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Proposed NRC - Developed Scenarios with Facility and NRC Commentsfor the Prairie Island Initial Examination - August 2002
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/2002
From: Hironori Peterson
Download: ML023040127 (73)



Scenarix 0"ln



DO* SU Facility: -Prairie Island__ Scenario No.:

1 Op-Test No.: 2001301 Examiners:


Initial Conditions: BOL, recovery from reactor scram 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ago, currently 15% power.

D2 O0S, 12 AFW OO.

Place Steam Dump in Stm. Pressure mode Instrument maintenance is Deforming troubleshooting on the Steam Dump Tave control mode Turnover: Recovery from Trip 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ago. Raise power to 100% at maximum rate, MSRs are already in service.

Event Maln.

Event Event No.



Description 1

R (RO)

Raise reactor power 5-10%.

N RO will adjust reactivity by controlling boron concentration (BOP)

BOP will increase power by increasing turbine load, Uneup 13 Feedwater Heater drains for normal operation, Start one heater drain pump per 1C28.4, Heater Drains, and Shutdown the Condenser Spray System per 1C28.5.

2 I (RO)

PT 431 (PZR press) fails high - take manual control of (BOP) pressure and trip bistables (Simulator file number 97-03) 3 C (RO)

Charging pump trip-start another charging pump (Simulator file number 97-02) 4 I (BOP)

PT-484 failure high - Manual control to shut steam dumps (Simulator file 99-05) 5 C

11 Condensate pump motor stator HI temp - start a different (BOP) condensate pump 6

M (All)

Uncontrolled depressurization of both S/G's - steam leak on A steam header results in manual reactor trip (if not already tripped) and stuck open S/G PORV on B S/G - Gets to ECA 2.1 (Simulator file 97-03) 7 C

SI pump fails to start on SI signal-manually start SI pump (BOP)

I -


I IrdJormuI, tM)eacrMly,

i)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Appendix D

.*r:.Annrin Oi Jtlin*


  • tK)eactnmty, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D--nra...........


r-'e-io Action Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.:

1 Event No.:

1 Page 1 of 2 Event


Raise Reactor Power 5-10%

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

.1 mm I

i:t*rm i:4Z._*3 Do~ C1\\

RX Power Increase SRO DIRECT Load increase at maximum allowed rate per 1C1.4.

PERFORM or delegate the performance of Steps 5.1.1 to 5.1.6 of 1C1.4, "Power Operation."

BOP DETERMINE the Maximum Rate of Load Increase per Step 5.1.7A of 1C1.4, "Power Operation."

RO DETERMINE the Maximum Rate of Power Increase per Step 5.1.7A of 1C1.4, "Power Operation."

BOP START the load increase as follows:

-Select the desired load rate on the Turbine EH Control Panel.

-Verify the turbine control VALVE POS LIMIT light is OFF.

IF NOT, THEN lower the REFERENCE/SETTER until the light is OFF.

-Raise the Valve Position Limiter to 100%.

-IF ITC is negative, THEN place turbine EH control in "IMP IN."

-Set the desired turbine load on the SETTER display on the Turbine EH Control Panel using the reference control pushbuttons.

RO INITIATE an afternate dilution of the RCS per C12.5,0Boron Concentration Control," Step 5.4, as necessary.

BOP WHEN T,,, shows an increase, THEN depress the turbine control GO pushbutton.

RO MAINTAIN T,,, and T,, matched by varying the alternate dilution rate or performing alternate dilutions per C12.5 as necessary.

Appendix D Operator Actinn.*

AOerator Actions


0-CI Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.:

1 Event No.:

1 Page 2 of -2 Event


Raise Reactor Power 5-10%.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP CUE: MSR's are already in service and 13 Feedwater heater drains are already aligned for normal operation.

START one heater drain pump per 1C28.4, "Unit 1 Heater Drains,"

Step 5.1.

SHUTDOWN the Condenser Spray System per 1C28.5, "Unit 1 Condenser Spray System," Step 5.2.

-fl I

Appendix D Operator Actinn*

I:/*rm l=gl*_O Ir*Q

  • 1\\

Appedix Oprato ActonsForm ES-D-2 (R8 Si)

Op-Test No.: 2001301 Scenario No.:

1 Event No.: _2 Page 1 of 1



PT431 (PZR press) Fails High Time I Position I

Applicant's Actions or Behavior Pressurizer Pressure 1P-431 - Fails High EVALUATOR NOTE: The following annunciator will alarm when the malfunction is Inserted: 47012-0408, "PRZR HVLO Press Channel Alert" RO CRmCAL TASK: PLACE pressurizer pressure controller in MANUAL and stabilize pressure.

SELECT 2-1 (white-red) on channel selector switch.

RETURN pressure control to AUTO.

SELECT another channel on the pressurizer pressure recorder.

SRO REFER to T.S.3.5.B & Table T.S.3.5-2A FU 7,9,10 and Table TS3.5-2B FU ld (6 hr LCO for B/S tripping), and T.S. 3.10.J.b Initiate investigation of reason for loss of Pressurizer Pressure 1 P 431 BOP TRIP and independently verify bistables lAW 1 C51.3, "Instrument Failure Guide," Rev. 17.

1 TC-407-C Over Temp AT Trip 1TC-407-D Over Temp AT Rod Stop 1 PC-431 -A Hi Press Trip 1 PC-431 -J LO Press Trip 1 PC-431 -1 Unblock SI 1 PC-431-G LO Press SI Appendix D Op~erator Actions

Op-Test No.: 2001301 Scenario No.: _1 Event No.:

3 Page 1 of 1 Event


11 Charging Pump OverloadTrip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 11 Charging Pump Trip EVALUATOR NOTE: The following annunciator will alarm when the malfunction is inserted: 47015-0103, "11 Charging Pump Overload Trip."

RO RECOGNIZE reduced charging header and seal injection flow and START a standby Charging Pump lAW 47015-0103, C12.1 AOP1, "Loss of RCP Seal Injection," and C12.1 AOP2, "Loss of Charging Flow To The Regen HX,":

CRITICAL TASK: START 12 or 13 Charging Pump.

CRITICAL TASK: INCREASE Charging Pump speed to maintain <2550# discharge pressure and seal Injection flow

-8 gpm.

PLACE L/D in service lAW C12.1,"Letdown, Charging, and Seal Water Injection."

ADJUST In-service Charging Pump speed to maintain 6-10 gpm seal injection flow to each RCP while balancing total Charging and L/D flow.

PLACE In-service Charging Pump speed control in AUTO.

S R O I NdI I A#,

I - investigation of reason for loss of 11 Charging Pump.

Appendix D Operator Actions

Appendix D Operator Actions Op-Test No.. 2002301 Scenario No.:

1 Event No.: 4 Page 1

of 1 Event


high PT-484 MS Header Pressure failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior PT-484 MS Header Pressure failure high RO Identify failure of PT-484 MS Header Pressure high.

TAKE manual control to Steam Pressure controller 484 and CLOSE steam dumps.

Monitor and control reactivity transient.

CUE: When asked Troubleshooting with Tave mode circuitry Is complete and ok to go to Tave mode.

SRO DETERMINE Status of Maintenance on Tave mode circuitry and give direction to change steam dump control to Tave mode.

L _____________

I. ____________________________________________________________

Pnr*rm P1..JLJL.


Q1 ODe.r*tnr Antinn*

Append.x....oerator Actions FIm......

Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.:

1 Event No.:

5 Page 6 of 10 Event


11 Condensate Pump Motor Stator Temperature Increasing Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 11Condensate Pump Motor Stator Temperature Increasing EVALUATOR NOTE: The following annunciator will alarm when the malfunction is inserted: C47009-0302, "lICondensate Pump Motor Stator HI Temp."

BOP RESPOND to Alarm C47009-0302, "1 1Condensate Pump Motor Stator HI Temp."

RECOGNIZE that 11 Condensate Pump has high motor current.

MONITOR stator temperature increase.

SHIFT Condensate Pumps per 1C28.3, "Unit 1 Condensate System," Rev. 1OW, Step 5.6, as temperatures continue to increase and prior to stator temperature reaching 1400 C.

SRO Investigate reason for high stator current and temperature.

Appendix D Operator Actions f

Ap-endi..D.O.erator Actions FIrm....

,i Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.:

1 --

Event No.: _6&7 Page-l_ of -5 Event


Steam leak on 1 A SG safety header followed by 11 FRV failure followed by 12 PORV failing open and an uncontrolled depressurization of both S/G's. SI pump does not auto start on SI signal.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Steam Leak on A SG safety relief valve header EVALUATOR NOTE: The following annunciator will alarm when the malfunction Is inserted: C47022-061 1, "Fire Detection Panel FP121 Fire Alarm."

BOP RESPOND to Fire Alarm C47022-061 1, "Fire Detection Panel FP121 Fire Alarm.":

-Determine affected zone

-Page Aux. Bldg. Operator

-Bypass affected zone

-Reset fire detection panel CUE: If the field operator is contacted to Investigate the fire alarm In the Aux. Bldg. report that there Is a large feather of steam coming from Loop A safety valve header.

EVALUATOR NOTE: The 11 FRV will fall open. The operator will attempt unsuccessful to take MANUAL control of the Feedwater Regulating Valves from the control room.

11 FRV Falls Open SRO DIRECT operators to enter C28.2 AOP1, "Unit 1 Feedwater Regulating Valve Control Failure."

BOP DISPATCH personnel to locally control at manual loading station.

CUE: If the crew requests to take local control of 11 SG FRV then report that you are unable to approach the valve because of the steam leak In the area.

I __________________________________________________________________

Appendix D

"Appendix.D.ODerator Actions Form E,, --.

Do Qa,,

Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: _1 Event No.: 6&7__

Page_2 of -5 Event


Steam leak on 1A SG safety header followed by 11 FRV failure followed by 12 PORV failing open and an uncontrolled depressurization of both S/G's. SI pump does not auto start on SI signal.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I ________________________________________________________________

BOP SRO RO BOP SRO SRO REPORT to SRO that atmospheric conditions from steam leak prevent local manual control.

DIRECT the reactor to be manually tripped before tripping due to high steam generator level.

EVALUATOR NOTE: When a reactor trip Is initiated, immediately increase the steam rupture on Loop A safety header. When SI occurs, fail open 12 SG PORV.

Manually TRIP the reactor VERIFY turbine tripped.

VERIFY Safeguards buses energized.

CHECK if Sl is actuated.

VERIFY component alignment.

EVALUATOR NOTE: 11 SI Pump falls to start CRICAL TASK: Manually START 11 SI pump.

EVALUATOR NOTE: SRO should direct transition to E-2 when It Is recognized that there Is a faulted S/G and then Into ECA 2.1 when it Is recognized that both S/Gs are faulted.

E-2, "Faulted Steam Generator Isolation,"

DIAGNOSE faulted SG and transition to E-2.

DIAGNOSE that both SGs are faulted and transition to ECA -2.1.

Appendix D

ApniDQoerator Actions PFm, P5q-fl)-:

DiQ Q1I Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: _6&7 Page 3 of 5 Event


Steam leak on 1A SG safety header followed by 11FRV failure followed by 12 PORV failing open and an uncontrolled depressurization of both S/G's.

