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E-mail Ennis, NRR, to Wu, NRR, VY EPU Steam Dryer Audit
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 08/02/2005
From: Richard Ennis
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Wu C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML052160134 (6)


RikEni wd asto Vallecitos for NRC Pa

ge1 From: Rick Ennis To: Cheng-lh Wu Date: 8/2/05 6:25PM


Fwd: Maps to Vallecitos for NRC

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Fwd: Maps to Vallecitos for NRC Creation Date: 8/2/05 6:25PM From: Rick Ennis Created By: Recipients Action Date & Time owf2_po.OWFNDO Delivered 08/02/05 6:25 PM CIWI (Cheng-Ih Wu)

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I Rick Ennis - Maps to Vallecitos for NRC Page 1 I Rick Ennis Maps to Vallecitos for NRC Page 11 From: "Gucwa, Len" <>

To: "Rick Ennis" <>

Date: 8/2/05 6:11PM


Maps to Vallecitos for NRC Rick:

For the steam dryer audit of GE's scale model test facility August 15-16, your point of contact will be GE's Daniel Sommerville. Dan can be reached at 408-925-1718 if you want to discuss logistics prior to the audit. Attached are road maps and directions to GE's Vallecitos Nuclear Center, 6705 Vallecitos Road Highway, Route 84, Sunol, CA 94586. Upon arrival at the Vallecitos Nuclear Center, after parking, entrance is via the guard station.

Dan is available this week, but will be out of the country next week. In his absence, you may contact GE's Dan Pappone (408-925-5320) if you require assistance in this regard.

We understand that Dr. Ziada and Dr. Wu will arrive on the afternoon of August 15.

Len CC: "Daflucas, Ronda" <>, "Nichols, Craig"

<>, "Hobbs, Brian" <>,

<>, "Lalor, Mike (GE Energy)" <> 1szsw55wgft2den)/directions.aspx?&StartName=San+Francisco+lnter...

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& Trips 2005 with GPS Locator Find even more places, route multiple destinations, plan trips quickly and get real-time GPS functionality Order Nowl Start: San Francisco International Airport (airport), California, United States .

End: Valledtos Rd, Sunol, CA 94586 Total Distance: 48.9 Miles Estimated Total Time: 52 minutes Directions Miles Map Start: Depart San Francisco i, International Airport (airport),

California, United States on Local 0.5 road(s) (North) 1: Turn LEFT (West) onto N Access 2.3 Rd 2: Keep STRAIGHT onto Ramp 0.1 towards US-101 3: Take Ramp (LEFT) onto US-101

[Bayshore Fwy] towards US-101 / 17.2 San Jose 4: Keep RIGHT onto Ramp towards 0.2 Marsh Rd / Atherton 5: Turn LEFT (North-East) onto SR- 0.3 8/2/2005 Page I of 2 I szsw55wgft2den)/directions.aspx?&StartName=San+Francisco+lnter...

84 [Marsh Rd]

6: Turn RIGHT (East) onto SR-84 9.9 E (Bayfront Expy]

7: Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto 1-880 E7

[SR-84] towards 1-880 I CA-84 / 5.4 San Jose I Fremont 8: Turn RIGHT onto Ramp towards 0.3 Auto Mall Parkway 9: Turn LEFT (East) onto Auto Mall 1.8 IT Pky 10: Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto 1-680 IT

[Sinclair Fwy] towards 1-680 1 7.4 Sacramento 11: Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto SR-84 [Vallecitos Rd] towards CA-84 1 3.5 Livermore End: Arrive Vallecitos Rd, Sunol, F CA 94586 84 0 OsoCtp20 4 NVQ ,ndrGT.

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he Dubli I Sacramento, North on e To Oakland & (M Livermore, San Francisco Stockton Airports Pleasanton Vallecitos Nuclear Center Security 4- Building Sunol ,w,_Visitor Exit( A Parking (2)

From San - liverniore Francisco

/Oakland 3 Entrance to VNC

( Take Hwy 84 1 - 2 Miles from e East / Calaveras *;

Road East V Take Hwy. a East, Livermore (Oai exit

(©) Do NOT Take the Calaveras Rd.

Hwy. & West Exit unoIG 4'

) Vallecitos Nuclear Center Vallecitos Road (Highway@)

(925) 8624283