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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 850524
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/31/1985
From: Rehm T
WIR-850524, NUDOCS 8506060628
Download: ML20129E905 (36)



i f

1 May 31, 1985 For:

The Commissioners


T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO



. EEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING MAY 24, 1985 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration A

Nuclear Reactor Regulation B

Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C

Inspection and Enforcement D

Nuclear Regulatory Research E

Executive Legal Director F*

International Programs G

State Programs H

Resource Management I*

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data J

Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights K*

Regional Offices L*

CRGR Monthly Report M

Executive Director for Operations N*

Items Addressed by the Commission s

0 Meeting Notices P

Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for Q


  • No input this week.




T. A. R m, Assie+2Mt for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations


T. A. Rehm, EDO 492-7781 0506060620 050531 PDR COMMS NRCC WEEMLYINFOREPT PDN



WEEK ENDING MAY 24, 1985 i

GA0 Audit - Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) i Staff members of NMSS and NRR met with GA0 representatives on May 21,1985, in connection with an audit being initiated on the MRS proposal under preparation by D0E. The audit was requested by Congressmen Markey and Udall. GA0 is to prepare a report for submission i

soon after DOE submits the MRS proposal to Congress, now scheduled for January 1986. The j

meeting with NRC staff involved discussions on the NRC consultative role with DOE during preparation of the proposal, the licensing process expected to be applied to MRS should it be authorized by Congress, and the capabilities of reactors to provide spent fuel storage i

in existing basins or by dry storage methods until 1998 and, perhaps, longer. The GA0 representatives were informed that the NRC holds a neutral position on need for MRS, and that staff interaction with DOE, leading to NRC coments on the proposal submitted to Congress, is limited to technical matters pertinent to regulatory and licensing matters.

At the conclusion of the meeting, GAO indicated that further contacts with NRC may be j

a requested regarding storage capabilities of reactors through reracking, red consolidation, dry storage and transshipment i

l l

Stock Transfer Involving Nuclear Phannecy Inc., and Syncor Corporation i

On May 16,1985 representatives of Nuclear Phannecy, Inc. (NPI) and Syncor Corp. met with NMSS and ELD staff to explain a planned stock transfer. Both companies have several NRC i

and Agreement State licenses to operate nuclear phannacies. The stock transfer was planned i

for May 17, 1985 and resulted in a merger of the two companies where NPT ended up owning most of the Syncor stock. Both companies plan to continue to operate under their own i

names with no chances in their licenses or radiation safety programs. The planned i

transaction was confidential until a public announcement on May 17, 1985. All parties were aware that NPI was operating under an NRC order as a result of major violations in i

1984. The staff advised NPI and Syncor that since there was not enough time for NRC to evaluate the transfer or grant approval, they were proceeding at their own risk.

(In the past, the NRC staff has not interfered with stock transactions involving Part 30 licensees.) Regions I and II, IE, and SP were advised of the meeting. NPI and Sfncor l

agreed to keep NRC informed of future developments, including any disclosures to the l

Securities and Exchange Connission.

l y

l CRCPD Annual Meeting I

Staff attended the annual meeting of the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors held on May 20-22, 1985 in Milwaukee, WI. Discussions were held concerning the possibility of the states making offshore inspections of NRC licensed activities. At its business meeting, the Conference adopted a resolution to request Congress to amend the Atomic r

Energy Act to include naturally occurring and accelerator produced radioactive materials (NARM) where such materials are produced or concentrated to use their radioactive properties.


l Hope Creek Generating Station _

By letter dated May 22, 1985, Public Service Electric & Gas Company announced that the fuel load date for Hope Creek has been accelerated to December 1,1985. The previous fuel load date was January 14,1986. The staff will assess the applicant's ability to meet the 4

December 1,1985 date at the Case Management Team visit scheduled for June 26 and 27,1985.

i l

Wolf Creek Power Station i

At approximately 7:45 am, 5-22-85, Wolf Creek achieved initial criticality. Operation l

above 5% power is currently scheduled for June 8,1985.

r I

MAY 2 41985 l


e OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Week Ending May'24, 1985 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Carryovers,1984 179 23 Received, 1985 385 26 Granted 252 18 Denied 70 5

Pending 242 26 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Gregory A.'Luka, Request for records containing three types of London Nuclear information regarding licensed irradiation sources.

Services, Inc.


Lyle Graber, Request for a copy of draft Regulatory Guide 1.EE NUS Corporation

" Analytical Models for Estimating Radioisotope (85-367)

Concentration in Different Water Bodies."

Steven C. Sholly, Request for three categories of records related to

. Union of Concerned computer code MELPROG-PWR/ MODO and a workshop on that Scientists code at Sandia National Laboratories on April 24-26, (85-368) 1985.

Steven C. Sholly, Request for all Severe Accident Sequence Analysis Union of Concerned (SASA) monthly reports for 1984 and 1985 to date and Scientists all previously unreleased severe accident research 4

(85-369) program quarterly reports.

Joan A. Estrada, Request for records on how many duplicate overpayments Professional were discovered since August 1, 1984; how much money Carpet Service this represents; how many refunds were requested and (85-370) their dates, and how many were received.

(AnIndividual Request for all records that pertain to his Requesting certification and any portions of administrative Infermation About staff manuals and instructions which have been issued Himself) to any nuclear investigative personnel which directly

/85-371) affects him.


J. M. Felton 492-7211 ENCLOSURE A MAY 2 41985 L


Received Cont'd Debra D. Mcdonald, Request for copies of all misadministration reports Nuclear Pharmacy for the second, third, and fourth quarters of 1984 Incorporated from 18 specified hospitals in the Chicago area.


Steven Aftergood, Request for copies of all correspondence to and from Committee to the NRC on the subject of nuclear accident source tems

. Bridge the Gap subsequent to the 4/3/85 Commission meeting on this (85-373) subject and a copy of the summary of the meeting requested by Comissioner Zech from the staff.

Daniel Minchew, Request for a copy of the bid abstract for Invitation DSR International, for Bids (IFB) RS-SECY-85-206 or the name and address Inc.

and amount of the bid, by category, of the firn awarded (85-374) the contract.

Kathiann M. Kowalski, Request for copies of all records relating to any Squire, Sanders &

investigation by Michael Annast or anyone else by Dempsey or for the NRC or AEC pertaining to possible (85-375) unauthorized burial of radioactive source material at the Parkersburg, West Virginia, Amax, Inc., site and relative completeness of removal of Nigerian ore or other source material from the Parkersburg site to Morehead, Kentucky.. in or about 1968.

Seth Rosenfeld Request referred from the Department of Justice for (85-376) a memorandum dated August 10, 1961, to the Department of Justice from Keith G. Teeter.

