MONTHYEARML19135A6642019-05-15015 May 2019 Units 2 & 3; River Bend, and Waterford 3 - Response to RIS 2019-02, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations ML18005A4202018-01-0303 January 2018 Announcement of Generic Fundamentals Examination Section of the Written Operator Licensing Examination for 2018 ML17234A6362017-08-22022 August 2017 Requalification Program Inspection - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML18081A9342017-02-0808 February 2017 Final Qa/Related Forms - Form ES-401-6 (Folder 1) ML17046A1002017-02-0808 February 2017 NRC- Initial Operator Licensing Operating Test Approval - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML17046A0912017-02-0808 February 2017 Initial Operator Licensing Written Examination Approval - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML17118A3052017-02-0303 February 2017 Final Outlines (Folder 3) ML17018A2822017-01-17017 January 2017 Announcement of Generic Fundamentals Examination Section of the Written Operator Licensing Examination for 2017 ML15212A6072015-07-30030 July 2015 Requalification Program Inspection ML15148A3382015-05-28028 May 2015 Response to Request for Qualification Review of a Proposed Senior Operator Applicant at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML15043A7112015-02-0505 February 2015 Addendum to Final Operator Exam (Folder 3) ML14094A1652014-04-0202 April 2014 Post Exam Comments, Resolution, and Technical References (Folder 1) ML14141A1882014-03-31031 March 2014 Final Qa/Related Forms (Folder 1) ML14094A1572014-03-25025 March 2014 Final Operating Exam (Sections a, B and C) (Folder 3) ML14094A1642014-03-25025 March 2014 Draft Operating Exam (Sections a, B, and C) (Folder 2) ML14094A1612014-03-25025 March 2014 Draft Written Exam (Folder 2) ML14094A1602014-03-25025 March 2014 Draft - Outlines (Folder 2) ML14094A1592014-03-25025 March 2014 NRC Comments on Draft Licensee-Developed Exam (Written) (Folder 2) ML14094A1582014-03-25025 March 2014 NRC Comments on Draft Licensee-Developed Exam (Operating) (Folder 2) ML14094A1562014-03-25025 March 2014 Written Exam Handouts to Applicants (Folder 3) ML14094A1552014-03-25025 March 2014 Final Written Examination with Answer Key (401-5 Format) (Folder 2) ML14094A1532014-03-25025 March 2014 Final Outlines (Folder 3) ML14058A0062014-02-26026 February 2014 Initial Operator Licensing Written Test Approval Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML14049A4932014-02-18018 February 2014 Initial Operator Licensing Operating Test Approval ML1202300092012-01-0606 January 2012 Final Qa/Related Forms (Folder 1) ML1202300182011-12-20020 December 2011 Handouts to Applicants-Summary of References (Folder 3) ML1202300142011-12-20020 December 2011 Final Written Examination with Answer Key (401-5 Format) (Folder 2) ML1202300122011-12-20020 December 2011 Final Outlines (Folder 3) ML1135305992011-12-19019 December 2011 Operator Licensing Written Retake Examination Approval - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML1202300202011-11-27027 November 2011 NRC Comments on Draft Licensee-Developed Exam (Written) (Folder 2) ML1202300222011-11-10010 November 2011 Draft Written (SRO Only)Exam (Folder 2) ML1130000532011-10-27027 October 2011 Announcement of Generic Fundamentals Examination 2012 Administration Dates ML1202300212011-10-27027 October 2011 Draft - Outlines (Folder 2) ML1118701782011-02-0101 February 2011 Final Qa/Related Forms (Folder 1) ML1118701762011-02-0101 February 2011 Post Exam Comments (Folder 1) ML1110104112011-01-24024 January 2011 Final Operating Exam (Sections a, B, and C) (Folder 3) ML1110104062011-01-24024 January 2011 Final Written Examination with Answer Key (401-5 Format) ML1110104092011-01-24024 January 2011 Handouts to Applicants (Folder 3) ML1110104022011-01-24024 January 2011 Final Outlines (Folder 3) ML1101403432011-01-14014 January 2011 Announcement of Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE) 2011 Administration Dates ML1106204742011-01-0707 January 2011 Draft Written Exam (Draft 2) ML1106204792011-01-0707 January 2011 Draft Operating Exam (Sections a, B, and C) (Folder 2) ML1027800572010-10-0505 October 2010 Senior Reactor and Reactor Operator Initial Examinations - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML1001200182010-01-0808 January 2010 2010 Annual Letter - Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE) Section, Dated 01/08/10 ML1001100212010-01-0808 January 2010 December 9, 2009 NRC Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE) Results for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Cover Letter Publicly Available, Enclosures Withheld from Public) ML0924702012009-09-0404 September 2009 Requalification Program Inspection (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) ML0913101102009-05-12012 May 2009 Final Qa/Related Forms (Folder 1) ML0911302182009-04-23023 April 2009 NRC Operator Licensing Initial Exam Results, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Cover Letter Publicly Available; Enclosures Withheld from Public) ML0910006432009-03-31031 March 2009 Draft - Outlines (Folder 2) ML0912505492009-03-20020 March 2009 Final - RO & SRO Written Examination with Answer Key (401-5 Format) (Folder 3) 2019-05-15
