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2003 Vermont Yankee Emergency Exercise Objectives
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 01/09/2003
From: Sen G
Entergy Nuclear Northeast
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
BVY 03-03
Download: ML031690125 (12)


Entergy Nuclear Northeast Vernont Yankee P.O. Box 0500

-- EnteY 185 Old Ferry Road Brattleboro, VT 05302-0500 Tel 802 257 5271 January 9, 2003 BVY 03-03 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission A1TN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station License No. DPR-28 (Docket No. 50-271) 2003 Vermont Yankee Emergency Exercise Obiectives Enclosed are Vermont Yankee's objectives for the 2003 full-participation biennial exercise scheduled for Tuesday, April 8, 2003. The enclosure provides the scope of the exercise and the objectives to be fulfilled. Where appropriate, specific objectives are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of corrective actions taken with regard to areas previously identified as needing improvement.

We trust that the information provided is acceptable; however, should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Michael Empey at (802)-258-4174.

Sincerely, Gautarn Sen Manager, Licensing Attachments cc: USNRC Region I Administrator USNRC Resident Inspector - VYNPS USNRC Project Manager - VYNPS Richard J. Conte, Chief, Operations Safety Branch Division of Reactor Safety, USNRC Region 1 David M. Silk, Senior Emergency Preparedness Specialist, USNRC Region I Vernont Department of Public Service Robert Poole - FEMA Region I Ifo

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OF VERMONT YANKEE COMMITMENTS BVY NO.: 03-03 The following table identifies commitments made in this document by Vermont Yankee. Any other actions discussed in the submittal represent intended or planned actions by Vermont Yankee. They are described to the NRC for the NRC's Information and are not regulatory commitments. Please notify the Licensing Manager of any questions regarding this document or any associated commitments.

COMMITMENT COMMITTED DATE l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O R "O UTA GE" None N/A VYAPF 0058.04 AP 0058 Original


INTRODUCTION In order to demonstrate the emergency response preparedness of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, an emergency preparedness exercise will be conducted on Tuesday, APRIL 8, 2003. This years exercise is a full participation exercise, which will involve full participation from Vermont Yankee, the State of Vermont, State of New Hampshire, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and local communities within the plume exposure emergency planning zone (EPZ).

The primary objective of this exercise is to demonstrate the fundamental areas of Vermont Yankee's emergency response capabilities. To accomplish this, exercise objectives will be established, with an appropriate extent of play that will provide a basis to evaluate specific elements of Vermont Yankee's emergency preparedness program. Some of the objectives are based on previous inspection items from the NRC, corrective actions identifiedimplemented by Vermont Yankee staff and current industry initiatives. The objectives are used to ascertain the required input to the scenario sequence of events and to establish the evaluation criteria. Exercise objectives and extent of play are presented on the following pages.


Rev. 0 Page 2.1 -1 01/09/03 2003 VERMONT YANKEE ANNUAL EXERCISE - OBJECTIVES AND EXTENT OF PLAY A. Emergency Classification and Accident Assessment Extent of Play

1. Demonstrate the ability of Control Room personnel to A.1 Scenario events initiated on the simulator will provide the operational recognize emergency initiating events and properly classify and radiological data to allow personnel to demonstrate this objective the condition Inaccordance with pre-established emergency in accordance with Procedure AP 3125, Emergency Plan Classification action levels (EALs). and Action Level Scheme.


2. Demonstrate the ability of Control Room personnel and A.2 The scenario will provide technical information to players thatwill allow Technical Support Center (TSC) staff to coordinate the them to analyze plant conditions and initiate corrective actions in assessment of plant conditions and corrective actions to accordance with established procedures. Early in-plant actions mitigate accident conditions. normally performed by the Control Room support personnel may be controlled and performed by Simulator Controllers until after the Alert classification when the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Is fully activated. Demonstrations of in-plant corrective actions will be controlled in accordance with defined mini-scenarios and as specified in the ground rules (including exent of simulation, etc.).
3. Demonstratethatinformationconcemingplantconditionscan A.3 Telephone communications and the Simulated Plant Process be transmitted between the Control Room and the TSC in a Computer System (SPPCS) data link will be established between the timely manner. Simulator Control Room and the various Emergency Response Facilites in order to transmit keyinformation and data.
4. Demonstrate the ability of the TSC staff to initiate and A.4 Scenario events will enable the TSC to coordinate in-plant corrective coordinate corrective actions in an efficient and timely actions using Operations Support Center (OSC) personnel.


