CNL-14-008, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project - January 2014 Status Report

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the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project - January 2014 Status Report
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry, Watts Bar, Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/2014
From: James Shea
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14038A139 (9)


L44 140131 007 Tennessee Valley Authority, 1101 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37 402 CNL-14-008 January 31, 2014 10 CFR 50.4 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-33, DPR-52, and DPR-68 NRC Docket Nos. 50-259, 50-260, and 50-296 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-77 and DPR-79 NRC Docket Nos. 50-327 and 50-328 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Facility Operating License No. NPF-90 NRC Docket No. 50-390


The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project- January 2014 Status Report


1. TVA letter to NRC, "Additional Information Regarding March 28, 2013, Public Meeting With NRC Regarding The Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA)

Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project," dated April 30, 2013 (ML13123A163)

2. TVA letter to NRC, 'The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project Plan - July 2013 Status Report," dated July 31, 2013 (ML13220A102)
3. TVA letter to NRC, "The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project Plan- October 2013 Status Report," dated October 31, 2013 (ML13309A747)

The purpose of this letter is to provide the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff with the January 2014 Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project Quarterly Update. Previous updates were provided in References 2 and 3.

Printed on recycled paper

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 January 31, 2014 In Enclosure 2 of Reference 1, TVA provided the NRC with a TVA Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project Action Plan Summary that included Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project Milestones. In Milestone 4, TVA stated that quarterly updates would be provided to the NRC starting in July 2013 and that the updates would include any failures found in either the installed equipment review or warehouse inventory review, along with an evaluation of safety significance of such failures for the installed items.

Based on progress made to date, the TVA Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project is on track to meet the December 2014 commitment date. In addition , no issues have been identified that resulted in declaring plant equipment to be inoperable.

The enclosure to this letter provides the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project- January 2014 Status Report.

There are no new regulatory commitments contained in this letter. Should you have any questions, please contact John Laffrey at (423) 751-3262.

Respectfully, u~

1ce President, Nuclear Licensing


Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project- January 2014 Status Report cc:

NRC Regional Administrator- Region II NRC Senior Resident Inspector- Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant NRC Senior Resident Inspector- Sequoyah Nuclear Plant NRC Senior Resident Inspector- Watts Bar Nuclear Plant

ENCLOSURE Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project - January 2014 Status Report INTRODUCTION From April 2013 to October 2013, the Commercial Grade Dedication (CGD) Recovery Project Team has identified 22,324 unique Catalog Identifiers (CATIDs) that have been generated for CGD items across the TVA Nuclear Power Group Fleet since September 1995, when significant changes were made to 10 CFR Part 21. Of this population, there are 13,175 unique CATIDs that were either not purchased or not installed. These CATIDs will require additional verification and documented disposition, as appropriate. The CGD Recovery Project Team has determined that the remaining 9,149 unique CATIDs have been either purchased or installed in a TVA nuclear plant and are subject to evaluation and disposition as part of the Recovery Project.

The CGD Recovery Project is evaluating the unique CATIDs in groups where possible. In many cases, several CGD packages have been generated for the same unique CATID due to the number of years of plant operations under evaluation.

The status provided below documents the progress to date based on accounting for the applicable number of unique CATIDs. The CGD packages reviewed prior to April 2013, including those reported during the March 2013 NRC meeting, are captured in the number of unique CATIDs accounted for in this letter.

PROGRESS TO DATE As of January 7, 2014, the TVA CGD Recovery Project Weekly Report indicated that from the population of 13,175 CATIDs that were either not purchased or not installed, 12,445 CATIDs have been verified via an additional data search to not exist in inventory or in the operating units. This number represents an increase of 3,087 CATIDs determined to have been either not purchased or not installed since the October 2013 Status Report.

As of January 7, 2014, the TVA CGD Recovery Project Weekly Report indicated that from the population of 9,149 CATIDs that were purchased and are either in inventory or installed, 3,048 CATIDs have been evaluated and dispositioned. This number increased by 262 since the October 2013 Status Report.

Based on the above, the TVA CGD Recovery Project is progressing as planned and scheduled.

