Emergency Communication System Monthly TestML031180374 |
Person / Time |
Issue date: |
05/30/1985 |
From: |
Jordan E NRC/IE |
To: |
References |
IN-85-044, NUDOCS 8505280195 |
Download: ML031180374 (4) |
All nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license and NFS
Erwin, General Atomics, UNC Montville, B&W LCR Lynchburg, and B&W Lynchburg.
This information notice is being issued to bring malfunctions of the communi- cation system to the attention of licensees and remind them of their responsi- bility to test required communication systems in accordance with 10 CFR 50. It
is expected that recipients will review the information for applicability to
their facilities and consider actions, if appropriate, to preclude a similar
problem occurring at their facilities. However, suggestions contained in this
information notice do not constitute NRC requirements; therefore, no specific
action or written response is required.
Section 50.54(q) of Part 50 requires licensees to follow emergency plans which
meet the requirements of Appendix E to Part 50.Section IV.E.9.d of Appendix E
requires monthly tests of provisions for communicating with NRC from the control
room, the Technical Support Center, and the Emergency Operations Facility.
Licensee emergency plans might contain additional testing requirements.
Emergency preparedness exercises and specific tests by NRC Headquarters Opera- tions Officers have identified serious communication malfunctions, which were
previously undetected because of inadequate monthly testing. In most of those
cases, neither the Emergency Notification System (ENS) nor Health Physics
Network (HPN) telephones were found to have been tested routinely.
This Information Notice reminds licensees of their responsibility for satisfy- ing the requirement for monthly testing of the ENS and HPN telephones. The NRC
is responsible for testing ENS and HPN telephones located in the NRC Resident
Inspector's office and for testing the link between the NRC Operations Center
and the Regional Office Operations Center since communications with the licensee
via HPN and ENS are completed through the Headquarters Operations Center.
This Information Notice also clarifies that violations in this area may be
categorized at Severity Level III, and civil penalties may be considered.
IN 85-44 May 30, 1985 Compliance with the regulation cited above may be achieved through implementa- tion of the testing scheme shown in Attachment 1.
The primary system for emergency communications with the NRC is a combination
of the ENS and the HPN. Licensees should note that the backup means of
communications for a given link is not required to be tested unless the primary
system is not available.
No specific action or written response is required by this information notice.
If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the Regional
Administrator of the appropriate Regional Office or the technical contact
listed below.
war Jordan, Director
Divi of Emergency Preparedness
an Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact:
H. M. Hawkins, IE
1. Testing of Emergency Communications Links
Between Licensees and NRC
2. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
The matrix below indicates the primary modes of operation for the NRC communi- cations links which are to be tested monthly by the licensee.
Control Room ENS only
Technical Support Center ENS and HPN
Emergency Operations Facility ENS and HPN
ENS = Emergency Notification System
HPN = Health Physics Network
- Communication between the Licensee and appropriate Regional NRC Office
will always be completed through the Headquarters Operations Center.
The communications link between the Headquarters Operations Center and
the Regional Office is tested by NRC.
Attachment 2 IN 85-44 May 30, 1985 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED
Information Date of
Notice No. Subject Issue Issued to
85-43 Radiography Events At Power 5/30/85 All power reactor
Reactors facilities holding
an OL or CP
85-42 Loose Phosphor In Panasonic 5/29/85 All power reactor
800 Series Badge Thermo- facilities holding
luminescent Dosimeter (TLD) an OL or CP
85-41 Scheduling Of Pre-Licensing 5/24/85 All power reactor
Emergency Preparedness facilities holding
Exercises a CP
85-40 Deficiencies In Equipment 5/22/85 All power reactor
Qualification Testing And facilities holding
Certification Process an OL or CP
85-39 Auditability of Electrical 5/22/85 All power reactor
Equipment-Qualification facilities holding
Records At Licensees' an OL or CP
85-38 Loose Parts Obstruct Control 5/21/85 All PWR facilities
Rod Drive Mechanism designed by B&W
holding an OL or CP
85-37 Chemical Cleaning Of Steam 5/14/85 All pressure water
Generator At Milestone 2 reactor facilities
holding an OL or CP
84-55 Seal Table Leaks At PWRs 5/14/85 All power reactor
Sup. 1 facilities holding
an OL or CP
85-20 Motor-Operated Valve Failures 5/14/85 All power reactor
Sup. 1 Due To Hammering Effect facilities holding
an OL or CP
OL = Operating License
CP = Construction Permit
list | - Information Notice 1985-01, Continuous Supervision of Irradiators (10 January 1985, Topic: Stress corrosion cracking)
- Information Notice 1985-02, Improper Installation and Testing of Differential Pressure Transmitters (11 January 1985, Topic: Stress corrosion cracking)
- Information Notice 1985-03, Separation of Primary Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft and Impeller (15 January 1985, Topic: Stress corrosion cracking)
- Information Notice 1985-04, Inadequate Management of Security Response Drills (17 January 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-05, Pipe Whip Restraints (23 January 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-06, Contamination of Breathing Air Systems (23 January 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-07, Contaminated Radiography Source Shipments (29 January 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-08, Industry Experience on Certain Materials Used in Safety-Related Equipment (30 January 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-09, Isolation Transfer Switches and Post-Fire Shutdown Capability (31 January 1985, Topic: Safe Shutdown)
