Category:Legal-Pre-Filed Exhibits
MONTHYEARML18009B0432018-01-0909 January 2018 NRC-012 - NRC Staff Response to Commission Post-Hearing Questions ML18009A9992018-01-0909 January 2018 FPL-011 - Fpl'S Responses to Post-Hearing Questions ML18023B5832017-11-0303 November 2017 NRC-005-R - NRC Staff Responses to Commission Prehearing Questions (November 3, 2017) ADAMS Accession No. ML17338A728 ML16004A2642016-01-0404 January 2016 FPL-037 - Recommended Order State Hearing L-31 E Water Use ML15314A5442015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-009 - Figure - Comparison of Pre- and Post- Uprate Heat Discharge to the Cooling Canal System ML15314A5242015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-002 - Declaration of Steven D. Scroggs, Dated November 10, 2015 (Includes Statement of Professional Qualifications) ML15314A5252015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-003 - Declaration of Jim M. Bolleter, Dated November 10, 2015 (Includes Statement of Professional Qualifications) ML15314A5492015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-012 - Figure - Turkey Point Intake Cooling Water Temperature Record; August 2014 to September 2015 ML15314A6312015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-046 - Florida Power and Light, Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4 - License Amendment Request for Extended Power Uprate, Attachment 4; Licensing Report (December 14, 2010)(ADAMS Accession No. ML103560177) ML15314A5472015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-011 - Figure - 60-Day Canal Peak Temperature Trend 2014 V. 2015 ML15314A6632015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-002 - Audrey L. Klett Statement of Professional Qualifications ML15314A6642015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-003 - Briana A. Grange Statement of Professional Qualifications ML15314A6652015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-004 - William Ford Statement of Professional Qualifications ML15314A6662015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-005 - Nicholas P. Hobbs Statement of Professional Qualifications ML15314A7722015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-050 - NRC Staff Hearing Exhibits ML15314A5262015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-004 - Declaration of Peter F. Andersen, Dated November 10, 2015 (Includes Statement of Professional Qualifications) ML15314A7702015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-049 - NRC Staff'S Initial and Rebuttal Statement of Position Regarding Contention 1 ML15314A5292015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-006 - Aerial Photograph of Turkey Point Site (Figure from Turkey Point Units 6 &7 Cola Environmental Report) ML15314A5712015-11-0909 November 2015 NRC-038 - Aquifers, Fla. Dep'T. of Envtl. Protection, Https://Fldep.Dep.State.Fl.Us/Swapp/Aquifer.Asp#. (Last Visited Nov. 9, 2015) ML15314A5702015-11-0909 November 2015 NRC-037 - Water Manager'S Glossary, S. Fla. Water Mgmt. Dist., http://www.sfwmd.gov/portal/page/levelthree/water%managers%20glossary. (Last Visited Nov. 9, 2015) ML15299A1092015-10-26026 October 2015 INT-007 Revised Oct 26, 2015 Case Exhibit List ML15299A1082015-10-26026 October 2015 INT-001 - the Science of the Turkey Point Wetlands ML15295A2092015-10-22022 October 2015 INT-003 - Case Oct 9 2015 CCS Salinty 1973 to 2015 (Corrected) ML15295A1272015-10-22022 October 2015 INT-002 - Case Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Uprate Implementation Water Quality Impacts ML15295A3062015-10-0909 October 2015 INT-007 - Case Exhibit List ML15295A1232015-10-0909 October 2015 INT-001 - Case Oct 9 2015 the Science of the Turkey Point 3 and 4 Wetlands ML15295A2082015-10-0606 October 2015 INT-006 - Case Oct 9 105 FPL Derm Consent Agreement ML15299A1162015-10-0303 October 2015 INT-013 - an Attack from Below: Water, Water, Everywhesea Level Rise in Miami ML15295A2072015-10-0202 October 