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Report on Waste Burial Charges.Escalation of Decommissioning Waste Disposal Costs at Low-Level Waste Burial Facilities
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Issue date: 09/30/1996
NUREG-1307, NUREG-1307-R06, NUREG-1307-R6, NUDOCS 9609200324
Download: ML20117P217 (66)


{{#Wiki_filter:NUREG-1307 Revision 6 Report on Waste Burial Charges 4 Escalation of Decommissioning Waste Disposal Costs at Low-Level Waste Burial Facilities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OITice of Nuclear Regulatory Research 4 4 p+ ~%,,, $b..k cF' 788'288R!! " ' o 3 1307 R PDR

AVAILABILITY NOTICE Availability of Reference Materials Cited in NRC Publications Most documents cited in NRC publications will be available from one of the following sources: 1. The NRC Public Document Room,' 2120 L Street, NW., Lower Level, Washington, DC 20555-0001 2. The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Ponting Office, P. O. Box 37082, j Washington, DC 20402-9328 3. The National Technical information Service, Springfield, VA 22161-0002 Although the listing that follows represents the rnajority of documents cited in NRC publica-tions, it is not intended to be exhaustive, [ Referenced documents available for inspection and copying for a fee from the.NRC Public ' Document Room include NRC correspondence and internal NRC memoranda: NRC bulletins, circulars, information notices, inspection and investigation notices; licensee event reports: [ vendor reports and correspondence: Commission papers; and applicant and licensee docu-ments and correspondence. l The following documents in the NUREG series are available for purchase from the Government Printing Office: formal NRC staff and contractor reports, NRC-sponsored conference pro-ceedings, international agreement reports, grantee reports, and NRC booklets and bro-chures. Also available are regulatory guides, NRC regulations in the Code of Federal Regula-l tions, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances. Documents available from the National Technical information Service include NUREG-series reports and technical reports prepared by other Federal agencies and reports prepared by the Atomic Energy Commission, forerunner agency to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, f Documents available from public and special technical libraries include all open literature I items, such as books, journal articles, and transactions. Federal Register notices, Federal and State legislation, and congressional reports can usually be obtained from these libraries. Documents such as theses, dissertations, foreign reports and translations, and non-NRC con-l ference proceedings are available for purchase from the organization sponsoring the publica-tion cited. Single copies of NRC draft reports are available free, to the extent of supply, upon written request to the Office of Administration, Distribution and Mail Services Section, U.S. Nuclear l Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001. Copies of industry codes and standards used in a substantive manner in the NRC regulatory process are maintained at the NRC Library, Two White Flint North.11545 Rockville Pike, Rock-ville, MD 20852-2738, for use by the public. Codes and standards are usually copyrighted l l-and may be purchased from the originating organization or, if they are American National ( Standards, from the American National Standards institute,1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018-3308. { t

NUREG-1307 Revision 6 Report on Waste Burial Charges l Escalation of Decommissioning Waste Disposal Costs at Low-Level Waste Burial Facilities 2 Manuscript Completed: July 1996 Date Published: September 1996 d Division of Regulatory Applications Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 J q f~5 (,,.....) J

1 7 e Abstract One of the requirements placed upon nuclear power reactor licensees by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is for the licensees to periodically adjust the estimate of the cost of decommissioning their plants,in dollars of . the current year, as part of the process to provide reasonable assurance that adequate funds for decommissioning will be available when needed. This report, which is revised periodically, contains the dewtopment of a formula for escalating decommissioning cost estimates that is acceptable to the NRC. The sources of information to be used in the escalation formula are identif.ed, and the values dewtoped for the escalation of radioactiw waste burial costs, by site and by year, are giwn. The licensees may use the formula, the coefficients, and the burial escalation factors from this report in their escalation analyses, or they may use an escalation rate at least equal to the escalation approach presented herein. This simh revision of NUREG-1307 contains revised spreadsheet results for the disposal costs for the reference PWR and the reference BWR and the ratios of disposal costs at the two remaining burial sites in Washington and South Carolina for the year 1996. In addition, spreadsheet results for the disposal costs for the reference reactors and ratios of disposal costs at the Washington, Nevada, and South Carolina sites for the years 1986,1988,1991,1993,1994, and 1995 are provided for historical purposes. An example calculation for escalated disposal cost is presented, demonstrating the use of the data contained in this report. iii NUREG-1307, Rev. 6

~) a i Disclaimer This work report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, or any of their employees, make any warranty, expressed t or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any third party's use or the results of such use, of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights. The views expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. NUREG-1307, Revision 6, is not a substitute for NRC regulatioris, and compliance is not required. The approaches and/or methods described in this NUREG are provided for information only. Publication of this report does not necessarily constitute NRC approval or agreement with the information contained herein. i e 4 d i NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 iv

1 Contents Abstract.................................................................................... iii Foreword................................................................................... vii P 1 I nt rod uction............................................................................. 1.1 2 Summary................................................................................ 2.1 3 Development of Cost Escalation Formula..................................................... 3.1 3.1 Labor Escalation Factors............................................................... 33 3.2 Energy Escalation Factors.............................................................. 33 3.3 Waste Burial Escalation Factors......................................................... 3.4 3.4 Sample Calculation of Estimated Reactor Decommissioning Costs............................. 3.4 4 References............................................................................. 4.1 Appendix A - Burial Site Price Schedules for the Current Year....................................... A.1 Appendix B - Calculation of Burial Cost Escalation Factors.......................................... B.1 Appendix C - Bureau of Labor Statistics on the World Wide Web..................................... C.1 } 4 I J v NUREG-1307, Rev. 6

Tables 2.1 Values of B, as a function of burial site and year.............................................. 2.1 I i 3.1 Evaluation of the coefficients A, B, and C, in January 1986 dollars................................ 3.2 ] B.1 Burial costs at the Washington Site Reference PWR and BWR (1986 dollars)...................... B.2 1 B.2 Burial costs at the Washington Site Reference PWR and BWR (1988 dollars)...................... B.4 j 1 j B3 Burial costs at the Washington Site Reference PWR and BWR (1991 dollars) B.6 B.4 Burial costs at the Washington Site Reference PWR and BWR (1993 dollars)..................... B.8 j i B.5 Burial costs at the Washington Site Reference PWR and BWR (1994 dollars)...................... B.10 1 B.6 Burial costs at the Washington Site Reference PWR and BWR (1995 collars)...................... B.12 ] l B7 Burial costs at the Washington Site Reference PWR and BWR (1996 dollars)...................... B.14 B.8 Burial costs at the Nevada Site Reference PWR and BWR (1986 dollars).......................... B.16 ] B.9 Burial costs at the Nevada Site Reference PWR and BWR (1988 dollars).......................... B.18 i B.10 Burial costs at the Nevada Site Reference PWR and BWR (1991 dollars).......................... B.20 B.11 Burial costs at the South Carolina Site Reference PWR and BWR (1986 dollars).................... B.22 B.12 Burial costs at the South Carolina Site Reference PWR and BWR (1988 dollars).................... B.24 B.13 Burial costs at the South Carolina Site Reference PWR and BWR (1991 dollars)................... B.26 B.14 Burial costs at the South Carolina Site Reference PWR and BWR (1993 dollars).................... B.28 B.15 Burial costs at the South Carolina Site Reference PWR and BWR (1994 dollars).................... B30 B.16 Burial costs at the South Carolina Site Reference PWR and BWR (1995 dollars).................... B32 B.17 Burial costs at the South Carolina Site Reference PWR and BWR (1996 dollars).................... B34 l i . NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 vi i

e i, Foreward I Nuclear poner mador becancea are required, per 10 CPR 50.75, to adjust assuaHy the projected h- - =E '; costs of their nuclear facuitiaa la order to ensure adequate funds are smilable for f+-

%e regulation references NUREG-13M as the,,,;.ic source ofinformation for obtaming waste burial disposal costs. Revision 6 of NUREG 1307 prwides poner reador hee =acea the current waste burial costs at the Washington and South Carolma deposal sites. De b-can factor these numbers into the ear =1stian formula, as specified in 550.75(c)(2) of the 1

regulatia=, for M * ' ; the projected decommissioning cost estimates for their nuclear fardinien Ahhough this sport is specificeDy prepmod for the use of poner reactor I;ea , it can also be a valuable source of l infor==tia= for material licensees on current waste burial costs. After July 1,1994, access to the Barancil, South Carchaa, facihty was limited to Southeast Compad waste generators. ENectiw July 1.1995, the scheduled closure date j d of December 31,1995, was en-lied and access to the Barnuell facility was extended to waste generators from all states exept North Carchna. At the Richland, Washington, facdsty, a situation exists where the dasposal rates are determined assuaUy based on waste peacrator wiuase projections and a maxiumum operator revenue set by the Washington l Utilities and 'IYansportaria= t'a==ianian If the total operator rewaue is c---:d-:4 in a given year, a rebate to the waste generator may possibly occur. It is important to note that there is an addstional waste disposal facility, operated by j Envirocare in Utah, that is designed to accept high wiume (bulk), low-activky, low lew! radiaartiw waste that may be used in certain specific circ==ata=rea by licconces. Homewr, that facility does not o5er the range of disposal capability needed by poacr reador heenaces that the other estalinished disposal sites prmide. For this reason, the Envirocare facihty is not included as a reference site in this report. Imlewl radiant *iw waste disposal costs are an importast element in the cost of decornmissioning a nuclear facahty; this report provides the latest infor=atia= that was available at time of pubhcation for licensees to use for annually adjusting their projected cost of deca==inalaalag their nuclear facilities. P i Dr. Sher Bahadur, Chief Regulatian Dewlopesent Branch Dmaion of Regulatory Applications OfEce of Nuclear Regulatory Research t i i t f vii NUREG-1307, Rev. 6

,4i,3.agi.m M2aae 44-4 frM 6 MW 648SMae A W M M deif r48M 4 h MeX hh- '*^^^ ' MNMh4h4 ^h-MO.M. M4 4esOL,4= a.$h4 M4A h ' - Mah ded nyhS M 4M M e-I I. j- -{ t I s l' a F I. l.; t i e - 4 e h p i-j l> l t. l. r e I i r l I i 1 1 I t I i i l 1 I l ) 4 l d I t ? - 5m I 1 i 4 i I 1 i l t I I I e s I t + I 6 i l l q il a 1.. 14.. k i-j ' e j-4 W< 4 4.. d' d E t 3-. f 4 4 4 I 1 s J' 4 dj 4 d g,- .-w-.t 4.- -s-- e i, e.---

i 1 Introduction One of the requirements placed upon nuclear power re-operating burial sites. The calculations performed to actor licensees by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-determine the burial cost escalation factors, B, for each mission (NRC) is for the licensees to periodically adjust site and each year of evaluation are summarized in j the estimate of the cost of decommissioning their plants, Appendix B. in dollars of the current year, as part of the process to j provide reasonable assurance that adequate funds for de-This sixth revision of NUREG-1307 contains revised commissioning will be available when needed. This spreadsheet results for the disposal costs for the report, which is scheduled to be revised periodically, con-reference PWR and the reference BWR and the ratios of tains the development of a formula for escalating decom-disposal costs at the Washington, Nevada, and South missioning cost estimates that is acceptable to the NRC. Carolina sites for the years 1986,1988,1991,1993,1994, The sources of information to be used in the escalation and 1995, superseding the values given in the August formula are identified, and the values developed for the 1995 issue of this report. Burial cost surcharges ] escalation of radioactive waste burial costs, by site and by mandated by the Low-Level Radiosctive Waste Policy 4 year, are given in this report. The licensees may use the Amendments Act of 1985 (LLRWPAA) have been incor-formula, the coefficients, and the burial escalation factors porated into the revised ratio tables for the years 1986, from this report in their escalation analyses or they may 1988, and 1991. In addition, spreadsheet results for the c use an escalation rate at least equal to the escalation disposal costs for the reference reactors and ratios of cpproach presented herein. disposal costs at the two remaining burial sites in Washington and South Carolina for the years 1993,1994, i The formula and its coefficients, together with guidance 1995, and 1996 are provided. The provisions in the Act to the appropriate sources of data, are summarized in that mandated these surcharges expired at the end of Chapter 2. The development of the formula and its 1992. Thus, the values of the ratios of disposal costs coefficients, with a sample calculation, are presented in calculated for the years 1993 and later do not include the Ch:pter 3. Price schedules for burial for the year of LLRWPAA surcharges. issue of this report are given in Appendix A, for currently 5 1.1 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6

.=. [ i h 5 2 Summary L

%c elements of decommissioning cost are assigned to Table 2.1 Values of B, as a hincties of burial site and three categories
those that escalate proportional year to labor costs, L,t those that escalate proportional to caergy costs, E,; and those that escalate proportional to

- Values of B,(PWR/BWR)(') burial costs, B,. Then, the escalation of the total decom-(No Surchar en No Pa==l'ian) - missioning cost estimate can be expressed by Year W M "na Nev=A= hath CaraH-- Estimated Cost (Year X) =[1986 $ Cost][A L, 4 - + B E, + C B,]. 1996 2.845/3.294@) - / -(*) 12.771/10379(d) 4 1995 2.015/1.878@) - / -(*) 12.824/10.420(d) where A, B, and C are the fractions of the total 1986 $ 1994 2.521/2373@) - / -(') 11.873/9.794(*) costs that are attributable to labor (0.65), energy (0.13), -/- - / -(c) 6.619/5.714(0 and burial (0.22), respectively, and sum to 1.0. The 1993 2.002/1.943(b) _j_ 33,4og79,49(et factors L,, E,, and B, are defined by -/- -/- 6.155/5 354(0 i 1991-1326/1.184 1334/1.296 2.494/2361-L, = labor cost escalation, January of 1986 to January 1988(8) 1.223/1.093 1.193/1.175 2.007/1.831 of Year X, 1986 1.000/1.000 0.857/0.898 1.678/1.561 l E, = energy cost escalation, January of 1986 to January Values of B,(PWR/BWR) of Year X, and (With Surcharnes. No Paantries)@) f B, = burial cost escalation, January of 1986 to January 1996(0 -/- -/- -/- of Year X, i.e., burial cost in January of Year X / 1995(0 -/- -/- -/- burial cost in January of 1986. 1994(0 -/- -/- -/- 1993(0 _/_ -/- -/- Evaluation of L and E for the years subsequent to 1986 1991 2.765/2302 2.773/2.414 3.933/3.478 f.s to be perform,ed by 15e licensees, based on the national 1988 1.942/1.652 1.913/1.734 2.727/2390 4 producer price indices, national consumer price indices 1986 1360/1.279 1.217/1.177 2.038/1.840 l l and on local conditions for a given site (see Chapter 3). Values of B,(PWR/BWR) Evduation of B is accomplished by recalculating the (With Surcharmes Includian Pan = hied (D costs of burial oi the radioactive wastes from the r:f:rence PWR(1) and the reference BWR,(2) based on 1996(0 -/- -/- -/- . the price schedules issued by the available burial sites for 1995(0 -/- -/- -/- the year of interest, with consideration given to 1994(0 -/- -/- -/- surcharges which were imposed as a result of the 1993(0 -/- -/- -/- LLRWPAA. The results of these recalculations are pre-1991 4.204/3.420 4.213/3.532 5372/4.5% se::ted in Table 2.1, by site and by year. Because the 1988 2.662/2.211 2.633/2.293 3.446/2.949 LLRWPAA surcharges and penalties ceased effective 1986 1.720/1.559 1.577/1.457 2397/2.120 1/1/93, the values of B calculated for years 1993 and z . later reficct just the basic charges plus any fees or (a) ne values presented in the above table are developed in surcharges imposed by the states and compacts within A pendix B. with all values normalized to the 1986 Wr.shington P which the disposal sites are located. As noted in the (PWR/BWR) values with no II.RWPAA surth: rips or penalties. i @) $ /[o 4*,',',$" N $o",[*, N p",a*',','**" ) d3 h footnotes to Table 2.1, the LLW disposal site in Nevada o cc: sed operation as of 12/31/92 and is therefore not (c) Nevada site closed 12/31/92. 1 included in the 1993 and later year calculations. (Footnotes continued on next page) j 2.1 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6

-.. ~ - .... ~ - -. - - -.. - -. - -. .. ~... Summary (d) Fifective 7/1/95, access is allowed for all states except North ' Current NRC decommissioning regulations are based P'I""'IIY " I"I (Addendum 4)(f)nnati a presented in NUREG/C 2 (e) s220/ft out<4. region access fee. and NUREG/CR-0672 t (f) includa $74/ft'ia-resion accus fee. (g) tlsing the 1988 price schedules for the three sites and dividing the (Addendum 3),(2)in which the estimated costs for - calculated burial costs at each site by the Washington site burial immediate dismantlement of the reference PWR and the costs calculated for the year 1986 results in 1988 values for B, at reference BWR are escalated to January 1986 dollars. each of the three sites (te.,with all values normalized to the Since the issuance of those regulations, additional ~ decocimissioning information has prompted the (h) ng I a sta en t cre e LLW desposal facility is located,which has met t1RWPAA reevaluation of both PWR and BWR decommissioning milestones. - cost estimates. Based on the results of these studies and (i) No 11RWPAA surcharges or penalties after 12/31/92-public input, the NRC will determine if amendments to (j) Waste originating from a state, outside the compact white the the decommissioning regulations are Warranted. W dispaal facility is located, which has not met 11RWPAA gg

g g
g gjg incorporated into this report only after the j

decommissioning regulations are amended. [ i I t 1 I NUREG-1307. Rev. 6 2.2

- ~ i i s i i I I l '3 Development of Cost Escalation Formula j l The evaluations pesented in this chapter are based on B ' = the fraction of the [1986 $ Cost] attributable to " f information prexated in NUREG/CR 0130 energy and transportation (0.13) 4)(O and NUREG/CR 0672 (Addendum 3),({ Addendum )in which l the estimated costs for immediate dismantlement of the C = the fraction of the [1986 $ Cost] attributable to reference PWR and the refsrence BWR are escalated to waste burial (0.22) January 1986 dollars.~ Since the issuance of those reports, 3 additional decoemissioning information has prompted L, = labor, materials and services cost escalation, l the reevaluation on both PWR and BWR decommission-January of1986 to January of Year x ) ing cost estimates. BastJ on the results of these studies l and public input, the NRC will determine if amendments E, = en2rgy and waste transportation cost escal-2 to the decommissioning regulations are warranted. ation, January of 1986 to January of Year x j j Information from the revised anal >ses will be incorporat-ed into this report only after the decommissioning regu-B, = radioactive waste burial and surcharge cost j lations are amended. escalation, January of 1986 to nominally 4 January of Year x, i.e., burial cost in nominally l Is the years since the initial studies were completed for January of Year x / burial cost in January of decommissioning a reference PWRW and a reference 1986. W ower station, a number of updates were pre-BWR p l pcred in which the estimated costs were adjusted for es- = (R, + IS,) / (R m + IS3%) i . calation in the various cost elements. Decommissioning l costs are divided into three general areas that tend to where: f escalate sim;larly: 1) labor, materials and services; 1

