; October21, 1975
2. BVPS, DCP 268-Radiation A1a1m Setpoints, IetterND1ROC:635; April 16, 1982
3. BVPS, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Procedure 112-0DC-2.01, ODCM: Liquid Effluents
4. SWEC, UR(B)*l60, BVPS Liquid Radwaste Releases and Concentrations -'Expected and Design Cases:

Per Unit and Site, Revision 3; 1983

    ** 5. BVPS, Offsite Dose Calculation*M~nual Procedui*e l/2-0DC~fo3, Contro'l for RETS aiHREMP Programs, Table 3.3-12 ofODCM Control
6. BVPS, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification 5.5.2.a and 5.5.2.b
7. BVPS, Updated Final Safety Analysis ReP.Ot1Unit1, Section 11.3
8. B VPS, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Unit 2, Section 11.5

RTL#A9621A Beaver Valley Power Station ERS-ATL..:93-021 Page9 Radiation Protection Section Revision4

9. USNRC, Safety Evaluation Repm1 Related To The Operation Of The Beaver Valley Power Station Unit l, (Through Supplement 3)
10. USNRC, Safety Evaluation Report Related To The Operation Of The BeaverValley Power Station Unit 2, (Through Sum>Iement 6)
11. USNRC, Instnm1ent Setpoints, Regulatory Guide* 1.105; 1976
12. BVPS, Minutes ofRad1ation Safety Con1mittee Meeting 25-87, BV-RSC-25-87; 1987
13. BVPS, filmlicability OfRG 1.105 To BVPS Radiation Monitors, ERS-SFL-87-036, Revision O; 1987
14. BVPS, Alann Trip Setpoints For RM-lRW-lOOA, B, C, D, ERS-SFL-92-037, Revision O; 1993
15. BVPS,Jsofopic Efficiencies For Unit 1 Liquid Process Monitors, ERS-SFL-92-039, Revision O; 1992
16. BVPS, Unit 2 DRMS footopic Efficiencies, ERS-SFL.:86~026~ Revision 6; 1991
17. BVPS, Isotopic Efficiencies (2SGC-RQlOO), ERS-JWW0:87.c0l5, Revision O; 1987 NOTE: Isotopic Efficiencies for 2SGC-RQ100 are superceded by ERS-SFL-86-026
18. BVPS, Unit 2 Liquid.Release Rates, Memorandum, September 20, 1989, A. T. Lonnett
19. BVPS, DiScharge Rate (RM-lLW-116), Memorandum, November 1, 1989, A. T. Lonnett
20. BVPS, Conversion Factor For 2SGC-RQ100, ERS-WFW-87~021, Revision O; 1987 NOTE: CF 11 Conversion Factor for *2SGC-RQ 100 is superceded by ERS-ATL-93-021
21. SWEC, Safety Limits For Liquid Process Monitors 2CCP-RQ100, 2SWS-RQ10l, and2SWS-ROl02, UR(B)-417, Revision O; 1986 NOTE: CFl 1 Conversion Factors for 2SWS-RQ 101 and 102 are superceded by ERS-ATL-93-026
22. Westinghouse Letter dated August l, 2002, Zinc hljectfonProiect; Operational Value of Zn-65 for Beaver Valley Zinc In'jection
23. FLUKE Bimedical Letter dated April 19, 2006, ,Revised M_odel 843-'30R EtJiciencies
24. Condition Rep011 No. CR05-06059-04: Document liquid effluent monitor alaim setpoint bases for ODC, HPP, ENV and EPP-EAL implementing procedures.
25. FENOC, 1/2-ADM-0604, Preparation of the Discharge Monit01ing Report
            , * * . , , I & * , * *           ., ,*, \* ' : C , I * ~' , I * '  *, , * *, , ' * :
26. FENOC, Fann 1/2-ENV-05.04.F04, RWDA-L Special Release Quantification
27. SAP Order 200197646-0110, bete1mine revised a:Iam1 setpoi11ts'f9r [RM-lDA-100] due to upgrade FROM the model 843-32* detec.tor TO the Mode] 843-32-R detect.or. This upgrade was necessary due to' repeat failures of Model 843-32 detectors as documented in CR08-50435; CR08-50765 &.CROS-50899).
28. BVPS-1 Procedure 1-HPP-4.02.001, Rev. 11, Process Monitoring System

RTL #A9.62 IA Beaver Valley Power Station ERS-ATL-9J-02 l Page 10

  . Radiation Protecti.on Section                                               Revision 4 .
29. BVPS-1 Procedui*e l/2-ADM-1611, Rev. 12, Radiation Protection Administrative Guid*e
30. BVPS-1 Calculation 8700-UR(B)-223, Rev. 0, Impact Of Atmospheric Cont Conv, Pwr Uprate, & Alt Source Te1ms On The Alarm Setpoints For The Rad Monitors At BVPS-1
31. BVPS Regulatic:ny Document 112-0DC-2.0l, Rev. 10, ODCM: Liquid Effluents
32. BVRS-1 Setpoint bqcument SPD-RM-JRW-100; R~v . .1, Setpoint Document For RM-1 RW-100
33. BVPS.-1 Proceclure,EPP-J-fa, Rev.13, Recogniti_on And.Classification Of Emergency Conditions
34. Calculation 10080-UR(B)-484, Rev. 0, including Addendum 1, Primaty and SecondatyCoolant Design/Techanical Soecification Activity Concentrations including Pre-Accident Iodine Spike concentrations and Equilibdum Io.dine Appearance Rates Following Power Uprate
35. Fluke Biomedical repmi 950.373, Rev. 1, High Temperature Transient Test Report for Beaver Valley, Unit 1, 843-30 Gamma Scintillation Detector ATTACHMENTS
1. Summary - Process Ala1mSetpoints 2 pages
2. Historical Alarm Setpoints Based on Ix Old 10 CFR20 MPCs 8pages
3. Fluke Biomedical Report 950.373, High Temp Test Report for 843-30 3 pages
4. Current Alarm Setpoints Based on 10 x New 10 CFR 20 ECs 9 pages
5. Determination of Zti-65 Cl/yr value for ODCM 1 page
6. Evaluation of the effect o.n [RM-lDA-IOO] Alann Setpoints due to Detector Upgrade 2 pages
7. Fluke Biomedical Letter dated April 19, 2006, Revised Model 843-30R Efficiencies 4 pages

!. *:*':*' .,'.,. . *.. ** ** *. *.;.~*i , *;r i , * :*. '. *,.*  ; . *..

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ERS'.'.'ATL-93-021, Rev. 4

  • Attacfunent 1, Page 1 of 2 Suml)iary- Process;Ali/rm Setpoln\s For Liquid E!ilueht Monrtoi;s.
(1'or rn£orinat:i:on .oni - .flo NOT usEi' old / :previous: oncw Method
  • OLD MBTl!OD - Based ODI 1 " Old 10 CFR 20 'MPC' s RM-1RW-100 Alarm Selpoln!S HHSP*= CR= 1049E+03 cpm HSP"' CRx0.7"' 1.04E+03 cpm UE = 2x HHSP= 2:97E+03 cpm

Alert 200 x HHSP = 2.97E+05 cpm RM-1RW-101 Alarm l)etpoints HHSP= CR= 1.14E+03 cpm HSP'=CRi<0.7= 7.97E+02 cpin UE = 2i<*HHSP = 2.28Et03 cpm Alert= 200 x HHSP = 2.28E+05 cpm RM-.1DA~100 Alarm setpolnts(Mo<ler B43-32R Detector)' HHSP*=CR=* 2.98E+02 cpm HSP=CRx0.7= 2.09E+02 cpm UE=2xHHSP= '5.97E+02 cpm Alert= 200 x HHSP:= 5.97E+04 cpm RM*1LW-116 Alarni Selpolnls HHSP =CR= 1;04E+05 cpm HSP = CRx0.7 = 7.28E+o4 cpm UE= 2xHHSP= 2.08E+05 cpm Alert =2oo x HHSP "' 2.08E+07 cpm RM-1LW-104 Alarm Setrfolnls HHSP=CR= 4.46E+04 cpm HSP= CRx0.7= 3.121:+04 cpm UE=2i<HHSP= 8.92E+04 cpr11 Alert.: 2oox HHSP = 8.92E+06 cpm 2SGC.R0'100 Alarm Setpolnts


HSP 1.41E*04 uCi/ml


ASP 9.84E-05 uCl/ml CF11 = 5,61E'09 uCl/mllcpm UE = 2 x*HSP ': 2.81 E-04 uCi/ml Alert = 200 x HSP = 2.8.1 E*02 , . *UCi/ml d 2SW_S;RQ101 & Alarm Selpolols 2SWS*RQ102 HSP " 1.32(:*06 uCl/ml ASP = 9.23E*07 uCl/ml

                         .CF11 = 5.J1E*09          uCl/mVcpm UE **2 x HSP  = 2.64E-06          uCl/ml Alert =.200 xHSP   = :i'.64E*04        uCl/ml
                                                                                                      . . ,., . . ;   .      *'* RevA A,ttaclunent l, Pf\ge 2of2
                  *'Summari: Process'Al~rm. Setpolnts For liquid Efliueni Mbnitqrs * * **

(For oric i/2d)DG-2, ()i .&:* Related Hl'l' &: BNV Pr.oceciuresJ New*/ Curi;ent OOCM Method - NBW MBTHOD - Based on* 10 x *New l 0 CPR 20 sc*.s

                  . RM;1RW-1 oo Alamr Setpolnts NOTE: The:*nel alarm:se!p<>lnts'for:

HHSP=CR= 1.ooE+04, cpm *All Mont:tors ' HSP,;,*CRxO:i= 1.ijE+04 cpm SHALL NOT lie set at > than .these

                                     .UE =2xHHSP"'             3, 79E+0.4 <:Pm                       values. Therefore, actuarnet Alert =200 x iiA$P =         :S.79E+06 cpm                         seljxilns SHALL be sei at*< or= .to these values.

R~1HRW-10.1 A1a"r!1(setpolnls. HHSPa'CR= 1.o{EtM PP111 HSP "CR >fo:i = 7.29E+~~; cpin UE.= 2x HHSP,= 2:ose.fo4 ,cpm

                                'Alert :. 200 ~ HHSP =        *2.o&E:+oa cpm
                 *RM-1-DA-1 oo.Naiin SetpolntS(s43-32 and a43-32R Dete~tor)

Ril,Elialualed HHSP'(843,32R)'" CR= 1.22E+04 *cpm,or 1.5% Increase from Current HHSP Re.Evaluated HHSP {843-32) = *1.05E+04 . cprri, or12:6% det<easii from Ciuterit HHSP Current HHSI' (843"32) a 1,208+04 apiil Re:Evaluated HSP (843,32R) = CR x o. 7' = .8.52E*03 cpm,or 1,1%.lncrease*frQm current HSP

           .          Re,Evaluated HSP. (S43',32) =            7.S3E+03 cpm, or;decrease.from Current HSP
                      .~runt )l~P (S43*32). "'              S. 4JB+03 CPlll Re*EvaluiltEid UE'EAL (843:32RJ=;2 x HHSP =                  2.44E+Of! cpm, or NO change* from Current UE;EAl:
   .'      - .. ~.e*Eya1~3'te1(UE*fP,L(Sj:i'3?) =             .2.0.9E~o4. cpm, or 1*'L2% decrease from CurrentJJE*EAL current UB~BA!i (8'43-32) "                 2.448+04 opm:

Re:evalualed Alert*EAL(843*32R) = 200 ~ HHSP = 2.4~E+06 cprm or NO change from-CurrentAlert:EAL

  • Rii-Evarua.ted Alert*EAL (843:32) = 2.09E+06 3, 4 4B+06 ciii.n.

op;.; ~r-14;2%

                                                                                       , , , decr~ase
                                                                                               . / . riom COrfeniAlart-EAL  ..
                          *current Alert-Bil~ =

NOTB ;1*, _se~ ~vatuatlon pioVlded'/n Attachment a lliallnd(eates tl)e current elilnn se,tpolnts for tBM*1 DMOOJ, as pn1vkiusly pro~lile,il In Caiculatlon No.,eioo-U~(B);?23,R13v Cl, are stilt valfd a.nd do notrequtre revlMon. Jheref~re, \<ilnts ~nd tlie EPP-EAL vaiues SH""LL ~amain el'lh_e val.ue~. NOTS 2i. ,st~C_EJhe calculafod_ Alert.EAL vii,luesexcee(i)fierange of l!l~Jnstrumen(THEN'theaclua!Alert EAL values are *No\'Annlfcable*' . RM*1LW-116 Alarril Seti:Jolnts HHSP=.CR= 9.50E+05' cpm HSP ,;,'CR x*o.7 = *6,65Et05 cpm UE : 2 x.HHSP = 1.90E+06 cprn Alert = 200 x HHSP = 1.90E+08. cpn'i: RM"1LW+104 Alarm Se!pofrils

                                         *HHSP =. CR =.       4,01E+05* cpm
                                   .HSP =CRx 0.7;.            ?:sse,+oii cpm,

U):' ~ X'f:llfa'p~= '8;15Eto5; cpm,

                              .ft,Jeit =~20q;x HHS§ =         a::15E+or cpm, 2S~GtRQ100        Ala.rm\Setpelnls HSP='U4E-03              uCl/ml ASP= i9SE-04             uCl/ml CF11=5.G1E;o9             uCl/ml/cpm

UE 2*x HSP = 2.28E-03 1.icvin1 Alert "*20Dx HSP = 2:281i-01**" uCl/ml 2SWS,RQ101 & Alam1 Selpolnts 2sWS*R0102 HSP = 4.3oe;os uCllml

                                                  ~SP= _3:01!!;()5         ucliml
                                                ,CF11 = 5.71E:og,        *ucrimllcpm UE =.2 ><HSP "*.s:s9e.o5          -.,ucllml iNeii";. :icio x HSP = a:59e:o3          u'cvmf

ERS-:ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 2, Page 1 of 8 RM-I RW* 100 Alam1 Selpolnts OLD MET HOD

  • Based on: \ x O!d 10 CFR 20* MP C's
                                                                                                       .. Old           l*XOld
                                                         ./iJ                               \0 CFR 20.MPC     IOCFR20MPC                                                       El            CiEl Anooal                                    Api>endoi B        Appen<l'.xB                                           Oe!eclion          Coont Nuolide                    Re lea.Se                    Si          Tablell,Col2       Tab!&ll,c.12       SlllJPC                 Cl           Efficle(l(;y        Ra le (Cl)                                       (ue>'ml)          (UCVni)       (ml'uCi)             (uelimt>      (cpm'vCVml)          (ncpm)

Cr-51 O.OOE*OO O.OOEtOO 2E-03 2E*OO O.OOE*OO O.OOE+OO l.24E+o7 0 Co-58 4.66Et00 1.19E-03 9E*05 9E-05 \,32Et01 1.45E-Oa l.06E*08 2 Co-60 1.46E-01 3.57E-05 3E-05 3E-05 *l.19E*OO 4.37E-10 1.94.E*08 0 Rb-88 6.2IE+o2 t.52E.01 3E*06 3E*06 5.06Et0-I l.86E-OO 3.73E*07 69 Sr-89 7.83E.OI l,9lE-Ol 3E-06 3E-OO 6.36Et01 2.3-IE-09 9.84Ef03 0 S1*00 1.66E-02 4.55E-OO 3E-07 3E,07 1.62E+ol 5.5JE ll* 0 *o.OOE+OO 0 Y*OO 2.27E-02 5.sSE-00 2E-05 2E-05 2.77E-01 6.79E*1r O.OOE*Oo 0 Sr-91 3.78E--OI 9.24E-05 se.os 6E*05 l.35Et00 1.13E*09 8,13E+o7 0 Y*91 l.27E-OI 3.10E-05 3E*05 3E'.05 1.00E"OO 3.~E-10 2.53E*05 0 z,;95 1.32E--Ol 3.23E-05 SE,05 *se.O; 5.36E.OI 3.95E-10 l.<>Se*os 0 Ni>95 '1.32E--OI 3'23E.:0S 1E-Ot IE-ii-I 3.23E-01 3.95E*10 l.06Ei08 o* if-ri7 7.58E-02 1.6se.os 2e.05 ':ie-05 .9.24E*01 2.26E-10 i:17E+08* 0 Mo-,99' .s:21E+02 1.62e:o1 4e:os 4E-05 3;79g*<il l.86E-06 *1.4lE+08 262 Tc-99111. *as1i:t02 a,511e-02 3E-o:i 31;;03 2.86E*01 l,05E*OO f:11E*OO 117 Ru-!Ol. 6.48E--02 1.58E-05 8E-05 6E-05 uis;,,.01 UlE-10 1.13E+OI) 0 Ru-105 5.67E:00 1.39E--06 IE-I>> IE*I>> t.39E-02 1.TOE-11 7.64Et07 0 Ru-108 4.32E*03 1.06E.Q6, !E-o5 IE.65 1.06E-<l1 1.29EOl1 O.OOE*OO 0 Rh-105 1.62E*02 3.ll6E-00 1E-G4 ie-o4 3.9oe-02 4.SSE*11 3.07Ei07 0 Te-127m 3.51E--01 6.58E-05 5E-05 6E-05 1.72Et00 1.05E-09 1.62E+07 0 Te-127 1.92E.01 4.69E-05 2E-04 2E-Ol 2.~*01 5.75E-10 1.48E+OO 0 Sb-127

  • 2.67E-03 6.53E.07 3E-06 3E.()6 2.18E*01 7:99E-12 1.25E+08 0 Sb-129 621E*03 1.52E-06 3E.()6 3E-OO 5.00E-01 1.66E-11 l.47Et-08 0 Te-129m 7.29E+()() 1.78E.OJ 2E-05 2E-05 8.GIE+01 2.18E-08 1.11E+o5 0 Te-129 4.05E*OO 9.00E.()4 8E-04 SE-01 1:24E+OO 1.21E-08 1.69E+o7, 0
re-131m 4.32E+oo l.06E.OJ 4E*05 4E-05 2.64E+OI l.29E-08 1.15E+OO 0 1-131 4.8SEt02 l.19E-<l1 3E-07 3E-07 3.00E*05 1.45E-OO l.18Et-08 172 2E-05 627E+02 1.64E-07 f.21Et06 19 1:~~t~

Te-132 5.13Et01 2E-05 1-132 l.70E*02 8E-06 8E--06 5.19E+o3 '5,09E.07 3.16Ei08 161 1-133 *7.83EJ02 1.911:-01 1E-06 IE.00 1.91Et05 2.3-IE-06 1.16Et08 272 1*134 1.05E+o2 2.57E-02 2E-05 2E-o5 1.28E*03 3.14E*07 ,3.17E*08 100 1-135 4.05E+o2 '9.00E-02 4E-oo 4E*OO 2.47E*O:I 1.2_1E--06 l.47Et-08 178 Cs-137 2:46E*02 6'.0IE*Oz. 2e-05 2E-05 3.0IE+oo 7.3aE-07 9.30E+o7 68 Ba-137m i27Et02 5.55E-02 2E*05 2E-05 2.77Ei-O:i 6c79E-07 9.SSE*07 67 Ba-140 8.10E--Of 1:eae..()l 2E--05 2E-05 !i.ooe:+oo 2;42E*09 4.78E+o7 0 La-140 2.97E*OI 12ae:05 2E-05 2E--05 3.63Etoci 8.89E-iO 2.22EfOS. 0 Ce-1'1 i.30E--OI* 3:1BE*05 9f.05 9E-05 3.53E-01 3.89E-10 6.20El07 0 Ce-143 *.9.72E-02. 2.35E-05 4E-05 4E-05 5.94E-OI' 2.91E-10 7.67E*07 0 Ce-144 6.75E--02 1.65E~ 1E*05 1E-Q5 1.65Et00 2.02E-10 t36Et-07 0 Pr-143 1.27E.01 3.10E-OO 5E*05 SE.00 6.21E*OI 3.00E-10 O.oOet-00 0 Pt-144 6.75E-02 l.65E-05 OE+oo oEtOO 2.02E-10 232E*06 0 N<l-147 4.69E--02 1.12E-05 6E-05 6E*OS 1.S7E--01 1.37E-10 3.37Et-07 0 H-3 0.oOe+OO O.OOE':-00 3E*03 3E--03 O.ooE+oo O.OOE+OO* O.OOE+oo 0 A!IO!hers O.OOE*OO O.OOEJOO 1E-07 1E.07 O.OOEtOO O.OOEtOO' O.OOE*OO 0 Tolal 4.09E*03 l.OOEtOO 6.60E+05 1.22E-OS 1467 Total H-3 O.OOEt-00 O.OOEHlO O.OOE+OO 0 TotatW/OH-3 4.09Et03 6.!IOE*05 1.22E-05 1487 Al: RCS AetM1y, From Cale Package No. ~RS.SFL-9.2--037 El: (84~30 Data) from calc Pack~e No. ERS-SFl-92--039 f= 149600 gpm = D;!utionf':_lwrate(127.ooo9pm t.1,MOOgpm+ 7,oooopcn)

                                            *I=                16000 gpm*= DiScliarge lbv.rate (9,000 gpm I RPRWP: Ass<rnes 2 RPRWPs opeiatilg)

Cl= l.22E-05 = DlliUon Fiov>rate I (DiSeharge ~.,,...,. x sum SVMPC) Cl.= SIX er CR .. Sum(C1El)'" IA9Et03 cpm HHSP=CR= ~,49Et03 cpm HSP =CR x 0.7 ~ f.04Ef03 cpm

        • ~,. * **'.' ! * .*~ *.*~***:' *.*!'..* '::~,1* '\'*.-'I~~ * * , , , , \ , .:1. ~.:.: ,/.. * * * .: :* ,. .t . *' * * ' ~: ,. 'I '

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 2, Page 2 of 8 RM-IRIV*101 Alarm Setpolnls OLD METHOD* Based on: 1xOldIOCFR20MPC's Old \xOld

                                        *N                                 IOCFR20MPC            10CfR20MPC                                                   El             C1EI Anno31                                      ApPOn<foc.B      " f!pPendf:t B                                         De!ecoon           Coon!

Nucl;de Release SI *Tobie II, Col 2 TaNell, Col2 SL'MPC C! Efficiency Raio (Ci) (uCVml) (uCi'ml) (ml'ii<:;) (uCVml) (cpn\llJCVm!) (f\Cpm) Cr:S\ 1.30E*p:l 2.~E-06 2E-03 2E-03 2:&2E;;ba ).24Et07 0 Mn-54 3'10E-04 5A3e,o7 1E-04 IE:6:1 5.63E-03 6;72E:09 1.0SEt.fJ.8 1 Fe,55 l.60E*03 2:9fE-06 8E*O~ 8E*04 3.63E*03 3:47E-08 o-;.oos.oo 0 f.,:59 8.30E-(\l 1'.61E-06. i;e.05 SE*OS :i.o2E'02 1.tioE-00 1.on.:+os 2 Cc>58 IAOE-02 2.&IE-05 SE-05' iie-05 2.63E-Ol 3.ci3E.(J7 l.OOE+OB 32 Co-00 2.00E-03 3:63E:00' 3E-05 JE-05 1.21E.(JI OJE.OS 1:94Et08 B zn-65 2~Ei9l>02 4.88!;.()5 IE-04 fE-04 4.aSE-01 5.82E-07 s:o2c.01 29 Np-239 \AOE-61 2.54E-07 1E-o.\ .1E*GI 2.54E'°3 3.00E-09 0 Bl-83 2.soi:.05 4.54E:00 3E*OO 3E-06 1.51E-02 5:42E-10 1.4.6£*0& 0 Bt*64 2.70E*06 4.91E:OO 3E-06 3E-06 l.64E*03 5.SSE*ll 3.f6etoe 0 Br-85 2.61JE.(J8 S.09E*11 OEtOO OEtOO 6:07E*13 6.71I:tOG 0 Rt>SO 7.SOE-05 l.36E*07 2E*05 2e-os 6.61E-03 U3E-09 0.00Et-00 0 Rlr88 l.20E*04 2.ISE.07 OEtOO OEtOO 2.ooe.09 3.73Et07 0 Sr-89 2.00E-04 5.27E-07 3E-06 3E*OO 1.76E*OI 6.28E-09 9.64Et03 0 Sr*90 1.1Qe.(6 2.00E-06 3E-07 3E-07 .6.66E--02 2.38!0*10 0.00E+OO 0 y.90 9.40E-06 1.71E-OO 2E-OS 2E*05 tl54E-04 2.ll4E*10 0.00EtOO 0 Sr*91 l.30E-05 2.36E-OB 5E*05 SE-05 4.72E-()l 2.82E'10 8.13E+-07 0 Y*91m 6.70E-OO 1.5se--011 3E-03 3E-03 5.27E*06 1.69E*10 l .Ol£t08 0 y.gj s.1oe.05 1.()IE.()7 3E:OS 3f.(l5 3.45E*03 1.24E-09 *2.53ft0S 0 y.93 7.40E-07 t~i:-00 3E-05 3E*05 4.46E-05 1.sOE-11 0 .OOF+OO 0 2r*95 5.10E-05 9.27E-08 61:-05 6E*05 1.54E-03 1.i1E'09 1.D6Et08 0 Nb-95 5.20E-0s 9.4sl:-00 lE-04 IE-M 9.45E-04 1.13E-09 1.00*08 0 M<>-99 1.10E-o2 2.00E.()5 4E-05 4E-6s 5.00E-01 2.3sE-07 l.41E*08 3.1 TCC99m l.IOE-02 2..ooe-05 3E-03 3E-03 6.661;-03 2.~-07* 1.11E*08 26 Rti-IOJ 3.40E-il6 6*.18E-06. BE-05 ile-05 7.72E-04 7:3iE*10 l.13Et08 0 Ru-106 1.00E-05 l.B2E-08 1E*05 rn-05 1.62E-03 2.11e:10 O.OOE+OO 0 R!i-103m 3.40E*05 e.1s!:-0a 1£-02 1E-02 6.18E-06 7.37E*10 O._ODl?tOO 0 Rli-100 l.OOE-05 1.82E-08 OEtOO OEtOO 2.17E-10 O.OOf!tOO 0 je,125m 2.50E*05 4.54E-08. IE-M ,1E-ll4 4,54E-04 5.42E-JO 2.40Et05 0 Te,127m 2.6ciE-04 4.72E-07 5E-oS SE-05 9.4se:ro 5.63E:00 1.62E+-07 0 le-127 2.70E-04 4.111E-07 2E-04 zE-04 2.45E-03, 5.85E,Q9 1.48Et00 0 1.. 129m* l.10E-03 2.00E-06 2E-05 2E*05 9.99E-02 2.38E.()8 1.11Et00 0

              *Te,129                   6.70E-04          l.22E-06                   SE*04                BE*M           l.52E-03         1.45E-08           1.69Etll7                 0 1-130                    1.20E*M           2.iSE-07                   3E-06                3E-06          7.27E*02         2.6oe-09        2.65£+08                      1 Te-131m                  1.60E*O-I         2,91E.(J7                  4E.{)5               4E*05          7.27E-03         3.47E-09           1.15Et-06                 0 Te-131                   3.ooe-05         5.45E-08                   OE*OO                l)Ef-00                          6.50E*10        1.11E+08                     0 1-131                    1.60E-OI          2.91E-04                   3E.(J7               3E-07         9.69E*02          3.47E--06          1.18E*08               409 Te-132                   4.30E-03          7.81!;.()6                 2E.{)5               2E-05          3.111e-01        9.32E-08           1.21E+06                11 1-132                    4.90E*03          6.00E-08                   8E-06                SE-06         1.11E+OO          1.00E-07           3.16E*06                ~

1-133 4.00E--02 7.27E-05 IE-06 1E*OO 7.27E*OI 8.6JE-07 l.16Et08 101 1-134 B.OOE*05 1,4s£.01 2E*05 2e.o5 1.21e:m 1.7JE.Q9 ~.17Et08 1 Cs*134 4.00E-02 8.3QE.(J5 9E-06 9E-06 9.29Et()() 9.97E-07 2.42t*08 241

               ~135                     4.30E~            7.SIE-06'                  4E-06                4E-06         1.95ef00          9.32E-08           t.47Et-03               14 Cs-136                   8.00E-03          l.62E-05                   6E-05                sE-05          2.69E'01         t.OOE.07        l.15E..oa                  62 Cs*t37                   3.30E-02          6.00E-0$                   2E-05                2e-0$         3.00E@            7.ISE-07          '9.30E*07                lfl Ba-137m                  3.1oe-02         5.63E-05                    2E-05                2E-05         2.aiE+oo          6.72E-07           9.85Et07                136 Ba-140 La-140 t.10E-04 1.10E-t>>

2.00E-07 2.0oe.:o1 2E-05 2E-05 2E-05 2E-05 9.99E-03 9.99E-03 2.38!0-09 2.38E-09 4.7sEtll7 2.22E+06 , 0 Ce-141 5.IOE-05 9.27E-08 9E.{)5 {lE.()5 t.o3E:ro 1.HE-09* 6.20Et07 0 Ce-i43 2.BOE*OO s.ooE-09 4E-05 4E-05 127E.0:i' 6.07E*11' 7.87E+07 0

