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FPL-014A - 2012 FPL Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report - Cover to Page 2-62
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Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/2012
Florida Power & Light Co
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 28497, ASLBP 15-935-02-LA-BD01, 50-250-LA, 50-251-LA
Download: ML15314A552 (130)


002998.FC11.01 FPL-014A Turkey Point Plant Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project October 31, 2012 Prepared for: Prepared by:

ecology and environment, inc.

Global Environmental Specialists

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page ES EXECUTIVE


.................................................. ES-1 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1-1 1.1 Brief Overview of Automated Monitoring Network ........................ 1-1 1.1.1 Groundwater ........................................................................... 1-1 1.1.2 Surface Water ......................................................................... 1-2 1.1.3 Meteorological ........................................................................ 1-3 1.1.4 Flow Meters ............................................................................ 1-3 1.2 Quarterly Sampling for Laboratory Analysis ................................. 1-3 1.3 Ecological Monitoring ................................................................... 1-4 1.3.1 Marsh and Mangroves ............................................................ 1-4 1.3.2 Biscayne Bay .......................................................................... 1-4 1.3.3 Broad-scale Porewater Survey ............................................... 1-4 1.4 Hydrogeologic Assessment ......................................................... 1-5 1.4.1 CCS Water Budget ................................................................. 1-5 1.4.2 Regional Assessment and Extent of CCS Water .................... 1-5 1.4.3 Biscayne Bay Continuous Resistivity Profile Survey ............... 1-5 1.5 Interceptor Ditch Operation .......................................................... 1-6 1.6 Data Quality Objectives and Acceptance Criteria......................... 1-6 2 AUTOMATED DATA COLLECTION .................................... 2-1 2.1 Groundwater Quality .................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods ........................ 2-1 2.1.2 Results and Discussion .......................................................... 2-3 2.2 Surface Water Quality ................................................................. 2-7 2.2.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods ........................ 2-7 2.2.2 Results and Discussion .......................................................... 2-8 2.3 Water Levels .............................................................................. 2-12 2.3.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods ...................... 2-12 2.3.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 2-14 2.4 Meteorological Data ................................................................... 2-18 2.4.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods ...................... 2-18 2.4.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 2-19 iii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Table of Contents Section Page 2.5 CCS Flow Meter Data ................................................................ 2-21 2.5.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods ...................... 2-21 2.5.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 2-22 3 QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER SAMPLING ..................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Groundwater Quality .................................................................... 3-2 3.1.1 Sample Collection and Analysis.............................................. 3-2 3.1.2 Results and Discussion .......................................................... 3-2 3.2 Surface Water Quality ............................................................... 3-10 3.2.1 Sample Collection and Analysis............................................ 3-10 3.2.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 3-10 3.3 Tracer Suite Assessment ........................................................... 3-15 3.4 Rain Sample Results.................................................................. 3-16 3.4.1 Sample Collection and Analysis............................................ 3-16 3.4.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 3-16 3.5 Evaporation Pans ....................................................................... 3-17 3.5.1 Sample Collection and Analysis............................................ 3-17 3.5.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 3-17 4 ECOLOGICAL MONITORING ........................................... 4-1 4.1 Marsh, Mangroves and Tree Islands ............................................ 4-1 4.1.1 Methods and Materials ........................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Results and Discussion .......................................................... 4-7 4.2 Biscayne Bay ............................................................................. 4-15 4.2.1 Methods and Materials ......................................................... 4-15 4.2.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 4-22 4.3 Landscape Scale Assessment of Porewater and Soils .............. 4-40 4.3.1 Initial Ecological Condition Characterization ......................... 4-40 4.3.2 Porewater Quarterly Events .................................................. 4-44 4.3.3 Soils ...................................................................................... 4-45 5 HYDROGEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT ................................ 5-1 5.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.1 Overview of Biscayne Aquifer and Geologic Formations ........ 5-1 5.1.2 Overview of Biscayne Aquifer and Flow Zones ........................ 5-2 5.2 Regional Assessment and Extent of CCS Water ......................... 5-3 5.2.1 Groundwater Responses to Environmental Conditions .......... 5-5 5.2.2 Operational Effects of the CCS on Groundwater Levels ......... 5-7 5.2.3 Extent of CCS Water and Rate of Migration ........................... 5-9 iv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Table of Contents Section Page 5.3 Biscayne Bay Continuous Resistivity Profile Survey .................. 5-15 5.4 Water and Salt Balance Model ................................................... 5-16 5.4.1 Conceptual Model ................................................................. 5-16 5.4.2 Bathymetry............................................................................ 5-17 5.4.3 Water Balance Calculations .................................................. 5-18 5.4.4 Storage ................................................................................. 5-27 5.4.5 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 5-27 6 INTERCEPTOR DITCH OPERATION ................................. 6-1 6.1 Introduction ................................................................................. 6-1 6.2 Operational or Structural Changes ............................................... 6-1 6.3 Meteorological Conditions ............................................................ 6-3 6.4 Water Quality and Water Level Results and Discussion ............. 6-3 6.4.1 Groundwater Levels ................................................................ 6-3 6.4.2 Vertical Groundwater Temperature Profiles ............................ 6-4 6.4.3 Vertical Groundwater Chloride Profiles ................................... 6-5 6.4.4 Interceptor Ditch Operation and Transect Water Levels ......... 6-6 6.4.5 Pressure Gradient Density Correction .................................... 6-6 7


AND INTERPRETATIONS ............................... 7-1 7.1 Groundwater ............................................................................... 7-1 7.1.1 Major Findings ........................................................................ 7-1 7.1.2 Additional Findings ................................................................. 7-2 7.2 Surface Water ............................................................................. 7-4 7.2.1 Major Findings ........................................................................ 7-4 7.2.2 Additional Findings ................................................................. 7-4 7.3 Tracer .......................................................................................... 7-6 7.3.1 Major Findings ........................................................................ 7-6 7.3.2 Additional Findings ................................................................. 7-7 7.4 Water Budget ............................................................................... 7-8 7.4.1 Major Findings ........................................................................ 7-8 7.5 Ecological .................................................................................... 7-8 7.5.1 Major Findings ........................................................................ 7-8 7.5.2 Additional Findings ................................................................. 7-8 8 RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................... 8-1 9 REFERENCES .................................................................. 9-1 v

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Table of Contents Section Page APPENDICES A Monitoring Stations B Automated Station Probe Calibration Logs C Automated Water Quality and Water Level Qualifications D Non-Qualified Automated Water Quality and Stage Data Time Series Graphs E U.S. Geologic Survey Induction Logs F Flow Meter Indexing Results G Plant Outages H Field Sampling Logs for Groundwater and Surface Water I Data Usability Summaries for Groundwater, Surface Water, and Porewater Laboratory Results J Level IV Laboratory Results K Ecological Calculations L Scientific and Common Names of Organisms Observed during Monitoring M Turkey Point Interceptor Ditch Monitoring Data vi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1.1-1 Summary of Monitoring Efforts (June 2010 - November 2012) .............................1-14 1.1-2 Well Construction Summary .................................................................................1-16 2.1-1 Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Specific Conductance (µS/cm)

Data ......................................................................................................................2-24 2.1-2 Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Temperature (°C) Data ..............2-26 2.1-3 Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Salinity (PSS-78) Data ..............2-28 2.2-1 Probe Types/Automated Measurements at Surface Water Stations ......................2-30 2.2-2 Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Specific Conductance (µS/cm)

Data ......................................................................................................................2-31 2.2-3 Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Temperature (°C) Data............2-32 2.2-4 Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Salinity (PSS-78) Data ............2-33 2.4-1 Parameters Collected at 15-Minute Intervals Reported by the Meteorological Station at TPM-1 ...................................................................................................2-34 2.4-2 Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 ........................................2-35 2.4-3 Total Rain Days and Rainfall Amounts Recorded Monthly at Each Station ...........2-41 2.4-4 Dates of Daily Rainfall Greater Than 1 in a 24-Hour Period for All Stations ........2-43 3.0-1 Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Locations and Events ........................3-19 3.0-2 Analytes Measured in Groundwater, Surface Water, and the Cooling Canal System .................................................................................................................3-20 3.1-1 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the June/July 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................................3-21 3.1-2 Sampling Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the September 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-24 3.1-3 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the December 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-27 3.1-4 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the March 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-30 3.1-5 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the June 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-33 3.1-6 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the September 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-36 3.1-7 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the December 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................................3-39 vii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 3.1-8 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the March 2012 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................................3-42 3.1-9 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the June 2012 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................................3-45 3.1-10 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the October 2010 Historical Well Sampling Event .............................................................................................3-48 3.1-11 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the January 2011 Historical Well Sampling Event .............................................................................................3-49 3.1-12 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the March 2011 Historical Well Sampling Event.............................................................................................3-50 3.1-13 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the June 2011 Historical Well Sampling Event.............................................................................................3-51 3.1-14 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the September 2011 Historical Well Sampling Event .............................................................................................3-52 3.1-15 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the December 2011 Historical Well Sampling Event.............................................................................................3-53 3.1-16 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the March 2012 Historical Well Sampling Event .............................................................................................3-54 3.1-17 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the June 2012 Historical Well Sampling Event .............................................................................................3-55 3.1-18 Comparison of Historical Well Groundwater Chloride Concentrations to Nearby Discretely Screened Monitoring Wells...................................................................3-56 3.1-19 Range of Ion Concentrations in Groundwater .......................................................3-57 3.1-20 Range of Isotope Ratios in Groundwater ..............................................................3-58 3.1-21 SFWMD Synoptic Sampling Results from CCS (February 2009) .........................3-59 3.2-1 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the June/July 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-60 3.2-2 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the September 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-63 3.2-3 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the December 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-66 3.2-4 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the March 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-69 3.2-5 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the June 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-72 3.2-6 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the September 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-75 3.2-7 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the December 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-78 3.2-8 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the March 2012 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-81 3.2-9 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the June 2012 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-84 3.2-10 Range of Ion Concentrations in Surface Water .....................................................3-87 3.2-11 Range of Isotope Ratios in Surface Water ............................................................3-88 viii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 3.4-1 Rainfall Collector Sampling Events and Sample Receipt Status ...........................3-89 3.4-2 Rainfall Tritium Results .........................................................................................3-90 3.5-1 Evaporation Pan Sampling Events and Sample Receipt Status ............................3-91 3.5-2 Evaporation Pan Results ......................................................................................3-92 4.1-1 Data and Samples Collected in October 2010; February, May, August, and November 2011; and February and May 2012 ......................................................4-47 4.1-2 Plot Location, Community Description, Dominant Vegetation in Subplots in 2010-2012 ............................................................................................................4-49 4.1-3 Species and Individuals Counted in Subplots for Shannon-Wiener Index of Diversity Calculations ...........................................................................................4-53 4.1-4 Shannon-Wiener Index Calculated Values for Plots and Transects ......................4-55 4.1-5 Average Sawgrass Cover per Plot and Transect for Each Quarter .......................4-56 4.1-6 Average Sawgrass Height per Plot and Transect for Each Quarter .......................4-57 4.1-7 Live and Total Sawgrass Biomass Equations for Each Season ............................4-58 4.1-8 Average Sawgrass Total Biomass per Plot and Transect for Each Quarter ..........4-59 4.1-9 Average Sawgrass Live Biomass per Plot and Transect per Plot and Transect with Annual Average ....................................................................................................4-60 4.1-10 Sawgrass Annual Net Primary Productivity ...........................................................4-61 4.1-11 Sawgrass Leaf Sclerophylly per Plot and Transect ...............................................4-62 4.1-12 Soil Wet and Dry Bulk Density for All Sites ...........................................................4-63 4.1-13 Soil Nutrients and Molar Ratios for All Sites .........................................................4-68 4.1-14 Average Leaf Carbon for Sawgrass per Plot and Transect ...................................4-73 4.1-15 Average Leaf Nitrogen for Sawgrass per Plot and Transect ..................................4-74 4.1-16 Average Leaf Phosophorus for Sawgrass per Plot and Transect ..........................4-75 4.1-17 Average Leaf Carbon Isotopes for Sawgrass per Plot and Transect .....................4-76 4.1-18 Average Leaf Nitrogen Isotopes for Sawgrass per Plot and Transect ...................4-77 4.1-19 Sawgrass Leaf C:N Molar Ratio per Plot and Transect ........................................4-78 4.1-20 Sawgrass Leaf N:P Molar Ratio per Plot and Transect ........................................4-79 4.1-21 Average Specific Conductance (µS/cm) and Temperature (°C) of Porewater at Each Site for Each Quarter ...................................................................................4-80 4.1-22 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater October 2010 ....................................4-83 4.1-23 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater February 2011 ..................................4-85 4.1-24 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater May 2011 ..........................................4-87 4.1-25 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater August 2011.....................................4-89 4.1-26 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater November 2011 ................................4-91 4.1-27 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater February 2012 ..................................4-93 4.1-28 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater May 2012 ..........................................4-95 4.1-29 Pearson Correlation Results of Freshwater Marsh Porewater Specific Conductance, Temperature and Tritium Values ....................................................4-97 ix

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 4.1-30 Percent Cover of Red Mangroves per Plot and Transect for Each Sampling Event ....................................................................................................................4-98 4.1-31 Average Red Mangrove Height per Plot and Transect for Each Sampling Event ..4-99 4.1-32 Average Red Mangrove Biomass per Plot and Transect for Each Sampling Event ..................................................................................................................4-100 4.1-33 Red Mangrove Annual Net Primary Productivity .................................................4-101 4.1-34 Red Mangrove Sclerophylly per Plot and Transect .............................................4-102 4.1-35 Average Leaf Carbon for Red Mangrove per Plot and Transect .........................4-103 4.1-36 Average Leaf Nitrogen for Red Mangrove per Plot and Transect ......... ...4-105 4.1-37 Average Leaf Phosphorous for Red Mangrove per Plot and Transect ......... ...4-106 4.1-38 Average Leaf Carbon Isotopes for Red Mangrove per Plot and Transect..4-107 4.1-39 Average Leaf Isotopes for Red Mangrove per Plot and Transect........... ..4-108 4.1-40 Red Mangrove Leaf C:N Molar Ratio per Plot and Transect ........ 4-110 4.1-41 Red Mangrove Leaf N:P Molar Ratio per Plot and Transect ......... 4-111 4.1-42 Pearson Correlation Results of Mangrove Porewater Specific Conductance, Temperature and Tritium Values.........................................................................4-111 4.1-43 Results of Aerial Survey .....................................................................................4-112 4.2-1 Latitude and Longitude of Biscayne Bay, Card Sound and Barnes Sound Ecological Sampling Points.................................................................................4-114 4.2-2 Categories of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Scored Using Braun-Blanquet Cover Abundance Index Method at Each Ecological Sampling Point ............................4-116 4.2-3 Mean, Standard Error, Minimum, and Maximum Values for Water Depth by Transect and Sampling Area, Spring 2012 .........................................................4-117 4.2-4 Mean, Standard Error, Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water Temperature by Transect and Sampling Area, Spring 2012 .....................4-118 4.2-5 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Water Quality Variables among Transects, All Sampling Events.........................4-119 4.2-6 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Water Quality Variables among Study Areas, All Sampling Events. ....................4-126 4.2-7 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom Water Temperature by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area .........................................................................4-129 4.2-8 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 .4-130 4.2-9 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area .........................................................4-131 4.2-10 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water Salinity (PSU) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 .........................4-132 4.2-11 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom Salinity by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ....................................................................................4-133 x

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 4.2-12 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water DO (mg/L) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ...............................4-134 4.2-13 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom Dissolved Oxygen by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area .........................................................................4-135 4.2-14 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water pH by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ...........................................4-136 4.2-15 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom pH by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ...................................................................................................4-137 4.2-16 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water ORP (mV) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ...............................4-138 4.2-17 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom ORP by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ...................................................................................................4-139 4.2-18 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water Turbidity (NTU) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 .......................4-140 4.2-19 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom Turbidity by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ....................................................................................4-141 4.2-20 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Porewater Temperature (°C) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ..............................4-142 4.2-21 Mean and Standard Error (SE) for Porewater Temperature (°C) by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ....................................................................................4-143 4.2-22 Average Values for Porewater and Bottom Water Temperature (°C) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ..............................................................................4-144 4.2-23 Statistical Comparisons of Temperature and Conductivity Between Porewater and Bottom Water Column Measurements among Transects, All Sampling Events...4-145 4.2-24 Statistical Comparisons (Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test) of Temperature and Conductivity between Porewater and Bottom Water Column Measurements among Study Areas, All Sampling Events. ......................................................................4-150 4.2-25 Average Values for Porewater and Bottom Water Temperature (°C) by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area .........................................................................4-151 4.2-26 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Porewater Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 .........................4-152 4.2-27 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Porewater Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area .....................................................4-153 4.2-28 Average Values for Porewater and Bottom Water Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ...............................................................4-154 4.2-29 Average Values for Porewater and Bottom Water Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ............................................................ 155 4.2-30 Presence of Seagrass, Halodule wrightii (HW) and Thalassia testudinum (TT), in at Least One Quadrat on Each Transect by Study Area, Spring 20124-156 xi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 4.2-31 Mean and Standard Error of Water Depth (m) and Braun-Blanquet Coverage Abundance (BBCA) Scores for Total Macrophytes, Total Seagrass, and Total Macroalgae by Transect and Study Area, Spring 20124-157 4.2-32 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of SAV (BBCA Scores) among Transects, All Sampling Events. Red p Values Indicate a Significant Difference..4-158 4.2-33 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of SAV (BBCA Scores) and Percent Light Attenuation among Study Areas, All Sampling Events4-164 4.2-34 Mean Braun-Blanquet Coverage Abundance (BBCA) Scores for Total Macrophytes, Total Seagrass, and Total Macroalgae by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ....................................................................................................................4-166 4.2-35 Number of Points Within Each Study Area Containing Each of Four Substrate Types, Spring 2012 ........................................................................................................4-167 4.2-36 General Benthic Conditions Surrounding Each Ecological Sampling Point Within Each Study Area, All Sampling Events Combined..4-168 4.2-37 Percentage of Sampling Points Along Each Transect Having Different Bottom Conditions, All Sampling Events Combined.4-169 4.2-38 Total Number of Taxa and Individuals Collected by Faunal Throw Traps and Percentage of Total Catch by Taxon for Each Study Area (N=20), Spring 2012..4-171 4.2-39 Scientific and Common Names of Organisms Captured During Faunal Throw Trap (FTT) Sampling, All Sampling Events Combined ................................................4-172 4.2-40 Number of and Percentage of Faunal Throw Trap Sampling Points within the Project Area (n=80) in Which Each Taxon Occurred, Spring 2012 .....................4-174 4.2-41 Minimum and Maximum Lengths of Measured Specimens for Each Taxon Captured by Faunal Throw Trap, Spring 2012 ....................................................4-175 4.2-42 Minimum and Maximum Lengths of Measured Specimens Captured by Faunal Throw Trap, All Sampling Events Combined .......................................................4-176 4.2-43 Absolute Number of Fish, Caridean Shrimp, and Total Specimens (All Taxa)

Collected by Faunal Throw Trap by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area.. .........................................................................................4-178 4.2-44 Density (Number of Individuals/m2) of Fish, Caridean Shrimp, and All Taxa Combined Collected by Faunal Throw Trap by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ..........................................................................................................4-179 4.2-45 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Total Faunal Density (Number of Individuals/m2), Total Fish Density, and Total Caridean Density among Transects, All Sampling Events ..................................................4-180 xii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 4.2-46 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Total Faunal Density (Number of Individuals/m2), Total Fish Density, and Total Caridean Density among Study Areas, All Sampling Events ...............................4-183 4.2-47 Comparison of Taxa Collected among Sampling Events.....................................4-184 4.2-48 Light Readings (µmols/m2/sec) Taken Simultaneously in Air and at Each of Three Water Depths at One Point Along Each Transect, Spring 2012 ..........................4-187 4.2-49 Percent Light Attenuation and Light Attenuation Percent Loss per Meter at Each of Three Water Depths at One Point Along Each Transect, Spring 2012 ................4-188 4.2-50 Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), Total Carbon (TC) and Dry Bulk Density of Sediments Composited by Depth Strata (Horizon) from Two Core Samples Collected on Each Transect, Fall 2010 (Nutrients) and Fall 2011 (Dry Bulk Density) ......................................................................................................4-189 4.2-51 Total Nitrogen (TN) to Total Phosphorus (TP) and Total Carbon (TC) to Total Nitrogen Ratios in Sediments Composited by Depth Strata (Horizon) from Two Core Samples Collected on Each Transect, Fall 2010 .................................................4-191 4.2-52 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Soil Chemistry and Dry Bulk Density Among Study Areas by Depth Strata (Horizon) .............................................................................................................4-193 4.2-53 Porewater Nutrient and Tracer Suite Results for All Study Areas and Sampling Events ................................................................................................................4-202 4.2-54 Laboratory Results for Seagrass Leaf Nutrient Sampling, Fall 2010 and Fall 2011 ...................................................................................................................4-202 4.2-55 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Leaf Nutrient Concentrations among Areas for Both Fall Events ................................4-202 4.3-1 Comparisons of Porewater Temperature between AEI Site and Grid Points of the Same Season, Habitat, and Depth. ....................................................................4-203 4.3-2 Within Season and Habitat Depth Comparisons for Temperature and Salinity .....4-204 4.3-3 Comparisons of Porewater Temperature between AEI Site and Grid Points of the Same Season, Habitat, and Depth. ....................................................................4-207 4.3-4 Comparisons of Porewater Salinity between AEI Site and Grid Points of the Same Season, Habitat, and Depth ................................................................................4-208 4.3-5 Range of ions and isotopes in Porewater from the marsh, mangrove and Biscayne Bay around the CCS ...........................................................................................4-209 4.3-6 Range of Soil Wet and Dry Bulk Densities in the Different Habitats around the CCS ....................................................................................................................4-210 4.3-7 Wet and Dry Bulk Density Statistical Comparisons Across Habitats ................... 4-211 5.2-1 Response in Water Levels Due to September 29, 2010 Rain Event .....................5-32 5.2-2 Response in Water Levels Due to October 8, 2011 Rain Event ............................5-34 xiii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 5.2-3 Wet/Dry Season Water Elevations, October 14, 2010, May 14, 2011, October 22, 2011, and April 4, 2012 .........................................................................................5-36 5.2-4 Spring High and Low Tide Water Elevations, December 24, 2011 and March 10, 2012 .....................................................................................................................5-38 5.2-5 Estimated Percent CCS Water Based on Chloride Concentrations .......................5-40 5.2-6 Estimated Percent CCS Water Based on Tritium Concentrations .........................5-41 5.4-1 Water Balance for 22-Month Period (September 2010 through June 2012) ..........5-43 5.4-2 Salt Balance for 22-Month Period (September 2010 through June 2012) .............5-44 5.4-3 Calibrated Model Parameter Values .....................................................................5-45 5.4-4 Water Balance for September 2010 ......................................................................5-46 5.4-5 Salt Balance for September 2010 .........................................................................5-47 5.4-6 Water Balance for October 2010...........................................................................5-48 5.4-7 Salt Balance for October 2010 ..............................................................................5-49 5.4-8 Water Balance for November 2010 .......................................................................5-50 5.4-9 Salt Balance for November 2010 ..........................................................................5-51 5.4-10 Water Balance for December 2010 .......................................................................5-52 5.4-11 Salt Balance for December 2010 ..........................................................................5-53 5.4-12 Water Balance for January 2011...........................................................................5-54 5.4-13 Salt Balance for January 2011 ..............................................................................5-55 5.4-14 Water Balance for February 2011 .........................................................................5-56 5.4-15 Salt Balance for February 2011 ............................................................................5-57 5.4-16 Water Balance for March 2011 .............................................................................5-58 5.4-17 Salt Balance for March 2011 .................................................................................5-59 5.4-18 Water Balance for April 2011 ................................................................................5-60 5.4-19 Salt Balance for April 2011 ...................................................................................5-61 5.4-20 Water Balance for May 2011 ................................................................................5-62 5.4-21 Salt Balance for May 2011 ....................................................................................5-63 5.4-22 Water Balance for June 2011 ...............................................................................5-64 5.4-23 Salt Balance for June 2011 ...................................................................................5-65 5.4-24 Water Balance for July 2011 .................................................................................5-66 5.4-25 Salt Balance for July 2011 ....................................................................................5-67 5.4-26 Water Balance for August 2011 ............................................................................5-68 5.4-27 Salt Balance for August 2011 ...............................................................................5-69 5.4-28 Water Balance for September 2011 ......................................................................5-70 5.4-29 Salt Balance for September 2011 .........................................................................5-71 5.4-30 Water Balance for October 2011...........................................................................5-72 5.4-31 Salt Balance for October 2011 ..............................................................................5-73 5.4-32 Water Balance for November 2011 .......................................................................5-74 5.4-33 Salt Balance for November 2011 ..........................................................................5-75 xiv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 5.4-34 Water Balance for December 2011 .......................................................................5-76 5.4-35 Salt Balance for December 2011 ..........................................................................5-77 5.4-36 Water Balance for January 2012...........................................................................5-78 5.4-37 Salt Balance for January 2012 ..............................................................................5-79 5.4-38 Water Balance for February 2012 .........................................................................5-80 5.4-39 Salt Balance for February 2012 ............................................................................5-81 5.4-40 Water Balance for March 2012 .............................................................................5-82 5.4-41 Salt Balance for March 2012 .................................................................................5-83 5.4-42 Water Balance for April 2012 ................................................................................5-84 5.4-43 Salt Balance for April 2012 ...................................................................................5-85 5.4-44 Water Balance for May 2012 ................................................................................5-86 5.4-45 Salt Balance for May 2012 ....................................................................................5-87 5.4-46 Water Balance for June 2012 ...............................................................................5-88 5.4-47 Salt Balance for June 2012 ...................................................................................5-89 6.4-1 Range in Surface Water Head Differences .............................................................6-8 6.4-2 Days of ID Pump Operation per Month .................................................................6-13 6.4-3 Pumping Summary ...............................................................................................6-14 A-1 Locations (in Decimal Degrees) of Monitoring Stations .......................................... A-1 A-2 Florida Power & Light Turkey Point Plant Monitoring Well Construction Details ..... A-4 C-1 Qualifications ......................................................................................................... C-7 C-2 Flow Meters ......................................................................................................... C-30 C-3 Year 1 Corrections ............................................................................................... C-31 F.1-1 Indexing Results and K Factor Summary ............................................................... F-5 F.1-2 Outflow Station Reference Flow Derivation ............................................................ F-6 F.1-3 Southern Station Reference Flow Derivation ......................................................... F-7 F.1-4 Inflow Station Reference Flow Derivation .............................................................. F-8 F.1-5 Stream Gauged Data Overview ............................................................................. F-9 F.2-1 Indexing Results and K Factor Summary from TPFM-1 and TPFM-2 (Conducted May 31, 2012)...................................................................................................... F-20 F.2-2 Outflow Station (TPFM-1) Reference Flow Derivation (May 31, 2012) ................. F-21 F.2-3 South Station (TPFM-2) Reference Flow Derivation (May 31, 2012) .................... F-22 F.2-4 Stream Gauged Data Overview (Conducted May 31, 2012) ................................ F-23 G-1 2010 through June 2012 Outage Summary Report (PTF-01) ................................. G-1 G-2 2010 through June 2012 Outage Summary Report (PTF-02) ............................... G-15 G-3 2010 through June 2012 Outage Summary Report (PTN-03) .............................. G-21 xv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page G-4 2010 through June 2012 Outage Summary Report (PTN-04) .............................. G-22 G-5 Plant Operational Data ........................................................................................ G-23 L-1 Terrestrial Plant Taxa Observed During the Monitoring Effort .................................L-1 L-2 Scientific and Common Names of Organisms Occurring in Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Quadrats and Faunal Throw Traps .......................................................L-2 M-1 Water Levels Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - June 2011..........................M-1 M-2 Water Levels Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - July 2011 ...........................M-2 M-3 Water Levels Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - August 2011 ......................M-3 M-4 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events - Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - September 2011 ......................................................................M-4 M-5 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - October 2011 ...........................................................................M-5 M-6 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - November 2011 .......................................................................M-6 M-7 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - December 2011 .......................................................................M-7 M-8 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - January 2012 ...........................................................................M-9 M-9 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - February 2012 .......................................................................M-12 M-10 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - March 2012.............................................................................M-14 M-11 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - April 2012 ..............................................................................M-16 M-12 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - May 2012 ...............................................................................M-18 xvi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1-1 Locations of Groundwater Monitoring Stations......................................................1-18 1.1-2 Locations of Surface Water Monitoring Stations ...................................................1-19 1.1-3 Locations of Meteorological Station, Rainfall Gauging Stations, Rainfall Collectors and Evaporation Pans .........................................................................................1-20 1.1-4 Flow Meter Locations in the CCS..........................................................................1-21 1.3-1 Ecological Transect Locations ..............................................................................1-22 1.3-2 Initial Broad-scale Porewater Sample Locations ...................................................1-23 1.3-3 Wet Season Broad-Scale Porewater Sample Locations .......................................1-24 2.1-1 Automated Groundwater Stations .........................................................................2-45 2.1-2 TPGW-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-46 2.1-3 TPGW-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-47 2.1-4 TPGW-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-48 2.1-5 TPGW-4 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-49 2.1-6 TPGW-5 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-50 2.1-7 TPGW-6 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-51 2.1-8 TPGW-7 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-52 2.1-9 TPGW-8 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-53 2.1-10 TPGW-9 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-54 2.1-11 TPGW-10 Specific Conductance, Temperature and Salinity .................................2-55 2.1-12 TPGW-11 Specific Conductance, Temperature and Salinity .................................2-56 2.1-13 TPGW-12 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-57 2.1-14 TPGW-13 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-58 2.1-15 TPGW-14 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-59 2.1-16 Average and Standard Deviation of Specific Conductance Values (in µS/cm) for Groundwater Stations ...........................................................................................2-60 2.1-17 Average and Standard Deviation of Temperature (in oCelsius) for Groundwater Stations ................................................................................................................2-61 2.1-18 Average and Standard Deviation of Salinity (in PSS-78) for Groundwater Stations ................................................................................................................2-62 2.1-19 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature in Biscayne Bay Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-10, TPGW-11 and TPGW-14 ..........................................2-63 xvii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 2.1-20 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature across the Landscape in Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-14, TPGW-3, TPGW-13, TPGW-5 and TPGW-7 ...............................................................................................................2-64 2.1-21 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature across the Landscape in Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-11, TPGW-13, TPGW-2, TPGW-4 and TPGW-9 ...............................................................................................................2-65 2.1-22 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature across the Landscape in Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-11, TPGW-13, TPGW-1 and TPGW-6 ...............2-66 2.1-23 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature across the Landscape in Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-10, TPGW-12, TPGW-13 and TPGW-6 .............2-67 2.1-24 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature across the Landscape in Shallow and Deep Wells Close to the CCS - TPGW-1, TPGW-2, TPGW-3, TPGW-10, TPGW-11, TPGW-12, TPGW 13 and TPGW-14 .................................2-68 2.1-25 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature in Biscayne Bay Surface Water and Biscayne Bay Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-10 and TPGW-14 .......2-69 2.2-1 Automated Surface Water Stations ......................................................................2-70 2.2-2 TPBBSW-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..............................2-71 2.2-3 TPBBSW-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..............................2-72 2.2-4 TPBBSW-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..............................2-73 2.2-5 TPBBSW-4 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..............................2-74 2.2-6 TPBBSW-5 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..............................2-75 2.2-7 TPBBSW-10 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ............................2-76 2.2-8 TPBBSW-14 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ............................2-77 2.2-9 TPSWC-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-78 2.2-10 TPSWC-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-79 2.2-11 TPSWC-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-80 2.2-12 TPSWC-4 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-81 2.2-13 TPSWC-5 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-82 2.2-14 TPSWCCS-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-83 2.2-15 TPSWCCS-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-84 2.2-16 TPSWCCS-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-85 2.2-17 TPSWCCS-4 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-86 2.2-18 TPSWCCS-5 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-87 2.2-19 TPSWCCS-6 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-88 2.2-20 TPSWCCS-7 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-89 2.2-21 TPSWID-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...............................2-90 2.2-22 TPSWID-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...............................2-91 2.2-23 TPSWID-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...............................2-92 xviii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 2.2-24 Average and Standard Deviation of Specific Conductance (in µS/cm) for Surface Water Stations ......................................................................................................2-93 2.2-25 Average and Standard Deviation of Temperature (in oCelsius) for Surface Water Stations ................................................................................................................2-94 2.2-26 Average and Standard Deviation of Salinity (in PSS-78) for Surface Water Stations ................................................................................................................2-95 2.2-27 Comparison of Specific Conductance in Biscayne Bay Surface Water Stations ....2-96 2.2-28 Comparison of Specific Conductance in CCS and Biscayne Bay Surface Water Stations ................................................................................................................2-96 2.2-29 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature in L-31E Canal for Top and Bottom Locations ...........................................................................................2-97 2.2-30 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature in Interceptor Ditch Stations for Top and Bottom Locations ................................................................2-98 2.2-31 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature at the Bottom of Interceptor Ditch Operation Transect A Stations ...................................................2-99 2.2-32 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature at the Bottom of Interceptor Ditch Operation Transect C Stations .................................................2-100 2.2-33 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature at the Bottom of Interceptor Ditch Operation Transect E Stations .................................................2-101 2.2-34 Biscayne Bay and CCS Water Temperatures and Ambient Air Temperature ......2-102 2.2-35 Comparison of Temperature in CCS Surface Water Stations ..............................2-102 2.2-36 Biscayne Bay Surface Water Temperatures (24- Hour Averages) and Ambient Air Temperature (Maximum and Minimum Values) Time Series Plots .....................2-103 2.2-37 Differences between Ambient Air, CCS and Biscayne Bay Water Temperatures 2-103 2.3-1 TPGW-1 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-104 2.3-2 TPGW-2 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-104 2.3-3 TPGW-3 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-105 2.3-4 TPGW-4 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-105 2.3-5 TPGW-5 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-106 2.3-6 TPGW-6 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-106 2.3-7 TPGW-7 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-107 2.3-8 TPGW-8 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-107 2.3-9 TPGW-9 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-108 2.3-10 TPGW-10 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-108 2.3-11 TPGW-11 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-109 2.3-12 TPGW-12 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-109 2.3-13 TPGW-13 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-110 2.3-14 TPGW-14 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-110 xix

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 2.3-15 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations across the Landscape at TPGW-14, TPGW-13, TPGW-5 and TPGW-7 ..............................2-111 2.3-16 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations across the Landscape at TPGW-14, TPGW-9 and TPGW-4 ................................................2-111 2.3-17 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations across the Landscape at TPGW-3, TPGW-13 and TPGW-12 ..............................................2-112 2.3-18 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations across the Landscape at TPGW-10, TPGW-11, TPGW-13 and TPGW-14...........................2-112 2.3-19 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations at TPGW-13 and TPSWCCS-2 ......................................................................................................2-113 2.3-20 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations at TPGW-1 and TPGW-2, and CCS Surface Water Stations TPSWCCS-1, TPSWCCS-3 and TPSWCCS-7 ......................................................................................................2-113 2.3-21 Comparison of Daily Average Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations in Biscayne Bay Well TPGW-11 and Biscayne Bay Surface Water Station TPBBSW-3 ........................................................................................................2-114 2.3-22 TPBBSW-10 Water Elevations............................................................................2-114 2.3-23 TPBBSW-3 Water Elevations .............................................................................2-115 2.3-24 TPBBSW-14 Water Elevations............................................................................2-115 2.3-25 TPSWC-1 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-116 2.3-26 TPSWC-2 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-116 2.3-27 TPSWC-3 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-117 2.3-28 TPSWC-4 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-117 2.3-29 TPSWC-5 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-118 2.3-30 TPSWCCS-1 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-118 2.3-31 TPSWCCS-2 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-119 2.3-32 TPSWCCS-3 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-119 2.3-33 TPSWCCS-4 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-120 2.3-34 TPSWCCS-5 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-120 2.3-35 TPSWCCS-6 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-121 2.3-36 TPSWCCS-7 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-121 2.3-37 TPSWID-1 Water Elevations ...............................................................................2-122 2.3-38 TPSWID-2 Water Elevations ...............................................................................2-122 2.3-39 TPSWID-3 Water Elevations ...............................................................................2-123 2.3-40 Comparison of Time Series Surface Water Elevations in Tidal Stations TPBBSW-3, TPBBSW-10, TPBBSW-14 and TPSWC-5 .....................................2-123 2.3-41 Comparison of Time Series Surface Water Elevations in CCS Stations .............2-124 2.3-42 Lack of Tidal Response in CCS and L-31E Surface Water .................................2-125 xx

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 2.3-43 Comparison of Time Series Surface Water Elevations in CCS, L-31E, and Biscayne Bay ......................................................................................................2-126 2.4-1 Locations of Meteorological Stations and Rainfall Gauges..................................2-127 2.4-2 Photos of the Meteorological Station and Rainfall Collector ................................2-128 2.4-3 Time Series Rainfall, Temperature, Relative Humidity and Barometric Pressure at TPM-1.................................................................................................................2-129 2.4-4 Time Series Wind Direction, Wind Speed, Wind Gusts and Wind Speed at Lull for TPM-1.................................................................................................................2-130 2.4-5 Time Series Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) for TPM-1 .....................2-131 2.4-6 Monthly Rainfall at TPM-1 from August 2010 through June 2012 .......................2-132 2.4-7 Wind Row Plot Indicating Wind Speed and Direction ..........................................2-133 2.4-8 Wind Speed (Class) Frequency Distribution........................................................2-134 2.5-1 Acoustic Doppler Flow Meter Measurement Setup within the Water Column ......2-135 2.5-2 Indexed Velocity and Flow Rates for Flow Meter Stations TPFM-1 (Outflow from Plant) and TPFM-2 (South of CCS) ....................................................................2-136 2.5-3 Flow Rates at TPFM-1 Compared to TPFM-2 .....................................................2-137 2.5-4 Flow Rates at TPFM-1 Compared to the Flow Loss of Water Traveling from North to South ....................................................................................................2-137 2.5-5 Flow Rates at TPFM-1 and TPFM-2 Compared to the Tidal Amplitude at TPBBSW-3 (January 23-30, 2011) .....................................................................2-138 2.5-6 Flow Rates at TPFM-1 and TPFM-2 Compared to the Tidal Amplitude at TPBBSW-3 (March 23-30, 2011) ........................................................................2-139 3.1-1 Typical Groundwater Field Sampling Setup ..........................................................3-94 3.1-2 Chloride Concentrations (mg/L) in Groundwater June 2010 through June 2012 ...3-95 3.1-3 Sodium Concentrations (mg/L) in Groundwater June 2010 through June 2012 ....3-96 3.1-4 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) in Groundwater June 2010 through June 2012 .....3-97 3.1-5 Average Quarterly Chloride Concentrations at Each Well Compared to Biscayne Bay and CCS Surface Water Chloride Concentrations .........................................3-98 3.1-6 Monitoring Well Elevations....................................................................................3-99 3.1-7 Locations of Aquifer Cross Sections for Groundwater Chloride Concentrations ..3-100 3.1-8 Cross Section A-A Showing Quarterly Groundwater Chloride Concentrations from June/July 2010 through June 2012 ............................................................3-101 3.1-9 Cross Section B-B Showing Quarterly Groundwater Chloride Concentrations from June/July 2010 through June 2012 .............................................................3-102 3.1-10 Cross Section C-C Showing Quarterly Groundwater Chloride Concentrations from June/July 2010 through June 2012 .............................................................3-103 3.1-11 Tri-Linear Diagrams of Quarterly Groundwater Datac .........................................3-104 3.1-12 Tritium Concentrations in Groundwater June 2010 through December 2011 ......3-105 xxi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 3.1-13 Cross Section A-A Showing Quarterly Groundwater Tritium Concentrations from June/July 2010 through December 2011 ...................................................3-106 3.1-14 Cross Section B-B Showing Quarterly Groundwater Tritium Concentrations from June/July 2010 through December 2011 ....................................................3-107 3.1-15 Cross Section C-C Showing Quarterly Groundwater Tritium Concentrations from June/July 2010 through December 2011 ....................................................3-108 3.1-16 Nutrient Concentrations in Groundwater June/July 2010, December 2010, and March 2011.........................................................................................................3-109 3.1-17 Nutrient Concentrations in Groundwater September 2011 and March 2012 .......3-110 3.2-1 Chloride Concentrations (mg/L) in Surface Water June 2010 through June 20123-111 3.2-2 Sodium Concentrations (mg/L) in Surface Water June 2010 through June 2012 3-112 3.2-3 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) of Surface Water June 2010 through June 2012 3-113 3.2-4 Tri-Linear Diagrams of Quarterly Surface Water Data .........................................3-114 3.2-5 Tritium Concentrations in Surface Water June 2010 through December 2011 ....3-115 3.2-6 Surface Water Oxygen (18O) and Hydrogen (2H) Isotopes ..............................3-116 3.2-7 Nutrient Concentrations in Surface Water June/July 2010 and March 2011 ........3-117 3.2-8 Nutrient Concentrations in Surface Water September 2011 and March 2012 .....3-118 3.4-1 Tritium Concentrations (pCi/L) in Rainfall Collectors ...........................................3-119 3.4-2 Tritium Concentrations (pCi/L) in Rainfall Compared to Distance from CCS .......3-119 3.5-1 Tritium Concentrations (pCi/L) in Evaporation Pans in 2011 ...............................3-120 3.5-2 Tritium Concentrations (pCi/L) in Evaporation Pans Compared to Distance from CCS in 2011 ...............................................................................................3-120 4.1-1 Marsh and Mangrove Plot Locations ...................................................................4-212 4.1-2 Example of Plot Design ......................................................................................4-213 4.1-3 1m x 1m Marsh Subplot ......................................................................................4-214 4.1-4 Picture of Plot F3-3 Taken from the Northeast Corner Facing Southwest ...........4-214 4.1-5 Screenshot of ImageJ with a Leaf Outlined for Surface Area Measurement .......4-215 4.1-6 Aerial Photograph of Plot F3-3 (Left) and the Resulting Maximum Likelihood Classification (Right). ..........................................................................................4-216 4.1-7 Soil Cores Capped and Ready for Transport to the Lab for Processing ..............4-217 4.1-8 Sawgrass Height per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event ..................................4-218 4.1-9 Sawgrass Height with Distance from the CCS ....................................................4-219 4.1-10 Sawgrass Total Biomass per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event ......................4-220 4.1-11 Sawgrass Live Biomass per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event .......................4-221 4.1-12 Sawgrass Live Biomass with Distance from the CCS .........................................4-222 4.1-13 Sawgrass Productivity with Distance from the CCS ............................................4-222 4.1-14 Sawgrass Sclerophylly per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event .........................4-223 4.1-15 Sawgrass Sclerophylly with Distance from the CCS ...........................................4-224 xxii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 4.1-16 Soil Dry Bulk Density and Soil Phosphorous with Sawgrass Live Biomass .........4-225 4.1-17 Marsh Porewater Specific Conductance with Distance from the CCS ................4-226 4.1-18 Marsh Porewater Temperature with Distance from the CCS ..............................4-226 4.1-19 Red Mangrove Height per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event...........................4-227 4.1-20 Red Mangrove Height With Distance From the CCS ..........................................4-228 4.1-21 Red Mangrove Biomass per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event .......................4-229 4.1-22 Red Mangrove Biomass with Distance from the CCS .........................................4-230 4.1-23 Red Mangrove Productivity with Distance from the CCS.....................................4-230 4.1-24 Red Mangrove Leaf Sclerophylly per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event ..........4-231 4.1-25 Red Mangrove Leaf Sclerophylly with Distance from the CCS (Significance at p < 0.012) ........................................................................................................... 4.232 4.1-26 Soil Dry Bulk Density and Soil Phosphorous with Red Mangrove Biomass .........4-233 4.1-27 Mangrove Porewater Specific Conductance with Distance from the CCS ...........4-234 4.1-28 Mangrove Porewater Temperature with Distance from the CCS.........................4-234 4.2-1 Map of Biscayne Bay Ecological Monitoring Areas and Transects......................4-235 4.2-2 A Biologist Records SAV Data from a 1/4 m2 Quadrat on an Underwater Data Sheet ............................................................................. ...4-236 4.2-3 Representative SAV Components Scored Using the Braun-Blanquet Cover Abundance Index .................................................................... ...4-237 4.2-4 Faunal Throw Trap Collection Methodology ............................ ...4-238 4.2-5 Licor LI-193 Sensor Mounted in a Non-Reflective Frame Used for Measuring Light at Different Depths within the Water Column, Shown Here Resting on the Bottom ................................................................................................................4-239 4.2-6 Licor LI-190 Sensor Used to Measure Ambient Light at the Surface Simultaneously with Underwater Measurements to Calculate Light Attenuation with Depth ............................................................................................... 4-239 4.2-7 A Peristaltic Pump (on Top of Green Coolers) Used to Collect Porewater for Nutrient and Tracer Suite Analysis ......................................... ...4-240 4.2-8 Soil Cores Prepared for Transport to Shore ............................ ...4-241 4.2-9 Total Density of All Organisms, by Major Taxonomic Group and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Fall 2010 ............................. .4-242 4.2-10 Total Density of All Organisms, by Major Taxonomic Group and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2011 ....................... ...4-243 4.2-11 Total Density of All Organisms, by Major Taxonomic Group and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Fall 2011 .......................................................4-244 4.2-12 Total Density of All Organisms, by Major Taxonomic Group and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2012 ..................................................4-245 4.2-13 Total Density of All Organisms, by Major Taxonomic Group and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, All Sampling Events Combined ....................4-246 xxiii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 4.2-14 Total Density of Fish, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Fall 2010 .............................................................................................................4-247 4.2-15 Total Density of Fish, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2011 ........................................................................................................4-248 4.2-16 Total Density of Fish, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Fall 2011 .............................................................................................................4-249 4.2-17 Total Density of Fish, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2012 ...................................................................................................... 4-2450 4.2-18 Total Density of Fish, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps All Sampling Events Combined ..........................................................................4-251 4.2-19 Total Density of Caridean Shrimp, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2011 ...................................................................................4-252 4.2-20 Total Density of Caridean Shrimp, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Fall 2011 .......................................................................................4-253 4.2-21 Total Density of Caridean Shrimp, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2012...................................................................................4-254 4.2-22 Total Density of Caridean Shrimp, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, All Sampling Events Combined ....................................................4-255 4.2-23 Total Density, Caridean Shrimp Density, and Fish Density Compared with Seagrass and Macroalgae Abundance among All Study Areas throughout All Sampling Periods................................................................................................4-256 4.3-1 Piper Diagram for All Bay, Mangrove and Marsh Samples for April 2011 ............4-257 4.3-2 Wet Season (September 2010) Porewater Tritium Values ..................................4-258 4.3-3 Porewater (Bay, Marsh and Mangrove) and April 2011 Evaporation Pan Tritium Concentrations with Distance from the CCS .......................................................4-259 4.3-4 Dry Season (April 2011) Porewater Tritium Values.............................................4-260 4.3-5 Porewater (Bay, Marsh and Mangrove) Specific Conductance versus Tritium Concentrations for April 2011 .............................................................................4-261 4.3-6 Minimum, Maximum, and Average Tritium in Porewater Plots ............................4-262 4.3-7 Minimum, Maximum, and Average Specific Conductance in Porewater Plots.....4-263 4.3-8 Tri-Linear Diagrams of Seasonal Porewater Ions. ..............................................4-264 4.3-9 Quarterly Hydrogen-Oxygen Isotopes in Porewater ............................................4-265 5.1-1 Geologic Formation Cross Section Location .........................................................5-90 5.1-2 Geologic Cross Section A-A .................................................................................5-91 5.1-3 Geologic Cross Section B-B .................................................................................5-92 5.1-4 Geologic Cross Section C-C .................................................................................5-93 5.2-1 Groundwater Response to Rain Events - September through November 2010 ...5-94 5.2-2 Groundwater Response to Rain Events - September through November 2011 ...5-94 xxiv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 5.2-3 Wet and Dry Season Day Water Elevation Comparison - October 10, 2010 and May 14, 2011 ........................................................................................................5-95 5.2-4 Wet and Dry Season Day Water Elevation Comparison - October 22, 2011 and April 4, 2012 .........................................................................................................5-96 5.2-5 Tidal Effects at Biscayne Bay, Nearshore and Inland Stations in the Northern Part of Study Area ................................................................................................5-97 5.2-6 Tidal Effects at Biscayne Bay, Nearshore and Inland Stations in the Southern Part of Study Area ................................................................................................5-98 5.2-7 Lack of Tidal Effects in CCS Surface Water and Groundwater .............................5-99 5.2-8 Spring Tide Groundwater Elevations, December 24, 2011..................................5-100 5.2-9 Spring Tide Groundwater Elevations, March 10, 2012 ........................................5-101 5.2.10 Averaged Daily Groundwater Elevations for TPGW-10 Wells .............................5-102 5.2.11 Averaged Daily Groundwater Elevations for TPGW-11 Wells .............................5-102 5.2.12 Averaged Daily Groundwater Elevations for TPGW-14 Wells .............................5-103 5.2-13 Nuclear Unit Estimated Flows and Outages/Megawatt (MW) Output Reduction .5-103 5.2-14 TPGW-1 Groundwater and TPSWCCS-1 Surface Water Responses to Rainfall and Nuclear Unit Power Outages, September 2010 - December 2010 .....................5-104 5.2-15 TPGW-1 Groundwater and TPSWCCS-1 Surface Water Responses to Rainfall and Unit Power Outages, January 2011 - June 2011 ........................................5-105 5.2-16 TPGW-10 Groundwater and TPSWCCS-6 Surface Water Responses to Rainfall and Nuclear Unit Power Outages, September 2010 - December 2010...............5-106 5.2-17 TPGW-10 Groundwater and TPSWCCS-6 Surface Water Responses to Rainfall and Nuclear Unit Power Outages, January 2011 - June 2011 ............................5-107 5.2-18 Effect of ID Operations on TPGW-1 Wells, TPSWC-1 and TPSWID-1 ...............5-108 5.2-19 Effect of ID Operations on TPGW-5 Wells, TPSWC-1 and TPSWID-1 ...............5-108 5.2-20 Effect of ID Operations on TPGW-13 Wells, TPSWC-1 and TPSWID-1 .............5-109 5.2-21 Effect of ID Operations on TPGW-2 Wells, TPSWC-3 and TPSWID-3 ...............5-109 5.2-22 Effect of ID Operations on TPGW-4 Wells, TPSWC-3 and TPSWID-3 ...............5-110 5.2-23 USGS Saltwater Intrusion Lines from 1951 through 2008 ...................................5-111 5.2-24 Locations of Specific Conductance and Tritium Cross Sections ..........................5-112 5.2-25 Specific Conductance Cross Section D-D, Historic and Current Concentration Isopleths .............................................................................................................5-113 5.2-26 Specific Conductance Cross Section E-E, Historic and Current Concentration Isopleths .............................................................................................................5-114 5.2-27 Plan View of Specific Conductance Isopleths, Shallow Zone Wells ....................5-115 5.2-28 Plan View of Specific Conductance Isopleths, Intermediate Zone Wells .............5-115 5.2-29 Plan View of Specific Conductance Isopleths, Deep Zone Wells ........................5-115 5.2-30 Tritium Cross Section D-D, Average Concentration Isopleths .............................5-116 5.2-31 Tritium Cross Section E-E, Average Concentration Isopleths .............................5-117 xxv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 5.2-32 Plan View of Tritium Isopleths, Shallow Zone Wells ............................................5-118 5.2-33 Plan View of Tritium Isopleths, Intermediate Zone Wells.....................................5-118 5.2-34 Plan View of Tritium Isopleths, Deep Zone Wells ................................................5-118 5.2-35 FPL Monitoring Wells Potentially Influenced by CCS Water ................................5-119 5.3.1 Transects for Biscayne Bay Pilot Geophysical Survey ........................................5-120 5.4-1 Flow (A) Into and (B) Out of the Proposed Control Volume, Shown in Cross-Section .....................................................................................................5-121 5.4-2. Locations of the Five Zones Where the Time-Varying Surface Areas and Storage Volumes are Known............................................................................................5-122 5.4-3 Locations of L-31E and ID Monitoring Stations; Conceptualized Seepage from L-31E into the ID is Shown .................................................................................5-123 5.4-4 Locations of TPSWCCS-4 and TPSWC-4 Monitoring Stations; Conceptualized Seepage from Southern Collector Canal into the CCS is Shown ........................5-124 5.4-5 Locations of TPSWCCS-5, TPSWCCS-6 and TPBBSW-3 Monitoring Stations; Conceptualized Seepage from Biscayne Bay into the CCS is Shown .................5-125 5.4-6 Locations of TPGW-6, TPGW-10, and TPGW-12 Shallow Groundwater Monitoring Stations, TPSWCCS-1 Surface Water Monitoring Station, and TPFM-1 Plant Outflow Meter; Conceptualized Seepage from the CCS into the Shallow Groundwater is Shown .......................................................................................5-126 5.4-7 Locations of TPGW and TPSWCCS Monitoring Stations and Four Zones that Subdivide the Control Volume (Zone A Extends Eastward along the Northern Canal to Plant Outflow, Zone D Extends North to the Plant Intake) .....................5-127 5.4-8 Locations of CCS Monitoring Stations, Meteorological Station TPM-1 and Four Zones that Subdivide the Control Volume (Zone 1 Extends Eastward along the Northern Canal to Plant Outflow, Zone 4 Extends North to the Plant Intake).......5-128 5.4-9 Modeled Versus Measured Water Elevations in the CCS over the 22 Month Period; Used to Validate the Conceptual Model and Calibrate the Water Balance Model to Temporal Trends in Water Elevation ....................................................5-129 5.4-10 Modeled Versus Measured Salinities in the CCS over the 22-Month Period; Used to Validate the Conceptual Model and Calibrate the Salt Balance Model to Temporal Trends in Salinity ................................................................................5-130 6.1-1 Historic ID Monitoring Wells and Transects...........................................................6-17 6.3-1 Comparison of ID Monitoring Period to Historic Rainfall ........................................6-18 6.4-1 L-3, L-5, G-21, G-28, and G-35 Groundwater Levels ............................................6-19 6.4-2 L-3 Vertical Temperature Profile June 2011 through March 2012 .........................6-20 6.4-3 L-5 Vertical Temperature Profile June 2011 through March 2012 .........................6-21 6.4-4 G-21 Vertical Temperature Profile June 2011 through March 2012 ......................6-22 6.4-5 G-28 Vertical Temperature Profile June 2011 through March 2012 ......................6-23 xxvi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 6.4-6 G-35 Vertical Temperature Profile June 2011 through March 2012 ......................6-24 6.4-7 L-3 Vertical Chloride Profile June 2011 through March 2012 ................................6-25 6.4-8 L-5 Vertical Chloride Profile June 2011 through March 2012 ................................6-26 6.4-9 G-21 Vertical Chloride Profile June 2011 through March 2012 .............................6-27 6.4-10 G-28 Vertical Chloride Profile June 2011 through March 2012 .............................6-28 6.4-11 G-35 Vertical Chloride Profile June 2011 through March 2012 .............................6-29 6.4-12 Transect A Water Levels June 2011 through May 2012 ........................................6-30 6.4-13 Transect B Water Levels June 2011 through May 2012 ........................................6-31 6.4-14 Transect C Water Levels June 2011 through May 2012 .......................................6-32 6.4-15 Transect D Water Levels June 2011 through May 2012 .......................................6-33 6.4-16 Transect E Water Levels June 2011 through May 2012 ........................................6-34 6.4-17 Interceptor Ditch Pump Operation and Rainfall .....................................................6-35 6.4-18 Density vs. Elevation Wells L-3 and G-21 During September 2011 Sampling Episode ................................................................................................................6-36 6.4-19 Pressure vs. Elevation Wells L-3 and G-21 During September 2011 Sampling Episode ................................................................................................................6-37 6.4-20 Pressure Gradient Difference between Well L-3 and Well G-21 During September 2011 Sampling Episode .....................................................................6-38 6.3-21 Pressure Gradient Difference between Well L-3 and Well G-21 During March 2012 Sampling Episode ............................................................................6-39 6.3-22 Pressure Gradient Difference between Well L-5 and Well G-28 During September 2011 Sampling Episode .....................................................................6-40 6.3-23 Pressure Gradient Difference between Well L-5 and Well G-28 During March 2012 Sampling Episode ............................................................................6-41 A-1 TPGW-1 ................................................................................................................ A-6 A-2 TPGW-2 ................................................................................................................ A-6 A-3 TPGW-3 ................................................................................................................ A-7 A-4 TPGW-4 ................................................................................................................ A-7 A-5 TPGW-5 ................................................................................................................ A-8 A-6 TPGW-6 ................................................................................................................ A-8 A-7 TPGW-7 ................................................................................................................ A-9 A-8 TPGW-8 ................................................................................................................ A-9 A-9 TPGW-9 .............................................................................................................. A-10 A-10 TPGW-10 ............................................................................................................ A-10 A-11 TPGW-11 ............................................................................................................ A-11 A-12 TPGW-12 ............................................................................................................ A-11 A-13 TPGW-13 ............................................................................................................ A-12 A-14 TPGW-14 ............................................................................................................ A-12 xxvii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page A-15 TPSWC-1 ............................................................................................................ A-13 A-16 TPSWC-2 ............................................................................................................ A-13 A-17 TPWSC-3 ............................................................................................................ A-14 A-18 TPSWC-4 ............................................................................................................ A-14 A-19 TPSWC-5 ............................................................................................................ A-15 A-20 TPSWC-6 ............................................................................................................ A-15 A-21 TPSWCCS-1 ....................................................................................................... A-16 A-22 TPSWCCS-2 ....................................................................................................... A-16 A-23 TPSWCCS-3 ....................................................................................................... A-17 A-24 TPSWCCS-4 ....................................................................................................... A-17 A-25 TPSWCCS-5 ....................................................................................................... A-18 A-26 TPSWCCS-6 ....................................................................................................... A-18 A-27 TPSWCCS-7 ....................................................................................................... A-19 A-28 TPSWID-1 ........................................................................................................... A-19 A-29 TPSWID-2 ........................................................................................................... A-20 A-30 TPSWID-3 ........................................................................................................... A-20 A-31 TPBBSW-1, TPBBSW-2, TPBBSW-4, and TPBBSW-5 pad with sensor placed on Bottom of Biscayne Bay .................................................................................. A-21 D.1-1 TPGW-1 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-1 D.1-2 TPGW-2 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-2 D.1-3 TPGW-3 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-3 D.1-4 TPGW-4 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-4 D.1-5 TPGW-5 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-5 D.1-6 TPGW-6 Water Quality ......................................................................................... D-6 D.1-7 TPGW-7 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-7 D.1-8 TPGW-8 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-8 D.1-9 TPGW-9 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-9 D.1-10 TPGW-10 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-10 D.1-11 TPGW-11 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-11 D.1-12 TPGW-12 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-12 D.1-13 TPGW-13 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-13 D.1-14 TPGW-14 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-14 D.1-15 TPBBSW-1 Water Quality .................................................................................... D-15 D.1-16 TPBBSW-2 Water Quality .................................................................................... D-16 D.1-17 TPBBSW-3 Water Quality .................................................................................... D-17 D.1-18 TPBBSW-4 Water Quality .................................................................................... D-18 D.1-19 TPBBSW-5 Water Quality .................................................................................... D-19 D.1-20 TPBBSW-10 Water Quality .................................................................................. D-20 xxviii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page D.1-21 TPBBSW-14 Water Quality .................................................................................. D-21 D.1-22 TPSWC-1 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-22 D.1-23 TPSWC-2 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-23 D.1-24 TPSWC-3 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-24 D.1-25 TPSWC-4 Water Quality ..................................................................................... D-25 D.1-26 TPSWC-5 Water Quality ..................................................................................... D-26 D.1-27 TPSWCCS-1 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-27 D.1-28 TPSWCCS-2 Water Quality ................................................................................ D-28 D.1-29 TPSWCCS-3 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-29 D.1-30 TPSWCCS-4 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-30 D.1-31 TPSWCCS-5 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-31 D.1-32 TPSWCCS-6 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-32 D.1-33 TPSWCCS-7 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-33 D.1-34 TPSWID-1 Water Quality ..................................................................................... D-34 D.1-35 TPSWID-2 Water Quality ..................................................................................... D-35 D.1-36 TPSWID-3 Water Quality ..................................................................................... D-36 D.2-1 TPGW-1 Water Elevations ................................................................................... D-37 D.2-2 TPGW-2 Water Elevations ................................................................................... D-37 D.2-3 TPGW-3 Water Elevations ................................................................................... D-38 D.2-4 TPGW-4 Water Elevations ................................................................................... D-38 D.2-5 TPGW-5 Water Elevations. .................................................................................. D-39 D.2-6 TPGW-6 Water Elevations .................................................................................. D-39 D.2-7 TPGW-7 Water Elevations .................................................................................. D-40 D.2-8 TPGW-8 Water Elevations .................................................................................. D-40 D.2-9 TPGW-9 Water Elevations .................................................................................. D-41 D.2-10 TPGW-10 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-41 D.2-11 TPGW-11 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-42 D.2-12 TPGW-12 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-42 D.2-13 TPGW-13 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-43 D.2-14 TPGW-14 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-43 D.2-15 TPBBSW-3 Water Elevations ............................................................................. D-44 D.2-16 TPBBSW-10 Water Elevations ............................................................................ D-44 D.2-17 TPBBSW-14 Water Elevations ............................................................................ D-45 D.2-18 TPSWC-1 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-45 D.2-19 TPSWC-2 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-46 D.2-20 TPSWC-3 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-46 D.2-21 TPSWC-4 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-47 D.2-22 TPSWC-5 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-47 D.2-23 TPSWCCS-1 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-48 xxix

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page D.2-24 TPSWCCS-2 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-48 D.2-25 TPSWCCS-3 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-49 D.2-26 TPSWCCS-4 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-49 D.2-27 TPSWCCS-5 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-50 D.2-28 TPSWCCS-6 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-50 D.2-29 TPSWCCS-7 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-51 D.2-30 TPSWID-1 Water Elevations ............................................................................... D-51 D.2-31 TPSWID-2 Water Elevations ............................................................................... D-52 D.2-32 TPSWID-3 Water Elevations ............................................................................... D-52 E-1 TPGW-1 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................ E-42 E-2 TPGW-2 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-43 E-3 TPGW-3 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-44 E-4 TPGW-4 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-45 E-5 TPGW-5 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-46 E-6 TPGW-6 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-47 E-7 TPGW-7 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-48 E-8 TPGW-8 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-49 E-9 TPGW-9 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-50 E-10 TPGW-10 USGS Induction Log ........................................................................... E-51 E-11 TPGW-11 USGS Induction Log ........................................................................... E-52 E-12 TPGW-12 USGS Induction Log ........................................................................... E-53 E-13 TPGW-13 USGS Induction Log ........................................................................... E-54 E-14 TPGW-14 USGS Induction Log ........................................................................... E-55 F.1-1 Velocity Contour Plot of Outflow Data. Velocities Range from 0.2 ft/s (Purple) to 2.5 ft/s (Yellow). ................................................................................................. F-10 F.1-2 Vector Stick Plot Presentation of Outflow Data ................................................... F-10 F.1-3 Satellite Image of Generator Discharge Illustrating Non Parallel Flow in Canal .... F-11 F.1-4 Velocity Contour Plot at Indexing Site Southern Station ....................................... F-12 F.1-5 Vector Stick Plot for Southern Cross Section ....................................................... F-12 F.1-6 Velocity Contour Plot for Inflow Station Cross Section ........................................ F-13 F.1-7 Vector Stick Plot for Inflow Station ....................................................................... F-13 F.1-8 Plot Illustrating Indexed Flow Data from All Three SL500 Locations .................... F-14 F.1-9 Plot of Indexed Inflow Station Data Showing 15 Minute Values in Blue and Daily Averaged Values as Red Triangles ...................................................................... F-14 F.1-10 Representative Plot of 2000 Records between September 7, 2010 and September 28, 2010 ............................................................................................ F-15 F.1-11 Differential Flow between Outflow and Southern Station...................................... F-16 xxx

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page F.2-1 Velocity Contour Plot of Outflow Data (TPFM-1). ................................................. F-24 F.2-2 Vector Stick Plot Presentation of TPFM-1 Data ................................................... F-24 F.2-3 Satellite Image of Generator Discharge Illustrating Non Parallel Flow in Canal .... F-25 F.2-4 Velocity Contour Plot at TPFM-2.......................................................................... F-26 F.2-5 Vector Stick Plot for TPFM-2 ............................................................................... F-26 xxxi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS

% percent greater than or equal to

°C degrees Celsius

µg/L micrograms per liter

µm micrometer

µmho/cm micromhos per centimeter

µmols/m2/sec micromole per square meter per second

µS/cm micro Siemens per centimeter parts per mille 1x1 1-meter by 1-meter (subplot) 20x20 20-meter by 20-meter (plot) 5x5 5-meter by 5-meter (subplot)

ADaPT Automated Data Processing Tool ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler ADFM acoustic Doppler flow meter ADVM acoustic Doppler velocity meter AFDW ash-free dry weight AEI area of ecological interest Agencies South Florida Water Management District, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management ANPP Annual Net Primary Productivity ANOVA analysis of variance Annual Monitoring Report Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Plant Annual Monitoring Report for the Units 3 and 4 Uprate Project AT100 Aqua TROLL 100 (probe) xxxii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations AT200 Aqua TROLL 200 (probe)

B bottom Ba Barium BAS Biscayne Aquifer/Surficial Aquifer System BBCA Braun-Blanquet Cover Abundance BBSW Biscayne Bay Surface Water BNP Biscayne National Park BSL below sea level BTOC below top of casing C carbon CaCO3 calcium carbonate cc cubic centimeter CCS cooling canal system CCV continuing calibration verification cdb culm diameter at the plant base CL carapace length cm centimeter(s)

CO2 carbon dioxide CPUE catch per unit effort CRM certified reference material CRP continuous resistivity profiling CW carapace width CWP circulating water pump D deep DERM (Miami-Dade County) Department of Environmental Resources Management df degrees of freedom Df freshwater density DFA discriminant function analysis DIC dissolved inorganic carbon DMA dimethylamine DO dissolved oxygen xxxiii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations DQO data quality objective DTS distributed temperature sensing DUS Data Usability Summary E&E Ecology and Environment, Inc.

