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Zion Nuclear Power Station Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 1 January Through 31 December 2017
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/2018
Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services, ZionSolutions
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CoC 1031, ZS-2018-0035
Download: ML18131A162 (63)


Docket No: 50-295 50-304 72-1037 ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 1 January through 31 December 2017 Prepared By Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services ---------z10 SOLUTIONS uc----------

,.,, --"°"'*" Z ion Nuclea r Power Station Zion , IL 60099 May 2018 2017 Zion A EROR Table Of Contents I. Summary and Conclusions




1 II. Introduction





................. 2 A. Objectives of the REMP .................



2 B. Implementation of the Objectives




........ 2 Ill. Program Description


........................... 3 A. Sample Collection



3 B. Sample Analysis ..........................



.............................. 4 C. Data Interpretation



5 D. Program Exceptions






........ 6 E. Program Changes ............


........ 7 IV. Results and Discussion






.. 7 A. Aquatic Environment


7 1. Public Water .......................................


............................................. 7 2. Fish .....................


7 3. Sediment.






8 B. Atmospheric Environment

..................................................................................... 8 1. Airborne -Air Particulates





8 C. Terrestrial Environment..




............ 9 1. Food Product ......................

........................................................................ 9 D. Ambient Gamma Radiation




...... 9 E. Land Use Survey ........................................................................

......................... 10 F. Errata Data ...........................


......................... 11 G. Summary of Results -Inter-laboratory Comparison Program ......................

..... 11 2017 Zion AEROR Appendix A Tables Table A-1 Appendix B Tables Table B-1 Table B-2 Figures Figure B-1 Figure B-2 Figure B-3 Appendix C Tables Table C-1.1 Table C-1.2 Table C-1.3 Table C-11.1 Table C-111.1 Appendices Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report (REMP) Summary Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Summary for the Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Location Designation , Distance & Direction , and Sample Collection

& Analytical Methods Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program -Sampling Locations , Distance and Direction , Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program -Summary of Sample Collection and Analytical Methods, Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2017 Inner Ring TLD and Fixed Air Sampler Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Outer Ring TLD and Fixed Air Sampler Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Fish , Water and Sediment Sampling Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Data Tables and Figures -Primary Laboratory Concentrations of Gross Beta in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Concentrations of Tritium in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Fish Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2017 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Sediment Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 II 2 017 Zion AEROR Table C-IV.1 Table C-IV.2 Table C-IV. 3 Table C-V.1 Table C-Vl.1 Table C-Vl.2 Table C-Vl.3 Figures Figure C-1 Figure C-2 Figure C-3 Figure C-4 Figure C-5 Figure C-6 Figure C-7 Figure C-8 Concentrations of Gross Beta in Air Particulate Samples Collected i n the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Monthly and Yearly Mean Values of Gross Beta Concentrations (E-3 pCi/cu meter) in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2017 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Concentration of Gamma Emitters in Vegetation Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Quarterly TLD Results for Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Mean Quarterly TLD Results for the Inner Ring , ISFSI Inner Ring , Outer Ring , Other and Control Locations for Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Summary of the Ambient Dosimetry Program for Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Public Water -Gross Beta -Stations Z-14 and Z-15 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS , 2000 -2017 Public Water -Gross Beta -Stations Z-16 and Z-18 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS , 2000 -2017 Public Water -Tritium -Stations Z-14 and Z-15 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS , 2000 -2017 Public Water -Tritium -Stations Z-16 and Z-18 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS , 2000 -2017 Air Particulates

-Gross Beta -Stat i ons Z-01 and Z-02 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS , 2000 -2017 Air Particulate

-Gross Beta -Stations Z-03 and Z-13 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS , 2000 -2017 Mean Quarterly TLD Gamma Dose ZNPS , Inside Controlled Area: Potentially ISFSI Impacted 2013-2017 Mean Quarterly TLD Gamma Dose ZNPS , Controlled Area Boundary 2013-2017 Appendix D Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program Tables Table D-1 Table D-2 Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering, 2017 DOE's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) Ill 2 01 7 Zion AEROR Table D-3 Ap p endix E Ap p endix F Teledyne Brown Engineering, 2017 ERA Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering, 2017 Annual Radiological Groundwater Protection Program Report (ARGPPR) Errata Data iv 2017 Zion AEROR I. Summary and Conclusions This report on the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) conducted for the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS) by ZionSo/utions (ZS) covers the period 1 January 2017 through 31 December 2017. During that time period , 605 analyses were performed on 525 samples. In assessing all the data gathered for this report and comparing these results with preoperational data, it was concluded that the operation of ZNPS had no adverse radiological impact on the environment.

Public water samples were analyzed for concentrations of gross beta, tritium and gamma-emitting nuclides.

No fission or activation products were detected. Gross beta activities detected were consistent with those detected in previous years. Food product samples/vegetation were analyzed for concentrations of emitting nuclides.

No fission or activation products were detected. Fish (commercially and recreationally important species) and sediment samples were analyzed for concentrations of gamma-emitting nuclides.

No Cesium-137 (Cs-137) activity was detected in fish or sediment samples. No plant-produced fission or activation products were found in fish or sediment.

Air particulate samples were analyzed for concentrations of gross beta and gamma-emitting nuclides.

No fission or activation products were detected. Environmental gamma radiation measurements were performed quarterly using thermoluminescent dosimeters. The RETDAS Computer Model predicts concentrations of activation and fission products in off-site media (fish, vegetation , sediment , air and water) based on measured concentrations of sampled dust and permitted water discharges leaving the site. The results of these computer model predictions in 2017 indicated the projected concentrations in fish , sediment , vegetation , air and water were well below levels that can be measured with state of the art laboratory analysis.

This is why the concentrations off site and the resulting dose impact are calculated by computer.

The levels are predicted to be too low to measure off site, as demonstrated by the results of environmental sampling summarized in this report. 1 2 0 1 7 Z i on AEROR Intentionally left blank 2017 Zion AEROR

11. Introduct i on The Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS}, consisted of two 1 , 100 MWt pressurized water reactors, was owned and operated by Exelon Corporation , and is located in Zion , Illinois adjacent to Lake Michigan.

Unit No. 1 went critical in December 1973. Unit No. 2 went critical in September 1974. The plant permanently ceased operat i on in January of 1998 and has been permanently defueled. The plant is in the final stages of decommissioning and the remaining sources of radioactive material on site include spent fuel stored i n canisters on the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI}, demolished building materials and trace amounts of radioactive material in water accumulated in subsurface structures from rain and melted snow. The site is located in northeast Illinois on the western shore of Lake M i chigan , approximately 50 miles north of Chicago , Illinois. This report covers those analyses performed by Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) and Mirian Technologies on samples collected during the period 1 January 2017 through 31 December 2017. A. Ob j ectives of t he REMP The objectives of the REMP are to: 1. Provide data on measurable levels of radiation and radioactive materials in the site environs 2. Evaluate the relat i onship between quantities of radioactive material released from the plant and resultant radiation doses to individuals from principal pathways of exposure 3. Validate the effluent computer model that predicts radioactive material concentrat i ons at populated off-site sample locations.

B. Implementation of the Objectives The implementation of the objectives is accomplished by: 1. Identifying significant exposure pathways 2. Establishing baseline radiological data of media within those pathways 3. Continuously monitor i ng those media before , during and after Station operation to assess Station radiological impacts (if any) on man and the environment 2 2017 Zion AE RO R Ill. Program Description A. Sample Collection Samples for the ZNPS REMP were collected for Zion Solutions (ZS) by Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs). This section describes the general collection methods used by Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs) to obtain environmental samples for the ZNPS REMP in 2017. Sample locations and descriptions can be found in Table B-1 and Figures B-1 and B-2 , Appendix B. The sampling methods used by Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs) are listed in Table B-2. Aquatic Environment The aquatic environment was evaluated by performing radiological analyses on samples of public water , fish and sediment.

Two gallon water samples were collected monthly from four public water locations (Z-14 , Z-15 , Z-16 and Z-18). Control locations were Z-14 and Z-18. All samples were collected in new unused plastic bottles , which were rinsed at least twice with source water prior to collection. Fish samples comprised of the edible flesh portion of white sucker , lake trout and burbot were collected semiannually at two locations , Z-26 and Z-27. Sed i ment samples composed of recently deposited substrate were collected at one location semiannually , Z-25. Atmospheric Environment The atmospheric environment was evaluated by performing radiological analyses on samples of air particulates. Airborne particulate samples were collected and analyzed weekly at four locations (Z-01 , Z-02 , Z-03 , and Z-13). The control location was Z-13. Airborne particulate samples were obtained at each location , using a vacuum pump with glass fiber filters attached.

The pumps were run continuously and sampled air at the rate of approximately one cubic foot per minute. The filters were replaced weekly and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Terrestrial Environment The terrestrial environment was evaluated by performing radiological analyses on food product samples. Food products were collected annually in August at three locations (Z-Control , Z-Quad 3 and Z-Quad 4). The control location was Z-Control.

Various types of samples were collected and placed in new unused plastic bags and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

3 2 01 7 Zion AEROR Ambient Gamma Radiation Direct radiation measurements were made with Panasonic Environmental TLD type 814 with 3 CaS04 elements. Each location consisted of 2 TLD sets. The TLD locations were placed on , around and surrounding the ZNPS site at the following locations: Inner Ring: Z-01 , Z-02 , Z-03 , Z-101 , Z-102 , Z-103 , Z-104 , Z-105 , Z-106 , Z-107 , Z-108 , Z-109 , Z-121 , Z-124 , Z-125, Z-129 , Z-130 , Z-131 Special Interest:

Z-112 , Z-113 , Z-114 , Z-115 Outer Ring: Z-209 , Z-211 , Z-212 , Z-213 , Z-214 , Z-215 , Z-216 Control: Z-13 The specific TLD locations were determined by the following criteria:

1. The presence of relatively dense population
2. Site meteorological data taking into account distance and elevation for each of the sixteen-22 1/2 degree sectors around the site , where estimated annual dose from ZNPS , if any , would be most significant
3. On hills free from local obstructions and within clear line of sight to construction activities (where practical) and the ISFSI; 4. And near the closest dwelling to the construction activities in the prevailing downwind direction and the ISFSI. (Two TLDs -each comprised of three CaS04 elements enclosed in plastic -were placed at each location approximately four to e i ght feet above ground level. The TLDs were exchanged quarterly and sent to Mirian Technologies for analysis.