2) energy and waste transportation; and 3) radioactive R, = radioactive waste burial costs (excluding waste disposal. A relatively simple equation can be used surcharges)in Year x dollars l

to estimate the cost of decommissioning at some future [ . time, given a cost estimate in present-year dollars and the IS, = summation of surcharges in Year x dollars i fractional escalation of these three categories of cost over the time period ofinterest. That equation is R m = radioactive waste burial costs (excluding 3 surcharges)in 1986 dollars i Estimated Cost (Year x) = [1986 $ Cost] IS m = summation of surcharges in 1986 dollars. i 7 [A ( + B E, + C B,] j 3 Values for L, and E, for years subsequent to 1986 are to l where be based on the national producer price indices, national consumer price indices, and local conditions for a given Estimated Cost (Year x) = the estimated site, as outlined in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. Thus, the decommissioning costs in Year x dollars, licensee can evaluate these parameters appropriately for his particular site. The values to be used in determining [1986 $ Cost) = the estimated decommissioning B, are taken from actual cost schedules [ basic disposal f . costs in 1986 dollars, costs plus surcharges resulting from the Low-Level j Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 i A = the fraction of the [1986 $ Cost] attributable to (LLRWPAA)]. Surcharges mandated by the labor, materials and services (0.65) LLRWPAA are applied to wastes generated outside of the regional waste compact wherein the LLW burial facility is located. As of January 1992, those surcharges 3.1 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6

Escalation Formula 3 I are $40/ft for wastes generated within a compact which ation of B,is provided to the licensees via this report, as has met the milestones given in the Act towards imple-described in Section 33. mendng an LLW disposal facility in their compact, and i 3 3 $120/ft ($40/ft surcharge plus $80/ft penalty) for The cost elements for the PWR and the BWR are l wastes generated within a compact which has not met the rearranged into the three categories, labor-related, milestones given in the Act towards implementing an energy-related, and burial-related, in Tables 63 and 53 LLW disposal facility in their compact. After 12/31/92, of Addenda 4 and 3, respectively, and are combined for no LLRWPAA surcharges are to be assessed. Evalu-presentation in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Evaluation of the caemclents A, B, and C la January 1986 dollars Reference PWR Values Reference BWR Values 1986 1986 $ Cost Category (millions) Coefficient (millions) Coefficient Labor 17.98(') 35.12@) Equipment 1.64(*) 4.03@) Supplies 3.12(*) 3.71(b) Contractor 12.9(*) 21.1(b) Insurance 1.9') 1.9@) f Containers 10.9(') 8.14(') i Added Staff 7.5(*) 4.4@) Added Supplies 1.2(*) 0.2(b) Spec. Contractor 0.78(') 0.71(b) Pre-engineering 7.4(*) 7.4(b) Post TMI-backlits 0.9(*) 0.1(b) Surveillance 031(*) Fees _Lif ') ._0j.f(b) f Subtotal 66.67 A = 0.64 86.95 A = 0.66 Energy 831(*) 8.84@) Transportation 6A8(d) _2.5.f(') Subtotal 1439 B = 0.14 1638 B = 0.12 Burial 22.48(d) C = 0.22 _.22.28(') C = 0.22 Total 103.54 13331 Note: All costs include a 25% contingency (a) Bened on Table 3.1, NUREO/CR4130, Addendum 4. (b) Bened onTable 3.1,NUREO/CR&72, Addendum 3. (c) Bened on Table 5.2, NUREG/CR&72, Addendum 3. (d) Bened on Table 6.2, NUREO/CR4130, Addendum 4. NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 3.2

s Farmlation Formula i t Considering the uncertainties and matingencies ma-3.2 Energy Escalation Factors tained within these numbers, and considering that the values of the coefficients for the PWR and the BWR are The escalation factor for energy, E, can be obtained from so similar, the best estimates of their values are their the ' Producer Price Indexes," published by the U.S. a m ages

  • Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).O Specifically, data from the table (currently A = 0.65 B = 0.13 C = 0.22 Table 6) entitled " Producer Price Indexes and Percent j

Changes for Commodity Groupings and Individual for both the PWR and BWR estimates. Items" (PPI) should be used. The energy term, E, in the l equation is made up of two components, namely, J 1 3.1 Labor Escalation Factors industrial electric power, P, and light fuel oil, F. Hence, E should be obtained using the BLS data in the following l The escalation factor for labor, L, can be obtained from equations for the reference PWR,[0.58P + 0.42F]; and " Monthly Labor Review," published by the U.S. De art-for the reference BWR,[0.23P + 0.77F]. Thesc ment of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).M equations are derived from Table 63 of Reference 1 and Specifically, the appropriate regional data from the table Table 53 of Reference 2. P should be taken from data (currently Table 24) entitled " Employment Cost Index, for industrial electric power (Commodity code 0543 in } private nonfarm workers, by bargaining status, region, Table 6), and F should be taken from data for light fuel l t.nd area size," subtitled " Compensation,* should be used. oils (Commodity code 0573 in Table 6). These energy 4 l These labor escalation factors can also be obtained from escalation factors can also be obtained from BLS BLS databases made available on the World Wide Web databases made available on the World Wide Web (sec l (see Appendix C for instructions). L should be escalated Appendix C for instructions). As discussed for L in from a base value in Table 24 corresponding to the Section 3.1 above, P and F should be escalated from a i 9 l amounts in the decommissioning rule amendments that - base value in the BLS table corresponding to the are in January 1986 dollars. The base values of L from amounts in the decommissioning rule amendments that l l the BLS data for January 1986 are 130.5,127.7,125.0, are in January 1986 dollars. The base values of P and F and 130.1, for the Northeast, South, Midwest, and West from the BLS data for January 1986 are 114.2 and 82.0, regions, respectively. The 1986 index values are based on respectively. No regional BLS data for these PPI an index value of 100 in June 1981 (Base June 1981 = commodity codes are c.arrently available. All PPI values 100). The corresponding set of values for December are based on a value of 100 for the year 1982 (Base 1982 1995 are 127.9,126.0,128.4, and 125.1. Current BLS = 100). Thus, for example, the values of P and F for index values are based on an index value of 100 in June December 1995 (latest data available) are ^ 1989 (Base June 1989 = 100). The scaling factor between the two bases is 1.555. Thus, the index value for P = 127.7 (the December 1995 value) + 114.2 i 1995 is multiplied by 1.555 to be expressed in (Base June (the January 1986 value) = 1.118 1981 = 100) values, and the resulting value for the West region of the U.S. is F = 60.6 (the December 1995 value) + 82.0 ( (the January 1986 value) = 0.739. [ L = (125.1)nese 19s,(the December 1995 value) x (1.555)s.,e 19st/sene 19s9 Thus, the value of E for this example for the reference + (130.5)aase 1981 (the January 1986 value) PWR is = 1.491. - This value of L = 1.491 could then be used in the equa-tion for a plant in the West region of the U.S. a ) 33 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6

Escalation Formula 3.3 Waste Burial Escalation Factors A = the fraction of the I1986 $ Cost] attributable to labor, materials and services = 0.65 The escalation factor for waste burial, B,, can be taken B = the fraction of the [1986 $ Cost) attributable to directly from data on the eppropriate burial location as energy and transportation = 0.13 given in Table 2.1 of this report. For example, the value of B, (PWR) in January 1991 for the South Carolina C = the fraction of the [1986 $ Cost] attributable to burial site is 2.494 + 1.0 = 2.494. This value of B, could waste burial = 0.22 then be used in the equation for a PWR station. L, = labor, materials and smices cost escalation, 3.4 Sample Calculation of Estimated January of 1986 to January of Year x . Reactor Decommissioning Costs From Section 3.1 for the West region, This sample calculation will demonstrate the use of the L, = 1.491 decommissioning cost equation developed in Section 3 using the a ppropriate escalation terms of L, for labor, E, = energy and waste transportation cost escal-ma'erial and services; E, for energy and waste ation, January of 1986 to January of Year x transports'.non; and B, for radioactive waste disposal. For this example it is assumed the reactor, located in the From Section 3.2, Northwest Compact in the United States, to be E, = 0.959 decommissioned in 1996 is a PWR, typical of the reference PWR.W All reactor decommissioning waste B, = radioactive waste burial and surcharge cost will be disposed of at the Washington burial site. The escalation, January of 1986 to nominally equation for estimating escalated decommissioning costs January of Year x, i.e., burial cost in nominally from Section 3 is January of Year x / burial cost in January of 1986. Estimated Cost (Year x) = [1986 S Cost] From Table 2.1 for PWR waste burial at the f [A L, + B E, + C B,] Washington site in 1996, B, = 2.845 where Estimated Cost (Year x) = the estimated Thus, for these values and assumptions, the estimated decommissioning costs in Year x dollars, decommissioning cost in Year 1996 dollars is [1986 $ Cost) = the estimated decommissioning Estimated Cost (Year 1996) = [105] x costs in 1986 dollars, [(0.65)(1.491) + (0.13)(0.959) + (0.22)(2.845)] = $180.6 million. From the Decommissioning Rule (10 CFR 50.75) for the reference PWR, [1986 $ Cost] = $105 million i l NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 3.4

4 References e 1. Technology, Safety and Costs of Decommissioning a

4. Technology, Safety and Costs ofDecommissioning a Reference Pressurized Water Reactor Power Station -

Reference Pressv4ad Water Reactor Power Station. 1 Technical Supportfor Decommissioning Matters NUREG/CR.0t30, Pscific Northwest Laboratory Related to the Final Decommissioning Rule, for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, June 1978. NUREG/CR-0130 Addendum 4, Pacific Northwest Laboratory for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

5. Technology, Safety and Costs ofDecommissioning a Commission, May 1988.

Reference Bolling Water Reactor Power Station. NUREG/CR-0673. Pacific Northwest Laboratory

2. Technology, Safety and Costs ofDecommissioning a for U.S. Nuclear P egulatory Commission, June 1980.

Reference Boiling Water Reactor Power Station - Technical Supportfor Decommissioning Matters

6. U.S. Department oi Labor, Bureau of Labor Related to the Final Decommissioning Rule.

Statistics, Monthly LaborReview. Table 24, . NUREG/CR-0672 Addendum 3, Pacific Northwest Updated Periodically. Laboratory for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission, May 1988. 7 U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, ProducerPriceIndexes. Table 6,

3. Report on Waste Burial Charges Escalation of Updated Periodica11y.

Decommissioning Waste Disposal Costs at Low-Level Waste BurialFacilities. NUREG 1307 Revision 5, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Washington, D.C., August 1995. i 4.1 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 4 i

i Appendix A i l l Burial Site Price Schedules for the Current Year 1 l

Appendix A Appendix A Burial Site Price Schedules for the Current Year i Contained in this appendix are the price schedules for At the South Carolina site, during the period of January burial of low-level wastes at the Washington and South 1,1993 through June 30,1994, the Southeast Compact 3 Carolina sites, effective for the year 1996. These imposed the collection of access fees of $220/ft from all schedules are used in the calculations contained in eligible out-of-region waste generators. Eligible Appendix B to develop the waste burial escalation factor, generators were those in compact regions or unaffdiated B,, for the year 1996. states that were in compliance with the low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 Beginning in 1993, the Northwest Compact has imposed (LLRWPAA). Large waste generators (over 1,500 cubic on eligible (Northwest or Rocky Mountain Compact) feet during that period) were assessed a total access fee waste generators a new annual permit fee based on the based on their waste volume projection for that period. volume of waste to be shipped to the Washington site for One-sixth of the total access fee was paid in advance on a disposal. In 1996, the annual permit fee ranges from quarterly basis. Large waste generators from the a 3 $375 to $37,500. Ilospitals, universities, research centers Southeast Compact states paid an access fee of $74/ft. cnd industries pay the lower fees, and nuclear power plants pay the highest fee of $37,500 per year. The Access to the South Carolina site by waste generators permit fees for nuclear power plants are included in this outside the Southeast Compact ended June 30,1994, with 4 analysis for years 1993 and later. They are shown as a site closure scheduled for December 31,1995. However, single entry at the bottom of the waste-based costs in effective July 1,1995, the scheduled closure was Tcbles B.4 through B 7 for the Washington site. cancelled and access to the Barnwell facility was extended to all states except North Carolina. The Effective January 1,1996, the operator of the operator of the South Carolina site is currently in the Washington site implemented a restructured rate process of restructuring its disposal rate schedule. The schedule based on volume, number of shipments, restructured pricing will be based on weight, dose rate, number of containers, and dose rate at the container and curies and is planned to become effective November surface. Each waste generator is aleo assessed an annual 1,1996. All business after November 1 will be through site availability charge based on cumulative volume and customer-specific contracts. dose rate at the surface of all containers disposed. A.1 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6

I l Appendix A US ECOLOGY,INC. WASHINGTON NUCLEAR CENTER eanarwTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SCHEDULE A DISPOSAL CHARGE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1.1998 Note-Reese in this schedule A are subject to aquelmont in socordance with the rate adjusenent mechernem adopted in the Commiselon's sixth.,. ; / order h Docket No. UR.980819. These rates renect the first year of a threeyear of a i revised rated design, in encordance wth the suputaton accepted by the C-... ^ ; in he flRh supplemental order in Docket No. UR-950819. A. SITE AVAILABIUTY CHARGE 1. Reese pieck Sinck Criterte Annual Charge per Generator r 0 No she use et eH ..~.,_-- $ 20 1 Greetw then aero but sees then w equel to 10 #t' and 50 mRA 81 2 Greater then 10 ft' or 80 mRA* but lose then er aquel to 20 ft' and 100 mRA* 1to 8 8 3 Greater then 20 ft er 100 rnRh* but less then er equel to 40 ft and "00 mRA* . 224 4 Greater then 40 ft' c 200 mRA* td less tien or equel to 80 ft' and 400 mRA*... 430 Greater vien 80 ft or 400 mRA* but lees then or aquel to 100 ft' and 800 mRA* .._ ~ _.827 8 8 Greater then 100 ft or 800 mRA* but less then or aquei to 320 ft' and 1.000 mRAt 1,500 s 7-Greater than 320 ft or 1,800 mRA* but less then or aquel to 640 ft' and 3.200 mRA*.... 3.088 8 s s 8 Greater then 640 ft or 3.200 mRA* but less then or aquel to 1,200 ft and 8,400 mRA% _ 5.875 0 Groeter then t.200 ft' or 6.400 mRA* but less then or aquel to 2.500 ft' and 12.000 mRh* 11.206 s s 10 Greater then 2.500 ft or 12.000 mRM but Isee then er evel to 5.120 ft and 25,800 mRA% ~, ~. 21,712 i 11 Greater then 5,120 fi or 25.000 mRW . ~ ._ 41.T38 s

  • For purpos.e of determining the eine eveinbety eierge. mRAour is ceioudeled by summing the mR per hour et container eurteos of al containers received during the year.