Time I

Position I

Applicant's Actions or Behavior ECA-2.1,"Uncontrolled Depressurization of Both Steam Generators."


Check secondary pressure boundary:


- MSIV's, FRV's, FRV B/P's, SGBD and FW Cl valves closed.

- Close steam supply valve from one SG to TD AFW pump lAW the note at the top of page 3 of the EOP.

- Verify 11 SG PORV closed.

CUE: If field operator is dispatched to 12 SG PORV for local operation, report that Aux. Bldg. entry is unsafe based on steam conditions and you are unable to locally operate the PORV from the hot shutdown panel.

BOP Control feed flow to minimize RCS cooldown:

-CHECK cooldown rate in RCS cold legs less than 1000 F per hour.

-THROTTLE AFW flow to a minimum of 40 GPM per SG with a narrow range of less than 5%.

- ENSURE RCS temperature is stable or decreasing.

Appendix D ODerator Action£ I:nrm I:*_[-'i.9 IDOl ql\\

Appendix D O oe ra to r A c tio n s P..rm

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, i I~r

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Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.:

1 Event No.: 6&7 Page 4 -of 5 Event


Steam leak on 1A SG safety header followed by 11 FRV failure followed by 12 PORV failing open and an uncontrolled depressurization of both S/G's.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE: If at least one SI or RHR pump is running and RCS pressure is less than 1250 psig than secure both RCPs RO CHECK if RCPs should be stopped.

CHECK PRZR PORVs available and closed and at least one block valve open.

SRO INITIATE periodic SG samples.

VERIFY secondary radiation levels are normal.


RESET Containment Spray Signal and Stop CS pumps.

CHECK RWST level greater than 33%



ESTABLISH instrument air to containment Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8, S11)


I Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.:

1 Event No.: 6&7 Page 5 of _5 Event


Steam leak on 1 A SG safety header followed by 11 FRV failure followed by 12 PORV failing open and an uncontrolled depressurization of both S/G's.

Time Position j4Ap licant's Actions or Behavior RO CHECK for SI termination criteria:

-RCS subcooling greater than 200 F.

-RCS pressure greater than 2000 and stable or increasing.

-PZR level greater than 7%.

VERIFY SI flow is NOT required.

BOP STOP SI pumps.

TERMINATE SCENARIO: The scenario should be terminated once the crew has verified that Sl is no longer required and secured SI.


ScnarioOutlne Fcrrn ~~fl Iaci

', s2I Facility: _Prairie Island Scenario No.:

2 Op-Test No.:


Operators: __

Initial Conditions: Unit 1 is at 77% Power. Load increase per C1.4 is in progress. Unit power was reduced to replace a bearing on 12 MFP. Equip OOS: 1 1TD AFW Pump, 12 EH oil pump, D5 Diesel Generator, 13 condensate pump to be used in an emergency only.

Turnover: _Commence load increase per C1.4 Event Malf.

Event Event No.



Description 1

R (RO)

Load increase per C1.4 File 99-04 N

RO will adjust reactivity by controlling boron concentration (BOP)

BOP will increase power by increasing turbine load.

2 I

.D__g~oe _* h t';:c! !e'-* J,[89s itterfailure and.. _der t,,,, IA C4 0 9 (BOP)



3 I (RO)

N42 Power range failure high. Crew will respond per 1 C51.2 RO must put rods in manual.

4 C

11 Component Cooling Water pump trip, 12 CCW pump fails to start (BOP) automatically. BOP must recognize the failure of the standby pump to auto I start and manually start it.




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1,1 Fm1'.m 6

M Loss of MFW. 1rMFW is manually tripped on loss of lube oil 1I"VIFW pump (ALL) trips for unknown reason..1 7


AFW starts and then trips - loss of heat sink - RO must stop RCPs - BOP must

IBOP, cross connect Unit 2 AFW I,.

I., --


,v,*,uwty, tIrnsLrument,

(*,)omponent, (M)ajor k0 S VI

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UJL-5 V,'e5


L.! /1,,* 5*;i- *,,r,1 C,"-

Appendix D Scenario Outline P-*rm J**F:Qn 1


00 1

-ýV 3 -7 k

%0 C.

Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of Event


11 SG pressure channel 1 PT-468 failure high (11 SG PORV opens, must manually close PORV)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO/BOP RECOGNIZE the failed transmitter by the following indications:

11 SG pressure channel 1 PT-468 failure high Steam Flow indicator 1 FI-464 failure high 11 SG PORV opens PLACE 11 SG PORV controller in "MANUAL" and CLOSE valve SRO DIRECT actions per IC51.1, "Instrument Failure Guide" for Turbine 1t stage pressure channel 1 PT-485 failure high BOP PERFORM actions per 1C51.1, "Instrument Failure Guide" for Tavg Loop 1B 1T-401 Channel Failure High:

VERIFY or place 11 SG PORV controller in "MANUAL" and CLOSE valve VERIFY 11 SG level control operating properly in automatic SRO REFER to the following Tech Spec requirements:

TS 3.5.B and Table 3.5-2B Functional Unit 1c EVALUATOR NOTE: The next step will probably NOT be performed due to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowed before the bistables are required to be tripped DIRECT trip of the following bistables:


Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8, S1)

Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.: 3 Page 4 ofBhi Event


11 SG pressure channel 1 PT-468 failure high (11 SG PORV opens, must manually close PORV)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I


SRO IF the Thermal Power Monitor is selected to Calorimetric input, THEN perform the following:

CHECK TPM power unaffected by the steam pressure channel failure IF affected, THEN CHANGE TPM constant K202 from "0" (Calorimetric input) t" "1" (NIS input) per C41.4, "ERCS NSSS Applications Program" AND NOTIFY ERCS computer group INITIATE Work Order to repair instrument MAKE necessary log entries


-a 1

2 Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.: 7 Event No.:

Page A_

of Event


11 SG pressure channel 1 PT-468 failure high (11 SG PORV opens, must manually close PORV)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO/BOP RECOGNIZE the failed transmitter by the following indications:

11 SG pressure channel 1 PT-468 failure high Steam Flow indicator 1 FI-464 failure high 11 SG PORV opens PLACE 11 SG PQRV controller in "MANUAL" and CLOSE valve SRO DIRECT actions per IC51.1-, "Instrument Failure Guide" for Turbine 1 " stage pressure channel 1 PT-,-48failure high H(,4 BOP PERFORM actions per 1C51.1, "Instrument Failure Guide" for T

Luup 13 iT 431 Chn

%jurg High:

VERIFY or place 11 SG PORV controller in "MANUAL" and CLOSE valve VERIFY 11 SG level control operating properly in automatic SRO REFER to the following Tech Spec requirements:

TS 3.5.B and Table 3.5-2B Functional Unit 1c EVALUATOR NOTE: The next step will probably NOT be performed due to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowed before

'V t-the bistables are required to be tripped DIRECT,'trip of the following bistables:


Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.: 3 Page 7C of __



11 SG pressure channel 1 PT-468 failure high (11 SG PORV opens, must manually close PORV)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO IF the Thermal Power Monitor is selected to Calorimetric input, THEN perform the following:

CHECK TPM power unaffected by the steam pressure channel failure IF affected, THEN CHANGE TPM constant K202 from "0" (Calorimetric input) 16 "1" (NIS input) per C41.4, "ERCS NSSS Applications Program" AND NOTIFY ERCS computer group INITIATE Work Order to repair instrument MAKE necessary log entries Appendix D Oierator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8. $1)

A ndx.D.....sForm ES-D-2 (R8' S1 Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.:

2 Event No.:

1 Page 1 of 1 _



Load increase per C1.4 RO will adjust reactivity by controlling boron concentration BOP will increase power by increasing turbine load.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior DIRECT Load increase to 100% at maximum allowed rate per C1.4.

Inform System Control Center of load increase.

May inform Duty Chemist of load increase.

DILUTE using Alternate Dilute mode. When Tave shows a increase, Then increases turbine load by setting the SETTER and depressing GO.

OBSERVE turbine and generator limits Start the load increase as follows:

SELECT the desired load rate on the Turbine EH Control Panel.

VERIFY the turbine control VALVE POS LIMIT light is OFF. IF NOT, THEN lower the REFERENCE/SETTER until the light is OFF.

RAISE the Valve Position Limiter to 100%.

IF ITC is negative, THEN place turbine EH control in "IMP IN."

SET the desired turbine load on the SETTER display on the Turbine EH Control Panel using the reference control pushbuttons.


oForm ES-D-2 (R8 S"l Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: _ 2 -- Event No.: 2 -

Page 1 of 1_



Diagnose a hotwell level transmitter failure and perform actions lAW C47009-0601 level goes to -7" BOP must open MV-32041.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Tr BOP EVALUATOR NOTE: The following annunciators wilJalarm when the malfunction is inserted: 47009-0601, "lA'Condenser Hotwell LO LVL" RECOGNIZE 1A Condenser Hotwell level low alarm as the result of a failed controller. Refers to 47009-601:"

VERIFY level low VERIFY normal makeup valve CV4,1 121 is open.

CHECK for Leaks.k

/n VERIFY level in conden te storage tank is above T.S. minimum VERIFY CDSR du to CLG Wtr Disch, CV-31123 is closed.

IF level decrea s to -7", THEN OPEN emergency makeup valve MV-320141/

EVALU OR NOTE: This event is designed so that level will go to,-

Opening MV-32041 with the condenser at vacuum resfts in a rapid flow rate of water from the CST. The AFW p/ mps may be inoperable because of the CST supply diverted the condenser. The CST level will be inaccurate and may 7SR0 VERIFY the BOP uses the alarm procedure.

REVIEW the operability of the AFW system based on CST level l AW TS 3.4.13.


Appendix D Oiperator Actions

AenxDOoerator Actions Fcr Sf-P

~I Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.:

3 Page 1 of 4 Event


N42 Power range failure high. Crew will respond per 1C51.2 RO must put rods in manual Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE: The following annunciators will alarm when the malfunction is inserted:

47013-0101 NIS Power Range Positive Flux Rate Channel Alert 47013-0102 IS Power Range HI Setpoint Channel Alert (2-v 47013-0103 NIS Power Range Overpower Rod Withdrawal Stop 47013-0203 NIS Power Range Channel Deviation 47013-0303 Computer Alarm Delta I Check Typer 47013-0403 Computer Alarm Flux Tilt Check Typer 1C51.2 Instrument Failure Guide RECOGNIZES the failed Power Range Instrument by the following indications : OBSERVES control rods stepping in.

PLACE control rods in manual control and restore Tave equal to Tref.

,1 Appendix D Operator Actions

-pedxDsForm ES-D-2 (R8V S1 Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Page 2 of 4 Event


N42 Power range failure high. Crew will respond per 1C51.2 RO must put rods in manual Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO DIRECT that N-42 be removed from service.

BOP REMOVES N-42 from service as follows:


PLACE ROD STOP BYPASS switch in the N-42 position.

PLACE POWER MISMATCH BYPASS switch in the N-42 position.