[Table view] Category:Part 55 Examination Related Material
MONTHYEARML19135A6642019-05-15015 May 2019 Units 2 & 3; River Bend, and Waterford 3 - Response to RIS 2019-02, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations ML18005A4202018-01-0303 January 2018 Announcement of Generic Fundamentals Examination Section of the Written Operator Licensing Examination for 2018 ML17046A1002017-02-0808 February 2017 NRC- Initial Operator Licensing Operating Test Approval - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML17046A0912017-02-0808 February 2017 Initial Operator Licensing Written Examination Approval - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML18081A9342017-02-0808 February 2017 Final Qa/Related Forms - Form ES-401-6 (Folder 1) ML17118A3052017-02-0303 February 2017 Final Outlines (Folder 3) ML17018A2822017-01-17017 January 2017 Announcement of Generic Fundamentals Examination Section of the Written Operator Licensing Examination for 2017 ML15212A6072015-07-30030 July 2015 Requalification Program Inspection ML15148A3382015-05-28028 May 2015 Response to Request for Qualification Review of a Proposed Senior Operator Applicant at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML15043A7112015-02-0505 February 2015 Addendum to Final Operator Exam (Folder 3) ML14094A1652014-04-0202 April 2014 Post Exam Comments, Resolution, and Technical References (Folder 1) ML14141A1882014-03-31031 March 2014 Final Qa/Related Forms (Folder 1) ML14094A1562014-03-25025 March 2014 Written Exam Handouts to Applicants (Folder 3) ML14094A1642014-03-25025 March 2014 Draft Operating Exam (Sections a, B, and C) (Folder 2) ML14094A1612014-03-25025 March 2014 Draft Written Exam (Folder 2) ML14094A1602014-03-25025 March 2014 Draft - Outlines (Folder 2) ML14094A1592014-03-25025 March 2014 NRC Comments on Draft Licensee-Developed Exam (Written) (Folder 2) ML14094A1582014-03-25025 March 2014 NRC Comments on Draft Licensee-Developed Exam (Operating) (Folder 2) ML14094A1572014-03-25025 March 2014 Final Operating Exam (Sections a, B and C) (Folder 3) ML14094A1552014-03-25025 March 2014 Final Written Examination with Answer Key (401-5 Format) (Folder 2) ML14094A1532014-03-25025 March 2014 Final Outlines (Folder 3) ML14058A0062014-02-26026 February 2014 Initial Operator Licensing Written Test Approval Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML14049A4932014-02-18018 February 2014 Initial Operator Licensing Operating Test Approval ML1202300092012-01-0606 January 2012 Final Qa/Related Forms (Folder 1) ML1202300182011-12-20020 December 2011 Handouts to Applicants-Summary of References (Folder 3) ML1202300142011-12-20020 December 2011 Final Written Examination with Answer Key (401-5 Format) (Folder 2) ML1202300122011-12-20020 December 2011 Final Outlines (Folder 3) ML1135305992011-12-19019 December 2011 Operator Licensing Written Retake Examination Approval - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML1202300202011-11-27027 November 2011 NRC Comments on Draft Licensee-Developed Exam (Written) (Folder 2) ML1202300222011-11-10010 November 2011 Draft Written (SRO Only)Exam (Folder 2) ML1130000532011-10-27027 October 2011 Announcement of Generic Fundamentals Examination 2012 Administration Dates ML1202300212011-10-27027 October 2011 Draft - Outlines (Folder 2) ML1118701762011-02-0101 February 2011 Post Exam Comments (Folder 1) ML1118701782011-02-0101 February 2011 Final Qa/Related Forms (Folder 1) ML1110104092011-01-24024 January 2011 Handouts to Applicants (Folder 3) ML1110104112011-01-24024 January 2011 Final Operating Exam (Sections a, B, and C) (Folder 3) ML1110104022011-01-24024 January 2011 Final Outlines (Folder 3) ML1110104062011-01-24024 January 2011 Final Written Examination with Answer Key (401-5 Format) ML1101403432011-01-14014 January 2011 Announcement of Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE) 2011 Administration Dates ML1106204792011-01-0707 January 2011 Draft Operating Exam (Sections a, B, and C) (Folder 2) ML1106204742011-01-0707 January 2011 Draft Written Exam (Draft 2) ML1027800572010-10-0505 October 2010 Senior Reactor and Reactor Operator Initial Examinations - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML1001100212010-01-0808 January 2010 December 9, 2009 NRC Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE) Results for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Cover Letter Publicly Available, Enclosures Withheld from Public) ML1001200182010-01-0808 January 2010 2010 Annual Letter - Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE) Section, Dated 01/08/10 ML0924702012009-09-0404 September 2009 Requalification Program Inspection (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) ML0913101102009-05-12012 May 2009 Final Qa/Related Forms (Folder 1) ML0911302182009-04-23023 April 2009 NRC Operator Licensing Initial Exam Results, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Cover Letter Publicly Available; Enclosures Withheld from Public) ML0910006432009-03-31031 March 2009 Draft - Outlines (Folder 2) ML0912505492009-03-20020 March 2009 Final - RO & SRO Written Examination with Answer Key (401-5 Format) (Folder 3) ML0912505522009-03-0101 March 2009 Handouts to Applicants (Folder 3) 2019-05-15