B. Sample Analysis This section describes the general analytical methodologies used by TBE to analyze the environmental samples for radioactivity for the ZNPS REMP in 2017. The analytical procedures used by the laboratories are listed in Table B-2. In order to achieve the stated objectives , the current program includes the following analyses: 4 2017 Z i on AEROR

1. Concentrations of beta emitters in public water and air particulates using gross beta analysis with proportional detectors. 2. Concentrations of gamma emitters in public water , air particulates , vegetation , fish , and sediment using high purity germanium (HPGe) gamma spectroscopy. 3. Concentrations of tr i tium in public water using liquid scintillation analysis (LSC) with the energy window focused on the tritium emission energy. 4. Ambient gamma radiation levels at various locations on and off site up to 10 miles away using multi-chip thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). C. Data Interpretation The radiological and direct radiation data collected prior to Zion Nuclear Power Station becoming operational were used as a baseline with which these operational data were compared.

For the purpose of this report , Z i on Nuclear Power Station was considered operat i onal at initial criticality.

In addition , data was compared to previous years' operational data for consistency and trending.

Several factors were important in the interpretation of the data: 1. Lower L i mit of Detection and M i nimum Detectable Concentration The lower limit of detection (LLD) is defined as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that would yield a net count (above background) that would be detected with only a 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal. The LLD is intended as a before the fact est i mate of a system (including instrumentation , procedure and sample type) and not as an after the fact criteria for the presence of activity. All analyses were designed to achieve the required ZNPS detection capabilities for environmental sample analysis.

2. The minimum detec t able concentration (MDC) is defined above with the exception that the measurement i s an after the fact estimate of the presence of activity. Net Activity Calculat i on and Reporting of Results Net activity for a sample was calculated by subtract i ng background activity from the sample activity. Since the REMP measures extremely small changes in radioactivity in the 5 2017 Z i on AER OR environment , background variations may result in sample activity being lower than the background activity affecting a negative number. An MDC was reported in all cases where positive activity was not detected.

Gamma spectroscopy results for each type of sample were grouped as follows: For public water, fish , vegetation, sediment and air particulates 11 nuclides , Mn-54 , Co-58 , Fe-59 , Co-60 , Zn-65 , Nb-95 , Zr-95 , Cs-134 , Cs-137 , Ba-140 , and La-140 were reported.

Means and standard deviations of the results were calculated. The standard deviations represent the variability of measured results for different samples rather than single analysis uncertainty.

D. Program Exceptions For 2017 the ZNPS REMP had a sample recovery rate in excess of 98%. Sample anomalies and missed samples are listed in the tables below: Sample Type TLD AP AP Sample Type WO Table D-1 Location Code Z-02-2 Z-03 Z-01 Table D-2 Location Code Z-18 LISTING OF SAMPLE ANOMALIES Collection Reason Date 12/20/16 TLD missing during weekly check; collector placed spare. Collector found missing TLD on ground on 01/05/17 , turned in to the station. 01/05/17 No apparent reason for low reading of 147.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> 08/23/17 No apparent reason for low reading; t i mer working after reset; filter light LISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES Collection Date 12/27/17 6 Reason No sample; raw water service at plant shut down 2 01 7 Z io n AEROR Each program exception was reviewed to understand the causes of the program exception.

Sampling and maintenance errors were reviewed with the personnel involved to prevent recurrence.

Occasional equipment breakdowns and power outages were unavoidable.

The overall sample recovery rate indicates that the appropriate procedures and equipment are in place to assure reliable program implementation.

E. Program Changes There were no program changes for 2017. IV. Results and Discussion A. Aquatic Environment

1. Public Water Samples were taken weekly and composited monthly at four locations (Z-14 , Z-15 , Z-16 and Z-18). The following analyses were performed.

Gross Beta Samples from all locations were analyzed for concentrations of gross beta. Gross beta was detected in 21 of 48 samples. The values ranged from 1.8 pCi/1 to 3.2 pCi/1. Concentrations detected were consistent with those detected in previous years. (Table C-1.1 , Appendix C) (Figures C-1 and C-2 , Appendix C) Tritium Quarterly composites of weekly collections were analyzed for tritium activity (Table C-1.2 , Appendix C). No tritium was detected and the LLD was met (Figures C-3 and C-4 , Appendix C). Gamma Spectrometry Samples from both locations were analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides.

No nuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met. (Table C-1.3 , Appendix C) 2. Fish Fish samples comprised of white sucker , lake trout , and burbot were collected at two locations (Z-26 and Z-27) semiannually.

The following analysis was performed: 7 2017 Zion AEROR Gamma Spectrometry The edible portion of fish samples from both locations was analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides No nuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met. (Table C-11.1 , Appendix C) 3. Sediment Aquatic sediment samples were collected at one location (Z-25) semiannually

.-The following analysis was performed: Gamma Spectrometry Sediment samples from Z-25 were analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides. No nuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met. (Table C-111.1 , Appendix C) B. Atmospheric Environment

1. Airborne -Air Particulates Continuous air particulate samples were collected from four locations on a weekly basis. Three locations were within the ZNPS site boundary (Z-01 , Z-02 and Z-03) and the fourth is located 10 miles north and is the control location (Z-13). The following analyses were performed: Gross Beta Weekly samples were analyzed for concentrations of beta emitters. Detectable gross beta activity was observed at all locations.

Comparison of results among the three groups aid in determining the effects , if any , resulting from the operation of ZNPS. The positive results from the three On-Site locations ranged from ?E-3 pCi/m 3 to 33E-3 pCi/m 3 with a mean of 15E-3 pCi/m 3 and four results <LLD. The results from the Control location ranged from 9E-3 pCi/m 3 to 31 E-3 pCi/m 3 with a mean of 15E-3 pCi/m 3 and one result <LLD. Comparison of the 2017 air particulate data with previous year's data indicates there is no off site impact resulting from demolition activities at ZNPS. Concentrations detected were consistent with those detected in previous years. (Table C-IV.1 and C-IV.2 , Appendix C) 8 2 0 17 Zion AEROR Gamma Spectrometry Weekly samples were composited quarterly and analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides.

No plant-related nuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met. Naturally occurring Be-7 was detected; the source of this is described later in this report. (Table C-IV.3 , Appendix C) C. Terrestrial Environment

1. Food Product Food product samples were collected at three locations (Z-Control , Z-Quad 3 and Z-Quad 4) when available.

The following analysis was performed: Gamma Spectrometry Samples from all locations were analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides.

No nuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met. (Table C-V.1 , Appendix C) D. Ambient Gamma Radiation Ambient gamma radiation levels were measured utilizing Panasonic Environmental Type 814 CaSQ4 thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD's). Sixty-four TLDs were mounted at 30 locations around the site. Results of TLD measurements are listed in Tables C-Vl.1 to C-Vl.3 , Appendix C. Most TLD measurements were below 25 mR/quarter , with a range of 13 mR/quarter to 36 mR/quarter.

When direct dose in 2017 is compared to direct dose the previous four years (2013-2016) at the four compass points surrounding decommissioning activities (Figure C-8) within the site boundary, there is a visible drop in direct dose. This is attributed to a steady reduction in source term over the same period , including demolition of structures inside the protected area , and shipment by rail and truck of the debris to Energy Solutions low level waste facilities in Utah. When looking at a more specific set of TLD's , those most likely to be impacted by direct radiation from the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) by close proximity and line of site positioning inside the site boundary (Figure C-7), a significant increase in direct dose is evident in 2015 following completion of 9 2 01 7 Zion AEROR the transfer of spent fuel to the ISFSI. After 2015 , a drop in direct dose is evident due in part to site source term reduction, and to a lesser extent, decay of the spent fuel. E. Land Use Survey A Land Use Census conducted during October 2017 around the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS) was performed by Zion Station Personnel for ZS to comply with Chapter 3 of the Zion Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. The purpose of the survey was to document the nearest resident , milk producing animal and garden of greater than 500 ft 2 in each of the sixteen 22 Yi degree sectors around the site. The results of this survey are summarized below: Sector N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s SSW SW WSW w WNW NW NNW Distance in Miles from ZS Residence Miles 2.5 1.9 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.3 Garden Miles 3.4 >10 4.8 3.0 2.9 2.7 3.2 3.5 Milk Farm Miles >10 >10 >10 >10 >10 >10 >10 >10 Source: Ill. Department of Agriculture and USGS recommended using google maps to locate garden areas due to gardens and milk animals are voluntary declarations , also aerial photographs on ARCGIS layers updated by government sources are 5-10 years old. Gardens are located using Google Maps to narrow down areas that appeared to have been ploughed by aerial photographs, then visually verified by visiting these new locations.

Milk-producing animal located by internet search for dairies advertising the sale of milk for public consumption.

10 2 01 7 Zion AEROR r-----F. Errata Data Errata for reports issued for calendar years 2012 -2014 is summarized in Appendix F. G. Summary of Results -Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program The TBE Laboratory analyzed Performance Evaluation (PE) samples of air particulate, air iodine , milk, soil , vegetation, and water matrices for various analytes.

The PE samples supplied by Analytics Inc., Environmental Resource Associates (ERA) and Department of Energy (DOE) Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP), were evaluated against the following pre-set acceptance criteria: A. Analytics Evaluation Criteria Analytics' evaluation report provides a ratio of TB E's result and Analytics' known value. Since flag values are not assigned by Analytics , TBE evaluates the reported ratios based on internal QC requirements based on the DOE MAPEP criteria.