Kathy Call, Request for copies of all records disclosed in response Hunton & Williams to a recent F0IA request (FOIA-85-248) from Robert R.


Belair of Kirkpatrick & Lockhart.

Billie Pirner Garde, Request for records regarding depositions of all NRC Government personnel deposed in the litigation between Houston Accountability Light and Power Company and Brown and Root, Inc. over Project-the South Texas Project.


Steven Aftergood, Request for copies of three categories of documents Committee to related to the proposed rule on highly enriched uranium.

Bridge the Gap (85-379)

Jan Lonsdale Request for all records involving Ted Turner, Turner (85-380)

Broadcasting Company, Cable News Network, Station-WTBS-TV in Atlanta, and the Atlanta Braves baseball team.


n Received Cont'd Blair Childs, Request for a list of members of the Senior Executive Senior Executives Service within the NRC including title, official mailing Association address, and telephone numbers.


Mrs. M. Herskowitz Request for records regarding the location of and health (85-382) detriments concerning uranium mining north of Kanah, Utah, and subsequent transportation of the uranium through Kanab to specific Arizona areas.

Marianne Geeker, Request for a copy of the OIA report " Review of Reactor Hunton & Williams Operator Licensing" prepared in 1983.


William J. Herrmann Request for all records AEC staff used, reviewed, relied and David G. Gilbert, on or developed in drafting Regulatory Guide 1.46 of Governor's Office May 1973 and Regulatory Guide 1.60 of December 1973.

of Consumer Services (85-384)

Patty Day, Request for a copy of SECY-84-476 entitled " Staff Plans NUS Corporation Concerning Implementation of Comission Directives in (85-385) the Areas of Equipment Important to Safety.,"

Stevi Stephens, APPEAL TO THE C0tNISSION for the lack of response to a Nuclear Awareness request for three categories of documents regarding the Network Wolf Creek Plant.


Diane Curran, APPEAL TO THE EDO for the lack of response to a request Harmon, Weiss &

for documents that the NRC generated in preparing Jordan Inspection Report No. 50-317/85-27 dated January 25, (85-A-26-85-289) 1985, for the Calvert Cliffs Plant.

Granted ll Peter Anderson, In response to a request for documents subsequent to Wisconsin's 1980 describing the scope of work and results from Environmental pro,iects by Westinghouse or the NRC relating to tests or Decade analyses of steam generator tube degradation in


(84-884) pressurized water reactors, made available 20 documents.

Informed the requester that 12 additional documents subject to his request are already located in the PDR.

Robert Vinson Eye, In response to a request for six categories of records trigonegaray, related to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, made available Eye & Florez 76 documents.

Informed the requester that two (85-170) additional documents subject to his request are already available in the PDR.


p Granted Cont'd Earl Smith, In response to a request for a listing of employees in Blue Cross Blue Region III and their work locations, made available the Shield of Illinois requested list.


Charles Barnes In response to a request for (1) Report of close-out (85-282) site inspection, conducted on June 28,1984, of Docket 40-8586 SUA-1330-Kerr-McGee Corporation Double Eagle In-Situ Leaching Site, Section 2, T27N, R79W, Carbon County, Wyoming, and (2) All documents related to uranium activities and reclamation efforts conducted at the Section 22 T20N, R79W site, informed the requester that (1) the Attachment 1 to his April 8,1985, letter is the report for the June 28, 1984, inspection, and (2) the site referred to in the January 12, 1984, letter from the State of Wyoming as Section 22, T20N, R79W is incorrect. The staff noted that the description is merely a typographical error and the only site inspection by the NRC was Section 2, T27N, R79W, commonly referred to as the Double Eagle site.

Cindee Virostek In response to a request for three categories of (85-297) records relating to the Babock and Wilcox facility in Apollo, informed the requester that the three documents subject to her request are already available in the PDR.

Lawrence W. Abel, In response to a request for the motion filed with the Greenfield &

NRC by the prisoners; all responses to the prisoners' Chimicles motion; and NRC board rulings on the prisoners' motion, (85-304) made available 32' documents.

Elizabeth King, In response to a request for the daily emission reports Citizen's from Maine Yankee for _the months of December 1979, and Monitoring January 1980, made available two documents.

Informed Network the requester that the licensees are not required to (85-314) submit daily emission reports and that the two documents are semiannual reports which provide release data on a quarterly basis.

Omer F. Brown II, In response to a request for copies of documents Attorney At Law pertaining to NRC Licenses 20 00302-02 and (85-318) 20-17594-01 held by J. G. Sylvester Associates, Inc.,

made available 13 documents.

Katherine Qawasmy In response to a request for a list of names and (85-323) addresses of U.S. companies Ifcensed to sterilize medical packaging components by gamma radiation, made available two documents concerning licensed irradiators.

Informed the requester that the NRC has no information as to which of those irradiators sterilize medical packaging.


Granted Cont'd Kevin R. Norton In response to a request for copies of documents (85-330) describing nuclear material shipment containers for use in truck or trains and a list of contractors capable of producing these containment vessels, informed the requester that two documents subject to his request may be purchased from the U.S. Government Printing Office.

Debra D. Mcdonald, In response to a request for copies of PN0-I-85-21, Nuclear Pharmacy PNO-III-85-32, and PNO-III-85-32A, informed the Incorporated (85-339) requester that the three documents subject to her request are already available in the PDR.

Daniel Minchew, In response to a request for a copy of the bid abstract DSR International, for Invitation for Bids (IFB) RS-SECY-85-206 or the name

  • Inc.

and address and amount of the bid, by category, of the (85-374) firm awarded the contract, informed the requester that the requesters bid abstract is already available in the PDR.

Kathy Call, In response to a request for copies of all records Hunton & Williams disclosed in response to a recent FOIA request (85-377)

(F01A-85-248) from Pobert R. Belair of Kirkpatrick &

Lockhart, infomed the requester that the NRC has not fully responded to F01A-85-248 and that the documents previously released to Mr. Belair are already located in the PDR. Any additional documents released to Mr. Belair will be placed in the PDR when the request is completed.

Denied D. J. Graziano, In response to a request for selected records regarding,

Lord and Grayson, Request for Proposed (RFP) No. RS-0!E-84-160 entitled Inc.

" Technical Assistance in Reviewing the Work of the (85-112)

Licensee's Independent Design Verification Contractor for a Specific Nuclear Project," made available two documents. Denied one document in its entirety, disclosure of which would reveal predecisional information by the Source Evaluation Panel (SEP) for RFP-RS-01E-84-160.



IFB No.: RS-ADM-85-252


"Micrographic Services of Source Drawing Documents" i



The contractor shall provide services to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to produce microfiche from source documents provided.

Period of Performance:

24 months Sponsor: Office of Administration Status: IFB issued on May 17, 1985. Offers due on June 17, 1985.