2. Esempeone As to weste which le generated for reeeerch, modoel or educadones purpasse, ahamanal resserch e. hetitutione ehet be pieced h a role block for tie she avetehiny charge which le one (1) lower tien what would otherwise apply tireugh estal;cetion of the block ortierte shown above. *Educogonal reenerch inestution* means e state or '. ' 4 :. not-for-predt, post-escondary educetional hetnuson. b. As to weste which artese se r== wa w eeoondary weste from brokers' predsk.n of compeoman er pmanesing enveces for othere. r fr a a-n of the block ortierte shown eheve wouk piece e broker h a rate bieck ser vie site evenemely a l oharps which is greater tien 84sek No. 7, such broker ehed be pissed h tio rets block ohich is the gnoster of (f) Biosk No. 7, er (I) Wie block which is two (2) lower then what weiAs otherwee apply through -,,so e-n of gw beook ornerte shown above. *erokers' are those oustomers heksag the " broker

  • d---ma man of one use permho issued by the t,.._. of Ecology.

i 3. Payment Arrensemente e. Intensi Determinsgon 1 l Inimal determhsuon se to the appecebie rate black for each oustomer ehes be bened on pro) edene pnMded by customers prior to the beginning of each seiender year. For thoes customers who do not bilend to eNp weste to the feenity dwho the calender year (eines i seeigned to block No. 0) and for those oustomers who are bdurey determined to fed into block Nos.1-2, the endre she avetsbety aherge i sw tw year we be due and payable as of January 1. For those customers who are infesty desemuned to tel hao Ideck Nee. S.B. the etere one ovesabaty charge we eleo be due end payable se of January 1, ethongh these customare may mobe spanisf arrangemorde wah tw Company to pay em charge h equel inensamente et the beginning of each asiender guerter. For these generseers who are hats 8y determhed to tot h beook Noe, 9-11,1/12 of tw she eveAshely charge we be due en payabio es of the baghning of endi estandw month. These ouetsmere ener per h advenne r voy wish. 4 1 The one evaanhany charge is emesseed en en beeis of =r*=8 volume and done rate of weste dehored durhg to estender year. Ame=eenwns et edenensi amounte er refunde of everpeid amounte. we be made as apprwrtete to romanose the hues determhasen regereng appaoshie rete ideck weei ew soness wknne and does rates durhg the osiender year. NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 A.2 2

Appendix A 2 US ECOL 0ev.WC. WASNehtGTON NUCLEAR CENTER RAct0ACTWE WASTE OtaP08AL 8. Ot4POSAL RATES J 1. Volume $54.70 per cubic foot I 2. Shipment $843.00 per mondested shyment ~ 3. Conwner- $157.80 per contener en each mandent 4. Egeoure 8took No. Does Reto et Centeiner Surteos Charge per Container 2 1 Lose men or equal to 200 mR/h.. 8 12 2 Greater than 200 mRA but less than or equal to 1,000 mR/h 882 i 3 Greater men 1.000 mRA bd less sien or equal to 10.000 mRA._ _ _ 3.457 ] 4 Greater tien 10,000 mRA but less fien or aquel to 100,000 mRA 5.186 1 l 5 Groster then 100 000 mRA - 88.834 i i ext =an==naa=Y VOLUMES + . Weste shymente guissying as en timenonsnery volume *under RCW 81.100.020(3) are charged a reto equal to 51.5% of the volume ] desseoi rate. i i. NUCLEAR DECOMM18810NING WASTE J i The vehens dloposed rule appEsside to weste tem the

  • _

4 of nummer generating unas ehes be 80% of these set forth l r shows; provided. however, that such weste must seusfy the quenety - ' _. for *estroonsnery vokams' under RCW 81.100.020(3). SCHEDULEB i Surcharges and Other Special Charges POLY HICS IN ENGINEERED CONTRETE BAPetlERS l l 72* x 8' barrier $4,283.00 each i 84* x 8' barrier $5,370.75 each plus e energin merson of 25%. I OURCHARGE FOR HEAVY 08JECTO f The Company shes ootect its actuellebor and equement onets hourred, plus a mergin thereon of 25%, h hondung er'd deposing of j objects or packages weighing mere then seventeen thousand Sw hedred (17,500) pounds. l SCHEDULE C Tax and fee rider [ i The rates and chstges est forth ir. Schedules A and 8 shot be increened by me amount of any too, eurcherge or tax esseemed on e i volume or grees revenue beste against or osanoted by US Ecology, as Ested below: Perpetual care and Maintenance Fees 81.75 per odec foot 1 Business & %W Tot 3.46% of raise and charges i-One Survemance Foo -.82.56 per cubiu foot l Suraharge(RCW43.200.233) 88.50 por cubic foot l l Commission Reguistory Fee 1.0% of rates and chargae Benton County Tax surcharge Volume $1.18 per cubic foot Shipment. $18.00 per menNosted shipment Container. 83.40 por conseiner on each manifest l Egenure Per schedule below i Black No. Does Rate et Contuner Surtene Charge per Container 1 Lees tien or aquel to 200 mRA $0 b ~ f 2 Greeter man 200 mR/h but less fien or equel to 1,000 mRA. 28 3 Groeter tien 1,000 mRJh but less tien er equel to 10.000 mRAm . ~ 114 I 4 Greater men 10,000 mRA but lose men or equal to 100.000 mRA... 171 5 ' Greater then100.000 mRA _. 2.888 Amounts essected pursuant to me Benton County ter eurcharge shes he held h enerow and are subject to resund in encordance wem Wie preidsinne of peregraph 4(b) of he seulernent Agreement approved by me Comnuosion in les Stem Supplemental Order in Docket No. UR.880818, i A3 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 l 9 i I F - +


_,___._m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Appendix A Chem-Nudear Systems, Inc. BARNWELL LOW-LEVEL RADIOALTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY RATE SCIIEDULE All radwaste material shall be packaged in accordance with Department of Transportation and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulations in Title 49 and Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc.'s Nuclear Regulatory Commission and South Carolina Radioactive Material Licenses, Chem-Nuclear's Systems, Inc.'s Barnwell Site Disposal Criteria, and amendments thereto. 1. B ASE DISPOS AL CHARGES (not including surchareest A. Standard and Special Nuclear Material (SNM) waste Period July 1,1995 through June 30,1996 Volume (ft.8VPeriod PricefS/fL') O. 9,999 $ 75.00 /ft.' 10,000 19,999 5 71.00 /fL3 20,000 29,999 $ 67.00 /ft.' 30,000 -39,999 $ 63.00 /ft.8 1 40,000 * $ 59.00 /fL8 B. Biological Waste $ 77.00 /ft' j Note 1: The minimum charge per shipment, excludmg surcharges and specific other charges, is S 1.000 00. Note 2: Base disposal charge includes: Extended-care fund 5 2.80 /ft.' 2. SOUTH CAROLINA LOW-LEVEL RADIO ACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL TAX: $ 235 00/ft8 3. SITE STABILIZATION AND CLOSURE FUND 1 All waste disposed S 4.20 /ft.2 4. IECHNOLOGY CHARGE: (Effective January 1.1996) For all waste in"A" vaults. Does notinclude liners andEC waste which is assessedper stem 3D. $ l9.57 /ft.' .l. Samweil Rate $chedule-Rev. 2 Effective July 1,1995 Page 1 of 3 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 A.4

Appendix A A Chem-Nudear Systems, Inc. ~ f 5. SURCHARGES: l A. Weight Surcharges (crane loads onl ) 3 Weicht of Containst Surcharee Per Con. gip _qt 0 1,000 lbs. No surcharge 1,001 5,000lbs. 5 875.00 5,001 - 10,000 lbs. 1,560.00 10,001 20,000 lbs. 2,190.00 20.001 30,000 lbs. 2,820 00 30,001 40,000 lbs. 4,150.00 40,001 50,000 lbs. 5,400 00 Greater Than 50,000 lbs. By Special Request B. Curie Surcharges for Shielded Shipment Curie Content Per Shioment Syrshgree Per Shioment 0 5 5 5,350 00 5 15 6,020.00 15 25 8,100.00 25 50 12,220.00 50 75 14,900 00 75 100 20,200.00 100 150 24,220.00 150 250 32,440 00 250 500 40,670 00 1,000 48,600.00 500 > 1,000 By Special Request C, Curie Surcharges for Nonshielded Shipments Containing Tritium and Carbon 14 Curie Content Per Shioment Surcharee Per Shiomsn_1 1000 No surcharge 0 1000 $ 1.00 per curie for all curies over 1,000 D. Class B/C Waste Surcharge (all containers) Class A Liner Surcharge (effective January 1,1996) 1. Large liners with maximum dimension of 82" diameter and 79" height. Efective January 1,1996 - allliners (MS C) wallbeplacedin these vmdes. $ 9,700 00 2. Overpacks with maximum din ension of 33" diameter and 79" height. S 3,300 00 3. Smaller containers with maximum dimension of 25.5" diameter and 36" height. $ 1,250 00 2 Bamwell Rate $chedule-Rev. 2 iffective July 1,1995 Page 2 of 3 A.5 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6

i Appendix A i c.:: Chem-Nudear Systems, Inc. 4. Items which do not confomi to one of the above categories Upon Request E. Irradiated Hardware Overpack Surcharge Per Shipment $ 11,000.00 F. Cask Handling Fee (minimum) 1 2,300.00 per cask G. Special Nuclear Material Surcharge 10.00 per gram H. Barnwell Surcharge 2.4% applicable to all items on this schedule (except item 2) 6. MISCELLANEOUS: A. Transport vehicles with additional shielding features may be subject to an additional handling fee which will be provided upon request. B. Decontamination services, if required; $ 150 00 per man hour, plus supplies at cunent Chem-Nuclear rate. C. Customers may be charged for all special sen ices as described in the Barnwell Site Disposal Cnteria. D. Terms of payment are NET 15 DAYS upon presentation ofinvoices. A per month service l charge of 1%% shall be levied on accounts not paid within 15 days. E. Company purchase orders or a written letter of authorization in form and substance acceptable to Chem-Nuclear shall be received before receipt of radioactive waste material at the Bamwell Disposal Site and shall refer to Chem Nuclear's Radioactive Material Licenses, the Barnwell Site Disposal Criteria, and subsequent changes thereto. F. All shipments shall receive a Chem-Nuclear shipment identification number and conform to the Prior Notification Plan. G. This rate schedule is subject to change and does not constitute an ofter of contract which is capable of being accepted by any party. H. A charge of $17,100 is applicable to all shipments which require special site setup for waste disposal. I. Class B/C waste received with chelating agents, which require separation in the trench, may be subject to a surcharge if Stable Class A waste is not available for use in achieving the required separation from other wastes. 3 Bamweli Rate Schedule-Rev. 2 Iflective July 1,1995 Page 3 of 3 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 A.6 i i

Appendix B Calculation of Burial Cost Escalation Factors

) i Appendix B. Appendix B i Calculation of Burial Cost Escalation Factors i "Ihe calculations necessary to determine the costs for quently, starting in 1988, the inventories also include j - burial of the radioactive wastes postulated to result from post-TMI-2 contributions from the reference PWR(1) decommissioning of the reference PWR and the refer-and the reference BWR.(2) Beginning in 1994, the rate-cace BWR are performed us*mg a detailed spreadsheet. - schedule for handling and disposing of heavy objects The spreadsheet evaluates the burial costs for each of the (greater than 5,000 pounds) at the Washington site was O items originally costed in the reference PWR ) and revised to recover additional crane rental costs from the BWR(5) decommissioning studies and in the updated waste generator. In 1996, the heavy object limit was ' costs presented in Addendums 4 ) and 3,(2) respectively, raised to 17,500 pounds. A shipment campaign of heavy 0 i

to those reports. Those costs are based on the burial objects for disposal was assumed which would minimize

. price schedule for U.S. Ecology's Washington Nuclear the crane surcharge and result in the one-time heavy l Center, located on the Hanford Site near Richland, object charge shown in Tables B.5 through Table B.7. Washington. Using the price schedules in effect on January 1,1996, for the two remaining sites and dividing the calculated To account for the differences in burial price schedules burial costs at each site by the Washington site burial l. . between the Washington facility and the facilities in costs calculated for the year 1986 results in 1996 values Nevada and South Carolina, the base burial costs for for B, at each of the two remaining sites, as listed in each'of those latter sites are also calculated, using the Table 2.1 of the summary. Also included in Table 2.1 are spreadsheet, and are normalized to the costs calculated values of B, for waste generators required to pay for the Washington site. In addition, to account for the surcharges (with/without penalties) mandated by the different mixture and volume of waste associated with Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act l ' the reference BWR, the escalation factors are also calc-of 1985. Effective 1/1/93, no LLRWPAA surcharges or ultted for the reference BWR, which are also normalized penalties are to be assessed. to the value for the Washington site. Thus, as shown in j j Teble 2.1 of the summary, in the base year (1986), for the As other low-level radioactive waste burial sites come t Weshington site, B, =.1.0/1.0, where (PWR/BWR) is into service in the various interstate compacts, values for the order of presentation. For the Nevada site, B, = B, will be calculated using the price schedules for each of i 0.857/0.898, and for the South Carolina site, B, = those sites and will be incorporated into subsequent 1 1.678/1.561. issues of this report. Those materials whose activity concentrations exceed the limits for Class C LLW are j The spreadsheet calculations, which are too voluminous identified by footnote as GTCC material. Because the 1 to present here, are summarized in Tables B.1 throu analyses in this report postulate placing this materialin a - B.17, for the y(ears 1986,(3) 1988,(3) 1991,(3) 1993,(3) gh 1 LLW disposal facility, the disposal costs for this material 1994,(3) 1995, 3) and 1996, and for each of the three sites, may be overestimated by factors ranging from about 1.6 i U except the Nevada site, which closed December 31,1992. to more than 12, depending upon the disposal site, Recalculation of the costs in 1996 dollars for burial is compared with high-density packaging and geologic based on the same inventory of radioactive wastes as was repository disposal. postulated in the 1986 and 1978-80 analyses. Subse-4 B.1 NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 i

y Tame R.1 Bertal esses at she WasMaghem Si8e d Referemme FWR (INE deEars) "R y = tn 9: 0 CRAME CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL 8 COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CMRGE COST 4 W YESSEL WALL 28,864 27.284 56.544 106.224 94.620 313.536 Q VESSEL HEAD & 80TTOM 0 28.720 0 0 99.600 128.320 'm UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 2.872 0 5,154 9.960 17,986 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN O 2.872 0 5.154 9.%0 17.986 UPPER CORE 8ARREL 0 1.436 2.981 6.351 4.980 15.748 UPPER CORE GR10 PLATE O 3.590 11.098 15.878 12.450 43.016 GUIDE TU8ES 0 4.308 0 5.345 14,940 24.593

  • I O

22,976 155,998 101,617 79.680 360.270 LOWER CORE 8ARR 0 4.308 31.173' 19.053 14.940 69.474 THERMALSHigS CORE SHROUD 0 2.872 667.474 12.702 9.960 693.008 LOWER GRID PLATE *I O 3.590 107.777 15.878 12.450 139,694 I LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN O 718 3.086 3.176 2.490 9,470 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 7.898 15.772 34,931 27.390 85.991 MISC INTERNALS 0 5.744 11.503 25.404 19,920 62.571 810 SHIELD CONCRETE O 0 0 0 621.504 621,504 REACTOR CAVITT LINER 0 0 0 0 12.749 12.749 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 65.532 0 0 0 104.580 170.112 PRESSURIZER 13.054 0 0 0 89.640 102.694 R.Hx.EHx 5tMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP 0 0 0 0 9.960 9.960 !lD PRESSURIZER RELIEF. TANK 1.109 0 0 0 29.880 30.989 N SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 24.154 0 0 0 99.600' 123,754 STEAM GENERATORS 249.417 0 0 0 531.914 781.331 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 16.560 0 0 0 82,170 98.730 REMAINING CONTAM. MTLS 0 0 0 0 1.309,939 1.309.939 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD 0 0 0 0 11,879.840 11,879.840 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 4.308 9.322 26.663 7.844 48,137 SPENT RESINS 0 14.360 35.889 55.907 49.800 155.956 COM8USTIBLE WASTES 0 43.080 0 0 252.113 295.193 EVAPORATOR 80TTOMS 0 67.492 0 64.931 234.060 366.483 SU8 TOTAL PWR COSTS 398.691 248.428 1.108.617 504.366 15,728.932 17,989.034 TOTAL PWR COSTS 17.989,034 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

l Tame R.1 Busini cost a8 the Washingles Si8e Rderene BWR (1906 debars) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE-CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 20.104 21.351 119.000 8.790 169.255 l FUEL SUPP0lL? MECES 0 10.052 0 39.135 4.407 53.594 CONTROL ROOL X3RES 0 5.744 47.074 320.000 13.197 386.015 CONTROL RODS G' DES 0 8.616 0 19,738 3.511 31.865 JET PUMPS 0 28.720 31.709 670.000 12.326 142.755 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 51.696 106.191 1.206.000 21.115 1.385.003 CORESHROUD{ PLATE CORE SUPPOR O 22.258 0 50.990 9.686 82.934 O 100.520 1.392.364 1.785.000 41.334 3.319.218 REACTOR VESSh VALL 16.968 15.796 0 36.186 7.047 75.998 i SAC SHIELD 48.560 0 0 0 79.132 127.692 REACT. WATER REC 35.871 0 0 0 77.389 113.261 SAC SHIELD 137.981 0 0 0 272.605 410.587 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT C 0 0 0 3.109.263 3.109.263 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 889 0 0 0 42.206 43.094 HIGH PRES $URE CORE SPRAY 4.489 0 0 0 14.940 19.429 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 1.394 0 0 0 8.790 10.184 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED COOLING 2.683 0 0 0 28,137 30.820 REACTOR CORE 150 COOLING 694 0 0 0 11.429 12.123 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 12.760 0 0 0 54.531 67.291 tz! POOL LINES & RACKS 51.514 0 0 0 335.030 386.544 U CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 9.509 0 0 0 381.642 391.151 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 1.247.739 1.247.739 TURBINE 127.072 0 0 0 1.236.335 1.363.406 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 18.432 0 0 0 319.193 337.625 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 139.860 0 0 0 648.047 787.907 MAIN STEAM 4.683 0 0 0 62.449 67.132 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 85.652 0 0 0 628,125 714.377 REACTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS 8.943 0 0 0 170.590 179.533 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 27.554 0 0 0 106.398 133.952 DTHER TG BLDG 0 0 0 0 4.210.848 4.270.848 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 2.114.782 2.114.782 REACTOR BLDG 0 45.952 0 0 272.859 318.811 TG BLDG 0 30.156 0 0 184.198 214.354 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 27.284 0 0 158.975 186.259 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 161.550 0 153.896 560.250 875.696 OTHER 0 43.798 0 4.911 151.890 200.599 SU8 TOTAL BWR COSTS 735.508 572.246 1.598.700 4.404.856 16.669.784 23.981.094 At TOTAL BWR COSTS 23.981.094 O (a) GTCC Material: Ass ues a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. g a i? E-E o txt

g Tame 5,2 BurM costs at the WaoMagem Site g y Meferenes FWR (M ileMars)

  • R "3

E. Q Si' CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE MATE CHARGE COST M VESSEL WALL 29,671 45,600 62,710 119,320 112.480 369,781 VESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 22,000 -0 0 118,400 140,400 e, UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 2,200 0 4,770 11,840 18,810 UPPER SUPPORT COLLMN O 2,200 0 4,770 11.840 18,810 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 2,400 3,306 7,560 5.920 19,186 UPPER CORE 6 AID PLATE O 6,000 12.295 18,900 14,800 51,995 GUIDE TUBES 0 3,300 0 4.482 17,750 25.542