B. ERA Evaluation Criteria ERA's evaluation report provides an acceptance range for control and warning limits with associated flag values. ERA's acceptance limits are established per the USEPA , National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC), state-specific Performance Testing (PT) program requirements or ERA's SOP for the Generation of Performance Acceptance Limits , as applicable. The acceptance limits are either determined by a regression equation specific to each analyte or a fixed percentage limit promulgated under the appropriate regulatory document.

C. DOE Evaluation Criteria MAPEP's evaluation report provides an acceptance range with associated flag values. MAPEP defines three levels of performance

  • Acceptable (flag = " A") -result within +/- 20% of the reference value
  • Acceptable with Warning (flag = " W') -result falls in the +/- 20% to +/- 30% of the reference value
  • Not Acceptable (flag = " N") -bias is greater than 30% of the reference value Note: The Department of Energy (DOE) Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) samples are created 11 2 0 17 Z i on AEROR to mimic conditions found at DOE sites which do not resemble typical environmental samples obtained at commercial nuclear power facilities. For the TBE laboratory , 168 out of 173 analyses performed met the specified acceptance criteria.

Five analyses did not meet the specified acceptance criteria for the following reasons and were addressed through the TBE Corrective Action Program. 1. The ERA April 2017 two nuclides in water were evaluated as Not Acceptable. (NCR 17-09) a. The Zn-65 result of 39.3 pCi/L , exceeded the lower acceptance limit of 47.2. The known value was unusually low for this study. The sample was run in duplicate on two different detectors.

The results of each were 39.3 +/- 18.2 pCi/L (46% error and lower efficiency) and 59.3 +/- 8.23 pCi/L (13.9% error and higher efficiency). The result from the 2nd detector would have been well within the acceptable range (47.2 -65.9) and 110.2% of the known value of 53.8 pCi/L. b. The Sr-89 result of 40.7 pC i/L exceeded the lower acceptance limit of 53.8. All associated QC and recoveries were reviewed and no apparent cause could be determined for the failure. The prior three cross-check results were from 99 -115% of the known values and the one that followed this sample (November , 2017) was 114% of the known value. 2. The DOE MAPEP August 2017 air particulate U-238 result of 0.115 +/- 0.025 Sq/sample was higher than the known value of 0.087 +/- 0.002 with a ratio of 1.32 , therefore the upper ratio of 1.30 (acceptable with warning) was exceeded.

TBE's result with error easily overlaps with the acceptable range. MAPEP does not evaluate results with any associated error. Also , the spike level for this sample was very low (2.35 pCi) compared to TBE's normal LCS of 6 pCi. TBE considers this result as passing. (NCR 17-15) 3. The Analytics September 2017 soil Cr-51 result was evaluated as Not Acceptable (Ratio of TBE to known result at 0.65). The reported value was 0.230 +/- 0.144 pCi/g and the known value was 0.355 +/- 0.00592 pCi/g. The sample was counted overnight for 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> , however the Cr-51 was spiked at a very low level and had a count i ng error of 65%. Cr-51 has a 27-day half-life , making low-level quantification even more difficult.

The error does not appear to have been taken into consideration for this result. If it had been evaluated with the error , the highest result would have been 105% of the reference value, which is acceptable. Also , the known value is significantly lower than TBE's typical MDC for this 12 2 017 Zion AEROR nuclide in a soil matrix and would typically not be reported to clients (unless specified).

The results of all of the previous checks have been in the acceptable (80 -120%) range. TBE will evaluate further upon completion of the next ICP sample. (NCR 17-16) 4. The ERA November 2017 water Sr-90 sample was evaluated as Not Acceptable. TBE's result of 27.1 pCi/L exceeded the lower acceptance range (30.8 -48.0 pCi/L). After reviewing the associated QC data for this sample , it was determined that although the spike recovery for Sr-90 was within our laboratory guidelines (70% -130%), both the spike result and our ERA result were biased low. The original cross-check sample was completely consumed and we were unable to reanalyze before submitting the result. We have modified our preparation process to avoid this situation for future cross-check samples. We also have enhanced LIMS programming to force a LCSD when a workgroup includes cross-check samples (as opposed to running a DUP). (NCR 17-19) The Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program provides evidence of "in control" counting systems and methods , and that the laboratories are producing accurate and reliable data. 13 2017 Zion AEROR Intentionally left blank 2017 Zion AREOR APPENDIX A RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REPORT






(11/24) (10/24) (5/12) WAUK EG AN WA TER WORKS 2.2 -3.2 2.3 -3.1 2.3 -3.2 6.1 MILES S OF SITE H-3 16 200 <L LD <LLD 0 GAMMA 48 MN-5 4 15 <LL D <LLD 0 C0-5 8 15 <LLD <LLD 0 l> FE-59 30 <LLD <LLD 0 I C0-60 15 <LLD <LLD 0 ZN-65 30 <LLD <LLD 0 NB-95 15 <LLD <LLD 0 ZR-95 15 <L LD <LLD 0 CS-734 15 <LLD <LL D 0 CS-737 18 <LLD <LLD 0 BA-140 NA <LL D <LL D 0 LA-740 NA <LLD <LLD 0 FISH GAMMA 8 (PC I IKG WET) MN-54 130 <LLD NA 0 C0-58 130 <LLD NA 0 FE-59 260 <L LD NA 0 C0-60 130 <LLD NA 0 ZN-65 260 <LLD NA 0 "' NB-95 NA <LLD NA 0 ZR-95 NA <LLD NA 0 -..J CS-734 100 <LLD NA 0 N 6" CS-737 100 <L L D NA 0 ::, )> BA-740 NA <LLD NA 0 ;;o rn LA-140 NA <LLD NA 0 0 ;;o (Mi Mean and ranged based upon detecrable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified loactions is indicated in parentheses (Q TABLE A-1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM ANNUAL






(51/52) (50/52) ONSI TE 1 7-33 9-31 10-30 0.3 MI LE S S O F SIT E GAMMA 16 MN-5 4 NA <LLD <LLD 0 C0-58 NA <LLD <LL D 0 FE-59 NA <LLD <LLD 0 C0-60 NA <LLD <LL D 0 ZN-65 NA <LLD <LLD 0 I\.) NB-95 NA <LL D <LLD 0 -.J ZR-95 NA <L LD <LLD 0 N CS-734 6' 10 <LL D <LLD 0 ::, l> CS-137 10 <LLD <L L D 0 ::lJ rn BA-140 NA <LLD <LL D 0 0 ::lJ LA-140 NA <LLD <LLD 0 /MJ Mean and r anged ba se d upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable mea s urements at specified lo ac tions is indicated in parentheses m

l> I (.,,) rv 0 -..J N 6' ::, :t> ::0 m 0 ::0 Nam e of Facility: Location of Facil i ty: M ED IUM OR P ATHWAY SAM P L E D (UNITOF MEASUREMENT)






& ANALYTICAL METHOD 2017 Zion AREOR TABLE B-1: Location A. Public Water Z-14 Z-15 Z-16 Z-18 B. Air Particulates Z-01 Z-02 Z-03 Z-13 C. Fish Z-26 Z-27 D. Sediment Z-25 E. Vegetation Z-Control Z-Quad 3 Z-Quad 4 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program -Sampling Locations , Distance and Direction , Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Location Description Distance & Direction From Site Kenosha Water Works (control)

Lake County Water Works (i ndicator)

Waukegan Water Works (indicator)

Lake Forest Water Works (control)

Onsite 1 (i ndicator)

Onsite 2 (i nd i cator) Onsite 3 (i ndicator)

Offsite Control Lake Michigan Nearsite (indicator)

Lake Mich i gan Farsite (ind i cator) Lake Michigan , Illinois Beach State Park (ind i cator) Control (control) Farm 3 (indicator)

Farm 4 (indicator) 10.0 miles N 1.4 miles NNW 6.1 miles S 12.9 miles S 0.3 miles S 0.2 miles W 0.2 miles NNW 10 miles NW At station 10.1 miles N 0.2 miles S 0.3 miles S 0.2 miles W 0.2 miles NNW F. Environmental Dosimetry

-TLD I nner Ring Z-101-1 and -2 Z-102-1 and -2 Z-103-1 and -2 Z-104-1 and -2 Z-105-1 and -2 Z-106-1 and -2 Z-107-1 and -2 Z-108-1 and -2 Z-109-1 and -2 Z-112-1 and-2 Z-113-1 and -2 Z-114-1 and-2 Z-115-1 and -2 Z-121-1 and -2 Z-124-1 and -2 Z-125-1 and -2 Z-129-1 and -2 Z-130-1 and -2 Z-131-1 and -2 Other Z-01-1 and -2 Z-02-1 and -2 Z-03-1 and -2 Outer Ring Z-209-1 and -2 Z-211-1 and -2 Z-212-1 and -2 Z-213-1 and -2 Z-214-1 and -2 Z-215-1 and -2 Z-216-1 and -2 Control Z-13-1 thru -6 Onsite 1 (i ndicator) Onsite 2 (indicator)

