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Transmittal of Annual Report and Minor Amendment (#8) to the Technical Specifications for NRC Reactor License R-110
Person / Time
Site: Idaho State University
Issue date: 09/19/2013
From: Grimes H D
Idaho State University
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13268A448 (23)


Idaho StateUNIVERSITY Office for Research and Economic Development 921 South 8th Avenue, Stop 8130 0 Pocatello, Idaho 83209-8130 September 19, 2013NRC Document Control DeskU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North, MS OWEN-1 E1311555 Rockville PikeRockville, MD 20852-2738


Transmittal of Annual Report and Minor Amendment

(#8) to the Technical Specifications for NRC Reactor License R-110The two copies of each enclosure are:1. The Annual Report for calendar year 2012 for the AGN-201 Reactor, NRC License R- 110.Docket #50-284.2. Amendment

  1. 8 for the Technical Specifications for the same reactor.

This amendment is a minorchange to the organization chart for the university.

The name of the college where the reactor islocated and administered has been changed from "College of Engineering" to "College of Scienceand Engineering".

Also, the reporting line for the Reactor Safety Committee is now shownspecifically as being to the Reactor Administrator.

Please transmit one copy of each of these documents to the license program manager.Mr, Duane A. HardestyResearch and Test ReactorsMail Stop: 0-12 D03Phone: (301)415-3724 Sincerely, Howard GrimesVice President for Research and Economic Development Encl: (4)ec: Dr. Jay Kunze, Reactor Administrator Phone: (208) 282-3134

  • Fax: (208) 282-4487 0 ISU is an Equal Opportunity Employer University Officer and Dean of the College of Science and Engineering may be the sameindividual (2) The Reactor Administrator could be the Dean of Science and Engineering, or the Chair or afaculty member of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics.

However,regarding NRC licenses, the Reactor Administrator reports to the Dean of the College ofScience and Engineering and not necessarily through the Department of NuclearEngineering and Health Physics, which is a department in the College of Science andEngineering.

(3) The Reactor Supervisor reports td the Reactor Administrator, and may not necessarily reportthrough the Chair of the Nuclear Engineering and Health Phys8ics Department.

(4) Requires a NRC Senior Reactor Operators (SRO) LicenseRequires a NRC Reactor Operators License (or an SRO license),

except per 10 CFR 55.13Figure 1. Administrative Organization of the ISU AGN-201 Reactor Facility, NRC License R- I10, chain ofcorrnmand in regard to nuclear operation and safety. Dotted lines represent communication channels.

Persons holding positions on the Administrative organization shall meet or exceed the qualification requirements of ANSI/ANS-15.4-1988, "Selection and Training of Personnel for ResearchReactors."

6.1.5 Reactor Operators Reactor Operators shall be responsible for the manipulation of the reactor controls, monitoring ofinstrumentation, operation of the reactor-related equipment, and maintenance of the complete andcurrent records during operation of the facility.

Reactor Operators shall hold a valid ReactorOperator's license issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

AGN-20 I -Technical Specifications, Amendment 48Transmitted to NRC September 20, 2013: Page 21 of 31 Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor FacilityLicense R-1 10, Docket No. 50-284Annual Operating Report for 2012 Calendar Year1. Narrative SummaryA. Changes in Facility Design, Performance Characteristics, and Operating Procedures:

There were no changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures relating to reactor safety or operations during the reporting period.B. Results of Major Surveillance Tests and Inspections:

(1) Channel tests perfon'ned on all safety channels and scram interlocks were found tobe satisfactory and within specifications.

Channels 1, 2, & 3 were tested8/10/2012, 5/2/2012,

& 8/20/2012 respectively.

(2) Power level (4/2/2012) and period check (3/22/2012) experiments were performed with satisfactory results.(3) The shield water tank was inspected (6/11/2012) and no leaks or excessive corrosion were observed.

The water level interlock tested satisfactorily (6/11/2012).

(4) The seismic displacement

& temperature interlocks were tested and foundsatisfactory (7/26/2012).

(5) (a) Control element capsules (cladding) were inspected (6/28/12) and found to bein good condition with no evidence of deterioration since the previousinspection.

(b) The control rod drive mechanisms were inspected (6/28/12) and tested withsatisfactory results.(c) Ejection times were measured for all SCRAM-able rods and found to be lessthan I seconds(d) The reactivity worth of all safety and control rods were measured, as well asthe time required to drive each rod to its fully inserted position.

Reactivity insertion rates were determined to be less than 0.042%A1kk s-' ($0.058 s-') forall rods.(e) The shutdown margin was determined to be greater than 2.2%Ak/k

($3.0) withboth the most reactive SCRAM-able rod and the fine control rod fully inserted.

8/15/12.(f) All surveillances were within the appropriate Technical Specification requirements.

Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 2 of 10? Operating History and Energy Output.The reactor was operated at power levels up to 4.9 watts for a total of 148 watt-hours ofthermal energy during this reporting period. A summary of monthly operations for 2012 isgiven in Table I.Table 1. Summary of Monthly Reactor Operations (1 January 2012 through 31 December 2012)MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuneAugustSeptember OctoberNovemberDecemberTotalEnergy (W-hr)0.09.911.917.98.68.36,214.631.315.817.16.5148.0The 0.148 kWh consumed 7.5 micrograms of U-235. During the calendar year, a numberof students went through reactor operator training.

During the calendar year, four studentstook NRC licensing exams. Two were awarded Reactor-Operator (RO) licenses and onewas awarded a Senior Reactor-Operator (SRO) license.

Two operator-licenses wereterminated during the year because students left the university.

3. A. Unscheduled Shutdowns and Corrective Actions Taken.None.B. Inadvertent Scrams and Action Taken.There were 159 inadvertent scrams during this reporting period. Table I1 summarizes theinadvertent scrams, known or suspected cause, and action taken.

Idaho State University AGN-201 M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 3 of 10Table II. Summary of Inadvertent Scrarns(1 January 2012 through 31 December 2012)Date FTime Scram Type Cause Action2/1/12 15:43 Channel I Low Operator Error Restart16:21 Channel I Low Operator Error Shutdown2/2/12 14:13 Channel 1 High Range Change Error Restart14:43 Not Indicated Suspected Electrical Transient*

Shutdown2/8/12 16:09 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart16:19 Channel I High Range Change Error Restart16:22 Period Operator Error Restart2/9/12 13:51 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity Restart14:17 Period Operator Error Restart15:03 Period Insertion of Source Restart15:13 Channel I High Range Change Error Restart2/13/12 23:36 Channel I Low Low Power Operation Restart0:02 Channel 1 High Low Powver Operation Restart2/16/12 13:35 Channel I Low Loss of Signal Restart14:07 Channel I Low Loss of Signal RestartMagnet Over-2/22/12 13:50 Current Magnet Current SCRAM Set Too Low Restart2/27/12 17:14 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart18:04 Not Indicated Suspected Electrical Transient*

Shutdown3/21/12 15:56 Channel I Low Loss of Signal Shutdown4/2/12 16:52 Channel I Low Loss of Signal Restart4/4/12 11:11 Channel I Low Loss of Signal RestartMagnet Over-4/9/12 16:38 Current Magnet Current SCRAM Set Too Low Restart5/9/12 16:48 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity Restart17:06 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity Restart5/15/12 16:40 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity

& Range Change Error Restart19:43 Channel 3 High Over Estimation of Oscillator Reactivity Restart5/18/12 11:37 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart14:36 Not Indicated Range Change Error RestartMagnet Over-5/23/12 16:47 Current Suspected Electrical Transient*

RestartMagnet Over- Suspected Signal Interference

& Detector is17:18 Current Insulated RestartMagnet Over-5/24/12 11:14 Current Suspected Electrical Transient*

Shutdown6/5/12 16:27 Period Chanel #1 Raise Interference Restart6/6/12 16:37 Channel I High Range Change Error Restart Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 4 of 10T T r7/13/1215:42Channel 3 HighOperator Error (Training)

Restart15:50 Channel 3 High Operator En-or (Training)

Restart16:10 Channel 3 Low Signal u Teegularity Restart8/7/12. 16:47 Channel 3 Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart8/8/12 16:18 Channel 1 Low Removing the Start Up Source Restart16:30 Channel I Low Signal Irregularity Restart8/10/12 13:10 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity RestartInvestigate 13:29 Channel I Low Detector Stuck When Raise Pressed & Restart14:28 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart8/30/12 13:34 Channel I Supervisor Re-Set Time Constant During Operation Shutdown8/31/12 10:39 Channel I Low Signal Irregularity Shutdown14:59 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart15:08 Channel I High Suspected Signal Irregularity Shutdown9/5/12 20:24 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart21:33 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart9/6/12 11:26 Channel I Low Range Change Error Restart11:35 Channel I Low Range Change Error Restart9/6/12 17:35 Channel 3 High Occurred During Range Change Restart17:41 Raise Button Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart9/7/12 12:38 Channel 1 Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart12:58 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart9/12/12 14:52 Channel 3 High Operator Error (Training)

Restart9/13/12 9:11 Channel 3 High Operator Error Restart9:33 Channel 3 High Erratic Response Changing to 3x10^(-9)

Range Restart10:10 Channel 3 High Erratic Signal Restart10:23 Channel 3 High Operator Error Restart14:00 Not Indicated Occurred During Raising Ch #I Restart14:38 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity During Range Change Restart9/14/12 12:59 Not Indicated Occurred During Raising Ch #1 Restart14:07 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Shutdown9/15/12 11:28 Channel 3 High Range Change ErTor Restart15:07 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity During Range Change Restart9/18/12 9:58 Channel 3 Low Accidently Hitting the Console Restart9/19/12 19:40 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart19:55 Channel I High Range Change Error RestartAdjustCable9/24/12 14:37 Period scram Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise & Restart20:01 Channel I Low Operator Error RestartInvestigate 9/25/12 12:59 Channel 1 Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