5. Demonstrate the ability of appropriate staff in the TSC, A.5 Scenario events will allow for discussion between SCR, TSC and Simulator Control Room (SCR) and the Emergency EOF/RC staff regarding EALs and emergency classification decisions.

Operations Facility/Recovery Center (EOF/RC) to discuss EALs and event classifications.

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6. Demonstrate the ability to assess data from appropriate A.6 Scenario events will allow Chemistry and Radiation Protection chemistry samples and radiation protection surveys insupport technicians to simulate taking reactor coolant, containment air, or plant of accident assessment activities and plant conditions. vent stack samples to assess plant conditions. Actual sampling and manipulation of sampling system components will be simulated. Time frame to provide sample results will be controlled and compressed.

Controllers will provide sample results after sampling activities are discussed by players.

7. Demonstrate the ability to effectively use the Emergency A.7 ERFIS workstations in the TSC and EOF will be connected to the SCR Response Facility Information System (ERFIS) in the using the SPPCS to receive and display scenario-related data.

assessment and trending of plant conditions. (Controllers may also provide additional data to players as necessary.)

This will allow Emergency Response Facility (ERF) staff the opportunity to demonstrate the use of ERFIS under simulated emergency conditions.

B.Notification and Communi on Exten of Play;

1. Demonstrate the ability of Control Room personnel to B.I Scenario events will allow Control Room personnel to make plant complete timely plant announcements of declared emergency announcements fbr declared emergency classifications.


2. Demonstrate that messages are transmitted in an accurate B.2 Various communications links will be established between emergency and timely mannerthat decisions, informaton, and messages response facilities in order to transmit information and data. Record are property logged and documented. keeping and documentation will be demonstrated in accordance wth established procedures.
3. Demonstrate the capability to notify federal and state B.3 Vermont Yankee staff, NRC, and state authorities shall be notified in authorities of emergency classification and significant accordance with established procedures. NRC will be notified by using changes in plant status in accordance with established the FTS ENS telephone. The State authorities will be notified through procedures. the Nuclear Alert System (Orange Phone).


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4. Demonstrate that appropriate status boards are used to B.4 Status Boards (where provided) will be used by response personnel to display pertinent accident information at various emergency display pertinent information. Status Board Caretakers will be assigned response facilities. by facility coordinators to maintain the status boards with current information.
5. Demonstrate that adequate emergency communication B.5 Communications will be demonstrated between the various Emergency systems are in place to facilitate transmittal of data between Response Facilities using established communications systems as emergency response facilities and federal and state described in Procedure OP 3504, "EmergencyCommunications."


6. Demonstrate that off-site monitoring teams can appropriately B.6 Off-site Monitoring Teams will be dispatched to the field and directed to identify their location when reporting sample results to the specific sample locations for monitoring activities.


7. Demonstrate the ability to provide adequate briefings to off- B.7 During the period that the Off-Site Monitoring Teams will be inthe field, site monitoring teams as conditions and information change. scenario events may require that periodic updates be provided to them.
8. Demonstrate the ability to adequately communicate plant B.8 Scenario events will allow the TSC to update plant personnel on updates to plant personnel (including ERF Staff) as plant changing plant conditions and plant status information. Periodic plant conditions and status information change. announcements should be made to brief plant personnel on plant conditions and emergency status information. Each ERF coordinator should provide periodic general information status updates to their respective ERF Staff.

C. DIrection and Control i ' Extent of Play

1. Demonstrate the proper transfer of responsibilities from Shift C.1 Scenario events require the activation of the Emergency Response Supervisor/Plant Emergency Director (SS/PED) to the Duty & Organization. As each position of authority isactivated, responsibilities Call Officer (DCO), and subsequently to the TSC Coordinator associated with that position will be transferred from the SS/PED and Site Recovery Manager (SRM) as appropriate. eventually to the SRM.
2. Demonstrate the capability of key ERF management staff to C.2 All emergency response facilities have designated coordinators who direct and coordinate their respective emergency response will direct and coordinate emergency response activities in their activities in an efficient and timely manner. particular area of responsibility.