Onsite 3 (indicator) Control B-1 0.2 miles N 0.2 miles NNE 0.2 miles NE 0.1 miles ENE 0.1 miles E 0.1 miles ESE 0.1 miles SE 0.1 miles SSE 0.2 miles SSE 0.7 miles WSW 0.6 miles W 0.6 miles WNW 0.4 miles NW 0.2 miles NNW 0.5 miles SW 0.4 miles SSW 0.2 miles NW 0.2 miles WNW 0.2 miles WSW 0.3 m i les S 0.2 miles W 0.2 miles NNW 5.1 miles S 4.7 miles SW 5.1 miles WSW 5.1 miles W 4.6 miles WNW 4.0 miles NW 3.0 miles NNW 10 m i les NW 2017 Zion AREOR TABLE B-2: Sample Medium Pub l ic Water Pub l ic Water Public Water Fish Sediment Air Particulates Air Particulates TLD Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program -Summary of Sample Collection and Ana l ytical Methods, Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2017 Analysis Samp l ing Method Analytical Procedure Number Gamma Monthly composite from TBE , TBE-2007 Gamma emitting radioisotope analysis Spectroscopy weekly grab samples. Env. Inc., GS-01 Determination of gamma emitters by gamma spectroscopy TBE , TBE-2008 Gross Alpha and/or gross beta activity in Monthly compos i te from various matrices Gross Beta weekly grab samples. Env. Inc., W(DS)-01 Determination of gross alp h a and/or gross beta in water (disrolved solids or total residue) TBE , TBE-2011 Tritium analys i s in drinking water by liquid Quarter l y composite from scintillation Tritium weekly grab samples. Env. Inc., T-02 Determination of tritium in water (direct method) Gamma Semi-annual samples TBE-2007 Gamma emitting radioisotope analysis Spectroscopy collected via electroshocking Env. Inc., GS-01 Determination of gamma emitters by or other techniques gamma spectroscopy Gamma TBE , TBE-2007 Gamma emitting rad i oisotope analysis Spectroscopy Semi-annual grab samples Env. Inc., GS-01 Determination of gamma emitters by gamma spectroscopy One-week composite of TBE , TBE-2008 Gross Alpha and/or gross beta activity in various matrices Gross Beta continuous air sampling through glass fiber filter paper Env. Inc., AP-02 Determination of gross alpha and/or gross beta in air particulate filters Gamma Quarter l y composite of each TBE , TBE-2007 Gamma emitting radioisotope analysis Spectroscopy station Env. Inc., GS-01 Determination of gamma emitters by gamma spectroscopy Thermo-Quarterly TLDs comprised of luminescent two Panasonic Environmenta l Mirion Technologies TLD type 814 with 3 CaS04 Dosimetry elements at each location. B-2 2017 Zion AREOR

  • TlDloc.riDns

...... _ -"-'Vi!ound>rY -Seao<C...I.Ms X-~RtsUli'.l8dhu Qw..,._ Figure B-1 V2*J11fBrlP(l'fa:JJc.l0f.til

&ll'SNMiti'tDJM'aaJG'BgPICp*) tMDtU Stile Pll.!1!! f.:U?f24f p,,tfffl) mf2MM.b*t..i*COlila!/I.


Dire 0!>'2~'201.5 R.EW.e Inner Ring TLD and Fixed Air Sampler Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 8-3 2017 Zion AREOR I Figure B-2 Outer Ring TLD and Fixed Air Sampler Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Stat i on , 2017 B-4 2 0 17 Zion AREOR Wisconsin Zion

  • Sampling Locations Kenosha Water Wow Z-14 lake County Water Wo:rk s Illino i s Bead1 State Pad: Lake Forest Water Works Figure B-3 e Z-27 Z-15 LAKE MiCHIGAN Fish, Water and Sediment Sampling Locat i ons of the Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 B-5 2017 Zion AREOR APPENDIX C DATA TABLES AND FIGURES 2017 Zion AREOR Intentionally left blank 2017 Zion AREOR Table C-1.1 Concentrations of Gross Beta in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2017 Results in Units of pCi/liter

+/- 2 Sigma COLLECTION PER I OD Z-14 Z-15 Z-16 Z-18 01/05/17 -01/31/17 < 2.2 2.7 + 1.5 < 2.7 < 2.7 02/08/17 -02/28/17 2.6 +/- 1.6 < 2.2 2.6 +/- 1.5 2.8 +/- 1.6 03/08/17 -03/29/17 < 2.0 < 2.0 < 1.8 2.7 +/- 1.5 04/05/17 -04/26/17 < 2.4 < 2.4 < 2.4 < 2.4 05/03/17 -05/31/17 2.8 + 1.5 2.6 +/- 1.5 2.3 +/- 1.4 < 2.1 06/07/17 -06/28/17 < 2.2 < 2.2 < 2.2 < 2.2 07/05/17 -07/26/17 2.7 +/- 1.4 3.2 +/- 1.5 3.2 +/- 1.4 3.0 +/- 1.4 08/03/17 -08/30/17 3.1 +/- 1.5 2.3 +/- 1.5 3.2 +/- 1.6 3.0 +/- 1.5 09/05/17 -09/27/17 < 2.2 < 2.1 < 2.3 < 2.2 10/04/17 -10/31/17 < 2.1 < 2.1 < 2.1 < 2.1 11/08/17 -11/2 9/17 < 2.1 2.2 +/- 1.5 < 2.1 < 2.1 12/06/17 -12/27/17 2.3 +/- 1.3 2.9 +/- 1.4 2.8 +/- 1.4 2.4 +/- 1.3 MEAN +/- 2 STD DEV 2.7 +/- 0.6 2.6 +/- 0.8 2.8 +/- 0.7 2.8 +/- 0.5 Table C-1.2 Concentrations of Tritium in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2017 COLLECTION PERIOD 01/05/17 -03/29/17 04/05/17 -06/28/17 07/05/17 -09/27/17 10/04/17 -12/27/17 MEAN Results in Units of pCi/liter

+/- 2 Sigma Z-14 Z-15 Z-16 < 191 < 192 < 199 < 182 < 185 < 184 < 185 < 185 < 185 < 184 < 179 < 183 Z-18 < 199 < 185 < 183 < 198 THE MEAN AND TWO STANDARD DEV IATION ARE CALC ULA TED USING THE POSITIVE VALUES C-1 2017 Zion AREOR Table C-1.3 Conc e ntrations of Gamma Emitters in Publ i c Water Samples Collec t ed in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2017 Results in Units of pCi/lit e r +/- 2 Sigma COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Z-14 0 1 /05/17 -0 1/31/17 < 5 < 5 < 10 < 5 < 8 < 5 < 8 < 4 < 5 < 23 < 5 02/08/17 -02/28/17 < 5 < 6 < 11 < 5 < 13 < 6 < 12 < 6 < 7 < 4 0 < 14 03/08/17 -03/29/17 < 5 < 7 < 14 < 7 < 11 < 7 < 12 < 8 < 7 < 47 < 12 04/05/17 -04/26/17 < 5 <4 < 11 < 5 < 9 < 5 < 9 < 5 < 5 < 36 < 11 05/03/17 -05/31/17 < 4 < 5 < 12 < 5 < 11 < 7 < 10 < 5 < 5 < 37 < 14 06/07/17 -06/28/17 < 7 < 6 < 18 < 7 < 11 < 6 < 13 < 7 < 5 < 5 3 < 12 07/05/17 -07/26/17 < 8 < 8 < 15 < 7 < 16 < 9 < 13 < 10 < 9 < 37 < 11 08/03/17 -08/30/17 < 4 <4 < 10 < 3 < 8 < 5 < 8 < 4 <4 < 56 < 16 09/05/17 -09/27/17 < 7 < 7 < 16 < 8 < 13 < 7 < 14 < 9 < 8 < 56 < 18 10/04/17 -10/31/17 < 5 < 6 < 16 < 6 < 12 < 7 < 12 < 6 < 6 < 38 < 9 11/08/17 -11/29/17 < 6 < 5 < 13 < 7 < 10 < 6 < 9 < 5 < 6 < 24 < 7 12/06/17 -12/27/17 < 4 < 6 < 11 < 5 < 7 < 5 < 10 < 6 < 5 < 37 < 14 MEAN C) I I\) Z-15 01/05/17 -01/31/17 < 6 < 7 < 13 < 6 < 13 < 5 < 12 < 6 < 6 < 29 < 10 02/08/17 -02/28/17 < 7 < 7 < 16 < 5 < 13 < 8 < 13 < 7 < 6 < 48 < 13 03/08/17 -0 3/29/17 < 7 < 7 < 14 < 6 < 15 < 8 < 13 < 7 < 8 < 49 < 12 04/05/17 -04/26/17 < 7 < 9 < 18 < 7 < 12 < 9 < 13 < 8 < 8 < 44 < 16 05/03/17 -05/31/17 < 5 < 5 < 11 < 4 < 9 < 6 < 8 < 5 < 5 < 31 < 13 06/07/17 -06/28/17 < 5 < 8 < 13 < 7 < 14 < 8 < 12 < 6 < 8 < 42 < 15 07/05/17 -07/26/17 < 5 < 7 < 13 < 7 < 13 < 6 < 9 < 5 < 7 < 26 < 10 08/03/17 -08/30/17 < 3 <4 < 9 < 3 < 7 < 4 < 7 < 4 < 3 < 47 < 16 09/05/17 -09/27/17 < 8 < 7 < 21 < 8 < 15 < 9 < 14 < 9 < 8 < 79 < 13 10/04/17 -10/31/17 < 5 < 7 < 14 < 6 < 14 < 9 < 12 < 6 < 6 < 51 < 14 11/08/17 -11 /29/17 < 7 < 7 < 11 < 6 < 12 < 7 < 12 < 7 < 6 < 29 < 13 f\) 12/06/17 -12/27/17 < 4 < 7 < 16 < 6 < 9 < 6 < 12 < 6 < 6 < 49 < 19 0 -.J MEAN N 6' ::, l> ::0 rn 0 ::0 Table C-1.3 Concentra t ions of Gamma Emitters in Public Water Samples Collec t ed in the Vicinity of Z i on Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Results in Units of pCi/liter

+/- 2 S igma COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Z-16 1/5/2017 -01/31/17 < 6 < 6 < 13 < 6 < 11 < 7 < 11 < 6 < 6 < 30 < 10 2/8/2017 -02/28/17 < 6 < 6 < 14 < 7 < 13 < 6 < 11 < 7 < 6 < 38 < 13 3/8/2017 -03/29/17 < 4 < 5 < 12 < 4 < 10 < 5 < 9 < 5 < 5 < 28 < 8 4/5/2017 -04/26/17 < 3 < 4 < 9 <4 < 6 < 4 < 7 <4 < 4 < 23 < 9 5/3/2017 -05/31/17 < 6 < 6 < 13 < 5 < 12 < 6 < 11 < 6 < 6 < 42 < 14 06/07/17 -06/2 8/17 < 8 < 9 < 16 < 7 < 12 < 8 < 14 < 9 < 8 < 51 < 18 07/05/17 -07/26/17 < 5 <4 < 8 < 7 < 14 < 7 < 10 < 7 < 7 < 34 < 15 08/03/17 -08/30/17 < 3 < 3 < 7 < 3 < 5 < 3 < 6 < 3 < 3 < 35 < 11 09/05/17 -09/27/17 < 5 < 6 < 18 < 6 < 12 < 9 < 13 < 6 < 7 < 54 < 18 10/04/17 -10/31/17 < 6 < 7 < 17 < 6 < 13 < 7 < 14 < 6 < 6 < 49 < 13 11 /08/17 -11/29/17 < 7 < 7 < 10 < 5 < 11 < 8 < 10 < 7 < 5 < 29 < 9 12/06/17 -1 2/27/17 < 3 < 4 < 9 < 4 < 7 <4 < 7 < 4 < 4 < 27 < 9 MEAN (') I (.i.) Z-18 01/05/17 -01/31/17 < 7 < 5 < 17 < 9 < 19 < 7 < 14 < 8 < 9 < 37 < 15 02/08/17 -02/28/17 < 7 < 7 < 14 < 7 < 12 < 7 < 15 < 6 < 8 < 46 < 13 03/08/17 -03/29/17 < 6 < 6 < 14 < 6 < 11 < 5 < 10 < 6 < 6 < 35 < 13 04/05/17 -0 4/26/17 < 3 < 5 < 9 < 4 < 9 < 4 < 8 < 5 < 4 < 32 < 7 05/03/17 -05/31/17 < 5 < 6 < 12 < 6 < 12 < 7 < 11 < 7 < 6 < 44 < 11 06/07/17 -06/28/17 < 7 < 8 < 18 < 7 < 14 < 7 < 14 < 8 < 6 < 67 < 17 07/05/17 -07/26/17 < 7 < 8 < 13 < 10 < 18 < 8 < 10 < 8 < 8 < 32 < 15 08/03/17 -08/30/17 < 3 <4 < 9 < 3 < 5 <4 < 7 < 3 < 3 < 40 < 13 09/05/17 -09/27/17 < 6 < 8 < 17 < 5 < 14 < 9 < 12 < 7 < 7 < 67 < 16 10/04/17 -10/31/17 < 6 < 6 < 13 < 7 < 14 < 7 < 15 < 8 < 6 < 44 < 13 11/08/17 -11/29/17 < 6 < 7 < 15 < 7 < 17 < 7 < 13 < 8 < 7 < 33 < 11 N 12/06/17 -12/20/17 < 4 < 5 < 10 < 4 < 8 < 5 < 8 < 5 < 4 < 49 < 14 0 -.J M E AN N 5* )> ::0 m 0 ::0 Table C-11.1 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Fish Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Results in Units of pCi/kilograms wet +/- 2 Sigma COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Z n-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Z-26 (Predator) Lake Trout 05/08/17 < 74 < 85 < 202 < 89 < 139 < 87 < 141 < 68 < 73 < 955 < 259 White Sucker 05/08/17 < 55 < 62 < 167 < 49 < 115 < 65 < 109 < 54 < 53 < 820 < 197 Lake Trout 10/17/17 < 55 < 62 < 124 < 59 < 154 < 70 < 104 < 72 < 60 < 441 < 125 White Sucker 10/17/17 < 38 < 38 < 111 < 38 < 90 < 49 < 74 < 46 < 48 < 314 < 84 MEAN Z-27 (Predator) B urb ot 05/17/17 < 60 < 51 < 126 < 53 < 104 < 51 < 117 < 57 < 56 < 453 < 179 Lake Trout 05/17/17 < 70 < 89 < 175 < 93 < 153 < 100 < 137 < 74 < 72 < 685 < 200 0 B urbot 10/14/17 < 76 < 76 < 166 < 75 < 175 < 71 < 141 < 77 < 77 < 640 < 143 I Lake Trout 10/14/17 < 81 < 73 < 148 < 59 < 146 < 83 < 142 < 65 < 83 < 589 < 199 MEAN

(') I (J1 N 0 ---J N o* ::, )> ::0 m 0 ::0 Table C-111.1 SITE Z-25 COLLECTION PERIOD 05/10/17 1 0/04/1 7 MEAN Mn-54 < 2 7 < 82 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Sediment Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2017 Co-58 < 3 4 < 7 8 Fe-59 < 66 < 1 41 Results in Units of pCi/kilograms Dry + 2 Sigma Co-60 < 38 < 58 Zn-65 < 76 < 154 Nb-95 < 3 5 < 81 Zr-95 < 51 < 1 4 7 Cs-134 < 34 < 95 Cs-137 < 37 < 1 02 Ba-140 < 125 < 391 La-140 < 39 < 45 Table C-IV.1 Concentrations of Gross Beta in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the V i cinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Results in Unit s of E-3 pCi/cubic meter +/- 2 Si gma COLLECTION GROUP I I GROUP II PERIOD z-01 z-02 Z-03 Z-13 12/29/16 -01/05/17 14 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 01 /05/17 -01/11/17 24 +/- 5 23 +/- 5 25 +/- 5 27 +/- 6 01/11/17 -01/18/1 7 16 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 20 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 01/18/17 -01/25/17 16 +/- 4 21 +/- 4 20 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 01/25/17 -01/31/17 15 +/- 5 9 +/- 4 13 +/- 5 9 +/- 4 01/31/17 -02/08/17 14 +/- 3 11 +/- 3 14 +/- 3 15 +/- 3 02/08/17 -02/15/17 19 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 02/15/17 -02/22/17 14 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 02/22/17 -02/28/17 13 +/- 4 9 +/- 4 14 +/- 5 13 +/- 4 02/28/17 -03/08/17 16 +/- 3 15 +/- 3 10 +/- 3 9 +/- 3 03/08/17 -03/15/17 12 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 11 +/- 3 03/15/17 -03/22/17 12 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 03/22/17 -03/29/17 15 +/- 4 11 +/- 3 12 +/- 3 11 +/- 3 03/29/17 -04/05/17 12 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 7 +/- 3 9 +/- 3 04/05/17 -04/12/1 7 11 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 9 +/- 3 12 +/- 4 04/12/1 7 -04/19/17 15 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 04/19/17 -04/26/17 1 3 +/- 4 10 +/- 3 10 +/- 3 9 +/- 3 04/26/17 -05/03/17 < 6 < 6 < 6 < 6 05/03/17 -05/10/17 20 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 11 +/- 3 05/10/17 -05/17/17 16 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 05/17/17 -05/24/17 10 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 05/24/17 -05/31/17 11 +/- 4 10 +/- 3 9 +/- 3 11 +/- 4 05/31/17 -06/07/17 20 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 06/07/17 -06/14/17 13 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 06/14/17 -06/21/17 11 +/- 4 10 +/- 3 12 +/- 4 11 +/- 3 06/21/17 -06/28/17 11 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 06/28/17 -07/05/17 16 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 07/05/17 -07/12/17 12 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 07/12/17 -07/19/17 10 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 07/19/17 -07/26/17 12 +/- 4 8 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 07/26/17 -08/03/17 26 +/- 4 16 +/- 3 16 +/- 3 18 +/- 4 08/03/17 -08/09/17 17 +/- 5 16 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 08/09/17 -08/16/17 22 +/- 5 21 +/- 5 20 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 08/16/17 -08/23/17 < 23 20 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 23 +/- 4 08/23/17 -08/30/17 19 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 08/30/17 -09/05/17 12 +/- 4 20 +/- 5 15 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 09/05/17 -09/13/17 10 +/- 3 16 +/- 4 10 +/- 3 11 +/- 3 09/13/17 -09/20/17 25 +/- 5 21 +/- 4 24 +/- 5 22 +/- 4 09/20/17 -09/27/17 30 +/- 5 26 +/- 5 33 +/- 5 31 +/- 5 09/27/17 -10/04/17 15 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 10/04/17 -10/11/17 17 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 10/11/17 -10/18/17 13 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 9 +/- 4 9 +/- 4 10/18/17 -10/25/17 14 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 15 +/- 5 10/25/17 -10/31/17 12 +/- 4 9 +/- 4 7 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 10/31/17 -11/08/17 20 +/- 4 11 +/- 3 14 +/- 3 14 +/- 3 1 1/08/17 -11/15/17 21 +/- 5 17 +/- 4 21 +/- 5 18 +/- 4 11/15/17 -11/22/17 16 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 11/22/17 -11/29/17 12 +/- 5 10 +/- 4 15 +/- 5 9 +/- 4 11/29/17 -12/06/17 17 +/- 4 24 +/- 5 19 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 12/06/17 -12/13/17 16 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 12/13/17 -12/20/17 24 +/- 5 19 +/- 4 20 +/- 4 22 +/- 5 12/20/17 -12/27/17 18 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 22 +/- 5 18 +/- 4 MEAN+/- 2 STD DEV 16 +/- 9 15 +/- 9 15 +/- 10 15 +/- 9 BOLD = See Prog ram E xceptions for E xp la nation THE MEAN AND TWO STANDARD DEVIATION ARE CALCULATED USING THE POSITIVE VALUES C-6 2017 Z i on AREOR I Table C-IV.2 Monthly and Yearly Mean Values of Gross Beta Concentrations in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Stat i on, 2017 Results in Units of E-3 pCi/cubic meter +/- 2 Sigma GROUP I -ONSITE LOCAT IONS GROUP I I -OFFSITE CONTROL LOCATION COLLECTION MIN MAX MEAN COLLECTION MIN MAX MEAN PERIOD +/- 2SD PERIOD +/- 2S D 12/29/16 -0 1/31/17 9 25 17 +/- 9 12/29/16 -01/31/17 9 2 7 16 +/- 13 01/31/17 -02/28/17 9 19 14 +/- 6 01/3 1/17 -02/28/17 13 16 15 +/- 2 02/28/17 -03/29/17 10 17 13 +/- 4 02/28/17 -03/29/17 9 12 11 +/- 3 03/29/17 -05/03/17 7 15 11 +/- 5 03/2 9/17 -05/03/17 9 15 11 +/- 6 05/03/17 -05/31/17 9 20 13 +/- 7 05/03/17 -05/31/17 11 15 12 +/- 4 05/31/1 7 -06/28/17 10 20 13 +/- 7 05/3 1/17 -06/28/17 10 14 12 +/- 5 06/28/17 -08/03/17 8 26 14 +/- 9 06/2 8/17 -08/03/17 10 18 14 +/- 7 08/03/17 -08/3 0/17 13 22 18 +/- 6 08/03/17 -08/30/17 13 23 17 +/- 8 08/30/17 -09/27/17 10 33 20 +/- 15 08/30/17 -09/2 7/17 11 31 20 +/- 17 09/27/1 7 -10/31/17 7 19 14 +/- 7 09/2 7/1 7 -10/31/17 9 15 13 +/- 4 10/31/1 7 -11/29/17 10 21 15 +/- 8 10/3 1/1 7 -11/29/17 9 18 14 +/- 8 11/29/17 -12/2 7/17 14 24 19 +/- 6 11/29/17 -12/27/17 18 22 19 +/- 4 12/29/16 -12/2 7/17 7 33 15 +/- 9 12/29/16 -12/27/17 9 31 15 +/- 9 C-7 2017 Zion AREOR C') I CX) r,.:, 0 ---i N 5* :, :I> ;;o rn 0 ;;o Table C-IV.3 COLLECTION SIT E P E RIOD Z-01 1 2/29/1 6 -03/29/17 03/2 9/17 -06/2 8/17 06/2 8/17 -09/27/17 09/27/17 -1 2/27/1 7 MEAN Z-02 12/29/1 6 -03/29/1 7 0 3/2 9/17 -06/2 8/17 06/28/1 7 -09/2 7/17 09/2 7/1 7 -1 2/27/1 7 MEAN Z-03 1 2/29/16 -03/29/1 7 03/29/1 7 -06/28/17 06/28/17 -09/27/17 0 9/27/1 7 -12/27/17 MEA N Z-1 3 12/29/16 -03/29/17 0 3/29/17 -06/28/17 0 6/28/17 -09/2 7/17 0 9/27/17 -12/27/17 ME A N Mn-54 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station , 2017 Results in Units of E-3 pC i/cub i c meter+ 2 Sigma Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-1 40 La-1 40 < 3 < 6 < 3 < 4 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 2 < 18 < 6 < 2 < 5 < 2 < 7 < 2 < 5 < 3 < 2 < 1 4 < 3 < 4 < 7 < 3 < 5 < 2 < 6 < 3 < 3 < 44 < 19 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 5 < 2 < 2 < 29 < 8 < 3 < 7 < 3 < 6 < 3 < 5 < 2 < 3 < 2 1 < 9 < 2 < 6 < 3 <4 < 3 <4 < 2 < 2 < 1 6 < 7 < 4 < 11 < 5 < 9 < 5 < 9 < 5 < 4 < 68 < 3 2 < 3 < 6 < 3 < 6 < 2 < 5 < 3 < 2 < 2 7 < 7 < 3 < 6 <4 < 9 < 4 < 6 < 3 < 4 < 26 < 9 < 3 < 9 < 4 < 9 < 4 < 6 < 3 < 3 < 2 7 < 5 < 3 < 8 < 2 < 6 < 2 < 5 < 2 < 2 < 39 < 17 < 2 < 6 < 3 < 6 < 3 < 5 < 2 < 2 < 2 9 < 13 < 2 < 6 < 2 < 6 < 3 < 5 < 2 < 2 < 1 8 < 8 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 5 < 3 < 4 < 2 < 2 < 1 8 < 10 < 3 < 9 < 2 < 7 < 3 < 6 < 3 < 3 < 42 < 11 < 2 < 6 < 2 < 5 < 3 <4 < 2 < 2 < 27 < 10