PLACE UPPER SECTION CURRENT COMPARATOR DEFEAT switch in the N-42 position and VERIFY the Upper Section Channel Defeat Light is LIT.

PLACE LOWER SECTION CURRENT COMPARATOR DEFEAT switch in the N-42 position and VERIFY the Lower Section Channel Defeat Light is LIT.

On the COMPARATOR AND RATE drawer, PLACE COMPARATOR CHANNEL DEFEAT switch in the N-42 position and VERIFY Comparator Defeat Light is LIT.

At N-42 POWER RANGE B drawer, REMOVE, and CONCURRENTLY VERIFY removal of the instrument power fuses.

At N-42 POWER RANGE B drawer, REMOVE, and CONCURRENTLY VERIFY removal of the control power fuses.

Appendix D Op~erator Actions

Appedix Oprato ActonsForm ES-D-2 (R8. S11 Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.:

3 Page 3 of 4



N42 Power range failure high. Crew will respond per 1 C51.2 RO must put rods in manual Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP/RO VERIFY the following annunciators are received:


44178-0206 PWR RNG LO Q-HI F NC42P 44178-0207 PWR RNG HI Q-HI F NC42P 44205-0204 PWR RNG HI F RATE NC42U/K SRO REFER to the following Technical Specification requirements:

TS 3.5.B & Table 3.5-2A FU 2a. 2b. 3. 4. 7. 8 TS 3.10.B.9 TS 3.10.C.4 I ________________

A. _________________________________________________________________________

I Appendix D Operator Actions

A dI.

.AtnForm ES-D-2 (R8 S1 Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Page 4 of 4 Event


N42 Power range failure high. Crew will respond per 1C51.2 RO must nut rods in manual Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO DESIGNATE the following bistables to be tripped:



T eC ef Ex ne will ci whether we n *-d-obs rv e act I t ping e bistalles.

Appendix D Operator Actions

Apedi OeatrAtin Fr E--

(R i

Op-Test No.. 2002301 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.:

4 Page 1 of 1



11 Component Cooling Water pump trip, 12 CC pump fails to start automatically. BOP must recognize the failure of the standby pump to auto start and manually start it.

Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE: The following annunciators will alarm when the malfunction is inserted: C47020-0101 "11 CC Pump Locked Out" 1 l4 Ae,I L1.ta of Component Cooling El BOP REGONIZE that loss of 11CC pump did not result in an auto start of the 12 CC pump.

CRITICAL TASK: START the 12 CC pump and-Wr. to tC4 VERIFY RCP bearing temperatures below 2000 F and CC Surge Tank Level is "on scale."

SRO Enters TS 3.0.C due to both CC pumps being inoperable. The failure to auto start makes the 12 CC pump inoperable and the requirements of TS 3.3.1 cannot be met.

EVALUATOR NOTE: IF the BOP falls to diagnose the failure of the 12 CC pump to start in a timely manner and RCP bearing temperatures get above 2000 F or the CC Surge Tank Level goes "off scale" THEN the reactor must be tripped per IC14 AOP1.

C 97o(

0 o-tc C



-3Z Dý Form ES-D-2 (R8, $1)

Appoendix D Operator Actions

Apedi OeatrAtin Fr E--

(R8 Si Op-Test No.:2002301 Scenario No.: 2_

Event No.:

5 Page 1 of 2 Event


Loss of Instrument Air to containment C34 AOP1 RO must control charging and letdown, and manually control pressure to prevent cycling of PORV's.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE: Instrument air isolation valve to containment CV 31741 fails closed. Will lose letdown, charging pumps fail to minimum speed, PZR spray valves fail closed, PZR PORV's will be on accumulators. C34 AOP1 Attachment A provides information on how components or systems will respond it will be of minimal help to operators due to the limited loss of Instrument Air.

C34 AOP1; Loss of Instrument Air RECOGNIZE loss of air to containment due to CV31741 failing closed (various valves in containment will reposition)

REDUCE charging pump speed to limit discharge pressure CONTROL RCS pressure to prevent continued cycling of pressurizer PORV's.

TURN OFF some or all pressurizer heaters to prevent PZR PORVs from lifting.

RO Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8, $1)


Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8, Si)

Op-Test No.:2002301 Scenario No.:

2 Event No.: 5 Page -2 of 2 Event


Loss of Instrument Air to containment C34 AOP1 RO must control charging and letdown, and manually control pressure to prevent cycling of PORV's.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior C12.1 AOP2: Loss of Charging to RHX -and/or C12.1 AOP3; Loss of Letdown to the VCT EVALUATOR NOTE: Letdown Isolation Valves; CV-31226, CV 31255, CV-31325, CV-31326, and CV-31327 should all fall closed. The operator will attempt to close them If they are not failed closed.

PLACE charging in manual and reduce to minimum speed.

CLOSE CV-31198; Charging Line Flow Control Valve and maintain 6-10 gpm to each RCP.

IF 2 Charging Pumps are running THEN STOP one pump.

L RO Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8, $1)

ApedxDOperator Actions Form Pq-rfl9 Dns Q1~

Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.:

6 Page -1 of 3 Event


Loss of MFW, 1I' MFW is manually tripped on loss of lube oil 1YMFW pump trips for unknown reason.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior C4 7010-0209 17ZFeedwater Pump Aux Oil Pump LO Press BOP VERIFIES Aux Oil Pump running DISPATCH operator locally to Check for leaks.

CUE: Field operator reports there is a large amount of oil on the skid and on the floor. After this cue the Io-lo pressure alarm comes in.

SRO In preparation for stopping the 1/ Main FWP, DIRECT power decrease to a turbine load of 330 MWe per 1C1.4 AOP1, "Rapid Load Reduction - Unit 1" EVALUATOR NOTE: Because of the loss of Instrument air the RO will be forced to emergency borate lAW C12.5 AOP1, "Emergency Boration of The Reactor Coolant System" BORATE the RCS as necessary to maintain control rods above RO the insertion limit and to control delta I within limits:

POSITION the Control Switches for the BATP aligned to services as follows:


CS-46161, 11 BA XFER PMP CS, to "START."

12 BATP - CS-46164, 12 BA XFER PMP SPEED CONT CS, to "FAST."

CS-46162, 12 BA XFER PMP CS, to "START."

POSITION the recirculation control valve HC to 50% on the BAST aligned to services: 1HC-105 or HC-104 M

,1 rJ 9


.t Appendlix D

ApedxDOoerator Actions Pcnrm PgZr)_0 DQ Qi' Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: -_ 6 -

Page 2-of 3 Event


Loss of MFW, 11 MFW is manually tripped on loss of lube oil 12 MFW pump trips for unknown reason.

Time )

Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO OPEN MV-32086, "Emergency Boration to Charging Pump Suction" using CS-46297 VERIFY boric acid flow on 1YIC1 13, Emergency Boration Integrator WHEN the desired amount of boric acid has been added THEN CLOSE MV-32086 using CS-46297 BOP REDUCE turbine load in Automatic OR Manual:

- Automatic:

"* SELECT the desired load rate on the Turbine EHC panel

"* SET the desired turbine load on the "SETTER" display on the Turbine EHC Panel using the reference control pushbuttons

"* DEPRESS the turbine control "GO" pushbutton

- Manual:

"* DEPRESS the turbine control "TURBINE MANUAL" pushbutton

"* DEPRESS the "CV "pushbutton until the desired turbine load is reached C47010-0102 11 Feedwater Pump Aux Oil Pump LO-LO Press CUE: On' nrperators start tn rdUe-1power12-MrW-pump tr~a for unknonORHF--SR r

aondoz the reeetor wIl tip n 1 L 1E-O, "Reactor TriD or Safety Injection" SRO DIRECT actions per 1 E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection" RO VERIFY Reactor Trip or Manually Trip the Reactor:


( ~ V )

~ 4 ' D j l ~ j '


V j~. A C ~ c J Appendix D Operator Ac.t Jc)n.£

  • '¢trm I:P-,.r"t.9 iI::lg ql\\

A pn xDnerator Ac..tions F..r.


9 (Q,


Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: _2 Event No.:

6 Page 3 of 3_



Loss of MFW, 12 MFW is manually tripped on loss of lube oil 11 MFW pump trips for unknown reason.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP VERIFY Turbine Trip VERIFY Both Safeguards Buses Energized CHECK if SI is Actuated SRO ANNOUNCE Reactor Trip NOTIFY Station Manager and Site Emergency Coordinator ENSURE communication with NRC is established within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> After Verification that Sl is not required transition to 1 ES-0. 1 REACTOR TRIP RECOVERY fIES-0.1 Reactor Trip Recovery t

"t BOP Establish conditions to control RCS temperature at 5470 F

£ Check MSIV's -OPEN Place Steam Dump in "STM PRESS" Mode RO Check RCS Temperature BOP Notify turbine building operator to isolate Unit 1 MSRs per ATT J.

Check cooling water pressure Loop A AND Loop B - GREATER THAN 75 PSIG (AJo4\\flA Appendix D OPerator Aclinn£ I*nrrn I*£_n.9 /l::ll:l ql


Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8, Si)

Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.:

2 Event No.:

7 Page - 1 of 3 Event


AFW starts and then trips - loss of heat sink - RO must stop RCPs and depressurize RCS - BOP must depressurize SG's and feed with condensate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE: After the operators have verified proper AFW flow the running AFW pump will trip due to an electric fault on the pump which will preclude it being restarted. The following annunciators will alarm when the malfunction is inserted: C47010 - 0107, "12 AFWP LOCKED OUT."

2:1 SRO DIRECT transition to FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink.

FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink RO VERIFY secondary heat sink is required.

RCS pressure - GREATER THAN ANY INTACT SG PRESSURE RCS hot leg temperature - GREATER THAN 350' F ii:

LL CHECK for secondary heat sink, if none stop RCPs and skip directly to bleed and feed.

Wide range level in either SG - GREATER THAN 9%

PRZR pressure - LESS THAN 2335 PSIG STOP both RCPs BOP RESTORE AFW flow:

DISPATCH operator to determine cause of the AFW pump trip and locally restore AFW.

CUE: Field operator reports that the ground fault relay Is up at the 12 AFW pump breaker and he cannot restore AFW SRO DIRECT that AFW be cross-tied to Unit 2.

ApedxDOcerator Actions Fr

-f9(lc;I Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: _2 Event No.:


Page 2 of 3.



AFW starts and then trips - loss of heat sink - RO must stop RCPs and depressurize RCS - BOP must depressurize SG's and feed with condensate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I

a __________

A. ________________________________________________

Form lE.o-n-9 PAl~ (zi BOP CROSS-CONNECT AFW from Unit 2 lAW 1C28.1, Step 5.7.

PLACE CS-46425, 12 MD AFWP control switch in "PULLOUT."

PLACE CS-46785, 21 MD AFWP selector switch in "MANUAL."

STOP 21 MD AFWP, if running using CS-46770.

REQUEST that Unit 2 operators CLOSE 21 MD AFW Pump valves to the Unit 2 S/G CUE: Unit 2 reports that MV-32383 and MV-32384 are closed.