" Technical Assistance in Hydrogeology - Project A - Testing"



The contractor shall provide technical assistance to the NRC in 4

its review of the DOE site investigations for a potential high level radioactive waste (HLW) geologic repository.

Period of Perfomance: 2 years with 3 one year options Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status:

RFP issued on May 21, 1985. Proposals due on June 20, 1985.

RFP Ho.: RS-NMS-85-009


" Technical Assistance in Hydrogeology - Project B - Analysis"



The contractor shall provide assistance in reviews of major DOE site reports and in maintaining data inventories and integration of that data into conceptual models of well as numerical modeling activities. groundwater flow, as Period of Performance: 2 years with 3 one year options Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status: RFP issued on May 21, 1985. Proposals due June 20, 1985.



" Development of R gulatory Effectiveness Review (RER) Team Training Guides" e



Development of detailed guidance and instructional materials which i

will be used in training NRC staff to conduct safeguards regulatory effectiveness reviews.

Period of Performance: 2 years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status:

Best and Final offers received on May 17, 1985, and forwarded to Source Evaluators for review on May 20, 1985, 1

i I




,--- w w





Division of Contracts,.

Weekly Information Report PROPOSALS UNDER EVALUATION - Cont'd RFP Ho.: RS-NMS-85-010


" Technical Assistance for the Evaluation of Department of Energy Proposal for Monitored Retrievable Storage"



The contractor shall be required to assist the NRC by reviewing evaluating and commenting on infonnation contained in the desig,n and safety documentation pertaining to the DOE proposal for Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS).

Period of Performance: 12 months Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status:

Best and Final offers received on May 13, 1985, and fomarded to Source Evaluators for review on May 13, 1985.

RFP No.: RS-01E-85-162


" Technical Assistance in Developing and Implementing Quality Assurance Initiatives"



Assist in the development and implementation of revised programs for achieving and assuring the quality of the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of nuclear facilities and activities.

These program revisions derive their impetus from conclusions and recomendations identified in the recently completed study of a

quality assurance mandated by Public Law 97-415 and described in NUREG-1055, " Improving Quality and the Assurance of Quality in the Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants," and from subsequent Comission meetings on quality assurance.

Period of Perfonnance:

36 months Sponsor: Office of Inspection and Enforcement Status:

The competitive range has been established and negotiations are scheduled for the week of June 3,1985.

CONTRACTS CLOSED OUT NRC-03-83-108 Dr. William J. Hall NRC-06-81-293 National Governors' Association HRC-10-81-707 Penfield Library NRC-10-82-377 We Try Harder NRC-10-83-296 Keyboard Comunications, Inc.


a e

OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending May 24, 1985 Turkey Point Plant Units 3 & 4 Loss of Offsite Power Turkey Point Unit 4 was operating at-100% power and Unit 3 is shutdown for refueling. Just prior to noon Unit 4 tripped due to loss of offsite Both diesel generators started and provided power to the safety power.

related loads.. The turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pumps provided feedwater and the Unit is in natural circulation. The fossil Units, Units 1 and 2, were also tripped and the five black-start diesels were energized to start the fossil units.

The event was terminated at 2:07 p.m. with power restored to Unit 4.

The event was caused by loss of a major 500 KV transmission line in south Florida connecting the east and west coast of Florida due to a brush fire in the Everglades. Based on preliminary information, loads were not shed in time and three other transmission lines were lost. As a result, both the Turkey Point Plant and Port Everglades Plant were tripped. ~The system was heavily loaded due to the hot weather.

Prior to the event, the system load was approximately 7300 MW and dropped to 3100 MW.

This resulted in loss of power to approximately 1.5 million people.

Power was restored to the switchyard in approximately an hour.

However, the system was not stable and Unit 4 was not connected to the switchyard until one of the fossil units was connected to the switchyard to provide stability.

Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1 On the evening of March 15, 1985, with the Hatch Unit 1 operating at 100% power, an air supply line to the charcoal filter water-deluge valve operator caused the valve to operate and spray water onto the charcoal filter in one of the two ventilation system trains for the Unit 1 and 2 common control room.

Some of the water leaked through the ventilation ducting and dripped into a Hatch Unit 1 instrument panel housing one channel of analogue transient trip system instrumentation ~and control circuitry. The wetting of this circuitry caused an automatic depressurization system safety relief valve (SRV) to open, blowing down the reactor steam to the wetwell. Unit I was manually scrammed and the reactor water level which had lowered somewhat due to the SRV blowdown was recovered by the feedwater system.

The cause of the leakage of water into the control room ventilation ducts is being investigated. ECCS equipment was not called upon to operate. The plant was still down as of 5:00 P.M. on March 16, 1985, and repairs were being made to the instrument panels and the licensee continued its evaluation of the event.


  • McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Region II has notified the staff of the following:

After about 12 days of core-life with 1/3 optimized fuel assemblics, 2/3 standard Westinghouse fuel, and following a reactor trip due to loss of hydrogen cooling to the main generator, Unit 2 achieved criticality at 6:09 a.m. on May 17, 1985. Criticality occurred prior to reaching the calculated estimated criticality position (ECP) of 38 steps on control rod bank "D".

The actual ECP was 26 steps on bank "C" (Tech Spec requires criticality at approximately47stepsonbank"C").

The calculated ECP is based upon 730 ppm boron concentration.

The event first suggested that the boron concentration may have been lower than 730 ppm.

However, two samples were taken and indicated values Of 792 ppm and 795 ppm.

In order to stay within the insertion limits, baron concentration was increased to 1025 ppm and the reactor achieved criticality at 11:48 a.m. at 90 steps of bank "D".

Therefore, a difference in ECP of about 1000 pcm exists.

Duke is reviewing this situation with Westinghouse.

WM. H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station NRR issued an Order on May 16. 1985, revoking the construction permit of the Zimmer nuclear plant. Cincinnati Gas & Electric (CG&E) Company had requested termination of the permit after the owners decided in January 1984 to convert the plant into a coal fueled unit.

At that time, 1.6 billion dollars had been spent on the plant and it was estimated another 1.6 billion dollars would be needed to complete it, including verification of quality of the safety related components and systems and rework of components and systems of indeterminate quality.

The facility has been disabled by removing control rod drives from the reactor, removing fuel from the site and cutting main steam and main feedwater lines, so it cannot be used as a nuclear fueled plant.

The site has been found by the staff to be environmentally stable after a limited amount of site restoration.

An environmental assessment was published in the Federal Register April 16, 1985.

The revocation of the construction permit is a simple ministerial act to reflect the fact that there is no longer a utilization facility under construction at the Zimmer site.



. Byron 1 Byron 1 is returning to power after a three-day outage to replace some RTD's.

At 8:00 A.M., CST, on May 21,1985, Byron 1 was at 2% power, on its way to 50% power.