  • I O

38,400 172,599 120,960 94.720 426,679 LOWER CORE BARR THERMAL SHI 5 0 7,200 34,488 22,680 17,760 82,128 CORE SHROUD 0 4,800 738,079 15.120 11,840 769,839 LCVER GRIO PLATE *I O 6,000 119,178 18,900 14,800 158,879 I LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN O 1,200 3,417 3,780 2,960 11,357 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 13.200 17,495 41,580 32,560 104,835 MISC INTERNALS 0 9,600 12,759 30.240 23.680 76,279 BIO SHIELD CONCRETE O O 0 0 738,816 738,816 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 15,155 15,155 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 154,800 0 0 0 124,320 279,120 PRESSURIZER 13.224 0 0 0 106,560 119,784 R.Hx,EHx,5 UMP PUMP. CAVITY PtMP O 0 0 0 11,840 11,840 2 PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 1,151 0 0 0 35,520 36,671 SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 24,324 0 0 0 118,400 142,724 STEAM GENERATORS 547,200 0 0 0 632,315 1,179.515 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 16,708 0 0 0 97,680 114.388 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS O O O O 1,557,197 1.557,197 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD 0 0 0 0 14.122,219 14.122,219 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 3,300 10,338 18.522 9.324 41,484 SPENT RESINS 0 24,000 39,780 49,800 59.200 172,780 COM8USTIBLE WASTES 0 33,000 0 0 299,700 332,700 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 51,700 0 63,488 278,240 393.428 POST-TMI-2 A00IT10NS 0 0 0 0 460.665 460.665 $U8 TOTAL PWR COSTS 787,079 276.100 1,226.444 544,872 19,158,511 21,993,005 TOTAL PWR COSTS 21,993,005 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW, High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. 1

Tame B.2 Burisi esses at the WasMagtse Slee ReAmmet BWR (IM dsEars) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 33,600 23,689 180.880 10.449 248.618 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 16,800 0 43.960 5.239 65,999 CONTROL RODS /INCORES 0 9.600 52,074 132.720 15.688 210.082 CONTROL R005 GUIDES 0 6.600 0 18,792 4,174 29.566 JET PUMPS 0 48,000 35.160 405.600 14.652 503.412 TOP FUEL SUIDES 0 86,400 117.776 730.080 25,101 959,357 CORE SUPPOR 0 17.050 0 48,546 11.514 77.110 CORESHROUDgLATE 0 168,000 1,539.720 1,419.600 49.136 3.176.456 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 17.435 12,100 0 34,452 8,377 72.364 SAC SHIELD 48,857 0 0 0 94.069 142.926 REACT. WATER REC 79.300 0 0 0 91.997 171.297 SAC SHIELO 138,788 0 0 0 324,061 462,849 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 3,696,152 3,696,152 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 931 0 0 0 50.172 51.103 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 4.531 0 0 0 17,760 22.291 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 1,416 0 0 0 10.449 11,864 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED COOLING 2.747 0 0 0 33.448 36.195 l REACTOR CORE 150 COOLING 716 0 0 0 13.586 14.302 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 12,909 0 0 0 64,824 77.733 to POOL LINES & RACKS 51,833 0 0 0 398,268 450,101 b CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 9.848 0 0 0 453,679 463.528 OThER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 1,483.256 1.483,256 TUR81NE 128.303 0 0 0 1.469,699 1,598.002 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 18.687 0 0 0 379.442 398,129 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 140.751 0 0 0 770.370 911,121 MAIN STEAM 4,747 0 0 0 74.237 78.983 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 86.204 0 0 0 747,400 833.604 REACTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS 9.155 0 0 0 202,790 211.945 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 27.724 0 0 0 126.481 154.205 OTHER TG BLDG 0 0 0 0 5.076.992 5,076,992 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 2,513.958 2,513.958 REACTOR BLDG 0 35,200 0 0 322.000 357.200 TG BLOG 0 23,100 0 0 217.372 240,472 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 20,900 0 0 187.607 208.507 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 123.750 0 150,378 666,000 940,128 OTHER 0 33, % 0 0 3.677 180.560 217,787 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 37.651 37.651 7C SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 784,881 634,650 1,768,419 3,168.685 19,848,608 26.205,242 C TOTAL BWR COSTS 26,205.242 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLV. High density packaging and geologic g repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. g k k Si e tp l

TmMe R3 Burial costs at the WasWagem Slee g x ad=== rwm uset 4.amrs) 's "1 E. O g-CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL' OISPOSAL 8 COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST ?W VESSEL WALL 30.411 49.780 67.982 129.200 122.018 399.392 VESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 24.000 0 0 128.440 152.440 m UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 2.400 0 5.176 12.844 20.420 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN O 2.400 0 5.176 12.844 20.420 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 2.620 3.584 8.200 6.422 20.826 UPPER CORE GRIO PLATE O 6.550 13.374 20.500 16.055 56.479 GUIDE TUBES 0 3.600 0 4.866 19.266 27.732 a) 0 41.920 188.448 131.200 102.752 464.320 LOWER CORE BARR THERMAL SHI S 0 7.860 37.662 24.600 19.266 89.388 CORE SHROUD 0 5.240 807.248 16.400 12.844 841.732 LOWER GRIO PLATE (a) 0 6.550 130.344 20.500 16.055 173.449 LOWER SUPPORT COLL""1 0 1.310 3.724 4.100 3.211 12.345 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 14.410 18.958 45.100 35.321 113.789 MISC INTERNALS 0 10.480 13.826 32.800 25.688 82.794 BIO SHIELD CONCRETE 0 0 0 0 801.466 801.466 REACTOR CAVITY t!NER 0 0 0 0 16.440 16.440 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 168.000 0 0 0 134.862 302.862 PRES $URIZER 13.380 0 0 0 115.596 128.976 R.Hx.EHr. SUMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP 0 0 0 0 12.844 12.844 00 PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 1.190 0 0 0 38.532 39.722 SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 24.480 0 0 0 128.440 152.920 STEAM GENERATORS 582.400 0 0 0 685.934 1.268.334 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 16.845 0 0 0 105.963 122.808 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS O O O 0 1.689.243 1.689.243 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLO O O O O 15.319.745 15.319.745 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 3.600 11.212 20.076 10.115 45,002 SPENT RESINS 0 26.200 43.200 54.000 64.220 187.620 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 36.000 0 0 325.114 361.114 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 56.400 0 68.850 301.834 427.084 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 499.728 499.728 SUBTOTAL PWR COSTS 836.706 301.320 1.339.562 590.144 20.783.101 23.851.433 TOTAL PWR COSTS 23.851.433 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLV. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. 5 - ~ c

~. Tame B3 Burial costs at the WasWagem Slee Befestmee BWR (1991 deMars) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCMARGE RATE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 36,680 25.687 196.000 11.335 269.702 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 18.340 0 47.600 5.683 71,523 CONTROL ROOS /INCORES 0 10.480 56.886 144.000 17.018 228.384 CONTROL RODS GUIDES 0 7.200 0 20.400 4,528 32.128 JET PUMPS 0 52.400 38.140 440,000 15.894 546.434 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 94.320 127.666 792,000 27,229 1,041.215 O 18.600 0 52.700 12.491 83.791 CORESUPPORQLATE CORE SHROUD 0 183.400 1.683.780 1.540,000 53.303 3.460.483 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 17,864 13.200 0 37,400 9,087 77,551 SAC SHIELD 49.130 0 0 0 102.046 151.176 REACT. WATER REC 84,800 0 0 0 99.798 184.598 SAC SHIELD 139.528 0 0 0 351.540 491.069 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 4.009,576 4,009.576 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 970 0 0 0 54.426 55.396 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 4.570 0 0 0 19.266 23,836 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 1.435 0 0 0 11.335 12,770 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED COOLING 2.805 0 0 0 36.284 39.089 REACTOR CORE 150 COOLING 735 0 0 0 14.738 15.473 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 13.045 0 0 0 70.321 83.366 P POOL LINES & RACKS 52.125 0 0 0 432,040 484.165 CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 10.160 0 0 0 492,150 502,310 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 1,609.032 1.609.032 TURBINE 129,433 0 0 0 1,594.326 1.723,759 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 18.920 0 0 0 411,618 430.538 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 141,569 0 0 0 835.695 977.264 MAIN STEAM 4.805 0 0 0 80.532 85.337 MolSTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 86,710 0 0 0 810.778 897.488 REACTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS 9.350 0 0 0 219.986 229.336 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 27.880 0 0 0 137,206 165,086 OTHER 1G BLOG 0 0 0 0 5.507.507 5.507,507 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 2,727.134 2.727,134 l REACTOR BLDG 0 38.400 0 0 349.314 387.714 TG BLDG 0 25,200 0 0 235.811 261.011 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 22.800 0 0 203.520 226.320 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 135,000 0 163,080 722,475 1.020.555 OTHER 0 36.600 0 3.990 195.871 236.461 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 40.844 40.844 7c SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 795,836 692.620 1,932.159 3.437.170 21.531,737 28,389.521 My TOTAL BWR COSTS 28.389,521 h (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLV. High density packaging and geologic d g repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. 3 k k a ch to l 1 l

'Z Tame BA Barini cases at the WasMagten Slee h Referente FWR (1993 deMars) 3 m E. O g. / CRANE CASK CURIE LINER 00SE BURIAL DISPOSAL E 8 COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING StRCHARGE RATE CHARGE CHARGE COST 4 M VESSEL WALL 95.000 49.7f3 104.306 134.436 136.496 '520.019 9 VESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 40.000 0 0 143.680 183.680 m UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 4.000 0 6.368 14.368 24.736 UPPER SUPPORT CottMI C 4.000 0 6.368 14.368 24,736 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 2,620 5.490 7.994 7.184 23.288 UPPER CORE GRID PLATE 0 6,550 19.214 19.985 17.960 63.709 GUIDE TUBES 0 6,000 0 5.995 21.552 33,547


41,920 331.857 127.904 114,944 616.625 THERMAL SHI S 0 7.860 70.795 23.982 21.552 124,189 CORE SHROUD 0 5.240 1.462.414 15.988 14,368 1.498.010 g) LOWER GRID PLATE O 6.550 236,051 19.985 17.960 280.546 LOWER SUPPORT 3LUMN O 1.310 5.600 3.997 3.592 14.499 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 14.410 24,154 43.967 39.512 122.043 MISC INTERNALS O 10.480 17.566 31.976 28.736 88.758 BIO SHIELD CONCRETE O O O O 896.563 896.563 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 18.391 18.391 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 120.000 0 0 0 150.864 270.864 PRESSURIZER 40,000 0 0 0 129.312 169,312 R.Nx.EHx,SLMP PtMP. CAVITY PUMP O 0 0 0 14.368 14,368 W PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 2.000 0 0 0 43.104 45.104 N SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 80.000 0 0 0 143.680 223.680 STEAM GENERATORS 320.000 0 70,266 0 767.323 1.157.589 REACTOR COOLANT PIP!NG 70.000 0 0 0 118.536 188.536 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 1.889.679 1.889.679 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD 0 0 0 0 17.137.504 17.137.504 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 6,000 19.763 24.902 11.315 61.980 SPENT RESINS 0 26.200 76.856 61.572 71.840 236.468 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 60.000 0 0 363,690 423.690 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 94.000 84.542 74.536 337.648 590.725 POST-TMI-2 A00!TIONS 0 0 0 0 559.023 559.023 SUBTOTAL PWR COSTS 727,000 386.920 2.528.873 609.955 23,249.112 27.501.860 ANNUAL PERMIT FEES (3 YRS) 105.000 TAXES & FEES (1 0F CHARGES) 1.787.621 TAXES & FEES ($/CU.FT.) 6.627.809 TOTAL PWR COSTS 36.022.291 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. ~ i i

Tame BA Badel costs at the Washingsee Slee Befertner BWK (1993 debars) CRANE CASK CURIE LIhER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 36,680 46.115 343,353 12,680 438.827 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 18.340 0 49,529 6.358 74,227 CONTROL R005/INCORES 4,000 10,480 101,068 932,008 19.038 1,066,593 CONTROL R005 GUIDES 0 12,000 0 25.032 5,065 42,097 JET PUMPS 0 52,400 65,878 839,496 17,780 975,554 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 94.320 197.633 1,511.093 30.460 ,1.833,506 CORESUPPORQLATE O 31.000 0 64.666 13,973 109.639 CORE SHROUD 0 183,400 3.043,488 2,198.P24 59.627 5,485,439 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 55,000 22.000 24.154 45,892 10,165 157,211 SAC SHIELD 140,000 0 0 0 114,154 254,154 REACT. WATER REC 50,000 0 0 0 111,639 161.639 SAC SHIELO 380,000 0 0 0 393,252 773,252 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 4,485,330 4.485.330 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 2,000 0 0 0 60.884 62.884 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 20.000 0 0 0 21.552 41,552 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 5,000 0 0 0 12,680 17,680 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED COOLING 7.500 0 0 0 40,590 48,090 REACTOR CORE ISO COOLING 1,000 0 0 0 16.487 17.487 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 70.000 0 0 0 78.665 148,665 POOL LINER & RACKS 150,000 0 0 0 483,304 633,304 .UU CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 16,000 0 0 0 550,546 566.546 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 1,799,951 1,799.951 TURBINE 580,000 0 0 0 1.783,500 2.363,500 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 60,000 0 0 0 460,458 520.458 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 420,000 0 0 0 934,854 1,354,854 MAIN STEAM 15,000 0 0 0 90,087 105.087 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 260,000 0 0 0 906.980 1.166,980 REACTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS 25,000 0 0 0 246,08S 271.088 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 80.000 0 0 0 153.486 233,486 OTHER TG BLDG 0 0 0 0 6,160,998 6.160,998 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 3.050.722 3,050,722 REACTOR BLDG 0 64,000 0 0 390.617 454.617 TG BLDG 0 42,000 0 0 263,693 305,693 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 38.000 0 0 227,585 265,585 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 225,000 199.826 176.606 808.200 1.409.632 OTHER 0 61,000 0 5,007 219,112 285.119 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 45.690 45.690 SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 2,340,500 890,620 3,678,160 6,191,605 24.086,252 37,187,137 ANNUAL PERMIT FEES (3.5 YRS) 122.500 M TAXES & FEES (% OF CHARGES) 2,417.164 ] TAXES & FEES ($/CU.FT.) 6.862.653 TOTAL BWR COSTS 46,589,455 g (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic } repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. g a o A: f: N e tn


  • E Table B.5 Berini costs at the WasWmpen Si8e -

d h Refertate FWR (19M deEars) } 8 e CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL g COMPOWENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHA8GE RATE CHARGE CHARGE COST ~ lC VESSEL VALL 0 49.780 146.585 188,932 191.824 577.121 \\ l Q VESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 40.000 0 0 201.920 241.920 h UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 4.000 0 8.950 20.192 33,142 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN O 4,000 0 8.950 20.192 33.142 UPPER CORE 8ARREL 0 2.620 7,715 11.235 10,096 31,666 UPPER CORE GRIO PLATE 0 6.550 27,003 28,087 25.240 86.879 GUIDE TUBES 0 6.000 0 8.425 30,288 44.713 LOWERCORE8ARR{L*I I O 41,920 466.406 179.754 161.536 849.616 THERMALSHigS*I 0 7.860 99.504 33,704 30,288 171.356 0 5.240 2.055.886 22.469 20.192 2.103.787 CORE SHROUD LOWER GRID PLATE *I O 6.550 331.843 28.087 25.240 391.720 I LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN O 1.310 7.869 5,617 5,048 19.845 LOVER CORE FORGING 0 14.410 33.945 61,790 55,528 165,673 MISC INTERNALS 0 10.480 24.687 44.938 40,384 120.490 810 SHIELD CONCRETE O 0 0 0 1.259.981 1,259.01 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 25.846 25.849 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS' 0 0 0 0 212.016 212.016 PRESSURIZER 0 0 0 0 181.728 181,728 R.Hx,EHx,5 UMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP 0 0 0 0 20.192 20.192 ( PRES $URIZER RELIEF TANK 0 0 0 0 60.576 60.576 o SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 0 0 0 0 201.920 201,920 STEAM GENERATOR $ 0 0 98.749 0 1.078,354 1.177,103 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 0 0 0 0 166.584 166.584 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 2.655.652 2.655.652 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD 0 0 0 0 24.084,109 24,084,109 FILTER CA:ITRIDGES O 6.000 27.774 34.994 15,001 84,670 SPENT RESINS 0 26.200 108.010 86.530 100,360 321.700 COM8USTIBLE WASTES 0 60.000 0 0 Sh.110 571.110 EVAPORATOR 8OTTOMS O 94.000 118.811 104.747 474.512 792.070 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 785.620 785.620 HEAVY OBJECT CHARGE 102.800 0 0 0 0 102.800 SU8 TOTAL PWR COSTS 102.800 386.920 3,554,787 857.208 32.673.029 37.574.744 ANNUAL PERMIT FEES (3 YRS) 105,000 j TAXES & FEES (% OF CHARGES) 1.690.863 I TAXES & FEES ($/CU.FT.) 5.987.035 l TOTAL PWR COSTS 45.357,642 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density. distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

r I Tame B.5 Burial costs at the WasMagten SI8e


Beierence BWR (1994 deEmrs) i CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL j COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 36.680 64,806 482.566 17,819 601,871 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 18.340 0 69.607 8.935 96.882 CONTROL R005/INCORES 0 10.480 142.057 1.309.922 26.754 1.489.213 CONTROL RODS GUIDES 0 12.000 0 35,179 7.118 54.297 JET PUMPS 0 52.400 92.580 1.179.884 24.988 1,349.852 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 94.320 277.740 2,123.791 42,807 2.538.658 O 31.000 0 90.880 19.637 141.516 CORESUPPORgLATE CORE SHROUD 0 183,400 4,278.498 3,090.500 83.797 7.636.195 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 0 22,000 33.944 64,495 14.286 134.725 SAC SHIELD 0 0 0 0 160.425 160,425 REACT. WATER REC 0 0 0 0 156.892 156.892 SAC SHIELD 0 0 0 0 552.655 552.655 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 6.303.438 6.303,438 CONTAIMM. ATMOSPHERIC 0 0 0 0 85.564 85.564 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 0 0 0 0 30.288 30.288 l LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 0 0 0 0 17.819 17,819 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED COOLING 0 0 0 0 57,042 57,042 l REACTOR CORE 150 COOLING 0 0 0 0 23.170 23.170 i RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 0 0 0 0 110.551 110,551 ( to POOL LINER & RACKS 0 0 0 0 679.208 679.208 L CONTAMINATED CONCRETE O O O O 773.707 773.707 '.l OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 2.529.553 2.529,553 ~ j TURBINE O O O O 2.506.433 2.506.433 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 0 0 0 0 647.103 647.103 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 0 0 0 0 1.313.792 1.313.792 MAIN STEAM 0 0 0 0 126.604 126.604 i MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 0 0 0 0 1.274.620 1.274.620 REACTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS 0 0 0 0 345.838 345.838 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 0 0 0 0 215.701 215.701 OTHER TG BLDG 0 0 0 0 8.658.330 8.658,330 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 4.287.317 4.287.317 REACTOR BLDG 0 64,000 0 0 381.227 445.227 TG BLDG 0 42.000 0 0 257.375 299.375 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 38,000 0 0 222.154 260,154 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 225.000 280.826 248.190 1.135.800 1.889.816 OTHER 0 61,000 0 7.036 307.928 375.964 POST-TMI-2 AD0lTIONS 0 0 0 0 64.211 64.211 HEAVY OBJECT CHARGE 177.200 0 0 0 0 177.200 f SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 117.200 890.620 5.170.450 8.702.050 33.470.887 48.411,207 h ANNUAL PERMIT FEES (3.5 YRS) 122.500 O TAXES & FEES (1 0F CHARGES) 2.178.504 TAXES & FEES ($/CU.FT.) 6.199.174 y TOTAL BWR COSTS 56.911,386 'o E ~W (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic E. 3 repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. W Ch t2