CLOSE 12 MD AFW Pump discharge valves to the Unit 1 SG's MV-32381 using CS-46316 MV-32382 using CS-46317 DIRECT field operator to reposition the following valves:

CLOSE AF-13-4 OPEN AF-13-1 and 2AF-13-1 CUE: Field operator reports AF-13-4 closed and AF-13-1 and 2AF-13-1 open REQUEST the start of 21 MD AFW Pump CUE: Unit 2 reports that the 21 MD AFW Pump has been started.

Appendix D

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8, Si)

Op-Test No.: 2002301 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.:

7 Page -3__. of 3 Event


AFW starts and then trips - loss of heat sink - RO must stop RCPs and depressurize RCS - BOP must depressurize SG's and feed with condensate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior CRITICAL TASK: THROTTLE flow to Unit 1 SGs as necessary to maintain desired SG level using MV-32381 and MV 32382 TERMINATE SCENARIO: When AFW has been cross tied to Unit 2 L _______________

I ______________________________________________________________________

Appendix D SceAnario C)rnivv ina*.-


/III 0

n.1-. I E

I0 Facility: Prairie Island Scenario No.:

3 Examiners:

Op-Test No.:


Initial Conditions: Unit 1: 100% Power. End of Cycle, Equilibrium Xenon. i

,CS =i15/

Breaker 16-10 (Bus 16/Bus 26 Bustie) is OOS.

Steam G1nUrator tubehAadkyn nf A oPer i

I I on ung z: 100 pUoower steady state ogeration Turnover: The 11 and 13 Heater Drain Pumps are presently running. The 13 HD Pump was iust started and the 12 HD Pump was shutdown so that preventive maintenance can be a normari nn TnR a1 HI

) J,,n i rnn Malf.


Rxo0c Event TvDe*

I (RO)



"u r


X 14 la.) tso-,/

TZUI* A (T*tC, 1)


(&i 7V!



I R (RO)


Event I

lA M

, I F

Loop B Tcold transmitter failure high (Rods step in and Charging Pump in "AUTO* increases maximum speed; must place rod control-in "MANUAL"I Pressurizer PORV (CV-31:

12 SG FW Reg Valve controller fails "as is" in AUTO (will need to control 12 SG level in "MANUAL")

High stator temperature on 11 Main Feedwater Pump *-- (

(requires turbine load decrease to 330 MWe, since will need to shutdown pump)/(7& 3) 11 Main Feedwater Pump trip during load reduction (will need to rapidly rA41rnir~A tnirhina It'~e11 r

  • r

'an 'd....

"r n nv""l" OWR 7)q M(ALL)

Feedwater line break on 11 SG inside containmentoo*a0,

_~equires entry into 1 E-0 and then 1 E-2?)

6 o


Failure of turbine to AUTO trip on Reactor Trip (will require MANUAL turbine trip) 7 a1 C(RO)

Failure of SI to AUTO actuate

-__._.e (will require MANUAL actuation of SI) 8 o"t C(BOP)

Failure of Containment Isolation to AUTO actuate on SI (will require MANUAL actuation of Containment Isolation 9

5(=0ŽA M(ALL)

GTR on 11 SG uon k4l". dp,..

A...... -,

(aequires entry into 1 E-3 and then 1ECA-3.1

-L (C)omponent, (M)ajor



r, ineat-'y, (l)nstrument, Event No.

1 2

3 4

kN/ur it.



  • {:nnnrin *m itlin*

I:,*n I:*_r*_l IDQ 04\\

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AD' r"nd...

D...rtnr Artinnv..


I n, n,

.,.-u-Cnou o E Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.:

I Page 1 of Event


Loop B Tcold transmitter failure high (Rods step in and Charging Pump in "AUTO" increases to maximum speed; must place rod contro in "MANUAL")

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior



The following annunciators will alarm when the malfunction Is Inserted:


- 47012-0304,"REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TAVG DEVIATION" 47012-0604,"REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM AT DEVIATION" 47013-0305,"AUCTIONEERED TAVG-TREF DEVIATION" SRO/RO RECOGNIZE the failed transmitter by the following indications:

- Tavg Loop B failed high (Bloc)

- AT Loop Bfailed low (alCi Rods stepping in RO PLACE rod control in "MANUAL"

,V1 Jm"-"

SRO DIRECT actions per 1C51.1, "lnstrument re Guide" for Tavg Loop 1 B 1 T-40, 3Channel Failure High 3

RO PERFORM actions per 1C51.y, "Instrument Failure Guide" for Tavg Loop 1B 1T-40,'%Channbl Failure High:

VERIFY or place rod control in MANUAL" and maintain Tavg equal to Tref PLACE charging pump speed control in "MANUAL" and maintain prurizer level SELECT SW channel on the Tavg defeat switch and pull out RETURN rod control and charging pump speed to "AUTO' W

T VG" G.

ADoendix D OnRrRtnr A*tinn*

,DODerator Actions On Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

J3 Event No.:

1 Page 2 of Event


Loop B Tcold transmitter failure high (Rods step in and Charging Pump in "AUTO" increases to maximum speed; must place rod control in "MANUAL')

Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO

  • ,sCOw 6)
6Lo, Tlý(

REFER to the following Tech Spec requirements:

TS 3.5.B and Table 3.5-2A Functional Units 7 and 8 TS 3.5.B and Table 3.5-2A Functional Units 5d and 6c EVALUATOR NOTE:

allowed before the bistables are required to be tripped F. E~ldUl W1 DIRECT1t' a"the following bistables:

1TC-40_-A, 'OVER POWER AT TRIP' 1TC-40.;B, 'OVER POWER AT ROD STOP' 1TC-40(-C, 'OVER TEMP AT TRIP'S 1TC-40%;D, 'OVER TEMP AT ROD STOP" 1TC-409-A. 'HI TAVG ALARM' 1TC-40-;-D, "LO TAVG MN STM ISOL' 1TC-4Oq-F, "LO TAVG FW ISOLO 5INITIATE Work Order to repair instrument MAKE necessary log entries na a

a After the scenario Is complete, a f^l~lw up.

e.culd be M


V 0,


t I

  • ..t e-w aO T

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UpB 1)



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t I

P Appendix D




Ai earvtnr Ativ,.nnc cc% r-r r-.-

vi gi


-rI IsJ J


.0 11 Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.:

2 Page 3. of Event


Pressurizer PORV (CV-31232) leaking (requires isolation)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

The following annunclat r*1iII alarm when the malfunction is Inserted: 47012-0506, "PRZR POWER REUEF LINE HI TEMP" SRO DIRECT or maintain overview of actions for leaking PRZR PORV per ARP 47012-0506, "PRZR POWER RELIEF LINE HI TEMP" EVALUATOR NOTE:

CJ The operator may Isolate Block Valve MV-32195 or MV-32196 FIRST at his discretion to find the leaking PRZR PORV.

PRZR PORV CV-31232 is the leaking PORV.

RO PERFORM actions per ARP 47012-0506, "PRZR POWER RELIEF LINE HI TEMP- (ISOLATE PRZR PORVs one at a time with block valves to determine which valve is leaking):

CLOSE Block Valve MV-32195 to isolate PORV CV-31231 OBSERVE relief line temperature (NO decrease observed)

R 66~~


moafntor lg ht # OertJ A o,&%ki e&l M Vi 24 '5.

CLOSE Block Valve MV-32196 to Isolate PORV CV-31232 OBSERVE relief line temperature (decrease observed)

R flESET aIoustic n

l. light II%,e SRO REFER to Tech Spec 3.1.A.2.

(within on the PORV to OPERABLE status or close the associated block valve with power maintained to the block valve)

DIRECT RO to closeAPl.R PORV Block Valve MV-32196 to isolate leaking PORV CV-31232 and to maintain power to valve Got*'f; OA~

ADpendix D t*n*rntnr APtinne J*t'*rm I*(*


r) IDQ Ot




L-... -. J-* VrQ,*

Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:


Event No.:

3 Page 4 of Event


12 SG FW Reg Valve controller fails "as is" in AUTO (will need to control 12 SG level in "MANUAL")

Position BOP Applicant's Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTES:


This malfunction wll)r i-i--e-powe reduction )K)erforned for the next malfuncion 4-er IM The followIng annunciator will alarm when a-hifh-lkel deviation of 5%.....

i. 1-CO during !he tu"b'ne load A-I SW pwrionnea Tor Me next mlWWV~uMf.

=1111 0802, -112 37TW EN lzLDELýlN"

  • 4-7,,1

-,3a5, ' pvj Cco#rivL FAItL t9,AiAIJVALj DIRECT or maintain overview of actions #or 12 98 high level Ae'lation al-am per ARP 47011-030* "11,2 STM GE LvL PERFORM actions far 12 £0, hieh I1vel d",aalar.m. per ARP 47011-030, ",2 ST.......L.. Di.aT*c,,,

'(oo7aToL FAI r-A 12S FW Reg Valve inMANUA return level to normal Time I

-i F--*L rO' Oz 4 Lcr geyLVIV At

?IýOc*;r LAvggr j?.irn1i.

-ro$f.4MA' b

I ADpendix D

(*n*mtnr Artinn.*

  • rm J*_r'*_"J Ir'*Q

(*1 \\

D.Oerator Artion-1,a, L

--1 O, o I )

Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.:

4 Page 5 of Event


High stator temperature on 11 Main Feedwater Pump (requires turbine load decrease to 330 MWe, since will need to shutdown pump).

11 Main Feedwater Pump trip during load reduction (will need to rapidly reduce turbine load).

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

The following annunciator will alarm when the malfunction is Inserted: 47010-0401,"11 FEEDWATER PUMP MOTOR STATOR HI TEMP" DIRECT or maintain overview of actions for high stator temperature alarm per ARP 47010-0401, "11 FEEDWATER PUMP MOTOR STATOR HI TEMP" PERFORM actions for high stator temperature alarm per ARP 47010-0401, -11 FEEDWATER PUMP MOTOR STATOR HI TEMP":

- VERIFY stator temperature high by observing the redundant stator temperatures

- DIRECT local operator to verify motor coolers in operation AND that cool air is being directed on the motor:

(Panel 130 located near the 11 Main FWP)

& 11 FW Pump 11A Cooling Fans - Panel 130, Circuit 1

  • 11 FW Pump 11 B Cooling Fans - Panel 130, Circuit 2 CUJ: The lkocall operaattor reports-th :

to_ got hhot. Te* ww64, 6e,sc*,*,#,' '104r" 4r


- IF crew is hesitant to start reduc ng pow THEN Increase stator temperature on ERCS (computer) by C1 W0 Insert the following annunciator alarm:

.-47010 1, - 11 FEEDWATER PUMP OVERLOAD" F../



CoOr 14 0jkr e 0 1' I

I r.

SRO Appendix D Operator AP.tinn.*

I='*n-n I='*_l"tO I0o Ot\\

Appendix D On=


,n, I

Ulli I--

no I, )

Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.:

4 Page 6 of Event


High stator temperature on 11 Main Feedwater Pump (requires turbine load decrease to 330 MWe, since will need to shutdown pump).