The plan is to hold at 50% power for approximately one day for some retesting and, pending satisfactory review of. the 50% tests, proceed to 75% power for additional testing.

100% power by the middle of June is still achievable.

' Lime rick On May 20 the staff received a letter from the licensee's counsel to the Secretary requesting that the Commission (1) avoid further delay in its imediate effectiveness determination and (2) promptly schedule a meeting for its decision on immediate effectiveness.

Shoreham On Sunday, May 19, 1985, the Secretary of Energy, Mr. John Herrington, visited the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station with members of his staff.

The tour was conducted by Mr. John Leonard, VP-Nuclear Operations of LILCo.

Diablo Canyon Unit 2 Fuel loading was completed May 15. Currently the vessel head is being tensioned down.

The Unit is expected to go critical on about July 7 and will be ready for power accession by July 17.

Unit 1 Since May 18 the Unit experienced three separate reactor trips, all of which apparently are due to failures in the power supply system for instruments in the control room.

The licensee is evaluating the root cause(s). The Unit is currently at 20 percent power.

Wolf Creek Power Station At approximately 7:45 a.m.

S/22/85 Wolf Creek achieved initial criticality. Operation above 5% power is currently scheduled for June 8, 1985.



  • Issuance of Renewal of Facility Operating License for the University of Virginia Training and Research Reactor (CAVALIER)

On May 17, 1985, the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation renewed the Class 104c Facility Operating License No. R-123 for the University of Virginia CAVALIER training and research reactor until May 17, 2005.

The CAVALIER, located on the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville, Virginia was initially ifcensed to operate in September 1974 at thermal power levels up to and including 100W. The reactor has been used since that time in the University's nuclear engineering educational program, for both training and research.

Hone Creek Generating Station By letter dated May 22, 1985, Public Service Electric & Gas Company announced that the fuel load date for Hope Creek has been accelerated to December 1, 1985. The previous fuel load date was January 14, 1986.

The staff will assess the applicant's ability to meet the December 1, 1985 date at the Caseload Management Team visit scheduled for June 26 and 27, 1985.

Limerick On May 21, 1985 the ASLAB for Limerick responded to an appeal of the ASLB's May 9 order which intended to grant an exemption from 10 CFR 50.47 for the Graterford Prisoners emergency planning issues. The ASLAB construed the Board's May 9 order as merely tentative or proposed and therefore not yet appealable. The ASLA8 indicated that the issue of whether there are admissable contentions must first be decided prior to acting on the 10 CFR 50.47 exemption request. This would appear to move an ASLB decision on full power authorization to sometime in early June.

Waterford 3 On May 17, 1985, the Secretary of the Commission announced that the time provided by NRC regulations within which the Commission may act to review the Appeal Board decision (ALAB-803) denying Joint Intervenors' motion to reopen hearings on the adequacy of the comon foundation basemat at Waterford 3 has expired.

The Commission has declined any review. Accordingly, the decision became final agency action on May 14, 1985.


,g' l


I i


PLANT STATUS The facility remains in long term cold shutdown with the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) vented to the reactor building atmosphere and the reactor vessel head and plenum assembly removed.

RCS cooling is by natural heat loss to the reactor building ambient atmosphere.

Incore thermocouple readings range from 72*F to 92*F i

with an average of 81*F.

Average cold leg temperature is 59'F.

Calculated reactor decay heat is less than 14 kilowatts.

The modified internals indexing fixture is installed on the reactor vessel flange and is flooded to elevation 327 feet 6 inches (151 feet above the top of the core region).

The average reactor building temperature is 60*F. The reactor building airborne activity is 4.7 E-8 uC1/cc tritium, and 6.1 E-10 uC1/cc particulate, predominantly cesium 137.

The reactor vessel plenum has been removed from the reactor vessel and placed on its storage ste.nd in the deep end of the fuel transfer canal.

A dam has been installed between the deep and shallow ends of the fuel transfer canal.

The deep and is. filled with water to a

' depth of about 20 feet (about 5 feet above the top of the plenum).

i 2.

WASTE MANAGEMENT No EPICOR II or Submerged Demineralizer System (SDS) processing occurred this week.

Total volume processed through SOS to date is 2,875,999 gallons,and the total volume processed through EPICOR II is 2,447,7M gallons.

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l MAY 2 41965 ENCLOSURE 8 l

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DOSE REDUCTION / DECONTAMINATION ACTIVITIES General cleanup continued in the control and service building basement.

Shielding of the auxiliary building elevator shaft was completed.

Clefnup is in progress in the 'A' RCBT cubicle.

Decontamination is in progress in the tendon access gallery.

Avera 347' ge general area radiation dose rate is 36 mrem per hour on the level of the reactor building and is 160 mrem per hour on the 305' level of the reactor building.


ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING The Lancaster water sample taken at the water works intake and analyzed by the US Environmental Protection Agency consisted of a seven day composite sample taken from May 5, to May 11, 1985. A gansna scan detected no reactor related radioactivity.

TMI water samples taken by the US Environmental Protection Agency at the plant discharge to the river consisted of seven daily composite samples taken from May 4, to May 11, 1985.

Gamma scans detected no reactor related radioactivity.

The NRC outdoor airborne particulate sampler at the TMI Site collected a sample between May 16, and May 23, 1985. No reactor related radioactivity was detected. Analysis showed I-131 and Cs-137 a

concentrations to be less than the lower limits of detectability.

The above EPA sample analysis results show TMI site liquid effluents to be in accordance with regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and the City of Lancaster Agreement.


REACTOR BUILDING ACTIVITIES Future work in the reactor building will be focused on preparations for the first phase of defueling in September 1985. The near term defueling preparations include installation of a 5-ton service crane over the refueling canal and completion of the Defueling Water Cleanup System.


AUXILIARY AND FUEL HANDLING BUILDING ACTIVITIES Installation of the Defueling Water Cleanup System Boration of the processed water storage tank number (0WCS) continued.

1 is in progress.

The chemical addition will take about one month.


NRC EVALUATIONS IN PROGRESS Defueling Water Cleanup System Technical Evaluation Technical Specification Change Requests numbers 46 and 48

. Equipment Hatch Removal Safety Evaluation Recovery Operations Plan Change numbers 27 and 29 Fuel Canister Technical Evaluation Fuel Handling Senior Reactor Operator Training Program Defueling Safety Evaluation ENCLOSURE 8 MAY 2 41985


PROJECTED SCHEDULE OF FUTURE EVENTS Start of Defueling: Scotember 1985 i

i i

l l

e O

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0 F

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. MAY 2 41985 ENCLOSURE B 9



w 0FFICE OF NUCLEAR HATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest Week Ending May 24, 1985 GA0 Audit -- Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS)

Staff members of NMSS and NRR met with two GA0 representatives on May in connection with an audit being initiated on the MRS proposal under prepara-21, 1985, tion by D0E.