[Table view] |
June 26, 2003 Mr. Michael Balduzzi Site Vice President Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 600 Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, MA 02360-5508
Dear Mr. Balduzzi:
In a telephone conversation on June 20, 2003, Mr. J.H. Williams, Examiner/Inspector, and Mr. M. Santiago, Superintendent Operations Training, made arrangements for the NRC to inspect the licensed operator requalification program at the Pilgrim facility. The inspection is planned for the week of September 7, 2003, which coincides with your regularly scheduled requalification examination cycle. The staff at your facility should prepare and conduct the requalification examinations in accordance with your NRC-approved requalification program.
In accordance with 10 CFR 55.59(c), the NRC may request facility licensees to submit their comprehensive requalification written examinations or annual operating tests as necessary to support the NRCs inspection program needs. In order for the NRC to adequately prepare for this inspection, please furnish the examination schedule, sample plan, and operating tests scheduled for the week of the inspection to the NRC by August 22, 2003. Mr. Santiago has been advised of this request and provided with the name and address of the NRC lead inspector assigned to this inspection.
This letter contains information collections that are subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). These information collections were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, approval number 3150-0018, which expires on April 30, 2003.
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments on any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Information and Records Management Branch (T-6 F33), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by Internet electronic mail at SLF@NRC.GOV; and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202, (3150-0101), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503.
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Mr. Michael Balduzzi Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions regarding this inspection, please contact Mr. Williams at (610) 337-6967 or (717) 335-3293.
Richard J. Conte, Chief Operational Safety Branch Division of Reactor Safety Docket No.
50-293 License No.
DPR-35 cc w/encl:
G. Taylor, Chief Executive Officer M. Kansler, President, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
J. Herron, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer W. Riggs, Director, Nuclear Assessment Group D. Pace, Vice President, Engineering R. Edington, Vice President, Operations Support J. Kelly, Director, Nuclear Safety Assurance C. Faison, Manager, Licensing Director of Oversight, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
D. Tarantino, Nuclear Information Manager B. S. Ford, Manager, Licensing T. Trepanier, Manager - Training S. Brennion, Superintendent Regulatory and Industry Affairs J. Fulton, Assistant General Counsel S. Lousteau, Treasury Department R. Hallisey, Department of Public Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Honorable Therese Murray The Honorable Vincent deMacedo Chairman, Plymouth Board of Selectmen Chairman, Duxbury Board of Selectmen Chairman, Nuclear Matters Committee Plymouth Civil Defense Director D. OConnor, Massachusetts Secretary of Energy Resources J. Miller, Senior Issues Manager Office of the Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Office of the Attorney General, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Chairman, Citizens Urging Responsible Energy S. McGrail, Director, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, SLO Designee Electric Power Division Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Secretary of Public Safety R. Shadis, New England Coalition Staff
Mr. Michael Balduzzi Distribution w/encl:
Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)
W. Raymond, SRI - NRC Resident Inspector H. Miller, RA J. Wiggins, DRA J. Jolicoeur, RI EDO Coordinator C. Anderson, DRP F. Arner, DRP P. Bonnett, DRP J. Bobiak, DRP J. Clifford, NRR T. Tate, PM, NRR R. Pulsifer, Backup PM, NRR S. Figueroa, NRR J. Williams, DRS Examiner, DRS C. Buracker, DRS (OL Facility File)
L. Vick, HOHB, NRR DRS File DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\OSB\\Williams/PilgrimRequal/60dayrpi.wpd ADAMS PKG: ML031620287 After declaring this document An Official Agency Record it will be released to the Public.
To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment/enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment/enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE RI/DRS/OSB RI/DRS/OSB RI/DRS/OSB NAME CBuracker JWilliams RConte DATE 06/ /03 06/ /03 06/ /03 06/ /03 06/ /03 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY