ND-20-0902, ITAAC Closure Notification on Completion of ITAAC (Index Number 108)

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ITAAC Closure Notification on Completion of ITAAC (Index Number 108)
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/09/2021
From: Yox M
Southern Nuclear Company
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ITAAC, ND-20-0902
Download: ML21252A736 (11)


Michael J. Yox 7325 River Road SOUtnGrn NUClGSr Regulatory Affairs Director Vogtle 3 & 4 Waynesboro, GA 30830 706-848-6459 tel SEP 0 9 2021 Docket No.: 52-025 ND-20-0902 10 CFR 52.99(c)(1)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3 ITAAC Closure Notification on Completion of ITAAC 2.2.01 .Oy.ii [index Number 1081 Ladies and Gentlemen:

In accordance with 10 CFR 52.99(c)(1), the purpose of this letter is to notify the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)of the completion of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant(VEGP)

Unit 3 Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) Item [Index Number 108], for verifying that remotely operated containment isolation valves close within the required response times. The closure process for this ITAAC is based on the guidance described in NEI 08-01, "Industry Guideline for the ITAAC Closure Process under 10 CFR Part 52", which is endorsed by the NRC in Regulatory Guide 1.215.

This letter contains no new NRC regulatory commitments. Southern Nuclear Operating Company(SNC) requests NRC staff confirmation of this determination and publication of the required notice in the Federal Register per 10 CFR 52.99.

If there are any questions, please contact Kelli Roberts at 706-848-6991.

Respectfully submitted, Michael J. Yoi^

Regulatory Affairs Dicfector Vogtle 3 & 4


Vogtle Electric Generating Plant(VEGP) Unit 3 ITAAC Closure Notification on Completion of ITAAC

[Index Number 108]


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0902 Page 2 of 3 To:

Southern Nuclear Operating Company/ Georgia Power Company Mr. Peter P. Sena III Mr. D. L. McKinney Mr. M. D. Meier Mr. G. Chick Mr. S. Stimac Mr. P. Martino Mr. M. J. Yox Mr. A. S. Parton Ms. K. A. Roberts Ms. J.M. Coleman Mr. C. T. Defnall Mr. C. E. Morrow Mr. J. M. Fisher Mr. R. L. Belike Mr. S. Leighty Ms. A. C. Chamberlain Mr. J. C. Haswell Document Services RTYPE: VND.LI.L06 File AR.01.02.06 cc:

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Ms. M. Bailey Mr. M. King Mr. G. Bowman Ms. A. Veil M C. P. Patel M G. J. Khourl M C. J. Even M B. J. Kemker Ms. N. C. Coovert M C. Welch M J. Gaslevic M O. Lopez-Santiago M G. Armstrong M M. Webb M T. Fredette M C. Santos M B. Davis M J. Vasquez M J. Eargle M E. Davidson M T. Fanelll Ms. K. McCurry M J. Parent M B. Griman

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0902 Page 3 of 3 Qqlethcrpe Power Corporation Mr. R. B. Brinkman Mr. E. Rasmussen Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia Mr. J. E. Fuller Mr. 8. M. Jackson Dalton Utilities Mr. T. Bundros Westinqhouse Electric Company. LLC Dr. L. Oriani Mr. D. 0. Durham Mr. M. M. Corletti Mr. Z. 8. Harper Mr. J. L. Coward Other Mr. 8. W. Kline, Bechtel Power Corporation Ms. L. Matis, Tetra Tech NUS, Inc.

Dr. W. R. Jacobs, Jr., Ph.D., CDS Associates, Inc.

Mr. 8. Roetger, Georgia Public Service Commission Mr. R. L. Trokey, Georgia Public Service Commission Mr. K. C. Greene, Troutman Sanders Mr. 8. Blanton, Balch Bingham

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0902 Enclosure Page 1 of 8 Southern Nuclear Operating Company ND-20-0902 Enclosure Vogtle Electric Generating Plant(VEGP) Unit 3 ITAAC Closure Notification on Completion of ITAAC [Index Number 108]

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0902 Enclosure Page 2 of 8 ITAAC Statement Design Commitment

7. The CMS provides the safety-related function of containment isolation for containment boundary integrity and provides a barrier against the release of fission products to the atmosphere.