& Restart Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor201 1 Annual ReportPage 5 of 1014:09Channel I LowSuspected Electrical Transient*

Restart9/27/12 11:42 Channel I Low Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart14:39 Raise Button Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart101112 20:29 Channel 3 High Signal Detegularity During Range Change Restart10/5/12 10:34 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart10/9/12 16:32 Channel 1 Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart10/10/12 13:08 Channel 3 High Noise in Range 3x10A(-8)

& 10x10A(-9)

Restart18:06 Channel 3 High Signal Inregularity Restart10/11/12 10:41 Channel 1 High Range Change Error Restart10:48 Period Removing the Start Up Source Restart12:38 Channel I High Range Change Error Restart13:50 ChI low Loss of Signal Restart14:29 Period Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart10/16/12 13:28 Loss of Power Building Loss Power Briefly Restart10/17/12 12:06 Channel I Low Loss of Signal Restart19:40 Period Bumping of the Console Restart10/18/12 14:27 Channel 3 High Range Change Error RestartChannel 3 Low Range Change Error Restart10/19/12 13:25 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart16:35 Bumped Console Bumped Chair into Console Restart10/23/12 9:53 Period Power Transient Restart12:14 Period Signal Irregularity Restart13:23 Channel 2 Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart15:37 Period Electrical Transient*

(Period within Range) Restart17:58 Period Electrical Transient*

(Period within Range) Restart10/24/12 15:44 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart10/29/12 19:50 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart20:34 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart20:36 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart10/30/12 9:28 Channel I Low Loss of Signal Restart10/31/12 9:43 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart11/1/12 13:27 Not Indicated Activating Channel I Solenoid Restart11/5/12 9:59 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart10:03 Period Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart2.1:30 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart21:49 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart11/7/12 19:48 Channel I Low Loss of Siunal Restart11/8/12 10:15 Channel 3 High Operator Error (Training)

Restart11:14 Channel 3 Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Shutdown11/9/12 13:19 Channel 1 Low Under Estimation of Oscillator Reactivity Restart16:46 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Shutdown Idaho State University AGN-201 M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 6 of 1011/13/1212:58 1 Loss of PowerLoss of Power to CircuitIShutdown 11/15/12 13:37 Period Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart11/21/12 14:28 Channel 3. High Signal Irregularity During Range Change Restart12/13/12 13:43 Channel 3 Low Range Change Error Restart13:52 Period Inserted Poly Rod Too Quickly Restart14:12 Period Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart15:52 Channel 3 Low Signal Irregularity Restart16:00 Period Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart12/14/12 11:53 Channel 1 Low Operator Error Restart12/20/12 12:59 Period Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart12/21/12 12:43 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart13:01 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart15:00 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart12/27/12 14:06 Channel 1 Low Signal Irregularity During Range Change Restart12/2S/12 16:15 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart12/31/12 10:47 Channel 1 Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart11:06 Channel 1 High Non-Reproducible Rate Meter Issue Restart* Electrical transients are signal & power irregularities associated with using older vacuum tubebased analogue circuitry.

4. Safety-Related Corrective Maintenance:


Channel 3 detector changed its response output and was replaced with a comparable BF3 tube. In addition the SHV connector was replaced with one designed for RG-59cable and recalibrated.


The down indicator switch on the FCR had been knocked out of place, causing the driveto continue to drive out despite being in the bottom position and the interlock OK lightbulb failed. The switch was repositioned for proper operation and the light bulbreplaced.


A bad cable connection causing a short, preventing the magnet to energize, was located.A bypass cable fixed the problem and the main cable connection fixed to return normalfunctionality.


The Channel 3 detector lost signal, a connection problem was the likely cause. Thedetector chamber was removed and all connecting cables were replaced with newconnections, returning functionality to the system.5/25/2012:The rod drop box was rebuilt with new wiring after a significant amount oftroubleshooting.


A power outage cause damage to Channel 2. Vacuum tubes V-12, V-14 & V-17, powerline fuse, and the 1.5-volt battery were replaced.

Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 7 of 106/5/2012:

Magnet current was found to be high (0.9 mA) and after replacing the V-7 vacuum tubethe current returned to a normal 0.6 mA.8/30/2012:

Channel I was having signal problems due to improper cabling and connectors.

Thesystem was rebuilt in a way so that the detector's position does not stress the signalcable and removes the need to raise the detector.


The analogue position display primary gear broke so that the tens digit wouldn't turn.The unit was replaced with a comparable spare.12/3/12:

Channel 2 failed pre-start checks. The F-I (250V 3A) fuse, V-13 6Y6GA vacuum tube,V-12 6BW4 vacuum tube, and the V-I 6BW4 vacuum tube was replaced in Channel 2to return functionality.


During operation the Safety Rod I dropped out properly, however the chassis jammed inposition.

It was found that the twin drive screws were uneven; they were greased andreset into position.

In addition there was a problem with the "Lp" microswitch; themicroswitch and the wiring were replaced.