- Information Notice 1985-10, Posttensioned Containment Tendon Anchor Head Failure (6 February 1985, Topic: Stress corrosion cracking)
- Information Notice 1985-11, Licensee Programs for Inspection of Electrical Raceway and Cable Installations (11 February 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-12, Recent Fuel Handling Events (11 February 1985, Topic: Eddy Current Testing)
- Information Notice 1985-13, Consequences of Using Soluble Dams (21 February 1985, Topic: Hydrostatic)
- Information Notice 1985-14, Failure of a Heavy Control Rod (B4C) Drive Assembly to Insert on a Trip Signal (22 February 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-15, Nonconforming Structural Steel for Safety-Related Use (22 February 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-16, Time/Current Trip Curve Discrepancy of ITE/Siemens-Allis Molded Case Circuit Breaker (27 February 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-17, Possible Sticking of Asco Solenoid Valves (1 March 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-18, Failures of Undervoltage Output Circuit Boards in the Westinghouse-Designed Sold State Protection System (7 March 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-19, Alleged Falsification of Certifications and Alteration of Markings on Piping, Valves, and Fittings (11 March 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-20, Motor-Operated Valve Failures Due to Hampering Effect (12 March 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-21, Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure Logic (18 March 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-22, Failure of Limitorque Motor-Operated Valves Resulting from Incorrect Installation of Pinion Gear (21 March 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-23, Inadequate Surveillance and Postmaintenance and Postmodification System Testing (22 March 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-24, Failures of Protective Coatings in Pipes and Heat Exchangers (26 March 1985, Topic: Ultimate heat sink, Coatings)
- Information Notice 1985-25, Consideration of Thermal Conditions in the Design and Installation of Supports for Diesel Generator Exhaust Silencers (2 April 1985, Topic: Coatings)
- Information Notice 1985-26, Vacuum Relief System for Boiling Water Reactor Mark I and Mark II Containments (2 April 1985, Topic: Coatings)
- Information Notice 1985-27, Notifications to the NRC Operations Center and Reporting Events in Licensee Event Reports (3 April 1985, Topic: Coatings)
- Information Notice 1985-28, Partial Loss of AC Power and Diesel Generator Degradation (9 April 1985, Topic: Coatings, Overspeed)
- Information Notice 1985-30, Microbiologically Induced Corrosion of Containment Service Water System (19 April 1985, Topic: Hydrostatic, Coatings, Biofouling)
- Information Notice 1985-31, Buildup of Enriched Uranium in Ventilation Ducts and Associated Effluent Treatment Systems (19 April 1985, Topic: Coatings)
- Information Notice 1985-32, Recent Engine Failures of Emergency Diesel Generators (22 April 1985, Topic: Coatings)
- Information Notice 1985-33, Undersized Nozzle-To-Shell Welded Joints in Tanks and Heat Exchangers Constructed Under the Rules of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (22 April 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-34, Heat Tracing Contributes to Corrosion Failure of Stainless Steel Piping (30 April 1985, Topic: Hydrostatic)
- Information Notice 1985-35, Failure of Air Check Valves to Seat (30 April 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-35, Failure of Air Check Valves To Seat (30 April 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-37, Chemical Cleaning of Steam Generators at Millstone 2 (14 May 1985, Topic: Feedwater Heater, Eddy Current Testing)
- Information Notice 1985-38, Loose Parts Obstruct Control Rod Drive Mechanism (21 May 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-39, Auditability of Electrical Equipment Qualification Records at Licensees' Facilities (22 May 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-40, Deficiencies in Equipment Qualification Testing and Certification Process (22 May 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-43, Radiography Events at Power Reactors (30 May 1985, Topic: High Radiation Area, Scaffolding)
- Information Notice 1985-44, Emergency Communication System Monthly Test (30 May 1985, Topic: Health Physics Network)
- Information Notice 1985-46, Clarification of Several Aspects of Removable Radioactive Surface Contamination Limits for Transport Packages (10 June 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-47, Potential Effect of Line-Induced Vibration on Certain Target Rock Solenoid-Operated Valves (18 June 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-48, Respirator Users Notice: Defective Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Air Cylinders (19 June 1985, Topic: Hydrostatic)
- Information Notice 1985-49, Relay Calibration Problem (1 July 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-50, Complete Loss of Main and Auxiliary Feedwater at a PWR Designed by Babcock & Wilcox (8 July 1985, Topic: Overspeed trip, Overspeed)
- Information Notice 1985-51, Inadvertent Loss or Improper Actuation of Safety-Related Equipment (10 July 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-52, Errors in Dose Assessment Computer Codes and Reporting Requirements Under 10 CFR Part 21 (10 July 1985, Topic: Basic Component)
- Information Notice 1985-53, Performance of NRC-Licensed Individuals While on Duty (12 July 1985)
- Information Notice 1985-54, Teletherapy Unit Malfunction (15 July 1985)
... further results |