The audit was requested by Congressmen Markey and Udall.

Congress, now scheduled.for January prepare a report for submissio GA0 is discussions on the NRC consultative role with DOE during preparation of theThe proposal, the licensing process expected to be applied to MRS should it be authorized by Congress, and the capabilities of reactors to provide spent fuel storage in existing basins or by dry storage methods until 1998 and, perhaps, longer.

The GA0 representatives were informed that the NRC holds a neutral position on need for MRS, and that staff interaction with DOE, leading to NRC pertinent to regulatory and licensing matters. comments on the proposal sub capabilities of reactors through reracking, rod consolid transshipment.

_ Stock Transfer Involving Nuclear Pharmacy, Inc. and Syncor Corporation On May 16, 1985 representatives of Nuclear Pharmacy, Inc. (NPI) and Syncor Corporation met with NMSS and ELD staff to explain a planned stock transfer.

Both companies have several NRC and Agreement State licenses to operate nuclear pharmacies.

The stock transfer was planned for May 17, 1985, and resulted in a merger of the two companies where NPT ended up owning most of the Syncor stock.

the Syncor stockholders received a large amount of NPI stock.

In return plan to continue to operate under their own names with no changes in theirBoth companies licenses or radiation safety programs. The planned transaction was confidential until a public announcement on May 17, 1985.

All parties were aware that NPI was operating under an NRC order as a result of major violations in 1984.

The staff advised NPI and Syncor that since there were proceeding at their own risk.was not enough time for NRC to evaluate the tra fered with stock transactions involving Part 30 licensees.)(In the past, the NR IE, and SP were advised of the meeting. NPI and Syncor agreed to keep NRC Regions I and III, informed of future develo and Exchange Commission. pments, including any disclosures to the Securities ENCLOSURE C MAY 2 41965

2 GA Technologies, Inc.

. Mr. W. R. Mowry, GA Technologies Inc., Licensing Admiristrator, met with staff members of the Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch on May 22, 1985.

held to discuss the GA SNM-696 license amendment application requestingThe amend its Radiological Safety and Environmental surveillance ranitoring program based on the reduction in its fuel fabrication activities.

Additional infonnation, required for the staff review, was submitted, docketed and discussed.

4 1


~ -

4 0FFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Items of Interest Week Ending May 24, 1985 1.

The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken during the past Week:



.The following IE Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past.


'PN0-I-85-37, Boston Edison Company (Pilgrim), Initiation of Reactor a.

Shutdown Due to Inoperable Safety Systems.


PNO-I-85-37A, Boston Edison Company (Pilgrim), Initiation of Reactor Shutdown Due to Inoperable Safety Systems (Update).

PNO-I-85-38, Princeton University (Princeton, NJ), Report of Apparent c..

Skin Overexposure, d.

PNO-II-85-56, Florida Power and Light Company (Turkey Point Units 3&4), Loss of Off-Site Power and Widespread Power Outage.

PNO-IV-85-23, Kansas Gas & Electric Company (Wolf Creek), Initial e.

Criticality and Low Power Testing.


PNO-V-85-28, Nuclear Pharmacy, Inc. (NPI) (San Diego, CA), Over-exposure Due to MO-99 Breakthrough.

PNO-V-85-29, Pacific Gas & Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Unit 1),


Reactor Trip and Safety Injection Events.


PNO-V-85-30, Reed College (Portland, OR), Volcano Alert.

L 1.

~ PNO-V-85-31, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (Rancho Seco),

Caustic Spray at Rancho Seco.


The following IE Information Notices were issued during the past week:

IE Information Notice 85-38, Loose Parts Destruct Control Rod Drive a.

Mechanism was issued May 21, 1985 to all utilities with pressurized water reactor facilities designed by Babcock & Wilcox and holding an operating license or construction permit, b.

IE Informtion Notice 85-39, Auditability of Electrical Equipment

. Qualification Records at Licensees' Facilities, was issued May 22, 1985 to all holders of a ngclear power reactor operating license or a construction permit.


. IE Information Notice 85-40, Deficiencies in Equipment Qualification c.

Testing and Certification Process, was issued May 22, 1985 to all holders of a nuclear power reactor operating license or a construc-tion permit.

Other Items 4.


Radiation Control Directors Conference Chief, Safeguards Materials Program Branch, Division of Inspection Programs, was in Milwaukee, WI May 20-22, 1985 to attend the Con-ference of Radiation Control Directors during which discussions were held concerning the possibility of the states making offshore inspections of NRC licensed activities.


Construction Appraisal Team (CAT) Inspection Representatives of Reactor Construction Programs Branch, Division of Inspection Programs, consultants, and Region III representatives were at Clinton to conduct the entrance interview for ensuring CAT inspections. The inspection is scheduled to be conducted during the period May 21-30 and June 10-21, 1985.

Verification of Proper Implementation of Design Criteria at Braidwood c.

Representative of Reactor Construction Programs Branch, Divisica of Inspection Programs was at the Braidwood site on May 21, 1985 to participate in the NRR site visit for verification of proper imple-mentation of design criteria including physical certification, separa-tion, and independence of redundant class IE electrical systems.

Issues identified by the Braidwood CAT inspection in this area will also be discussed.


Vendor Program (1) The Vendor Program Branch, Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor, and Technical Training Center Programs, conducted the following inspections this week:

(a) Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Ranch Seco, to review licensee equipment qualification program implementation as required by 10 CFR 50.49. A team was composed of NRR, Region V, and consultant personnel.

(b) Beloit Power Systems, Beloit, WI, to review electrical generator problems on diesel generators.

(c) Power Conversion Products, Crystal Lake, IL, to review vendor / licensee correspondence, maintenance, and design change notices.


. (d) The Rockbestos Company, New Haven, CT, to inspect observa-tion of LOCA testing on Rockbestos radiation cross-linked polyethylene insulated Firewall III cable, review results and related analysis on recent testing on chemically cross-linked samples, and review corrective action from the last inspection report.

(e) Kenneth G. Lilly Fasteners, Wilmington, DE, to review material traceability.

(2) On May 20, the Chief, Vendor Program Branch, Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor, and Technical Training. Center Pro-grams participated in a briefing with Commissioner Asselstine regarding equipment qualification. matters.


Events Followup Representative of the Engineering and Generic Communications Branch, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response, visited the Waterford site to study the cause of a recent hammer event in a steam supply line to the auxiliary feedwater pump turbine.


Incident Response

-(1) On May 20, 1985 members of the Incident Response Branch, Division-

-of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response, met with EPA regarding CERCLA notifications for radiological releases.