              *Ce-144                   3.20E,o5          5:S1E-08                   lE-05                te-05         5.81E,OO          6.00E-10           1.36Ef07                  i)

Pt-143 2.70E-05 4.91E*OS 5E*05 se:.00 9.8IE,-OI 5.SSE-10 O,OOEt-00 0 p,.144 '3.20E-05 MIE-08 OE too OEt-00 6.93E*10 2.32e+oo 0 H-3 5.SOEt-02 9.W~-01 3E-03 3E*03 3.33E+02 1:19!!-02 O.OOEtOO 0 All Others O.OOEtOO O.OOE*OO 1E-07 1E*07 O.OOEtOO O.OOE+oo O.OOEtOO 0 Total 5.SOE+02 1.00EIOO l.40Et03' l.19E.02 1139 TotatH-3 5.50Et02 3,33Et-02 t.19E-02 0 To!alW/OH-3 4.ooe-01 f.1)6E+03 8.76E.Qll 1.139 Al: From ODCM 112;QPC-2.01Table1.t-1a (from*Table 13of S&W UR(B}16Q) et'(843-30 Data) f'tom Cale Package N<l: ERS*SF.l*92-039 F= 149800 gpm = Oil\Jlion Flo111ato (127,000gpmt 15,000gpm +.7,Soogpffi) I= 9000 gpm = Di<th. flov.ta!e (9,000 gpm I RPRWP: Witlt 2 RPRWPs, flow Is spla be!w.,.n CCW & RSP) Ct" le 19E'02

  • _D!ution Flowrate I (D/$o~arge Flowrale x Sum SVMPC)

Ct= SlxCt CR = Som (CiEI) = 1.14.E+oo cpm HHSP.=CR= 1. j4Et03 tpm HSP=CRX:0.7 = *7.97E*02 cpm ...... . ~ .* .. ,. \ .. ' 1* .~ 1. *~ .* * ,. .***:.,;_,

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 2, Page 3 of 8 RM'10A-I 00 Alarm S<lpo!nts (Model !l-13-32 Oeted0<) OLD METHOD* Based on: I xOld IOCfR 20MPC's Old lxOkl Al IO'CfR 20 MPC IOCfR20MPC El c;a Annual Append<xB Appemlxli Dete<tl:>n c..:.. Nut<ile Release SI TaNe ll.Col2 Tab!ell. C-0!2 SiMPC Ci Etr<;;eocy Rate (0) (UCl'mQ , !UCl'mQ (ml'uCi) (uC!'n\I) (qxn.\.cilmQ (nq:tli) Cr*51 O.OOE*OO 0.00ftOO 2E-03. 2E-03 O.OOEtOO O.OCEtOO l.18Et07 0 1*131 l.33E<02 2.60E.OI 3E*07. 3E-07 8.68Et05 6.1.4E*O~ i.1.IE*08'. 57 1*132 4.77Eto1 9.33E*02 BE-06 ilE-06 1.17EtQ;i 1.ME*07 2.66E+OO* 49 1-133 t9iEt02° 3.861!-0l 1E-0!f IE-06 3.86E*05 7.61E-07 9.00E*07 is 1*134 2:33E*01 *.i.56E-02" 2E.()5 2E-05 *2.285*03 9.i>IE-OS 2.70E.*06 2( ~135 1.f0Eio2 2.15E'lll 4E-06 4E*OO s.3ee+o;i 4:2SE,07 1.19EtOS 61 H-3 O.OOE<OO o.ooeioo; 3E:()3* 3E-03

  • O.OOE*OO O.OOEtOO o:ooe*oo 0 AJJO<hers O.oOE-100 O.OOEtOO IE-Ol IE-07 O.OOE*OO o.!lOe*lio o.bOE*oo 0 Total 5.l IEt02 1.00EtOO 1.9SE.00 25S O.OOE+OO o.OOE*OO O.CXEtOO 0 6.11E+,02 f;32Et06 l.OSE-Oll 256
                                                                                                         ,      Al: SGTR.SOun:e T°'"1, F""it UR(B)-223 Et (843-30 Dalo) From C;ic Pa<J<ago No:ERs.sfL-92-039 NOTE: Even lhou!)h Ws moni!Dr has a Model 1>13-32 detector, !he vendo< 001 .. Iha! the efficlen<:1esarelho5ameas tho'" l>/th_e Model6'3*3Gdetedor.
  • F= e3.D gpm = O.'ulion flo'loTl)(e (Tol<ll from Outran 003), .. !ll'.ov.>:
                                                   *23.e gpi'n 0.0342 MGO from lnlemal Oulfall 1~3'(Refere<>ce: l/l*AOM-000!)'

36.9 *gpm

  • 0.05e M<lO fn>m Internal Oulfo! 303'(Refe<ence: 1/l*ADM--060-I) 24.3 gpm = 35,000 Qpd Imm Sooordaiy Ma~<HJP (Relerer.c:e: Femi f /2*EtN*05.04.f04)

I= .33.3 pgm =O~charga fl>M1*te from Aux Feed l'til\p Drains lo Internal OtAlaJJ 303 .. foll:rM:

  • 33.3 gprii = Wemal Outtal300 AdjustexfforAU. Fero OralA Q.e., 38.9 gpm
  • 66%)

Ct= f,l)SE-0$ = DiWoo Fl>Afllle I (OiscNige FkMralex Sum SUMPC) Cl= ShCI CR=SLWll(CiEI)* 2 Ml: *02 cprn HHSP=CR= 2.li6E*02 cpro* HSP =CRJ 0.7 = f.79E+02 cpm

                                                                        ' **~ ...

ERS-ATL~.9,3,.021, Rev,. 4 Attachment 2, Page 4 of 8 RM-101\-100 Alano Selj>o!nts (Model 843-32R Defector) OlO METHOD - Baseifon: Ix Old 10 CFR 20 MPC"s Old I xOld' Al 10CFR20MPC 10. CFR 20 MPC El C1EI Annual A~t<B Appendix B* oetecfion C<>unl N\Jd!de Release SI Tab1oJl,Col2 Table ll,Col2 Sl'MPC Cl Efficiency Rale (Cl) (UCl/ml) (uCVml) (ml'oCI) (uCVrnl) (cpm'uCVmQ (ncpm) Cr-51 0.00*00 O.OOE+OO 2E*03 2E-OO o.iloEttJO O.OOEttJO O.OOE+OO *O 1-131 t.33E+02 2.SOE-01 3E-07 3E-01 8.68E>05 5.14E.07 1. 18E+ll8 a1 1-132 4.77Et01 0.33E-02 SIE-06 SE-06 1:11e.M 1.84E.07 3.16Ei08 58 1*133 t.97E*02 3.SSE-01 IE-06 IE*OO 3.86Et()') 7.olE-07 1.16E+06 68 1-134 2.33Et01 4;66E*02 2E-05 2E;~ 2.28E+{)3 9.0IE-08 3.l7Et08 29 1-135 l.10EtQ2 2:15E,OI 4E-06 4E-00 5.38Etti-I 4.25E-07 l.47Etaa 62

~3                          O.OOE*OO           *O.OOE*OO                3E-03                3E.-OJ          O.OOEtO<>           O.OOE*OO         O.OOEtOO                0

'AJi'Oth<H11 O.OOE*OO o.o6E<oo 1E:07 IE-07 o:~*oo O.OOE..00 O.OOE+OO 0 Tolal . 5.11E*02 1.00E*OO l.32E*~ \,98Eo-06 298 Tolalfl.3 0.oOetOO' p.OOE*OO o.ooe+oo 0 Tolal\"'./C) H-3 5.11E+o2' l.32Ei06 i:ooe-00 298 Al:'SGTR Sour<e Term, From UR(S)-223 Et {843-3-0R Data) From Cii!c Paelulge No. ERS-Sfl-92-039 NOTE: Even thoogll this monitor has a Modiol 843-32R dete'c!or. lhe vendor no Ies that Uie effi<lencles are the same as lhOse for the MOdel&lJ.30R dete<:tor. F= .86.9 gpm = lliution f))v.rale (T9talfrom Outfan 003), as follow<: 23.8 gpm: 0.0342 MGD from Internal Ou!fal 103 (Rere1enee: 112*ADM-060-I) 38.9 gpm = 0.056 MGD from ln!emal Outfa11303 (Rele1ence: 112*ADM-OOO.\) 24.3 gpm = 35,000 gpd from Second..,. Make-up (Refe<ern:e: Form 1/2-ENV*05.04.F04) J= 33:3 pgm = Dischaige 11o'/11ate from AIJX Fe<dPump Oral/IS lo Internal Ou!fall 303 as foll:>ws: 33.3 gpm =Internal Outfa!l 303 Adjusted for F!'fd Dtaln (le.* :l8.9gpm x 86%) Ct=. 1.961!-00 = Oiut.lon Flov.rntel(Dlsehatge Flowratax Sum Sl'!.lPC) Cl= .Six Cl c'R = Sum (CiEI) = 2.98Ew.! cpm H'HSP=CR= 2.98E*02 cpm HSP=CRxD.7=* 2.09E*02 qim

ERS-ATL-93~021, Rev. 4 Attachment 2, Page 5 of 8 RM*1LW-116Alann S~!pOlnls OLD t.!ElHOD*Basedon: I xOld IOCFR20 l.IPC's Old txOld Al tOCFR20MPC 10CFR20MPC El CiEl Annual Appendt<B* AppeiidiXB .oefeotbn Counl Nuclide Release SI Table II, Col 2 Toblell,COl2 Silt\PC Ci Effidenw Rate (Ci) (tJCL'ml) (tJCii,Y,,) (rtWuCl)* .(tJCL'(lll) (cpm'uc:Vml) (nepm) c,:51 '1~*.Jo:E-OJ 2:36E:oo 2E-03. 2F.:w l:HJE--03 *.2.57E,06 *1:24E*-07 32

                                          ~-63,E*07                                   1e:o:i            smE-03                                t05E*oo*               S4

I.Ir>&! 3 ;'10E-Ot IE-64 Fe,~S i;*~oE*Ol 2.9.IE*,()6 .8E:114 8E:_O:I *3.e:IE-03* o.ooe+oo 0 F"'59 l.51E-OO SE-05 '3.02E-02.*oa 1i1

9. 30t-0'4
 ~50                 l.40E-02            2:54e:oo                 9E*05                                :2.a3e:a1            2:77E-Q5         1.o6Etoo             2937 Co-60                2,oo*-ol            3.63E-OO                 3E-OS               3E*OS             1:Z1e-01            3:1)6E*OO        1.94E*OO              768
?.n-65 2.69E-02 4.88E-oS IE-M 1E-O:I 4':886-01 5.31E*05 5.02E*07 2568 Np-239 l .40l!-04 2.54E-07 1E--04 lE-Gl 2.54E-03 2.77E*07 o.OOEtW 0 Br-tl3 2 .5GE-05 4.54E*08 3E-06 3E006 l.51E-02 4.05E*OS 1.48E*OO 0 Br-!14 1. 70E-06 4.91E-09 3e-OG 3E-00 1.G4E-03 s:!l-IE-09 3.16E<-OS '2 Bc-65 2 .sot:- oa 5.00E-11 OE>OO OE+-00 5.:>!E'll 6.71EHl6 a Rb-88 7 ~SCE*GS 1.36E*07 2E-OS 2E-M 6.BIE-03 1A6E.07 (J.OOE*OO 0 Rb-88 l. 20E*04 2.18E-07 OE+QO OEf-00 2.J7E--07 3.73E+07 9 S<-69 2. 90&-04 S.27E:.07 JE-00 3E*06 1.7BE.01 5.74E-07 9.84E+-03 0 Sr-00 l.lOE-OS 2.00E-06 JE.07 3F..07 6.66E-O'l 2.ISE-08 O.OCE*OO 0 Sr-91 9'40E*06 1.71E-08 5E--OS 5E-OS 3.42E*()l 1.66E-08 O.OOE+OO 0 y.90 l.JOE .. OS 2.36E--08 2E*05 2E-M 1.IBE-03 2.57E,08 8.13E+07 2 Y*91m a .'702*06 1.58E-08 3E*03 aE-00 5.27E-06 1.72E-08 l.O]E*OS 2 y:91 S. 70£-0S 1.04E--07 3E-05 3E-05 3.45E-03 1.13E-07 2.53E*05 0 Y-93 7: 40E*07 1,J:IE;OO* 3E-05 3E;il5 4.4BE-05 1,46E-09 O.OCE+(:() 0 Zr-95 s:10E-o.5* 9.27E-08 6E*05 1.54.E-ol 1.0IE.Oi t:ooE*OO 11 Nb'95 S>>OP.*OS 9.4s£-08 IE-04 IE-iJ.I 9:45E-04 .1.oo*e:o1- 1.osEiOB 11 Mo'.99 1;102-0'2 2:t~le.o5 4E-05 4E-05 5.ooE-01 2:181:-05 u1e:.os ~

Tc-99m J. lOE-02 2.00E-05 3E*03 3E-03 8.66E-03 2.18E;()5 1.11E~ 2416 Ru-1/)3 J .".toE;.oS s:tseioa. Be-65 BE-OS 7,72E-04 6.73E'O!\ 1.13E*OO a* Ru-105 LO OE* OS .1.82E-08 1E-()5 IE-05 1'82E*03 1.98E-08 O.OOE+OO 0 Rh-103m J .401>05 6.18E-08 IE-02 IE--02 0:16c-Os 6.73E-08 O.ll-OE+OO 0 Rh-100 l.OOS-05 1,62E'°8 OE>OO OE+OO 1.98E.Q8 :o.oOE*OO 0 r ... 12sm 2 .SOE-05 4.54E-08 te'.IJ~ IE-04 4.51E:04 4.95E-OO 2.4oE*05 0 T<i-127m 2.60£-04 4.72E-07 se.os 5E-M 9,45E-03 5.15E-07* t.62E*07 a r ...121 2.706-04 4,QIE-07 2E*04 2E-Ol 2.45E-03 S.34E'07 1.48E*OO I re-1.2em 1.102-03 2.00E-06 2E-Os 2E--05 9.99E-02 2.ISE*OO l.11Ei-05 0 r ... 129 6. "10E*Ot 1~E-06 as.o.1 8E*o:I 1.52E-03 t.33e-oo 1.691:*07 22

~130                1,208*04             2.18E-07                3E-00              3E-06              T.27E*02            2.37E.07         2.65E+08                 03 Te-131m             1.60E-{)4            2.91E-07                 4E-05             4E-05              7.21E*03            3.171'.07         l.15E+-Oil               0 Te-131              3.0oE.:os            5.45E-08               OEi-00             OEf-00                                  5.SlE-08          l.11EH18                 7 1*131               l.60E*Ol             2.91E*O-I               3E-07              3E-07            9.69Ef-02             3.17E'Q.l        1.16E*OO            37362 r,.,.1a2            4 ,JOE-OJ            7.SIE-00                 2E*05             2E-05              3.91E-01            8.51E-08          l.21Et08             1030 1-132                4 .9osco3            8.00E'OS                8E-Qa              SE-06 0

1;11EtOO 9.70E-06 3.IBE+08 3084 1-133 <.OOE*02 7.2iE-05 1i:-06 IE-06 7.2TE+-01 7.Wfi-05 1.leE*oiJ 9182 1-134 8.00E-0'!::! 1.45E;07 2E-05 2e:os *7.27E-03. 1.58E-07 3*.17E+-06 50 Cs-134 4 .60E-02 8.36E-DS 9E-06 liE:OO 9.29E+OO 9:toE.()5 '2.42E<'08 22029 1-135' * .)os,.oj 7.81E*06 4E..00 4E*OO l.95Ef()() s.s1"e.Jl6 1.47800 1251 cs-t:ls 8.90E-Ol 1:s2E-OS 6E-05 6E-05 2.691!-0I 1.76E--05 -3.HlE*oS 5518

  • cs-137 J.-.JOE-02 e.oot,05 2E-05 2E-()5 3.oOEf()() 6:53E-05 9.30e+-07 '0073 Ba*137m J .fOE-Oi M3E-05. 2E-OS 2E-05 2.82E+.OO 6.13E*oS 9.85Eili7 6043 6<>'140 i.:ipE--0~ 2.00E.-07 2E-OS 2E-05 9:99!!-03 2.18E--07 4.76E+07 io la-140 1. lOE'-04 2'.ooe,ot 2E-05. 2E-05 *9,991:.03' .2.18E.07 *222EtOS 48 Ce-141 5, l.OS-05 9.27E-OB 9E-oS 9E'-05. tOOE-03 1J)IE-07 620Ei07 6 c,..143 2 .SOE~0,6 s.ooe:oo. 4E-o5 4E-OS i:21e:04 s.5.IE--09 7.87E<07 0 Ce-144 a.2oe . cs 5.81E-08 IE.OS IE-05. 5.SIE-03 B:33E-OO l.36E+07 1 P1*143. 2. 708-05 4:91E-08 SE-OS 5E*05 9.BIE-04 5.34E*OB O.OOE*OO 0 Pc-144 J.20E-OS 5.&IE-08 OEtOO OEf-00 o:33E.00 2.32E+Oil 0

~~3 S..SO,E*04: 9.WE-01 aE:-oa 3E*OO 3.33Et02 l.09Et-0o o:ooef()() 0 AllOlllelli O.OOE+OO O.OOEtOO 3E'00 3E.Q6 O.OOE+OO 0.00E+OO O.OOEiOO 0 Total* *5.50Et02 1.00E*OO l.40E+-03 l.09Ef()() 1()4039 TolalH-3 5'50E*02 3.33E+_02 t.09E+oo 0 Tola!W/O_IH 4.00E-01 1.~*03 8.0zE-04 1()4032 N: From OOCM 112-00C.2.01 Table l.l*fa (from T~l>ie 13 of SS.VJ. UR(B)-160)

                                                                                       .El: (843-30 DaU>) From Cale Pacl<age No. ERS-Sfl,92-009 F=            *22600 gpm>iDilution FlO\\Tale (15,000gpm + 7,00Qgpm) t=                 16 gpm =.Discha<ge llowrate Ct*         1.09E+OO . a OluUon Fl-ale/ (Discharge Flowrate x Sum .Slf,!PC)

Ci= SlxCI CR= Sum (C.E1) = 1.04E*05 cpm HI.ISP iCp. ** . 1:0:1E*05 cpm HSP=CRx0.7= 7.26E*-04 cpm

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 2, Page 6. of 8 RM*1lW-104 Alarm Setpolnls Ol.D"METHOD* Based on: 1xO!d10CFR 20MPC"s Old 1x0id Al 10CFR20MPC 10CFR20MPC El. Ci El Annual Appernf0<B Appen<f0<8 Del~ti:ln Coon! Nuclide Release SI Tab!e ll,Co12 Tablell,C<>l2 511.!PC Cl Efr><:lency Rate (Cl) (uCL'ml) (~Vml) (ml'uCI) (uCL'ml) (cpm'uCVml) (ncpm) Cr.S1 1.30E-Ol 2.36E*OO 2E*Ol 2E-03 1.18!:.00 1.10E-OO 1.24E+07 14 Mn-54 3.lOE-04 "5.63E--07 1E-04 '1E-OI 5.63E*03 2.63E-07 1.0SE*OO 28 Fe-55 t.sOE-Ol 2.91E*OO S!:-04 6E~ 3.63E*ci3 l.Ol>E-00 O.OOE+oo 0 Fo-59 a:30E*04 l.51E*Oa 5E-05 5E'C6* 3.02E-Oz* 7.GlE-07 *1.04E+oa 73 SE-00


.Co-Sli 1.40E-02 '9E-05 2.63E-Oi 1.19E-05 l.06E+08 1259 Co'60 2.00E*Ol 31:.05 3E*C6 1.2'1e.01 l.70E-0; 1:94E+08 3'9 zn .. 65 2.69E*02 .4.88E*OO 1E*Gl 1e:Gl 4:sae-01 2.23E-05' 5.02E+o7 1143 Np-239: t.foe:04 2.54E*07 1E-04 1E-04 2.54E-03 L1GE*01 O.OQE+oo 0 Br-83 2.f>OE-05 4.S4E*08 3(::00 3E-06 l;i1E-02 2.12E*08 l.48e*OO 0 Br-84 '2.70E*OO 01E*09 :IE*OO :IE.00 l.64E-03 2.2SE-09 3.16E*Os l Br-85 2.a-Oe.oa 6.09E-l1: OE*OO OE*OO 2.37E'11 6.71Et06 0 Rb-86 7.SOE-05 1.3QE-07 2E-05 2E-OS 6.81E-03 6.36f*08 O.OOE+OO 0 Rb-86 .1.20E-04 2:1ae.01 OE+oo OE+oo 1.02E.(J7 3.7JE+07 4 Sr:89 2.90E.(J.I 6.21e:o1 :ic-oo 3E.00 1.!6E-01 2.46E-07 9.84E+ol 0 5,;90 l.IOE-05 2.00E*OS 3E-07 3E-07 6.l.iliE-1)2 9.33E-09 O.OOE+OO 0 Sr-91 9.40E-06 1.71E*08 se.os se:-05 3.42E-OI 7.97E-09 o.OOE*Oo 0 Y*$0 1.30E*05 2.31Je.oa 2E*05 2E-05 1.ISE-03 '1.10E*08 8.13E+o7 I Y-91m a.70E*06 1.58E-OB 3E*03 3E*03 5.27E-06 7.38E-09 \.07E+08 1 Y-91 5.70E-05 1.04E*07 3E.(J5 3E*05 3.45e-OJ 4.83E*08 2.53Et05, 0 Y-93 7.40E*07 1.34E-09 3E*05 3E-05 4.46E-OS 6.28E*10 O.OOE+oo 0 Zt*95 5.10E-05 9.27E-06 £E.()5 6E.(J5 1:54E-03 4.33E.OS 1.0GE*08 5 NIJ.95 5.20E-05 9.45E-06 lE-04 IE-o.1 9.45E.Q.I 4.41E-oa 1.06E*08 5 Mo-99 1.10E-02 2.ooe.05 4E.(J5 4E-05 5.00E-01 9.33E-06 1.41E+08 1315 Tc>99m UOE-02 2.0oe-OS 3E-03 3E-03 6.66E-03 9.~E'OO 1.11E+oa 1036 Ri>-103. 3.40E-05 6.18E-08 6E-Os 6E-05 7.72E-0t 2.aaE.:oa 1.13E*08 3 Rii:IOO 1,00E*OS 1.82E-08 lE-05 1E-05 1.82E'..o:I 8.48E-09 0.00E+oo 0 Rh-103in 3.40E-05. -* 6.18e.oa IE*02 1E*02 6.l6E-OO 2.sae.oa 0.00E+oo .0 Rh-106 1.00E*05 l,82E-08 OEfOO OE+oo 8.48E-09 O.OOE+OO () re-125m 2.SOE*OS 4.54E-08 1E-04 *1e-04 4.54E-04 2.12E-08 2.40E+05 0 Te-121m 2.60E-04 UiE-07 6E-oo SE-05 9:45E-03 2.21E-07.  !.62E+07 4 Te-127 2.70E-04 'l.91E-07 2E-04 2E-04 2.45E-Ol 2.29E*07 1.481:+06 0 Te-!29m 1.10E-03 2.00E-06 2E,05 2E-05 9.~-02 9.33E-07 t I 1Ei-05 0 Te-129 6.70E*04 l.22E*OO 6E-04 ae.o.i 1:s2e-03 MBE-07 1.69E+07 10

~130                    1.20E*04         2.18&07                3E-oo                3E:00           7'.27E*Cf.!          1.02E.07         2.65E+o8               27 Te-.1Jlm                 1:60E-04         2.91E-07               4E-05                4E-OS           727E*03              1.3Qf.07         1.15Et06                 0 Te-131                 3.00E-05          5'.45E-Oll'          OE+oO                 OE+oo                                 2.54E-08          1~11E+o8                3 1-131                 -1.60E-01          2.91E-04               31:-07               3E-07          9.69Etoz              1.36E-04          l.18E+08           16012 Te-132                 4.30E-03          7.BIE-00               2E*05                2E-05           3.91E-OI             3.65E-06          l.21E+oa             441 1-132                  4.00E-03          6.00E-06               6E-08                BE-06          l.11E+oo              4.16E-06         3.16E+ll8            1313 1-133                  4.00E-02          7.27E-05               1E*OO                1E-06          7.27Et01              l.39E*05         1.16E+08             3935 1*134                  8.00E-OS          1:45E-07               2E-Oa                2E.o5           7.27E-03             6.78E-08         3.17E+08               22 Cs*134                 4.60E-02          8.36E-05              9E*08                 oe:ro          9.29E+oo              3.00E-05         2.42E+o8             9441 1-135                   4.30E-03          7.81E*06              4E-06                 4E-OO          ).95E+oo              3.65E*06         l.47E+OO              536 Cs-136                  8,90E.(J3         1.62E.o5              6E-ll5                6E-05           2.69E-OI             7.~E-00         3:19Et08              2408 Cs*137                  3.30E-02          6.ooe-os'             2E*05                 2e.os          3.00E+oo              2.00E-05        9.30Et07              2603 6o'l37m                3:1oe-o2           5.63E,OS*             2E*05                 2E*C6          2:s2E+oo              2.63E*05        9.85E*07              2500 Ba*140                   l.IOE-04         2.00E*07              2E*oS                 2E*05          !l.99E-03             9.33E-06        4.7eE*07                  4 la-140                  l.lOE-OI          2.00E-07              2E*05                 2E-05          9.99E-03              9.33E-08        :i::22E+oa              21 Co-141                 5,10E*05*          9.27E*06              9E-05                 9E-05           1.03E*()3            4.33E-08        "6.20Et07                 3 Ce-l43                  2:ooe.oo         6.09E-09               4E-05                '4E-OS           1.27E-OI            2:31e.oo        *.7.67E+07                 0 Ce-144                  3ioE-Os          5.a1e.-Os               1E.o5                1e:os          5.81E-03              2.71E-08         i.36E*07                 0 Pt*143                 ,2.roe,~          4.&1E*08               5E*05                SE-05           9.81E*o4             2.2SE-08        *O.OOE*OO                  0 Pr*144                 3.20E-OS          S:S1E-08              OE+oo                 OE+OO                                2.71E-08         2.32Et06                  0 H-3                   MOE.+02           9.99E-01               3E-03                3E-03           3.33E+02              4.66E-OI        o.ode+oo                  0 AllOtllers             O.OOE+OO          O.aoE+oo                IE-07                IE-07          0.00!;+00            O.OOE+oo         9.00E*OO                  0 Tola!                  5.50E*02          1.00E+oo                                                    l.40Et03              4.67E-01                            44568 TolalH-3               5.50E*02                                                                      3.33E*02              U~E*OI                                    0 TolalWIOH-3            4.0SE-01                                                                      1.06E+03              3.44E-04                            44585 Af: From ODCl.l 112*0DC.2.0I Table U-la (lromTable 13 of S&W U~\8)'160)

El: (843-30 Dalal From Cale Package No. ERS-SFl-92-039 F= 22800 gpm

  • Di~lion Fbwrate (15,000gpm + 7,800 gpin)

I= 35 gpm =Discharge fb\\1&te Ct* 4.67E*01 = D~utk>n fl<MTate/ (Discharge Flowrate *Sum 517.IPCI Cl= SlxCI CR

  • Sum (CiEl)
  • 4:4aE+04 cpm
                                                                                                                    .HHSP*C.R=            4:46Et04 cpm
                                                                                                                 ,HSP~CRx'0.7=            3:12e+<>> cpm

ERS-ATL-93.,021, Rev. 4 Attachrnent 2, Page 7 ofS 2SGc'R0!00 Alafln.SelpJlnlS OLD METHOD. Bast'd or~.) x Old f0 CFR 20 MPC"s lx-okl N !0Cf,R20~l~~ 10cfR20Mf'C El Ci El

                                                             *~b:B                 Appehd!xil                                                                          Count Noclid<l:             """""'


                         !Cil SI            Table n;'C<>l 2 (uCVmij Tablell,Col2 (uCVJrl)
                                                                                                        .SilMPC' (mlliCiJ Cl (uCVmll

Eflicle!'CY (cpm'uCVml) Ral& (ncpm) Cr-St _1.QOE--0-I l:ll2E,07 2E*OO* 2E.OO 9c09E*05 4:63E*08. '?OIE-1{)7 1 Mn-54 2.SQE-05* 4.54E-06 1e:G-1 ff.().I '.!,s4e:04 1.21E*06 1:27E+08* 2 fe-55 1.3oE-<>> 2.:JSE-07 BE'G-1 8E.04 2.9S!i.61 6.2iJE-Qlj 0.00E*OO !J fe-59 6.sQE-05 1.l8E:o7* 5E*05 6E;~ i36E:oo 3.14E*08 f.:i6Et08 4 Co,1!3 1:10E-03 2:ooe-06 l(E-0$ 9E*05 2.22E*02 5.32E*07 f.li2E*08 97

~                         t:e-Oe-<>>          2'.e1e;o1             3E-05                3E*OS                9.69E*03            7.74E:oa            2.38Et00                     18 Zn¥65                s*.10£-02             il.27E-05              1E*G4                1E*04                9:27E*OI            2A1E--05'           6.50Et07                 1605 Np-239                    3.20E-00          5.aiE-oa                \e;o.i              1E4l                 5.82E*04            1.55E-0a            i.65E*oa                      3 Bc-83                     2.00E-05          5.27E-Qa               3E*06                3E-Oll               'l.76E.-02           L40E.00            2.4:iE+06                     0
.B<*.64*                  o.OOE*09           1.b1!;:11             3E-06               3E.00                 3:57E*06            2.85E-12            1.38E*08                      0 RIJ.66                    3.70E-05          6.72E-08               :iE-05              2E*OO                 3.36E.@              1.79E;()6          t04E+07                       0 Sr.s9                     2.20E-05          4.00E:-08              3E*OO               3E-06                '1.33E'~             1.ooe-os            1.63E+04                      0 Sr-00                     8.60E*07          1:5.IE-O'i'            3E-07               ilE-07               5'15E*OJ             4:\1E-io           o.6oE+oo                       0 Sr-91                      s.JOE;oo          9:63e.OO               5E:os               5E*05                 t.e:ili,04          2;56eMI             1:04E+o8                      0 Mo-99'                     2.30E-~           4;!8E-oo*              4E-05               4E*oS                 1.04e:o;            li11E:ffi           4.47E+67                    50 wli9m                    2.101:~03          3:8ii;.oo*             3E-03               3E'03                 l.27E*03            HY.IE-06           '1.4CEt08                   142 Te-125m                    faoE-00           3.45e.oe*               \E'G-1              iE-01               3.45E'05             0.19E'10*           3.9~E+05                      0 Te-127m                   2,10:*05          3.t.l2E-06             5E*05               5E-05                7.63E;04             1.02E-06            1.26E+05                      0 T<i-121                    2.5-0E-05         4.54E-06               2E*04               2E-04                2'.27E.Q.I           1.21E-08           2.43Et00                       0 Te'12~                    620E-05            1.49E*07               iE.00               2E*05                7A51fo3              3'.00E-06          6.5JE+<l6                      0 re-fa9                    5.30E'CO           9.63E-06              .BE-04               BE-04               *1.20E-04             2.llOE-06        .1.96E+07                         I f.130                     2.aOE-04           4.18E-07               3E-00               3E:oi;               1,39E'OI.            1.11i:.01          5.16E+08                     58 T0:131m                  s.20E*65*          !i.45E-08              4E-o5               4E*05                236E:o3             2:51e:oa            2:sse*oa                       7 Te-131                   9.40E-06            t.71E.Os             OE~                  OE..00                                   4.5'.lE,OO           l'.86E-1{)8                   I f.131                      1.00E-01          1;82E.Q.I              3E-07               3E-07               6.06Et02              4.83e-b5            1.96E*oa                 9-176 Te-132                     7.SOE-1>>          1.42E'08               2E-05               2E-05                7.09E*02            3,7_1E'ffe.          1~76E+o6                    68 1-132                     2.:)0E--03         4,1ae-0&               8E*06               8E-Qll              5UE-OI                L11E.OO            4.22E-1{)8                  469 1-133                     5.60E-02           l.18E-G4               1E*06               1E-06               t16E*02              3.14f;-05            1.73Et08                 5437 1-134                     4.60E*OO           8.30E.~09              2e.05               2E-05                4.16E-04            2.22E-09            4.00E+!IS                      1 Cs*134                    3:ooe.oi          *5'.45E-05              QE-06               QE-06               e.d6E'ioo             1.45E-to           3.2SE+-08                 4714 1-135                     9.20E*03           1.67E-05               4E-06               4e:oo                  4A5E*06            *!.71E+08                    761 CS'IJ6                    3,00E*03           7.00E-00               6E-05               6E-05                 l.16E-01            1.8,9E,-06         4.26Et08                   *001.

Cs-137 ~2:0E*W 4;ooi;-05 2E*05 2E.:o5 z.ooe:.oo 1.00E,C6* 1,26E-1{)8' 1361 Bii-140 9,30E-06 i.69E;()6 2E*05 2e-6.s a.:ise:o:i 4.50E'09 7.50E*07 0 La-140 8,.40E-Qll Lii:lE-08 2E-05 2E.00 7.63E.Q.I 4.0SE-09 3.08Ettl8 1* y.90 6.00E--07 1;09E.()9. 2E-05 2E-05 5~45E-05 2.00E-10 0.00EtOO 0 y:91m :3.60E-00 6:5-IE.()9 3E-03 3E-OJ 2:1*se.oo l.74E;()9. .1.59*06 0 y.91 4.40E*06 8.00E-00 3E*05 JE:os 2.S7E,O-I. 2:f3E-09 ,3,5SE+05 0 y.93 *3.00E-07 5'45E.f0 3E-05 3e-05 .l.62E.OS 1.4SE*IO 2.03E-1{)7 0 2'*00 4.00E-00 71/E-09 6E-05 6E*05 1:21E'04 1:93E.()9 *!.35E+08. 0 llb-95 4.00E-00 7.21E,o9 1e:94 1E*04 7.21e-oo 1.00E:o9 .t.33Et08 0 Ru-103 2.70E*06. 4.91E-09 eE-05 8E-05 0:13i;.oo t:31E-b9 **l.71Ef(l8 0 0 li~~:: RU:106 S.20E-07 1E*05 lE-05 1.49E-04 3.00E-10 O.QOEtOO RM03m 2.7bE-06 1e;02* IE-02 4.91E*07 1.3IE.oo O,OOE*OO 0 Rl>-100 6.20E-07 1.49E:o9 OE+-00 OE'<<Xl 3.00E-10 5.65E*07 0 Ce-141 4.00E-06 7.27E*09 . 9E-05 ~-05 6.00E-05 1.93E.()9 7.75Et07 0 C.rt43 8.BOE-07 t56e.oo 4E-05 4E-05 3.91E'00* 4.16E*IO 1.2oe*oa 0 Ce-144 2.60E*06 4.72E,09 1e.o5 IE-05 4.72E41 1.26E;()9 1.67E*07 0 Pr*143 '2.30E-06 4.16E-09 5E*OS 5E-05 836E--05 1.11E-;09 1.63E<<X> 0 Pr*l44 2.60E-OO .j,72e.09 OEi-0!) oEtOO . ' 1.26E-09 .3:40E+o5 0 il-3 e.ooe;o1 31i.03 O.OOE+-00 0


5.50E+oi 3E-03 :tooli.-01 AlfOthers O.OOEHIO o:ooe+()o IE-07 tE-0~ O.OOEHio 'o.OOE*OO 0 Total 5.50F.t02 1.0<IE+OO 1.07E*03' .2.00E-01 25083 TotalH-3 5.50Et02 3.33e+02 2:i;se.01 0 TotalWIOtt,3 2.91E-01 7.35E:'()2  !.41E-04 25083 Al: From ODCM 1/2-00C-2.01 Table i.1*1b (rrom*Table 13 of S&W UR(B)'ISO)

                                                                          '             ' Et. {R0-53 Data) From Cale Package No. ER~SFL.66-026 F=                22800 gpm = DiMion flo"Mate (15,00!fgpm .t 7,llOO YPm)

I= . 60 ijpm =OIW!arge*l\>wrale

  • Cl= 2.66E-OI = D~ulion Flowrale i (Dls<tiarge fla,.rate x Sum Sl'IJPCJ CR=SumCiEI= 25063 cpm Ela r.wo ~~3l = tcR111sirniGIJ= 1.78E+06 cpnVuCVml Cim SlxCt CF*ll Con1'0f*loo Faciot = 1/Ela*= 5.aiE-09 uCl'mVcpm DV = CF I Ix (St.m CIEi) = 1:41E-04 uCVrnl HSP*=()Vo 1.A)E'.-04 Ucl'ml
                                                                                                                        *ASP :*Dvx*o.7 =    'IU>lE-05            uCVml
                                                                                                   *'i,* *
  • ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 2, Page 8 of 8 2SIYS-RQ101 & Alam1 Selpo!n!s OLO METHOD
  • eased 'oil: \.X Old I 0 CFR 20 MPC's 2S\'IS-RQl02.
                                                                    .Old            1xOld J\J                            10CFR20MPC          IOCFR 2<iMPC                                                  *Et                CICJ Annual                                 Appendl><B          Appendil< B                                          .oetox:ooo             C<>unl Nucf'tde            Retease              SI              Tab!<ill,Col2       Table 11,00!2        Sl'MPC               Cl            E#liden<:y            Rale (C~                                     (uCVml)             (uCVtrl)       (ml'uCi)          (uCVrrl)       (q>m/uCVml)            (n<:f'll)

Cr'51 2.00E-03 7.51E*l}l 2E-03 2E.00 3.751:-01 1.58E-09 2.01E+07 0 Mn-54 3.3-0E,04 f.24E*Q.l tE-0-I 1E-M 1.24E+oo 2.61E-10 l.27E+OS 0 Fe.55 l.70E'03 *6.38E:t4 BE-04 BE-cit 1.91e-01 1.35E*09 .O.OOE+oo 0 Fe-59 l.IOE.03 4.13E-01 5E*Os 5E-o5 6.26E+-OO* B.l1E*10 1.2BE*03 0 C0-58 1.70E-02 6.38E*OO 9E-05 9E:o5 7.tl9Et0l t.35E-08 1.B2E+03 2, eo:so 2.IOE-03 7.88E*04 3E--05 3E:o5 :i.63Et01 f.66E-09 2.38E+Os 0 zii-Gs 5.10£-1)2 f.QtE-02 IE-04 1E'()I t.91E.t02 4.tile.oa 8.50E*07 3 NP,239 1.30E.00 4.88E-04 1E-04 IE~ 4.88E+-OO 1:ooe-09 1.ssE+03 0 Br-83 5.50E-03 2.06E-03 3E-06 3E-06 8.88E+02 4.35E*09 2.42EHJ6 0 lir-8' 3.00E-03 1:13j;;03 3E-06 3E.()6 3.75E*02 2.3SE.-00 1.38E+08 0 Br-65 Rb-88

                     .3.50E-OI 9.10E*05 UlE-OI 3.41E:0S OEHlO
                                                               *2e.os OE+OO
                                                                                              -*    l.71E+oo 2.77E*10
                                                                                                                     *7.20E*ll 9.04E+OO 1.04E+-07 0

0 Rl>:SS 2.3-0E-Of B.63E-02 OE+oo OE+-00 - 1.S:iE-07 4.84E+07 .9 Sr,89 3.70E-04 1.39E:o4 3E-06 3e.oo 4.63Et01 2.9:ie:10 i.83E+GI 0 Sr*90 1.10E,\\5 4.13E-06 :ii:--01 3E-07 1.3aEt01 S.71E*12 O.OOE+ln 0 sr-91 7.20E-OI 2.70E-04 5E-05 5E*65 6.40Et00 s.1oe.10 1.04E+OO 0 Mo,99 9.ooe.02 3.38E-02 4E-05 4E*05 B.44E+02 7.13E.OO 4.47E+o7 3 Tc-99m MOE*02 2.00E-02 3E-03 3E-03 8.75E+OO 4.28E;08 1.40E*08 5 Te-.125m 3.IOE*Os 1.16E-05 1E*G4 1E-OI 1:1se--01 2.45E*l1 3:94Et05 0 Te-127m 3.ooe.04 1:13E-04 SE--05 5E-05 225E+oo 2.38E*10 1.26E*05 0 r ... 121 9.40E-O-I 3.53E-04 2E--04 2E-94 1.76E+-00 7.44E*l0 2.43E+-06 0 r ... 1wm 1.50E-03 5_.63E,Gl 2E-05 2E;05 2.61Et01 1.19E-09 *6.53Et08 0 Te-129 1.SOE-03 6.75E41 SE-04 BE*Ol a44E-OI 1.43E*09 l.Q6E+07 0 1*130 2.30E-03 8.63E-04 3E*OG 3E-OO 2.e8!'to2 1.82E-09 5.16E*08 I Te.!31m 2.70E-03 t:o1e.oo 4E--05 4&05 2.53E+o1 2:1~E-09 2.65Et08 I Te-131 1.30E*03 4.88E-OI OE+OO re+oo - l.OOE-09 l.88E+-08 0 1*131 2.90E*OI 1.00E-01 3E-07 3E:07 3.63E+-05 2.30E-07 l.96E+03 45 Te-132 2.00E*02 1.09E-02 2E*05 2E-o5 6.4lE+o:i 2.JOE-08 l.76E+08 4 ~132 1.!0E*01 4.13E-02 SE-06 SE--06 5.16E+-03 B,l)E-08. 4.22E+08 37 ~133 4.20E-01 t:see--01 tE-06 IE-.00 1.56E+o5 3.33E--07 1:73E+03 58 1-134 5.40E*02 2.03E.o2 2E-05 2E-00 1.01E+03 4.28E-08 4.06Et00 17 Cs-134 2.70E*02 1.0lE-02 9E-06. 9E-OO 1.13E+-03 2;14E*08 3.25E+OO 7 1*135 2.lOE--01 7.88E--02 4E--OG 4E-OO 1.97Ei-04 1.66E:07 l.71E+08 28 Cs-136 1.40E-02 5.25E-03 6E-05 6E--05 e.76E+o*1 1.11E-OO 4.2Se<pa 5 Cs-137 1.ooe.02 7:13E-03 2E.05 2e:oo 3,56Et02 t.50E-OO 1.28E+OS 2 Ba-137m 1.90E*02 1:13E-03 2i:.05 2i:.os :i:~to:i 1.50E.OO 1.33E*OO 2 Ba-140 2.30E--O-I s:roe'.-05 2E*05 2E-05 4.32E+-OO 1.62E-10 7.50Et<l7 0 La-140 1.flOE-04 8.00E*OO 2E*05 2E-o:i 3.00E+oo 1.27E*10 *3.oae*oa 0 y.90 1.30E-06 4.88E-07 2'E-os 2e-o:; 2.44E-02' 1.00E-12 0.00E*Oo 0 Y*91m 4.20E*Ol l.58E*4>l 3E*ol 3E-03 5.25E-02 a.3Je.10 l.59E+ba 0 Y-91 6.SOE-05 2.55E-05 3E-Os 3E-05 *8.51E-01 5.38E-11*os 0 Y-93 3.BOE-05 1.43E-05 3E*05 JE.05 4.75E*01 a.01e;11 2.03E+<l7 0 z,.95 6.3-0E-05 2.36E-05 6E*oS 6E-05 3.!14E--OI 4.99E.f\ '!;35EtOS 0 Nt>-95 5.JOE-05 l.99E-05 1E-OI IE.()! 1.m--01 4.iOE-11 1;33E+oa 0 Rt>-103 4.70E*05 l.76E-05 SE-05 SE-05 220e--OI 3.72E,ll 1.11i:+1l8 0 ~<1'106 1.lOE-05 4.13E--06 IE-05 JE-05 4.13E:OI, 6.71E.*12 *.o.OOE+OO 0 Rll-103m 5.20E--05 1.95E-05 1E-02 IE-02 1.95E--03 4.12E*11 O.OOEtOo 0 Rl>-106 Ce-141 1.20E-05 7.40E.()5 4:50E--06 2.78E-05 OE+oo 9E-05 6e+oo

                                                                                              -     3.09E.OI 9.50E,12 6.SSE-11 5.65E+<l7 1.75E+07 0

0 ee:m Ce-144 4.30E,05 3.5-0E--05 1.61E-05 UtE-05 4E*05 1E-05 4E:OS 1E*OS 4.00E-Oi 1:31E+oo. 3.40E~11 2.77E*1t 1.20E*08 l.87E+<l7 0 0 p,:f43 6.30E*05 t:99E-05 SE-00 5E-0> a:98E'DI* 4.20E*ll 1.63E+oo 0 Pt,144 H-3 3.00E-05 1.ooe+OO t:43E-05 3.75E-01 OE+OO 3E-03 OE+oo 3E-03

                                                                                              -     1.25E+-02 3.0IE-11 7.f!2E--01' 3,40Et00
                                                                                                                                      *O.OOE+OO 0

0 All'Others O.OOE+oo O.OOEtOO 1E*07 lE-07 O.OOE+-00 o.ooE.+oo O.OOE+OO 0 Total 2.66E*OO 1.00EtOO 6.51E+05 2.11E--06 231 TotalH-3 1.00E*OO l.25E+02 7.92E,07 0 TolalW/OH-3 1.66Et00 5.51E+05 1.32E--06 231 Al: F1om 5 & W Cale Package No:UR(Bf21J9.0 Et.(R!H3 Data) From 'caic Paek'ajje No. ERS-SFL-86-026 F= 8400 gpm = O.Mion Fbwra!e I= 7220 gpm =Oisch31ge flowra!e Cl* 2.1 IE-OG

  • D!u!i)n flir11rate/(Discharge flowra!e x Sum Sl'MPC)

CR=SumCiEl= 231 Cf'll Ela rNIO ITT)" (CR)/ (Sum Ci)= 1.75E+o8 cpm'UCVml Cl= stxC.l Cf*11 Conve0Tonfact0<= I/Ela= 5.71E*W ~\.'mVcpm OV = CF11x (SUm CiEl)

  • 1.32E-06 vCi'ml HSP~OV= 1.32E-06 uCVml ASP *OVx0.7 = 9.23E-07 UCl'ml

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 3, Page 1 of 3 .........J~-- *--* _~.':1.~~.0.§_ -*-*--1-}_Q~+/-_O~*-*-*-- -----*-~.:§.8-~::9.!____ .........2:~....... . -~:!~g-~L. ___ .. _.Q:1~~---*

    • -*** *--*--*-*17-- **.----*-* Ru-105 O.OOE+oo -*-*-*** ***-.---*-**-*---**--****---
                                                                  -----..***-***--*---                                      O.OOE+OO. *--*-*--*-*                            0.000 O.OOE+OO

0.000 18 Rh-105 2.96E+o7 *1.65E+07 0.558 2.14E+07 Q,725 _}~_~<>!~_1__ - -~~-1?.!~- ----~-:QJ~+/-Q:I .....___ *--*-***!-~!3-.~!~~-*----- ...... t>..*.~?.? .. ***** ........ ~-*Q~~-~04 --- ---~!44___ . 20 Te-127 USE+06 .8.73E+05 0.633 1.09E+08 0.79*1 21 Sb-l27 l.09Et0S 8.50E+07 0.780 9.92E-t-07 0.910 =::~~==*=: ~i~~~t~-~ ~~~~~:~~~%f-_. :- * -~-~:**]I~~~~~-==~ ~,~~~~I~t~] ==-~t}j~~:~~-::*:* -*~~~~~~~:~:-_

    .        24                        Te-129                                l.l2E+o7                                       1.12E+07 0.999 . -.
                                                                                                                                                --..-**---*--- - :---*--*--*--***--*-                             *1.32E+07
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ***-"':"' ... ----~***~** *** ....:-~- ,* ' ..          1.183
  • 25 Te~ 13}m l.S2E+o8 A. 71 E+05 0.003 8,69E+O~
  • 0;004 , . . . : .. j , *** lf Pagn "19 of 68

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment J, Page 2 of3

                                                                   =-Jl2~i~~~~*~,~~r .. 1.::8ev\'io1~ ~\]:--1                                           .

Titf(!; Hinh rnnipeniture Trnnsiant Test Report for Benver Valley, Unit 'I, 843-30 Gamma Scintillation Detector

                ---------*--                                -~----------*--**----"*_..,.,..__,_,,,.,,,_                            ..u-*-***------
                                                                                                                                        ********r*--*---- --

155 F Oliginal 165 f Transif1t Transient

                                        ---* -** * ~-~.3.:~~- -****-** -* -- - --~~~- 30        - * *----* *- - -***   *-------~~-~:..3.¢."'*--- *'."c-orrecti'o**

Detection Detection Correction Detection n L~~~-~-~-:=::=:::::11*~E1~~j-~i~ :~. :.=*:~ifi~~~::=~~ _:_**:-.:~~i~-;j_ii:=:-~_*: :=:=f:~~!9_iL: :=:=~~~~~=*=: .~E-~~!~~~~- ( cpm1uei1m1> (cpm/uCi/ml) (cpmluCi/ml) 26 1-*13*1 UlE+os 6;86E+07 0;618 8.63E+07 0.778

   -:-: :-~-:~IF*:-_-:-*: 1 ::::~ti~ ~- ~ __:_ ::::l:{~rJ.*~:-~-* :* :--*~*--*::*-:~~~~E-~-~~1 -:-~~~~[~~~11:~~-~if~t~i=~:: ~=~~r--~:.


    -**---~~--- --** __ _l_-13~-- ______ Y.:9..~~+/-0L _________ ~:~£-!QI ______ -*---~*BQ!..__ -----~1:~~+0r_____ Q:~.'!.~-----

30 1-134 2JOE+o8 2.48E+08 0.918 2.69E+OS 0.995 41 Nd-"147 3.12E+o7 2.46E+07 . 0.788 2.94E+07 0.944 Additional Isotopes 51 Kr-00 l.4SE+oS 1.23E+08 0.832 1.39E+08 0.938

  ~J;-~1:rr~1~ ~;3!~~~~~ =~111~~=: ~Ii= ;~;~;; ~~~m;- , ._.


1 55 Xe-*135 l.lSE+oS 5.92E+o7 0.502 7.98E+07 0.675 0

Page 20 of G8

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 [

                                 - F'Lui<s~ -
                                   ~**..;o,                ... .-11 ~ 1 om-* x:o
                                                                                         -r         ~~0Cl*~i~)J3~~""~~'-. r~v:\*lb~+ ~tr'.i--=-


High Temperature Transient TErnt Report for Bt:t.WHI' Attachme11t 3, Page 3 of 3 Valloy, Unit *1, 843-30 Gammn Scintill<ltion

                        --~*------*-....,------**---*                                          *~-----..                               _________Detector                      .,.,._,... . _~---~*---

ATTACHMENT 3- Pa~e 3 of 4 Pa1 es 56 Xe-135m 7.S4E+o7 8.22E+-07 0.794

                                                    -***-----*-*- ***-*-.. --*-------*-****-* -----* -*- ----- -*--~-- -*-**--* --****--------------*


                                                                                                                                                      *-**----~------*****-*"***--         ____0;939
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ....: .......* -~*--;

66 C0-60m 2J5E+o5 0.00E+OO 0.000 .o.OOE+OO 0.000

                 ~=~}{:.:=~~t=£~~~t~ ~Tt~I;L_: .~=:~~}~if~r-*= ~.:.=~~~~r.~~~-~:: ~:~:-~~'.~~~~I~~= =---~~~it=~
                 ......... ~~ _...... ,,_qt~:~§____ ..... ~.:~]l;:_!Q?_ .. _--*---~~~2-!=.:07 __.. ___ .......<?:~?§........                           -** ~'...<!:~~-~!... __ ---~:~!>. .!_.__

70 Br-83 l.36E+o.6 9.94E:!-05 0.73'1 1:17E+06 0.863 ,:, ' ... *~ **; . ;: *~ *. ; ***.*.. .: ,~-~ . . **. :i1~*.~ Page 2*1 of 68

ERS-ATL~93.-021, Rey, 4 Attach.nient 4, Page 1 of 9 RM-1RW*100 Alarm Selpolnls (ERS*ATL:93-021) (A) (B) (C) (D} (E) (F)' (G) (H) (I) N' Si EC 1oxEC 'SV10EC ti Ei CiEI RCs Nuclide Eilluenl ODCM Isotopic *oetecllo*n Monttor Nuclide Concenl. fraction Concent. limn EC Fraction concent. Efficiency CounlRate

                        * (upitg)~               (-}         .(uCVml)         (uCi!ml)        (1111/uCl)      (uC!lml)       (cpmluCVrTII}     (ncpill)

Cr-51 0.00E+OO o:ooE*oO 5E-04 5E-03 o.ooe+oo: o.ooe+oo 6.67Et06 O.OOE+OO Co-58 *1.38E-02* 7.0sEc04 2E-05. 2E'-04 3.52E+OO 1:54E-07 8;29E-107 1.27E+01 Co-60 1,69E:03 a.12!:-os 3E-06 3E-05 2.71E+oo 1.77E-08 1.72E+08 3.04E+OO Rb-88 2,75E+OO 1.40E-01 4E-04 4E-03 3.5~E+01 3.06E-05 3.36E+07 1.03E+03 Sr-89 3.49E-03 1.78E-04 8E-06 SE-05 2.23E+,OO 3.88E-08. 7.99E*03 3.10E-04 Sr-90 2.16E-04 1.10E-05 5E-07 5E-06 2.21E+OO 2.40E-09 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Y-90 5.94E-05 3.03E-06 7E-06 7E-05 4.33E-02 6.61E-10 O.OOE+OO O,OOE+OO Sr-91 1.45E-03 7.41E-OS 2E-05 2E-04 3.70E-01 1.61E-OB 6.43E+07 1~04E+OO Y-91 4.78E-04 2A4E*05 8E-06 8E-05 3.05E-01 5.32E-09 2:23E*05 1.19E-03 Zr-95 6.~2E-04 3.23E-05 2E-05 2E-04 1.61E,01 l.03E-09 8.05E+07 5.68E-01 Zr-97 3.91E'()4 -2Jfoe~ci5 9E,06 9E-05 2.22E'-01 4.35E-09 8.85E+07 3.85E-01 Nb-95 6.41E-04 3.2lE'05 ae-Os 3E-04 tOiJE-01 7: 13E-09 i.l:f.7E+07 5.63E-01 M<>-99 7:62e-01 *3.89E'02 2E--05 2i:-04 t95E+02 8.48E--06 6.23E+07 5.28E+02 Tc'.99m 4.09E-01 .2.09E-02 lE-03 1E--02 2.0~E+OO 4;55E-06 4.ate*o7 1.99E+02 Ru-103 s.91!:-04 -3.o5E~05 3E*O!i 3~-04 1.02E-01 6.(i4E-09 7.4$E+07 4.95E-01 Ru-105 t39E-04 *7.-foE-06 7E--0S 7'.E~4 1.01E-02  !.55E--09 4.68Et07 '(24E-02 Ru-106 2.21E*0.4 i.13e,o5 3E-06 3E-05 3.76E.-0_1 2.46E-09 o.ooE-100 O.OOE+Oo Rh*105 3:69E-04 1.69E'o5 5E'-05 5.E-04 3.7_7E*02 4.lOE-09* 1.65E+07 6.7lE-02 te-127m 3.36E-03" .1.12e.o4 SE.:06 "9E-05 1.{l1E+OO *3.74E-06 1.73E-104- 6.47E--04 Te-127 U7E-02 5.98E-04 tE'.-04 1E-03 5,0SE--01 doE-07 a.13Et05 1.14E-01 Sb-127 3.01E'05 1.54E-OO 1E-05 t°E-04 1.54E-02 3.35E-10 8.50E+07 2.85E-02 Sb;129 3.87E-05 1.98E-06 4E-05 4E-04 4;9.jE-03 4.30E-10 1.12e+os 4.s2e-02 Te-129m 1.44E-02 7:36E*04 7E-06 7E-05 1.05E+01 "tsllE-07 6.24E+04 e:99E-03 Te-129 1.43E-02 7.31E-04 4E-04 4E'93 1.83Ec01 1.59E-07 1.12E+07 1.78E+OO Te-131111 3.60E.:{)2 1.84E*03 6E-06 SE-05 2.3oe+o1* 4.00E-07 4.71E+05 1.aoE-01 1-131 2.69E+OO l.4BE*01 1E-06 1E-OS 1.48E+04 3~21E-05 6.86E+07 2.21E+03 Te-132 3.00E-01 1.53E-02 9E-06 9E-05 1.70Et02 3.34E-06 5.50E+07 1.64E+02 1-132 1.13E+O"O" 5.77E-02 1E-04 1E-03 5.77E~01 l;26E-05 2.39E+08 3.00E+03 1-133 4.32E+OO 2.21Ei01 7E--06 1e--0s 3.15E+03 4.8lE-05 a.ooE+07 3.84E+03. 1:134 6.32E-01 3.23E:02 4E-04 4E'03 6.07E+OO 7.b3E-0a 2ABE+08 .1.741:+o3 1*135 .2.48E+.OO 1'27E-01 3E-05 3E-04 4.22E+02 2.7ilE-05 t.21e+oa a:~e+oa*

  • Cs-137/Ba-137m 3.79E+OO (94E;01 !E-06 1E:05 1.94E+o4 4;22e-0s 6:a*fE+07 .'2:a1E+03'
  • Ba-140 4.10E-03 '2.09E'04 8E-06 BE-05 '2.62E+OO 4.56E-08 2.87E+07 1.31E+bo La'140 1.41E-03 7.20E-05'. 9E-06 9E-05 *a.ooE-01 1.&°7E-OS 1.74E+08 -2.73E+OO Ce-141 6.18E-04 3;16E-06 3E-05 3E-04 1.05E-01 6.67E-09 2.42E+07 1.66E-01 Ce-143 4.56E-04 2.33E-05 2E-05 2E-04 1.16E;.o1 5.07E:09 4;42E+07 2.24E-01 Co-144 4.69E-04 2.40E:05 3E-06 3E-05 7.99E-01 5.22E-09 5.36E+06 2.60E-02 Pr*143 5.75E-04 2.94E'05 2E-05 2E-04 1.47E-01 MOE-09 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Pr-144 4.72E-04 2.41E-05 6E-04 BE-03 4.02E-03 6.26E-09 1.92E+08 1.01E-02 Nd-147 2.41E-04 1.23E-05 2E-05 2E-04 6.16E-02 2.68E-09 2.46E+07 6.59E-02 Tolal 1.96E-t01 1.00E+OO 3.82E+04 1.90E+04 F= 149800. =.. Dilullon Flowrate (127,000 + 15,000 + 7,800)

