L-PI-14-006, Technical Evaluation to Support LOCA 10 CFR 50.46 30 Day NRC Submittal

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Technical Evaluation to Support LOCA 10 CFR 50.46 30 Day NRC Submittal
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/28/2014
From: Davison K
Northern States Power Co, Xcel Energy
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14029A084 (5)


Xcel Energy JAN 2 8 2014 L-PI-14-006 10 CFR 50.46 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 2 Docket 50-306 Renewed License No. DPR-60 Technical Evaluation to Support LOCA 10 CFR 50.46 30 Day NRC Submittal Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.46, Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, doing business as Xcel Energy (hereafter "NSPM"), submits the 30 day report for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) Unit 2. This report is generated from the Nuclear Analysis Department's (NAD) assessment of the new Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) analysis for Unit 2, which is documented in WCAP 17783-P "Best Estimate Analysis of the Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident for Prairie Island Units 1 and 2 with Replacement Steam Generators Using ASTRUM Methodology," dated June 2013.

The PINGP Unit 2, Westinghouse model 51 steam generators were replaced with AREVA model 56/19 steam generators during the Unit 2 Cycle 28 outage. With the installation of the model 56/19 steam generators, PINGP Units 1 and 2 are analytically identical. The PINGP Unit 1 LOCA analysis documented in WCAP-16890-P was re-written as WCAP-17783-P to indicate that the analysis is now applicable to both PINGP units.

WCAP 17783-P is now part of PINGP Licensing Basis, and is the analysis of record following the completion of Unit 2 Cycle 28 fuel reload outage. The enclosure to this letter addresses changes to the Unit 2 large break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA) peak clad temperature (PCT) analysis associated with the new analysis of record documented in WCAP 17783-P. contains a history for the current analysis of record of both the small break LOCA (SBLOCA) and LBLOCA analysis for both units.

1717 Wakonade Drive East

  • Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1121

Document Control Desk Page 2 Summary of Commitments This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.

Kevin Davison Site Vice-President, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Northern States Power Company - Minnesota Enclosure (1) cc: Regional Administrator, Region Ill, USNRC Project Manager, PINGP, USNRC Resident Inspector, PINGP, USNRC

ENCLOSURE 1 NAD Technical Content for 30 Day Report 2 Pages Follow

(l Xce l Energy Internal Correspondence PCT


PllSBL OCA P12LB LOCA PI2SBL OCA PllLBL OCA 1/21/08 11/30/07 1121/08 Analysis of 11/30/07 Record Date 959 1765 965 Analysis of 1765 Record PCT 0 227 0 Old Changes 227 and Errors (absolute sum) 8/29/13 (1) 8/29/13 (1) 8/29/13 (1)

Last NRC 8/29/13 (1)

Notification Date 959 1992 965 Project ed PCT 1992 From the Last NRC Notification 0 -2 0 New Errors or -2 Changes (from this Notification Only) 0 229 0 Total of Change s 229 and Errors (absolute Sum) 959 1990 965 New Project ed 1990 PCT


(I) These dates reflect the last LBLOCA and SBLOCA 30 day report L-PI-13

  • '} *' .

Westinghouse Non:-Proprietazy Class 3 August20, 2013 Attachment 1 to LTR.-LIS-13-366, Revision 1 Page 5 ofS Large Break Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Tempera ture Summary for ASTR~. Best Estimate Plant Name: Prairie Island Unit 2 RSG Utility Name: Xcel Energy, Inc Revision Date: 7/15/2013 Analysis Informati on Analysis Date: 11/30/2007 Limiting Break Size: Split EM: ASTRUM(2004)

FQ: 2.5 Fdli: 1.77 Fuel: 422 Vantage+ SGTP(%) : 10 Notes:

Clad Temp (0 F) Ref. Notes LICENSING BASIS 1765 Analysis-Of-Record PCT PCT ASSESSMENTS (Delta PCT)


  • Eva1uation of Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Bumdown B. PLANNE D PLANT MODIFICATION EVALUATIONS 0 1 . None C. 2013 ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS -2 3 J
  • Revised Heat Transfer Multiplier Distributions D. OTHER* 0 1
  • None LICENS ING BASIS PCT + PCT ASSESSMENTS PCT= 1990 with respect to

"' It is recommended that the licensee determine if these PCTallocations should be considered 10 CFR50.46 reporting requirements.

Reference s:


  • WCAP~17183-P, "Best-Estimate Analysis of the Large-Break Loss-of~oolant Accident for Prairie Island Units 1 It and 2 with Replacement Steam Gcmerafors Using ASTRUM Methodology, June 2013.

11 I


for Fuel Pellet Thermal 2

  • LTR.~LIS-12-414, "Prairie Island Units 1 and 2, 10 CFR50.46 Notification and Reporting Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Bumdown." September 20. 2012.


  • L'ffi:..LIS-13-366, Revision 1. "Pfa~e Island Units 1 and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Report fur Revised Heat Transfer Multiplier I Notes:

Disfributions.11 July 2013.

(a) This evaluation credits peeldng :fuctor burndown. see Reference 2.

!i to Unit 2 with R.SGs.

(b) The reporting text and line item originally identified for Unit 1 in Reference 2 Is applicable I l