I nspections/Tests/Analvses ii) Testing will be performed to demonstrate that remotely operated containment isolation valves close within the required response times.

Acceptance Criteria ii) The containment purge isolation valves (VFS-PL-V003, -V004, -V009, and -V010) close within 10 seconds, containment vacuum relief isolation valves (VFS-PL-V800A and -V800B) close within 30 seconds, SGS valves SGS-PL-V040A/B and SGS-PL-V057A/B are covered in subsection 2.2.4, Table 2.2.4-4 (item 11 .b.ii) and all other containment isolation valves close within 60 seconds upon receipt of an actuation signal.

ITAAC Determination Basis Multiple ITAAC were performed to verify by tests that the Containment System (CNS) provides the safety-related function of containment isolation for containment boundary integrity and provides a barrier against the release of fission products to the atmosphere. Testing was performed to demonstrate that remotely operated containment isolation valves close within the required response times. The containment purge isolation valves (VFS-PL-V003, -V004, -V009, and -V010) close within 10 seconds, containment vacuum relief isolation valves (VFS-PL-V800A and -V800B) close within 30 seconds, steam generator system valves SGS-PL-V040A/B and SGS-PL-V057A/B are covered in the Combined License(COL) Appendix C (Reference 1) subsection 2.2.4, Table 2.2.4-4 (item 11.b.ii) included in consolidated ITAAC Index 250 and all other containment isolation valves close within 60 seconds upon receipt of an actuation signal. The VEGP Unit 3&4 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report(UFSAR)

(Reference 2) Table 6.2.3-1 identifies all remotely operated containment isolation valves.

Testing was performed in accordance with Unit 3 component test packages listed in References 3 through 13 to verify Containment isolation valve closure times.

Work orders listed in References 3 through 13 establish initial conditions with each Containment isolation valve in the open position. An actuation signal was generated by Protection and Safety Monitoring System (PMS) using the PMS Maintenance and Test Panel (MTP)to close each Containment isolation valve. Each Containment isolation valve closure is timed from the time the closed demand signal is generated until the valve is fully closed. The Containment isolation valve is verified locally closed by a person located at the valve.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0902 Enclosure Page 3 of 8 The completed Unit 3 component test results (References 3 through 13) confirm the containment purge isolation valves(VFS-PL-V003, -V004, -V009, and -V010) close within 10 seconds, containment vacuum relief isolation valves (VFS-PL-V800A and -V800B) close within 30 seconds, SGS valves SGS-PL-V040A/B and SGS-PL-V057A/B are covered in COL Appendix C subsection 2.2.4, Table 2.2.4-4 (item 1 l.b.ii) and all other containment isolation valves close within 60 seconds upon receipt of an actuation signal as shown in Attachment A.

Attachment A was generated to document the remotely operated containment isolation valves and the information contained in Attachment A was obtained from the VEGP Unit 3&4 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report(UFSAR) Table 6.2.3-1 and COL Appendix C.

References 3 through 13 are available for NRC inspection as part of ITAAC Unit 3 Completion Package (Reference 14).

ITAAC Finding Review In accordance with plant procedures for ITAAC completion. Southern Nuclear Operating Company(SNC) performed a review of all findings pertaining to the subject ITAAC and associated corrective actions. This review found there are no relevant ITAAC findings associated with this ITAAC. The ITAAC completion review is documented in the ITAAC Completion Package for ITAAC (Reference 14) and is available for NRC review.

ITAAC Completion Statement Based on the above information, SNC hereby notifies the NRC that ITAAC was performed for VEGP Unit 3 and that the prescribed acceptance criteria were met.