UPDATE ON PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED ISSUES In the October 2013 status report (Reference 3), four testing failures were identified during warehouse inventory reviews and entered into the Corrective Action Program. A summary of the current status of each of the four failures is as follows:

Problem Evaluation Reports 793398 and 826788 document fuses (CATID BDH517E) that failed current clearing time testing. No material from the lot has been installed in safety-related applications; therefore, there are no immediate safety concerns. Open E 1 of 7

ENCLOSURE Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project - January 2014 Status Report actions include final evaluation of test results, potential impact on components, and review for 10 CFR 21 reporting.

Problem Evaluation Reports 794799 and 821184 document a pressure switch (CATID BXA282G) that failed to meet established acceptance criteria for configuration, operating response, repeatability, and weight critical characteristics. The single failed pressure switch was never installed and failure would have been self revealing during conditional dedication, if installed. A remaining action will evaluate test results to validate acceptance criteria.

Problem Evaluation Reports 793399 and 821992 document the failure of a brass tubing tee (CATID CKA398K) to pass a threading test. The failed brass tee was sequestered. A review of inventory issue history identified 1 fitting from the subject lot installed in a safety-related application. This fitting successfully passed conditional dedication testing and is acceptable. A remaining action will evaluate test results to validate acceptance criteria.

Problem Evaluation Reports 784385, 793529, and 828658 document the failure of hydraulic fluid (CATID CKJ806N) to pass flash point acceptance criteria. The fluid was found to be installed in safety-related applications and was evaluated and found to be acceptable.

Remaining actions include review of material test report for new material, resolving discrepancies from vendor supplied information, and revising commercial grade dedication packages.

In Reference 3, TVA also provided an update on the QA Audit finding regarding conditional dedication checks that lacked sufficient information needed to ensure successful completion of the task. In the update, TVA indicated that an extent of condition evaluation was being conducted and that the results would be addressed as part of the CGD Recovery Project.

TVA conducted an extent of condition evaluation, reviewing work orders associated with installed items that were conditionally dedicated back to 1995. The review identified 13 instances where adequate documentation for conditionally dedicated items installed in safety-related application could not be found. Where conditional dedication documentation was deficient and the item was installed, the operability of the system/component was evaluated; in each case the components/systems were determined to be operable.


The following testing failures were recently identified and entered into the corrective action program:

Problem Evaluation Report 827195 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for material type for breather caps (CATID CRE543B).

The acceptance criteria for body material type was selected based on the manufacturers published data as ZA12 Zinc Aluminum Alloy. The material test report identified the breather cap body as not meeting the chemical requirements, based on the aluminum and magnesium concentration. The test result for aluminum was 13.0%, which is high in comparison to the specification of 10.8 to 11.5%. An initial work order review identified that 1 breather cap was installed in a safety-related application and this breather cap was reviewed for operability impact. Operability evaluations determined that operability is maintained with the deficient condition. From an inventory of 5 breather caps, 1 was subjected to destructive testing and the remaining 4 were sequestered pending further E 2 of 7

