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License Amendment Request - Extended Power Uprate, Attachment 15, WCAP-17590-NP, Rev. 0 - Enclosure B1, Acoustic Lead Definition
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/2012
From: Daniel Forsyth
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
WCAP-17590-NP, Rev 0
Download: ML12286A020 (30)


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 WCAP-17590-NP SeptErmber 2012 Revision 0 Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 Replacement Steam Dryer Acoustic Load Definition Enclosure B.1 Westinghouse

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 WCAP-17590-NP Revision 0 Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 Replacement Steam Dryer Acoustic Load Definition David A. Suddaby*

Acoustics & Structural Analysis September 2012 Reviewer: Robert C. Theuret*

Acoustics & Structural Analysis Approved: David R. Forsyth*, Manager Acoustics & Structural Analysis

  • Electronically approved records are authenticated in the electronic document management system.

Westinghouse Electric Company LLC 1000 Westinghouse Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066, USA

© 2012 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved WCAP-17590-NP.doc-090412

TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST O F TA BLES ....................................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF FIG UR ES ..................................................................................................................................... iv LIST O F A CRON Y M S/A BBREV IATION S ............................................................................................ v I EX ECU TIV E SU M M A RY ........................................................................................................... 1-1 2 [ ]a"C THE REPLACEMENT STEAM DRYER ............................. 2-1 2.1 []ac .................................. 2-1 2.2 [ ]. ................... 2-8 3 [ ]a,c ...................................... 3-1 3.1 ))II .............. 3-3 3.2 [ ] C........................................................... 3-5 3.3 [ ] c .......................................... 3-7 4 REFEREN CES ............................................................................................................................. 4-1 WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 []a,c .......................................................................................... 3-4 Table 3-2 [ a,b,c ............................................................... 3-5 Table 3-3 [ ] .. . . ............................................ 35 Table 3-4 [C .......................................................................... 3-6 Table 3-5 []a,c .............. 3-8 WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 ]a,c ............................................................. 2 -2

]a,c .............. 2-3 Figure 2-2a Figure 2-2b [ ]a,c .......... 2-4

]a,c .............................................. 2 -5 Figure 2-2c [

Figure 2-3a [

]a,c ................................................................................... 2 -6 Figure 2-3b [ ]a,c .................... 2-7

]a,c ................................................................... 2 -8 Figure 2-4

]a,c ................................................................. 2 -9 Figure 2-5 [

Figure 3-1 [ ]a,c ............................................................................................. 3-1 Figure 3-2 [ ia,b,c .................... 3-9 Figure 3-3 [ ]a,b,c .................. 3-10 Figure 3-4 [ ia,b,c .................. 3-11 Figure 3-5 [ ]a,b,c ........ ......... 3-12 WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

v LIST OF ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS Acronym Definition 3-D three-dimensional ACM acoustic circuit model CLTP current licensed thermal power EPU extended power uprate FIV flow-induced vibration MSL main steam line PBAPS Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station PSD power spectral density RMS root mean square RPV reactor pressure vessel RSD replacement steam dryer SNR signal-to-noise ratio SRSS square root of the sum of the squares SRV safety relief valve SSV spring safety valve WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0



The qualification [ ]c of the Peach Bottom Units 2 &

3 replacement steam dryer design requires ]c analysis of the alternating stresses acting on the structure. [

abc WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

2-1 2 [ ]a,c THE REPLACEMENT STEAM DRYER In order to qualify the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) Units 2 & 3 replacement steam dryer design for acoustic pressure loads originating from flow-induced vibration (FIV) phenomena, it is necessary to define a,c a,c 2.1 [

II WCAP-17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

2-2 a,c a,b,c Figure 2-1 ]a,c WCAP-1 7590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