I= 16000 =Discharge f'lowrale (9,000 gpm IRPRWP: Assumes 2'RPRWPs operating) ct= 2.18E-04 = Dilullon Flowrate J(tilscharg"o Flowrale x Sum SVMPC)' Cl= Six Ct CR '.' ~~m'.(CiEI} 1.90Et04 cpm HHSP=CR= t:ooE-104 cpm HSP=CRxQ.7'.* t33E+04 cpm CO!un111 _Definillons: A - Nuctlde list B *Relative Nudkle Mix, design RCS concenlrailon, from Relerence 34 o- a Nuciide.Fractlon - Col. I Total of Col. B

  • D - Effluent.Concenlrallon limn from 10 CFR20; Appendix B, Table *2, Column 2 E - ODCM release limit= 10 x EC F-FracUon of 10.EC limit= Col:C /Col. E G - lsotoplo concenlratlon corresponding to 10'EC with dilution - Col *.Cxdltutlon How I (discharge flow x Te>tal of Col.:F)


  • Detector Isotopic efficiencies; from ~luke report 95o.373* : * * * '* '* * * .
  • I - Cot G x COi. H

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 4, Page 2 of 9 RM*1 RW-100 Alarm Setpoints (10080-UR(B}-223 Rev. 1 duplication) (A) (B) {C} (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) Ai Si EC 10xEC SV10 EC Ci El Ci El RCS Nuclide Effluenl ODCM Isotopic Detection Monitor Nuclide Concent. Fraction Con cent. Limit EC Fraction Concent. Efficiency Count Rate (uCVg) (*) (uCVml) (uCilml) (!TIVuCi). (uCVml) (cpmtuCi/ml) (ncpm) Cr-51 O.OOE+OO 0.:00,EtOO 5E-04 5E-03 O.OOE+OO *O.OOE+OO .1.1ai:+o1 O,OOE+OO Co-58 1;38E-.02 7.05E',04 2E-05 2E'04 *$;52E+OO 1.54E-07 1.16E+08. 1.78E+01 Co-60 1.59E-03 S:12E-05 3E-06 3E-05 2.71E+OO 1.77E-08 1.73E+08 3.06E.+00 Rb-88 2.75E+OO 1.40E-01 4E*04 4E-03 3.51E+01 3.06E-05 .o.ooe+oo O.OOE+OO s~-89 .3.49E-03 .1)8E-04 'aE-06 SE-05 2.23E+OO 3.SBE-08 .O.OOE+OO' O.OOEtOO Sr-90 2.16E*04 1.10E-05 5E-07 5E-OG* '2.21Et00 2.40E-09 O.OOE+OO o:ooe+oo Y-90 5.94E-05 3.03E-06 7E-06 7E-05 4.33E*02 6.61E-10 0.00E+OO O.OOE+OO Sr-91 1.45E-03 7.41E-05 2E-05 2E*04 3.70E*01 1.61E-08 6.97E+07 1.12E+OO Y-91 4.78E-04 2.44E-05 BE,06 SE-05 3.05E*01 5.32E*09 2.60E+05 1.38E-03 Zr-95 6.32E-04 3.23E*05 2E-05 2E-04 1.61E-01 7.03E-09 8.60E+07 6.0SE-01 Zr-97 3.91E*04 2.00E-05 9E*06 9E-05 2.22E-01 4.35E-09 2.21E+07 9.61E-02 Nb-95 6.41E-04 3.27E-05 3E-05 3E-04 1.09E-01 7.13E*09 8.64E+07 6.16E-01 Mo-99 7.62E-Ol 3.89.E-02 2E-05 2E*04 1.96E+02 8.48E*06 2.84E+07 2.41E+02 Tc-99m 4.09E*0.1 2.09E,02 1E*03 1E-02 2.09E+OO 4.55E*06 8.96E+07 4.08E+02 Ru-103 5.WE-04 s;o5e.05 3E:o5 3E*04 1.02E-01 6.64E-09 9.50E+07 6.31E-01 Ru-105 .1.39E-04 *7:10E*06 7E-05 1!:-04 1.01E-02 1.55E-OB 1.30E+08 2.01E*Ol Ru-106 2'.?1E~04 .1.*13E-05. ai::.06 3E-05 *a.1eE-01 '2.46E*09 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Rh-105°\ 3.69.E-04 1.89E-05 5E-05 5E-04 3.77E-02 4.10E-09 2:96E+07 1.21E-01 Te-.127m 3.36E-03 1.72E-04 9E-06 9E*05 1.91E+OO 3.74E*08 4:osE+o4 1.53E-03 Te-127 1.17E-02 5.98E*o1 1E'04 1.E-03 5.98E-01 1.30E-07 1.38E+06 1.8.oe.:01 Sb*127 s. 01e:os 1:54E*06 1E,05 1E,04 1.54E-02 s.351:-10 1.09E+08 3.65E-02 Sb-129 3.87E*05 .1.98E-06 4E*05 4E-04 4.94E-03 4:30E-10 1.50E+08 6.46E-02 Te-129m 1.44E*02 7,36E-04 7E-08 7E-05 1.05E+01 1.60E-07 4:02E+oa 6:44E-01 Te-129 1.43E*02 7.31E-04 4E*04 4E-03 1.83E-01 1.59E-07 1.12E+07 1.78E+OO Te-131m 3.60E-02 1.84E*03 SE-06 BE-05 2.30E+01 4.00E-07 1.82E+08 7.29E+01 1-131 2.89E+OO 1.48E*01 1E-06 1E-05 1.48E+04 3.21E-05 1.11E+08 3.57E+03 Te-132 3.00E-01 1.53E*02 9E-06 9E-05 1.70E+02 3,34E*06 1.17E+08 3.90E+02 1-132 1.13E+OO 5.77E-02 1E-04 1E*03 5.77E+01 1.26E-05 2.66E+08 3.34E+03 1-133 4.32E+OO 2.21E-01 7E-06 7E-05 3.15E+03 4.61E*05 9,90E+07 4.76E+03 1-134 6.32E*01 3.23E-02 4E-04 4E*03 8.07E+OO 7.03E*06 2.70E+08 1.90E+03 1-135 2.48E+OO 1.27E-01 3E*05 3E-04 4.22E+02 2.76E-05 1,.19E+08 3.28E+03

  • cs-1371Ba*137.m 3.79Ei6o 1.94E-01 1E-06 1E-05 1.94E+04 4.22E-05 6.81E+07 2.87E+03 Ba-140 4.10E-03 2.09E*04 8E-06 SE-05 2.62E+OO 4:56E-08 4.37E+07 1.99E+OO La-140 1.41E-03 7,20E-05 9E*06 9E-05 8.00E-01 1.57E*08 2.00E+OS 3.14E+OO Ce-1.41 6.18E-04' 3.16E*05 3E-05 .3E:o_4 1.05E*01 6.87E-09 5.07i:+o1 3.49E-01 Ce-143 4.S6E,04 2::fae.06 2E-65 .2E-04 1.16E-01 s,07e,09 7:27E+07 3.69E-01 Ce-144 4.a9E-04 2.40E-05 SE-06 3E-05 7.99E-01 5:22E-09 1.06E+07 5.53E-02 Pr-143 5.75E-04 2.94E-05 2E*05 2E-04 1.47E-01 6.40E-09 1.04E+OO 6.65E-09 Pr-144 4.72E*04 2.41E*05 6E-04 6E-03 4.02E;o3 5.2se:o9 2.25E+06 1.18E~02 Nd-147 2.41E-04 1.23E-05 2E*05 2E-04 6.foE-02 2.68E-09 3.12E+07 8.36E-02 Total 1.96E+01 1.00E+OO 3.82E+04 2.09E+04 F= 149800 = Dilulfon Flowrate (127000 + 15,000 + 7,800) (from DIN No. 42) r= 18000 =Discharge flowrate (e;ooo gpm I RPRWP: Assumes 2 RPRWP's operating) (lrom DIN No. 42)

Cl= 2.18E-04 = Dilution Flowiate I (Discharge Flowrate x Sum Si/MPC). Cic Six Ct CR = Sum (CIEi) 2.09E+04 *cpm HHSP=CR= 2:09E+04 .cpm HSP=CRxQ.7 1.46E+04 c'pm Column Definitions: A - Nuclide list, from DIN No. 42 B. Relative Nuclide Mix, design RCS concerilrallon, from, DIN No. 43 .......... ,*.. * : *;;1:1"1**. \ C - Nuclide Fraction - Col. BI Total* or Col. B D. Effluent Concenlrallon t.lmlt lrorn 10CFR20, Appendix 8, Table 2, .Column 2 E. ODCM release llm11=10 x EC, from DIN No. 42


F - Fraction or 10 EC limit Col. CI Col. E G - lsotoplcconcenlralion corresponnding lo 10-EC with dilullon - Col. Cxdilutlon flow I (discharge flow xTotal of Col. F) H . Detector lsoloplc.e!liciencles, from Fluke report 950.373 I

  • Col. G x Col. H
*Adjusted for -21%,hlgh temperature estimated* response reduction base.don Fluke lest data

E~S-AT.iA)3-021, Rev. 4 AtJaclm1ent 4, Page 3 of 9 R~~IRW-101 Alarm Se!polflt5 NEW METllOO.* Based oii: 10" N,,,;*.10 Cl'R 20 EC's Nell IOxNew Al 10CFR20EC 10CfRWEC El CiEI Anooal Appeo:Jt<B A~B De!ectioon CoiJnl. Nocfde Retease SI Tabl<i2,eo12 Table2. COl2 s~c .Cl Eifd<ricy Raio (C.) (uCl'ml) (uCl'rnQ (m\'vc.) (oCl'ml) (cpmluCl*m~ (ncpm) Ct-51 l.3-0E-03 2.38E-06 se.Q.I 6E-OJ 4.72E.Q.I 2.57E-07 1.24E+07 3

  ~11>&4                  3.IOE-04         5.&JE-07                 3E-0$            3E-04             l.68!:-03         6.14E-OS       M6Et08                       6 F&-55                   l.60E-03         2.91E-06                  1E-04           IE*oJ            2.91E*03           3~17E-07       O.OOf+OO                     0 Fe-59                   8.30E-04          1.51E-(><l               IE*05           IE*04            1.51E*02           1.04E-07       l.04EH)8                   17 Co-58                    1C40E-o2         2.&1E'05                 2E-05            2E*04            1.27E*01           nie-oo         t.OOE+oa                  204
 ~                        200E-03          3.&3E*Oil                3E-06            3E*05            1.21E.OI           3.00£-07        l.04E+OO                  77 zn*6S                   2.691'-02        4:68E*05                 5E-06            5E.Q5            9.78E-OI          5.32E*OO        S.02E*07                  261 Np-239                   l.40E.Q.I        2.&4E.07                 2E-00            2E*04            l.27E*03           2.77E-OO       O.OOE+OO                    0 Br*63                    2.50.-0S        4.54E-06                 9E-04          '9E*03             6.05E-06           4.95E*09       1.48E+OO                     0 Br-64                   2.70E-06         4.91E-09                 4E.Q.I           4E*03            1.23E*OO          6.35E-IO        3.16Et08                     0 6"85                     2.GOe-06         s.o1e-11                 OE+OO          OE+OO                                5.ME-12         &.11e+oo                     0 Rt>-00                  7.500-0S          l.36e-07                7E-06            TE*05            1.95E*03           l.48E*08       O.OOE+OO                     0 Rl>-88                   l.20E.Q.I        2.18E*07                 4E-OI            4E-03            6.45E*05          2.38E*08        3.73E+07                     I
  • St*89 2.00E-04 5.27E--07. BE-06
  • BE*OS s.s9E-03 6.i'~E*OS 9:64e+o3 0 si-90 l.toE-05 2.00E-08 6E.oi SE-00 .1:oo~;oo 2.18E*09 OJlOE*OO 0 Y-00 9.40E-06 1.11e-Oa 7E--08 1e:CS 2.44E,04 1.~e--09 *O.OOE+OO. 0 Sr-91 i.abE-os i.ase.oa 2E-05 '2E-04 1.18E-04 2.57E-09 8.13E+07 0 Y-91in 8.lDE-06 t.500-08 2E-03 2E-02 .7.90E-07 l.72E-09. 1.07E*08 .0 y.91 s.ioe-05 i.<>IE--07 8E-(><l eE-05 l.29E*03 1.13E-o3. . 2.53E*05 0 Y-93 T.40E--07 l.34E--09 2E-05 2E-04 6.72E~06 _ l.47E*IO O.OOEtOO 0 Zr-95 s.1oe:os 9.27E-o3 2E-05 2E*M 4.83E*G4 1.0IE-08 l.06Ef08 I Nl>-95 SJ!OE-05 9.45E-06 3E-05 3E*O~ 3~15E-04 1.03E-08 t.06E*08 I Mo-99 l.IOE-o2 2.00E-05 2E-0$ 2E-04 9.9:le-o2 2.1se-oo l.4!E+08 307 To-99m 1.IOE--02 2.00E-05 IE-03 IE--02 2.00E-03 2.ISE*OO l.f1E+08 242 R<>-103 3.4DE-05 8.18E-08 3E-05 3E-04 2.00E-04 6.73E*09 l.13Et08 I R<>-100 1.00E-05 1.62E*08 3E-OO 3E*05 6.00E*<>I 1.98E*09 O.OOE+OO 0 Rh-103m 3.40E-0$ 8,IBE-06 GE.OJ GE-02 1.00E-06 6.73E*09 0.00E*OO 0 Rl>-100 l,OOE-1)5 1.82E*08 OE+OO OE+OO l.9SE*09 o.ooe+oo 0 To-125m 2.SOE-05 4.5-IE-08 2E-OO 2E*04 2.27E*04 4.95E-09 2.40E+05 0 Te-12/m 2.00E-04 4.72E.OT 9E--08 9E-05 5.25E--03 5.15E-Oll l.62E+07 I Te-127 2.7DE-04 4.91E*07 1E.Q4 IE-03 4.91E-OI 5.35E*08 1.4BE+OO 0 re-mm 1.IOE-03 2.00E-00 7E-OO 7E*05 2.66E-o2 2.1BE*07 1.11E+05 0

T&-129 6.70E-Ol l.22E-06 4Eo04 4E-03 3.04E*04 1.33E*07 2 1-130 1.20E-Ol 2.1&--01 2E--05 2E-04 1.00E-03 2.38E*D8 6 Te-131m l.60E.Q.I 2.0IE--07 eE-00 'BE--05 3.63E-03 3.17E*OO l.15Et06 0 T.,_131 1*131

-r.,;132 1.132 3.ooe:OO t60*01 4.30e43 4.90E-03 5.45E-Oll 2.91E-OI l.61E-0i!

8.00E-06 8E-OO H!-06 9E-08 IE.Q.I SE--04 IE-0$ 9E-05 IE-03 e:a1e-oo

                                                                                                   *2.lilE*01 B.t8E-02 a:llOE*03 5.IME-W 3.l~E-05.

8.51E*07 o.1oe:o1 gm: l.11E+08 3.18E*08 3738 103 307 f

 ~133                     4:00e:tl2         7.27E-05                7E-06.           TE-OS           1.04E*OO           7.92E*06        f.16E*08                  919
 .1.-134                  a:OOE--05*        1.45£--0i               4E-04            4E-03            3.83e:os           t:5SE*CS.     ,~;11e*oo                   *s c.. 13-1                4.SOE--02.       8.38E-05                 9E           re-oo 3E-04 9.2$Et00             9.llE*OO 9.51E*07 2.42Et,oo U7E+06 220.J 125 1:135                    4.30E-03         1:a1e-oo                 3E-OO                             2.6oE-02 CS:.138'                8.00E.03          l.62E-05                8E--06           SE--06           2.69E,OI           1.76E-OO       3.19Et08                  562 c.. m                   3.30E-<12        a.ooi;-05                 lE-06           IE--05         .8.00E*OO            0.53e:oo       9.30Et07                  608 B:>-137m                3;1oe        5,83E-05                  1E-06           IE*OS*         5.63E*OO             8.14E;OO       9.85E*07                  605 Ba-HO                   l.IOE-04°        2.00E.07                 BE-06            BE.OS            2.5-0f-03          2.IBE*OS       4.76E*07                     I l3-HO                   l.IOE-01         2.00E-07                 llE-06           9E--05           2.21e-oo           2.IBE-08       2.2'.2E+OO                   5 Ce-141                  5.IOE-05          9.27E--03               3E--06           3E-04            3.09E-04           1.0IE-06       8.2(11;+07                   I Cc-HJ                   2.llOE-00        5.09E-09                 2E--06           2E*04            2.54E*05           5.54E*IO       7.87E*07                     0 C..14'                   320E-1)5*        5.0IE-08                 JE-06            3E*OS            1.1ME*OO           8.34E*09       1.~+07                      0 Pt*l43                  2.70E-0s         -4.91E-06                 2E-05            2E-04            2.45E-Gl           6.35E*09       O.OOEtOO                     0 Pt*l44                  3.20E*~          5.81E*06                 GE-04            8E*03            Q.69E*OO           6.34E~09       2.32E+06                     0 H-3                     5.50E*02           9.WE--01                 IE--03          IE-02          9.99E+OI             1.09£--01      0.00E+OO                     0 M!Ot.'lers              O.OOE+OO         O.OOE+OO                   IE-06           IE-07          O.OC+00            O.OOEtOO       *O.OOE+OO                     0 Total                  5.5GE+02           l.OOE<OO                                                  1.53E+02            1.09E*OI                              1G4oa TolalH-3                5.50E*02                                                                  .9.99E*01             l.09E*OI                                    0 To!a!W(()H-3             4,0SE'.01                                                                 5.28E+OI*            8.02E.()5                             10108 M: From DOCM'112*00C-2.0I Tobi* 1.1:19 (from Jobie 13 oiS&W UR(B)-150)
                                                                                      .Et (6-13-30 Dala) From Cale Paci<ogo No; ERS-SFL'92*039 F;_'l:I       140000.upm= Di!Uti>n_fborato (127.~ ppm* .15,000gpm +:7.&>ogpm) f=             9000 gpin = Dis(h_'flooi,ia!o (9,000gpin/RPRWP: l'rlth 2 RPRWPs. flow ls spl~ be!Ween CC\'/ & RSP)

Ct= 1.D9E--OI ='OiW>n FfoWratO/ (Dl$diarge f~nfat*X s,;;,, S\1.!PCj Ci_= SlxCt CR = Sun (C;I;~ = 1.GlEt04 cpm HHSP=CR= l.04E+04 cpm HSP=CRx0.7= 7.29E+03 cpm

ERS~ATL~93~Q21, Rev. 4 Attachmerit 4, Page4'of9 RM-IDA*IOOA!ann Se!Po!nl> (Mo<Jel fl!:l-32 Detector)* NEW METllOO.* Bose<I on: !Ox N.,v*!OCFR 20 EC'* n... IOXNM Al IDCfR:iOEC 10CfR2DEC El C;£1 Annual AW<n<lbc B Apperlif<< B DeteciJ:>cl Co<Jnt Re!ease SI Table2.Col2 Tali!e2, Col2 Si~C Ci Elfidency Rate (C*J (<ICl'ml) (vCl'm~ (mVuCI) (11Cl'm9 (epm.VC\'ml) (ncpm), Cr.SI O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO &E-W SE-03 O.OOE+OO O.<<h'.::*00 -1.18Et07 0 1*131 l.33E+02 2.6DE*01 IE*OO 1E*05 2.6Qe+Ol 2.IOE*OS l.11E+08 2329 M32 4.77E*OI 9.33E-02 IE*W IE*.03 9.33E+OI 7.53E*OO 2.ME+OB 2002 1*133 1.we+02 3.SOE*Of 7E-06 7E-OS 5.51E*03 3.11E*05 9.SOE*07 3017 1-134 2.33E+ol 4.56*02. 4E-Ol -4e-03 1;f4E+01 3.ME*OO 2.70Et08 993 1*135 1_.IOE,_02 2.1.5E:D1 3E*oS '3E-Ol 7.1BE+02 1,74E*OS l.11lEt08 i065 H-3 o:OOE*OO O.OOE+OO !E-03 !E-02 O.ooE+oo O.OOE+OO: O.OOEtOO 0-AMOtl>er.; D,OOE+OO o.~+oo IE-08 .IE-07 -o.ooe+oo* O:ooe'+o<i 0.00E*OO 0 Tolal 5.11Et02 l.OOE*OO 3:24E+'il4 B.OOE*OS 1<1466

-TotalH*3             O.OOEtOO                                                                       o.cioE+oo,        0.00E+OO.                                   0

. To!al\ViOH*3 s.11ei0i 3:2)E~Ol a.ooe:os* 10100_ 0 Et (~).JOR D*ta) From Calo POckogo No. ER S.Sf(:92.039 NOTE: E\-tn thotJgh'th!s rOOnlor h3'o a Moc!ei 8f3.3z dciedo<; tho vcndorrcteslhal tho elf<>end.. .re the **m* .. ttJO*e fOr lh* Mo<!el 80-30 de!e<for. . F* 88.Q gpm =DiW>n Fla.rate (TolaHrom O\Jt!3a 003), os lo!<M-s: 23.8 gprn = 0.0342 MGD fiom llltemoloiilfa~ 103 (R_efe<enco: 1/l*ADM-ooM) 38.9 gpm

  • 0.058MGDfromlntemal<Mfal303tRefe<enco:1/l*ADM-~J 24.3 gpm =35.oOOgpd from So<oodOIY Make-up (Reier~: Form 112*flN-OS.(>l.FGI)

I= *33.3 pgm ~ Dlsd>argo lromA1<< fe<d Pump Oralno IQ lnmalOullaQ 303 as ro1o-.--:;: 333 g'pin = ln!*mal Oullal 303 MjUSted for Al<< Fe<>d Dtaln (le., 3B.9gpm x !!&%) Cl c e.06e*05 =D>'\otioo Flowral* 1tDis<hargo Fi:MT>IO x Stirn S<MPC) Cl* SlxC1 CR= Sum (C.1'~ = 1.05EtGI cpm HHsP=CR.l 1.05Et(}l qjm HSP=CRx0.7=* 7.33E+ci:l cpm

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 4, Page 5 of9. R/,l-1DPd00Alarm 5elpdnlS (P.IOdel 843-32R Oeledc.r) NEWMETHOD-Base<10n: !Ox New IOCFR20 EC's* New lOxNew Al 10CFR20EC IOCfR2ii EC B CiB Annual AppendixB Apperufix B *Detection Cooot Nuclide Release SI Tabla2,Col 2 Table2;C-Ol2 SUEC .Ci Efficlency Rate (Cl) (UCf/mtJ (uCYrnl) (mt'iicl) (uWmt) (cpmfUCf/nil) (~prnj Ct*51 O.OOEtj)() o:ooe+oo ~E-()4 5E-03 O.OOEtOO O.OOE+OO O.OOEtOO 0 1*131 1.33Et02  :!.OOE*OI 1E-06 IE-o5 2.60Eto4 2.1DE*05 1.16Et06 2476 1*132 4.77Et01 9.33E*02 1E*04 1E-03 9.33Et01 7.63f*06 3.16Et06 2378 1-133 1.97E+o2 3.66E-01 7E*06 7E-05 S.51Et03 3.11E*05 1.16Et06 3&06 1-134 2.33Et01 4.56E*02 4E-04 4E*03 l.14Et01 3.68E*06 3.17Et06 1105 1*135 .1.10Et02 2.1SE*D1 3E-05 3E*04 7.16Et02 1.74E*05 1.47Et06 2551 H-3 O.OOEtOO O.OOEtOO 1E*03 1E-02 O.OOE*OO O.OOEtOO O.OOEtOO 0 All Others O.OOEtOO O.OOEtOO 1E*08 1E.07 O.OOEtOO O.OOE+OO O.OOEtOO 0 Tol31 s.11'et02 1.00EtOO 3.24E<04 6.06E-05 12177 TotalH-3 O.OOE-l-00 O.OOEtOO o.ooe..00 0 TotalWIOl:J-~; 5.11!'.0i 3.24E"°4 e.ooe.os 12177 B: (S\3,30R Data) ~rom care Pad<ago No. ERS*SA.*92*039

                                                      *NOTE: Eveo though this mon~orhasa'Model843-32R detector, lhevendct r1-01es*that the effidencte$ aro tho same as lhoso 16< thO Model 843-30R oetecior.

