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Discusses Proposed Const Dewatering Monitoring Program Transmitted by Natl Park Svc,In Dunes National Lake Shore
Person / Time
Site: Bailly
Issue date: 11/06/1979
From: Ballard R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Hulman L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19221A733 List:
SECY-79-344, NUDOCS 8012020728
Download: ML20062K210 (2)


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% UNITED sT TEs f^ ' ~

  • 'L'CLE AR REGULATORY CO: * ;f.E I O N y  ; .

,j V.M *iNGTON. D C. 2;;55 7,*., . ,'/ C.

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': J'.3.n* FGF : .:r,ald L. Sallard, Chief --
nviror.rer.tal ,rojec.s r . ranch
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~ ; 3. L. G. Fu' an, Chief

'Hydrci:;y "stecrolo;y Sranch, D5E q :.,c..i. . .. . . .. . -

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'!: h: e recie -:-d ths ;r:pesed ronitoring plan transmitted by ths ':aticral r ark Sersics, I . diana D;nes National La'se Shore, October 1,1979. We have a f2..i:.;ific c- ants ..hich we recon ind be transr.itted to the National Park ,

.e...,.,.. ., , s .t )..

c i. ::: ,c :: sal '.as contained in a rar::.randur with several attached

s. T?.e foll; c: .. ants ci.e the spacifi: : :ra-du by date to

' . icn '. 2 c;- ants apply.

-. fr- 11'.2d Sept ~ber 25, 1979: '.?c cannot con:ur in the reco- endation ty 1 .- 5 Fat !.lPSCO ad.ise ther 30 days in t.f.a:e cf chi ;2s in deelterinc

- .ir ; rates. These par;ing rates are dictated by va; aries of construction '

'nd ;-eher. It is ge-erally not feasible to schedule c:nstructicn dewatering so far in Ed.3 ce. However, NIF5CC should be re;uired to inforr NPS of changes ir p ;;ng rates as soon as the changes are cade or antici;ated.

'an:rar.du- dated Septerber 4, 1979, with attach,ent: The description of the ctservation '..511 netu;rk ar.d the USGS ;roposed c.anitorina precra is based upon the assur.ptiens that NIPSCO de..atering efforts will be directed only towards t'e r unit I a;uifer (for clarification " unit 1" in the reference de:ucent refers to the shalica a;.ifer). F.ecent pro?osals by NIPSCO, specifically those ::ntaine:

in the:r August 27, 1979 recuest ra;:e it ci:ar that th; d; .t-cine of 11.2 ..c r c-

'- ' fir . >ill is acessary. We recermerd that a copy of NIPSCO proposals as '.. ell as car e,aluation be provided to NPS.

Sa.e reference: The USGS pr: posed r.:nitorin; syster is ta:ed ; on cre

ll, designa'.ed USGS Well 25. Tne pr:posal asserts that a ethod has bsen

.;;ntified to reflect seascnal change in the overall ror,itoring control. We can not concur that this assertion is entirely true. The U. S. Geolocical Survev usir; the clevation of Uell 25 at one day in history, rodeled the overall shape ',

r.d slope of the grcund system (i.e., the reference water surface). We assert i

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't r21 the elevati:n but the shape of this unter surfe:e ray vary seasonally.

.  : .3r, ths 'ar.itoring prograr assuies, that the internal gradients, flew

v. '. : 5, tc., rcrain the sa .e and only ths elevation of the s;.rf t:: ( 4.- 2 s

. .h . 5 3 r. . This has not been documented and we would sur:est that f ri.hsr'


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. ly ts reeded in considcring seasonal variations in Srca .6; star

4. r.i:ns.

"El c; Snt: The USGS progra would appear to bE. an 0xtensive !.d ell

.;M :.t l'itit 3.r. sysnsive endeavor. We would be remiss if we di rot
'.i that infer ition adequate for the USGS nonitoring decisions can be

' n i' :: fr:- tFe extensive r;1PSCO conitoring system. We would reco nd that

.c ', '; E :..' ;;ct c' c:-:::-drretlytodoing) pr: vide gr:Unic but also toSter theelevation

!~6tional infornation.not Park Service and or.lytotothe us t s .

.': '.,':11 h rvey. The utilization of this already extensive system U. [f 11; .iJ'. ."..'.y r:1uce the costs of the oserall federal resp nsibility with-

t.  :' ; - slity.

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- ). Q7:',/> <:y G. Hulme , C'ief Hydrology-5.etectrolo;y Branc/f h Divisien of Site Safety and Environ 32ntal Analysis cc:  ?. ' 112r

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