2015 INT-005 - Case Oct 9 2015 Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action ML15314A6182015-09-30030 September 2015 FPL-019 - Biscayne Well Withdrawal Salinity Data, June - September 2015 ML15314A6882015-09-30030 September 2015 FPL-036 - UHS License Amendment Analysis Using CC-6 as a Surrogate Temperature Location ML15299A1172015-08-27027 August 2015 INT-029 - Letter August 27, 2014 FPL to Sfwmd Request for Emergency Authorization of Temporary Water Withdrawal from L-31E Canal ML15299A1152015-08-18018 August 2015 INT-012 - Emails to Case from Dr. Christopher Kelble, NOAA, August 18, 2015 ML15299A1352015-08-14014 August 2015 INT-042 - Sfwmd Final Order Withdrawals from L-31E Canal August 14, 2015 ML15314A5392015-08-0303 August 2015 NRC-031 - Exelon Generation Company, LLC, LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2: Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact; Issuance. 80 Fed. Reg. 46062 (August 3, 2015) ML15314A5052015-07-22022 July 2015 NRC-017 - Email from Audrey Klett, N.R.C., to Bob Tomonto, Paul Czaya, and Olga Hanek,Florida Power & Light, Turkey Point 3 and 4: Request for Additional Information - License Amendment Request 231, (July 22, 2014) (ADAMS Accession No. ML14 ML15314A6822015-05-31031 May 2015 FPL-025 - Turkey Point Plant; Annual Post-Uprate Monitoring Report (Addendum), Units 3&4 Uprate Project (May 2015) Tritium Addendum (This Excerpted Version Excludes the Data Appendices) ML15314A6992015-05-19019 May 2015 FPL-034 - South Florida Water Management District L-31E Withdrawal Emergency Final Order (May 19, 2015) ML15314A6912015-03-19019 March 2015 FPL-028 - Florida Department of Environmental Protection; Final Order Modifying Conditions of Certification for Turkey Point Units 3-5 (March 19, 2015) ML15314A6982015-03-13013 March 2015 FPL-033 - South Florida Water Management District Final Order: Authorizing Short Term Water Withdrawals from the L-31E Canal System; (April 9, 2015)(Includes Andersen Memorandum Evaluation of L-31E Water Addition Impacts on Ccs.. ML15321A4742015-01-23023 January 2015 FPL-032R - FPL 2015 L-31 Consumptive Use Permit Application ML15295A1982015-01-0808 January 2015 INT-004 - Case Oct 9 2015 AO Turkey Point Dec 23, 2014 (ML15035A227) ML15314A5152014-11-21021 November 2014 NRC-025 - Florida Power and Light, Root Cause Evaluation for CR Number 1979235, Canal Temperature Exceeded 100 Degrees F (Nov. 21, 2014) (ADAMS Accession No. ML15128A656) ML15314A6932014-11-13013 November 2014 FPL-030 - Revised Andersen Memorandum Evaluation of Drawdown in the Upper Floridan Aquifer Due to Proposed Salinity Reduction-based Withdrawals, Dated November 13, 2014 ML15299A1342014-09-11011 September 2014 INT-030 - Minutes Sfwmd, Governing Board Meeting September 11, 2014 ML15314A6892014-09-0505 September 2014 FPL-027 - Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Plant Unit 3 and 4 Nuclear Plant; Unit 5 Combined Cycle Plant Request for Site Certification Modification Additional Consumptive Use, Dated September 5, 2014 (Includes Andersen Memorandum ML15314A6922014-09-0505 September 2014 FPL-029 - Figure Showing Proposed Layout of Upper Floridan Wells from FPL Site Certification Modification Application (September 5, 2014) ML15314A5282014-09-0505 September 2014 FPL-005 - Map of Turkey Point Facility Layout (Figure from 2014 Turkey Point Units 3-5 Site Certification Modification Application) ML15314A6192014-08-31031 August 2014 FPL-020 - Figure Excerpted from 2014 Uprate Monitoring Program Showing Biscayne Aquifer Salinity ML15314A6252014-08-31031 August 2014 FPL-023 - Figures (Saltwater Isopleths) from Turkey Point Plant; Annual Post-Uprate Monitoring Report (Addendum), Units 3&4 Uprate Project (August 2014) 2018-01-09
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FPL-018 SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT July 1, 2014 Stacy M. Foster Manager, Environmental Services Florida Power & Light 700 Universe Blvd .
Juno Beach, FL 33408
Dear Ms. Foster:
FPL Turkey Point Power Plant Additional Temporary Use of Water Conditions of Certification (PA 03-45D), SFWMD File 720202-1 The South Florida Water Management District (District) has reviewed your request, dated June 27, 2014, for additional temporary use of water to help decrease the temperature within the Turkey Point Plant Cooling Canal System. The proposed water use includes up to 10 MGD from well PW-1 and 20 MGD from wells W-1 and W-2. These wells were constructed as part of aquifer performance testing for the Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 Site Certification .
Section 3.2 of the Basis of Review for Water Use Permits within the South Florida Water Management District (BOR) states that applicants using seawater to meet their total water demand are not required to obtain water use permits. Section 1.8 of the BOR defines seawater as "Groundwater or surface water with a chloride concentration at or above 19,000 milligrams per liter". Previously reported data from these wells indicates the water produced meets this definition.
The District supports this emergency request to FDEP for this temporary use provided that the total use does not exceed amounts described above, the use is monitored and monitoring data are provided to SFWMD as part of subsequent compliance reports, and that the water use is for no more than 90 days.
For assistance or additional information regarding this letter please contact Mindy Parrott at (561 )682-6324 or Simon Sunderland at (561 )682-2705.
Director, Regulation Division c: Matthew Raffenberg, FPL (via email : Matthew.Raffenberg@fpl.com)
Justin Green, DEP (via email: Justin.B.Green@dep.state.fl.us) 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 * (561) 686-8800
- 1-800-432- 2045 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 24680, West Pa lm Beach, FL 33416-4680
Bee: Mindy Parrott, SFWMD (via email: mparrott@sfwmd.gov)
Simon Sunderland, SFWMD (via email: ssunder@sfwmd.gov)
Scott Burns, SFWMD (via email: sburns@sfwmd .g ov)
FPL-018 SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT July 1, 2014 Stacy M. Foster Manager, Environmental Services Florida Power & Light 700 Universe Blvd .
Juno Beach, FL 33408
Dear Ms. Foster:
FPL Turkey Point Power Plant Additional Temporary Use of Water Conditions of Certification (PA 03-45D), SFWMD File 720202-1 The South Florida Water Management District (District) has reviewed your request, dated June 27, 2014, for additional temporary use of water to help decrease the temperature within the Turkey Point Plant Cooling Canal System. The proposed water use includes up to 10 MGD from well PW-1 and 20 MGD from wells W-1 and W-2. These wells were constructed as part of aquifer performance testing for the Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 Site Certification .
Section 3.2 of the Basis of Review for Water Use Permits within the South Florida Water Management District (BOR) states that applicants using seawater to meet their total water demand are not required to obtain water use permits. Section 1.8 of the BOR defines seawater as "Groundwater or surface water with a chloride concentration at or above 19,000 milligrams per liter". Previously reported data from these wells indicates the water produced meets this definition.
The District supports this emergency request to FDEP for this temporary use provided that the total use does not exceed amounts described above, the use is monitored and monitoring data are provided to SFWMD as part of subsequent compliance reports, and that the water use is for no more than 90 days.
For assistance or additional information regarding this letter please contact Mindy Parrott at (561 )682-6324 or Simon Sunderland at (561 )682-2705.
Director, Regulation Division c: Matthew Raffenberg, FPL (via email : Matthew.Raffenberg@fpl.com)
Justin Green, DEP (via email: Justin.B.Green@dep.state.fl.us) 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 * (561) 686-8800
- 1-800-432- 2045 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 24680, West Pa lm Beach, FL 33416-4680
Bee: Mindy Parrott, SFWMD (via email: mparrott@sfwmd.gov)
Simon Sunderland, SFWMD (via email: ssunder@sfwmd.gov)
Scott Burns, SFWMD (via email: sburns@sfwmd .g ov)