EB equipment blank EDMS Electronic Data Management System e.g. for example EPA (United States) Environmental Protection Agency f/s foot/feet per second F.A.C. Florida Administrative Code FAS Floridan Aquifer System FCEB field cleaned equipment blank FD field duplicate FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection FDOH/BRC Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control Fe Iron FIU-WQM Florida International University Water Quality Monitoring FPL Florida Power & Light Company FPL database Florida Power and Light Electronic Data Management System database ft foot/feet ft/d foot/feet per day 3

ft /s cubic foot/feet per second FTT faunal throw trap gal gallon 3

g/cm grams per cubic centimeter g/m2 grams per square meter GIS geographic information system g/L grams per liter gpm gallon(s) per minute GPS Global Positioning System GW groundwater xxxiv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations 3

H tritium Hf freshwater equivalent groundwater elevation HCl hydrocholoric acid HCM hydrological conceptual model HSD honestly significant difference Hw groundwater elevation i.e. that is I intermediate (well depth)

IC initial calibration ICV initial calibration verification ICWP intake cooling water pump ID Interceptor Ditch IR initial read K potassium km kilometer km/hr kilometer(s) per hour lb pound LCS laboratory control sample Li Lithium LL live loss LNWR Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge LSC live standing crop LT500 Level TROLL 500 (probe) m meter(s)

M Intermediate MDL method detection limit MGD million gallons per day mg/kg milligrams per kilogram mg/L milligram(s) per liter mL milliliter(s)

MLC maximum likelihood classification xxxv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations Monitoring Plan Groundwater, Surface Water, and Ecological Monitoring Plan for the Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant (2009)

MP measured pressure (psi) ms meters per second MS Matrix Spike MS Microsoft mS/cm milliSiemens per centimeter MSL mean sea level mV millivolt(s)

MW megawatt(s)

NAVD 88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ND Not Detected NE Northeast NELAC National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference NEXRAD next generation weather radar NGVD 29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 NH3 Ammonia NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NOx nitrate/nitrite NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NTU nephelometric turbidity unit(s)

NW Northwest OBI optical borehole image OCWP open cooling water pump OP orthophosphate ORP oxidation reduction potential PAR photosynthetically active radiation pCi/L picocuries per liter PDS post digestion spike PERA (Miami-Dade County) Permitting, Environment and xxxvi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations Regulatory Affairs (formerly DERM; now RER)

PPF photosynthetic photon flux ppt parts per thousand PQL practical quantitation limits PSS-78 Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 PSU practical salinity unit(s)

QA quality assurance QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan RL reference water level RP reference pressure (psi)

RER (Miami-Dade County) Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (formerly PERA)

RPD relative percent difference RTK Real Time Kinematic S shallow (well)

SAV submerged aquatic vegetation S.C. specific conductance SD serial dilution SDG sample delivery group SE southeast SFWMD South Florida Water Management District SG specific gravity SL standard length SL500 Sontek Argonaut Side Looker 500 Std Dev Standard Deviation SW surface water; also southwest Sw well screen midpoint elevation SWI Shannon-Wiener Index (of Diversity)

T top TDS total dissolved solids TestAmerica TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.

TKN total Kjeldahl nitrogen xxxvii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations TL total length TN total nitrogen TP total phosphorus TPGW Turkey Point Groundwater TPM-1 Turkey Point Meteorological Station TPRF Turkey Point Rain Fall TPSWC Turkey Point Surface Water Canal TPSWCCS Turkey Point Surface Water Cooling Canal System TPSWID Turkey Point Surface Water Interceptor Ditch USGS United States Geological Survey WL water level (feet NAVD 88) xxxviii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Executive Summary EXECUTIVE


Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) has prepared this Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report pursuant to Conditions of Certification IX and X of its Power Plant Site Certification for the FPL Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Nuclear Power Plant and Unit 5 Combined Cycle Plant (PA 03-45A2). The Monitoring Plan was developed with input from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), and Miami-Dade Countys Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM),

(collectively, the Agencies), and FPL. The Monitoring Plan requires the collection of groundwater, surface water, meteorological, flow, and ecological data in and around the plant to establish pre-Uprate baseline conditions and determine the horizontal and vertical effects and extent, if any, of the cooling canal system (CCS) water.

FPL has prepared this Comprehensive Pre-Uprate report to document its efforts to establish a pre-Uprate baseline conditions for the required two year pre-Uprate period. The purpose of this report is to summarize and provide analysis of the data collected. This report incorporates information presented in the previous semi-annual reports (FPL 2011a, FPL 2012a) and first annual report (FPL 2011b). It includes data from June 2010 through June 2012.

In accordance with the Monitoring Plan, FPL installed an extensive monitoring network of 47 groundwater wells and 20 surface water stations, a meteorological station, rainfall gauges, and flow meters in the CCS and surrounding area. The groundwater and surface water stations measure and record specific conductance, salinity, water levels, and temperature at 15-minute intervals. Groundwater and surface water samples are collected across the vast network of stations every three months and analyzed for a broad suite of parameters. FPL conducted extensive ecological monitoring and studied flora and fauna in Biscayne Bay, marshes, and mangroves. Initially, FPL collected water samples from the shallow soils (referred to as porewater) at hundreds of locations that covered a 75 square mile area in the vicinity of the CCS and analyzed for a broad suite of parameters.

As required by the Monitoring Plan, FPL has developed a water budget. This analysis calculates components of water and salt inflow and outflow from the CCS on a daily basis. The water budget helps explain the dynamics of CCS hydraulics and may be used to assess the effect of climatic or operational changes on the CCS water levels and salinities.

The Agencies and their experts considered and analyzed the previous data collected and have selected tritium as the tracer. FPL disagrees with the low tritium threshold that the Agencies selected when evaluating potential movement of the CCS. Tritium is a by-product of the nuclear fission process and is unique to and present in and around the CCS. It is important to note that tritium is being measured only as a chemical tracer in order to determine the potential movement of CCS water. At the levels being measured, the tritium is not a public health concern. Tritium is ES-1

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Executive Summary routinely monitored in the CCS by the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control and there have never been results detected near the drinking water standard (20,000 picoCuries per liter).

The results of the two years of pre-Uprate data analysis are summarized below.

Biscayne Bay groundwater results support the conclusion that there is little or no influence from the CCS in the area fronting the northern half of the CCS. However, there is evidence of CCS water under Biscayne Bay in close proximity to the southern tip of the CCS. Over the two year monitoring period, the results indicate that the salt constituents and tracer have remained consistent for all wells. This is indicative of the groundwater maintaining a relatively stable condition during this time period.

Groundwater results immediately adjacent to the CCS indicate the presence of CCS water.

Further west from the CCS, there is some influence of CCS water in decreasing concentrations at depth out approximately three miles. The outermost wells approximately six miles to the west are fresh at all depths. Similar to the wells in the bay, the results indicate the salt constituents and tracer have remained consistent for all wells. This is indicative of the groundwater maintaining a relatively stable condition during this time period. A shallow fresher water lens still exists west of the CCS and is supported by the induction logging conducted for this project and the continuous specific conductance profiling done in several historical wells for the interceptor ditch (ID) monitoring. This lens is 10 to 20 feet deep from the surface and generally thickens towards the west.

In most surface water stations, there is no influence of CCS water via groundwater pathway.

There are two locations in the surface water canal stations immediately adjacent to the south end of the CCS where there appears to be some CCS water present.

FPL concludes the CCS does not have any ecological impact on the surrounding areas. FPL further concludes there is no evidence of CCS water in the surrounding ecosystems from a groundwater pathway.

FPL concluded that atmospheric deposition of the tracer can affect the surface water, porewater, and very shallow groundwater results as indicated by measured concentrations of tritium and must be considered when evaluating CCS surface water and porewater results. These tritium values are more concentrated immediately adjacent to the CCS and diminish with distance from the CCS.

It is important to understand the historical context of saltwater in the region and to the west of the CCS. Saltwater intrusion pre-dates the construction of the CCS and extended far inland in the 1940s (Klein 1957). Based on historical data, much of the groundwater in the vicinity of the CCS was non-potable. The extent of saltwater intrusion, as defined by the U.S. Geological Survey, varies from year to year but the landward extent of the saltwater intrusion today is still similar to that reported in the 1950s.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Executive Summary FPL and the Agencies conducted a joint study separate from the Monitoring Plan to determine the landward extent of the saltwater orientation in the region prior to construction of the CCS. In August 2011, FPL and the Agencies reached agreement on the conclusions as documented in a report Saltwater Orientation in the Biscayne Aquifer in the Turkey Point Plant Vicinity Prior to Installation of the Cooling Canal System. Based on data from the Monitoring Plan, as compared to this report, the western historical extent of saltwater has not changed appreciably since the construction of the CCS in 1972. In fact, all the well clusters furthest to the west contained freshwater historically and still do today. Directly beneath and adjacent to the CCS, the saltwater wedge is closer to the land surface than it was prior to the CCS installation.

In conclusion, FPL has completed two years of pre-Uprate baseline monitoring. Many factors can cause saltwater intrusion, including groundwater withdrawals, agricultural uses, mining, government water management practices, etc. The impact of CCS water at a particular location, the relevancy of its presence, and how the water reached that location, must be considered when assessing the results and determining how to proceed.

FPL has recommended some changes to the monitoring, particularly in the interim period until 2013 when the Uprates of both Turkey Point nuclear units will be completed and those units returned to service at the Uprated power levels. Lastly, FPL makes recommendations in this report that some of the analytical parameters be eliminated.

Going forward, FPL will continue to comply with the Monitoring Plan for the required two year post-Uprate monitoring period. Since increases in temperature and salinity are expected to be minimal after the Uprate Project is implemented, there should be no presumption that the Project will cause any impact to the surrounding environment. The post-Uprate monitoring will help determine if there are any measurable impacts.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1

1. INTRODUCTION Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) submits this Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report dated October 2012 for the Units 3 and 4 Uprate Project. This monitoring report has been prepared in accordance with the FPL Turkey Point Power Plant (Turkey Point) Groundwater, Surface Water, and Ecological Monitoring Plan, referred to herein as the Monitoring Plan (South Florida Water Management District [SFWMD] 2009a). The Monitoring Plan requires the collection of groundwater, surface water, meteorological, flow, and ecological data in and around the plant to establish pre-Uprate baseline conditions and determine the horizontal and vertical effects and extent, if any, of the cooling canal system (CCS) water. For further details, refer to the Monitoring Plan (SFWMD 2009a) and Fifth Supplemental Agreement (SFWMD 2009b).

The purpose of this Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report is to summarize the pre-Uprate monitoring efforts, to present and summarize the data, and to discuss results. This report incorporates information presented in the previous semi-annual reports (FPL 2011a, FPL 2012a) and annual report (FPL 2011b) and includes data from June 2010 through June 2012.

Data were collected in accordance with the FPL Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) that was available at the time of sample collection (FPL 2010 and 2011c) as well as changes to the QAPP that the SFWMD, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and the Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER, formerly known as Department of Environmental Resource Management [DERM]) (collectively described herein as the Agencies) provided to FPL in June 2011 and the suggested revisions that FPL provided to the agencies in August 2011 and March 2012. FPLs suggested revisions more accurately reflect data collection practices being performed in the field. Any notable deviations are discussed herein and/or are found in the field and laboratory audits (SFWMD 2011, 2012a, and 2012b; FPL 2012b and 2012c).

1.1 Brief Overview of Automated Monitoring Network FPL installed an extensive automated monitoring network to collect groundwater, surface water, meteorological, and hydrologic data at 15-minute intervals over a broad area surrounding Turkey Point. Table 1.1-1 provides a summary of monitoring efforts and includes information on when the automated monitoring was initiated. A brief overview of each monitoring network is provided below, and further discussion regarding the instrumentation, data collection, and results for the network is included in Section 2 of this report. Photographs of the automated stations are included in Appendix A.

1.1.1 Groundwater From February through June 2010, FPL installed 42 wells in 14 well clusters (TPGW-1 to TPGW-14) at and around Turkey Point (Figure 1.1-1). Coordinates of each station are provided 1-1

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 in Appendix A. The locations were determined based on site conditions and extensive coordination among FPL and the Agencies. The placement of station locations in Biscayne Bay also was coordinated with Biscayne National Park (BNP).

Three separate wells were installed at each location: a shallow well (S); an intermediate depth well (M); and a deep well (D). The borehole for the deep well was drilled first, and down-hole geophysical methods were used to help determine high flow zones and other subsurface characteristics. Based on a collaborative effort among FPL, JLA Geoscience, Inc., and the SFWMD, screen depths were established with screen lengths varying from 2 to 5 feet (ft) based on site conditions. Table 1.1-2 provides a brief summary of the well construction information, and further details are provided in the JLA Geosciences, Inc. (2010) Geology and Hydrogeology Report.

Following well completion, the top of each well casing was surveyed and infrastructure (probes, telemetry, solar panels, and other elements) was installed to facilitate the collection of automated groundwater quality and stage data at 15-minute intervals. Most of the locations were re-surveyed in June 2011 to confirm the elevations. The measured water quality parameters include actual conductance and temperature. Specific conductance, salinity, density, and total dissolved solids (TDS) are calculated by the instrumentation based on the measured parameters.

Groundwater data are remotely transmitted via telemetry each day and uploaded to FPLs Electronic Data Management System (EDMS).

1.1.2 Surface Water Per the Monitoring Plan and as shown on Figure 1.1-2, automated surface water stations were installed at the following locations:

Seven stations in the CCS; Five stations in adjacent canals; Three stations in the Interceptor Ditch (ID); and Five stations in Biscayne Bay.

In addition, two non-automated stations were installed:

One station in the CCS (TPSWCCS-8); and One station in the Card Sound Road Canal (TPSWC-6).

The locations of the monitoring stations were jointly determined with the Agencies and provide broad coverage of the key water bodies in the project area. Two additional stations (TPBBSW-10 and -14) were added at a later date to record conditions in Biscayne Bay; these stations are co-located with TPGW-10 and -14. Coordinates of each station are provided in Appendix A.

The automated surface water stations record the same water quality data parameters as the groundwater stations. Stage data are recorded at all locations except four stations in Biscayne Bay that do not have the infrastructure to support stage recorders or a telemetry system 1-2

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 (TPBBSW-1, TPBBSW-2, TPBBSW-4, and TPBBSW-5). The data at these four Biscayne Bay locations are retrieved manually at approximately six-week intervals and downloaded into the FPL EDMS. Data from the other stations are transmitted via telemetry daily onto a secure server system and automatically uploaded into the FPL database.

1.1.3 Meteorological One meteorological station that includes instrumentation to measure solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall was installed near the center of the CCS (TPM-1). Four additional rainfall gauging stations were installed around the CCS. Data are collected at 15-minute intervals. Data from the meteorological station are uploaded daily into the FPL database, while the rainfall gauges are manually downloaded during routine site visits. Seven rainfall collectors were installed around the CCS. Additionally, five evaporation pans have been installed at various locations. Figure 1.1-3 illustrates the locations of the above-mentioned stations. Coordinates of each station are provided in Appendix A.

1.1.4 Hydrological Three acoustic Doppler velocity meters (ADVMs), otherwise known as index-velocity meters or flow meters, were originally set up to determine flow in the CCS at the following three locations:

near the power plant discharge into the CCS; the southern end of the CCS before the water enters the return canal of the CCS; and near the intake into the plant from the CCS (Figure 1.1-4). All three units failed within the first two years of deployment due to the harsh conditions within the CCS; two units have subsequently been re-installed and are currently operational. Data are transmitted by telemetry and automatically uploaded to the FPL EDMS.

1.2 Quarterly Sampling for Laboratory Analysis The aforementioned monitoring network for groundwater and surface water supports the collection of water samples for laboratory analysis. The Monitoring Plan specifies samples must be collected from the 42 new groundwater wells and the 20 surface water stations previously discussed. Samples also must be collected on a quarterly basis from one additional location on the Card Sound Road Canal. In addition, a sample must be collected one time at a localized location within the CCS, identified by the Agencies as potentially having cooler water than the rest of the CCS, based on thermal imagery. The timing of the quarterly sampling efforts is shown on Table 1.1-1. The samples are analyzed for a variety of parameters including CCS Tracer Suite constituents, ions, trace elements, nutrients, and TDS, along with field parameters, depending on the locations and whether the effort was a quarterly or semi-annual event.

Further discussion of the analytical parameters, sample collection methods, and results is provided in Section 3 of this report. The analytical data include sampling events conducted in June/July 2010, September 2010, December 2010, March 2011, June 2011, September 2011, December 2011, March 2012, and June 2012.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Samples were also collected at five existing historical wells as part of FPLs routine sampling for the ID operation. Samples were collected from historical wells L-3, L-5, G-21, G-28, and G-35 in October 2010 and January 2011. Initially, the timing of these sampling events was offset from the Monitoring Plan sampling events but, based on discussions with the Agencies following the January 2011 sampling effort, FPL changed the ID operation sampling to occur in the same month as the Monitoring Plan sampling. Results from the March 2011, June 2011, September 2011, December 2011, March 2012, and June 2012 sampling events, as well as the October 2010 and January 2011 events, are included in this report.

1.3 Ecological Monitoring The Monitoring Plan and QAPP outline an ecological monitoring program. Biotic components of interest include marsh vegetation in adjacent wetlands, mangroves, submersed aquatic vegetation, and benthic fauna in and adjacent to Biscayne Bay. Table 1.1-1 provides a summary of the ecological monitoring efforts conducted. More detailed information on the transect plot setups, sampling methods and materials, laboratory results, findings, and conclusions are included in Section 4 of this report.

1.3.1 Marsh and Mangroves Plant community characteristics (composition, cover, canopy, height, productivity), leaf characteristics, nutrient content in the leaves and soil/sediment, and porewater quality are being assessed in 12 transects in marsh and mangrove areas around the CCS (Figure 1.3-1). Two (one each in the marsh and mangrove) of those transects are in reference areas. Ecological monitoring efforts were initiated in October 2010 and completed by December 2010. Additional monitoring in the marsh and mangrove areas was conducted on a quarterly basis in February 2011, May 2011, August 2011, November 2011, February 2012, and May 2012.

1.3.2 Biscayne Bay Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), coral and sponge community composition and cover, fish and invertebrate species composition and abundance, nutrient content in seagrass leaves and sediment, light attenuation, and porewater quality are being assessed in 20 transects that parallel the shoreline (Figure 1.3-1). The monitoring in Biscayne Bay is conducted twice a year.

Originally, the plan was to conduct monitoring in May and October; however, during the setup of transects in October 2010, FPL noted that the seagrasses had already senesced by the time sampling was initiated. With concurrence from the Agencies, the subsequent ecological monitoring in Biscayne Bay was changed to April and September with the subsequent monitoring efforts conducted in April 2011, September 2011, and April 2012.

1.3.3 Broad-Scale Porewater Survey In accordance with the Monitoring Plan and through coordination with the Agencies, an initial broad-scale survey of porewater temperature and specific conductance was conducted in March/April 2010 (dry season) at over 200 locations in adjacent wetlands and Biscayne Bay 1-4

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 (Figure 1.3-2). A second porewater temperature and specific conductance survey was conducted in August 2010 (wet season) at 100 locations in Biscayne Bay (Figure 1.3-3). Based on the initial temperature and specific conductance measurements, locations were established for the porewater samples that would be collected for Tracer Suite laboratory analysis. The wet season Tracer Suite sampling effort took place in October 2010 and the dry season sampling event was conducted in April 2011. While details of this effort are in the report titled Turkey Point Plant Initial Ecological Characterization Report (FPL 2012d), summaries of the approach and the findings are provided herein. The results, when used in conjunction with the other data, increase understanding of baseline porewater conditions across the broader landscape.

1.4 Hydrogeologic Assessment 1.4.1 CCS Water Budget FPL has worked closely with the Agencies to develop an acceptable methodology for the CCS water budget. This methodology has evolved and is included in Section 5 of this report.

Estimated monthly water budgets and salt loads from September 2010 through June 2012 are included in Section 5.

1.4.2 Regional Assessment and Extent of CCS Water With the aid of data collected as part of the well installation efforts, automated data and analytical results, United States Geological Survey (USGS) induction logs, and other supporting documentation, FPL has conducted an initial assessment of the hydrogeologic conditions in the area surrounding Turkey Point and the CCS, which provides some insights into how the groundwater system responds to different environmental conditions and operation of the CCS.

The rate of migration and extent of CCS water in the groundwater are discussed in Section 5 of this report.

1.4.3 Biscayne Bay Continuous Resistivity Profile Survey The USGS conducted a pilot study in Biscayne Bay to assess the feasibility of using continuous resistivity profiling to determine the extent of CCS water both laterally and vertically in the subsurface. The survey in the Bay was conducted on May 25 and 26, 2011, with an additional transect surveyed in the CCS in July 2011. Following the processing and interpretation of the data, the USGS gave a PowerPoint presentation to FPL and the Agencies on August 29, 2012.

No report was generated to provide the information to the Agencies. The USGS indicated that preparation and publication of a report would take approximately one year due to their extensive quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) process. Alternatively, FPL provides a brief summary of the USGSs effort and FPLs overall interpretation of the preliminary findings in Section 5 of this report.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 1.5 Interceptor Ditch Operation The Interceptor Ditch (ID) is located immediately west of the CCS and is designed to prevent seasonal inland movement of saltwater from the CCS into the potable portion of the Biscayne Aquifer. Shallow saline groundwater is intercepted by the ID and pumped back to the CCS during the dry season or other times when the natural gradients are low and the potential for saltwater intrusion exists. Details of the ID operation are found in the 1983 Agreement (the Agreement) between the SFWMD and FPL. On October 14, 2009, the Agreement was modified to expand the monitoring program as part of the Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Uprate Project and added well G-35 as part of the historical monitoring network. FPL submitted a revised operations plan to the SFWMD in 2011 and comments on that plan are pending.

Since 1972, FPL has been collecting groundwater data west of the CCS and recording ID pumping as part of the ID operation. Results of these efforts have been included in reports that are submitted on a quarterly and annual basis. Based on discussions between FPL and the SFWMD, reporting of the ID operations for the last year (June 2011 through May 2012) is integrated into Section 6 this report.

1.6 Data Quality Objectives and Acceptance Criteria Data quality objectives (DQOs), along with acceptance criteria, are identified in the project QAPP. The DQOs include the following:

Precision Accuracy Analytical Sensitivity Completeness Representativeness Comparability Availability Reliability Maintainability Timeliness Quality guidelines have been established for some of the DQO which reflect quantifiable goals.

A summary of performance in meeting the DQOs is described below.

Precision Precision is a measure of mutual agreement between duplicate or co-located measurements of the same analyte. The closer the numerical values of the measurements are to each other, the more precise the measurement.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Precision for laboratory samples is established by the evaluation of field and laboratory duplicate samples. If the relative percent difference (RPD) between the sample and the duplicate result differ by more than 20%, the results for that analyte in both samples are qualified as questionable. While a small percentage of sample data has been qualified due to high duplicate RPDs, overall, the analytical results are comparable to duplicate samples for those samples using the same method. These precision results indicate the sampling and analytical procedures are consistently performed and repeatable. Details are provided in the Data Usability Summary (DUS) Reports issued for each event.

To assess precision of the probes being used to collect time series water quality and water level data, field measurements are taken during cleaning and calibration events to verify the results.

This is discussed further in Section 2 of this report. If the specific conductance value reported by the field verification measurement is more than 30% higher or lower than the automated probe reading, the automated probe data are qualified as questionable (?) back to the previous cleaning and calibration event or, at minimum, back to an interim point where there is an unexplained shift in the data. While most of the data do not need to be qualified, the numerical degree of variability is greater in the high saline locations.

Similarly, if a temperature verification measurement is more than 0.5 degrees Celsius (°C) different than the automated probe reading, the data are qualified in the same manner. Rarely has the water quality data been qualified for not meeting a field instrument verification reading.

For verification of water level precision, refinements were made during the monitoring program.

These refinements included the collection of water level measurements with a water level indicator at different times during the cleaning and calibration event. These refinements allowed the determination of the water level before pulling the probes for cleaning and after placement of the probes to verify correct reference level settings. If the difference between the verification water level reading (before the probe is pulled for cleaning) is greater than 0.1 ft from the automated probe reading, the data are qualified as estimated (J) back to the previous cleaning and calibration event or, at minimum, back to an interim point where there is an unexplained shift in the data. The precision has improved over time; however, the biggest challenge has been associated with the surface water stations in Biscayne Bay and the CCS. Sometimes wave action at these larger surface water body locations affects the water level indicator readings, making verification of the automated reading more difficult. Only a limited amount of water level data is qualified as questionable due to verification readings.

Accuracy Accuracy is the measure of bias in a measurement system. The closer the value of a measurement agrees with the true value, the more accurate the measurement.

For the analytical results, accuracy is evaluated using percent recoveries of analytes added, termed spiked, to samples (matrix spikes [MSs]) or reagents (laboratory control samples

[LCSs]) and carried through the extraction and analysis procedure. Laboratory-established acceptance criteria (within method requirements) are used for LCS and MS percent recoveries.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 LCS percent recoveries have consistently passed acceptance criteria for all analyses indicating the laboratories extraction and analysis procedures and materials met method requirements.

In contrast, some MS recoveries have been qualified as estimated (J) or unusable (?) due to poor recoveries. Results with MS recoveries outside laboratory-established limits are qualified as J and recoveries less than 10% are qualified as ? as the low recovery indicates a significant possibility of error associated with the sample result due to the matrix effects. Results were qualified as ? in two total phosphorus, one chloride, one sulfate, and one fluoride result in saline water samples. Results were qualified as J in many of the samples analyzed for matrix spikes, especially with regards to nutrients. This trend will be followed during future events as it could indicate a possible error associated with the accuracy of the results due to matrix interferences.

In addition to recoveries, accuracy is evaluated using technical comparison checks, including cation and anion charge balance; cations, anions, and TDS compared to the specific conductance; total ammonia less than total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN); and orthophosphate (OP) less than total phosphorus (TP). Many cation and anion results, particularly in the high salinity samples, have been qualified as either J or ? due to ion charge and conductance comparisons. TDS/specific conductance and ammonia/TKN comparisons were acceptable.

TP and OP were first sampled in events from June 2010 to February 2011 and the OP had higher results than the TP. In March 2011, the OP analytical method was modified based on a FDEP Laboratory SOP (NU-070-1.8). The sample is analyzed without the color reagent to establish a background concentration. The sample is then analyzed per the method and the background concentration is subtracted from the analytical result. Since the method modification, the OP/TP comparisons have been within the criteria.

The laboratory is considering switching to saline reagent waters to better simulate the sample matrix and reduce matrix-induced interference effects. In addition, certified reference materials (CRMs) for nutrients in saline waters are being analyzed to evaluate the validity of the laboratory results for these methods.

To further evaluate laboratory accuracy, field split samples were collected by RER in the March 2012 semi-annual sampling event and analyzed by the RER laboratory. Samples were collected from select deep wells into separate containers, shipped to TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.

(TestAmerica) and the RER laboratory, and analyzed for ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, TKN, TP, and OP. While the number of data pairs compared (four) is too small to draw major conclusions, there are some significant differences (RPD>50%) among the results for ammonia, TKN, and OP. The two laboratories follow essentially the same methods; however, even minor differences in procedures or materials can affect the analytical results. At this point, it is unclear which set of results is more accurate of the actual groundwater conditions at the time of sampling. It should be noted that the RER results have ammonia consistently greater than TKN, which is not possible; TKN is the sum of ammonia, ammonium, and organic nitrogen. FPL/TestAmerica is reviewing the RER SOPs and is performing analysis of CRMs to aid in the evaluation of the overall sample results.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 The instrumentation for all the automated station instruments and field equipment meets the requirements for accuracy per the QAPP. All stations were surveyed with vertical control established to second order closure (accuracy within hundredths of a foot) with the exception of three groundwater cluster stations in Biscayne Bay. The top of the groundwater wells and surface water stilling wells at these Biscayne Bay stations were surveyed with GPS instruments to an accuracy of 0.1 ft.

Analytical Sensitivity For data validation, qualification and reporting purposes, analytical sensitivity is expressed by method detection limits (MDLs). MDLs are set such that the minimum concentration of an analyte is reported within 99% confidence that the analyte is greater than zero.

Project-required MDLs are listed in Table 3.2-1 of the QAPP. The MDLs are based on applicable criteria, MDLs listed in the Automated Data Processing Tool (ADaPT), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) 62-4.246(3), and stated laboratory capabilities. While the majority of analytical detection limits have met the QAPP requirements, a few have been difficult to achieve due to the saline nature of the samples. This is particularly an issue with the trace metals and fluoride. The laboratory has had to dilute the saline samples to keep instruments from being overloaded with the major ion constituents (i.e., chloride, sodium). This has resulted in some data reported as Not Detected (U) but with detection limits above the QAPP requirements. In addition, these dilutions increase the uncertainty, or error, associated with a result. The laboratory is working to expand or tailor calibration ranges, within method requirements, to fit project samples and reduce the frequency of dilutions needed.

To achieve the required MDLs, the laboratory will be adding preparatory EPA Method 1638 (Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) for manganese and molybdenum and EPA Method 1640 (Determination of Trace Metals by Pre-concentration and ICP-MS) for the other trace metals listed above starting in September 2012. The added step will selectively concentrate certain metals prior to analysis to improve detection limits. For fluoride, the laboratory has modified the instrument performing the anion analysis (Method 6010) to allow for lower required dilutions and achieve the QAPP-required MDL. In addition, a fluoride selective probe method is being reviewed as a possible analytical alternative for fluoride only.

Completeness Completeness is expressed as the percentage of valid or usable measurement to planned measurements. The higher the percentage, the more complete the measurement process. The number of planned measurements is based on when the infrastructure is in place and functional.

Per the QAPP, the completeness goal for water quality measurements is 95% and 90% for all other data.

All planned groundwater, surface water, and porewater measurements have been made with a few exceptions. The well clusters at TPGW-10, TPGW-11, and TPGW-14 were not sampled 1-9

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 during the June 2010 event as they had not been completed at that time. Some data have been qualified as unusable and, in a few instances, the sample was lost by the lab prior to analysis.

For the nine groundwater and surface water events (four quarterly and five semi-annual) since the start of the project, approximately 31,000 groundwater and surface water analytical data points were scheduled to be reported. Of those, fifteen results were qualified as unusable and thirty results (all isotopes) were not reported due to laboratory errors. For the seven porewater sampling efforts conducted at the ecological transects since the start of the project through May 2012, a total of approximately 10,600 porewater analytical data points were scheduled to be reported. Of those, four (all OP) were reported as unusable and twelve results (isotopes and ions) were not reported due to loss of the sample by the laboratory. This results in a completion rate of greater than 99% in meeting the project objectives. It should be noted that some isotope results have not been received at the time of this assessment and as such, the totals reported above are based on available data.

All the planned ecological measurements have been made with the exception of eliminating the collection of some data in the tree islands due to health concerns about excessive poison ivy on the islands. Any changes in sampling have been agreed to by the Agencies.

The automated water quality data are calculated to be 89% complete. This percentage is lowered as a result of specific conductance oscillations related to probe or cable malfunctions or radio frequency wave interferences, most notably in well clusters TPGW-1 and TPGW-13. FPL and the probe manufacturer have conducted numerous efforts to fix the problem; oscillations still occur, but less frequently.

Meteorological data at TPM-1 are 99% complete. Rainfall data at other stations and CCS flow meter data are less complete. Some of the other rain gauges have had various problems including wiring issues, malfunctioning equipment, or excessive battery drain which have resulted in data gaps. Most of the rain gauge problems have been resolved but since they are not on telemetry, the potential for data gaps of one to two months can still exist if a gauge fails.

Gaps in the rain data can be addressed by interpolating results from other stations or using Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXTRAD) data from the SFWMD. Data from the CCS flow meters are less than 50% complete due in part to a number of equipment related issues. These meters are located in a harsh environment and have been removed for various reasons due to hardware components rusting and breaking or instrument failure. The flow meters were going to be used by FPL as a check to the water budget, however, based on findings discussed by FPL in Section 5, it is doubtful if the flow meter data will be used as originally envisioned.

Representativeness Representativeness is a qualitative parameter that expresses the degree to which data accurately and precisely represent the environmental condition. The sampling locations and techniques as outlined in the Monitoring Plan and QAPP provide data that are representative of conditions in the CCS and the surrounding environment.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Groundwater wells are placed in discrete high flow zones and are spatially distributed to reflect changes in groundwater levels and quality across the landscape. Automated data are collected at 15-minute intervals, an adequate duration to reflect temporal changes in water levels, water quality, water flow, and various meteorological parameters.

Comparability Comparability is a qualitative parameter expressing the confidence with which one set of data can be compared to another. Nearly all the data, unless qualified as ? or unusable for other reasons, are comparable. Methods of data collection and analysis have remained primarily consistent over the two years of sampling. Some refinements in data collection have helped improve efficiency or verify precision, but have not necessarily improved precision.

The most notable data that may not be directly comparable are some of the nutrient results. As noted in the Accuracy section above, the method of analysis for OP was modified beginning with the collection of data in the March 2011 sampling event; OP data collected prior to March 2011 using the original method are not directly comparable to data collected during and after the March 2011 event. The data prior to the March 2011 event are believed to be biased high due to background fluorescence levels interfering with the analysis.

Nitrate/nitrite samples collected in March 2012 were filtered in the field, as will be done in subsequent events. Previously, the samples were distilled in the lab and not filtered in the field.

It is expected that the results are similar. Rarely does one find insoluble forms unless they are large particulates which would not be analyzed in any case; they would have to be removed as they would interfere with the analysis. This was further demonstrated by the March 2012 PERA split samples. The samples were analyzed as filtered and unfiltered for ammonia and nitrate/nitrite with essentially identical results. Therefore, the ammonia and nitrate/nitrite results from both method variations are considered comparable.

Availability Availability is the percentage of time that a system or function is available for service according to established criteria and the probability that the system is operating satisfactorily at any point in time, excluding times when the system is under repair. This DQO applies primarily to the automated systems.

While FPL has not calculated percentages, the stations that report automated water level and water quality collectively have a high degree of availability. These systems operate round the clock, the probes have been reliable, and spare probes and cables are on-hand to fix a problem station. The meteorological station has been reliable with no down time, thus has a high degree of available data for solar radiation, wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall. The other rain gauges and CCS flow meters appear to record good data when operational, but some of the instruments have failed for extended periods of time. Since the individual rain gauges are not on telemetry, whether the system is operating satisfactorily or not is unknown until the site is visited monthly or bi-monthly and data are downloaded and reviewed. The CCS flow meters are more difficult to maintain.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Reliability Reliability is the probability of a system performing a specified function without failure for a specified period of time. A failure occurs when a measurement or control action does not comply with established accuracy, completeness, or timeliness standards. This DQO applies primarily to the automated systems.

Collectively, the stations that report automated water level and water quality are reliable in the context of data usability. The associated probes that measure and record the data meet the accuracy requirements and exhibit high percent completeness. As previously indicated, some stations have reoccurring issues with oscillating specific conductance data and the precision at some of the higher saline sites is reduced; however, only a small percentage of the data are qualified ?. Reporting of the automated data from the stations on telemetry has typically been on a daily basis. However, a number of transmission/signal issues have occurred when the data have not been consistently reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for all stations. Still, in most instances, the data are stored internally on the probe and eventually downloaded when a phone connection is made or the data are manually downloaded into the system. The quality guideline for reliability, as stated in the QAPP, is difficult to judge since it reflects a mean time between failures of 18 to 24 months depending on the system. While there have been failures in less than 18 months, the majority of the data are usable and no decisions are being made on the raw data that is being transmitted via telemetry.

The meteorological station at TPM-1 has not failed and reports regularly, thus it maintains a high level of reliability. The rain gauges at the other sites have less complete data and thus have a lower reliability.

Maintainability Maintainability is the ease with which a component or equipment can be modified to correct faults. The quality guideline per the QAPP for completion of repairs to components or equipment is 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. Given the size of the system, remote locations of some stations, and the occasional need for extended troubleshooting efforts, strict compliance with the guideline is not always possible or even appropriate. The automated groundwater and surface water stations (inshore) are easier to maintain than some of the other systems, however, some of the oscillation and daily reporting issues have required extensive troubleshooting. On at least a weekly basis, FPL checks for any automated groundwater and surface water stations that are on telemetry but are not reporting. Often the lack of reporting is related to low signal strength or loss of telephone connection the previous day and not to an equipment malfunction. Usually, the system will eventually report. Also on a regular basis, FPL looks at time series plots of the data to see if there are any unusual data trends or oscillations requiring troubleshooting and repair efforts.

The CCS flow meters are more difficult to maintain since they are the most sophisticated pieces of equipment and are affected by the harshest conditions. Rarely can the meters or the associated infrastructure be repaired in 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. FPL suggests modifying the maintainability goal in the QAPP to take logistical constraints and other realities more into account.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Timeliness Timeliness is the promptness of reporting a measurement after it is made, reporting deficiencies, submission of reports or other project documentation, addressing corrective actions, and reporting deviations within the timeframes specified in the QAPP or within the Monitoring Plan or Agreement.

Per the QAPP, the analytical data have been consistently provided to the Agencies within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> following FPLs receipt of the data from the laboratory. While much of the data from the primary laboratory is in ADaPT format, such data has not undergone a full QA/QC review at the time it is submitted to the laboratory. Since the samples are analyzed by various laboratories, the results are received at different times with several of the isotope results (notably strontium and tritium) taking the longest to obtain. Once all sample results are obtained for a sampling event, a full QA/QC check of the data is conducted and FPL generates DUS Reports. The data are also further assessed during the preparation of semi-annual and annual reports; occasionally, suspect results are found and subsequently qualified.

The automated systems are currently set to report values at 15-minute intervals and, for those systems on telemetry, to upload the results daily. As previously discussed, low signal strength or other issues have prevented various telemetry units to consistently report every day. While the raw data can be viewed by the Agencies in FPLs electronic database, the data are not official until FPL has conducted a full QA/QC review.

If additional errors are noted in the data following the QA/QC process, the results are updated in the database or DUS, as applicable, and are included in an errata or the subsequent annual report.

Reports have been submitted to the Agencies per the timeframes outlined in the QAPP or in accordance with revised schedules agreed to by the Agencies.

Once there is concurrence that corrective actions from field and laboratory audits are needed, corrective action is typically implemented immediately or by the next sampling event.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 TABLES

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Table 1.1-1. Summary of Monitoring Efforts (June 2010 - November 2012) 2010 2011 2011 Monitoring Effort Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Biota Biota Biota Biota Biota Porewater (field Porewater (field Ecological Mangrove Porewater (field Porewater (field Porewater (field and Tracer Suite and Tracer Suite and Tracer Suite and Tracer Suite and Tracer Suite and Marsh parameters, and nutrients) parameters, and parameters, and parameters) parameters)

Monitoring nutrients) nutrients)

Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation (nutrients)

(nutrients) (nutrients)

Biota Biota Biota Ecological Biscayne Porewater (field and Tracer Suite Porewater (field and Tracer Suite Porewater (field and Tracer Suite Bay Monitoring parameters, and nutrients) parameters, and nutrients) parameters, and nutrients)

Vegetation (nutrients) Vegetation (nutrients) Vegetation (nutrients)

TPGW-10 and BBSW stations (9/2/10), TPGW-TPGW-2, TPGW-All TPSWC, 11 to TPGW-14, Continuous; 3, TPGW-6, TPSWID, and TPBBSW-10 TPBBSW-10 and Automated Data TPGW-9, TPGW- Continuous for TPSWCCS (9/17/10), and Continuous Continuous Continuous TPBBSW-14 Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Collection 12, TPGW-13 those 6 stations stations turned on TPBBSW-14 switched from installed between 8/23-9/3 (9/18/10) turned LT500 to AT200 6/22 and 6/25 on. TPGW-1, -4, -

5, -7, -8 installed (8/31-9/15).

TPFM-3 failed; TPFM-1, TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 stopped TPFM-2 stopped TPFM-1 and CCS Flow Meters TPFM-2 and Continuous Continuous Continuous TPFM-2 TPFM-2 TPFM-2 TPFM-2 TPFM-2 TPFM-2 reporting mid reporting early TPFM-2 still TPFM-3 turned on continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous August August continuous Meteorological TPM-1 turned on Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous station 7/26/10 TPRF-2, Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data TPRF-4, from TPRF-2, from TPRF-2, from TPRF-2, Rainfall stations from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and TPRF-11, and TPRF-4, and TPRF-4, and TPRF-4, and TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-12 installed TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 Field and Tracer Suite parameters, Field and Tracer trace metals, and Suite parameters, Groundwater and nutrients with the TPGW-10 and Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Surface Water exceptions of Field and Tracer TPGW-14 for Suite parameters, Field and Tracer Suite parameters, Field and Tracer Sampling TPGW-10, TPGW- Suite parameters trace metals, and trace metals, and Suite parameters trace metals, and Suite parameters (New Stations) 11, and TPGW-14 nutrients nutrients nutrients (as offshore Resampled TPGW-platforms were 1 for ammonia incomplete)

Historic Groundwater Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Well Sampling Suite parameters Suite parameters Suite parameters Suite parameters Suite parameters Suite parameters TPEVP-2, TPEVP-TPEVP-13A (also Evaporation Pan 3, TPEVP-5, and Monthly tritium called TPEVP- Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Sampling TPEVP-12 GC) installed installed TPRF-2 through TPRF-5, Quarterly tritium, Rainfall Collector TPRF-7, except for Quarterly tritium Quarterly tritium Sampling TPRF-8, and TPRF-5 (stolen)

TPRF-12 deployed Notes: Key: Notes:

Automated data collection includes groundwater and surface water quality and stage, flow, TPBBSW = Turkey Point Biscayne Bay Surface Water. TPRF = Turkey Point Rainfall gauge. Automated data collection includes groundwater and surface water quality and stage, rainfall, and meteorological glow and rainfall data at several stations are limited. TPEVP = Turkey Point Evaporation Pan(s). TPSW = Turkey Point Surface Water. rainfall, and meteorological glow and rainfall data at several stations are limited.

Refer to Table 30-2 for field and Tracer Suite parameters and nutrients. TPFM = Turkey Point Flow Meter(s). TPSWID = Turkey Point Surface Water Inteceptor Ditch. Refer to Table 30-2 for field and Tracer Suite parameters and nutrients.

TPGW = Turkey Point Groundwater.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Table 1.1-1. Summary of Monitoring Efforts (June 2010 - November 2012) 2011 2012 Monitoring Effort Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Biota Biota Biota Porewater (field Porewater (field Ecological Mangrove and Tracer Suite Porewater (field and Tracer Suite and Tracer Suite and Marsh parameters, and parameters, and parameters)

Monitoring nutrients) nutrients)

Vegetation Vegetation (nutrients) (nutrients)

Biota Ecological Biscayne Porewater (field and Tracer Suite Bay Monitoring parameters, and nutrients)

Vegetation (nutrients)

Automated Data Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Collection TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-2 CCS Flow Meters TPFM-2 TPFM-2 reinstalled and continuous continuous turned on.

Meteorological Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous station Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data from TPRF-2, from TPRF-2, from TPRF-2, Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Rainfall stations from TPRF-2 and TPRF-4, and TPRF-4, and TPRF-4, and from all stations from all stations from all stations from all stations from all stations TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 Groundwater and Field and Tracer Surface Water Field and Tracer Suite parameters, Field and Tracer Sampling Suite parameters trace metals, and Suite parameters (New Stations) nutrients Historic Groundwater Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Well Sampling Suite parameters Suite parameters Suite parameters Evaporation Pan Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Sampling Quarterly tritium, Rainfall Collector Quarterly tritium except for Quarterly tritium Sampling TPRF-7 (stolen)

Notes: Key:

Automated data collection includes groundwater and surface water quality and stage, flow, TPBBSW = Turkey Point Biscayne Bay Surface Water. TPRF = Turkey Point Rainfall gauge.

rainfall, and meteorological glow and rainfall data at several stations are limited. TPEVP = Turkey Point Evaporation Pan(s). TPSW = Turkey Point Surface Water.

Refer to Table 30-2 for field and Tracer Suite parameters and nutrients. TPFM = Turkey Point Flow Meter(s). TPSWID = Turkey Point Surface Water Inteceptor Ditch.

TPGW = Turkey Point Groundwater.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Table 1.1-2. Well Construction Summary Depth to Depth to Top of Bottom of Elevation Top of Casing Top of Screen Bottom of Screen Screen Screen Screen Screen Monitoring Elevation from TOC from TOC Length Elevation Elevation Midpoint Well (ft NAVD 88) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft NAVD 88) (ft NAVD 88) (ft NAVD 88)

TPGW-1S 3.82 32.0 34.0 2 -28.18 -30.18 -29.18 TPGW-1M 3.92 52.1 54.1 2 -48.18 -50.18 -49.18 TPGW-1D 4.20 85.3 89.3 4 -81.10 -85.10 -83.10 TPGW-2S 1.36 24.7 28.7 4 -23.34 -27.34 -25.34 TPGW-2M 1.18 50.5 52.5 2 -49.32 -51.32 -50.32 TPGW-2D 1.14 85.5 87.5 2 -84.36 -86.36 -85.36 TPGW-3S 1.44 27.1 31.1 4 -25.66 -29.66 -27.66 TPGW-3M 1.22 54.7 58.7 4 -53.48 -57.48 -55.48 TPGW-3D 1.10 86.6 88.6 2 -85.50 -87.50 -86.5 TPGW-4S 2.24 23.2 25.2 2 -20.96 -22.96 -21.96 TPGW-4M 1.82 38.1 43.1 5 -36.28 -41.28 -38.78 TPGW-4D 1.92 61.6 65.6 4 -59.68 -63.68 -61.68 TPGW-5S 5.35 28.6 32.6 4 -23.25 -27.25 -25.25 TPGW-5M 5.07 49.3 54.3 5 -44.23 -49.23 -46.73 TPGW-5D 5.22 67.0 72.0 5 -61.78 -66.78 -64.28 TPGW-6S 1.56 22.3 24.3 2 -20.74 -22.74 -21.74 TPGW-6M 1.52 48.7 52.7 4 -47.18 -51.18 -49.18 TPGW-6D 1.59 81.9 85.9 4 -80.31 -84.31 -82.31 TPGW-7S 1.36 21.8 25.8 4 -20.44 -24.44 -22.44 TPGW-7M 1.25 47.7 51.7 4 -46.45 -50.45 -48.45 TPGW-7D 1.19 79.7 83.7 4 -78.51 -82.51 -80.51 TPGW-8S 1.98 16.8 20.8 4 -14.82 -18.82 -16.82 TPGW-8M 2.12 34.9 36.9 2 -32.78 -34.78 -33.78 TPGW-8D 2.01 49.2 53.2 4 -47.19 -51.19 -49.19 TPGW-9S 3.63 14.9 18.9 4 -11.27 -15.27 -13.27 TPGW-9M 3.53 34.3 36.3 2 -30.77 -32.77 -31.77 TPGW-9D 3.52 47.9 49.9 2 -44.38 -46.38 -45.38 TPGW-10S* 8.3 36.4 38.4 2 -28.1 -30.1 -29.1 TPGW-10M* 8.3 60.4 64.4 4 -52.1 -56.1 -54.1 1-16

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Table 1.1-2. Well Construction Summary Depth to Depth to Top of Bottom of Elevation Top of Casing Top of Screen Bottom of Screen Screen Screen Screen Screen Monitoring Elevation from TOC from TOC Length Elevation Elevation Midpoint Well (ft NAVD 88) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft NAVD 88) (ft NAVD 88) (ft NAVD 88)


  • 8.3 126.5 130.5 4 -118.2 -122.2 -120.1 TPGW-11S* 8.7 39.4 43.4 4 -30.7 -34.7 -32.7 TPGW-11M* 8.7 90.4 94.4 4 -81.7 -85.7 -83.7 TPGW-11D
  • 8.7 122.4 126.4 4 -113.7 -117.7 -115.7 TPGW-12S 0.52 21.6 23.6 2 -21.08 -23.08 -22.08 TPGW-12M 0.73 55.8 59.8 4 -55.07 -59.07 -57.07 TPGW-12D 0.76 89.8 93.8 4 -89.04 -93.04 -91.04 TPGW-13S 2.19 29.8 33.8 4 -27.61 -31.61 -29.61 TPGW-13M 2.13 56.7 60.7 4 -54.57 -58.57 -56.57 TPGW-13D 2.18 84.9 88.9 4 -82.72 -86.72 -84.72 TPGW-14S* 8.8 32.5 36.5 4 -23.7 -27.7 -25.7 TPGW-14M* 8.8 56.3 60.3 4 -47.5 -51.5 -49.5 TPGW-14D
  • 8.6 102.2 106.2 4 -93.6 -97.6 -95.6 Note:
  • Offshore wells surveyed using GPS are only accurate to 0.1 foot.


ft = feet.

NAVD 88 = North American Vertical Datum of 1988.

S = Shallow.

M = Intermediate.

D = Deep.

TOC = Top of casing.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 FIGURES

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.1-1. Locations of Groundwater Monitoring Stations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.1-2. Locations of Surface Water Monitoring Stations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.1-3. Locations of the Meteorological Station, Rainfall Gauging Stations, Rainfall Collectors, and Evaporation Pans.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.1-4. Flow Meter Locations in the CCS.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.3-1. Ecological Transect Locations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.3-2. Initial Broad-Scale Porewater Sample Locations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.3-3. Wet Season Broad-Scale Porewater Sample Locations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2

2. AUTOMATED DATA COLLECTION 2.1 Groundwater Quality 2.1.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods Automated groundwater monitoring stations were installed at 14 well clusters in a total of 42 wells (three wells per cluster) from February 2010 to August 2010. In each well, two probes manufactured by In-Situ, Inc. (an Aqua TROLL 100 [AT100] and a Level TROLL 500

[LT500]) were deployed primarily between June 2010 and September 2010 and were set to record water quality parameters and water levels, respectively, at 15-minute intervals. The probes were connected by cable to a telemetry unit and the data at each of these sites are transmitted remotely by cellular phone service to a central database once per day. The telemetry units are powered with 12-volt batteries that are recharged by solar panels. Figure 2.1-1 shows an automated groundwater station with telemetry.

The focus of this subsection is on the AT100 probe that measures groundwater quality parameters. The AT100 has a titanium body with a completely sealed, internal lithium battery, a real-time clock, a datalogger, and temperature and conductance sensors. At each well, an AT100 is placed in the middle of the screened well interval and measures actual conductance (microSiemens per centimeter [S/cm]) and temperature (degrees Celsius [°C]). This probe also calculates specific conductance, salinity, TDS, and water density. Salinity values are calculated using actual conductance and temperature and are reported in practical salinity units (per Practical Salinity Scale 1978 [PSS-78]). TDS is based on actual conductance with a manufacturer automated default conversion factor of 0.65, and results are reported in milligrams/liter (mg/L). Water density is calculated using salinity and temperature, and results are reported in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).

Per the QAPP, the ideal cleaning and calibration schedule for the groundwater probes is approximately every eight weeks, with the Biscayne Bay probes on a rotation of approximately every six weeks. The actual schedule varies depending on field conditions and logistics.

For the cleaning and calibration efforts, probes are pulled from each well and the accuracy of the specific conductance and temperature readings are verified. For specific conductance, each AT100 is placed in a container with a known conductance solution near the expected sample value and Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) performed. The reading on the probe and the value of the specific conductance solution is recorded. A value within 5% of the standard solution is considered acceptable; if the probes reading falls outside the 5% range, data from the previous calibration event up to the present reading are qualified as estimated (E) or questionable

(?) as discussed later in this section. Following the CCV, the probes are cleaned with analyte-2-1

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 free water and a non-abrasive cloth or sponge. Sensor heads are cleaned using cotton swabs or soft pipe cleaners.

Following the CCV, an initial calibration (IC) and an initial calibration verification (ICV) are conducted with a solution at the high end of the expected sample range. The AT100 and Aqua Troll 200 (AT200) use a single-point calibration equation. If the specific conductance reading of the probe during the IC and the value of the calibration solution is between 0.98 to 1.02 of each other (referred to as the cell constant), the reading is considered ideal, but a higher range between 0.90 and 1.10 is acceptable. Following cleaning and a successful IC, an ICV and two additional bracketing ICVs are done with standard conductance solutions, with one typically above and another typically below the expected sample value range, to bracket the range of readings. If a probe specific conductivity reading is outside of the acceptable range during any of the steps described above, the probe is replaced.

For temperature, each AT100 is verified during each cleaning and calibration event using a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-certified thermometer. The temperature reading of the probe is considered acceptable if it is within +/-0.5°C of the NIST thermometer reading. If a probe temperature reading is outside the acceptable range, it is replaced with another probe.

During cleaning and calibration, operational parameters involving general system functionality are addressed. The external battery voltage that powers the telemetry system (12:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. each day) is checked. The 12-volt batteries and solar panels are inspected, as well as fuses and wiring connections. In addition, internal voltage and memory availability of all probes are checked. Desiccants in the system are replaced during every cleaning and calibration event, and overall cleanliness is maintained. Inoperable equipment is repaired or replaced. In the event that equipment is vandalized, it is replaced.