(") I (0 N 0 -.J N 0 ::, )> ;o m 0 ;o Table C-V.1 SITE Z-CONTROL Cabbage Potatoes Z-QUAD 3 Cabbage Onions Z-QUAD 4 Cabbage Beets COLLECTION PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 08/23/17 < 15 < 18 08/23/1 7 < 14 < 15 MEAN 08/24/17 < 18 < 15 08/24/17 < 23 < 23 MEAN 08/23/17 < 17 < 16 08/23/17 < 25 < 26 MEAN Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Vegetation Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2017 Results in Units of pCi/kilograms wet +/- 2 Sigma Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 < 38 < 21 < 32 < 18 < 28 < 17 < 17 < 29 < 14 < 28 < 16 < 35 < 11 < 14 < 35 < 19 < 42 < 19 < 25 < 17 < 21 < 43 < 19 < 53 < 19 < 45 < 27 < 23 < 42 < 21 < 41 < 16 < 32 < 18 < 17 < 49 < 18 < 58 < 23 < 44 < 26 < 27 Ba-140 La-140 < 77 < 17 < 66 < 14 < 73 < 20 < 99 < 26 < 78 < 17 < 119 < 30 Table C-Vl.1 Quarterly TLD Results for Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2017 Results in Units of Milli-Roentgen/Quarter+/-

2 Standard Deviations STATION MEAN CODE +/- 2 S.D. JAN-MAR APR-JUN JUL -SEP OCT-DEC Z-01-1 19 +/- 5 21 18 16 21 Z-02-1 15 +/- 4 14 14 15 18 Z-03-1 16 +/- 3 17 14 16 18 Z-13-1 18 +/- 4 17 16 18 21 Z-101-1 15 +/- 3 14 13 14 17 Z-102-1 17 +/- 4 17 15 17 20 Z-103-1 17 +/- 8 15 15 16 23 Z-104-1 16 +/- 3 15 14 16 18 Z-105-1 17 +/- 5 15 14 17 20 Z-106-1 17 +/- 3 16 15 17 19 Z-107-1 17 +/- 5 15 15 17 20 Z-108-1 18 +/- 5 16 16 17 21 Z-109-1 19 +/- 3 18 17 18 21 Z-112-1 18 +/- 3 17 16 17 20 Z-113-1 16 +/- 4 15 14 16 19 Z-114-1 17 +/- 4 16 15 17 20 Z-115-1 18 +/- 5 16 16 17 21 Z-121-1 16 +/- 5 14 1 4 16 19 Z-124-1 16 +/- 4 16 14 16 19 Z-125-1 17 +/- 4 17 15 17 20 Z-129-1 16 +/- 5 16 13 16 19 Z-130-1 18 +/- 5 16 16 18 21 Z-131-1 30 +/- 8 29 27 29 36 Z-209-1 17 +/- 5 15 15 17 20 Z-211-1 20 +/- 6 18 18 20 24 Z-212-1 21 +/- 5 20 19 21 25 Z-213-1 22 +/- 6 19 19 23 25 Z-214-1 20 +/- 6 16 18 21 23 Z-215-1 21 +/- 5 19 18 21 24 Z-216-1 17 +/- 4 16 15 17 20 C-10 2017 Zion AREOR Table C-Vl.2 MEAN QUARTERLY TLD RESULTS FOR INNER RING, OUTER RING , SPECIAL INTEREST, AND CONTROL STATIONS FOR ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION, 2017 Tab l e C-Vl.3 Results in Units of Milli-Roentgen/Quarter+/-

2 Standard Deviations of the Station D ata COLLECTION INNER RING OUTER RING SPECIAL INTEREST PERIOD +/- 2 S.D. +/- 2 S.D. +/- 2 S.D. JAN-MAR 17 +/- 7 18 +/- 4 16 +/- 2 APR-JUN 16 +/- 6 17 +/- 3 15 +/- 2 JUL-SEP 17 +/- 6 20 +/- 4 17 +/- 1 OCT-DEC 21 +/- 8 23 +/- 4 20 +/- 2


OF THE AMBIENT DOSIMETRY PROGRAM FOR ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION, 2017 RES UL TS IN UNITS OF MILLI-ROENTGEN/QUARTER SAMPLES PERIOD PERIOD LOCATION ANALYZED MINIMUM MAXIMUM INNER RING 142 13 36 OUTER RING 56 15 25 SPECIAL INTEREST 31 14 21 CONTROL 24 16 21 CONTROL +/- 2 S.D. 17 +/- 2 16 +/- 1 18 +/- 1 22 +/- 1 PERIOD MEAN +/- 2 S.D. 17 +/- 8 20 +/- 6 17 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 INNER RING STATIONS -Z-01 , Z-02 , Z-03 , Z-101 , Z-102-1 , Z-103-1 , Z-104 , Z-105 , Z-106 , Z-107 , Z-108 , Z-109 , Z-121 , Z-124 , Z-125 , Z-129 , Z130 , Z-131 SPECIAL INTEREST STATIONS -Z-112 , Z-113 , Z-114, Z-115 OUTER RING STATIONS -Z-209 , Z-211 , Z-212 , Z-213 , Z-214 , Z-215 , Z-216 CONTROL STATION -Z-13 C-11 2017 Zion AREOR FIGURE C-1 PUBLIC WATER -GROSS BETA-STATIONS Z-14 AND Z-15 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2000 -2017 Z-14 (C) Kenosha Water Works 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 ----.--------.-----.--------

..... 01-26-0 0 08-28-03 03-30-0 7 10-30-1 0 06-01-14 01-01-18 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Z-15 Lake County Water Works 0.0 +-'--------------------

