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Inspection Request Forms for the Oyster Creek PI&R Inspection Report 2006-006
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 02/27/2006
AmerGen Energy Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML061430186 (68)


Inspection Requests associated with Oyster Creek PI&R lanspection IR 50-21912006006

Inspection Request Summary d Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006

InsDection Request Summary d Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006

Inspection Request Summary Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 I No. IInitialsl Short DescriDtion Date Reouested I Date Closed 577 I u

I 63- I I el4- I I 65- I I 66- I I 67- I I 69- I I 70- I I 71- I I 72- I I 73- I I 74- I I 75- I

Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - IR 2006-006 Request # 1 Requester: Norris Date: 02/27/06 Request: Initial Request

1. Hard copy of Organization Chart and Phone List.
2. Procedures related t o the identification and resolution of problems - initiation, evaluation, correction; including r o o t cause evaluations, operability determinations, work requests, engineering requests, f ix-it-now, operating experience, etc.
3. List of gJ deficiency documents (IR's, WR's, ER's, etc.) since the last PI&R inspection -

in electronic spreadsheet format if possible - include date initiated & closed, significance level, status, title/short description, ... (other organizations which might have their own system are security and training)

4. List of OXJ temporary modifications, operability determinations, control room deficiencies and operator workarounds
5. List of rework and repeat items / maintenance metrics
6. List of OE reviews, NRC IN'S/ GL's / Bulk / Part 21's / ...
7. Copy of responses t o OE since last PI&R
8. Maintenance Rule procedure / scoping document identifying risk ranking of SSCs.

%.d 9. 'Risk-ranking of systems (top 5 systems)

10. List of Maintenance Rule (a)(l) systems
11. Copy of the system health reports f o r the (a)(l) systems (include the history and current status if not in the health report), and copy of system health report f o r the t o p 5 high risk systems
12. For all non-cited violations (NCV's) and findings (FINS) issued since the last PI&R inspection (including the PI&R) - hard CORY of each NCV/FIN and the associated CR NOTE:include the cause analysis and detailed corrective actions identified in the CR
13. Copy of all QA audits of the corrective action program since last P U R
14. List o f all QA audits since last PI&R
15. List of all departmental self-assessments since last PI&R
16. Copy of last 2 CAP trend reports and CAP performance indicators used by management
17. List of system numbers
18. FSAR and TS/TRM, including the Bases
19. A copy o f system prints.
20. Arrange f o r discussions with Quality Assurance & Corrective Action Program Managers Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request ## A Requester: %?

-/ Date: 03hy Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Reauest Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # 3 Requester: Norris Date: 04/17/06 Request: please provide copies of the below CRs:

350999 352849 353074 355559 359547 365477 369380 379712 382687 390064 390443 391418 399034 435524 441998 455614 456505 450858 450881 Licensee Acknowledgment: email'd Date:


InsDection Request d Oyster Creek P U R - IR 2006-006 Request # 4 Requester: Rosebrook Date: 04/18/06 Request: Provide coPies of the below Self-Assessments:

1) ENG FASA EDG Cable Failure Dtd 8/10/04
2) ENG CI Technical Expertise Dtd 9/1/04
3) ENG CI Performance Monitoring Plans Effectiveness Reviews DTD 11/15/05
4) EP CI Exercise Evaluation/PI Verification Dtd 10/3/05 and 1OH05
5) EP FASA 95-001 Inspection Dtd 5/12/05
6) ENG FASA GL-89-13 Dtd 9/9/05
7) ENG FASA AOV Dtd 2/24/05
8) ENG FASA Maintenance Rule DTD 1/4/05 Licensee Acknowledgment: email'd bate:


Inspection Request d Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request # 5 Requester: Treadway Date: 04/18/06 Request: provide copies of the below Self -Assessments:

Operations C I Operations Procedure Chanae Process dtd 11/29/05 Operations CI Plant Status & Configuration Control d t d 12/15/05 Security FASA Physical Protection d t d 06/03/05 Operations FASA Operations FundamentaWHuman Error Prevention d t d 04/18/05 Operations CI B.5.b d t d 09/16/05 Licensee Acknowledgment: emaild Date:

InsPection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # 6 Requester: McCarver Date: 04/18/06 Request: provide copies of the below Self- Assessments:

Maintenance C I Foreion Material Exclusion d t d 06/30/04 RP FASA Dosimetry dtd 02/19/04 CY FASA Radioactive Material Processina & Transportation dtd 07/21/05 Maintenance C I FME Check-In dtd 09/30/05 RP C I Contamination Controls dtd 01/23/06 RP C I Access Control t o Rad Areas dtd 11/01/05 Training C I M&T Mechanical Maintenance dtd 10/12/05 Licensee Acknowledgment: email'd Date:

Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request # 7 Requester: Norris Date: 04/18/06 Request: provide copies of the below Self- Assessments:

RA FASA Corrective Action Prosram dtd 10/01/04 RA FASA Problem Identification & Resolution d t d 04/30/04 Operations FASA Nuclear Saf etv Culture/Reactivity Management dtd 12/17/04 NOS CI Audit & Assessment Issues Follow-Up d t d 12/12/05 RA C I HU FoIIow-U~ dtd 01/12/06 TR FASA Licensed Operator Requalif ication Program dtd 02/11/05 RA FASA Mid-Cycle Assessment dtd 02/10/05


d Licensee Acknowledgment: email'd Date:

Inspection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - IR 2006-006 Request# 8 Requester: Norris Date: 04/18/06 Request: provide copies of the below QA Audits:

+- ii:

'%OS Ensineerins Proqrams Area Audit J'yl 'Orqanization & Administration, Training & Staff ins Audit

$ Pt f#$

JSurveillance & Test Program Audit IJa)*g- docedures, bocument Control & Q A Records Audit

'fly+ JSecurity Plan, FFD. Access Authorization, PADS Audit (1. ,.bfk dmergency Preparedness.50.54(t) Meteoroloay

/ ,cc ,,I..& dealth Physics Functional Area Audit 2 3.,tcu

\ r, d p e r a t ions Functional Area Audit rLCl.cj""ic2 JEngineering Desisn Control Audit Licensee Acknowledgment: email'd bate:

Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request# 9 Requester: Norr is Date: 04/18/06 Request:

Please provide a CODY of I R #378963, includinq all attachments Licensee Acknowledgment: email'd Date:

Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request # 10 Requester: Rosebrook Date: 04/18/06 Request: provide copies of the below CRs:

Lotus Notes 02004-2722 02005-0442 02005-1351 02005-1763 02004-0165 02004-2744 02005-0526 02005-1418 02005-1892 02004-0850 02004-2910 02005-0532 02005-1425 02005-2086 02004-1007 02004-3536 02005-0540 02005-1439 02005-2092 02004-1024 02004-3943 02005-0542 02005-1465 02005-2110 02004-1062 02005-0141 02005-0543 02005-1467 02005-2158 02004-2098 02005-0165 02005-0573 02005-1505 02005-2291 02004-2119 02005-0202 02005-0669 02005-1523 02005-2295 02004-2120 02005-0277 02005-0891 02005-1527 02005-2346 02004-2276 02005-0284 02005-1035 02005-1565 02005-2397 02004-2422 02005-0313 02005-1082 02005-1580 02005-2409 02004-2449 02005-0330 02005-1213 02005-1664 02005-2411 02004-2512 02005-0387 02005-1350 02005-1747