F" 66.9 gpm = llilul!¢<i FIOY.rate (TQ(a1 lrom Ou!lall 003).'3s f~: . . . 23.B gpm = 0:0342 MGD from tnlemal outran 103 (


lfZ*AOM-000-1) 38.9 gpm = 0.056 MGO rrom Internal Ou~all 303 (


' 112-ADM-0004) 24.3 gpm ~ 35,000 gpd froin'Secoodary l.lake-i.ip (Referooce: Foon 112-ENV-05.04.F04) I= 33.3 pgm = l:Xscha'llO f!O'M*le lromAw< Feed Pump Dtalns !olnlamalOulfal 303 as fotloMl: 33.3 gpm =Internal Ovtla~ 303 /\¢Isled roe Aux feed D!aln*Q.e., 3B.9gpmx 66'1'*) Ct= 6.00E*05 = mutioo FIQ>Malo I (DiScllilll)e Fl<mrate x Sooi SVMPC) Ci= Six Ct CR =Sum (Ci8) = 1.22Et-04 cpm HHSP*CRA 1.22Et-04 cpm HSP=CRx0.7= B.52E <03 q>l!l

ERS.-ATL,.9'3,.021, Rev. 4 Attachment 4, Page 6of9 RM-1LW* 116 Alann Selpo;nls Ne.vMelhod* Ba.,Jdoo: 10xNe.v 10CFR20 EC's N'm !Ox New l'J 10CFR20EC 10CFR20EC El OEI Annual AppendixB AppendixB Detection C-Ount N\lclide Release Si Table 20.Col :t Tabl&2, Cof 2 SVEC a EffiGiency Rate (Ci) (uCVml) (uCllmi) (ml/uCi) (uCVml) (cpmluCLlnl) (ncpm) Cr-51 1.3/lE-03 2.:JSE-06 SE-04 ,6E-03 4.72E*04 2.35E-OS t.24E*07 291 Mi\-54 3.IOE,04 5.63E--07 3E-05 3E.O.f 1.66E-<l3 5.60E*OO 1.05E+08 566 Fe-55 1.60E'03 2.91E--06 1E-04 1E*03 2.91E-<l3 2.69E;05 O.OOE<OO 0 Fe-59 8.31lE*04 *1.s1i:-oo 1E'05 1e-o.1 1,51E-02. 1.501:-05 1.04Ef-08 1581 c-0-58 1.40E-02 i54E-05 2E-05 2E.-04 1.27E'<ll 2.53e:04 1.06E+08 2683() Co-60 2'.00E-03 3:63\:-oo 3E*06 3E*OS 1.21E-OI 3.o2E*OO 1.l>!E*j)S 7015 Zn-65 2.69E-02 4.88E-05 5E*06 6E-05 9.76E-!)I 4.88E-04 5.02E<-07 24375 Np.239. 1.40E-Ol 2.54E-07 :iE-05 2E-04 l.27E-<l3 2.53E-!l6 O.OOE<-00 0 8'-83 2.60E--05 4.54E--08 9E-04 9E-<l3 5.0SE-06 4.62E*07 1:48E'°5 1 8'*84 2.70E-06 4.91E--09 4E-04 4E'03 t23E*06 4.88E*08 3.16E*08 15 8'-85 2.aOE-08 ;5.09E-11 OE<-00 OE<-00 5.00E-10 6.71E.W 0 Rl>-66 7.60E-05 l.36E-07 7E-06 7E-05 1.95E-03 1.36E*OG 0.00E<-00 0 Rl>'88 1.20E*04 2.18E*07 4E*04 4E-03 6.45E-05 2.17E*06 3.73Et-07 81 St*S9 2.90E-04 5.27E-07 SE-06 SE-05 6.69E-03 5.24E-06 9.84Ei03 0 St-00 1.lOE-05 2.00E--08 SE-07 6E-06 4.00E-03 1.99E*07 O.OOE<OO 0 St-91 MOE*OO l.71E*08 2E*05 2E-O-I 8.54e.--0s 1.70E.*07 0.00E+-00 0 y.90 1.JOE.j)S 2.36E-08 7E-06 7E-05 3.37E-04 2.35E*07 6.13E+07 19 Y*9fm 8.70E*08 f.68E-08 2E*03 2E-02 7.00E-07 l.67E*07 1.0JEt-08 17 5.70E-05 1.()IE--07 8E*08 SE-05 1.29E-03 1.03E-06 2.53Ei05 0 y.93 7.40E;07 1.34E-09 2E-<l5 2E-04 6.72E.00 1.34E-oS O.OOE+OO o. z,..95 5.IDE-05 9.27E*08 2E-05 2E-O-I 4.63E-04 9.22E-07 1,00E+oa 98 ~95 5.20E.QS 9.45E--08 3E--05 3E-04 3.16E-04* 9.40&07 1:06Et-08 100 Mo-99. 1.10E:02 2.00E--05 2E'05 2E-04 9J)9E-02 1:we-.<i4 1.41Et-08 20011 Tc*ll9m. 1.lOE-02 2.00E-05 IE-03 1E-02 2.00E-03 199&04 1.11Et00 22076 Rll:,103 3.40E:05 .,6.18i;:.Qll 3E-05 3E-04 2.06E-04 6.15E*07 .1.13Ei08 69 Ru-106 1.00E-05 f.82E-08 3E*\)!l 3E-05 6.0SE-04' 1.SIE-07 o.ooe..00 0 rul-103m 3.40E;os 8.18E-08 6E-03 6E-02 1.03E-06 6.15E*07 O.OOEt-00 0 Rh*I06 1.00E.,05 l.82E-08 OE+oo OEi()() 1.61E*07 Q.OOEi-00 0 Te-125m *2.50E.Q5 4.64E-06 2E--OS 2E-04 2.27E-Ol 4.52E-07 2.40Et-05 0 Te-127m 2.60E*04 4.72E-07 9E-06 9E-OS 5.25E.:03 4.7oe:oo 1.62Ei07 16 Te-127 2.70E'04 4.0IE--07 IE-04 1E-03 4.9fE*04' 4.88&00 1.48E<-06 7 Te-129m 1.10E-03 2:ooe.oa 7E*Ofl 7E-<J5' 2.86E-02 1.99&o5 1.11E<05 2 Te-129 6.70E*04 *1.22E-06 4'e-04 4E-03 3:1l4E-Ol 1.211:-05 t69E<-07 205 1-130 1.20E*04 2-18E*07 2E-OS .2E-04 1.09E-03 2.17E*06 2.65Ei08 676 Te-131m 1.60E-04 2.91E--07 6E-06 SE-05 3.635-03 2.69E*OO 1.15Ei06 3 T<>-131 3.00E*OS 5.45E-06 8E*05 SE-04 6.SIE-05 5.42E-07 1.11Et-08 60 1-131 1.60E*01 2.91E*04 IE*06 IE.QS 2.91E+Of 2.89E-03 1.18Et-08 341338 Te-132 4.30E-03 7.81E-06 si:-00 9E--05 6.68E-02 7.77E-05 1.21Ei08 Sl07 ~132 4.00E-03 6.00E-06 tE-04 1E-03 6.00E-03 6.86E-05 3.16Ei08 27994 ~133 4.00E*02 7.27E-05 7E-OQ 7E-05 l.()4E.+-00 7.2JE*04 1.16E.<08 83888 ~134 8.oOE-<l5 1.45E--07 4E-04 4E-<l3 3.6JE.Q5 1.45E-06 3. 17E+08 458 Cs-134. *4.60E'02 8.36E--05 9E-07 9E-06 9.29E+OO 8.32&04 2.42E*08 201268 1*135 *4.30E*03 7:61E*06 :iE--05 3E*04 2.60E*02 7.77E*05 l.47Et-08 11428 Cs-136 8.90E-03 1.62E-05 6E-08 *eE:.os 2.69E-01 '1.61E*04 3.19E+08 51329 Cs-137 3.30E-o2 6.00E-05 1E-06, 1E.:0S *s.OOE+-00 s.*97E-04 9.30E+07 55485 8a-!37m 3.IOE-02 5.63E*05 IE-06 IE.()5. ,5.63E<-OO 5.60E-04 9.85Et-07 65205 sa:140 1.10E-Ol 2.00E-07 SE-06 BE-OS 2.60E*03 l.99E*06 4:76E+07 95 U.*140 1.IOE-04 2.00E-07 9E*06 9E-05 2.22E-03. t.99E*06 2.22E+08 441 Ce-141 5.10E;05 9.27E--08 3E-05 .JE-04 3:09E-M 9.22E-07 6.2QE>07 57 Ce-l43 *2.SoE-06 .s:wE--09 2e.os 2E-04. 2.54E:05 5.06E*08 7.87Ei07 4 ~144 3.20E-05 5.81E,OS Je.oo 3E:05 l.94E*P3 5.79E*07 1.38E<07 e Pr-143 2.70E-05 4.91E--06 2E-OS 2E-04' 2.45E-O-I 4.88E-07 0.00E<-00 0 Pr-144 3.20E-05 5.61E*08 6E-G4 i>E-03 9.69E*OO 6.79E:o7 2.32E+06 1 H-3 5.50E+o2 9.00E-01 tE-03 1E:02 9.99Et-01 9.94E<-00 O.OOE<-00 0 All Othen; 0.00E+oo O.OOEt-00 1E*08 1E--07 O.OOE<-00 O.OOE*OO O.OOEt-00 0 Total 6.60E+o2 1.00E<-00 1.53E+o2 0.0SE<-00 950500 To!alH*3 5.50E+o2 9.99E+01 9.94Et00 0 TotaiW/OH-3 4.05E-OI .5.28E.+OI 7.33E.*03 950429 l'J: From OOCM 112-0DC2.0l'Tabla 1.l*1a (rrom Table 13of s&W UR(B}-160) S: (64:i:3o' Da!a) From C&lc Package No. ~S,SFL-92-039 f= 22aoo*gpm = Di!ulloo Fl!Mr.!le ( gpm

  • 7,600gpm) f= 15 gpm ,= Oisdlarge No.wata Ct= 9.9SE+OO =OMonFl!Mr.!le/(!Xsclm9eFlowratexSumSll!.IPC)
           .Cl= SfxCI CR a Sum (CiEIJ =         9.50E*O;i cpm HHSP,:.CR=           9.60E<-05 cPm HSP=CRx*o.7 =*           6.QSE.t-05 cpm
;.*.:'.t* ..
  • ERS-ATL~93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 4, Page 7 of 9 Rl,\-1LW*1()4 Alarm Selpolnls NEW METHOD* Based co: !Ox N".v 10 CFR 20 EC's NM .10xNcrN Al; 10CfR20EC !OCFR20.eC El Ci El Annlial AWen~x B AppenOOis Oele<:lion Goon!

NucMe Release SI Tab'e2,Col2 Tab!a t. Col 2 SI/EC a Ef(lcleocy Rafe

                          '(6)                                    (t.C\'ml)         cua1m11       (ml'uO)'            (vC<lml)        (tpm!UCUml)           (ncpm)

Ct-51 1.30E*03 2.3SE*06 5E*04 5E-03 4.72E-OI 1'01E*05 1.24Ef07 125 Mn-54 3.10E*G4 5.GlE*07 3E-OS 3E-OI l.8aE-03 2.40E*06 1.05Et06 252 Fe-55 1.60E.-03 2.01E*OO 1E41 IE-03 2.91E-03 1.24E*05 0.00EtOo 0 Fe-59 8.30E*04 1.51E*06 IE-05 1E-04 1.516-02 6.43E*06 l.04Et06 669 C<>-56 1.40E*02 2.54E-05 2E,05 2E*04 1.21£.01 1.08E*04 1.00Et06 11498 C0-60 2.00E*03 3.63E*06 3E-06 3E*05 f.21E*01 1.5SE-OS 1.94Et00 3006 Zn~65 2 .69£-02 1.88£*05 5E-OO 5E-05 9.76E:01 2.08E*04 5.02Ef07 10446 Nt>-239 t,40E*04 2:5-lE-07 *2e-os 2E-04 1".27E-03 1;oae:oo O.OOEtOO 0 B<<83 2.SOE-05 4.54E-08 9E-04 9E*03 5.0sE-06 1,94E*07 1.4SE*06 *o Br*M 2.7-0E-06 4.91E*W 4E-04 4E-03 1.ZlE-00 2.09E*08 3.16Et06 7 Br-85 2.00E-08 6.09E*l1 OEtOO OEfOO 2. l7E'10 6.71Et06 0 Rb-86 7.SOE 1.3iie:o1 7E:o& 7E-05 1.95E*03 5.81E-07 *0.00EtOO 0 Rl>-86 1.20E*04 2.18E-07 4E-04 4E-03 6.45E-05 9.30E-07 3.73Ef07 35 Sr-89 2.00E-04 5.27E-07 aE.00 6E-Os 6.59E-03 2.isl;.00 9.64Etii3 0

,s;.90                     *1.1oe.Os          2.00E-08              SE-07             5E-05          4.00E-03             8.S2E-08          O.OOEtOO                       0
  • &*91 9.40E*06 1.11e.oa 2E-05 2E-OI 8.54E*05 1:2se.oa 0.00E+-00 0 y.90 1.30E-05 2.36E-06 7E--06 1E;05 3.37E-04 l.01E-07 '8.13Ef07 6 Y*9lm 6.70E:06 1.58E*08 2E-03 2E-02 7.00E-07 6.74E-06 1.07Et08 7 Y-91 5.70E-05 -1.o.tE-07 BE*OO 8E-05 1'.29E-03, 4.42E*07 2.53Ei05 0 y.93 7.40E-07 1.3.\E-09 2E-05 2E-04 6.72E-06' 6:73E*09. O.OOEiOO 0 z;.95 5.10E'05 9:27E-08 2&05 2E-04 4.63E*04 3.95&07 1.06Et06 42 Nl>-95 6.20E.-05 9,4SE-06 3E-05 3E-04 3.15E-04 4.03E*07 l.00Et08 43 Mo-99 1.10E--02 2.00E-05 2E-05 2E-04 9.99E-02 a:52E*OS l.41Et08 12018 To-99m l.10E-02 2.00E-05 IE-03 lE-02 2.00E-03 8.S2E*Os l.11Et06 '9-161 RIJ.103 3.40E-05 6.18E*08 3E-05 3E*04 2.00E-04 2.63&07 \.13Et06 30 Ru-106 1.00E*05 l.82E*08 3E-06 3E-05 6.00E*04, 7.75&08 O.OOE+-00 0 Rti-1o3m 3.40E;65 6.18E*08 6E-03 6E*02 l.03E*06 2.63E*07 0.00E+-00 0 Rh-108 t.OOE-05 1.82E*08 QEtOO OEt-00 7.75E*08 O.OOEtOO o' Te-125m 2.SOE-05 4.&lE--06 2E*05 2E-04 2.27E41 l.ME*07 2.40Ei05 0 Te-127m 2.fioe-04 4.72E-07 9E-06 9E*OS 5.25E*Ol 2.0lE-06 l.62Ef07 33 Te-127 2.70E-04 4.91E-07 IE-04
  • tE-03 4.91&04 2.09E*OO 1.48E'°6 3 To-129m 1.tOE-03 2.00E-06 7E-06 7E-05 .2.BSE-02 a.62&00 1.11EiOS 1 Te-129 6:1oe-04* 1.22E*OO 4E-04 4E*03 3.04E-04 5.19E;ll6 l.69Ef07 66 1*130 1'.20e;04 2..1SE*07 2e.Os 2E*04 l.09E-03 *o.:i<iE-07 2.65E+08 246 Te-131m 1.60E-04 2.91E-07 8E-06 8E*05 3.63EC03 l.24E*06 \.15E*OO 1 Te-13i 3.00E-05 6.45E-08 BE-OS ai;.04 6.SIE-05 2.32E-07 1.11Et06 26 1*131 l.OOE*01 2.91E-04 1E'06 lE-05 2.9lloi01 l.24E*03 l.18Et08 146267 Te-132 4.30E-03 7.BIE-06 9E*06 9E-05 8.68E-02 3.33&05 1.21Et08 4031 1-132 4.00E-03 S.OOE*OO 1E41 1E*03 6.00E-03 3.80E*OS* 3.16Et08 11007 1*133 4.00E-02 7.27E-05 7E-06 7E-05 1.04E+-00 .3.IOE-04 1.16E+-OS 35952 1-134 6.00E-05 1.45E-07 4E*04 4E-03 3.63E-05 6._:2QE;*07 3.17E+-08 100 Cs*134 4.60E,02 a::ise-05 9E-07 9E-06 9.29E+-OO '3.56&04 2.42Et-OS 86254 1*135. 4.30E*03 7.81E*06 3E.05 3E-04 2.60!0-02 3:33e.os 1.47Ei-08 4898 Cs-136 6.00E-03 t62E-05 6E.-06 6E-05 2.69E*01 6.QOE-05 :i.19Ei08 21996 Cs-137 3.:lOE-02 s:ooe.os 1E-06 1E*05 6.00EtOO 2.S6E*t>> 9:30Ef07 23779 Ba-137m 3.lOE-02 5.63E-05 1E-06 IE*05 5.63Ef00 2.40E-04 9.S5Ei07 23659 Ba-140 1.lOE-04 2.00E*07 BE-06 6E*G5 2.SOE,03 8.52E*07 4.78Et07 41 La-140 1;10E*()4 2.00E-07 9E-06 9E-05 2.22E-03 6.52E-07 .2.zle+oa 189 Ce-141 5.IOE*oS 9'.27E-08 3E*05 3E.o'.I 3.09E*Ci4 3.95E*07 6.20Ef07 24

,Ce-143 2.60E-06 5.00E-09 iE-05 2E.o'.I 2.&lE.-05 2.17E*Oa iB7Et07 2 Ce-.144 3.20E*05 5.81E-06 3E-06 3e-as _1:9-le-OJ 2.48e:o1 1.30Et07 3 Pr;14:i 2.70E*05 4.91E-06 2E-05 2&04 2.45E-04 2.09E*07 O.OOEtOO 0 Pr*144 3.20E*05 5.81E-06 6E-04 6E-03 9.69E-06 2.46&07 2.32E+00 1 fi-3 5.50Ei02 g.99E-01 IE-03 1E-02 9:99E,i01 '4.26Et00 O.OOEtOO 0 A!IOll1era O.OOEiOO O.OOEi-00 lE-06 IE*07 O.OOEfOO O.OOEfOO O.OOEtOO 0 Total 5.50Ei02 1,ooet00 1.53Ei02 4.26Ei00 407357 To!al H-3 5.50Et02 9.99Et01 4.26Et00 0 Total WIO H-3 4.0SE:-01 5.28Ei01 3.14E-03 407327

                                                                   ,Al: from OOCM 112-ooc.2.01Table1:1*1a (from Tab!o 13of S&W UR(B)-160)

B: (843-30 Data) fre)(li ca!c ~* No. ERS-Sfl*92.0'J9 f= 22600 gpm :llJlutioo fb\rate (15,000gpm

  • 7,600gprn)

I* 35 gpm = Distharge Hai.rate Cl= 4.28Etoo = Diotioo FkMralo/ (D<schargo Fro-mto x Sum Sl.MPC) Ci* SlxCt CR =Som (Ci8) = 4.07Et05 Cpm HHSP*'CR= '4.07Ef05 Cj)(ll HSP=.CR~0.7 = WEiOS tpm

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 4, Page 8 of 9 2SOORQ100 Alarm Setpolnts NEW METHOD* Based on: 10xNeH 10,CFR20 EC's New 10xNew

                         ,Al                               IOCFR20EC'        10CFR20EC                                                        El               CiEI Annual                                   Appeei<1>x B     Ap/>eO<l'o<B                                             DEtection             Coon!

Nvcfde Rereaso St Tab!e2;COl 2, Table 2, COi 2' ,SUEC 'Ci Effidency 'Rate (Cl) (uCi!ml) (ugt'mlJ (m\IUQ) (uCilml) (qm'..olm~ (ncpm) Ct'51 *1.00E*04 1.82E-07 5E-il4 5E-03' 363&05 3:92e.01 2.01E+o7 6 Mn-54 2.60E-05 4.ME-08 3E-05 3E-Ot 1:51E-04 9.61E*OS 1,27E+-08 12 Fe-55 l.30E-04 2.36E*07 1E-04 IE-03 2.36E-04 5.IOE-07 O:oOE<-00 ,o Fe-59 6.50E-05 1.1BE*07 1E-05 1E-04 1.1ee-03 2:5Sio.07 1.26E+<l6 32 eo-58 1. 10E-03 2.00E-00 2E-OS 2E-04 9.99E*03 4.32E-06 1.82EtQ8 786

 ~                        1.60E-04            2.91E*07             3E*06             3E*05            9.69E-03              6.28E-07       2.38E+-08                   119 Zn*65                   5:10E-02            9.27E-05              SE-00             6E-05            1.85Ef()(I           2.00E-04        6.60E+07                 13025 Np-239                  3.20E-05                                                                                                           1.65E+o8 Br*83                    2.00E-05 6.82E-08 5.27E-08 2E-05 9E-04 2E-Ot SE-03 2.91E-04 5.86E-06 1.26E-07 1.14E*07       2.42E+o8               ' 210 8<*84                     5.00E-09            1.07E-11             4E-04           *4&-03             2.6SE-09             2.32E*11        1.38E+o8                      0 Rl>-60                  3.70E-05            6.72E-08              7E-06             7E-05            9.61E*04              1.45E*07        1.04E+o7                     2 Sr*OO                    2.20E-05            4.00E*08              OS-06             8E*05            5.00E-04             6.63£*08         l.83E+-04                    0 sr,oo                    6.60E-07             1.64E-09             SE-07             5E-06            3.09E-04             3.3-IE-09       0.00E+OO                      0 Sr-91                    s.30E-OO            o:63E-09             2E-o5             2E-04.            4.82E,05.            2.oae-oa        1.04E+08                      2.

Mo-99 ~.30E-03 4:16E-06 iE-05 2E-OI 2:ooe-02 *9.03E*06 4:41E+67 403 Tc-99111: i.1oe-03 3.82~*06' iE-03 IE-02 J:oiE-04 6.24E.'OO {.40E'°8 1154 Te-125m 1.!l()e-00 3.45E.Q9 2&05 2E--04 1.73E-OS M.6E:09 3.94E+o5 0 Te-127m 2.1oE-05 3.62E*08 9,E-06. GE-05 4.24.E-04 8.24E-08 1.26Et05 0 T~127 2.5i!E-05 4.64E*08 IE-04 IE.:03. 4.64E:05. 9.81E*06 2:43E+o8 0 Te-129rn 8:20E-05 1.49&07 7E-06 '7E-05 2.13E--03* 3.22E*07 6.53E+o8 2 T&')29 e.3oe-Os il.63E-.oa 4E-04 4E-03 *2-41E-05* 2.06E-07 1.96E+o7 4 1-130 2.30E*ll;4 4.18E-07 2E-05, 2E-04 2.09E*03 9.03E*07 5.18Ef-08 46!! te-131m 5.20E-OS *9.45E-08 OE-06 ilE-05 l.18E*03 2.0-IE 2.sset-08 58 Te-131 9:40E-06 1.71E-08 8E-05 6E-04 ,2.ME-05 3.69E-08 1.88E+oo 7 1*131 l.OOE-01 1.62E*o4 lE*OO IE-OS 1.62E~1 3.92E*04 tooe+oa 76924 Te-132 7.SOE-04 U2E*06 BE-06 9E-05 . l.67E-02 3.o6E-06 1.76E+o8 539 1-132 2.30E-03 4.18E-06 IE-04 1E-03 4.18E*03 9.03E*OO 4.22E+o8 3809 1*133 6.50E-02 l.18E*04 7E-08 7E-05 l.69E+OO 2.65E-04 1.73E*08 44133 1*134 4.SOE-06 a36E-09 4E*04 4E-03 2.09E*06 1.61E.OO 4.00E+-08 7 Cs*l34 3.00E-02 5.45E*05 9E-07 9E-06 6.06Et-00 1.18E*04 3.25E+08 38266 1*135 9.2QE-03 1.67E*05 3E-05 3E-04 5.57E-02 3.61E-05 1.71E+08 8174 Cs-136 3.00E-03 7.09E-OO 6E.o6 6E-05 1.18E*01 1.63E-05 428E+08 6551 Cs-137 2.20E-02 4.00E-05 1E*08 IE-05 4.00Et-00 8.63E*05 1.28E+o6 1\052 Ba-140 9.30E-06 1.69E*08 BE.06 BE-05 2.\1E-04 3.65E*08 7.50E+07 3 la-140 8.40E-06 1.53E-08 9E-OO 9E-05 \.10E*04 3.30E*08 3.0BE+oo 10 y.90 8.00E-07 l.09E*09 7E-06 lE-05 l.56E*05 2.35E*09 O.OOE+oo 0 Y*91m 3.60E-06 6.54E*09 2E-03 2e-02* 327E-07 1.4\E*Os l.59E+-08 2 Y*91 4.4-0E-06 8.00E-.09 oE-06 8E-05 9,00E*OS* 1.73E*08 3.65E+05 0 y.93 3.00E-07 6.46E*IO 2E-OS 2E-04 2.7:}!;-,()6' l.18E*09. 2.03E+07 0 Zr*95 4.00E-06 7.27S:09 2E-05 2E-O-i ,3.63E l.57E*06 1.35E+o8 2 ,Nb-95 4.00E*06 7.27E*09 JE-05 3E-04 '2.42E-05' 1.57E:oa 1.33E+o6 2: Ru*103 2.70E-06 4;91E-09 3E-05 3E:().i 1.il4E:cis \.OOE*Os 1.ilEtoa 2 R\J.106 6.2oE-07 \.49E-09 35-06 3E*05 4.97E-05 3.22E-09 0.00E*OO* 0 Rll-IOOm 2.70E-06 4.91E*09 6E-03 SE-02 6.IBE,()a 1.o6E-06 O.OOEtOO 0 Rli*IQG Ce-'141 B.20E-07 4.00E-06 1:49E-09 7.27E*W OE:.00 3E-OS OEt-00 3E-OI

                                                                                              -      2.42E-05

1.67E*08 5.65E+o7 7.75E+o7 0 1 Ce-143 B.OOE-07 't56E-69 2E-05 2E-04 7.81E*06 3.38E-09 1.2QEf08 0 Ce-'144 2.WE-06 4.72E*09 3E-06 3E-05 l.57E-O-I 1.02E*08 \.67E+o7 0 Pr*143 2.30E,OO 4.16E*09 2E-05 2E*04 2,09E-05 9.03E-09 \.63E+OO 0 Pr-144 2.60E-06 4.72E-09 66-04 6E-03 7.87&07 l.02E-08 3.40E+06 0 H-3 5.50E+o2 9.99E*OI IE-03 IE-02 9.99+ol 2.16E+OCI O.OOE+oO 0 All Olhers 0.00E+OO 0.00E+oo lE-08 IE-07 0.00EtOO O.OOEHJO O.OOE+oo 0 Total *S.60E+o2 l.OOEf()(I t.32E+02 2.16E+oo 203612 Total H-3 5.50Ei-02 9.99E+O\ 2:16Et-00 0 Total Wio 1~3 2.91E-01 3.20E+OI 1.14E-03 203612 Al: From OOCM 112-000:2.0I Table 1.1-!b (from Tabla 13.o! S&W UR(ll)-160) El: (RD-53 Data) Fiom Ca!c Paci<age No. ERS-SFL-86-026 F= 22600 gpm ~ 0.1ution Flo'male (i5,000gprn + 7.800gpm) f= 80 gprn = Discharge flimale

  • Cl= 2.16E+oo : Dau1Jon FICMrale/ (Discllarge FlQJ.rate xSum Sfh,\f'C).

Cl= SlxCI CR=S!JllCiB= 203612 *epm Eia rN/O H-3) =(CR)'/ (Sum' Ci)" l.76E+08 cpm/liC!lml CF*l1 c'onvetS!oo Factor'= 1 /E!a= 5.61E-1l9 uCUmVcpm DV=CF\I X(i;'um CiEJ)= l.14E-03 uCVml' HSP=DV"' WE-03 uCi/ml ASP= DVX 0.7:,, 7.99E:04. uCi/ml

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attaclm1ent.4, Page 9of9 2SWS'RQ101 & A!arm'Se!po!nts NEW METHOD *.Base<! on: 10 x' New .10 CFR 20 EC's 2SWS*RQ102 . .. ' .

  • Ne.v* *10xNew AJ, 10 c:fn'26 EC* IOCFR'20EC El OEI AM<GI Apperi(jo(,B AppeOOOcB *0eiec~on Count Nui:lid08 4 Co-58 1.70E-02 6.38E-03 2E-06 2E-04 3.19E<il1 4.39E-07 1.82E<-08 80 Co-60 i lOE,03 7.88E*Cl4 3E--06 3E-05 2.63E+ol 5.42&0& 2.38Et0& 13 Zn-GS 5.IOE*02 l.91E-02 SE-06 5E-05 3.63Et02 l.32t'*OO 6.50Et07 66 Np-239 1.30E-03 4.6aE-04 2E*05 2E-04 2.44Ei00 3.35E*oil 1.65Et-08 6
&*63                  5.50E*03           2.oeE:-03                SE-04            9E-03.           2*2se.01          1.42E-07        2.42E<-06                    0 B<-&I                 3.oOE*03           1.13E-03                '4E-04            4E'03            2.61E-01          7.74E*08         1.38Et08                  11 Bt-85                 3.50E~             l.31E-04                o*ettJO          OE<-OQ                              0.03E-09        9.04E+<i6                    0 Rb-86                 9.IOE*05           3.41E-05                 7E-06            7E'05.            4.88E-bl         2.35&09          1.04Et07                    0 Rl>-88                2.30e-0i           8.63E-02'                4E-04            4E-03'         ..2.16E,+ol         5.94E*OO        4.84E+o~                  287 Sr-$                 .J.~OE-04           (JSE--0:4                ae-00           .ae:os*          *1.74Ei00          9.55E-09         1.63E+04                    0 Sr-90                  1.10E*05        -4:13&06                   5E-07            6&06.            a.26E,OI          2.84E,10        O:OOE+-00'                   6 Sr-91                 7.20E-04           2.1be-0;4                2E-OS            2E-04            1.35E4-0Q         l.86E*08         1.0:IEt-08                  2
~io.99                *o:ooe-02          3.38E-W*                 2E-05            2E-04            1.69Et02          2.32E*OO        4.47E+-07                 104 Tc-99:n               MDE-02            2ooE-e2                   1E-03            1E-o2            2.03E+oo          1.39E*06         l.40Et08                 195 Te,125m               3.10E*05           t16E-Os                  2E-05            2E-o4             6.82E'02         a.ooE:,10       3.94Et05 0
                                                                                                                                                                  .0 Te-127m               3.0oE-04           1.13E*04                 9E-06           ,9E*05            1.25Efllo         7.74E*09         1.26Et05                    0 Te-127 .              9.40!0-04         3:63E-04                  lE-04            lE-03*           3.Q3E-OI          2.43E*08        2.43E'°6                     0 Te-129m                1.50E'03          5.63E*04                 7E--06           7E-05            8.04Et00          3.87E-08        6.53E<-06                   0 Te-129                 1.80E-03          6.76E,04                 4E-04            4E-03             l.69E--OI        4.GsE*08         Ul6Et07                     1 j.131)                2.30E-03           8.63E41                  2E*05            2E-04            4.32Et00          5.IME-08        6.18Et08                   31 Te-l31m               2.70E-03           1.0IE-03                 8E-06            8E*05            1.27Et-01         6.97E*08        2.85Et-08                  20 Te-131                 1.3-0E-03         4.68E-04                 8E-05            8E-04             6. IOE-01        3.35E-08         1.ll8Et08                   6 1*131                 2.90E.01           1.00E-01                  1E--06          1E-05            1,<XlEt04         7.48E-06         1.96Et08                1487 Te-132                2.00E*02           l.OOE-02                 9E-OO            9E-05            1.21Et-02         7.4llE*07        l.76E<-08                132 Mn                     1.10E-01         4.131'-02                 1E-04            IE-03            4.13EtOI          2.84E*OO        422E<-08                 1198 1-133                 4.20E--01          Ui6E-01                  7E-06            7E*05            2.25Eto3          1.08E*05         1.73E<Oa                1875 1-134                 5.40E*.02          2.00E--02                4E-04            4E-03            5.07Et00          j,39E'.06       4.06E<Oa.                 600 Cs-134                2.70E-02           l.OIE,02                 9&07             OE-06            1.13E+03'         6.97E-07        3.25Et00                  226 1-135                 2. IOE*Ol          7.8SE-02                 3E-05            3E*04            2.63E*02          5.42&00          t71E<-08.                927 C:S:136                l.40E-02          5.25E--03                GE-00            6E-05           8.76E*01         . 3.61E*07        428Et08                   155
  • cS'l37 1.00E-02 7;13E-03 1E-06 IE-05 7.13Efllz* 4.!IOE-07 1.28E:t08. 63 Ba-137m* l.OOE*02 7.13E;03 1E-06 1e:05 7.13Et02 4.00E-07 1.33E><la 65 Ba*140 2.30E-04 ti63E-05 8E-00 8E-05 l.08Et00 5.94E-09 7.50Et07* 0 la-140 1.soe-04 6:ooe-05 oe:oo 9E-05 '6.67E,01 4,13!'*09. 3.QBE*oa 1 Y-00 1.39E-()6 4.88tfo'7 7E-OO 7E-05 8.97E-03 3.35E*lt o.ooe+oo 0 v-91m 4.20E-04 Mae-04 2E--03 2E-02 7.88E-03 t:O!\E-08 1.59Ei08 2 Y*9l 6.eoE--05 2.65E-05 8E-06 SE--05
  • 3.19E-0.1 1.75E-q9 3.55Et05 0 y.93 3.60E--05 1.43E*oS 2E-ll5 2E-04 '7.l3E--02 9.81E*10 2.03Et07 0 Zl*95 6.30E-05 2.J6E--OS 2E-05 2E*W 1.18E-OI l.63E-09 t.35E+-08 0 Nl).95 5.JOE-05 'l.99&05 3E-0s 3E-04 6.63E~02 l.37E-o9 1.33Et06' 0 Ru-1()3 4.70E-05 l.76E-05 3E--05 3E*04 5.00E-02 l.21E*09 1.71808 0 Ru-106 1.lOE-06 4.l3E-06 3E-OO 3E-05 l.38E-01 2.84E-10 O.OOE+OO 0 Rh*103m 5.20E--05 1.95E-05 6E-03 6E-02 3.25E-04 l.34E-09 O.OOEtOO 0 RJ\.106 1.20E-06 HOE.OS OEtOO OE+oo 3.10E*10 5.65Et07 0 Ce-141 7.40E-05 2.78E--05 3E-0s 3E-04 9.26E-02 l.91E*o9 7.75E+-07 0 Ce-143 4.30E-OS 1.61E-05 2e.()5 2E-04 8.07E-02 1.11E*09 1.20Et08 0 Ce-144 3.50E-05 l.31E-06 3&06 3E-05 4.36E-OI 9.03E-IO 1.87E+-07 0 Pr*l43 5.30E*05 1:ooe-0s 2E--05 2E-04 9.94E*02 1.37E-OO 1.63Et00 0 Pr*l44 3.SOE-05 l.43E--05 ee~ 6E-03 2.38E-03 9.8i6-10 3.:IOE*OO 0 li-3 1.00EtOO 3.75E-01 IE-03 IE-02 3.76E*OI 2.sae:os. O.OOEtOO 0 AllO!hero O.OOE+oo O.OOEtOO IE-08 IE:07 O.OOEtOO O.OOE+oo Q.OOEtOO 0 Total :rnae;oo l.OOEtOO 1.69E<-04 6.88E*05 7626 TOlalH-3 . *1.ooe+-00 3.76E*OI 2.68e. 05 0 TolalW/OH-3 f.86E.t00 1.69Et-04 4~30&05 7525 Al: From s &WCa!c Pad<age No. UR{B) 299-0.

El: (R0.53 Data) From Ca!cPackaQe No. ERS-SFt*86-026 F* 6400 gpm = !>.'flllioo FlCMta1a f= = 7220 gpm Diocharge flO'o>rala Cl= G.88E-05 = DiutiQl1 fkrM'*!e /(Discharge fk1Male x Som Stlf.iPC) Ci= Six Cl CR=SumOEl* 752.5 cpm Ela ft//O H-3) * (CR) I (Sum Cl)= l.76Et08 cpmluCl/ml Cf-11 COnl'C<SIOO FaciO< = 1 /Ela. 6.71E-09 uCVmVcpm DV,,Cfllx(SumCiEJ)= 4.30E--05 uCUml HSP=OV= 4.30E-05 uC\lml ASP=DVx0.7= 3.01E-05 .uCl'ml

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attachment 5, Page 1 of 1 Determination of 'Zn-65 Ci/yr value. for ODCM ';l'able Ll-la & 1.1-lb Unit 1 (For ODCM 1/;j*ODC-2~0). Table 1.1-la)r 1). LetdownVolume Determination:


60 gpm RCS:Letdown Rate from 1/2-0DC>3.01Table13:1a 3 .15E+07 gal= Total RCS Volume Letdownfr11 yr *. or gal ;; gpm 1< 60 min/hr x 24 hr/day x 365 day/yr

l. 19E+l 1 ml = total Vol.unie converted to_ ml , or ml = gal x 3785 ml/gal
2) Determination ofAcllvlly Input to Liquid Waste In 1 yr
4. SOE- 03 uCi/ml = Estimate of RCS Zn-65 Concentration 5.37E+08 uCI = Esllmate of RCS zn;65Activitylnput lo LW in 1 yr 5.37E+02 Cl =*Zn-65Uquid Waste Input Activity converted .to Ci, or Ci = uCI x 1E-6 Cl/uCI
3) Determination of Zn-65 Activity Release for 1/2-0DC-2.01 Table 1.1"1a 20000 DF = TotalZn-65 Decontamination Factor thru all CVC-S & LW Filters& Demineralizers.

NOTE: This value was derived from the values llsted In ODCM 1/2-0DC-3.01 Taqle B:1a. Although this table lists

                                     ;1other" DF's as 1E+7, a more appropriate value of 20000 Is used (le; the lowest of all DF's listed).

2.69E-02 Cl = Estimate of Zn-65 Activlty Release per year , or Ci= Cl !OF) Unit 2 (For ODCM 1/2-0DC.o2. 01 Table 1.1-lb) I

1) Letdown Volume Determination: . .

57 gpm =RCS Letdown Rate from 1:12-0DC-3.01 Tabla B:1b 3:, OOE+o? gal= Total RCSVolume Letdown In 1 yr, or gal = gpm x 60 min/hr x 24 hr/day x 365 day/yr 1.13E+ll ml =Total Volume converted to ml, or ml =gal x 3785 ml/gal 2} D.eterminatlon of Activity Input to Liquid Was!e In 1 yr

4. SOE~ 03 uCi/ml = Estimate of RCS Zn-65 Concentratlon 5.10E+08 uCI::: Estimate of RCS Zn-65 AcUvlly Input to LW In 1 yr 5.1 OE+02 Ci =Zn-65, Liquid Waste Input Activity converted to Cl, or Cl = uCi x 1E~6 .Cl/uCI
3) Det~rm{natlon otzn~65 Activity Release for .1/2-0DC-2.01 Table 1.1-1 b
              .        ioooo QF =Tota1Zn-65Decontamlnatlon Factonhru.all CVCS &.LW Filters & Demlnerallzers.

NOTE:_ This value wa~'~erlved from the: values listed In GDCM 1/2-0DC"3.01 Table'B:1b. Although this table lists "other DF's as high as 1E+5, a more appropriate value of 10000 Is used {ie; the lowest of all "other DF's listed). 5.1 OE-02 Cl = Estimate of Zn-65 Activity Release per year , or _, --., _, pi=_~l.f.Df) *;.,,,,,,,, , :

ERS-A:TL-93-021, Rev. 4 A'ttaclupent 6, Page 1 of 2 Evaluatlon of the effect on (RM*10A*10Q) Alarm Setpolnts duo to.Detector Upgrade* QONCLUS!ON; The alarm setpolnls rorthe analog drawer/meter face of[~M-1DA*100j, as pteviously provided tn Calculation No. 8700*UR(B)-223, Rev o. are still valid and do noi require revision, Therefore, the alarm selpolnls SHALi., remain al the current values, as follows:


HHSP 1.20E+04 cpm HSP =8.43E+03 cpm The EPP Emergency Action level values, as documented In EAL 7:2 (liquid Effluenls)'Table 7-1 (Effluent Radiation MonltorEAls), are still valid a.nd do not require revislori. Theref01e, the *EPP* EAL v11lues,SHALL remain at.the current values; asfollows: EPP UE.EAL= 2.44E+04 cpm EPP Alert EAL =NA: Range Exceeded However, *ll the analog drawer/inet'er face of {RM-lDA-100). is upgraded *to a* digital drawer/meter face, '.rH!ill the revised setpoints *shall* be applied. This would. req\lire changes to 1/2-0DC-2.01, l-HPP-4.02.013 and EPP-I-la Table ?-1. DISCUSSION: On 11/16108, Unit 1 Aux Feedwa!erArea Drain Radiation Monl!or(RM-1DA*100}was removed from service for calibration vfa 1MSP-43.70-I. Several attempts were made to callbrale the monitor using the existing Model 843*32 Detector, along wilh lwo (2) other new Model 843*32 Detectors, but the attempts were unsuccessful (Sea CR08*50435. & CRQ8-50765), *The vendor was contacted for resolution. and. they suggested thal'the Model 843-320.etector be replaced with the upgrade~ Mi:idel 843*3~R Deteclor, beca(lse lhe or!ginal Model 843*32 Deleclors*are no longer manufactured, and any avallable.Model 843*32 Detectors (although new) may not give desired 1esul!s. For inrormat'lon, the Model 843-32 Detectors were last manufactured -14 years ago, and the ciyslals may exhibit different characteristics*ihan:ihose time or manufacture. In order to change FROM lhe Model 843*32 Detector *TO the Model 843-32R Deteetor, an evaluation or the alam1 setpolnts needed performed. Speclflcally, the evaluation needed to detennlne efreet on the current alarm selpolnts or [RM*1DA*100J, as previously provlded In CalculaUon No. 8700*UR(B)*223, Rev O (Impact of Atmospheric Corilainme'nl Conversion; Power Uprate, and*Allernate Source Terms on the Alarm setpoinls for the RadlaUon Monitors at BVPS-1). due to vendor upgrade FROM the Model 843-32 gamma scinlillalion detector TO the Model 843;32R replacement gamma scintillation detector. On 12118/08, the vendor provlded doc!,\mentation or the efficiencies for the .843-32R Doteclor, Indicating that U1e efficiencies are the same as.lhose previously provldtid.for the 843-30RDatector. Using this technical bass, calcula!lons w1>1e performed using the

  • efficiencies for the Model 843-30R'l:ietector, The .r!)sulls, Indicated !hat any calculated changes In alarm setpolnts, and any calculated changes. In EPP-EAL values were lnslgnlflcanl, and therefore, should remain' al the value.s shown In lhe calculation of record.

Specifically lhe calculaUon of record,ls 876o:uR(B}-223; 'Rev o. A comparison of the seipolrits and.EPP-EAL are as follows: llliSP Summary Re.Evaluated HHSP {843.,32R) =CR= .1.22E+04cpm,.or1.,5%'1ncrease from Curreri! HHSP

  • Re;Evalualed HHSP'(843-32).= 1.05E+04 cpm, cir 12.0% decrease rrcim Current HHSP Current HHSP 1843-321" 1.20E+04 cpm * *
  • HSP .Su1mn;u:y Re-Evaluated HSP (843-32R)= CRx0.7 = 6.52E+03 cpm, or 1.1% Increase from CurrenlHSP Re*Evaluated HSP (843-32) = 7.33E+03 cpm, or 13.1% decrease from Current HSP Current HSP (843*32i = B.43E+03 cpm UR-EAL Swmnary Re-Evaluated UE-EAL (843-32R) = 2 x HHSP = 2.44E+04 cpin, or NO change from Current UE-EAL Re-Evaluated UE-EAL (843*32) = 2.09E+04 cpm, or 14.2% decrease from Cur1ent UE-EAL Current UE*EAL (843-321 " 2.ME+O~ cpm Alert-BAL, summary Re*Evaluated Alert*EAL (843;32R) = 200.x HHSP= 2.44E+06 cpm, or NO change from CurrentA!ert*EAL Re-Evaluated Alert.EAL (843*32) = 2.09E+06 cpm, or 14.2% decrease from Current Alert-EAL
                                   .          Current Alert-EAL= 2.4llE+06 cpm NOTE: SINCE lhe calculated Alert' EAL vallies'.exceed the range.or the Instrument, THEN lht> actual Alert* EAL values are "NotAPpllcable"                                       * ** *     :; 1***      :. :*

ERS-ATL-93-021, Rev. 4 Attach.inent 6, Page 2 of 2 I  !

  ~           *Significance of .Changes The changes noted above are cons.l~ered !~slgntncarit_for flie*followlryg' reasons'_:

1:_HHSP values*; 'The calculated HHSP values; altholigh"shown In three:(3) significant figures, are not be sel to: that accuracy ori the meter.face..Spacificallyi [RM-1 DA,100).has arf analog met~rfiice that c:Overs (i~e de.cad es {1:0;; 10 to "1 E+6 cpm); which reslricts,the erid-user to.rnterpolate*a setJiOlnt(l.e:; 1:22i=+o4 Ciin.1; 1;oi;E+o4q)~ ~nd 1,20~+04~cpmj;b6yond-o.rie *c1) . significant llgure. In summar;'o'lhe calculateifHHSP values*of1.22e+o<i:cpm .. 1.05E+04'i:pm and 1.20Et04*i:pm would all be read as the Identical value of 1E-f04 'cpm. * - . . . .

2. HSP Values 1 The calculated HSP values, although shown In three {3)-s!gnllicanl figures, are not able to be set to thatac,curacy on.

Iha meter face. Specifically, [RM-1DA*100j has an analog meter lace lhai covers flVe .decarjes (i:e., 1Et6 cpm), which reslricts lhe end-user lo be able to lnterpcilale the selpolnHi.e., s.ME+03 cpm, 7.33Ei-O$ cpm and 8.43E+03 cpm).equal to or beyond one (1) SllJnlflcanl figure. Speciflcally, SINCE the*m~ter 'face has "hash marks"*at 1, 2, 4; 6;8 & 10, THEN lhe end,user would also have ditncullylnterpolaling selpofnts between* 7E+03 and ~Et03*cpm. In summary; the calculal~d HSP values of 8.52E+03 cpm,. 7.33E+03 cpm and 8.43Et03 cpm would:most likely be.set at the 8E+Q3 cpm "hash' mark"; which makes these values Identical.

3. loJ;ert Values ' The ca.lctilaled AlerH:AL va_lues, although shown In lhree '(3) significant figures, are read to that

.accuracy on Iha meterJace, Specifically, (RM-1DA*100)-has*an analog'.m'eleffaee Iha! .cciversTl'ie'decades (l.e.,:*10'lo 1E+6cpm), vihlc;h resiilcls the end'Usl!r to'lnterpol(ltE{a reading (i:e., 2:44E+08 cpm, 2.09Et06 cpm and 2.44E+08 cpm) beyond-the range of tne* lnstrument. In summary, Iha calculated A!ert,EAl vahles of2.44E+06 Cprri, 2:09E+06'cpm ilnd*2.44Et06 cpm are "Nii! Applicable~, ,because :they exceed the maxlmum*1nstrument*range of 1E+06 cpm. * * *

4. UE-ML Values: The calculaled UE*!=AL values, allhough shown In three (3) slgnlficant llgures, are not able to be read*to*thal accuracy on the meter face. Specifieally, [RM*1DA-106)has an analog me\er,lace that covers live* decades (i.e., 10 to 1Et6 epm),

which restricts lhe end user to lnterpoliile ii reading (i.e., 2.44E+o4 cpm, 2.09E+04 cpm and 2.44E+04 cpm) beyond oile OJ significant flgure, In summar}', the calculated UE*EAL values of 2.44E+04 cpm, 2.09E+04 cpm and-2A4E+04 cpm would all be read as the ldenlical value ol 2E+04 cpm. *

5. surrroary of P.li_f.~ The differences be!wee11 all I.he Re-Evaluated and C.urrent values range from -14:2%.change to
*+1.6% change. In summary, the difference between ell Re-Evaluated end Current values are Insignificant, because they represent slmllarvalueswhen read on the meter.faoe.
  • o:setpoint Truncation Practke: The aclual practlceJor.aiarm setpolht acl)uslment of radlatlon'monltorswith 'analog* meter

.-faces-!S:to i(Uncal~ the 2nd*and;3rd'signiffoahl'llgure fromlhe rielalarm s'elpofnt For eitample/a ealculaled net alarm selpolrit.of up to 1.99Et04 c;pm ls truncate(! to 1E+4'cpm prior to'acljustment-of the.alarm*setpofnl In summary all Re-Evaluated aild Current values are slmlliir:wli'en read on the meter face. *

7. Impact on* Digita*l Upgrade,_ Alljustificatlons:provided In.Items 1-8 abt>ve are valfd only during periods where the analog drawer/meter face Is Installed In [RM~1D,b.~100. Therefore;.IF Iha analog drawer/meter face of [RM' 1DA~100) ls upgraded to a digital drawer/meter face, THEN.the reVlsed selpoinls shalt be applied.* This would requlre'changes*to 1/2-0DC-2.01,.1 'HPP4.02.013 and

'E:PP-1-1a Table 7-1. .

~Graphic of Vlctoreen Analog                   Meter Face
                                                                                                                              * * *  * **      *     *   : *** l "': .- :.~
                                                                                                                         ;:;1;~~~1~~1~J '
                              ,. . ~ ~ " -_)'.~;_ik*:~_'. : ._:_*.i )tl:;:'.~ :
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                                                                                                                                       '"t.*~~ *<:;.-::*;~*}
                                                                                        '.!=LUKE .. :
                                                                                        . ..;,~ .:-..:,. -~ . . ..... - ....
                                                                                        """""""Blornedlcal FLUKE Biomedical Radiatio11 Management Services 6045 Cochran Road Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 To:      pravhi Val<haria                                Tephone: 724-682-7.61'5 Beaver Valley -1                                ieleJ~x:- 724~66.2-4743 From: .Andy Lasko                                        Tefephone: . (440)542-3611 Project Manager,                                Telefax: (440)349-8059 e-mail: Date:    April 19, 2006                                  Page: 1 of 7 Pages


Revised Model'.843~3.0R Efficiencies. Mr. Vakh~ria-EnclOsed are reyised is.otopio :efficiencies- for the Model. 843~~0H Ga.'rnma Scintillation d~tector used in your liquip ancl gaseous *effiuent radfatldn monitElrs.. Fo.ur (4) sets of efficiency tables are enclosed. .Each table reflects, the efficiency for each of the sampling geometries used In your plant. The source of the efficiency data is our primary-isot()pio calibraUon report 958.402. ThJs report documents the primary. i~otoplo* calibration- performed on the Model 843*30R

  • detector ih our Model 841~334 three (3) Liter OfFlineJiquid sampling geometry.. The Model 841-334 ls. our* -current *ven~ion of your Mqqel 841-3N three (3) liter OfHine sampling geom~tl)'. The $ample Volume and detector location In both sampling geometries is the same, and the data taken with o.ur Model 841-334 wlJI Cl.PPIY directly to your Model:841-3N~*

To obtain revised efficiencies for your Letdown .monitor and Gaseous effluent monitors, the ratio between your original liquid monitor' efficiency and *the new *efficiency Was calculated for .each .Isotope. the efficiency ratio was then applied to the previous letdown monitor and. ga$eous .eff[uent'.rn9oit0r isotopl~; and:a new eftlqlency was calculated. We believe*this approach is valid because the detector response *has been validated in :report 95'tt402. What changes in the letdown and gaseous effluent monitors Is ,the s~mplh;ig geometr,y. By knowing the response difference Qf the detector from the primary liquid 'isotopic cailbratibh, and the previous response of the letdown and gaseous monitor sa111pllng geometries, a new efficiency for the letdown and gaseous geometries inay bG' obtained by multiplying the original efficiencies by the difference In detector efficiencies. Page 1of2

e'. R s-1\11.- 'l ?> ~ ~.)..l_ f(e~. 4 krlA;C.HMflNI r

p. 2 ttf 't The results of this analysis are provided on the four (4) tables enclosed.

Please feel free to c0ntact* us should you have any questions or comments on the above. Sincerely Yours, Andrew Lasko Project Manager FLUKE Biomedical Radiation Management Services E-Mail: \'*'J . , ... ,*;* .* , ; .,, . .* . * . .. ' .. **~v n:, *~ ~l~\-h .. ~ ! ,. '*~ r*-*'10:**.' *,: ** *. * . . .. ..* ' Page 2of2*

ERS-ATf,-93-021, Rev q BYl'S Unit 1 Liquid Hadiation Monilors Rev. 1.01 A/1712006 Attachment ~ P.3 Gamma Sensitivities of the 841-3N & 843-30 with 67 kv Baseline ti) Liquids Moni.lors: RM-ILW-104 and RM;ILW-116: LiquidWaslri and Laundiy DtainsEinuenl Monitors RM-ISS*lOO and RM-IBD-100: Steam Generator Second*ry Blowdown Sample :md Blowdown Monitors RM*IAS. J00: Aruciliary Steam. C.)ndenme Monitor RM* ICC.100: Component Cooling Water Monitor RM- I R\V-101: Component Cooling Heal ExchangerRi\'er \Voter Monilor Mf-IRW-1 OOA, RM' I R\V-IOOB, and RM-IR W-1 OOC: Reeiro Spray Heat Exchanger River Wat** Monilors RM-IRW-100: Component Cooling I Rcciro Spiay Heal Exchanger Ril-er Waler Monilors RM-JDA-100: Au.~ Fecdwaler /\JctJ Drain Tank (I) (2) (3) 843-30 843-30 843-JOR Detection Dcteclion Delection CF Nu_clido Effici~ncy Efficiency Effitiericy (CP,inluCl/rid) (cpmluCiiml) {cprnluCilml) Cr-:Sl l.ISEt-07 1~24Et07 1.0476 2 Co-SS 1.18i!t08 1.16E-f-08 'l.061lt08 0.9113 3 Co*60 L72E+08 l.7JE+08 l.94E+08 1.1186 4 Rb*88 3.36Et07 3.73E+07 1.1088 5 Sr-89 7.841l+03 9.84Et-03 1.2547 6 Sr-90 O.OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 0.0000 1 Y-90 l.721H04 O.OOETOO 0.0000 8 Sr-91 l.27E+08 6.97E+07 S.IJE+07 1.1667 9 Y-91 2.5gll+OS 2.60Ef05 2.S3E+-OS 0.9750 10 Zr-95 8.73Et-07 8.60E+07 1.06Et08 1.2312 II Nb-95 8.371H07 8.ME+-07 1.06E"i-08 1.2286 12 u-97 2.21Et-07 1.17Et08 6.310~ 13 Mo-99 2.42E-t07 2,84E+07 l.41E+08 4.9605 14 Tc-99in 9.0oE+-07 8:96E+<>7 l.llE+O& 1.2432 15 Ru-103 9.~0Et07 1.!JE+OS 1.191.1 16 Ru*lOS 1JOE-1i18 7.841l+07 0.6.035 17 Ru-106 0.006+00 0.0000 18* Rh-105 2,96E+-07 3.07E+07 1.0373 19 Te-127m '4.09E+04 l.62E+07 395;96*12* 20 Tc-127 l.381H06 1.481!+06 1.0739 21 Sb-1~7 l.09IH08 l.25E+08 1.1499 n Sb-.129 l.SOE+OS 1.47E-i08 0.9612 23 Te-129m 4.02E+06 l:JIEt-OS 0.0277 24 Te-129 l.91Et-07 l.12Et-07 l.69E+07 1.5132 25 Te-13lm l.821H08 l.ISEt-06 D.0003 26 l-131 l.06Et-OS I.I 1Ei{)8 l.18Et08 1.0660 27 Te-132 IJ7Et-08 Ll7Et08 1.21.Et-08 1.0318 23 I-132 2.7.SEi-08 2.66Et08 3.16Et08 1.1884 29 1-133 l.OJE+-08 9.90Et-07 l.16E+08 1.1733 30 1-134 2.42Et08 2)0E+08 3.17Bt08 1.1766 31  !-135 1.22E+-08 1;19i1t08 1.4m+o8 1.2323 32 Cs-137 7.6SIH07 8.0JB+07 9.30E>07 1.1816 33 Ba-137m 8.0IE+07 9.8SE:*07 1;?298 34 Da-140 5.2 IE+-07 4.37Et-07 4.78E+07 1.0937 JS Ln*l40 l.7JE+08 2.ooE~os 2.22£+08 1.1118_ 36 Ce-141 5.07E+07" 6.201!+07 1.2239 37 Ce-143 7.27£+07 7.B7E+07 1.0032 38 Ce-144 l.08E+07 1.061H07 l.361H07 1.2637 39 Pr-143 1.04!HOO 0.00EtOO 0.0000 40 Pr-144 2,.2lE+06 2,25Et06 'U21H06, 1.0:323 41 Nd-147 3.12E-l:-07 3,37JH07 1.0806 42 H-3 O.OOE+OO 0.00E+OO  !).0000 {,.,. '* ... . 1 :o 0

                                                                                                              } \I 1 ff"1
                                                                                                                          ; ' ~

43 Ar*41 ~.S9Et07 9.S4Et07 1.1103 44 Kr-79 6.321lt-07 S.32E+07' 0.8412 45 Kr-81 4.491!+06 4.SIE+-06 1.ooso-46 Ki-85 --*noi:;+os 4.23EtOS 4.98E+07 117.273 47 Kr-8Sm 9.4SE+07 9.94E-i07 l.J7E+08 1.172~ 48 Kr-87 1.391!+08 8.28E-f-07 8,731!+07 1.0540 49 Kr-88 l.I IF,+08 L29E+08 1.301!+08 1.0114 50 Kr-89 l.S7E-!-08 1.621!+08 1.0334 SI Kr-90 1.48E-t-08 l.79l:H08 1.2127 52 Xe'-UIM 2.28E+06 2.6JIH06 1.1517

                                                                                                                  -ERS-ATL-93-'021, Rev BVPS Unit 1 Liquid Ratliallon l\"lonitors                          Rev. 1.01    411712006 Attachment P*~

Gamma Sensitivities of the 841-JN & 843-30 with 67 kv 13asclinc to Liquids Monitors: RM-lLW*I04 and RM*lLW-116: Liquid Wasle arid Laundry Drains Effiucnt Monitors RM*ISS-100 and RM-IBD-100: Ste;un 9enel)!lor Secondary Blowdown Sample and Blowdown Monilou RM-IAS-100: Auxiliary Steam Condcnsalc Monitor Rl.:t~icc-100: Component Cooling'Waie1 Monitor RM-lRW*lOI: CornpoMnt Cooling Heal Exchanger Rim Water Monilor RM-IRW-lOOA, RM;IR\V-IOoB~ and RM2rnw.1ooc: Redic.Spray Heat Exchanger River Water Monit.ors RM~IRW-100; Comp1meri1 Cooling/ Recirc Spray Heat Exchanger. RiY<r'Waler'Moni1ors

  • RMclDA-100: Aux Feedwaler luea Drain Tank (l} (2) (3) 1!43*30 843-30 843-JOR Detection Detection ~tection CF Nuclide Efficiency Efficiency EOiciency (cpmluCilmi) (cpmfuCilml) (cpn\/uCifml) 53 Xe-133 9.25Et06 9.72£-+06 9.0!Et-06 0.9266 54 Xc-133m l.61E+o7 1.32Ei07 1.378.f-07 1.0341 55 Xc-135 1.19E-t-08 l.18E+08 1.22Et-08 1.0379 56 Xe-135m 1.78Ei07 7.841:!+07 9.27E-t07 1.1829 57 Xe-137 J.49E-t07 3.93Ei-07 1.1248 58 XcCJ38 3.20E+08 1.28E-t-08 i.33E+o8 Ul413 59 J.08Ei:08* 2.65E+o8 0.8569 60 l-IJ6 l.J78-i08 3.72E-t-0.8 2.7153 61 .Na-24 i.73E+os 9.52E-t-07 0.6500 62 Mn-54 8.SOE->07 8.59E+07 1.osli+os 1.2172 63 Mn-56 1.356+08 l.13E+08 l.42B+08 1.2664 64 Fe-59 9.00IH07 9.17Et07 l.04E+08' 1.1294 6S Co-5.7 7.97E+07 l.04E+08 1.3014 66 Co*~Om 2.156+05 O.OOlitOO 0.0000 67 Ni-65 3.98E+07 4.48R+07 1.1258 68 Cu*64 3.55Et07 4.51Et05 0.0127 69 Zn-65 4.671H-07 S.028-t07 1.0742 70 Ilr-83 l.36E-t-06 1.481H06 1;0859 71 Br-84 1.l6f;i08 9.75S:+-07 3.161H08 3.2442.