In addition to routine cleaning/calibration, all probes are sent for factory calibration/maintenance checks approximately once every 18 months. This effort was conducted systematically from November 2011 through March 2012. If the cleaning and calibration event occurs when a probe needs to be sent for factory maintenance, the probe undergoes a CCV and high and low ICVs first to determine if it reads within the acceptable 5% range. When a probe is sent back to the factory for recalibration, another probe that has been factory-calibrated within the past 18 months is installed in its place. Since a replacement probe would not have recorded data prior to the current calibration, it would undergo only the IC, ICV, and high and low ICVs.

From June 2010 through June 2012, the most problematic issue with the automated stations continued to be the inconsistent daily reporting by the telemetry units. In nearly all cases, the data were recorded and stored in the instrument but, due to intermittent connectivity to the network, the data were not always transmitted to the FPL database on a daily basis. In a few cases, data were lost due to lightning strikes or probe electronic resets. If the system does not reconnect after these connectivity failures, FPL has to download and manually patch in the data.

Data are downloaded from probes every calibration event, typically during cleaning and 2-2

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 calibration events. High-gain antennas are now installed at most sites. Also, several issues are causing oscillations in some of the specific conductance values. These issues are discussed in the following subsections.

2.1.2 Results and Discussion All raw data are made available to the Agencies upon receipt by FPL and are subsequently reviewed for accuracy. Depending upon the results, some of the data are qualified using the qualification codes outlined in the QAPP. The validation and qualification of the data are a substantial undertaking and will continue to be so in the future. For example, each groundwater well (one AT100 and one LT500) generates 576 data points each day. This results in 24,192 data points generated by the groundwater stations (42 wells) each day or approximately 8,830,080 points annually. Both the surface and groundwater stations generate approximately 16.5 million data points per year.

Data validation and qualification is a multi-step process. The first step begins with the plotting of key water quality parameters (salinity, specific conductance, and temperature) over a set validation period as well as the entire period of record. This allows a quick review of the results and identification/flagging of data that are outside expected ranges. Any evident aberrations in the resulting time series plots are then reviewed further based on specific station location, meteorological conditions, and previous results.

As a second step, the data are then compared to validation and calibration logs to ensure that the probes are recording data within the tolerances (5% for specific conductance and 0.5°C for temperature). Data within the accepted levels are deemed valid and data outside that range are qualified. For specific conductance ICVs, most probes have been verified successfully; however, some of the data have been qualified primarily due to CCVs outside acceptable levels.

Nine probes have been out of range for temperature and 25 probes have been out of range for specific conductance, resulting in the qualification of data back to the time the probes last passed verification for that parameter. Most of the out-of-range data was qualified as estimated. The calibration and verification logs for the automated station probes are included in Appendix B.

In the final step, each data point for specific conductance, salinity, and temperature is compared to its previous 15-minute value to check for any unusual oscillations that may not have been caught during the calibration and verification events. Salinity differences greater than or equal to

() 1 practical salinity unit (per PSS-78) and temperature changes 1°C that occur within 15-minute intervals are flagged, and both data rows are highlighted. Data are then manually reviewed for validity. Flagged data are compared against meteorological data and other station data to help determine if they are real or spurious observations beyond normal parameters. There have been instances when a probe has exhibited extreme 15-minute oscillations (e.g.,

fluctuations up to 80,000 S/cm) for a period of time before resuming function within normal ranges. Other examples of spurious data include occurrences of specific conductance values dropping drastically and instantaneously and remaining at low levels for days to weeks, or oscillating for one or two time intervals before instantaneously returning to original levels.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Once the above steps are completed and all flagged data are reviewed, the data are qualified as appropriate. The qualifiers used in the data qualification effort are E indicating an estimated value, ? indicating suspect or questionable data, G indicating a recalculated value, and C indicating a calibration event. Data dependent upon other parameters, (i.e., specific conductance, salinity, density, and TDS) are also qualified for the corresponding period when these parameters are interrelated.

The E (estimated) qualifier has been added to data that oscillate, but not more than 5% from what is believed to be the actual value, due to a system electrical/radio frequency issue. Data from the previous cleaning and calibration event up to present are also qualified as E when an CCV ranges from 5% to 30%, or when verification or bracketing is not performed. For example, when In-Situ, Inc. deployed probes without performing verification (other than what was done at the factory), these data were qualified with an E.

The ? qualifier has been applied to data that should not be included in any analyses because they may not be an accurate depiction of actual field conditions. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

Data from any probe with an CCV greater than 30%; however, no data have yet to be qualified as questionable for this reason; Specific conductance values that erroneously oscillate between high and low readings at 15-minute intervals due to problems with the automated system; or Specific conductance, temperature, and water levels artificially altered when the probe is pulled for cleaning and calibration.

During cleaning and calibration events, both ? and C qualifiers are applied to all applicable parameters. The calibration event begins when a probe starts to be retrieved and ends when it has been set back in place and the temperature reading has stabilized. When air and water temperatures differ greatly, it can take the probe temperature several hours to return to accurate readings of ambient water temperature and, thus, all values are affected.

After a review of the key parameters in their entirety by a second QA/QC person, all qualified data from each station are validated on the EDMS and, subsequently, become available for download by the Agencies.

FPL has made refinements in the data qualification and validation process during the monitoring period and, when necessary, has retroactively applied qualifiers to previous sets of data. For example, in the last Semi-Annual Monitoring Report (FPL 2012a), FPL noted that, during a few short periods, the surface water levels exceeded the top of several groundwater well casings. The groundwater levels were qualified. Also, the water quality readings in several of the wells appeared to be slightly affected during sampling events and the data were qualified. FPL went back through all the previous data to determine whether similar events occurred and qualified the 2-4

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 data as appropriate. These changes only affect a small percentage of the data. The information presented in this report reflects the most current data set.

Only a small percentage of the water quality data has been qualified as questionable. The principal reason for using the ? qualifier is erroneous oscillating specific conductance values (greater than 5% over a 15-minute interval due to obvious system malfunction). An In-Situ, Inc.

representative initially stated that these abnormal fluctuations could have been caused by air bubbles on the sensor or by blocked sensor heads. However, gently shaking and tapping the probes have not necessarily alleviated this issue in every instance. FPL subsequently re-grounded some of the sites in hopes of rectifying the problem; however, oscillations were not completely eliminated. In-Situ, Inc. was able to reproduce the oscillation in the laboratory using high-frequency radio waves. These radio waves in the laboratory caused the probe cables to resonate, which caused fluctuating specific conductance readings. In-Situ, Inc. subsequently installed ferrite beads on the probe cables to eliminate cable resonance, but data oscillations still occurred, on occasion. While the oscillations appear to be less frequent than at the projects onset, it is still believed that other factors are contributing to the oscillations; therefore, testing has continued in order to determine the underlying causes of these patterns. One of the latest tests, implemented in January 2012, disconnected external power from several of the probes showing the most frequent oscillations. To date, these probes have been disconnected from the 12-volt battery (but remain connected to the telemetry system) and have been powered by the internal 1.5-volt lithium battery and, for a while, the data appeared stable. FPL has recently run new ground wires at TPGW-1 and TPGW-13, placed ferrite beads on the cables at those sites, and connected an additional grounding rod to TPGW-1, but oscillations in specific conductance still occurs. It appears this may be an ongoing issue; the associated data will continue to be qualified as questionable.

Figures 2.1-2 through 2.1-15 illustrate time series graphs of specific conductance, temperature, and salinity at each well. These graphs depict validated data and exclude suspect data that have been qualified as questionable or that were recorded during a calibration event. Appendix D provides time series graphs of these three parameters, with all reported data including questionable data. The time series graphs show data from the beginning of station reporting in 2010 (June through September 2010 depending on station) through June 2012. To facilitate closer review of the time series results by the Agencies and allow them to adjust graphic scales presented herein and/or focus on a specific time interval, FPL has included the raw time series data in separate Excel files with the report.

Tables 2.1-1, 2.1-2, and 2.1-3 show statistical summaries for time series specific conductance, temperature, and salinity data, respectively. The tables include monthly average values for each monitoring well and the minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation for the entire monitoring period; these summaries were calculated where at least 21 days of data were available for that month. The salinity values are presented since lay people often relate more directly to salinity than specific conductance. Figures 2.1-16, 2.1-17, and 2.1-18 show the average value and standard deviation for specific conductance, temperature, and salinity, 2-5

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 respectively, to facilitate a spatial visualization of the average automated groundwater results.

Statistical files have been included in separate Excel files with the report.

Overall, the qualified groundwater specific conductance and salinity data indicated consistent readings throughout the entire monitoring period. The salinity results track the specific conductance results since salinity is calculated based on specific conductance and temperature.

No observable seasonal changes occurred in any well location. Nearly all the specific conductance time series plots exhibit very little change over time. TPGW-1S was the notable exception where the specific conductance values ranged from approximately 48,000 µS/cm to 64,000 µS/cm.

Similar to what has been previously observed, the wells closest to the CCS and Biscayne Bay had higher specific conductance than the wells located farther away. Outer well clusters TPGW-7, TPGW-8 (excluding TPGW-8S), and TPGW-9 have groundwater that can be characterized as freshwater and do not appear to be affected by salt water intrusion. As discussed further in Section 3, TPGW-8S had specific conductance values that ranged from 2,067 µS/cm to 3,681

µS/cm, but ionic data indicated non-marine influences. Wells TPGW-4S, TPGW-5S, and TPGW-6S had average specific conductance values over the monitoring period of 2,163 µS/cm, 1,298 µS/cm and 1,127 µS/cm, respectively. All other wells are saltier and are influenced by marine water. Monitoring wells TPGW-1M, TPGW-1D, TPGW-2S, TPGW-2M, TPGW-2D, TPGW-3S, TPGW-3M, TPGW-3D, TPGW-12M, TPGW-12D, TPGW-13S, TPGW-13M, and TPGW-13D have the saltiest water, with specific conductance values consistently in excess of 60,000 µS/cm. The specific conductance values in well cluster TPGW-13 were the highest with average values in excess of 80,000 µS/cm.

The majority of the wells that appear to be influenced by marine water had higher specific conductance values with depth; however, the intermediate zone often exhibits values similar to the deep zone. Well cluster TPGW-13 is one of the exceptions where the average values over the monitoring period were slightly higher in the shallow zone, but the values between all zones were within 5% of each other. This is not unexpected at TPGW-13 given the hypersaline conditions in the CCS.

The groundwater temperatures in the intermediate and deep zones exhibited little to no change over the monitoring period and most appear flat-lined on the time series plots. The temperatures in the shallow zone wells were steady, but reflected minor seasonal influences; groundwater temperatures were typically higher near the end/beginning of the year and decreased to their lowest levels when air temperatures were warmer, which is the opposite of what would be expected if there was an immediate response in groundwater temperature to air temperature.

This trend may be reflective of a lag in the response of the shallow groundwater (20 to 40 ft below ground surface) to winter and summer air and surface water temperatures. The highest groundwater temperatures occurred in well cluster TPGW-13 with an average value over the monitoring period of 30.0°C. By comparison, the average groundwater temperatures over the monitoring period in TPGW-10S (Biscayne Bay well), TPGW-1S (near CCS), and TPGW-9S (westernmost well) were 26.1, 25.6, and 24.7°C, respectively. The average groundwater 2-6

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 temperatures in nearly all the wells were less than the average value of 26.1°C measured at both TPGW10S and TPGW-11S in Biscayne Bay. Wells TPGW-14M and TPGW-14D had slightly higher groundwater temperatures of 26.2 and 26.4°C. Well cluster TPGW-2 had average groundwater temperatures that ranged from 26.5 to 27.4°C, which could suggest some effects of the CCS. Well cluster TPGW-2 did not follow the same general groundwater temperature trends exhibited by the other well clusters, indicating some external influence.

To assess differences between wells over time, Figures 2.1-19 through 2.1-25 show comparisons of specific conductance and temperature in shallow and deep interval wells. Figure 2.1-19 shows that for the wells in Biscayne Bay, TPGW-14 has the highest specific conductance values and the highest temperatures at depth. Figures 2.1-20 through 2.1-23 show changes across the landscape and include wells in Biscayne Bay, the CCS, and wells farther inland. The figures illustrate how much higher the specific conductance and temperature are in CCS well cluster TPGW-13 than the other wells. Also, the figures show how the values generally decrease in wells with distance from the coast. Figure 2.1-24 shows plots of wells in close proximity to the CCS. Figure 2.1-25 compares Biscayne Bay surface water specific conductance values and temperatures with Biscayne Bay groundwater specific conductance values and temperatures. The plots show how much less the groundwater specific conductance values and temperatures fluctuate than the surface water values. This indicates the buffering effects that groundwater has on surface water changes.

2.2 SURFACE WATER QUALITY 2.2.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods Automated surface water quality stations were located throughout the Turkey Point landscape as determined jointly with the Agencies. All stations record water quality and stage data at 15-minute intervals, with the exception of Biscayne Bay stations TPBBSW-1, TPBBSW-2, TPBBSW-4, and TPBBSW-5 which record only water quality parameters. While most sites that record surface water data have two probes (top and bottom), some have only one probe, depending on surface water depth and other logistical considerations. Stations that are in less than 3 ft of water have only one AT200 probe. Surface water quality stations with two probes have an AT100 at approximately 1 ft above the bottom and an AT200 within 3 ft of the surface.

The AT200 is similar to the AT100, except the AT200 also measures water stage. Similar to the AT100, the AT200 has a titanium body with a completely sealed internal lithium battery, real-time clock, data logger, and pressure, temperature, and conductance sensors. The AT200 is also programmed to auto-correct water levels for water density based on readings recorded by the probe. This feature is explained in greater detail in Section 2.3.1.

Similar to the groundwater sites, probe cables are attached to a telemetry system that uploads once a day for most sites (Figure 2.2-1). Table 2.2-1 summarizes the probes used at each surface water station and the parameters measured. Currently, 33 probes (AT100s and AT200s) are deployed throughout the monitoring area, generating up to 6.3 million data points each year.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Four of the automated surface water quality sites in Biscayne Bay (TPBBSW-1, TPBBSW-2, TPBBSW-4, and TPBBSW-5) are not connected to a telemetry system for logistical reasons. Per the Monitoring Plan, these probes are set up similar to the BNP salinity monitoring network stations (Biscayne National Park 2007) equipped with probes that record specific conductance just above the sediment surface. Rather than installing platforms or pilings, the probes are firmly attached to a cement paver/pad and are placed at pre-determined locations on the Bay bottom.

Since these probes are designated to measure only water quality parameters, AT100s are deployed at each of these four locations. The probes are swapped out approximately every six weeks, returned to the field office where they are cleaned and calibrated, and the data are manually uploaded into the online database.

All AT100 and AT200 probes are cleaned and calibrated using the same methodology as described for groundwater sites. Appendix B shows the water quality field verification/

calibration logs. Additional verification measurements are conducted for the water level measurements associated with the AT200, as detailed in Section 2.3.1.

2.2.2 Results and Discussion The automated surface water quality data are qualified and validated in the same manner as the automated groundwater data. Figures 2.2-2 to 2.2-23 show time series graphs of specific conductance, temperature, and salinity at each surface water station. These graphs depict validated data and exclude suspect data that have been qualified as questionable (?), estimated (E), or qualified due to impacts during a calibration (C) event. Appendix C shows what data were qualified, while Appendix D shows time series graphs of the three parameters, but with all reported data including suspect data. The time series graphs show data from the beginning of station reporting in 2010 (August or September 2010, depending on station) through June 2012.

Note that the salinity results for all the surface water stations track the specific conductance results since salinity is calculated based on specific conductance and temperature, thus most of the discussion focuses on specific conductance and temperature. To facilitate closer review of the time series results by the Agencies and allow them to adjust graphic scales presented herein and/or focus on a specific time interval, FPL has included the raw time series data files in separate Excel files with the report.

Tables 2.2-1, 2.2-2, and 2.2-3 show statistical summaries of the time series data for specific conductance, temperature, and salinity, respectively. The tables include monthly average values for each monitoring station and the minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation for the entire monitoring period. The salinity values are presented since lay people often relate more directly to salinity than specific conductance. Figures 2.2-24, 2.2-25, and 2.2-26 show the average value and standard deviation for specific conductance, temperature, and salinity, respectively, to facilitate a spatial visualization of the average automated surface water results.

Statistical files have been included in separate Excel files with the report.

Compared to the groundwater time series graphs, the surface water time series graphs show greater variability in the data, most of which is related to seasonal and meteorological conditions.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 For example, in Biscayne Bay, the highest specific conductance values are near the end of the dry season and the lowest values are near the end of the wet season with minimum and maximum values ranging from 18,922 µS/cm (TPBBSW-10B) to 66,884 µS/cm (TPBBSW-1B).

The highest values in Biscayne Bay were recorded near the end of the very dry season in June 2011 at six of the seven Biscayne Bay stations. This equates to salinities throughout the project area in excess of 40 units on the practical salinity units (PSU) scale. Figure 2.2-27 compares surface water specific conductance values at Biscayne Bay stations. Station TPBBSW-14B (measured near the surface) consistently has the lowest water temperatures while TPBBSW-10B (measured near the surface) has the most variability. The specific conductance values in Biscayne Bay are within ranges observed at BBCW10 (SFWMD well located several miles north). In some instances, for example much of June 2011 specific conductance values were higher at BBCW10 than at Turkey Point Biscayne Bay stations.

The specific conductance values in the CCS show less seasonal variability than Biscayne Bay, but do change in response to rainfall events. Following a high rainfall event on October 8, 2011 (6.33 inches measured at TPM-1), the specific conductance values dropped 10% to 20% at all stations. This is similar to what occurred the previous year in September and November 2010 following several heavy rain events (7.34 and 4.36 inches, respectively, at TPM-1). The data show that there was no clear pattern of higher or lower specific conductance among the CCS stations. Variability in the results is often within the acceptable calibration limits of the instrument. Quarterly surface water sampling indicates the specific conductance values at all CCS stations are typically within 5% of each other. Over the entire monitoring period, the minimum and maximum CCS specific conductance values ranged from 50,528 µS/cm (TPSWCCS-4B) to 93,594 µS/cm (TPSWCCS-6B). The average specific conductance values in the CCS were consistently over 70,000 µS/cm in comparison to Biscayne Bay average values ranging between 43,433 µS/cm and 51,006 µS/cm for the monitoring period. Figure 2.2-28 compares time series specific conductance values between the CCS and several Biscayne Bay surface water stations. The specific conductance at TPSWC-5T is consistently higher than the Biscayne stations by over 20,000 µS/cm.

In the L-31E Canal stations, (TPSWC-1, TPSWC-2 and TPSWC-3), the specific conductance values were predominantly reflective of freshwater, however slightly more saline conditions were noted during several periods. The most notable period was near the end of the very dry season in June 2012 when maximum specific conductance values were 9,507 µS/cm (TPSWC-2B) and 22,776 µS/cm (TPSWC-3B). As is discussed in Section 3, there was not an incremental increase in tritium concentrations which might indicate regional Biscayne Bay influences instead of an influence from the CCS. Figure 2.2-29 compares time series specific conductance and temperature values for the different surface water stations in the L-31E Canal. Other spikes in specific conductance values were noted in TPSWC-3B in November 2011 and near the end of the dry season in 2012.

The specific conductance values in the two tidal stations TPSWC-4 and TPSWC-5 were more variable than the L-31E stations. TPSWC-4 is affected by releases from the S-20 structure and can transition from saline to fresh conditions quickly. Station TPSWC-5 reflects marine 2-9

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 conditions, but exhibited values in excess of those found in Biscayne Bay at the bottom. The water at TPSWC-5 is over 20 ft deep and is located at the end of this dead-end canal. The deep water depths and restrictions in flushing may contribute to the observed specific conductance values at this station.

The ID specific conductance values are affected by pumping of the ID ditch, which is conducted mostly in the dry season to maintain a seaward gradient between the L-31E Canal and the ID.

During non-pumping periods, the water in the ID is slightly saline to brackish, but during periods of heavy pumping, the water becomes saline in the pumped segments. In June 2011, the specific conductance values reached a peak at two ID stations with values in excess of 55,000 S/cm.

The effect was most pronounced at the bottom of TPSWID-2 where specific conductance values remained the highest for the longest duration. Specific conductance values in the ID were always below the values in the CCS and reflect a mixing of CCS water, freshwater, and Biscayne Bay water. Figure 2.2-30 compares time series specific conductance and temperature values for the different surface water stations in the ID. Figures 2.2-31 through 2.2-33 compare time series specific conductance and temperature values for the ID, L-31E, and CCS, at ID operation transect A stations (TPSWID-1, TPSWC-1, and TPSWCCS-1), transect C stations (TPSWID-2, TPSWC-2, and TPSWCCS-7), and transect E stations (TPSWID-3, TPSWC-3, and TPSWCCS-3), respectively. The figures show that CCS specific conductance values are highest in the CCS and lowest in the L-31E. The figures also show the temperature difference between the water bodies as the CCS cools from transect A to transect C. Discussion of the ID operation is included Section 6 of this report.

Water temperatures at all stations are greatly affected by meteorological conditions and reflect seasonal trends as expected. Ambient air temperature changes were quickly reflected in water temperatures and both Biscayne Bay and CCS stations tracked closely the overall ambient trend (Figure 2.2-34). In Biscayne Bay, average monthly water temperatures in January 2011 were around 20°C at all stations. In July 2011, average monthly water temperatures were near 31°C at all Biscayne Bay stations and the highest recorded 15-minute temperature was 35.2°C at TPBBSW-10B.

The water temperatures in the CCS also change with air temperature but are higher than other surface water locations. The CCS water is pumped from the intake side of the plant and routed through condensers to cool the power units. As the water passes through the condensers, it is heated and eventually discharged on the west side of the plant back into the CCS. The water temperatures on the CCS discharge side of the plant at TPSWCCS-1B are 7.5°C warmer on average for the entire monitoring period (June 20110 through June 2012) than at the intake side of the plant at TPSWCCS-6B. The range in temperatures varies monthly and CCS surface water temperatures are warmer in the summer months and cooler in the winter months. For example in September 2011, the average monthly CCS water temperatures ranged from 31.9°C at TPSWCCS-6B to 40.1°C at TPSWCCS-1. In January 2012, the average monthly CCS water temperatures ranged from 23.8°C at TPSWCCS-6B to 33.1°C at TPSWCCS-1B. There did not appear to be any temperature stratification at TPSWCCS-4 and TPSWCCS-6 since the water temperature was consistently the same at the top and bottom. However, at TPSWCCS-5, the 2-10

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 surface water temperatures were consistently higher at the top station. Figure 2.2-35 shows time series plots for stations in the CCS and illustrates the differences in temperature between stations on the discharge side of the plant (i.e., TPSWCCS-1B, TPSWCCS-7B) and the intake side of the plant (i.e., TPSWCCS-5 and TPSWCCS-6).

CSS water temperatures are regularly higher than the daily ambient air temperatures (Figure 2.2-34) and are often higher than daily maximum temperatures (Figure 2.2-36). This rarely occurs at other surface water stations. If there are temperature effects on Biscayne Bay from the warmer CCS waters, the effects would most likely be evident during the cooler months. Figure 2.2-36 shows the water temperatures from February to June 2011 for all the Biscayne Bay stations installed for the Uprate monitoring. Surface water temperatures from a SFWMD Biscayne Bay monitoring station several miles north of the site (BBCW-10) are included on Figure 2.2-36. The Turkey Point Biscayne Bay monitoring stations track very closely both with the SFWMD station and the maximum air temperatures recorded at TPM-1.

To help assess whether CCS water temperatures are affecting Biscayne Bay water temperatures, the differences between CCS and Biscayne Bay water temperatures and the differences between ambient air and Biscayne Bay water temperatures were examined (Figure 2.2-37). The results clearly demonstrate that CCS water temperatures, both on the intake and discharges sides, are warmer than Biscayne Bay water temperatures; there is only one instance where the plot exhibits a negative value for the difference between CCS and Biscayne Bay water temperatures (February 13, 2011; TPSWCCS TPBBSW4). This occurred when there was a major drop in the low ambient air temperature on February 13, and it appears the CCS water temperature responded more quickly to the daily low temperature. When compared to ambient air temperatures, Biscayne Bay water temperatures oscillate between being higher and lower than ambient air temperatures, particularly during the cooler months. This is to be expected as cold fronts move through and air temperatures both drop and recover more quickly, and to a greater degree, than water temperatures. Later in the year, mean ambient temperatures are almost exclusively lower than Biscayne Bay water temperatures. More importantly however, differences between the northern SFWMD surface water station (BBCW10) and both the ambient air temperatures and the CCS water temperatures follow the same pattern and are of the same magnitude as the FPL Biscayne Bay stations. These results suggest that air temperatures are driving water temperatures in Biscayne Bay and do not indicate any readily evident CCS water temperature effects in Biscayne Bay.

Water temperatures in the L-31E Canal (Figure 2.2-29) are on average cooler than those in Biscayne Bay. There is some temperature stratification in L-31 in part due to the canal depths and typically limited flow. The near surface water temperatures are almost always warmer than the bottom temperatures and the surface temperature exhibits more daily variability in response to air temperature changes. Near the end of the 2011 dry season, the bottom temperatures in TPSWC-3B were similar to the near surface water temperatures at that location and the timing coincides with the increase in specific conductance discussed above.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 The time series plots (Figure 2.2-30) show that there were periods when the bottom water temperatures in the ID were greater than the surface water temperatures and those periods often corresponded with pumping of the ID and reflect some influence from the CCS. As a result, the average temperatures in the ID stations are higher than at the L-31E stations based on the entire monitoring period.

The water temperatures in the two tidal canal stations (TPSWC-4 and TPSWC-5) were also affected by air temperatures, but TPSWC-4 was also affected by discharges from S-20.

Generally the surface water temperatures at TPSWC-4 were higher than or similar to the bottom water temperatures; the effects of the CCS, if any, were hard to differentiate due to the variables that could affect water temperature. At TPSWC-5, the bottom water temperature was higher than the surface water temperature for months at a time.

2.3 WATER LEVELS 2.3.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods Water levels provide insight into groundwater hydrology and groundwater and surface water interactions; levels are collected at all groundwater and most surface water stations for the Uprate Project monitoring effort. Only four water quality stations in Biscayne Bay do not have stage recorders. Per the Monitoring Plan, automated surface water quality monitoring stations co-located with groundwater monitoring well clusters in Biscayne Bay were to have surface water stage recorders. During the siting of the wells and surface water stations in Biscayne Bay, only one surface water quality station (TPBBSW-3) was co-located with a well cluster (TPGW-11); thus, one stage recorder was initially installed in Biscayne Bay. FPL later opted to install two additional stage recorders in Biscayne Bay (one each at the platforms associated with TPGW-10 and TPGW-14) to better assess groundwater and surface water interactions and tidal differences across the landscape.

Water pressures are measured at 15-minute intervals, and water levels are calculated from the pressure data. The results are typically transmitted on a regular basis via telemetry. LT500 and AT200 probes are used to record water pressure/levels. The LT500 only measures water pressure and temperature. This probe model is used in all automated groundwater well sites and is co-located with AT100 water quality units, but is placed near the surface to increase the accuracy of the pressure readings. At all automated surface water stations, AT200 probes are used for water levels since the probes measure both water pressure and water quality parameters. Both types of data are needed for surface water stations, and probes can typically be placed within 3 ft of the surface. Both probe models that measure water pressure have been deployed using a vented cable. The vented cable contains a tube that applies atmospheric pressure to the back of the pressure gauge. The instrument is programmed to automatically subtract this value from the measured pressure, reflected in the following formula:

Pgauge = Pabsolute - Patmosphere 2-12

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Aside from being able to measure water quality parameters, the biggest difference between the AT200 probe and the LT500 probe is how specific gravity (SG) is handled. In the AT200 probe, an option exists to program a fixed density value or to auto-adjust water levels based on actual measured density. In the LT500 probe, only a fixed density value can be entered based on the water type (freshwater, brackish water, or saltwater). All LT500 probes are individually set to the fixed density value that best characterizes the water in the well. The AT200 probes are programed to automatically adjust water levels based on the measured density.

Both probes are programmed to record water levels based on a depth-to-water level setting.

Water levels are calculated in the instruments from the measured pressure based on the following formula:

WL = RL + (2.31 * (RP-MP)/SG) where:

WL - water level (measured in feet based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (ft NAVD 88)

RL - reference water level (ft NAVD 88)

RP - reference pressure (pounds per square inch [psi])

MP - measured pressure (psi)

SG - specific gravity (unitless)

The SG in the above formula is the same as the density reading; thus, the values come directly from the instrument.

The reference level (RL) is a key component and is established in the field by using a water level indicator to measure the depth to water from the top of the well casing. Since the top of casing has been surveyed to an established datum (both NAVD 88 and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 [NGVD 29]), an elevation of the water is quickly determined by subtracting the depth to water from the top of casing. The resulting water level elevation is then entered into the probe as the reference level. The probe then automatically calculates the related pressure value, referred to as the reference pressure (RP). Subsequent pressure measurements recorded by the probe are relative to the reference pressure and its associated elevation.

The AT200 probes are cleaned in the same manner as described for the AT100 probes in the previous sections. The LT500 probes are wiped down with analyte-free water, with care not to damage the pressure transducer. The same care is used on the AT200 probes. While the pressure sensor cannot be calibrated, the resulting stage readings are verified. FPL has refined their approach over the course of the monitoring effort to improve the accuracy of the data. Currently, water level measurements are taken with a water level indicator prior to the removal of the LT500/AT200 probes for cleaning. An instantaneous reading from the probe is taken and compared to the water level indicator. Readings differing less than 0.1 ft are considered acceptable. The probe is then removed for cleaning, placed back in the well, and a similar comparison is made with the water level indicator and pressure reading. If needed, the reference 2-13

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 level is reset so the probe reading matches the water level reading to within 0.03 ft, which is the accuracy of the pressure sensor.

Similar to the AT100 probes, all LT500 and AT200 probes are factory-calibrated every 12 to 18 months. This effort was conducted systematically during regularly scheduled cleaning and calibration events between November 2011 and March 2012.

2.3.2 Results and Discussion Groundwater As part of the validation process, water levels and pressures were plotted for the entire time period for each station. Sudden changes in water level were identified and checked against stage changes at other stations and against rainfall measurements. Time series plots of water levels in similar media and areas such as the CCS or in Biscayne Bay surface water were overlain and compared to one another to help identify potential problems with water level results. In addition, plots in groundwater and nearby or an overlying surface water body were overlain for similar comparisons. Careful attention was paid to periods when cleaning and calibration events occurred and for any activity that could alter the probe placement. Where stage data were available from a water level indicator or stage gauge readings, those values were compared to the reported water level measurements.

If water levels reported by the probe and field-measured values were off by more than 0.1 ft, the data were flagged for closer inspection. Also, shifts in data immediately following a calibration event or activity that could have impacted the probe placement were flagged if they were greater than 0.1 ft. The flagged data were reviewed further and, in some instances, it was clear there was an issue with an incorrect reference level and the data were corrected. In some instances, the cause for a discrepancy greater than 0.1 ft could not be established and the data were qualified as estimated; in other cases, the results were highly suspect in consideration of historical and surrounding station results, and the data were qualified as questionable. For difference of less than 0.1 ft, no correction or qualification of the data was applied.

It should be mentioned that the accuracy of the land-based station survey is better than 0.1 ft (typically within hundredths of a foot), but well locations in the Bay may have a lower level of accuracy since those stations could only be surveyed with GPS units. Thus, the survey accuracy limits should be taken into account when interpreting the results to hundredths of a foot or, in the case of the Biscayne Bay wells, to several tenths of a foot.

Figures 2.3-1 through 2.3-14 show time series graphs at all automated groundwater stations.

These graphs are based on refined validated data and exclude data that are questionable or recorded during a calibration event. Stage data were typically not qualified if the density values were suspect since the differences in the instrument-calculated density had little effect on the pressure reading/stage results, given the shallow depth of probe placement. All time-series graphs are based on actual measured levels, with the probes set to a representative density setting. The values do not reflect freshwater head equivalents. In order to facilitate closer 2-14

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 review of the time series results by the Agencies and allow them to adjust graphic scales presented herein and/or focus on a specific time interval, FPL has included the raw time series data files in separate files in Excel with the report.

Some of the water level data reported in the first Semi-Annual Report (FPL 2011a) were revised based on a resurvey of the top of casing of groundwater wells. This updated information was included in an Errata to the 2011 Semi-Annual Report and changes were reflected in subsequent reports. Also for the first reporting period, FPL initially conducted a post-correction calculation to adjust the LT500 readings from a fixed density value to a measured value using the density from the AT100 located in the same well at depth. This post-correction used the above formula and was calculated similar to how an AT200 is programmed to calculate water levels. FPL subsequently determined (with SFWMD concurrence) that this procedure was unnecessary as the LT500 water levels readings were only affected by a few thousandths of a foot given the shallow placement of the LT500 probes. All water level data reported in the first Semi-Annual Report (FPL 2011a) were slightly readjusted based on a set density representative of that well. These adjustments have been reflected in subsequent reports.

A summary of the data collected and the patterns observed follows:

Water levels change very quickly in response to rainfall events. This is most evident in stations not significantly influenced by tides (TPGW-1, TPGW-2, TPGW-4 through TPGW-9, and TPGW-13). Typically, wherever there is a spike in water levels on the time series graphs, there is a corresponding rainfall event. Refer to Figures 2.3-1, 2.3-2, and 2.3-4 through 2.3-9 and 2.3-13.

At each well cluster, fluctuations in stage for all three depth intervals track closely, indicating a good hydrologic connection between intervals.

Water levels at stations in or immediately adjacent to Biscayne Bay (TPGW-3, TPGW-10, TPGW-11, TPGW-12, and TPGW-14) exhibited tidal influence at all three depths (Figures 2.3-3, 2.3-10, 2.3-11, 2.3-12 and 2.3-14). The amplitude of the tidal changes decreases across the landscape from north to south, similar to the decrease in surface water tidal amplitude discussed below. Thus, TPGW-10 has a higher range of water levels than TPGW-14.

Stations furthest from the coast (TPGW-7, TPGW-8, and TPGW-9) exhibit few water level differences among the shallow, intermediate, and deep wells (Figures 2.3-7, 2.3-8 and 2.3-9). These wells are all fresh per FDEP standards.

Wells located between the westerly most wells and the CCS, such as TPGW-4 and TPGW-5, have brackish water in the intermediate and deep zones overlain by much fresher water in the shallow zone. The shallow zone water elevations in these wells are always higher than the deep zone (Figures 2.3-4 and 2.3-5).

Closer to Biscayne Bay and the CCS, several well clusters have deep or intermediate zones with the highest elevation, such as TPGW-2. At this cluster, the deep and intermediate interval water levels alternate between having higher water levels (Figure 2.3-2).


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 At TPGW-13, the shallow and intermediate zones have nearly identical water levels and the deep zone is up to 0.4 ft lower.

For the land-based stations (tidal and non-tidal), the groundwater levels ranged up to 3 ft over the monitoring period. The non-tidal inland stations had the greatest seasonal range since they are affected more by drought and rainfall conditions. The lowest groundwater elevations at all the land-based stations, with the exception of well cluster TPGW-13, were reported in late May and early June 2011. This was near the end of an extended very dry season. The lowest groundwater elevations at well cluster TPGW-13 were recorded about a month earlier. The previous semi-annual report noted that the water levels at TPGW-2 were the lowest in early May 2011, but further review of the data indicates that the groundwater levels were lowest at this cluster in late May/early June 2011.

To provide insight into the differences in groundwater water levels over the landscape, time series plots from select stations are illustrated on Figures 2.3-15 to 2.3-18. Each figure represents a transect of well clusters. Many of these figures are self-explanatory and support the discussion above. Note that the water elevations of the non-tidal stations in Figures 2.3-15 and 2.3-16 are higher than the tidal stations, with the notable exception towards the end of the very dry season between April and mid-June 2011. Also note that TPGW-13S groundwater elevations on Figures 2.3-17 and 2.3-18 typically follow along the upper range of the tidal stations. Care should be used in drawing conclusions about groundwater flow directions based solely on the transect water levels since density effects have to be considered. Basically, denser water has more driving head than freshwater, and groundwater flow is influenced by these density differences. All the times series data that are reported reflect actual measured water levels and have not been converted to freshwater head equivalents.

To provide some initial insight into the groundwater and surface water interactions, Figures 2.3-19 through 2.3-21 illustrate the differences between surface water levels and groundwater levels in a nearby or co-located well(s) and where the densities in most wells and surface water stations are somewhat similar. Figure 2.3-19 shows a time series plot of surface water stage at TPSWCCS-2 and TPGW-13S and TPGW-13M. The results indicate that the water elevations at TPGW-13S are higher more often than at the corresponding surface water station in the CCS (TPSWCCS-2). However, there was at least one extended period during the dry season of 2011 when the CCS surface water levels were higher.

Figure 2.3-20 shows surface water levels in the CCS and groundwater levels in several wells immediately to the west. Figure 2.3-21 shows daily average surface water levels in TPBBSW-3 and TPGW-11, which is in Biscayne Bay. The daily average eliminates the hourly tidal fluctuations and facilitates a visual comparison between these stations. The plot illustrates that the groundwater levels in the Bay stations are directly influenced by surface water stage and the groundwater elevation at TPGW-11S is always higher than the co-located surface water station.

Further discussion of the groundwater elevations and implications is provided in Section 5 of this report.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Surface Water Figures 2.3-22 through 2.3-39 show time series graphs at all surface water stations where data from automated stage recorders are available. These graphs are based on validated data and exclude data that are questionable or recorded during a calibration event when the log was running. All the time series graphs are based on actual levels and do not reflect freshwater head equivalents. In order to facilitate closer review of the time series results by the Agencies and allow them to adjust graphic scales presented herein and/or focus on a specific time interval, FPL has included the raw time series data files in separate files in Excel with the report.

The precision and accuracy of the surface water levels, particularly associated with stations affected by wave activity, may be slightly lower than for groundwater stations. While wave activity is dampened in stilling wells, some oscillation occurs that can affect the ability to consistently get precise verification readings with a water level indicator. Some data end up being qualified as estimated since a verification reading is off by more than 0.1 ft when in reality it may not need to be qualified. Also, the setting of the reference levels is affected by waves and can cause readings to be off.

As expected, diurnal water level variations were observed at all tidal-influenced stations, including those located in Biscayne Bay (north to south: TPBBSW-10, TPBBSW-3, and TPBBSW-14), as well as tidal canal stations (TPSWC-4 and TPSWC-5). The tidal range declines across the landscape from north to south (Figure 2.3-40). At TPBBSW-10, tide ranges during spring tide and neap tides can be over 2.0 ft and less than 0.5 ft, respectively.

The effect of rainfall is masked in most tidal stations; however, its effect is evident at TPSWC-4 since this station is downstream of S-20 discharges. Rainfall effects are also evident on all onshore stations where water level increases up to 1 ft have been observed following significant rainfall events in L-31E, the CCS, and the ID.

Water levels in the CCS vary spatially depending upon whether the station is located on the discharge or intake side of the canal. Water levels on the plant discharge side have lower ranges in variability (<1 ft at TPSWCCS-1) than stations on the discharge side (up to 4 ft at TPSWCCS-6). Also, water levels on the discharge side of the CCS are typically at least 1 ft higher than those on the CCS plant intake side (Figure 2.3-41). The difference in stage between the discharge and intake side increased during the 2011 and 2012 dry seasons and decreased during the wet season. It was noted that the water levels at all stations were very similar in late September and October 2010, October 2011 and February 2012 following a heavy rainfall event.

Water levels in the CCS and L-31E exhibit little response to tidal influences in Biscayne Bay surface water. Figure 2.3-42 provides a representative time series plot for spring tides on December 24, 2011, and March 9, 2012, which shows the lack of tidal response in the CCS and L-31E. This suggests the hydrogeologic connection with Biscayne Bay is limited or not as direct.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Figure 2.3-43 illustrates a transect of surface water levels, over the entire time period, that includes Biscayne Bay, the CCS, and the L-31E Canal. Care should be used in drawing conclusions about gradients solely based on the transect water levels since density effects have to be considered. Basically, denser water has more driving head than freshwater, and groundwater flow is influenced by these density differences. All the times series data that are reported reflect actual measured water levels and have not been converted to freshwater head equivalents.

To facilitate closer review of the time series results by the Agencies and allow them to adjust graphic scales and/or focus on a specific time interval, FPL has included the raw time series data files in Excel with the report. Further discussion of the surface water elevations and implications is provided in Section 5 of this report.

2.4 METEOROLOGICAL DATA One of the key parameters of interest is the amount of precipitation in the CCS and surrounding areas. Rainfall timing, duration, and amounts provide some insight into the areas hydrology.

Additionally, meteorological data such as barometric pressure, wind speed, and light levels (i.e.,

photosynthetically active radiation [PAR]) are useful in determining water losses and gains in the CCS and in establishing a water budget.

A meteorological station (TPM-1) was set up in the middle of the CCS, co-located with TPGW-13 and TPSWCCS-2. Four additional rainfall gauges were set up in the vicinity of the plant to determine the spatial and temporal variability in rainfall on and offshore Turkey Point Plant. Locations of the rainfall and the meteorological stations are shown on Figure 2.4-1 and photos are included in Figure 2.4-2.

2.4.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods Meteorological station TPM-1 consists of a weather transmitter (WXT520, Vaisala Inc., Helsinki, Finland) and a quantum sensor (190SA, Li-Cor Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska) attached to a datalogger (CR1000, Campbell Scientific Ltd., Logan, Utah) and telemetry system, mounted 15 ft above the ground surface; the range of parameters measured is listed in Table 2.4-1. Technical specifications on the instrumentation are provided in Appendix I of the QAPP (approved 12/2/2011, FPL 2011).

The four rainfall-only stations (TPRF-2, TPRF-4, TPRF-11, and TPRF-12) consist of tipping bucket rainfall gauges (TB-3, Hydrological Services Inc., Liverpool, NSW, Australia) connected to waterproof pendant dataloggers (#UA-004-64, Onset Computer Corporation, Bourne, Massachusetts). Data are manually downloaded from these stations at approximately bi-monthly intervals. Rainfall data from the gauges are event-based. The tipping buckets fill at 0.10 inch and the time of each tip of the bucket is recorded.

Additional rainfall data for this report were also provided by a previously existing FPL meteorological station located south of the CCS by the Sea Dade Canal (LU-South) and from an 2-18

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 existing rainfall station in the northern portion of the CCS (LU-NEast). The FPL meteorological station (LU-South) is similarly instrumented with a weather station (Climatronics Corp.,

Bohemia, New York), while the rainfall collector (LU-NEast) is a tipping bucket gauge.

Monitoring at TPM-1 was initiated on July 26, 2010, while the rainfall gauges were installed on November 12, 2010. At TPM-1, data are set to record at 15-minute intervals, although a reconfiguration of the initial setup by the manufacturer resulted in 30-minute data recording until March 7, 2011; although no data were lost, the data logger was then reset to record at 15-minute intervals after March 7, 2011. Data collected at this station are uploaded via telemetry to the FPL database on a daily basis.

In the past, issues with TPRF-12 not recording data occurred, but the unit has since been rewired and is now functional. Additionally, several of the other stations ran out of memory and did not record a full time period of data. These issues have been resolved, but gaps in data from the rainfall gauges remain.

2.4.2 Results and Discussion Rainfall and temperature (Figure 2.4-3), relative humidity and barometric pressure (Figure 2.4-3), wind speed and wind direction (Figure 2.4-4), and PAR (Figure 2.4-5) for TPM-1 are shown for the entire period.

Over the 704 days of continuous recordkeeping, (July 27, 2010, to June 30, 2012), 121 inches of rain were observed at TPM-1 (Table 2.4-2). The greatest monthly rainfall totals were observed in September 2010 (13.5 inches), followed by October 2011 (13.3 inches), and April 2012 (12 inches) (Figure 2.4-6 and Table 2.4-3). There were a total of 430 rainfall days with 39 days having recorded totals in excess of 1 inch in a calendar day (Table 2.4-4). The number of rain-days and the amount of rainfall was generally greatest during the wet season (May to November), with the driest months from December to February. The least amounts of rain in a month were observed in February 2011 (0.2 inches), November 2011 (0.3 inches) and December 2010 (0.5 inches).

During the first 11 months of monitoring, a severe drought was observed across Florida in the early half of 2011, as evidenced by the limited precipitation (6.1 inches total) from February to May 2011. The second year of monitoring (July 2011 to June 2012) was less dry, as evidenced by the higher amount of rainfall (81 7 inches). These inter-annual differences in precipitation between years (3.8 inches per month from August 2010 to June 2011 water year versus 6.8 inches per month from July 2011 to June 2012) underscore how rainfall variability can potentially influence the hydrology and ecology in coastal South Florida.

Rainfall frequency and periodicity is tied to the seasonal patterns of low pressure over South Florida during the wet season and is a consequence of cold front passage during the winter months. For example, the highest daily precipitation amounts were observed on September 29, 2010 (7.3 inches), and October 8, 2011 (6.3 inches). Both these events are tied to the passage of 2-19

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 low pressure systems over South Florida. The passage of cold fronts is usually evidenced by a drop in barometric pressure during the early winter days. Typically, the passage of a cold front is accompanied by higher wind speeds and decreased relative humidity following the rain event.

An example of this is shown in late 2010 by the first significant cold front of that season which occurred from November 3 to 5, resulting in a significant decrease in temperature (about 10°C),

relative humidity, and pressure.

Table 2.4-3 shows monthly rainfall totals from other rainfall stations around TPM-1. Although there was some variability among stations, the monthly rainfall totals in Biscayne Bay are consistently less than those on land while the totals at TPM-1 are higher than at most stations for most of the period of record. Nonetheless, the patterns at all stations are generally consistent across the months at the stations measured.

Air temperatures (at 15 ft above ground) in the middle of the CCS at TPM-1 ranged from 2.8°C to 33.8°C for the period of record, with an average of 25.5°C. The minimum temperature was observed on December 14, 2010, during the morning hours of a cold front passing through the area. The warmest temperature was observed on July 11, 2011, as July through September (monthly average > 29°C) are usually the warmest months of the year. Comparatively, the winter months of 2010/2011 (November to February) were colder than the similar time period of the following year (Figure 2.4-3).

Relative humidity at TPM-1 was an average of 71% during the period of recordkeeping. The patterns, however, were more variable in the winter months compared to the warmer months of April through June. Diurnal humidity patterns were influenced by broader seasonal patterns; for example, continued rainfall over several days in late September 2010 resulted in a few days (September 28 to 30) of 90% humidity while the passage of cold fronts (e.g., December 15, 2010) resulted in a humidity drop from 75% to 21% in 3.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.

The prevailing wind directions from July 2010 through June 2012 were from the east and east-southeast, i.e., predominantly onshore (Figure 2.4-7). Average wind speed for the whole period, at 5 meters above ground, was 10 miles per hour (mph). The lull wind speeds averaged 6 mph, but several instances of strong wind gusts were observed, some in excess of 60 mph. The highest wind speed recorded at TPM-1 was observed during the passage of a frontal boundary on October 13, 2011, when a 134 mph wind gust was recorded. Similarly, wind speeds > 60 mph were seen on July 13, 2011, and April 26, 2012, with the approach of storm fronts. Forty-four percent of the time, the winds were between 7 to 11 meters per second (Figure 2.4-8).

Light levels show seasonal amplitude, with maximum light levels during the summer months and decreased light levels during the wintertime. Despite these overall trends, there were smaller patterns of decreased light levels as a consequence of cold front events (e.g., October 6 to 20, 2010) where several days of continuous cloudiness resulted in lowered light levels (Figure 2.4-5).


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 2.5 CCS FLOW METER DATA 2.5.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods As previously discussed in the August 2011 Annual Report (FPL 2011b), automated Acoustic Doppler Flow Meters (ADFMs) were initially installed at three constrained-flow locations in the CCS and are referred to as the outflow, southerly, and inflow stations. The outflow station (TPFM-1) was set up to measure outflow of water from the plant entering the CCS; due to the canal setup, the station was located in the discharge feeder canal approximately 0.4 mile downstream of the plant, but prior to the flow dispersing into the CCS (Figure 1.1-4). The southerly station (TPFM-2) is located on the southern end of the CCS (south collector) where all water passes as it transitions from southerly to northerly flow (Figure 1.1-4). The inflow station was originally located about 0.4 mile from the intake back into the plant. The purpose of the flow meters was to help assess losses and gains in CCS water volume and flows as part of the water budget.

Each of the stations was equipped with a side-looking ADFM (Argonaut-SL 500, Sontek/YSI, Yellow Springs, Ohio) that emits three acoustic beams in a characteristic pattern (i.e., two horizontal beams separated by 50 degrees and one vertical beam) (Figure 2.5-1). Each station is powered using a solar-charged lead acid battery. All data are stored in a datalogger (CR800, Campbell Scientific, Logan, Utah) and remotely transferred to a permanent database daily via telemetry. The data loggers are programmed to record indexed velocity and flow every 15 minutes.

Platforms to support these ADFMs were constructed in the summer of 2010. The meters were subsequently installed by YSI following industry standard protocol (i.e., mount the sensor plumb

+/-2 degrees, no obstructions above or in front of the sensor, etc.). Stream gauging and indexing efforts were conducted with the final installation indexing efforts completed in November 2010.

Results of the initial indexing effort were provided in the August 2011 Annual Report (FPL 2011b).

Significant turbulence at TPFM-3 yielded poor data quality, and subsequent equipment failure resulted in removal of the flow meter in December 2010. This flow meter was repaired, but has not been reinstalled at TPFM-3 primarily due to issues with data quality, limitations in alternative inflow locations, and concerns of short-circuiting in the CCS. The issue of short-circuiting has been discussed with the Agencies. This issue limits the usefulness of the flow meters as originally envisioned. FPL collected temperature data to help confirm if short-circuiting of water from the discharge canals into the Grand Canal and return canals is occurring under the berms in the CCS. The greatest potential for underflow is the berm that separates the return Grand Canal and the discharge canal immediately adjacent to the Grand Canal, since the head differential between these two canals is the greatest. Results from this effort were presented to the Agencies on March 21, 2012, and indicated that some underflow may be occurring due to higher temperatures in the Grand Canal in comparison to the adjacent return canal to the east; however, the amount of underflow could not be determined.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 The other two meters recorded data through July/August 2011, but became inoperable and were pulled for troubleshooting in the field. TPFM-1 was not operating in June 2011, and FPL replaced that flow meter with the one that had been previously pulled and repaired from TPFM-

3. This flow meter recorded data for approximately one week (late June/early July 2011) before malfunctioning. At TPFM-2, data were collected until the mounting bracket broke in early August 2011. All flow meters were sent to YSI for diagnostics. These two meters were subsequently repaired, the mounting brackets were repaired, and the flow meters were reinstalled on May 29, 2012. Indexing was conducted during this reinstallation effort (on May 31) and the information is presented in Appendix F.

2.5.2 Results and Discussion This report includes data that has been recorded by all flow meters since initial installation on July 27, 2010. As the Agencies have expressed interest in these data, it has been post-corrected based on the initial indexing efforts and the results are included with the entire data set for the monitoring period. Figure 2.5-2 shows the available velocity and flow meter data that were collected during the pre-Uprate period.

The results show the variations in flow over time, with the most notable changes directly associated with major plant outages at the nuclear units. Velocity in the CCS ranges from 0.33 foot per second (ft/s) to 2.4 ft/s, with generally higher values observed at TPFM-2 relative to TPFM-1 (Figure 2.5-2). Average velocity is 0.89 +/- 0.19 ft/s (average +/- standard deviation) at TPFM-1 and 1.62 +/- 0.36 ft/s at TPFM-2. The channel is narrower at TPFM-2, hence resulting in greater velocities.

Flow rates of 1,032 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) to 4,367 ft3/s were observed in the CCS during the period of record. Average flow rates were 3,810 +/- 613 ft3/s at TPFM-1 and 2,507 +/- 520 ft3/s at TPFM-2. There was a significant positive correlation between the flow at both sites (FlowTPFM-2 = 0.8113(FlowTPFM-1) + 134.27; R² = 0.8708), as shown on Figure 2.5-3. Flow was higher at TPFM-1 relative to TPFM-2 (Figures 2.5-3 and 2.5-4) for 92.6% of the time although this pattern was sometimes reversed. Lower flow at TPFM-1 when simultaneously compared to TPFM-2 may in part be caused by plant operations when pumps are turned on and off or varying rainfall distribution over the CCS which can affect flow in different reaches of the CCS.

During an outage, less water is typically needed for cooling and thus less water is pumped through the plant. While the pumpage rates vary, depending on factors such as the specific reason for the outage and length of time, there are some typical considerations for the plants operating/shutdown conditions. Each nuclear unit has four circulating water pumps (CWPs; about 156,250 gallons per minute [gpm] each) and three intake cooling water pumps (ICWPs; about 16,000 gpm each). CCS water is pumped through the nuclear units for cooling. The nuclear units typically operate at full power with four CWPs and two ICWPs during operation.

During a planned nuclear plant refueling shutdown (every 18 months), the CWPs are turned off and the shutdown unit uses one or two ICWPs for plant cooling purposes. The CWPs are returned to service when the unit is ready to restart. During the major scheduled Unit 3 Uprate 2-22

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 outage that started in March 2012, the CWPs were turned off. Figure 2.5-2 shows the drop in flow in late September 2010 through late October 2010 and again in mid-March 2011 through early May 2011 during refueling outages.

The two fossil units each have two CWPs (about 137,000 gpm each) and two open cooling water pumps (OCWPs; about 6,000 gpm each). Typically, during operation a fossil unit will use both CWPs and one or two OCWPs depending on cooling requirements. CCS water is pumped through the fossil units for cooling. Pumps in Unit 1 are periodically turned on to maintain its operational readiness as this unit is online during peak seasonal demand periods. However, Unit 2 is currently being used as a synchronous generator and is not producing megawatts (MWs; or steam heat). Unit 2 is typically using the OCWPs for cooling. The complete outage reports for this pre-Uprate period are in Appendix F.

Figures 2.5-5 and 2.5-6 illustrate representative flows over two separate weeks compared to tidal fluxes at TPBBSW-3 in Biscayne Bay. The graphs show daily patterns with a week. These flows are representative of values observed during a week of normal Turkey Point Nuclear Plant operations (January 23 through 30, 2011) and during the outage of Unit 4 (March 23 through 30, 2011). As Units 3 and 4 are the primary drivers of flow within the CCS, flows during the Unit 4 outage were approximately half of normal plant operations in March 2011 (Figure 2.5-2). When flow rates are compared against the tidal fluctuations in Biscayne Bay, there appears to be no relationship between the tidal conditions and the flow rates in the CCS.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 TABLES

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-1. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Specific Conductance (µS/cm) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Std Dev TPGW-1S 58295 57280 54664 55610 55568 55706 59141 59450 62844 58163 54260 54062 53788 53242 62103 62319 62343 59995 47861 64171 57646 3629 TPGW-1M 72522 70281 70448 70657 72454 66640 75485 71212 1187 TPGW-1D 70950 70592 70655 70754 70789 71327 71818 71886 71369 71230 71471 71737 71801 71693 70645 70639 69525 72580 71194 552 TPGW-2S 71302 71240 71981 71574 71890 72086 71235 72629 74309 76122 76689 74842 73573 73415 73485 73543 74756 74045 73360 74381 72185 71802 68360 77088 73254 1557 TPGW-2M 74790 74155 74241 74178 75427 75845 75435 74531 75052 75499 76489 76172 75348 75262 75110 75101 74946 75785 75610 75848 75309 75206 73143 77386 75304 720 TPGW-2D 75484 75140 75100 75384 75352 75174 75487 75808 75781 75023 74922 74561 75255 75560 76250 75940 75691 75758 76014 76114 76009 76034 75214 75449 72128 77116 75529 468 TPGW-3S 63753 63720 63474 63386 62965 62654 62721 63928 63564 63526 63728 63632 63819 63741 63090 63219 63082 64647 62309 62157 63115 63891 60266 65491 63369 719 TPGW-3M 68451 68882 68976 68760 69290 69698 69416 68993 68892 68775 68519 68521 68617 68712 67852 68499 69095 67858 67749 67735 67905 66779 70236 68617 591 TPGW-3D 67200 67328 68456 68929 68824 68759 68937 68789 69262 69768 69678 69581 69575 69003 68499 68340 68968 69601 68994 69007 68889 68797 66628 70014 68861 694 TPGW-4S 1794 1992 2084 2209 2311 2110 2581 2498 2565 2193 2137 1839 1858 2014 2148 2219 2235 2360 1623 1312 1105 3867 2163 428 TPGW-4M 37773 37796 37025 36833 37360 37778 37742 37172 37074 37302 37655 37470 37583 37435 37751 37949 38303 38551 37853 37873 37529 37501 35988 38785 37602 435 TPGW-4D 43093 42474 42337 42689 43137 43814 43374 43277 42494 42489 41327 44005 42899 504 TPGW-5S 1519 1424 1449 1168 1165 1244 1231 1351 1083 1057 1216 1304 1244 1497 1327 724 1947 1298 195 TPGW-5M 30943 30646 30351 29897 29942 30647 30881 30667 30663 31300 31410 31110 31180 31442 32215 32359 32158 32100 32097 32201 29580 32469 31184 757 TPGW-5D 33701 33449 33290 33132 33125 33059 32306 31815 32490 32805 33799 33872 33632 33275 33242 33732 33818 33683 33669 34021 34248 31234 34377 33357 611 TPGW-6S 1236 1240 1234 1178 1156 1176 1175 1173 1159 1128 1115 1162 1138 1120 1136 1123 1088 1063 1052 1050 1044 1040 1019 1021 496 1258 1127 70 TPGW-6M 22897 22961 22968 23037 22654 22723 22765 22483 22659 22405 22427 22465 22401 22362 22424 22253 21979 22665 22710 22660 22691 22514 22220 22297 21669 23108 22574 271 TPGW-6D 23739 23738 23693 23638 23641 23753 23954 24093 23954 23478 23529 23551 23399 23249 23403 23366 23463 23842 23729 23674 23651 23599 23475 23421 22465 24697 23623 233 TPGW-7S 578 542 551 568 579 580 586 577 562 561 562 559 578 557 578 581 575 556 569 567 421 906 568 32 TPGW-7M 592 614 607 608 606 580 628 687 654 595 559 702 716 551 826 624 53 TPGW-7D 569 599 597 610 607 603 599 596 592 586 582 580 581 578 577 595 606 590 569 596 585 418 679 591 19 TPGW-8S 3430 3352 3320 3019 3219 3116 2918 2898 2750 2622 2349 2589 2439 2595 2621 2706 2703 2731 2599 2290 2423 2067 3681 2808 355 TPGW-8M 652 646 646 646 649 651 647 644 640 642 641 641 640 638 636 629 629 629 630 621 620 618 655 639 9 TPGW-8D 693 685 678 690 684 690 683 686 694 678 675 675 666 667 659 675 677 678 672 674 665 237 714 679 21 TPGW-9S 618 604 592 598 572 582 627 653 647 647 637 595 549 552 535 547 603 554 602 611 597 592 444 949 595 39 TPGW-9M 685 689 661 659 670 665 652 666 653 637 625 642 647 645 635 623 617 631 635 612 598 752 646 23 TPGW-9D 650 649 649 642 640 644 648 641 633 638 639 630 628 629 629 632 635 635 611 611 610 655 635 11 TPGW-10S 51822 52009 51410 50492 50344 50139 50430 50599 50478 50887 51797 51822 52115 52396 52214 52266 52803 52090 52165 52308 52594 52874 50000 53163 51639 890 TPGW-10M 55559 55279 55375 55035 54712 54076 54277 54372 54687 54881 54788 54808 54664 54323 54187 54131 54887 53993 54731 55261 55074 54895 53629 55812 54724 484 TPGW-10D 56127 55927 55568 55369 55003 54882 54795 54877 54899 55020 55498 55192 54415 54648 54676 55362 54102 54785 55273 56922 58960 53918 59934 55362 1049 2-24

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-1. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Specific Conductance (µS/cm) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Std Dev TPGW-11S 55476 55401 55317 55176 54860 54015 53710 54476 54541 54759 53639 53670 53710 55559 54173 54359 54454 54810 55867 54876 53281 56001 54681 732 TPGW-11M 57571 57071 56515 56166 55460 55803 55982 55793 55798 55818 56114 56258 55777 55788 55985 56601 56406 54895 57774 56200 569 TPGW-11D 58622 58515 58269 57974 57382 57455 57472 57307 57994 58080 57807 57672 57731 58859 58333 58022 58574 58632 58746 59408 59570 55275 59845 58217 696 TPGW-12S 40844 40496 40108 40344 40749 40908 40901 40531 40433 40235 40877 43061 42492 41745 41417 43049 42199 41991 42225 42646 42769 42628 38736 45533 41514 1023 TPGW-12M 64272 64305 63809 64066 64360 64241 64346 64732 64636 64281 62715 61438 62491 62812 63919 63831 63251 62882 63057 62447 63178 64288 58312 65338 63507 1108 TPGW-12D 63914 63947 63515 63452 64093 64231 64246 64273 64281 63554 64428 64509 63983 63634 63611 64324 64304 64099 64019 63332 61686 63531 64169 61509 65028 63886 686 TPGW-13S 83728 83690 84012 84762 85901 86254 85863 85691 85235 84865 84225 83291 82935 82966 82793 83078 83238 83230 83486 83154 81985 86909 84024 1140 TPGW-13M 82710 82346 80681 80066 80678 80840 79975 79642 79716 79884 79145 78646 77609 83273 80393 1155 TPGW-13D 82730 83693 83427 82430 82329 82307 82633 83566 82834 82501 81739 80932 81229 81662 81646 80605 79595 84564 82251 965 TPGW-14S 59043 59505 59259 59079 58563 58158 57756 57804 57327 57459 58813 58774 57234 57607 57100 56694 57236 57263 56335 59860 58055 881 TPGW-14M 64847 64354 63528 63631 63276 63497 63119 62310 62088 63650 65194 64573 63601 63241 62884 61970 61735 63327 60718 67002 63391 1080 TPGW-14D 74692 74283 73885 73909 73790 73678 73676 73934 73988 73924 75385 74206 72895 73346 73855 73165 72871 73494 74008 72358 75797 73820 731 Key:

µs/cm = Micro Siemens per centimeter. Min = Minimum.

