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E-mail Razzaque, NRR, to Ennis, NRR, VY EPU Supplement 30
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 08/08/2005
From: Muhammad Razzaque
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Richard Ennis
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML052210353 (3)


Rick Ennis - Re: VY EPU RAI Response Dated 8/105 Page 1.1 From: Muhammad Razzaque To: Rick Ennis Date: 8/8/05 4:30PM


Re: VY EPU RAI Response Dated 811105 Rick, My followup RAls are as follows:

RAI SRXB-A-8 Can VY achieve cold shutdown within the required time with only single SDC loop during App. R Fire event?

RAI SRXB-A-10 Clarify the distinction between the terms "representative" and "equilibrium" core, which you use in your response.

RAI SRXB-A-12 As required by criteria (2) of 10CFR50.36(c)(2)(ii), I believe that raising reactor operating power by 20%

do result In a change in the initial conditions for dba/transients. and therefore, it meets the criteria to modify the TS for this new condition.

Tomorrow (Tuesday), I have staff meeting at 9, and another meeting at 1:30.


>>> Rick Ennis 08/02/05 7:38 AM >>>

Entergy issued Supplement 30 to the Vermont Yankee EPU late last night. This supplement provides the response to most of the questions provided in our most recent set of RAls. The remaining portion is expected by 8/4/05.

Supplement 30 includes 13 attachments. The cover letter includes a table which shows which RAI questions are addressed in each attachment. Attached is the cover letter (pdf file) and Attachments 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. The attachments are in MS Word format. The missing attachments are mostly non-proprietary versions of some of the proprietary attachments and affidavits for the proprietary attachments.

I'll provide a hard copy of the complete package to each reviewer who has outstanding RAI questions as soon as I get my hard copy from the licensee.

As you review the RAI responses, please let me know ASAP if any of the questions have not been adequately addressed since that may Impact the review schedule.

thanks, Rick 415-1420

I Rick Ennis

[~~~~- Re: VY EPU RAI Response Dated

- . 8/1/05

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Re: VY EPU RAI Response Dated 8/1/05 Creation Date: 8/8/05 4:30PM From: Muhammad Razzaque Created By: MMRI Recipients OWGWPOO1 .HQGWDOO I FMA CC (Frank Akstulewicz) owf4_po.OWFNDO RXE (Rick Ennis)

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