(2) Comsat General Corporation, in conjunction with Department of Interior Boise Interagency Fire Center, demonstrated the use of satellite communications for the NRC Operations Center on May 22-23, 1985. Both voice and data were transmitted among Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant, Boise Interagency Fire Center (Boise, ID), NRC Operations Center,-and Region II.

(3) The Chief,-Incident Response Branch, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response, conducted tours of the NRC Operations Center for management representatives from Northwest Utilities on May 21, 1985 and for Carolina Power &

Light Company on May 22, 1985. Representatives from Florida Power & Light. Company will tour the NRC Operations Center on May 23, 1985. The purpose of these tours is to discuss the L

agency's incident response program and capabilities.

i l


. g.

Quality Assurance Program

.(1) Representatives of Quality Assurance Branch, Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor, and Technical Trai~ning Center Programs, represented the NRC at a meeting of the ASME's Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA) Comittee, subcommittees and work groups in Williamsburg, VA May 21-24.

The NQA Committee has been designated by ANSI to be responsible for the development of national standards for the quality assurance of nuclear activities.

(2) Chief, Quality Assurance Branch, Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor, and' Technical Training Center Programs, and Readiness Review Project officers met with NRR, Region V, and WPPSS at Region V to discuss procedures and task assignments for WNP-3 restart Readiness Review on May 22-23.

(3) Quality Assurance Branch, Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor, and Technical Training Center Programs IDI Team Leader participated in an NRC assessment of the Cygna design review of Comanche Peak at the Cygna offices in San Francisco May 21-24.


Integrated Design Verification Program (IDVP)

Quality Assurance Branch, Division of Quality Assurar.ce, Vendor, and Technical Training Center Programs IDVP staff member participated in an implementation inspection of the Nine Mile Point 2 Engineering Assurance Program May 21-24 at Stone & Webster in Cherry Hill, NJ.


' Safeguards Training for Resident Inspectors Representative of Operating Reactor Programs Branch, Division of Inspection Programs met with NRR Project Managers this week in Bethesda, MD to discuss safeguards training that will be given to resident inspectors by the regions during the coming year.




. Items of Interest Week Ending May 24, 1985 Semiscale The Quick-Look report for Semiscale Test S-FS-1, representing a double ended offset shear of a steam generator main steam line downstream of the steam isolation valve, has been issued as Report No. EGG-SEMI-6858. The test ~was initiated from a " hot standby" condition which is the worst-case operation for this transient, and included compounding factors such as loss of offsite power and failure of the steam line check valves. The test was run in three parts:

(a) an initial 10 minute period in which only automatically functioning plant protection systems were assumed to operate, followed by, (b) an operator controlled stabilization period -

which included pressurizer warmup heater operation, normal charging / letdown operation, and a controlled intact loop steam-generator steam and feed operation, and concluding with, (c) an operator controlled natural circulation cooldown consisting of pressurizer wamup heater operation, normal charging / letdown operation, a controlled intact loop steam generator steam and feed operation, and pressurizer auxiliary spray operation.

The test results provided a measured evaluation of the effectiveness of the automatic responses in minimizing primary system overcooling and operator actions in stabilizing and recovering the plant. Test data also provided a basis for comparison with other tests in the series of the effects of break size and location on primary overcooling and primary-to-secondary heat transfer.

The pretest calculation was in fairly good agreement with the test data for the majority of parameters. The system response was reasonably well predicted by RELAPS during the blowdown phase except the primary pressure and loor coolant temperatures which were significantly underpredicted.

Certain ifferences in the calculated and actual operator actions, including unaffected loop atmosphere dump valve (ADV) and primary system letdown operations, precluded a direct comparison of data and RELAP5 calculations during the plant stabilization and cooldown phases of the transient. With the exception of average primary loop coolant temperature and unaffected loop steam generator secondary pressure, RELAP5 calculations showed similar phenomenological response during~the plant stabilization 4 -

phase. The calculated results indicated favorable agreement with the test data.

i MAY 2 41985

2-NAS Committee on Biological Effects of Internally Deposited Alpha Emitters IBEIR IV - Alpha)

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) BEIR IV-Alpha Committee. held a pu meeting on 5/15/85 in order to obtain public comments on the metabolism, dosimetry and toxicity of alpha emitting radionuclides.

Nine speakers related to health effects from alpha emitting radionuclides. prese Mr. R. E.

Alexander, RES, made a presentation on the chemical toxicity of uranium.

pointed out that in many instances of occupational expo He should therefore be considered together with the radiological hazard.

On May 16 and 17 the BEIR IV-Alpha Committee met to consider the information presented at the public meeting and to plan future work.

This project is jointly sponsored by the EPA and the NRC andCon has been made.

the meeting was attended by Dr. S. Yaniv, RES, NRC Technical Monitor.

i CIRRPC Metrication Subpanel on Radiation Units


The Metrication Subpanel of the Committee on Interagency Radiation Research &

Policy Coordination (CIRRPC) met again on May 21, 1985, to try to fulfill its assigned task-of developing recommendations concerning a coordinated U.S.

position on the adoption of SI (metric) radiation units. The NRC's representative on the panel, Karl R. Goller, attended the meeting. The Subpanel has generally agreed that its recommendations should be based on the premise that the U.S. will ultimately convert completely to the SI units, including the radiation units, and, therefore, that its recommendations should 4-be directed at what should be done to best accomplish the transition, taking i

all significant factors into consideration.

The Subpanel further agreed that-almost all affected parties in the U.S. currently would accept, if not 2

i encourage, the use of dual dimensioning (present and SI units). The Nuclear Navy is a notable exception to this, in that they accept the inevitability of conversion for their scientific and engineering functions, but do not do so i

for their operating functions.

should recommend to CIRRPC 'that all components of the FederalThe Subpa should adopt a position of not just allowing, but encouraging,governmentthe use of dual 4

dimensioning, so as to accustom people to the new units and thereby accommodate the transition.

5,1985, to try to complete its report to CIRRPC.The Subpanel is scheduled to me 4


K. R. Goller 42-74350 MAY 2 41985 ENCLOSURE E t


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m 3

3-Core Melt Program Review Meeting On May 14-16, 1985, a meeting was held at Willste building in Silver Spring, Maryland to review NRC's research programs regarding ex-vessel behavior of the molten core during severe accidents.

The purpose of the meeting was to ensure that our research programs address recommendations by the American Physical Society; especially with regard to thermal hydraulics and fission product releases in the core-concrete interaction, and corium fragmentation and containment loading at reactor vessel melt through. Representatives from EPRI and IDCOR as well as five DOE laboratories participated. Accomplishments to this date, and projection of future activities, were examined in detail for each experimental and analytical program at SNL and BNL in the areas of core-concrete interaction, high pressure melt ejection and ex-vessel aerosol generation.