Avg = Average. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.

Max = Maximum.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-2. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Water Temperature (°C) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPGW-1S 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.7 25.6 25.5 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.7 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.7 25.4 25.8 25.6 0.1 TPGW-1M 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 25.9 25.9 26.0 25.9 0.0 TPGW-1D 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.2 26.1 0.0 TPGW-2S 25.9 26.3 26.5 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.1 26.2 26.4 27.0 27.4 27.0 26.5 26.5 26.4 26.5 26.6 26.8 26.9 26.7 26.8 26.5 26.1 25.6 27.5 26.5 0.4 TPGW-2M 27.1 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.2 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.3 27.2 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 26.9 27.4 27.1 0.1 TPGW-2D 27.6 27.6 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.6 27.4 0.1 TPGW-3S 25.9 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.1 26.1 25.9 25.8 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.7 25.8 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.0 25.9 25.8 25.9 25.6 26.2 25.9 0.2 TPGW-3M 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 25.9 0.0 TPGW-3D 25.7 25.7 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.8 25.8 0.0 TPGW-4S 24.4 24.8 25.1 25.2 25.2 25.1 24.9 24.7 24.4 24.2 24.4 24.7 24.9 25.0 25.1 25.0 24.9 24.8 24.6 24.5 24.2 25.3 24.8 0.3 TPGW-4M 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.4 24.4 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.4 24.6 24.5 0.1 TPGW-4D 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.3 24.5 24.4 0.0 TPGW-5S 23.4 23.5 23.7 23.8 23.8 23.6 23.5 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.3 23.3 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.3 23.8 23.5 0.2 TPGW-5M 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.5 23.6 23.5 0.0 TPGW-5D 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.7 23.7 0.0 TPGW-6S 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.6 23.4 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.4 23.3 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.4 23.2 23.0 23.7 23.4 0.2 TPGW-6M 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.5 23.7 23.6 0.0 TPGW-6D 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.6 23.5 0.0 TPGW-7S 23.9 23.9 24.0 24.0 24.0 23.9 23.8 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.7 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.7 23.7 23.6 24.0 23.8 0.1 TPGW-7M 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.7 24.2 23.8 0.1 TPGW-7D 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.9 23.9 0.0 TPGW-8S 23.8 24.0 24.1 24.0 23.7 23.4 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.5 23.5 23.6 23.8 23.9 24.0 24.0 23.9 23.7 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.3 24.1 23.7 0.3 TPGW-8M 23.7 23.7 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.8 23.7 0.1 TPGW-8D 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.5 23.8 23.7 0.0 TPGW-9S 24.4 24.4 24.6 24.8 25.1 25.3 25.1 24.8 24.5 24.4 24.3 24.4 24.4 24.3 24.5 24.8 25.2 25.3 25.2 24.9 24.6 24.5 24.4 24.4 24.2 25.3 24.7 0.3 TPGW-9M 23.7 23.6 23.8 24.0 24.1 24.1 24.2 24.1 24.1 24.0 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.9 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.1 24.1 24.0 24.0 23.6 24.2 24.0 0.1 TPGW-9D 24.1 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.0 24.1 24.0 0.0 TPGW-10S 25.8 26.1 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.1 25.9 25.7 25.5 25.5 25.7 25.9 26.1 26.3 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.3 26.2 26.0 25.9 25.5 26.6 26.1 0.3 TPGW-10M 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.8 26.0 25.9 0.1 TPGW-10D 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.6 25.7 25.7 0.0 2-26

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-2. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Water Temperature (°C) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPGW-11S 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.5 25.4 25.2 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.5 25.4 25.3 25.3 25.2 25.2 25.0 25.5 25.3 0.2 TPGW-11M 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.4 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.4 25.3 0.0 TPGW-11D 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 0.0 TPGW-12S 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.9 26.0 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.0 25.9 25.8 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 26.1 26.1 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.9 25.8 26.5 26.0 0.1 TPGW-12M 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.0 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.0 26.2 26.1 0.0 TPGW-12D 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.2 26.1 0.1 TPGW-13S 29.4 29.3 29.4 29.6 30.0 30.3 30.5 30.5 30.4 30.2 29.9 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.3 30.3 30.2 30.1 29.3 30.5 30.0 0.4 TPGW-13M 29.6 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.6 29.6 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.4 29.6 29.5 0.0 TPGW-13D 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.5 29.4 0.1 TPGW-14S 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.3 26.1 25.9 25.7 25.5 25.5 25.7 25.9 26.2 26.3 26.2 26.0 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.5 26.4 26.0 0.2 TPGW-14M 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.0 26.3 26.2 0.0 TPGW-14D 26.3 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.4 26.4 0.0 Key:

°C = Degrees Celsius. Min = Minimum.

Avg = Average. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.

Max = Maximum.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-3. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Water Salinity (PSS-78) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPGW-1S 39.4 38.7 36.8 37.5 37.5 37.6 40.2 40.5 43.1 39.5 36.5 36.3 36.1 35.7 42.5 42.7 42.7 40.9 31.7 44.1 39.1 2.8 TPGW-1M 50.8 49.0 49.1 49.3 50.7 46.1 53.2 49.7 1.0 TPGW-1D 49.5 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.4 49.8 50.2 50.3 49.9 49.8 49.9 50.2 50.2 50.1 49.3 49.3 48.4 50.8 49.7 0.4 TPGW-2S 49.8 49.8 49.9 50.0 50.3 50.5 49.8 50.9 52.3 53.8 54.2 52.7 51.7 51.5 51.6 51.6 52.6 52.1 51.5 52.3 50.5 50.2 47.5 54.6 51.4 1.3 TPGW-2M 52.7 52.2 52.2 52.2 53.2 53.5 53.2 52.5 52.9 53.3 54.1 53.8 53.1 53.1 52.9 52.9 52.8 53.5 53.3 53.5 53.1 53.0 51.3 54.8 53.1 0.6 TPGW-2D 53.3 53.0 53.0 52.9 53.1 53.0 53.3 53.5 53.5 52.9 52.8 52.5 53.1 53.3 53.9 53.6 53.4 53.5 53.7 53.8 53.7 53.7 53.0 53.2 50.5 54.6 53.3 0.4 TPGW-3S 43.8 43.8 43.6 43.5 43.2 43.0 43.0 43.9 43.7 43.6 43.8 43.7 43.9 43.8 43.3 43.4 43.3 44.5 42.7 42.6 43.3 43.9 41.1 45.2 43.5 0.6 TPGW-3M 47.5 47.8 47.9 47.8 48.2 48.5 48.3 48.0 47.9 47.8 47.6 47.6 47.7 47.7 47.0 47.6 48.0 47.1 47.0 47.0 47.1 46.2 49.0 47.7 0.5 TPGW-3D 46.5 46.6 47.5 47.9 47.8 47.8 47.9 47.8 48.2 48.6 48.5 48.4 48.4 48.0 47.6 47.4 47.9 48.4 47.9 48.0 47.9 47.8 46.1 48.8 47.8 0.6 TPGW-4S 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.6 2.1 1.1 0.2 TPGW-4M 24.3 24.3 23.8 23.7 24.0 24.3 24.3 23.9 23.8 24.0 24.2 24.1 24.2 24.1 24.3 24.4 24.7 24.9 24.4 24.4 24.2 24.1 23.1 25.0 24.2 0.3 TPGW-4D 28.2 27.7 27.6 27.9 28.2 28.7 28.4 28.3 27.7 27.7 26.9 28.8 28.0 0.4 TPGW-5S 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.0 1.0 0.7 0.1 TPGW-5M 19.5 19.3 19.1 18.8 18.8 19.3 19.5 19.3 19.3 19.7 19.8 19.6 19.7 19.8 20.4 20.5 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.4 18.6 20.6 19.7 0.5 TPGW-5D 21.4 21.2 21.1 21.0 21.0 21.0 20.5 20.1 20.6 20.8 21.5 21.5 21.4 21.1 21.1 21.4 21.5 21.4 21.4 21.7 21.8 19.7 21.9 21.2 0.4 TPGW-6S 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.0 TPGW-6M 14.0 14.1 14.1 14.1 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.7 13.9 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.6 13.4 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.8 13.6 13.6 13.2 14.2 13.8 0.2 TPGW-6D 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.7 14.4 14.4 14.5 14.3 14.2 14.4 14.3 14.4 14.7 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.4 14.4 13.7 15.2 14.5 0.2 TPGW-7S 0.28 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.20 0.44 0.28 0.02 TPGW-7M 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.28 0.30 0.33 0.32 0.29 0.27 0.35 0.35 0.27 0.41 0.31 0.03 TPGW-7D 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.21 0.33 0.29 0.01 TPGW-8S 1.79 1.77 1.76 1.59 1.70 1.65 1.54 1.52 1.44 1.37 1.22 1.35 1.27 1.36 1.37 1.42 1.42 1.43 1.36 1.19 1.26 1.06 1.96 1.47 0.19 TPGW-8M 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.31 0.00 TPGW-8D 0.34 0.34 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.11 0.35 0.33 0.01 TPGW-9S 0.33 0.32 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.29 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.27 0.30 0.27 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.22 0.47 0.29 0.02 TPGW-9M 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.37 0.32 0.01 TPGW-9D 0.33 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.31 0.01 TPGW-10S 34.7 34.8 34.3 33.7 33.6 33.4 33.6 33.7 33.6 33.9 34.6 34.6 34.9 35.1 35.0 35.0 35.4 34.9 34.9 35.0 35.2 35.4 33.3 35.7 34.5 0.7 TPGW-10M 37.5 37.3 37.3 37.1 36.8 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.8 37.0 36.9 36.9 36.8 36.5 36.4 36.4 37.0 36.3 36.9 37.3 37.1 37.0 36.0 37.7 36.8 0.4 TPGW-10D 37.9 37.8 37.5 37.3 37.1 37.0 36.9 37.0 37.0 37.1 37.4 37.2 36.6 36.8 36.8 37.3 36.4 36.9 37.3 38.5 40.1 36.2 40.8 37.3 0.8 2-28

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-3. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Water Salinity (PSS-78) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPGW-11S 37.4 37.3 37.3 37.2 36.9 36.3 36.1 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.0 36.0 36.1 37.5 36.4 36.6 36.6 36.9 37.7 36.9 35.7 37.8 36.8 0.6 TPGW-11M 39.0 38.6 38.2 37.9 37.4 37.7 37.8 37.6 37.6 37.7 37.9 38.0 37.6 37.6 37.8 38.3 38.1 37.0 39.1 38.0 0.4 TPGW-11D 39.8 39.7 39.5 39.3 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.8 39.3 39.4 39.2 39.1 39.1 40.0 39.6 39.3 39.8 39.8 39.9 40.4 40.5 37.2 40.8 39.5 0.5 TPGW-12S 26.6 26.3 26.0 26.2 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.3 26.3 26.1 26.6 28.2 27.7 27.2 27.0 28.2 27.5 27.4 27.6 27.9 28.0 27.8 25.0 30.0 27.0 0.7 TPGW-12M 44.2 44.3 43.9 44.0 44.3 44.2 44.3 44.6 44.5 44.2 43.0 42.0 42.8 43.1 43.9 43.9 43.4 43.1 43.3 42.8 43.4 44.2 39.6 45.1 43.6 0.9 TPGW-12D 44.0 44.0 43.6 43.6 44.1 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 43.7 44.3 44.4 44.0 43.7 43.7 44.3 44.3 44.1 44.0 43.5 42.2 43.6 44.1 42.1 44.8 43.9 0.5 TPGW-13S 60.2 60.1 60.4 61.0 62.0 62.3 62.0 61.9 61.5 61.2 60.6 59.8 59.5 59.5 59.4 59.7 59.8 59.8 60.0 59.7 58.7 62.9 60.4 1.0 TPGW-13M 59.3 59.0 57.6 57.1 57.6 57.8 57.0 56.8 56.8 57.0 56.4 55.9 55.1 59.8 57.4 1.0 TPGW-13D 59.3 60.1 59.9 59.1 59.0 59.0 59.3 60.0 59.4 59.1 58.5 57.8 58.1 58.4 58.4 57.6 56.7 60.9 58.9 0.8 TPGW-14S 40.1 40.5 40.3 40.2 39.8 39.5 39.2 39.2 38.8 38.9 40.0 40.0 38.8 39.1 38.7 38.3 38.8 38.8 38.1 40.8 39.4 0.7 TPGW-14M 44.6 44.3 43.6 43.7 43.5 43.6 43.3 42.7 42.5 43.7 45.0 44.5 43.7 43.4 43.1 42.4 42.2 43.5 41.5 46.2 43.5 0.8 TPGW-14D 52.6 52.2 51.9 51.9 51.8 51.7 51.7 52.0 52.0 51.9 53.1 52.2 51.1 51.5 51.9 51.3 51.1 51.6 52.0 50.7 53.5 51.9 0.6 Key:

Avg = Average. Min = Minimum.

Max = Maximum. PSS-78 = Practical Salinity Scale of 1978.

Min = Minimum. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.2-1. Probe Types/Automated Measurements at Surface Water Stations Surface Water Probe Parameters Measured Site TPSWC-1T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWC-1B AT100 Water Quality TPSWC-2T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWC-2B AT100 Water Quality TPSWC-3T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWC-3B AT100 Water Quality TPSWC-4T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWC-4B AT100 Water Quality TPSWC-5T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWC-5B AT100 Water Quality TPSWID-1T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWID-1B AT100 Water Quality TPSWID-2T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWID-3T AT100 Water Quality TPSWID-3B AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-1T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-2T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-3T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-4T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-4B AT100 Water Quality TPSWCCS-5T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-5B AT100 Water Quality TPSWCCS-6T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-6B AT100 Water Quality TPBBSW-1B AT100 Water Quality TPBBSW-2B AT100 Water Quality TPBBSW-3B AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPBBSW-4B AT100 Water Quality TPBBSW-5B AT100 Water Quality TPBBSW-10B AT2001 Water Quality, Stage TPBBSW-14B AT2001 Water Quality, Stage Note:

1 Supplemental station and LT500 Probe replaced with AT200.


AT - Aqua TROLL . B - Bottom. LT - Level TROLL . T - Top.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.2-2. Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Specific Conductance (µS/cm) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPBBSW-1B 45724 42762 53344 57032 59610 64190 58049 56627 52513 45601 36155 39126 44940 44670 50060 54997 50761 44443 22645 66884 49891 7952 TPBBSW-2B 41373 34673 49825 54948 56124 59448 61684 56051 57333 53210 42358 34998 37587 43359 45735 53342 55033 49983 43936 25666 64725 48567 8902 TPBBSW-3B 37956 41461 47113 48759 49422 54943 56069 58152 60703 56291 56106 53736 44183 38483 41464 45711 48065 53951 55522 51617 28789 63371 49860 7091 TPBBSW-4B 47783 40599 49015 53544 54788 57957 59923 56892 57587 54949 47918 41284 50349 52915 54719 49363 45479 36028 61649 51006 5928 TPBBSW-5B 43696 37597 45334 51811 53530 59299 61321 57395 56750 53163 45346 40014 44053 46444 48186 52001 53837 44767 40215 32263 64177 48872 7201 TPBBSW-10B 52544 56924 59322 62340 53790 55413 49749 36961 31778 33398 42807 43319 48915 54618 49431 40699 18922 64623 47922 9482 TPBBSW-14B 42086 43192 45500 47174 45572 46396 44849 41738 36603 36725 38201 40814 48929 51965 47201 40098 35635 54677 43433 4471 TPSWC-1T 489 475 470 570 584 645 729 931 1169 1344 1958 1509 893 489 453 515 545 774 947 1170 774 660 315 3574 827 411 TPSWC-1B 528 571 494 575 603 658 893 1026 1257 1392 2750 1673 1402 763 822 752 704 884 1013 1146 1006 1013 387 3158 1002 508 TPSWC-2T 529 473 513 877 1022 871 1291 1662 3010 5681 691 395 475 630 960 1019 955 1314 808 607 256 6194 1210 1194 TPSWC-2B 533 500 533 933 1047 898 1300 1686 4239 6563 716 411 505 657 1059 1057 961 1370 874 623 267 9507 1408 1593 TPSWC-3T 501 428 554 1188 1285 1099 1873 2495 3645 5251 1526 1024 672 390 606 756 1352 1208 1185 2347 889 648 265 5864 1405 1178 TPSWC-3B 505 431 578 1232 1346 1118 2310 4805 18120 17509 5596 1296 681 397 2771 1249 2024 1946 1816 12202 7338 1271 265 22776 3925 5485 TPSWC-4T 6222 1579 9673 31766 34979 30471 33065 43723 57770 60696 22855 10750 25070 35936 37531 39349 39973 45713 29681 21321 60 74428 31088 18612 TPSWC-4B 11580 3484 15289 38527 39310 36005 42633 49753 58836 61371 55943 39983 28289 13016 30417 39162 42515 45600 45932 49142 33250 24939 388 71422 36348 19188 TPSWC-5T 45137 39444 42306 48519 47488 47466 53389 56334 58480 60138 55469 57205 53548 47156 40068 51476 52962 55028 46580 42868 27741 61200 50193 6382 TPSWC-5B 60767 65681 64616 54765 52674 51298 53684 56107 58353 61156 61160 59509 58870 59042 57888 53838 52940 53196 53288 54244 52912 57393 43281 71282 56991 4298 TPSWCCS-1B 78272 64684 63074 62864 69274 75568 77378 80103 82533 81031 83438 75177 70165 80697 79769 79202 87491 87801 71512 69331 54595 92208 76054 8284 TPSWCCS-2B 86980 85197 79816 77128 77321 77459 83099 84686 79816 82246 83991 84764 79743 79056 78234 80092 84575 83962 83102 80230 80194 64216 87632 81429 3435 TPSWCCS-3B 75329 62665 62207 69578 71060 76063 76070 78122 77061 83209 81928 83603 81700 73593 74209 78496 79288 78169 72288 69004 53565 89920 75523 6823 TPSWCCS-4T 80978 68690 64984 72571 74605 78604 80626 83922 82823 86770 82251 84765 81827 74446 76829 83058 87308 83673 89413 87618 73875 71039 55754 93220 79525 7003 TPSWCCS-4B 77956 64974 63602 71296 74326 78310 80864 84194 82955 87555 83032 84956 81377 74344 77545 84233 87124 83003 88445 87011 74917 70981 50528 91928 79210 7428 TPSWCCS-5T 79719 65959 63929 71314 73373 77613 79995 81547 81406 84909 80613 81806 83420 86283 83720 85306 72073 70535 54602 92006 77986 7080 TPSWCCS-5B 75759 64911 64402 68992 70038 74863 70572 52361 82208 69291 5356 TPSWCCS-6T 67677 64745 72308 74581 76748 78687 82405 81041 84474 80666 83079 81464 75544 77191 83268 86014 82419 89150 88242 74904 70464 59558 92827 78692 6624 TPSWCCS-6B 67578 64549 71643 74391 77834 80615 83419 82126 84906 80299 74567 76503 82411 85716 82040 88737 89230 75688 71767 59570 93594 78702 7005 TPSWCCS-7B 77683 62332 61696 69669 71630 75870 73896 72184 74909 71877 70159 65900 53511 85986 70836 5727 TPSWID-1T 3676 2715 2322 3252 8812 7170 20064 18130 25260 36783 23039 9189 9404 4487 2927 8178 24415 11881 7758 11495 5978 3052 2101 45621 11233 9611 TPSWID-1B 3721 2932 2338 3271 17069 13910 23757 26535 30564 41348 28725 13234 17587 5576 3689 13169 31393 21659 12945 27658 16236 3828 2109 48037 16312 11661 TPSWID-2T 2438 1750 2337 3762 4193 4570 9685 11652 30387 41981 16310 3572 5614 2381 2574 4227 14055 8384 5531 7999 4834 2685 1441 55392 8590 10252 TPSWID-2B 6191 3888 3462 3977 9976 10091 42913 41584 57636 65081 63935 36057 36088 13900 5670 15641 58794 36705 11831 40277 15998 7385 2146 68416 26517 22339 TPSWID-3T 1900 1331 1732 3164 3774 4066 4186 4756 50100 16201 5649 4039 2495 2107 3768 9598 6885 4838 9615 4270 2563 1177 62140 7377 11342 TPSWID-3B 2405 1580 1751 3125 3782 4031 5897 7965 55059 64068 26202 5801 5842 3018 2180 4691 25329 10424 5916 27414 4929 2658 1211 66206 12372 18088 Key:

µS/cm = Micro Siemens per centimeter. Min = Minimum.

Avg = Average. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.

Max = Maximum.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.2-3. Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Temperature (°C) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Well Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Std Dev TPBBSW-1B 30.1 27.1 23.9 27.3 27.8 29.3 30.7 30.7 30.8 26.6 24.2 22.7 20.4 22.8 24.0 24.9 28.0 29.1 15.9 33.4 26.6 3.4 TPBBSW-2B 29.6 26.7 23.0 24.0 27.7 28.2 29.5 31.1 30.8 30.3 26.1 23.9 22.3 20.6 23.3 24.2 25.2 28.4 29.1 13.4 35.0 26.3 3.7 TPBBSW-3B 26.6 23.2 16.6 19.6 22.7 23.7 27.4 27.9 29.3 30.9 30.7 30.2 26.0 23.9 22.2 20.4 23.0 24.0 24.9 28.1 9.5 34.8 25.2 4.2 TPBBSW-4B 29.6 26.8 22.7 23.7 27.5 28.2 29.3 31.0 30.9 30.4 26.3 24.1 22.5 20.4 23.2 24.1 25.1 28.1 29.1 15.9 33.7 26.3 3.5 TPBBSW-5B 29.8 27.0 23.2 24.1 27.9 28.4 29.5 31.2 30.9 30.4 26.4 24.3 22.5 20.7 23.4 24.4 25.3 28.6 29.3 15.8 34.5 26.5 3.5 TPBBSW-10B 23.9 27.6 28.0 28.9 31.0 30.8 30.5 26.2 24.1 22.5 20.8 23.3 24.3 25.2 28.4 29.2 14.9 35.2 26.3 3.5 TPBBSW-14B 23.8 27.5 28.1 29.3 31.0 30.9 30.4 26.2 24.0 22.4 20.8 23.3 24.2 25.2 28.1 28.9 16.6 33.9 26.4 3.4 TPSWC-1T 29.6 26.9 23.3 18.6 20.1 23.0 24.6 28.3 29.1 30.2 30.6 30.4 29.7 26.4 24.5 22.8 21.0 23.5 25.3 26.1 28.3 29.3 14.5 33.7 26.0 3.8 TPSWC-1B 28.9 26.1 22.7 17.9 18.6 21.0 23.1 26.8 27.7 28.7 29.2 29.7 29.0 25.7 24.1 22.5 20.1 22.2 24.3 25.2 26.1 27.9 14.7 30.6 24.9 3.6 TPSWC-2T 29.9 27.1 23.5 18.3 20.3 23.2 24.7 28.5 29.1 30.4 29.9 26.7 24.5 22.6 20.8 23.7 25.2 26.1 28.8 29.4 14.1 34.8 25.8 3.8 TPSWC-2B 29.1 26.5 23.1 17.6 18.8 21.7 24.0 27.8 29.1 30.0 29.2 25.8 23.8 22.1 20.0 22.4 24.4 25.6 27.2 28.7 14.0 31.8 25.0 3.9 TPSWC-3T 29.8 27.1 23.5 18.7 20.4 22.9 24.9 28.6 29.0 29.7 30.5 30.6 30.5 26.8 24.6 23.2 21.3 23.5 25.6 26.4 28.6 29.4 15.1 33.6 26.2 3.7 TPSWC-3B 29.5 27.0 23.2 18.1 19.3 21.8 24.5 28.5 30.6 30.1 29.7 30.2 29.9 26.6 24.3 22.7 20.5 22.5 25.0 27.0 27.8 28.9 15.0 32.2 25.8 4.0 TPSWC-4T 29.5 27.1 24.4 22.6 24.3 25.3 25.6 29.3 29.4 30.7 29.8 29.3 29.7 26.9 26.2 24.3 22.9 25.5 25.9 27.0 28.3 29.4 18.2 34.4 26.9 2.8 TPSWC-4B 29.7 27.1 24.4 22.2 24.3 25.6 26.2 30.0 29.7 30.9 29.4 29.4 29.9 26.9 26.0 24.5 23.1 25.3 26.0 27.3 28.1 29.5 17.4 34.5 27.1 2.8 TPSWC-5T 30.1 27.2 23.7 18.8 20.2 23.2 24.4 28.2 29.0 30.0 31.2 31.5 30.8 26.7 24.6 23.8 24.9 26.0 28.3 29.5 13.8 34.5 26.5 3.9 TPSWC-5B 33.6 28.7 28.0 22.3 21.9 23.8 24.3 28.0 28.8 29.7 31.3 31.7 31.9 29.1 28.9 26.2 22.4 23.8 24.7 25.9 27.3 29.9 16.4 34.9 27.4 3.5 TPSWCCS-1B 37.3 33.3 31.4 26.7 31.1 33.8 32.7 35.6 35.7 39.7 40.6 39.7 40.1 33.8 33.0 32.3 33.1 33.9 32.3 33.2 35.7 36.3 18.0 43.8 34.4 3.9 TPSWCCS-2B 29.4 27.5 22.8 25.8 28.3 27.5 30.1 31.6 33.3 35.0 35.2 35.0 30.3 28.2 26.8 28.3 27.1 27.9 30.6 31.3 14.5 38.2 29.7 3.8 TPSWCCS-3B 32.6 28.6 26.6 22.3 24.7 26.7 26.6 29.6 30.6 32.5 34.7 35.1 35.1 29.9 28.4 27.4 26.6 28.3 27.1 28.4 31.1 31.7 14.8 39.8 29.3 4.0 TPSWCCS-4T 31.5 28.0 25.6 20.6 23.4 26.1 26.0 29.1 30.1 31.5 33.3 33.2 33.0 28.1 26.4 25.3 24.2 26.2 26.0 26.9 29.8 30.4 12.4 37.8 27.9 4.0 TPSWCCS-4B 31.5 28.0 25.6 20.6 23.4 26.1 26.0 29.0 30.1 31.6 33.4 33.3 33.0 28.2 26.4 25.3 24.3 26.2 26.0 26.8 29.9 30.4 12.3 37.9 28.0 4.0 TPSWCCS-5T 31.4 28.0 25.5 20.5 23.3 26.0 26.0 29.0 29.9 31.3 33.0 32.8 28.1 26.3 25.2 24.1 26.0 26.3 26.8 29.8 30.4 12.8 37.0 27.5 3.7 TPSWCCS-5B 31.0 28.1 26.6 23.1 23.6 25.7 25.9 27.9 29.6 31.6 32.3 28.3 26.8 25.4 24.5 26.0 26.8 29.6 30.3 18.9 33.8 27.5 2.8 TPSWCCS-6T 27.7 25.1 20.1 22.8 25.6 25.8 28.9 29.8 31.0 32.7 32.7 32.4 27.8 26.0 24.7 23.8 25.5 26.4 26.8 29.4 30.1 12.5 35.7 27.4 3.8 TPSWCCS-6B 27.7 25.1 20.1 22.8 25.6 25.8 28.9 29.8 31.0 32.6 27.8 26.0 24.8 23.8 25.6 25.8 26.7 29.3 30.0 12.4 35.7 26.9 3.5 TPSWCCS-7B 34.6 30.6 28.9 24.4 27.9 30.2 29.2 32.0 32.8 35.6 37.3 37.4 37.2 31.5 30.3 29.5 29.2 30.6 29.0 30.2 32.8 33.5 15.7 42.6 31.6 4.0 TPSWID-1T 30.2 27.1 24.3 20.0 22.4 24.1 26.3 28.6 28.3 30.1 31.9 31.5 30.4 27.0 24.9 23.9 24.1 24.7 25.6 26.5 28.9 30.0 16.8 36.3 26.9 3.4 TPSWID-1B 29.7 26.6 23.8 19.6 25.2 25.5 26.8 27.9 28.1 29.5 31.4 32.1 30.2 26.3 24.3 25.3 26.0 25.6 26.0 29.3 30.4 29.4 16.8 33.9 27.3 3.1 TPSWID-2T 29.5 27.0 24.6 21.5 23.4 24.5 25.2 28.0 28.8 30.2 31.2 30.6 29.8 26.7 25.1 24.3 24.0 24.7 25.5 26.3 28.3 29.3 18.8 33.6 26.8 2.9 TPSWID-2B 27.5 26.8 24.6 21.3 25.3 25.8 26.7 27.4 29.1 29.9 31.0 31.7 30.2 28.6 25.6 26.6 28.2 27.5 25.9 28.2 28.1 28.2 18.8 32.5 27.5 2.4 TPSWID-3T 29.8 27.3 24.7 21.5 22.8 24.7 25.2 28.1 28.8 30.7 31.7 30.8 30.2 26.9 25.3 23.8 22.6 24.5 25.8 26.4 28.5 29.6 17.0 34.4 26.8 3.1 TPSWID-3B 28.2 26.6 24.3 21.0 22.3 24.2 25.0 27.5 28.0 29.5 31.4 30.2 29.3 26.5 24.9 23.7 25.3 24.5 25.5 27.3 27.7 28.9 18.1 33.8 26.5 2.8 Key:

°C = Degrees Celsius. Min = Minimum.

Avg = Average. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.

Max = Maximum.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.2-4. Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Salinity (PSS-78) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPBBSW-1B 30.2 28.0 35.7 38.6 40.6 44.3 39.5 38.4 35.3 30.1 23.2 25.3 29.4 29.3 33.3 37.0 33.9 29.2 13.9 46.4 33.3 6.0 TPBBSW-2B 27.1 22.2 33.1 37.0 38.0 40.5 42.3 38.0 39.0 35.8 27.7 22.4 24.2 28.2 30.1 35.7 37.1 33.3 28.8 15.9 44.8 32.3 6.6 TPBBSW-3B 24.5 27.0 30.8 32.1 32.8 36.9 37.9 39.5 41.5 38.1 38.0 36.2 29.0 24.8 26.9 29.9 31.8 36.2 37.4 34.6 18.0 43.7 33.2 5.3 TPBBSW-4B 31.7 26.4 32.5 35.9 36.9 39.4 40.9 38.6 39.1 37.1 31.8 26.8 33.5 35.4 36.8 32.9 30.0 23.1 42.3 34.1 4.5 TPBBSW-5B 28.7 24.2 29.8 34.6 36.0 40.4 42.0 39.0 38.5 35.8 29.9 25.9 28.8 30.5 31.9 34.8 36.2 29.5 26.2 20.4 44.3 32.5 5.4 TPBBSW-10B 35.1 38.6 40.4 42.8 36.2 37.5 33.2 23.8 20.1 21.2 27.8 28.3 32.5 36.8 32.9 26.5 11.4 44.5 31.9 7.0 TPBBSW-14B 27.4 28.3 30.0 31.2 30.1 30.7 29.5 27.2 23.5 23.5 24.5 26.5 32.5 34.7 31.2 26.0 22.8 36.8 28.5 3.3 TPSWC-1T 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.9 0.4 0.2 TPSWC-1B 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.4 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.2 1.7 0.5 0.3 TPSWC-2T 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.8 1.6 3.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.1 3.4 0.6 0.7 TPSWC-2B 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.9 2.3 3.6 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.1 5.4 0.7 0.9 TPSWC-3T 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.9 2.9 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.6 1.2 0.4 0.3 0.1 3.2 0.7 0.6 TPSWC-3B 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.6 1.2 2.6 10.9 10.5 3.1 0.7 0.3 0.2 1.5 0.6 1.1 1.0 0.9 7.1 4.2 0.6 0.1 14.0 2.2 3.3 TPSWC-4T 3.7 0.8 5.6 20.1 22.4 19.3 21.1 28.8 39.3 41.6 36.9 14.6 6.9 15.8 23.0 24.2 25.5 25.9 30.2 19.2 13.4 0.0 51.8 20.2 12.6 TPSWC-4B 7.2 1.8 9.1 24.8 25.5 23.1 27.9 33.2 40.1 42.1 37.9 26.7 18.4 8.5 19.5 25.4 27.7 30.0 30.3 32.7 21.8 16.0 0.2 50.0 23.9 13.1 TPSWC-5T 29.8 25.6 27.6 31.9 31.2 31.3 35.8 38.1 39.8 41.1 37.5 38.9 36.0 31.2 26.0 34.3 35.5 37.1 30.8 28.1 17.5 42.0 33.5 4.8 TPSWC-5B 41.6 45.4 44.5 36.7 35.2 34.2 36.0 38.0 39.7 41.9 41.9 40.6 40.1 40.2 39.3 36.2 35.4 35.6 35.7 36.5 35.5 39.0 28.2 49.1 38.6 3.4 TPSWCCS-1B 55.8 45.0 43.7 43.1 48.3 53.5 55.0 57.3 59.4 58.1 60.2 53.2 49.2 57.7 57.0 56.5 63.5 63.8 50.2 48.5 36.9 67.7 54.0 6.8 TPSWCCS-2B 61.47 56.83 54.30 54.69 54.92 59.55 61.00 56.97 59.05 60.56 61.22 57.02 56.30 55.54 57.00 60.83 60.25 59.57 57.29 57.28 44.24 63.69 58.25 2.91 TPSWCCS-3B 53.32 43.00 42.61 48.20 49.54 53.70 53.72 55.54 54.67 59.87 58.82 60.24 58.63 51.82 52.25 55.72 56.35 55.50 50.78 48.14 36.72 65.19 53.40 5.62 TPSWCCS-4T 57.97 47.79 44.76 50.44 52.31 55.74 57.40 60.32 59.43 62.83 59.06 61.18 58.69 52.46 54.31 59.38 62.86 59.97 64.79 63.36 52.05 49.75 37.65 68.25 56.63 5.81 TPSWCCS-4B 55.46 45.11 43.94 49.43 52.08 55.50 57.60 60.55 59.55 63.50 59.72 61.34 58.32 52.38 54.90 60.37 62.70 59.40 63.97 62.84 52.89 49.70 36.32 67.20 56.41 6.08 TPSWCCS-5T 56.92 45.81 44.16 49.44 51.31 54.92 56.88 58.33 58.25 61.24 57.69 58.67 59.71 61.98 60.00 61.40 50.57 49.34 39.25 67.19 55.38 5.78 TPSWCCS-5B 53.63 44.79 44.20 48.15 48.82 52.86 49.37 35.08 58.98 48.30 4.35 TPSWCCS-6T 47.17 44.58 50.19 52.26 54.19 55.80 59.04 57.94 60.86 57.72 59.74 58.38 53.34 54.59 59.52 61.73 58.88 64.61 63.88 52.87 49.28 40.57 67.77 55.93 5.46 TPSWCCS-6B 47.11 44.43 49.67 52.10 55.08 57.39 59.89 58.85 61.23 57.41 52.55 54.03 58.81 61.48 58.57 64.22 64.71 53.51 50.33 40.58 68.60 55.92 5.77 TPSWCCS-7B 55.28 42.99 42.49 48.40 50.14 53.68 52.04 50.72 52.89 50.43 49.10 45.69 35.99 62.09 49.64 4.58 TPSWID-1T 1.96 1.43 1.21 1.72 5.04 4.00 12.18 10.90 15.67 23.69 14.20 5.23 5.42 2.43 1.54 4.65 15.09 6.94 4.35 6.67 3.30 1.61 1.10 30.08 6.70 6.19 TPSWID-1B 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.7 10.3 8.2 14.6 16.5 19.3 27.0 18.0 7.7 10.6 3.1 2.0 7.8 19.9 13.3 7.6 17.3 9.7 2.0 1.1 31.9 10.0 7.6 TPSWID-2T 1.3 0.9 1.2 2.0 2.3 2.5 5.5 6.8 19.2 27.5 9.9 1.9 3.1 1.2 1.3 2.3 8.4 4.7 3.0 4.5 2.6 1.4 0.7 37.4 5.1 6.7 TPSWID-2B 3.4 2.1 1.9 2.1 5.7 5.8 28.2 27.2 39.2 45.0 44.1 23.4 23.5 8.2 3.1 9.4 40.1 24.0 7.0 26.4 9.6 4.1 1.1 47.6 17.3 15.6 TPSWID-3T 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.6 19.5 33.5 9.9 3.1 2.2 1.3 1.1 2.0 5.6 3.8 2.6 5.5 2.3 1.3 0.6 42.7 4.4 7.6 TPSWID-3B 1.3 0.8 0.9 1.7 2.0 2.2 3.3 4.6 37.3 44.2 16.9 3.2 3.2 1.6 1.1 2.6 16.0 6.1 3.3 17.4 2.7 1.4 0.6 45.9 7.8 12.5 Key:

Avg = Average. Min = Minimum.

Max = Maximum. PSS-78 = Practical Salinity Scale of 1978.

Min = Minimum. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-1. Parameters Collected at 15-Minute Intervals Reported by the Meteorological Station at TPM-1 Parameter Units Accuracy Resolution Better than 5%,

Rainfall - Amount inches 0.001 weather dependent Relative Humidity  % +/-3 0.1 Temperature °Celsius +/- 0.3 +/- 0.1 Barometric Pressure mmHg 0.5 0.5 Wind Speed- Average mph 1 ft/sec 0.3 ft/sec Wind Speed- Gusts and mph 1 ft/sec 0.3 ft/sec Lull Wind Direction degrees +/-3 1 Light Level mol m-2 s-1 5-10 A/100 mol m-2 s-1 NA Hail Hits 1 1 Key:

ft/sec = Feet per second. NA = Not applicable.

1 -

mmHg = Millimeters of mercury. mol m s = Micromoles per meter square per second.

mph = Miles per hour.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 7 27 2010 0.001 9 23 2010 1.354 7 30 2010 0.001 9 24 2010 0.019 8 3 2010 0.341 9 25 2010 0.017 8 5 2010 0.13 9 26 2010 0.112 8 8 2010 0.984 9 27 2010 0.113 8 9 2010 3.075 9 28 2010 0.363 8 10 2010 1.215 9 29 2010 7.344 8 11 2010 0.001 9 30 2010 0.008 8 15 2010 0.007 10 6 2010 0.004 8 16 2010 0.214 10 12 2010 0.57 8 17 2010 0.007 10 13 2010 0.198 8 20 2010 0.16 10 14 2010 0.063 8 21 2010 0.06 10 17 2010 0.003 8 22 2010 0.217 10 23 2010 0.303 8 23 2010 0.375 10 24 2010 0.027 8 24 2010 0.02 10 25 2010 0.088 8 26 2010 0.019 10 26 2010 0.001 8 27 2010 0.351 10 27 2010 0.140 8 28 2010 0.213 10 28 2010 0.022 8 29 2010 0.084 10 29 2010 0.898 8 30 2010 1.46 10 31 2010 0.006 8 31 2010 0.014 11 1 2010 0.053 9 1 2010 0.098 11 3 2010 4.358 9 3 2010 0.479 11 4 2010 0.854 9 4 2010 0.002 11 5 2010 0.005 9 5 2010 0.168 11 11 2010 0.002 9 6 2010 1.569 11 12 2010 0.001 9 7 2010 0.114 11 18 2010 0.079 9 8 2010 1.38 11 22 2010 0.019 9 9 2010 0.005 11 23 2010 0.021 9 10 2010 0.002 11 24 2010 0.102 9 14 2010 0.004 11 27 2010 0.008 9 15 2010 0.006 11 29 2010 0.001 9 16 2010 0.119 12 1 2010 0.008 9 17 2010 0.117 12 5 2010 0.005 9 18 2010 0.041 12 9 2010 0.075 9 19 2010 0.036 12 12 2010 0.045 9 22 2010 0.016 12 18 2010 0.221 2-35

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 12 26 2010 0.182 5 8 2011 0.019 1 3 2011 0.002 5 10 2011 0.001 1 6 2011 0.061 5 11 2011 0.037 1 8 2011 0.002 5 12 2011 0.018 1 17 2011 2.829 5 13 2011 0.074 1 19 2011 0.028 5 14 2011 0.022 1 21 2011 0.005 5 15 2011 0.298 1 24 2011 0.016 5 16 2011 0.009 1 26 2011 0.584 5 17 2011 0.024 2 11 2011 0.063 5 18 2011 0.858 2 12 2011 0.131 5 19 2011 0.02 2 14 2011 0.001 5 20 2011 0.004 2 17 2011 0.034 5 21 2011 0.005 2 24 2011 0.001 5 22 2011 0.006 2 25 2011 0.006 5 23 2011 0.001 3 2 2011 0.155 5 24 2011 0.003 3 4 2011 0.004 5 25 2011 0.001 3 5 2011 0.152 5 26 2011 0.045 3 10 2011 0.329 5 27 2011 0.073 3 18 2011 0.002 5 28 2011 0.131 3 19 2011 0.002 5 29 2011 0.124 3 20 2011 0.001 5 30 2011 0.266 3 21 2011 0.111 5 31 2011 0.201 3 22 2011 0.037 6 1 2011 0.008 3 28 2011 0.55 6 2 2011 0.141 3 29 2011 0.3 6 3 2011 0.007 4 1 2011 0.449 6 5 2011 0.001 4 5 2011 0.138 6 6 2011 0.019 4 7 2011 0.001 6 16 2011 0.055 4 13 2011 1.184 6 17 2011 0.055 4 17 2011 0.069 6 18 2011 0.085 4 25 2011 0.001 6 19 2011 0.003 4 29 2011 0.001 6 20 2011 0.164 4 30 2011 0.005 6 21 2011 0.082 5 1 2011 0.01 6 22 2011 0.012 5 3 2011 0.001 6 23 2011 0.001 5 6 2011 0.151 6 24 2011 0.006 5 7 2011 0.001 6 25 2011 0.102 2-36

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 6 26 2011 0.055 8 7 2011 0.627 6 27 2011 0.100 8 8 2011 0.968 6 28 2011 0.028 8 9 2011 0.009 6 29 2011 0.605 8 10 2011 0.028 6 30 2011 0.050 8 11 2011 0.058 7 1 2011 0.064 8 12 2011 0.070 7 2 2011 0.530 8 13 2011 0.080 7 3 2011 0.048 8 14 2011 0.599 7 4 2011 0.004 8 15 2011 0.550 7 5 2011 0.330 8 16 2011 0.116 7 6 2011 1.520 8 17 2011 0.001 7 7 2011 3.874 8 18 2011 0.033 7 8 2011 0.001 8 19 2011 0.452 7 9 2011 0.008 8 20 2011 0.098 7 10 2011 0.001 8 21 2011 0.010 7 11 2011 0.394 8 22 2011 0.170 7 12 2011 0.003 8 23 2011 0.004 7 13 2011 0.380 8 24 2011 0.007 7 15 2011 0.002 8 25 2011 0.301 7 16 2011 0.002 8 26 2011 0.301 7 17 2011 0.248 8 27 2011 0.224 7 18 2011 1.343 8 29 2011 0.684 7 19 2011 0.905 8 30 2011 2.080 7 20 2011 0.140 9 1 2011 0.017 7 21 2011 0.308 9 2 2011 1.758 7 22 2011 0.047 9 3 2011 0.003 7 23 2011 0.003 9 8 2011 0.206 7 24 2011 0.103 9 9 2011 0.022 7 25 2011 0.015 9 10 2011 0.001 7 26 2011 0.001 9 12 2011 0.359 7 27 2011 0.038 9 13 2011 0.339 7 28 2011 0.146 9 14 2011 0.006 7 29 2011 0.183 9 16 2011 0.003 8 1 2011 0.003 9 18 2011 0.057 8 2 2011 0.026 9 19 2011 0.199 8 3 2011 0.255 9 20 2011 0.004 8 5 2011 0.001 9 21 2011 0.127 8 6 2011 1.472 9 22 2011 1.472 2-37

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 9 23 2011 0.684 11 29 2011 0.001 9 25 2011 1.182 12 1 11 0.001 9 26 2011 0.148 12 2 11 0.003 9 27 2011 0.196 12 4 11 0.035 9 29 2011 0.006 12 5 11 0.043 9 30 2011 0.144 12 7 11 0.043 10 6 2011 0.008 12 9 11 0.061 10 7 2011 0.460 12 10 11 0.164 10 8 2011 6.333 12 12 11 0.001 10 9 2011 0.073 12 13 11 0.164 10 10 2011 0.016 12 14 11 0.013 10 11 2011 0.010 12 16 11 0.001 10 12 2011 0.010 12 17 11 0.007 10 13 2011 0.019 12 18 11 0.016 10 15 2011 1.053 12 21 11 0.003 10 16 2011 1.633 12 22 11 0.002 10 17 2011 0.382 12 23 11 0.001 10 18 2011 0.350 12 27 11 0.001 10 19 2011 1.330 12 31 11 0.001 10 22 2011 0.002 1 2 12 0.001 10 23 2011 0.003 1 4 12 0.022 10 28 2011 0.619 1 5 12 0.001 10 29 2011 0.139 1 7 12 0.004 10 30 2011 0.007 1 10 12 0.005 11 1 2011 0.021 1 11 12 0.009 11 2 2011 0.010 1 12 12 0.067 11 4 2011 0.004 1 13 12 0.283 11 5 2011 0.117 1 14 12 0.001 11 6 2011 0.032 1 17 12 0.006 11 7 2011 0.004 1 18 12 0.012 11 8 2011 0.002 1 19 12 0.013 11 9 2011 0.006 1 21 12 0.005 11 13 2011 0.003 1 22 12 0.001 11 15 2011 0.001 1 23 12 0.004 11 17 2011 0.014 1 25 12 0.001 11 18 2011 0.052 1 26 12 0.001 11 19 2011 0.013 1 28 12 0.017 11 20 2011 0.037 1 29 12 0.996 2-38

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 1 30 12 0.004 3 23 12 0.003 2 1 12 0.001 3 25 12 0.002 2 2 12 0.009 3 26 12 0.002 2 3 12 0.003 3 27 12 0.087 2 4 12 0.001 3 28 12 0.001 2 5 12 0.140 3 30 12 0.012 2 6 12 1.861 3 31 12 0.002 2 7 12 0.443 4 1 12 0.008 2 9 12 1.007 4 2 12 0.002 2 10 12 1.789 4 5 12 0.734 2 11 12 0.475 4 6 12 0.002 2 13 12 0.003 4 7 12 0.004 2 15 12 0.002 4 9 12 0.001 2 20 12 0.001 4 10 12 0.003 2 22 12 0.003 4 13 12 0.001 2 24 12 0.001 4 14 12 2.235 2 25 12 0.168 4 15 12 0.004 2 26 12 0.001 4 16 12 0.015 2 28 12 0.017 4 17 12 0.026 2 29 12 0.012 4 18 12 0.002 3 1 12 0.003 4 19 12 0.003 3 3 12 0.005 4 21 12 3.482 3 4 12 0.167 4 22 12 0.405 3 5 12 0.007 4 23 12 0.002 3 7 12 0.088 4 24 12 0.015 3 8 12 0.078 4 25 12 0.012 3 9 12 0.002 4 26 12 0.004 3 10 12 0.005 4 27 12 0.009 3 11 12 0.069 4 28 12 1.185 3 12 12 0.074 4 29 12 1.889 3 14 12 0.026 4 30 12 2.444 3 15 12 0.120 5 1 12 0.004 3 16 12 0.009 5 4 12 0.003 3 17 12 0.001 5 6 12 0.010 3 18 12 0.004 5 7 12 0.012 3 19 12 0.212 5 8 12 0.425 3 21 12 0.003 5 10 12 0.003 3 22 12 0.001 5 11 12 0.013 2-39

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 5 12 12 0.005 6 7 2012 0.226 5 13 12 0.003 6 8 2012 0.161 5 15 12 0.005 6 9 2012 0.28 5 16 12 0.081 6 10 2012 0.164 5 17 12 2.308 6 11 2012 0.083 5 18 12 0.119 6 12 2012 0.097 5 19 12 0.611 6 13 2012 0.079 5 20 12 0.688 6 14 2012 0.315 5 21 12 0.007 6 15 2012 0.28 5 22 12 0.904 6 16 2012 0.051 5 23 12 0.186 6 17 2012 0.001 5 24 12 2.896 6 18 2012 0.004 5 25 12 0.045 6 19 2012 0.066 5 26 12 0.026 6 20 2012 2.167 5 27 12 0.052 6 21 2012 0.785 5 28 12 0.104 6 22 2012 0.573 5 29 12 0.171 6 23 2012 1.035 5 30 12 0.138 6 24 2012 0.006 5 31 12 0.594 6 25 2012 0.001 6 1 2012 1.298 6 26 2012 0.001 6 2 2012 0.209 6 27 2012 0.022 6 3 2012 0.182 6 28 2012 0.174 6 4 2012 0.264 6 29 2012 0.113 6 5 2012 0.167 6 30 2012 0.001 6 6 2012 0.096 2-40

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-3. Total Rain Days and Rainfall Amounts Recorded Monthly at Each Station TPM-1 TPRF-2 TPRF-11 TPRF-4 TPRF-12 LU-South LU-NEast

  1. of # of # of # of # of # of # of Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Month Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Aug-10 20 8.95 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25 6.85 Sep-10 24 13.49 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 12.05 Oct-10 13 2.32 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26 6.92 Nov-10 12 5.50 5 0.25 4 0.13 NA NA NA NA 6 6.12 24 2.47 Dec-10 6 0.54 3 0.42 0 0.00 NA NA NA NA 6 1.00 7 1.27 Jan-11 8 3.53 4 4.01 3 0.46 NA NA NA NA 4 2.81 3 3.19 Feb-11 6 0.24 3 0.16 3 0.15 NA NA NA NA 3 0.11 5 1.09 Mar-11 11 1.64 6 2.07 6 1.40 NA NA NA NA 4 1.13 6 2.62 Apr-11 8 1.85 6 2.83 6 1.39 NA NA NA NA 1 0.06 2 0.26 May-11 27 2.40 8 0.91 6 1.06 NA NA NA NA 5 0.37 7 1.37 Jun-11 20 1.58 12 2.75 9 1.93 NA NA NA NA 6 0.42 10 2.86 Jul-11 29 10.64 15 10.69 15 6.99 NA NA NA NA 19 8.47 18 5.79 Aug-11 29 9.24 NA NA 20 5.44 NA NA NA NA 23 6.32 23 7.96 Sep-11 21 6.93 NA NA 15 4.44 19 4.77 NA NA 15 4.95 12 1.89 Oct-11 19 13.25 NA NA 14 7.07 6 6.44 NA NA 12 14.5 12 3.60 Nov-11 18 0.32 NA NA 5 0.23 NA NA NA NA 5 0.61 6 0.27 Dec-11 18 0.56 4 0.13 7 0.68 8 0.84 NA NA 8 1.32 7 1.52 Jan-12 20 1.45 5 0.70 NA NA 3 0.66 NA NA 6 0.92 3 0.11 Feb-12 19 5.94 11 0.19 NA NA 8 7.28 NA NA 8 5.42 9 3.81 Mar-12 25 0.98 8 0.79 NA NA 8 0.94 8 1.95 7 1.25 10 1.31 2-41

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-3. Total Rain Days and Rainfall Amounts Recorded Monthly at Each Station TPM-1 TPRF-2 TPRF-11 TPRF-4 TPRF-12 LU-South LU-NEast

  1. of # of # of # of # of # of # of Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Month Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Apr-12 24 12.49 16 1.83 NA NA 7 11.45 8 8.43 9 11.69 8 10.89 May-12 26 9.41 21 0.62 NA NA 7 3.94
  • 12 7.14 12 4.39 15 9.00 Jun-12 30 8.90 19 4.12 NA NA NA NA 18 4.63 NA NA NA NA Note:
  • Data available 5/1/2012 through 5/21/2012.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-4. Dates of Daily Rainfall Greater Than 1 in a 24-Hour Period for All Stations Month Date Year TPM-1 TPRF-2 TPRF-11 TPRF-12 TPRF-4 LU-South LU-NEast 8 9 2010 3.08 NA NA NA NA NA 1.47 8 10 2010 1.22 NA NA NA NA NA 0.11 8 30 2010 1.46 NA NA NA NA NA 0.81 9 6 2010 1.57 NA NA NA NA 0.89 1.19 9 8 2010 1.38 NA NA NA NA 1.29 0.51 9 23 2010 1.35 NA NA NA NA NA 0.38 9 29 2010 7.34 NA NA NA NA NA 4.53 11 3 2010 4.36 NA NA NA NA 5.39 0.83 1 17 2011 2.83 3.29 0.00 NA NA 2.48 3.15 4 13 2011 1.18 0.32 1.01 NA NA NA 0.75 6 29 2011 0.61 1.96 0.47 NA NA 0.00 0.00 7 6 2011 1.52 2.50 0.89 NA NA 2.27 0.35 7 7 2011 3.87 3.39 3.89 NA NA 2.95 2.83 7 18 2011 1.34 2.51 0.20 NA NA 1.26 0.31 8 6 2011 1.47 0.39 0.28 NA NA 0.23 1.37 8 8 2011 0.97 1.55 0.40 NA NA 0.63 1.27 8 15 2011 0.55 0.01 0.41 NA NA 1.30 0.05 8 30 2011 2.08 NA 1.48 NA NA 1.01 0.21 9 9 2011 1.76 NA 0.35 NA NA 1.27 0.16 9 22 2011 1.47 NA 0.17 NA 0.79 0.00 0.00 9 25 2011 1.18 NA 1.05 NA 1.04 0.00 0.00 10 8 2011 6.33 NA 2.44 NA 3.86 8.05 1.37 2-43

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-4. Dates of Daily Rainfall Greater Than 1 in a 24-Hour Period for All Stations Month Date Year TPM-1 TPRF-2 TPRF-11 TPRF-12 TPRF-4 LU-South LU-NEast 10 15 2011 1.05 NA 0.45 NA 1.20 1.25 0.38 10 16 2011 1.63 NA 1.06 NA 1.23 1.27 0.53 10 19 2011 1.33 NA 0.92 NA NA 0.90 0.24 10 31 2011 0.00 NA 0.53 NA NA 1.27 1.06 3 6 2012 1.86 NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 3 9 2012 1.01 NA 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 3 10 2012 1.79 NA NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 14 2012 2.24 0.56 NA 0.62 1.35 1.92 1.58 4 21 2012 3.48 0.33 NA 3.15 2.61 2.89 2.95 4 28 2012 1.19 0.01 NA 0.94 1.58 1.07 0.90 4 29 2012 1.89 0.02 NA 1.85 2.57 2.70 1.84 4 30 2012 2.44 0.04 NA 1.42 2.57 2.25 3.04 5 17 2012 2.31 0.00 NA 1.60 1.66 1.95 1.96 5 24 2012 2.90 0.16 NA 1.85 NA 0.34 2.43 6 1 2012 1.30 0.01 NA 1.02 NA NA NA 6 20 2012 2.17 1.89 NA 2.28 NA NA NA 6 23 2012 1.04 0.75 NA NA NA NA NA Key:

LU = Land Use.

NA = Not Available.

TPM1 = Turkey Point Meteorological Station.

TPRF = Turkey Point Rainfall Gauge.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 FIGURES

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Land-based station. Typical control panel and telemetry system.

Typical automated probe and cable. Biscayne Bay station.

Figure 2.1-1. Automated Groundwater Stations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-2. TPGW-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-3. TPGW-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-4. TPGW-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-5. TPGW-4 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-6. TPGW-5 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-7. TPGW-6 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Figure 2.1-8. TPGW-7 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 5000 4500 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 3.0 23 2.5 Salinity (PSS-78) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-9. TPGW-8 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 5000 4500 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 3.0 23 2.5 Salinity (PSS-78) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-10. TPGW-9 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-11. TPGW-10 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-12. TPGW-11 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-13. TPGW-12 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 33 32 Temperature (oC) 31 30 29 80 28 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-14. TPGW-13 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-15. TPGW-14 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Figure 2.1-16. Average and Standard Deviation of Specific Conductance Values (in µS/cm) for Groundwater Stations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Figure 2.1-17. Average and Standard Deviation of Temperature (in oCelcius) for Groundwater Stations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Figure 2.1-18. Average and Standard Deviation of Salinity (in PSS-78) for Groundwater Stations.


002998.FC11.01 FPL-014A Turkey Point Plant Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project October 31, 2012 Prepared for: Prepared by:

ecology and environment, inc.