{ Tame 54 Busini costs at the WasMmeten Site g M BESEftsta FWE (1996 deEAr5) 3 c' E. O p-CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL h COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDL1NG SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE C05T 4 M VESSEL WALL 0 49.780 108.285 139,570 141,702 439.337 9 VESSEL HEAD & 8OTTOM 0 40,000 0 0 149,160 189.160 o UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM O 4,000 0 6,611 14.916 25,527 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN 0 4.000 0 6,611 14,916 25.527 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 2,620 5.699 8.299 7,458 24.077 UPPER CORE GRID PLATE O 6.550 19,947 20,749 18.645 65.891 GUIDE TUBES 0 6.000 0 6.224 22.374 34.598 a) LOWER CORE BARR 0 41,920 344.594 132,790 119.328 638.632 THERMAL SHI 0 7.860 73,525 24,898 22.374 128.658 CORESHROUDgS 0 5.240 1,519,808 16.599 14.916 1.556.562 LOWER GRIO PLATE *I O 6,550 245.312 20.749 18.645 291,256 I LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN O 1,310 5.813 4.150 3.729 15.002 LOWFR CORE FORGING 0 14.410 25.076 45,647 41.019 126.151 MISC INTERNALS 0 10.480 18.237 33.198 29,832 91.746 BIO SHIELD CONCRETE O O O O 930,758 930,758 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 19.092 19.092 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS O O O O 156,618 156.618 PRESSURIZER 0 0 0 0 134,244 134.244 R.Hx,EHx,5 UMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP O O O O 14.916 14.916 ( PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 0 0 0 0 44.748 44,748 N SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 0 0 0 0 149.160 149,160 STEAM GENERATORS 0 0 72.947 0 796.589 869.536 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 0 0 0 0 123.057 123.057 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 1,961.752 1.961,752 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD 0 0 0 0 17,791.134 17.791.134 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 6.000 20.517 25,851 11.746 64.114 SPENT RESINS O 26.200 79.788 63.922 74.580 244.490 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 60,000 0 0 377,561 437.561 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 94.000 87.767 77.377 350.526 609,670 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 580.344 580,344 HEAVY OBJECT CHARGE 102.800 0 0 0 0 102.800 SUBTOTAL PWR COSTS 102.800 386.920 2.627,315 633.244 24.135.841 27,886,119 TAKES & FEES (1 0F CHARGES) 1.259.058 TAXES & FEES ($/CU.FT.) 6.990.268 ANNUAL PERMIT FEES (3 YRS) _ }12 3 TOTAL FVR COSTS 36.247.945 (a) 6TCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLV. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

= l l Table B4 Burial cases at the Washingsen Site Reference BWR (1995 deMars) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 36.680 47,873 356.499 13.163 454,215 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 18.340 0 51.421 6.600 76.361 CONTROL RODS /INCORES 0 10.480 104.974 967.726 19,764 1,102.944 CONTROL RODS GUIDES 0 12.000 0 25.987 5.258 43.245 JET PUMPS 0 52.400 68.390 871,652 18,459 1.010.901 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 94.320 205.171 1.568.974 31,622 L900.087 D 31.000 0 67.134 14.506 112.639 CORESUPPORQLATE CORE SHROUD 0 183.400 3,162,726 2.283.134 -61.901 5.691.161 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 0 22.000 25.076 47.643 10.553 105.272 SAC SHIELD 0 0 0 0 118,508 118,508 REACT. VATER REC 0 0 0 0 115,897 115.897 SAC SHIELD 0 0 0 0 408.251 408.251 DTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 4,656.402 4.656.402 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 0 0 0 0 63.207 63.207 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 0 0 0 0 22.374 22.374 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 0 0 0 0 13.163 13.163 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED COOLING 0 0 0 0 4.138 42.138 REACTOR CORE ISO COOLING 0 0 0 0 11.116 17.116 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 0 0 0 0 81.665 81.665 ^te POOL LINER & RACKS 0 0 0 0 501.737 501.737 CONTAMINATED CONCRETE O O O O 571.544 571.544 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 1.868.602 1.868.602 TURBINE O O O O 1,851,523 1.851.523 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE O O O O 478.021 478,021 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 0 0 0 0 970,510 970.510 MAIN STEAM 0 0 0 0 93.523 93.523 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 0 0 0 0-941.5T3 941,573 REACTOR FEE 0 VATER PUMPS 0 0 0 0 255.474 255.474 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 0 0 0 0 159,340 159.340 OTHER TG BLDG 0 0 0 0 6.39E.981 6.395.981 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 3,16/ 077 3,167.077 REACTOR BLDG 0 64.000 0 0 281.593 345,593 TG BLDG 0 42.000 0 0 19U,110 232.110 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 38.000 0 0 264.094 202.094 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 225,000 207.449 183.338 839.025 1.454.812 OTHER 0 61.000 0 5.197 227.469 293,666 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 47.433 47.433 HEAVY OBJECT CHARGE 177.200 0 0 0 0 177.200 2C SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS. 177.200 890,620 3.821.659 6,428.704 24.725.174 36.043.357 A2 U1 TAXES & FEES (% OF CHARGES) 1.627.358 9 TAXES & FEES ($/CU.FT.) 7.237.955 ANNUAL PERMIT FEES (3.5 YRS) 131.250 >} TOTAL BWR COSTS 45.039.919 k (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

g 'IhMe R.7 Budahmess at she WasMsgBen Slee g str Referumee FWR (1996 h) 'R m E. O g- / VOLUME SHIPMENT '1NTAINER LINER DOSE 8ENTON M TY DISPOSAL COMPONENT CHARGE CHARGE .HARGE RATE CHARGE TAX SURCHARGE COST Stf VESSEL WALL ' 207.860 32.034 5.989 196.270 11.795 453.948 . VESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 218.800 33.720 6.304 0 5.576 264.400 m UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 21.880 3.372 630 13.828 1.014 40.724 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN 21.880 3.372 630 13.828 1.014 40.724 UPPER CORE BARREL 10.940 1.686 315 10.330 621 23.892 . UPPER CORE GRID PLATE 27.350 4.215 788 25.825 1.552 59.730 GU10E TUBES 32.820 5.058 946 20.742 1.520 61.086 a) LOWER CORE BARR 175.040 26.976 5.043 165.280 9.933 382.212 THERMAL SHI S 32.820 5.058 946 30.990 1.862 71.676 CORE SHROUD 21.880 3.372 630 20.660 1.242 47.784 LOWER GRID PLATE *I 27.350 4.215 788 25.825 't.552 59.730 I LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN 5.470 843 158 5.165 310 11.946 LOWER CORE FORGING 60.170 9.273 1.734 56.815 3.414 131.406 MISC INTERNALS 43.760 6.744 1.261 41.320 2.483 95.568 810 SHIELD CONCRETE 1.365.312 164.385 30.732 0 30.998 1.591.427 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 28.006 3.372 630 0 636 32.645 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 229.740 10.116 1.891 0 5.213 246.960 PRESSURIZER 196.920 6.744 1.261 0 4.419 209.344 R.Hr.EHx. SUMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP 21.880 2.529 473 0 518 25.400 [ PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 65.640 1.686 315 0 1.459 69.100 h SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 218.800 6.744 1.261 0 4.891 231.696 f STEAM GENERATORS 1.168.501 26.976 5.043 0 25.892 1.226.413 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 180.510 5.901 1.103 0 4.044 191.558 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 2.877.658 346.473 64.774 0 65.293 3.354,197 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD 26.097.479 3.126.687 584.538 0 589.919 30.398.624 FILTER CARTRIDGES 17.231 5.058 946 145.194 5.288 173.716 SPENT RESIMS 109.400 16.860 3.152 103.300 6.208 238.920 COMBUSTI8LE WASTES 553.838 50.580 9.456 0 13.232 627.105 EVAPORATOR 8OTTOMS 514.180 79.242 14.814 152.744 16,866 777.846 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 851.296 0 0 0 0 851.2 % HEAVY OBJECT CHARGE 120.875 SITE AVAILABILITY CHARGES (3 YRS) 125.214 $UBTOTAL PWR COSTS 35.404.411 3.993.291 746.551 1.028.116 818.763 42.237.221 TAXES & FEES (% OF CHARGES) 1.843.121 TAXES & FEES ($/CU.FT.) 6.990.268 ANNUAL PERMIT FEES (3 YRS) 112.500 TOTAL PWR COSTS 51.183.110 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density. distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

Table B.7 Burial costs at the W- * * ;= Site Rderasee BH1t (1996 d= Mars) I VOLUMC SHIPNENT CONTAINER LINEtt DOSE BENTON COUNTY DISPOSAL COMPONENT CHARGE CHARGE CHARGE RATE CHARGE TAX SURCHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 19.309 11.802 4.413 2.425.752 81.068 2.542.344 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 9.682 5.901 2.206 72.310 2.776 92.876 CONTROL RODS /INCORES 28.991 6.744 1.261 693.072 23.741 753.EC8 CONTROL RODS GUIDES 7.713 5.058 1,891 61.980 2.367 79.009 JET PUMPS 27.071 16.860 6.304 3.465.360 115.800 3.631.401 TOP FUEL GUIDES 46.386 60.696 11.347 6.237.648 209.031 6.565.114 CORESUPPORQLATE 21.278 13.488 4.886 160,115 6.153 205.920 CORE SHROUD 90.802 118.020 22.064 12.128.760 406.475 12.766.121 REACTOR VESSEL VALL 15.480 16.860 3.467 113,630 4.531 153.968 SAC SHIELD 173.837 11.802 2.206 0 4.050 191.895 REACT. WATER REC 170.008 4.215 788 0 3.774 178.785 SAC SHIELD $98.856 32.034 5.989 0 13.732 650.610 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 6.830.389 818.553 153.030 0 168.126 7.970.098 CONTAIMM. ATMOSPHERIC 92.717 1.686 315 0 2.043 96.761 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 32.820 1.686 315 0 751 35.572 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 19.309 843 158 0 438 20.748 REACTOR BLOG CLOSE0 COOLING 61.811 2.529 473 0 1.398 66.210 REACTOR CORE ISO COOLING 25.107 843 158 0 563 26.671 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 119.793 4.215 1.103 0 2.698 127.809 POOL LINER & RACKS 135.989 15.174 2.837 0 16.262 770.261 [ CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 838.387 23.604 4.413 0 18.685 885.089 m OTh C REACTOR 8UILDING 2.741.017 429.087 80.218 0 70.022 3.320.345 TURBINE 2.715.964 48.894 9.141 0 59.831 2.833.830 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 701.199 10.116 1.891 0 15.383 128.590 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 1.423.622 35.406 6.619 0 31.609 1.497.257 MAIN STEAM 137.188 2.529 473 0 3.024 143.213 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 1.381.175 21.918 4.098 0 30.351 1.437.542 REACTOR FEEDVATER PUMPS 374.750 8.430 1.576 0 8.298 393.054 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 233.733 6.744 1.261 0 5.213 246.951 OTHER TG BLOG 9.382.144 1.304.964 243.965 0 235.521 11.166.594 RAD WASTE BLOG 4.645.726 60.696 101.179 0 103.697 4.911.298 REACTOR BLOG 585.837 26.976 10.086 0 13.431 636.331 TG BLOG 395.481 17.703 6.619 0 9.052 428.855 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 341.328 16.017 5.989 0 7.834 371.168 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 1.230.750 189.675 35.460 362.456 43.389 1.861.730 OTHER 333.670 51.423 9.614 16.882 9.054 420,643 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 69.578 0 0 0 69.578 69.578 HEAVY OBJECT CHARGE 190.500 g SITE AVAILABILITY CHARGE (3.5 YRS) 166.952 C SU8 TOTAL 8VR COSTS 36.658.901 3.403.191 747.812 25.737.965 1.130.180 68.635.500 A ] TAXES & FEES (1 0F CHARGES) 2.977.287 TAXES & FEES ($/CU.FT.) 7.237.955 ANNUAL PERMIT FEES (3.5 YRS) 131.250 ~ TOTAL 8WR COSTS 78.981.992 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic 5 repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

g Table ILE Burial costs at the Nevada Site g n Rdertece PW1t (1986 deGars)

  • R M

E. CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSA1. 8 COMPONENT SURCHAPGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHAPGE COST M VESSEL VALL 29.613 30.172 61.613 127.370 78.318 327.087 2 YESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 31.760 0 0 82.440 114.200 h UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 3.176 0 5.441 8.244 16.861 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN 0 3.176 0 5.441 8.244 16.861 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 1.588 3.248 6.704 4.122 15.662 UPPER CORE GRID PLATE 0 3.970 11.958 16.759 10.305 42.992 GUIDE TUBES 0 4.764 0 5.646 12.366 22.776


25.408 165,971 107.259 65.952 364.590 THERMAL SHI 5 0 4.764 33.144 20.111 12.366 70.385 CORE SHROUD 0 3.176 705.965 13.407 8.244 730.793 LOWER GRIO PLATE *I O 3.970 114.000 16.759 10.305 145.034 I LOVER SUPPORT COLUMN O 794 3.304 3.352 2.061 9.511 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 8.734 17.208 36,870 22.671 85.484 MISC INTERNALS 0 6.352 12.549 26.815 16.488 62.204 BIO SHIELD CONCRETE O O O O 514.426 514.426 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 10.552 10.552 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 65.768 0 0 0 86.562 152.330 PRESSURIZER 13.212 0 0 0 14.196 87.408 R.Hx.EHx. SUMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP O 0 0 0 8.244 8.244 3 PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 1.148 0 0 0 24.732 25.880 ch SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 24.312 0 0 0 82.440 106.752 STEAM GENERATORS 250.048 0 0 0 440.271 690.319 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 16.698 0 0 0 68.013 84.711 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 1.084.251 1.084.251 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD 0 0 0 0 9.833.072 9.833.072 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 4.764 10.144 28.079 6.492 49.478 SPENT RESINS 0 15.880 38.880 59.032 41.220 155.012 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 47.640 0 0 208.676 256.316 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 74.636 0 68.486 193.734 336.856 SU6 TOTAL PVR COSTS 400,800 274.724 1.177.984 547.530 13.019.001 15.420.045 TOTAL PWR COSTS 15.420.045 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. I l k i

'Itble B.8 Berial costs at the Nevada Site Refertsce BWR (1986 do5ars) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER OOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL Cop 0NENT SURCHAR.G1 HANDLING SURCHAEGE RATE CHARGE COST G STEAM SEPARATOR 0 22.232 23.257 291.200 7.275 343,954 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 11.116 0 46.926 3.648 61,690 CONTROL RODS /INCORES 0 6.352 49.992 342.400 10.923 409.667 CONTROL RODS GUIDES 0 9.528 0 20.829 2.906' , 33.263 JET PUMPS 0 31.760 34.480 680.000 10.202 756.442 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 57.168 115.747 1,224.000 17.477 1,414.392 CORE SUPPOR LATE O 24.614 0 53.809 8.017 86,440 CORE SHROUD D 111.160 1,473.360 1,792.000 34.213 3.410,133 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 17.402 17.468 0 38.187 5,833 78.889 SAC SHIELD 48.836 0 0 0 65.499 114.335 REACT. VATER REC 35.970 0 0 0 64.056 100,026 SAC SHIELD 138.730 0 0 0 225.638 364.369 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 2,573.571 2.573.571 CONTAlkM. ATHOSPHERIC 928 0 0 0 34.934 35.862 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 4.528 0 0 0 12.366 16.894 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 1,414 0 0 0 7.275 8.689 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED CCOLING 2.742 0 0 0 23.289 26.031 REACTOR CORE ISO COOLING 714 0 0 0 9.460 10.174 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 12.898 0 0 0 45,136 58.034 4 POOL LINES & RACKS 51.810 0 0 0 277.308 329.118 CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 9.824 0 0 0 315.889 325,713 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 1.032.767 1.032.767 TURBINE 128.215 0 0 0 1.023.328 1.151,543 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 18,668 0 0 0 264.200 282.868 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 140.687 0 0 0 536.396 677,083 MAIN STEAM 4.742 0 0 0 51.690 56,432 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 86.164 0 0 0 520.403 606.567 REACTOR FEE 0 VATER PUMPS 9.140 0 0 0 141.199 150.339 HIGH PRESSURE FEE 0 WATER HEATERS 27.712 0 0 0 88,067 115.779 OTHER TG BLOG 0 0 0 0 3.535,027 3.535.027 RAD WASTE BLOG 0 0 0 0 1.750.428 1.750.428 REACTOR BLOG 0 50.816 0 0 226.481 277.297 TG BLOG 0 33,348 0 0 152.890 186.238 l RAD VASTE & CONTROL 0 30.172 0 0 131.954 162.126 l CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 178,650 0 162.320 463.725 804.695 i OTHER 0 48.434 0 5.163 125.721 179.318 y C SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 741.126 632.818 1.696.836 4.656.832 13.799.189 21.526.801 lc ] TOTAL BVR COSTS 21.526,801 h (a) GTCC Matertal: Assumes a low density, distributed packagtng scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic g ya repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. g h E 5F ch td

g Tame B.9 Berini costs at the Nevada Slee Referente FWR (M dsBars) = m0 h J. CRAhE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL 8 COMPONENT SURCHARQ[ HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CMARGE COST M VESSEL WALL 29.613 45,600 61 993 136,800 107,768 381,775 E VESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 22.000 0 0 113.440 135,440 h UPPER CORE SUPPORT AFSM 0 4,800 0 2,750 11.344 18,894 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN O 4.800 0 2,750 11.344 18.894 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 2,400 3.268 8.700 5.672 20,040 UPPER CORE GRID PLATE O 6,000 12,008 21,750 14.180 53.938 GUIDE TUBES 0 7,200 0 1,696 17.016 25,912