Dr. R. Cole of SNL presented an overview of the German program at the BETA facility in Karlsruhe, FRG.

A detailed description of the VANESA model for the release of fission products and generation of aerosols from high-temperature core materials was also presented. This model will be incorporated into the CORCON code for core-concrete interactions.


o ITEMS-OF INTEREST 0FFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS WEEK ENDING MAY 24, 1985 International Meetings The following international meeting notices supplement those announced 4


June 10-14, 1985, Vienna, Austria - IAEA Advisory Group Meeting to Revie the " Manual on the Maintenance of Systems and Components Important to Safety" July I-5,1985, Vienna, Austria - IAEA Advisory Group Meeting to Develop Guidance for Responding to Radiological Emergencies Involving Release of Radioactive Materials September 2-6, 1985 Vienna, Austria - IAEA Advisory Group Meeting on

" Handling and Treatment of Radioactive Waste from Unplanned Events at Nuclear Power Plants" March 3-7,1986, Hanover, FRG - IAEA International Symposium on the Siting, Design and Construction of Underground Repositories for Radioactive Wastes a

International Visitors This week Ms. Chen Yi-ju, Chief of the Editing Section of the Taiwan i

Power Company, visited NRC for discussions and tours of the PDR, NRC Library, and other document management systems.

met with Ms. Chen for these discussions and tours.Dr. S. Zungoli, TIDC, s

On Monday Mr. Wataru Mizumachi. Deputy General Manager for Nuclear Power Plant Design of Toshiba Corp. of Japan, accompanied by Mr. Ryosuke Tsutsumi, Manager of the Washington office of the Tokyo Electric Power Company, visited NRR to discuss U.S. and Japanese leak-before-break (LBB) activities. Mr. Mizumachi also reported on the formation of a Japanese LBB Advisory Committee.

On Friday Commissioner Eduardo Gonzalez of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) and Mr. Jose Calvo, a CSN employee on assignment to RES, met with D. Ross and J. Cortez of RES, and R. Hauber and D. Chenier of IP, to discuss Spain's ' participation in NRC's international cooperative research activities including the severe accident program and the development of a PWR plant analyzer.

i MAY 2 41985


_ Foreign Trip Reports Joseph A. Murphy, F. Gillespie, and M. Cunningham, DRA0/RES; and G. Colb, SNL April 5-21, 1985; Visited Taiwan:

The purpose of this mission was to review the draft report of the Kuosheng probabilistic risk analysis (PRA); to participate in the meeting of their PRA steering committee; to institute a cooperative using Taiwan Power Company personnel; and to familiariz with the Maanshan nuclear power plant, a Westinghouse three-loop PWR which will be the subject of the next PRA effort to be reviewed under a cooperative agreement with the American Institute in Taiwan.

D. C. Aldrich, CRNL April 15-23,1985i Visited Luxembourg and France:

In Luxembourg City, Mr. Aldrich, as consultant to the NRC-sponsored Reactor Accident Consequence Analysis Program at ORNL, participated in a Commission of the European Community-sponsored workshop on methods for assessing the offsite radiological consequences of nuclear accidents.

In Paris, he chaired the fourth meeting of the OECD/NEA's group of experts on accident consequences.

Robert A. Jachowski, Hydraulic Engineering, DE/NRR April 28-May 9, 1985; Visited Egypt:

Mr. Jachowski participated in the NRC seminar and workshop training Commission and the Nuclear Power Plant Authority, Cairo. progra The seminar provided the Egyptians with an insight into the potential problems associated with hydraulic engineering aspects of a coastal-sited nuclear power plant.



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ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING MAY 25, 1985 CRCPD ANNUAL MEETING Two hundred and fifty persons representing State and Federal agencies met this week in Milwaukee at the annual meeting of the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors.

Highlights were papers by Dr. Abel Gonzales IAEA; Or. Alvin Young, CIRRPC; and Dr. Seymour Abrahamson, University of Wisconsin, and a mock materials licensing trial demonstrating the need for care in gathering and presenting evidence.

The trial was tape recorded for use in training. Wayne Kerr, OSP, presented an overview of NRC activities; Bob Baker,-

RES, presented information on the status of the Part 20 review; and Ralph Wilde.

NMSS, described the follow-on activities of the Mexican contaminated steel incident.

At its business meeting, the Conference adopted a resolution to request Congress to amend the Atomic Energy Act to include naturally occurring and accelerator produced radioactive materials (NARM) where such materials are produced or concentrated to use their radioactive properties.


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Engineering Evaluation Report, AE0D/E507, " Electrical Interaction Between Units During Loss of Offsite Power Event of August 21, 1984," was issued.

The report is based on the evaluation of an event at the McGuire Station.

The event was initiated by a problem in the station's switchyard breaker computer control system which led to the tripping of several breakers.

The event was complicated by several failures that occurred as a result of voltage surges that were experienced during the event and some random component failures.

The operators, however, had safe control of both units throughout the event.

The report concludes that had both units been operating at full power, the event could have been more complicated.

It also concludes that at nuclear i


- plant sites with multiple units, events initiating at one unit can propagete and involve more than one unit due to problems associated with systems that i

are comon to the units.

The repcrt recomends that the details of this i.

. event, with emphasis on the potential problems associated with common i

auxiliary systems, be included in a forthcoming issue of Power Reactor Events for feedback purposes.


Engineering Evaluation Report, AEOD/E508, concerning nuclear plant operating i,

experience involving system disturbances caused by bumped electro-mechanical components has been completed. The report found that enclosed switches, relays, transmitters, and possibly relays in circuit breakers are among the-most sensitive electro-mechanical devices in a nuclear plant.

A moderate physical disturbance will frequently change the output status of these components.

6 The report also found that bumped components have resulted in reactor scrams, safety system isolations, trips and initiations, and loss of power to safety i


i i

As a result of the review and evaluation, AE0D suggested that the study results be considered by the regulatory staff responsible for the resolution of j

USI A-46, " Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Plants." In i

particular. AE00 suggested that these classes of components, and their potential for causing unacceptable system transients or conditions, be considered during the Phase II review of the proposed resolution of USI A-46.

j j

4 I

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i 2

MAY 2 41985 i


I 4





,, -nr7-a


Week Ending May 24, 1985 CRGR Attached is a summary of the CRGR activities for the period April I through April 30, 1985. Background material on topics reviewed by the Committee and the minutes of CRGR meetings are sent to the Commission. Copies are provided to the Public Document Room after the NRC has considered (in a public forum) or decided the matter addressed by the documents.

Questions concerning this monthly report should be referred to Walt Schwink (492-8639).


Page 1 cf 1 at Date: May 23, 1985 R

SlfetARY OF CRGR ACTIVITIES (April 1 through April 30,1985)



- Meeting No.

b ting Date (Announcement CRGR CRGR Recomendation Date)

Agenda Status to EDO EDO Action 74 Briefing, Proposed Revision Pending RES agreed to provide another CRGR No action required at 4/17/85 to 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J, briefing in May.

this time.

Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water-Cooled Power Plants

-Sponsoring Office - RES

-Category 2 Item

-Issue #111 Review, Proposed Amendments ______________________________________________________. __.._________________

Pending CRGR recomunended that proposal No action required at to 10 CFR Part 70. Domestic be modified to incorporate this time.

Licensing of Special Nuclear-clarifications suggested by the Material; Part 73, Physical CRGR, and reviewed by staff to Protection of Plants and Materials; Part 74, Material assure that reporting of safe-Control and Accounting of guards events is necessary and timely. CRGR will then decide Special Nuclear Material and Rev. I to RG 5.62 Reporting of if further review is necessary.

Physical Security Events.

-Sponsoring Office - letSS

-Category 2 Item

. Issue #112 i

Review, Proposed Rulemaking Pending CRGR recomunended that the No action required at g

to Establish Retention Periods p

for Recordkeeping Requirements proposed revisions be modified, this time because ADM reviewed by program staff of has not yet taken a i

g of 10 CFR cognizant offices, and re-position on the CRGR

-Sponsoring Office - ADM submitted to CRGR for review.



-Category 2 Item

-Issue #113 i



STAFF REQUIREMENTS'- BRIEFING ON BROOKHAVEN REPORT ON INDEPENDE ORGANIZATION 10:00 A.M., THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1985. C0FMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) Memo SECY to W. J. Dircks and J. E. Zerbe dated 5/21/85 The commission met with the staff and representatives of the Brookhaven National Laboratory to receive a briefing on the February 15, 1985 report prepared for NRC by Brookhaven on the subject of establishing an independent safety organization whose purpose would be the investigation of rignificant safety events occurring at NRC licensed facilities.

The commission directed the staff to produce for Commission corisideration a paper which provides staff's views on the i

problem areas identified in the Brookhaven report where the staff may_need to show improvement.

In the paper, the staff should recommend to the Commission the steps to be taken to implement chan problem areas.ges, including organizational changes, in the (AEOD)

(SECY Suspense 5/31/85)

Commissioners Asselstine and Bernthal requested OPE to examine as an alternative to an independent safety organization, the concept of a small investigatory group that would report directly to the Commission.


(SECY Suspense:



STAFF REQUIREMENTS - PERIODIC BRIEFING WITH ADVISORY COPMITTEE ON SAFEGUARDS. 10:00 A.M., FRIDAY. MAY LO. L985o COPMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM D.C. OFFICE {0 PEN TO PUBLIC Ai tNDhNCE? Mama SECY to RECORD dated 5/21/85 The Commission met with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) to be briefed on the ACRS role in the civilian radioactive waste management program.

Chairman Palladino indicated that he would solicit suggestions l

from the Commission regarding areas in which the Commission wishes to receive feedback from the ACRS.

j s

i The discussion of ACRS activities related to consideration of seismic events in emergency planning was deferred until a j

future Commission meeting with the ACRS.

I i

l l

I i



  • MAY 24, 1985


5 v



P-114 To discuss control room 1:30 pm 324 Bethesda habitability-Brunswick 1&2 Carolina Power & Light M. Grotenhuis 5/29/85 50-293 P-110 8:30 am To discuss results of hydrogen Boston Edison P. Leech Bethesda water chemistry test and plans for future use at Pilgrim 5/30/85 50-416 AR-5033 To discuss scope and schedule Mississippi Power &

L. Kintner 1:30 pm Bethesda for licensing actions for Light Grand Gulf 1 5/31/85 50-412 P-110 Appeal of the requirements on Duquesne Light Co.

V. Nerses 1:00 pm Bethesde air dryers for emergency (Beaver Valley 2) diesel generators 6/4/65 50-244 P-110 10:00 am Licensability of storage of Rochester Gas & Elec.

C. Miller Bethesda consolidated fuel on Ginna site 6/4/85 50-335 P-110 To discuss plans for the core Florida Power & Light D. Sells 2:00 pm Bethesda support barrel inspection during Cycle 7 outage at St. Lucie 1 6/4/85 50-423 Landow 1200 To discuss fire protection at Northeast Utilities E. Doolittle 9:30 ang Bethesda Millstone 3 P



492-7166 CCopies,sf summaries of these meetings will be made publicl y available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms.


NMSS MEETING NOTICES FOR WEEK ENDING: 05/24/85 Division ef Fuel Cyc19 and Material Safety DOCKET ATTENDEES /

[ DATE/ TIE NUpBER LOCATION PURPOSE APPLICANT NRC CONTACT h/28-29/85 Project M-38 Allison Park, PA To observe demonstration by N. Davison, FC Davison U.S. Tool and Die of fuel Representatives of consolidation techniques U.S. Tool and Die appropriate to MRS, 5/30/85 72-3 5th Floor Conf.

To discuss application for J. P. Roberts, FC Roberts 9:30 am Room, Willste ISFSI at H. B. Robinson 2 F, Sturz, FC Building C, Billups, NRR WAltman, IE Representatives of SAIC and Carolina Power and Light 6/3-7/85 40-80u.-

Paducah, KY, Site visits and discuss D. A, Cool,ives of FC Cool Arlington, TX license conditions with Representat and Gore, OK Sequoyah Fuels Sequoyah Fuels 6/06/85 Project M-32 West Valley, NY To meet with DOE at West A, T. Clark, FC Clark Valley Demonstration W. Hannum, et al, DOE Project site to discuss accident analysis,

'6/19-22/85 Project M-38 Pasadena, CA To attend DOE contractor A. T. Clark, FC Clark review meeting on MRS design as an observer.

Ralph M. Parsons, et al.

Representatives of DOE Division of Safeguards None.

N Division of Waste Management None.$



e e


,4 May 24,'1985 RII MEETING NOTICE m




05/28/85 Athens, AL Review of the Quarterly Licensee, Regional Bemis 10:00 am Regulatory Performance Administrator, Selected Improvement Program at Regional and HQs Staff Browns Ferry Members k

E lii m






5/25/85 ET


NRC CONTACT 6/3/85 50-441 Glen Ellyn, IL Status of Preop Cleveland Elec.

10:30 a.m.

50-440 Perry plant J.G.Keppler & staff J.G. Keppler 6/7/85 50-255 Covert, MI SALP followup Consumers Power Co.

10 a.m.

Palisades J.G.Keppler & staff J.G. Keppler W12/85 50-282 Glen Ellyn. IL Oper. Errors &

Northern States Power 10 a.m.

50-306 Training J.G.Keppler & staff J.G. Keppler Prairie Island I

9 2

e S

8 E

i I

m I,