'e02004-2525 02005-0417 Passport 344769 354437 361586 425257 341680 345478 354637 361594 448614 341730 345777 356016 363273 448655 342258 348539 356571 363595 449479 342583 348964 358647 366492 449690 343203 349289 358758 371569 450183 343260 349671 358804 381279 452708 343451 350051 360303 388826 453649 343605 350666 360389 390102 459041 343769 352392 360632 396982 459343 344163 352980 361354 397999 344440 353652 Licensee Acknowledgment: email'd Date:

Inspection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - IR 2006-006 d

Request# 11 Requester: Treadway Date: 04/18/06 Request: provide copies o f the below CRs:

LOTUS Notes CAP'S 2005- 2398 21 12 1572 0949 3977 2140 0995 2395 2098 1561 0920 3583 2068 0943 2362 2049 1556 0842 3581 201 8 0800 2351 1999 1552 0838 3382 1737 0794 2348 1946 1501 0749 3228 1729 0744 2337 1929 1497 0581 31 81 1722 0573 2284 1886 1459 0511 3021 1595 0449 2281 1847 1437 0477 2947 1489 0364 2258 1751 1409 0344 281 8 1441 0273 2212 1681 1339 0340 2787 1284 0192 2208 1661 1329 021 1 2626 1156 0105 2194 1651 1284 0204 2586 1153 0100 2180 1644 1154 2004- 4006 251 1 1077 0065 21 61 1632 1079 4005 2500 1073 0044 2118 1581 0173 4004 2340 PASSPORT IR's 375498 355548 388860 341 942 357591 385640 432778 387467 355347 390408 344050 362309 386327 432780

-L/ 343985 355680 394551 343681 362822 386929 432782 346139 356016 427182 344618 362965 387715 432784 355574 357389 427482 345037 363753 388270 432786 355704 357447 42761 8 345125 364443 387995 432779 358647 361 413 428294 345012 365202 388089 434188 362765 361667 432414 345431 365231 389448 434448 382246 363055 439243 345506 366057 389329 439868 384384 364551 439072 347490 366122 389428 441 687 428337 366867 439709 347622 367643 389881 442304 444410 367718 439690 349595 367631 391958 445428 449662 370407 440750 349998 367590 391963 445470 453495 375450 447888 350664 369013 395386 447062 356921 378088 448655 350630 369579 395475 448179 341809 378088 448614 350555 373040 425899 447843 341849 378782 453473 350999 374390 426742 450144 345002 378952 455650 351 142 374184 427386 453101 345578 380016 458715 353251 379385 427640 454768 345755 380591 453104 355761 379393 428526 455860 350234 382797 341730 356170 379936 428527 456338 350443 384403 341 680 356138 379937 429856 455984 351 509 385678 341587 356122 381 228 432357 457730 352444 386181 342239 356708 382299 432781 376398 352887 387679 342251 357335 382309 432776 439849 353517 Licensee Acknowledgment: emaiI'd Date:

InsDection Reauest Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request # 12 Requester: Norris Date: 04/18/06 Request:

Please provide a listing o f all CRs/IRs, maintenance work orders, engineering evaluations, etc. for t h e reactor manual control system since January 1, 2000.

Also, include a listing of all Operating Experience applicable t o t h e reactor manual control system.

Licensee Acknowledgment: email'd Date:


Inspection Reauest Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request # I3 Requester: iq,C&4& Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Reauest Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request # IY Date: 'i/a Y Request:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Request Ovster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # IS Requester: e* 7 wu4-7 Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Reauest Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 /

Request ## rd Requester: 'Kw Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Reouest Oyster Creek PI&R - IR 2006-006 Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


InsDection Reauest Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 d

Request # IG Requester: WM i

Date: 4'&/


Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request ## (9 Requester: Date: vh,v Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - IR 2006-006 Request ## a( Date:


Licensee Acknowledgment: bate:


Inspection Reauest Oyster Creek P U R - IR 2006-006

'4 Request # aa Requester: lzdJC br'b 4 Date:

Request: ,

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


InsDection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 d

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


d Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:



g.~aut6pa(mouy~y aasuaq .