Systems, structures, and components verified as part of this ITAAC are being maintained in their as-designed, ITAAC compliant condition in accordance with approved plant programs and procedures.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0902 Enclosure Page 4 of 8 References(available for NRG inspection)

1. Combined License Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3 Appendix C Amendment 186
2. VEGP 3&4 UFSAR Rev. 10 Table 6.2.3-1
3. SV3-CNS-ITR-800108, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Compilation of CAS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
4. SV3-CNS-ITR-801108, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Compilation of CCS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
5. SV3-CNS-ITR-802108, Rev. 1,"Unit 3 Compilation of CVS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
6. SV3-CNS-ITR-803108, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Compilation of PSS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
7. SV3-CNS-ITR-804108, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Compilation of PXS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
8. SV3-CNS-ITR-805108, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Compilation of RNS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
9. SV3-CNS-ITR-806108, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Compilation of SFS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
10. SV3-CNS-ITR-807108, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Compilation of SGS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
11. SV3-CNS-ITR-808108, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Compilation of VFS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
12. SV3-CNS-ITR-809108, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Compilation of VWS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
13. SV3-CNS-ITR-810108, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Compilation of WLS Containment Isolation Valve Testing: ITAAC NRC Index Number 108"
14., ITAAC Completion Package

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0902 Enclosure Page 5 of 8 Attachment A Required Actual Valve Valve Closure Test Equipment Name^^^ Tag No.(2) Closure Time Time Procedure (seconds)


Instrument Air Supply CAS-OTS-10-001 Outside Containment CAS-PL-V014 < 60 1 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F003 Isolation Valve Component Cooling Water System (CCS)

Containment Isolation Motor-operated Valve CCS-PL-V200 < 60 32 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F004 (MOV)- Inlet Line Outside Reactor Containment(ORC)

CCS Containment Isolation MOV - Outlet CCS-PL-V207 o 31 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F005 DC Line IRC IV IV CCS Containment Isolation MOV - Outlet CCS-PL-V208 < 60 32 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F006 Line ORC CVS Letdown Containment Isolation CVS-PL-V045 < 60 23 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F010 Valve CVS Letdown Containment Isolation CVS-PL-V047 < 60 13 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F011 Valve CVS Makeup Line Containment Isolation CVS-PL-V090 < 60 (< 30) <2) 14 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F013 Motor-operated Valve CVS Makeup Line Containment Isolation CVS-PL-V091 ^ 60 30) 13 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F014 Motor-operated Valve CVS Zinc Injection GEN-OTS-10-004 Containment Isolation CVS-PL-V092 4 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F015 Valve ORC CVS Zinc Injection GEN-OTS-10-001 Containment Isolation CVS-PL-V094 < 60 6 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F016 Valve IRC CVS Hydrogen Injection GEN-OTS-10-004 Containment Isolation CVS-PL-V219 < 60 8 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F019 Valve ORC Containment Air Sample Containment Isolation PSS-PL-V008 < 60 <1 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F061 Valve Inside Reactor Containment(IRC)

Liquid Sample Line Containment Isolation PSS-PL-V010A S 60 1 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F062 Valve IRC Liquid Sample Line Containment Isolation PSS-PL-V010B S 60 <1 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F063 Valve IRC

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0902 Enclosure Page 6 of 8 Attachment A (cent.)

Required Actual Valve Valve Closure Test Equipment Name^^' Tag Closure Time Time Procedure (seconds)


Liquid Sample Line Containment Isolation PSS-PL-V011A ^ 60(1) 7 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F064 Valve Outside Reactor Containment(ORC)

Liquid Sample Line Containment Isolation PSS-PL-V011B < 60 (1) 6 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F065 Valve ORC Sample Return Line Containment Isolation PSS-PL-V023 < 60 3 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F066 Valve ORC Sample Return Containment Isolation PSS-PL-V024 < 60 <1 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F067 Valve IRC Air Sample Line Containment Isolation PSS-PL-V046 < 60 5 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F068 Valve ORC Nitrogen Supply GEN-OTS-10-004 Containment Isolation PXS-PL-V042 < 60 4 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F077 Valve RCS Outer Hot Leg Suction Motor-operated RNS-PL-V002A < 60 <1) 29 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F171 Isolation Valve RCS Outer Hot Leg Suction Motor-operated RNS-PL-V002B < 60(1) 30 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F172 Isolation Valve RNS Discharge Motor-operated Containment RNS-PL-V011 < 60 29 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F173 Isolation Valve RNS Suction Header Motor-operated RNS-PL-V022 < 60(1) 24 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F174 Containment Isolation Valve RNS Suction from IRWST Motor-operated RNS-PL-V023 < 60(1) 29 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F175 Isolation Valve RNS Return from Chemical and Volume GEN-OTS-10-002 Control System (CVS) RNS-PL-V061 < 60 4 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F176 Containment Isolation Valve SFS Suction Line Containment Isolation SFS-PL-V034 < 60 17 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F179 MOV-IRC SFS Suction Line Containment Isolation SFS-PL-V035 < 60 17 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F180 MOV - ORC

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0902 Enclosure Page 7 of 8 Attachment A (cent.)