5. Modifications.

A. Changes in Facility Design.None.B. Changes to Procedures.

None.C. Experiments.

Experimental procedure 12 Oscillator Experiment was revised to have descriptions for bothlinear and rotary oscillators and guidelines for operating them simultaneously.

D. Reactor Safety Committee.

As of the end of the reporting period, membership of the Reactor Safety Committee (RSC)consisted of the following individuals:

Frank H. Just -Chair (retired fromn FIN.)Jay F. Kunze -Reactor Administrator Adam L. Mallicoat

-Reactor Supervisor Richard R. Brey -Department ChairPeter Farina -Radiation Safety OfficerRobert Boston. PE, CHP (DOE-ID)Kermit Bunde (DOE-ID)

Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 8 of 10Richard E. McCracken (retired from INL)6. Summary of Changes Reportable under 10 CFR 50.59.The paper chart recorder set up for the detector channels 2 & 3 were changed to utilize a digitalchart recorder.

The new recorder is capable recording data and displaying the response overtime and cannot impact reactor operation as installed.

The data is stored on a removable flashdrive for easy analysis and storage.7. Radioactive Effluents.

A. Liquid Waste -Total Activity Released:

None.B. Gaseous Waste -Total Estimated Activity Released:

14.4 ýtCi ofAr-41.The AGN-201 Reactor was operated for 148 watt-hours at power levels up toapproximately 4.9 watts. At this power level Ar-41 production is negligible andsubstantially below the effluent concentration limit given in 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table2. The total activity of Ar-41 released to the environment was conservatively estimated at14.4 i.Ci. This activity corresponds to the total activity of all gaseous radioactive effluentfrom the facility.

A monthly summary of calculated gaseous releases is given in Table IV.Table IV. Summary of Monthly Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Releases(1 January 2012 through 31 December 2012)Ar-41Month (VCi)January 0.0February 1.0March 1.2April 1.7May 0.8June 0.8June 0.6August 1.4September 3.0October 1.5November 1.7December 0.6Total 14.4C. Solid Waste -Total Activity:


Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2012 Amiual ReportPage 9 of 108, The latest environmental radiation

surveys, performed at the facility boundary while thereactor was operating at 60% of full licensed power (3.0 watt), measured a maximumcombined neutron and gamma dose equivalent rate of less than 2.0 mrem hr' at the outsidewalls of the building proximal to the reactor.

The total equivalent dose rate at 100% power atthese locations was less than 4 mrem hr".9, Radiation Exposures.

The Radiation Safety Officer reviews personnel radiation exposures quarterly.

Annualreports of ionizing radiation doses are provided by the Radiation Safety Officer to allmonitored personnel as required under the provisions of 10 CFR 19.Personnel with duties in the reactor laboratory on either a regular or occasional basis havebeen issued radiation dosimeters by the Idaho State University Technical Safety Office.The duty category and whole body exposure for the 2012 monitoring period of personnel are summarized in Table V:Table V. Personnel Radiation Monitored for 1/1/2011-12/31/2011 Name Exposure by Type (mrem)Deep Lens ShallowAryal, Harishchandra 2 2 2Baker, Ben 50 49 46Baral, Madhav 2 2 1Bishart, Bishara 1 1 1Bundy, Deric 3 4 10Burrows, Ian J 7 6 6Gorham, Mackenzie

<1 <1 <1Horkley, Matt 2 2 1Imel, George <1 <1 <1Jash, Soumadipta

<1 <1 <1Kamerman, David <1 <1 <1Krieger, Michael 11 12 12Kunze, Jay <1 <1 <1Langbehn, Adam 7 6 6Loveland, Ryan 14 13 12Lum, Edward 1 1 1Mallicoat, Adam 2 2 1Misner, Jesse 3 3 2Nelson, Alan 2 2 2Nelson, Marcus <1 <1 <1Nimmagadda, Jyothier Klumar <1 <1 <1Riley, Tony 3 2 2Steele, Dallin <1 <1 <1 Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2012 Annual ReportPage 10ofl0Stewart, Trevor 3 3 2Tam, Austin 1 1 <1Tormohlen, Derick <1 <1. <1Wachs, Katelyn 2 3 3Chaczko, Malwina <1 <1 <1isaacs, Daniel <1 <1 <1McBeath, Scott <1 <1 <1Nelson, Katherine 3 2 2Hart, Paul <1 <1 4The 10 CFR 20.1201 occupational dose limits to adults are: total 5 rem, lens of eye 15 reni,shallow 50 rem, and deep 50 remn. The doses received for all reactor laboratory personnel during 2012 are well below the dose limits of 10 CFR 20.1201, and well below ISUALARA limits (1 REM per year, 0.3 REM per quarter).

Anytime a member of the public visits the reactor pin dosimeters are issued for the extentof the tour. A minimum of I dosimeter to every 5 people is issued for a representative group dose. During the 2012 calendar year there were 476 recorded visitors to the facility.

A summary of the public dose exposure is presented in Table VI.Table VI. Summary Whole-Body Exposures to the Public(I January 2012 through 31 December 2012)Estimated whole-body exposure range (mrem):Number of individuals in each range:No Observable Dose 4331.0 mrem* 30Greater than 1.0 but below 5.0 mrem 12Greater than 5.0 but below 10.0 mrem 1Total number of individuals reported476*Below 1.0 mrem is considered un-measureable None of the 476 visitors to the facility during 2012 received a measurable dose that wouldexceed the annual 0.5 remn dose limit of 10 CFR 20.1301.

Note there was only one readingthat was above 5 mrem, this is likely due to the shock of dropping the dosimeter.

Therefore, the average and maximum doses received by personnel and the public are wellwithin NRC guidelines.

Report prepared by: Adam Mallicoat, Reactor Manager-/Supervisor Augutst 30th, 2012 Dean, College ofScience and Engineeringo",2

.University Officer and Dean of the College of Science and Engineering may be the sameindividual (21 The Reactor Administrator could be the Dean of Science and Engineering, or the Chair or afaculty member of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics.

However.regarding NRC licenses, the Reactor Administrator reports to the Dean of the College ofScience and Engineering and not necessarily through the Department of NuclearEngineering and Health Physics, which is a department in the College of Science andEngineering.The Reactor Supervisor reports to the Reactor Administrator, and may not necessarily reportthrough the Chair of the Nuclear Engineering and Health PhysSics Department.

" Requires a NRC Senior Reactor Operators (SRO) LicenseRequires a NRC Reactor Operators License (or an SRO license),

except per 10 CFR 55.13Figure 1. Administrative Organization of the ISU AGN-201 Reactor Facility, NRC License R- I10, chain ofcommand in regard to nuclear operation and safety. Dotted lines represent communication channels.

Persons holding positions on the Administrative organization shall meet or- exceed the qualification requirements of ANSI/ANS-15.4-1988, "Selection and Training of Personnel for ResearchReactors."

6.1.5 Reactor Operators Reactor Operators shall be responsible for the manipulation of the reactor controls, monitoring ofinstrumentation, operation of the reactor-related equipment, and maintenance of the complete andcurrent records during operation of the facility.

Reactor Operators shall hold a valid ReactorOperator's license issuIed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

AGN-20 I -Technical Specifications, Amendment

  1. 8Transmitted to NRC September 20, 2013: Page 21 of 31 Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor FacilityLicense R-110, Docket No. 50-284Annual Operating Report for 2012 Calendar Year1. Nan-ative SummaryA. Changes in Facility Design, Performance Characteristics, and Operating Procedures:

There were no changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures relating to reactor safety or operations during the reporting period.B. Results of Major Surveillance Tests and Inspections:

(1) Channel tests performed on all safety channels and scram interlocks were found tobe satisfactory and within specifications.

Channels 1, 2, & 3 were tested8/10/2012, 5/2/2012,

& 8/20/2012 respectively.

(2) Power level (4/2/2012) and period check (3/22/2012) experiments were performed with satisfactory results.(3) The shield water tank was inspected (6/11/2012) and no leaks or excessive corrosion were observed.

The water level interlock tested satisfactorily (6/11/2012).

(4) The seismic displacement

& temperature interlocks were tested and foundsatisfactory (7/26/2012).

(5) (a) Control element capsules (cladding) were inspected (6/28/12) and found to bein good condition with no evidence of deterioration since the previousinspection.

(b) The control rod drive mechanisms were inspected (6/28/12) and tested withsatisfactory results.(c) Ejection times were measured for all SCRAM-able rods and found to be lessthan I seconds(d) The reactivity worth of all safety and control rods were measured, as well asthe time required to drive each rod to its fully inserted position.

Reactivity insertion rates were determined to be less than 0.042%Ak/k s-' ($0.058 s ') forall rods.(e) The shutdown margin was determined to be greater than 2.2%Ak/k

($3.0) withboth the most reactive SCRAM-able rod and the fine control rod fully inserted.

8/15/12.(f) All surveillances were within the appropriate Technical Specification requirements.

Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 2 of 10Operating History and Energy Output.The reactor was power levels up to 4.9 watts for a total of 148 watt-hours ofthermal energy during this reporting period. A summary of monthly operations for 2012 isgiven in Table I.Table I. Summary of Monthly Reactor Operations (1 January 2012 through 31 December 2012)MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuneAugustSeptember OctoberNovemberDecemberTotalEnergy (W-hr)0.09.911.917. 0.148 kWh consumed 7.5 micrograms of U-235. During the calendar year, a numberof students went through reactor operator training.

During the calendar year, four studentstook NRC licensing exams. Two were awarded Reactor-Operator (RO) licenses and onewas awarded a Senior Reactor-Operator (SRO) license.

Two operator-licenses wereterminated during the year because students left the university.

3. A. Unscheduled Shutdowns and Con-ective Actions Taken.None.B. Inadvertent Scrams and Action Taken.There were 159 inadvertent scrams during this reporting period. Table II summarizes theinadvertent
scramns, known or suspected cause, and action taken.

Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 3 of 10Table 11. Summary of Inadvertent Scrams(1 January 2012 through 31 December

20. 2)Date Time [ Scram Type Cause Action2/1/12 15:43 Channel i Low Operator Error Restart16:21 Channel I Low Operator Error Shutdown2/2/12 14:13 Channel 1 High Range Change Error Restart14:43 Not Indicated Suspected Electrical Transient*

Shutdown2/8/12 16:09 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart16:19 Channel 1 High Range Change Error Restart16:22 Period Operator Error Restart2/9/12 13:51 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity Restart14:17 Period Operator Error Restart15:03 Period Insertion of Source Restart15:13 Channel 1 High Range Change Error Restart2/13/12 23:36 Channel I Low Low Power Operation Restart0:02 Channel I High Low Power Operation Restart2/16/12 13:35 Channel 1 Low Loss of Signal Restart14:07 Channel 1 Low Loss of Signal RestartMagnet Over-2/22/12 13:50 CmTent Magnet Current SCRAM Set Too Low Restart2/27/12 17:14 Channel 3 High Range Change Enror Restart18:04 Not Indicated Suspected Electrical Transient*

Shutdown3/21/12 15:56 Channel I Low Loss of Signal Shutdown4/2/12 16:52 Channel I Low Loss of Signal Restart4/4/12 11:11 Channel 1 Low Loss of Signal RestartMagnet Over-4/9/12 16:38 Current Magnet Current SCRAM Set Too Low Restart5/9/12 16:48 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity Restart17:06 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity Restart5/15/12 16:40 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity

& Range Change Enror Restart19:43 Channel 3 High Over Estimation of Oscillator Reactivity Restart5/18/12 11:37 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart14:36 Not Indicated Range Change Enror RestartMagnet Over-5/23/12 16:47 Current Suspected Electrical Transient*

RestartMagnet Over- Suspected Signal Interference

& Detector is17:18 Current Insulated RestartMagnet Over-5/24/12 11:14 Current Suspected Electrical Transient*

Shutdown6/5/12 16:27 Period Chanel #1 Raise Interference Restart6/6/12 16:37 Channel I High Range Change Error Restart Idaho State University AGN-201 M Reactor201 1 Annual ReportPage 4 of 107/13/1215:42Channel 3 Hi-ghOperator Error (Training)

Restart15:50 Channel 3 High Operator Error (Training)

Restart16:10 Channel 3 Low Signal Irregularity Restart8/7/12 16:47 Channel I Low *Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart8/8/12 16:18 Channel I Low Removing the Start Up Source Restart16:30 Channel I Low Signal Irregularity Restart8/10/12 13:10 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity RestartInvestigate 13:29 Channel I Low Detector Stuck When Raise Pressed & Restart14:28 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart8/30/12 13:34 Channel I Supervisor Re-Set Time Constant During Operation Shutdown8/31/12 10:39 Channel I Low Signal Irregularity Shutdown14:59 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart15:08 Channel I High Suspected Signal Irregularity Shutdown9/5/12 20:24 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart21:33 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart9/6/12 11:26 Channel I Low Range Change Error Restart11:35 Channel I Low Range Change Error Restart9/6/12 17:35 Channel 3 High Occurred During Range Change Restart17:41 Raise Button Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart9/7/12 12:38 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart12:58 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart9/12/12 14:52 Channel 3 High Operator Error (Training)

Restart9/13/12 9:11 Channel 3 High Operator Error Restart9:33 Channel 3 High Erratic Response Changing to 3x10"(-9)

Range Restart10:10 Channel 3 High Erratic Signal Restart10:23 Channel 3 High Operator Error Restart14:00 Not Indicated Occurred During Raising Ch #1 Restart14:38 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity During Range Change Restart9/14/12 12:59 Not Indicated Occurred During Raising Ch #1 Restart14:07 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Shutdown9/15/12 11:28 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart15:07 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity During Range Change Restart9/18/12 9:58 Channel 3 Low Accidently Hitting the Console Restart9/19/12 19:40 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart19:55 Channel I High Range Change Error RestartAdjustCable9/24/12 14:37 Period scram Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise & Restart20:01 Channel I Low Operator Error RestartInvestigate 9/25/12 12:59 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

& Restart Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 5 of 1014:09Channel 1 LowSuspected Electrical Transient*

Restart9/27/12 11:42 Channel I Low Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart14:39 Raise Button Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart10/1/12 20:29 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity During Range Change Restart10/5/12 10:34 Channel 3 High Range Change ErTor Restart10/9/12 16:32 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart10/10/12 13:08 Channel 3 High Noise in Range 3x10^(-S)

& 10xl0"(-9)

Restart18:06 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity Restart10/11/12 10:41 Channel I High Range Change ErTor Restart10:48 Period Removing the Start Up Source Restart12:38 Channel I High Range Change Error Restart13:50 Chl low Loss of Signal Restart14:29 Period Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart10/16/12 13:28 Loss of Power Building Loss Power Briefly Restart10/17/12 12:06 Channel I Low Loss of Signal Restart19:40 Period Bumping of the Console Restart10/18/12 14:27 Channel 3 High Range Change Error RestartChannel 3 Low Range Change Error Restart10/19/12 13:25 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart16:35 Bumped Console Bumped Chair into Console Restart10/23/12 9:53 Period Power Transient Restart12:14 Period Signal Irregularity Restart13:23 Channel 2 Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart15:37 Period Electrical Transient*

(Period within Range) Restart17:58 Period Electrical Transient*

(Period within Range) Restart10/24/12 15:44 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart10/29/12 19:50 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart20:34 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart20:36 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart10/30/12 9:28 Channel 1 Low Loss of Signal Restart10/31/12 9:43 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart11/1/12 13:27 Not Indicated Activating Channel I Solenoid Restart11/5/12 9:59 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart10:03 Period Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart21:30 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart21:49 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart11/7/12 19:48 Channel I Low Loss of Signal Restart11/8/12 10:15 Channel 3 High Operator Error (Training)

Restart11:14 Channel 3 Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Shutdown11/9/12 13:19 Channel I Low Under Estimation ofOscillator Reactivity Restart16:46 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Shutdown Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 6 of 101 1/13/1212:58Loss of PowerLoss of Power to CircuitShutdown11/15/12 13:37 Period Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart11/21/12 14:28 Channel 3 High Signal Irregularity During Range Change Restart12/13/12 13:43 Channel 3 Low RangeChange Error Restart13:52 Period Inserted Poly Rod Too Quickly Restart14:12 Period Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart15:52 Channel 3 Low Signal Irregularity Restart16:00 Period Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart12/14/12 11:53 Channel 1 Low Operator Error Restart12/20/12 12:59 Period Raising Detector Caused Additional Signal Noise Restart12/21/12 12:43 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart13:01 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart15:00 Channel 3 High Range Change Error Restart12/27/12-14:06 Channel I Low Signal Irregularity During Range Change Restart12/28/12 16:15 Channel I Low Suspected Electrical Transient*

Restart12/31/12 10:47 Channel I Low Suspected Signal Irregularity Restart.11:06 Channel I High Non-Reproducible Rate Meter Issue Restart* Electrical transients are signal & power irregularities associated with using older vacuum robebased analogue circuitry.

4. Safety-Related Corrective Maintenance:


Channel 3 detector changed its response output and was replaced with a comparable BF3 tube. In addition the SHV connector was replaced with one designed for RG-59cable and recalibrated.


The down indicator switch on the FCR had been knocked out of place, causing the driveto continue to drive out despite being in the bottom position and the interlock OK lightbulb failed. The switch was repositioned for proper operation and the light bulbreplaced.


A bad cable connection causing a short, preventing the magnet to energize, was located.A bypass cable fixed the problem and the main cable connection fixed to return normalfunctionality.


The Channel 3 detector lost signal, a connection problem was the likely cause. Thedetector chamber was removed and all connecting cables were replaced with newconnections, returning functionality to the system.5/25/2012:The rod drop box was rebuilt with new wiring after a significant amount oftroubleshooting.


A power outage cause damage to Channel 2. Vacuum tubes V-12, V-14 & V-17. powerline fuse, and the 1.5-volt battery were replaced.

Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 7 of 106/5/2012:

Magnet current was found to be high (0.9 mA) and after replacing the V-7 vacuum tubethe current returned to a normal 0.6 mA.8/30/2012:

Channel I was having signal problems due to improper cabling and connectors.

Thesystem was rebuilt in a way so that the detector's position does not stress the signalcable and removes the need to raise the detector.


The analogue position display primary gear broke so that the tens digit wouldn't turn.The unit was replaced with a comparable spare.12/3/12:

Channel 2 failed pre-start checks. The F-I (250V 3A) fuse, V-13 6Y6GA vacuum tube,V-12 6BW4 vacuum tube, and the V-I 6BW4 vacuum tube was replaced in Channel 2to return functionality.


During operation the Safety Rod I dropped out properly, however the chassis jammed inposition.

It was found that the twin drive screws were uneven; they were greased andreset into position.

In addition there was a problem with the "up" microswitch; themicroswitch and the wiring were replaced.

5. Modifications.

A. Changes in Facility Design.None.B. Changes to Procedures.

None.C. Experiments.

Experimental procedure 12 Oscillator Experiment was revised to have descriptions for bothlinear and rotary oscillators and guidelines for operating them simultaneously.

D. Reactor Safety Committee.

As of the end of the reporting period, membership of the Reactor Safety Committee (RSC)consisted of the following individuals:

Frank Fl. Just -Chair (retired from INL)Jay F. Kunze -Reactor Administrator Adam L. Mallicoat

-Reactor Supervisor Richard R. Brey -Department ChairPeter Farina -Radiation Safety OfficerRobert Boston, PE, CHP (DOE-ID)Kermit Bunde (DOE-ID)

Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2011 Annual ReportPage 8 of 10Richard E. McCracken (retired from INL)6. Summary of Changes Reportable under 10 CFR 50.59.The paper chart recorder set up for the detector channels 2 & 3 were changed to utilize a digitalchart recorder.

The new recorder is capable recording data and displaying the response overtime and cannot impact reactor operation as installed.

The data is stored on a removable flashdrive for easy analysis and storage.7. Radioactive Effluents.

A. Liquid Waste -Total Activity Released:

None.B. Gaseous Waste -Total Estimated Activity Released:

14.4 1.tCi of Ar-41.The AGN-201 Reactor was operated for 148 watt-hours at power levels up toapproximately 4.9 watts. At this power level Ar-41 production is negligible andsubstantially below the effluent concentration limit given in 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table2. The total activity of Ar-41 released to the environment was conservatively estimated at14.4 [tCi. This activity corresponds to the total activity of all gaseous radioactive effluentfrom the facility.

A monthly summary of calculated gaseous releases is given in Table IV.Table IV. Summary of Monthly Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Releases(1 January 2012 through 31 December 2012)Ar-41Month (vCi)January 0.0February 1.0March 1.2April 1.7May 0.8June 0.8June 0.6August 1.4September 3.0October 1.5November 1.7December 0.6Total 14.4C. Solid Waste -Total Activity:


Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2012 Annual ReportPage 9 of 108. The latest environmental radiation

surveys, performed at the facility boundary while thereactor was operating at 60% of full licensed power (3.0 watt), measured a maximumcombined neutron and gamma dose equivalent rate of less than 2.0 mrem hr-' at the outsidewalls of the building proximal to the reactor.

The total equivalent dose rate at 100% power atthese locations was less than 4 mrrem hr1.9. Radiation Exposures.

The Radiation Safety Officer reviews personnel radiation exposures quarterly.

Annualreports of ionizing radiation doses are provided by the Radiation Safety Officer to allmonitored personnel as required under the provisions of 10 CFR 19.Personnel with duties in the reactor laboratory on either a regular or occasional basis havebeen issued radiation dosimeters by the Idaho State University Technical Safety Office.The duty category and whole body exposure for the 2012 monitoring period of personnel are summarized in Table V:.Table V. Personnel Radiation Monitored for 1/1/2011-12/31/2011 Name Exposure by Type (mrem)Deep Lens ShallowAryal, Harishchandra 2 2 2Baker, Ben so 49 46Baral, Madhav 2 2 1Bishart, Bishara 1 1 1Bundy, Deric 3 4 10Burrows, Ian J 7 6 6Gorham, Mackenzie

<1 <1 <1Horkley, Matt 2 2 1Imel, George <1 <1 <1Jash, Soumadipta

<1 <1 <1Kamerman, David <1 <1 <1Krieger, Michael 11 12 12Kunze, Jay <1 <1 <1Langbehn, Adam 7 6 6Loveland, Ryan 14 13 12Lum, Edward 1 1 1Mallicoat, Adam 2 2 1Misner, Jesse 3 3 2Nelson, Alan 2 2 2Nelson, Marcus <1 <1 <1Nimmagadda, Jyothier Kumar <1 <1 <1Riley, Tony 3 2 2Steele, Dallin <1 <1 <1 Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor2012 Almual ReportPage 10 of 10Stewart, Trevor 3 3 2Tam, Austin 1 1 <1Tormohlen, Derick. <1 <1 <1Wachs, Katelyn 2 3 3Chaczko, Malwina <1 <1 <1Isaacs, Daniel <1 <1 <1McBeath, Scott <1 <1 <1Nelson, Katherine 3 2 2Hart, Paul <1 <1 4The 10 CFR 20.1201 occupational dose limits to adults are: total 5 rem, lens of eye 15 rem,shallow 50 rem, and deep 50 rem. The doses received for all reactor laboratory personnel during 2012 are well below the dose limits of 10 CFR 20.1201, and well below ISUALARA limits (I REM per year, 0.3 REM per quarter).

Anytime a member of the public visits the reactor pin dosimeters are issued for the extentof the tour. A minimum of I dosimeter to every 5 people is issued for a representative group dose. During the 2012 calendar year there were 476 recorded visitors to the facility.

A summary of the public dose exposure is presented in Table VI.Table VI. Summary Whole-Body Exposures to the Public(1 January 2012 through 31 December 2012)Estimated whole-body exposure range (mrem):Number of individuals in each range:No Observable Dose 4331.0 mrem* 30Greater than 1.0 but below 5.0 mrem 12Greater than 5.0 but below 10.0 mrem 1Total number of individuals reported476*Below 1.0 mrem is considered un-measureable None of the 476 visitors to the facility during 2012 received a measurable dose that wouldexceed the annual 0.5 rem dose limit of 10 CFR 20.1301.

Note there was only one readingthat was above 5 n-rem, this is likely due to the shock of dropping the dosimeter.

Therefore, the average and maximum doses received by personnel and the public are wellwithin NRC guidelines.

Report prepared by: Adam nIMallicoat, Reactor Manager/Supervisor August 30th, 2012