  • I 0

38.400 166.291 139,200 90.752 434,643 LOWER CORE BARR THERMAL SHI S O 7,200 33.204 26.100 11.016 83.520 CORE SHROUO O 4,800 706,575 17,400 11.344 740.119 } LOWER GRID PLATE *I O 6.000 114.100 21.750 14.180 156.030 I t LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN O 1.200 3,314 4.350 2.836 11.700 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 13,200 17,318 47,850 31,196 109.564 MISC INTERNALS 0 9,600 12,629 34.800 22,688 79,717 BIC SHIELD CONCRETE 0 0 0 0 707,866 107,866 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 14.520 14,520 REACTOR COOLANT P(MPS 163.200 0 0 0 119,112 282,312 PRESSURIZER 13.212 0 0 0 102.096 115.308 R.Hx EHx,5 UMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP 0 0 0 0 11,344 11.344 [ PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 1,148 0 0 0 34,032 35,180 oo SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 108,800 0 0 0 113.440 222,240 STEAM GENERATORS 569,600 0 0 0 605.826 1.175,426 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 95,200 0 0 0 93,588 188.788 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 1,491,963 1.491,963 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD 0 0 0 0 13.530,613 13.530,613 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 7,200 10.204 8.467 8,933 34,604 SPENT RESINS 0 24,000 39,080 57,400 56,720 177.200 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 33,000 0 0 287,145 320.145 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 112,800 0 68,765 266.584 448,149 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 441.367 441.367 SUBTOTAL PWR COSTS 980,773 350,200 1.179.984 600,529 18.355,925 21,467,411 TOTAL PWR COSTS 21.467,411 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

Tame B 9 Beefal ciuts at the Nevada Site Beimmae BWR (1988 denars) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCMARGE RATE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 33.600 23.397 207.760 10.011 274.768 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 16.800 0 50.400 5.020 72.220 CONTROL ROOS /IkCORES 0 9.600 50.072 152.640 15.031 227.343 CONTROL RODS GUIDES 0 14.400 0 16.729 3.999 35.128 JET PUMPS 0 48.000 34.680 466.400 14.038 563.118 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 86.400 116.467 839.520 24.049 1.066.436 CORE SUPPOR y TE O 37.200 0 43.217 11.032 91.449 CORE SHROUD 0 168.000 1.474.760 1.632.400 47.078 3.322.238 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 17.402 26.400 0 30.670 8.026 82.498 SAC SHIELD 190.400 0 0 0 90.128 280.528 REACT. WATER REC 82.800 0 0 0 88.143 170.943 SAC SHIELD 516.800 0 0 0 310.485 827.285 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 3.541.313 3.541.313 CONTA!hM. ATMOSPHERIC 928 0 0 0 48.070 48.998 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 27.200 0 0 0 17.016 44.216 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 1.414 0 0 0 10.011 11.425 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED C00L'NG 2.742 0 0 0 32.047 34.789 REACTOR CORE 150 COOLING 714 0 0 0 13.017 13.731 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 95.200 0 0 0 62.108 157.308 POOL LINES & RACKS 204,000 0 0 0 381.584 585.584 e CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 9.824 0 0 0 434.674 444.498 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 1.421.120 1,421.120 TURSINE 788.800 0 0 0 1.408.131 2.196.931 MUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 18.668 0 0 0 363.547 382.215 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 571.200 0 0 0 738.097 1.309.297 MAIN STEAM 4.742 0 0 0 71.127 75.869 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 353.600 0 0 0 716.090 1.069.690 REACTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS 9.140 0 0 0 194.294 203.434 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDVATER HEATERS 108.800 0 0 0 121.182 229.982 OTHER TG BLDG 0 0 0 0 4.864.307 4.864.307 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 2.408.643 2.408.643 REACTOR BLDG 0 35.200 0 0 306.194 341.394 TG BLDG 0 23.100 0 0 206.702 229.802 RAD WASTE & CONTkOL 0 20.900 0 0 178.398 199.298 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 270.000 0 162.740 638.100 1.070.840 OTHER 0 73.200 0 2.375 172.996 248.571 7 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 36.074 36.074 c SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 3.004.375 862.800 1.699.376 3.604.852 19.011.883 28.183.285


(a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposai as LLW. High density packaging and geologic g g repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. g Si: o tc i

g rms.i.s.wc se sm .g y Refeseem FWR (1991 douars) 7 m g. CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPCNENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST M VESSEL VALL 29.613 45.600 61.993 136.800 122.018 396.025 3 VESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 22.000 0 is 128.440 150.440 m UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 4.800 0 2.750 12.844 20.394 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN O 4.800 0 2.750 12.844 20.394 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 2.400 3.268 8.700 6.422 20.790 UPPER CORE GRID PLATE D 6.000 12.008 21.750 16.055 55.813 GUIDE TUBES 0 7.200 0 1.696 19.266 28,162


38.400 166.291 139.200 102.752 446.643 0 7.200 33.204 26.100 19.266 85.770 THERMALSHIg5 CORE SHROUD 0 4.800 706.575 17.400 12.844 741.619 LOVER GRID PLAIE 'I O 6.000 114.100 21.750 16.055 157.905 I LOVER SUPPORT COLUMN O 1.200 3.314 4.350 3.211 12.075 LOVER CORE FORGING 0 13.200 17.318 47.850 35.321 113.689 MISC INTERNALS 0 9.600 12.629 34.800 25.688 82.717 810 SHIELD CONCRETE O O 0 0 801.466 801.466 REACTOR CAVITY L1'tER 0 0 0 0 16.440 16.440 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 184,800 0 0 0 134.862 319.662 PRESSURIZER 13.212 0 0 0 115.596 128.808 R.Hx.EHx.StWP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP O O O O 12.844 12.844 PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 1.148 0 0 0 38.532 39.680 SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 123.200 0 0 0 128.440 251.640 STEAM GENERATORS 627.200 0 0 0 685.934 1.313.134 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 107.800 0 0 0 105.963 213.763 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 1.689.243 1.689.243 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD 0 0 0 0 15.319.745 15.319.745 FILTER CARTRIDGES 7.200 10.204 8.467 10.115 35.985 SPENT RESINS 0 24.000 39.080 57.400 64.220 184.700 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 33.000 0 0 325.114 358.114 l EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 112.800 0 68.765 301.834 483.399 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 499.728 499.728 SUBTOTAL PVR COSTS 1.086.973 350.200 1.179.984 600.529 20,783.101 24.000.788 TOTAL PVR COSTS 24.000,788 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLV. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. s

Tame R.18 Burial cases at the Nevada Slee Reference BWR (199I deEmrs) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER 00SE BURIAL OISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE MA10 LING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 33.600 23.397 207.760 11.335 276.092 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 16.800 0 50.400 5.683 72,883 CONTROL RODS /!sG RES 0 9.600 50.072 152.640 17.018 229.330 CONTROL R005 GUIDES 0 14,400 0 16,729 4.528 J5.657 JET PUMPS 0 48,000 34.680 466,400 15.894 564.974 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 86.400 y 116.467 839.520 27.229 1.069.616 168,000*f 37.200r 0 43.217 12.491 92.908 D CORESUPPOR{*{ LATE 1.474.760 1.632.400 53,303 3.328.463 CORE SHROUD O REACTOR VESSEL WALL 17,402 26.400 0 30,670 9.087 83.559 SAC SHIELO 215.600 0 0 0 102,046 317.646 REACT. WATER REC 91.800 0 0 0 99.798 191.598 SAC SHIELO 585.200 0 0 0 351,540 936.740 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT C 0 0 0 4,009.576 4,009.576 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 928 0 0 0 54.426 55.354 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SFRAY 30.800 0 0 0 19,266 50.066 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 1,414 0 0 0 11.335 12,749 REACTOR BLOG CLOSE0 COOLING 2.742 0 0 0 36.284 39.026 REACTOR CORE 150 COOLING 714 0 0 0 14.738 15.452 RESIOUAL HEAT REMOVAL 107.800 0 0 0 70.321 178.121 POOL LINES & RACKS 231.000 0 0 0 432,040 663.040 CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 9.824 0 0 0 492,150 501,974 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 1.609.032 1.609.032 TURBINE 893.200 0 0 0 1.594.326 2.487.526 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 18,668 0 0 0 411.618 430.286 LOW PRESSURE FEE 0 WATER HEATERS 646.800 0 0 0 835.695 1.482.495 MAIN STEAM 4.742 0 0 0 80.532 85.274 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 400,400 0 0 0 810,778 1.211,178 REACTOR FEE 0 WATER PUMPS 9.140 0 0 0 219.986 229.126 HIGH PRESSURE FEEWATER HEATERS 123.200 0 0 0 137.206 260.406 OTHER TG BLOG 0 0 0 0 5,507,507 5,507.507 RAD WASTE BLOG 0 0 0 0 2.727.134 2.727,134 REACTOR BLDG 0 35.200 0 0 346.357 381.557 l TG BLDG 0 23.10C D 0 233,815 256,915 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 20.900 0 0 201,798 222.698 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 270,000 0 162.140 722.475 1,155.215 OTHER 0 73.200 0 2.375 195.871 271,446 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 40.844 40.844 SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 3.391.375 862.800 1.699.376 3.604.852 21.525.062 31.083.464 M TOTAL BWR COSTS 31,083,464 Q (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic g g repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. g k E sr t2 c8 .~. _ <

g Tame R.11 Emrtal cases at he Some CareEma Slee j p Esfurmer F9FK (IMS deEars) m n. CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSA COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST W VESSEL WALL 34.580 26.600 714.400 0 106.400 881.980 .E VESSEL HEAD & *DTTOM 0 28.000 0 0 112.000 140.000 m UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 2.800 0 0 11.200 14.000 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN 0 2.800 0 0 11.200 14.000 UPPER CORE BAR"EL 0 1.400 37.600 0 5.600 44.600 UPPER CORE GRIO PLATE O 3.500 150.000 0 14.000 167,500 GUIDE TUBES 0 4.200 56.100 0 16.800 77.100 'I LOWER CORE BARR O 22.400 1.824.000 0 89.600 1.936.000 THERMAL SHI S 0 4.200 360.000 0 16.800 381.000 CORE SHROUD 0 2.800 6.100.000 0 11.200 6.114.000 LOWER GRIO PLATE *I O 3.500 1.000.000 0 14.000 1.017.500 I LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN O 700 36.500 0 2.800 40.000 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 7.700 165,000 0 30.800 203.500 MISC INTERNALS 0 5,600 120.000 0 22.400 148.000 BIO SHIELD CONCRETE O O O O 698.880 698.880 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 14.336 14.336 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 36.848 0 0 0 117.600 154.448 PRESSURIZER 9.680 0 0 0 100.800 110.480 R.Hx.EHx. SUMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP O O O O 11.200 11.200 1 PRESSUR1ZER RELIEF TANK 1.820 0 0 0 33.600 35.420 b SAFETY INJECTION ACCL9 TANKS 14.520 0 0 0 112.000 126.520 STEAM GENERATORS 134.848 0 0 0 598.136 732.964 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 12.705 0 0 0 92.400 105.105 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 1,473.024 1.473.024 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD D 0 0 0 13.358.856 13.358.856 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 4.200 135.000 0 8.820 148.020 SPENT RESINS 0 14.000 600.000 0 56.000 670.000 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 42.000 0 0 283.500 325.500 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 65.800 0 0 263.200 329.000 SUBTOTAL PWR COSTS 245.001 242.200 11.298.600 0 17.687.152 29.472.953 l BARWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX (2.4%) 707.351 TOTAL PWR COSTS 30.180.304 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLV. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

Thble R.11 Burial coeds at See Seulla CarwEma 98e Redemee BWR (1986 deRars) CRANE CASit CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 19.600 529,200 0 9,884 558,684 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 9.800 315.000 0 4.956 329,756 CONTROL ROOS /INCORES 2.440 5,600 529.600 0 14,840 552.480 CONTROL RODS GUIDES O 8,400 0 0 3.948 12.348 JET PUMPS 0 28.000 450,000 0 13,860 491.860 TOP FUEL GUIDES O 50,400 1.353,600 0 23.772 1.427,772 D 21,700 116.250 0 10,920 148,870 CORE SUPPOR g TE CORE SHROUD 0 98.000 13.230.000 0 46.480 13,374,480 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 20.020 15,400 205.700 0 7.196 248.316 SAC SHIELD 33.880 0 0 0 100,688 134,568 REACT. WATER REC 19,551 0 0 0 87.080 106.631 SAC SHIELD 91.960 0 0 0 306.600 398.560 OTHER PRIMARY CONTA'NMENT 0 0 0 0 3.496.304 3.496,304 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 1.820 0 0 0 47.432 49,252 HIGH PRES $URE CORE SPRAY 3,630 0 0 0 16,800 20.430 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 1,210 0 0 0 9,940 11.150 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED COOLING 2,730 0 0 0 31,696 34.426 REACTOR CORE COOLING 910 0 0 0 12.880 13,790 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 8,470 0 0 0 61,376 69.846 POOL LINES & RACKS 36.300 0 0 0 376.684 412,984 u CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 14,560 0 0 0 429.100 443,660 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 1,403,276 1,403,276 TURBINE 70.180 0 0 0 1,390,060 1,460,240 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 14.520 0 0 0 358,932 373.452 LOW PRES $URE FEEDWATER HEATERS 101,640 0 0 0 728.728 830,368 MAIN STEAM 3,6'O O 0 0 70,252 73,882 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 62,920 0 0 0 706.860 769,780 REACTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS 9.101 0 0 0 192,836 201.936 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 19,360 0 0 0 119,616 138,976 OTHER TG BLDG 0 0 0 0 4,812.192 4,812.192 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 2,378,096 2,378,096 REACTOR BLDG 0 44,800 0 0 299.880 344,680 TG BLDG 0 29,400 0 0 202.440 231.840 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 26,600 0 0 174.720 201,320 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 157.500 0 0 630.000 787.500 OTHER 0 42.700 0 0 170.800 213.500 SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 518,831 557.900 16.729.350 0 18,751.124 36.557,205 10 BARNWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX (2.4%) 877.373 Q TOTAL BWR COSTS 37.434.578 Q (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLV. High density packaging and geologic g g repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. g k n. te e

y Tame B.12 Burial esses at she Sessh Caruuma Slee g y Beferusce FWR (tm deMars) 1 m g. O g-CRANE CASK CURIE LINER 00SE BURIAL DISPOSAL 8 CrMPONENT SURCHARSE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST 4 M VESSEL WALL 38.380 38,000 714.400 0 134,216 924.996 VESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 40,000 100.000 0 141,280 281.280 e UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 4.000 10,000 0 14.128 28,128 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN O 4,000 10,000 0 14.128 28,128 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 2,000 37.600 0 7.064 46.664 UPPER CORE GRIO PLATE O 5,000 150.000 0 17.660 172,660 GUIDE TUBES 0 6.000 56.100 0 21.192 83,292 a) 0 32.000 1,824,000 0 113.024 1,969.024 LOWER CORE BARR 0 6,000 360,000 0 21.192 387.192 THERMALSHig 0 4.000 6.100,000 0 14.128 6.118.128 CORE SHROUD LOWER GRIO PLATE *I O 5.000 1,000,000 0 17,660 1.022.660 I LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN O 1,000 36.500 0 3.532 41.032 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 11,000 165,000 0 38,852 214.852 MISC INTERNALS 0 8,000 120.000 0 28.256 156.256 BIO SHIELD CONCRETE O O O O 881,587 881,587 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 18,084 18.084 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 36,848 0 0 0 148,344 185,192 PRESSURIZER 10,480 0 0 0 127.152 137.632 R.Hx.EHx. SUMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP O O O O 14.128 14.128 ( PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 2,020 0 0 0 42.384 44.404 SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 15.320 0 0 0 141,280 156,600 STEAM GENERATORS 134,848 0 0 0 754,506 889.354 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 13.405 0 0 0 116.556 129.961 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 1,858.115 1,858,115 CONIAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLO 0 0 0 0 16,851.243 16,851.243 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 6.000 135.000 0 11.126 152,126 SPENT RESIMS 0 20,000 600.000 0 70,640 690.640 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 60.000 150,000 0 357,615 567.615 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 94.000 235.000 0 332.008 661,008 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS O O O O 549.685 549.685 SUBTOTAL PWR COSTS 251.301 346,000 11.803.600 0 22.860.764 35,261.665 BARMWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX (2.4%) 846.280 TOTAL PWR COSTS 36.107.945 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