Required Actual Valve Valve Closure Test Equipment Name^^^ Tag No.<2) Closure Time Time Procedure (seconds)


SFS Discharge Line Containment Isolation SFS-PL-V038 < 60 14 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F181 MOV - ORC Power-operated Relief Valve Block Motor-SGS-PL-V027A <44(1) 20 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F182 operated Valve Steam Generator 01 Power-operated Relief Valve Block Motor-SGS-PL-V027B <44(1) 22 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F183 operated Valve Steam Generator 02 o

Steam Line Condensate DC SGS-PL-V036A <VI 60 C) 4 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F184 Drain Isolation Valve Steam Line Condensate SGS-PL-V036B 5 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F185 Drain Isolation Valve Main Steam Line SGS-PL-V040A 4.231 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F186-189 Isolation Valve Main Steam Line SGS-PL-V040B 4.604 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F190-193 Isolation Valve Main Feedwater SGS-PL-V057A 4.357 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F194-197 Isolation Valve Main Feedwater SGS-PL-V057B <5(1) 4.35 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F198-201 Isolation Valve Startup Feedwater Isolation Motor-operated SGS-PL-V067A < 60(1) 28 B-GEN-iTPCI-039-F202 Valve Startup Feedwater Isolation Motor-operated SGS-PL-V067B < 60(1) 28 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F203 Valve Steam Generator Slowdown Isolation SGS-PL-V074A < 60 (1) 8 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F204 Valve Steam Generator Slowdown Isolation SGS-PL-V074B < 60(1) 7 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F205 Valve Main Steam Isolation SGS-PL-V240A < 60 C) 7 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F212-213 Valve Bypass Isolation

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0902 Enclosure Page 8 of 8 Attachment A (cont.)

Required Actual Valve Valve Closure Test Equipment Name(^> Tag No.<2) Closure Time Time Procedure (seconds)


Main Steam Isolation SGS-PL-V240B < 60 6 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F214-215 Valve Bypass Isolation Containment Purge Inlet Containment VFS-PL-V003 2 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F234 Isolation Valve - ORC Containment Purge Inlet Containment VFS-PL-V004 2 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F235 Isolation Valve - IRC Containment Purge Discharge Containment VFS-PL-V009 <10(1) 3 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F236 Isolation Valve - IRC Containment Purge CO oO DC Discharge Containment VFS-PL-V010 < 10(1)

IV 2 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F237 Isolation Valve - ORC Vacuum Relief Containment Isolation VFS-PL-V800A 18 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F238 AMOV-ORC Vacuum Relief Containment Isolation VFS-PL-V800B < 30(1) 19 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F239 B MOV - ORC Fan Coolers Supply Containment Isolation VWS-PL-V058 < 60(1) 2 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F240 Valve - ORC Fan Coolers Return Containment Isolation VWS-PL-V082 < 60(1) 2 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F241 Valve - IRC Fan Coolers Return Containment Isolation VWS-PL-V086 < 60 (1) 2 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F242 Valve - ORC Sump Discharge Containment Isolation WLS-PL-V055 5 60(1) 2 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F243 Valve - IRC Sump Discharge Containment Isolation WLS-PL-V057 < 60(1) 2 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F244 Valve - ORC Reactor Coolant Drain Tank (RCDT)Gas WLS-PL-V067 7 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F245 Outlet Containment Isolation Valve - IRC RCDT Gas Outlet Containment Isolation WLS-PL-V068 < 60(1) 10 B-GEN-ITPCI-039-F246 Valve - ORC From U3 COL Appendix C.

From VEGP Unit 3 and 4 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report(UFSAR)Table 6.2.3-1.

Required Valve Closure time will be tfie minimum value listed.