72 Br-85 6.19E+06 6.71E+06 1.0837 73 R.b-89 l.S?E-+08 l.521HOR o.9659 74 Sr-~2 8.54E-t07 9;(6Et07 l.OJE+08 1.1228 15 Y*91>m 2.02EHi 2.37Ei08 11:0012 76 Y*91m 8.98lit07 l.07E+08 1.1959 77 y.92 2.141!+07 2.35Et07 2.74E+o7 .1.1654 78 T~*~9* 2.ISE-t-02 3.97E-t02 1'8456 79 J.26Et07 *3.84E+07 1.1779 80 Ag-l!Om 2.79Bi-08. 3.358+08 1.1999 81 Sb-124 l.69E+08 1.95E+o8 1.1512 82 sirm 8.71E+07 l.Olll+OS 1.1541 83 Te-125m 1.831!+()5 2.40B+oS L3131 84 Te-131 l.WEt08 I.I IE+-08 0,9241 BS Te-133 l.66E+08 l.S9B'l08 0.9,592 86 Tc-l33m 2.688-+08

  • 3.96E+06 0.0334 87 Te-134 7.27Et-07 1.97Ei08 2.26B+08 1.145!1 88 1*129 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0.0000 89 cs,134 2.068-t-OS 'l.99Et08 2A2Ef08 1.2156 90 C~*134m.* l.13E+07: l.~3E~07 1.2623 91 Cs-136 l.02E+08 2.80Et08 J.19E+08 1.138~

92 Cs*l38 l.SIE+o8 l.95Ei;08 1.2901 93 Ba-139 2.07E+ll7 J.21E+07 1.5530 94 N)>.237 8.49Et07 l.08E+07 0.1269 (I) Original Gamma Sensiiivilies from Aodendum lo BVPS Spec No. BVS-414, Table V, 10~7-74 (2) Adjusted Gamma Sensilivitks from C3lculation Package No. ERS*SFL-92'039 (3) G:uruna Ser11ilivitie5 from Flul<o'BiomedkaJ'for lteplai;emenl. Detector

l=()Rl\11 1/?_AnM-1fi11 l=?R (::;>,,,.\, ? RTI -Ji:. AO fi?1 A Beaver Valley Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation Subject No. PAGE 1 OF Liquid Monitor Alert Emergency Action Level (EAL) Set ERS-LMR-14-001 Points 10 Reference HPP EPP : NEI 99-01 rev 6 T/S CR DCP Category Unit 1 Unit 2 D Technical Position

  • Technical Evaluation D Calculation [R) [R)

Purpose NEI 99-01 Revision 6 changed the methodology for calculating Alert set points for Liquid Radiation Monitors. The previous Alert set points were to be 200 x ODCM set points. However, they are now to be calculated for 10 mrem TEDE or 50 mrem thyroid COE. Note: This Technical Evaluation is not an implementing document. Any application of the information contained herein must be reviewed and approved using the established review/approval process for that application. D ORIGINAL ISSUE

~            REVISION#       I Made correction to page 3: annual drinking water ingestion volume of 730 liters per year, not per day.

by chec~i~r independent review (calculation

 >?~.,IY\Por-.             i~ ..- ')(J - J i;-   O;z..  "/Y -;/>~- 1t:JC-/5     only) u            Checklist r

Attachments liill Purpose *Results 111 Data Sheets II Methodology *References D Illustrations 11 Input Data D Printouts D Code Listings

  • Transmittal to BVRC D Supt, Rad Ops
  • Author: Dr. Lara Renz
  • Original RP ERF FILE D Supv, RP Services
  • John Lebda D MGR, Radiation Protection D Supv, Rad Waste/Effluents
  • Hal Szklinski- BV-SIM
  • Rebecca Novak - BV-A

Beaver Valle Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION:


No.: Page: Liquid Monitor Alert Emergency Action Level ERS-LMR-14-001 (EAL) Set Points 2 DISCUSSION: This technical evaluation used ODCM source terms for liquid discharges, radiation monitor nuclide detection efficiencies, and nuclide dose conversion factors to calculate radiation monitor readings that correspond to offsite doses of 1O mrem TEDE and 50 mrem child thyroid. These monitor indicator values may be used for an Alert level in Emergency Plan Emergency Action Levels (EAL), EPP-l-1a and EPP-1-1 b, when NEI 99-01 revision 6 is implemented (Reference 1). The calculated radiation monitor readings may be used for Emergency Action Level (EAL) determination following an accident with consequent release of radioactivity, and when the results of more rigorous assessments are not available. METHODOLOGY The bases for the EAL values for the four emergency classifications are: Unusual Event (UE): ODCM limit multiplied by two (x2) for greater than 60 minutes. ODCM limits.are calculated in ERS-ATL-93-021 (Reference 2). Alert: Effluent pathway radiation monitor indication that corresponds to 10 mrem TEDE or 50 mrem child thyroid dose. The lower of the two values is used. Gaseous doses are calculated at the site boundary; liquid doses are calculated at Midland Water Intake. There are no liquid effluent pathways associated with a Site Area or General Emergency, INPUT DATNASSUMPTIONS References

1. A =Particulate Activity from the release path (Ci/yr) [3, 5]
2. Alig = Ingestion Annual Limit of Intake from 10 CFR 20 Appendix B Table 2 [4]
3. F Dilution Water Flowrate
       = 22,800 GPM (= 15,000 GPM BV-1 + 7,800 GPM BV-2)                                        [3]
4. ODCM site specific mixinb effect of the discharge structure = 3 [3]
5. ODCM river dilution factor= 200 [3]
6. f = Maximum Acceptable Discharge Flowrate (GPM)
       = 35 gpm for RM-1LW-104
       = 15 gpm for RM-1LW-116
       = 80 gpm for 2SGC-RQ100                                                                  [3]
7. Ei Monitor Sensitivity (cpm/uCi/cc) [6, 7]
8. DCF = Dose Conversion Factors for child thyroid from RG 1.109 [9]

Release source terms (A) used to determine the monitor EAL values are listed in the spreadsheets in Attachments 1 through 3. NEI 99-01 revision 6 discusses assumptions and requirements for this set point calculation. Site-specific dose receptor points are expected to be used in the calculation with a one hour exposure duration. The ODCM liquid effluent receptor point is a down river potable drinking water intake structure with in ~ mile of

Beaver Valle Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION:


No.: Liquid Monitor Alert Emergency Action Level ERS-LMR-14-001 (EAL) Set Points 3 the release point. With the assumption that the release concentration is fully mixed by the Ohio River, the nearest drinking water supply is at the Midland Water Intake (at 1.3 miles down river from the release point). ICRP 23 (Reference 8) gives an annual drinking water ingestion volume of 1950 ml per day (for adults). USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 Table E-5 (Reference 9) gives an annual drinking water ingestion volume of 730 liters per year (for adults), which equates to approximately 2000 ml per day. In order to equate this to drinking water per hour, it is assumed that all 2000 ml are consumed during the one hour release. For child thyroid doses, the ICRP 23 value of 1400 ml is utilized in the same way. Radiation monitor nuclide detection efficiencies for each monitor and for each nuclide are taken from ERS-SFL-92-039 [Unit 1] and ERS-SFL-86-026 [Unit 2] (Reference 6 and 7). Due to the availability of both 843-30 and 843-30R detectors at Unit 1, set points for both detectors were calculated (Reference 6). Detection Efficiencies are listed in the spreadsheets in Attachments 1 through 3. The TEDE conversion factors were derived from 10 CFR 20 stochastic Alig with 1 ALI = 5000 mrem CEDE, and 1 CEDE =1 TEDE for a liquid ingestion scenario with the assumption that no external exposure occurs during this release. NEI 99-01 revision 6 acknowledges that the use of EPA PAG guidance provides adult thyroid dose conversion factors, which are not always consistent with state required methodologies. BVPS has previously agreed with the states of PA, OH and WV that child thyroid doses will be calculated. This technical evaluation will remain consistent with past practices. The child thyroid dose conversion factors (DCF) are taken from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 Table E-13 (units of mrem/pCi ingested) (Reference 9). DCFs are listed in the spreadsheets in Attachments 1 through 3. The following is a description of the math performed by the EXCEL spreadsheets used in this Technical Evaluation. An EXCELspreadsheet was made utilizing the ODCM default squrce term for each unit and radiation monitor combination. Each spreadsheet consists of 15 columns with a row for each radionuclide. At the bottom of each spreadsheet, there is a section to total the count rate (CR) in cpm for 1O mrem TEDE and the count rate in cpm for 50 mrem child thyroid. Unit 2 is calculated for both cpm and uCi/ml. Details of all spreadsheet math is provided below: Column 1 - List of the individual isotopes that comprise the ODCM source term. Each isotope occupies a row. NOTE: Isotopes individually listed in the ODCM but not included in the dose calculation are Br-85 (172s half-life), Rh-106 (29.9s half-life). As short lived daughters of longer lived parents, production & intake limits are included with the parent values. Because of the short half life, the initial. individual quantities are assumed to be insignificant. Ba-137m and Cs-137 isotopes are also individually listed in the ODCM. However, Ba-137m (2.55 min half life) will contribute to the count rate at the monitor, but will be decayed by the time it reaches Midland Water Intake. All Ba-137m daughter isotopes that an individual is exposed to are included in the C~-137 dose factors. Therefore, Ba-137m is included in total count rate, but not dose calculations. Column 2 - [Ai] - Total release quantity (Ci) for each isotope, specific to Unit 1 or Unit 2. Column 3 - Stochastic Annual Limit of Intake (Alig) for ingestion taken from 10 CFR 20 Appendix B Table 2.

Beaver Valle Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION:


No.: Liquid Monitor Alert Emergency Action Level (EAL) Set Points ERS-LMR-14-001 4 Column 4 - TEDE mrem amount associated with each individual radionuclide, based upon 10 CFR 20


definition 1 ALI 5000 mrem TEDE. Col 4 = [ (Col 2 uCi

  • 1 E6 uCi/Ci) I Col 3 uCi ]
  • 5000 mrem I ALI Column 5 - Intake amount scaled to 10 mrem TEDE:

Col 5 = [(Col 2 uCi

  • 1E6 uCi/Ci) IL col 4 mrem]
  • 10 mrem Column 6 - Concentration of individual radionuclide at Midland Water Intake equal to to mrem TEDE for a one hour adult intake. (Assumes water ingestion occurs over a 1 hour period.)

Col 6 = [ Col 5 uCi I (2000 ml/hr)] Column 7 and 10 - Concentration of individual radionuclide at associated BVPS radiation monitor equal to 10 mrem TEDE for a one hour adult intake. The concentrations at the radiation monitor(s) were calculated using: F*3 *200 C1= f

  • Ct Col 7 = [(22800
  • 3
  • 200) gpm/ f gpm]
  • Col 6 uCi/ ml]

where: C1 = Liquid effluent concentration prior to dilution Ci= Liquid effluent concentration after dilution F =Dilution water flow rate (gpm)

                         = 22,800 gpm (15,000 gpm U1 CTBD+ 7,800 gpm U2 CTBD) 3 = ODCM site specific mixing effect of the discharge structure I

200 = ODCM river dilution tactor f = Maximum acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution (gpm)

                         = 35 gpm for RM-1LW-104
                         =15 gpm for RM-1LW-116
                         = 80 gpm for 2SGC-RQ100 Column 8 & 11 - [E1] - List of the monitor specific isotope detection efficiencies. A set of calculations is done for the 843-30 and the 843-30R detectors available for Unit 1 monitors (isotope efficiencies in units of cpm/uCi/ml).

Beaver Valle Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION:


No.: Page: Liquid Monitor Alert Emergency Action Level ERS-LMR-14-001 (EAL) Set Points 5 Column 9 & 12 -The monitor count rate (CR) was calculated using: [Reference 2] where: CR = monitor count rate attributed from each radionuclide in ncpm C; = previously described Ei =detection efficiency for the appropriate monitor (cpm/uCi/cc)[References 6 and 7] FOR UNIT 2 ONLY: The Unit 2 monitor display value (DV) was calculated using: OV=CF11L C;Ei i where: CF11 = 5.61 E-9 uCi/ml/cpm; calculated in ERS-ATL-93-021: [Reference 2] E; = Previously described C; = Previously described Application of Monitor


Because the liquid monitors do not have a background subtract feature, the indicated values are net values. Therefore, monitor background needs to be accounted for when changing the set points on a monitor. Column 13 - Dose Conversion Factors (DCF) for child thyroid taken from Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 9) in rnrem/pCi ingested. Column 14 - Converted RG 1.109 DCFs into mrern/uCi. Col 14 = [Col 13 mrem I pCi* 1E6 pCi/ uCi] Column 15 - Child Thyroid dose per hour from ingestion concentrations equal to 10 mrem TEDE. (Assumes water ingestion occurs over a 1 hour period.) Col 15 =[Col 14 mrem I uCi *Col 6 uCi I ml* 1400 ml I hr]

Beaver Valle Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION:


No.: Page: Liquid Monitor Alert Emergency Action Level ERS-LM R-14-001 (EAL) Set Points 6 Conversion of Child Thyroid Dose to a Count Rate equal to 50 mrem Committed Dose Equivalent (COE): CR for 10 mrem TEDE CR for 50 mrem COE (CThy) = ----*-******-*****---- L CDEi I 50 mrem RESULTS An EXCEL spreadsheet was generated to perform the alarm set point calculations. See Attachments 1 through 3. Alarm Set Point Calculation Summary - Unit 1 [all units in cpm] 10 mrem TEDE 50 mrem Chil~ Thyroid Minimum Set Point Monitor Range RM-lLW-104 843-30 1.81E+09 5.89E+08 5.89E+08 10 to 1E6 RM-lLW-104 843-30R 2.09E+09 .. 6.80E+08 6.80E+08 10 to 1E6 RM-lLW-116 843-30 4.22E+09 1.38E+09 1.38E+09 10 to 1E6 RM-lLW-116 843-30R 4.87E+09 1.59E+09 1.59E+09 10to1E6 Alarm Set Point Calculation Summary- Unit 2


[all units in uCi/ml] ... TEDE Child Thyroid Minimum Set Point Display Range 2SCG-RQ100 5.89E+OO 2.42E+OO 2.42E+OO 5.6E-8 to 5.6E-2 Readability/Range Discussion: , As displayed in the tables above, all calculated set points are significantly greater (>4000%) than the range of the associated instrument. Generally when an over range EAL value occurs, it has been acceptable to choose a value of approximately 80% of the high range of the monitor. For example, 80% of 1E6 = 8E5 cpm. However, if this value would be employed as an EAL indication, an ALERT level would be declared significantly sooner than required for 10 mrem TEDE and/or 50 mrem child thyroid dose. More specifically, even at the 95% range values, ALERT EAL indication would be declared at doses less than 0.1 mrem TEDE and less than 1 mrem child thyroid for all available radiation detectors at both units. These values are far below the required EAL thresholds of 1O mrem TEDE and 50 mrem thyroid, which, if employed, would cycle plant and industry resources unnecessarily.

Beaver Valle Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION:


No.: Page: Liquid Monitor Alert Emergency Action Level ERS-LMR-14-001 EAL Set Points 7 Conclusions/Recommendations: NEI 99-01 recognizes that this Initiating Condition may result in a value beyond the display range of the monitor. Therefore, guidance states that if the calculated set point is greater than approximately 110% of the highest accurate monitor reading, then developers may choose not to include this monitor value as an EAL indication and are instructed to identify an alternate EAL threshold. The only viable alternate methodology is a liquid isotopic sample analysis. Sampling methodology is covered under its own distinct EAL according to NEI 99-01 revision 6. Therefore, it is recommended that BVPS EALs do not contain a liquid effluent monitor threshold value that equates to 1% of the PAG for an ALERT classification. REFERENCES

1. NEI 99-01, Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors, Revision 6, 2012.
2. FENOC, Process Alarm Set Points for Liquid Effluent Monitors, ERS-ATL-93-021, Revision 4, 2012.
3. FENOC, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Procedure 1/2-0DC-2.01, ODCM: Liquid Effluents, Revision 14, 2014.
4. 10 CFR 20 Appendix B Table 2.
5. SWEC, UR(B)-160, BVPS Liquid Radwaste Releases and Concentrations - Expected and Design Cases: Per Unit and Site, Revision 3; 1983
6. FENOC, Isotopic Efficiencies For Unit 1 Liquid Process Monitors, ERS-SFL-92-039, Revision 3; 2010.
7. FENOC, Unit 2 ORMS Isotopic Efficiencies, ERS-SFL-86-026, Revision 6; 1991
8. ICRP 23, Report of the Task Group on Reference Man, 1974.
9. Regulatory Guide 1.109, Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, Revision 1, 1977.


1. (see page 8) Unit 1 Liquid Monitors Alert EAL Set Points for 843-30 Detectors
2. (see page 9) Unit 1 Liquid Monitors Alert EAL Set Points for 843-30R Detectors
3. (see page 10) Unit 2 Liquid Monitors Alert EAL Set Points

Beaver Valle Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation REVISION:


No.: liquid Monitor Alert Emergency Action Level ERS-LMR-14-001 (EAL) Set Points 8 Attachment 1 - Unit 1 Liquid Monitors Alert EAL Set Points for 843-30 Detectors

                                                                                                                                                                  -- OCRP23totil ddy ~ l.l.D9Daly(mQ; """AM"~ (}~-CM-1-ite-sp~;.,-*~c-rn~id-ni-,ff~<<t-c-I---~" ***~--~ .w, " * - - - - - - - -
unit 1 Liquid Monitors Alert EAL Set Points RGLlOOAnml<l(mlJ (ml) /3SS.25d~ tlledl9:ha1gestruct11re=
   ;843-30 Detectors                                                                                Aduliw*le;inli~"              7JOfilli        ml                                                                OOCMrivP.r d1lul;on factor=                  !00 Chltdw~terirttike"           5.10E+a'i       m!                                                                Ul/U2ro.m!JnedCTBD!gpm)*.                  lllOO Di~arpPoile-{tp.'!1)=

[liyt,ar llale 3S ll I 9n!OO'l'100)/?i' DITECTKlN IOmrem'!COE 92l!OO'l'l00}/15' D£T!CTJON 10CF!21 !nf41~for l0 MidlM1dint.1~e oor.c lW*l.M11fldiluted RG L109 Child thyroid RG LJW Chlld A~HUALRHWE EFHCJENCY EIFlOENCI' stoch.JSllcAUg TIDE m~miEDE for~urintalt cone LW*104 L\'/.ll6undi!utedco11c lW*llG OCF thyroid Def tchyCO!

          !llli1!lJ!i                 !ill                  uq                             uu                 uci/ml               UCJ/m1.         !cpm/11t:ilrrU            q;m                      UClfml                    ('pmfuCifmll                    C~IJl   nnm/?CJ lneeslfd mrem/uO lngeslfd Cr*Sl                130f.03                4.E~             lfJl'+cl     2.64£-0!               llli-07             s.m-02                Lt&Ei07           6.o!IEl{l5                 llOE*Ol                         L18E.o7                 L4l£+06         4.94~~             4.94E-oJ    9.llf-01
             ~-~                  l*"'"1                 l.003            1.7Sh-02     *l'lHll                llSE-ra             123f~2               S.S9f+o7           ~                          2.87£-02                       8.S9ft07                2.4Jt+OS
             ~e*SS                l.~03                  9.Etm           8,S'j[f-02     3.2.5£-0$            162~C7.             '3Sf-Ol               UIXl't<<I                    L48E-Ol                        C.C<f+OO                noo:'(O fe*rfl               8.~*().f               S.~1-02         5.l9Ei03       UiSf..[14            &.43E-C8            !2'£-0l               9.178-01           M2E+<<i                     7.63E-02                       9.11H01                 lOSE+OO f.o*Sl!              14JE-02                 lf+-Oi          7.Cfft04     2.S.:E-Ol             141£*06             S.S5fill              llf..EtO&         6.4Sii07                    131BOO                         t.1aEHlll               1511.CS Co*W                 2.00E-03               S.E~            l.OOE<-0<     ~06E-OI               lff.l*(JI           J>OE-Ol               17:.tte!          1.Ji'Etm                    USE-01                         173Et03                 1~+1!7 Zn*li5                2.6%-0Z               4.EtC2           ~36ETOS       5.-46(-03             l13E-OO             lOJE;OO               trn+o1             4.'a+{l7                   2.4SE+oo                      4.618-07                 1.16008
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                                 '*5*0S mu; JE<-0<

lEtDt 119£'()0 U1Et<<I OClfiOO 5.07~ S.OJ!-06 5..:8£.07 l"!'-119 25"£-0J 274E-10 9.92E.O.: 9.92f-04 lOJE-OI 13ttt06 9.N;OJ 5.1SE*06 USC<<B 9SI.ilM

                                                                                                                                                                         &.&mc11 lJZE-~3 232£.0J 2.SOE*M l~-0.i 9.158-07 6.19£.106 l~

2.26£;(!i i.w:+m

            *b.8*                J.S<l'OS               >Et<ll           75'E.02.      l52E.OS               7.m-m               U!E-03               O.OCfi\))          a.CKEtOO                    6.~Hl3                        O.catOO                 Q.CIEi(XI S*-&l               l.SJE-04               >Et<ll           l91'.Et03     5.!~E-05             2.95&~               l..15E-0'2            OOCf!OO           OM.iOO                      2.69£.0Z                      4D1+oo                  O.~.o:J 223E.()6                                                       nooaoo
             ~r-90               LlJf.05 9.4Jf*li 4E+-Ol 5.E.i-02 lli&Ol 9.-1           J.91£.06 lllf*W 9.SSE*lO.


                                                                                                                                !73£-0I               UOOEIOO o.c\EHXI 1lOCE+OJ 10'2(*03 8.7lE-Ol 0.o:JfOO O.lltOO 0.IXl:+OO OlKitOO Y*!Um                 8.7JE-Cli              lC+-05          435<-01        17J!,06              &ME*lO              l4Sl-Oi               8.93£~             ll<i~                      8.06E-01                       !!IJMl                  J.1.~~

Y-91 S.7.'.JE..C.S 6.Eo(J2 4JSE+02 116E-D5 !l.79E*OO J.26E-03 c!OZ"' 5.Mttaz 5.2SE-o3 2.r<<:i-OS LJ7Etal Y-H 7.~E-07 lMll 170C.OO 1SOE*07 7.S2Ht 2'*-0S nirooo O.IXftUI 6.fiSHIS O.Cll+oo 0.!KEIOO Zr*9S 51.DE-ilS l.Ei-03 2.55Et02 "!I-OJ llllHl l60!<1J L74Eiai 4.72Hl3 &.fll+o7 4.<<£~ Nb-9S S.WE<6 U<Ol ll<f+cl 106005 5.28.E-al t06W  !.54Et-07 L7&il15 4.82(-03 &64E;-OJ 4.1ff.+QS Sr*91 1.3.1(--05 lllf-Ol 5.l6Hi4 6.97[1-07 l!i1Ef04 ]~)£.03 &97E+-07 11!£-0l

            ~.b-91               l.1:JE.(.JZ            lE+<B           5.Sefi01       VJf-03               lllE--06            U7Hl                  2.34£+07           1.24ff07                  102800                          lWt-07                  2.3!£407 Tt-99m                1.10£-02              1.E+ot           6.Ufi02       223f-03              1]2£-06              '-l1Bl                8.S5Et07          l91ftW                     102800                          &96E1-07                9.L3E.c7 Rll*lOJ               l<<HS                  2.E+-03          8.SCft-01     6.!:0E-{E            14SE*W                L35E-03              9.SClt07           L25Ef05                   1l5E*03                        9.Sll+-07                ~+OS IW*l!Xi               t~lS                  lf.l<t!          ~2            2IBE--06             10lt*09              3.97t*~               QIXl'IOO          OJXIEtOO                   9.2&E*!>1                      O.CXltOO                 0.00::.00 llh*lll>n              l"'i*tli               3.55£.-01     6.oot-06             l4SE*09              llSE-03               QOOEIOO           O.C((iOO                    llSE-03                       nin:<<x:i        Te*l25rn               1.50£*'5.              lE-+03           USE+Ol        S.07H6               2.S1E*09            SSll-OI                l~3Ef!5           l.UE..W                    B2E--03                        183Et<6        Te*127m                 060£.~                6.~~             ll1Ei03       S2U-r6               2.64E*Ol            1D3Hl2                 4.CSEf-0.;        umm                        HIE-02                         4.omot                  t~tOZ Tt*U7                 2.7.'.:f-O:I.          1.£"4>>           Ul:i02        5-4,qE-05            2.74£-0!             llllE--02             lllf+06           1~                         250E-02                        B8El<li                 145Et04 Te*ll'ilm              J.lOE.QJ               S.E:-0"2         llCEtOI       2.i3f.04             lllE-07             <l1Hl2                4,02[;o;           l.16E+Q5                   102t-01                        4.0].fi<>               &&l-0!              lfl<-02                Ll2E+-07          2.98(-1{'6                 6.21£-02                       lUft-07                 6.S5£i05 1*130              110(-0I                 I Ei03           6.ilfi-02     2.44£*'6             lllf-08             U*E-03                illl!<(IS          147£-tai                    I l!f.02                      1111f+ffi               l~e..o6 le-131.rn               lOOE-OI                6.E.02           l~            125E-C6             16lf-08              &.15£-03              1811'<(18          11£EtCli                   148£-02                        lB~t-01                 2.7tl:t06 Te* Bl               ltx;~                  6.E+Ol            2.~1          6.00Hl6             305Wl                1m~                    llll+06           14lE+-05                   278E*03                        lliltm                  l.33Ef05
            !*Bl              .160(;.GI               HtOl             889E~         3.25E-02             162E*OS              6<.'il:tOO            111E+06            7.05Et(ll                  LA8E+ol                        lllE~                   L&f..o!I Te*.132:             4.3Cf.Q3               U..W             !Oi't+04      8.73E-01             4.31f*07             1.11.f.{)]            lli8lli            2.C<<t-07                   19&£*01                        LUE..00                 4.6El+-07 HJZ                 4.9C&OJ               9.;+w            2,.72Wl3      99SE-O:I             4.9&..07             l.9SE-Ol              265Et0l            5.17EtW'                   4.S4E*01                       2.6(&{18                 L2lft08 l*lB               4.00~                  H+m              t~            a.m-re               4.~*06              159[+00                9~fl'l7            l.57HW                     3. 7C£t{ll                     9 9(E+(J7               l67tt08 1:134              !.OCHS                  WOI              U3Ei01        161H5               &.lJf.C!I            31'<-0l               l?OE+-08          8.S1E.n5                    7.41£.-03                      2.Ja:t08                2.C<lt05 Cs-1~.              4.f.G£.1)2              1.E<-01         U;t;-06       U4E-03               <6J!-"              l8lE+CD                199£+02           3.&3Etal                   4.2fft00                        199E103                 &~t08 1-135              430~{'3                l(..00           7.l'Jl-03     U.)814              4.J7t-01              IJIE*Dl               ll!E<(IS          l.OlE+m                     198E-Ol                        119E-+03                U~                                               Li'tE-01 Cs-130               8.90£.m                4J;oJ            111£.;{15     1 &IE-Ol            9.W..{)7             15Jf-01               l80E-08            9,S9E+07                   8.P.C-01                        2.SCE-+08              lll£f-08 cs-rn                130::{12               U.i-OJ           165[>1{16     6.70E-O~.            .i.lSE*l)l           LllEtOO              S.001:.(17         LOSttal                    1C1!-IOO                        &OlE"il7               l&+\l!

lla-137m llOE--02 1..EtOZ 6.2SE*~ !JS<-0; L2moo &01E+cl7 9.W:t07 2.a7ff-OJ &Oll4-07 2.ll+M 8'*1"1 l!CE-01 6.l+02 ':1.~7E1il1 223E{:6 lllE-0! JJJ7l'.Q3 4.37Et-07 L91Ef05 112£*0~ 4.37t107 4.4.:E+oS 1.1*1"1 lW~-01 6.E~ 9.17£+02 l23Hl5 1l2f.O!I 437£-03 lOOEtOl 8.73Et{6 102[-Q2 2CQ:~ 2.M:+O!i Co*l41 S.lDfiD 2.£t03 t.zal..O'.. 1.04E~ 5.Ja&l:'l l02E-03 5.D1Et07 l.03E+ai 4.T.lf*.03 S.O'}ft-07 2.3!(i-05 C<*lll 2.SCE-03 lHOJ .14CE+Ol 5.68E-07 lW*lO 1.llf-Ot 7.27E+07 8.0BE+-03 2.59~:(>1 7.27Ei07 U~Hl4 Co*144 l:!lt-CS lf"'1 ~3JfiQ2 6.SllE-06 12S£..W 127£-03 10600J 1.3!£+(1.1 2.%£.03 106C+07 11.f:i-O:G Pr*l43 2.70HS lf..o3 1.35002 S.-4:$E-06 2.74E*G".l 1.07£-0l lOl.E+ro LU£*03 2.SOE-03 lO:'fEiOO 2.60E-IB Pr-~44 llO&ai 4.~-0l 4..00E.;(O Ei.501". ~ !lSE-09 J.27£-0J 22SE-o6 2.86E+m 2.S!l*OO 2.25Ei00 6.61El03. 11-J Tc!.ll* ,.... iSC<+cl &.[.{)I l44W7 1~102 5.59£-02 2.I!E10f UOOE-<>2>>_ _~------'1:""'9"""-+-----~-~------t, llvfat!din lhe OOCMb~tnc!induded in lhe dos.e Qlail.ilion ore fif-85jl72s halt-HftJ, Rh* 1C6(29.9s h.llf*lire. Id ihorl lived livrdparer.ll, pro~Utt:'(l(I &inliileltrritsareir.duc!edwilh lht pil'e.nt\' ~raosc of tile We hillflife, tile inilidindi~1dual

;Sa*l3i'm and Cs*137 l~topc* are11lsn i~dMduallr 11.>tedin !he OOCM However, Ba*ll7m {2.SSmin holflifelwi.1 ccn1J1001P to :lie rot1it11tE 11: tl'.e
 .rnonllcr, but will be doored by 1tiP. Ii~ it rt-odu11 Mdlond WUe<lntake. AH S.*137rn d~uthterisotope; that an iruWidJ1l is eJ~O$~trl arc
'.il'ldudedin lht Cs*131<1o~e fai:tllrs. Theie!ore, Ea*lll:n1sil\cludedin tolil co11n1nce, butr.c! dose c.ilcufilions.


.1\SSumes diilyill'lntinK. ~'lll'r 'nbl:.- oa:ulib 1.hciarperiod,at Mld1tMd\olerinEne.
!*.=tcwrJtufJcml/2*00C*2.01                    .
'.socrce Te.rmfor(RM*llW*IDhn.:l RM-lLW*~1.6) fr~m 1(2*00C*2.0l (SIOM andWebstercalculatfon flid.age lffilBJ*160)
Dftecticn Elticfo11cy !or (~M~1LW.104and R~+ llW*ll6) from l/2-0DC*2.0l(Celcu!1do.1 ?acka&c ERS*Sfl*92-0l9)

!~~Sllmpllons* 10ose cakulatlci.1 ls /orcne bot:mposm. lleftrence M~n dail~witerintake Jn Cltlebovr. '.intake co."1Cenlr.a~o11i>~lwl~:eduslng CTbWdown ft17111ratt (d.efaua 15Crot781DgpmJ prior to lhe 1iverwilh OOCM outbU andrivrr dilutil:.n p1farta ln~ki:.

Beaver Valley Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation


Liquid Monitor Alert Emergency Action Level No.: ERS-LMR-14-001 REVISION: 1* **-= 1 Page: 9 (EAL) Set Points Attachment 2 - Unit 1 Liquid Monitors Alert EAL Set Points for 843-30R Detectors

     *~*~**-                                                 *O'-'""""""°'   ~ "-'W                                     ~"~***--       ... ,~-~--~

ICRPZ3tota!daily R6UD9°'0y(ml}* Ann11al;;1-*oocMwsriet1Hcmixir.geffectof iUnit 1 Liquid Monitors Alert EAL Set Points l\\l1.!D9Amu~(<JJ (ml} /l6>2Sd'll tllto5dl>1g<mehn* 3 843-30R Detectors Alilltwiterinl.ike= 7.Jl(-0) ml m* l.Ol<<ll OOCMrivcrd~onfactor" lJJO Cl'ildwat1rln1ake= S.lilt()) ml I"" L<<&m Ul,IWCorrdlloedCTBD!gpm)* Dsdl.argeRate(gpm)= ll Osch.'.lrz:cltl~foiml"' lS

                                                                                                       ,4                    c                      1,
                                     ~                                                                            *(ll8)l'l'l<ll)/l';'       omCTION        10mremTEDE          =(128JJ*3*~/15*                                        omcnoN        lDmremTEOE lOCFll:.:O                      !nlakeforlO Mi1fhr.dlntakeconc    lW*ltii~ndiluted                                                                                                                               RGL109CMdt!tyroii    11GLID9Ckild
                           ~NUALREl.EAlf                                                                                                     EFFIOENCV                                                                                 EFfKIENCY stocha!.tltAUg          TEOE         mremTEDE      forhourint!k*
           !iilillQl                fill lll£-Ol
                                                      ,a            '"'m                ua             uCi/m!

COil< uCi/ml ~ .. IW-1"


LW*ll6undilut!dconc uWrrJ !mmM!lm!l. LW*!l6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           'P" OCF 111~m/pUinge1ted tJiyroidcx:f mrPm/uCiir'.gesl~d cthrCDE mttm Cr*S1                                                16lEt02           264£-M
             ,,,..,,                               '*~                                                1Ilf*07            ~.16£-02                                                                                                                                                          41l4E-Dl 31.DE-Oi          2Et03          l.75Et02           619£-05          llSHl8             lllE-Ol ll<Et07 10S£.(l!         "'"""

Ll9£.a; 1.20£-01 2.B7E-02 1'4007 lQS[<ilJ L49ft0G 10/ItOG 4.94E*09 9.11E-IJ7 le-IS fe*59 C.*58 t.~-0] 140E~2 9.Eo-Ol OE.ii lEtOl S.89Et02 i19Eill3 7.~ llSE-OI 161/H)\ a:rn 162£-07 MlE-re 1421.(.o; 6JSE-02 3 l'JE-0~ 5S6E-Ol (LOC(..00 Lo:lEtffi lll<Et08 O.JOOQJ 1.48E*Ql 7JilE*02 Ll(OOJ noc;.oo LOIEt08 lll<Et08


137M! L('))<OJ 5.EH'.i2 4~*1}1


(Q*G'.l 2.031.07 7.94!-0l 194Et08 15'&07 L&SE-01 194Et0& 12l+a7 211*61


l.~02 l"'E*M Ut02 2.E+o3 ll6Et06

                                                                                     ~46£*03 2.ME*OS s.on:<<i 273!-(!;

142£-e.& l01f+oo 5.SiE-03 S.0;£W7 nru.oo .....

                                                                                                                                                                £3'El<JJ              249ff00 L30£.02 10lft07 nc<<tro LlSE"'8
             ,,~~'...           l.5(lw; J.SOE*C6 7.EtOI lEtOJ 17'.lE+OO 4.lJit{K)         5.07C-I))

25-lE..ffi 2S4E*IJ.I

                                                                                                                        '192E-01 9.9l£*~

14!1t06 3.16E..OS: L41'flll ll~i05" 2.llE*03 2.32£-01 14!1t06 3..16£.;.IJS 3.43Et03 7.llEtOI I B1-85 2:71lE.\Xi nO<BOO H&*ID 274E*l0 l01£-M &7!£t06 7.l9E+IJ2 2.5({-[>> ~7llt06 PJ>.&6 7.50~ 7.SOEt-02 LllE-OS 7.61!-Jl) 29at:-Ol o.ooe.oo

                                                  'i.[t:<J2                                                                                   nOI<OO                                  6.5.sf.03
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "'9.g.+(llJ3'.<00 I


              ~r-9'.I y.jl(/

2.9'lE-Ool l.IOE-05 9.4!£-06

                                                  £E"'1 m<n 5.Et02

l38h03 9.4\fi-01 SS'lE-OS UH L!IE-<<

                                                                                                     ).llf-08 11JE.Jl) 9.S>E-10 llSt-02 4J7E-O'I l73E-V1 S.84003 0.!l'.F.-Ol 0.00:-ll:K?

IJ38Cl 0....., 0.oll<OO 269£.02 102&03 Ulf.J)I O.OOE+oo O.OCEtOO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        *l!f<OJ l

V11m 8.7DE--06 1E"6 4.~*01 WK< &84E*IO 3.4SE--04 lOJE.-08


8.Qi[-04 107E+M *6'WO HJ Y-93 lr-9! Nb*95 St*91 S.l(f-05 740fi/7


S.200ll5 Lll*OS

                                                  !El-OJ LEi<l3 2~'°3 2E~.


                                                                .t70Ct00 lSS&m
                                                               .1.:ll+?l l!IEo-01 11&£*~

L~OJ L°""QS L06£.(l5 264£*06 S.l!lE-09 7S1f-ll S.l&~ 5.28F-OJ 131£-0l l26E-03 B4E-OS l.Olf~l 2.00:-03 S.lliE-04 153£~ 10Elt08 L/l<l<-03 8.131:i07 S.llE<Cl l.!S<t06 l."""5



                                                                                                                                                                                      &.BSE-05 OH--0-3 4.82£-03 l.lDf-(/l 2.53Ei-05 OllM/

tal1()8 10<MS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       &1H7 L!E<C 5:0~


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        *7!EIOI re...,

IOl-103 llll-02 Llf:E*02 l~-~ 1...l W03 S.sottOl

                                                                &soto-01 22l!*03 l23E*03 112£--06 LIJH/6 l4SE*Jl)
                                                                                                                       <:.37E-01 4.37E-01 BSE-0~

141'""1 ll!EtOS

                                                                                                                                                               *16E+<l1 4.1""'7 tOJHa/

102i.OO 14/&0I 1llft08 L4Et0! L!];oOI l\u-1/); LOOHZi l[tlJZ 2.5({~2.

                                                                                   *90£-06 2.03E-<Wi        10lf*D9            .,,...,                11""'8           L13E,.;                llSH~

9.lGE-1>> LBEtm 3.Sl<tOI Ph-103m 3.~ <E<ffi  !~f.(11 6.9:lf-cl> l~5Hl9 llx-M """""

                                                                                                                                             *OOE+OO          """""                                                                    ""'""           Q.~

Te*l2Sm Te-127m 250£--05 H£1E-01 Ht03 6.E"'2 1.2Sft02 2l~t03 S.07£-0fi S.28E*05 l5"E-Q!I 2.M£.tm 99lE--04 tn'H!2 l."""5 llilE<-07 lJa[.OZ t.51E+o5 115[-03 2:!2[*03 2.41£*02

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       '-40EK!i 1!il£'°7 00'.ltOO i5'i.OZ l!iEtOS llOC-t>;

69l&ci> n:JEtO:/ 6.91&00 LllE.OS l.Sl!-04 Te-111 l.JQi-01 7.Eol(J] l9'1E<02 5.4!1E-OS >.74HE 1Cif.!Jl 14'£.-06 L591t04 '.50E-02 14'fo(l; 1~ J)A.C.07 HiE.Ql 12SE.()5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,..,..03 Te*129m Te-12l l*IJO J.1Cl*03 6.70£~

l20E*tii S.E"'2 lE-OI 1E<-Ol 11-11lEt02 6(1It02 lll<OI l-36f..I>> 244[.0S 112£-07 lll.£-08 4.~E-02 lf.SE-02 4.76£-03 ll1Et<6 169:£0()7 265Et0& 415Efnl 4'9!tOS 126!<-06 LOlE-Ol 6.11£-01 Ll1£-01 umos t63f.C7 265£!-08 Ll3<t04 LO!.E<-06 iil<<-06 1.!i7E-D'.i 9.S6E-OB 6."'l!-OI 157Etfil

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~56~           9.1J81.116 1.l!E-02
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *woi Tt*l3lm               16Cf-O.:.         6 E~02         H~.;OJ             3.;5[-15         162E-08            6l;i;EQ3              L!S!"6           l.30E<<IJ               l.4SE*Ol                                         111!. .          L71l"4          S.llf-06          moo              LliE-04 T!*l31               lOOE-05           6.Et03         lSO:tOI            f.WE-Oi         lllSE--09           119E-03               L!lft(li         lJl[t06               2.~f*03                                           ll'lHffi         lll8E"'5        615!'08            b3SE~          il<IE-01 H31                1.00(:01         9.Ei{)l                            i1S&02           L62£-0;           6.35E;{(J Te-132               4?.0E-()3         7,-802        '"'""

3.G7El{):I am.04 07E-01 tn!-Ol


1~*~ 7A900! 2.0~EtOJ 14'!'°1 lSBf.01 ll!EtC& llH! L7Sl't<l9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ....,,.,,        S.nE-OJ 6.51£-06 5.nEt\B 6.51E+OJ L3<JE+Ql l~lll 1*.U2             4.9CE-Gl          9.E<lll        l72E+03            9.95[-0I         4.98£*01            195(--01             llfi<ll8          li.llEt</7            H4&01                                             llll<-Oi         L<l!<-08        6.KlE-115         6.t12E+-01      (74£.0Z I*~~              4.00E*Ol          >Et<ll                            aUE-Ol                              155[.f(I}                                                     umro
                                                               ""'°'                               4.Gff-06                                 115E+(!           LME.m                                                                   11!.E<-08       413'.t08         !.l6&QJ            1.~E~.         JJ!!<OO C.ll4
                              <Ei/E-02 lEtO/

7.f+ot 133E.;{)l LilE-116

                                                                                  '3lE-Ol a12£.tis 4G7E*06 J.l8E.ffi 1.11.lEl\ll 117E~

2.4~t<Ii LOl.E"6 442£<0! 7AIE-01 4.26EtCO lllEtO& 2.42£0 ll!itOi Lll'liO!J 1.i'SE*US L!'.E+-01 l.l/lC-04 Hll UJE--03 W<ll 7.17003 8llE-Ol 4.37E-OJ l71E-DI ~.47E.uJ' l.SlEt07 3.98E*Ol \4/r:.W S.H!iit07 ?i'SE41 2J'l("'1 L7ti-Ol Cs*Bli

                              &90E-Ol 130£.02 i!OE-02 (Et02 l.EI02 1E"'2 111HOS L6SEl{J6 t81E*01 010!-0l
                                                                                                   '°IE-OJ 135[-06 USf-lli 15.lf.-01 1.31EtCO l23E+oo J.m.;()8 9.31ft-07 9.&SE+-01 Ll3!<0!

Lll&O! L21MI amo1 lOlll\ll 26~<00 11'£<0!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      !lll-M'.17 185£.07 2.-

l.'"""8 l.G:tOS 8>14ll l.a-140 L](J[--00 llDE--00 6.E<-02 5Et02 9.IJE<-Ol 917't02 223f.ffi 2'

                                                                                                   ~1~.(l!I 112E*OS:

4.17[-0l 437[-03 4.1SE1-07 222EtOS 9.69EtQS 102E-02 1.02*02 4.11£107 2llfl-08 '""" l.lri<O! Ce*141 S.!OE-lli 1.1'°3 J.liEt02 lOfE*!lS l.l/1£-D9 WE-03 6.2Cff07 4J2E-OJ 0.2!1+07 l~4il5 C'.1!*143 l.l<JE-1:6 LEt03 14'.t+O~ S.61001 l.ME-10 111£-04 7.87E+07 l.75E..W 2.'fl[-01 7.~~+07 ZOlt04 C.*144 :UOE-CS lH-02 ~.}3(-1()2 6.50006 l25E-0'3 l.27f-03 L¥'t07 LllEtOl 2.96f.OJ 1¥1£..07 4"""'

Pr*l-43 l.70!-(5 ~[i{)3 BSl-02 S.4'1*06 214!*/l) l.Dlt.-03 ncn:.oo o.ooEtOO l.....03 n<XOOJ OOCEiOO Pr*144 i20E-ffi 4.EtOI lOOE<OO 650!-06 3'5H9 1n£-01 l.9SE"1l 2.9ff.03 !32E+06 J>l IS(l<Ol &!f-00 144£+07 1ljft(J2 S.SSE*02 OOC{-00 l!J'.al= l.SOE

    1091Wl 0.({("100 """"" l03E*07 2.00E-01 \lsotopesfndMdu~llyliuedfn I~ OOCMbutnot includedinihe dose t.Jkuiatlonart 81'*85 (112s half-Ille), fl\.106(19.!h A1Vmit li';ed CRint m: 6"1<11/ <<<<bastdon50mrtmCttir>>>> ~ '"""" !daughters of longer li~edpa.'t'nli, p~o~:a:tioo& intake [imibaie iil(ludtdwithtl'tt patMI. value1, 8ecmcof th?sllolt 11"1/ file, the Initial indifldual 1qtiinti~t\ ~I! mumed to he inSlgmflmt . J '.Ba*137nund CH37 !sotopes.lrn.i:lw individually listtdin tilt ODCM. lbwever. &*l37ml2.SS .11inhalf life) will contribtll! lo th~ count rail at the Jttonltor,bUtl'llllbtdecaytdbytlietirneitrmliesP.\dandWat.rtntak!. AltBa-IDmdau1hterisotopeslllati111indiviWalisoJ>l)1edtcare rdud!dinthecs-mdesefacttlts. Tnerefore,Bil*l37misirduiSedintctafrountr~lt,butnotdoseuk1Jlatiom.
    As1umesdailydrinkl11gwater intiPe acc.u13 in lhour Midland >tlater Jimke.
    [-Clowratt,frornl/2*00C*!.01 i~rc11 T"rm fo; {RM-1iw-1~an~ RM-lLW*UGJ from 111-00C.201 (Stone and Web~lir ta!a11ation Pad:ai;e UR!Bt-Jflll
    ~lcction Elft::iency for(RM*lLW*l04artdRM-1l'l(*116)framl/2*00C*201 (C<llrnlalionP~ m*Sfl*9HH!l) i
    !Assumptiom* [)Jse calwlatio:i is /or one bourMpowre. ~ferenct Mltl da~rwate1 Intake In ore !'Eur. !r.takecoocenu.atlonisalculateduslngCTblowOOwnflcwrm(dttaultlSIIDr7a:Os?m)prlcrto"1eriverwi:hOOCM~thllandriverdrkliionprlottointakc. ~W-"""" .... -...-...-.............. Beaver Valle Power Station Radiation Protection Technical Position/Evaluation/Calculation -------~--1r---~~~~~~~~~~~ REVISION:


    No.: Page: Liquid Monitor Alert Emergency Action Level ERS-LMR-14-001 (EAL Set Points 10 Attachment 3 - Unit 2 Liquid Monitors Alert EAL Set Points fllnit2uq~ld M-~nitor Alert EAL Set Poinis-- - l Adultwaterintale*

                                                                                                                         '" 1 """'~- =~-

    7.3.lf;{JS 1 ml

                                                                                                                                                      - --- '"' ~:'da1r "'i!D9o.n/~1;~- """'ni~::~~:;,;:;~~::~:"ff"'"_____________

    2 U..O ZJXlt01 OOCMriverdilutiruifactllt: 200 Chi!dw~ter!ntate* S.IOE-IOS 1nl 1Gl l<<E+CIJ Ul/U2Combim!dClllDl1pm)= 22800 O~reRatalnim1,. sa

                             . A~NUALRREASE         IOCf~ ZJ                        lnt.a~t  lor lD Midlandinldkeco.'I<   2SGC-l00undilule~                                                                                                   AGUOOChlkltll)foid    RG1109Child EfflCIENCT stodiastitAU4              T!DE     mremTfD[         forOOurintal::e               cone                              2SGC.100                                                                        DCF            lhvrold~
              ~                                         ull                 mrem           uCi              uG/ml                 ~aim1         ~                         cpm                                                                  rnrem/pCi ingest!d mrtm/uO inp5ted
                  ~-SJ                                4.l+o4              1156-!6       2.2'l~*C'5         U'.!:4                1.92f-Ol            20-~<-07                                                                                       <941-00            <.94E-Ol lln-_SI 2Etll3              6.2Sf.l6      5.61&06            2&1E-09               4.BtiW              l.))f.fffi       6.lDE~

    fe.-55  !.!t-03 l~(lli 7.92Hl> t4GE--O& Z.SC&OJ ~o:EtOO o.rmoo re-59 aI~ 4.06Hl l.4U-t5 7JCf.(fJ tl'iE-03 llr£"'8 l.SJE<-05

                 ,~  .

    Co-*SS Zn*tli 1.lOE-03 S.JOE*OZ 1E+o3 SM! 4.E<-02 S.SL(-03 llilE*03 6.38E-Ol 2.47f.04 159&-0S Ll4£.DJ 124E-07 lB(li-Qi WE-CO 7.llf*W 107£-03 9J'9E-Ol l!lf)-08 2351"'3 lSMJ 1.84!+{6 7Jl£+a) 6.l7f+(J7 N;>'B'l .l~E-05 U-tOO s.ra:-~ 1.1Sf*06 3.SSE*~ &14E-O:I l55E.fG8 1111.E~ 7.HQ:l 6~1£-06

                 ~  ...

    ir-0 l9':1E-C& 5.90E-03 1Et01.

                                                                         } 9.8:1-_10     lUE-O:I ll<<-09 6.63E-H SS1E-OI LISE-07 242£-05 BSE,.00 J.illt\B LSf£tllt Rb-U                 170£-CS         S.E'l(l2            17\l-IW       8.?.llWi           4!6E*09               7.IU-OI              l~E1()7          1.l9E+m S*-89 Sr-~


                 '(.91 V-9l l~.a.

    B.50£-07 6.00£-01

                                    .l60E*C6 4AO&<X>
                                    ~OOE-07 5.E~

    U~l 5.h02 1Ete5 6.Et<l2 1E-k'.l3 2ll*tN llMl-04 6.0Cfil!i l&>E-07 lliTc-OS 15CH'6 O~E;O& UlE*-Ol 135E-C7 ia8E-07 iSSE-07 S ~E~ l.47F:~

                                                                                                           &.74E-ll 4.mE-lD 4.9t.E-10 lllf-11 4.22£.C.:.

    t.63E.()5 115fil5 6.91E-05

                                                                                                                                !.4Sf.CS i76£.Q6 18£;()1 OOOC.00

    (}o.ItOO l59Ef!e llSE"' 2.03&{)7

                                                                                                                                                                    *-1.7l£i00 OlllEtfll l.!Utlll L1l8C2 Zr-95               400£.(li         ~E+<B              LOCE-CS       S.?BE-07            H9E-JO                7.S!E-05            llSEt<ll         1Jl4E..

    Nb-95 4.00E-Oli 2.E+OO ltl£~(5 8.'l&S-01 4.4!1f.l0 7.Q!E-ai Lll1"'8 lll2E. . Sr-91 SJOE-06 2E+OJ L33E-OS Ll9E-06 5.9St-10 l.02E-Of lll4E.i<E

               ~J}.I                2;:1!-0l         l.Er(J3            l.15£*01      S.Ifil.01           2SSE-07              4.42E-02            *U"/£+07          1.97HOO Tc-99m                 ~lCl--03         8.E~               13:£-0l       4.71£-f;.1          H6E-07               4.0lE-02                              S.e.Elf.Ri Ru-103                UOl-C6           2E"iB              6N-06         6.06E-07            100£*.W              5.J&E-OS            '""""

    17IE"'8 Ul!+m

                                                                                                                                                                     ,00800 ll<-11);             8.2(1-D7          2.HC2             O.OOE+aJ       1.~07              911!-ll               157£.<lS            Olll<OO Rh*lOlT.               27\l-06           Uta>              Hf-08          606E-07            l0l1-l0               \JSE.OS            Olll.00           lOOEtOO Rh-IOI               !l((.01           8.E+Ol            SBE-07         1ME.07             Qnf-11                .157£.(15          HSf-1()7 Te-.125in              l'U-CS            Lfl-Ol            9.SOE-00       U~E-07              213£*W               165E-(l)            1!>11<!1;        IM!<-01                                                                                          lm<D            953E-a7 Te.l27m                ?lC{-QS           6.Ei-02            lJSE-M       4Jff06              2l6E-09              4.G3E-04             1lfl<Q;          S.,~+01                                                                                           6.91(-IOO      ZlBE-15 Te-127                !.SOf*OS          7,ff{l3           11'lE*D5       5.61E*'li          28lf{l'3             4.!!DE-04           2.41El-OO         LllE""                                                                                           126l-01         L2&E*tl>

    Te-ll'Jm UIE*O'i §.E-l(l'J 8.2((.(); LME-~ !l.21f-03 l.S7£-03 '5l!t06 l.OlE.. 157~ lQ2.£.04 Te-lll S..10E-05 .1001 8.SJ.£*06 1.1S£.(6 5.9SE..ffi 101£-03 196Et\ll 1.!lll+ol 9.56£-ijl 7.941-111 1-llO tlOE-OI 1.EtW llSE*03 S.lEE--05 2SSE--OI L.A2f..Q] ~18!"'8 2l!lt{6 6.~Et-02 2.34£-02 Te-mm 520£-05 6.8-02 4w:.04 l.17t-IJ:i ~84£-09 9.9!1£-01 lB.SE-1<11 2.f.5(+(5 S.12Etl0 4.1~ Te*Ul 9.<<l-C6 6.£+01 7.!i:-06 2.11[--0li 106E-O'J LSlE-Ot liS£;(l5 H9hoi 6.35~-02 ,936C.a!: 1-131 100(.(1] 9.E.01 5.~!EtOO V4f-02 lllE*!lS l'llf.00 190:;(l5 l.1GE+m 5.nE.+03 UlE<-01 Te-~ 7.00E-OI 7fi0l S.SiE-03 lN-o.1 !t76E-08 llOE-Ol 1-lll, 2l0Hl 9.E-+03 tiil-03  !>16f.M 2.58£*07 44'!02 17'£""

                                                                                                                                                 -4.22E106         '"""'

    186!'41 6SlHOJ 60001 '"""

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    , ...02 mi                  6.50£.-02        5.[+02             6.SCJ;-01     145&02              7.JOE.1)6            l~E.00              lllE<Ci!         21Utll!                                                                                           136E<-Ol       139EtOI HJ.I                UJ'"'6           3EtOI              7.67(-07      103HG              S.11!-W               8-83[~05           ........          1598M                                                                                             1/IJEtm        U!l!-QS Cs--134              l~E-[12           7.hOI             2.14£..00      6.lli-03           lllE-06               5.76E-01            ll.l!tll1l        um:+00
               ~13'               !120E-IB          lE+Ol              1)3E..()2     2.Clif-03          1031:-Qi              1m.1J1              17100l           102£+07                                                                                           l79E+o2        4CIZ{:.DI C\-136               J.9:'.IE.lJl                        4.~*02         8.75E:~            43&--01               7.45E-02           4!8Et<:8          ll!Et07 c~-m                  UOE-lll                            lllI.00        4.94E-03           24/f.-Ol             4.22£-01             1l8£tC&          l.41Et07 Ba-B7m                )10E-Gl                             O.CXl+OO       _4.nI-03           236!06               4.00E-01             133(+{18 5Jfit(l7     c~~~~=~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~i~~===~~§1~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~Ql~J~~~~-

    Ba-140 q_JJE*C6 7-l!HlS LOOE~ Ui4E-<!J L79E-Oi 7.'!n,;IJ/ 134E+ol l>-240 [40(-1); 7.0C-OS l~E-OS iUE-10 161£-0t l0S£"'3 4911+ol U-141 .e.rflf~ 11XI.QS 891£-01 4.flE-10 7fl£{Pj 77SE.07 59SEt<B _C.-143 ~m.01 lll-06 l!BE:07 16££-11 lf!if.(Pj 12'!0"" L!!ltOl Ce-t4:1 2r{lf~ "-33£-05 SME*07 Z.'nf:*lO 4"'-05 1&7EtCJ7 *34&<1! Pr-m ll1f...ffi 115£-05. 5.16£:-07 l.SSC-10 UZE-05 163!+00 7.2'1.QS

                                  ?.OOE-C:ti Pr-144 H*l              SSll:<-0!

    l2SE.{17 3.M£*HU 584£-07 U3E+{l2 292!-W "13E-Ol

                                                                                                                             "'3!-05 lOOf;()I lo\llt{6 OOOCtOO           .......,

    1.75£.01 Tolll l~E+O:t CRinqirn.= LOSEt09 Ul~tal CRir rpm; 4JJ;E+CB <<<<hued anSOmttm Cthy 5.txftOl DVinuCi/ml~ snE+OO OV In uO/ml ~ 2.42£+0) il$0tcpe~ indi'widually listed i~ t!w OOCMbul nol lr.cllided i~ tile dose cakulition ue as-SS (11h hlf-life), IV't-lai{2i9sha1Hlfe. As ihorl live~ 1dauglite1> al /ong.-1 li\itJ ~rcnb,produttion &int.ake limits u~ 1.Yludtd wllil ltle µarentvalues. Because al the ~crlh1lf lir*, th2 initial indil'idua! fqu&nlilits~rl' rnt11ned to be ln>ignilk.lnl

    Bl-137mMd CH37!~1opeo are also hCividulllV listed in !ht ODCM However, 6a-137m(2.SSrrln hall life) willcan11ibute to th~ coontraleat tht tmooitcr, butwillbt deored by 11ie time !t reacl1t!sMdlml W*te* lnta~t. All8a-131m d1ughter isote>pel that in Individual i1 upe>>td le>ifl!
    1riduded In 1he Cs.-l37dc!.!! lictnrs. Therefo~. B.1-l37mls!~duded In tcfilcounl rotf,but.l<ll dolt alnil1d11ns.

    !.wumndilily :lrir.kiniwaitf intike c:.:in in ltour~riod It rtidlind,..aterln!i\e, 1*f!01w11l@ifroml/2*00C*Z.Ol . .

    source Te~mfa (R~~~L~lM
    ind RM-UW-ll6) from l/7.()~C-~01 (St~~ and Webitl'f Cilrulatioo P1d:age UR[ll)-tro)
    ete.di:ln lffideric; for IRM-µW-l~ 111d Rfr'l-1l~l16) hom l/2*0DC*2.lll (~lCJlatioo Pach? ERS-Sfl*92*0¥ll

    _DOCMsoorce lerltl C~llComcl'liign l~aor from ERS*ATI*93"021 ~A.numpdons* . . . nxe c;ilailit"on i1 forcint hciurt~osure. Relertnce Mt~ d.Jil'(W.lter Int.Ike in orie; hour. '.intake ooncentratiQl'l irnlculaledusing CT b!owdow~ r.<lw rat~ (dcfl'!ll l5lro--i'SXli11ml prior tci lht1Mrwith !?OCMoulfa!I and riverdUu~on prior to i~til:.e. --*****---------------------------------L----------'}}