Tame 3.12 Burial costs a8 ee Some Caremme Slee Bedemee BWR (IM debars) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE SURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANGLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 28.000 529.200 0 12.468 569.668 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 14.000 315.000 0 6.252 335.252 CONTROL RODS /INCORES 3.240 8.000 529.600 0 18.720 559.560 CONTROL R005 GUIDES 0 12.000 30.000 0 4.980 46.980 JET PUMPS 0 40.000 450.000 0 17.483 507.483 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 72,000 1.353.600 0 29.987 1.455.587 O 31.000 116.250 0 13.775 161.025 CORESUPPORQLATE CORE SHROUD 0 140.000 13.230.000 0 58.631 13.428.631 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 22.220 22.000 205.700 0 9.077 258.997 SAC SHIELD 35.280 0 0 0 127.011 162.291 REACT. WATER REC 19.551 0 0 0 109.845 129.396 SAC SHIELO 95.760 0 0 0 386.754 482.514 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 4.410.338 4.410.338 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 2.020 0 0 0 59.832 61.852 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 3.830 0 0 0 21.192 25.022 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 1.310 0 0 0 12.539 13.849 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED COOLING 3.030 0 0 0 39.982 43.012 REACTOR CORE COOLING 1.010 0 0 0 16.247 17.257 RESIDUAL HEAT RFMOVAL 9.170 0 0 0 77.421 86.591 8 POOL LINES & RACKS 37.800 0 0 0 475.160 512.960 b CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 16.160 0 0 0 541.279 557.439 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 1.770.132 1.770.132 TUR8INE 75.980 0 0 0 1.753.461 1.829.441 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 15.720 0 0 0 452.767 468.487 LOW PRESSURE FEE 0 WATER HEATERS 105.840 0 0 0 919.238 1.025.078 MAIN STEAM 3.930 0 0 0 88.618 92.548 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 65.520 0 0 0 891.653 957.173 REACTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS 10.100 0 0 0 243.249 253.349 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATEP, HEATERS 20.150 0 0 0 150.887 171.047 OTHER TG BLDG 0 0 0 0 6.070.236 6.070.236 RAD WASTE BLOG 0 0 0 0 2.999.798 2.999.798 REACTOR BLDG 0 64,000 160.000 0 378.277 602.277 TG BLOG 0 42.000 105.000 0 255.364 402.364 RAD WASTE & COPTROL 0 38.000 95.000 0 220.397 353.397 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS O 225.000 562.500 0 794.700 1.582.200 _ OTHER 0 61.000 152.500 0 215.452 428,952 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 44.927 44.927 h SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 547.631 797.000 17.834.350 0 23.698.131 42.877.112 W M BARNWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAK (2.4%) 1.029.051 f TOTAL BWR COSTS 43.906.162 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic y y repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. a e W

g Table R.13 Bertal esses at te Seedi Caruuma Site d M Refertence FWR 09M dahers) 7 i 8 / CaAAE CASK E1AIE LIRER 00SE BRIAL DISPOSAL E CtMP0 MENT SURC m 8SE MOLI% SL*D%esE RATE CMRGE COST M YESSEL WALL 55.670 59.280 1.033.600 0 155.914 1.304.464 VESSEL DEAD 6 BOTTtpt 0 62.400 144.600 0 164.120 371.120 m UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 6.240 14.460 0 16.412 37.112 UPPER SUPPORT Cottput 0 6.240 14.460 0 16.412 37.112 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 3.120 54.400 0 8.206 65.726 UPPER CORE GRIO PLATE O 7.800 217.000 0 20.515 245.315 GUIDE TUBES 0 9.360 81.000 0 24.618 114.978 'I LOWER CORE BARR 0 49.920 2.409.600 0 131.296 2.590.816 0 9.360 451.800 0 24.618 485.778 THEMAL SMIg CORE SMIOLE O 6.240 8.296.000 0 16.412 8.318.652 I LOWER GRID PLATE *I 0 7.800 1.360.000 0 20.515 1.388.315 LOWER SUPPORT Cottrel 0 1.560 55.000 0 4.103 60.663 LOWER CORE FORGINS 0 17.160 238.700 0 45.133 300.993 MISC INTERNALS 0 12.484 173.600 0 32.824 218.904 BIO SHIELO CONCRETE O O O O 1.024.109 1.024.109 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 21.007 21.007 REACTOR C00LMT PtFPS 93.600 0 0 0 172.326 265.926 PRESStetIZER 15.080 0 0 0 147.708 162.788 R.ttu.EMr.StmP PtMP. CAVITY PiptP O O O O 16.412 16.412 E PRESSURIZER RELIEF TA K 2.930 0 0 0 49.236 52.166 SAFETY INJECTIDs ACCtm TANKS 22.160 0 0 0 164.120 186.280 STEM GENERATOR $ 336.000 0 0 0 876.483 1.212.483 REACTOR C00LMT PIPING 19.390 0 0 0 135.399 154.789 REMINING CONTM. MTLS 0 0 0 0 2.158.506 2.158.506 CONiMINATED MTRL OTE BLD 0 0 0 0 19.575.495 19.575.495 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 9.360 195.000 0 12,924 217.284 $ PENT RESINS O 31.200 868.000 0 82.060 981.260 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 93.600 216.900 0 41$.429 725.929 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS O 146.640 339.810 0 385.662 872.132 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 638.550 638.550 SUBTOTAL PWR COSTS 544.830 539.750 16.163.930 0 26.556.544 43.805.064 BARNWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAI (2.4%) 1.051.322 TOTAL PWR COSTS 44.856.386 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distritarted packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic repesitory disposal could reduce disposal cosis.

..-. m. .m m_ C Thble BJ3 Emdal aush at he Smut OmruBma m Muumet BOUR (I9M duBurs) i CRME CASit CURIE LINER DOSE" BURIAL DISPOSAL' COMPONENT SURCHARGE HAMLING $URCHARGE ' RATE CHARGE COST j STEM SEPARATOR 0 43.600 770.000 0 14.484 828,154 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 21,840 455.000 0 7.262 484.102 - CONTROL N005/INCORES '4.680 12.480 766.400 0 21.746 805.306 ^! L CONTROL N005 GUIDES 0 18,720 43.380 0 5.785 67.885 JET PtmPS O 62.400 650.000 0 20,310 732,710' TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 112.320 1.958,400 0 34.834 2.105,554 t CORE SUPPOR p TE O 48,360 168.020 -0 16,002 232.382f CORE SHROUD 0 218.400 19.040,000 '0 68.110 19.326,510 - REACTOR VESSEL WALL 32.230 34,320 297,000 0 10.545 374.095 SAC SHIELD 50.960 0 0 0 147.544 198.504 . REACT. WATER REC 45.500 0 0 0 127.603 173.103 SAC SHIELD 138,320 0 0 0 449.279 587,599 OTHER PRIMRY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 5,123.334 5.123,334 [ CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 2.930 0 0 0-69.505 72,435 t HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 5.540 0 0 0 24,618 30.158 l LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 1.885 0 0 0 14.566 16.451 i REACTOR BLD6 CLOSED COOLING 4.395 0 0 0 46.446 50,841 I F REACTOR CORE COOLING 1.465 0 0 0 18.874 20,339 I: "! DUAL HEAT REMOVAL 13.195 0 0 0 89.938 - 103,133 f PLOL LINES & RACKS 54.600 0 0 0 551.977 606,577 i 4 CONTMINATED CONCRETE 23.440 0 0 0 628.785 652.225 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 2.056.301 2.056.301 t TUR81NE 109.330 0 0 0 2.036,934 2.146,264 NUCLEAR STEM CONDENSATE 22.620 0 0 0 525.964 548.584 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 152.880 0 0 0 1,067.847 1,220.727 MIN STEM 5.655 0 0 0 102.944 108,599 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 94.640 0 0 0 1.035,802 1.130,442 } REACTOR FEEDWATER PLMPS 14.650 0 0 0 282,574 297.224 i HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 29.120 0 0 0 175.280 204,400 UTHER TG BLDG 0 0 0 0 7.051.580 7.051.580 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 3.484,760 3,484.760 [ REACTOR BLDG 0 99,840 231.360 0 439.431 770.631 TG BLDG S 65.520 151.830 0 296.647 513.997 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 59.280 137,370 0 256.027 452.677 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 351,000 813.375 0 923.175-2.087,550 i OTHER 0 95.160 220.515 0 250.283 565.958 j g POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 52.190 52.190. c SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 808.035 1.243.320 25.702.650 0 27.529.284 55,283,289 M ? m BARNWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX (2.4%) 1.326.799 '[ 9 TOTAL BWR COSTS 56.610.088 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic ' [ g repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. ( S = F _ _.-- -. _., - -. - ~.. ~. - - - - . - - -. ~. ~

y TmMe R.14 Burial ases at the h=sh Caruuma SI8e g y ReferuP:s IfWR (19R3 demars) 'R= m 0 CRANE CASI CURIE LINER 00SE BURIAL DISPOSAL E COMPONENT SL* CHARGE MANDLINQ_ SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST M VESSEL WALL 64.030 68.210 1.188.640 0 224.200 1.545.080 ,E VESSEL HEAD & 80TTOM 0 71.800 166.000 0 236.000 473.800 m . UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 7.180 16.600 0 23.600 47.380 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN O 7.180 24.940 0 23.600 55.720-UPPER CORE BARREL 0 3.590 62.560 0 11.800 77.950 UPPER CORE GRIO PLATE O 8.975 287.500 0 29.500 325.975' GUIDE TU8ES 0 10.770 37.410 0 35.400 83.580


57.440 3.129.600 0 188.800 3.375.840' THERMAL SHI 5 0 10.770 724.800 0 35.400 770.970 CORE SHROUD 0 7.180 10.574.271 0 23.600 10.605.051 LOWER GRIO PLATE *I O 8.975 1.725.000 0 29.500 1.763.475 I LOWER SUPPORT 09tuMN O 1.795 71.900 0 5.900 79.595 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 19.745 274.505 0 64.900 359.150 MISC INTERNALS 0 14.360 199.640 0 47.200 261.200 810 SHIELD CONCRETE o 0 0 0 1.472.640 1.472.640 REACTOR CAVITT LINER 0 0 0 0 30.208 30.208 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 107.400 0 0 0 247.800 355.200 PRESSURIZER 17.360 0 0 0 212.400 229.760 R.Hr.EHr.5 UMP PUNP. CAVITY PLMP 0 0 0 0 23.600 23.600 PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 3.370 0 0 0 70.800 74.170 S SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 25.480 0 0 0 236.000 261.480 STEAM GENERATORS 397.200 0 0 0 1.260.358 1.647.558 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 22.295 0 0 0 194.700 216.995 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 3.103.872 3.103.872 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLO O O O O 28,149.018 28,149.018 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 10.170 224.250 0 18.585 253.605 SPENT RESINS 0 35.300 1.150.000 0 118.000 1.303.900 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 107.700 249.000 0 597.375 954.075 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 168.730 1.815.395 0 554.600 2.538.725 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 918.217 918.217 SU8 TOTAL PWR COSTS 627.135 621.070 21.922.011 0 38.187.573 51.357.789 BARNWELL CDLetTY BUSINESS TAK 1.472.587 SOUTHEAST COMPACT ACCESS FEE (IN-REGION) 47.896.278 SOUTHEAST COMPACT ACCESS FEE (OUT-OF-RE610N) 142.394.340 TOTAL PWR COSTS (IN-REGION) 110.726.654 TOTAL PWR COSTS (OUT-OF-REGION) 205.224.716 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLV. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

~. Taide B.14 Burial esses m8 the Sessh CareHan Slee Beferveee BWR (19R5 demars) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SUDCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 50.260 523,250 0 20.827 594,337 1 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 25.130 523.250 0 10.443 558,823 CONTROL RODS /INCORES 9.600 14.360 966.400 0 31.270 1,021.630 CONTROL R005 GUIDES 0 21.540 56.520 0 8,319 86.379 JET PUMPS 0 71.800 747.500 0 29.205 848,505 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 129.240 2.252.160 0 50.032 2,431.432 O 55,645 193.285 0 22.951 271.881 CORESUPPOR{*{ LATE CORE SHROUD O 251,300 24.150.000 0 97.940 24.499.240 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 37.070 39.490 341,550 0 16,697 434.807 SAC SHIELD 58,590 0 0 0 187.502 246.092 REACT. WATER REC 52.500 0 0 0 183.372 235.872 SAC SHIELD 159.030 0 0 0 645,932 804.962 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 7.367.330 7.367,330 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 3.370 0 0 0 100.005 103,375 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 6.370 0 0 0 35,400 41.770 LOW PRESSURE C0RE SPRAY 2.170 0 0 0 20.827 22.997 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED COOLING 5,055 0 0 0 66.670 71.725 REACTOR CORE ISO COOLING 1.685 0 0 0 27,081 28,766 RESIOUAL HEAT REMOVAL 15,190 0 0 0 129,210 144,400 POOL LINER & RACKS 62.775 0 0 0 793,845 856.620 gy CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 26.960 0 0 0 904.293 931,253 'o OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 2,956.490 2.956.490 TURBINE 125.860 0 0 0 2.929.468 3.055,328 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 26.040 0 0 0 756.321 782,361 LOW PRESSURE FEE 0 WATER HEATERS 175.770 0 0 0 1.535.534 1.711.304 MAIN STEAM 6.510 0 0 0 147.972 154.482 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 108.810 0 0 0 1.489.750 1,598,560 REACTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS 16,850 0 0 0 404.209 421.059 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 33.480 0 0 0 252.107 285.587 OTHER TG BLOG 0 0 0 0 10.119.680 10,119.680 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 5.010.929 5.010.929 REACTOR BLDG 0 114.880 265,600 0 631,890 1,012.370 TG BLDG 0 75.390 174.300 0 426.570 676,260 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 68.210 157,700 0 368.160 594.070 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 403.875 4.311.890 0 1,327,500 6.043,265 DTHER 0 109.495 376.515 0 359.900 845,910 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 75.048 75.048 SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 933.685 1.430.615 35.039,920 0 39.540.679 16,944,899 BARNWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX 1,846,678 M SOUTHEAST COMPACT ACCESS FEE (IN-REGION) 49,593.394 h. SOUTHEAST COMPACT ACCESS FEE (OUT-OF-REGION) 147.439.820 TOTAL BWR COSTS (IN-REGION) 128.384.971 d ya TOTAL BWR COSTS (0UT-OF-REGION) 226.231.397 g =

  • q (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic p

repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. g

Thhie 3.15 Burtal easts at k Sean Caruuma Site %e am -- rwm om e 1 8 8-CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL CIMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST 58 VESSEL WALL 64.030 68.210 1.188.640 0 272.080 1.592.960 .I YESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 71.800 166.000 0 286.400 524.200 m UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 7.180 16.600 0 28.640 52.420 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMM 0 7.180 24.940 0 28,640 60.760 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 3.590 62.560 0 la.320 80.470 UPPER CORE GRIO PLATE O 8.975 287.500 0 35.800 332.275 GUIDE TUBES 0 10.770 37.410 0 42.960 91.140 a) LOWER CORE BARRE 0 57.440 3.129.600 0 229.120 3.416.160 THERMALSHIgs4I O 10.770 724,800 0 42 %0 778.530 CORE SMOUD 0 7.180 10.574.271 0 28.640 10.610.091 LOWER GRIO PLATE *I O 8.975 1.725.000 0 35.800 1.769.775 I LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN O 1.795 71.900 0 7.160 80.855 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 19.745 274.505 0 78.760 373.010 MISC INTERNALS 0 14.360 199.640 0 57.280 271.280 BIO SHIELD CONCRETE O 0 0 0 1.787.136 1.787.136 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 36.659 36.659 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 107.400 0 0 0 300.720 408.120 PRESSURIZER 17.360 0 0 0 257.760 275.120 R.Hx.EHx.StMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP O O O O 28.640 28.6,0 PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 3.370 0 0 0 85.920 89.290 b SAFETY INJECTION ACC1M TANKS 25.480 0 0 0 286.400 311.880 STEAM GENERATORS 387.200 0 0 0 1.529.519 1.916.719 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 22.295 0 0 0 236.280 258.575 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 3 0 3.766.733 3.766.733 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLO O O O 0 34.160.503 34.160.503 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 10.770 224.250 0 22.554 257.574 SPENT RESINS 0 35.900 1.150.000 0 143.200 1.329.100 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 107.700 249.000 0 ..s50 1.081.650 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 168.730 1.815.395 0 673.040 2.657.165 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 1.114.311 1.114.311 SUBTOTAL PWR COSTS 627.135 621.070 21.922.011 0 46.342.885 69.513.101 BARNWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX 1.668.314 SOUTHEAST COMPACT ACCESS FEE (IN-REGION) 47.896.278 SOUTHEAST COMPACT ACCESS FEE (OUT-OF-REGION) 142.394.340 TOTAL PWR COSTS (IN-REGION) 119.077.693 TOTAL PWR COSTS (OUT-OF-REGION) 213.575.755 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLV. _High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