Global Environmental Specialists

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page ES EXECUTIVE


.................................................. ES-1 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1-1 1.1 Brief Overview of Automated Monitoring Network ........................ 1-1 1.1.1 Groundwater ........................................................................... 1-1 1.1.2 Surface Water ......................................................................... 1-2 1.1.3 Meteorological ........................................................................ 1-3 1.1.4 Flow Meters ............................................................................ 1-3 1.2 Quarterly Sampling for Laboratory Analysis ................................. 1-3 1.3 Ecological Monitoring ................................................................... 1-4 1.3.1 Marsh and Mangroves ............................................................ 1-4 1.3.2 Biscayne Bay .......................................................................... 1-4 1.3.3 Broad-scale Porewater Survey ............................................... 1-4 1.4 Hydrogeologic Assessment ......................................................... 1-5 1.4.1 CCS Water Budget ................................................................. 1-5 1.4.2 Regional Assessment and Extent of CCS Water .................... 1-5 1.4.3 Biscayne Bay Continuous Resistivity Profile Survey ............... 1-5 1.5 Interceptor Ditch Operation .......................................................... 1-6 1.6 Data Quality Objectives and Acceptance Criteria......................... 1-6 2 AUTOMATED DATA COLLECTION .................................... 2-1 2.1 Groundwater Quality .................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods ........................ 2-1 2.1.2 Results and Discussion .......................................................... 2-3 2.2 Surface Water Quality ................................................................. 2-7 2.2.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods ........................ 2-7 2.2.2 Results and Discussion .......................................................... 2-8 2.3 Water Levels .............................................................................. 2-12 2.3.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods ...................... 2-12 2.3.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 2-14 2.4 Meteorological Data ................................................................... 2-18 2.4.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods ...................... 2-18 2.4.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 2-19 iii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Table of Contents Section Page 2.5 CCS Flow Meter Data ................................................................ 2-21 2.5.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods ...................... 2-21 2.5.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 2-22 3 QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER SAMPLING ..................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Groundwater Quality .................................................................... 3-2 3.1.1 Sample Collection and Analysis.............................................. 3-2 3.1.2 Results and Discussion .......................................................... 3-2 3.2 Surface Water Quality ............................................................... 3-10 3.2.1 Sample Collection and Analysis............................................ 3-10 3.2.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 3-10 3.3 Tracer Suite Assessment ........................................................... 3-15 3.4 Rain Sample Results.................................................................. 3-16 3.4.1 Sample Collection and Analysis............................................ 3-16 3.4.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 3-16 3.5 Evaporation Pans ....................................................................... 3-17 3.5.1 Sample Collection and Analysis............................................ 3-17 3.5.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 3-17 4 ECOLOGICAL MONITORING ........................................... 4-1 4.1 Marsh, Mangroves and Tree Islands ............................................ 4-1 4.1.1 Methods and Materials ........................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Results and Discussion .......................................................... 4-7 4.2 Biscayne Bay ............................................................................. 4-15 4.2.1 Methods and Materials ......................................................... 4-15 4.2.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 4-22 4.3 Landscape Scale Assessment of Porewater and Soils .............. 4-40 4.3.1 Initial Ecological Condition Characterization ......................... 4-40 4.3.2 Porewater Quarterly Events .................................................. 4-44 4.3.3 Soils ...................................................................................... 4-45 5 HYDROGEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT ................................ 5-1 5.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.1 Overview of Biscayne Aquifer and Geologic Formations ........ 5-1 5.1.2 Overview of Biscayne Aquifer and Flow Zones ........................ 5-2 5.2 Regional Assessment and Extent of CCS Water ......................... 5-3 5.2.1 Groundwater Responses to Environmental Conditions .......... 5-5 5.2.2 Operational Effects of the CCS on Groundwater Levels ......... 5-7 5.2.3 Extent of CCS Water and Rate of Migration ........................... 5-9 iv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Table of Contents Section Page 5.3 Biscayne Bay Continuous Resistivity Profile Survey .................. 5-15 5.4 Water and Salt Balance Model ................................................... 5-16 5.4.1 Conceptual Model ................................................................. 5-16 5.4.2 Bathymetry............................................................................ 5-17 5.4.3 Water Balance Calculations .................................................. 5-18 5.4.4 Storage ................................................................................. 5-27 5.4.5 Results and Discussion ........................................................ 5-27 6 INTERCEPTOR DITCH OPERATION ................................. 6-1 6.1 Introduction ................................................................................. 6-1 6.2 Operational or Structural Changes ............................................... 6-1 6.3 Meteorological Conditions ............................................................ 6-3 6.4 Water Quality and Water Level Results and Discussion ............. 6-3 6.4.1 Groundwater Levels ................................................................ 6-3 6.4.2 Vertical Groundwater Temperature Profiles ............................ 6-4 6.4.3 Vertical Groundwater Chloride Profiles ................................... 6-5 6.4.4 Interceptor Ditch Operation and Transect Water Levels ......... 6-6 6.4.5 Pressure Gradient Density Correction .................................... 6-6 7


AND INTERPRETATIONS ............................... 7-1 7.1 Groundwater ............................................................................... 7-1 7.1.1 Major Findings ........................................................................ 7-1 7.1.2 Additional Findings ................................................................. 7-2 7.2 Surface Water ............................................................................. 7-4 7.2.1 Major Findings ........................................................................ 7-4 7.2.2 Additional Findings ................................................................. 7-4 7.3 Tracer .......................................................................................... 7-6 7.3.1 Major Findings ........................................................................ 7-6 7.3.2 Additional Findings ................................................................. 7-7 7.4 Water Budget ............................................................................... 7-8 7.4.1 Major Findings ........................................................................ 7-8 7.5 Ecological .................................................................................... 7-8 7.5.1 Major Findings ........................................................................ 7-8 7.5.2 Additional Findings ................................................................. 7-8 8 RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................... 8-1 9 REFERENCES .................................................................. 9-1 v

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Table of Contents Section Page APPENDICES A Monitoring Stations B Automated Station Probe Calibration Logs C Automated Water Quality and Water Level Qualifications D Non-Qualified Automated Water Quality and Stage Data Time Series Graphs E U.S. Geologic Survey Induction Logs F Flow Meter Indexing Results G Plant Outages H Field Sampling Logs for Groundwater and Surface Water I Data Usability Summaries for Groundwater, Surface Water, and Porewater Laboratory Results J Level IV Laboratory Results K Ecological Calculations L Scientific and Common Names of Organisms Observed during Monitoring M Turkey Point Interceptor Ditch Monitoring Data vi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1.1-1 Summary of Monitoring Efforts (June 2010 - November 2012) .............................1-14 1.1-2 Well Construction Summary .................................................................................1-16 2.1-1 Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Specific Conductance (µS/cm)

Data ......................................................................................................................2-24 2.1-2 Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Temperature (°C) Data ..............2-26 2.1-3 Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Salinity (PSS-78) Data ..............2-28 2.2-1 Probe Types/Automated Measurements at Surface Water Stations ......................2-30 2.2-2 Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Specific Conductance (µS/cm)

Data ......................................................................................................................2-31 2.2-3 Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Temperature (°C) Data............2-32 2.2-4 Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Salinity (PSS-78) Data ............2-33 2.4-1 Parameters Collected at 15-Minute Intervals Reported by the Meteorological Station at TPM-1 ...................................................................................................2-34 2.4-2 Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 ........................................2-35 2.4-3 Total Rain Days and Rainfall Amounts Recorded Monthly at Each Station ...........2-41 2.4-4 Dates of Daily Rainfall Greater Than 1 in a 24-Hour Period for All Stations ........2-43 3.0-1 Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Locations and Events ........................3-19 3.0-2 Analytes Measured in Groundwater, Surface Water, and the Cooling Canal System .................................................................................................................3-20 3.1-1 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the June/July 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................................3-21 3.1-2 Sampling Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the September 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-24 3.1-3 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the December 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-27 3.1-4 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the March 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-30 3.1-5 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the June 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-33 3.1-6 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the September 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-36 3.1-7 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the December 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................................3-39 vii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 3.1-8 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the March 2012 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................................3-42 3.1-9 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the June 2012 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................................3-45 3.1-10 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the October 2010 Historical Well Sampling Event .............................................................................................3-48 3.1-11 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the January 2011 Historical Well Sampling Event .............................................................................................3-49 3.1-12 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the March 2011 Historical Well Sampling Event.............................................................................................3-50 3.1-13 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the June 2011 Historical Well Sampling Event.............................................................................................3-51 3.1-14 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the September 2011 Historical Well Sampling Event .............................................................................................3-52 3.1-15 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the December 2011 Historical Well Sampling Event.............................................................................................3-53 3.1-16 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the March 2012 Historical Well Sampling Event .............................................................................................3-54 3.1-17 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results from the June 2012 Historical Well Sampling Event .............................................................................................3-55 3.1-18 Comparison of Historical Well Groundwater Chloride Concentrations to Nearby Discretely Screened Monitoring Wells...................................................................3-56 3.1-19 Range of Ion Concentrations in Groundwater .......................................................3-57 3.1-20 Range of Isotope Ratios in Groundwater ..............................................................3-58 3.1-21 SFWMD Synoptic Sampling Results from CCS (February 2009) .........................3-59 3.2-1 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the June/July 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-60 3.2-2 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the September 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-63 3.2-3 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the December 2010 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-66 3.2-4 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the March 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-69 3.2-5 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the June 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-72 3.2-6 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the September 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-75 3.2-7 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the December 2011 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-78 3.2-8 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the March 2012 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-81 3.2-9 Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results from the June 2012 Sampling Event ....................................................................................................3-84 3.2-10 Range of Ion Concentrations in Surface Water .....................................................3-87 3.2-11 Range of Isotope Ratios in Surface Water ............................................................3-88 viii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 3.4-1 Rainfall Collector Sampling Events and Sample Receipt Status ...........................3-89 3.4-2 Rainfall Tritium Results .........................................................................................3-90 3.5-1 Evaporation Pan Sampling Events and Sample Receipt Status ............................3-91 3.5-2 Evaporation Pan Results ......................................................................................3-92 4.1-1 Data and Samples Collected in October 2010; February, May, August, and November 2011; and February and May 2012 ......................................................4-47 4.1-2 Plot Location, Community Description, Dominant Vegetation in Subplots in 2010-2012 ............................................................................................................4-49 4.1-3 Species and Individuals Counted in Subplots for Shannon-Wiener Index of Diversity Calculations ...........................................................................................4-53 4.1-4 Shannon-Wiener Index Calculated Values for Plots and Transects ......................4-55 4.1-5 Average Sawgrass Cover per Plot and Transect for Each Quarter .......................4-56 4.1-6 Average Sawgrass Height per Plot and Transect for Each Quarter .......................4-57 4.1-7 Live and Total Sawgrass Biomass Equations for Each Season ............................4-58 4.1-8 Average Sawgrass Total Biomass per Plot and Transect for Each Quarter ..........4-59 4.1-9 Average Sawgrass Live Biomass per Plot and Transect per Plot and Transect with Annual Average ....................................................................................................4-60 4.1-10 Sawgrass Annual Net Primary Productivity ...........................................................4-61 4.1-11 Sawgrass Leaf Sclerophylly per Plot and Transect ...............................................4-62 4.1-12 Soil Wet and Dry Bulk Density for All Sites ...........................................................4-63 4.1-13 Soil Nutrients and Molar Ratios for All Sites .........................................................4-68 4.1-14 Average Leaf Carbon for Sawgrass per Plot and Transect ...................................4-73 4.1-15 Average Leaf Nitrogen for Sawgrass per Plot and Transect ..................................4-74 4.1-16 Average Leaf Phosophorus for Sawgrass per Plot and Transect ..........................4-75 4.1-17 Average Leaf Carbon Isotopes for Sawgrass per Plot and Transect .....................4-76 4.1-18 Average Leaf Nitrogen Isotopes for Sawgrass per Plot and Transect ...................4-77 4.1-19 Sawgrass Leaf C:N Molar Ratio per Plot and Transect ........................................4-78 4.1-20 Sawgrass Leaf N:P Molar Ratio per Plot and Transect ........................................4-79 4.1-21 Average Specific Conductance (µS/cm) and Temperature (°C) of Porewater at Each Site for Each Quarter ...................................................................................4-80 4.1-22 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater October 2010 ....................................4-83 4.1-23 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater February 2011 ..................................4-85 4.1-24 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater May 2011 ..........................................4-87 4.1-25 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater August 2011.....................................4-89 4.1-26 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater November 2011 ................................4-91 4.1-27 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater February 2012 ..................................4-93 4.1-28 Marsh and Mangrove Analytical Porewater May 2012 ..........................................4-95 4.1-29 Pearson Correlation Results of Freshwater Marsh Porewater Specific Conductance, Temperature and Tritium Values ....................................................4-97 ix

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 4.1-30 Percent Cover of Red Mangroves per Plot and Transect for Each Sampling Event ....................................................................................................................4-98 4.1-31 Average Red Mangrove Height per Plot and Transect for Each Sampling Event ..4-99 4.1-32 Average Red Mangrove Biomass per Plot and Transect for Each Sampling Event ..................................................................................................................4-100 4.1-33 Red Mangrove Annual Net Primary Productivity .................................................4-101 4.1-34 Red Mangrove Sclerophylly per Plot and Transect .............................................4-102 4.1-35 Average Leaf Carbon for Red Mangrove per Plot and Transect .........................4-103 4.1-36 Average Leaf Nitrogen for Red Mangrove per Plot and Transect ......... ...4-105 4.1-37 Average Leaf Phosphorous for Red Mangrove per Plot and Transect ......... ...4-106 4.1-38 Average Leaf Carbon Isotopes for Red Mangrove per Plot and Transect..4-107 4.1-39 Average Leaf Isotopes for Red Mangrove per Plot and Transect........... ..4-108 4.1-40 Red Mangrove Leaf C:N Molar Ratio per Plot and Transect ........ 4-110 4.1-41 Red Mangrove Leaf N:P Molar Ratio per Plot and Transect ......... 4-111 4.1-42 Pearson Correlation Results of Mangrove Porewater Specific Conductance, Temperature and Tritium Values.........................................................................4-111 4.1-43 Results of Aerial Survey .....................................................................................4-112 4.2-1 Latitude and Longitude of Biscayne Bay, Card Sound and Barnes Sound Ecological Sampling Points.................................................................................4-114 4.2-2 Categories of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Scored Using Braun-Blanquet Cover Abundance Index Method at Each Ecological Sampling Point ............................4-116 4.2-3 Mean, Standard Error, Minimum, and Maximum Values for Water Depth by Transect and Sampling Area, Spring 2012 .........................................................4-117 4.2-4 Mean, Standard Error, Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water Temperature by Transect and Sampling Area, Spring 2012 .....................4-118 4.2-5 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Water Quality Variables among Transects, All Sampling Events.........................4-119 4.2-6 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Water Quality Variables among Study Areas, All Sampling Events. ....................4-126 4.2-7 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom Water Temperature by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area .........................................................................4-129 4.2-8 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 .4-130 4.2-9 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area .........................................................4-131 4.2-10 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water Salinity (PSU) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 .........................4-132 4.2-11 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom Salinity by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ....................................................................................4-133 x

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 4.2-12 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water DO (mg/L) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ...............................4-134 4.2-13 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom Dissolved Oxygen by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area .........................................................................4-135 4.2-14 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water pH by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ...........................................4-136 4.2-15 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom pH by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ...................................................................................................4-137 4.2-16 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water ORP (mV) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ...............................4-138 4.2-17 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom ORP by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ...................................................................................................4-139 4.2-18 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Surface and Bottom Water Turbidity (NTU) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 .......................4-140 4.2-19 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Bottom Turbidity by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ....................................................................................4-141 4.2-20 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Porewater Temperature (°C) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ..............................4-142 4.2-21 Mean and Standard Error (SE) for Porewater Temperature (°C) by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ....................................................................................4-143 4.2-22 Average Values for Porewater and Bottom Water Temperature (°C) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ..............................................................................4-144 4.2-23 Statistical Comparisons of Temperature and Conductivity Between Porewater and Bottom Water Column Measurements among Transects, All Sampling Events...4-145 4.2-24 Statistical Comparisons (Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test) of Temperature and Conductivity between Porewater and Bottom Water Column Measurements among Study Areas, All Sampling Events. ......................................................................4-150 4.2-25 Average Values for Porewater and Bottom Water Temperature (°C) by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area .........................................................................4-151 4.2-26 Mean, Standard Error (SE), Minimum, and Maximum Values for Porewater Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 .........................4-152 4.2-27 Mean and Standard Error (SE) Values for Porewater Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area .....................................................4-153 4.2-28 Average Values for Porewater and Bottom Water Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Transect and Study Area, Spring 2012 ...............................................................4-154 4.2-29 Average Values for Porewater and Bottom Water Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ............................................................ 155 4.2-30 Presence of Seagrass, Halodule wrightii (HW) and Thalassia testudinum (TT), in at Least One Quadrat on Each Transect by Study Area, Spring 20124-156 xi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 4.2-31 Mean and Standard Error of Water Depth (m) and Braun-Blanquet Coverage Abundance (BBCA) Scores for Total Macrophytes, Total Seagrass, and Total Macroalgae by Transect and Study Area, Spring 20124-157 4.2-32 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of SAV (BBCA Scores) among Transects, All Sampling Events. Red p Values Indicate a Significant Difference..4-158 4.2-33 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of SAV (BBCA Scores) and Percent Light Attenuation among Study Areas, All Sampling Events4-164 4.2-34 Mean Braun-Blanquet Coverage Abundance (BBCA) Scores for Total Macrophytes, Total Seagrass, and Total Macroalgae by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ....................................................................................................................4-166 4.2-35 Number of Points Within Each Study Area Containing Each of Four Substrate Types, Spring 2012 ........................................................................................................4-167 4.2-36 General Benthic Conditions Surrounding Each Ecological Sampling Point Within Each Study Area, All Sampling Events Combined..4-168 4.2-37 Percentage of Sampling Points Along Each Transect Having Different Bottom Conditions, All Sampling Events Combined.4-169 4.2-38 Total Number of Taxa and Individuals Collected by Faunal Throw Traps and Percentage of Total Catch by Taxon for Each Study Area (N=20), Spring 2012..4-171 4.2-39 Scientific and Common Names of Organisms Captured During Faunal Throw Trap (FTT) Sampling, All Sampling Events Combined ................................................4-172 4.2-40 Number of and Percentage of Faunal Throw Trap Sampling Points within the Project Area (n=80) in Which Each Taxon Occurred, Spring 2012 .....................4-174 4.2-41 Minimum and Maximum Lengths of Measured Specimens for Each Taxon Captured by Faunal Throw Trap, Spring 2012 ....................................................4-175 4.2-42 Minimum and Maximum Lengths of Measured Specimens Captured by Faunal Throw Trap, All Sampling Events Combined .......................................................4-176 4.2-43 Absolute Number of Fish, Caridean Shrimp, and Total Specimens (All Taxa)

Collected by Faunal Throw Trap by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area.. .........................................................................................4-178 4.2-44 Density (Number of Individuals/m2) of Fish, Caridean Shrimp, and All Taxa Combined Collected by Faunal Throw Trap by Sampling Event, Transect and Study Area ..........................................................................................................4-179 4.2-45 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Total Faunal Density (Number of Individuals/m2), Total Fish Density, and Total Caridean Density among Transects, All Sampling Events ..................................................4-180 xii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 4.2-46 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Total Faunal Density (Number of Individuals/m2), Total Fish Density, and Total Caridean Density among Study Areas, All Sampling Events ...............................4-183 4.2-47 Comparison of Taxa Collected among Sampling Events.....................................4-184 4.2-48 Light Readings (µmols/m2/sec) Taken Simultaneously in Air and at Each of Three Water Depths at One Point Along Each Transect, Spring 2012 ..........................4-187 4.2-49 Percent Light Attenuation and Light Attenuation Percent Loss per Meter at Each of Three Water Depths at One Point Along Each Transect, Spring 2012 ................4-188 4.2-50 Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), Total Carbon (TC) and Dry Bulk Density of Sediments Composited by Depth Strata (Horizon) from Two Core Samples Collected on Each Transect, Fall 2010 (Nutrients) and Fall 2011 (Dry Bulk Density) ......................................................................................................4-189 4.2-51 Total Nitrogen (TN) to Total Phosphorus (TP) and Total Carbon (TC) to Total Nitrogen Ratios in Sediments Composited by Depth Strata (Horizon) from Two Core Samples Collected on Each Transect, Fall 2010 .................................................4-191 4.2-52 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Soil Chemistry and Dry Bulk Density Among Study Areas by Depth Strata (Horizon) .............................................................................................................4-193 4.2-53 Porewater Nutrient and Tracer Suite Results for All Study Areas and Sampling Events ................................................................................................................4-202 4.2-54 Laboratory Results for Seagrass Leaf Nutrient Sampling, Fall 2010 and Fall 2011 ...................................................................................................................4-202 4.2-55 Results of Statistical Comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Test) of Leaf Nutrient Concentrations among Areas for Both Fall Events ................................4-202 4.3-1 Comparisons of Porewater Temperature between AEI Site and Grid Points of the Same Season, Habitat, and Depth. ....................................................................4-203 4.3-2 Within Season and Habitat Depth Comparisons for Temperature and Salinity .....4-204 4.3-3 Comparisons of Porewater Temperature between AEI Site and Grid Points of the Same Season, Habitat, and Depth. ....................................................................4-207 4.3-4 Comparisons of Porewater Salinity between AEI Site and Grid Points of the Same Season, Habitat, and Depth ................................................................................4-208 4.3-5 Range of ions and isotopes in Porewater from the marsh, mangrove and Biscayne Bay around the CCS ...........................................................................................4-209 4.3-6 Range of Soil Wet and Dry Bulk Densities in the Different Habitats around the CCS ....................................................................................................................4-210 4.3-7 Wet and Dry Bulk Density Statistical Comparisons Across Habitats ................... 4-211 5.2-1 Response in Water Levels Due to September 29, 2010 Rain Event .....................5-32 5.2-2 Response in Water Levels Due to October 8, 2011 Rain Event ............................5-34 xiii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 5.2-3 Wet/Dry Season Water Elevations, October 14, 2010, May 14, 2011, October 22, 2011, and April 4, 2012 .........................................................................................5-36 5.2-4 Spring High and Low Tide Water Elevations, December 24, 2011 and March 10, 2012 .....................................................................................................................5-38 5.2-5 Estimated Percent CCS Water Based on Chloride Concentrations .......................5-40 5.2-6 Estimated Percent CCS Water Based on Tritium Concentrations .........................5-41 5.4-1 Water Balance for 22-Month Period (September 2010 through June 2012) ..........5-43 5.4-2 Salt Balance for 22-Month Period (September 2010 through June 2012) .............5-44 5.4-3 Calibrated Model Parameter Values .....................................................................5-45 5.4-4 Water Balance for September 2010 ......................................................................5-46 5.4-5 Salt Balance for September 2010 .........................................................................5-47 5.4-6 Water Balance for October 2010...........................................................................5-48 5.4-7 Salt Balance for October 2010 ..............................................................................5-49 5.4-8 Water Balance for November 2010 .......................................................................5-50 5.4-9 Salt Balance for November 2010 ..........................................................................5-51 5.4-10 Water Balance for December 2010 .......................................................................5-52 5.4-11 Salt Balance for December 2010 ..........................................................................5-53 5.4-12 Water Balance for January 2011...........................................................................5-54 5.4-13 Salt Balance for January 2011 ..............................................................................5-55 5.4-14 Water Balance for February 2011 .........................................................................5-56 5.4-15 Salt Balance for February 2011 ............................................................................5-57 5.4-16 Water Balance for March 2011 .............................................................................5-58 5.4-17 Salt Balance for March 2011 .................................................................................5-59 5.4-18 Water Balance for April 2011 ................................................................................5-60 5.4-19 Salt Balance for April 2011 ...................................................................................5-61 5.4-20 Water Balance for May 2011 ................................................................................5-62 5.4-21 Salt Balance for May 2011 ....................................................................................5-63 5.4-22 Water Balance for June 2011 ...............................................................................5-64 5.4-23 Salt Balance for June 2011 ...................................................................................5-65 5.4-24 Water Balance for July 2011 .................................................................................5-66 5.4-25 Salt Balance for July 2011 ....................................................................................5-67 5.4-26 Water Balance for August 2011 ............................................................................5-68 5.4-27 Salt Balance for August 2011 ...............................................................................5-69 5.4-28 Water Balance for September 2011 ......................................................................5-70 5.4-29 Salt Balance for September 2011 .........................................................................5-71 5.4-30 Water Balance for October 2011...........................................................................5-72 5.4-31 Salt Balance for October 2011 ..............................................................................5-73 5.4-32 Water Balance for November 2011 .......................................................................5-74 5.4-33 Salt Balance for November 2011 ..........................................................................5-75 xiv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page 5.4-34 Water Balance for December 2011 .......................................................................5-76 5.4-35 Salt Balance for December 2011 ..........................................................................5-77 5.4-36 Water Balance for January 2012...........................................................................5-78 5.4-37 Salt Balance for January 2012 ..............................................................................5-79 5.4-38 Water Balance for February 2012 .........................................................................5-80 5.4-39 Salt Balance for February 2012 ............................................................................5-81 5.4-40 Water Balance for March 2012 .............................................................................5-82 5.4-41 Salt Balance for March 2012 .................................................................................5-83 5.4-42 Water Balance for April 2012 ................................................................................5-84 5.4-43 Salt Balance for April 2012 ...................................................................................5-85 5.4-44 Water Balance for May 2012 ................................................................................5-86 5.4-45 Salt Balance for May 2012 ....................................................................................5-87 5.4-46 Water Balance for June 2012 ...............................................................................5-88 5.4-47 Salt Balance for June 2012 ...................................................................................5-89 6.4-1 Range in Surface Water Head Differences .............................................................6-8 6.4-2 Days of ID Pump Operation per Month .................................................................6-13 6.4-3 Pumping Summary ...............................................................................................6-14 A-1 Locations (in Decimal Degrees) of Monitoring Stations .......................................... A-1 A-2 Florida Power & Light Turkey Point Plant Monitoring Well Construction Details ..... A-4 C-1 Qualifications ......................................................................................................... C-7 C-2 Flow Meters ......................................................................................................... C-30 C-3 Year 1 Corrections ............................................................................................... C-31 F.1-1 Indexing Results and K Factor Summary ............................................................... F-5 F.1-2 Outflow Station Reference Flow Derivation ............................................................ F-6 F.1-3 Southern Station Reference Flow Derivation ......................................................... F-7 F.1-4 Inflow Station Reference Flow Derivation .............................................................. F-8 F.1-5 Stream Gauged Data Overview ............................................................................. F-9 F.2-1 Indexing Results and K Factor Summary from TPFM-1 and TPFM-2 (Conducted May 31, 2012)...................................................................................................... F-20 F.2-2 Outflow Station (TPFM-1) Reference Flow Derivation (May 31, 2012) ................. F-21 F.2-3 South Station (TPFM-2) Reference Flow Derivation (May 31, 2012) .................... F-22 F.2-4 Stream Gauged Data Overview (Conducted May 31, 2012) ................................ F-23 G-1 2010 through June 2012 Outage Summary Report (PTF-01) ................................. G-1 G-2 2010 through June 2012 Outage Summary Report (PTF-02) ............................... G-15 G-3 2010 through June 2012 Outage Summary Report (PTN-03) .............................. G-21 xv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Tables Table Page G-4 2010 through June 2012 Outage Summary Report (PTN-04) .............................. G-22 G-5 Plant Operational Data ........................................................................................ G-23 L-1 Terrestrial Plant Taxa Observed During the Monitoring Effort .................................L-1 L-2 Scientific and Common Names of Organisms Occurring in Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Quadrats and Faunal Throw Traps .......................................................L-2 M-1 Water Levels Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - June 2011..........................M-1 M-2 Water Levels Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - July 2011 ...........................M-2 M-3 Water Levels Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - August 2011 ......................M-3 M-4 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events - Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - September 2011 ......................................................................M-4 M-5 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - October 2011 ...........................................................................M-5 M-6 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - November 2011 .......................................................................M-6 M-7 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - December 2011 .......................................................................M-7 M-8 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - January 2012 ...........................................................................M-9 M-9 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - February 2012 .......................................................................M-12 M-10 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - March 2012.............................................................................M-14 M-11 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - April 2012 ..............................................................................M-16 M-12 Water Levels, Salinity Measurements and Pumping Events Levee-31, Canal 32, Interceptor Ditch - May 2012 ...............................................................................M-18 xvi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1-1 Locations of Groundwater Monitoring Stations......................................................1-18 1.1-2 Locations of Surface Water Monitoring Stations ...................................................1-19 1.1-3 Locations of Meteorological Station, Rainfall Gauging Stations, Rainfall Collectors and Evaporation Pans .........................................................................................1-20 1.1-4 Flow Meter Locations in the CCS..........................................................................1-21 1.3-1 Ecological Transect Locations ..............................................................................1-22 1.3-2 Initial Broad-scale Porewater Sample Locations ...................................................1-23 1.3-3 Wet Season Broad-Scale Porewater Sample Locations .......................................1-24 2.1-1 Automated Groundwater Stations .........................................................................2-45 2.1-2 TPGW-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-46 2.1-3 TPGW-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-47 2.1-4 TPGW-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-48 2.1-5 TPGW-4 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-49 2.1-6 TPGW-5 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-50 2.1-7 TPGW-6 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-51 2.1-8 TPGW-7 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-52 2.1-9 TPGW-8 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-53 2.1-10 TPGW-9 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..................................2-54 2.1-11 TPGW-10 Specific Conductance, Temperature and Salinity .................................2-55 2.1-12 TPGW-11 Specific Conductance, Temperature and Salinity .................................2-56 2.1-13 TPGW-12 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-57 2.1-14 TPGW-13 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-58 2.1-15 TPGW-14 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-59 2.1-16 Average and Standard Deviation of Specific Conductance Values (in µS/cm) for Groundwater Stations ...........................................................................................2-60 2.1-17 Average and Standard Deviation of Temperature (in oCelsius) for Groundwater Stations ................................................................................................................2-61 2.1-18 Average and Standard Deviation of Salinity (in PSS-78) for Groundwater Stations ................................................................................................................2-62 2.1-19 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature in Biscayne Bay Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-10, TPGW-11 and TPGW-14 ..........................................2-63 xvii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 2.1-20 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature across the Landscape in Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-14, TPGW-3, TPGW-13, TPGW-5 and TPGW-7 ...............................................................................................................2-64 2.1-21 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature across the Landscape in Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-11, TPGW-13, TPGW-2, TPGW-4 and TPGW-9 ...............................................................................................................2-65 2.1-22 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature across the Landscape in Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-11, TPGW-13, TPGW-1 and TPGW-6 ...............2-66 2.1-23 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature across the Landscape in Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-10, TPGW-12, TPGW-13 and TPGW-6 .............2-67 2.1-24 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature across the Landscape in Shallow and Deep Wells Close to the CCS - TPGW-1, TPGW-2, TPGW-3, TPGW-10, TPGW-11, TPGW-12, TPGW 13 and TPGW-14 .................................2-68 2.1-25 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature in Biscayne Bay Surface Water and Biscayne Bay Shallow and Deep Wells TPGW-10 and TPGW-14 .......2-69 2.2-1 Automated Surface Water Stations ......................................................................2-70 2.2-2 TPBBSW-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..............................2-71 2.2-3 TPBBSW-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..............................2-72 2.2-4 TPBBSW-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..............................2-73 2.2-5 TPBBSW-4 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..............................2-74 2.2-6 TPBBSW-5 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ..............................2-75 2.2-7 TPBBSW-10 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ............................2-76 2.2-8 TPBBSW-14 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ............................2-77 2.2-9 TPSWC-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-78 2.2-10 TPSWC-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-79 2.2-11 TPSWC-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-80 2.2-12 TPSWC-4 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-81 2.2-13 TPSWC-5 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ................................2-82 2.2-14 TPSWCCS-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-83 2.2-15 TPSWCCS-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-84 2.2-16 TPSWCCS-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-85 2.2-17 TPSWCCS-4 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-86 2.2-18 TPSWCCS-5 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-87 2.2-19 TPSWCCS-6 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-88 2.2-20 TPSWCCS-7 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...........................2-89 2.2-21 TPSWID-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...............................2-90 2.2-22 TPSWID-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...............................2-91 2.2-23 TPSWID-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity ...............................2-92 xviii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 2.2-24 Average and Standard Deviation of Specific Conductance (in µS/cm) for Surface Water Stations ......................................................................................................2-93 2.2-25 Average and Standard Deviation of Temperature (in oCelsius) for Surface Water Stations ................................................................................................................2-94 2.2-26 Average and Standard Deviation of Salinity (in PSS-78) for Surface Water Stations ................................................................................................................2-95 2.2-27 Comparison of Specific Conductance in Biscayne Bay Surface Water Stations ....2-96 2.2-28 Comparison of Specific Conductance in CCS and Biscayne Bay Surface Water Stations ................................................................................................................2-96 2.2-29 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature in L-31E Canal for Top and Bottom Locations ...........................................................................................2-97 2.2-30 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature in Interceptor Ditch Stations for Top and Bottom Locations ................................................................2-98 2.2-31 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature at the Bottom of Interceptor Ditch Operation Transect A Stations ...................................................2-99 2.2-32 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature at the Bottom of Interceptor Ditch Operation Transect C Stations .................................................2-100 2.2-33 Comparison of Specific Conductance and Temperature at the Bottom of Interceptor Ditch Operation Transect E Stations .................................................2-101 2.2-34 Biscayne Bay and CCS Water Temperatures and Ambient Air Temperature ......2-102 2.2-35 Comparison of Temperature in CCS Surface Water Stations ..............................2-102 2.2-36 Biscayne Bay Surface Water Temperatures (24- Hour Averages) and Ambient Air Temperature (Maximum and Minimum Values) Time Series Plots .....................2-103 2.2-37 Differences between Ambient Air, CCS and Biscayne Bay Water Temperatures 2-103 2.3-1 TPGW-1 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-104 2.3-2 TPGW-2 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-104 2.3-3 TPGW-3 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-105 2.3-4 TPGW-4 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-105 2.3-5 TPGW-5 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-106 2.3-6 TPGW-6 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-106 2.3-7 TPGW-7 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-107 2.3-8 TPGW-8 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-107 2.3-9 TPGW-9 Water Elevations ..................................................................................2-108 2.3-10 TPGW-10 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-108 2.3-11 TPGW-11 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-109 2.3-12 TPGW-12 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-109 2.3-13 TPGW-13 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-110 2.3-14 TPGW-14 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-110 xix

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 2.3-15 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations across the Landscape at TPGW-14, TPGW-13, TPGW-5 and TPGW-7 ..............................2-111 2.3-16 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations across the Landscape at TPGW-14, TPGW-9 and TPGW-4 ................................................2-111 2.3-17 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations across the Landscape at TPGW-3, TPGW-13 and TPGW-12 ..............................................2-112 2.3-18 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations across the Landscape at TPGW-10, TPGW-11, TPGW-13 and TPGW-14...........................2-112 2.3-19 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations at TPGW-13 and TPSWCCS-2 ......................................................................................................2-113 2.3-20 Comparison of Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations at TPGW-1 and TPGW-2, and CCS Surface Water Stations TPSWCCS-1, TPSWCCS-3 and TPSWCCS-7 ......................................................................................................2-113 2.3-21 Comparison of Daily Average Time Series Groundwater Water Elevations in Biscayne Bay Well TPGW-11 and Biscayne Bay Surface Water Station TPBBSW-3 ........................................................................................................2-114 2.3-22 TPBBSW-10 Water Elevations............................................................................2-114 2.3-23 TPBBSW-3 Water Elevations .............................................................................2-115 2.3-24 TPBBSW-14 Water Elevations............................................................................2-115 2.3-25 TPSWC-1 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-116 2.3-26 TPSWC-2 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-116 2.3-27 TPSWC-3 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-117 2.3-28 TPSWC-4 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-117 2.3-29 TPSWC-5 Water Elevations ................................................................................2-118 2.3-30 TPSWCCS-1 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-118 2.3-31 TPSWCCS-2 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-119 2.3-32 TPSWCCS-3 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-119 2.3-33 TPSWCCS-4 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-120 2.3-34 TPSWCCS-5 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-120 2.3-35 TPSWCCS-6 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-121 2.3-36 TPSWCCS-7 Water Elevations ...........................................................................2-121 2.3-37 TPSWID-1 Water Elevations ...............................................................................2-122 2.3-38 TPSWID-2 Water Elevations ...............................................................................2-122 2.3-39 TPSWID-3 Water Elevations ...............................................................................2-123 2.3-40 Comparison of Time Series Surface Water Elevations in Tidal Stations TPBBSW-3, TPBBSW-10, TPBBSW-14 and TPSWC-5 .....................................2-123 2.3-41 Comparison of Time Series Surface Water Elevations in CCS Stations .............2-124 2.3-42 Lack of Tidal Response in CCS and L-31E Surface Water .................................2-125 xx

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 2.3-43 Comparison of Time Series Surface Water Elevations in CCS, L-31E, and Biscayne Bay ......................................................................................................2-126 2.4-1 Locations of Meteorological Stations and Rainfall Gauges..................................2-127 2.4-2 Photos of the Meteorological Station and Rainfall Collector ................................2-128 2.4-3 Time Series Rainfall, Temperature, Relative Humidity and Barometric Pressure at TPM-1.................................................................................................................2-129 2.4-4 Time Series Wind Direction, Wind Speed, Wind Gusts and Wind Speed at Lull for TPM-1.................................................................................................................2-130 2.4-5 Time Series Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) for TPM-1 .....................2-131 2.4-6 Monthly Rainfall at TPM-1 from August 2010 through June 2012 .......................2-132 2.4-7 Wind Row Plot Indicating Wind Speed and Direction ..........................................2-133 2.4-8 Wind Speed (Class) Frequency Distribution........................................................2-134 2.5-1 Acoustic Doppler Flow Meter Measurement Setup within the Water Column ......2-135 2.5-2 Indexed Velocity and Flow Rates for Flow Meter Stations TPFM-1 (Outflow from Plant) and TPFM-2 (South of CCS) ....................................................................2-136 2.5-3 Flow Rates at TPFM-1 Compared to TPFM-2 .....................................................2-137 2.5-4 Flow Rates at TPFM-1 Compared to the Flow Loss of Water Traveling from North to South ....................................................................................................2-137 2.5-5 Flow Rates at TPFM-1 and TPFM-2 Compared to the Tidal Amplitude at TPBBSW-3 (January 23-30, 2011) .....................................................................2-138 2.5-6 Flow Rates at TPFM-1 and TPFM-2 Compared to the Tidal Amplitude at TPBBSW-3 (March 23-30, 2011) ........................................................................2-139 3.1-1 Typical Groundwater Field Sampling Setup ..........................................................3-94 3.1-2 Chloride Concentrations (mg/L) in Groundwater June 2010 through June 2012 ...3-95 3.1-3 Sodium Concentrations (mg/L) in Groundwater June 2010 through June 2012 ....3-96 3.1-4 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) in Groundwater June 2010 through June 2012 .....3-97 3.1-5 Average Quarterly Chloride Concentrations at Each Well Compared to Biscayne Bay and CCS Surface Water Chloride Concentrations .........................................3-98 3.1-6 Monitoring Well Elevations....................................................................................3-99 3.1-7 Locations of Aquifer Cross Sections for Groundwater Chloride Concentrations ..3-100 3.1-8 Cross Section A-A Showing Quarterly Groundwater Chloride Concentrations from June/July 2010 through June 2012 ............................................................3-101 3.1-9 Cross Section B-B Showing Quarterly Groundwater Chloride Concentrations from June/July 2010 through June 2012 .............................................................3-102 3.1-10 Cross Section C-C Showing Quarterly Groundwater Chloride Concentrations from June/July 2010 through June 2012 .............................................................3-103 3.1-11 Tri-Linear Diagrams of Quarterly Groundwater Datac .........................................3-104 3.1-12 Tritium Concentrations in Groundwater June 2010 through December 2011 ......3-105 xxi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 3.1-13 Cross Section A-A Showing Quarterly Groundwater Tritium Concentrations from June/July 2010 through December 2011 ...................................................3-106 3.1-14 Cross Section B-B Showing Quarterly Groundwater Tritium Concentrations from June/July 2010 through December 2011 ....................................................3-107 3.1-15 Cross Section C-C Showing Quarterly Groundwater Tritium Concentrations from June/July 2010 through December 2011 ....................................................3-108 3.1-16 Nutrient Concentrations in Groundwater June/July 2010, December 2010, and March 2011.........................................................................................................3-109 3.1-17 Nutrient Concentrations in Groundwater September 2011 and March 2012 .......3-110 3.2-1 Chloride Concentrations (mg/L) in Surface Water June 2010 through June 20123-111 3.2-2 Sodium Concentrations (mg/L) in Surface Water June 2010 through June 2012 3-112 3.2-3 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) of Surface Water June 2010 through June 2012 3-113 3.2-4 Tri-Linear Diagrams of Quarterly Surface Water Data .........................................3-114 3.2-5 Tritium Concentrations in Surface Water June 2010 through December 2011 ....3-115 3.2-6 Surface Water Oxygen (18O) and Hydrogen (2H) Isotopes ..............................3-116 3.2-7 Nutrient Concentrations in Surface Water June/July 2010 and March 2011 ........3-117 3.2-8 Nutrient Concentrations in Surface Water September 2011 and March 2012 .....3-118 3.4-1 Tritium Concentrations (pCi/L) in Rainfall Collectors ...........................................3-119 3.4-2 Tritium Concentrations (pCi/L) in Rainfall Compared to Distance from CCS .......3-119 3.5-1 Tritium Concentrations (pCi/L) in Evaporation Pans in 2011 ...............................3-120 3.5-2 Tritium Concentrations (pCi/L) in Evaporation Pans Compared to Distance from CCS in 2011 ...............................................................................................3-120 4.1-1 Marsh and Mangrove Plot Locations ...................................................................4-212 4.1-2 Example of Plot Design ......................................................................................4-213 4.1-3 1m x 1m Marsh Subplot ......................................................................................4-214 4.1-4 Picture of Plot F3-3 Taken from the Northeast Corner Facing Southwest ...........4-214 4.1-5 Screenshot of ImageJ with a Leaf Outlined for Surface Area Measurement .......4-215 4.1-6 Aerial Photograph of Plot F3-3 (Left) and the Resulting Maximum Likelihood Classification (Right). ..........................................................................................4-216 4.1-7 Soil Cores Capped and Ready for Transport to the Lab for Processing ..............4-217 4.1-8 Sawgrass Height per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event ..................................4-218 4.1-9 Sawgrass Height with Distance from the CCS ....................................................4-219 4.1-10 Sawgrass Total Biomass per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event ......................4-220 4.1-11 Sawgrass Live Biomass per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event .......................4-221 4.1-12 Sawgrass Live Biomass with Distance from the CCS .........................................4-222 4.1-13 Sawgrass Productivity with Distance from the CCS ............................................4-222 4.1-14 Sawgrass Sclerophylly per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event .........................4-223 4.1-15 Sawgrass Sclerophylly with Distance from the CCS ...........................................4-224 xxii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 4.1-16 Soil Dry Bulk Density and Soil Phosphorous with Sawgrass Live Biomass .........4-225 4.1-17 Marsh Porewater Specific Conductance with Distance from the CCS ................4-226 4.1-18 Marsh Porewater Temperature with Distance from the CCS ..............................4-226 4.1-19 Red Mangrove Height per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event...........................4-227 4.1-20 Red Mangrove Height With Distance From the CCS ..........................................4-228 4.1-21 Red Mangrove Biomass per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event .......................4-229 4.1-22 Red Mangrove Biomass with Distance from the CCS .........................................4-230 4.1-23 Red Mangrove Productivity with Distance from the CCS.....................................4-230 4.1-24 Red Mangrove Leaf Sclerophylly per Plot, Transect, and Sampling Event ..........4-231 4.1-25 Red Mangrove Leaf Sclerophylly with Distance from the CCS (Significance at p < 0.012) ........................................................................................................... 4.232 4.1-26 Soil Dry Bulk Density and Soil Phosphorous with Red Mangrove Biomass .........4-233 4.1-27 Mangrove Porewater Specific Conductance with Distance from the CCS ...........4-234 4.1-28 Mangrove Porewater Temperature with Distance from the CCS.........................4-234 4.2-1 Map of Biscayne Bay Ecological Monitoring Areas and Transects......................4-235 4.2-2 A Biologist Records SAV Data from a 1/4 m2 Quadrat on an Underwater Data Sheet ............................................................................. ...4-236 4.2-3 Representative SAV Components Scored Using the Braun-Blanquet Cover Abundance Index .................................................................... ...4-237 4.2-4 Faunal Throw Trap Collection Methodology ............................ ...4-238 4.2-5 Licor LI-193 Sensor Mounted in a Non-Reflective Frame Used for Measuring Light at Different Depths within the Water Column, Shown Here Resting on the Bottom ................................................................................................................4-239 4.2-6 Licor LI-190 Sensor Used to Measure Ambient Light at the Surface Simultaneously with Underwater Measurements to Calculate Light Attenuation with Depth ............................................................................................... 4-239 4.2-7 A Peristaltic Pump (on Top of Green Coolers) Used to Collect Porewater for Nutrient and Tracer Suite Analysis ......................................... ...4-240 4.2-8 Soil Cores Prepared for Transport to Shore ............................ ...4-241 4.2-9 Total Density of All Organisms, by Major Taxonomic Group and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Fall 2010 ............................. .4-242 4.2-10 Total Density of All Organisms, by Major Taxonomic Group and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2011 ....................... ...4-243 4.2-11 Total Density of All Organisms, by Major Taxonomic Group and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Fall 2011 .......................................................4-244 4.2-12 Total Density of All Organisms, by Major Taxonomic Group and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2012 ..................................................4-245 4.2-13 Total Density of All Organisms, by Major Taxonomic Group and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, All Sampling Events Combined ....................4-246 xxiii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 4.2-14 Total Density of Fish, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Fall 2010 .............................................................................................................4-247 4.2-15 Total Density of Fish, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2011 ........................................................................................................4-248 4.2-16 Total Density of Fish, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Fall 2011 .............................................................................................................4-249 4.2-17 Total Density of Fish, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2012 ...................................................................................................... 4-2450 4.2-18 Total Density of Fish, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps All Sampling Events Combined ..........................................................................4-251 4.2-19 Total Density of Caridean Shrimp, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2011 ...................................................................................4-252 4.2-20 Total Density of Caridean Shrimp, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Fall 2011 .......................................................................................4-253 4.2-21 Total Density of Caridean Shrimp, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, Spring 2012...................................................................................4-254 4.2-22 Total Density of Caridean Shrimp, by Taxon and Study Area, Collected by Faunal Throw Traps, All Sampling Events Combined ....................................................4-255 4.2-23 Total Density, Caridean Shrimp Density, and Fish Density Compared with Seagrass and Macroalgae Abundance among All Study Areas throughout All Sampling Periods................................................................................................4-256 4.3-1 Piper Diagram for All Bay, Mangrove and Marsh Samples for April 2011 ............4-257 4.3-2 Wet Season (September 2010) Porewater Tritium Values ..................................4-258 4.3-3 Porewater (Bay, Marsh and Mangrove) and April 2011 Evaporation Pan Tritium Concentrations with Distance from the CCS .......................................................4-259 4.3-4 Dry Season (April 2011) Porewater Tritium Values.............................................4-260 4.3-5 Porewater (Bay, Marsh and Mangrove) Specific Conductance versus Tritium Concentrations for April 2011 .............................................................................4-261 4.3-6 Minimum, Maximum, and Average Tritium in Porewater Plots ............................4-262 4.3-7 Minimum, Maximum, and Average Specific Conductance in Porewater Plots.....4-263 4.3-8 Tri-Linear Diagrams of Seasonal Porewater Ions. ..............................................4-264 4.3-9 Quarterly Hydrogen-Oxygen Isotopes in Porewater ............................................4-265 5.1-1 Geologic Formation Cross Section Location .........................................................5-90 5.1-2 Geologic Cross Section A-A .................................................................................5-91 5.1-3 Geologic Cross Section B-B .................................................................................5-92 5.1-4 Geologic Cross Section C-C .................................................................................5-93 5.2-1 Groundwater Response to Rain Events - September through November 2010 ...5-94 5.2-2 Groundwater Response to Rain Events - September through November 2011 ...5-94 xxiv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 5.2-3 Wet and Dry Season Day Water Elevation Comparison - October 10, 2010 and May 14, 2011 ........................................................................................................5-95 5.2-4 Wet and Dry Season Day Water Elevation Comparison - October 22, 2011 and April 4, 2012 .........................................................................................................5-96 5.2-5 Tidal Effects at Biscayne Bay, Nearshore and Inland Stations in the Northern Part of Study Area ................................................................................................5-97 5.2-6 Tidal Effects at Biscayne Bay, Nearshore and Inland Stations in the Southern Part of Study Area ................................................................................................5-98 5.2-7 Lack of Tidal Effects in CCS Surface Water and Groundwater .............................5-99 5.2-8 Spring Tide Groundwater Elevations, December 24, 2011..................................5-100 5.2-9 Spring Tide Groundwater Elevations, March 10, 2012 ........................................5-101 5.2.10 Averaged Daily Groundwater Elevations for TPGW-10 Wells .............................5-102 5.2.11 Averaged Daily Groundwater Elevations for TPGW-11 Wells .............................5-102 5.2.12 Averaged Daily Groundwater Elevations for TPGW-14 Wells .............................5-103 5.2-13 Nuclear Unit Estimated Flows and Outages/Megawatt (MW) Output Reduction .5-103 5.2-14 TPGW-1 Groundwater and TPSWCCS-1 Surface Water Responses to Rainfall and Nuclear Unit Power Outages, September 2010 - December 2010 .....................5-104 5.2-15 TPGW-1 Groundwater and TPSWCCS-1 Surface Water Responses to Rainfall and Unit Power Outages, January 2011 - June 2011 ........................................5-105 5.2-16 TPGW-10 Groundwater and TPSWCCS-6 Surface Water Responses to Rainfall and Nuclear Unit Power Outages, September 2010 - December 2010...............5-106 5.2-17 TPGW-10 Groundwater and TPSWCCS-6 Surface Water Responses to Rainfall and Nuclear Unit Power Outages, January 2011 - June 2011 ............................5-107 5.2-18 Effect of ID Operations on TPGW-1 Wells, TPSWC-1 and TPSWID-1 ...............5-108 5.2-19 Effect of ID Operations on TPGW-5 Wells, TPSWC-1 and TPSWID-1 ...............5-108 5.2-20 Effect of ID Operations on TPGW-13 Wells, TPSWC-1 and TPSWID-1 .............5-109 5.2-21 Effect of ID Operations on TPGW-2 Wells, TPSWC-3 and TPSWID-3 ...............5-109 5.2-22 Effect of ID Operations on TPGW-4 Wells, TPSWC-3 and TPSWID-3 ...............5-110 5.2-23 USGS Saltwater Intrusion Lines from 1951 through 2008 ...................................5-111 5.2-24 Locations of Specific Conductance and Tritium Cross Sections ..........................5-112 5.2-25 Specific Conductance Cross Section D-D, Historic and Current Concentration Isopleths .............................................................................................................5-113 5.2-26 Specific Conductance Cross Section E-E, Historic and Current Concentration Isopleths .............................................................................................................5-114 5.2-27 Plan View of Specific Conductance Isopleths, Shallow Zone Wells ....................5-115 5.2-28 Plan View of Specific Conductance Isopleths, Intermediate Zone Wells .............5-115 5.2-29 Plan View of Specific Conductance Isopleths, Deep Zone Wells ........................5-115 5.2-30 Tritium Cross Section D-D, Average Concentration Isopleths .............................5-116 5.2-31 Tritium Cross Section E-E, Average Concentration Isopleths .............................5-117 xxv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 5.2-32 Plan View of Tritium Isopleths, Shallow Zone Wells ............................................5-118 5.2-33 Plan View of Tritium Isopleths, Intermediate Zone Wells.....................................5-118 5.2-34 Plan View of Tritium Isopleths, Deep Zone Wells ................................................5-118 5.2-35 FPL Monitoring Wells Potentially Influenced by CCS Water ................................5-119 5.3.1 Transects for Biscayne Bay Pilot Geophysical Survey ........................................5-120 5.4-1 Flow (A) Into and (B) Out of the Proposed Control Volume, Shown in Cross-Section .....................................................................................................5-121 5.4-2. Locations of the Five Zones Where the Time-Varying Surface Areas and Storage Volumes are Known............................................................................................5-122 5.4-3 Locations of L-31E and ID Monitoring Stations; Conceptualized Seepage from L-31E into the ID is Shown .................................................................................5-123 5.4-4 Locations of TPSWCCS-4 and TPSWC-4 Monitoring Stations; Conceptualized Seepage from Southern Collector Canal into the CCS is Shown ........................5-124 5.4-5 Locations of TPSWCCS-5, TPSWCCS-6 and TPBBSW-3 Monitoring Stations; Conceptualized Seepage from Biscayne Bay into the CCS is Shown .................5-125 5.4-6 Locations of TPGW-6, TPGW-10, and TPGW-12 Shallow Groundwater Monitoring Stations, TPSWCCS-1 Surface Water Monitoring Station, and TPFM-1 Plant Outflow Meter; Conceptualized Seepage from the CCS into the Shallow Groundwater is Shown .......................................................................................5-126 5.4-7 Locations of TPGW and TPSWCCS Monitoring Stations and Four Zones that Subdivide the Control Volume (Zone A Extends Eastward along the Northern Canal to Plant Outflow, Zone D Extends North to the Plant Intake) .....................5-127 5.4-8 Locations of CCS Monitoring Stations, Meteorological Station TPM-1 and Four Zones that Subdivide the Control Volume (Zone 1 Extends Eastward along the Northern Canal to Plant Outflow, Zone 4 Extends North to the Plant Intake).......5-128 5.4-9 Modeled Versus Measured Water Elevations in the CCS over the 22 Month Period; Used to Validate the Conceptual Model and Calibrate the Water Balance Model to Temporal Trends in Water Elevation ....................................................5-129 5.4-10 Modeled Versus Measured Salinities in the CCS over the 22-Month Period; Used to Validate the Conceptual Model and Calibrate the Salt Balance Model to Temporal Trends in Salinity ................................................................................5-130 6.1-1 Historic ID Monitoring Wells and Transects...........................................................6-17 6.3-1 Comparison of ID Monitoring Period to Historic Rainfall ........................................6-18 6.4-1 L-3, L-5, G-21, G-28, and G-35 Groundwater Levels ............................................6-19 6.4-2 L-3 Vertical Temperature Profile June 2011 through March 2012 .........................6-20 6.4-3 L-5 Vertical Temperature Profile June 2011 through March 2012 .........................6-21 6.4-4 G-21 Vertical Temperature Profile June 2011 through March 2012 ......................6-22 6.4-5 G-28 Vertical Temperature Profile June 2011 through March 2012 ......................6-23 xxvi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page 6.4-6 G-35 Vertical Temperature Profile June 2011 through March 2012 ......................6-24 6.4-7 L-3 Vertical Chloride Profile June 2011 through March 2012 ................................6-25 6.4-8 L-5 Vertical Chloride Profile June 2011 through March 2012 ................................6-26 6.4-9 G-21 Vertical Chloride Profile June 2011 through March 2012 .............................6-27 6.4-10 G-28 Vertical Chloride Profile June 2011 through March 2012 .............................6-28 6.4-11 G-35 Vertical Chloride Profile June 2011 through March 2012 .............................6-29 6.4-12 Transect A Water Levels June 2011 through May 2012 ........................................6-30 6.4-13 Transect B Water Levels June 2011 through May 2012 ........................................6-31 6.4-14 Transect C Water Levels June 2011 through May 2012 .......................................6-32 6.4-15 Transect D Water Levels June 2011 through May 2012 .......................................6-33 6.4-16 Transect E Water Levels June 2011 through May 2012 ........................................6-34 6.4-17 Interceptor Ditch Pump Operation and Rainfall .....................................................6-35 6.4-18 Density vs. Elevation Wells L-3 and G-21 During September 2011 Sampling Episode ................................................................................................................6-36 6.4-19 Pressure vs. Elevation Wells L-3 and G-21 During September 2011 Sampling Episode ................................................................................................................6-37 6.4-20 Pressure Gradient Difference between Well L-3 and Well G-21 During September 2011 Sampling Episode .....................................................................6-38 6.3-21 Pressure Gradient Difference between Well L-3 and Well G-21 During March 2012 Sampling Episode ............................................................................6-39 6.3-22 Pressure Gradient Difference between Well L-5 and Well G-28 During September 2011 Sampling Episode .....................................................................6-40 6.3-23 Pressure Gradient Difference between Well L-5 and Well G-28 During March 2012 Sampling Episode ............................................................................6-41 A-1 TPGW-1 ................................................................................................................ A-6 A-2 TPGW-2 ................................................................................................................ A-6 A-3 TPGW-3 ................................................................................................................ A-7 A-4 TPGW-4 ................................................................................................................ A-7 A-5 TPGW-5 ................................................................................................................ A-8 A-6 TPGW-6 ................................................................................................................ A-8 A-7 TPGW-7 ................................................................................................................ A-9 A-8 TPGW-8 ................................................................................................................ A-9 A-9 TPGW-9 .............................................................................................................. A-10 A-10 TPGW-10 ............................................................................................................ A-10 A-11 TPGW-11 ............................................................................................................ A-11 A-12 TPGW-12 ............................................................................................................ A-11 A-13 TPGW-13 ............................................................................................................ A-12 A-14 TPGW-14 ............................................................................................................ A-12 xxvii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page A-15 TPSWC-1 ............................................................................................................ A-13 A-16 TPSWC-2 ............................................................................................................ A-13 A-17 TPWSC-3 ............................................................................................................ A-14 A-18 TPSWC-4 ............................................................................................................ A-14 A-19 TPSWC-5 ............................................................................................................ A-15 A-20 TPSWC-6 ............................................................................................................ A-15 A-21 TPSWCCS-1 ....................................................................................................... A-16 A-22 TPSWCCS-2 ....................................................................................................... A-16 A-23 TPSWCCS-3 ....................................................................................................... A-17 A-24 TPSWCCS-4 ....................................................................................................... A-17 A-25 TPSWCCS-5 ....................................................................................................... A-18 A-26 TPSWCCS-6 ....................................................................................................... A-18 A-27 TPSWCCS-7 ....................................................................................................... A-19 A-28 TPSWID-1 ........................................................................................................... A-19 A-29 TPSWID-2 ........................................................................................................... A-20 A-30 TPSWID-3 ........................................................................................................... A-20 A-31 TPBBSW-1, TPBBSW-2, TPBBSW-4, and TPBBSW-5 pad with sensor placed on Bottom of Biscayne Bay .................................................................................. A-21 D.1-1 TPGW-1 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-1 D.1-2 TPGW-2 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-2 D.1-3 TPGW-3 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-3 D.1-4 TPGW-4 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-4 D.1-5 TPGW-5 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-5 D.1-6 TPGW-6 Water Quality ......................................................................................... D-6 D.1-7 TPGW-7 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-7 D.1-8 TPGW-8 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-8 D.1-9 TPGW-9 Water Quality .......................................................................................... D-9 D.1-10 TPGW-10 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-10 D.1-11 TPGW-11 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-11 D.1-12 TPGW-12 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-12 D.1-13 TPGW-13 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-13 D.1-14 TPGW-14 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-14 D.1-15 TPBBSW-1 Water Quality .................................................................................... D-15 D.1-16 TPBBSW-2 Water Quality .................................................................................... D-16 D.1-17 TPBBSW-3 Water Quality .................................................................................... D-17 D.1-18 TPBBSW-4 Water Quality .................................................................................... D-18 D.1-19 TPBBSW-5 Water Quality .................................................................................... D-19 D.1-20 TPBBSW-10 Water Quality .................................................................................. D-20 xxviii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page D.1-21 TPBBSW-14 Water Quality .................................................................................. D-21 D.1-22 TPSWC-1 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-22 D.1-23 TPSWC-2 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-23 D.1-24 TPSWC-3 Water Quality ...................................................................................... D-24 D.1-25 TPSWC-4 Water Quality ..................................................................................... D-25 D.1-26 TPSWC-5 Water Quality ..................................................................................... D-26 D.1-27 TPSWCCS-1 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-27 D.1-28 TPSWCCS-2 Water Quality ................................................................................ D-28 D.1-29 TPSWCCS-3 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-29 D.1-30 TPSWCCS-4 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-30 D.1-31 TPSWCCS-5 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-31 D.1-32 TPSWCCS-6 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-32 D.1-33 TPSWCCS-7 Water Quality ................................................................................. D-33 D.1-34 TPSWID-1 Water Quality ..................................................................................... D-34 D.1-35 TPSWID-2 Water Quality ..................................................................................... D-35 D.1-36 TPSWID-3 Water Quality ..................................................................................... D-36 D.2-1 TPGW-1 Water Elevations ................................................................................... D-37 D.2-2 TPGW-2 Water Elevations ................................................................................... D-37 D.2-3 TPGW-3 Water Elevations ................................................................................... D-38 D.2-4 TPGW-4 Water Elevations ................................................................................... D-38 D.2-5 TPGW-5 Water Elevations. .................................................................................. D-39 D.2-6 TPGW-6 Water Elevations .................................................................................. D-39 D.2-7 TPGW-7 Water Elevations .................................................................................. D-40 D.2-8 TPGW-8 Water Elevations .................................................................................. D-40 D.2-9 TPGW-9 Water Elevations .................................................................................. D-41 D.2-10 TPGW-10 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-41 D.2-11 TPGW-11 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-42 D.2-12 TPGW-12 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-42 D.2-13 TPGW-13 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-43 D.2-14 TPGW-14 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-43 D.2-15 TPBBSW-3 Water Elevations ............................................................................. D-44 D.2-16 TPBBSW-10 Water Elevations ............................................................................ D-44 D.2-17 TPBBSW-14 Water Elevations ............................................................................ D-45 D.2-18 TPSWC-1 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-45 D.2-19 TPSWC-2 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-46 D.2-20 TPSWC-3 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-46 D.2-21 TPSWC-4 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-47 D.2-22 TPSWC-5 Water Elevations ................................................................................ D-47 D.2-23 TPSWCCS-1 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-48 xxix

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page D.2-24 TPSWCCS-2 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-48 D.2-25 TPSWCCS-3 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-49 D.2-26 TPSWCCS-4 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-49 D.2-27 TPSWCCS-5 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-50 D.2-28 TPSWCCS-6 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-50 D.2-29 TPSWCCS-7 Water Elevations ........................................................................... D-51 D.2-30 TPSWID-1 Water Elevations ............................................................................... D-51 D.2-31 TPSWID-2 Water Elevations ............................................................................... D-52 D.2-32 TPSWID-3 Water Elevations ............................................................................... D-52 E-1 TPGW-1 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................ E-42 E-2 TPGW-2 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-43 E-3 TPGW-3 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-44 E-4 TPGW-4 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-45 E-5 TPGW-5 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-46 E-6 TPGW-6 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-47 E-7 TPGW-7 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-48 E-8 TPGW-8 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-49 E-9 TPGW-9 USGS Induction Log ............................................................................. E-50 E-10 TPGW-10 USGS Induction Log ........................................................................... E-51 E-11 TPGW-11 USGS Induction Log ........................................................................... E-52 E-12 TPGW-12 USGS Induction Log ........................................................................... E-53 E-13 TPGW-13 USGS Induction Log ........................................................................... E-54 E-14 TPGW-14 USGS Induction Log ........................................................................... E-55 F.1-1 Velocity Contour Plot of Outflow Data. Velocities Range from 0.2 ft/s (Purple) to 2.5 ft/s (Yellow). ................................................................................................. F-10 F.1-2 Vector Stick Plot Presentation of Outflow Data ................................................... F-10 F.1-3 Satellite Image of Generator Discharge Illustrating Non Parallel Flow in Canal .... F-11 F.1-4 Velocity Contour Plot at Indexing Site Southern Station ....................................... F-12 F.1-5 Vector Stick Plot for Southern Cross Section ....................................................... F-12 F.1-6 Velocity Contour Plot for Inflow Station Cross Section ........................................ F-13 F.1-7 Vector Stick Plot for Inflow Station ....................................................................... F-13 F.1-8 Plot Illustrating Indexed Flow Data from All Three SL500 Locations .................... F-14 F.1-9 Plot of Indexed Inflow Station Data Showing 15 Minute Values in Blue and Daily Averaged Values as Red Triangles ...................................................................... F-14 F.1-10 Representative Plot of 2000 Records between September 7, 2010 and September 28, 2010 ............................................................................................ F-15 F.1-11 Differential Flow between Outflow and Southern Station...................................... F-16 xxx

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 List of Figures Figure Page F.2-1 Velocity Contour Plot of Outflow Data (TPFM-1). ................................................. F-24 F.2-2 Vector Stick Plot Presentation of TPFM-1 Data ................................................... F-24 F.2-3 Satellite Image of Generator Discharge Illustrating Non Parallel Flow in Canal .... F-25 F.2-4 Velocity Contour Plot at TPFM-2.......................................................................... F-26 F.2-5 Vector Stick Plot for TPFM-2 ............................................................................... F-26 xxxi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS

% percent greater than or equal to

°C degrees Celsius

µg/L micrograms per liter

µm micrometer

µmho/cm micromhos per centimeter

µmols/m2/sec micromole per square meter per second

µS/cm micro Siemens per centimeter parts per mille 1x1 1-meter by 1-meter (subplot) 20x20 20-meter by 20-meter (plot) 5x5 5-meter by 5-meter (subplot)

ADaPT Automated Data Processing Tool ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler ADFM acoustic Doppler flow meter ADVM acoustic Doppler velocity meter AFDW ash-free dry weight AEI area of ecological interest Agencies South Florida Water Management District, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management ANPP Annual Net Primary Productivity ANOVA analysis of variance Annual Monitoring Report Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Plant Annual Monitoring Report for the Units 3 and 4 Uprate Project AT100 Aqua TROLL 100 (probe) xxxii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations AT200 Aqua TROLL 200 (probe)

B bottom Ba Barium BAS Biscayne Aquifer/Surficial Aquifer System BBCA Braun-Blanquet Cover Abundance BBSW Biscayne Bay Surface Water BNP Biscayne National Park BSL below sea level BTOC below top of casing C carbon CaCO3 calcium carbonate cc cubic centimeter CCS cooling canal system CCV continuing calibration verification cdb culm diameter at the plant base CL carapace length cm centimeter(s)

CO2 carbon dioxide CPUE catch per unit effort CRM certified reference material CRP continuous resistivity profiling CW carapace width CWP circulating water pump D deep DERM (Miami-Dade County) Department of Environmental Resources Management df degrees of freedom Df freshwater density DFA discriminant function analysis DIC dissolved inorganic carbon DMA dimethylamine DO dissolved oxygen xxxiii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations DQO data quality objective DTS distributed temperature sensing DUS Data Usability Summary E&E Ecology and Environment, Inc.