11 Main Feedwater Pump trip during load reduction (will need to rapidly reduce turbine load).

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO In preparation for stopping the 11 Main FWP, DIRECT power decrease to a turbine load of 330 MWe per 1C1.4 AOP1, "Rapid Load Reduction - Unit 1" RO BORATE the RCS as necessary to maintain control rods above the insertion limit and to control delta I within limits:

PLACE the Makeup Mode Selector Switch to "BORATE" SET YIC-1 10, "Boric Acid Integrator* to the quantity desired SET HC-1 10, "Boric Acid Flow Controller auto setpoint dial to the flow desired (I desired, THEN PLACE HC-1 10 to "MANUAL" and adjust output for the desired flow)

Momentarily PLACE the Boric Acid Makeup switch to "START" BOP REDUCE turbine load in Automatic QR Manual:

- Automatic:

"* SELECT the desired load rate on the Turbine EHC panel

"* SET the desired turbine load on the "SETTER" display on the Turbine EHC Panel using the reference control pushbuttons

"* DEPRESS the turbine control "GO" pushbutton

- Manual:

"* DEPRESS the turbine control "TURBINE MANUAL" pushbutton

"* DEPRESS the "CV,pushbutton until the desired turbine load is reached


I OnAr*tnr APtinnQ

  • '/*rm I--I* J'*

P) II"ID O'1\\

Appendi Dr..Ars.tnr An

,tnc C-

lrs, e I Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.:

4 Page 7 of Event


High stator temperature on 11 Main Feedwater Pump (requires turbine load decrease to 330 MWe, since will need to shutdown pump).

11 Main Feedwater Pump trip during load reduction (will need to rapidly reduce turbine load).

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:h It i',F The following annunciator will alarm wheno

  • 11 Main
  • 4-wb1, Feedwater Pump Trip malfunction is94eka 47010-0101, "11 FEEDWATER PUMP LOCKED OUT" SRO DIRECT actions to reduce turbine load to less than 330 MWe per ARP 47010-0101, -11 FEEDWATER PUMP LOCKED OUT" and 1C1.4, "Rapid Power Reduction - Unit 1" BOP REDUCE turbine load in Automatic QR Manual to less than 330 MWe:

- Automatic:

"* SELECT the desired load rate on the Turbine EHC panel

"* SET the desired turbine load on the "SETTER" display on the Turbine EHC Panel using the reference control pushbuttons

"* DEPRESS the turbine control "GO" pushbutton

- Manual:

"* DEPRESS the turbine control "TURBINE MANUAL" pushbutton

"* DEPRESS the "CV v "pushbutton until the desired turbine load is reached BOP CONTROL 12 SG level with its FW Reg Valve controller in "MANUAL" RO BORATE the RCS as necessary to maintain control rods above the insertion limit and control delta I within limits:

PLACE the Makeup Mode Selector Switch to "BORATE" SET YIC-1 10, "Boric Acid Integratora to the quantity desired SET HC-1 10, "Bodc Acid Flow Controller" auto setpoint dial to the flow desired (IF desired, THEN PLACE HC-110 to "MANUAL" and adjust output for the desired flow)

Momentarily PLACE the Boric Acid Makeup switch to "START" SRO IF the reactor trips, THEN. go to 1 E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection" Appendix D C)nAmtnr At-tinne

Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (RB, S)

Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.: _

Event No.: 5.6 Page 8 of Event


(5) Feedwater line break on 11 SG inside containment.

Requires entry into 1 E-0 and then 1 E-2.

(6) Failure of turbine to AUTO trip on Reactor Trip (will require MANUAL turbine trip)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO/BOP SRO RO SRO SRO RO BOP DIAGNOSE the secondary line break:

Containment pressure increasing A1, 4"70 l -

1o."A Feedwater flow to 11 SG increasing If reactor is NOT already tripped)

DIRECT RO to manually trip the reactor (I reactor is NOT already tripped)

Manually TRIP the Reactor TRANSITION to 1 E-O, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection" I E-O. "Reactor Trip or Safet Inlection" DIRECT actions per 1 E-O, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection" VERIFY Reactor Trip or Manually Trip the Reactor:

- Reactor trip and bypass breakers are open Neutron flux is decreasing Rod Position indicators are at ZERO Rod Bottom lights are LIT VERIFY Turbine Trip (failure of turbine to AUTO trip)

VERIFY both turbine stop valves are closed CRmCAL TASK: Manually trip the turbine before a severe challenge (ORANGE path) develops to the INTEGRITY critical safety function status tree VERIFY Both Safeguards Buses Energized a

I ___________________________________________________________________________________

1IA :77'

(*ý%_,,C_ I" -) e Appendix D

DODerator Actions Form F..

9 I

Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.: -5.7.8 Page 9 of _



(5) Feedwater line break on 11 SG inside containment.

Requires entry into 1 E-0 and then 1 E-2.

(7) Failure of SI to AUTO actuate (will require MANUAL actuation of SI)

(8) Failure of Containment Isolation to AUTO actuate on SI (will require MANUAL actuation of Containment Isolation)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 1 E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Iniection" U

CHECK if SI is Actuated (failure of SI to AUTO actuate)

CRMCAL TASK: Manually actuate Safety Injection VERIFY Safeguards Component Alignment :

P(failure of Containment Isolation to AUTO actuate on Si)

CRmIICAL TASK: Manually actuate Containment Isolation VERfPY MSIVs are Closed Acontainment pressur 1' 7 *ig) /

.ERIFV Containment Instrument Air Valves are ClosedV (CV-31740 and CV-31741) (ontainment pressure 17 psig)

ANNOUNCE Reactor Trip and SI NOTIFY Station Manager and Site Emergency Coordinator CLOSE CC Supply to SFP Cooling HXs (MV-32115)

ENSURE communication with NRC is established within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> OPEN Turbine HP Drains (CS-46392)

DIRECT Turbine Building Operator to stop the TB roof exhausters and isolate the MSRs per Attachment J VERIFY SI Fow VERIFY RHR Flow No rA g&


o VERIFY > 200 gpm total AFW flow VERIFY > 900 psig on AFW Pumps Discharge Vqtf Cor 


,, end*,A*ixD.Aorm

r-u-D Ai-ts,,

bi Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.:

5 Page 10 of Event


Feedwater line break on 11 SG inside containment.

Requires entry into 1 E-0 and then 1 E-2.

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 1 E-0, "Reactor TrID or Safety Iniection" BOP VERIFY Status of Equipment in Auto Action Guide (Table EO-1)


RCS temperature will be < 5470F and decreasing In the next step RO CHECK RCS temperature is stable at or trending to 5470F:

BOP CONTROL AFW flow but NOT < 200 gpm until level r re/in the 12 SG


VERIFY SG blowdown valves closed o

IF cooldown continues and RCS temperature is < 535 0F, THEN close MSIVs (if the MSIVs are NOT closed already)

CHECK RCP Cooling:

VERIFY CC flow to each RCP > 150 gpm VERIFY thermal barrier outlet valves open (CV-31245 and CV-31246)

VERIFY seal injection flow to RCPs is normal CHECK PRZR PORVs and Spray Valves:

-VERIFY PRZR PORVs are closed

-VERIFY PRZ Spray Valves are closed

"%/I% RCPsam NOTRequm,*, -to be Stopped SRO TRANSITION to 1 E-2, "Faulted Steam Generator Isolation" i

z I

Appendix D f'*narat*r A rt i,,,*,,,,,,


~I1U 0,011 Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.: 5 Page 11 of Event


(5) Feedwater line break on 11 SG inside contai ent.

(requires entry into 1 E-0 and then 1 E-2)

(9) SGTR on 11 SG

( equires entry into 1 E-3 and then 1 ECA-3. 1)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO BOP C

~gg1 g

",3 SSRO 1 E-2. "Faulted Steam Generator Isolation" DIRECT actions per 1 E-2, "Faulted Steam Generator Isolation" VERIFY MSIVs and Bypass Valves are Closed qg<.k ;

E;t,,,- CG N0o4 Fz=-A"

-VERIFY 12 SG is NOT Faulted

-VERIFY 11 SG is Faulted c

L"wce e ISOLATE the Faulted 11 SG:

- ISOLATE Main FW line


- CLOSE steam supply valve from 11 SG to TD AFW Pump

- VERIFY SG blowdown isolation valves are closed CRmCAL TASK: Isolate the 11 SG before transition out of 1 E-2 CHECK CST Level > 10,000 gallons CHECK Secondary Radiation:

- INITIATE periodic activity samples of both SGs VERIFY secondary radiation is NOT normal TRANSITION to 1 E-3, "Steam Generator Tube Rupture/'


c L&'*" j

£LIIo,.4 Vi Ae.*,..,



>7G I

I Appendix D Onerator ArntinnQ I*'P, rn,* I*_Rr)

If'tO 04\\

Appendix D

) l arntnr A tfir na.IIII C-Q IC Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.: 9 Page 12 of Event


SGTR on 11 SG %when SG is f',"y,I




($equires entry into 1 E-3 and then 1 ECA-3.19 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 1 E-3. "Steam Generator Tube Ru~ture" SRO DIRECT actions per 1 E-3, "Steam Generator Tube Rupture"

    • RCs S kcP, RO

,,.VCt *r. F,

-to ee Stopped SRO IDENTIFY that 11 SG is Ruptured BOP ISOLATE Flow from Ruptured 11 SG:

- VERIFY 11 SG PORV controller set in Auto at 1050 psig CHECK 11 SG PORV closed CLOSE steam supply valve from 11 SG to TD AFW Pump (already closed in E-2)

VERIFY 11 SG blowdown valves closed (already closed in E-2)

CLOSE 11 SG MSIV and bypass valve SRO VERIFY AF0--- 1 SG Should Remain Isolated (since 11 SG is also faulted)

RO CHECK PRZR PORVs and Block Valves:

VERIFY PRZR PORVs are closed

- VERIFY at least one PRZR PORV block valve is open BOP VERIFY 11 SG is Faulted and Isolated CONTROL AFW flow to maintain 12 SG Narrow Range Level between 5% and 50% (Wide Range Level between 50% and 59%

for Adverse Containment)

RESET SI RESET Containment Isolation ESTABLISH Instrument Air to the Containment

/ V'ILO.=*'r On*r*fnr At-tlnn=

C'PLrt*-= If--O I*

  • '* II'tO
  • 4\\

Aoerator Actions Fvnrm F:-fl.9 10A 1


Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.: 9 Page j3 of Event


SGTR on 11 SG when SG is fully depressurized.

Requires entry into 1E-3 and then 1ECA-3.1.

