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E-mail Ennis, NRR, to Daflucas, Entergy Nuclear Northeast, VY EPU Steam Dryer Audit
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/2005
From: Richard Ennis
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Daflucas R
Entergy Nuclear Northeast
Download: ML052220556 (3)


I R ick En-nis ---Fwd:- Audi-toff Ve-r-m"ont Y-a'n-k'e-e -S-t-e-a-mDryer A nalys-is (-August 22-25) i POage Paie 1 Il Rick Ennis -Fwd: Audit of Vermont Yankee Steam Dryer Analys (August 22-25)

From: Rick Ennis To: Ronda Daflucas Date: 8/10/05 5:56AM


Fwd: Audit of Vermont Yankee Steam Dryer Analysis (August 22-25)

Ronda, Attached is information from Tom Scarbrough concerning the steam dryer analysis audit at GE's DC office that is scheduled to start on 8/22. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further information.

Note, Tom has listed me as a potential participant, however, I do not expect to attend.

thanks, Rick CC: Brian Hobbs; Craig Nichols; Jim DeVincentis; Len Gucwa; Thomas Scarbrough

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Fwd: Audit of Vermont Yankee Steam Dryer Analysis (August 22-25)

Creation Date: 8/10/05 5:56AM From: Rick Ennis Created By: RXE( Recipients Action Date & Time owf2_po.OWFNDO TGS CC (Thomas Scarbrough) bhobbs CC (Brian Hobbs) cnichol CC (Craig Nichols) jdevinc CC (Jim DeVincentis)

LGUCW90 CC (Len Gucwa) rdafluc (Ronda Daflucas)

Post Office Delivered Route owf2po.OWFNDO Pending Pending Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 917 08/10/05 05:56AM Mail Options Auto Delete: No Expiration Date: None Notify Recipients: Yes Priority: Standard Reply Requested: No Return Notification: None Concealed


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22)Pg. Pa-g--e -11 From: Thomas Scarbrough To: Rick Ennis Date: 8/9/05 4:07PM


Audit of Vermont Yankee Steam Dryer Analysis (August 22-25)

Rick, As we discussed, Brian Hobbs of Entergy called today to confirm the planned audit on August 22 to 25 of the Vermont Yankee steam dryer analysis at the GE office at 1299 Pennsylvania, Ave, NW, Suite 1100 West, in Washington, DC.

The audit will begin at 1 pm on August 22 at the GE office, and end by noon on August 25.

The tentative agenda is as follows:

August 22/23: Load definition and uncertainty analysis, and scale model issues August 24: CFD analysis August 25: Remaining items and exit meeting We might conduct parallel audit discussions if more efficient.

In response to my question, Brian Hobbs said he would check on the status of Entergy's response to NRC Engineering Inspection Report 2004008, dated December 2, 2004, with respect to closing out the MOV program issues.

NRC staff and contractors who might participate at all or a portion of the Vermont Yankee steam dryer audit include:

NRC Eugene Imbro, Kamal Manoly, Thomas Scarbrough, Cheng-lh Wu, Patrick Sekerak, Christopher Boyd, David Terao, Thomas Alexion, Andrey Turilin, and Rick Ennis NRC contractors Argonne National Laboratory: Vik Shah, Steve Hambric (subcontractor from Penn State) and, by teleconference, Thomas Mulcahy McMaster University: Dr. Samir Ziada Thanks.

Tom CC: Andrey Turilin; Cheng-lh Wu; Christopher Boyd; David Terao; Gene Imbro; Kamal Manoly; S. Patrick Sekerak; Thomas Alexion