Tame 5.15 Burial costs at the Sessh Careuma SI8e Befertmet BWR (1994 dsRars) CRANE CASK CURIE LIhER DOSE BC2IAL OISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANOLTNG SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 50,260 523,250 0 25,275 598.785 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 25,130 523.250 0 12,673 561,053 CONTROL ROOS /INCORES 9.600 14.360 966,400 0 37,948 1,028,308 CONTROL RDOS GUIDES 0 21,540 56,520 0 10.096 88.156 JET PUMPS 0 71,800 747,500 0 35,442 854.742 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 129.240 2,252.160 0 60,717 2.442,117 O 55.645 193.285 0 27,852 276,782 CORESUPPORyLATE CORE SHROUD D 251,300 24.150,000 0 118,856 24,520.156 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 37,070 39.490 341,550 0 20.263 438.373 SAC SHIELO 58.590 0 0 0 227,545 286.135 REACT. WATER REC 52,500 0 0 0 222,533 275.033 SAC SHIELO 159,030 0 0 0 783.877 942.907 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 8,940,692 8.940,692 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 3.370 0 0 0 121,362 124,732 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 6.370 0 0 0 42.960 49,330 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 2,170 0 0 0 25.275 27,445 REACTOR BLOG CLOSED COOLING 5,055 0 0 0 80.908 85.963 REACTOR CORE ISO COOLING 1.685 0 0 0 32.864 34.549 RESIOUAL HEAT REMOVAL 15.190 0 0 0 156.804 171.994 POOL LINER & RACKS 62,775 0 0 0 963,378 1,026,153 gy CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 26,960 0 0 0 1,097.413 1,124,373 OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 3.587,876 3.587.876 TURBINE 125,860 0 0 0 3,555.083 3,680,943 NUCLEAR STEAM CONOENSATE 26.040 0 0 0 917.840 943.880 LOW PRESSURE FEE 0 WATER HEATERS 175.770 0 0 0 1,863.462 2,039.232 MAIN STEAM 6,510 0 0 0 179.573 186.083 MOISTURF SEPARATOR REHEATERS 108.810 0 0 0 1.807.900 1,916,710 REACTOR FEE 0 WATER PUMPS 16,850 0 0 0 490,532 507.382 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 33.480 0 0 0 305,947 339,427 OTHER TG BLOG 0 0 0 0 12.280.832 12.280,832 RAD VASTE BLOG 0 0 0 0 6.081,060 6.081,060 REACTOR BLOG 0 114,880 265,600 0 766.836 1,147.316 TG BLOG 0 75,390 174,300 0 517.668 767.358 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 68.210 157.700 0 446.784 672,694 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 403.875 4.311.890 0 1,611.000 6.326.765 OTHER 0 109.495 376,515 0 436,760 922,770 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 91.075 91.075 SUBTOTAL BVR COSTS 933,685 1,430.615 35.039,920 0 47,984,960 85,389,180 BARNVELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX 2,049,340 W SOUTHEAST COMPACT ACCESS FEE (IN-REGION) 49.593,394 SOUTHEAST COMPACT ACCESS FEE (OUT-OF-REGION) 147.439.820 Q TOTAL BVR COSTS (IN-REGION) 137,031,914 d ya TOTAL BVR COST". (OUT-OF-RE610N) 234.878.340 g a xq (a) G1CC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic y l ( g repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. g I 1

b y Table B.16 Basta esses at the South Caremma Slee g y Refrmer FWR (1995 demers) "R m g, CRANE CASK CURIE LINER 00SE BURIAL DISPOSAL 8 COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST 4 W VESSEL WALL 83.220 87.400 1.545.460 0 319.960 2.036.040 "e VESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 92.000 214.000 0 336.800 642.800 o UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 9.200 21.400 0 33.680 64,280 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN O 9.200 32.400 0 33.680 75.280 UPPER CORE BARREL 0 4.600 81.340 0 16.840 102.780 UPPER CORE GRIO PLATE 0 11.500 373.750 0 42.100 427.350 GUIDE TUBES 0 13.800 48.600 0 50.520 112.920

  • I O

73.600 3.865.600 0 269.440 4.208.640 LOWER CORE BARR THERMALSHigS 0 13.800 724.800 0 50.520 789.120 CORE SHROUD 0 9.200 7.368.800 0 33.680 7.411.680 LOWER GRID PLATE (a) 0 11.500 1.208.000 0 42.100 1.261.600 LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN 0 2.300 93.470 0 8.420 104.190 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 25.300 356.840 0 92.620 414.760 MISC INTERNALS O 18.400 259.520 0 67.360 345.280 BIO SHIELD CONCRETE O O O O 2.101.632 2.101.632 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 43.110 43.110 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 139.200 0 0 0 353.640 492.840 PRES $URIZER 22.560 0 0 0 303.120 325.680 R.Hx.EHx. SUMP PUMP. CAVITY PUMP O O O O 33.680 33.680 ( PRESSURIZER siELIEF TANK 4.380 0 0 0 101.040 105.420 N SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 33.200 0 0 0 336.800 370.000 STEAM GENERATORS 480.000 0 0 0 1.798.680 2.278.680 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 29.050 0 0 0 277.860 306.910 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 4.429.594 4.429.594 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLO 0 0 0 0 40.171.988 40.171.988 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 13.600 291.600 0 26.523 331.923 SPENT RESINS 0 46.000 1.495.000 0 168.400 1.709.400 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 138.000 321.000 0 852.525 1.311.525 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 216.200 2.356.940 0 791.480 3.364.620 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 1.310.405 1.310.405 SUBTOTAL PWR COSTS 791.610 795.800 20.658.520 0 54.498.197 76.744.127 BARNWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX 1.841.859 SOUTH CAROLINA LLRW OISPOSAL TAX (INSIDE SE COMPACT) 152.103.045 SOUTH CAROLINA LLRW OISPOSAL TAX (OUTSIDE SE COMPACT) 152.103.045 TOTAL PWR COSTS (INSIDE SE COMPACT) 230.689.031 TOTAL PWR COSTS (OUTSIDE SE COMPACT) 230.689.031 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. ~.

Tame R.M Burial comis at the Seedh Carollma Site Reammer BWR (1995 deEmn) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL CCM ONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 64,400 680.400 0 29.723 774,523 FUEL SUPPORT & PIECES 0 32.200 680.400 0 14,903 727.503 CONTROL RODS /INCORES 12.480 18,400 966.400 0 44,626 1.041,906 CONTROL RODS GUIDES 0 27.600 72.240 0 11,872 111.712 JET PUMPS 0 92.000 972,000 0 41,679 1,105,679 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 165.600 2.928.240 0 71,402 3,165.242 CORESUPPORQLATE O 71.300 251.100 0 32,754 355,154 CORE SHROUD 0 322,000 16,912,000 0 139,772 17.373,772 REACTOR VESSEL WALL 48,180 50,600 444,400 0 23,829 567,009 SAC SHIELD 75.600 0 0 0 267,588 343,188 REACT. WATER REC 58,000 0 0 0 261,694 319,694 SAC SHIELD 205.200 0 0 0 921.822 1.127,022 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 10.514.054 10,514.054 CONTAINM. ATMOSPHERIC 4.380 0 0 0 142,719 147.099 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 8.300 0 0 0 50,520 58,820 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 2.820 0 0 0 29,723 32,543 REACTOR BLDG CLOSED COOLING 6,570 0 0 0 95.146 101,716 REACTOR CORE ISO COOLING 2.190 0 0 0 38,648 40,838 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 19,740 0 0 0 184,398 204,138 POOL LINER & RACKS 81,000 0 0 0 1,132.911 1.213.911 CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 35,040 0 0 0 1,290,533 1,325.573 tea OTHER REACTOR SUILDING 0 0 0 0 4.219.262 4,219.262 TUR8INE 163,560 0 0 0 4,180.698 4,344,258 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 33,840 0 0 0 1,079,360 1.113.200 LOW PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 226,800 0 0 0 2.191,389 2,418,189 MAIN STEAM 8,460 0 0 0 211,174 219,634 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 140,400 0 0 0 2,126.050 2.266,450 REACTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS 21,900 0 0 0 576.854 598.754 HIGH PRESSURE FEEDWATER HEATERS 43.200 0 0 0 359,787 402,987 OTHER TG BLDG 0 0 0 0 14.441,984 14.441,984 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 7.151,190 7.151,190 REACTOR BLDG 0 147,200 342.400 0 901.782 1,391.382 TG BLDG 0 96,600 224,700 0 608.766 930.066 RAD WASTE & CONTROL 0 87.400 203,300 0 525,408 616,108 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 517,500 5.598,060 0 1,894,500 8,010.060 OTHER 0 140,300 485,020 0 513.620 1,138,940 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 107.102 107.102 SUBTOTAL BWR COSTS 1.191,660 1,833.100 30.760,660 0 56.429.240 90.220,660

  • 2',

C BARNWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX 2,165,296 lU SOUTH CAROLINA LLRW DISPOSAL TAX (INSIDE SE COMPACT) 157.492.535 SOUTH CAROLINA LLRW DISPOSAL TAX (OUTSIDE SE COMPACT) 157.492.535 y TOTAL BWR COSTS (INSIDE SE COMPACT) 249.878,491 >} g TOTAL BWR COSTS (OUTSIDE SE COMPACT) 249.878,491 k (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW, High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. I

g Table B.17 Burial conds at the Sean CareBan Site g REIEnmee FWK 0996 W)

  • R g

h C CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL E-COMPONENT SURCHAR6E HANDLING SURCHARGE RATE CHARGE COST 75 VESSEL WALL B3.220 87.400 1.545.460 0 314.526 2.030.606 9 VESSEL HEAD & BOTTOM 0 92.000 214.000 0 331.080 637.080 m UPPER CORE SUPPORT ASSM 0 9.200 21.400 0 33.108 63.708 UPPER SUPPORT COLUMN O 9.200 32.400 0 33.108 74.708 UPPER CORE BARREL-0 4.600 31.340 0 16.554 102.494 UPPER CORE GRID PLATE - 0 11.500 373.750 0 41.385 426.635 GUIDE TUBES O 13.800 48.600 0 49.662 112.062

  • I O

73.600 3.865.600 0 264.864 4.204.064 LOWER CORE BARR THERMAL SHI 0 13.800 724.800 0 49.662 788.262 CORE SHROUDg5 0 9.200 7.368.800 0 33.108 7.411.108 LOWER GRID PLATE (a) 0 11.500 1.208.000 0 41.385 1.260.885 LOWER SUPPORT COLUMN O 2.300 93.470 0 8.277 104.047 LOWER CORE FORGING 0 25.300 356.840 0 91.047 473.187 -MISC INTERNALS 0 18.400 259.520 0 66.216 344.136 BIO SHIELD CONCRETE O O O O 2.065.939 2.065.939 REACTOR CAVITY LINER 0 0 0 0 42.378 42.378 REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS 139.200 0 0 0 347.634 486.834 PRESSURIZER 22.560 0 0 0 297.972 320.532 R.Hx.EHx. SUMP PUMP. CAVITY. PUMP 0 0 0 0 33.108 33.108 PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 4.380 0 0 0 99.324 103.704 SAFETY INJECTION ACCUM TANKS 33.200 0 0 0 331.080 364.280 STEAM GENERATORS 480.000 0 0 0 1,768.133 2.248.133 REACTOR COOLANT PIPING 29.050 0 0 0 273.141 302.191 REMAINING CONTAM. MATLS 0 0 0 0 4.354.364 4.354.364 CONTAMINATED MATRL OTHR BLD 0 0 0 0 39.489.733 39.489.733 FILTER CARTRIDGES 0 13.800 291.600 0 26.073 331.473 SPENT RESINS O 46.000 1.495.000 0 165.540 1.706.540 COMBUSTIBLE WASTES 0 138.000 321.000 0 838.046 1.297.046 EVAPORATOR BOTTOMS 0 216.200 2.356.940 0 778.038 3.351.178 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS O O O O 1.288.150 1.288.150 SUBTOTAL PWR COSTS 191.610 795.800 20.658.520 0 53.572.634 75.818.564 BARNWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX 1.819.646 SOUTH CAROLINA LLRW DISPOSAL TAX (INSIDE SE COMPACT) 152.103.045 SOUTH CAROLINA LLRV DISPOSAL TAX (OUTSIDE SE COMPACT) 152.103.045 TOTAL PWR COSTS (INSIDE SE COMPACT) 229.741.255 TOTAL PWR COSTS (OUTSIDE SE COMPACT) 229.741,255 (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLV. High density packaging and geologic repository disposal could reduce disposal costs. I

.~ l Tame B.17 Burimi cases at she Sesek CareBam Slee Befervare BWR (1996 demers) CRANE CASK CURIE LINER DOSE BURIAL DISPOSAL COMPONENT SURCHARGE HANDLING SURCHARGE R4TE CHARGE COST STEAM SEPARATOR 0 64.400 680.400 0 29.218 774.018 FUEL SUFPORT & PIECES 0 32.200 680.400 0 14.650 727.250 CONTROL RODS /INCORES 12.480 18,400 S66,400 0 43,868 1.041.148 CONTROL ROOS GUIDES 0 27.600 12.240 0 11.671 111.511 JET PUMPS 0 92,000 972.000 0 40.971 1.104.971 TOP FUEL GUIDES 0 165.600 2.928.240 0 70.189 3.164.029 CORESUPPORQLATE D 71,300 251.100 0 32.198 354.598 CORE SHROUD 0 322.000 16.912.000 0 137.398 17,371,398 REACTOR VESSEL VALL 48.180 50.600 444.400 0 23.424 566.604 SAC SHIELO 75.600 0 0 0 263,043 338.64*, REACT. WATER REC 58.000 0 0 0 257.249 315.h 9 SAC SHIELO 205.200 0 0 0 906.166 1.111.366 OTHER PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 10.335.490 10.335.490 CONTAINM. ATMOSPtfERIC 4.380 0 0 0 140.295 144.675 HIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 8.300 0 0 0 49.662 57.962 LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY 2.820 0 0 0 29.218 32.038 REACTOR BLOG CLOSE0 COOLING 6.570 0 0 0 93.530 100.100 REACTOR CORE 150 COOLING 2.190 0 0 0 37.991 40.181 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL 19.740 0 0 0 181.266 201,006 POOL LINER & RACKS 81.000 0 0 0 1.113.670 1.194.670 h CONTAMINATED CONCRETE 35.040 0 0 0 1,268.616 1.303.656 te OTHER REACTOR BUILDING 0 0 0 0 4.147.605 4.147.605 TURBINE 163.560 0 0 0 4.109,696 4.273,256 NUCLEAR STEAM CONDENSATE 33.840 0 0 0 1.061.029 1.094.869 LOW PRESSURE FEE 0 WATER HEATERS 226.800 0 0 0 2,154.172 2,380,972 MAIN STEAM 8.460 0 0 0 207,587 216.047 MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATERS 140.400 0 0 0 2.089.943 2.230.343 REACTOR FEE 0 WATER PUMPS 21,900 0 0 0 567.057 588.957 HIGH PRESSURE FEE 0 WATER HEATERS 43.200 0 0 0 353,676 396.876 OTHER TG BLOG 0 0 0 0 14.196.710 14.196.710 RAD WASTE BLDG 0 0 0 0 7.029.739 7.029.739 REACTOR BLDG 0 147,200 342.400 0 886,467 1.376.067 TG BLDG 0 96.600 224.700 0 598.427 919.727 RA0 VASTE & CONTROL 0 87,400 203.300 0 516.485 807.185 CONCENTRATOR BOTTOMS 0 517,500 5.598.060 0 1,862.325 7.977.885 OTHER 0 140.300 485.020 0 504.897 1,130,217 POST-TMI-2 ADDITIONS 0 0 0 0 105.283 105.283 TOTAL BWR COSTS 1.197.660 1.833.100 30.760.650 0 55.470.881 89,262,301 'ZC BARNWELL COUNTY BUSINESS TAX 2.142.295 4 SOUTH CAROLINA LLRW OISPOSAL TAX (INSIDE SE COMPACT) 157.492,535 SOUTH CAROLINA LLRW O!SPOSA*. TAX (DUTSIDE SE COMPACT) 157.492.535 Q TOTAL BWR COSTS (INSIDE SE COMPACT) 248,897.132 g g TOTAL BWR COSTS (OUTSIDE SE COMPACT) 248.897.132 7 k (a) GTCC Material: Assumes a low density, distributed packaging scheme and final disposal as LLW. High density packaging and geologic S: repository disposal could reduce disposal costs.

Appendix C l i Bureau of Labor Statistics on the World Wide Web i l 7 4 l l

Appendix C Appendix C Bureau of Labor Statistics on the World Wide Web The U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor calendar year 1995. These dates are chosen to more Statistics, maintains and updates periodically many closely coincide with the effective dates of the waste parameters relating to the economy of the United States. burial rate schedules. As an alternative to using these For use in the escalation formula in Section 3, the labor values, more current escalation factors can be obtained escalation factor obtained from the " Monthly Labor by accessing the Bureau of Labor Statistics databases on Review" publication was for December 1995 and the the World Wide Web. Instructions on how to access and j cnergy escalation ftctors obtained from the " Producer obtain the specific escalation factors used in this report Price Indexes" pubt' cation were for the last quarter of are defined below. C.1 NUREG-1307, Rev 6

Appendix C l l Bureau of Labor Statistics World Wide Web Home Page How to Obtain Reports of Energy and Labor Escalation Factors Enter the Web URL: http:// stats.ble. gov Select: DATA Select: SERIES REPORT SeriesID Formats Enter series id(s) below: Enter the followinn codes. Energy escalation factors ) wpu0543 (Industrial electric power) wpuG573 (Light fuel oils) labor escalation factors ecul31021 (Total compensation, private industry, Nertheast region) ecu132021 (Total compensation, private industry, Scuth region) ecu133021 (Total compensation, private industry, Midwest region) ecu134021 (Total compensation, private industry, West region) Year (s) to report for: Select: 1995-1996 Select: Retrieve data NUREG-1307, Rev. 6 C.2



(Assigned by NRC. Add Vol., NRCM 1102, supp., Rev., and Addendum Nurre a20s,3202 BIBUOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET b * - " "ard (S instruction. cn the reverse) NUREG-1307 Revision 6

2. UTLE AND SUBmLE Report on Waste Burial Charges

Esc.lation of Decommissioning Waste Disposal Costs tt Low Level Waste llurial Facilities September 1996

6. AUTHOR (6)


7. PEROD COVERED (inclusive Dates)
8. PLRFORMING ORGANIZATION - NAME AND ADDRESS (if NRC, provkle Division. Office or Region. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing address; H contractor, provide name and malling address.)

Division of Regulatory Applications Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuc! car Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 4 001

9. 6PONSORING ORGANIZATION - NAME AND ADLLESS (If HRC, type "Same as above"; if contractor, provide NRC Divlskin. Office or Region, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing address.)

Same as 8. above

10. EL;PPLEMENTARY NOTES Supersedes NUREG-1307, Revision 5, dated August 1995.
11. A1STRACT (200 words or less)

One of the requirements placed upon nuclear power reactor licensees by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is for the licensees to periodically adjust the estimate of the cost of decommissioning their plants, in dollars of the current year, as part of the process to provide reasonable assurance that adequate funds for decommissioning will be available when needed. This report, which is scheduled to be revised periodically, contains the development of a formula for escalating decommissioning cost estimates that is acceptable to the NRC, and centains values for the escalation of radioactive waste burial costs, by site and by year. The licensees may use the formula, the coefficients, and the burial escalation from this report in their escalation analyses, or they may use an escalation rate at least equal to the escalation approach presented herein.

12. KEY WORDS/DESCRIPTORS (Ust words or phrases that will assist researchers in locating the report.)

Unlimited ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' * " ' * * * ' " ^ ' ' " e bW decommissioning Unclassified cc:t estimates (This Report) Unclassified


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