Time J Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 1 E-3. "Steam Generator Tube Rupture" VERIFY Safeguards Buses are Energized by Offsite Power WE IE-Y RHR Pfmps =4"Q=

Feu"ed to bbL Lft flunn VERIFY 11 SG Pressure is < 210 psig TRANSITION to 1 ECA-3. 1, "SGTR with Loss of Reactor Subcooled Recovery" DIRECT actions per 1 ECA-3.1, -SGTR with Loss of Reactor Coolant: Subcooled Recovery" RESE*

  • 1 (wag already reset in 1 E-3)

ES A LS Isr mnt Air to ontainment reay ea is 1-3)

VEIagzdb-~iPower CHECK if

  • Spray2,' ip-hold be Stopped:

S Pump re running AND containment pressure is

< 20 psig,T_,._N

"* RESETcontainh nt spray signal

"* STO CS Pumps*

V lated

"(sinc 11 SG is also faulted)

Pump Running

-A -t 6,,vyr C4ie5;cYf I 



  • o "I &g',

Te r,#.vJf4 Oge A16 I

I Appendix D



v r.tnr Artinn, C

I Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

3 Event No.: 9 Page 4 of Event


SG on 11 SG when SG is fully depressurized.

Requir entry into 1 E-3 and then 1 ECA-3. 1.

Time J Position Applicant's Actions or BeOvor 1 E "Steak Generator Tube Rumu "J6 ESTABLISH Char g Flow:

ALIGN charging p p sucti to the RWST (OPEN MV-32060)

ESTABLISH maxim ch ging flow VERIFY 11 SG is Fault a

Isolated CONTROL AFW flo to maintai 12 SG Narrow Range Level between 5% and

% (Wide Ran Level between 50% and 59%

for Adverse Co ainment)

INITIATE R S Cooldown to Cold Shutd n:

MAINT N cooldown rate in RCS cold les < 100°F/HR DUM steam to condenser from the 12 S RMINATE SCENARIO when RCS cooldown Is e blished I

is C k ;

el O.cOr 0


I Appendix D Onnrntnr APtinn*


CO I'* /'J If'tO

  • 4\\

SCENARIO #3 Initial Conditions:

Unit 1:

100% Power, End of Cycle, Equilibrium Xenon, Rs Ioý,


Breaker 16-10 (Bus 16/Bus 26 Bustie) is OOS Steam Generator tube leakage of 4 GPD in 11 SG Unit 2:

100% power steady state operation Turnover:

The 11 and 13 Heater Drain Pumps are presently running The 13 HD Pump was just started and the 12 HD Pump was shutdown so that preventive maintenance can be performed on the 12 HD Pump


e D

S nario OutlineFomE pp xDScenario Outline Form ES-D-i (R8, 51)

I 0-C.%



Prairie Island Scenario No.: 4 PFvmmngr%.

Op-Test No.: _

Event J Mal.

Event Event No N.

Tve Description RX213 (T Go3) 014C'2 b-l

-7o2 1






I-(BOP) 1 2

3 4

-7 Start 12 Main Feedwater Pump Reactor power increase 11 SG pressure channel 1 PT-468 failure high (11 SG PORV opens, must manually close PORV)

  • 4 Pressurizer level channel 1 L-428 failure low N

(letdown isolates, PRZR heaters deenergize, and C rging Pump in "AUTO" increases to maximum speed)

Small break LOCA--euirs se of E-.


and ES-I14 Bus 16 deenergizes due to breaker failure from CT-11I transformer, with a concurrent s uencer failure. Diesel Generator D2 trips during start.ill need to reenergize Bus 16 from 1 RY transformer p r 1 C20 5 AOP2

',v..- K(

(if do Roll

,en.rgize s 16, Will Read to go to d C*2 fr d4 dOF4 cor c

0o"n t-nigh h SI flow, since have no SI Pumps or PD Charging Pumps).


Aaci e

(AM411 enW

-WP ill it a

l~l Ste 1 of MP-pump)(6J to

Normal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Z-q,-ATU S (eSA c /


ýC/ L ký No Operators:

Initial Conditions: Unlt 1: 50%-oower.

dltof Cycle. Euilib.rium Xenon.

11 SI Pum.isOOSi(onhour 16 a 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> clock, expected back in 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />).

Un t2: 100OX owrta stt "orlo Tumover:

Perform Dower increase on Unit 1 to 100%. Ar rentl a Ste 5.21.E f 1 C.4 "Unit 1 Power Operi at h t

h scond fe dat um er1C2.2 "Unit 1 Feedwater Sstemn.


.1 through 5.5.8 of Section 5.5 of 1 C28.2 have been Com21eteddin Dre aralion for starting the 12 FW mu. A local oIerator is available by the 12 FW Pum to rf anyreuir acton dringth2 2ms Mup.


A d

Form IS-I-2 J11, S1 Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:

1 Page 1 of Event


Start 12 Main Feedwater Pump Time Position j

Applicant's Actions or Behavior I

I SRO BOP I v,4,,e DIRECT BOP to start the 12 Main Feedwater Pump and maintain overview of plant operations Start the 12 FWP per 1C28.2, Section 5.5, "Starting a Second Feedwater Pump" starting at step 5.5.9:

PLACE control switch CS-46419 to the "START" position AND HOLD until CV-31875, "12 FWP RECIRC VLV" is FULL OPEN

"-CLOSE the second FWP warm-up valve F-22-4, "12 FWP PMP WARMUP LINE" DIRECT local operator to check the following indications for the 12 FWP:

" VERIFY seal water temperature is increasing to or being maintained at = 150OF

  • OBSERVE no evidence of steaming or external leakage AND OBSERVE seal water leakage is on automatic control (no bypass flow)

"* VERIFY lube oil pressure > 15 psig

"* VERIFY the auxiliary lube oil pump stops

"* THROTTLE the lube oil cooler cooling water outlet valve or outlet bypass valve to control lube oil outlet temperature at 100-125 0F

"* VERIFY 12 FWP discharge pressure is = 1200 psig

"* CHECK vibration on the local Reliance vibration panel for the 12 FWP, step-up gear, and motor (Vibrations should feel steady to the fingertips)

CUE: The local operator reports that all Indications are normal for the 12 FWP Co0'rVr >. /?


Ibf"L'(7w A

CUE Aooendix D I'--A___ r'-*.*


A m*A

A eniD......csForm ES-D-2 (R8 S Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:

2 Page 2 of Event


Reactor power increase Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO DIRECT actions per 1C1.4, "Unit 1 Power Operation" and maintain overview of plant operations BOP INCREASE turbine load:

SELECT the desired load rate on the Turbine EHC panel SET the desired turbine load on the "SETTER" display on the Turbine EHC Panel using the reference control pushbuttons RO INITIATE an alternate dilution of the RCS per C12.5 as necessary:

PLACE the Makeup Mode Selector Switch to "ALTERNATE DILUTE" SET YIC-1 11, "Reactor Makeup Water Batch Integrator" to the quantity desired IF desired, THEN CLOSE Boric Acid Blender to VCT Valve CV-31201 Momentarily PLACE the Boric Acid Makeup switch to "START" BOP WHEN Tavg shows an increase, THEN DEPRESS the turbine control "GO" pushbutton RO MAINTAIN Tavg within the desired + 1.5 0F band BOP As power is increased, ADJUST the following as necessary:

HD Pump speed SG blowdown

I Appendix D Op)erator Actions

Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.: _3 Page 3 of Event


11 SG pressure channel 1 PT-468 failure high (11 SG PORV opens, must manually close PORV)

Time I Position I

Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO/BOP SRO BOP SRO B e'?

RECOGNIZE the failed transmitter by the following indications:

11 SG pressure channel 1 PT-468 failure high Steam Flow indicator 1 FI-464 failure high 11 SG PORV opens PLACE 11 SG PORV controller in "MANUAL" and CLOSE valve DIRECT actions per 1C51.1, "Instrument Failure Guide" for turbin4 $ &' g" ahn*'

ssn,-r-,--l 1 PT-4A8r5 failure high

,ERFORM actions per 1C51.1, "Instrument Failure Guide" for v'1

?i* Lczj 1B T-,K; -4 Chanel Failure High:

VERIFY or place 11 SG PORV controller in "MANUAL" and CLOSE valve VERIFY 11 SG level control operating properly in automatic REFER to the following Tech Spec requirements:

TS 3.5.B and Table 3.5-2B Functional Unit 1c PVAI IrIAvrTW IJATWl-



~. ~ll9 lWlxwoully I,1%0 1 LM pedon*

med e

6)hoursftowed before

ýc t the bistables are required to be tripped, DIRECTAtrip 0( the following bistables:

- 1 P C -4 6 8 -A, "L O /L O P R E S S S l" W -


Vc-14 iv" L--LI-.


IFVAI 116T(11: Nd 6TU=-


  • =:.....


ApeniD...sForm ES-D-2 R8 SI Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.: 3 Page 4 of Event


11 SG pressure channel 1 PT-468 failure high (11 SG PORV opens, must manually close PORV)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO IF the Thermal Power Monitor is selected to Calorimetric input, THEN perform the following:

CHECK TPM power unaffected by the steam pressure channel failure IF affected, THEN CHANGE TPM constant K202 from V0 (Calorimetric input) to "1" (NIS input) per C41.4, "ERCS NSSS Applications Program" AND NOTIFY ERCS computer group INITIATE Work Order to repair instrument MAKE necessary log entries


I Appendix D Operator Actions

A eniDODerator Actions FIrm........


S'1 Form S-D-9IRA S

Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:

4 Page 5 of Event


Pressurizer level channel 1 L-428 failure low (letdown isolates, PRZR heaters deenergize, and Charging Pump in "AUTO" increases to maximum speed)

Time J Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

The following annunciators will alarm when the malfunction is Inserted:

- 47012-0507, "PRZR LVL DEVIATION" 47012-0607, "PRZR LO-LO LVL HEATERS OFF AND LETDOWN SECURED" 47015-0203, "CHARGING PUMP IN AUTO HI/LO SPEED" SRO/RO RECOGNIZE the failed transmitter by the following indications:

Pressurizer level channel 1 L-428 failure low Letdown isolation / PRZR heater cutoff

- Charging Pump in "AUTO" increases to maximum speed SRO DIRECT actions per 1C51.3, "Instrument Failure Guide" for Pressurizer level channel 1 L-428 failure low RO PERFORM actions per 1 C51.3, "Instrument Failure Guide" for Pressurizer level channel 1 L-428 failure low:

PLACE charging pump speed control in "MANUAL" AND ADJUST pressurizer level to setpoint SELECT position "2-1" (WHITE-RED) on the PRZR Level Control Selector Switch RESTORE pressurizer heaters (must be placed in OFF for about 10 seconds in order for breaker to be closed)

RESTORE letdown per C12.1, "CVCS Letdown, Charging and Seal Water Injection':



ESTA charging to Regen HXý,

- OPEN valve£ V-31255, "LETDOWN-LINEI 32 2 2,OPEN letdown onfice isolation valve while adjusting

  • RETURN pressure and temperature controllers to "AUTO" '


Cl,?, I.


Appendix D

AoDendix D O~nnrntnr Ar~tinn_*

Oprao ActIIn Pfr PC--

e fl.P J

Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:

4 Page 6 of Event


Pressurizer level channel 1 L-428 failure low (letdown isolates, PRZR heaters deenergize, and Charging Pump in "AUTO" increases to maximum speed)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RO ENSURE pressuiz r evel reco r NOT selected to Blue channel SRO REFER to the following Tech Spec requirements:

TS 3.5.B and Table 3.5-2A Functional Unit 11 EVALUATOR NOTE: 113e rnex--,T Ibw-


  • --*.3*)ours*--ffowed before.

