Letter log

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 SiteFromIssue dateTitleTopic
ML24197A244Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes31 January 2025Draft for ACMUI Review - Regulatory Basis Financial Assurance Requirements for Disposition of Category 1-3 Byproduct Material Radioactive Sealed SourcesDecommissioning Funding Plan
Authorized possession limits
License Renewal
ML24030A760NRC/OCFO31 December 2024Fy 2024 Proposed Fee Rule Work PapersLicense Renewal
Jo Jacobs
31 December 2024Fiscal Year 2024 Final Fee Rule Work PapersLicense Renewal
Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act
ML24256A167PerryLance Rakovan
31 October 2024October 2024 Perry Plant License Renewal Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting SlidesLicense Renewal
ML24269A213Diablo CanyonHayes M
10 October 2024End-of-Cycle Meeting Presentation - Oct. 2024Commercial Grade Dedication
License Renewal
ML24276A009NRC/OCM8 October 2024M241008: Slides - Meeting with the Organization of Agreement States and the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors
ML24276A086NRC/OCM8 October 2024M241008: Agenda - Meeting with the Organization of Agreement States and the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors
ML24274A322Idaho National Lab
Song R
4 October 2024S9P5-Song NRC-NEA Hybrid Workshop-10-4-2024-Rongjie
ML24274A321Electric Power Research Institute
Johnson S
4 October 2024S9P4-Johnson - EPRI - NRC Workshop Concrete Harvesting
ML24274A324Stemberk P
Czech Technical Univ
4 October 2024S9P7-Stemberk Concrete Harvesting Activities-Plans
ML24274A327Marquie C
Institute de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire
4 October 2024S9P10-Marquie NEA Harvesting - Irsn Presentation
ML24274A325Jaffe R
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
4 October 2024S9P8-JAFFER_Concrete Harvesting and Related Research Final 2024Sept16
Govt of Spain
Jesus Sanchez
Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas
Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear
4 October 2024S9P13-Sanchez OECD-NEA Spain
George Wang
Jose Pires
Madhumita Sircar
4 October 2024S9P2-Sircar NRC-NEA Harvesting WS-to NEA
ML24274A323Nuclear Energy Agency
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Kojima M
4 October 2024S9P6-Kojima Concrete Harvesting Activities Plans and Related Priority Research Topics in Japan R2
ML24274A182Yamamoto Y
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
2 October 2024S4P1- Yudai Yamamoto Evaluation of Hydrazine Alternatives as Oxygen Scavenger in PWR Secondary Systems
ML24274A186Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Asada S
2 October 2024S6P2 Asada Fatigue Evaluation for Am Materials
ML24274A185Electric Power Research Institute
Damiani T
2 October 2024S6P1 Damiani EPRI Fatigue Lto
ML24274A187Morley A
Rolls-Royce Corp
2 October 2024S6P3 Morley Uncertainty
ML24269A077Getachew Tesfaye
2 October 2024Presentation Slides for the July 17, 2024, Quarterly Observation Public Meeting on the Status of Nuscales US460 Standard Design Approval ApplicationIncorporated by reference
Rhoades D
2 October 2024Fitpatrick Pre-submittal Meeting Slides, October 2, 2024Pre-submittal
ML24276A07011006263Peter Habighorst
2 October 2024Letter to Eb Requesting Executive Branch Views for XCOM1310-03
ML24276A103Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Derek Widmayer
2 October 2024Agenda - Draft White Paper on Nth-of-a-Kind Micro-Reactor Licensing and Deployment Considerations - Sc - October 17, 2024
PMNS20241263, Pre-Submittal Meeting for a Proposed License Amendment Request (LAR) to Increase Flexibility in Mode RestraintsVogtleOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation2 October 2024Pre-Submittal Meeting for a Proposed License Amendment Request (LAR) to Increase Flexibility in Mode RestraintsPre-submittal
PMNS20241266, Advanced Reactor Stakeholder MeetingOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation2 October 2024Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Meeting
ML24276A190NRC/SECY2 October 2024Federal Register Notice: October 2, 2024
