ML102030540 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Monticello |
Issue date: | 07/22/2010 |
From: | Riemer K R NRC/RGN-III/DRP/B2 |
To: | O'Connor T J Northern States Power Co |
References | |
Download: ML102030540 (7) | |
Mr. Timothy J. O'Connor Site Vice President Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Northern States Power Company, Minnesota 2807 West County Road 75 Monticello, MN 55362-9637
Dear Mr. O'Connor:
This letter is to request information to support our Biennial PI&R inspection beginning September 13, 2010, at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. This inspection will be performed in accordance with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Baseline Inspection Procedure 71152. Experience has shown that these inspections are extremely resource intensive for both the NRC inspectors and the utility staff. In order to minimize the impact that the inspection has on the site and to ensure a productive inspection, we have enclosed a list of documents required for the inspection. The documents requested are copies of performance reports and lists of information necessary to ensure the inspection team is adequately prepared for the inspection. The information may be provided in CD-ROM/DVD format and should be ready for NRC review by August 23, 2010. Please provide one copy to the Resident Inspector Office at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, and two copies to Mr. Nirodh Shah, the Lead Inspector at the Region III office located at 2443 Warrenville Road, Suite 210, Lisle, IL 60532-4352. Please ensure that the information is indexed to the information request number. If there are any questions about the material requested, or the inspection in general, please do not hesitate to call Mr. Shah at 630-829-9821 or E-mail at This letter does not contain new or amended information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing information collection requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, Control Number 3150-0011.
T. O'Connor
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget Control Number.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its
enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Reco rds System (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Website at (the Public Electronic Reading Room). Sincerely, /RA/ Kenneth Riemer, Chief Branch 2 Division of Reactor Projects
Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR-22
Requested Information to Support PI&R Inspection
cc w/encl: Distribution via ListServe
1 Enclosure Requested Information for a Problem Identification and Resolution (PI&R) Inspection
- 1. A copy of the administrative procedure(s) for the corrective action program (CAP), the trending program, quality assurance audit program, self-assessment program, corrective action effectiveness review program, and industry experience review program.
- 2. A copy of the Employee Concerns Program (ECP)/Ombudsman administrative procedure.
- 3. A copy of Quality Assurance (QA) audits of the corrective action program completed since April 2008.
- 4. The plan for self-assessments of the corrective action program and a copy of self-assessments of the corrective action program completed since April 2008.
- 5. A list of self-assessments completed since April 2008.
- 6. A list of all open condition reports sorted by significance level and then initiation date. Include the date initiated, a description of the issue, and the significance level.
- 7. A list of root cause, apparent cause and common cause evaluations completed since April 2008.
- 8. A list of condition reports closed since April 2008 sorted by significance level and then initiation date. Include a description, the significance level, the date initiated and closed, and whether there was an associated operability evaluation.
- 9. A list of effectiveness reviews completed since April 2008.
- 10. A list of condition reports initiated since April 2008 that involve inadequate or ineffective corrective actions. Include the date initiated, a brief description, status, and significance
level for each item.
- 11. A list of condition reports initiated since April 2008 that identify trends of conditions adverse to quality. Include the date initiated, a brief description, status, and significance level for each item.
- 12. A copy of any performance reports for the past two years used to track the corrective action program effectiveness.
- 13. A copy of any Corrective Action Program trend reports for the past two years.
- 14. A list of operating experience documents received since April 2008 and any associated condition reports or items used to document review of the operating experience.
- 15. A list of test failures (IST or Technical Specifications surveillances) since April 2008, with a brief description of component/system which failed. Include the condition report number documenting review of the failure.
2 Enclosure
- 16. A list of condition reports issued during the last refueling outage sorted by system and component, including a brief description, status, and significance level for each item.
- 17. A list of Maintenance Rule (a)(1) systems and components, and the associated health reports since April 2008. Include the current maintenance rule status of the systems.
- 18. Copies of corrective actions taken for issues identified in NRC findings and violations since April 2008.
- 19. A list of all corrective actions and their completion status for any NRC observations or findings since April 2008.
- 20. A copy of the most recent operating experience program effectiveness review.
- 21. A list of the top 10 risk-significant systems and top 10 risk-significant components.
- 22. A list of Corrective Action Program routine meeting times and places.
- 23. Copies of all independent assessments of Safety Culture and/or Safety-Conscious Work Environment, including condition reports, corrective actions, effectiveness reviews, etc. resulting from the assessments.
- 24. Copies of any CAP trend reports completed since April 2008.
- 25. A list of all Condition Reports generated as a result of Industry Operating Experience (including those associated with INPO issues).
- 26. Copies of all apparent, common and/or root cause evaluations related to adverse human performance trends identified since 2005. This should also include any associated corrective action plans and related effectiveness reviews.
- 27. Copies of all apparent, common and/or root cause evaluations related to adverse trends in problem evaluation (i.e., NRC cross-cutting aspect P.1.(c)) identified since 2008.
This should also include any associated corrective action plans and related effectiveness reviews.
3 Enclosure Documents requested to be available on-site during the inspection
- a. Updated Safety Analysis Report* b. Technical Specifications* c. Procedures
- d. Copies of any self-assessments and associated condition reports generated in preparation for the inspection* e. A copy of the QA manual*
- f. Results of any self assessment of Safety Culture/Safety-Conscious Work Environment completed in the last two years g. A list of issues brought to the ECP/Ombudsman and the actions taken for resolution
- h. The latest organization chart and phone list
- i. A list of the organization codes used in the CAP Note: If the above items marked with an asterisk are available as an electronic document, please include the electronic file with the initial information requested.
T. O'Connor
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget Control Number.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its
enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Reco rds System (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Website at (the Public Electronic Reading Room). Sincerely, /RA/ Kenneth Riemer, Chief Branch 2 Division of Reactor Projects
Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR-22
Requested Information to Support PI&R Inspection
cc w/encl: Distribution via ListServe DISTRIBUTION
- See next page
DOCUMENT NAME: G:\1-Secy\1-Work In Progress\2010 Mont PIR req letter.docx Publicly Available Non-Publicly Available Sensitive Non-Sensitive To receive a copy of this document, indicate in th e concurrence box "C" = Copy without attach/encl "E" = Copy with attach/encl "N" = No copy OFFICE RIII E RIII N RIII RIII NAME NShah:cs KRiemer DATE 07/22/10 07/22/10 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
Letter to T. O'Connor from K. Riemer dated July 22, 2010
- Susan Bagley
RidsNrrDorlLpl3-1 Resource RidsNrrPMMonticello RidsNrrDirsIrib Resource Cynthia Pederson Steven Orth Jared Heck Allan Barker Carole Ariano Linda Linn DRPIII DRSIII Patricia Buckley Tammy Tomczak ROPreports Resource