"Tic the bistables are required to be tripped RO DIRECTAtrip 9(bistable 1 LC-428-A, "HI LEVEL TRIPn INITIATE Work Order to repair instrument MAKE necessary log entries S._

. =- -.

C v'




I=nrm I*_*_r3_e) ling *1\\

Appendix.D.O.erator Actions FPrm... -


Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:

,5 Page 7 of

( 2 sie los {eav-P-CI teek)



RCS leak(Wgm.




t, 10PiL 4


, k Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior DIAGNOSE the RCS leak:

7,- 27o-oL,

  • t?.'

Decreasing pressurizer level Charging flow increase Decreasing VCT level VCT automatic makeup Annunciator 47012-0507, "PRZR LVL DEVIATION"

- Annunciator 47015-0203, "CHARGING PUMP IN AUTO HI/LO SPEED" DIRECT actions per 1C4 AOP1, "Reactor Coolant Leak" IF at any time RCS inventory can NOT be maintained by available charging flow, THEN DIRECT manual trip of the reactor AND go to 1 E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection" START additional charging pumps as needed to control pressurizer level IF VCT level can NOT be maintained by the make-up system,_--.

THEN align charging pump suctio eke-,


Doad idw_.fins to determine approximate leak rate DETERMINE the location of the leak using Figure 1 EVALU N]:


or, (o,*,,-"

The eent-Ient should be Identified as

._e-:at,. of -the lok based on:

Increasing radiation levels on 1R-11, 12, 2, or 7

- Increasing containment temperature, pressure, humidity

- Sump A or C level alarms

=1 I

C SL,,,3,S'~7" RO SRO RO Appendix D

0 DO atnr A,.

tinne a^

c n


,0 Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:

5 Page 8 of Event


RCS leak (

Mir 12o Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO

W r

0 BOP RO COMPLY with Tech Spec 3.1.C.2 which states:

If the total leakage, other than leakage from controlled sources, exceeds 10 gpm, within one hour initiate action to place the unit in HOT SHUTDOWN and be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN


0 N*TIFY the 3Gener='

5,rintendent of Plant (¶Antrntifl


-- 'eid 4

-in--ltw hAD ad Grl

-on tho A

DIRECT actions to reduce turbine load per 1C1.4, "apiad Power Reduction.,*dfýt4 F

f.0-1CIC+)(,4-4VI Poe-eAJL(O.

REDUCE turbine load 111,-.

SELECT the desired load rate on the Turbine EHC panel

- SET the desired turbine load on the "SETTER" display on the Turbine EHC Panel using the reference control pushbuttons

=CK7 iriuuu iU WurIrUi

.3%J -PU3n~flUift0-

  • -Mentw D EPflECC the tut;r:7

^tr I

-"TI ifln ll'"



-GSPRECC thl~e p'V-

_0 butto1 um~ifl !he desired tL'rbinO lzai




3 (~I~.f


abo e o#


to-rt-aintain onJI&-I "4kr i.;..

  • PLACE the Makeup Mode Selector Switch to "BORATE"
  • SET YIC-1 10, "Boric Acid Integratorm to the quantity desired

& SET HC-1 10, "Boric Acid Flow Controller auto setpoint dial to the flow desired (IF desired, THEN PLACE HC-1 10 to "MANUAL" and adjust output for the desired flow)

  1. Momentarily PLACE the Boric Acid Makeup s witch to "START"


T.... "

Tus CA. A.

_v e-1 M L


+,Jr wi l



'i I-e CIo J¢.


re VW *E DIE

  • il...............


Appendix D

(*nAmtnr Artinn*

I*r*rm r.=*_r*_r) IDQ *t\\

V -


ADDendix D 0neratnr Artiinn er%ý30 r-

  • I I



I5 UI~

IJ Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.: _._6 Page 9 of CC') A1'1.J (w"e4*4VV wltj weC.JIIL

,r A¶ 4


~d Event Desc "on.mall break LOC9 equires use of E-0, E-1, and ES-I.1 (TmP st nI AciVo s or B a-

.v Time

/Position v

,eplicant's Actions or Behavior RO DIAGNOSE the small break LOCA:

Decreasing pressurizer level beyond the capability of available charging flow SRO DIRECT RO to manually trip the reactor RO Manually TRIP the Reactor..-


A e SRO RANSITION to 1 E-O, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection" Cel-TICAL 7A-Jk

'cIj~zo A~-e~~

t 41/

  • 4MtACW-a Aooendix D
  • )nRrRtnr A*.tinn*

ApedxDODerator Actions Form E5-0-M9 IRA R1 I


Op-Test No.:

_,Scenario No.:


Event No.: J7.8 Page 10 of Evfent


(95 Small break LOG e'equires use of E-0, E-1, and ES-i.

Ji9) Bus 16 deenergizes due to breaker failure from CT-1 1 transformer, with a cl-urrent equencer failure. Diesel Generator D2 trips during start.

Will need to reenergize Bus 16 from 1RY transformer per 1C20.5 AOP2, Sw*._t t.dJ-

  • h4=lfhtas SI flow, since have no SI Pumps or PD Charging Pumps).

Time JPosition Applicant's Actions or Behavior D

IE0"RatrTrip or Safety Injection" SRO DIRECT actions per 1 E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection" RO VERIFY Reactor Trip:

Reactor trip and bypass breakers are open Neutron flux is decreasing Rod Position indicators are at ZERO Rod Bottom lights are LIT BOP VERIFY Turbine Trip:

VERIFY both turbine stop valves are closed EVALUATOR NOTE:

Bus 16 Is deenergized due to breaker failure from CT-1I transformer, with a concurrent sequencer failure. Diesel Generator D2 trips during start.

VERIFY Both Safeguards Buses Energized:

INITITIATE action to restore Bus 16 (which is deenergized) per 1C20.5 AOP2, "Reenergizing 4.16 KV Bus 16" EVALUATOR NOTE:

See Page 18 for actions to reenergize Bus 16 per 1C20.5 AOP2 CRITICAL TASK: Reenergize Bus 16 from I RY transformer RO CHECK if SI is Actuated:

Manually ACTUATE Safety Injection (I NOT already actuated) 1. RHR Pump did NO auulu ela, I eve BOP VERIFY Safeguards Component Alignment:


ni, j,-

- START ii RH1 Pump aw-ý. CC 7,£-mAI XASK Manually stmart 11 RIR Pn InaI A

.L Cor'ce-it#

Appendix D Now-

Appendix D

Q~~~oerator Actions Fr Sf-R Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:


Page 11 of Event


Small break LOC equpires use of E-0, E-1, and ES-1.1)

Time J Position J

Applicant's Actions or Behavior

cov N L L)r, C te,ýj 1 E-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Inlection" BOP cERlI I MSIVs are Closed pJcontainment pressure 17Lg)

VERtF'V Containment Instrument Air Valves are Closed (CV-31740 and CV-31741)


(*containment pressure j 17 psig)

SRO ANNOUNCE Reactor Trip and SI NOTIFY Station Manager and Site Emergency Coordinator BOP CLOSE CC Supply to SFP Cooling HXs (MV-32115)

OPEN Turbine HP Drains (CS-46392)

SRO DIRECT Turbine Building Operator to stop the TB roof exhausters and isolate the MSRs per Attachment J CUE: The TB roof exhausters are stopped and the MSRs are Isolated per Attachment J BOP VERIFY SI Fow (k, J

o 4&-

4C.I' O


'% )

VERIFY RHR Flow 6.,e. o t,*`t


VERIFY > 200 gpm total AFW flow VERIFY > 900 psig on AFW Pumps Discharge VERIFY Status of Equipment in Auto Action Guide (Table EO-1)

PLACE Steam Dump in "STEAM PRESSURE" Mode Appendix D

App.ODerator Actions Form ES-D-2 R S I Op-Test No.: __

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:

21 Pa Even D-p) So E"0, Eýad Event


Small break LOCA/*Pqie Ws ofE0,El adESI1 ge12 of Time J Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior C.L RO RO BOP SRO 1 E-O. "Reactor TrI or Safety Injection" CHECK RCS temperature is stable at or trending to 547 0F CHECK RCP Cooling:

VERIFY CC flow to each RCP > 150 gpm VERIFY thermal barrier outlet valves open (CV-31245 and CV-31246)

VERIFY seal injection flow to RCPs is normal CHECK PRZR PORVs and Spray Valves:

VERIFY PRZR PORVs are closed VERIFY PRZR Spray Valves are closed VERIFY RCPs are NOT,..,ui-ed-.t Be Stopped kince have NO SI Pumps running)

VERIFY SGs are NOT Faulted VERIFY SG tubes are NOT Ruptured VERIFY RCS is NOT intact:

TRANSITION to 1 E-1, "Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant" OVI C-UV, - c vjw 7(Vw a

I ___________________________________________________________________________________


Appendix D

AppendxDOprtr cinsFr E-(RB Si Op-Test No.:

I Scenario No.:

4 Event No.: _

7 Page 13 of Event


Small break LOCA,,'equires use of E-0, E-1, and ES-1.1)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 1 E-1. "Loss of Reactor or Secondarv Coolant" f CoolInge rinding on

' long It t a to re powV to u 6 per 1C205 0P2 Page 20 fo~rbcitlons per

-C.2 SRO DIRECT actions per 1 E-1, "Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant" BOP VERIFY Steam Dump in "STEAM PRESSURE" Mode RO CHECK if RCPs a4-Required4e be Stopped:

IF an SI Pump is running with flow indicated AND RCS pressure is < 1250 psig (1575 psig for Adverse Containment),

THEN STOP both RCPs BOP VERIFY SGs are NOT Faulted CONTROL AFW flow to maintain SG Narrow Range Levels between 5% and 50% (Wide Range Level between 50% and 59%

for Adverse Containment)

SRO VERIFY Secondary Side Radiation is Normal RO CHECK PRZR PORVs and Block Valves:

VERIFY PRZR PORVs are closed

- VERIFY at least one PRZR PORV block valve is open C0L C

1e I

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8, $1)

ADedxDOoerator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8. S1 I Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:

Page 14 of Event


Small break LOCA,#equires use of E-0, E-1, and ES-I.I*)



Ts Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 1 E-1. "Lose of Reactor or Secondary Coolant" BOP RESET SI RESET Containment Isolation ESTABLISH Instrument Air to the Containment EVALUATOR NOTE:

IF Bus 16 power is NOT restored, THEN NO Charging Pump will have power. The crew should be attempting to restore offslte power to Bus 16 from 1 RY transformer per 1C20.5 AOP2.

