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EPID:L-2023-LRM-0072, Presentation Slides to Support PSEG and Wetinghouse Presubmittal Meeting on Coblt-60 Production at Salem (Open) |
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Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 AFFIDAVIT CAW-23-039 Page 1 of 3
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
County of Butler:
(1) I, Zachary Harper, Senior Manager, Licensing Engineering, have been specifically delegated and authorized to apply for withholding and ex ecute this Affidavit on behalf of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC (Westinghouse).
(2) I am requesting the proprietary portions of PSE-23-57, Revision 1 be withheld from public disclosure under 10 CFR 2.390.
(3) I have personal knowledge of the criteri a and procedures utilized by Westinghouse in designating information as a trade secret, privileged, or as confidential commercial or financial information.
(4) Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.390, the following is furnished for consideration by the Commission in determining whether the information sought to be withheld from public disclosure should be withheld.
(i) The information sought to be withheld fr om public disclosure is owned and has been held in confidence by Westinghouse and is not customarily disclosed to the public.
(ii) The information sought to be withheld is being transmitted to the Commission in confidence and, to Westinghouses knowledge, is not available in public sources.
(iii) Westinghouse notes that a showing of substa ntial harm is no longer an applicable criterion for analyzing whether a docum ent should be withheld from public disclosure. Nevertheless, public disclosure of this proprietary information is likely to cause substantial harm to the competitive position of Westinghouse because it would enhance the ability of competitors to provide similar technical evaluation justifications and licensing defense servi ces for commercial power reactors without commensurate expenses. Also, public disclosure of the information would enable others to use the information to meet NRC requirements for licensing documentation without purchasing the right to use the information.
- This record was final approved on 09/26/2023 13:01:18. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 AFFIDAVIT CAW-23-039 Page 2 of 3
(5) Westinghouse has policies in place to identify pr oprietary information. Under that system, information is held in confidence if it falls in one or more of several types, the release of which might result in the loss of an existing or potential competitive advantage, as follows:
(a) The information reveals the distinguishing aspects of a process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.) where prevention of its use by any of Westinghouse's competitors without license from Westinghouse constitutes a competitive economic advantage over other companies.
(b) It consists of supporting data, incl uding test data, relative to a process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.), the application of which data secures a competitive economic advantage (e.g., by optimization or improved marketability).
(c) Its use by a competitor would reduce his expenditure of resources or improve his competitive position in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance of quality, or licensing a similar product.
(d) It reveals cost or price information, production capacities, budget levels, or commercial strategies of Westinghouse, its customers or suppliers.
(e) It reveals aspects of past, present, or future Westinghouse or customer funded development plans and programs of potential commercial value to Westinghouse.
(f) It contains patentable ideas, for wh ich patent protection may be desirable.
(6) The attached documents are bracketed and marked to indicate the bases for withholding. The justification for withholding is indicated in both versions by means of lower-case letters (a) through (f) located as a superscript immediately following the brackets enclosing each item of information being identified as proprietary or in the margin opposite such information. These lower-case letters refer to the types of in formation Westinghouse customarily holds in confidence identified in Sections (5 )(a) through (f) of this Affidavit.
- This record was final approved on 09/26/2023 13:01:18. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 AFFIDAVIT CAW-23-039 Page 3 of 3
I declare that the averments of fact set forth in this Affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I declare under pe nalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on: 9/26/2023 _____________________________
Signed electronically by Zachary Harper
- This record was final approved on 09/26/2023 13:01:18. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)