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 Issue dateTitleTopic
RS-16-011, Update to Correspondence Addressees and Service Lists6 January 2016Update to Correspondence Addressees and Service Lists
DCL-10-128, Response to NRC Letter Dated September 13, 2010, Request for Additional Information (Set 23) License Renewal Application12 October 2010Response to NRC Letter Dated September 13, 2010, Request for Additional Information (Set 23) License Renewal ApplicationFire Barrier
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML18191A17511 August 1978General Electric (GE) Company Provided 70 Copies of GE Report, Mark II Pressure Suppression Containment Systems - Loads on Submerged Structures - an Application Memorandum, NEDO-21730, July 1978
ML18191A0864 August 1978General Electric Provided 100 Copies of Report. Suppression Pool Temperature Response to a Safety/Relief Valve Discharge Through a Ramshead in Mark I & II Containments, NEDO23689, May 1978Affidavit
ML18191A08728 July 1978Provide 70 Copies of Mark II Containment Program Report, Fluid - Structure Interaction Analysis of Ramshead Safety Relief Valve Discharge in Mark I Steel Containment Torus, NEDO-23834, June 1978
ML18191A08917 July 1978General Electric Provided 70 Copies of Subject Report, the Multivent Hydrodynamic Model for Calculating Pool Boundary Loads Due to Chugging - Mark II Containments, NEDO-21699, Feb. 1978
ML17037B88527 January 1978Letter Regarding a GE Report, Analytical Model for Estimating Drag Forces on Rigid Submerged Structures Caused by LOCA and Safety Relief Valve Ramshead Air Discharges, NEDO-21471, Dated September, 1977
ML17037B88821 November 1977Letter Regarding Nedo 24070, Mark II Containment Supporting Program Report - Ramshead Safety/Relief Valve Load - Methodology Summary, September, 1977
ML17037B8913 November 1977Letter Regarding Amendment 2, Supplement 2 (September 1977) to Mark II Containment Dynamic Forcing Functions Information Report (Dffr), NEDO-21061, Rev. 2
ML17037B89225 October 1977Letter Regarding GE Topical Report Nedo 23617 Mark II Lead Plant Topical Report: Pool Boundary and Main Vent Chugging Load Justification, Dated July, 1977
ML17037B91824 October 1977Letter Regarding Amendment 3 to NEDO-20566, Effect of Steam Environment on Core Spray Distribution
ML17037B89426 September 1977Letter Regarding GE Report Technical Basis for the Use of the Square Root of the Sum of Squares (Srss) Method for Combining Dynamic Loads on Mark II Plants - July, 1977
ML17037B89023 September 1977Letter Regarding Mark II Containment Program Report, Comparison of the 1/3 Scale Mark II Containment Multivent Pool Swell Data with Analytical Methods, NEDO-21667, August 1977
ML17037B89515 September 1977Letter Regarding Amendment 2, Supplement 1 (August 1977) to Mark II Containment Dynamic Forcing Functions Information Report (Dffr), NEDO-21061, Rev. 2