ENCLOSURE Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project - January 2014 Status Report evaluation. This condition will be further evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 827194 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for material and dimensions of vent caps (CATID CRF195B). The acceptance criteria for the cap body material type was selected based on the manufacturers published data as ZA12 Zinc Aluminum Alloy. The material test report identified that the vent cap body did not meet the chemical requirements. The test result for aluminum was 13.7%, which is high in comparison to the specification of 10.8 to 11.5% and a magnesium content of <0.02%, which is low in comparison to the specification of 0.02 to 0.03%. An initial work order review identified that 1 vent cap may be installed in a safety-related application. The condition was reviewed for operability impact and it was determined that operability is maintained with the deficient condition. The critical characteristic acceptance criterion for the threading dimensions was 3.0 +/- 0.020. The threading measured 3.30. From an inventory of 4 vent caps, 1 was subjected to destructive testing and the remaining 3 were sequestered pending further evaluation. This condition will be further evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 821151 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for resistance and dimensions of overload heaters (CATID BJV743J). From an inventory of 21 overload heaters, 6 were initially tested. After 2 failures, the remaining 15 were tested. From the remaining 15, there were 4 additional resistance failures and 3 dimension related failures. The acceptance criteria for resistance, selected based on the manufacturers published data, was 16.5 to 19.1 ohms. The test report identified 5 overload heaters that failed due to high resistance (19.17 to 19.56 ohms) and 1 overload heater that failed due to an open circuit. Therefore, there were 6 resistance related failures. The acceptance criterion for the B dimension (width) of the coil was 0.266 maximum. The test report identified 3 overload heaters that measured from 0.278 to 0.290. One heater failed both testing criteria; therefore, 8 of the 21 overload heaters failed to meet testing criteria. All 21 overload heaters were subjected to non-destructive testing and were sequestered pending further evaluation. Based on initial issue history searches, all 21 heaters were from a single purchase and none were installed in the plant. This condition will be further evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 826067 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for wire size dimensions of cable splices (CATID BVT390J). The acceptance criteria for wire size was selected based on the manufacturers published data as 500 kcmil. The test report identified that the cable splices did not meet the test requirement. The test results for wire size dimensions were low, i.e., splices were not capable of accepting any 500 kcmil Class 2 wire. The lab report noted that dimensions were smaller than specification requirements due to a ridge of material at the inner rim of each opening. Based on initial issue history searches, no cable splices from this lot were installed in safety-related applications. The deficiency identified would have been self revealing if the cable splices had been issued to the field for installation. From the 10 splices in inventory, 4 were subjected to non-destructive testing.

The test batch (4) and remaining inventory (6) were sequestered pending further evaluation.

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ENCLOSURE Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project - January 2014 Status Report This condition will be further evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 826791 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for current carrying capacity of 0.125 amp fuses (CATID AWT096Y). The acceptance criterion for current carrying capacity was selected based on the manufacturers 0.125 amp fuse rating as 0.125 +10/-0% amps. The test report identified 1 fuse failure as opening before thermal stability was reached. A second fuse was found with the glass cracked; it was also identified in the test report as a failure.

The test performed is classified as non-destructive and the fuse failed destructively. Based on initial issue history searches, no fuses from this lot were installed in safety-related applications. From an inventory of 42 fuses, 30 were subjected to non-destructive testing.

The test batch and remaining stock was sequestered pending further evaluation. This condition will be further evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 828735 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for current clearing time of 1.6 amp fuses (CATID BAG502L). From an inventory of 33 fuses, 13 fuses were chosen for initial testing.

Three of the 13 fuses were subjected to destructive testing. Due to the failure of 1 of the 3 fuses during destructive testing of current clearing time, 5 more fuses were chosen for destructive testing. The additional testing resulted in 1 additional current clearing time failure. The acceptance criterion for current clearing time is open at 3.2 +10/-0% amps 2 minutes. The test reports identified 2 fuses that failed the current clearing time criteria by failing to open. The test was aborted at time = 60 minutes (first test) and 30 minutes (second test). Based on initial issue history searches, fuses from this lot were identified as installed in a safety-related application and reviewed for operability impact. It was later determined that the fuses were not installed in the Class 1E portion of the electrical circuit.

From an inventory of 33 fuses, 8 were subjected to destructive testing, in which 6 opened properly. The test batch and remaining stock were sequestered pending further evaluation.

This condition will be further evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 830725 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for material type for terminal lugs (CATID BVC946R).

The acceptance criterion for material type was selected based on the manufacturers generic published data as tin plated brass. The material test report identified the lugs conductor as copper, not brass. Communication with the vendor is required to complete the evaluation of the test results. From an inventory of 607 lugs, 6 were subjected to destructive testing. The remaining inventory was sequestered pending further evaluation. Preliminary evaluation determined that the acceptance criteria should be revised and the material will be acceptable for use. This condition will be formally evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 830726 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for material type for terminal lugs (CATID BYB188W).