01-26-00 08-28-0 3 0 3-30-0 7 10-3 0-10 06-01-14 01-0 1-18 DU E T O VEN DOR CH AN G E I N 2 005 , < VA LUE S AR E LL D V ALUES JAN U AR Y THROUGH J UNE 2 005 AND MDC VALUE S A FT ER JU NE 2 00 5 C-12 20 1 7 Zion AR E OR FIGURE C-2 PUBLIC WATER -GROSS BETA-STATIONS Z-16 AND Z-18 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY.OF ZNPS, 2000 -2017 Z-16 Waukegan Water Works 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 ::::! 5.0 u C. 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 01-26-0 0 08-28-03 03-30-0 7 10-30-10 0 6-01-14 0 1-01-18 Z-18 (C) Lake Forest Water Works 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 ::::! 5.0 u C. 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 01-26-00 0 8-28-03 0 3-30-0 7 10-30-10 0 6-01-14 01-01-18 DUE TO V E NDOR CH AN GE IN 200 5 , < V AL UES AR E L LD V ALUES JA N UARY THROU GH J UNE 2 005 A ND MDC VALUE S AFTER JU N E 2 00 5 C-13 2 0 17 Zion AREOR FIGURE C-3 PUBLIC WATER -TRITIUM -STATION Z-14 AND Z-15 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2000 -2017 Z-14 (C) Kenosha Water Works 300 200 100 0+---------------------

01-01-00 08-08-03 03-15-07 10-20-10 05-27-14 01-01-18 Z-15 Lake County Water Works 300 250 200 ::::! 150 u C. 100 50 0 03-29-0 0 10-17-03 05-06-07 11-23-1 0 06-12-14 12-30-17 DUE T O V ENDOR C HA N G E IN 2 00 5 , < VAL UES ARE L L D VALUE S JA N U A R Y THRO UG H JUNE 2 00 5 AN D MDC VALUE S A FT ER JUN E 2 0 05 C-14 2017 Z i o n AREOR FIGURE C-4 PUBLIC WATER -TRITIUM -STATION Z-16 AND Z-18 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2000 -2017 ::::! u C. ::::! u C. Z-16 Waukegan Water Works 250 200 150 100 50 0 03-29-00 10-17-03 05-06-07 11-23-10 06-12-14 12-30-17 Z-18 (C) Lake Forest Water Works 250 200 150 100 50 0 -t--------------------------1 03-29-00 10-17-03 05-06-07 11-23-10 06-12-14 12-30-17 DUE TO VENDOR CHANGE IN 2005 , < VALU ES ARE LLD VALUES JANUARY THROUGH JUNE 2005 AND MDC VALUES AFTER JUNE 2005 C-15 2 0 17 Zion AREOR


-GROSS BETA-STATIONS Z-01 AND Z-02 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2000 -2017 ..., 60.0 50.0 '.§ 40.0 0 o. 30.0 ..., 0 20.0 ... 10.0 Z-01 Onsite No. 1 , Southside 0.0 ------------------.--~

01-05-00 08-11-03 03-17-07 10-21-10 05-27-14 12-31-17 70.0 60.0 50.0 Z-02 Onsite No. 2 , Westside .E 0 40.0 Q. q 30.0 w 0 "I"'" 20.0 10.0 0.0 -------------------

01-05-00 08-11-03 03-17-07 10-21-10 0 5-27-14 12-31-17 C-16 2017 Z i on AR EOR FIGURE C-6 AIR PARTICULATES

-GROSS BETA-STATIONS Z-03 COLLECTED IN THE VICI N ITY OF ZNPS, 2000 -2017 Z-03 Onsite No. 3, Northside 90.0 80.0 70.0 M 60.0 .E 0 50.0 Cl. M 40.0 0 w 30.0 0 .... 20.0 10.0 0.0 01-05-00 08-11-03 03-17-07 10-21-10 05-27-14 1 2-31-17 AIR PARTICULATES

-GROSS BETA -STATION Z-13 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2013 -2017 50.0 40.0 M 30.0 u Cl. M 20.0 0 .... 10.0 Z-13 Offsite Control 0.0 ------------------

04-10-13 06-15-14 08-20-15 10-24-16 12-29-17 C-17 2017 Zion AREOR FIGURE C-7 ZNPS INNER RING TLD'S POTENTIALLY IMPACTED BY ISFSI 2017 40.00 35.00 30.00 ... cu ... ... n, 25.00 ::, a ... cu 20.00 C. E cu ... -15.00 *-E 10.00 5.00 0.00 QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR3 QTR4 Z-13 -Control a Z-01 a Z-109 Z-131 2013 -2017 60.00 50.00 ... n, 40.00 cu > ....... E cu ... 30.00 E 20.00 10.00 0.00 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Z-13 -Control a Z-01 a Z-109 Z-131 C-18 2 01 7 Zion AREOR FIGURE C-8 ZNPS AREA BOUNDARY T L D'S AT 4 COMPASS POINTS 2017 30.00 25.00 ... QI 20.00 .... ... ra :::s CJ ... 15.00 QI C. E QI ... QI 10.00 E 5.00 0.00 QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR4 Z-13-Control *Z-124 S *Z-02 W *Z-101 N Z-105 E 2013 -2017 35.00 30.00 25.00 ... ra ....... E 20.00 QI ... -E 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Z-13 -Control

  • Z-124 -S a Z-02 -W
  • Z-101 -N Z-105 -E C-1 9 2017 Z i on AREOR Intentionally left blank 2017 Zion AREOR APPENDIX D INTER-LABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM 2017 Zion AREOR
  • Intentionally left blank 2017 Zion AREOR TABLE D.1 Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program (a) (b) Teled;tne Brown EnsineerinS Environmental Services Identification TBE Known Ratio of TBE to Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Reported Value (a) Analytics Result Evaluation (b l Value Ma r ch 2017 E11811 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 87 97.7 0.89 A Sr-90 pCi/L 12.4 16.2 0.77 w E11812 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 135 145 0.93 A Co-58 pCi/L 153 150 1.02 A Co-60 pCi/L 182 183 1.00 A Cr-51 pCi/L 258 290 0.89 A Cs-134 pCi/L 104 120 0.87 A Cs-137 pCi/L 142 140 1.02 A Fe-59 pCi/L 135 129 1.05 A 1-131 pCi/L 92.6 97.9 0.95 A Mn-54 pCi/L 173 164 1.05 A Zn-65 pCi/L 208 199 1.04 A E11813 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 92 93.9 0.98 A E11814 AP Ce-141 pCi 99.9 101 0.99 A Co-58 pCi 95.4 104 0.92 A Co-60 pCi 140 127 1.10 A Cr-51 pCi 211 201 1.05 A Cs-134 pCi 82.1 83.2 0.99 A Cs-137 pCi 92.8 97.0 0.96 A Fe-59 pCi 107 89.3 1.20 A Mn-54 pCi 106 114 0.93 A Zn-65 pCi 137 138 0.99 A E11816 Soil Ce-141 pCi/g 0.258 0.250 1.03 A Co-58 pCi/g 0.241 0.258 0.93 A Co-60 pCi/g 0.312 0.315 0.99 A Cr-51 pCi/g 0.439 0.500 0.88 A Cs-134 pCi/g 0.176 0.207 0.85 A Cs-137 pCi/g 0.304 0.317 0.96 A Fe-59 pC i/g 0.210 0.222 0.95 A Mn-54 pCi/g 0.292 0.283 1.03 A Zn-65 pCi/g 0.353 0.344 1.03 A E11815 Water Fe-55 pCi/L 1600 1890 0.85 A The Analytics k n own value is equa l to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or vo l umetric measurements made during standard preparation Analytics eva l uation based on TBE internal QC limits: A = Acceptab l e -reported res ul t falls within rat i o limits of 0. 80-1. 20 W = A c ceptab l e with warning -reported resu l t fa ll s within 0. 70-0. 80 or 1. 20-1. 30 N = Not Acceptable

-reported result falls outside the ratio limits of< 0. 70 and> 1.30 D-1 (Page 1 of 4) 2017 Zion AREOR TABLE D.1 Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledine Brown EnsineerinS Environmental Services Identification TBE Known Ratio of TBE to Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Reported Value (a) Analytics Result Value June 2017 E11844 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 81.3 92.6 0.88 Sr-90 pCi/L 12.1 13.5 0.90 E11846 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 142 151 0.94 Co-58 pCi/L 147 155 0.95 Co-60 pCi/L 185 191 0.97 Cr-51 pCi/L 321 315 1.02 Cs-134 pCi/L 168 188 0.89 Cs-137 pCi/L 148 150 0.99 Fe-59 pCi/L 116 115 1.01 1-131 pCi/L 102 93.6 1.09 Mn-54 pCi/L 168 172 0.98 Zn-65 pCi/L 195 204 0.96 E11847 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 87.9 84.8 1.04 E11845 AP Sr-89 pCi 70.8 79.1 0.90 Sr-90 pCi 9.10 11.5 0.79 E11848 AP Ce-141 pCi 112 116 0.96 Co-58 pCi 119 119 1.00 Co-60 pCi 171 146 1.17 Cr-51 pCi 270 241 1.12 Cs-134 pCi 152 144 1.05 Cs-137 pCi 114 115 0.99 Fe-59 pCi 94.1 88.3 1.07 Mn-54 pCi 139 132 1.06 Zn-65 pCi 141 156 0.90 E11849 Water Fe-55 pCi/L 1840 1890 0.97 July 2017 E11901 AP GR-A pCi 50.1 44.2 1.13 GR-B pCi 218 233 0.93 (a) The Analyt i cs known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetr i c measurements made during standard preparation (b) Analytics evaluation based on TBE internal QC limits: A = Acceptable

-reported result falls within ratio limits of 0. 80-1. 20 W = Acceptable with warning -reported result falls within 0. 70-0. 80 or 1. 20-1. 30 N = Not Acceptable

-reported result falls outside the ratio limits of< 0. 70 and> 1.30 Evaluation (b) A A A A A A A A A A A A A A w A A A A A A A A A A A A D-2 (Page 2 of 4) 2017 Zion AREOR TABLE D.1 Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teled~ne Brown EnsineerinS Environmental Services Identification TBE Known Ratio ofTBE to Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Reported Value (a) Analytics Result Evaluation (b) Value September 2017 E11914 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 84.3 82.7 1.02 A Sr-90 pCi/L 12.6 12.1 1.04 A E11915 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 93.9 87.0 1.08 A Co-58 pCi/L 115 117 0.98 A Co-60 pCi/L 265 262 1.01 A Cr-51 pCi/L 273 217 1.26 w Cs-134 pCi/L 186 201 0.93 A Cs-137 pCi/L 175 172 1.02 A Fe-59 pCi/L 137 125 1.09 A 1-131 pCi/L 78.0 71.0 1.10 A Mn-54 pCi/L 128 123 1.04 A Zn-65 pCi/L 206 184 1.12 A E11916 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 71.9 64.4 1.12 A E11917 AP Ce-141 pCi 80.1 86.3 0.93 A Co-58 pCi 110 116 0.95 A Co-60 pCi 277 260 1.07 A Cr-51 pCi 275 215 1.28 w Cs-134 pCi 192 199 0.96 A Cs-137 pCi 165 170 0.97 A Fe-59 pCi 122 124 0.98 A Mn-54 pCi 120 122 0.99 A Zn-65 pCi 175 183 0.96 A E11918 Water Fe-55 pCi/L 1630 1630 1.00 A E11919 Soil Ce-141 pCi/g 0.136 0.142 0.96 A Co-58 pCi/g 0.179 0.191 0.94 A Co-60 pCi/g 0.405 0.429 0.94 A Cr-51 pCi/g 0.230 0.355 0.65 N (1) Cs-134 pCi/g 0.272 0.328 0.83 A Cs-137 pCi/g 0.336 0.356 0.94 A Fe-59 pCi/g 0.210 0.205 1.02 A Mn-54 pCi/g 0.210 0.201 1.05 A Zn-65 pCi/g 0.301 0.301 1.00 A (a) The Analytics known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gra v imetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation (b) Analytics evaluation based on TBE internal QC limits: A = Acceptable

-reported result falls within ratio limits of 0. 80-1. 20 W = Acceptable with warning -reported result falls within 0. 70-0. 80 or 1. 20-1. 30 N = Not Acceptable

-reported result falls outside the ratio limits of< 0. 7 0 and> 1.30 (1) See NCR 17-16 (Page 3 of 4) D-3 2017 Zion AREOR TABLE D.1 Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teled~ne Brown EnsineerinS Environmental Services Identification TBE Known Ratio of TBE to Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Reported Value (a) Analytics Result Value December 2017 E12054 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 92.1 92.3 1.00 Sr-90 pCi/L 18.3 16.9 1.09 E12055 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 97.8 98.3 0.99 Co-58 pCi/L 92.3 89.9 1.03 Co-60 pCi/L 176 173 1.02 Cr-51 pCi/L 226 242 0.93 Cs-134 pCi/L 118 125 0.95 Cs-137 pCi/L 148 141 1.05 Fe-59 pCi/L 123 113 1.08 1-131 pCi/L 66.0 57.8 1.14 Mn-54 pCi/L 173 161 1.08 Zn-65 pCi/L 233 211 1.10 E12056 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 48.1 47.5 1.01 E12057A AP Ce-141 pCi 108 111 0.97 Co-58 pCi 89.5 102 0.88 Co-60 pCi 223 196 1.14 Cr-51 pCi 311 274 1.13 Cs-134 pCi 141 142 1.00 Cs-137 pCi 162 160 1.01 Fe-59 pCi 121 129 0.94 Mn-54 pCi 177 182 0.97 Zn-65 pCi 203 239 0.85 E12058 Water Fe-55 pCi/L 1970 1740 1.13 E12059 AP Sr-89 pCi 71.2 87.4 0.81 Sr-90 pCi 12.9 16.0 0.81 (a) The Analytics known v alue i s equal to 100% of the parame t er present in the standard as determined by gra v imetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation (b) Analytics evaluation based on TBE internal QC limits: A = Acceptable

-reported result falls within ratio limits of 0. 80-1. 20 W = Acceptable with warning -reported result falls with i n 0. 7 0-0.80 or 1.20-1.30 N = Not Acceptable

-reported result falls outside the ratio limits of< 0. 70 and > 1. 30 Evaluation (b l A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A D-4 (Page 4 of 4) 2017 Zion AREOR TABLE D.2 DOE's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) Teledine Brown EnsineerinS Environmental Services Identification TBE Known Acceptance Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Reported Value (a) Range Evaluation (b) r Value February 2017 17-MaS36 Soil Ni-63 Bq/kg -5.512 (1) A Sr-90 Bq/kg 571 624 437-811 A 17-MaW36 Water Am-241 Bq/L 0.693 0.846 0.592 -1.100 A Ni-63 Bq/L 13.4 12.2 8.5 -15.9 A Pu-238 Bq/L 0.7217 0.703 0.492 -0.914 A Pu-239/240 Bq/L 0.9277 0.934 0.654 -1.214 A 17-RdF36 AP U-234/233 Bq/sample 0.0911 0.104 0.073 -0.135 A U-238 Bq/sample 0.0967 0.107 0.075 -0.139 A 17-RdV36 Vegetation Cs-134 Bq/sample 6.44 6.95 4.87 -9.04 A Cs-137 Bq/sample 4.61 4.60 3.22 -5.98 A Co-57 Bq/sample

-0.0229 (1) A Co-60 Bq/sample 8.52 8.75 6.13 -11.38 A Mn-54 Bq/sample 3.30 3.28 2.30 -4.26 A Sr-90 Bq/sample 1.30 1.75 1.23 -2.28 w Zn-65 Bq/sample 5.45 5.39 3.77 -7.01 A August 2017 17-MaS37 Soil Ni-63 Bq/kg 1130 1220 854 -1586 A Sr-90 Bq/kg 296 289 202 -376 A 17-MaW37 Water Am-241 Bq/L 0.838 0.892 0.624-1.160 A Ni-63 Bq/L -0.096 (1) A Pu-238 Bq/L 0.572 0.603 0.422 -0.784 A Pu-239/240 Bq/L 0.863 0.781 0.547-1.015 A 17-RdF37 AP U-234/233 Bq/sample 0.103 0.084 0.059 -0.109 w U-238 Bq/sample 0.115 0.087 0.061 -0.113 N (2) 17-RdV37 Vegetation Cs-134 Bq/sample 2.34 2.32 1.62 -3.02 A Cs-137 Bq/sample 0.05 (1) A Co-57 Bq/sample 3.32 2.8 2.0 -3.6 A Co-60 Bq/sample 2.09 2.07 1.45 -2.69 A Mn-54 Bq/sample 2.90 2.62 1.83 -3.41 A Sr-90 Bq/sample 1.17 1.23 0.86 -1.60 A Zn-65 Bq/sample 6.07 5.37 3.76 -6.98 A (a) The MAPEP known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation (b) DOE/MAPEP evaluation

A = Ac c eptable -reported result falls with i n ratio limits of 0. 80-1. 20 W = Acceptable with warning -reported result falls within 0. 70-0. 80 or 1. 20-1. 30 N = Not Acceptable

-reported result falls outside the ratio limits of< 0. 70 and > 1. 30 (1) False positive test (2) See NCR 17-15 (Page 1 of 1) D-5 2017 Zion AREOR TABL E D.3 ERA Env ironment al Radioactivity Cross Che ck P r ogram Teledlne Brown Enaineerina Env i ronmental Servi c es ldentrification TBE Known Acceptance M onth/Year Matrix Nu clide U n its Repo rt ed Evaluati o n (bl Number Value Value (*) Limits March 2017 MRAD-26 AP GR-A pCi/samp l e 76.3 85.5 28.6 -133 A April 2017 RAD-109 Water Ba-133 pCi/L 49.2 49.7 40.8 -55.1 A Cs-134 pCi/L 83.2 90.1 74.0 -99.1 A Cs-137 pCi/L 202 206 185 -228 A Co-60 pCi/L 51.2 54.7 49.2 -62.7 A Zn-65 pCi/L 39.3 53.8 47.2 -65.9 N (1) GR-A pCi/L 53.6 75.0 39.5 -92.3 A GR-B pCi/L 42.7 38.5 25.5 -46.0 A U-N at pCi/L 50.1 55.6 45.2 -61.7 A H-3 pC i/L 708 0 6850 5920 -7540 A Sr-89 p Ci/L 40.7 66.2 53.8 -74.3 N (1l Sr-90 pCi/L 26.9 26.7 19.3-31.1 A 1-131 pCi/L 26.7 29.9 24.9-34.9 A September 2017 MRAD-27 AP GR-A pCi/sample 40.9 50.1 16.8 -77.8 A AP GR-B pCi/sample 58.0 61.8 39.1 -90.1 A October 2017 RAD-111 Water B a-133 pCi/L 71.3 73.7 61.7-81.1 A Cs-134 pCi/L 43.0 53.0 42.8 -58.3 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 48.2 52.9 47.6-61.1 A Co-60 pCi/L 69.0 69.5 62.6 -78.9 A Zn-65 pCi/L 335 348 313 -406 A GR-A pCi/L 32.5 35.6 18.3 -45.8 A GR-B pC i/L 24.3 25.6 16.0 -33.6 A U-Nat pCi/L 36.6 37.0 30.0 -40.9 A H-3 pCi/L 6270 6250 5390 -6880 A 1-131 pCi/L 26.4 24.2 20.1 -28.7 A N ovember 2017 1113170 Water Sr-89 pCi/L 57.1 50.0 39.4 -57.5 A Sr-90 pCi/L 27.1 41.8 30.8 -48.0 N (2l {a) The ERA known value is equal to 100% of the parameter pre se nt in the s tandard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during s tandard preparation. {b) ERA evaluation

A = Acceptable

-Reported value falls within the Acceptance Limits N = Not Acceptable

-Reported value falls out si de of the Acceptance Lirrits (1) See NCR 17-09 (2) See NCR 17-19 D-6 (Page 1 o f 1) 2017 Z i o n A REOR APPENDIX E ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL GROUNDWATER PROTECTION PROGRAM REPORT (ARGPPR) 2017 Zion AREOR