InsDection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006

'd c

Request # ZT- Requester: ( &WUW Date:

Request: -lA.Nwcd 'v/ L'c3 <Ys &JLr rd9 'a5 22% -r\ 9 49 Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Request Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - IR 2006-006 d

Request # ZG Requester: %e@- Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Insoection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request ## I-l Requester: q--&qD* Date:

Request: 'b - 4s

\ -

f b-' ( tJ$

-. Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

d 3

InsDection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # Requester : Date: ?ha Request:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Insoection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # 2Y Requester: )izcc?RdG~ Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


InsPection Recluest Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # z"r Requester: S & M M@&&d* Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


InsPection Request d

Licensee Acknowledgment: bate:


Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request # 3i Requester: ~J//,J& Date: YkL Licensee Ac knowledgmeni: Date:


Inspection Request d

Oyster Creek P U R - IR 2006-006 Request # 3z Requester:

Licensee Acknowledgment: bate:


Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request# 33 Requester:


' &ky Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

InsDection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 d'

Request ## 37 Requester: -1 ad- Date: '%A6 Request:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Reauest Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # ?, Requester: qw Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

Insbection Request d

Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request ## -77 Requester: kOL&?b/OC, k Date:


~ ~~ ~~~

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

Inspection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - IR 2006-006 Request # 3%- Requester: 4 - Date: OY/;1,.


Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Reauest Oyster Creek P U R - IR 2006-006 I Request ## IY Requester: 62 t\

O J 6~~ b d Date: rlt 7 Request:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

, .> 2

Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request # 40 Requester: d J J-7 Date: 7 . bL Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


InsDection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 I Request ## I Requester: /?*JG  % A

/OJ Date:


Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

InsDection Request Oyster Creek P U R - IR 2006-006 ij Request # 4L Requester : 5 M \r(CCflRd, Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Insnection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Request # 39-I Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Request Ovster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # qv Requester: J(IC-t bate: o<+;-


Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Licensee Acknowledgment: bate:


InsDection Reauest Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request #y& Requester: wd \

Date: @5%-


Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Reauest Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request ## Requester : ROJe b m h Date:


Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Reauest Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006 Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Insoection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 d

Request # Y Requester: h[ob I-\ Date:


Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


InsPection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # 50 Requester: 0 bvod Date: J / / ~ o6


Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


InsPection Request Ovster Creek PI&R - IR 2006-006 Request:

Licensee Acknowledgment: bate:


Inspection Request Ovster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 I Request # 5-2, Requester: %p&p& Date: 5/ib I .

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

InsDection Reauest ,

Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # Requester: -///rr?/y.? Date: &//A Request:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

I Insoection Reauest Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006 Request # Requester: 1 0 I - Q bJ2rd I\. Date:

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Insoection Reauest 0 \

Request #


J.J Oyster Creek PI&R Requester: IZOLE

- IR 2006-006 bl/iob h Date: s/l7/6 6 Regu est :


~ ~ -

Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

4 Inspection Reauest 0 Oyster Creek P U R - IR 2006-006 I


Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

! Inspection Request Oyster Creek PI&R - I R 2006-006

\ ' J Request ## 5k Requester: M'Q-/Wk~ Date: 5/r7/od Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

Inspection Request Oyster Creek P U R - I R 2006-006


Request # 57 Requester: %H ~ ' ~ f Date:i ~ ~ ~ ~


Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:

, InsDection Reauest Oyster Creek PI&R - IR 2006-006 Request # 78 Requester: T w Date:

Request: L L U , , vi Gn_- 6-A\Jh,.d Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Inspection Request 0 \

Request #dZ Oyster Creek PI&R Requester: AA-7

- IR 2006-006 Date:


I Licensee Acknowledgment: Date:


Insoection Reauest Oyster Creek PI&R - IR 2006-006 Request # bo Requester: /?Oj c brad /\ Date:



c Licensee Acknowledgment: Date: