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Response to Request for Additional Information on Request for Change to License Technical Specifications Incorporating 2008, 2010, and 2011
Person / Time
Site: University of Texas at Austin
Issue date: 06/22/2012
From: Whaley P M
University of Texas at Austin
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC ME8072
Download: ML12187A211 (91)


Department of Mechanical EngineeringTHE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTINNuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory - utexas. edu/-nuclear/index.php/netl1 University Station, R9000

  • 78712 * (512) 232-5370
  • Fax (512) 471-4589June 22, 2012U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionAttn: Document ControlWashington, DC, 20555-0001Subject: Request for Change to License Technical Specifications Incorporating 2008,2010, and 2011 RequestsRef:1. The University of Texas at Austin Facility License R-129, Docket 50-6022. Letter of March 28 2008 (ML080920755)3. Letter of April 1, 2010 (ML101241147)4. Letter of April 6, 2010 (ML101330271)5. The University of Texas at Austin Request for Additional Information, Re: LicenseAmendment request, Submission of changes to License Technical Specifications(TAC NO. ME8072) (June 14, 2012, ML121290640)Ms. Torres:This letter communicates the response to the request for information (ref. 5), andincludes two parts. The 1st part provides an update to the request for TechnicalSpecification revision based on (1) the status of NRC determining the application of"initial startup" to research and test reactors, and (2) the results of a technical editingreview. The 2rd part provides specific response to individual RAIs.Part 1Pursuant to telephone conversation regarding expectations of how this request will beprocessed, we are withdrawing the request for a definition of initial startup and revisingthe request for change to an unlabeled section of 6.1.3 which is currently:Events requiring the direction of a senior reactor operator shall be:We request 6.1.3 be changed to:Events requiring the presence at the facility of a senior operator shall be:) OZ c which is consistent with ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007. Although the ANSI standard only requiresthe presence of a senior reactor operator "at the facility," the UT Safety Analysis Report( states:"Movement of fuel or control rods and relocation of experiments withgreater than one dollar reactivity worth will require the presence of alicense certified senior operator. Other activities, such as initial startup,recovery from unscheduled shutdowns and modifications to instrumentsystems, control systems, safety systems, radiation measurementequipment or engineered safety features, will require concurrence anddocumentation by a license certified senior operator."Therefore it is proposed to add to 6.1.3:c. Operating procedures shall specify when a senior operator is required todirectly supervise licensed activities, including (but not limited to):i. The first startup (excluding control rod manipulations with thereactor shutdown for maintenance or testing) and ascension topower following:(a). Relocation of fuel or control rods,(b). Relocation of experiments with a reactivity worth ofgreater than one dollar,(c). Modifications to the reactor control or safety system,(d). Non-routine corrective maintenance to the reactor controland safety system, and/or(e). Recovery from an unscheduled shutdown.ii. Changes to the configuration of the reactor core:(a). Fuel element or control rod relocations within the reactorcore region, and/or(b). Relocation of any experiment with a reactivity worth ofgreater than one dollar.The bases for the Technical Specifications have been augmented to indicate the sourceof the requirements in the specification, differences between the specification and theANSI-15.1-2007, and clarification of the term "Relocation."This added material preserves the basis for "the presence of a licensed certified senioroperator" as provided in the UT Safety Analysis Report, augments requirements foradditional conditions requiring supervision, and exceeds recommendation of ANSI-15.1-2007. Therefore the proposed change does have the potential for any negative impacton the safety basis.2 Additional items for correction were identified while performing a final, technical editingreview:1. Reactivity units in 2.2.3 and 3.2.1 c were revised to include reactivity in bothAk/k and $. The initial submission requested that reactivity specifications berevised to include dollars ($) as the unit used in operations, but these sectionswere not included in the original submission. This is an editorial change, anddoes not possess any potential impact on safety.2. Specification 3.3.3c was changed from mr/hr to mR/hr. This is an editorialchange, and does not possess any potential impact on safety.3. Specification 3.3.3 was changed to cm3 from cm3. This is an editorial change, anddoes not possess any potential impact on safety.4. Section 6.1.3 was formatted with an indexed paragraph leading each list wherethe original contained multiple bulleted lists with the same index letters. This isan editorial change, and does not possess any potential impact on safety.5. The Reactor Oversight Committee meeting frequency (6.2.2) was changed from 6months to "at least twice each year, with no more than 9 months betweenmeetings." The intent is to conduct a review meeting two times per year, andnot necessarily at exact 6 month intervals. Review frequency exceeds therecommendations of ANSI-15.1-2007, and is an editorial change with no safetysignificance.6. The internal list of items required in report of a safety violation (6.5.d) wasconverted to a formatted, numbered list. This is an editorial change, and doesnot possess any potential impact on safety.7. Corrections changing the name "College of Engineering" to "Cockrell School ofEngineering" were found to have been inadequately implemented, and this wascorrected. This is an editorial change, and does not possess any potential impacton safety.Part 2The RAI responses indicated below have been implemented in the attached, proposedTechnical Specifications.Response to RAI 1: The table of contents has been updated.3 Response to RAI 2.a: The term "licensee" has been removed.Response to RAI 2.b: "Certified Operators" has been removed.Response to RAI 3: The term "senior reactor operator" has been replaced by "senioroperator".Response to RAI 4: "Senior Operator" and "Operator" have been revised to the10CFR55.Response to RAI 5.a: There are several "limiting conditions for operation" (LCOs) in theapproved UT Technical Specifications which do not explicitly state that the reactor mustbe shutdown if the condition is not met. In fact, Technical Specifications, section 3.1.,Reactor Core Parameters, contains three specifications (Excess Reactivity, ShutdownMargin, and Transient Insertions) of which only one specifies "The reactor shall not beoperated unless" the condition is met. Regardless, if an LCO is not met then the reactormust be shutdown; the requirement is not based solely on LCO specification statements.The requirement that the reactor be shutdown if an LCO is not met (or thecondition restored) is in section 6.5.2, where it states "In the event of reportableoccurrence...Reactor conditions shall be returned to normal or the reactor shutdown,"with "Operation in violation of a limiting condition for operation established in technicalspecifications..." identified as a reportable event in 6.6.2.Since failure to meet the LCO requires a reactor shutdown by 6.5.2, the phrase"The reactor shall not be operated unless" does not affect requirements or actions to betaken. As noted, the current Technical Specifications as approved by the USNRC containmultiple LCOs that do not include such a requirement explicitly in the LCO.While the phrase ["The reactor shall not be operated unless"] is not precluded,the phrase is inconsistent with the structure of the other, similar reactivity LCOstatements in 3.1. Therefore, removal of the phrase is strictly an editorial revision tomake 3.1.2 more parallel to 3.1.1 and 3.1.3, and has no safety significance.Response to RAI 5.b: The reference core conditions are used to verify reactivity limits aremet. An accurate assessment of reactivity in the reference core conditions is significant.The original definition for reference core condition was taken from ANSI 15.1, andincludes a considerable margin of error. However, the UT facility has never determinedreference core conditions with significant xenon present, and does not consider areference reactivity value with a large margin of error useful or desirable.4 Calculations show that reactivity change from xenon following shutdown fromfull power equilibrium conditions cannot be detected using control rod positions after72 hours, where the reactivity from xenon is less than the $0.05 (which experienceshows is a minimum detectable level based on a single control rod differential position).Therefore, a more conservative approach is proposed where the reference corecondition is restricted to conditions where reactivity from xenon is below the level thatwould occur 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after shutdown. This may be verified in determining thereference core condition by allowing a 72 shutdown hour interval or by calculationwhen desired (for instance, when the reactor has not achieved equilibrium conditionsprior to shutdown).The specification has been revised to reflect this proposed requirement, andsupporting analysis has been completed and incorporated in a revision to the basis forsection 3.1.Response to RAI 5.c: The bases have been revised as follows:A.3.1 -Analysis of xenon transients to justify limits on reactivity from xenonwhen determining reference core conditions.A.3.1.2 -Incorporation of the restriction on using experiments to creditshutdown margin.A.3.1.2 -Statement of basis for the pulse timer.A.3.2.4 -Support for reduced redundancy in requiring two fuel temperaturechannels.A.3.4.2 -Support for removal of the reference to the "Tables of Chemical HazardInformation" that are no longer supported in the "Handbook ofLaboratory Safety," and identification of sources of informationpreviously provided in the Table.A.5 -Added bases for Design Features to reference sources for the DesignFeature specifications and provide additional information wherewarranted to aid understanding the safety basis for the specification.A.6 -Added bases for Administrative Controls to reference sources forAdministrative Controls specifications and provide additional5 information where warranted to aid understanding the safety basis forthe specification.Response to RAI 6: The wording has been revised to more clearly indicate thespecification applies to operation in the pulse mode.Response to RAI 7.a: Fuel temperature trip follows single channel logic, i.e., only onechannel is required for a fuel temperature scram, and a second channel is redundant,i.e., two channels are not required to cause a scram. The basis has been revised.Response to RAI 7.b: Diversity and redundancy in safety system protection againstexceeding the fuel temperature safety limit is provided by a combination of fueltemperature and power level channels, as indicated in A.3.2.3. Two redundant percentpower level channels monitor the power level for the limiting safety system. A digitalwide range channel may also function as a safety channel but only by diversification as asupplemental channel to an analog linear power channel. The temperature tripprovides a third level of redundancy above the two redundant power level channels,and a third level of diversity above the combination of analog and digital power levelchannels. The basis has been revised.Response to RAI 8: The Handbook of Laboratory Safety no longer provides a "Table ofChemical Information." The Handbook states that using the MSDS for materialcompatibility and characterization is appropriate. The previous Table was based on datafrom various sources, which should not be precluded from use and are provided in therevised Basis.Response to RAI 9: The words "high reactive" have been changed to "highly reactive";this was a transcription error.Response to RAI 10: The correct wording was inadvertently altered when preparing theproposal transmittal; no change is being sought based on the incorrect transcription ofthe current Technical Specifications.Response to RAI 11: The deletion of the statement regarding release of radioactivity tothe reactor room or to the environment was a transcription error as noted in theprevious (RAI 10) response; the phrase has been restored.Response to RAI 12: The request for change on this item is withdrawn.6 Response to RAI 13: In 2001 the concept of this revision was discussed with the URNRCprogram manager, and the results documented by an internal memorandum (attached)in 2000. It was determined that:"byproduct material produced in the NETL reactor is under the jurisdiction of the10 CFR part 50 license while within the boundary-of the NETL. The NETL site isdefined in the Technical Specification and the Safety Analysis report and includesall areas within Building 159 at the J.J. Pickle research campus."It was decided at the time that a license change was not required. In 2008 it wasdecided that rather than rely on corporate knowledge of interpretation of theregulation, a clear "rule based" approach would be adopted and a TechnicalSpecification change requested.Therefore, this change does not increase the area of the Nuclear EngineeringTeaching Laboratory under the reactor license and only converts an interpretation intothe appropriate format. As indicated in earlier submissions of this proposed revision,the current Radiation Protection Program, Security Plan, Emergency Plan and facilityprocedures currently incorporate the interpretation and no change to plans orprocedures is required. As clarification of conditions already in effect, this is strictly aneditorial change with no safety significance.Response to RAI 14.a: The national consensus standard ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007 does notspecify position titles, and instead uses generic coding (Level 1, 2, 3, and 4) to identifygeneric types or examples of responsibilities. Within the standard, the terms Level 1, 2,3, or 4 are used in 6.1.1 (Structure), 6.2.1 (Composition and Qualifications -i.e., of thereview and audit group), 6.2.2 (Charter and Rules), 6.2.3 (Review Function), 6.2.4 (AuditFunction), 6.3 (Radiation Safety), 6.4 (Procedures), and 6.5 (Experiments Review andApproval), 6.6.1 (Action to be taken in the Event of a Safety Limit Violation) and 6.6.2(Action to be taken in the event of an Occurrence of the type identified in Secs.6.7.2(1)(b) and 6.7.2.(1)(c)) and 6.7.2 (Special reports).Level terminology was not used in the approved Safety Analysis Report, SafetyEvaluation Report (NUREG 1135 and supplement), or the original UT TechnicalSpecifications in any of the sections corresponding to ANSI/ANS-15.1 except in theTechnical Specifications (1) as labels for specific position titles on the organization chart,and (2) to identify those positions that require notification of personnel changes insection 6.6.2. In every other section, the Level terminology was not used, in deferenceto specific UT positions or titles. In this proposal, specific positions for which a changerequires a report to the NRC have been explicitly defined and the level terminology is nolonger used:7 This is an editorial change that makes terminology in the organization chart andsection 6.6.2 consistent with the remainder of section 6 as previously approved by theUSNRC. This change is strictly administrative, and does not have any potential safetysignificance.Response to RAI 14.b: The description for 6.1.1 was revised to reflect current positionsand responsibilities.Response to RAI 14.c: "Operations Staff" in the original technical specifications explicitlyrefers to SRO and RO on the graphic; the "operations staff" is now replaced by operatorand senior operator.Response to RAI 14.d: The specified information has been added to the chart.Response to RAI 14.e: Following a comprehensive review of subsection labeling ofsection 6, the procedures section label was corrected and one additional action taken.Section 6.6.2 of the original technical specifications had three indexed listswithout logical or numbered separators so that uniquely referencing a specific item onone of the lists was problematic. Therefore section was revised to include twonumbered sections with 6.6.2 for 30 day notification requirements and 6.6.3 forimmediate notification and follow-up requirements. The third list, "other events thatwill be considered reportable," was incorporated into 6.6.3 rather than as a separatelist. This is strictly an editorial change, and does not have safety significanceR Please contact me by phone at 512-232-5373 or email if yourequire additional information or there is a problem' with this submittal.P. M. WhaleyAssociate DirectorNuclear Engineering Teaching LaboratoryThe University of Texas at AustinAttachments:1. Memorandum, S. O'Kelly (Associate Director, NETL) to J. White (UT RadiationSafety Officer) Re: Licensed By-Product Material at the NETL2. Updated, Proposed Technical Specifications3. Technical Specifications Basis DocumentI declare under penalty of perjury thatthe foregoing is true and correct.Executed on February 8, 2012.Steven R. BiegalskiNETL Director9 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGTHE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN/ Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory (512) 471-5787- FAX (512) 471-4589January 8, 2001MemorandumTo: John WhiteRadiation Safety OfficerFrom: Sean O'Kelly 47Associate Director, WNTLISubject: Licensed By-Product Material at the NETLRef: NRC Inspection Manual, Part 9900: 10 CFR GuidanceThe NRC has confirmed in a phone conversation (A. Adams, Project Manager) thatbyproduct material produced in the NETL reactor is under the jurisdiction of the 10 CFRPart 50 license while within the boundary of the NETL. The NETL site is defined in theTechnical Specifications and the Safety Analysis Report and includes all areas withinBuilding 159 at the J.J, Pickle Research Campus.NRC guidance documents issued 8/23/88 specify the following conditions for byproductmaterial used at a research reactor facility:1. Byproduct material produced by the facility is under the facility license within thefacility site until transferred for disposal or shipment to a state or NRC materialslicense.2. Byproduct material transferred to the reactor facility for irradiation will remain onthe State license until the time it is placed in the reactor.3. Calibration sources and byproduct materials not specified on the Part 50 licenseshall remain under the jurisdiction of the State license.This provides clear license separation of the byproduct material at the NETL and makes alicense change unnecessary. There may be exceptions to the generic guidance but thesemay be considered case-by-case. Please contact me if you require additional CF#23C. BeardK. BallStreet Address: 10100 Burnet Road- Austin, Texas 78758 " MaaiAddress: J.f. Pickle Research Campus. Bldg. 159 -Austin, Texas 78712 Appendix ADRAFT Technical SpecificationsRevision 2Docket 50-602The University of Texas at AustinTRIGA ReactorJUNE 2012 Technical SpecificationsREV 2Table of Contents1.0 DEFINITIONS TS-11.1 Operator TS-11.2 Senior Operator TS-11.3 Instrument Channel TS-11.3.1 Channel Test TS-11.3.2 Channel Check TS-11.3.3 Channel Calibration TS-11.4 Confinement TS-11.5 Experiment TS-21.5.1 Experiment, Moveable TS-21.5.2 Experiment, Secured TS-21.5.3 Experimental Facilities TS-21.6 Fuel Element, Standard TS-21.7 Fuel Element, Instrumented TS-21.8 Mode; Manual, Auto, Square Wave, Pulse TS-21.9 Steady State TS-31.10 Operable TS-31.11 Operating TS-31.12 Protective Action TS-31.12.1 Instrument Channel Level TS-31.12.2 Instrument System Level TS-31.12.3 Reactor Safety System Level TS-31.13 Reactivity, Excess TS-31.14 Reactivity Limits TS-41.15 Reactor Core, Standard TS-41.16 Reactor Core, Operational TS-41.17 Reactor Operating TS-41.18 Reactor Safety System TS-41.19 Reactor Secured TS-41.20 Reactor Shutdown TS-51.21 Reference Core Condition TS-51.22 Research Reactor TS-51.23 Rod, Control TS-51.23.1 Shim Rod TS-51.23.2 Regulating Rod TS-61.23.3 Standard Rod TS-61.23.4 Transient Rod TS-61.24 Safety Limits TS-61.25 Shall, Should, May TS-61.26 Scram Time TS-61.27 Shutdown Margin TS-61.28 Shutdown, Unscheduled TS-7TS-ii The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 21.29 Value, Measured TS-71.30 Value, True TS-71.31 Surveillance Activities TS-71.32 Surveillance Intervals TS-72.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS TS-82.1 SAFETY LIMIT TS-82.2 LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS TS-82.2.1 Fuel Temperature TS-82.2.2 Power Level (Non Pulse) TS-82.2.3 Reactivity Insertion (Pulse) TS-83.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION TS-93.1 REATOR CORE PARAMETERS TS-93.1.1 Excess Reactivity TS-93.1.2 Shutdown Margin TS-93.1.3 Transient Insertions TS-93.1.4 Fuel Elements TS-93.2 REACTOR CONTROL AND SAFETY SYSTEM TS-103.2.1 Control Assemblies TS-103.2.2 Reactor Control System TS-103.2.3 Reactor Safety System TS-113.2.4 Reactor Instrument System TS-113.3 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS TS-123.3.1 Water Coolant Systems TS-123.3.2 Air Confinement Systems TS-123.3.3 Radiation Monitoring Systems TS-133.40 LIMITATIONS ON EXPERIMENTS TS-143.4.1 Reactivity TS-143.4.2 Materials TS-144.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS TS-164.1 REACTOR CORE PARAMETERS TS-164.1.1 Excess Reactivity TS-164.1.2 Shutdown Margin TS-164.1.3 Transient Insertion TS-164.1.4 Fuel Elements TS-164.2 REACTOR CONTROL AND SAFETY SYSTEM TS-164.2.1 Control Assemblies TS-164.2.2 Reactor Control System TS-174.2.3 Reactor Safety System TS-174.2.4 Reactor Instrument System TS-174.3 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS TS-174.3.1 Water Coolant Systems TS-174.3.2 Air Confinement Systems TS-18TS-iii Technical SpecificationsREV 24.3.3 Radiation Monitoring Systems TS-184.4 LIMITATIONS ON EXPERIMENTS TS-194.4.1 Reactivity TS-194.4.2 Materials TS-195.0 DESIGN FEATURES TS-205.1 SITE AND FACILITY DESGRIPTION TS-205.1.1 Location TS-205.1.2 Confinement TS-205.1.3 Safety Related Systems TS-215.2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TS-215.2.1 Natural Convection TS-215.2.2 Siphon Protection TS-215.3 REACTOR CORE AND FUEL TS-215.3.1 Fuel Elements TS-215.3.2 Control Rods TS-225.3.3 Configuration TS-225.4 REACTOR FUEL ELEMENT STORAGE TS-225.5 REACTOR POOL GAMMA IRRADIATOR TS-236.0 ADMINISTRATIVE TS-246.1 ORGANIZATION TS-246.1.1 Structure TS-246.1.2 Responsibility TS-246.1.3 Staffing TS-266.1.4 Selection and Training of Personnel TS-276.2 REVIEW AND AUDIT TS-276.2.1 Composition and Qualifications TS-276.2.2 Charter and Rules TS-286.2.3 Review Function TS-286.2.4 Audit Function TS-296.3 OPERATING PROCEDURES TS-296.4 EXPERIMENT REVIEW AND APPROVAL TS-306.5 REQUIRED ACTIONS TS-306.5.1 Action to be taken in case of a Safety Limit Violation TS-306.5.2 Action to be taken in the Event of an Occurrence that is TS-31Reportable6.6 REPORTS TS-316.6.1 Operating Reports TS-316.6.2 30-Day Special Reports TS-326.6.3 Immediate Notification & Follow-up Reports TS-326.7 RECORDS TS-336.7.1 Records to be Retained for the Lifetime of the Facility TS-34Records to be Retained for Five Years or the Life of the TS-34ComponentTS-iv The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 26.7.3 Records to be Retained for One Licensing Cycle TS-34TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX: BASESA.1 Docket 50-602 Information TS.A-1A.2 Objectives & Bases for Safety Limits TS.A-2A.3 Objectives & Bases for Limiting Conditions for Operations TS.A-5A.4 Objectives & Bases for Surveillance Requirements TS.A'22A.5 Objectives & Bases for Design Features TS.A-29A.6 Objectives & Bases for Administrative Controls TS.A-34TS-v The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 21.0 DEFINITIONS1.1 OperatorAn individual licensed under 10CFR55 to manipulate the controls of the facility.1.2 Senior OperatorAn individual licensed under 10CFR55 to manipulate the controls of a facility and todirect the licensed activities of licensed operators.1.3 Instrumentation ChannelA channel is the combination of sensor, line, amplifier, and output device which areconnected for the purpose of measuring the value of a parameter.1.3.1 Channel TestChannel test is the introduction of a signal into the channel for verification that itis operable.1.3.2 Channel CheckChannel check is a qualitative verification of acceptable performance byobservation of channel behavior. This verification, where possible, shall includecomparison of the channel with other independent channels or systemsmeasuring the same variable.1.3.3 Channel CalibrationChannel calibration is an adjustment of the channel such that its outputcorresponds with acceptable accuracy to known values of the parameter whichthe channel measures. Calibration shall encompass the entire channel, includingequipment actuation, alarm, or trip and shall be deemed to include a channeltest.1.4 ConfinementConfinement means an enclosure on the overall facility which controls the movementof air into it and out through a controlled path.TS-1 Technical SpecificationsREV 21.5 ExperimentAny operation, component, or target (excluding devices such as detectors, foils, etc.),which is designed to investigate non-routine reactor characteristics or which is intendedfor irradiation within the pool, on or in a beam tube or irradiation facility and which isnot rigidly secured to a core or shield structure so as to be part of their design.1.5.1 Experiment, MoveableA moveable experiment is one where it is intended that all or part of theexperiment may be moved in or near the core or into and out of the reactorwhile the reactor is operating.1.5.2 Experiment, SecuredA secured experiment is any experiment, experiment facility, or component of anexperiment that is held in a stationary position relative to the reactor bymechanical means. The restraining force must be substantially greater thanthose to which the experiment might be subjected by hydraulic, pneumatic,buoyant, or other forces which are normal to the operating environment of theexperiment, or by forces which can arise as a result of credible conditions.1.5.3 Experimental FacilitiesExperimental facilities shall mean rotary specimen rack, pneumatic transfer tube,central thimble, beam tubes and irradiation facilities in the core or in the pool.1.6 Fuel Element, StandardA fuel element is a single TRIGA element of standard type. Fuel is U-ZrH (<20% enricheduranium) clad in stainless steel. Hydrogen to zirconium ratio is nominal Fuel Element, InstrumentedAn instrumented fuel element is a special fuel element fabricated for temperaturemeasurement. The element shall have at least one thermocouple embedded in the fuelnear the axial and radial midpoints.1.8 Mode; Manual, Auto, Pulse, Square WaveEach mode of operation shall mean operation of the reactor with the mode selectionswitches in the manual, auto, pulse or square wave position.TS-2 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 21.9 Steady-StateSteady-State mode operation shall mean any operation of the reactor with the modeselection switches in the manual, auto or square wave mode. The pulse mode switchwill define pulse operation.1.10 OperableOperable means a component or system is capable of performing its intendedfunction.1.11 OperatingOperating means a component or system is performing its intended function.1.12 Protective ActionProtective action is the initiation of a signal or the operation of equipment within thereactor safety system in response to a variable or condition of the reactor facilityhaving reached a specified limit.1.12.1 Instrument Channel LevelAt the protective instrument channel level, protective action is the generationand transmission of a trip signal indicating that a reactor variable has reachedthe specified limit.1.12.2 Instrument System LevelAt the protective instrument system level, protective action is the generationand transmission of the command signal for the safety shutdown equipmentto operate.1.12.3 Reactor Safety System LevelAt the reactor safety system level, protective action is the operation ofsufficient equipment to immediately shut down the reactor.1.13 Reactivity, ExcessExcess reactivity is that amount of reactivity that would exist if all the control rodswere moved to the maximum reactive condition from the point where the reactor isexactly critical.TS-3 Technical SpecificationsREV 21.14 Reactivity LimitsThe reactivity limits are those limits imposed on the reactor core excess reactivity.Quantities are referenced to a reference core condition1.15 Reactor Core, StandardA standard core is an arrangement of standard TRIGA fuel in the reactor grid plate andmay include installed experiments.1.16 Reactor Core, OperationalAn operational core is a standard core for which the core parameters of excessreactivity, shutdown margin, fuel temperature, power calibration, and reactivity worthsof control rods and experiments have been determined to satisfy the requirements setforth in the Technical Specifications.1.17 Reactor OperatingThe reactor is operating whenever it is not secured or shutdown.1.18 Reactor Safety SystemsReactor safety systems are those systems, including their associated input channels,which are designed to initiate automatic reactor protection or to provide informationfor initiation of manual protective action.1.19 Reactor SecureThe reactor is secure when:1.19.1 Subcritical:There is insufficient fissile material or moderator present in the reactor, controlrods or adjacent experiments, to attain criticality under optimum availableconditions of moderation and reflection, or1.19.2 The following conditions exist:a. The minimum number of neutron absorbing control rods are fullyinserted in shutdown position, as required by technical specifications.b. The console key switch is in the off position and the key is removed fromthe lock.TS-4 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 2c. No work is in progress involving core fuel, core structure, installed controlrods, or control rod drives unless they are physically decoupled from thecontrol rods.d. No experiments are being moved or serviced that have, on movement, areactivity worth equal to or exceeding one dollar.1.20 Reactor ShutdownThe reactor is shutdown if it is subcritical by at least one dollar in the reference corecondition with the reactivity of all installed experiments included.1.21 Reference Core ConditionThe condition of the core when:a. Fuel is at ambient temperature (cold), andb. The reactivity worth of xenon is not greater than the reactivity worth of xenonfollowing shutdown (from steady state, full power operation) for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.1.22 Research ReactorA research reactor is defined as a device designed to support a self-sustaining neutronchain reaction for research, development, educational, training, or experimentalpurposes, and which may have provisions for the production of radioisotopes.1.23 Rod, ControlA control rod is a device fabricated from neutron absorbing material or fuel which isused to establish neutron flux changes and to compensate for routine reactivity loses. Acontrol rod may be coupled to its drive unit allowing it to perform a safety functionwhen the coupling is disengaged.1.23.1 Shim RodA shim rod is a control rod with an electric motor drive that does not perform aspecial function such as automatic control or pulse control. The shim rod shallhave scram capability.TS-5 Technical SpecificationsREV 21.23.2 Regulating RodA regulating rod is a control rod used to maintain an intended power level andmay be varied manually or by a servo-controller. The regulating rod shall havescram capability.1.23.3 Standard RodThe regulating and shim rods are standard control rods.1.23.4 Transient RodA transient rod is a control rod used to initiate a power pulse that is operated bya motor drive and/or air pressure. The transient rod shall have scram capability.1.24 Safety LimitsSafety limits are limits on important process variables which are found to benecessary to protect reasonably the integrity of the principal barriers which guardagainst the uncontrolled release of radioactivity. The principal barrier is the fuelelement cladding.1.25 Scram TimeScram time is the elapsed time between reaching a limiting safety system set pointand a specified control rod movement.1.26 Shall, Should and MayThe word shall is used to denote a requirement. The word should is used to denote arecommendation. The word may is used to denote permission, neither a requirementnor a recommendation.1.27 Shutdown MarginShutdown margin shall mean the minimum shutdown reactivity necessary to provideconfidence that the reactor can be made subcritical by means of the control andsafety systems starting from any permissible operating condition and with the mostreactive rod in its most reactive position, and that the reactor will remain subcriticalwithout further operator action.TS-6 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 21.28 Shutdown, UnscheduledAn unscheduled shutdown is defined as any unplanned shutdown of the reactorcaused by actuation of the reactor safety system, operator error, equipmentmalfunction, or a manual shutdown in response to conditions which could adverselyaffect safe operation, not including shutdowns which occur during testing or check-out operations.1.29 Value, MeasuredThe measured value is the value of a parameter as it appears on the output of achannel.1.30 Value, TrueThe true value is the actual value of a parameter.1.31 Surveillance ActivitiesSurveillance activities (except those specifically required for safety when the reactor isshutdown), may be deferred during reactor shutdown, however, they must becompleted prior to reactor startup unless reactor operation is necessary forperformance of the activity. Surveillance activities scheduled to occur during anoperating cycle which cannot be performed with the reactor operating may be deferredto the end of the cycle.1.32 Surveillance IntervalsMaximum intervals are to provide operational flexibility and not to reduce frequency.Established frequencies shall be maintained over the long term. Allowable surveillanceintervals shall not exceed the following:1.32.1 5 years (interval not to exceed 6 years).1.32.2 2 years (interval not to exceed 2-1/2 years).1.32.3 Annual (interval not to exceed 15 months).1.32.4 Semiannual (interval not to exceed 7-1/2 months).1.32.5 Quarterly (interval not to exceed 4 months).1.32.6 Monthly (interval not to exceed 6 weeks.1.32.7 Weekly (interval not to exceed 10 days).1.32.8 Daily (must be done during the calendar day).TS-7 Technical SpecificationsREV 22.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS2.1 Safety LimitSpecification(s)The maximum temperature in a standard TRIGA fuel element shall not exceed 1150°Cfor fuel element clad temperatures less than 500°C and shall not exceed 950'C for fuelelement clad temperatures greater than 500°C. Temperatures apply to any condition ofoperation.2.2 Limiting Safety System Settings2.2.1 Fuel TemperatureSpecification(s)The limiting safety system setting shall be 550'C as measured in an instrumentedfuel element. One instrumented element shall be located in the B or C ring of thereactor core configuration.2.2.2 Power Level (Manual, Auto, Square Wave)Specification(s)The maximum operating power level for the operation of the reactor shall be1100 kilowatts in the manual, auto and square wave modes.2.2.3 Reactivity Insertion (Pulse)Specification(s)The maximum transient reactivity insertion for the pulse operation of the reactorshall be 2.2% Ak/k ($3.14) in the pulse mode.TS-8 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION3.1 Reactor Core Parameters3.1.1 Excess ReactivitySpecification(s)The maximum available core reactivity (excess reactivity) does not exceed 4.9% Ak/k($7.00) for reference core conditions with no negative reactivity worth credited tomoveable experiments.3.1.2 Shutdown MarginSpecification(s)The magnitude of shutdown margin in reference core conditions, and with no reactivityfrom negative worth experiments, shall be greater than 0.2% Ak/k ($0.29)3.1.3 Transient insertionsSpecification(s)a. Total worth of the transient rod shall be limited to 4.00 dollars (2.8% Ak/k), andb. While operating in the pulse mode, the total time the pulse rod is withdrawn afterinitiation of the pulse shall not exceed 15 seconds.3.1.4 Fuel ElementsSpecification(s)The reactor shall not be operated with fuel element damage except for the purpose oflocating and removing the elements. A fuel element shall be considered damaged andmust be removed from the core if:a. In measuring the elongation, the length exceeds the original length by 2.54 mm(1/10 inch).b. In measuring the transverse bend, the bend exceeds the original bend by 1.5875mm (1/16 inch).c. A clad defect exists as indicated by release of fission products or visualobservation Technical SpecificationsREV 23.2 Reactor Control and Safety System3.2.1 Control AssembliesSpecification(s)The reactor shall not be operated unless the control rods are operable, anda. Control rods shall not be operable if damage is apparent to the rod or driveassemblies.b. The scram time measured from the instant a simulated signal reaches thevalue of a limiting safety system setting to the instant that the slowestscrammable control rod reaches its fully inserted position shall not exceed 1second.c. Maximum reactivity insertion rate of a standard control rod shall be less than0.2% Ak/k ($0.29) per second.3.2.2 Reactor Control SystemSpecification(s)The reactor shall not be operable unless the minimum safety interlocks areoperable. The following control system safety interlocks shall be operable:Control Rod Drive Interlock FunctionStartup Withdrawal -prevent rod upa movement if startup signal is less than 2counts per secondb Simultaneous Withdrawal -prevent rod upmovement for two or more rodsNon pulse condition -prevent air actuation if.rod drive is not downd Pulse Withdrawal -prevent withdrawal ofnon pulse rodsTransient Withdrawal -Prevent air actuatione if linear power is more than 1 kilowattNumberOperable31321Control RodStandard rodsTransient rodStandard rodsShim rodsTransient rodEffective Mode*M A S PX XX X X XXXX X1 Transient rod3 Standard rods1 Transient rodX XX XX X*Modes are: (M) Manual, (A) Auto, (S) Square Wave, and (P) PulseTS-1O The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 23.2.3 Reactor Safety SystemSpecification(s)The reactor shall not be operable unless the minimum safety channels are operable. The followingcontrol rod scram safety channels shall be operable.NumberEfetvMoeSafety System Function Oper Safety Channel Effective Mode*Operable M, A, S Pa Scram at < 550°C 1 Fuel Temperature X Xb Scram at < 1.1 MW 2 Power Level XScram at < 2000 MW 1 Pulse Power Xc Scram on loss 2 High Voltage X Xd Scram on loss 1 Magnet Current X XManual Scrame Scram on demand 1 Console Button x xScram on loss of timer Watchdog Tripreset Microprocessor X Xscan rate*Modes are: (M) Manual, (A) Auto, (S) Square Wave, and (P) Pulse3.2.4 Reactor Instrument SystemSpecification(s)A minimum configuration of measuring channels shall be operable. The following minimumreactor parameter measuring channels shall be operable:Instrument System Number Effective Mode*Function Operable M, A, S Pa. Temperature 1 Fuel Temperature X Xb. Power 2 Power Level XPulse 1 Pulse Power XC. Pulse 1 Pulse Energy X*Modes are: (M) Manual, (A) Auto, (S) Square Wave, and (P) PulseTS-11 Technical SpecificationsREV 23.3 Operational Support Systems3.3.1 Water Coolant SystemsSpecification(s)Corrective action shall be taken or the reactor shut down if any of the following (a.-d.)reactor coolant conditions are observed:a. The bulk pool water temperature exceeds 48 *C.b. The water depth is less than 6.5 meters measured from the pool bottom to thepool water surface.c. The water conductivity exceeds 5.0 Itmho/cm for the average value duringmeasurement periods of one month.d. The pressure difference during heat exchanger operation is less than 7 kPa (1psig) measured between the chilled water outlet pressure and the pool waterinlet pressure to the heat exchanger.e. Pool water data from periodic measurements shall exist for water pH andradioactivity. Radioactivity measurements shall include total alpha-beta activityand gamma ray spectrum analysis.3.3.2 Air Confinement SystemsSpecification(s)Corrective action shall be taken or the reactor shut down if any of the following airconfinement conditions do not exist:a. Equipment shall be operable to isolate the reactor area by closure of roomventilation supply and exhaust dampers, and shutdown of system supply andexhaust fans.b. The reactor room ventilation system shall have an automatic signal to isolate thearea if air particulate radioactivity exceeds preset values.c. An auxiliary air purge system to, exhaust air from experiment systems shall havea high efficiency particulate filter.TS-12 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 2d. Room ventilation shall require two air changes per hour or exhaust of pool areasby the auxiliary air purge system.3.3.3 Radiation Monitoring SystemsSpecification(s)Radiation monitoring while the reactor is operating requires the following minimumconditions :a. A continuous air monitor (particulate) shall be operable with readout andaudible alarm. The monitor shall sample reactor room air within 5 meters of thepool at the pool access level. Alarm set point shall be equal to or less than ameasurement concentration of 2 x 10-9 [Ci/cm3 with a two hour particulateaccumulation.The particulate continuous air monitor shall be operating when the reactor isoperating. A set point of the monitor will initiate the isolation signal for the airventilation system.The particulate air monitor may be out of service for a period of 1 week providedthe filter is evaluated daily, and a signal from the argon-41 continuous airmonitor is available to provide information for manual shutdown of the HVAC.b. A continuous air monitor (argon-41) shall be operable with readout and audiblealarm. The monitor shall sample exhaust stack air from the auxiliary air purgesystem when the system is operating. Alarm set point shall be equal to or lessthan a measurement concentration of 2 x 10-5 ICi/cm3 for a daily release.The argon-41 continuous air monitor shall be operating when the auxiliary airpurge system is operating. The average annual concentration limit for release atthe stack shall be 2 x 10-6 ItCi/cm3.If the argon-41 monitor is not operable, operating the reactor with the auxiliaryair purge system shall be limited to a period of ten days.c. Area radiation monitors (gamma) shall be operable with readout and audiblealarm. Alarm set point shall be a measurement value equal to or less than 100mR/hr.One area radiation monitor shall be operating at the pool level when the reactoris operating. Two additional area radiation monitors shall be operating at otherreactor areas when the reactor is operating.TS-13 Technical SpecificationsREV 23.4 Limitations on Experiments3.4.1 ReactivitySpecification(s)The reactor shall not be operated unless the following conditions governingexperiment reactivity exist:a. A moveable experiment shall have a reactivity worth less than 1.00 dollar.b. The reactivity worth of any single secured experiment shall be less than 2.50dollars.c. The total of absolute reactivity worths of reactor core experiments shall notexceed 3.00 dollars, including the potential reactivity which might result frommalfunction, flooding, voiding, or removal and insertion of the experiments.3.4.2 MaterialsSpecification(s)The reactor shall not be operated unless the following conditions governingexperiment materials exist:a. Experiments containing materials corrosive to reactor components, compoundshighly reactive with water, potentially explosive materials, and liquid fissionablematerials shall be doubly encapsulated. Guidance for classification of materialsshall use the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or a similar source ofinformation involving hazardous chemicals.b. If a capsule fails and releases material which could damage the reactor fuel orstructure by corrosion or other means, removal and physical inspection shallbe performed to determine the consequences and need for corrective action.The results of the inspection and any corrective action taken shall be reviewedby the Director, or his designated alternate, and determined to be satisfactorybefore operation of the reactor is resumed.c. Explosive materials in quantities greater than 25 milligrams shall not beirradiated in the reactor or experimental facilities. Explosive materials inquantities less than 25 milligrams may be irradiated provided the pressureproduced upon detonation of the explosive has been calculated and/orexperimentally demonstrated to be less than the design pressure of thecontainer.TS-14 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)oREV 2d. Each fueled experiment shall be controlled such that the total inventory ofiodine isotopes 131 through 135 in the experiment is no greater than 750millicuries and the maximum strontium inventory is no greater than 2.5millicuriese. Experiment materials, except fuel materials, which could off-gas, sublime,volatilize, or produce aerosols under (1) normal operating conditions of theexperiment or reactor, (2) credible accident conditions in the reactor, (3)possible accident conditions in the experiment shall be limited in activitysuch that if 100% of the gaseous activity or radioactive aerosols producedescaped to the reactor room or the atmosphere, the airborneconcentration of radioactivity averaged over a year would not exceed thederived air concentration limits (DAC) of 10CFR20 Appendix B, andaveraged effluent from the reactor room to the environment would notexceed effluent limits of Appendix B.f. In calculations pursuant to e. above, the following assumptions shall beused:(1) If the effluent from an experimental facility exhausts through aholdup tank which closes automatically on high radiation level, atleast 10% of the gaseous activity or aerosols produced will escape;(2) If the effluent from an experimental facility exhausts through afilter installation designed for greater than 99% efficiency for 0.25micron particles, at least 10% of these vapors can escape; and(3) For materials whose boiling point is above 55°C and where vaporsformed by boiling this material can escape only through anundisturbed column of water above the core, at least 10% of thesevapors can escape.T5-15 Technical SpecificationsREV 24.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.1 Reactor Core Parameters4.1.1 Excess ReactivitySpecification(s)Excess reactivity shall be determined annually or after significant control rod or reactorcore changes.4.1.2 Shutdown MarginSpecification(s)Shutdown margin shall be determined annually or after significant control rod or reactorcore changes.4.1.3 Transient InsertionSpecification(s)Transient rod function shall be evaluated annually or after significant control rod orreactor core changes. The transient rod drive and associated air supply shall beinspected annually, and the drive cylinder shall be cleaned and lubricated annually.A comparison of pulse data with previous measurements at annual intervals or eachtime the interval to the previous measurement exceeds the annual interval.4.1.4 Fuel ElementsSpecification(s)The reactor fuel elements shall be examined for physical damage by a visual inspection,including a check of the dimensional measurements, made at biennial intervals4.2 Reactor Control and Safety System.............. E -- E-- ---4.2.1 Control AssembliesSpecification(s)Control rod worths shall be determined annually or after significant control rod orreactor core changes, andTS-16 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 2a. Each control rod shall be inspected at biennial intervals by visual observation.b. The scram time of a scrammable control rod shall be measured annually or aftermaintenance to the control rod or drive.c. The reactivity insertion rate of a standard control rod shall be measured annuallyor after maintenance to the control rod or drive.4.2.2 Reactor Control SystemSpecification(s)The minimum safety interlocks shall be tested at semiannual intervals or after repair ormodification.4.2.3 Reactor Safety SystemSpecification(s)The minimum safety channels shall be calibrated annually or after repair ormodifications. A channel test shall be done prior to each days operation, after repair ormodifications, or prior to each extended period of operation.4.2.4 Reactor Instrument SystemSpecification(s)The minimum configuration of instrument channels shall be calibrated annually or afterrepair or modification. Calibration of the power measuring channels shall be by thecalorimetric method. A channel check and channel test of the fuel temperatureinstrument channels and power level instrument channels shall be made prior to eachdays operation or prior to each extended period of operation.4.3 Operational Support Systems4.3.1 Water Coolant SystemsSpecification(s)The following measurements shall monitor the reactor coolant conditions:a. The pool temperature channel shall have a channel calibration annually, channelcheck monthly and will be monitored during reactor operation.TS-17 Technical SpecificationsREV 2b. The pool water depth channel shall have a channel calibration annually, channelcheck monthly and will be monitored during reactor operation.c. The water conductivity channel shall have a channel calibration annually andpool water conductivity will be measured weekly.d. The pressure difference channel shall have a channel test prior to each daysoperation, after repair or modifications, or prior to each extended period ofoperation of the heat exchanger and will be monitored during operation.e. Measure pool water pH with low ion test paper or equivalent quarterly. Samplepool water radioactivity quarterly for total alpha-beta activity. Analyze poolwater sample by gamma spectroscopy annually for isotope identification.4.3.2 Air Confinement SystemsSpecification(s)The following actions shall demonstrate the air confinement conditions:a. Annual examination of door seals and isolation dampers.b. Monthly functional tests of air confinement isolation.c. Monthly check of the auxiliary air purge system valve alignments forexperimental areas.d. Daily check of ventilation system alignment for proper exhaust conditions priorto reactor operation.4.3.3 Radiation Monitoring SystemsSpecification(s)The following conditions shall apply to radiation monitoring systems:a. Calibrate particulate air monitor at semiannual intervals and check operabilityweekly.b. Calibrate argon-41 air monitor at biennial intervals and check operabilitymonthly.TS-18 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 2c. Calibrate area radiation monitors at semiannual intervals and check operabilityweekly prior to reactor operation.4.4 Limitations on Experiments4.4.1 ReactivitySpecification(s)The reactivity of an experiment shall be measured before an experiment is consideredfunctional.4.4.2 MaterialsSpecification(s)Any surveillance conditions or special requirements shall be specified as a part of theexperiment approval.TS-19 Technical SpecificationsREV 25.0 DESIGN FEATURES5.1 Site and Facility Description5.1.1 LocationSpecification(s)a. The site location is in the northeast corner of The University of Texas at AustinJ.J. Pickle Research Campus.b. The TRIGA reactor is installed in room 1.104 of the Nuclear Engineering TeachingLaboratory.c. The reactor core is assembled in an above ground shield and pool structure withhorizontal and vertical access to the core.d. Licensed areas of the facility for NRC-licensed materials shall consist of the entirefacility designated as the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory.5.1.2 ConfinementSpecification(s)a. The reactor room shall be designed to restrict leakage and will have a minimumenclosed air volume of 4120 cubic meters.b. Ventilation system should provide two air changesper hour and shall isolate airin the reactor area upon detection of a limit signal related to the radiation level.c. An air purge system should exhaust experiment air cavities and shall be filteredby high efficiency particulate absorption filters.d. All exhaust air from the reactor area enclosure shall be ejected vertically upwardat a point above the facility roof level.TS-20 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 25.1.3 Safety Related SystemsSpecificationsAny modifications to the air confinement or ventilation system, the reactor shield, thepool or its penetrations, the pool coolant system, the core and its associated supportstructure, the rod drive mechanisms or the reactor safety system shall be made andtested in accordance with the specifications to which the systems were originallydesigned and fabricated. Alternate specifications may be approved by the ReactorOversight Committee. A system shall not be considered operable until after it is testedsuccessfully.5.2 Reactor Coolant System5.2.1 Natural ConvectionSpecification(s)The reactor core shall be cooled by natural convection flow of water.5.2.2 Siphon ProtectionSpecification(s)Pool water level shall be protected by holes for siphon breaks in pool water system pipelines.5.3 Reactor Core and Fuel5.3.1 Fuel ElementsSpecification(s)The standard TRIGA fuel element at fabrication shall have the following characteristics:a. Uranium content: 8.5 Wt% uranium enriched to a nominal 19.7% Uranium-235.b. Zirconium hydride atom ratio: nominal 1.6 hydrogen to zirconium, ZrHx.c. Cladding: 304 stainless steel, nominal .020 inches thick.TS-21 Technical SpecificationsREV 25.3.2 Control RodsSpecification(s)The shim, regulating, and transient control rods shall have scram capability, anda. Include stainless steel or aluminum clad and may be followed by air oraluminum, or for a standard rod may be followed by fuel with stainless steelclad.b. Contain borated graphite, B4C powder, or boron and its compounds in solid formas a poison.c. The transient rod shall have a mechanical limit. An adjustable limit will allow avariation of reactivity insertions.d. Two shim rods, one regulating rod and the transient rod are the minimumcontrol rods.5.3.3 ConfigurationSpecification(s)The reactor shall be an arrangement of core single grid positions occupied by fuelelements, control rods, and graphite elements. Single element positions may beoccupied by voids, water or experiment facilities. Special multielement positions orsingle element positions may be occupied by approved experiments.5.4 Reactor Fuel Element StorageSpecification(s)a. All fuel elements shall be stored in a geometric array where the effectivemultiplication is less than 0.9 for all conditions of moderation.b. Irradiated fuel elements and fueled devices shall be stored in an array which willpermit sufficient.natural convection cooling by water or air such that the fuelelement or fueled device temperature will not exceed design values.TS-22 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 25.5 Reactor Pool IrradiatorSpecification(s)The irradiator assembly shall be an experiment facility.a. A 10,000 Curie gamma irradiator may be located in the reactor pool. Theirradiator isotope shall be cobalt-60.b. Location of the assembly shall be at a depth of at least 4.5 meters and at adistance of at least 0.5 meters from the reactor core structure.c. Pool water sample requirements shall monitor pool water for source leakage.At a pool water activity of 2.5x10-5 ICi/cm3 the gamma irradiator componentsshall be tested to locate and remove any leaking source.TS-23 Technical SpecificationsREV 26.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS6.1 Organization6.1.1 StructureThe facility shall be under the control of the Director, Associate Director or a delegatedSenior Operator. The management for operation of the facility shall consist of theorganizational structure as follows:Radiation SfetyevResponsibityCommnunication ---6.1.2 ResponsibilityLine ManagementFacility line management is responsible for the policies and operation of the facility, andresponsible for safeguarding the public and facility personnel from undue radiationexposures and for adhering to the operating license and technical specifications.Personnel changes in the following line management positions are subject to specialreporting requirements (specified in Section 6.6.2 a):0SUniversity of Texas PresidentExecutive Vice President and ProvostTS-24 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 2* Dean of the Cockrell School of Engineering* Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department* Director of the NETL* Associate Director of the NETLReactor operation and maintenance activities are conducted by senior operators andoperators under direction of the Reactor Supervisor. Facility health physics andradiological control functions are integrated into operations by the NETL HealthPhysicist. The Reactor Supervisor and Health Physicist report to the NETL AssociateDirector, who reports to the NETL Director.A member of Facility Management (Director or Associate Director) or a Senior Operatorreviews and approves all experiments and experimental procedures prior to their use inthe reactor.The Director is responsible to the Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineeringand the Dean of the Cockrell School of Engineering for safe operation and maintenanceof the reactor and its associated equipment. These responsibilities may be delegated tothe Associate Director during the Director's absence from the Facility. A ReactorOversight Committee chartered and appointed by the Cockrell School of Engineeringmonitors facility operations, provides oversight for the facility, reports to the Dean, andmakes recommendations to the Facility Director as appropriate.The Dean of Cockrell School of Engineering reports to the Executive Vice President andProvost, who reports to the President of The University of Texas at Austin. ThePresident of the University of Texas at Austin charters and appoints a Radiation safetyCommittee to provide policies and direction. Radiation safety polices and directions areimplemented by the University Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). The RSO is an ex-officiomember of the Reactor Oversight Committee (described in Section 6.2), and hasindependent lines of communication with the NETL Director and Health Physicist.Environmental Health and Safety Management OversightThe University of Texas provides resources for radiological protection and facilitysecurity independent of facility line management. The reporting structure for the UTPolice Department, Radiation safety Officer, and committees with facility review andaudit are included on the organization chart.The Vice President for University Operations (reporting to the President) is responsiblefor environment, safety and health management and other areas less germane toreactor facility safety. The Vice President for University Operations is supported by four(4) associates, including the Associate Vice President for Campus Safety and Security.TS-25 Technical SpecificationsREV 2The Campus Safety and Security organization is composed of directorates forEnvironmental Health and Safety, UT Police Department, Parking and Transportation,Fire Prevention Services, and Emergency Preparedness. The Environmental Health andSafety directorate is responsible for coordination and management of the various EH&Sfunctions (e.g., the UT Radiation Safety Officer). Parking and Transportation Servicesmanages Pickle Research Campus site access during normal business hours. The UTPolice Department provides local law enforcement support, including notification of thefacility Reactor Supervisor and control room (operators and senior operators) of facilitysecurity alarm conditions and armed response.6.1.3 Staffinga. The minimum staffing when the reactor is not secure shall be:An operator or senior operator in the control room.ii. A second person in the facility area that can perform prescribed writteninstructions. Unexpected absence for two hours shall require immediateaction to obtain an alternate person.iii. A senior operator readily available. The available senior operator shouldbe within thirty minutes of the facility and reachable by telephone.b. Events requiring the presence at the facility of a senior operator shall be:All fuel element or control rod relocations within the reactor core region.ii. Relocation of any experiment with a reactivity worth of greater than onedollar.iii. Recovery from an unscheduled shutdown or significant power reduction.iv. Initial startup and approach to power.c. Operating procedures shall specify when a senior operator is required to directlysupervise licensed activities, including (but not limited to):The first startup (excluding control rod manipulations with the reactorshutdown for maintenance or testing) and ascension to power following:(a). Movement of fuel or control rods,TS-26 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 2(b). Relocation of experiments with a reactivity worth of greater thanone dollar,(c). Modifications to the reactor control or safety system,(d). Non-routine corrective maintenance to the reactor control andsafety system, and/or(e). Recovery from an unscheduled shutdown.ii. Changes to the configuration of the reactor core:(a). Fuel element or control rod relocations within the reactor coreregion, and/or(b). Relocation (i.e., within thecore region) of any experiment with areactivity worth of greater than one dollar.d. A list of reactor facility personnel by name and telephone number shall beavailable to the operator in the control room. The list shall include:i. Management personnel.ii. Radiation safety personnel.iii. Other operations personnel.6.1.4 Selection and Training of PersonnelThe selection, training and requalification of operators shall meet or exceed therequirements of American National Standard for Selection and Training of Personnel forResearch Reactors ANSI/ANS -15.4. Qualification and requalification of licensedoperators shall be subject to an approved NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)program.6.2 Review and Audit6.2.1 Composition and QualificationsA Reactor Oversight Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members appointed byTS-27 Technical SpecificationsREV 2the Dean of the Cockrell School of Engineering that are knowledgeable in fields whichrelate to nuclear safety. The university radiation safety officer shall be a member or anex-officio member. The committee will perform the functions of review and audit ordesignate a knowledgeable person for audit functions.6.2.2 Charter and RulesThe operations of the Reactor Oversight Committee shall be in accordance with anestablished charter, including provisions for:a. Meeting frequency (at least twice each year, with no more than 9 monthsbetween meetings).b. Quorums (not less than one-half the membership where the NETL Director,Associate Director and Reactor Supervisor do not hold a majority).c. Dissemination, review, and approval of minutes:d. Use of subgroups.6.2.3 Review FunctionThe review function shall include facility operations related to reactor and radiologicalsafety. The following items shall be reviewed:a. Determination in accordance with 10CFR50.59 that proposed changes inequipment, systems, tests, experiments, or procedures do not require a licenseamendment.b. All new procedures and major revisions thereto, and proposed changes inreactor facility equipment or systems having safety significance.c. All new experiments or classes of experiments that could affect reactivity orresult in the release of radioactivity.d. Changes in technical specifications or license.e. Violations of technical specifications or license.f. Operating abnormalities or violations of procedures having safety significance.g. Other reportable occurrences.h. Audit reports.TS-28 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 26.2.4 Audit FunctionThe audit function shall be a selected examination of operating records, logs, or otherdocuments. An audit will be by a person not directly responsible for the records andmay include discussions with cognizant personnel or observation of operations. Thefollowing items shall be audited and a report made within 3 months to the Director andReactor Oversight Committee:a. Conformance of facility operations with license and technical specifications atleast once each calendar year.b. Results of actions to correct deficiencies that may occur in reactor facilityequipment, structures, systems, or methods of operation that affect safety atleast once per calendar year.c. Function of the retraining and requalification program for operators at leastonce every other calendar year.d. The reactor facility emergency plan and physical security plan, and implementingprocedures at least once every other year.6.3 Operating ProceduresWritten operating procedures shall be prepared, reviewed and approved by the Director or asupervisory Senior Operator and the Reactor Oversight Committee prior to initiation of thefollowing activities:a. Startup, operation, and shutdown of the reactor.b. Fuel loading, unloading and movement in the reactor.c. Routine maintenance of major components of systems that could have an effect onreactor safety.d. Surveillance calibrations and tests required by the technical specifications or those thatcould have an effect on reactor safety.e. Administrative controls for operation, maintenance: and the conduct of experiments orirradiations that could have an effect on reactor safety.f. Personnel radiation protection, consistent with applicable regulations or guidelines,TS-29 Technical SpecificationsREV 2and shall include a management commitment and programs to maintain exposures andreleases as low as reasonably achievable.g. Implementation of required plans such as the emergency plan or physical security plan.Substantive changes to the above procedures shall be made effective after approval by theDirector or a supervisory Senior Operator and the Reactor Oversight Committee. Minormodifications to the original procedures which do not change the original intent may be madeby a senior operator but the modifications must be approved by the Director or a supervisorySenior Operator. Temporary deviations from the procedures may be made by a senioroperator in order to deal with special or unusual circumstances or conditions. Such deviationsshall be documented and reported to the Director or a supervisory Senior Operator.6.4 Experiment Review and ApprovalAll new experiments or classes of experiments shall be approved by the Director or aSupervisory Senior Operator and the Reactor Oversight Committee.a. Approved experiments shall be carried out in accordance with established andapproved procedures.b. Substantive changes to previously approved experiments shall require the same reviewas a new experiment.c. Minor changes to an experiment that do not significantly alter the experiment may bemade by a supervisory senior operator..6.5 Required Actions6.5.1 Action to be taken in case of a Safety Limit ViolationIn the event of a safety limit violation, the following section shall be taken:a. The reactor shall be shut down and reactor operation shall not be resumed untila report of the violation is prepared and authorization to restart by the NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC) is issued.b. The safety limit violation shall be promptly reported to the Director of the facilityor a designated alternate.c. The safety limit violation shall be subsequently reported to the NRC.TS-30 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 2d. A safety limit violation report shall be prepared and submitted to the ReactorOversight Committee. The report shall describe:(1) Applicable circumstances leading to the violation including, when knownthe cause and contributing factors,(2) Effect of the violation on reactor facility components, systems, orstructures and on the health and safety of the public,(3) Corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence.6.5.2 Action to be taken in the Event of an Occurrence that is Reportable.In the event of a reportable occurrence, the following action shall be taken:a. Reactor conditions shall be returned to normal or the reactor shutdown. If it isnecessary to shut down the reactor to correct the occurrence, operations shallnot be resumed unless authorized by the Director or his designated alternate.b. Occurrence shall be reported to the Director or his designated alternate and tothe Nuclear Regulatory Commission as required.c. Occurrence shall be reviewed by the Reactor Oversight Committee at the nextregularly scheduled meeting.6.6 ReportsAll written reports shall be sent within the prescribed interval to the NRC, Washington D.C.20555, Attention: Document Control Desk.6.6.1 Operating ReportsRoutine annual reports covering the activities of the reactor facility during the previouscalendar year shall be submitted within three months following the end of eachprescribed year. Each annual operating report shall include the following information:a. A narrative summary of reactor operating experience including the energyproduced by the reactor or the hours the reactor was critical, or both.b'. The unscheduled shutdowns including, where applicable, corrective action takento preclude recurrence.TS-31 Technical SpecificationsREV 2c. Tabulation of major preventive and corrective maintenance operations havingsafety significance.d. Tabulation of major changes in the reactor facility and procedures, andtabulation of new tests or experiments, or both, that are significantly differentfrom those performed previously, including conclusions that no unreviewedsafety questions were involved.e. A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released ordischarged to the environs beyond the effective control of the university asdetermined at or before the point of such release or discharge. The summaryshall include to the extent practicable an estimate of individual radionuclidespresent in the effluent. If the estimated average release after dilution ordiffusion is less than 25% of the concentration allowed or recommended, astatement to this effect is sufficient.f. A summary of exposures received by facility Personnel and visitors where suchexposures are greater than 25% of that allowed or recommended.g. A summarized result of environmental surveys performed outside the facility.6.6.2 30-Day Special ReportsA written report shall be submitted within 30 days to the NRC of:a. Permanent changes in the facility organization for positions including:* University of Texas President* Executive Vice President and Provost* Dean of the Cockrell School of Engineering* Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department* Director of the NETL* Associate Director of the NETLb. Significant changes in transient or accident analysis as described in the SafetyAnalysis Report.6.6.3 Immediate Notification & Follow-up ReportsA report to NRC Operations Center by telephone not later than the following workingday and confirmed in writing by telegraph or similar conveyance to be followed by awritten report within 14 days that describes the circumstances of the event of any ofTS-32 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 2the following:a. Violation of fuel element temperature safety limit.b. Release of radioactivity above allowable limits.c. Operation with actual safety-system settings for required systems lessconservative than the limiting safety system settings specified in the technicalspecifications.d. Operation in violation of limiting conditions for operation established intechnical specifications unless prompt remedial action is taken.e. Reactor safety system component malfunctions which render or could renderthe reactor safety system incapable of performing its intended safety functionunless the malfunction or condition is discovered during maintenance tests orperiods of reactor shutdowns.However, where components or systems are provided in addition to thoserequired by the technical specifications, the failure of components or systems isnot considered reportable provided that the minimum number of componentsor systems specified or required performs their intended reactor safety function.f. An unanticipated or uncontrolled change in reactivity greater than one dollar.Reactor trips resulting from a known cause are excluded.g. Abnormal and significant degradation in reactor fuel, or cladding, or both,coolant boundary, or confinement boundary (excluding minor leaks) whereapplicable which could result in exceeding prescribed radiation exposure limitsof personnel or environment, or both.h. An observed inadequacy in the implementation of administrative or proceduralcontrols such that the inadequacy causes or could have caused the existence ordevelopment of an unsafe condition with regard to reactor operations.6.7 RECORDSThe records may be in the form of logs, data sheets, or other suitable forms. The requiredinformation may be contained in single or multiple records, or a combination thereof.6.7.1 Records to be Retained for the Lifetime of the Reactor Facility:(Note: Applicable annual reports, if they contain all of the required information, may beused as records in this section.)TS-33 Technical SpecificationsREV 2a. Gaseous and liquid radioactive effluents released to the environs.b. Offsite environmental monitoring surveys required by technical specifications.c. Events that impact or effect decommissioning of the facilityd. Radiation exposure for all personnel monitored.e. Updated drawings of the reactor facility.6.7.2 Records to be Retained for a Period of at Least Five Years or for the Life of theComponent Involved Whichever is Shorter:a. Normal reactor facility operation (supporting documents such as checklists, logsheets, etc. shall be maintained for a period of at least one year).b. Principal maintenance operations.c. Reportable occurrences.d. Surveillance activities required by technical specifications.e. Reactor facility radiation and contamination surveys where required byapplicable regulations.f. Experiments performed with the reactor.g. Fuel inventories, receipts, and shipments.h. Approved changes in operating procedures.i. Records of meeting and audit reports of the review and audit group.6.7.3 Records to be Retained for at Least One Licensing Cycle:Retraining and requalifications of licensed operations personnel. Records of the mostrecent complete cycle shall be maintained at all times the individual is employed.TS-34 Technical Specifications Appendix: BasesThe University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.1.0 DOCKET 50-602 INFORMATIONThe Technical Specifications of this document depend on the analysis and conclusions of theSafety Analysis Report. Descriptive information important to each specification is presented inthe form of the applicability, objective and bases. This information defines the conditionseffective for each technical specification for the Docket 50-602 facility.A.1.1 ApplicabilityThe applicability defines the conditions, parameters, or equipment to which the specificationapplies.A.1.2 ObiectiveThe objective defines the goals of the specification in terms of limits, frequency, or othercontrollable item.A.1.3 BasesThe bases presents information important to the specification, including such things asjustification, logical constraints and development methodology.TS.A-1 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012A.2.0 SAFETY LIMITS & LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGSAPPLICABILITY, OBJECTIVES AND BASESA.2.1 Safety LimitApplicabilityThis specification applies to the temperature of the reactor fuel in a standard TRIGA fuelelement.ObjectiveThe objective is to define the maximum temperature that can be permitted with confidencethat no damage to the fuel element cladding will result.BasesThe important parameter for a TRIGA reactor is the fuel element temperature. This parameteris well suited as a single specification since it can be measured directly. A loss in the integrity ofthe fuel element cladding could arise from a build-up of excessive pressure between the fuel-moderator and the cladding if the fuel temperature exceeds the safety limit. The pressure iscaused by the presence of air, fission product gases, and hydrogen from the dissociation of thehydrogen and zirconium in the fuel-moderator. Hydrogen pressure is the most significantcomponent. The magnitude of this pressure is determined by the fuel-moderator temperatureand the ratio of hydrogen to zirconium in the alloy.The safety limit for the standard TRIGA fuel is based on calculations and experimental evidence.The results indicate that the stress in the cladding due to hydrogen pressure from thedissociation of zirconium hydride will remain below the ultimate stress provided that thetemperature of the fuel does not exceed 1150'C and the fuel cladding does not exceed 500'C.For conditions that might cause the clad temperatures to exceed 500°C the safety limit of thefuel should be set at 950'C.TS.A-2 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.2.2 Limiting Safety System SettingA.2.2.1 Fuel TemperatureApplicabilityThis specification applies to the protective action for the reactor fuel element temperature.ObjectiveThe objective is to prevent the fuel element temperature safety limit from being reached.BasesFor non pulse operation of the reactor, the limiting safety system setting is a temperaturewhich, if exceeded, shall cause a reactor scram to be initiated preventing the safety limit frombeing exceeded. A setting of 5500C provides a safety margin at the point of measurement of atleast 400°C for standard TRIGA fuel elements in any condition of operation. A part of the safetymargin is used to account for the difference between the true and measured temperaturesresulting from the actual location of the thermocouple. If the thermocouple element is locatedin the hottest position in the core, the difference between the true and measuredtemperatures will be only a few degrees since the thermocouple junction is near the center andthe mid-plane of the fuel element. For pulse operation of the reactor, the same limiting safetysystem setting will apply. However, the temperature channel will have no effect on limiting thepeak powers generated because of its relatively long time constant (seconds) as compared withthe width of the pulse (milliseconds). In this mode, however, the temperature trip will act tolimit the energy release after the pulse if the transient rod should not reinsert and the fueltemperature continues to increase.A.2.2.2 Power Level (Manual, Auto, Square Wave)ApplicabilityThis specification applies to the protective action for the reactor during non pulse operation.ObjectiveThe objective is to prevent the fuel element temperature safety limit from being reached.BasesTS.A-3 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012Thermal and hydraulic calculations indicate that standard TRIGA fuel elements may be safelyoperated at power levels in excess of 1500 kilowatts with natural convection cooling.Conservative estimates indicate that a departure from nucleate boiling ratio of approximatelytwo will occur at about 1900 kilowatts. A limiting setting for the power level measurement at1.1 megawatts assures sufficient margin for safety to allow for calibration errors. The powercalibration goal is a measurement accuracy of 5% although an error of 10% may berepresentative of some measurements.A.2.2.3 Reactivity Insertion (Pulse)ApplicabilityThis specification applies to the reactivity insertion for the reactor during pulse operation.ObjectiveThe objective is to prevent the fuel element temperature safety limit from being reached.BasesCalculations indicate that standard TRIGA fuel elements may be safely operated at transientconditions in excess of 2.2% Ak/k with ambient cooling conditions. Conservative estimatesindicate that a substantial safety margin exists for the rise of peak fuel temperature withreactivity insertions as large as 2.8% Ak/k.TS.A-4 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.3.0 OBJECTIVES AND BASES FOR THE LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATIONA.3.1 Reactor Core ParametersLimiting core reactivity specifications are predicated on the reference core conditions. Thereference core condition requires radioactive xenon to be negligible, i.e. with reactivity effectsfrom xenon at or less than a detectable level. Evaluation that xenon reactivity is negligible isbased on (1) assessment of the minimum detectable level for reactivity changes, (2) calculationconcentration following reactor operation, and (3) evaluation of the reactivity attributed toxenon.(1) Detectable Level for Reactivity Changes Based on Changes in Rod PositionReactivity changes are evaluated based on differential rod worth positions using a calibration ofposition versus reactivity worth associated with the position of each rod. The control rod movenominally 15 in. from full in to full out, while the position indication changes 960 units. A unitof movement is therefore 1/960th of nominally 15 in., or 0.0156 units of movement per in. TheJune 29, 2011 calibration shows a change in the linear portion of the reactivity curve from 400to 500 units of $1.2603 to $1.70322, or $0.00443 per unit. Because of mechanical linkages tothe control rod, the control rod drive, and the position indicator, repeatability for movementsless than 10 units is challenging. Therefore $0.04-$0.05 is a practical limit for evaluatingreactivity changes using movement of a single rod, a lower limit of detection for reactivitychanges based on movement of a single rod.(2) Time Dependent Xenon ConcentrationNuclear Reactor Engineering, 3rd Ed. (Glasstone and Sessonke), section 5.72 indicates xenonlevels following shutdown after operation at maximum steady state power level varies as:A io -AY')Where:X(ts) is the time dependent xenon concentration (atoms/cm3)X0 is the initial, steady state xenon concentration (atoms/cm3)ts is the time after shutdown (s)is the decay constant of iodine 135 (s-1)1x is the decay constant of xenon 135 (s-1)10 is the initial concentration of iodine 135 and tellurium 135 (atoms/cm3)TS.A-5 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012The initial steady state level of xenon concentration is:Whereis the cumulative thermal U235 fission product yield of iodine 135 and tellurium 135Yx is the cumulative thermal U235 fission product yield of xenon 135O'x is the microscopic cross section for thermal neutron absorption of xenon 135Yf is the microscopic cross section for fission in the reactorAnd the initial steady state level of iodine concentration is:Therefore, the ratio of equilibrium xenon concentration to time variant xenon followingshutdown is:X(ts) -7, "(Ax +x " .(e-,, e' + eXo (AX_-A1)(, + ) -e-Y" ++/Cross section and yield values used in the equation are taken from Evaluated Nuclear Data Files(ENDF/B-VIl.1). Half-lives used to calculate decay constants are taken from the Chart of theNuclides as provided on the National Nuclear Data Center web site. Relevant properties for135Xe and 1351 are tabulated below (the short-lived tellurium precursor yield of 0.032162 isincluded in the iodine yield).ty, (s) oa (b) FIodine 135 2.37E4 2.924E-5 8.OOE1 0.061436Xenon 135 3.29E4 2.106E-5 2.67E6 0.0045The buildup and decay of xenon 135 based on the isotope characteristics is displayed in Fig.A.3.1.1-1 and A.3.1.1-2, with the first graph on a traditional linear display and the secondshowing the ratio on a log scale. Calculations for the lower three flux values are not separableon the scale used.TS.A-6 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012Ratio of Xenon Concentration After Shutdown toSteady State. Full Power Xenon Corncentration4,53.023524 jto -00IOE12 n/croA2-s~iOE IIIn/cm^2-S10EV? n/cm 2sTime After Shutdown (Hours)20 40 Go soTime After Shutdown (Hours)Figure A.3.1.1-1, Xenon Concentration Following Shutdown (Linear Scale)10Ratio of Xenon Concentration After Shutdown toSteady State. Full Power Xenon Concentration~-~O~ln/CMA2-S.1<MI0.10.010.0020 20 40 60 80 100Time After Shutdown (Hours)Figure A.3.1.1-2, Xenon Concentration Following Shutdown (Log-Linear Scale)Historical calculations (GA-4361, Calculated Fluxes and Cross Sections for TRIGA Reactors, G. B.West, 1963) show core-average full power neutron flux approximately 103 for 1 MW TRIGAreactors. Therefore at 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after reactor shutdown following equilibrium full poweroperations, xenon concentration is 13% of the steady state value and 10% at 75 hours8.680556e-4 days <br />0.0208 hours <br />1.240079e-4 weeks <br />2.85375e-5 months <br />.(3) Time dependent Xenon ReactivityUsing the definition of reactivity, a change in reactivity is calculated:rr r 1i2 k1k2k, k2)TS.A-7 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012Using k = kc. IPj:+/- (1 k2,- P,1,2A KENOVI model of the UT TRIGA was generated based on the initial core configuration. Xenoninventory was calculated using the T-6 depletion sequence of SCALE 6.1. Three days ofoperation at 1.1 MW was modeled to build in steady state xenon inventory, followed by 4 daysof shutdown with 85 data points. For operation at 600 K, the average mean free path wasdetermined to have a maximum value of 0.93117 cm, a minimum value of 0.925077 cm, anaverage value of 0.928111 and a standard deviation of 0.00157. It can be inferred thereforethat the materials buckling does not change appreciably; and since the reactor geometry wasnot changed in the modeling, the probability of non leakage (Ps,) which is a function ofmaterials and geometric buckling, the non leakage factor does not change appreciably withxenon. Therefore the change in reactivity simplifies to:Apl,2 1 kI'kOf the 4 factors in the formula for kc, thermal utilization factor is the only one that isappreciably affected by poison. Over reasonable periods of time, the fuel remains relativelyconstant so compared to a condition without xenon:"x I *07"Apl,2 = The reactivity from xenon is therefore approximately proportional to the xenon concentration,and the ratio of concentrations previously calculated provides a ratio of reactivity from xenonfollowing shutdown.The KENO calculations provide keff, fission product and fuel isotope concentrations, and thefraction of absorptions at each interval (for this data, 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> time steps). Therefore thereactivity change can be calculated directly. Fig. A.3.1.1-3 shows (1) the reactivity changeattributed to fission product positions (as discrete points), and (2) the concentration of xenon135 (in comparison to steady state, full power operation, as a line). Data acquired during a 12hour operation in 2012 is included on the graph as a black line, showing good agreementTS.A-8 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602) REV 6/2012between the model and the system. The reactivity contribution from xenon is clearly negligiblefrom 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> following shutdown.Xenon Reactivity Effects During Full Power Operationsand Following Shutdown$ 0 5 -.5 ...-..... ......... I .. ---- .... ...... ............ ............... .. 1 2 0 %..... ..... shutdown ......... ..-. .........120% 00SO.O:. 44 f10-S 1 ,0 .... .... .... .......................... ... .... 00oS -. ......... ........ -1........... ....... .... ...... ... .. .............. ...... ...... 0 4 ' XC D0 -$1.5 ... ... ............090%0-51.0 .-8.. ...... .0% xn2 70%r -$15.5 ..60% 00400M ' -$2.0 ~--MCU 40%0* 30%Te-$2.5 ours)*44 ~ 20%-$3.0 -~ * -X....3.5. ...... 0-$3 -10% :30 50 100 150Time (Hours)Figure A.3.1.1-3, Xenon reactivity Effects During Full Power Operations & Following ShutdownData for neutron absorption has less "noise" and correlates directly to concentration. A secondgraph correlates the fraction of neutrons absorbed by xenon to the reactivity deficit at eachtime step.Xenon Impact on Reactor During & After Full Power Operations$4.00 ......... .7 7 2.5% -53.50 0 ..20%53-00 z$2.50> i i 1.5%S2.00 ....... 0$ 1.0% .0 $2.0... 0.5,% 050 .0 : ........ .... ... ..................... 0 .0%0 2 40 60 80 100 120 140 160Time (Hours)Figure A.3.1.1-4, Xenon Impact on Reactor During & After Full Power OperationsThe ratio of the fraction of neutrons absorbed in xenon during steady state full poweroperation to the fraction at intervals after shutdown was developed. These ratios were appliedto the reactivity existing during steady state full power operation. As shown below, thereactivity form xenon is reduced to less than $0.05 at abo0ut 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after shutdown.TS.A-9 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012Reactivity Following Shutdown fromFull Power Steady State operaitonsO.OO ~ ~ ~ ... ......... 60 70 80 90Time (Hours)Figure A.3.1.1-3, Reactivity Following Shutdown from Full Power Steady State OperationsThe operating schedule of UT reactor does not ever result in full power, steady state xenonconcentrations; as shown in Fig. A.3.1.1-3, 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> at full power operations produces afraction of the effect from xenon as compared to equilibrium conditions. Consequently 72hours is an extremely conservative estimate of time to reach negligible xenon level. Theshutdown interval to achieve negligible xenon may be calculated using the actual operatinghistory to support determining reference core condition.A.3.1.1 Excess ReactivityApplicabilityThis specification applies to the reactivity condition of the reactor core in terms of the availableexcess above the cold xenon free, critical condition.ObjectiveThe objective is to prevent the fuel element temperature safety limit from being reached bylimiting the potential reactivity available in the reactor for any condition of operation.BasesMaximum excess core reactivity is sufficient to provide the core rated power, xenoncompensation and reactivity for shutdown. Analysis of the reactor core demonstrates that nosingle component represents sufficient potential reactivity to reach the fuel elementtemperature safety limit during any condition of operation.TS.A-10 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.3.1.2 Shutdown MarginApplicabilityThis specification applies to the reactivity margin by which the reactor core will be consideredshutdown when the reactor is not operating.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure that the reactor can be shut down safely by a margin that is sufficientto compensate for the failure of a control rod or the movement of an experiment.BasesThe value of the shutdown margin assures that the reactor can'be shut down from anyoperating condition. These conditions include the assumption that no credit is given to negativeworth experiments when determining shutdown margin.A.3.1.3 Transient InsertionsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the total potential worth of the transient rod andthe allowablereactivity insertion for reactor pulse operation.ObjectiveThe objective is to limit the reactivity available for pulse insertion to a value that will not causethe fuel temperature safety limit to be exceeded.BasesCalculations demonstrate that the total insertion of all the transient rod worth will not exceedthe fuel temperature safety limit. For a 2.8% Ak/k pulse a safety margin would exist betweenthe fuel element safety limit and the rise of peak fuel temperature above an assumed ambientpool temperature of 50°C. Experiments with pulsed operation of TRIGA reactors by themanufacturer indicate that insertions up to 3.5% Ak/k have not exceeded the fuel temperaturesafety limit.Power level following a pulse achieves a maximum (peak) when the reactivity from elevatedfuel temperature compensates for the reactivity inserted to initiate the pulse. After fueltemperature feedback regulates power, power level may exceed the steady state power levellimit for some interval until the reactivity from temperature reaches equilibrium. Therefore,TS.A-11 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012the amount of time that the reactivity from the pulse rod is allowed to remain in the core islimited. A preset timer insures that the transient rod will not remain in the pulse position for anextended time after the pulse.A.3.1.4 Fuel ElementsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the measurement parameters for the fuel elements.ObjectiveThe objective is to verify the physical condition of the fuel element cladding.BasesThe elongation limit has been specified to assure that the cladding material will not besubjected to stresses that could cause a loss of integrity in the fuel containment and to assureadequate coolant flow. The limit of transverse bend has been shown to result in no difficulty indisassembling the reactor core. Analysis of the removal of heat from touching fuel elementsshows that there will be no hot spots resulting in damage to the fuel caused by this touching.Experience with TRIGA reactors has shown that fuel element bowing that could result intouching has occurred without deleterious effects.A.3.2 Reactor Control and Safety SystemA.3.2.1Control AssembliesApplicabilityThis specification applies to the function of the control rods.ObjectiveThe objective is to determine that the control rods arc operable by specification of apparentphysical conditions, the scram times for scrammable control rods and the reactivity insertionrates for standard control rods.TS.A-12 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012BasesThe apparent condition of the control rod assemblies will provide assurance that the rods willcontinue to perform reliably and as designed. The specification for rod scram time assures thatthe reactor will shut down promptly when a scram signal is initiated. The specification for rodreactivity insertion rates assures that the reactor will start up at a controllable rate when rodsare withdrawn. Analysis has indicated that for the range of transients anticipated for a TRIGAreactor the specified scram time and insertion rate is adequate to assure the safety of thereactor.A.3.2.2 Reactor Control SystemApplicabilityThese specifications apply to logic of the reactor control system.ObjectiveThe objective is to determine the minimum control system interlocks operable for operation ofthe reactor.BasesInterlocks are specified to prevent function of the control rod drives unless certain specificconditions exist. Program logic of the digital processors implement the interlock functions.Two basic interlocks control all rod movements in the manual mode. The interlock to preventstartup of the reactor at power levels less than 2 neutron cps, which corresponds toapproximately 4 milliwatts, assures that sufficient neutrons are available for controlled reactorstartup. Simultaneous withdrawal of more than one control rod is prevented by an interlock tolimit the maximum positive reactivity insertion rate available for steady state operation.Interlocks applicable to the transient rod determine the proper rod operation during manualmode and pulse mode operation. The non pulse condition interlock determines the allowableposition of the rod drive for actuation of the FIRE switch. Actuation of the switch applies the airimpulse for removal of the transient rod from the reactor core.Auto mode applies the same interlock controls as the manual mode to the shim and transientrods. Servo calculations limit reactivity insertions by controlling regulating rod drive speed. Onelimit, a reactor period of four decades per minute, restricts simultaneous up motion of theregulating rod with any other rod.TS.A-13 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012Two basic interlocks control rod movements for the pulse mode. The interlock to preventwithdrawal of the motor driven rods in the pulse mode is designed to prevent changing thecritical state of the reactor prior to the pulse. A power level interlock controls potential fueltemperature changes by setting a limit of less than 1 kilowatt for initiation at any pulse.Square wave mode applies the same interlock controls as the pulse mode to all control rods. Apulse transient terminates the mode by changing to auto or manual mode. The change to autoor to manual mode becomes effective when a preset condition (demand power) occurs or apreset time (ten seconds) expires.A.3.2.3 Reactor Safety SystemApplicabilityThese specifications apply to operation of the reactor safety system.ObjectiveThe objective is to determine the minimum safety system scrams operable for the operation ofthe reactor.BasesSafety system scram functions consist of three types. These scram types are the limiting safetysystem settings, operable system conditions, and the manual or program logic scrams. Thescrams cause control rod insertion and reactor shutdown.Scrams for limiting safety system settings consist of signal trip levels that monitor fueltemperature and power level. The trip levels are conservative by a significant margin relative tothe fuel element temperature safety limit.Operation without adequate control and safety system power supplies is prevented by scramson neutron detector high voltage and control rod magnet current.Manual action of the scram switch, key switch, or computer actuation of watchdog timers willinitiate a protective action of the reactor safety system. Either of two watchdog circuits provideupdating timers to terminate operation in the event that key digital processing routines fail,such as a display system. Each watchdog circuit with four resettable timers contains one triprelay and monitors one microcomputer.TS.A-14 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.3.2.4 Reactor Instrument SystemApplicabilityThese specifications apply to measurements of reactor operating parameters.ObjectiveThe objective is to determine the minimum instrument system channels to be operable forcontinued operation of the reactor.BasesThe minimum measuring channels are sufficient to provide signals for automatic safety systemoperation. Signals from the measuring system provide information to the control and safetysystem for a protective action. Instruments provide redundancy by measurements of the sameparameters and diversification by measurements of different parameters. Diversity andredundancy in safety system protection against fuel temperature limits is provided by acombination of fuel temperature and power level channels as previously noted (A.3.2.3). Tworedundant percent power channels monitor the power level limiting safety system. A digitalwide range channel may also function as a safety channel but only by diversification as asupplemental channel to an analog linear power channel. Pulse parameters of peak power andenergy release are measurements of a single detector chamber. There are, however, twoseparate peak and energy monitoring circuits.A.3.3 Operational Support SystemA.3.3.1 Water Coolant SystemsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the operating conditions for the reactor pool and coolant watersystems.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure that adequate conditions are maintained to provide shielding of thereactor radiation, protection against corrosion of the reactor components, cooling of thereactorfuel, and prevent leakage from the primary coolant.TS.A-15 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012BasesThe specifications for conditions of the pool water coolant system provide controls that are tocontrol the radiation exposures and radioactive releases associated with the reactor fissionproduct inventory.a. The bulk water temperature constraint assures that sufficient core cooling exists underall anticipated operating conditions and protects the resin of the water purificationsystem from deterioration.b. A pool water depth of 6.5 meters is sufficient to provide more than 5.25 meters of waterabove the reactor core so that radiation levels above the reactor pool are at reasonablelevels.c. Average measurements of pool coolant water conductivity of 5.0 limho/cm assure thatwater purity is maintained to control the effects of corrosion and activation of coolantwater impurities.d. A pressure difference at the heat exchanger chilled water outlet and the pool waterinlet of 7 kPa will be sufficient to prevent loss of pool water from the primary reactorcoolant system to the secondary chilling water system in the event of a leak in the heatexchanger.e. Periodic sampling of pool water pH and radioactivity are supplemental measurementsthat assist evaluation of the overall conditions of the reactor pool. Protection ofaluminum components requires a pH range of 5 to 8.5. Measurements of radioactivity inthe pool water provide information to evaluate working hazards for personnel, leakageindications for radioactive sources in the pool, and monitoring for activation of unknowncomponents in the water.A.3.3.2 Air Confinement SystemsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the air ventilation conditions in the reactor area during reactoroperation.ObjectiveThe objective is to control the release of air in the reactor area or experimental facilities.TS.A-16 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012BasesThe specifications for exhaust ventilation and isolation of the reactor bay provide control forradioactive releases for both routine and non routine operating conditions.a. Air confinement of the reactor bay includes a provision for isolation of the air flow ofthe ventilation system. Dampers in the room supply air ducts and room return air ductslimit the leakage rate and total release of radioactive airborne materials to a fraction ofthe available volume.b. A signal from a particulate air monitor in the vicinity of the reactor pool initiates theautomatic isolation of the supply air dampers and return air dampers. The isolationprocess takes less than one minute and includes the shutdown of supply fan andexhaust fan. An equivalent to one maximum permissible concentration is the set point.c. Air from experiment areas within the neutron flux regions of the core will ventilateseparately from room air by way of a filter bank that includes a high efficiencyparticulate filter. Space is available to install a charcoal filter for special experimentconditions.d. Control of concentrations of argon-41 in reactor room air depends on ventilation of theroom air at a rate of two air changes per hour or operation of the auxiliary purge airsystem. Operation and isolation of the purge system is by manual control of damper andfan switches.A.3.3.3 Radiation Monitoring SystemsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the radiation monitoring conditions in the reactor area duringreactor operation.ObjectiveThe objective is to monitor the radiation and radioactivity conditions in the reactor area tocontrol exposures or releases.BasesThe radiation monitors provide information to operating personnel of impending or existinghazards from radiation so that there will be sufficient time to take the necessary steps tocontrol the exposure of personnel and release of radioactivity or evacuate the facility. AlarmTS.A-17 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012setpoints do not include measurement uncertainty. These setpoints are measured values andnot true values./a. Air particulate radioactivity accumulates on the filter of a continuous monitor thatrecords the radiation levels. An alert and alarm set point including remote readouts atthe reactor control console inform the operator of the monitor status and activity levels.An alarm limit at two thousand picocurie/milliliter detects particulate activityconcentrations at the occupational values of 10CFR20. The alarm set point exceedsoccupational values for any single fission product nuclide in the ranges84-105 and 129-149. Seventy percent of the particulate isotopes are also detectable at the referenceconcentrations within two hours. The gaseous argon-41 monitor can provide fissionproduct gas monitoring during repair of the particulate monitor.b. Air gaseous radioactivity of argon-41 concentrations require monitoring of the levels foreffluent release and occupational exposure. The alarm setpoint detects a releaseconcentration that will not exceed ten times either the occupation value at the stack orthe reference concentration at the ground. Calculations of a stack release concentrationof 1.2 PCi/cm3 indicate that the equivalent ground level concentration is equivalent to1x10-8 lICi/cm3.A license limit for the average annual concentration is necessary to fixthe amount of allowable release. Periods of inoperable argon-41 monitoring equipmentof up to 10 days limit the amount of release without measurement to a fraction of thetotal annual release.c. Several area radiation monitors (six) are part of the permanent installation. Somelocations are experiment areas in which shield configurations determine the levels ofradiation during reactor operation. At the pool access area radiation levels substantialenough to be a high radiation level may occur. Alarm levels at 100 mR/hr will monitorradiation areas if the limit of 2 or 5 mR/hr is not reasonable.A.3.4 Limitations on ExperimentsA.3.4.1 ReactivityApplicabilityThis specification applies to the reactivity of experiments located in the reactor core.ObjectiveThe objective is to control the amount of reactivity associated with experiments to values thatwill not endanger the reactor safety limit.TS.A-18 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012Basesa. The worth of single moveable experiment is limited so that sudden removal movementof the experiment will not cause prompt criticality. Worth of a single unsecuredexperiment will not cause a reactivity insertion that would exceed the coretemperature safety limit.b. The maximum worth of a single experiment is limited so that the fuel elementtemperature safety limit will not be exceeded by removal of the experiments. Sinceexperiments of such worth must be secured in place, removal from the reactoroperating at full power would result in a relatively slow power increase such that thereactor protective systems would act to prevent excessive power levels from beingattained.c. The maximum worth of all experiments is limited so that removal of the total worth ofall experiments will not exceed the fuel element temperature safety limit.A.3.4.2 MaterialsApplicabilityThese specifications apply to experiments installed in the reactor and its experimental facilities.ObjectiveThe objective is to prevent the release of radioactive material in the event of an experimentfailure, either by failure of the experiment or subsequent damage to the reactor components.Basesa. Double encapsulation requirements lessen the leakage hazards of some types ofexperiment materials.ANSI 15.4 references the "Tables of Chemical Hazard Information" in the Handbook ofLaboratory Safety to support material characterization. However, the 5th edition (2000)of the Handbook does not include the table, The Handbook instructs the user to checkthe Material Safety Data Sheet for chemical compatibility, citing that "experience inmany areas of safety has demonstrated that to be effective, systems must be kept assimple to implement as possible." Older editions of the handbook which contain thetables state that "hazard data were compiled from a wide variety of publications,including a privately circulated manual, and several other sources of information."Specific sources cited in different sections of the tables include:TS.A-19 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012* American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists* International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry* Chemical Abstracts Service, American Chemical Society* Handbook of Chemistry and Physics* National Bureau of Standards* Union Carbide Corporation* American Industrial Hygiene Association* Manufacturing Chemists Association* National Safety Council* National Fire Protection Association* Matheson Company* Merck & Company* Ansul Company* Eastman Kodak Company* American Society for Testing and Materials* National Cancer Institute* National Institutes of Healthb. Operation of the reactor with the reactor fuel or structure damaged is prohibited toavoid release of fission products.c. Encapsulation requirements for explosive materials set a reference condition for theamount of material allowable for any reactor experiment. Damage from the explosivereaction depends on the available energy release and resultant gas creation.Approximate conditions for 25 milligrams of explosive material are the release of 25calories (104 joules) of energy and 25 milliliters of gas. If a 1 milliliter volume is availablefor the reaction of an explosive material (density 1.654 gm/cm3), the energy willrepresent an instantaneous pressure of 1032 atmospheres and the gas release addsanother 25 atmospheres. Stress calculations for a thin wall, cylindrical capsule specifythe requirements for the wall thickness and diameter of the encapsulation. Therelationship determines the stress limit as one fourth the product of the pressure timesthe capsule diameter to wall thickness ratio. An aluminum capsule with a 1 millilitervolume requires a ratio that does not exceed 5.2. At a volume of 5 milliliters capsuledimensions with a diameter of 2.6 cm requires a wall thickness of 1 mm. These limitingvalues are within the constraints of aluminum tubular construction components forexperiment facilities and experiments.d. Fission product inventory limits of 750 millicurie iodine and 2.5 millicurie strontium fixthe potential accident release concentrations. These two isotopes represent theradioactive exposure risk to individuals for fission product nuclides with short (iodine)and long (strontium) half-lives. If the isotope iodine-131 represents the total inventoryrelease of 750 millicuries, the facility annual average release, including building wakedilution of the total inventory, will be equivalent to the reference level concentration ofTS.A-20 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/20122x10-10 ILCi/cm3.In the case of strontium-90 the release is less than 1/5 the referencelevel concentration of 5x1012 VCi/cm3.Proper shutdown of the ventilation system bymanual or automatic operation substantially reduces the effective total release. Anyrelease of the total experiment inventory within the facility, however, in the form ofiodine-131 or strontium-90 will exceed the occupational values within the facility for theoral ingestion or air inhalation of the radionuclides. As an extreme case the evacuationtimes to maintain the average annual concentration are 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> for iodine-131 and 1month for strontium-90.e. Accidental release of radioactive materials that cause airborne concentrations mustmeet 1OCFR20 average annual limits. Concentration limits apply to occupational valuesthat cause exposure within the facility and reference level concentrations that may existas a release from the facility. Calculations assume a complete release of the material butalso must define release rates and frequencies that are conservative or reasonableestimates of accident conditions.f. This specification provides guidance for the calculation of conditions in part (e).TS.A-21 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012A.4.0 OBJECTIVES & BASES FOR THE SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSA.4.1 Reactor Core ParametersA.4.1.1 Excess ReactivityApplicabilityThis specification applies to the measurement of reactor excess reactivity.ObjectiveThe objective is to periodically determine the changes in core excess reactivity available forpower generation.BasesAnnual determination of excess reactivity and measurements after reactor core or control rodchanges are sufficient to monitor significant changes in the core excess reactivity.A.4.1.2 Shutdown MarginApplicabilityThis specification applies to the measurement of reactor shutdown margin.ObjectiveThe objective is to periodically determine the core shutdown reactivity available for reactorshutdown.BasesAnnual determination of shutdown margin and measurements after reactor core or control rodchanges are sufficient to monitor significant changes in the core shutdown margin.TS.A-22 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.4.1.3 Transient InsertionApplicabilityThis specification applies to surveillance of the transient rod mechanism and to observation ofthe reactor transient response.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure the function of the transient rod drive and to compare the reactorpulse insertion parameters.BasesAnnual inspections of the pulse rod drive system should be sufficient to detect and correctchanges in the system that could impair operability. Comparison of pulse parameter datashould detect characteristic changes of reactor core transients.A.4.1.4 Fuel ElementsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the inspection requirements for the fuel elements.ObjectiveThe objective is to inspect the physical condition of the fuel element cladding.BasesThe frequency of inspection and measurement schedule is based on the parameters most likelyto affect the fuel cladding of a pulsing reactor operated at moderate pulsing levels and utilizingfuel elements whose characteristics are well known.TS.A-23 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012A.4.2 Reactor Control and Safety SystemA.4.2.1 Control AssembliesApplicabilityThis specification applies to the surveillance of the control rods.ObjectiveThe objective is to inspect the physical condition of the reactor control rods and establish theoperable condition of the rod by periodic measurement of the scram tines and insertion rates.BasesAnnual determination of control rod worths or measurements after significant core changesprovide information about changes in reactor total reactivity and individual rod worths. Thefrequency of inspection for the control rods will provide periodic verification of the condition ofthe control rod assemblies. Verification will be by measurement of fueled sections and visualobservation of absorber sections plus examination of linkages and drives. The specificationintervals for scram time and insertion rate assure operable performance of the rods. Deviationsthat are significant from acceptable standards will be promptly corrected.A.4.2.2 Reactor Control SystemApplicabilityThis specification applies to the tests of the logic of the reactor control system.ObjectiveThe objective is to specify intervals for test, check or calibration of the minimum control systeminterlocks.BasesThe periodic test of the interlock logic at semiannual intervals provides adequate informationthat the function of the control system interlocks are functional. Changes to the interlock logicconsist of revisions to the microcomputer algorithms (hardware, software or firmware) andrepair of input or output circuits including devices that are sensors for the interlocks.Calibrations or checks of the control system logic are not considered applicable functions.TS.A-24 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.4.2.3 Reactor Safety SystemApplicabilityThis specification applies to tests of the function of the reactor safety system.ObjectiveThe objective is to specify intervals for test, check or calibration of the minimum safety systemscrams.BasesThe periodic calibration at annual intervals provides adequate information that the setpoints ofthe safety system scrams are functional. Tests of the safety system prior to each plannedoperation assure that each intended scram function is operable.A.4.2.4 Reactor Instrument SystemApplicabilityThese specifications apply to calibrations, checks, and tests of reactor measurement channels.ObjectiveThe objective is to specify intervals for test, check or calibration of the minimum instrumentchannels.BasesAnnual calibration of instrument channels are scheduled to allow adjustments for changes inreactor and instrumentation parameters. Checks and tests prior to each system operation verifythe function of key channels and systems.TS.A-25 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012A.4.3 Operational Support SystemsA.4.3.1 Water Coolant SystemsApplicabilityThis specification applies to surveillance conditions for the reactor pool and coolant watersystems.ObjectiveThe objective is to maintain the reactor coolant conditions within acceptable specifications.BasesConditions for the reactor coolant are monitored by visual observation of measurements orautomatic action of sensors. Periodic checks and tests of measurement devices for the reactorcoolant system parameters assure that the coolant system will perform its intended function.Measurement frequencies of pool parameters relate to the time periods appropriate todetection of abnormal conditions. Pool temperature, depth, and heat exchanger pressuredifferences have an immediate effect on system operation. Water conductivity, pH as asupplemental indicator, and pool radioactive concentrations are conditions that develop atrates detectable at monthly to annual intervals.A.4.3.2 Air Confinement SystemsApplicabilityThis specification applies to surveillance conditions for the air ventilation in the reactor area.ObjectiveThe objective is to demonstrate the function of confinement and release of air from the reactorbay.BasesPeriodic tests and checks of air confinement conditions verify appropriate ventilation functions.Monitoring frequencies verify performance of the confinement system exhaust daily by analignment check that includes observation of negative pressures. Tests of the isolation featureat monthly intervals assure the acceptable operation of the system.TS.A-26 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.4.3.3 Radiation Monitoring SystemsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the surveillance conditions of the radiation monitoring channels.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure the radiation monitors are functional.BasesPeriodic calibrations and frequent checks are specified to maintain reliable performance of theradiation monitoring instruments. Calibration and check frequencies follow the generalrecommendations of guidance documents.A.4.4 Limitations on ExperimentsA.4.4.1 ReactivityApplicabilityThis specification applies to surveillance of the reactivity of experiments.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure the reactivity of an experiment does not exceed the allowablespecification.BasesThe measured reactivity or determination that the reactivity is not significant will provide datathat configuration of the experiment or experiments is allowable.A.4.4.2 MaterialsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the surveillance requirements for materials inserted into thereactor.TS.A-27 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012ObjectiveThe objective is to prevent the introduction of materials that could damage the reactor or itscomponents.BasesA careful evaluation of all experiments is performed to classify the experiment as an approvedexperiment.TS.A-28 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)A.5.0 OBJECTIVES & BASES FOR DESIGN FEATURESA.5.1 Site and Facility DescriptionsREV 6/2012A.5.1.1LocationApplicabilityThis specification applies to the TRIGA reactor site location and specific facility design features.ObjectiveThe objective is to specify those features related to the Safety Analysis evaluation.Basesa. The TRIGA facility site is located in an area controlled by The University of Texas atAustin. (Safety Analysis Report, 2.0)b. The room enclosing the reactor has been designed with characteristics related to thesafe operation of the facility. (Safety Analysis Report, 7.2.2)c. The shield and pool structure have been designed for radiation levels of less than 1rem/hr at locations that are not access ports to the reactor structure. (Safety AnalysisReport, 7.2.1)d. Identification of licensed areas assures that proper controls are established for thesafety of the public and for the security of special nuclear materials. (Safety AnalysisReport, 9.1.4, 9.2.1, 10.3)A.5.1.2ConfinementApplicabilityThis specification applies to the boundary for control of air in the area of the reactor.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure that provisions are made to control or restrict the amount of releaseof radioactivity into the environment.TS.A-29 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012Basesa. Calculations of the concentrations of released radionuclides within the reactor areadepend on the available enclosed air volume to limit the concentrations to acceptablelevels. (Safety Analysis Report, 7.4)b. Control of the reactor area air exchange is by fan motors and isolation dampers for thesupply and exhaust air which are controlled by a logic signal from a radiation sensor toprovide automatic air confinement. ((Safety Analysis Report, 7.2.2)c. Emergency air ventilation is filtered to control the release of particulates and a pressuredifference relative to the external ambient pressure is intended to prevent leakage of airwithout filtration. (Safety Analysis Report, 7.2.2)d. Exhaust air during reactor operation is released at an elevated level for dispersion and isdesigned to provide a relative pressure difference to the external ambient pressure.(Safety Analysis Report, 7.2.2)A.5.1.3 Safety Related SystemsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the requirements of any system related to reactor safety.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure the proper function of any system related to reactor safety.BasesThis specification relates to changes in reactor systems which could affect the safety of thereactor operation. Changes or substitutions to these systems that meet or exceed the originaldesign specifications are assumed to meet the presently accepted operating criteria. Questionsthat may include an unreviewed safety question are referred to the Reactor OversightCommittee. (10CFR50.59)TS.A-30 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.5.2 Reactor Coolant SystemApplicabilityThis specification applies to the reactor coolant system composed of deionized water.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure that adequate water is availablefor cooling and shielding duringreactor operation.Basesa. This specification is based on thermal and hydraulic calculations which show that astandard 85 clement TRIGA core can operate in a safe manner at power levels up to1,900 kW with natural convection flow of the coolant water and a departure fromnucleate boiling ratio of 2.0 (Safety Analysis Report 4.1, 5.1)b. Siphon breaks set the subsequent pool water level for loss of coolant without anassociated water return caused by inadvertent pumping or accidental siphon of waterfrom the pool. (Safety Analysis Report, 5.2.1)A.5.3 Reactor Core and FuelA.5.3.1 Fuel ElementsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the fuel elements used in the reactor core.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure that the fuel elements are of such a design and fabricated in such amanner as to permit their use with a high degree of reliability with respect to their physical andnuclear characteristics.BasesThe design basis of the standard TRIGA core demonstrates that 1.5 megawatt steady or 8400MW peak pulse power presents a conservative limitation with respect to safety limits for themaximum temperature generated in the fuel. The fuel temperatures are not expected toexceed 550'C during any condition of normal operation. (Safety Analysis Report, 1.0)TS.A-31 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012A.5.3.2 Control RodsApplicabilityThis specification applies to the control rods used in the reactor core.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure that the control rods are of such a design as to permit their use with ahigh degree of reliability with respect to their physical and nuclear characteristics.BasesThe poison requirements for the control rods are satisfied by using neutron absorbing boratedgraphite, B4C powder, or boron and its compounds. These materials must be contained in asuitable clad material, such as aluminum or stainless steel, to insure mechanical stability duringmovement and to isolate the poison from the pool water environment. Scram capabilities areprovided for rapid insertion of the control rods which is the primary safety feature of thereactor. The transient control rod is designed for a reactor pulse. (Safety Analysis Report 4.2,4.4.8)A minimum configuration of control rods consist of two shim rods, a regulating rod and thetransient rod. (Safety Analysis Report 4.2, 4.4.8)The configuration of rods is necessary for the reactor to be operable. If the appropriateadjustments to the core reactivity are made, removal of one or more -of the control rods willfacilitate the necessary inspection and repair activities. Definitions for shutdown and subcriticalrequire the reactor core to meet the subcritical constraint if any rod is out of the core end thereactor is to be shutdown. (ANSI-15.1-2007)A.5.3.3 ConfigurationApplicabilityThis specification applies to the configuration of fuel elements, control rods, experiments andother reactor grid plate components.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure that provisions are made to restrict the arrangement of fuel elementsand experiments to provide assurance that excessive power densities will not be produced.TS.A-32 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012BasesStandard TRIGA cores have been in use for years and their characteristics are well documented.A.5.4 Reactor Fuel Element StorageApplicabilityThis specification applies to the storage of reactor fuel at times when it is not in the reactorcore.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure that fuel storage will not achieve criticality and will not exceed designtemperatures.BasesThe limits imposed by these specifications are considered sufficient to provide conservative fuelstorage and assure safe storage. (ANSI-15.1-2007)A.5.5 Gamma Pool IrradiatorApplicabilityThis specification applies to the gamma irradiator experiment facility in the reactor pool.ObjectiveThe objective is to assure that the use of the irradiator does not cause any threat to the reactoror safety question.BasesLocation of the irradiator is at a distance from the reactor sufficient to avoid interference withreactor operation. Depth of the pool water for adequate shielding of the irradiator is also aconstraint of the location. (Safety Analysis Report 8.2.2)TS.A-33 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012A.6.0 Administrative ControlsNote: The bases for administrative controls contains only objective of the specification and theapplicable bases.A.6.1 OrganizationA.6.1.1 StructureThe objective is to specify the organization for management and operation of the reactor.BasesThe basis for Technical Specification 6.6.1 is the Safety Analysis Report, Areorganization at The University of Texas in 2000 established the Vice President for UniversityOperations (reporting to the President) responsible for environment, safety and healthmanagement and other areas less germane to reactor facility safety. The structure of theUniversity Operations group (6/19/2010) is provided at: orgchart.pdfIn 2001 the position of Associate Director of the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory wasadded by Amendment 4 to the Technical Specifications.ANSI/ANS-15.1 describes the position of the facility organization as Levels; correspondingorganizational titles applicable to The University of Texas is provided below.LEVEL Responsibilities Position UT TitleIndividual responsible for Unit or President, The University of Texas at AustinU the reactor facility's Executive Vice President and Provostlicenses or charter Organization Head Cockrell School of Engineering DeanDepartment of Mechanical Engineering Chair2 Individual responsible for Facility Director or De rentof* 2 NETL["] Directorreactor operation Administrator NETL 1I Associate DirectorIndividual responsible for Senior Reactor3 day-to-day operation or Operator or Reactor Supervisorshift Supervisory SRO4 Operating staff SRO, Supervisory Reactor OperatorSRO, RO, Trainee Senior OperatorNOTE [1]: NETL is the Nuclear Engineering Teaching laboratoryTS.A-34 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.6.1.2 ResponsibilityObjectiveThe objective is to identify responsibilities for safe operation of the facility with the chain ofcommand specified in 6.1.1.BasesThe basis for Technical Specification 6.6.2 is the Safety Analysis Report,, SafetyAnalysis Report, 4 to the Technical Specifications, and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, the Development ofTechnical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.1.2.A.6.1.3 StaffingObjectiveThe objectives are to:a. Specify the minimum staffing required when the reactor is not securedb. Specify when the presence of a senior operator is required at the facilityc. Specify when direct supervision of a senior operator is requiredd. Require a list of reactor facility personnel be readily available in the control roomBasesThe basis for 6.1.3 is the Safety Analysis Report and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, theDevelopment of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.1.3.Safety Analysis Report, (Staffing) The UT Safety Analysis Report ( states:"Movement of fuel or control rods and relocation of experiments with greater than onedollar reactivity worth will require the presence of a license certified senior operator.Other activities, such as initial startup, recovery from unscheduled shutdowns andmodifications to instrument systems, control systems, safety systems, radiationmeasurement equipment or engineered safety features, will require concurrence anddocumentation by a license certified senior operator."TS.A-35 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012UT has augmented the requirements to provide direct supervision by a senior operatorfor other activities conducted under unusual conditions, including supervision of the initialstartup following activities with the potential to affect operating characteristics of the reactorcontrol and safety systems and recovery from non-routine shutdowns as well as in-coreactivities.The term "unplanned or unscheduled significant power reduction" in ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, theDevelopment of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.1 is not defined orused in the approved Safety Analysis Report or the applicable Safety Evaluation report (NURGE-1135 and Supplement). Power reductions at the UT facility are typically based on variableexperiment program demands and not subject to programmed schedules in the sense of howthe term "unplanned power changes" is used by the NRC (e.g., NRC Inspection Manual 0313,Industry Trends Program). Actions taken in accordance with approved Technical Specificationsmay involve reductions in power (for example, corrective action associated with specification3.3.1 d). Since the term does not describe an identifiable condition for the UT facility and is notin the SAR or SER, it is not included in the specification."Control rod relocation within the reactor core region" refers to moving a control rod from onegrid plate location to a different grid plate location."Relocation of any experiment with a reactivity worth of greater than $1.00" meansmovements within the core region.A.6.1.4 Selection and Training of PersonnelObjectiveThe objective is to identify the standard for training, selection, and qualification of operationspersonnel.BasesThe basis for section 6.1.4 is Safety Analysis Report 10.1.2, and Safety Analysis Report 10.2, andANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, the Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors,Section 6.1.4.TS.A-36 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.6.2 Review and AuditA.6.2.1 Composition and QualificationsObjectiveThe objective is to establish a method for independent review and audit to advise managementof safety aspects for facility operations.BasesThe basis for section 6.2.1 is Safety Analysis Report and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, theDevelopment of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.2.The original committee title (Nuclear Reactor Committee) is replaced by reactor OversightCommittee in order that the acronym provided by committee abbreviation does not createconfusion.The Reactor Oversight Committee is charted by and reports to the Dean of the Cockerel Schoolof Engineering, identified as Level 1 personnel inA.6.1.1.A.6.2.2 Charter and RulesObjectiveThe objective is to specify meeting frequency, quorum requirements, use of subgroups, andmanagement of minutesBasesANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, the Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors,Section 6.2.1. The meeting frequency specified in section 6.2.2 exceeds the recommendedfrequency in ANSI-15.1. The NETL Director and NETL Associate Director are identified as Level 2facility director or administrator respectively in A.6.1.1. Therefore the quorum requires thatvoting membership not have a majority of members comprised of the NETL Director, NETLAssociate Director, and Reactor Supervisor.TS.A-37 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012A.6.2.3 Review FunctionObjectiveThe objective is to identify items to be reviewed.BasesANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, the Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors,Section 6.2.2.A.6.2.4Audit FunctionObjectiveThe objective is to identify items to be audited and methods for auditing.BasesThe basis for section 6.2.4 is Safety Analysis Report and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, theDevelopment of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.2.3. Specificorganizational titles at the University of Texas that correspond to the ANSI Level terminology asidentified in A.6.1.1 are provided and referred to where appropriate.A.6.3 Operating ProceduresObjectiveThe objective is to identify required procedures and the procedure review and approvalprocess.BasesThe basis for section 6.2.3 is Safety Analysis Report, Safety Analysis Report 10.3.5(radiological safety), Safety Analysis Report 10.5, (emergency and security procedures), andANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, the Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors,Section 6.2.4. Specific organizational titles at the University of Texas that correspond to theANSI Level terminology as identified in A.6.1.1 are provided and referred to where appropriate.TS.A-38 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.6.4 Experiment Review and ApprovalObjectiveThe objective is to specify experiment (administrative) review and approval requirements.BasesThe basis for 6.4 is the Safety Analysis Report and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, theDevelopment of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.5. Specificorganizational titles at the University of Texas that correspond to the ANSI Level terminology asidentified in A.6.1.1 are provided and referred to where appropriate.A.6.5 Required ActionsA.6.5.1 Actions to be Taken in the Case of Safety Limit ViolationObjectiveThe objective is to specify actions to be taken in the case of Safety Limit violation.BasesThe basis for 6.5 is the Safety Analysis Report and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, theDevelopment of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.6.1. The ANSIreference to Level 2 or designate is implemented as the NETL Director or designated alternate,as indicated in A.6.1.1.A.6.5.2 Action to be taken in the Event of an Occurrence that is ReportableObjectiveThe objective is to specify actions to be taken in the Event of an Occurrence that is Reportable.BasesThe basis for 6.5.2 is the Safety Analysis Report, Safety Analysis Report, SafetyAnalysis Report, and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, the Development of Technical Specificationsfor Research Reactors, Section 6.6.2.. The ANSI reference to Level 2 or designate isTS.A-39 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012implemented as the NETL Director or designated alternate. The ANSI reference to review groupis implemented as the Reactor Oversight Committee.A.6.6 ReportsA.6.6.1 _Operating ReportsObjectiveThe objective is to specify routine operating report requirements.Bases(a). Safety Analysis Report, and(b). ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, the Development of Technical Specifications for ResearchReactors, Section 6.7.1,A.6.6.2 30-Day Special ReportsObjectiveThe objective is to identify 30-day reporting requirements.BasesThe basis for 6.6.2 is the Safety Analysis Report and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, theDevelopment of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.7.2. The ANSIreference to Level 1 or 2 personnel is implemented as the President of The University of Texas,Executive Vice President and Provost, Dean of the Cockrell School of Engineering, NETLDirector, and NETL Associate Director as indicated in A.6.1.1.TS.A-40 The University of Texas at Austin, TRIGA II Reactor (Docket 50-602)REV 6/2012A.6.6.3 Immediate Notification & Follow-up ReportsObjectiveThe objective is to identify events and situations that require immediate (24) notification and(14 day) reporting.BasesThe basis for 6.6.3 is:(a). Safety Analysis Report (with respect to Safety Limit Violation),(b). Safety Analysis Report, (with respect to release of radioactivity)(c). Safety Analysis Report (with respect to other events), and(d). ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, the Development of Technical Specifications for ResearchReactors, Section 6.7.2.i. Specific organizational titles at the University of Texas that correspond to theANSI Level terminology as identified in A.6.1.1 are provided and referred towhere appropriate.ii. The information in the Standard related to conditions requiring immediatenotification is provide in a single-list format.A.6.7 RECORDSA.6.7.1 Records to be Retained for the Lifetime of the FacilityObjectiveThe objective is to specify lifetime-record retention requirements.BasesThe basis for 6.7 is the Safety Analysis Report and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, theDevelopment of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.7.1.TS.A-41 Bases for the Technical SpecificationsREV 6/2012A.6.7.2 Records to be Retained for a Period of at Least Five Years or for the Life of the FacilityWhichever is ShorterObjectiveThe objective is to specify 5-year record-retention requirements.BasesThe basis for 6.7.2 is the Safety Analysis Report and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, theDevelopment of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.7.1.A.6.7.3 Records to be Retained for at Least One Licensing CycleObjectiveThe objective is to specify licensing-cycle record-retention requirements.BasesThe basis for 6.7.3 is the Safety Analysis Report and ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007, theDevelopment of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, Section 6.7.1.TS.A-42