2-3 a,c a,c Figure 2-2a WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

2-4 a,c Figure 2-2b I Ia,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

2-5 ac Figure 2-2c [ ]a,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

2-6 a,c Figure 2-3a [

I a,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

2- 7 a,c Figure 2-3b I ]a,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

2-8 2.2 Ia'c

]a,c a~c


))a~c a,c

]a,c Figure 2-4 a,c a,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

2-9 II

]a,c E

[ I a,c

]a,c I a,c


]a,c a,c Figure 2-5 [ I a,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

2-10 I

]a,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-1 3 I a,c II a,b,c a,c Figure 3-1 [ Ia,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-2 II

]a,c a,c a,c II

]a,c I a,c I

]a,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-3 a,c I

]a,c a,c II

]a,c 3.1 I1a,c I

]a,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-4 Table 3-1 1 1a,c AhC ft ft ft A ft>Pft #

WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-5 3.2 Ia,c I

Ia,c a,b,c I

]a,c Table 3-2 [ a,b,c [1]a, b,c 4-4-


+ +

+ +

+ i

+ 4

+ t 4

WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-6 Table 3-3 ]a,b,c al b,c Table 3-4 a'c _a__ , ,C

_ __ __ I _ ___ I ___



+ i

+ i 4 I 4 I I. I I. I WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-7 3.3 [a,c

]a,c a,c ja~c a,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0


]abc Table 3-5 ]a,c a,c WCAP-17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-9 a,b,c Figure 3-2 1 I ,b,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-10 a,b,c Figure 3-3 1 ]a,b,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-11 a,b,c a,b,c Figure 3-4 [

WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0

3-12 a,b,c Figure 3-5 [a,b,c WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0


1. Continuum Dynamics, Inc., Technical Note No. 11-lOP, Rev. 0, "User Documentation and Sample Calculation for ACM Rev. 4.1" Milton E. Teske, September 2011.
2. Westinghouse Calculation Note CN-A&SA-12-06, Rev. 1, "Acoustic Load Definition for the Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 Replacement Steam Dryers," July 24, 2012 (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2).
3. Westinghouse Calculation Note CN-A&SA-12-12, Rev. 0, "Peach Bottom Unit 2 Replacement Steam Dryer Four-Line Acoustic Subscale Model Testing Data Analysis and Derivation of Plant CLTP and EPU MSL Acoustic Signatures," July 23, 2012 (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2).
4. Westinghouse Calculation Note CN-A&SA-12-13, Rev. 0, "Peach Bottom Unit 3 Replacement Steam Dryer Four-Line Acoustic Subscale Model Testing Data Analysis and Derivation of Plant CLTP and EPU MSL Acoustic Signatures," July 24, 2012 (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2).
5. Westinghouse Letter, LTR-A&SA-10-11, Rev. 0, "Field Preparation of Main Steam Lines at Peach Bottom Unit 2 for Strain Gauge Installation," November 4, 2010 (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2).
6. Westinghouse Letter, LTR-A&SA-1 1-53, Rev. 0, "Field Preparation of Main Steam Lines at Peach Bottom Unit 3 for Strain Gauge Installation," October 6, 2011 (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2).
7. Westinghouse Report, WCAP-17428-P, Rev. 0, "Acoustic Loads Definition for the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 2 Steam Dryer Qualification Project," December 13, 2011 (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2).
8. Exelon Transmittal of Design Information TODI EPU-MOD-RSD-02-1, "Design Parameters for Replacement Stream Dryer Design," April 17, 2012.
9. Structural Integrity Calculation Package, 1000102.301, Rev. 0, "Peach Bottom Unit 2 Strain Gage Uncertainty Evaluation and Pressure Conversion Factors," Structural Integrity Associates, Inc., November 8, 2010.
10. Structural Integrity Calculation Package, 1000102.303, Rev. 0, "Peach Bottom Unit 3 Strain Gage Uncertainty Evaluation and Pressure Conversion Factors," Structural Integrity Associates, Inc., October 25, 2011.

WCAP- 17590-NP September 2012 Revision 0