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Idaho State University - Amendment Request Regarding Change of RSO
Person / Time
Site: Idaho State University
Issue date: 07/07/2016
From: Vander Schyf C
Idaho State University
To: Xiaosong Yin
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16208A059 (7)


Idaho UNIVERSITY State Office for Resea rch 921 South 8th Avenue, Stop 8130

  • Pocatello, Idaho 83209-8130 July 7, 2016 ~o-zpLj-United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Attention: Xiaosong Yin

Dear Mr. Yin :

We request an amendment to USNRC License R-110 to replace Mr. Peter C. Farina with Dr. Richard Brey, PhD, CHP, as the Radiation Safety Officer.

A copy of Dr. Brey's CV is included along with this amendment request as attachment 1.

Dr. Brey previously served as the Radiation Safety Officer at Idaho State University for this license from January 2006 to May 2011. He is a certified health physicist with over 25 years of health physics and radiation protection experience.

Also, as a point of information, please note that Mr. Adam Mallicoat has been replaced by Mr. Maxwell Daniels, BS, SRO, as Reactor Supervisor.

A copy of Mr. Daniels CV is included along with this amendment request as attachment

2. Mr. Daniels completed his BS in nuclear engineering at ISU in the spring of 2015 and will complete his MS in nuclear science and engineering in the fall of 2016. He has worked at the reactor facility for two year, during which time he earned is Senior Reactor Operator license and assisted the Reactor Supervisor with a variety of duties.

We thank you in advance for your consideration and cooperation on these requested amendments to USNRC license R-110. If you have any questions or require any more information, please contact me at

Enclosure Phone: (208) 282-3134

  • Fax: (208) 282-4487

/SU is an Equal Opportunity Employer Richard R. Brey, Ph.D., C.H.P.

College of Science and Engineering Telephone: (208) 282-4539 Idaho State University FAX: (208)-282-4649 Pocatello, ID 83209 Breyrich@ ISU. EDU POSITIONS June 2013 -Present Interim Dean College of Science and Engineering (Idaho State University July 1994-Present Idaho State University, Professor of Health Physics (2003)

Director, Health Physics Program Director, Environmental Assessment Laboratory since i995-present (analyzes i ,200 samples/quarter)

January 20i 3 - 20i 5: Chair ISU Department of uclear Engineering and Health Physics September 2010 - January 2013: Associate-Chair !SU Department of ucl ear Engineering and Health Physics Sept. 2009 - Sept. 2010 Acting Chair ISU Dept. of Physics Jan. 2006 - May 2011 Director ISU Technical Safety Office Radi ation Safety Officer on ISU 's NRC Broad Scope License 11-27380-01 Jan. 1994 - June 1994 Purdue University School of Health Sciences Teaching Assistant Aug. 1990 - Dec. 1993 Purdue University DOE Graduate Fellow May 1991 - Aug. 1991 INEL, EG&G Idaho, Environmental Technology Unit intern Aug. 1989 - Aug. 1990 Purdue University School of Health Sciences Teaching Assistant May 1987 - Aug. 1987 American Electric Power Service Corp., Nuclear Operations, Radiological Support Section, Columbus, OH intern July 1983 - July 1986 Indiana & Michigan Electric Company, D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Station, Bridgman, MI Chemistry Radiation Protection Technician (Intern 81-83) 35 Years of Experience in Health Physics, CHP- Elected Member of the National Council of

Radiation Protection and Measurements with more than a decade of high level administrative experience - currently Dean in charge of $14. 6 million dollar budget in an academic unit with 200 faculty and staff generating $35 million in revenue annually.

A career with almost continuous concurrent experiences EDUCATIO Ph.D. 1994, Health Physics, Purdue University M.S. 1990, Health Physics, Purdue University B.S. 1988, Health Physics/Industrial Hygiene, Purdue University A.A.S . 1983, Nuclear Power Technology, Terra Technical Co ll ege PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION American Board of Health Physics - Certified Health Physicist FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION Expe rti se in internal dosimetry; recently engaged with United States Transuranium and Uranium Registry on eva luation of historical exposures and redefining transfer coefficients using IM BA and other propriety software (See publications)

Health Physics fundamenta ls/Radiation detection instrumentation practice and theo1y Radiation dose and dose rate effects on chemica l and biological systems The physics and modeling of haza rdous material transpo11 through porous media ANSl/HPS N 13.1 -1 99 comp liance /sampling and ventilation HONORS AND AWARDS Awards:

Elda E. Anderson Award - A national award bestowed by the Health Physics Society See:

  • Health Physics, Vol. 83 , No. 6, December 2002, p8 I 5.
  • The Health Physics Society News letter Volume XXX umber 8, August 2002, p 16 Honor Societies:

Phi Kapa Phi National Honor Society Eta Sigma Gamma Honor Society Golden Key Nationa l Honor Society Fellowships and Scholarships:

DOE Environ mental Restoration and Waste Management Fellowship 1.N .P.O. Graduate Fell owship & l.N .P.O. Undergraduate Scholarship Health Phy ics Society Fellowship D.C. Cook Scho larship/In ternship Award PROF ESS IO AL ASSOCIATIO S Council Member - National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (E lected to Council March 2013)

Health Physics Society President/President Elect of the HPS Accelerator Section 20 I 0 - present Health Physics Society Liaison/Representative to ABET 2000 - 2007 Health Physics Society (national) Secretary I Secretary Elect (2004 - 2007)

Chair Academic Ed ucation Com mittee ( 1998 - 2003)

Summer School Committee (2001 -2002)

Public Educati on Committee ( 1996-1997)

Eastern Idaho Chapter of the Health Ph ys ics Society & ISU Stud ent Branch Advisor Eastern Idaho Chapter of the Health Physics Society (E ICH PS)

President ( 1999 - 2000)

President Elect ( 1998 - 1999)

Secretary ( 1996-1997)

American Nuclear Society and Idaho C hapter American Nuclear Society American Indu stria l Hygiene Association a nd Teton Cha pter of AIHA American Conference of Governmental Indu stria l Hygienists American Academy of Health Phys ics ABET-ASAC Com mi ssioner (at large 2007 - 2011)

ABET-ASAC Commiss ioner (HPS representative 2004-2007).

Publications: over 40 peer reviewed publications including book chapters and scientific articles, and hundreds of abstracts, presentations, invited talks and poster papers

Dr. Brey has over 40 Peer reviewed publi cations Several Publ ished book chapters Over 120 presentations/posters/abstracts provided at national meetings.

Outside Research Supported while at !SU since 1998 which was accomplished concurrently with a substantial teaching load o(at least three and up to seven courses per semester. and significant administrative responsibilities including departmental chairmanships and most recently service as an interim Dean:

Brey - Outside Money FY 1998 - 2015

$800,000 Total Outs ide dollars Since 1998: $5 ,894 ,434




"'C $400,000 -


"'C L..




$300 ,000


$100,000 f- - - - -


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 201 5 FY Year 5

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  • Past President HPS Accelerator Section
  • Past Secretary Health Phys ics Society
  • Past Pres ident of EICHPS with continued executi ve committee responsibility - Board of Directors
  • Past Secretary of EICHPS
  • Past Chair of the Hea lth Phys ics Society AEC=s Committee on Acc redi tati on.
  • Co-chair Hea lth Phys ics Progra m Directors Orga ni zati on
  • Pa t CRD F Gra nt Rev iew Sub-Committee Chair
  • Assoc iate Editor fo r HP Web Page Service - Ask the Expert fo r area of Careers in Hea lth Phys ics
  • Peer Rev iewer Many papers for the Journal Health Phys ics and several others
  • AB ET Applied Science Accreditation Commi ssion - Commiss ioner appointed by Health Phys ics Society ( 1998-2005)
  • AB ET Applied Science Accreditati on Commiss ion - Commi ss ioner appointed at La rge (2 005-20 I 0)

B. University, college, department University I) ISU Radi ation Safety Committee

2) ISU Reactor Safety Committee Co!Lege
  • Faculty Co-Advisor - EICHPS ISU Student Branch
  • Co llege Executi ve Committee Department
  • HP progra m accreditat ion team 6

Maxwell J. Daniels Schoo l Address Home Add ress 92 1 S. 81h Ave. Pulling Co urts E I 1728 I 14 1h St. S.

Pocatello, Idaho, 83201 Parkl and , WA, 98444 (253)-905-1 907 MaxJam D!a>, dan im OBJECTIVE Ambitio us stud ent with stro ng interpersonal skill s and an interest in both research reactor technolog ies see king a Reactor Supervisor pos ition at the Idaho State Uni versity AG -20 I nuclear fac ility.

EDUCATION M.S., Nuclear Engineering Expected Graduation: August 201 6 Ida ho State Uni ve rsity-Pocatello, ID GPA: 3.77 B.S., Nuclear Engineering Expected Graduati on: Spr in g 20 15 Id aho State Uni versity-Pocatell o, ID EXPERIENCE Idaho State niversity, Reactor Lab Techni cian, May 201 4-Present 92 1 S. 81h Ave., Pocatello, ID

  • Acquired a NRC Seni or Reactor Operator (SRO) Certifi cati on fo r the AG -20 I research reactor
  • Handl ed class 2 sources fo llowing all sa fety principles and ALARA radi ation goal s
  • Desi gned , fabricated and maintained reactor control system elements
  • Hosted tours of th e AG -20 I research fac ility and educated members of the public about nu clear energy Idaho State Univers ity, Student Senator-Co ll ege of Science and Engineering, August 201 3-M ay 20 14 92 1 S. 81h Ave., Pocatello, ID
  • Chaired the Senate co mmuni cation co mmittee
  • Created methods fo r increas in g tran sparency of th e Se nate and choices made therein
  • Spearh eaded the proj ect to se lect a mobil e appli cation ve ndor fo r an Idaho State Uni versity app Na tional Cash Register (NCR), Process Enginee ring Intern, June 20 13-A ugust 201 3 I Corporate Ridge Park way, Co lumbu s, GA
  • Tested and diagnosed automated teller machines, sel f-checkout stands, and point of sa le systems
  • Mechani call y maintained and ca librated conveyor belt systems and electro ni c di agnosti c equipment Tacoma Hydraulic and Machin e, Mechanical Engineering Intern , May 2012-August 2012 405 Po11er Way, Milton, Washington
  • Di sassembl ed and di agnosed hydraulic cy linders
  • Des igned new mechani ca l components to increase effi ciency and sa fet y of hydra uli c cy lind ers
  • Eva luated suppliers to ensure capabiliti es, qualifi cations, and certifi cations ACTIVITIES
  • Institute of uclear Materi al Management (I MM ) Stud ent Chapter Pres id ent
  • Vice-Chai r Nuclear Engineering Student Delegation (NES D)
  • Ameri ca n Nuclear Soc iety (A S) Student Chapter Vi ce-Pres ident SKILLS
  • Profic ient in Spani sh
  • Working know led ge of MC P6 , Mathemati ca, MATLAB, Python, and KENO V.a ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
  • Eagle Sco ut