CHECK power supply to Charging Pumps is energized by offsite power ATTEMPT to restore offsite power to Charging Pumps RO WHEN at least one charging pump is running, THEN ESTABLISH charging flow VERIFY SI can NOT be Terminated at this time (since do NOT have RCS subcooling)

BOP VERIFY Containment Spray Pumps are Stopped EVALUATOR NOTE:

Will NOT be able to stop RHR Pumps in the next step until Bus 16 is restored and an SI Pump is running CHECK if RHR Pumps Should Be Stopped:

IF RCS pressure is > 250 psig (550 psig for Adverse Containment) AND RCS pressure is stable or increasing, THEN STOP both RHR pumps CA, -4ýd U

a ADoendix D

d.ODerator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8. S1I Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:._

Page 15 of C O. '-) ov t a



Small break LOCAXfOequires use of E-0, E-1, and ES-1.I) fu/

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 1 E-1. "Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant" RO/BOP CHECK RCS and SG Pressures BOP CHECK if DGs Should Be Stopped CHECK if Safeguards Cooling Water Pumps Should Be Stopped CHECK if Outside Air Can Be Supplied to Control Room VERIFY Containment Dome Recirculation Fans are Running SRO CHECK Auxiliary Building Radiation is Normal SRO DIRECT local operator to align Containment FCU Cooling Water Outlet Radiation Monitors R-16 and R-38:

DIRECT local operator to open valves RD-6 and 2RD-4-2 CUE: Valves RD-6 and 2RD-4-2 are open BOP VERIFY solenoid isolation valves SV-33384 and SV-33907 are open BOP CHECK if Containment Hydrogen Recombiners Should Be Placed in Service SRO CHECK if RCS Cooldown and Depressurization is Required:

TRANSITION to 1ES-1.1, "Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization"



-I Atmendix D

Form ES-D-2 (R8, S1)

Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:

Page 16 of Event


Small break LOCA,,?equires use of E-0, E-l, and ES-1.1)

Time j Position I

Applicant's Actions or Behavior 1 ES-i.1. "Po*t LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization" BOP VERIFY all AC Buses Energized by Offsite Power EVALUATOR NOTE:

Will NOT be able to stop RHR Pumps in the next step until Bus 16 Is restored and an SI Pump is running CHECK if RHR Pumps Should Be Stopped:

IF RCS pressure is > 250 psig (550 psig for Adverse Containment) AND RCS pressure is stable or increasing, THEN STOP both RHR pumps RO CHECK Charging Pump Status:

ALIGN charging pump suction to RWST (OPEN MV-32060)

WHEN at least one charging pump is running, THEN ESTABLISH maximum charging flow BOP CHECK Intact SG Levels:

CONTROL AFW flow to maintain Narrow Range Level between 5% and 50% (Wide Range between 50% and 59% for Adverse Containment)

INITIATE RCS Cooldown to Cold Shutdown:

MAINTAIN cooldown rate in RCS cold legs < 1000F/HR DUMP steam to condenser TERMINATE SCENARIO when RCS cooldown Is established (C1~O-irO I

Appendix D Operator Actions

Apeni DOerto ctos orIS (RB 51 Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:


Page 17 of Event


Bus 16 deenergizes due to breaker failure from CT-1 1 transformer, with aoncurrent sequencer failure. Diesel Generator D2 trips during start.

ill need to reenergize Bus 16 from 1 RY transformer per 1C20.5 AOP2 ;

"re" 1u -.


-gize-Susi,wlne t,**,,,,..*

o go to FR-C.2 for dJegradet

.* ciling due to no hiCh....

  • SI flow, since have no SI Pumps or PD Charging Pumps).

IN Time Position I

A plicant's Actions or Behavior Reenergizina Bus 16 -





CRITICAL TASK: Reenergize Bus 16 from 1 RY transformer EVALUATOR NOTE:

The following annunciators will alarm when Bus 16 Is lost and Diesel Generator D2 falls to start:

- 47024-0204, "BUS 16 4.16 KV UNDERVOLTAGE"

- 47024-0304, "BUS 16 4.16 KV DEGRADED VOLTAGE"

- 47024-0504, "BUS 16 BKR 8 SOURCE FROM BUS CT 11 TRIPPED"

- 47024-O0Z "D2 EME EN RECOGNIZE the loss ot bus 16, the failure of the Load Sequencer, and the trip of Diesel Generator D2 DIRECT actions to restore Bus 16 per the Alarm Response Procedures and 1C20.5 AOP2, "Reenergizing 4.16KV Bus 16m RECORD Control Room alarms associated with Bus 16 deenergization DIRECT local operator to determine bus protective relay targets and status of bus and breakers CUES:

Local operator reports:

"* There are NO relay flags present on Bus 16 (except for the UV relays in the sequencer cabinet)

"* There Is NO apparent reason why the CT-i1 breaker opened

- IF Engineer contacted, THEN recommend reenergizing Bus 16 using 1 RY transformer until the cause of the CT-i 1 breaker malfunction is determined EVALUATOR NOTE:

IF the crew decides to try to energize Bus 16 from CT-11, THEN the CT-1I breaker will trip when trying to close in

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Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8. $1) lfl

ADmendix D I


F Op-Test No.: _

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:.

Page 18 of Event


Bus 16 deenergizes due to breaker failure from CT-1 1 transformer, with a concurrent sequencer failure. Diesel Generator D2 trips during start.

till need to reenergize Bus 16 from 1 RY transformer per 1C20.5 AOP2

,.o."*oolng due to n-- high hed SI flow, since have no SI Pumps or PD Charains PUmDS).

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Reeneraizing Bus 1;-6,-- ITf --*,*,--

r C


.*,*e "2

DETERMINE that CT-11 feeder breaker to Bus 16 opened PLACE Bus 16 Voltage Restoration Switch in "MANUAL*

PLACE the three(3) Bus 16 feeder breaker closure selector switches in "MANUAL" PLACE Bus 16 loads in "PULLOUT" PLACE Bus 16 Synchroscope Selector Switch to 1 RY" CLOSE Breaker 16-2 (Bus 16 Source from 1 RY Transformer) to reenergize Bus 16 VERIFY Bus 16 between 4000-4400 volts PLACE Bus 16 Synchroscope Selector Switch to "OFF" RESTORE power to 480V Buses 121 and 122:

VERIFY Breakers 121A and 122A are open VERIFY Breakers 121M and 122M are closed CLOSE Breaker 16-4 (Bus 16 feed to 121M Transformer) to reenergize Bus 121 CLOSE Breaker 16-11 (Bus 16 feed to 122M Transformer) to reenergize Bus 122 RESTORE Bus 16 loads:

START 12 SI Pump CRmCAL TASK: START 12 SI Pump (Orlc~Lr.



Aooendix D Oo*r*tnr Ar.tinn*


rAJe-Op-Test N.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.:

7 Page 19 of Event Descn tion: Bus 16 deenergizes due to breaker failure from CT-i1 tr sformer, with a concurrent sequencer failure. Diesel Generator D2 t s during start.

Will need to reenergize Bus 16 from 1RY transform per 1C20.5 AOP2 (if do not reenergize Bus 16, will need to go to FR

.2 for degraded core cooling due to no high head SI flow, since ve no SI Pumps or D Charging Pumps).

Time Position Applicant's Actions/Behavior SRO BOP RO OP


crew may enter 1 FR-C.2, esponse to Degraded Core iling" depending on ho ong it takes to restore power 16 per 1C20.5 AO*0 ECT Vctions per FR-C.2, "Response to Degraded Core 1IFY Prop SI Valve Emergency Alignment CHEC CS Vent Nths:

- VEIFY PRZR P0 Vs are closed

- ViIFY at least one RZR PORV Block Valve is open ERIFY Reactor Hea Vent Valves are closed HECK RCP Status:

- VERIFY at least one RCP running CHECK RVLIS Dynamic Head I ication:

IF < 62% and decreasing (for CPs running),

THEN REDUCE to one RCP run ing VERIFY SI Accumulator Isolation Va s are open CHECK Intact SG Levels:

- CONTROL AFW flow to maintain Narr Range Level between 5% and 50% (Wide Range between 500 and 59% for Adverse Containment)


Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 (R8, S1)

Op-Test No.:

Scenario No.:

4 Event No.: 7 P

e 20of Event


s 16 deenergizes due to breaker failure from CT-i 1 ansformer, with a

ncurrent sequencer failure. Diesel Generator D2 rips during start.

Wil eed to reenergize Bus 16 from 1RY transfo r per 1C20.5 AOP2 (if do ot reenergize Bus 16, will need to go to F 0.2 for degraded core ling due to no high head SI flow, since ave no SI Pumps or

__PD Cha ing Pumps).

Time Position Applicant's Actions JBehavior BOP DEPRESSU IZE SGs To 200 ig:

MAINTAIN down rate i CS cold legs < 100*F/HR DUMP steanusing SGP RVs CHECK RHR Pum s are unning SRO IF either RCS hot leg mperature is < 3900F, THEN perform the f ng:

"- DIRECT local er or to unlock and energize the accumulator *latio valve breakers BOP 0 RESET Sl as alrea reset in E-i)

  • CLOSE mulator i ation valves (MV-3 1 and MV-320 2)


  • STOP nning RCP BOP DEPRE SURIZE SGs To Atmo heric Pressure:

-MA AIN cooldown rate in R cold legs < 100 0 F/H R D

P steam using SG PORVs SRO HEN SI flow is verified, THEN ISOLA Sl Accumulators:

(IF NOT done in previous step)

DIRECT local operator to unlock and en rgize the accumulator isolation valve breakers BOP RESET SI (was already reset in E-1)

CLOSE accumulator isolation valves(MV-32 71 and MV-32072)

STOP running RCP I

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

A e d DO-erator Actions F. mf..S-.-. IRA RII Op-Test No.:

Sc ano No.:

4 Event No.:

7 Page 21 of Event


Bus 16 nergizes due to breaker fail from CT-11 transformer, with a concurre sequencer failure. Dies Generator D2 trips during start.

Will need to r nergize Bus 16 fr 1 RY transformer per 1C20.5 AOP2 (if do not reene *ze Bus 16, need to go to FR-C.2 for degraded core cooling due t no high ad SI flow, since have no SI Pumps or PD Charging Pump Time I Position

.A glicant's Actions or Behavior RO SRO 1 FR-C.2, "R&'Doxnsle'o Degraded Core Cooling" CHEC!

re Cooling:

C ECK RVLIS full range X

63%o I-ECK either RCS hot leg t'*perature < 350*ASTO o1-,Ls" o

enayCOant "V


,e -e oA-.

0 0 *'

Appendix D vt LIK, OV* ýd Corr

SCENARIO #4 Initial Conditions:

Unit 1:

50% power,-Middle of Cycle, Equilibrium Xenon 11 Sl Pump is OOS (on hour 16 of a 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> clock, expected back in 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />) 12 Charging Pump is OOS for overhaul Breaker 16-10 (Bus 16/Bus 26 Bustie) is OOS Unit 2:

100% power steady state operation Turnover:

Perform power increase on Unit 1 to 100%

Are presently at Step 5.21.E of 1Cl.4, "Unit 1 Power Operation" at the step to start the second feedwater pump per 1 C28.2, "Unit 1 Feedwater System" Steps 5.5.1 through 5.5.8 of Section 5.5 of 1C28.2 have been completed in preparation for starting the 12 FW Pump A local operator is available by the 12 FW Pump to perform any required actions during the pump startup eIIIIL#V.

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