The acceptance criterion for material type was selected based on the manufacturers generic published data as tin plated copper The material test report identified the lug conductor base material as containing zinc and lead which indicates it is a brass alloy, not E 4 of 7

ENCLOSURE Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project - January 2014 Status Report copper. Communication with the vendor is required to complete the evaluation of the test results. From an inventory of 14 lugs, 3 were subjected to destructive testing. The remaining inventory was sequestered pending further evaluation. Preliminary evaluation determined that the acceptance criteria should be revised and the material will be acceptable for use. This condition will be formally evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 823813 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for material type for terminal lugs (CATID BYM865Q).

The acceptance criteria for material type was selected based on generic manufacturers published data as tin plated copper. The material test report identified the lug base material to be copper and zinc, indicating a brass alloy. Based on correspondence with the manufacturer, the material type critical characteristic was revised to reflect that at least 90%

copper is considered copper. From an inventory of 1386 lugs, 8 were subjected to destructive testing and the remaining inventory was sequestered pending further evaluation.

Preliminary evaluation determined that the acceptance criteria should be revised and the material will be acceptable for use. This condition will be formally evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 825115 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for pressure integrity of polyethylene tubing (CATID CFF597C). The pressure integrity acceptance criteria was selected based on the manufacturers published data as 720 psi with no leakage. The test report identified the tubing section wall integrity failed at between 570 - 600 psi for the 2 sample sections of polyethylene tubing. Test results were reviewed and it was determined that the manufacturers data table was read incorrectly for the polyethylene tubing model being tested. The burst pressure (480 psi) was selected versus the working pressure (120 psi) as the basis for determining test pressure acceptance criteria. The test performed qualified as a burst test and not a pressure integrity test; therefore, additional testing based on applicable critical characteristics testing criteria is required before acceptance. From an inventory of 961 feet of tubing, 13 total feet (one 3 and one 10 section) was subjected to destructive testing. The remaining inventory of 948 feet was sequestered pending further evaluation. Preliminary evaluation determined that the acceptance criteria should be revised and the material will be acceptable for use. This condition will be formally evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 826424 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria of tensile strength for insulating tape (CATID BYL296B). The acceptance criteria for tensile strength was selected based on published ASTM D-412 data as 233.5 to 266.5 psi. The tensile test report for one roll of tape identified the tapes tensile strength as an average of 225 psi. After additional review it was determined that tensile strength does not support a safety function. The revised package removed tensile strength and added tape dimensional thickness and dielectric strength as critical characteristics. Additional material testing to check these criteria is required for lot acceptance. From an inventory of 61 rolls of tape, 4 rolls were subjected to destructive testing. The remaining inventory was sequestered pending further evaluation. Preliminary evaluation determined that the acceptance criteria should be revised and the material will be E 5 of 7

ENCLOSURE Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project - January 2014 Status Report acceptable for use. This condition will be formally evaluated, as described in the CGD Recovery Project Plan, to determine CGD item acceptability.

Problem Evaluation Report 820855 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing for material type of pulley bushings (CATID CCA611R). The acceptance criteria for material type was selected based on the current manufacturers published data as carbon steel, SAE Grade 5 or similar. The material test report identified the bushing material as more consistent with cast iron material. The originally installed pulley bushing was supplied as ductile iron, as identified in the technical manual and during communication with the manufacturer. The acceptance criteria for material type critical characteristic was revised to ductile iron or similar material, resulting in a determination that the material is acceptable without further destructive testing. From an inventory of 4 bushings, 1 was subjected to destructive testing and the remaining inventory was sequestered pending further evaluation. Completion of documentation is required for final material acceptance.

Problem Evaluation Report 825131 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for material type of mandrel pop rivets (CATID BQX704E). The material type acceptance criteria was selected based on the manufacturers generic published data as C1006-C1010 Steel, which matches the rivet body. The material testing reported the rivet mandrel as aligning more with medium carbon steel. The acceptance criterion for the material type critical characteristic was revised to carbon steel based on the manufacturers production drawings. From an inventory of 4,178 Rivets, 16 were subjected to destructive testing and the remaining inventory was sequestered, pending further evaluation. Completion of documentation is required for final material acceptance.

Problem Evaluation Report 823816 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for material type of cable splices (CATID CPV360D).

The acceptance criteria for material type were selected based on the manufacturers generic published data as copper or aluminum. The material test report identified the cable splice conductor as a Cu/Te Alloy. The acceptance criterion for the material type critical characteristic was revised to Copper/Tellurium based on correspondence with the manufacturer. From an inventory of 40 splices, 3 were subjected to destructive testing and the remaining inventory was sequestered pending further evaluation. Completion of documentation is required for final material acceptance.

Problem Evaluation Report 828659 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for weight of pressure switches (CATID CEH294T).

The weight acceptance criteria was selected based on the manufacturers published data as 2.0 +/- 1 lb. The test report documented that the weight measured between 3.150 and 3.159 lbs for the 2 sample switches. Test results were reviewed and it was determined that the selected manufacturers data table was incorrect for the pressure switch model being tested. The acceptance criteria for the weight critical characteristic was revised to 3.5 +/- 1 lb based on the correct data sheet, identifying the switchs shipping weight as 3.50 lbs.

From an inventory of 2 pressure switches, both were subjected to non-destructive testing and sequestered pending further evaluation. Completion of documentation is required for final material acceptance.

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ENCLOSURE Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Nuclear Power Group Commercial Grade Dedication Recovery Project - January 2014 Status Report Problem Evaluation Report 823818 was initiated to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for dimensions of resistors (CATID BRN013X). The dimensional acceptance criteria was selected based on the manufacturers published data as Diameter = 0.343+/- 0.031 and Length = 0.937 +/- 0.031. The test report identified that all 10 sample resistors failed to meet the established critical characteristic for acceptance for diameter (measured 0.295 to 0.300). Test results were reviewed and it was determined that the manufacturers data table and dimensional tolerance was read incorrectly for the resistor model being tested. The tolerance criteria for diameter and length are listed as a maximum, not a nominal dimension. The diameter and length critical characteristics were revised to Diameter = 0.343 Max, Length = 0.937 Max based on the manufacturers correct tolerance. From an inventory of 19 resistors, 10 were subjected to non-destructive testing. The test batch and remaining inventory were sequestered pending further evaluation. Completion of documentation is required for final material acceptance.

Problem Evaluation Report 824184 was written to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for material type of brass tubing unions (CATID CFP436V). The acceptance criteria for material type was selected based on the manufacturers published data as Brass per ASTM B16 Alloy 360. The material test report identified that the brass tube union exhibited low lead concentrations, in comparison to the ASTM specification. This low concentration was interpreted to mean the items did not meet requirements of ASTM B16 Alloy 360. Test results were reviewed and it was determined that the unions were machined from ASTM B16 Alloy 360 bar stock. During machining, elements can separate or migrate. This can cause lab testing of localized areas to demonstrate the type of readings obtained. The acceptance criterion for the material type critical characteristic was revised to generic brass alloy. From an inventory of 9 tube unions, 2 were subjected to destructive testing and the remaining inventory was sequestered pending additional evaluation. In accordance with the CGD Recovery Project Plan, the test report was revised and material acceptance evaluation was completed.

CATID CFP436V for the tubing union has been released from hold status.

Problem Evaluation Report 821083 was written to identify and address failure of initial critical characteristics testing criteria for material type of brass tube unions (CATID CGX850P). The acceptance criteria for material type was selected based on the manufacturers published data as brass per ASTM B16 Alloy 360. The material test report identified that 1 of 2 brass tube unions exhibited low lead concentration on one component and a low copper concentration on another, in comparison to the ASTM specification. The low concentration was interpreted to mean that the items did not meet requirements of ASTM B16 Alloy 360. Test results were reviewed and it was determined that the unions were machined from ASTM B16 Alloy 360 bar stock. During machining, elements can separate or migrate. This can cause lab testing of localized areas to demonstrate the type of readings obtained. The acceptance criteria for Material Type critical characteristic was revised to generic brass alloy. From an inventory of 6 tube unions, 2 were subjected to destructive testing and the remaining inventory was sequestered pending further evaluation.

In accordance with the CGD Recovery Project Plan, the test report was revised and material acceptance evaluation was completed. CATID CGX850P for the tubing union has been released from hold status.

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