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3. Demonstrate appropriate coordination of activities with federal C.3 The SCR will initially contact the federal and state agencies, providing and state govemment agencies. them with appropriate information on plant conditions and emergency status. This function will pass to the TSC and EOF/RC when those facilities are activated. Communications will only be attempted with those organizations that have agreed to participate in the drill. This information will be provided to the ERO as necessary.

D. Emergency Response Facilities Extent of Play

1. Demonstrate the ability of station personnel to activate and D.1 Scenario events will require activation, inreal time, of each ERF. Each staff the emergency response facilities in a timely manner. facility will be fully staffed in accordance with the Emergency Plan.

Timely activation should be accomplished within 60 minutes of being notified of the Alert (or higher EAL). The SCR, Control Room (communication functions only), TSC, OSC, EOF/RC and Joint News Center will be activated in accordance with established procedures.

Designated plant and corporate emergency response personnel will participate In the drill. "Pre-staging" of facility staff should not be encouraged, unless agreed upon in advance with the E-Plan organization.

2. Demonstrate and test the adequacy and effectiveness of D.2 Each ERF has been designed/arranged to provide adequate space for emergency response facilities, operations, and equipment. assigned staff to perform their respective tasks. Equipment is available to fulfill the various functions of each facility.

E. Plant Augmentation and Saffin; eictent ofPlay

1. Demonstrate the adequacy of plant emergency notification E.1 Shift personnel will demonstrate the use of the emergency call-in methods and procedures to augment plant staff and system to augment plant staff as may be required by scenario events.

resources. CommunityAlert Network (CAN) will not be activated, PAGERS will be activated for this drill.

2. Demonstrate the ability to use outside resources to provide E.2 The White Plains ENNE Engineering Group will not be activated for technical assistance and logistical support. this drill. Activities may be simulated through a control cell, based on scenario conditions.

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3. Demonstrate the ability to coordinate available resources to E.3 Available resources will be evaluated and assigned to support meet current and protracted ERO operations. This includes extended operations. Discussions regarding logistical considerations establishing a relief schedule for ERO positions and for maintaining the ERO operational will be conducted, relative to ERO addressing logistical considerations for extended operations. staffing and plant operations.

_ ~~~.F. Radiological Exposur Control n , . Extent of Play :

1. Demonstrate the ability to provide adequate radiation F.1 Scenario events will allow OSC On-Site Assistance Teams to be protection controls for on-site emergency response personnel F.2 dispatched to investigate problems with associated plant equipment.

induding exposure limits, dosimetry, equipment, and protective Investigation and repair activities in the plant will require clothing. implementation of radiation controls which include authorizing,

2. Demonstrate the ability to monitor and track radiation exposure monitoring and tracking of radiation exposure of OSC On-site of on-site emergency response personnel. Assistance Teams. (Refer to Procedure OP 3507, " Emergency Radiation Exposure Control.") Inaddition, the exposure of the Off-Site Monitoring Teams will be monitored and tracked in the EOF.

G. n-PlantCorrectiveand Repr Actions: Extent of Play

1. Demonstrate the ability to dispatch and deploy on-site G.1 OSC On-site Assistance Teams should be dispatched to investigate assistance teams in a timely fashion, consistent with plant G.2 problems associated with plant equipment. Briefings should be condffions and assigned function. conducted with emergency teams to ensure job requirements are dear
2. Demonstratethe abilityto provide adequate briefingsto on-site and understood. OSC Team Work Status Forms (VYOPF 3544.02) assistance teams on job assignments and tasks. should be used to keep track of team assignments and work tasks.
3. Demonstrate the capability of on-site assistance teams to G.3 OSC On-site Assistance Teams will be given the opportunity to perform corrective actions on plant equipment during G.4 perform corrective actions associated with plant equipment.

emergency conditions. Demonstrations of in-plant corrective actions will be controlled in

4. Demonstrate the ability to provide adequate administrative accordance wth defined mini-scenarios and as specified in the controls and documentation for necessary repairs of plant ground rules (including e&ent of simulation, etc.) The mini-equipment and systems during an emergency. scenarios will allow players to implement the appropriate emergency work controls per established procedures.

WI Rev. 0 Page 2.1 -6 01/09/03 H. RadIologIcal Assessment Extent of Play

1. Demonstrate that adequate dose assessment activities can be H.I The scenario will provide information on plant conditions and in-plant performed to determine off-site radiological consequences. H.2 radiological conditions to players that will allow them to evaluate off-
2. Demonstrate that radiological assessment personnel in the site potential radiological consequences.