ML24274A181Electricite de France
Couvant T
1 October 2024S3P3 - Couvant - SCC - Edf
ML24271A052Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group
Gibby S
1 October 2024BWR Owners Group Introduction & Overview
ML24274A178Electric Power Research Institute
Long E
1 October 2024S1P3 - Long - EPRI MRP RPV Lto Slides
ML24274A180National Academy of Engineering
Andresen P
1 October 2024S3P1 - Andresen - NRC Extended Operation Oct2024-C
ML24274A176Electric Power Research Institute1 October 2024S0P1 Cirilli EPRI Intro
ML24274A184- No Known Affiliation
Cavallo J
1 October 2024S5P2 Cavallo Final Technical Advances in Cured-in-Place Pipe (Cipp) Linings
ML24274A183Structural Integrity Associates
Licina G
1 October 2024S5P1 Licina SWSs Licina
ML24274A188Electric Power Research Institute
Barborak D
1 October 2024S7P1 Barborak Mitigation of Material Degradation Associated with Long Term Operation
ML24274A189Oak Ridge
Electric Power Research Institute
Chen J
Marquette Rogers
Frederick G
Feng Z
Tatman J
1 October 2024S7P2 -Chen -NRC Workshop - Oct 2024 - ORNL
OIG-22-A-14, - Status of Recommendations: Audit of the Nrc’S Implementation of the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 for Fiscal Year 2022 Dated, October 1, 2024NRC/OIG/AIGA
Virkar H
1 October 2024OIG-22-A-14 - Status of Recommendations: Audit of the Nrc’S Implementation of the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 for Fiscal Year 2022 Dated, October 1, 2024
ML24211A167Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation1 October 2024OMB-3150-0039 Final 2024 Collection Renewal 10 CFR Part 140, Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements - Supporting Statement
ML24267A296PalisadesJustin Poole
Plant Licensing Branch III
1 October 2024Summary of Conference Call Regarding Steam Generator Tube InspectionsStress corrosion cracking
ML24271A044Licensing Processes Branch (DLP)
Demetrius Murray
1 October 2024Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group Executive Oversight Committee Meeting NRC - Slides
ML24274A179NRC/RES/DE1 October 2024S1P4 Griesbach BWR and PWR Surveillance Capsule Test Data
Robert Tregoning
John Wise
1 October 2024S0P3 Tregoning NRC Research
ML24274A302Cindy Bladey
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
1 October 2024PRM-50-126 - Letter to Brian D. Mann Docketing of Petition for Rulemaking and Sufficiency Review Status (10 CFR Part 50)
ML24275A010Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards1 October 2024September 2024-Monthly Licensing Actions ReceivedCoatings
Troxler Moisture Density Gauge
ML24275A03407001113Ollis P
Global Nuclear Fuel
1 October 2024GNF-A Emergency Response Telephone Listing Dated 9/27/2024Affidavit
ML24276A145Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards1 October 2024Licensing Actions Received for the Month of September 2024
ML24275A231Cindy Flannery
1 October 202410-15-24 Notice of Public Meeting with Regarding Guidance for the Implementation of Training and Experience Requirements
ML24275A230Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards1 October 2024Licensing Actions Received Month of September 2024
ML24275A189OconeeBollwerk G
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
1 October 2024Memorandum and Order (Regarding Replies to Petitioners Response to NRC Staff Motion Concerning Redacted Documents)
ML24275A119Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards1 October 20242024 DUWP Materials Applications Received Sept Ytd
PMNS20241255, Pre-Submittal Meeting - Proposed License Amendment Request (LAR) to Add a New Tcold High Function to Technical Specification (TS) Table 3.3.8-1 for Passive Residual Heat Removal Actuation Logic ChangesVogtleOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation1 October 2024Pre-Submittal Meeting - Proposed License Amendment Request (LAR) to Add a New Tcold High Function to Technical Specification (TS) Table 3.3.8-1 for Passive Residual Heat Removal Actuation Logic ChangesPre-submittal
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