EB equipment blank EDMS Electronic Data Management System e.g. for example EPA (United States) Environmental Protection Agency f/s foot/feet per second F.A.C. Florida Administrative Code FAS Floridan Aquifer System FCEB field cleaned equipment blank FD field duplicate FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection FDOH/BRC Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control Fe Iron FIU-WQM Florida International University Water Quality Monitoring FPL Florida Power & Light Company FPL database Florida Power and Light Electronic Data Management System database ft foot/feet ft/d foot/feet per day 3

ft /s cubic foot/feet per second FTT faunal throw trap gal gallon 3

g/cm grams per cubic centimeter g/m2 grams per square meter GIS geographic information system g/L grams per liter gpm gallon(s) per minute GPS Global Positioning System GW groundwater xxxiv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations 3

H tritium Hf freshwater equivalent groundwater elevation HCl hydrocholoric acid HCM hydrological conceptual model HSD honestly significant difference Hw groundwater elevation i.e. that is I intermediate (well depth)

IC initial calibration ICV initial calibration verification ICWP intake cooling water pump ID Interceptor Ditch IR initial read K potassium km kilometer km/hr kilometer(s) per hour lb pound LCS laboratory control sample Li Lithium LL live loss LNWR Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge LSC live standing crop LT500 Level TROLL 500 (probe) m meter(s)

M Intermediate MDL method detection limit MGD million gallons per day mg/kg milligrams per kilogram mg/L milligram(s) per liter mL milliliter(s)

MLC maximum likelihood classification xxxv

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations Monitoring Plan Groundwater, Surface Water, and Ecological Monitoring Plan for the Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant (2009)

MP measured pressure (psi) ms meters per second MS Matrix Spike MS Microsoft mS/cm milliSiemens per centimeter MSL mean sea level mV millivolt(s)

MW megawatt(s)

NAVD 88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ND Not Detected NE Northeast NELAC National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference NEXRAD next generation weather radar NGVD 29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 NH3 Ammonia NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NOx nitrate/nitrite NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NTU nephelometric turbidity unit(s)

NW Northwest OBI optical borehole image OCWP open cooling water pump OP orthophosphate ORP oxidation reduction potential PAR photosynthetically active radiation pCi/L picocuries per liter PDS post digestion spike PERA (Miami-Dade County) Permitting, Environment and xxxvi

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations Regulatory Affairs (formerly DERM; now RER)

PPF photosynthetic photon flux ppt parts per thousand PQL practical quantitation limits PSS-78 Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 PSU practical salinity unit(s)

QA quality assurance QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan RL reference water level RP reference pressure (psi)

RER (Miami-Dade County) Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (formerly PERA)

RPD relative percent difference RTK Real Time Kinematic S shallow (well)

SAV submerged aquatic vegetation S.C. specific conductance SD serial dilution SDG sample delivery group SE southeast SFWMD South Florida Water Management District SG specific gravity SL standard length SL500 Sontek Argonaut Side Looker 500 Std Dev Standard Deviation SW surface water; also southwest Sw well screen midpoint elevation SWI Shannon-Wiener Index (of Diversity)

T top TDS total dissolved solids TestAmerica TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.

TKN total Kjeldahl nitrogen xxxvii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Acronyms and Abbreviations TL total length TN total nitrogen TP total phosphorus TPGW Turkey Point Groundwater TPM-1 Turkey Point Meteorological Station TPRF Turkey Point Rain Fall TPSWC Turkey Point Surface Water Canal TPSWCCS Turkey Point Surface Water Cooling Canal System TPSWID Turkey Point Surface Water Interceptor Ditch USGS United States Geological Survey WL water level (feet NAVD 88) xxxviii

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Executive Summary EXECUTIVE


Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) has prepared this Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report pursuant to Conditions of Certification IX and X of its Power Plant Site Certification for the FPL Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Nuclear Power Plant and Unit 5 Combined Cycle Plant (PA 03-45A2). The Monitoring Plan was developed with input from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), and Miami-Dade Countys Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM),

(collectively, the Agencies), and FPL. The Monitoring Plan requires the collection of groundwater, surface water, meteorological, flow, and ecological data in and around the plant to establish pre-Uprate baseline conditions and determine the horizontal and vertical effects and extent, if any, of the cooling canal system (CCS) water.

FPL has prepared this Comprehensive Pre-Uprate report to document its efforts to establish a pre-Uprate baseline conditions for the required two year pre-Uprate period. The purpose of this report is to summarize and provide analysis of the data collected. This report incorporates information presented in the previous semi-annual reports (FPL 2011a, FPL 2012a) and first annual report (FPL 2011b). It includes data from June 2010 through June 2012.

In accordance with the Monitoring Plan, FPL installed an extensive monitoring network of 47 groundwater wells and 20 surface water stations, a meteorological station, rainfall gauges, and flow meters in the CCS and surrounding area. The groundwater and surface water stations measure and record specific conductance, salinity, water levels, and temperature at 15-minute intervals. Groundwater and surface water samples are collected across the vast network of stations every three months and analyzed for a broad suite of parameters. FPL conducted extensive ecological monitoring and studied flora and fauna in Biscayne Bay, marshes, and mangroves. Initially, FPL collected water samples from the shallow soils (referred to as porewater) at hundreds of locations that covered a 75 square mile area in the vicinity of the CCS and analyzed for a broad suite of parameters.

As required by the Monitoring Plan, FPL has developed a water budget. This analysis calculates components of water and salt inflow and outflow from the CCS on a daily basis. The water budget helps explain the dynamics of CCS hydraulics and may be used to assess the effect of climatic or operational changes on the CCS water levels and salinities.

The Agencies and their experts considered and analyzed the previous data collected and have selected tritium as the tracer. FPL disagrees with the low tritium threshold that the Agencies selected when evaluating potential movement of the CCS. Tritium is a by-product of the nuclear fission process and is unique to and present in and around the CCS. It is important to note that tritium is being measured only as a chemical tracer in order to determine the potential movement of CCS water. At the levels being measured, the tritium is not a public health concern. Tritium is ES-1

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Executive Summary routinely monitored in the CCS by the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control and there have never been results detected near the drinking water standard (20,000 picoCuries per liter).

The results of the two years of pre-Uprate data analysis are summarized below.

Biscayne Bay groundwater results support the conclusion that there is little or no influence from the CCS in the area fronting the northern half of the CCS. However, there is evidence of CCS water under Biscayne Bay in close proximity to the southern tip of the CCS. Over the two year monitoring period, the results indicate that the salt constituents and tracer have remained consistent for all wells. This is indicative of the groundwater maintaining a relatively stable condition during this time period.

Groundwater results immediately adjacent to the CCS indicate the presence of CCS water.

Further west from the CCS, there is some influence of CCS water in decreasing concentrations at depth out approximately three miles. The outermost wells approximately six miles to the west are fresh at all depths. Similar to the wells in the bay, the results indicate the salt constituents and tracer have remained consistent for all wells. This is indicative of the groundwater maintaining a relatively stable condition during this time period. A shallow fresher water lens still exists west of the CCS and is supported by the induction logging conducted for this project and the continuous specific conductance profiling done in several historical wells for the interceptor ditch (ID) monitoring. This lens is 10 to 20 feet deep from the surface and generally thickens towards the west.

In most surface water stations, there is no influence of CCS water via groundwater pathway.

There are two locations in the surface water canal stations immediately adjacent to the south end of the CCS where there appears to be some CCS water present.

FPL concludes the CCS does not have any ecological impact on the surrounding areas. FPL further concludes there is no evidence of CCS water in the surrounding ecosystems from a groundwater pathway.

FPL concluded that atmospheric deposition of the tracer can affect the surface water, porewater, and very shallow groundwater results as indicated by measured concentrations of tritium and must be considered when evaluating CCS surface water and porewater results. These tritium values are more concentrated immediately adjacent to the CCS and diminish with distance from the CCS.

It is important to understand the historical context of saltwater in the region and to the west of the CCS. Saltwater intrusion pre-dates the construction of the CCS and extended far inland in the 1940s (Klein 1957). Based on historical data, much of the groundwater in the vicinity of the CCS was non-potable. The extent of saltwater intrusion, as defined by the U.S. Geological Survey, varies from year to year but the landward extent of the saltwater intrusion today is still similar to that reported in the 1950s.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Executive Summary FPL and the Agencies conducted a joint study separate from the Monitoring Plan to determine the landward extent of the saltwater orientation in the region prior to construction of the CCS. In August 2011, FPL and the Agencies reached agreement on the conclusions as documented in a report Saltwater Orientation in the Biscayne Aquifer in the Turkey Point Plant Vicinity Prior to Installation of the Cooling Canal System. Based on data from the Monitoring Plan, as compared to this report, the western historical extent of saltwater has not changed appreciably since the construction of the CCS in 1972. In fact, all the well clusters furthest to the west contained freshwater historically and still do today. Directly beneath and adjacent to the CCS, the saltwater wedge is closer to the land surface than it was prior to the CCS installation.

In conclusion, FPL has completed two years of pre-Uprate baseline monitoring. Many factors can cause saltwater intrusion, including groundwater withdrawals, agricultural uses, mining, government water management practices, etc. The impact of CCS water at a particular location, the relevancy of its presence, and how the water reached that location, must be considered when assessing the results and determining how to proceed.

FPL has recommended some changes to the monitoring, particularly in the interim period until 2013 when the Uprates of both Turkey Point nuclear units will be completed and those units returned to service at the Uprated power levels. Lastly, FPL makes recommendations in this report that some of the analytical parameters be eliminated.

Going forward, FPL will continue to comply with the Monitoring Plan for the required two year post-Uprate monitoring period. Since increases in temperature and salinity are expected to be minimal after the Uprate Project is implemented, there should be no presumption that the Project will cause any impact to the surrounding environment. The post-Uprate monitoring will help determine if there are any measurable impacts.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1

1. INTRODUCTION Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) submits this Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report dated October 2012 for the Units 3 and 4 Uprate Project. This monitoring report has been prepared in accordance with the FPL Turkey Point Power Plant (Turkey Point) Groundwater, Surface Water, and Ecological Monitoring Plan, referred to herein as the Monitoring Plan (South Florida Water Management District [SFWMD] 2009a). The Monitoring Plan requires the collection of groundwater, surface water, meteorological, flow, and ecological data in and around the plant to establish pre-Uprate baseline conditions and determine the horizontal and vertical effects and extent, if any, of the cooling canal system (CCS) water. For further details, refer to the Monitoring Plan (SFWMD 2009a) and Fifth Supplemental Agreement (SFWMD 2009b).

The purpose of this Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report is to summarize the pre-Uprate monitoring efforts, to present and summarize the data, and to discuss results. This report incorporates information presented in the previous semi-annual reports (FPL 2011a, FPL 2012a) and annual report (FPL 2011b) and includes data from June 2010 through June 2012.

Data were collected in accordance with the FPL Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) that was available at the time of sample collection (FPL 2010 and 2011c) as well as changes to the QAPP that the SFWMD, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and the Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER, formerly known as Department of Environmental Resource Management [DERM]) (collectively described herein as the Agencies) provided to FPL in June 2011 and the suggested revisions that FPL provided to the agencies in August 2011 and March 2012. FPLs suggested revisions more accurately reflect data collection practices being performed in the field. Any notable deviations are discussed herein and/or are found in the field and laboratory audits (SFWMD 2011, 2012a, and 2012b; FPL 2012b and 2012c).

1.1 Brief Overview of Automated Monitoring Network FPL installed an extensive automated monitoring network to collect groundwater, surface water, meteorological, and hydrologic data at 15-minute intervals over a broad area surrounding Turkey Point. Table 1.1-1 provides a summary of monitoring efforts and includes information on when the automated monitoring was initiated. A brief overview of each monitoring network is provided below, and further discussion regarding the instrumentation, data collection, and results for the network is included in Section 2 of this report. Photographs of the automated stations are included in Appendix A.

1.1.1 Groundwater From February through June 2010, FPL installed 42 wells in 14 well clusters (TPGW-1 to TPGW-14) at and around Turkey Point (Figure 1.1-1). Coordinates of each station are provided 1-1

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 in Appendix A. The locations were determined based on site conditions and extensive coordination among FPL and the Agencies. The placement of station locations in Biscayne Bay also was coordinated with Biscayne National Park (BNP).

Three separate wells were installed at each location: a shallow well (S); an intermediate depth well (M); and a deep well (D). The borehole for the deep well was drilled first, and down-hole geophysical methods were used to help determine high flow zones and other subsurface characteristics. Based on a collaborative effort among FPL, JLA Geoscience, Inc., and the SFWMD, screen depths were established with screen lengths varying from 2 to 5 feet (ft) based on site conditions. Table 1.1-2 provides a brief summary of the well construction information, and further details are provided in the JLA Geosciences, Inc. (2010) Geology and Hydrogeology Report.

Following well completion, the top of each well casing was surveyed and infrastructure (probes, telemetry, solar panels, and other elements) was installed to facilitate the collection of automated groundwater quality and stage data at 15-minute intervals. Most of the locations were re-surveyed in June 2011 to confirm the elevations. The measured water quality parameters include actual conductance and temperature. Specific conductance, salinity, density, and total dissolved solids (TDS) are calculated by the instrumentation based on the measured parameters.

Groundwater data are remotely transmitted via telemetry each day and uploaded to FPLs Electronic Data Management System (EDMS).

1.1.2 Surface Water Per the Monitoring Plan and as shown on Figure 1.1-2, automated surface water stations were installed at the following locations:

Seven stations in the CCS; Five stations in adjacent canals; Three stations in the Interceptor Ditch (ID); and Five stations in Biscayne Bay.

In addition, two non-automated stations were installed:

One station in the CCS (TPSWCCS-8); and One station in the Card Sound Road Canal (TPSWC-6).

The locations of the monitoring stations were jointly determined with the Agencies and provide broad coverage of the key water bodies in the project area. Two additional stations (TPBBSW-10 and -14) were added at a later date to record conditions in Biscayne Bay; these stations are co-located with TPGW-10 and -14. Coordinates of each station are provided in Appendix A.

The automated surface water stations record the same water quality data parameters as the groundwater stations. Stage data are recorded at all locations except four stations in Biscayne Bay that do not have the infrastructure to support stage recorders or a telemetry system 1-2

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 (TPBBSW-1, TPBBSW-2, TPBBSW-4, and TPBBSW-5). The data at these four Biscayne Bay locations are retrieved manually at approximately six-week intervals and downloaded into the FPL EDMS. Data from the other stations are transmitted via telemetry daily onto a secure server system and automatically uploaded into the FPL database.

1.1.3 Meteorological One meteorological station that includes instrumentation to measure solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall was installed near the center of the CCS (TPM-1). Four additional rainfall gauging stations were installed around the CCS. Data are collected at 15-minute intervals. Data from the meteorological station are uploaded daily into the FPL database, while the rainfall gauges are manually downloaded during routine site visits. Seven rainfall collectors were installed around the CCS. Additionally, five evaporation pans have been installed at various locations. Figure 1.1-3 illustrates the locations of the above-mentioned stations. Coordinates of each station are provided in Appendix A.

1.1.4 Hydrological Three acoustic Doppler velocity meters (ADVMs), otherwise known as index-velocity meters or flow meters, were originally set up to determine flow in the CCS at the following three locations:

near the power plant discharge into the CCS; the southern end of the CCS before the water enters the return canal of the CCS; and near the intake into the plant from the CCS (Figure 1.1-4). All three units failed within the first two years of deployment due to the harsh conditions within the CCS; two units have subsequently been re-installed and are currently operational. Data are transmitted by telemetry and automatically uploaded to the FPL EDMS.

1.2 Quarterly Sampling for Laboratory Analysis The aforementioned monitoring network for groundwater and surface water supports the collection of water samples for laboratory analysis. The Monitoring Plan specifies samples must be collected from the 42 new groundwater wells and the 20 surface water stations previously discussed. Samples also must be collected on a quarterly basis from one additional location on the Card Sound Road Canal. In addition, a sample must be collected one time at a localized location within the CCS, identified by the Agencies as potentially having cooler water than the rest of the CCS, based on thermal imagery. The timing of the quarterly sampling efforts is shown on Table 1.1-1. The samples are analyzed for a variety of parameters including CCS Tracer Suite constituents, ions, trace elements, nutrients, and TDS, along with field parameters, depending on the locations and whether the effort was a quarterly or semi-annual event.

Further discussion of the analytical parameters, sample collection methods, and results is provided in Section 3 of this report. The analytical data include sampling events conducted in June/July 2010, September 2010, December 2010, March 2011, June 2011, September 2011, December 2011, March 2012, and June 2012.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Samples were also collected at five existing historical wells as part of FPLs routine sampling for the ID operation. Samples were collected from historical wells L-3, L-5, G-21, G-28, and G-35 in October 2010 and January 2011. Initially, the timing of these sampling events was offset from the Monitoring Plan sampling events but, based on discussions with the Agencies following the January 2011 sampling effort, FPL changed the ID operation sampling to occur in the same month as the Monitoring Plan sampling. Results from the March 2011, June 2011, September 2011, December 2011, March 2012, and June 2012 sampling events, as well as the October 2010 and January 2011 events, are included in this report.

1.3 Ecological Monitoring The Monitoring Plan and QAPP outline an ecological monitoring program. Biotic components of interest include marsh vegetation in adjacent wetlands, mangroves, submersed aquatic vegetation, and benthic fauna in and adjacent to Biscayne Bay. Table 1.1-1 provides a summary of the ecological monitoring efforts conducted. More detailed information on the transect plot setups, sampling methods and materials, laboratory results, findings, and conclusions are included in Section 4 of this report.

1.3.1 Marsh and Mangroves Plant community characteristics (composition, cover, canopy, height, productivity), leaf characteristics, nutrient content in the leaves and soil/sediment, and porewater quality are being assessed in 12 transects in marsh and mangrove areas around the CCS (Figure 1.3-1). Two (one each in the marsh and mangrove) of those transects are in reference areas. Ecological monitoring efforts were initiated in October 2010 and completed by December 2010. Additional monitoring in the marsh and mangrove areas was conducted on a quarterly basis in February 2011, May 2011, August 2011, November 2011, February 2012, and May 2012.

1.3.2 Biscayne Bay Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), coral and sponge community composition and cover, fish and invertebrate species composition and abundance, nutrient content in seagrass leaves and sediment, light attenuation, and porewater quality are being assessed in 20 transects that parallel the shoreline (Figure 1.3-1). The monitoring in Biscayne Bay is conducted twice a year.

Originally, the plan was to conduct monitoring in May and October; however, during the setup of transects in October 2010, FPL noted that the seagrasses had already senesced by the time sampling was initiated. With concurrence from the Agencies, the subsequent ecological monitoring in Biscayne Bay was changed to April and September with the subsequent monitoring efforts conducted in April 2011, September 2011, and April 2012.

1.3.3 Broad-Scale Porewater Survey In accordance with the Monitoring Plan and through coordination with the Agencies, an initial broad-scale survey of porewater temperature and specific conductance was conducted in March/April 2010 (dry season) at over 200 locations in adjacent wetlands and Biscayne Bay 1-4

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 (Figure 1.3-2). A second porewater temperature and specific conductance survey was conducted in August 2010 (wet season) at 100 locations in Biscayne Bay (Figure 1.3-3). Based on the initial temperature and specific conductance measurements, locations were established for the porewater samples that would be collected for Tracer Suite laboratory analysis. The wet season Tracer Suite sampling effort took place in October 2010 and the dry season sampling event was conducted in April 2011. While details of this effort are in the report titled Turkey Point Plant Initial Ecological Characterization Report (FPL 2012d), summaries of the approach and the findings are provided herein. The results, when used in conjunction with the other data, increase understanding of baseline porewater conditions across the broader landscape.

1.4 Hydrogeologic Assessment 1.4.1 CCS Water Budget FPL has worked closely with the Agencies to develop an acceptable methodology for the CCS water budget. This methodology has evolved and is included in Section 5 of this report.

Estimated monthly water budgets and salt loads from September 2010 through June 2012 are included in Section 5.

1.4.2 Regional Assessment and Extent of CCS Water With the aid of data collected as part of the well installation efforts, automated data and analytical results, United States Geological Survey (USGS) induction logs, and other supporting documentation, FPL has conducted an initial assessment of the hydrogeologic conditions in the area surrounding Turkey Point and the CCS, which provides some insights into how the groundwater system responds to different environmental conditions and operation of the CCS.

The rate of migration and extent of CCS water in the groundwater are discussed in Section 5 of this report.

1.4.3 Biscayne Bay Continuous Resistivity Profile Survey The USGS conducted a pilot study in Biscayne Bay to assess the feasibility of using continuous resistivity profiling to determine the extent of CCS water both laterally and vertically in the subsurface. The survey in the Bay was conducted on May 25 and 26, 2011, with an additional transect surveyed in the CCS in July 2011. Following the processing and interpretation of the data, the USGS gave a PowerPoint presentation to FPL and the Agencies on August 29, 2012.

No report was generated to provide the information to the Agencies. The USGS indicated that preparation and publication of a report would take approximately one year due to their extensive quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) process. Alternatively, FPL provides a brief summary of the USGSs effort and FPLs overall interpretation of the preliminary findings in Section 5 of this report.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 1.5 Interceptor Ditch Operation The Interceptor Ditch (ID) is located immediately west of the CCS and is designed to prevent seasonal inland movement of saltwater from the CCS into the potable portion of the Biscayne Aquifer. Shallow saline groundwater is intercepted by the ID and pumped back to the CCS during the dry season or other times when the natural gradients are low and the potential for saltwater intrusion exists. Details of the ID operation are found in the 1983 Agreement (the Agreement) between the SFWMD and FPL. On October 14, 2009, the Agreement was modified to expand the monitoring program as part of the Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Uprate Project and added well G-35 as part of the historical monitoring network. FPL submitted a revised operations plan to the SFWMD in 2011 and comments on that plan are pending.

Since 1972, FPL has been collecting groundwater data west of the CCS and recording ID pumping as part of the ID operation. Results of these efforts have been included in reports that are submitted on a quarterly and annual basis. Based on discussions between FPL and the SFWMD, reporting of the ID operations for the last year (June 2011 through May 2012) is integrated into Section 6 this report.

1.6 Data Quality Objectives and Acceptance Criteria Data quality objectives (DQOs), along with acceptance criteria, are identified in the project QAPP. The DQOs include the following:

Precision Accuracy Analytical Sensitivity Completeness Representativeness Comparability Availability Reliability Maintainability Timeliness Quality guidelines have been established for some of the DQO which reflect quantifiable goals.

A summary of performance in meeting the DQOs is described below.

Precision Precision is a measure of mutual agreement between duplicate or co-located measurements of the same analyte. The closer the numerical values of the measurements are to each other, the more precise the measurement.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Precision for laboratory samples is established by the evaluation of field and laboratory duplicate samples. If the relative percent difference (RPD) between the sample and the duplicate result differ by more than 20%, the results for that analyte in both samples are qualified as questionable. While a small percentage of sample data has been qualified due to high duplicate RPDs, overall, the analytical results are comparable to duplicate samples for those samples using the same method. These precision results indicate the sampling and analytical procedures are consistently performed and repeatable. Details are provided in the Data Usability Summary (DUS) Reports issued for each event.

To assess precision of the probes being used to collect time series water quality and water level data, field measurements are taken during cleaning and calibration events to verify the results.

This is discussed further in Section 2 of this report. If the specific conductance value reported by the field verification measurement is more than 30% higher or lower than the automated probe reading, the automated probe data are qualified as questionable (?) back to the previous cleaning and calibration event or, at minimum, back to an interim point where there is an unexplained shift in the data. While most of the data do not need to be qualified, the numerical degree of variability is greater in the high saline locations.

Similarly, if a temperature verification measurement is more than 0.5 degrees Celsius (°C) different than the automated probe reading, the data are qualified in the same manner. Rarely has the water quality data been qualified for not meeting a field instrument verification reading.

For verification of water level precision, refinements were made during the monitoring program.

These refinements included the collection of water level measurements with a water level indicator at different times during the cleaning and calibration event. These refinements allowed the determination of the water level before pulling the probes for cleaning and after placement of the probes to verify correct reference level settings. If the difference between the verification water level reading (before the probe is pulled for cleaning) is greater than 0.1 ft from the automated probe reading, the data are qualified as estimated (J) back to the previous cleaning and calibration event or, at minimum, back to an interim point where there is an unexplained shift in the data. The precision has improved over time; however, the biggest challenge has been associated with the surface water stations in Biscayne Bay and the CCS. Sometimes wave action at these larger surface water body locations affects the water level indicator readings, making verification of the automated reading more difficult. Only a limited amount of water level data is qualified as questionable due to verification readings.

Accuracy Accuracy is the measure of bias in a measurement system. The closer the value of a measurement agrees with the true value, the more accurate the measurement.

For the analytical results, accuracy is evaluated using percent recoveries of analytes added, termed spiked, to samples (matrix spikes [MSs]) or reagents (laboratory control samples

[LCSs]) and carried through the extraction and analysis procedure. Laboratory-established acceptance criteria (within method requirements) are used for LCS and MS percent recoveries.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 LCS percent recoveries have consistently passed acceptance criteria for all analyses indicating the laboratories extraction and analysis procedures and materials met method requirements.

In contrast, some MS recoveries have been qualified as estimated (J) or unusable (?) due to poor recoveries. Results with MS recoveries outside laboratory-established limits are qualified as J and recoveries less than 10% are qualified as ? as the low recovery indicates a significant possibility of error associated with the sample result due to the matrix effects. Results were qualified as ? in two total phosphorus, one chloride, one sulfate, and one fluoride result in saline water samples. Results were qualified as J in many of the samples analyzed for matrix spikes, especially with regards to nutrients. This trend will be followed during future events as it could indicate a possible error associated with the accuracy of the results due to matrix interferences.

In addition to recoveries, accuracy is evaluated using technical comparison checks, including cation and anion charge balance; cations, anions, and TDS compared to the specific conductance; total ammonia less than total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN); and orthophosphate (OP) less than total phosphorus (TP). Many cation and anion results, particularly in the high salinity samples, have been qualified as either J or ? due to ion charge and conductance comparisons. TDS/specific conductance and ammonia/TKN comparisons were acceptable.

TP and OP were first sampled in events from June 2010 to February 2011 and the OP had higher results than the TP. In March 2011, the OP analytical method was modified based on a FDEP Laboratory SOP (NU-070-1.8). The sample is analyzed without the color reagent to establish a background concentration. The sample is then analyzed per the method and the background concentration is subtracted from the analytical result. Since the method modification, the OP/TP comparisons have been within the criteria.

The laboratory is considering switching to saline reagent waters to better simulate the sample matrix and reduce matrix-induced interference effects. In addition, certified reference materials (CRMs) for nutrients in saline waters are being analyzed to evaluate the validity of the laboratory results for these methods.

To further evaluate laboratory accuracy, field split samples were collected by RER in the March 2012 semi-annual sampling event and analyzed by the RER laboratory. Samples were collected from select deep wells into separate containers, shipped to TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.

(TestAmerica) and the RER laboratory, and analyzed for ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, TKN, TP, and OP. While the number of data pairs compared (four) is too small to draw major conclusions, there are some significant differences (RPD>50%) among the results for ammonia, TKN, and OP. The two laboratories follow essentially the same methods; however, even minor differences in procedures or materials can affect the analytical results. At this point, it is unclear which set of results is more accurate of the actual groundwater conditions at the time of sampling. It should be noted that the RER results have ammonia consistently greater than TKN, which is not possible; TKN is the sum of ammonia, ammonium, and organic nitrogen. FPL/TestAmerica is reviewing the RER SOPs and is performing analysis of CRMs to aid in the evaluation of the overall sample results.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 The instrumentation for all the automated station instruments and field equipment meets the requirements for accuracy per the QAPP. All stations were surveyed with vertical control established to second order closure (accuracy within hundredths of a foot) with the exception of three groundwater cluster stations in Biscayne Bay. The top of the groundwater wells and surface water stilling wells at these Biscayne Bay stations were surveyed with GPS instruments to an accuracy of 0.1 ft.

Analytical Sensitivity For data validation, qualification and reporting purposes, analytical sensitivity is expressed by method detection limits (MDLs). MDLs are set such that the minimum concentration of an analyte is reported within 99% confidence that the analyte is greater than zero.

Project-required MDLs are listed in Table 3.2-1 of the QAPP. The MDLs are based on applicable criteria, MDLs listed in the Automated Data Processing Tool (ADaPT), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) 62-4.246(3), and stated laboratory capabilities. While the majority of analytical detection limits have met the QAPP requirements, a few have been difficult to achieve due to the saline nature of the samples. This is particularly an issue with the trace metals and fluoride. The laboratory has had to dilute the saline samples to keep instruments from being overloaded with the major ion constituents (i.e., chloride, sodium). This has resulted in some data reported as Not Detected (U) but with detection limits above the QAPP requirements. In addition, these dilutions increase the uncertainty, or error, associated with a result. The laboratory is working to expand or tailor calibration ranges, within method requirements, to fit project samples and reduce the frequency of dilutions needed.

To achieve the required MDLs, the laboratory will be adding preparatory EPA Method 1638 (Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) for manganese and molybdenum and EPA Method 1640 (Determination of Trace Metals by Pre-concentration and ICP-MS) for the other trace metals listed above starting in September 2012. The added step will selectively concentrate certain metals prior to analysis to improve detection limits. For fluoride, the laboratory has modified the instrument performing the anion analysis (Method 6010) to allow for lower required dilutions and achieve the QAPP-required MDL. In addition, a fluoride selective probe method is being reviewed as a possible analytical alternative for fluoride only.

Completeness Completeness is expressed as the percentage of valid or usable measurement to planned measurements. The higher the percentage, the more complete the measurement process. The number of planned measurements is based on when the infrastructure is in place and functional.

Per the QAPP, the completeness goal for water quality measurements is 95% and 90% for all other data.

All planned groundwater, surface water, and porewater measurements have been made with a few exceptions. The well clusters at TPGW-10, TPGW-11, and TPGW-14 were not sampled 1-9

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 during the June 2010 event as they had not been completed at that time. Some data have been qualified as unusable and, in a few instances, the sample was lost by the lab prior to analysis.

For the nine groundwater and surface water events (four quarterly and five semi-annual) since the start of the project, approximately 31,000 groundwater and surface water analytical data points were scheduled to be reported. Of those, fifteen results were qualified as unusable and thirty results (all isotopes) were not reported due to laboratory errors. For the seven porewater sampling efforts conducted at the ecological transects since the start of the project through May 2012, a total of approximately 10,600 porewater analytical data points were scheduled to be reported. Of those, four (all OP) were reported as unusable and twelve results (isotopes and ions) were not reported due to loss of the sample by the laboratory. This results in a completion rate of greater than 99% in meeting the project objectives. It should be noted that some isotope results have not been received at the time of this assessment and as such, the totals reported above are based on available data.

All the planned ecological measurements have been made with the exception of eliminating the collection of some data in the tree islands due to health concerns about excessive poison ivy on the islands. Any changes in sampling have been agreed to by the Agencies.

The automated water quality data are calculated to be 89% complete. This percentage is lowered as a result of specific conductance oscillations related to probe or cable malfunctions or radio frequency wave interferences, most notably in well clusters TPGW-1 and TPGW-13. FPL and the probe manufacturer have conducted numerous efforts to fix the problem; oscillations still occur, but less frequently.

Meteorological data at TPM-1 are 99% complete. Rainfall data at other stations and CCS flow meter data are less complete. Some of the other rain gauges have had various problems including wiring issues, malfunctioning equipment, or excessive battery drain which have resulted in data gaps. Most of the rain gauge problems have been resolved but since they are not on telemetry, the potential for data gaps of one to two months can still exist if a gauge fails.

Gaps in the rain data can be addressed by interpolating results from other stations or using Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXTRAD) data from the SFWMD. Data from the CCS flow meters are less than 50% complete due in part to a number of equipment related issues. These meters are located in a harsh environment and have been removed for various reasons due to hardware components rusting and breaking or instrument failure. The flow meters were going to be used by FPL as a check to the water budget, however, based on findings discussed by FPL in Section 5, it is doubtful if the flow meter data will be used as originally envisioned.

Representativeness Representativeness is a qualitative parameter that expresses the degree to which data accurately and precisely represent the environmental condition. The sampling locations and techniques as outlined in the Monitoring Plan and QAPP provide data that are representative of conditions in the CCS and the surrounding environment.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Groundwater wells are placed in discrete high flow zones and are spatially distributed to reflect changes in groundwater levels and quality across the landscape. Automated data are collected at 15-minute intervals, an adequate duration to reflect temporal changes in water levels, water quality, water flow, and various meteorological parameters.

Comparability Comparability is a qualitative parameter expressing the confidence with which one set of data can be compared to another. Nearly all the data, unless qualified as ? or unusable for other reasons, are comparable. Methods of data collection and analysis have remained primarily consistent over the two years of sampling. Some refinements in data collection have helped improve efficiency or verify precision, but have not necessarily improved precision.

The most notable data that may not be directly comparable are some of the nutrient results. As noted in the Accuracy section above, the method of analysis for OP was modified beginning with the collection of data in the March 2011 sampling event; OP data collected prior to March 2011 using the original method are not directly comparable to data collected during and after the March 2011 event. The data prior to the March 2011 event are believed to be biased high due to background fluorescence levels interfering with the analysis.

Nitrate/nitrite samples collected in March 2012 were filtered in the field, as will be done in subsequent events. Previously, the samples were distilled in the lab and not filtered in the field.

It is expected that the results are similar. Rarely does one find insoluble forms unless they are large particulates which would not be analyzed in any case; they would have to be removed as they would interfere with the analysis. This was further demonstrated by the March 2012 PERA split samples. The samples were analyzed as filtered and unfiltered for ammonia and nitrate/nitrite with essentially identical results. Therefore, the ammonia and nitrate/nitrite results from both method variations are considered comparable.

Availability Availability is the percentage of time that a system or function is available for service according to established criteria and the probability that the system is operating satisfactorily at any point in time, excluding times when the system is under repair. This DQO applies primarily to the automated systems.

While FPL has not calculated percentages, the stations that report automated water level and water quality collectively have a high degree of availability. These systems operate round the clock, the probes have been reliable, and spare probes and cables are on-hand to fix a problem station. The meteorological station has been reliable with no down time, thus has a high degree of available data for solar radiation, wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall. The other rain gauges and CCS flow meters appear to record good data when operational, but some of the instruments have failed for extended periods of time. Since the individual rain gauges are not on telemetry, whether the system is operating satisfactorily or not is unknown until the site is visited monthly or bi-monthly and data are downloaded and reviewed. The CCS flow meters are more difficult to maintain.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Reliability Reliability is the probability of a system performing a specified function without failure for a specified period of time. A failure occurs when a measurement or control action does not comply with established accuracy, completeness, or timeliness standards. This DQO applies primarily to the automated systems.

Collectively, the stations that report automated water level and water quality are reliable in the context of data usability. The associated probes that measure and record the data meet the accuracy requirements and exhibit high percent completeness. As previously indicated, some stations have reoccurring issues with oscillating specific conductance data and the precision at some of the higher saline sites is reduced; however, only a small percentage of the data are qualified ?. Reporting of the automated data from the stations on telemetry has typically been on a daily basis. However, a number of transmission/signal issues have occurred when the data have not been consistently reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for all stations. Still, in most instances, the data are stored internally on the probe and eventually downloaded when a phone connection is made or the data are manually downloaded into the system. The quality guideline for reliability, as stated in the QAPP, is difficult to judge since it reflects a mean time between failures of 18 to 24 months depending on the system. While there have been failures in less than 18 months, the majority of the data are usable and no decisions are being made on the raw data that is being transmitted via telemetry.

The meteorological station at TPM-1 has not failed and reports regularly, thus it maintains a high level of reliability. The rain gauges at the other sites have less complete data and thus have a lower reliability.

Maintainability Maintainability is the ease with which a component or equipment can be modified to correct faults. The quality guideline per the QAPP for completion of repairs to components or equipment is 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. Given the size of the system, remote locations of some stations, and the occasional need for extended troubleshooting efforts, strict compliance with the guideline is not always possible or even appropriate. The automated groundwater and surface water stations (inshore) are easier to maintain than some of the other systems, however, some of the oscillation and daily reporting issues have required extensive troubleshooting. On at least a weekly basis, FPL checks for any automated groundwater and surface water stations that are on telemetry but are not reporting. Often the lack of reporting is related to low signal strength or loss of telephone connection the previous day and not to an equipment malfunction. Usually, the system will eventually report. Also on a regular basis, FPL looks at time series plots of the data to see if there are any unusual data trends or oscillations requiring troubleshooting and repair efforts.

The CCS flow meters are more difficult to maintain since they are the most sophisticated pieces of equipment and are affected by the harshest conditions. Rarely can the meters or the associated infrastructure be repaired in 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. FPL suggests modifying the maintainability goal in the QAPP to take logistical constraints and other realities more into account.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Timeliness Timeliness is the promptness of reporting a measurement after it is made, reporting deficiencies, submission of reports or other project documentation, addressing corrective actions, and reporting deviations within the timeframes specified in the QAPP or within the Monitoring Plan or Agreement.

Per the QAPP, the analytical data have been consistently provided to the Agencies within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> following FPLs receipt of the data from the laboratory. While much of the data from the primary laboratory is in ADaPT format, such data has not undergone a full QA/QC review at the time it is submitted to the laboratory. Since the samples are analyzed by various laboratories, the results are received at different times with several of the isotope results (notably strontium and tritium) taking the longest to obtain. Once all sample results are obtained for a sampling event, a full QA/QC check of the data is conducted and FPL generates DUS Reports. The data are also further assessed during the preparation of semi-annual and annual reports; occasionally, suspect results are found and subsequently qualified.

The automated systems are currently set to report values at 15-minute intervals and, for those systems on telemetry, to upload the results daily. As previously discussed, low signal strength or other issues have prevented various telemetry units to consistently report every day. While the raw data can be viewed by the Agencies in FPLs electronic database, the data are not official until FPL has conducted a full QA/QC review.

If additional errors are noted in the data following the QA/QC process, the results are updated in the database or DUS, as applicable, and are included in an errata or the subsequent annual report.

Reports have been submitted to the Agencies per the timeframes outlined in the QAPP or in accordance with revised schedules agreed to by the Agencies.

Once there is concurrence that corrective actions from field and laboratory audits are needed, corrective action is typically implemented immediately or by the next sampling event.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 TABLES

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Table 1.1-1. Summary of Monitoring Efforts (June 2010 - November 2012) 2010 2011 2011 Monitoring Effort Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Biota Biota Biota Biota Biota Porewater (field Porewater (field Ecological Mangrove Porewater (field Porewater (field Porewater (field and Tracer Suite and Tracer Suite and Tracer Suite and Tracer Suite and Tracer Suite and Marsh parameters, and nutrients) parameters, and parameters, and parameters) parameters)

Monitoring nutrients) nutrients)

Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation (nutrients)

(nutrients) (nutrients)

Biota Biota Biota Ecological Biscayne Porewater (field and Tracer Suite Porewater (field and Tracer Suite Porewater (field and Tracer Suite Bay Monitoring parameters, and nutrients) parameters, and nutrients) parameters, and nutrients)

Vegetation (nutrients) Vegetation (nutrients) Vegetation (nutrients)

TPGW-10 and BBSW stations (9/2/10), TPGW-TPGW-2, TPGW-All TPSWC, 11 to TPGW-14, Continuous; 3, TPGW-6, TPSWID, and TPBBSW-10 TPBBSW-10 and Automated Data TPGW-9, TPGW- Continuous for TPSWCCS (9/17/10), and Continuous Continuous Continuous TPBBSW-14 Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Collection 12, TPGW-13 those 6 stations stations turned on TPBBSW-14 switched from installed between 8/23-9/3 (9/18/10) turned LT500 to AT200 6/22 and 6/25 on. TPGW-1, -4, -

5, -7, -8 installed (8/31-9/15).

TPFM-3 failed; TPFM-1, TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 stopped TPFM-2 stopped TPFM-1 and CCS Flow Meters TPFM-2 and Continuous Continuous Continuous TPFM-2 TPFM-2 TPFM-2 TPFM-2 TPFM-2 TPFM-2 reporting mid reporting early TPFM-2 still TPFM-3 turned on continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous August August continuous Meteorological TPM-1 turned on Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous station 7/26/10 TPRF-2, Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data TPRF-4, from TPRF-2, from TPRF-2, from TPRF-2, Rainfall stations from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and from TPRF-2 and TPRF-11, and TPRF-4, and TPRF-4, and TPRF-4, and TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-12 installed TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 Field and Tracer Suite parameters, Field and Tracer trace metals, and Suite parameters, Groundwater and nutrients with the TPGW-10 and Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Surface Water exceptions of Field and Tracer TPGW-14 for Suite parameters, Field and Tracer Suite parameters, Field and Tracer Sampling TPGW-10, TPGW- Suite parameters trace metals, and trace metals, and Suite parameters trace metals, and Suite parameters (New Stations) 11, and TPGW-14 nutrients nutrients nutrients (as offshore Resampled TPGW-platforms were 1 for ammonia incomplete)

Historic Groundwater Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Well Sampling Suite parameters Suite parameters Suite parameters Suite parameters Suite parameters Suite parameters TPEVP-2, TPEVP-TPEVP-13A (also Evaporation Pan 3, TPEVP-5, and Monthly tritium called TPEVP- Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Sampling TPEVP-12 GC) installed installed TPRF-2 through TPRF-5, Quarterly tritium, Rainfall Collector TPRF-7, except for Quarterly tritium Quarterly tritium Sampling TPRF-8, and TPRF-5 (stolen)

TPRF-12 deployed Notes: Key: Notes:

Automated data collection includes groundwater and surface water quality and stage, flow, TPBBSW = Turkey Point Biscayne Bay Surface Water. TPRF = Turkey Point Rainfall gauge. Automated data collection includes groundwater and surface water quality and stage, rainfall, and meteorological glow and rainfall data at several stations are limited. TPEVP = Turkey Point Evaporation Pan(s). TPSW = Turkey Point Surface Water. rainfall, and meteorological glow and rainfall data at several stations are limited.

Refer to Table 30-2 for field and Tracer Suite parameters and nutrients. TPFM = Turkey Point Flow Meter(s). TPSWID = Turkey Point Surface Water Inteceptor Ditch. Refer to Table 30-2 for field and Tracer Suite parameters and nutrients.

TPGW = Turkey Point Groundwater.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Table 1.1-1. Summary of Monitoring Efforts (June 2010 - November 2012) 2011 2012 Monitoring Effort Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Biota Biota Biota Porewater (field Porewater (field Ecological Mangrove and Tracer Suite Porewater (field and Tracer Suite and Tracer Suite and Marsh parameters, and parameters, and parameters)

Monitoring nutrients) nutrients)

Vegetation Vegetation (nutrients) (nutrients)

Biota Ecological Biscayne Porewater (field and Tracer Suite Bay Monitoring parameters, and nutrients)

Vegetation (nutrients)

Automated Data Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Collection TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-1 and TPFM-2 CCS Flow Meters TPFM-2 TPFM-2 reinstalled and continuous continuous turned on.

Meteorological Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous station Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data from TPRF-2, from TPRF-2, from TPRF-2, Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Continuous data Rainfall stations from TPRF-2 and TPRF-4, and TPRF-4, and TPRF-4, and from all stations from all stations from all stations from all stations from all stations TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 TPRF-11 Groundwater and Field and Tracer Surface Water Field and Tracer Suite parameters, Field and Tracer Sampling Suite parameters trace metals, and Suite parameters (New Stations) nutrients Historic Groundwater Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Field and Tracer Well Sampling Suite parameters Suite parameters Suite parameters Evaporation Pan Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Monthly tritium Sampling Quarterly tritium, Rainfall Collector Quarterly tritium except for Quarterly tritium Sampling TPRF-7 (stolen)

Notes: Key:

Automated data collection includes groundwater and surface water quality and stage, flow, TPBBSW = Turkey Point Biscayne Bay Surface Water. TPRF = Turkey Point Rainfall gauge.

rainfall, and meteorological glow and rainfall data at several stations are limited. TPEVP = Turkey Point Evaporation Pan(s). TPSW = Turkey Point Surface Water.

Refer to Table 30-2 for field and Tracer Suite parameters and nutrients. TPFM = Turkey Point Flow Meter(s). TPSWID = Turkey Point Surface Water Inteceptor Ditch.

TPGW = Turkey Point Groundwater.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Table 1.1-2. Well Construction Summary Depth to Depth to Top of Bottom of Elevation Top of Casing Top of Screen Bottom of Screen Screen Screen Screen Screen Monitoring Elevation from TOC from TOC Length Elevation Elevation Midpoint Well (ft NAVD 88) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft NAVD 88) (ft NAVD 88) (ft NAVD 88)

TPGW-1S 3.82 32.0 34.0 2 -28.18 -30.18 -29.18 TPGW-1M 3.92 52.1 54.1 2 -48.18 -50.18 -49.18 TPGW-1D 4.20 85.3 89.3 4 -81.10 -85.10 -83.10 TPGW-2S 1.36 24.7 28.7 4 -23.34 -27.34 -25.34 TPGW-2M 1.18 50.5 52.5 2 -49.32 -51.32 -50.32 TPGW-2D 1.14 85.5 87.5 2 -84.36 -86.36 -85.36 TPGW-3S 1.44 27.1 31.1 4 -25.66 -29.66 -27.66 TPGW-3M 1.22 54.7 58.7 4 -53.48 -57.48 -55.48 TPGW-3D 1.10 86.6 88.6 2 -85.50 -87.50 -86.5 TPGW-4S 2.24 23.2 25.2 2 -20.96 -22.96 -21.96 TPGW-4M 1.82 38.1 43.1 5 -36.28 -41.28 -38.78 TPGW-4D 1.92 61.6 65.6 4 -59.68 -63.68 -61.68 TPGW-5S 5.35 28.6 32.6 4 -23.25 -27.25 -25.25 TPGW-5M 5.07 49.3 54.3 5 -44.23 -49.23 -46.73 TPGW-5D 5.22 67.0 72.0 5 -61.78 -66.78 -64.28 TPGW-6S 1.56 22.3 24.3 2 -20.74 -22.74 -21.74 TPGW-6M 1.52 48.7 52.7 4 -47.18 -51.18 -49.18 TPGW-6D 1.59 81.9 85.9 4 -80.31 -84.31 -82.31 TPGW-7S 1.36 21.8 25.8 4 -20.44 -24.44 -22.44 TPGW-7M 1.25 47.7 51.7 4 -46.45 -50.45 -48.45 TPGW-7D 1.19 79.7 83.7 4 -78.51 -82.51 -80.51 TPGW-8S 1.98 16.8 20.8 4 -14.82 -18.82 -16.82 TPGW-8M 2.12 34.9 36.9 2 -32.78 -34.78 -33.78 TPGW-8D 2.01 49.2 53.2 4 -47.19 -51.19 -49.19 TPGW-9S 3.63 14.9 18.9 4 -11.27 -15.27 -13.27 TPGW-9M 3.53 34.3 36.3 2 -30.77 -32.77 -31.77 TPGW-9D 3.52 47.9 49.9 2 -44.38 -46.38 -45.38 TPGW-10S* 8.3 36.4 38.4 2 -28.1 -30.1 -29.1 TPGW-10M* 8.3 60.4 64.4 4 -52.1 -56.1 -54.1 1-16

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Table 1.1-2. Well Construction Summary Depth to Depth to Top of Bottom of Elevation Top of Casing Top of Screen Bottom of Screen Screen Screen Screen Screen Monitoring Elevation from TOC from TOC Length Elevation Elevation Midpoint Well (ft NAVD 88) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft NAVD 88) (ft NAVD 88) (ft NAVD 88)


  • 8.3 126.5 130.5 4 -118.2 -122.2 -120.1 TPGW-11S* 8.7 39.4 43.4 4 -30.7 -34.7 -32.7 TPGW-11M* 8.7 90.4 94.4 4 -81.7 -85.7 -83.7 TPGW-11D
  • 8.7 122.4 126.4 4 -113.7 -117.7 -115.7 TPGW-12S 0.52 21.6 23.6 2 -21.08 -23.08 -22.08 TPGW-12M 0.73 55.8 59.8 4 -55.07 -59.07 -57.07 TPGW-12D 0.76 89.8 93.8 4 -89.04 -93.04 -91.04 TPGW-13S 2.19 29.8 33.8 4 -27.61 -31.61 -29.61 TPGW-13M 2.13 56.7 60.7 4 -54.57 -58.57 -56.57 TPGW-13D 2.18 84.9 88.9 4 -82.72 -86.72 -84.72 TPGW-14S* 8.8 32.5 36.5 4 -23.7 -27.7 -25.7 TPGW-14M* 8.8 56.3 60.3 4 -47.5 -51.5 -49.5 TPGW-14D
  • 8.6 102.2 106.2 4 -93.6 -97.6 -95.6 Note:
  • Offshore wells surveyed using GPS are only accurate to 0.1 foot.


ft = feet.

NAVD 88 = North American Vertical Datum of 1988.

S = Shallow.

M = Intermediate.

D = Deep.

TOC = Top of casing.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 FIGURES

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.1-1. Locations of Groundwater Monitoring Stations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.1-2. Locations of Surface Water Monitoring Stations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.1-3. Locations of the Meteorological Station, Rainfall Gauging Stations, Rainfall Collectors, and Evaporation Pans.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.1-4. Flow Meter Locations in the CCS.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.3-1. Ecological Transect Locations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.3-2. Initial Broad-Scale Porewater Sample Locations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 1 Figure 1.3-3. Wet Season Broad-Scale Porewater Sample Locations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2

2. AUTOMATED DATA COLLECTION 2.1 Groundwater Quality 2.1.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods Automated groundwater monitoring stations were installed at 14 well clusters in a total of 42 wells (three wells per cluster) from February 2010 to August 2010. In each well, two probes manufactured by In-Situ, Inc. (an Aqua TROLL 100 [AT100] and a Level TROLL 500

[LT500]) were deployed primarily between June 2010 and September 2010 and were set to record water quality parameters and water levels, respectively, at 15-minute intervals. The probes were connected by cable to a telemetry unit and the data at each of these sites are transmitted remotely by cellular phone service to a central database once per day. The telemetry units are powered with 12-volt batteries that are recharged by solar panels. Figure 2.1-1 shows an automated groundwater station with telemetry.

The focus of this subsection is on the AT100 probe that measures groundwater quality parameters. The AT100 has a titanium body with a completely sealed, internal lithium battery, a real-time clock, a datalogger, and temperature and conductance sensors. At each well, an AT100 is placed in the middle of the screened well interval and measures actual conductance (microSiemens per centimeter [S/cm]) and temperature (degrees Celsius [°C]). This probe also calculates specific conductance, salinity, TDS, and water density. Salinity values are calculated using actual conductance and temperature and are reported in practical salinity units (per Practical Salinity Scale 1978 [PSS-78]). TDS is based on actual conductance with a manufacturer automated default conversion factor of 0.65, and results are reported in milligrams/liter (mg/L). Water density is calculated using salinity and temperature, and results are reported in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).

Per the QAPP, the ideal cleaning and calibration schedule for the groundwater probes is approximately every eight weeks, with the Biscayne Bay probes on a rotation of approximately every six weeks. The actual schedule varies depending on field conditions and logistics.

For the cleaning and calibration efforts, probes are pulled from each well and the accuracy of the specific conductance and temperature readings are verified. For specific conductance, each AT100 is placed in a container with a known conductance solution near the expected sample value and Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) performed. The reading on the probe and the value of the specific conductance solution is recorded. A value within 5% of the standard solution is considered acceptable; if the probes reading falls outside the 5% range, data from the previous calibration event up to the present reading are qualified as estimated (E) or questionable

(?) as discussed later in this section. Following the CCV, the probes are cleaned with analyte-2-1

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 free water and a non-abrasive cloth or sponge. Sensor heads are cleaned using cotton swabs or soft pipe cleaners.

Following the CCV, an initial calibration (IC) and an initial calibration verification (ICV) are conducted with a solution at the high end of the expected sample range. The AT100 and Aqua Troll 200 (AT200) use a single-point calibration equation. If the specific conductance reading of the probe during the IC and the value of the calibration solution is between 0.98 to 1.02 of each other (referred to as the cell constant), the reading is considered ideal, but a higher range between 0.90 and 1.10 is acceptable. Following cleaning and a successful IC, an ICV and two additional bracketing ICVs are done with standard conductance solutions, with one typically above and another typically below the expected sample value range, to bracket the range of readings. If a probe specific conductivity reading is outside of the acceptable range during any of the steps described above, the probe is replaced.

For temperature, each AT100 is verified during each cleaning and calibration event using a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-certified thermometer. The temperature reading of the probe is considered acceptable if it is within +/-0.5°C of the NIST thermometer reading. If a probe temperature reading is outside the acceptable range, it is replaced with another probe.

During cleaning and calibration, operational parameters involving general system functionality are addressed. The external battery voltage that powers the telemetry system (12:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. each day) is checked. The 12-volt batteries and solar panels are inspected, as well as fuses and wiring connections. In addition, internal voltage and memory availability of all probes are checked. Desiccants in the system are replaced during every cleaning and calibration event, and overall cleanliness is maintained. Inoperable equipment is repaired or replaced. In the event that equipment is vandalized, it is replaced.

In addition to routine cleaning/calibration, all probes are sent for factory calibration/maintenance checks approximately once every 18 months. This effort was conducted systematically from November 2011 through March 2012. If the cleaning and calibration event occurs when a probe needs to be sent for factory maintenance, the probe undergoes a CCV and high and low ICVs first to determine if it reads within the acceptable 5% range. When a probe is sent back to the factory for recalibration, another probe that has been factory-calibrated within the past 18 months is installed in its place. Since a replacement probe would not have recorded data prior to the current calibration, it would undergo only the IC, ICV, and high and low ICVs.

From June 2010 through June 2012, the most problematic issue with the automated stations continued to be the inconsistent daily reporting by the telemetry units. In nearly all cases, the data were recorded and stored in the instrument but, due to intermittent connectivity to the network, the data were not always transmitted to the FPL database on a daily basis. In a few cases, data were lost due to lightning strikes or probe electronic resets. If the system does not reconnect after these connectivity failures, FPL has to download and manually patch in the data.

Data are downloaded from probes every calibration event, typically during cleaning and 2-2

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 calibration events. High-gain antennas are now installed at most sites. Also, several issues are causing oscillations in some of the specific conductance values. These issues are discussed in the following subsections.

2.1.2 Results and Discussion All raw data are made available to the Agencies upon receipt by FPL and are subsequently reviewed for accuracy. Depending upon the results, some of the data are qualified using the qualification codes outlined in the QAPP. The validation and qualification of the data are a substantial undertaking and will continue to be so in the future. For example, each groundwater well (one AT100 and one LT500) generates 576 data points each day. This results in 24,192 data points generated by the groundwater stations (42 wells) each day or approximately 8,830,080 points annually. Both the surface and groundwater stations generate approximately 16.5 million data points per year.

Data validation and qualification is a multi-step process. The first step begins with the plotting of key water quality parameters (salinity, specific conductance, and temperature) over a set validation period as well as the entire period of record. This allows a quick review of the results and identification/flagging of data that are outside expected ranges. Any evident aberrations in the resulting time series plots are then reviewed further based on specific station location, meteorological conditions, and previous results.

As a second step, the data are then compared to validation and calibration logs to ensure that the probes are recording data within the tolerances (5% for specific conductance and 0.5°C for temperature). Data within the accepted levels are deemed valid and data outside that range are qualified. For specific conductance ICVs, most probes have been verified successfully; however, some of the data have been qualified primarily due to CCVs outside acceptable levels.

Nine probes have been out of range for temperature and 25 probes have been out of range for specific conductance, resulting in the qualification of data back to the time the probes last passed verification for that parameter. Most of the out-of-range data was qualified as estimated. The calibration and verification logs for the automated station probes are included in Appendix B.

In the final step, each data point for specific conductance, salinity, and temperature is compared to its previous 15-minute value to check for any unusual oscillations that may not have been caught during the calibration and verification events. Salinity differences greater than or equal to

() 1 practical salinity unit (per PSS-78) and temperature changes 1°C that occur within 15-minute intervals are flagged, and both data rows are highlighted. Data are then manually reviewed for validity. Flagged data are compared against meteorological data and other station data to help determine if they are real or spurious observations beyond normal parameters. There have been instances when a probe has exhibited extreme 15-minute oscillations (e.g.,

fluctuations up to 80,000 S/cm) for a period of time before resuming function within normal ranges. Other examples of spurious data include occurrences of specific conductance values dropping drastically and instantaneously and remaining at low levels for days to weeks, or oscillating for one or two time intervals before instantaneously returning to original levels.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Once the above steps are completed and all flagged data are reviewed, the data are qualified as appropriate. The qualifiers used in the data qualification effort are E indicating an estimated value, ? indicating suspect or questionable data, G indicating a recalculated value, and C indicating a calibration event. Data dependent upon other parameters, (i.e., specific conductance, salinity, density, and TDS) are also qualified for the corresponding period when these parameters are interrelated.

The E (estimated) qualifier has been added to data that oscillate, but not more than 5% from what is believed to be the actual value, due to a system electrical/radio frequency issue. Data from the previous cleaning and calibration event up to present are also qualified as E when an CCV ranges from 5% to 30%, or when verification or bracketing is not performed. For example, when In-Situ, Inc. deployed probes without performing verification (other than what was done at the factory), these data were qualified with an E.

The ? qualifier has been applied to data that should not be included in any analyses because they may not be an accurate depiction of actual field conditions. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

Data from any probe with an CCV greater than 30%; however, no data have yet to be qualified as questionable for this reason; Specific conductance values that erroneously oscillate between high and low readings at 15-minute intervals due to problems with the automated system; or Specific conductance, temperature, and water levels artificially altered when the probe is pulled for cleaning and calibration.

During cleaning and calibration events, both ? and C qualifiers are applied to all applicable parameters. The calibration event begins when a probe starts to be retrieved and ends when it has been set back in place and the temperature reading has stabilized. When air and water temperatures differ greatly, it can take the probe temperature several hours to return to accurate readings of ambient water temperature and, thus, all values are affected.

After a review of the key parameters in their entirety by a second QA/QC person, all qualified data from each station are validated on the EDMS and, subsequently, become available for download by the Agencies.

FPL has made refinements in the data qualification and validation process during the monitoring period and, when necessary, has retroactively applied qualifiers to previous sets of data. For example, in the last Semi-Annual Monitoring Report (FPL 2012a), FPL noted that, during a few short periods, the surface water levels exceeded the top of several groundwater well casings. The groundwater levels were qualified. Also, the water quality readings in several of the wells appeared to be slightly affected during sampling events and the data were qualified. FPL went back through all the previous data to determine whether similar events occurred and qualified the 2-4

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 data as appropriate. These changes only affect a small percentage of the data. The information presented in this report reflects the most current data set.

Only a small percentage of the water quality data has been qualified as questionable. The principal reason for using the ? qualifier is erroneous oscillating specific conductance values (greater than 5% over a 15-minute interval due to obvious system malfunction). An In-Situ, Inc.

representative initially stated that these abnormal fluctuations could have been caused by air bubbles on the sensor or by blocked sensor heads. However, gently shaking and tapping the probes have not necessarily alleviated this issue in every instance. FPL subsequently re-grounded some of the sites in hopes of rectifying the problem; however, oscillations were not completely eliminated. In-Situ, Inc. was able to reproduce the oscillation in the laboratory using high-frequency radio waves. These radio waves in the laboratory caused the probe cables to resonate, which caused fluctuating specific conductance readings. In-Situ, Inc. subsequently installed ferrite beads on the probe cables to eliminate cable resonance, but data oscillations still occurred, on occasion. While the oscillations appear to be less frequent than at the projects onset, it is still believed that other factors are contributing to the oscillations; therefore, testing has continued in order to determine the underlying causes of these patterns. One of the latest tests, implemented in January 2012, disconnected external power from several of the probes showing the most frequent oscillations. To date, these probes have been disconnected from the 12-volt battery (but remain connected to the telemetry system) and have been powered by the internal 1.5-volt lithium battery and, for a while, the data appeared stable. FPL has recently run new ground wires at TPGW-1 and TPGW-13, placed ferrite beads on the cables at those sites, and connected an additional grounding rod to TPGW-1, but oscillations in specific conductance still occurs. It appears this may be an ongoing issue; the associated data will continue to be qualified as questionable.

Figures 2.1-2 through 2.1-15 illustrate time series graphs of specific conductance, temperature, and salinity at each well. These graphs depict validated data and exclude suspect data that have been qualified as questionable or that were recorded during a calibration event. Appendix D provides time series graphs of these three parameters, with all reported data including questionable data. The time series graphs show data from the beginning of station reporting in 2010 (June through September 2010 depending on station) through June 2012. To facilitate closer review of the time series results by the Agencies and allow them to adjust graphic scales presented herein and/or focus on a specific time interval, FPL has included the raw time series data in separate Excel files with the report.

Tables 2.1-1, 2.1-2, and 2.1-3 show statistical summaries for time series specific conductance, temperature, and salinity data, respectively. The tables include monthly average values for each monitoring well and the minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation for the entire monitoring period; these summaries were calculated where at least 21 days of data were available for that month. The salinity values are presented since lay people often relate more directly to salinity than specific conductance. Figures 2.1-16, 2.1-17, and 2.1-18 show the average value and standard deviation for specific conductance, temperature, and salinity, 2-5

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 respectively, to facilitate a spatial visualization of the average automated groundwater results.

Statistical files have been included in separate Excel files with the report.

Overall, the qualified groundwater specific conductance and salinity data indicated consistent readings throughout the entire monitoring period. The salinity results track the specific conductance results since salinity is calculated based on specific conductance and temperature.

No observable seasonal changes occurred in any well location. Nearly all the specific conductance time series plots exhibit very little change over time. TPGW-1S was the notable exception where the specific conductance values ranged from approximately 48,000 µS/cm to 64,000 µS/cm.

Similar to what has been previously observed, the wells closest to the CCS and Biscayne Bay had higher specific conductance than the wells located farther away. Outer well clusters TPGW-7, TPGW-8 (excluding TPGW-8S), and TPGW-9 have groundwater that can be characterized as freshwater and do not appear to be affected by salt water intrusion. As discussed further in Section 3, TPGW-8S had specific conductance values that ranged from 2,067 µS/cm to 3,681

µS/cm, but ionic data indicated non-marine influences. Wells TPGW-4S, TPGW-5S, and TPGW-6S had average specific conductance values over the monitoring period of 2,163 µS/cm, 1,298 µS/cm and 1,127 µS/cm, respectively. All other wells are saltier and are influenced by marine water. Monitoring wells TPGW-1M, TPGW-1D, TPGW-2S, TPGW-2M, TPGW-2D, TPGW-3S, TPGW-3M, TPGW-3D, TPGW-12M, TPGW-12D, TPGW-13S, TPGW-13M, and TPGW-13D have the saltiest water, with specific conductance values consistently in excess of 60,000 µS/cm. The specific conductance values in well cluster TPGW-13 were the highest with average values in excess of 80,000 µS/cm.

The majority of the wells that appear to be influenced by marine water had higher specific conductance values with depth; however, the intermediate zone often exhibits values similar to the deep zone. Well cluster TPGW-13 is one of the exceptions where the average values over the monitoring period were slightly higher in the shallow zone, but the values between all zones were within 5% of each other. This is not unexpected at TPGW-13 given the hypersaline conditions in the CCS.

The groundwater temperatures in the intermediate and deep zones exhibited little to no change over the monitoring period and most appear flat-lined on the time series plots. The temperatures in the shallow zone wells were steady, but reflected minor seasonal influences; groundwater temperatures were typically higher near the end/beginning of the year and decreased to their lowest levels when air temperatures were warmer, which is the opposite of what would be expected if there was an immediate response in groundwater temperature to air temperature.

This trend may be reflective of a lag in the response of the shallow groundwater (20 to 40 ft below ground surface) to winter and summer air and surface water temperatures. The highest groundwater temperatures occurred in well cluster TPGW-13 with an average value over the monitoring period of 30.0°C. By comparison, the average groundwater temperatures over the monitoring period in TPGW-10S (Biscayne Bay well), TPGW-1S (near CCS), and TPGW-9S (westernmost well) were 26.1, 25.6, and 24.7°C, respectively. The average groundwater 2-6

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 temperatures in nearly all the wells were less than the average value of 26.1°C measured at both TPGW10S and TPGW-11S in Biscayne Bay. Wells TPGW-14M and TPGW-14D had slightly higher groundwater temperatures of 26.2 and 26.4°C. Well cluster TPGW-2 had average groundwater temperatures that ranged from 26.5 to 27.4°C, which could suggest some effects of the CCS. Well cluster TPGW-2 did not follow the same general groundwater temperature trends exhibited by the other well clusters, indicating some external influence.

To assess differences between wells over time, Figures 2.1-19 through 2.1-25 show comparisons of specific conductance and temperature in shallow and deep interval wells. Figure 2.1-19 shows that for the wells in Biscayne Bay, TPGW-14 has the highest specific conductance values and the highest temperatures at depth. Figures 2.1-20 through 2.1-23 show changes across the landscape and include wells in Biscayne Bay, the CCS, and wells farther inland. The figures illustrate how much higher the specific conductance and temperature are in CCS well cluster TPGW-13 than the other wells. Also, the figures show how the values generally decrease in wells with distance from the coast. Figure 2.1-24 shows plots of wells in close proximity to the CCS. Figure 2.1-25 compares Biscayne Bay surface water specific conductance values and temperatures with Biscayne Bay groundwater specific conductance values and temperatures. The plots show how much less the groundwater specific conductance values and temperatures fluctuate than the surface water values. This indicates the buffering effects that groundwater has on surface water changes.

2.2 SURFACE WATER QUALITY 2.2.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods Automated surface water quality stations were located throughout the Turkey Point landscape as determined jointly with the Agencies. All stations record water quality and stage data at 15-minute intervals, with the exception of Biscayne Bay stations TPBBSW-1, TPBBSW-2, TPBBSW-4, and TPBBSW-5 which record only water quality parameters. While most sites that record surface water data have two probes (top and bottom), some have only one probe, depending on surface water depth and other logistical considerations. Stations that are in less than 3 ft of water have only one AT200 probe. Surface water quality stations with two probes have an AT100 at approximately 1 ft above the bottom and an AT200 within 3 ft of the surface.

The AT200 is similar to the AT100, except the AT200 also measures water stage. Similar to the AT100, the AT200 has a titanium body with a completely sealed internal lithium battery, real-time clock, data logger, and pressure, temperature, and conductance sensors. The AT200 is also programmed to auto-correct water levels for water density based on readings recorded by the probe. This feature is explained in greater detail in Section 2.3.1.

Similar to the groundwater sites, probe cables are attached to a telemetry system that uploads once a day for most sites (Figure 2.2-1). Table 2.2-1 summarizes the probes used at each surface water station and the parameters measured. Currently, 33 probes (AT100s and AT200s) are deployed throughout the monitoring area, generating up to 6.3 million data points each year.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Four of the automated surface water quality sites in Biscayne Bay (TPBBSW-1, TPBBSW-2, TPBBSW-4, and TPBBSW-5) are not connected to a telemetry system for logistical reasons. Per the Monitoring Plan, these probes are set up similar to the BNP salinity monitoring network stations (Biscayne National Park 2007) equipped with probes that record specific conductance just above the sediment surface. Rather than installing platforms or pilings, the probes are firmly attached to a cement paver/pad and are placed at pre-determined locations on the Bay bottom.

Since these probes are designated to measure only water quality parameters, AT100s are deployed at each of these four locations. The probes are swapped out approximately every six weeks, returned to the field office where they are cleaned and calibrated, and the data are manually uploaded into the online database.

All AT100 and AT200 probes are cleaned and calibrated using the same methodology as described for groundwater sites. Appendix B shows the water quality field verification/

calibration logs. Additional verification measurements are conducted for the water level measurements associated with the AT200, as detailed in Section 2.3.1.

2.2.2 Results and Discussion The automated surface water quality data are qualified and validated in the same manner as the automated groundwater data. Figures 2.2-2 to 2.2-23 show time series graphs of specific conductance, temperature, and salinity at each surface water station. These graphs depict validated data and exclude suspect data that have been qualified as questionable (?), estimated (E), or qualified due to impacts during a calibration (C) event. Appendix C shows what data were qualified, while Appendix D shows time series graphs of the three parameters, but with all reported data including suspect data. The time series graphs show data from the beginning of station reporting in 2010 (August or September 2010, depending on station) through June 2012.

Note that the salinity results for all the surface water stations track the specific conductance results since salinity is calculated based on specific conductance and temperature, thus most of the discussion focuses on specific conductance and temperature. To facilitate closer review of the time series results by the Agencies and allow them to adjust graphic scales presented herein and/or focus on a specific time interval, FPL has included the raw time series data files in separate Excel files with the report.

Tables 2.2-1, 2.2-2, and 2.2-3 show statistical summaries of the time series data for specific conductance, temperature, and salinity, respectively. The tables include monthly average values for each monitoring station and the minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation for the entire monitoring period. The salinity values are presented since lay people often relate more directly to salinity than specific conductance. Figures 2.2-24, 2.2-25, and 2.2-26 show the average value and standard deviation for specific conductance, temperature, and salinity, respectively, to facilitate a spatial visualization of the average automated surface water results.

Statistical files have been included in separate Excel files with the report.

Compared to the groundwater time series graphs, the surface water time series graphs show greater variability in the data, most of which is related to seasonal and meteorological conditions.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 For example, in Biscayne Bay, the highest specific conductance values are near the end of the dry season and the lowest values are near the end of the wet season with minimum and maximum values ranging from 18,922 µS/cm (TPBBSW-10B) to 66,884 µS/cm (TPBBSW-1B).

The highest values in Biscayne Bay were recorded near the end of the very dry season in June 2011 at six of the seven Biscayne Bay stations. This equates to salinities throughout the project area in excess of 40 units on the practical salinity units (PSU) scale. Figure 2.2-27 compares surface water specific conductance values at Biscayne Bay stations. Station TPBBSW-14B (measured near the surface) consistently has the lowest water temperatures while TPBBSW-10B (measured near the surface) has the most variability. The specific conductance values in Biscayne Bay are within ranges observed at BBCW10 (SFWMD well located several miles north). In some instances, for example much of June 2011 specific conductance values were higher at BBCW10 than at Turkey Point Biscayne Bay stations.

The specific conductance values in the CCS show less seasonal variability than Biscayne Bay, but do change in response to rainfall events. Following a high rainfall event on October 8, 2011 (6.33 inches measured at TPM-1), the specific conductance values dropped 10% to 20% at all stations. This is similar to what occurred the previous year in September and November 2010 following several heavy rain events (7.34 and 4.36 inches, respectively, at TPM-1). The data show that there was no clear pattern of higher or lower specific conductance among the CCS stations. Variability in the results is often within the acceptable calibration limits of the instrument. Quarterly surface water sampling indicates the specific conductance values at all CCS stations are typically within 5% of each other. Over the entire monitoring period, the minimum and maximum CCS specific conductance values ranged from 50,528 µS/cm (TPSWCCS-4B) to 93,594 µS/cm (TPSWCCS-6B). The average specific conductance values in the CCS were consistently over 70,000 µS/cm in comparison to Biscayne Bay average values ranging between 43,433 µS/cm and 51,006 µS/cm for the monitoring period. Figure 2.2-28 compares time series specific conductance values between the CCS and several Biscayne Bay surface water stations. The specific conductance at TPSWC-5T is consistently higher than the Biscayne stations by over 20,000 µS/cm.

In the L-31E Canal stations, (TPSWC-1, TPSWC-2 and TPSWC-3), the specific conductance values were predominantly reflective of freshwater, however slightly more saline conditions were noted during several periods. The most notable period was near the end of the very dry season in June 2012 when maximum specific conductance values were 9,507 µS/cm (TPSWC-2B) and 22,776 µS/cm (TPSWC-3B). As is discussed in Section 3, there was not an incremental increase in tritium concentrations which might indicate regional Biscayne Bay influences instead of an influence from the CCS. Figure 2.2-29 compares time series specific conductance and temperature values for the different surface water stations in the L-31E Canal. Other spikes in specific conductance values were noted in TPSWC-3B in November 2011 and near the end of the dry season in 2012.

The specific conductance values in the two tidal stations TPSWC-4 and TPSWC-5 were more variable than the L-31E stations. TPSWC-4 is affected by releases from the S-20 structure and can transition from saline to fresh conditions quickly. Station TPSWC-5 reflects marine 2-9

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 conditions, but exhibited values in excess of those found in Biscayne Bay at the bottom. The water at TPSWC-5 is over 20 ft deep and is located at the end of this dead-end canal. The deep water depths and restrictions in flushing may contribute to the observed specific conductance values at this station.

The ID specific conductance values are affected by pumping of the ID ditch, which is conducted mostly in the dry season to maintain a seaward gradient between the L-31E Canal and the ID.

During non-pumping periods, the water in the ID is slightly saline to brackish, but during periods of heavy pumping, the water becomes saline in the pumped segments. In June 2011, the specific conductance values reached a peak at two ID stations with values in excess of 55,000 S/cm.

The effect was most pronounced at the bottom of TPSWID-2 where specific conductance values remained the highest for the longest duration. Specific conductance values in the ID were always below the values in the CCS and reflect a mixing of CCS water, freshwater, and Biscayne Bay water. Figure 2.2-30 compares time series specific conductance and temperature values for the different surface water stations in the ID. Figures 2.2-31 through 2.2-33 compare time series specific conductance and temperature values for the ID, L-31E, and CCS, at ID operation transect A stations (TPSWID-1, TPSWC-1, and TPSWCCS-1), transect C stations (TPSWID-2, TPSWC-2, and TPSWCCS-7), and transect E stations (TPSWID-3, TPSWC-3, and TPSWCCS-3), respectively. The figures show that CCS specific conductance values are highest in the CCS and lowest in the L-31E. The figures also show the temperature difference between the water bodies as the CCS cools from transect A to transect C. Discussion of the ID operation is included Section 6 of this report.

Water temperatures at all stations are greatly affected by meteorological conditions and reflect seasonal trends as expected. Ambient air temperature changes were quickly reflected in water temperatures and both Biscayne Bay and CCS stations tracked closely the overall ambient trend (Figure 2.2-34). In Biscayne Bay, average monthly water temperatures in January 2011 were around 20°C at all stations. In July 2011, average monthly water temperatures were near 31°C at all Biscayne Bay stations and the highest recorded 15-minute temperature was 35.2°C at TPBBSW-10B.

The water temperatures in the CCS also change with air temperature but are higher than other surface water locations. The CCS water is pumped from the intake side of the plant and routed through condensers to cool the power units. As the water passes through the condensers, it is heated and eventually discharged on the west side of the plant back into the CCS. The water temperatures on the CCS discharge side of the plant at TPSWCCS-1B are 7.5°C warmer on average for the entire monitoring period (June 20110 through June 2012) than at the intake side of the plant at TPSWCCS-6B. The range in temperatures varies monthly and CCS surface water temperatures are warmer in the summer months and cooler in the winter months. For example in September 2011, the average monthly CCS water temperatures ranged from 31.9°C at TPSWCCS-6B to 40.1°C at TPSWCCS-1. In January 2012, the average monthly CCS water temperatures ranged from 23.8°C at TPSWCCS-6B to 33.1°C at TPSWCCS-1B. There did not appear to be any temperature stratification at TPSWCCS-4 and TPSWCCS-6 since the water temperature was consistently the same at the top and bottom. However, at TPSWCCS-5, the 2-10

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 surface water temperatures were consistently higher at the top station. Figure 2.2-35 shows time series plots for stations in the CCS and illustrates the differences in temperature between stations on the discharge side of the plant (i.e., TPSWCCS-1B, TPSWCCS-7B) and the intake side of the plant (i.e., TPSWCCS-5 and TPSWCCS-6).

CSS water temperatures are regularly higher than the daily ambient air temperatures (Figure 2.2-34) and are often higher than daily maximum temperatures (Figure 2.2-36). This rarely occurs at other surface water stations. If there are temperature effects on Biscayne Bay from the warmer CCS waters, the effects would most likely be evident during the cooler months. Figure 2.2-36 shows the water temperatures from February to June 2011 for all the Biscayne Bay stations installed for the Uprate monitoring. Surface water temperatures from a SFWMD Biscayne Bay monitoring station several miles north of the site (BBCW-10) are included on Figure 2.2-36. The Turkey Point Biscayne Bay monitoring stations track very closely both with the SFWMD station and the maximum air temperatures recorded at TPM-1.

To help assess whether CCS water temperatures are affecting Biscayne Bay water temperatures, the differences between CCS and Biscayne Bay water temperatures and the differences between ambient air and Biscayne Bay water temperatures were examined (Figure 2.2-37). The results clearly demonstrate that CCS water temperatures, both on the intake and discharges sides, are warmer than Biscayne Bay water temperatures; there is only one instance where the plot exhibits a negative value for the difference between CCS and Biscayne Bay water temperatures (February 13, 2011; TPSWCCS TPBBSW4). This occurred when there was a major drop in the low ambient air temperature on February 13, and it appears the CCS water temperature responded more quickly to the daily low temperature. When compared to ambient air temperatures, Biscayne Bay water temperatures oscillate between being higher and lower than ambient air temperatures, particularly during the cooler months. This is to be expected as cold fronts move through and air temperatures both drop and recover more quickly, and to a greater degree, than water temperatures. Later in the year, mean ambient temperatures are almost exclusively lower than Biscayne Bay water temperatures. More importantly however, differences between the northern SFWMD surface water station (BBCW10) and both the ambient air temperatures and the CCS water temperatures follow the same pattern and are of the same magnitude as the FPL Biscayne Bay stations. These results suggest that air temperatures are driving water temperatures in Biscayne Bay and do not indicate any readily evident CCS water temperature effects in Biscayne Bay.

Water temperatures in the L-31E Canal (Figure 2.2-29) are on average cooler than those in Biscayne Bay. There is some temperature stratification in L-31 in part due to the canal depths and typically limited flow. The near surface water temperatures are almost always warmer than the bottom temperatures and the surface temperature exhibits more daily variability in response to air temperature changes. Near the end of the 2011 dry season, the bottom temperatures in TPSWC-3B were similar to the near surface water temperatures at that location and the timing coincides with the increase in specific conductance discussed above.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 The time series plots (Figure 2.2-30) show that there were periods when the bottom water temperatures in the ID were greater than the surface water temperatures and those periods often corresponded with pumping of the ID and reflect some influence from the CCS. As a result, the average temperatures in the ID stations are higher than at the L-31E stations based on the entire monitoring period.

The water temperatures in the two tidal canal stations (TPSWC-4 and TPSWC-5) were also affected by air temperatures, but TPSWC-4 was also affected by discharges from S-20.

Generally the surface water temperatures at TPSWC-4 were higher than or similar to the bottom water temperatures; the effects of the CCS, if any, were hard to differentiate due to the variables that could affect water temperature. At TPSWC-5, the bottom water temperature was higher than the surface water temperature for months at a time.

2.3 WATER LEVELS 2.3.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods Water levels provide insight into groundwater hydrology and groundwater and surface water interactions; levels are collected at all groundwater and most surface water stations for the Uprate Project monitoring effort. Only four water quality stations in Biscayne Bay do not have stage recorders. Per the Monitoring Plan, automated surface water quality monitoring stations co-located with groundwater monitoring well clusters in Biscayne Bay were to have surface water stage recorders. During the siting of the wells and surface water stations in Biscayne Bay, only one surface water quality station (TPBBSW-3) was co-located with a well cluster (TPGW-11); thus, one stage recorder was initially installed in Biscayne Bay. FPL later opted to install two additional stage recorders in Biscayne Bay (one each at the platforms associated with TPGW-10 and TPGW-14) to better assess groundwater and surface water interactions and tidal differences across the landscape.

Water pressures are measured at 15-minute intervals, and water levels are calculated from the pressure data. The results are typically transmitted on a regular basis via telemetry. LT500 and AT200 probes are used to record water pressure/levels. The LT500 only measures water pressure and temperature. This probe model is used in all automated groundwater well sites and is co-located with AT100 water quality units, but is placed near the surface to increase the accuracy of the pressure readings. At all automated surface water stations, AT200 probes are used for water levels since the probes measure both water pressure and water quality parameters. Both types of data are needed for surface water stations, and probes can typically be placed within 3 ft of the surface. Both probe models that measure water pressure have been deployed using a vented cable. The vented cable contains a tube that applies atmospheric pressure to the back of the pressure gauge. The instrument is programmed to automatically subtract this value from the measured pressure, reflected in the following formula:

Pgauge = Pabsolute - Patmosphere 2-12

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Aside from being able to measure water quality parameters, the biggest difference between the AT200 probe and the LT500 probe is how specific gravity (SG) is handled. In the AT200 probe, an option exists to program a fixed density value or to auto-adjust water levels based on actual measured density. In the LT500 probe, only a fixed density value can be entered based on the water type (freshwater, brackish water, or saltwater). All LT500 probes are individually set to the fixed density value that best characterizes the water in the well. The AT200 probes are programed to automatically adjust water levels based on the measured density.

Both probes are programmed to record water levels based on a depth-to-water level setting.

Water levels are calculated in the instruments from the measured pressure based on the following formula:

WL = RL + (2.31 * (RP-MP)/SG) where:

WL - water level (measured in feet based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (ft NAVD 88)

RL - reference water level (ft NAVD 88)

RP - reference pressure (pounds per square inch [psi])

MP - measured pressure (psi)

SG - specific gravity (unitless)

The SG in the above formula is the same as the density reading; thus, the values come directly from the instrument.

The reference level (RL) is a key component and is established in the field by using a water level indicator to measure the depth to water from the top of the well casing. Since the top of casing has been surveyed to an established datum (both NAVD 88 and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 [NGVD 29]), an elevation of the water is quickly determined by subtracting the depth to water from the top of casing. The resulting water level elevation is then entered into the probe as the reference level. The probe then automatically calculates the related pressure value, referred to as the reference pressure (RP). Subsequent pressure measurements recorded by the probe are relative to the reference pressure and its associated elevation.

The AT200 probes are cleaned in the same manner as described for the AT100 probes in the previous sections. The LT500 probes are wiped down with analyte-free water, with care not to damage the pressure transducer. The same care is used on the AT200 probes. While the pressure sensor cannot be calibrated, the resulting stage readings are verified. FPL has refined their approach over the course of the monitoring effort to improve the accuracy of the data. Currently, water level measurements are taken with a water level indicator prior to the removal of the LT500/AT200 probes for cleaning. An instantaneous reading from the probe is taken and compared to the water level indicator. Readings differing less than 0.1 ft are considered acceptable. The probe is then removed for cleaning, placed back in the well, and a similar comparison is made with the water level indicator and pressure reading. If needed, the reference 2-13

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 level is reset so the probe reading matches the water level reading to within 0.03 ft, which is the accuracy of the pressure sensor.

Similar to the AT100 probes, all LT500 and AT200 probes are factory-calibrated every 12 to 18 months. This effort was conducted systematically during regularly scheduled cleaning and calibration events between November 2011 and March 2012.

2.3.2 Results and Discussion Groundwater As part of the validation process, water levels and pressures were plotted for the entire time period for each station. Sudden changes in water level were identified and checked against stage changes at other stations and against rainfall measurements. Time series plots of water levels in similar media and areas such as the CCS or in Biscayne Bay surface water were overlain and compared to one another to help identify potential problems with water level results. In addition, plots in groundwater and nearby or an overlying surface water body were overlain for similar comparisons. Careful attention was paid to periods when cleaning and calibration events occurred and for any activity that could alter the probe placement. Where stage data were available from a water level indicator or stage gauge readings, those values were compared to the reported water level measurements.

If water levels reported by the probe and field-measured values were off by more than 0.1 ft, the data were flagged for closer inspection. Also, shifts in data immediately following a calibration event or activity that could have impacted the probe placement were flagged if they were greater than 0.1 ft. The flagged data were reviewed further and, in some instances, it was clear there was an issue with an incorrect reference level and the data were corrected. In some instances, the cause for a discrepancy greater than 0.1 ft could not be established and the data were qualified as estimated; in other cases, the results were highly suspect in consideration of historical and surrounding station results, and the data were qualified as questionable. For difference of less than 0.1 ft, no correction or qualification of the data was applied.

It should be mentioned that the accuracy of the land-based station survey is better than 0.1 ft (typically within hundredths of a foot), but well locations in the Bay may have a lower level of accuracy since those stations could only be surveyed with GPS units. Thus, the survey accuracy limits should be taken into account when interpreting the results to hundredths of a foot or, in the case of the Biscayne Bay wells, to several tenths of a foot.

Figures 2.3-1 through 2.3-14 show time series graphs at all automated groundwater stations.

These graphs are based on refined validated data and exclude data that are questionable or recorded during a calibration event. Stage data were typically not qualified if the density values were suspect since the differences in the instrument-calculated density had little effect on the pressure reading/stage results, given the shallow depth of probe placement. All time-series graphs are based on actual measured levels, with the probes set to a representative density setting. The values do not reflect freshwater head equivalents. In order to facilitate closer 2-14

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 review of the time series results by the Agencies and allow them to adjust graphic scales presented herein and/or focus on a specific time interval, FPL has included the raw time series data files in separate files in Excel with the report.

Some of the water level data reported in the first Semi-Annual Report (FPL 2011a) were revised based on a resurvey of the top of casing of groundwater wells. This updated information was included in an Errata to the 2011 Semi-Annual Report and changes were reflected in subsequent reports. Also for the first reporting period, FPL initially conducted a post-correction calculation to adjust the LT500 readings from a fixed density value to a measured value using the density from the AT100 located in the same well at depth. This post-correction used the above formula and was calculated similar to how an AT200 is programmed to calculate water levels. FPL subsequently determined (with SFWMD concurrence) that this procedure was unnecessary as the LT500 water levels readings were only affected by a few thousandths of a foot given the shallow placement of the LT500 probes. All water level data reported in the first Semi-Annual Report (FPL 2011a) were slightly readjusted based on a set density representative of that well. These adjustments have been reflected in subsequent reports.

A summary of the data collected and the patterns observed follows:

Water levels change very quickly in response to rainfall events. This is most evident in stations not significantly influenced by tides (TPGW-1, TPGW-2, TPGW-4 through TPGW-9, and TPGW-13). Typically, wherever there is a spike in water levels on the time series graphs, there is a corresponding rainfall event. Refer to Figures 2.3-1, 2.3-2, and 2.3-4 through 2.3-9 and 2.3-13.

At each well cluster, fluctuations in stage for all three depth intervals track closely, indicating a good hydrologic connection between intervals.

Water levels at stations in or immediately adjacent to Biscayne Bay (TPGW-3, TPGW-10, TPGW-11, TPGW-12, and TPGW-14) exhibited tidal influence at all three depths (Figures 2.3-3, 2.3-10, 2.3-11, 2.3-12 and 2.3-14). The amplitude of the tidal changes decreases across the landscape from north to south, similar to the decrease in surface water tidal amplitude discussed below. Thus, TPGW-10 has a higher range of water levels than TPGW-14.

Stations furthest from the coast (TPGW-7, TPGW-8, and TPGW-9) exhibit few water level differences among the shallow, intermediate, and deep wells (Figures 2.3-7, 2.3-8 and 2.3-9). These wells are all fresh per FDEP standards.

Wells located between the westerly most wells and the CCS, such as TPGW-4 and TPGW-5, have brackish water in the intermediate and deep zones overlain by much fresher water in the shallow zone. The shallow zone water elevations in these wells are always higher than the deep zone (Figures 2.3-4 and 2.3-5).

Closer to Biscayne Bay and the CCS, several well clusters have deep or intermediate zones with the highest elevation, such as TPGW-2. At this cluster, the deep and intermediate interval water levels alternate between having higher water levels (Figure 2.3-2).


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 At TPGW-13, the shallow and intermediate zones have nearly identical water levels and the deep zone is up to 0.4 ft lower.

For the land-based stations (tidal and non-tidal), the groundwater levels ranged up to 3 ft over the monitoring period. The non-tidal inland stations had the greatest seasonal range since they are affected more by drought and rainfall conditions. The lowest groundwater elevations at all the land-based stations, with the exception of well cluster TPGW-13, were reported in late May and early June 2011. This was near the end of an extended very dry season. The lowest groundwater elevations at well cluster TPGW-13 were recorded about a month earlier. The previous semi-annual report noted that the water levels at TPGW-2 were the lowest in early May 2011, but further review of the data indicates that the groundwater levels were lowest at this cluster in late May/early June 2011.

To provide insight into the differences in groundwater water levels over the landscape, time series plots from select stations are illustrated on Figures 2.3-15 to 2.3-18. Each figure represents a transect of well clusters. Many of these figures are self-explanatory and support the discussion above. Note that the water elevations of the non-tidal stations in Figures 2.3-15 and 2.3-16 are higher than the tidal stations, with the notable exception towards the end of the very dry season between April and mid-June 2011. Also note that TPGW-13S groundwater elevations on Figures 2.3-17 and 2.3-18 typically follow along the upper range of the tidal stations. Care should be used in drawing conclusions about groundwater flow directions based solely on the transect water levels since density effects have to be considered. Basically, denser water has more driving head than freshwater, and groundwater flow is influenced by these density differences. All the times series data that are reported reflect actual measured water levels and have not been converted to freshwater head equivalents.

To provide some initial insight into the groundwater and surface water interactions, Figures 2.3-19 through 2.3-21 illustrate the differences between surface water levels and groundwater levels in a nearby or co-located well(s) and where the densities in most wells and surface water stations are somewhat similar. Figure 2.3-19 shows a time series plot of surface water stage at TPSWCCS-2 and TPGW-13S and TPGW-13M. The results indicate that the water elevations at TPGW-13S are higher more often than at the corresponding surface water station in the CCS (TPSWCCS-2). However, there was at least one extended period during the dry season of 2011 when the CCS surface water levels were higher.

Figure 2.3-20 shows surface water levels in the CCS and groundwater levels in several wells immediately to the west. Figure 2.3-21 shows daily average surface water levels in TPBBSW-3 and TPGW-11, which is in Biscayne Bay. The daily average eliminates the hourly tidal fluctuations and facilitates a visual comparison between these stations. The plot illustrates that the groundwater levels in the Bay stations are directly influenced by surface water stage and the groundwater elevation at TPGW-11S is always higher than the co-located surface water station.

Further discussion of the groundwater elevations and implications is provided in Section 5 of this report.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Surface Water Figures 2.3-22 through 2.3-39 show time series graphs at all surface water stations where data from automated stage recorders are available. These graphs are based on validated data and exclude data that are questionable or recorded during a calibration event when the log was running. All the time series graphs are based on actual levels and do not reflect freshwater head equivalents. In order to facilitate closer review of the time series results by the Agencies and allow them to adjust graphic scales presented herein and/or focus on a specific time interval, FPL has included the raw time series data files in separate files in Excel with the report.

The precision and accuracy of the surface water levels, particularly associated with stations affected by wave activity, may be slightly lower than for groundwater stations. While wave activity is dampened in stilling wells, some oscillation occurs that can affect the ability to consistently get precise verification readings with a water level indicator. Some data end up being qualified as estimated since a verification reading is off by more than 0.1 ft when in reality it may not need to be qualified. Also, the setting of the reference levels is affected by waves and can cause readings to be off.

As expected, diurnal water level variations were observed at all tidal-influenced stations, including those located in Biscayne Bay (north to south: TPBBSW-10, TPBBSW-3, and TPBBSW-14), as well as tidal canal stations (TPSWC-4 and TPSWC-5). The tidal range declines across the landscape from north to south (Figure 2.3-40). At TPBBSW-10, tide ranges during spring tide and neap tides can be over 2.0 ft and less than 0.5 ft, respectively.

The effect of rainfall is masked in most tidal stations; however, its effect is evident at TPSWC-4 since this station is downstream of S-20 discharges. Rainfall effects are also evident on all onshore stations where water level increases up to 1 ft have been observed following significant rainfall events in L-31E, the CCS, and the ID.

Water levels in the CCS vary spatially depending upon whether the station is located on the discharge or intake side of the canal. Water levels on the plant discharge side have lower ranges in variability (<1 ft at TPSWCCS-1) than stations on the discharge side (up to 4 ft at TPSWCCS-6). Also, water levels on the discharge side of the CCS are typically at least 1 ft higher than those on the CCS plant intake side (Figure 2.3-41). The difference in stage between the discharge and intake side increased during the 2011 and 2012 dry seasons and decreased during the wet season. It was noted that the water levels at all stations were very similar in late September and October 2010, October 2011 and February 2012 following a heavy rainfall event.

Water levels in the CCS and L-31E exhibit little response to tidal influences in Biscayne Bay surface water. Figure 2.3-42 provides a representative time series plot for spring tides on December 24, 2011, and March 9, 2012, which shows the lack of tidal response in the CCS and L-31E. This suggests the hydrogeologic connection with Biscayne Bay is limited or not as direct.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Figure 2.3-43 illustrates a transect of surface water levels, over the entire time period, that includes Biscayne Bay, the CCS, and the L-31E Canal. Care should be used in drawing conclusions about gradients solely based on the transect water levels since density effects have to be considered. Basically, denser water has more driving head than freshwater, and groundwater flow is influenced by these density differences. All the times series data that are reported reflect actual measured water levels and have not been converted to freshwater head equivalents.

To facilitate closer review of the time series results by the Agencies and allow them to adjust graphic scales and/or focus on a specific time interval, FPL has included the raw time series data files in Excel with the report. Further discussion of the surface water elevations and implications is provided in Section 5 of this report.

2.4 METEOROLOGICAL DATA One of the key parameters of interest is the amount of precipitation in the CCS and surrounding areas. Rainfall timing, duration, and amounts provide some insight into the areas hydrology.

Additionally, meteorological data such as barometric pressure, wind speed, and light levels (i.e.,

photosynthetically active radiation [PAR]) are useful in determining water losses and gains in the CCS and in establishing a water budget.

A meteorological station (TPM-1) was set up in the middle of the CCS, co-located with TPGW-13 and TPSWCCS-2. Four additional rainfall gauges were set up in the vicinity of the plant to determine the spatial and temporal variability in rainfall on and offshore Turkey Point Plant. Locations of the rainfall and the meteorological stations are shown on Figure 2.4-1 and photos are included in Figure 2.4-2.

2.4.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods Meteorological station TPM-1 consists of a weather transmitter (WXT520, Vaisala Inc., Helsinki, Finland) and a quantum sensor (190SA, Li-Cor Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska) attached to a datalogger (CR1000, Campbell Scientific Ltd., Logan, Utah) and telemetry system, mounted 15 ft above the ground surface; the range of parameters measured is listed in Table 2.4-1. Technical specifications on the instrumentation are provided in Appendix I of the QAPP (approved 12/2/2011, FPL 2011).

The four rainfall-only stations (TPRF-2, TPRF-4, TPRF-11, and TPRF-12) consist of tipping bucket rainfall gauges (TB-3, Hydrological Services Inc., Liverpool, NSW, Australia) connected to waterproof pendant dataloggers (#UA-004-64, Onset Computer Corporation, Bourne, Massachusetts). Data are manually downloaded from these stations at approximately bi-monthly intervals. Rainfall data from the gauges are event-based. The tipping buckets fill at 0.10 inch and the time of each tip of the bucket is recorded.

Additional rainfall data for this report were also provided by a previously existing FPL meteorological station located south of the CCS by the Sea Dade Canal (LU-South) and from an 2-18

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 existing rainfall station in the northern portion of the CCS (LU-NEast). The FPL meteorological station (LU-South) is similarly instrumented with a weather station (Climatronics Corp.,

Bohemia, New York), while the rainfall collector (LU-NEast) is a tipping bucket gauge.

Monitoring at TPM-1 was initiated on July 26, 2010, while the rainfall gauges were installed on November 12, 2010. At TPM-1, data are set to record at 15-minute intervals, although a reconfiguration of the initial setup by the manufacturer resulted in 30-minute data recording until March 7, 2011; although no data were lost, the data logger was then reset to record at 15-minute intervals after March 7, 2011. Data collected at this station are uploaded via telemetry to the FPL database on a daily basis.

In the past, issues with TPRF-12 not recording data occurred, but the unit has since been rewired and is now functional. Additionally, several of the other stations ran out of memory and did not record a full time period of data. These issues have been resolved, but gaps in data from the rainfall gauges remain.

2.4.2 Results and Discussion Rainfall and temperature (Figure 2.4-3), relative humidity and barometric pressure (Figure 2.4-3), wind speed and wind direction (Figure 2.4-4), and PAR (Figure 2.4-5) for TPM-1 are shown for the entire period.

Over the 704 days of continuous recordkeeping, (July 27, 2010, to June 30, 2012), 121 inches of rain were observed at TPM-1 (Table 2.4-2). The greatest monthly rainfall totals were observed in September 2010 (13.5 inches), followed by October 2011 (13.3 inches), and April 2012 (12 inches) (Figure 2.4-6 and Table 2.4-3). There were a total of 430 rainfall days with 39 days having recorded totals in excess of 1 inch in a calendar day (Table 2.4-4). The number of rain-days and the amount of rainfall was generally greatest during the wet season (May to November), with the driest months from December to February. The least amounts of rain in a month were observed in February 2011 (0.2 inches), November 2011 (0.3 inches) and December 2010 (0.5 inches).

During the first 11 months of monitoring, a severe drought was observed across Florida in the early half of 2011, as evidenced by the limited precipitation (6.1 inches total) from February to May 2011. The second year of monitoring (July 2011 to June 2012) was less dry, as evidenced by the higher amount of rainfall (81 7 inches). These inter-annual differences in precipitation between years (3.8 inches per month from August 2010 to June 2011 water year versus 6.8 inches per month from July 2011 to June 2012) underscore how rainfall variability can potentially influence the hydrology and ecology in coastal South Florida.

Rainfall frequency and periodicity is tied to the seasonal patterns of low pressure over South Florida during the wet season and is a consequence of cold front passage during the winter months. For example, the highest daily precipitation amounts were observed on September 29, 2010 (7.3 inches), and October 8, 2011 (6.3 inches). Both these events are tied to the passage of 2-19

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 low pressure systems over South Florida. The passage of cold fronts is usually evidenced by a drop in barometric pressure during the early winter days. Typically, the passage of a cold front is accompanied by higher wind speeds and decreased relative humidity following the rain event.

An example of this is shown in late 2010 by the first significant cold front of that season which occurred from November 3 to 5, resulting in a significant decrease in temperature (about 10°C),

relative humidity, and pressure.

Table 2.4-3 shows monthly rainfall totals from other rainfall stations around TPM-1. Although there was some variability among stations, the monthly rainfall totals in Biscayne Bay are consistently less than those on land while the totals at TPM-1 are higher than at most stations for most of the period of record. Nonetheless, the patterns at all stations are generally consistent across the months at the stations measured.

Air temperatures (at 15 ft above ground) in the middle of the CCS at TPM-1 ranged from 2.8°C to 33.8°C for the period of record, with an average of 25.5°C. The minimum temperature was observed on December 14, 2010, during the morning hours of a cold front passing through the area. The warmest temperature was observed on July 11, 2011, as July through September (monthly average > 29°C) are usually the warmest months of the year. Comparatively, the winter months of 2010/2011 (November to February) were colder than the similar time period of the following year (Figure 2.4-3).

Relative humidity at TPM-1 was an average of 71% during the period of recordkeeping. The patterns, however, were more variable in the winter months compared to the warmer months of April through June. Diurnal humidity patterns were influenced by broader seasonal patterns; for example, continued rainfall over several days in late September 2010 resulted in a few days (September 28 to 30) of 90% humidity while the passage of cold fronts (e.g., December 15, 2010) resulted in a humidity drop from 75% to 21% in 3.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.

The prevailing wind directions from July 2010 through June 2012 were from the east and east-southeast, i.e., predominantly onshore (Figure 2.4-7). Average wind speed for the whole period, at 5 meters above ground, was 10 miles per hour (mph). The lull wind speeds averaged 6 mph, but several instances of strong wind gusts were observed, some in excess of 60 mph. The highest wind speed recorded at TPM-1 was observed during the passage of a frontal boundary on October 13, 2011, when a 134 mph wind gust was recorded. Similarly, wind speeds > 60 mph were seen on July 13, 2011, and April 26, 2012, with the approach of storm fronts. Forty-four percent of the time, the winds were between 7 to 11 meters per second (Figure 2.4-8).

Light levels show seasonal amplitude, with maximum light levels during the summer months and decreased light levels during the wintertime. Despite these overall trends, there were smaller patterns of decreased light levels as a consequence of cold front events (e.g., October 6 to 20, 2010) where several days of continuous cloudiness resulted in lowered light levels (Figure 2.4-5).


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 2.5 CCS FLOW METER DATA 2.5.1 Instrumentation and Data Collection Methods As previously discussed in the August 2011 Annual Report (FPL 2011b), automated Acoustic Doppler Flow Meters (ADFMs) were initially installed at three constrained-flow locations in the CCS and are referred to as the outflow, southerly, and inflow stations. The outflow station (TPFM-1) was set up to measure outflow of water from the plant entering the CCS; due to the canal setup, the station was located in the discharge feeder canal approximately 0.4 mile downstream of the plant, but prior to the flow dispersing into the CCS (Figure 1.1-4). The southerly station (TPFM-2) is located on the southern end of the CCS (south collector) where all water passes as it transitions from southerly to northerly flow (Figure 1.1-4). The inflow station was originally located about 0.4 mile from the intake back into the plant. The purpose of the flow meters was to help assess losses and gains in CCS water volume and flows as part of the water budget.

Each of the stations was equipped with a side-looking ADFM (Argonaut-SL 500, Sontek/YSI, Yellow Springs, Ohio) that emits three acoustic beams in a characteristic pattern (i.e., two horizontal beams separated by 50 degrees and one vertical beam) (Figure 2.5-1). Each station is powered using a solar-charged lead acid battery. All data are stored in a datalogger (CR800, Campbell Scientific, Logan, Utah) and remotely transferred to a permanent database daily via telemetry. The data loggers are programmed to record indexed velocity and flow every 15 minutes.

Platforms to support these ADFMs were constructed in the summer of 2010. The meters were subsequently installed by YSI following industry standard protocol (i.e., mount the sensor plumb

+/-2 degrees, no obstructions above or in front of the sensor, etc.). Stream gauging and indexing efforts were conducted with the final installation indexing efforts completed in November 2010.

Results of the initial indexing effort were provided in the August 2011 Annual Report (FPL 2011b).

Significant turbulence at TPFM-3 yielded poor data quality, and subsequent equipment failure resulted in removal of the flow meter in December 2010. This flow meter was repaired, but has not been reinstalled at TPFM-3 primarily due to issues with data quality, limitations in alternative inflow locations, and concerns of short-circuiting in the CCS. The issue of short-circuiting has been discussed with the Agencies. This issue limits the usefulness of the flow meters as originally envisioned. FPL collected temperature data to help confirm if short-circuiting of water from the discharge canals into the Grand Canal and return canals is occurring under the berms in the CCS. The greatest potential for underflow is the berm that separates the return Grand Canal and the discharge canal immediately adjacent to the Grand Canal, since the head differential between these two canals is the greatest. Results from this effort were presented to the Agencies on March 21, 2012, and indicated that some underflow may be occurring due to higher temperatures in the Grand Canal in comparison to the adjacent return canal to the east; however, the amount of underflow could not be determined.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 The other two meters recorded data through July/August 2011, but became inoperable and were pulled for troubleshooting in the field. TPFM-1 was not operating in June 2011, and FPL replaced that flow meter with the one that had been previously pulled and repaired from TPFM-

3. This flow meter recorded data for approximately one week (late June/early July 2011) before malfunctioning. At TPFM-2, data were collected until the mounting bracket broke in early August 2011. All flow meters were sent to YSI for diagnostics. These two meters were subsequently repaired, the mounting brackets were repaired, and the flow meters were reinstalled on May 29, 2012. Indexing was conducted during this reinstallation effort (on May 31) and the information is presented in Appendix F.

2.5.2 Results and Discussion This report includes data that has been recorded by all flow meters since initial installation on July 27, 2010. As the Agencies have expressed interest in these data, it has been post-corrected based on the initial indexing efforts and the results are included with the entire data set for the monitoring period. Figure 2.5-2 shows the available velocity and flow meter data that were collected during the pre-Uprate period.

The results show the variations in flow over time, with the most notable changes directly associated with major plant outages at the nuclear units. Velocity in the CCS ranges from 0.33 foot per second (ft/s) to 2.4 ft/s, with generally higher values observed at TPFM-2 relative to TPFM-1 (Figure 2.5-2). Average velocity is 0.89 +/- 0.19 ft/s (average +/- standard deviation) at TPFM-1 and 1.62 +/- 0.36 ft/s at TPFM-2. The channel is narrower at TPFM-2, hence resulting in greater velocities.

Flow rates of 1,032 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) to 4,367 ft3/s were observed in the CCS during the period of record. Average flow rates were 3,810 +/- 613 ft3/s at TPFM-1 and 2,507 +/- 520 ft3/s at TPFM-2. There was a significant positive correlation between the flow at both sites (FlowTPFM-2 = 0.8113(FlowTPFM-1) + 134.27; R² = 0.8708), as shown on Figure 2.5-3. Flow was higher at TPFM-1 relative to TPFM-2 (Figures 2.5-3 and 2.5-4) for 92.6% of the time although this pattern was sometimes reversed. Lower flow at TPFM-1 when simultaneously compared to TPFM-2 may in part be caused by plant operations when pumps are turned on and off or varying rainfall distribution over the CCS which can affect flow in different reaches of the CCS.

During an outage, less water is typically needed for cooling and thus less water is pumped through the plant. While the pumpage rates vary, depending on factors such as the specific reason for the outage and length of time, there are some typical considerations for the plants operating/shutdown conditions. Each nuclear unit has four circulating water pumps (CWPs; about 156,250 gallons per minute [gpm] each) and three intake cooling water pumps (ICWPs; about 16,000 gpm each). CCS water is pumped through the nuclear units for cooling. The nuclear units typically operate at full power with four CWPs and two ICWPs during operation.

During a planned nuclear plant refueling shutdown (every 18 months), the CWPs are turned off and the shutdown unit uses one or two ICWPs for plant cooling purposes. The CWPs are returned to service when the unit is ready to restart. During the major scheduled Unit 3 Uprate 2-22

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 outage that started in March 2012, the CWPs were turned off. Figure 2.5-2 shows the drop in flow in late September 2010 through late October 2010 and again in mid-March 2011 through early May 2011 during refueling outages.

The two fossil units each have two CWPs (about 137,000 gpm each) and two open cooling water pumps (OCWPs; about 6,000 gpm each). Typically, during operation a fossil unit will use both CWPs and one or two OCWPs depending on cooling requirements. CCS water is pumped through the fossil units for cooling. Pumps in Unit 1 are periodically turned on to maintain its operational readiness as this unit is online during peak seasonal demand periods. However, Unit 2 is currently being used as a synchronous generator and is not producing megawatts (MWs; or steam heat). Unit 2 is typically using the OCWPs for cooling. The complete outage reports for this pre-Uprate period are in Appendix F.

Figures 2.5-5 and 2.5-6 illustrate representative flows over two separate weeks compared to tidal fluxes at TPBBSW-3 in Biscayne Bay. The graphs show daily patterns with a week. These flows are representative of values observed during a week of normal Turkey Point Nuclear Plant operations (January 23 through 30, 2011) and during the outage of Unit 4 (March 23 through 30, 2011). As Units 3 and 4 are the primary drivers of flow within the CCS, flows during the Unit 4 outage were approximately half of normal plant operations in March 2011 (Figure 2.5-2). When flow rates are compared against the tidal fluctuations in Biscayne Bay, there appears to be no relationship between the tidal conditions and the flow rates in the CCS.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 TABLES

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-1. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Specific Conductance (µS/cm) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Std Dev TPGW-1S 58295 57280 54664 55610 55568 55706 59141 59450 62844 58163 54260 54062 53788 53242 62103 62319 62343 59995 47861 64171 57646 3629 TPGW-1M 72522 70281 70448 70657 72454 66640 75485 71212 1187 TPGW-1D 70950 70592 70655 70754 70789 71327 71818 71886 71369 71230 71471 71737 71801 71693 70645 70639 69525 72580 71194 552 TPGW-2S 71302 71240 71981 71574 71890 72086 71235 72629 74309 76122 76689 74842 73573 73415 73485 73543 74756 74045 73360 74381 72185 71802 68360 77088 73254 1557 TPGW-2M 74790 74155 74241 74178 75427 75845 75435 74531 75052 75499 76489 76172 75348 75262 75110 75101 74946 75785 75610 75848 75309 75206 73143 77386 75304 720 TPGW-2D 75484 75140 75100 75384 75352 75174 75487 75808 75781 75023 74922 74561 75255 75560 76250 75940 75691 75758 76014 76114 76009 76034 75214 75449 72128 77116 75529 468 TPGW-3S 63753 63720 63474 63386 62965 62654 62721 63928 63564 63526 63728 63632 63819 63741 63090 63219 63082 64647 62309 62157 63115 63891 60266 65491 63369 719 TPGW-3M 68451 68882 68976 68760 69290 69698 69416 68993 68892 68775 68519 68521 68617 68712 67852 68499 69095 67858 67749 67735 67905 66779 70236 68617 591 TPGW-3D 67200 67328 68456 68929 68824 68759 68937 68789 69262 69768 69678 69581 69575 69003 68499 68340 68968 69601 68994 69007 68889 68797 66628 70014 68861 694 TPGW-4S 1794 1992 2084 2209 2311 2110 2581 2498 2565 2193 2137 1839 1858 2014 2148 2219 2235 2360 1623 1312 1105 3867 2163 428 TPGW-4M 37773 37796 37025 36833 37360 37778 37742 37172 37074 37302 37655 37470 37583 37435 37751 37949 38303 38551 37853 37873 37529 37501 35988 38785 37602 435 TPGW-4D 43093 42474 42337 42689 43137 43814 43374 43277 42494 42489 41327 44005 42899 504 TPGW-5S 1519 1424 1449 1168 1165 1244 1231 1351 1083 1057 1216 1304 1244 1497 1327 724 1947 1298 195 TPGW-5M 30943 30646 30351 29897 29942 30647 30881 30667 30663 31300 31410 31110 31180 31442 32215 32359 32158 32100 32097 32201 29580 32469 31184 757 TPGW-5D 33701 33449 33290 33132 33125 33059 32306 31815 32490 32805 33799 33872 33632 33275 33242 33732 33818 33683 33669 34021 34248 31234 34377 33357 611 TPGW-6S 1236 1240 1234 1178 1156 1176 1175 1173 1159 1128 1115 1162 1138 1120 1136 1123 1088 1063 1052 1050 1044 1040 1019 1021 496 1258 1127 70 TPGW-6M 22897 22961 22968 23037 22654 22723 22765 22483 22659 22405 22427 22465 22401 22362 22424 22253 21979 22665 22710 22660 22691 22514 22220 22297 21669 23108 22574 271 TPGW-6D 23739 23738 23693 23638 23641 23753 23954 24093 23954 23478 23529 23551 23399 23249 23403 23366 23463 23842 23729 23674 23651 23599 23475 23421 22465 24697 23623 233 TPGW-7S 578 542 551 568 579 580 586 577 562 561 562 559 578 557 578 581 575 556 569 567 421 906 568 32 TPGW-7M 592 614 607 608 606 580 628 687 654 595 559 702 716 551 826 624 53 TPGW-7D 569 599 597 610 607 603 599 596 592 586 582 580 581 578 577 595 606 590 569 596 585 418 679 591 19 TPGW-8S 3430 3352 3320 3019 3219 3116 2918 2898 2750 2622 2349 2589 2439 2595 2621 2706 2703 2731 2599 2290 2423 2067 3681 2808 355 TPGW-8M 652 646 646 646 649 651 647 644 640 642 641 641 640 638 636 629 629 629 630 621 620 618 655 639 9 TPGW-8D 693 685 678 690 684 690 683 686 694 678 675 675 666 667 659 675 677 678 672 674 665 237 714 679 21 TPGW-9S 618 604 592 598 572 582 627 653 647 647 637 595 549 552 535 547 603 554 602 611 597 592 444 949 595 39 TPGW-9M 685 689 661 659 670 665 652 666 653 637 625 642 647 645 635 623 617 631 635 612 598 752 646 23 TPGW-9D 650 649 649 642 640 644 648 641 633 638 639 630 628 629 629 632 635 635 611 611 610 655 635 11 TPGW-10S 51822 52009 51410 50492 50344 50139 50430 50599 50478 50887 51797 51822 52115 52396 52214 52266 52803 52090 52165 52308 52594 52874 50000 53163 51639 890 TPGW-10M 55559 55279 55375 55035 54712 54076 54277 54372 54687 54881 54788 54808 54664 54323 54187 54131 54887 53993 54731 55261 55074 54895 53629 55812 54724 484 TPGW-10D 56127 55927 55568 55369 55003 54882 54795 54877 54899 55020 55498 55192 54415 54648 54676 55362 54102 54785 55273 56922 58960 53918 59934 55362 1049 2-24

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-1. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Specific Conductance (µS/cm) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Std Dev TPGW-11S 55476 55401 55317 55176 54860 54015 53710 54476 54541 54759 53639 53670 53710 55559 54173 54359 54454 54810 55867 54876 53281 56001 54681 732 TPGW-11M 57571 57071 56515 56166 55460 55803 55982 55793 55798 55818 56114 56258 55777 55788 55985 56601 56406 54895 57774 56200 569 TPGW-11D 58622 58515 58269 57974 57382 57455 57472 57307 57994 58080 57807 57672 57731 58859 58333 58022 58574 58632 58746 59408 59570 55275 59845 58217 696 TPGW-12S 40844 40496 40108 40344 40749 40908 40901 40531 40433 40235 40877 43061 42492 41745 41417 43049 42199 41991 42225 42646 42769 42628 38736 45533 41514 1023 TPGW-12M 64272 64305 63809 64066 64360 64241 64346 64732 64636 64281 62715 61438 62491 62812 63919 63831 63251 62882 63057 62447 63178 64288 58312 65338 63507 1108 TPGW-12D 63914 63947 63515 63452 64093 64231 64246 64273 64281 63554 64428 64509 63983 63634 63611 64324 64304 64099 64019 63332 61686 63531 64169 61509 65028 63886 686 TPGW-13S 83728 83690 84012 84762 85901 86254 85863 85691 85235 84865 84225 83291 82935 82966 82793 83078 83238 83230 83486 83154 81985 86909 84024 1140 TPGW-13M 82710 82346 80681 80066 80678 80840 79975 79642 79716 79884 79145 78646 77609 83273 80393 1155 TPGW-13D 82730 83693 83427 82430 82329 82307 82633 83566 82834 82501 81739 80932 81229 81662 81646 80605 79595 84564 82251 965 TPGW-14S 59043 59505 59259 59079 58563 58158 57756 57804 57327 57459 58813 58774 57234 57607 57100 56694 57236 57263 56335 59860 58055 881 TPGW-14M 64847 64354 63528 63631 63276 63497 63119 62310 62088 63650 65194 64573 63601 63241 62884 61970 61735 63327 60718 67002 63391 1080 TPGW-14D 74692 74283 73885 73909 73790 73678 73676 73934 73988 73924 75385 74206 72895 73346 73855 73165 72871 73494 74008 72358 75797 73820 731 Key:

µs/cm = Micro Siemens per centimeter. Min = Minimum.