EOF can obtain radiological and meteorological data in a H.3 The scenario will provide off-site radiological data thatwill allow players timely manner. H.4 to evaluate off-site conditions.

H.5 Players will Implement appropriate sections of Procedures OP 3513, "Evaluation of Off-Site Radiological Conditions" and OP 351 1," Off-Site Protective Action Recommendations," as may be required by

3. Demonstrate the ability to perform timely assessment of off-site scenario events. 'What-if' dose assessments will be calculated in radiological conditions to support the formulation of protective accordance with OP-3513, Appendix K, "Guidelines for 'What If' action recommendations (PAR) for the plume exposure Projection of Potential Radioactive Material Releases".


4. Demonstrate the ability to assess potential off-site radiological consequences based on plant conditions.
5. Demonstrate the ability to project plume trajectory and potentially affected downwind sectors using the METPAC computerdose assessment model, including development of "what-if' dose projections, based on conservative assumptions.
6. Demonstrate adequate staffing, equipment readiness check, H.6 Off-site monitoring teams wil be assigned at the OSC. Players will and deployment of off-site monitoring teams. H.7 implement appropriate sections of Procedure OP 3510, "Off-Site and Site Boundary Monitoring," as may be required by scenario events.
7. Demonstrate the use of appropriate equipment and procedures to perform off-site radiological monitoring

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1. Protective Action Decision Making Extent of Play
1. Demonstrate the ability to implement appropriate on-site 1.1 On-site protective action measures will include radiation exposure protective measures for emergency response personnel. control, ste accountability and use of protective equipment and supplies. Appropriate on-ste protective measures will be implemented as required by scenario events.
2. Demonstrate the adequacy of the protective action decision 1.2 Protective action decision making will be demonstrated in accordance making process to make appropriate recommendations with Procedure OP 3511, "Off-Site Protective Actions conceming off-ste radiological consequences. Recommendations." If a Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) is (CORNERSTONE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR) warranted, the PAR shall be communicated to the states within 15 minutes of ts determination or dedaration of a General Emergency.

J. Publiclnformation *  ; Extnt of Play

1. Demonstratetheabilitytodevelopand periodicallydisseminate J.1 The Joint News Center (JNC) Wll be activated and staffed.

timely and accurate press releases to the news media. J.2 Information relative to drill events will be gathered, verified and incorporated into news releases. After approval, information will be

2. Demonstrate the ability to provide briefings and to interface J.3 disseminated and briefings on the information will be conducted at the with the news media. JNC.
3. Demonstrate the ability to communicate and coordinate news releases between the EOF and the JNC.
4. Demonstrate the ability to provide rumor control. J.4 A communication line will be established to provide for rumor control conceming the simulated accident.
5. Demonstrate the ability to coordinate news release with the J.5 State public information representatives will be present at the JNC.

state's public information representatives. Information conceming news releases will be coordinated with the states' public information representatives.

C rl Rev. 0 Page 2.1 -8 01/09/03 K. PaMlel and Other Actionst: Exte oif Play

1. Demonstrate the adequacy of methods to establish and K.I Security activities will be implemented in accordance with established maintain access control and personnel accountability within procedures to control access to the protected area. Assembly of the protected area. emergency response personnel and evacuation of contractors/visitors will be implemented to test personnel accountability process within the protected area (Refer to Procedure OP 3524, "EmergencyActions to Ensure Initial Accountability and Security Response"). However, after the plant evacuation and initial accountability checks have been completed, contractorsnstors may be allowed to return to work and will be exempt from the remainder of drill related activities.
2. Demonstratethe abilityto transtion from the emergency phase K.2 The Site Recovery Manager will determine when t is appropriate to to the recovery phase in accordance wth established transtion from the emergency phase to the recovery phase. This procedures. decision will require input from the various technical support groups and concurrence from the states of Vermont and New Hampshire and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Referto OP 3546, "Operation of the EOF/RC", Appendix A "Site Recovery Manager".
3. Demonstrate the licensee's capability for self-critique and K.3 A drill critique will be conducted with controllers and players. Critique ability to identify areas needing improvement. items will be compiled and documented in accordance with Procedure OP 3505, "Emergency Preparedness Exercises and Drills."

Note: This exercise satisfies the requirements for conducting an annual Radiological monitoring drill and one of two semi-annual Health Physics drills.