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E.I. Hatch, Units 1 and 2 - Enclosure 4, Non-Proprietary Version of the Epri/Bwrvip Information Requested in RAI 1
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Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/12/2015
Southern Co, Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15322A088 List:
Download: ML15322A090 (24)


Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear PlantResponse to Request for Additional Information Regarding Application forAmendment to Technical Specifications for Relocation of Pressure andTemperature (P-T) Curves to the Pressure and Temperature Limits Report(PTLR) Consistent with TSTF-41 9-AEnclosure 4Non-Proprietary Version of the EPRI / BWRVIP Information Requested in RAI 1 EPRI I BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information Plant-Specific Evaluations Hatch IRepresentative Surveillance Materials The Isp Representative Surveillance Materials for the Hatch 1 vessel target weld and plates areshown in the following table.Table 2-43Target Vessel Materials and ISP Representative Materials for Hatch 1~Target Vessel Materials ISP Representative Materials Weld 1 P2815 20291Plate C4114-2 C4114-2Summary of Available Surveillance Data: PlateThe representative plate material C4114-2 is contained in the following ISP capsules:

Hatch 1 CapsulesSpecific surveillance data related to plate heat C41 14-2 are summarized in Appendix A-4. Twocapsules containing this plate heat have been tested. The Charpy V-notCh surveillance results areas follows:Table 2-44T30 Shift Results for Plate Heat C4114-2Cu Ni FlI~knceCapsule (wt%) (wt%) (10'7 n/cm" ,E > 1MeV) AT30 (0F)Hatch I 3Q0 2.4 41.8___ __ __ __ __ -0.12 0.70Hatch 1 120° 4.6 62.5The results given in Appendix A-4 show a fitted chemistry factor (CE) of {{ }}', as comparedto a value of 84.5°F from the chemistry tables in Reg. Guide 1 .99, Rev. 2. The maximum scatter inthe fitted data is {{ }}, which is well within the 1-sigma value of 17°F for plates as given inReg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative plate material is the same heat number as the target plate in the Hatch1 vessel, and because there are two irradiated data sets for this plate that fall within the 1-sigmascatter band, the ISP surveilrance data should be used to revise the projected ART value for thetarget vessel plate with a reduced margin term (Regulatory Position 2.1). Recommended guidelines for use of ISP surveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data Source Book.2-30 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information Plant-Specific Evaluations In addition, an archival plate heat from the Hatch 1 vessel, Plate Heat C3985-2, was included inthe Supplemental Surveillance Program (SSP), and irradiated data from SSP Capsules H and Care provided in Appendix A- 17. The credible surveillance data should be considered when arevised ART is calculated for vessel heat 03985-2.Summary of Available Surveillance Data: WeldThe representative weld material 20291 is contained in the following ISP capsules:

Cooper CapsulesSSP Capsule CSpecific surveillance data related to weld heat 20291 are presented in Appendix B-2 and theresults are summarized below. Two capsules containing weld heat 20291 have been tested.The Charpy V-notch surveillance results are as follows:Table 2-45T"3o Shift Results for Weld Heat 20291Cu Ni FluenceCapsule (wt%) (wt%) (10ll n/cm2, E > 1MeV) A.T3o (CF)Cooper 300 2.4 60.9Cooper 3000 0.23 0.75 2.8 63.8SSP C 3.29 73.0The results given in Appendix B-2 show a fitted chemistry factor (OF) of {{ }}, as comparedto a value of 1 94.5°F from the chemistry tables in Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. The maximumscatter in the fitted data is well within the 1-sigma value of 28°F for welds as given in Reg.Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative weld material is not the same heat number as the target weld in theHatch 1 vessel, the utility should use the chemistry factor from the Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev.2 tables to determine the projected ART value for the target vessel weld. Recommended guidelines for evaluation of ISP surveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data SourceBook.2-31 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary information ISP Plate Heat Evaluations A-4 Plate Heat: C41 14-2Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test DataThe available Charpy V-notch test data sets for plate heat C41 14-2 are listed in Table A-4-1. Thesource documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designations and fluence values arealso provided for irradiated data sets.Table A-4-1ISP Capsules Containing Plate Heat C41 14-2Capsule Fluence (E> 1 MeV, 1017 rlcm2) Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data --Reference A-4-1Hatch 1 30° 2.4 Reference A-4-2Hatch 1 1200 4.6 Reference A-4-3The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented inTables A-4-7 through A-4-9. The BWRVIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as astatistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots foreach data set have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [A-4-4] and the plots areprovided in Figures A-4-1 through A-4-3.Best Estimate Chemistry Table A-4-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for plate heat C41 14-2surveillance material.

Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent.

If there aremultiple measurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value forthat specimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate.

Table A-4-2Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Plate Heat C41 14-2Cu (wt%) Ni(% P (w%)S(w%

Si (wt%) Specimen ID Source0.11 0.68 --0.21 DEM0.11 0.57 -- -0.19 D4L0.12 0.71 -- -0.22 CUBRerncA-3 0.13 0.77 0.015 -0.26 D140.13 0.78 0.014 -- 0.26 CUP0.12 0.68 0.014 -0.19 CUD0.13 0.7 0.010 0.013 0.28 Baseline CMTR Reference A-4-30.12 0.70 0.013 0.013 0.23 ('-Best Estimate AverageCalculation of Chemistry Factor (CF):The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [A-4-6]1, Table 2 (base metal), is:A-4-1 EPRI I BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Plate 1-eat Evaluations CFcc4114.,) -- 84.5°FEffects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat C4 114-2 are shown in Table A-4-3.The [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature],

Tho [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature],

and T35mi[35 mil Lateral Expansion Temperature]

have been determined for each Charpy data set, andeach irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) index temperatures.

The change inUpper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated and irradiated values are taken fromthe CVGRAPH fits presented at the back of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits arepresented).

Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (AT30) is calculated for each irradiated dataset using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table A-4-4 comparesthe predicted shift with the measured AT30 (°F) taken from Table A-4-3.Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Decrease in USETable A-4-5 compares the actual percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE) to the predicted decrease.

The predicted decrease is estimated from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2,Figure 2; the measured percent decrease is calculated from the values presented in Table A-4-3.A-4-2 ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Table A-4-3Effect of Irradiation (E>1.0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Plate Heat C4114-2T=, 30 ft-lb Two, 50 ft-lb T36mii, 35 mil LateralTransition Transition Expansion CVN Upper Shelf EnergyMaterial Capsule Temperature Temperature Temperature (USE)identity IDUnirrad irrad &T~ Unirrad Irrad ATe0 Unirrad Irrad AT25., Unirrad Irrad Change(°F) (0F) (°F) (0F) (°F) (°F) (0F) (°F) (0F) (it-Ib) (ft-lb) (ft-lb)HlC142 300 -61.5 -19.7 41.8 -28.8 13.8 42.6 -34.7 -9.4 25.3 136.0 135.1 -0.91200 -61.5 1.0 62.5 -28.8 25.8 54.6 -34.7 14.1 48.8 136.0 141.1 5.1Table A-4-4Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlemernt for Plate Heat C41 14-2Measured RG 1.99 Rev. 2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2Capsule Identity Material Fx10uence=

Shift1 Predicted Shift2 Predicted Shift+Marginz° (xO0nc2 F 0F °FHA1 300 Plate Heat C41 14-2 in Hatch 1 0.24 41.8 16.2 32.4HA1 1200 Plate Heat C41 14-2 in Hatch 1 0.46 62.5 23.6 47.2Notes:1. See Table A-4-3, ATM.2. Predicted shift = CF x FE, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables from USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's Cu/Ni content, and FF is FluenceFactor, ' where f = fluence n/cm2, E > 1.0 MeV),3. Margin = 2'J{o, + oa), where a = the standard deviation on initial RT~oT (which is taken to be 0°F), and 0A is the standard deviation on (280F for welds and 170F for basematerials, except that OA need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of ART~oT).

Thus, margin is defined as 34°F for plate mnaterials and 560F for weld materials, or marginequals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.m"-o-;o-o0--A--4-3 ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Table A-4-5Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Plate Heat C4114-2Flec uCnet Measured RG 1.99 Rev. 2Casuentteiitlene CuCntn Decrease in USE' Predicted Decrease inCasuenMatria (xl 0ls nu/cm2) (wt%) (%) USE2 (%)HAl 300 Plate Heat C41 14-2 in Hatch 1 0.24 0.12 0.7 8.7HA1 1200 Plate Heat C41 14-2 in Hatch 1 0.46 0.12 10.1Notes:1. See Table A-4-3, (Change in USE)/(Unirradiated USE).2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 [A-4-7] that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.3. Value less than zero.m"-U-o"U0o,2aoo)A-4-4 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Plate Heat Evaluations A-5 Plate Heat:C8554 Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test DataThe available Charpy V-notch test data sets for plate heat C8554 are listed in Table A-5-1. Thesource documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designation and fluence values arealso provided for irradiated data sets.Table A-5-1ISP Capsules Containing Plate Heat C8554Caps ule Fluence (E > 1MeV, 1017 n/cm2)) Reference Unirradiated Baseline DataReference A-5-1Hatch 2 30° 2.3The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented inTables A-5-6 and A-5-7. The BWR VIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as astatistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plotsfor each data set have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [A-5-2] and the plots areprovided in Figures A-5-i and A-5-2.Best Estimate Chemistry Table A-5-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for plate heat 08554 surveillance material.

Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent.

If there are multiplemeasurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value for thatspecimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate.

Table A-5-2Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Plate Heat C8554Cu (wt%) Ni (wt%) P Cwt%) S (wt%) Si (wt%) SpecimenlID Source0.08 0.63 0.011 -- -- P1-46-A0.08 0.63 0.009 -- -- P1-46-B Reference A-5-10.05 0.63 0.010 -_ Average P1-46-0.57 0.010 0.018 0.22 C8554 Slab,1Reference A-5-3S 0.58 0.010 0.018 0.24 C8554 Slab 2{{ }} { {{ }} {{ }} {{ } *--Best Estimate AverageA-5-1 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Calculation of Chemistry Factor (CF):The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [A-5-4], Table 2 (base metal), is:CF(Cs554) = 51.0°FEffects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat C8554 are shown in Table A-5-3.The T3o [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], T5,2 [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T35ml[35 rail Lateral Expansion Temperature] have been determined for each Charpy data set, andeach irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) index temperatures. The change inUpper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated and irradiated values are taken fromthe CVGRAPH fits presented at the back of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits arepresented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (AT30) is calculated for each irradiated dataset using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table A-5-4 comparesthe predicted shift with the measured (°F) taken from Table A-5-3.Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Decrease in USETable A-5-S compares the actual percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE) to the predicted decrease. The predicted decrease is estimated from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2,Figure 2; the measured percent decrease is calculated from the values presented in Table A-5-3.A-5-2 ISP Plate Heat Evalua~tions Table A-5-3Effect of Irradiation (E>1 B MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Plate Heat C8554TLo, 30 ft-lb T50, 50 ft-lb T35, 35 mil Lateral CVN Upper Shelf EnergyTransition Transition Material Capsule Temperature Temperature Expansion Temperature (USE)Identity IDIUnirrad Irrad AT30 Unirad Irrad ATso Unirrad Irrad AT35 Unirrad Irrad Change(°F)_______F)F) ( ) (F) (°F) °F) (0F) (0F) (F) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) I (ft-lb)HA2 C8554 30" -19.6 -15.6 4.0 62 14.3 8.1 8.2 7.9 -0.3 111.5 112.9 1.4Table A-5-4Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement for Plate Heat C8554Flec esrd RG 1.99 Rev.2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2Capsule Identity Material Shift' Predicted Shift2 Predicted Shift+Margin 2'3HA2 30° Plate Heat C8554 in Hatch 2 0.23 4.0 9.6 19.1Notes:1 .See Table A.5 3, AT302.Predicted shift = CF x FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's

3. Cp/Ni content, and FF isFluence Factor, where f- fluence (10's nfcm2, E> 1.0 MeVf).3.Margin

= 2.1(o,2 + where 01 = the standard deviation on initial RTNOT- (which is taken to be 0°F), and oA is the standard deviation on &RTNDr (28°F for welds and 1 7'F for basematerials, except that oA need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of ARTF~or). Thus, margin is defined as 34TF for plate material and for weld materials, or marginequals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.Table A-5-5Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Plate Heat 08554Fluence Cu Content Measured Decrease RG 1.99 Rev.2CapsulelIdentity Material n/Cm)* (wt%) in USE'(%) Predicted Decrease inUSE('Co)HA2 300 Plate Heat C8554 in Hatch 2 0.23 {{ } --- 7.0Notes:1.See Table A 5 3, (Change in USE)/(Unirradiated USE).2.Calculated using equations in Regulatory-Guide 1 .1 62[A 5]5 that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1 .99, Revision 2.3.Value less than zero."0-o-o,"00)A-5-3 EPRi / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Plate Heat Evaluations A-17 Plate Heat: C3985-2Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test DataThe available Charpy V-notch test data sets for plate heat C3985-2 are listed in Table A-l 7-1.The source documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designation and fluence valuesare also provided for irradiated data sets. Plate heat C3985-2 is not the Hatch 1 surveillance plate, but it is a Hatch 1 vessel archival plate included in the Supplemental Surveillance Program(SSP).Table A-17-1ISP Capsules Containing Plate Heat C3985-2Capsule Fluence (E> 1 MeV, 1017 n/cm2) Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data --Reference A-17-1SSP H 16.240 Reference A-i17-2SSP C 3.11 Reference A-i17-9The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented inTables A-17-7 and A-17-9. The BWRVIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as astatistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots foreach data set have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [A- 17-3] and the plots areprovided in Figures A-17-l through A-17-3.Best Estimate Chemistry Table A-17-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for plate heat C3985-2surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there aremultiple measurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value forthat specimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate. Table A-i17-2Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Plate Heat C3985-2Cu (wt%) Ni (wt%) P (wt%) S (wt%) Si (wt%) Specimen ID Source0.13 0.58 0.015 0.015 0.27 CMTR Reference A-17-40.11 0.66 0.02 0.018 0.27 SSP0.08 0.59 0.008 -- -- SSP Reference A-17-10.095 0.625 0.014 0.018 0,27 SSP Average0.11 0.60 0.015 0.017 0.27 (-Best Estimate AverageA-17-1 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Calculation of Chemistry Factor (CF):The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [A-17-5], Table 2 (base metal), is:CFc9s, = 74.0°FEffects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat C3985-2 are shown in Table A-17-3.The T30 [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], T50 [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T351[35 mil Lateral Expansion Temperature] have been determined for each Charpy data set, andeach irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) index temperatures. The change inUpper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated and irradiated values are taken fromthe CVGRAPH fits presented at the end of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits arepresented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (AT30) is calculated for each irradiated dataset using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table A-17-4 comparesthe predicted shift with the measured AT30 (0F) taken from Table A-17-3.Decrease in USETable A-17-5 shows the percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE). The measured percentdecrease is calculated from the values presented in Table A-17-3.A- 17-2 ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Table A-17-3Effect of Irradiation (E>I .0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Plate Heat C3985-2T,,o, 30 ft-lb Tso, 50Oft-lb 5mlLtrl CNUprSefEeg Transition Transition T~,1 5mtLtrl CNUprSefEeg Material Capsule Temperature Temperature Expansion Temperature (USE)Identity ID __Unirrad Irrad ATmo Unirrad Irrad ATs, Unirrad Irrad A~e Unirrad Irrad Change("F) ("F) ("F) ("F) (°F) ("F) ("F) ("F) ("F) (ft-lb) (ft-tb) (ft-tb)HAl SSP H -11.7 19.4 31.1 27.0 62.5 35.5 31.1 55.6 24.5 112.8 110.5 -2.3C3985-2 SSP C -11.7 8.8 20.5 27.0 46.4 19.4 31.1 30.6 -0.5 112.8 115.8 3.0Table A-17-4Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement for Plate Heat C3985-2Materialm"13wo-Cz2030Z0oD0="130"SSP HPlate Heat C3985-2 from HA1SSP C _Plate Heat 03985-2 from HA1Notes:1. See Table A-17-3, ATo.2. Predicted shilt = CF x FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables from USNRC Rag. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's CuINi content, and FF is FluenceFactor, where I = Iluence (10"° n/cm', E > 1.0 MeV).3. Margin = + an'), where Dr = the standard deviation on initial RT,,, (which is taken to be 0"F), and CiA is the standard deviation on ART,~r (28"F for welds and 17"F for basematerials, except that 0A need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of ARTNm). Thus, margin is defined as 34"F for plate materials and 56"F for weld materials, or marginequals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.A-17-3 ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Table A-i17-5Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Plate Heat C3985-2P~ d RG 1.99 Rev. 2FMeneeasured Predicted Capsule Identity Material Fxlue1nlce 2 Cu Content (wt%) Decrease in USE1 erae nUE(%) (%)SSP H 1.6240 0.11 2.0 13.0Plate Heat 03985-2 from HA1SSP 0 0.311 0.11 .-a 8.8Notes:1. See Table A-17-3, (Change in USE)/(Unirradiated USE).2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 [A-17-6] that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.3. Value less than zero.mZr-cr,=0IoA-17-4 EPRI I BWRVIP Non-Proprietary 1nformation ISP Weld Heat Evaluations B-2 Weld Heat: 20291Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test DataThe available Charpy V-notch test data sets for weld heat 20291 are listed in Table B-2-1. Thesource documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designations and fluence values arealso provided for irradiated data sets.Table B-2-1ISP Capsules Containing Weld Heat 20291Capsule Fluence (E> 1 MeV, 1017 n/cm2) Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data --Reference B-2-1Cooper 3000 2.8Reference B-2-2 and B-2-3Cooper 30° SSP Capsule C 3.29 Reference B-2-1 11Fluence reported by Reference B-2-3, which revised the capsule fluence reported by Reference B-2-2.The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented in TablesB-2-7 through B-2-10. The BWRVIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as astatistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots foreach data set have been generated using CVGRAPH3, Version 5 IReference B-2-4] and the plotsare provided in Figures B-2-1 through B-2-4.Best Estimate Chemistry Table B-2-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for weld heat 20291 surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there are multiplemeasurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value for thatspecimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate. Table B-2-2Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Weld Heat 20291Cu Ni P S " Si(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) Specimen ID Source0.23 0.75 0.012 -- -- J74Reference B-2-2 and B-2-50.22 0.74 0.012 -- -- J7D0.22 0.72 0.016 -- -- J7BReference 6-2-30.23 0.77 0.017 --- J750.23 0.75 0.014 -- -- 4.Best Estimate AverageB-2-1 EPRI I BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Weld Heat Evaluations Calculation of Chemistry Factor (CF):The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [Reference B-2-6], Table 1 (weld metal), is:C(20291,) = 194.5°FEffects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat 20291 are shown in Table B-2-3.The T30 [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], T5o [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T3smt[35 mil Lateral Expansion Temperature] index temperatures have been determined for eachCharpy data set, and each irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) indextemperatures. The change in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated andirradiated values are taken from the CVGRAPH fits presented at the back of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits are presented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (AT30) is calculated for each irradiated dataset using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table B-2-4 comparesthe predicted shift with the measured AT30 (0F) taken from Table B-2-3.Decrease in USETable B-2-5 shows the percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE). The measured percentdecrease is calculated from the values presented in Table B-2-3.B-2-2 ISP Weld Heat Evaluations Table B-2-3Effect of irradiation (E>1 .0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Weld Heat 2029130 ft-lb T=, 50 ft-lb 35 mil Lateral CVN Upper Shelf EnergyMaterial Transition Temperature Transition Temperature Expansion Temperature(U )Identity Capsule ID ..Unirrad Irrad iAT,, Unirrad Irrad AT,, Unirrad Irrad Unirrad Irrad Change300 -17.8 43.1 60.9 13.3 92.4 79.1 10.8 38.1 27.3 110.0 81.2 -28.8CPR221 3000 -17.8 46.0 63.8 13.3 109.6 96.3 10.8 82.0 71.2 110.0 87.9 -22.1SSP C -17.8 55.2 73.0 13.3 88.7 75.4 10.8 81.6 70.8 110.0 93.6 -16.4Table B-2-4Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement far Weld Heat 20291RG 1.99 Rev. 2Capsule MaeilFluence Measured PrGe1.99tev. 2hf Predicted Identity Maeil(xlO' 8 n/cm2) Shift' °F Prdce hFt Shift+Margin 2"0oFCPR 300 Weld Heat 20291 in Cooper 0.24 60.9 37.4 74.8CPR 3000 Weld Heat 20291 in Cooper 0.28 63.8 41.0 82.0SSP C Cooper Weld Heat 20291 in SSP C 0.329 73.0 45.1 90.1Notes:1. See Table B-2-3, T,,T.2. Predicted shift = CF X FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables tram USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's Cu/Ni content,and FF is Fluence Factor, t0,o, where f =fluence (10" n/cm2, E > 1.0 MeV).3. Margin = 2 -J(a,2 + cQ), where a, = the standard deviation on initial (which is taken to be 0°F). and 0,A is the standard deviation on (280F for welds and 17°F for base materials, except that need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of oT). Thus, margin Is defined as forplate materials and 56°F for weld materials, or margin equals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.m-U-U02o0B-2-3 ISP Weld Heat Ev'aluations Table B-2-5Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Weld Heat 20291RG 1.99 Rev. 2Fiuence CMesrdPredicted Capsule identity Material (x10'8 n/cm2) Content Decrease in Decrease in USED(wt%) USE1 (%) (%)CPR 300 Weld Heat 20291 in Cooper 0.24 0.23 26.2 15.3CPR 3000 Weld Heat 20291 in Cooper 0.28 0.23 20.1 15.9SSP C Cooper Weld Heat 20291 in SSP C 0.329 0.23 14.9 16.5Notes:1. See Table B3-2-3, (Change in USE)I(Unirradiated USE).2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 [B-2-7] that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.mt00,0,0-B-2-4 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information Plant-Specific Evaluations Hatch 2Representative Surveillance Materials The ISP Representative Surveillance Materials for the Hatch 2 vessel target weld and plates areshown in the following table.Table 2-46Target Vessel Materials and ISP Representative Materials for Hatch 2ITarget Vessel Materials ISP Representative Materials Weld 10137 51912Plate C8579-2 C8554Summary of Available Surveillance Data: PlateThe representative plate material 08554 is contained in the following ISP capsules: Hatch 2 CapsulesSpecific surveillance data related to plate heat 08554 are summarized in Appendix A-5. Onecapsule containing this plate heat has been tested. The Charpy V-notch surveillance results areas follows:Table 2-47T13o Shift Results for Plate Heat C8554Cu Ni FluenceCapsule (wt%) (wt%) (1017 n/cmn2, E > 1MeV), AT30 (0F)Hatch 2 300 [{ }} {{ )} 2.3 4.0NO surveillance based chemistry factor will be available until a second capsule is tested(see reference [1] for capsule test schedule). Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative plate material is not the same heat number as the target plate in theHatch 2 vessel, the utility should use the chemistry factor from the Regulatory Guide 1 .99, Rev.2 tables (Regulatory Position 1.1) to determine the projected ART value for the target vesselplate. However, 08554 is a plate heat in the Hatch 2 vessel beltline; therefore, the surveillance datareported in Appendix A-S should be considered in the evaluation of that vessel plate. However,there is currently only one irradiated data set available for this plate. Therefore, the utility shoulduse the chemistry factor from the Regulatory Guide 1.99 Rev. 2 tables (Regulatory Position 1 .1)to determine the projected ART value for the 08554 plate until such time as there are two ormore credible irradiated data sets available. Recommended guidelines for evaluation of ISPsurveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data Source Book.2-32 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information , Plant-Specific Evaluations Summary of Available Surveillance Data: WeldThe representative weld material 51912 is contained in the following capsules: Hatch 2 CapsulesSpecific surveillance data related to weld heat 51912 are presented in Appendix B-6 and theresults are summarized below. One capsule containing weld heat 51912 has been tested. TheCharpy V-notch surveillance results are as follows:Table 2-48T38 Shift Resultsfor Weld Heat 51912ICu Ni FluenceCapsule (wt%) (wt%) (1017 n/cmn2, E > 1MeV), AT30 ("F)Hatch2 3O° {{} {{ }) 2.3 1.1No surveillance based chemistry factor will be available until a second capsule is tested(see reference [1] for capsule test schedule). Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative weld material is not the same heat number as the target weld inthe Hatch 2 vessel, the utility should use the chemisiry factor from the Regulatory Guide 1 .99,Rev. 2 tables to determine the projected ART value for the target vessel weld. Recommended guidelines for evaluation of ISP surveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data SourceBook.2-33 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information 1SF' held H-eat Lia/uatio,,s B-6 Weld Heat:51912 Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test DataThe available Charpy V-notch test data sets for weld heat 51912 are listed in Table 8-6-1. Thesource documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designation and fluence values arealso provided for irradiated data sets.Table B-6-1ISP Capsules Containing Weld Heat 51912Capsule Fluence (E> 1MeV,10"7 n/cm2) Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data ----.Reference B-6-1Hatch 2 3Q0 2.31The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented in TablesB-6-6 and B-6-7. The BWRVlP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as a statistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots for each dataset have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [Reference B-6-2] and the plots areprovided in Figures B-6-1 and B-6-2.Best Estimate Chemistry Table B-6-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for weld heat 51912surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there aremultiple measurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single valuefor that specimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat bestestimate. Table B-6-2Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Weld Heat 51912Cu Ni P~ S Si Specimen ID Source(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) ______0.13 0.12 0.013 -P2-46-A0.12 0.07 0.014 --P2-46-B Reference B-6-1{{ )J ({ 7) (( 7) -A-verage P2-46 ______({ 7) ({ 7) {{ 7) -,-Best Estimate AverageCalculation of Chemistry Factor (C F):The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [Reference B-6-3], Table 1 (weld metal), is:CFs91)= 67.0=FB-6-1 EPRI I BWRVIP Non-Proprietary information ISP Weld Heat Eval uationsEffects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat 51912 are shown in Table B-6-3.The T30 [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], Tho [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T35,miI [35 mai Lateral Expansion Temperature] index temperatures have been determined for eachCharpy data set, and each irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) indextemperatures. The change in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated andirradiated values are taken from the CVGRAPH fits presented at the back of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits are presented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement" A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (ATmo) is calculated for each irradiated dataset using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table B-6-4 comparesthe predicted shift with the measured AT30 (0F) taken from Table B-6-3.Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Decrease in USETable B-6-5 compares the actual percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE) to the predicted decrease. The predicted decrease is estimated from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2,Figure 2; the measured percent decrease is calculated from the values presented in Table B-6-3.B-6-2 ISP Weld Heat Evaluations Table B-6-3Effect of Irradiation (E>I.0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Weld Heat 51912T~o, 30 ft-lb T~o 50 ft-lb T335 mai Lateral CNUprSefEeg Transition Transition Expansion(UE Material Capsule Temperature Temperature Temperature(UE dett D Unirrad Irrad AT= ad Irrad ATwo Unirrad Irrad Unirrad Irrad Change(0F) (°F) (0F) (OF) (°F) (0F) (°F) (0F) (0F) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb)HA2592 300 -21.0 -19.9 1.1 4.0 10.2 6.2 7.3 4.9 -2.4 120.8 119.1 -1.7Table B-6-4Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement for Weld Heat 51912RG 1.99 Rev. 2Capsule Material Fluence Measured Shift' RG 1.99 Rev. 2 Predicted Identity (XlO" nlcm2) 0F Predicted Shift2 0F Shift+Margin 2'3oFHA2 300 Weld Heat 51912 in Hatch 2 0.23 1.1 12.6 25.1Notes:1. See Table B-6-3, AT0.2. Predicted shift =CF X FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables from USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each materalrs Cu/Ni content,and FF is Fluence Factor, where f = fluence (10's ndcm=, E > 1.0 MeV).3. Margin =24/(0,- + where o, = the standard deviation on initial (which is taken to be 0*F), and is the standard deviation on ARTwJz (28°F for weldsand 1 70F for base materials, except tht , need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of ART,,or). Thus, margin is defined as 34-°F for plate materials and 56"Ffor weld materials, or margin equals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.m-o-o02*"CDB-6-3 1SP' Weld Heat Evaluations Table B-6.5Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Weld Heat 51912Casueudetencatrel 1Cu Content Measured RG 1.99 Rev. 2CasueIdntt Mtril x 0Mn/cm2) (wt%) Decrease in USE"2 {%) Predicted Decrease in_ USE2 (%)HA2 30+ Weld Heat 51912 in Hatch 2 0.23 { }1,4 11.1Notes:1. See Table R-6-3, (Change In USE)/(Unirradiated USE).2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 { B-6-4) that accurately model the charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.-oza,a,.CB-6-4 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear PlantResponse to Request for Additional Information Regarding Application forAmendment to Technical Specifications for Relocation of Pressure andTemperature (P-T) Curves to the Pressure and Temperature Limits Report(PTLR) Consistent with TSTF-41 9-AEnclosure 4Non-Proprietary Version of the EPRI / BWRVIP Information Requested in RAI 1 EPRI I BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information Plant-Specific Evaluations Hatch IRepresentative Surveillance Materials The Isp Representative Surveillance Materials for the Hatch 1 vessel target weld and plates areshown in the following table.Table 2-43Target Vessel Materials and ISP Representative Materials for Hatch 1~Target Vessel Materials ISP Representative Materials Weld 1 P2815 20291Plate C4114-2 C4114-2Summary of Available Surveillance Data: PlateThe representative plate material C4114-2 is contained in the following ISP capsules: Hatch 1 CapsulesSpecific surveillance data related to plate heat C41 14-2 are summarized in Appendix A-4. Twocapsules containing this plate heat have been tested. The Charpy V-notCh surveillance results areas follows:Table 2-44T30 Shift Results for Plate Heat C4114-2Cu Ni FlI~knceCapsule (wt%) (wt%) (10'7 n/cm" ,E > 1MeV) AT30 (0F)Hatch I 3Q0 2.4 41.8___ __ __ __ __ -0.12 0.70Hatch 1 120° 4.6 62.5The results given in Appendix A-4 show a fitted chemistry factor (CE) of {{ }}', as comparedto a value of 84.5°F from the chemistry tables in Reg. Guide 1 .99, Rev. 2. The maximum scatter inthe fitted data is {{ }}, which is well within the 1-sigma value of 17°F for plates as given inReg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative plate material is the same heat number as the target plate in the Hatch1 vessel, and because there are two irradiated data sets for this plate that fall within the 1-sigmascatter band, the ISP surveilrance data should be used to revise the projected ART value for thetarget vessel plate with a reduced margin term (Regulatory Position 2.1). Recommended guidelines for use of ISP surveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data Source Book.2-30 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information Plant-Specific Evaluations In addition, an archival plate heat from the Hatch 1 vessel, Plate Heat C3985-2, was included inthe Supplemental Surveillance Program (SSP), and irradiated data from SSP Capsules H and Care provided in Appendix A- 17. The credible surveillance data should be considered when arevised ART is calculated for vessel heat 03985-2.Summary of Available Surveillance Data: WeldThe representative weld material 20291 is contained in the following ISP capsules: Cooper CapsulesSSP Capsule CSpecific surveillance data related to weld heat 20291 are presented in Appendix B-2 and theresults are summarized below. Two capsules containing weld heat 20291 have been tested.The Charpy V-notch surveillance results are as follows:Table 2-45T"3o Shift Results for Weld Heat 20291Cu Ni FluenceCapsule (wt%) (wt%) (10ll n/cm2, E > 1MeV) A.T3o (CF)Cooper 300 2.4 60.9Cooper 3000 0.23 0.75 2.8 63.8SSP C 3.29 73.0The results given in Appendix B-2 show a fitted chemistry factor (OF) of {{ }}, as comparedto a value of 1 94.5°F from the chemistry tables in Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2. The maximumscatter in the fitted data is well within the 1-sigma value of 28°F for welds as given in Reg.Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative weld material is not the same heat number as the target weld in theHatch 1 vessel, the utility should use the chemistry factor from the Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev.2 tables to determine the projected ART value for the target vessel weld. Recommended guidelines for evaluation of ISP surveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data SourceBook.2-31 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary information ISP Plate Heat Evaluations A-4 Plate Heat: C41 14-2Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test DataThe available Charpy V-notch test data sets for plate heat C41 14-2 are listed in Table A-4-1. Thesource documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designations and fluence values arealso provided for irradiated data sets.Table A-4-1ISP Capsules Containing Plate Heat C41 14-2Capsule Fluence (E> 1 MeV, 1017 rlcm2) Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data --Reference A-4-1Hatch 1 30° 2.4 Reference A-4-2Hatch 1 1200 4.6 Reference A-4-3The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented inTables A-4-7 through A-4-9. The BWRVIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as astatistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots foreach data set have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [A-4-4] and the plots areprovided in Figures A-4-1 through A-4-3.Best Estimate Chemistry Table A-4-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for plate heat C41 14-2surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there aremultiple measurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value forthat specimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate. Table A-4-2Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Plate Heat C41 14-2Cu (wt%) Ni(% P (w%)S(w% Si (wt%) Specimen ID Source0.11 0.68 --0.21 DEM0.11 0.57 -- -0.19 D4L0.12 0.71 -- -0.22 CUBRerncA-3 0.13 0.77 0.015 -0.26 D140.13 0.78 0.014 -- 0.26 CUP0.12 0.68 0.014 -0.19 CUD0.13 0.7 0.010 0.013 0.28 Baseline CMTR Reference A-4-30.12 0.70 0.013 0.013 0.23 ('-Best Estimate AverageCalculation of Chemistry Factor (CF):The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [A-4-6]1, Table 2 (base metal), is:A-4-1 EPRI I BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Plate 1-eat Evaluations CFcc4114.,) -- 84.5°FEffects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat C4 114-2 are shown in Table A-4-3.The [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], Tho [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T35mi[35 mil Lateral Expansion Temperature] have been determined for each Charpy data set, andeach irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) index temperatures. The change inUpper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated and irradiated values are taken fromthe CVGRAPH fits presented at the back of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits arepresented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (AT30) is calculated for each irradiated dataset using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table A-4-4 comparesthe predicted shift with the measured AT30 (°F) taken from Table A-4-3.Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Decrease in USETable A-4-5 compares the actual percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE) to the predicted decrease. The predicted decrease is estimated from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2,Figure 2; the measured percent decrease is calculated from the values presented in Table A-4-3.A-4-2 ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Table A-4-3Effect of Irradiation (E>1.0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Plate Heat C4114-2T=, 30 ft-lb Two, 50 ft-lb T36mii, 35 mil LateralTransition Transition Expansion CVN Upper Shelf EnergyMaterial Capsule Temperature Temperature Temperature (USE)identity IDUnirrad irrad &T~ Unirrad Irrad ATe0 Unirrad Irrad AT25., Unirrad Irrad Change(°F) (0F) (°F) (0F) (°F) (°F) (0F) (°F) (0F) (it-Ib) (ft-lb) (ft-lb)HlC142 300 -61.5 -19.7 41.8 -28.8 13.8 42.6 -34.7 -9.4 25.3 136.0 135.1 -0.91200 -61.5 1.0 62.5 -28.8 25.8 54.6 -34.7 14.1 48.8 136.0 141.1 5.1Table A-4-4Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlemernt for Plate Heat C41 14-2Measured RG 1.99 Rev. 2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2Capsule Identity Material Fx10uence= Shift1 Predicted Shift2 Predicted Shift+Marginz° (xO0nc2 F 0F °FHA1 300 Plate Heat C41 14-2 in Hatch 1 0.24 41.8 16.2 32.4HA1 1200 Plate Heat C41 14-2 in Hatch 1 0.46 62.5 23.6 47.2Notes:1. See Table A-4-3, ATM.2. Predicted shift = CF x FE, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables from USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's Cu/Ni content, and FF is FluenceFactor, ' where f = fluence n/cm2, E > 1.0 MeV),3. Margin = 2'J{o, + oa), where a = the standard deviation on initial RT~oT (which is taken to be 0°F), and 0A is the standard deviation on (280F for welds and 170F for basematerials, except that OA need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of ART~oT). Thus, margin is defined as 34°F for plate mnaterials and 560F for weld materials, or marginequals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.m"-o-;o-o0--A--4-3 ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Table A-4-5Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Plate Heat C4114-2Flec uCnet Measured RG 1.99 Rev. 2Casuentteiitlene CuCntn Decrease in USE' Predicted Decrease inCasuenMatria (xl 0ls nu/cm2) (wt%) (%) USE2 (%)HAl 300 Plate Heat C41 14-2 in Hatch 1 0.24 0.12 0.7 8.7HA1 1200 Plate Heat C41 14-2 in Hatch 1 0.46 0.12 10.1Notes:1. See Table A-4-3, (Change in USE)/(Unirradiated USE).2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 [A-4-7] that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.3. Value less than zero.m"-U-o"U0o,2aoo)A-4-4 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Plate Heat Evaluations A-5 Plate Heat:C8554 Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test DataThe available Charpy V-notch test data sets for plate heat C8554 are listed in Table A-5-1. Thesource documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designation and fluence values arealso provided for irradiated data sets.Table A-5-1ISP Capsules Containing Plate Heat C8554Caps ule Fluence (E > 1MeV, 1017 n/cm2)) Reference Unirradiated Baseline DataReference A-5-1Hatch 2 30° 2.3The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented inTables A-5-6 and A-5-7. The BWR VIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as astatistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plotsfor each data set have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [A-5-2] and the plots areprovided in Figures A-5-i and A-5-2.Best Estimate Chemistry Table A-5-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for plate heat 08554 surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there are multiplemeasurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value for thatspecimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate. Table A-5-2Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Plate Heat C8554Cu (wt%) Ni (wt%) P Cwt%) S (wt%) Si (wt%) SpecimenlID Source0.08 0.63 0.011 -- -- P1-46-A0.08 0.63 0.009 -- -- P1-46-B Reference A-5-10.05 0.63 0.010 -_ Average P1-46-0.57 0.010 0.018 0.22 C8554 Slab,1Reference A-5-3S 0.58 0.010 0.018 0.24 C8554 Slab 2{{ }} { }} {{ }} {{ }} {{ } *--Best Estimate AverageA-5-1 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Calculation of Chemistry Factor (CF):The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [A-5-4], Table 2 (base metal), is:CF(Cs554) = 51.0°FEffects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat C8554 are shown in Table A-5-3.The T3o [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], T5,2 [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T35ml[35 rail Lateral Expansion Temperature] have been determined for each Charpy data set, andeach irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) index temperatures. The change inUpper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated and irradiated values are taken fromthe CVGRAPH fits presented at the back of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits arepresented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (AT30) is calculated for each irradiated dataset using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table A-5-4 comparesthe predicted shift with the measured (°F) taken from Table A-5-3.Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Decrease in USETable A-5-S compares the actual percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE) to the predicted decrease. The predicted decrease is estimated from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2,Figure 2; the measured percent decrease is calculated from the values presented in Table A-5-3.A-5-2 ISP Plate Heat Evalua~tions Table A-5-3Effect of Irradiation (E>1 B MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Plate Heat C8554TLo, 30 ft-lb T50, 50 ft-lb T35, 35 mil Lateral CVN Upper Shelf EnergyTransition Transition Material Capsule Temperature Temperature Expansion Temperature (USE)Identity IDIUnirrad Irrad AT30 Unirad Irrad ATso Unirrad Irrad AT35 Unirrad Irrad Change(°F)_______F)F) ( ) (F) (°F) °F) (0F) (0F) (F) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) I (ft-lb)HA2 C8554 30" -19.6 -15.6 4.0 62 14.3 8.1 8.2 7.9 -0.3 111.5 112.9 1.4Table A-5-4Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement for Plate Heat C8554Flec esrd RG 1.99 Rev.2 RG 1.99 Rev. 2Capsule Identity Material Shift' Predicted Shift2 Predicted Shift+Margin 2'3HA2 30° Plate Heat C8554 in Hatch 2 0.23 4.0 9.6 19.1Notes:1 .See Table A.5 3, AT302.Predicted shift = CF x FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's

3. Cp/Ni content, and FF isFluence Factor, where f- fluence (10's nfcm2, E> 1.0 MeVf).3.Margin

= 2.1(o,2 + where 01 = the standard deviation on initial RTNOT- (which is taken to be 0°F), and oA is the standard deviation on &RTNDr (28°F for welds and 1 7'F for basematerials, except that oA need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of ARTF~or). Thus, margin is defined as 34TF for plate material and for weld materials, or marginequals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.Table A-5-5Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Plate Heat 08554Fluence Cu Content Measured Decrease RG 1.99 Rev.2CapsulelIdentity Material n/Cm)* (wt%) in USE'(%) Predicted Decrease inUSE('Co)HA2 300 Plate Heat C8554 in Hatch 2 0.23 {{ } --- 7.0Notes:1.See Table A 5 3, (Change in USE)/(Unirradiated USE).2.Calculated using equations in Regulatory-Guide 1 .1 62[A 5]5 that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1 .99, Revision 2.3.Value less than zero."0-o-o,"00)A-5-3 EPRi / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Plate Heat Evaluations A-17 Plate Heat: C3985-2Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test DataThe available Charpy V-notch test data sets for plate heat C3985-2 are listed in Table A-l 7-1.The source documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designation and fluence valuesare also provided for irradiated data sets. Plate heat C3985-2 is not the Hatch 1 surveillance plate, but it is a Hatch 1 vessel archival plate included in the Supplemental Surveillance Program(SSP).Table A-17-1ISP Capsules Containing Plate Heat C3985-2Capsule Fluence (E> 1 MeV, 1017 n/cm2) Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data --Reference A-17-1SSP H 16.240 Reference A-i17-2SSP C 3.11 Reference A-i17-9The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented inTables A-17-7 and A-17-9. The BWRVIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as astatistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots foreach data set have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [A- 17-3] and the plots areprovided in Figures A-17-l through A-17-3.Best Estimate Chemistry Table A-17-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for plate heat C3985-2surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there aremultiple measurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value forthat specimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate. Table A-i17-2Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Plate Heat C3985-2Cu (wt%) Ni (wt%) P (wt%) S (wt%) Si (wt%) Specimen ID Source0.13 0.58 0.015 0.015 0.27 CMTR Reference A-17-40.11 0.66 0.02 0.018 0.27 SSP0.08 0.59 0.008 -- -- SSP Reference A-17-10.095 0.625 0.014 0.018 0,27 SSP Average0.11 0.60 0.015 0.017 0.27 (-Best Estimate AverageA-17-1 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Calculation of Chemistry Factor (CF):The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [A-17-5], Table 2 (base metal), is:CFc9s, = 74.0°FEffects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat C3985-2 are shown in Table A-17-3.The T30 [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], T50 [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T351[35 mil Lateral Expansion Temperature] have been determined for each Charpy data set, andeach irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) index temperatures. The change inUpper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated and irradiated values are taken fromthe CVGRAPH fits presented at the end of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits arepresented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (AT30) is calculated for each irradiated dataset using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table A-17-4 comparesthe predicted shift with the measured AT30 (0F) taken from Table A-17-3.Decrease in USETable A-17-5 shows the percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE). The measured percentdecrease is calculated from the values presented in Table A-17-3.A- 17-2 ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Table A-17-3Effect of Irradiation (E>I .0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Plate Heat C3985-2T,,o, 30 ft-lb Tso, 50Oft-lb 5mlLtrl CNUprSefEeg Transition Transition T~,1 5mtLtrl CNUprSefEeg Material Capsule Temperature Temperature Expansion Temperature (USE)Identity ID __Unirrad Irrad ATmo Unirrad Irrad ATs, Unirrad Irrad A~e Unirrad Irrad Change("F) ("F) ("F) ("F) (°F) ("F) ("F) ("F) ("F) (ft-lb) (ft-tb) (ft-tb)HAl SSP H -11.7 19.4 31.1 27.0 62.5 35.5 31.1 55.6 24.5 112.8 110.5 -2.3C3985-2 SSP C -11.7 8.8 20.5 27.0 46.4 19.4 31.1 30.6 -0.5 112.8 115.8 3.0Table A-17-4Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement for Plate Heat C3985-2Materialm"13wo-Cz2030Z0oD0="130"SSP HPlate Heat C3985-2 from HA1SSP C _Plate Heat 03985-2 from HA1Notes:1. See Table A-17-3, ATo.2. Predicted shilt = CF x FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables from USNRC Rag. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's CuINi content, and FF is FluenceFactor, where I = Iluence (10"° n/cm', E > 1.0 MeV).3. Margin = + an'), where Dr = the standard deviation on initial RT,,, (which is taken to be 0"F), and CiA is the standard deviation on ART,~r (28"F for welds and 17"F for basematerials, except that 0A need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of ARTNm). Thus, margin is defined as 34"F for plate materials and 56"F for weld materials, or marginequals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.A-17-3 ISP Plate Heat Evaluations Table A-i17-5Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Plate Heat C3985-2P~ d RG 1.99 Rev. 2FMeneeasured Predicted Capsule Identity Material Fxlue1nlce 2 Cu Content (wt%) Decrease in USE1 erae nUE(%) (%)SSP H 1.6240 0.11 2.0 13.0Plate Heat 03985-2 from HA1SSP 0 0.311 0.11 .-a 8.8Notes:1. See Table A-17-3, (Change in USE)/(Unirradiated USE).2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 [A-17-6] that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.3. Value less than zero.mZr-cr,=0IoA-17-4 EPRI I BWRVIP Non-Proprietary 1nformation ISP Weld Heat Evaluations B-2 Weld Heat: 20291Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test DataThe available Charpy V-notch test data sets for weld heat 20291 are listed in Table B-2-1. Thesource documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designations and fluence values arealso provided for irradiated data sets.Table B-2-1ISP Capsules Containing Weld Heat 20291Capsule Fluence (E> 1 MeV, 1017 n/cm2) Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data --Reference B-2-1Cooper 3000 2.8Reference B-2-2 and B-2-3Cooper 30° SSP Capsule C 3.29 Reference B-2-1 11Fluence reported by Reference B-2-3, which revised the capsule fluence reported by Reference B-2-2.The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented in TablesB-2-7 through B-2-10. The BWRVIP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as astatistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots foreach data set have been generated using CVGRAPH3, Version 5 IReference B-2-4] and the plotsare provided in Figures B-2-1 through B-2-4.Best Estimate Chemistry Table B-2-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for weld heat 20291 surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there are multiplemeasurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single value for thatspecimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat best estimate. Table B-2-2Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Weld Heat 20291Cu Ni P S " Si(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) Specimen ID Source0.23 0.75 0.012 -- -- J74Reference B-2-2 and B-2-50.22 0.74 0.012 -- -- J7D0.22 0.72 0.016 -- -- J7BReference 6-2-30.23 0.77 0.017 --- J750.23 0.75 0.014 -- -- 4.Best Estimate AverageB-2-1 EPRI I BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information ISP Weld Heat Evaluations Calculation of Chemistry Factor (CF):The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [Reference B-2-6], Table 1 (weld metal), is:C(20291,) = 194.5°FEffects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat 20291 are shown in Table B-2-3.The T30 [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], T5o [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T3smt[35 mil Lateral Expansion Temperature] index temperatures have been determined for eachCharpy data set, and each irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) indextemperatures. The change in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated andirradiated values are taken from the CVGRAPH fits presented at the back of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits are presented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (AT30) is calculated for each irradiated dataset using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table B-2-4 comparesthe predicted shift with the measured AT30 (0F) taken from Table B-2-3.Decrease in USETable B-2-5 shows the percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE). The measured percentdecrease is calculated from the values presented in Table B-2-3.B-2-2 ISP Weld Heat Evaluations Table B-2-3Effect of irradiation (E>1 .0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Weld Heat 2029130 ft-lb T=, 50 ft-lb 35 mil Lateral CVN Upper Shelf EnergyMaterial Transition Temperature Transition Temperature Expansion Temperature(U )Identity Capsule ID ..Unirrad Irrad iAT,, Unirrad Irrad AT,, Unirrad Irrad Unirrad Irrad Change300 -17.8 43.1 60.9 13.3 92.4 79.1 10.8 38.1 27.3 110.0 81.2 -28.8CPR221 3000 -17.8 46.0 63.8 13.3 109.6 96.3 10.8 82.0 71.2 110.0 87.9 -22.1SSP C -17.8 55.2 73.0 13.3 88.7 75.4 10.8 81.6 70.8 110.0 93.6 -16.4Table B-2-4Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement far Weld Heat 20291RG 1.99 Rev. 2Capsule MaeilFluence Measured PrGe1.99tev. 2hf Predicted Identity Maeil(xlO' 8 n/cm2) Shift' °F Prdce hFt Shift+Margin 2"0oFCPR 300 Weld Heat 20291 in Cooper 0.24 60.9 37.4 74.8CPR 3000 Weld Heat 20291 in Cooper 0.28 63.8 41.0 82.0SSP C Cooper Weld Heat 20291 in SSP C 0.329 73.0 45.1 90.1Notes:1. See Table B-2-3, T,,T.2. Predicted shift = CF X FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables tram USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each material's Cu/Ni content,and FF is Fluence Factor, t0,o, where f =fluence (10" n/cm2, E > 1.0 MeV).3. Margin = 2 -J(a,2 + cQ), where a, = the standard deviation on initial (which is taken to be 0°F). and 0,A is the standard deviation on (280F for welds and 17°F for base materials, except that need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of oT). Thus, margin Is defined as forplate materials and 56°F for weld materials, or margin equals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.m-U-U02o0B-2-3 ISP Weld Heat Ev'aluations Table B-2-5Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Weld Heat 20291RG 1.99 Rev. 2Fiuence CMesrdPredicted Capsule identity Material (x10'8 n/cm2) Content Decrease in Decrease in USED(wt%) USE1 (%) (%)CPR 300 Weld Heat 20291 in Cooper 0.24 0.23 26.2 15.3CPR 3000 Weld Heat 20291 in Cooper 0.28 0.23 20.1 15.9SSP C Cooper Weld Heat 20291 in SSP C 0.329 0.23 14.9 16.5Notes:1. See Table B3-2-3, (Change in USE)I(Unirradiated USE).2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 [B-2-7] that accurately model the Charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.mt00,0,0-B-2-4 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information Plant-Specific Evaluations Hatch 2Representative Surveillance Materials The ISP Representative Surveillance Materials for the Hatch 2 vessel target weld and plates areshown in the following table.Table 2-46Target Vessel Materials and ISP Representative Materials for Hatch 2ITarget Vessel Materials ISP Representative Materials Weld 10137 51912Plate C8579-2 C8554Summary of Available Surveillance Data: PlateThe representative plate material 08554 is contained in the following ISP capsules: Hatch 2 CapsulesSpecific surveillance data related to plate heat 08554 are summarized in Appendix A-5. Onecapsule containing this plate heat has been tested. The Charpy V-notch surveillance results areas follows:Table 2-47T13o Shift Results for Plate Heat C8554Cu Ni FluenceCapsule (wt%) (wt%) (1017 n/cmn2, E > 1MeV), AT30 (0F)Hatch 2 300 [{ }} {{ )} 2.3 4.0NO surveillance based chemistry factor will be available until a second capsule is tested(see reference [1] for capsule test schedule). Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative plate material is not the same heat number as the target plate in theHatch 2 vessel, the utility should use the chemistry factor from the Regulatory Guide 1 .99, Rev.2 tables (Regulatory Position 1.1) to determine the projected ART value for the target vesselplate. However, 08554 is a plate heat in the Hatch 2 vessel beltline; therefore, the surveillance datareported in Appendix A-S should be considered in the evaluation of that vessel plate. However,there is currently only one irradiated data set available for this plate. Therefore, the utility shoulduse the chemistry factor from the Regulatory Guide 1.99 Rev. 2 tables (Regulatory Position 1 .1)to determine the projected ART value for the 08554 plate until such time as there are two ormore credible irradiated data sets available. Recommended guidelines for evaluation of ISPsurveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data Source Book.2-32 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information , Plant-Specific Evaluations Summary of Available Surveillance Data: WeldThe representative weld material 51912 is contained in the following capsules: Hatch 2 CapsulesSpecific surveillance data related to weld heat 51912 are presented in Appendix B-6 and theresults are summarized below. One capsule containing weld heat 51912 has been tested. TheCharpy V-notch surveillance results are as follows:Table 2-48T38 Shift Resultsfor Weld Heat 51912ICu Ni FluenceCapsule (wt%) (wt%) (1017 n/cmn2, E > 1MeV), AT30 ("F)Hatch2 3O° {{} {{ }) 2.3 1.1No surveillance based chemistry factor will be available until a second capsule is tested(see reference [1] for capsule test schedule). Conclusions and Recommendations Because the representative weld material is not the same heat number as the target weld inthe Hatch 2 vessel, the utility should use the chemisiry factor from the Regulatory Guide 1 .99,Rev. 2 tables to determine the projected ART value for the target vessel weld. Recommended guidelines for evaluation of ISP surveillance data are provided in Section 3 of this Data SourceBook.2-33 EPRI / BWRVIP Non-Proprietary Information 1SF' held H-eat Lia/uatio,,s B-6 Weld Heat:51912 Summary of Available Charpy V-Notch Test DataThe available Charpy V-notch test data sets for weld heat 51912 are listed in Table 8-6-1. Thesource documents for the data are provided, and the capsule designation and fluence values arealso provided for irradiated data sets.Table B-6-1ISP Capsules Containing Weld Heat 51912Capsule Fluence (E> 1MeV,10"7 n/cm2) Reference Unirradiated Baseline Data ----.Reference B-6-1Hatch 2 3Q0 2.31The CVN test data for each set taken from the references noted above are presented in TablesB-6-6 and B-6-7. The BWRVlP ISP uses the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function as a statistical curve-fit tool to model the transition temperature toughness data. Tanh curve plots for each dataset have been generated using CVGRAPH, Version 5 [Reference B-6-2] and the plots areprovided in Figures B-6-1 and B-6-2.Best Estimate Chemistry Table B-6-2 details the best estimate average chemistry values for weld heat 51912surveillance material. Chemical compositions are presented in weight percent. If there aremultiple measurements on a single specimen, those are first averaged to yield a single valuefor that specimen, and then the different specimens are averaged to determine the heat bestestimate. Table B-6-2Best Estimate Chemistry of Available Data Sets for Weld Heat 51912Cu Ni P~ S Si Specimen ID Source(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) ______0.13 0.12 0.013 -P2-46-A0.12 0.07 0.014 --P2-46-B Reference B-6-1{{ )J ({ 7) (( 7) -A-verage P2-46 ______({ 7) ({ 7) {{ 7) -,-Best Estimate AverageCalculation of Chemistry Factor (C F):The Chemistry Factor (CF) associated with the best estimate chemistry, as determined from U.S.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 [Reference B-6-3], Table 1 (weld metal), is:CFs91)= 67.0=FB-6-1 EPRI I BWRVIP Non-Proprietary information ISP Weld Heat Eval uationsEffects of Irradiation The radiation induced transition temperature shifts for heat 51912 are shown in Table B-6-3.The T30 [30 ft-lb Transition Temperature], Tho [50 ft-lb Transition Temperature], and T35,miI [35 mai Lateral Expansion Temperature] index temperatures have been determined for eachCharpy data set, and each irradiated set is compared to the baseline (unirradiated) indextemperatures. The change in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) is also shown. The unirradiated andirradiated values are taken from the CVGRAPH fits presented at the back of this sub-appendix (only CVN energy fits are presented). Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Embrittlement" A predicted shift in the 30 ft-lb transition temperature (ATmo) is calculated for each irradiated dataset using the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, Regulatory Position 1.1 method. Table B-6-4 comparesthe predicted shift with the measured AT30 (0F) taken from Table B-6-3.Comparison of Actual vs. Predicted Decrease in USETable B-6-5 compares the actual percent decrease in upper shelf energy (USE) to the predicted decrease. The predicted decrease is estimated from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2,Figure 2; the measured percent decrease is calculated from the values presented in Table B-6-3.B-6-2 ISP Weld Heat Evaluations Table B-6-3Effect of Irradiation (E>I.0 MeV) on the Notch Toughness Properties of Weld Heat 51912T~o, 30 ft-lb T~o 50 ft-lb T335 mai Lateral CNUprSefEeg Transition Transition Expansion(UE Material Capsule Temperature Temperature Temperature(UE dett D Unirrad Irrad AT= ad Irrad ATwo Unirrad Irrad Unirrad Irrad Change(0F) (°F) (0F) (OF) (°F) (0F) (°F) (0F) (0F) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb)HA2592 300 -21.0 -19.9 1.1 4.0 10.2 6.2 7.3 4.9 -2.4 120.8 119.1 -1.7Table B-6-4Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Embrittlement for Weld Heat 51912RG 1.99 Rev. 2Capsule Material Fluence Measured Shift' RG 1.99 Rev. 2 Predicted Identity (XlO" nlcm2) 0F Predicted Shift2 0F Shift+Margin 2'3oFHA2 300 Weld Heat 51912 in Hatch 2 0.23 1.1 12.6 25.1Notes:1. See Table B-6-3, AT0.2. Predicted shift =CF X FF, where CF is a Chemistry Factor taken from tables from USNRC Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, based on each materalrs Cu/Ni content,and FF is Fluence Factor, where f = fluence (10's ndcm=, E > 1.0 MeV).3. Margin =24/(0,- + where o, = the standard deviation on initial (which is taken to be 0*F), and is the standard deviation on ARTwJz (28°F for weldsand 1 70F for base materials, except tht , need not exceed 0.50 times the mean value of ART,,or). Thus, margin is defined as 34-°F for plate materials and 56"Ffor weld materials, or margin equals shift (whichever is less), per Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2.m-o-o02*"CDB-6-3 1SP' Weld Heat Evaluations Table B-6.5Comparison of Actual Versus Predicted Percent Decrease in Upper Shelf Energy (USE) for Weld Heat 51912Casueudetencatrel 1Cu Content Measured RG 1.99 Rev. 2CasueIdntt Mtril x 0Mn/cm2) (wt%) Decrease in USE"2 {%) Predicted Decrease in_ USE2 (%)HA2 30+ Weld Heat 51912 in Hatch 2 0.23 { }1,4 11.1Notes:1. See Table R-6-3, (Change In USE)/(Unirradiated USE).2. Calculated using equations in Regulatory Guide 1.162 { B-6-4) that accurately model the charpy upper shelf energy decrease curves in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2.-oza,a,.CB-6-4}}