Avg = Average. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.

Max = Maximum.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-2. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Water Temperature (°C) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPGW-1S 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.7 25.6 25.5 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.7 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.7 25.4 25.8 25.6 0.1 TPGW-1M 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 25.9 25.9 26.0 25.9 0.0 TPGW-1D 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.2 26.1 0.0 TPGW-2S 25.9 26.3 26.5 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.1 26.2 26.4 27.0 27.4 27.0 26.5 26.5 26.4 26.5 26.6 26.8 26.9 26.7 26.8 26.5 26.1 25.6 27.5 26.5 0.4 TPGW-2M 27.1 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.2 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.3 27.2 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 26.9 27.4 27.1 0.1 TPGW-2D 27.6 27.6 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.6 27.4 0.1 TPGW-3S 25.9 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.1 26.1 25.9 25.8 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.7 25.8 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.0 25.9 25.8 25.9 25.6 26.2 25.9 0.2 TPGW-3M 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 25.9 0.0 TPGW-3D 25.7 25.7 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.8 25.8 0.0 TPGW-4S 24.4 24.8 25.1 25.2 25.2 25.1 24.9 24.7 24.4 24.2 24.4 24.7 24.9 25.0 25.1 25.0 24.9 24.8 24.6 24.5 24.2 25.3 24.8 0.3 TPGW-4M 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.4 24.4 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.4 24.6 24.5 0.1 TPGW-4D 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.3 24.5 24.4 0.0 TPGW-5S 23.4 23.5 23.7 23.8 23.8 23.6 23.5 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.3 23.3 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.3 23.8 23.5 0.2 TPGW-5M 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.5 23.6 23.5 0.0 TPGW-5D 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.7 23.7 0.0 TPGW-6S 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.6 23.4 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.4 23.3 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.4 23.2 23.0 23.7 23.4 0.2 TPGW-6M 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.5 23.7 23.6 0.0 TPGW-6D 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.6 23.5 0.0 TPGW-7S 23.9 23.9 24.0 24.0 24.0 23.9 23.8 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.7 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.7 23.7 23.6 24.0 23.8 0.1 TPGW-7M 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.7 24.2 23.8 0.1 TPGW-7D 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.9 23.9 0.0 TPGW-8S 23.8 24.0 24.1 24.0 23.7 23.4 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.5 23.5 23.6 23.8 23.9 24.0 24.0 23.9 23.7 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.3 24.1 23.7 0.3 TPGW-8M 23.7 23.7 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.8 23.7 0.1 TPGW-8D 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.5 23.8 23.7 0.0 TPGW-9S 24.4 24.4 24.6 24.8 25.1 25.3 25.1 24.8 24.5 24.4 24.3 24.4 24.4 24.3 24.5 24.8 25.2 25.3 25.2 24.9 24.6 24.5 24.4 24.4 24.2 25.3 24.7 0.3 TPGW-9M 23.7 23.6 23.8 24.0 24.1 24.1 24.2 24.1 24.1 24.0 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.9 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.1 24.1 24.0 24.0 23.6 24.2 24.0 0.1 TPGW-9D 24.1 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.0 24.1 24.0 0.0 TPGW-10S 25.8 26.1 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.1 25.9 25.7 25.5 25.5 25.7 25.9 26.1 26.3 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.3 26.2 26.0 25.9 25.5 26.6 26.1 0.3 TPGW-10M 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.8 26.0 25.9 0.1 TPGW-10D 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.6 25.7 25.7 0.0 2-26

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-2. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Water Temperature (°C) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPGW-11S 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.5 25.4 25.2 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.5 25.4 25.3 25.3 25.2 25.2 25.0 25.5 25.3 0.2 TPGW-11M 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.4 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.4 25.3 0.0 TPGW-11D 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 0.0 TPGW-12S 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.9 26.0 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.0 25.9 25.8 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 26.1 26.1 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.9 25.8 26.5 26.0 0.1 TPGW-12M 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.0 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.0 26.2 26.1 0.0 TPGW-12D 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.2 26.1 0.1 TPGW-13S 29.4 29.3 29.4 29.6 30.0 30.3 30.5 30.5 30.4 30.2 29.9 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.3 30.3 30.2 30.1 29.3 30.5 30.0 0.4 TPGW-13M 29.6 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.6 29.6 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.4 29.6 29.5 0.0 TPGW-13D 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.5 29.4 0.1 TPGW-14S 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.3 26.1 25.9 25.7 25.5 25.5 25.7 25.9 26.2 26.3 26.2 26.0 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.5 26.4 26.0 0.2 TPGW-14M 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.0 26.3 26.2 0.0 TPGW-14D 26.3 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.4 26.4 0.0 Key:

°C = Degrees Celsius. Min = Minimum.

Avg = Average. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.

Max = Maximum.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-3. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Water Salinity (PSS-78) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPGW-1S 39.4 38.7 36.8 37.5 37.5 37.6 40.2 40.5 43.1 39.5 36.5 36.3 36.1 35.7 42.5 42.7 42.7 40.9 31.7 44.1 39.1 2.8 TPGW-1M 50.8 49.0 49.1 49.3 50.7 46.1 53.2 49.7 1.0 TPGW-1D 49.5 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.4 49.8 50.2 50.3 49.9 49.8 49.9 50.2 50.2 50.1 49.3 49.3 48.4 50.8 49.7 0.4 TPGW-2S 49.8 49.8 49.9 50.0 50.3 50.5 49.8 50.9 52.3 53.8 54.2 52.7 51.7 51.5 51.6 51.6 52.6 52.1 51.5 52.3 50.5 50.2 47.5 54.6 51.4 1.3 TPGW-2M 52.7 52.2 52.2 52.2 53.2 53.5 53.2 52.5 52.9 53.3 54.1 53.8 53.1 53.1 52.9 52.9 52.8 53.5 53.3 53.5 53.1 53.0 51.3 54.8 53.1 0.6 TPGW-2D 53.3 53.0 53.0 52.9 53.1 53.0 53.3 53.5 53.5 52.9 52.8 52.5 53.1 53.3 53.9 53.6 53.4 53.5 53.7 53.8 53.7 53.7 53.0 53.2 50.5 54.6 53.3 0.4 TPGW-3S 43.8 43.8 43.6 43.5 43.2 43.0 43.0 43.9 43.7 43.6 43.8 43.7 43.9 43.8 43.3 43.4 43.3 44.5 42.7 42.6 43.3 43.9 41.1 45.2 43.5 0.6 TPGW-3M 47.5 47.8 47.9 47.8 48.2 48.5 48.3 48.0 47.9 47.8 47.6 47.6 47.7 47.7 47.0 47.6 48.0 47.1 47.0 47.0 47.1 46.2 49.0 47.7 0.5 TPGW-3D 46.5 46.6 47.5 47.9 47.8 47.8 47.9 47.8 48.2 48.6 48.5 48.4 48.4 48.0 47.6 47.4 47.9 48.4 47.9 48.0 47.9 47.8 46.1 48.8 47.8 0.6 TPGW-4S 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.6 2.1 1.1 0.2 TPGW-4M 24.3 24.3 23.8 23.7 24.0 24.3 24.3 23.9 23.8 24.0 24.2 24.1 24.2 24.1 24.3 24.4 24.7 24.9 24.4 24.4 24.2 24.1 23.1 25.0 24.2 0.3 TPGW-4D 28.2 27.7 27.6 27.9 28.2 28.7 28.4 28.3 27.7 27.7 26.9 28.8 28.0 0.4 TPGW-5S 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.0 1.0 0.7 0.1 TPGW-5M 19.5 19.3 19.1 18.8 18.8 19.3 19.5 19.3 19.3 19.7 19.8 19.6 19.7 19.8 20.4 20.5 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.4 18.6 20.6 19.7 0.5 TPGW-5D 21.4 21.2 21.1 21.0 21.0 21.0 20.5 20.1 20.6 20.8 21.5 21.5 21.4 21.1 21.1 21.4 21.5 21.4 21.4 21.7 21.8 19.7 21.9 21.2 0.4 TPGW-6S 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.0 TPGW-6M 14.0 14.1 14.1 14.1 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.7 13.9 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.6 13.4 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.8 13.6 13.6 13.2 14.2 13.8 0.2 TPGW-6D 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.7 14.4 14.4 14.5 14.3 14.2 14.4 14.3 14.4 14.7 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.4 14.4 13.7 15.2 14.5 0.2 TPGW-7S 0.28 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.20 0.44 0.28 0.02 TPGW-7M 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.28 0.30 0.33 0.32 0.29 0.27 0.35 0.35 0.27 0.41 0.31 0.03 TPGW-7D 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.21 0.33 0.29 0.01 TPGW-8S 1.79 1.77 1.76 1.59 1.70 1.65 1.54 1.52 1.44 1.37 1.22 1.35 1.27 1.36 1.37 1.42 1.42 1.43 1.36 1.19 1.26 1.06 1.96 1.47 0.19 TPGW-8M 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.31 0.00 TPGW-8D 0.34 0.34 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.11 0.35 0.33 0.01 TPGW-9S 0.33 0.32 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.29 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.27 0.30 0.27 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.22 0.47 0.29 0.02 TPGW-9M 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.37 0.32 0.01 TPGW-9D 0.33 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.31 0.01 TPGW-10S 34.7 34.8 34.3 33.7 33.6 33.4 33.6 33.7 33.6 33.9 34.6 34.6 34.9 35.1 35.0 35.0 35.4 34.9 34.9 35.0 35.2 35.4 33.3 35.7 34.5 0.7 TPGW-10M 37.5 37.3 37.3 37.1 36.8 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.8 37.0 36.9 36.9 36.8 36.5 36.4 36.4 37.0 36.3 36.9 37.3 37.1 37.0 36.0 37.7 36.8 0.4 TPGW-10D 37.9 37.8 37.5 37.3 37.1 37.0 36.9 37.0 37.0 37.1 37.4 37.2 36.6 36.8 36.8 37.3 36.4 36.9 37.3 38.5 40.1 36.2 40.8 37.3 0.8 2-28

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.1-3. Statistical Summary of Automated Groundwater Water Salinity (PSS-78) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPGW-11S 37.4 37.3 37.3 37.2 36.9 36.3 36.1 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.0 36.0 36.1 37.5 36.4 36.6 36.6 36.9 37.7 36.9 35.7 37.8 36.8 0.6 TPGW-11M 39.0 38.6 38.2 37.9 37.4 37.7 37.8 37.6 37.6 37.7 37.9 38.0 37.6 37.6 37.8 38.3 38.1 37.0 39.1 38.0 0.4 TPGW-11D 39.8 39.7 39.5 39.3 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.8 39.3 39.4 39.2 39.1 39.1 40.0 39.6 39.3 39.8 39.8 39.9 40.4 40.5 37.2 40.8 39.5 0.5 TPGW-12S 26.6 26.3 26.0 26.2 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.3 26.3 26.1 26.6 28.2 27.7 27.2 27.0 28.2 27.5 27.4 27.6 27.9 28.0 27.8 25.0 30.0 27.0 0.7 TPGW-12M 44.2 44.3 43.9 44.0 44.3 44.2 44.3 44.6 44.5 44.2 43.0 42.0 42.8 43.1 43.9 43.9 43.4 43.1 43.3 42.8 43.4 44.2 39.6 45.1 43.6 0.9 TPGW-12D 44.0 44.0 43.6 43.6 44.1 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 43.7 44.3 44.4 44.0 43.7 43.7 44.3 44.3 44.1 44.0 43.5 42.2 43.6 44.1 42.1 44.8 43.9 0.5 TPGW-13S 60.2 60.1 60.4 61.0 62.0 62.3 62.0 61.9 61.5 61.2 60.6 59.8 59.5 59.5 59.4 59.7 59.8 59.8 60.0 59.7 58.7 62.9 60.4 1.0 TPGW-13M 59.3 59.0 57.6 57.1 57.6 57.8 57.0 56.8 56.8 57.0 56.4 55.9 55.1 59.8 57.4 1.0 TPGW-13D 59.3 60.1 59.9 59.1 59.0 59.0 59.3 60.0 59.4 59.1 58.5 57.8 58.1 58.4 58.4 57.6 56.7 60.9 58.9 0.8 TPGW-14S 40.1 40.5 40.3 40.2 39.8 39.5 39.2 39.2 38.8 38.9 40.0 40.0 38.8 39.1 38.7 38.3 38.8 38.8 38.1 40.8 39.4 0.7 TPGW-14M 44.6 44.3 43.6 43.7 43.5 43.6 43.3 42.7 42.5 43.7 45.0 44.5 43.7 43.4 43.1 42.4 42.2 43.5 41.5 46.2 43.5 0.8 TPGW-14D 52.6 52.2 51.9 51.9 51.8 51.7 51.7 52.0 52.0 51.9 53.1 52.2 51.1 51.5 51.9 51.3 51.1 51.6 52.0 50.7 53.5 51.9 0.6 Key:

Avg = Average. Min = Minimum.

Max = Maximum. PSS-78 = Practical Salinity Scale of 1978.

Min = Minimum. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.2-1. Probe Types/Automated Measurements at Surface Water Stations Surface Water Probe Parameters Measured Site TPSWC-1T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWC-1B AT100 Water Quality TPSWC-2T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWC-2B AT100 Water Quality TPSWC-3T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWC-3B AT100 Water Quality TPSWC-4T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWC-4B AT100 Water Quality TPSWC-5T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWC-5B AT100 Water Quality TPSWID-1T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWID-1B AT100 Water Quality TPSWID-2T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWID-3T AT100 Water Quality TPSWID-3B AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-1T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-2T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-3T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-4T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-4B AT100 Water Quality TPSWCCS-5T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-5B AT100 Water Quality TPSWCCS-6T AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPSWCCS-6B AT100 Water Quality TPBBSW-1B AT100 Water Quality TPBBSW-2B AT100 Water Quality TPBBSW-3B AT200 Water Quality, Stage TPBBSW-4B AT100 Water Quality TPBBSW-5B AT100 Water Quality TPBBSW-10B AT2001 Water Quality, Stage TPBBSW-14B AT2001 Water Quality, Stage Note:

1 Supplemental station and LT500 Probe replaced with AT200.


AT - Aqua TROLL . B - Bottom. LT - Level TROLL . T - Top.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.2-2. Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Specific Conductance (µS/cm) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPBBSW-1B 45724 42762 53344 57032 59610 64190 58049 56627 52513 45601 36155 39126 44940 44670 50060 54997 50761 44443 22645 66884 49891 7952 TPBBSW-2B 41373 34673 49825 54948 56124 59448 61684 56051 57333 53210 42358 34998 37587 43359 45735 53342 55033 49983 43936 25666 64725 48567 8902 TPBBSW-3B 37956 41461 47113 48759 49422 54943 56069 58152 60703 56291 56106 53736 44183 38483 41464 45711 48065 53951 55522 51617 28789 63371 49860 7091 TPBBSW-4B 47783 40599 49015 53544 54788 57957 59923 56892 57587 54949 47918 41284 50349 52915 54719 49363 45479 36028 61649 51006 5928 TPBBSW-5B 43696 37597 45334 51811 53530 59299 61321 57395 56750 53163 45346 40014 44053 46444 48186 52001 53837 44767 40215 32263 64177 48872 7201 TPBBSW-10B 52544 56924 59322 62340 53790 55413 49749 36961 31778 33398 42807 43319 48915 54618 49431 40699 18922 64623 47922 9482 TPBBSW-14B 42086 43192 45500 47174 45572 46396 44849 41738 36603 36725 38201 40814 48929 51965 47201 40098 35635 54677 43433 4471 TPSWC-1T 489 475 470 570 584 645 729 931 1169 1344 1958 1509 893 489 453 515 545 774 947 1170 774 660 315 3574 827 411 TPSWC-1B 528 571 494 575 603 658 893 1026 1257 1392 2750 1673 1402 763 822 752 704 884 1013 1146 1006 1013 387 3158 1002 508 TPSWC-2T 529 473 513 877 1022 871 1291 1662 3010 5681 691 395 475 630 960 1019 955 1314 808 607 256 6194 1210 1194 TPSWC-2B 533 500 533 933 1047 898 1300 1686 4239 6563 716 411 505 657 1059 1057 961 1370 874 623 267 9507 1408 1593 TPSWC-3T 501 428 554 1188 1285 1099 1873 2495 3645 5251 1526 1024 672 390 606 756 1352 1208 1185 2347 889 648 265 5864 1405 1178 TPSWC-3B 505 431 578 1232 1346 1118 2310 4805 18120 17509 5596 1296 681 397 2771 1249 2024 1946 1816 12202 7338 1271 265 22776 3925 5485 TPSWC-4T 6222 1579 9673 31766 34979 30471 33065 43723 57770 60696 22855 10750 25070 35936 37531 39349 39973 45713 29681 21321 60 74428 31088 18612 TPSWC-4B 11580 3484 15289 38527 39310 36005 42633 49753 58836 61371 55943 39983 28289 13016 30417 39162 42515 45600 45932 49142 33250 24939 388 71422 36348 19188 TPSWC-5T 45137 39444 42306 48519 47488 47466 53389 56334 58480 60138 55469 57205 53548 47156 40068 51476 52962 55028 46580 42868 27741 61200 50193 6382 TPSWC-5B 60767 65681 64616 54765 52674 51298 53684 56107 58353 61156 61160 59509 58870 59042 57888 53838 52940 53196 53288 54244 52912 57393 43281 71282 56991 4298 TPSWCCS-1B 78272 64684 63074 62864 69274 75568 77378 80103 82533 81031 83438 75177 70165 80697 79769 79202 87491 87801 71512 69331 54595 92208 76054 8284 TPSWCCS-2B 86980 85197 79816 77128 77321 77459 83099 84686 79816 82246 83991 84764 79743 79056 78234 80092 84575 83962 83102 80230 80194 64216 87632 81429 3435 TPSWCCS-3B 75329 62665 62207 69578 71060 76063 76070 78122 77061 83209 81928 83603 81700 73593 74209 78496 79288 78169 72288 69004 53565 89920 75523 6823 TPSWCCS-4T 80978 68690 64984 72571 74605 78604 80626 83922 82823 86770 82251 84765 81827 74446 76829 83058 87308 83673 89413 87618 73875 71039 55754 93220 79525 7003 TPSWCCS-4B 77956 64974 63602 71296 74326 78310 80864 84194 82955 87555 83032 84956 81377 74344 77545 84233 87124 83003 88445 87011 74917 70981 50528 91928 79210 7428 TPSWCCS-5T 79719 65959 63929 71314 73373 77613 79995 81547 81406 84909 80613 81806 83420 86283 83720 85306 72073 70535 54602 92006 77986 7080 TPSWCCS-5B 75759 64911 64402 68992 70038 74863 70572 52361 82208 69291 5356 TPSWCCS-6T 67677 64745 72308 74581 76748 78687 82405 81041 84474 80666 83079 81464 75544 77191 83268 86014 82419 89150 88242 74904 70464 59558 92827 78692 6624 TPSWCCS-6B 67578 64549 71643 74391 77834 80615 83419 82126 84906 80299 74567 76503 82411 85716 82040 88737 89230 75688 71767 59570 93594 78702 7005 TPSWCCS-7B 77683 62332 61696 69669 71630 75870 73896 72184 74909 71877 70159 65900 53511 85986 70836 5727 TPSWID-1T 3676 2715 2322 3252 8812 7170 20064 18130 25260 36783 23039 9189 9404 4487 2927 8178 24415 11881 7758 11495 5978 3052 2101 45621 11233 9611 TPSWID-1B 3721 2932 2338 3271 17069 13910 23757 26535 30564 41348 28725 13234 17587 5576 3689 13169 31393 21659 12945 27658 16236 3828 2109 48037 16312 11661 TPSWID-2T 2438 1750 2337 3762 4193 4570 9685 11652 30387 41981 16310 3572 5614 2381 2574 4227 14055 8384 5531 7999 4834 2685 1441 55392 8590 10252 TPSWID-2B 6191 3888 3462 3977 9976 10091 42913 41584 57636 65081 63935 36057 36088 13900 5670 15641 58794 36705 11831 40277 15998 7385 2146 68416 26517 22339 TPSWID-3T 1900 1331 1732 3164 3774 4066 4186 4756 50100 16201 5649 4039 2495 2107 3768 9598 6885 4838 9615 4270 2563 1177 62140 7377 11342 TPSWID-3B 2405 1580 1751 3125 3782 4031 5897 7965 55059 64068 26202 5801 5842 3018 2180 4691 25329 10424 5916 27414 4929 2658 1211 66206 12372 18088 Key:

µS/cm = Micro Siemens per centimeter. Min = Minimum.

Avg = Average. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.

Max = Maximum.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.2-3. Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Temperature (°C) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Well Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Std Dev TPBBSW-1B 30.1 27.1 23.9 27.3 27.8 29.3 30.7 30.7 30.8 26.6 24.2 22.7 20.4 22.8 24.0 24.9 28.0 29.1 15.9 33.4 26.6 3.4 TPBBSW-2B 29.6 26.7 23.0 24.0 27.7 28.2 29.5 31.1 30.8 30.3 26.1 23.9 22.3 20.6 23.3 24.2 25.2 28.4 29.1 13.4 35.0 26.3 3.7 TPBBSW-3B 26.6 23.2 16.6 19.6 22.7 23.7 27.4 27.9 29.3 30.9 30.7 30.2 26.0 23.9 22.2 20.4 23.0 24.0 24.9 28.1 9.5 34.8 25.2 4.2 TPBBSW-4B 29.6 26.8 22.7 23.7 27.5 28.2 29.3 31.0 30.9 30.4 26.3 24.1 22.5 20.4 23.2 24.1 25.1 28.1 29.1 15.9 33.7 26.3 3.5 TPBBSW-5B 29.8 27.0 23.2 24.1 27.9 28.4 29.5 31.2 30.9 30.4 26.4 24.3 22.5 20.7 23.4 24.4 25.3 28.6 29.3 15.8 34.5 26.5 3.5 TPBBSW-10B 23.9 27.6 28.0 28.9 31.0 30.8 30.5 26.2 24.1 22.5 20.8 23.3 24.3 25.2 28.4 29.2 14.9 35.2 26.3 3.5 TPBBSW-14B 23.8 27.5 28.1 29.3 31.0 30.9 30.4 26.2 24.0 22.4 20.8 23.3 24.2 25.2 28.1 28.9 16.6 33.9 26.4 3.4 TPSWC-1T 29.6 26.9 23.3 18.6 20.1 23.0 24.6 28.3 29.1 30.2 30.6 30.4 29.7 26.4 24.5 22.8 21.0 23.5 25.3 26.1 28.3 29.3 14.5 33.7 26.0 3.8 TPSWC-1B 28.9 26.1 22.7 17.9 18.6 21.0 23.1 26.8 27.7 28.7 29.2 29.7 29.0 25.7 24.1 22.5 20.1 22.2 24.3 25.2 26.1 27.9 14.7 30.6 24.9 3.6 TPSWC-2T 29.9 27.1 23.5 18.3 20.3 23.2 24.7 28.5 29.1 30.4 29.9 26.7 24.5 22.6 20.8 23.7 25.2 26.1 28.8 29.4 14.1 34.8 25.8 3.8 TPSWC-2B 29.1 26.5 23.1 17.6 18.8 21.7 24.0 27.8 29.1 30.0 29.2 25.8 23.8 22.1 20.0 22.4 24.4 25.6 27.2 28.7 14.0 31.8 25.0 3.9 TPSWC-3T 29.8 27.1 23.5 18.7 20.4 22.9 24.9 28.6 29.0 29.7 30.5 30.6 30.5 26.8 24.6 23.2 21.3 23.5 25.6 26.4 28.6 29.4 15.1 33.6 26.2 3.7 TPSWC-3B 29.5 27.0 23.2 18.1 19.3 21.8 24.5 28.5 30.6 30.1 29.7 30.2 29.9 26.6 24.3 22.7 20.5 22.5 25.0 27.0 27.8 28.9 15.0 32.2 25.8 4.0 TPSWC-4T 29.5 27.1 24.4 22.6 24.3 25.3 25.6 29.3 29.4 30.7 29.8 29.3 29.7 26.9 26.2 24.3 22.9 25.5 25.9 27.0 28.3 29.4 18.2 34.4 26.9 2.8 TPSWC-4B 29.7 27.1 24.4 22.2 24.3 25.6 26.2 30.0 29.7 30.9 29.4 29.4 29.9 26.9 26.0 24.5 23.1 25.3 26.0 27.3 28.1 29.5 17.4 34.5 27.1 2.8 TPSWC-5T 30.1 27.2 23.7 18.8 20.2 23.2 24.4 28.2 29.0 30.0 31.2 31.5 30.8 26.7 24.6 23.8 24.9 26.0 28.3 29.5 13.8 34.5 26.5 3.9 TPSWC-5B 33.6 28.7 28.0 22.3 21.9 23.8 24.3 28.0 28.8 29.7 31.3 31.7 31.9 29.1 28.9 26.2 22.4 23.8 24.7 25.9 27.3 29.9 16.4 34.9 27.4 3.5 TPSWCCS-1B 37.3 33.3 31.4 26.7 31.1 33.8 32.7 35.6 35.7 39.7 40.6 39.7 40.1 33.8 33.0 32.3 33.1 33.9 32.3 33.2 35.7 36.3 18.0 43.8 34.4 3.9 TPSWCCS-2B 29.4 27.5 22.8 25.8 28.3 27.5 30.1 31.6 33.3 35.0 35.2 35.0 30.3 28.2 26.8 28.3 27.1 27.9 30.6 31.3 14.5 38.2 29.7 3.8 TPSWCCS-3B 32.6 28.6 26.6 22.3 24.7 26.7 26.6 29.6 30.6 32.5 34.7 35.1 35.1 29.9 28.4 27.4 26.6 28.3 27.1 28.4 31.1 31.7 14.8 39.8 29.3 4.0 TPSWCCS-4T 31.5 28.0 25.6 20.6 23.4 26.1 26.0 29.1 30.1 31.5 33.3 33.2 33.0 28.1 26.4 25.3 24.2 26.2 26.0 26.9 29.8 30.4 12.4 37.8 27.9 4.0 TPSWCCS-4B 31.5 28.0 25.6 20.6 23.4 26.1 26.0 29.0 30.1 31.6 33.4 33.3 33.0 28.2 26.4 25.3 24.3 26.2 26.0 26.8 29.9 30.4 12.3 37.9 28.0 4.0 TPSWCCS-5T 31.4 28.0 25.5 20.5 23.3 26.0 26.0 29.0 29.9 31.3 33.0 32.8 28.1 26.3 25.2 24.1 26.0 26.3 26.8 29.8 30.4 12.8 37.0 27.5 3.7 TPSWCCS-5B 31.0 28.1 26.6 23.1 23.6 25.7 25.9 27.9 29.6 31.6 32.3 28.3 26.8 25.4 24.5 26.0 26.8 29.6 30.3 18.9 33.8 27.5 2.8 TPSWCCS-6T 27.7 25.1 20.1 22.8 25.6 25.8 28.9 29.8 31.0 32.7 32.7 32.4 27.8 26.0 24.7 23.8 25.5 26.4 26.8 29.4 30.1 12.5 35.7 27.4 3.8 TPSWCCS-6B 27.7 25.1 20.1 22.8 25.6 25.8 28.9 29.8 31.0 32.6 27.8 26.0 24.8 23.8 25.6 25.8 26.7 29.3 30.0 12.4 35.7 26.9 3.5 TPSWCCS-7B 34.6 30.6 28.9 24.4 27.9 30.2 29.2 32.0 32.8 35.6 37.3 37.4 37.2 31.5 30.3 29.5 29.2 30.6 29.0 30.2 32.8 33.5 15.7 42.6 31.6 4.0 TPSWID-1T 30.2 27.1 24.3 20.0 22.4 24.1 26.3 28.6 28.3 30.1 31.9 31.5 30.4 27.0 24.9 23.9 24.1 24.7 25.6 26.5 28.9 30.0 16.8 36.3 26.9 3.4 TPSWID-1B 29.7 26.6 23.8 19.6 25.2 25.5 26.8 27.9 28.1 29.5 31.4 32.1 30.2 26.3 24.3 25.3 26.0 25.6 26.0 29.3 30.4 29.4 16.8 33.9 27.3 3.1 TPSWID-2T 29.5 27.0 24.6 21.5 23.4 24.5 25.2 28.0 28.8 30.2 31.2 30.6 29.8 26.7 25.1 24.3 24.0 24.7 25.5 26.3 28.3 29.3 18.8 33.6 26.8 2.9 TPSWID-2B 27.5 26.8 24.6 21.3 25.3 25.8 26.7 27.4 29.1 29.9 31.0 31.7 30.2 28.6 25.6 26.6 28.2 27.5 25.9 28.2 28.1 28.2 18.8 32.5 27.5 2.4 TPSWID-3T 29.8 27.3 24.7 21.5 22.8 24.7 25.2 28.1 28.8 30.7 31.7 30.8 30.2 26.9 25.3 23.8 22.6 24.5 25.8 26.4 28.5 29.6 17.0 34.4 26.8 3.1 TPSWID-3B 28.2 26.6 24.3 21.0 22.3 24.2 25.0 27.5 28.0 29.5 31.4 30.2 29.3 26.5 24.9 23.7 25.3 24.5 25.5 27.3 27.7 28.9 18.1 33.8 26.5 2.8 Key:

°C = Degrees Celsius. Min = Minimum.

Avg = Average. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.

Max = Maximum.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.2-4. Statistical Summary of Automated Surface Water Salinity (PSS-78) Data 2010 Avg Monthly Value 2011 Avg Monthly Value 2012 Avg Monthly Value Monitoring Period Std Well Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Min Max Avg Dev TPBBSW-1B 30.2 28.0 35.7 38.6 40.6 44.3 39.5 38.4 35.3 30.1 23.2 25.3 29.4 29.3 33.3 37.0 33.9 29.2 13.9 46.4 33.3 6.0 TPBBSW-2B 27.1 22.2 33.1 37.0 38.0 40.5 42.3 38.0 39.0 35.8 27.7 22.4 24.2 28.2 30.1 35.7 37.1 33.3 28.8 15.9 44.8 32.3 6.6 TPBBSW-3B 24.5 27.0 30.8 32.1 32.8 36.9 37.9 39.5 41.5 38.1 38.0 36.2 29.0 24.8 26.9 29.9 31.8 36.2 37.4 34.6 18.0 43.7 33.2 5.3 TPBBSW-4B 31.7 26.4 32.5 35.9 36.9 39.4 40.9 38.6 39.1 37.1 31.8 26.8 33.5 35.4 36.8 32.9 30.0 23.1 42.3 34.1 4.5 TPBBSW-5B 28.7 24.2 29.8 34.6 36.0 40.4 42.0 39.0 38.5 35.8 29.9 25.9 28.8 30.5 31.9 34.8 36.2 29.5 26.2 20.4 44.3 32.5 5.4 TPBBSW-10B 35.1 38.6 40.4 42.8 36.2 37.5 33.2 23.8 20.1 21.2 27.8 28.3 32.5 36.8 32.9 26.5 11.4 44.5 31.9 7.0 TPBBSW-14B 27.4 28.3 30.0 31.2 30.1 30.7 29.5 27.2 23.5 23.5 24.5 26.5 32.5 34.7 31.2 26.0 22.8 36.8 28.5 3.3 TPSWC-1T 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.9 0.4 0.2 TPSWC-1B 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.4 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.2 1.7 0.5 0.3 TPSWC-2T 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.8 1.6 3.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.1 3.4 0.6 0.7 TPSWC-2B 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.9 2.3 3.6 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.1 5.4 0.7 0.9 TPSWC-3T 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.9 2.9 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.6 1.2 0.4 0.3 0.1 3.2 0.7 0.6 TPSWC-3B 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.6 1.2 2.6 10.9 10.5 3.1 0.7 0.3 0.2 1.5 0.6 1.1 1.0 0.9 7.1 4.2 0.6 0.1 14.0 2.2 3.3 TPSWC-4T 3.7 0.8 5.6 20.1 22.4 19.3 21.1 28.8 39.3 41.6 36.9 14.6 6.9 15.8 23.0 24.2 25.5 25.9 30.2 19.2 13.4 0.0 51.8 20.2 12.6 TPSWC-4B 7.2 1.8 9.1 24.8 25.5 23.1 27.9 33.2 40.1 42.1 37.9 26.7 18.4 8.5 19.5 25.4 27.7 30.0 30.3 32.7 21.8 16.0 0.2 50.0 23.9 13.1 TPSWC-5T 29.8 25.6 27.6 31.9 31.2 31.3 35.8 38.1 39.8 41.1 37.5 38.9 36.0 31.2 26.0 34.3 35.5 37.1 30.8 28.1 17.5 42.0 33.5 4.8 TPSWC-5B 41.6 45.4 44.5 36.7 35.2 34.2 36.0 38.0 39.7 41.9 41.9 40.6 40.1 40.2 39.3 36.2 35.4 35.6 35.7 36.5 35.5 39.0 28.2 49.1 38.6 3.4 TPSWCCS-1B 55.8 45.0 43.7 43.1 48.3 53.5 55.0 57.3 59.4 58.1 60.2 53.2 49.2 57.7 57.0 56.5 63.5 63.8 50.2 48.5 36.9 67.7 54.0 6.8 TPSWCCS-2B 61.47 56.83 54.30 54.69 54.92 59.55 61.00 56.97 59.05 60.56 61.22 57.02 56.30 55.54 57.00 60.83 60.25 59.57 57.29 57.28 44.24 63.69 58.25 2.91 TPSWCCS-3B 53.32 43.00 42.61 48.20 49.54 53.70 53.72 55.54 54.67 59.87 58.82 60.24 58.63 51.82 52.25 55.72 56.35 55.50 50.78 48.14 36.72 65.19 53.40 5.62 TPSWCCS-4T 57.97 47.79 44.76 50.44 52.31 55.74 57.40 60.32 59.43 62.83 59.06 61.18 58.69 52.46 54.31 59.38 62.86 59.97 64.79 63.36 52.05 49.75 37.65 68.25 56.63 5.81 TPSWCCS-4B 55.46 45.11 43.94 49.43 52.08 55.50 57.60 60.55 59.55 63.50 59.72 61.34 58.32 52.38 54.90 60.37 62.70 59.40 63.97 62.84 52.89 49.70 36.32 67.20 56.41 6.08 TPSWCCS-5T 56.92 45.81 44.16 49.44 51.31 54.92 56.88 58.33 58.25 61.24 57.69 58.67 59.71 61.98 60.00 61.40 50.57 49.34 39.25 67.19 55.38 5.78 TPSWCCS-5B 53.63 44.79 44.20 48.15 48.82 52.86 49.37 35.08 58.98 48.30 4.35 TPSWCCS-6T 47.17 44.58 50.19 52.26 54.19 55.80 59.04 57.94 60.86 57.72 59.74 58.38 53.34 54.59 59.52 61.73 58.88 64.61 63.88 52.87 49.28 40.57 67.77 55.93 5.46 TPSWCCS-6B 47.11 44.43 49.67 52.10 55.08 57.39 59.89 58.85 61.23 57.41 52.55 54.03 58.81 61.48 58.57 64.22 64.71 53.51 50.33 40.58 68.60 55.92 5.77 TPSWCCS-7B 55.28 42.99 42.49 48.40 50.14 53.68 52.04 50.72 52.89 50.43 49.10 45.69 35.99 62.09 49.64 4.58 TPSWID-1T 1.96 1.43 1.21 1.72 5.04 4.00 12.18 10.90 15.67 23.69 14.20 5.23 5.42 2.43 1.54 4.65 15.09 6.94 4.35 6.67 3.30 1.61 1.10 30.08 6.70 6.19 TPSWID-1B 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.7 10.3 8.2 14.6 16.5 19.3 27.0 18.0 7.7 10.6 3.1 2.0 7.8 19.9 13.3 7.6 17.3 9.7 2.0 1.1 31.9 10.0 7.6 TPSWID-2T 1.3 0.9 1.2 2.0 2.3 2.5 5.5 6.8 19.2 27.5 9.9 1.9 3.1 1.2 1.3 2.3 8.4 4.7 3.0 4.5 2.6 1.4 0.7 37.4 5.1 6.7 TPSWID-2B 3.4 2.1 1.9 2.1 5.7 5.8 28.2 27.2 39.2 45.0 44.1 23.4 23.5 8.2 3.1 9.4 40.1 24.0 7.0 26.4 9.6 4.1 1.1 47.6 17.3 15.6 TPSWID-3T 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.6 19.5 33.5 9.9 3.1 2.2 1.3 1.1 2.0 5.6 3.8 2.6 5.5 2.3 1.3 0.6 42.7 4.4 7.6 TPSWID-3B 1.3 0.8 0.9 1.7 2.0 2.2 3.3 4.6 37.3 44.2 16.9 3.2 3.2 1.6 1.1 2.6 16.0 6.1 3.3 17.4 2.7 1.4 0.6 45.9 7.8 12.5 Key:

Avg = Average. Min = Minimum.

Max = Maximum. PSS-78 = Practical Salinity Scale of 1978.

Min = Minimum. Std Dev = Standard Deviation.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-1. Parameters Collected at 15-Minute Intervals Reported by the Meteorological Station at TPM-1 Parameter Units Accuracy Resolution Better than 5%,

Rainfall - Amount inches 0.001 weather dependent Relative Humidity  % +/-3 0.1 Temperature °Celsius +/- 0.3 +/- 0.1 Barometric Pressure mmHg 0.5 0.5 Wind Speed- Average mph 1 ft/sec 0.3 ft/sec Wind Speed- Gusts and mph 1 ft/sec 0.3 ft/sec Lull Wind Direction degrees +/-3 1 Light Level mol m-2 s-1 5-10 A/100 mol m-2 s-1 NA Hail Hits 1 1 Key:

ft/sec = Feet per second. NA = Not applicable.

1 -

mmHg = Millimeters of mercury. mol m s = Micromoles per meter square per second.

mph = Miles per hour.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 7 27 2010 0.001 9 23 2010 1.354 7 30 2010 0.001 9 24 2010 0.019 8 3 2010 0.341 9 25 2010 0.017 8 5 2010 0.13 9 26 2010 0.112 8 8 2010 0.984 9 27 2010 0.113 8 9 2010 3.075 9 28 2010 0.363 8 10 2010 1.215 9 29 2010 7.344 8 11 2010 0.001 9 30 2010 0.008 8 15 2010 0.007 10 6 2010 0.004 8 16 2010 0.214 10 12 2010 0.57 8 17 2010 0.007 10 13 2010 0.198 8 20 2010 0.16 10 14 2010 0.063 8 21 2010 0.06 10 17 2010 0.003 8 22 2010 0.217 10 23 2010 0.303 8 23 2010 0.375 10 24 2010 0.027 8 24 2010 0.02 10 25 2010 0.088 8 26 2010 0.019 10 26 2010 0.001 8 27 2010 0.351 10 27 2010 0.140 8 28 2010 0.213 10 28 2010 0.022 8 29 2010 0.084 10 29 2010 0.898 8 30 2010 1.46 10 31 2010 0.006 8 31 2010 0.014 11 1 2010 0.053 9 1 2010 0.098 11 3 2010 4.358 9 3 2010 0.479 11 4 2010 0.854 9 4 2010 0.002 11 5 2010 0.005 9 5 2010 0.168 11 11 2010 0.002 9 6 2010 1.569 11 12 2010 0.001 9 7 2010 0.114 11 18 2010 0.079 9 8 2010 1.38 11 22 2010 0.019 9 9 2010 0.005 11 23 2010 0.021 9 10 2010 0.002 11 24 2010 0.102 9 14 2010 0.004 11 27 2010 0.008 9 15 2010 0.006 11 29 2010 0.001 9 16 2010 0.119 12 1 2010 0.008 9 17 2010 0.117 12 5 2010 0.005 9 18 2010 0.041 12 9 2010 0.075 9 19 2010 0.036 12 12 2010 0.045 9 22 2010 0.016 12 18 2010 0.221 2-35

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 12 26 2010 0.182 5 8 2011 0.019 1 3 2011 0.002 5 10 2011 0.001 1 6 2011 0.061 5 11 2011 0.037 1 8 2011 0.002 5 12 2011 0.018 1 17 2011 2.829 5 13 2011 0.074 1 19 2011 0.028 5 14 2011 0.022 1 21 2011 0.005 5 15 2011 0.298 1 24 2011 0.016 5 16 2011 0.009 1 26 2011 0.584 5 17 2011 0.024 2 11 2011 0.063 5 18 2011 0.858 2 12 2011 0.131 5 19 2011 0.02 2 14 2011 0.001 5 20 2011 0.004 2 17 2011 0.034 5 21 2011 0.005 2 24 2011 0.001 5 22 2011 0.006 2 25 2011 0.006 5 23 2011 0.001 3 2 2011 0.155 5 24 2011 0.003 3 4 2011 0.004 5 25 2011 0.001 3 5 2011 0.152 5 26 2011 0.045 3 10 2011 0.329 5 27 2011 0.073 3 18 2011 0.002 5 28 2011 0.131 3 19 2011 0.002 5 29 2011 0.124 3 20 2011 0.001 5 30 2011 0.266 3 21 2011 0.111 5 31 2011 0.201 3 22 2011 0.037 6 1 2011 0.008 3 28 2011 0.55 6 2 2011 0.141 3 29 2011 0.3 6 3 2011 0.007 4 1 2011 0.449 6 5 2011 0.001 4 5 2011 0.138 6 6 2011 0.019 4 7 2011 0.001 6 16 2011 0.055 4 13 2011 1.184 6 17 2011 0.055 4 17 2011 0.069 6 18 2011 0.085 4 25 2011 0.001 6 19 2011 0.003 4 29 2011 0.001 6 20 2011 0.164 4 30 2011 0.005 6 21 2011 0.082 5 1 2011 0.01 6 22 2011 0.012 5 3 2011 0.001 6 23 2011 0.001 5 6 2011 0.151 6 24 2011 0.006 5 7 2011 0.001 6 25 2011 0.102 2-36

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 6 26 2011 0.055 8 7 2011 0.627 6 27 2011 0.100 8 8 2011 0.968 6 28 2011 0.028 8 9 2011 0.009 6 29 2011 0.605 8 10 2011 0.028 6 30 2011 0.050 8 11 2011 0.058 7 1 2011 0.064 8 12 2011 0.070 7 2 2011 0.530 8 13 2011 0.080 7 3 2011 0.048 8 14 2011 0.599 7 4 2011 0.004 8 15 2011 0.550 7 5 2011 0.330 8 16 2011 0.116 7 6 2011 1.520 8 17 2011 0.001 7 7 2011 3.874 8 18 2011 0.033 7 8 2011 0.001 8 19 2011 0.452 7 9 2011 0.008 8 20 2011 0.098 7 10 2011 0.001 8 21 2011 0.010 7 11 2011 0.394 8 22 2011 0.170 7 12 2011 0.003 8 23 2011 0.004 7 13 2011 0.380 8 24 2011 0.007 7 15 2011 0.002 8 25 2011 0.301 7 16 2011 0.002 8 26 2011 0.301 7 17 2011 0.248 8 27 2011 0.224 7 18 2011 1.343 8 29 2011 0.684 7 19 2011 0.905 8 30 2011 2.080 7 20 2011 0.140 9 1 2011 0.017 7 21 2011 0.308 9 2 2011 1.758 7 22 2011 0.047 9 3 2011 0.003 7 23 2011 0.003 9 8 2011 0.206 7 24 2011 0.103 9 9 2011 0.022 7 25 2011 0.015 9 10 2011 0.001 7 26 2011 0.001 9 12 2011 0.359 7 27 2011 0.038 9 13 2011 0.339 7 28 2011 0.146 9 14 2011 0.006 7 29 2011 0.183 9 16 2011 0.003 8 1 2011 0.003 9 18 2011 0.057 8 2 2011 0.026 9 19 2011 0.199 8 3 2011 0.255 9 20 2011 0.004 8 5 2011 0.001 9 21 2011 0.127 8 6 2011 1.472 9 22 2011 1.472 2-37

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 9 23 2011 0.684 11 29 2011 0.001 9 25 2011 1.182 12 1 11 0.001 9 26 2011 0.148 12 2 11 0.003 9 27 2011 0.196 12 4 11 0.035 9 29 2011 0.006 12 5 11 0.043 9 30 2011 0.144 12 7 11 0.043 10 6 2011 0.008 12 9 11 0.061 10 7 2011 0.460 12 10 11 0.164 10 8 2011 6.333 12 12 11 0.001 10 9 2011 0.073 12 13 11 0.164 10 10 2011 0.016 12 14 11 0.013 10 11 2011 0.010 12 16 11 0.001 10 12 2011 0.010 12 17 11 0.007 10 13 2011 0.019 12 18 11 0.016 10 15 2011 1.053 12 21 11 0.003 10 16 2011 1.633 12 22 11 0.002 10 17 2011 0.382 12 23 11 0.001 10 18 2011 0.350 12 27 11 0.001 10 19 2011 1.330 12 31 11 0.001 10 22 2011 0.002 1 2 12 0.001 10 23 2011 0.003 1 4 12 0.022 10 28 2011 0.619 1 5 12 0.001 10 29 2011 0.139 1 7 12 0.004 10 30 2011 0.007 1 10 12 0.005 11 1 2011 0.021 1 11 12 0.009 11 2 2011 0.010 1 12 12 0.067 11 4 2011 0.004 1 13 12 0.283 11 5 2011 0.117 1 14 12 0.001 11 6 2011 0.032 1 17 12 0.006 11 7 2011 0.004 1 18 12 0.012 11 8 2011 0.002 1 19 12 0.013 11 9 2011 0.006 1 21 12 0.005 11 13 2011 0.003 1 22 12 0.001 11 15 2011 0.001 1 23 12 0.004 11 17 2011 0.014 1 25 12 0.001 11 18 2011 0.052 1 26 12 0.001 11 19 2011 0.013 1 28 12 0.017 11 20 2011 0.037 1 29 12 0.996 2-38

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 1 30 12 0.004 3 23 12 0.003 2 1 12 0.001 3 25 12 0.002 2 2 12 0.009 3 26 12 0.002 2 3 12 0.003 3 27 12 0.087 2 4 12 0.001 3 28 12 0.001 2 5 12 0.140 3 30 12 0.012 2 6 12 1.861 3 31 12 0.002 2 7 12 0.443 4 1 12 0.008 2 9 12 1.007 4 2 12 0.002 2 10 12 1.789 4 5 12 0.734 2 11 12 0.475 4 6 12 0.002 2 13 12 0.003 4 7 12 0.004 2 15 12 0.002 4 9 12 0.001 2 20 12 0.001 4 10 12 0.003 2 22 12 0.003 4 13 12 0.001 2 24 12 0.001 4 14 12 2.235 2 25 12 0.168 4 15 12 0.004 2 26 12 0.001 4 16 12 0.015 2 28 12 0.017 4 17 12 0.026 2 29 12 0.012 4 18 12 0.002 3 1 12 0.003 4 19 12 0.003 3 3 12 0.005 4 21 12 3.482 3 4 12 0.167 4 22 12 0.405 3 5 12 0.007 4 23 12 0.002 3 7 12 0.088 4 24 12 0.015 3 8 12 0.078 4 25 12 0.012 3 9 12 0.002 4 26 12 0.004 3 10 12 0.005 4 27 12 0.009 3 11 12 0.069 4 28 12 1.185 3 12 12 0.074 4 29 12 1.889 3 14 12 0.026 4 30 12 2.444 3 15 12 0.120 5 1 12 0.004 3 16 12 0.009 5 4 12 0.003 3 17 12 0.001 5 6 12 0.010 3 18 12 0.004 5 7 12 0.012 3 19 12 0.212 5 8 12 0.425 3 21 12 0.003 5 10 12 0.003 3 22 12 0.001 5 11 12 0.013 2-39

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-2. Rainfall Recorded at the Meteorological Station TPM-1 Month Day Year Rain (in) Month Day Year Rain (in) 5 12 12 0.005 6 7 2012 0.226 5 13 12 0.003 6 8 2012 0.161 5 15 12 0.005 6 9 2012 0.28 5 16 12 0.081 6 10 2012 0.164 5 17 12 2.308 6 11 2012 0.083 5 18 12 0.119 6 12 2012 0.097 5 19 12 0.611 6 13 2012 0.079 5 20 12 0.688 6 14 2012 0.315 5 21 12 0.007 6 15 2012 0.28 5 22 12 0.904 6 16 2012 0.051 5 23 12 0.186 6 17 2012 0.001 5 24 12 2.896 6 18 2012 0.004 5 25 12 0.045 6 19 2012 0.066 5 26 12 0.026 6 20 2012 2.167 5 27 12 0.052 6 21 2012 0.785 5 28 12 0.104 6 22 2012 0.573 5 29 12 0.171 6 23 2012 1.035 5 30 12 0.138 6 24 2012 0.006 5 31 12 0.594 6 25 2012 0.001 6 1 2012 1.298 6 26 2012 0.001 6 2 2012 0.209 6 27 2012 0.022 6 3 2012 0.182 6 28 2012 0.174 6 4 2012 0.264 6 29 2012 0.113 6 5 2012 0.167 6 30 2012 0.001 6 6 2012 0.096 2-40

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-3. Total Rain Days and Rainfall Amounts Recorded Monthly at Each Station TPM-1 TPRF-2 TPRF-11 TPRF-4 TPRF-12 LU-South LU-NEast

  1. of # of # of # of # of # of # of Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Month Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Aug-10 20 8.95 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25 6.85 Sep-10 24 13.49 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 12.05 Oct-10 13 2.32 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26 6.92 Nov-10 12 5.50 5 0.25 4 0.13 NA NA NA NA 6 6.12 24 2.47 Dec-10 6 0.54 3 0.42 0 0.00 NA NA NA NA 6 1.00 7 1.27 Jan-11 8 3.53 4 4.01 3 0.46 NA NA NA NA 4 2.81 3 3.19 Feb-11 6 0.24 3 0.16 3 0.15 NA NA NA NA 3 0.11 5 1.09 Mar-11 11 1.64 6 2.07 6 1.40 NA NA NA NA 4 1.13 6 2.62 Apr-11 8 1.85 6 2.83 6 1.39 NA NA NA NA 1 0.06 2 0.26 May-11 27 2.40 8 0.91 6 1.06 NA NA NA NA 5 0.37 7 1.37 Jun-11 20 1.58 12 2.75 9 1.93 NA NA NA NA 6 0.42 10 2.86 Jul-11 29 10.64 15 10.69 15 6.99 NA NA NA NA 19 8.47 18 5.79 Aug-11 29 9.24 NA NA 20 5.44 NA NA NA NA 23 6.32 23 7.96 Sep-11 21 6.93 NA NA 15 4.44 19 4.77 NA NA 15 4.95 12 1.89 Oct-11 19 13.25 NA NA 14 7.07 6 6.44 NA NA 12 14.5 12 3.60 Nov-11 18 0.32 NA NA 5 0.23 NA NA NA NA 5 0.61 6 0.27 Dec-11 18 0.56 4 0.13 7 0.68 8 0.84 NA NA 8 1.32 7 1.52 Jan-12 20 1.45 5 0.70 NA NA 3 0.66 NA NA 6 0.92 3 0.11 Feb-12 19 5.94 11 0.19 NA NA 8 7.28 NA NA 8 5.42 9 3.81 Mar-12 25 0.98 8 0.79 NA NA 8 0.94 8 1.95 7 1.25 10 1.31 2-41

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-3. Total Rain Days and Rainfall Amounts Recorded Monthly at Each Station TPM-1 TPRF-2 TPRF-11 TPRF-4 TPRF-12 LU-South LU-NEast

  1. of # of # of # of # of # of # of Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Month Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Days Amount Apr-12 24 12.49 16 1.83 NA NA 7 11.45 8 8.43 9 11.69 8 10.89 May-12 26 9.41 21 0.62 NA NA 7 3.94
  • 12 7.14 12 4.39 15 9.00 Jun-12 30 8.90 19 4.12 NA NA NA NA 18 4.63 NA NA NA NA Note:
  • Data available 5/1/2012 through 5/21/2012.


FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-4. Dates of Daily Rainfall Greater Than 1 in a 24-Hour Period for All Stations Month Date Year TPM-1 TPRF-2 TPRF-11 TPRF-12 TPRF-4 LU-South LU-NEast 8 9 2010 3.08 NA NA NA NA NA 1.47 8 10 2010 1.22 NA NA NA NA NA 0.11 8 30 2010 1.46 NA NA NA NA NA 0.81 9 6 2010 1.57 NA NA NA NA 0.89 1.19 9 8 2010 1.38 NA NA NA NA 1.29 0.51 9 23 2010 1.35 NA NA NA NA NA 0.38 9 29 2010 7.34 NA NA NA NA NA 4.53 11 3 2010 4.36 NA NA NA NA 5.39 0.83 1 17 2011 2.83 3.29 0.00 NA NA 2.48 3.15 4 13 2011 1.18 0.32 1.01 NA NA NA 0.75 6 29 2011 0.61 1.96 0.47 NA NA 0.00 0.00 7 6 2011 1.52 2.50 0.89 NA NA 2.27 0.35 7 7 2011 3.87 3.39 3.89 NA NA 2.95 2.83 7 18 2011 1.34 2.51 0.20 NA NA 1.26 0.31 8 6 2011 1.47 0.39 0.28 NA NA 0.23 1.37 8 8 2011 0.97 1.55 0.40 NA NA 0.63 1.27 8 15 2011 0.55 0.01 0.41 NA NA 1.30 0.05 8 30 2011 2.08 NA 1.48 NA NA 1.01 0.21 9 9 2011 1.76 NA 0.35 NA NA 1.27 0.16 9 22 2011 1.47 NA 0.17 NA 0.79 0.00 0.00 9 25 2011 1.18 NA 1.05 NA 1.04 0.00 0.00 10 8 2011 6.33 NA 2.44 NA 3.86 8.05 1.37 2-43

FPL Turkey Point Semi-Annual Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Table 2.4-4. Dates of Daily Rainfall Greater Than 1 in a 24-Hour Period for All Stations Month Date Year TPM-1 TPRF-2 TPRF-11 TPRF-12 TPRF-4 LU-South LU-NEast 10 15 2011 1.05 NA 0.45 NA 1.20 1.25 0.38 10 16 2011 1.63 NA 1.06 NA 1.23 1.27 0.53 10 19 2011 1.33 NA 0.92 NA NA 0.90 0.24 10 31 2011 0.00 NA 0.53 NA NA 1.27 1.06 3 6 2012 1.86 NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 3 9 2012 1.01 NA 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 3 10 2012 1.79 NA NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 14 2012 2.24 0.56 NA 0.62 1.35 1.92 1.58 4 21 2012 3.48 0.33 NA 3.15 2.61 2.89 2.95 4 28 2012 1.19 0.01 NA 0.94 1.58 1.07 0.90 4 29 2012 1.89 0.02 NA 1.85 2.57 2.70 1.84 4 30 2012 2.44 0.04 NA 1.42 2.57 2.25 3.04 5 17 2012 2.31 0.00 NA 1.60 1.66 1.95 1.96 5 24 2012 2.90 0.16 NA 1.85 NA 0.34 2.43 6 1 2012 1.30 0.01 NA 1.02 NA NA NA 6 20 2012 2.17 1.89 NA 2.28 NA NA NA 6 23 2012 1.04 0.75 NA NA NA NA NA Key:

LU = Land Use.

NA = Not Available.

TPM1 = Turkey Point Meteorological Station.

TPRF = Turkey Point Rainfall Gauge.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 FIGURES

FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Land-based station. Typical control panel and telemetry system.

Typical automated probe and cable. Biscayne Bay station.

Figure 2.1-1. Automated Groundwater Stations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-2. TPGW-1 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-3. TPGW-2 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-4. TPGW-3 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-5. TPGW-4 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-6. TPGW-5 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-7. TPGW-6 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Figure 2.1-8. TPGW-7 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 5000 4500 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 3.0 23 2.5 Salinity (PSS-78) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-9. TPGW-8 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 5000 4500 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 3.0 23 2.5 Salinity (PSS-78) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-10. TPGW-9 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-11. TPGW-10 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-12. TPGW-11 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-13. TPGW-12 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 33 32 Temperature (oC) 31 30 29 80 28 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-14. TPGW-13 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (oC) 26 25 24 80 23 70 60 Salinity (PSS-78) 50 40 30 20 10 0

6/15/10 9/5/10 11/27/10 2/18/11 5/12/11 8/3/11 10/25/11 1/16/12 4/8/12 6/30/12 Shallow Intermediate Deep Figure 2.1-15. TPGW-14 Specific Conductance, Temperature, and Salinity.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Figure 2.1-16. Average and Standard Deviation of Specific Conductance Values (in µS/cm) for Groundwater Stations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Figure 2.1-17. Average and Standard Deviation of Temperature (in oCelcius) for Groundwater Stations.


FPL Turkey Point Comprehensive Pre-Uprate Monitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate Project - October 2012 Section 2 Figure 2.1-18. Average and Standard Deviation of Salinity (in PSS-78) for Groundwater Stations.
