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Application to Amend License R-106,reducing Amount of U-235 from 16.3 Kg to 12.83 Kg
Person / Time
Site: Oregon State University
Issue date: 01/18/1983
From: Parsons T, Wang C
Oregon State University, CORVALLIS, OR
To: Thomas C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8301240078
Download: ML20072A604 (4)


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University Radiation Center corvairis, Oregon 97331 < sos > 7s4 234i January 18, 1983 Standardization and Special Projects Branch Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Cecil 0. Thomas, Branch Chief


Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor, License No. R-106, Docket No. 50-243 Gentlemen:

Paragraph 2.B.(2) of amendment 6 to license R-106, dated August 27, 1981, authorizes OSU to possess 16.3 kilograms of contained U-235 in connection with operation of our TRIGA reactor, and to possess, but not use, approximately 656 grams of U-235 in the control rods and core of our decommissioned AGN-201 reactor.

As a result of OSU's transfer of 92 standard TRIGA fuel elements to the U.S. Department of Energy's (D0E) Fuels and Materials Examination Facility (operated by the Westinghouse Hanford Corporation--Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, Richland, Washington), in June of 1982, it is now appropriate for us to request a reduction in the amount of U-235 we are authorized to possess in connection with the TRIGA operation. Please note that we do not wish to alter in any way the 656 gram possession authorized

( in connection with the AGN-201 components. This value should remain unchanged.

With respect to the 16.3 kilograms now approved for the TRIGA, we would like to request that this value be reduced to 12.83 kilograms. The new value is representative of the reduction in U-235 (assuming no burnup) achieved by transferring the 92 standard TRIGA elements to DOE, and it is also essentially identical to the recently revised maximum authorized possession limit on our University Reactor Fuel Assistance contract from the DOE (see attached letter of September 7, 1982 and Form 30 from the DOE).

8301240078 830118 0 f

' PDR ADOCK 05000243 p PDR Oregon State University is an Affirmative Action /Equa! Opportunity Employer

USNRC January 18, 1983 Thank you for your assistance in making this modification to our license. Should there be any questions, please let us know.

Sincerely yours, McQ C. H. Wang Director _& Reactor Administrator G y cc,ud T.(D. Parsons Vice President for Administration rk Enc.

cc USNRC, Document Management Branch, Washington, DC USNRC, Region V, Walnut Creek, CA Director, Oregon Department of Energy, Salem, OR T. V. Anderson, Reactor Supervisor, OSTR S. E. Binney, Chairman, Reactor Operations Committee, OSTR B. Dodd, Asst. Reactor Administrator, OSTR A. G. Johnson, Assistant Director, Radiation Center, OSU STATE OF OREGON )


C. H. Wang and T. D. Parsons, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say that they have affixed their signatures to the letter above in their official capacities as Reactor Administrator and Vice President for Administration of Oregon State University, respectively; that they have signed this letter supplying information in support of the application for an amendment to the OSTR Operating License No.

R-106; that in accordance with the provisions of Part 50, Chapter 1, Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, they are attachirg this affidavit; that the facts set forth in the within letter are true to their best information and belief.

n~n C. H. Wang 61d w T. D. Parsons Reactor Administrator Vice Pksident for Administration Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary _Jiublic, i and for the County of Benton, State of Oregon, this 19 W day of ew - ,

A.D., 1983.


Q iX Notary Public of Oregon w D~LMu My Commission Expires

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Department of Energy Richland Operations Office P.O. Box 550 Richland, Washington 99352 SEP 0 71982 l

Mr. Hugh F. Jeffrey, Jr.

Director of Business Affairs Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331

Dear Mr. Jeffrey:

CONTRACT DE-AC06-76ER01953 - UNIVERSITY REACTOR FUEL ASSISTANCE I Enclosed for your consideration is a proposed modification to the subject contract directed by Dr. Chih Wang. The modification reduces the amount of Uranium 235 on loan to the University in the fuel elements in use under this contract in the University's TRIGA research reactor.

This action is the result of your transfer of 92 standard fuel elements to -

1 DOE's Fuels and Materials Examination Facility at Hanford in June 1982.

Although the transferred elements were irradiated, resulting in some normal loss of Uranium 235, the new amount on loan is calculated as if the trans-ferred elements had not been irradiated.

If you have any questions about this modification, please call Mrs. Marji

'1 Parker of my staff at (509) 376-2029.

If it is satisfactory to the University, please return four signed and dated copies to me for the Government's signature.

Very truly yours, ww

/ J. M. Wi'icynsRi, Chief

(' Contract Manag'3bment Branch PR0:MWP Procure ent Division Enclosure

I ANDARD FORM 30 JULY 1966 GE I Gi~ie At seevicts ADiawisrufiON yt D P*OC etG i48 CPR) 1-16101 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION / MODIFICATION OF CCNTRACT j AMf MDMINT. MCMrtCAT;ON NO. 2. EF7tCTivt DA t 3. REQUI5ff 80H/PueCNA58 9t0065T D*O. 4. PeOJECT NO. (Ef tpp/neeht M013 9/30/82 i ,$su D , Cone .. ADM sne av uf.*. Se u-a 3; COozl U.S. Department of Energy Resident Representative, Office of Naval Research Richland Operations Office 1107 N. E. 45th Street, Suite 315 P.O. Box 550 Seattle, WA 9810S Richland, WA 99352 i CONTRACTOR FACIIJTY CODE l S.


I l Oregon State University DAnD rs.,uea ,;

li,,;<;lg;, Coravllis, OR 97331 ,oD.,,CA=N O

,ed ypp. X CONTRACT /ORDe't NO. DE-AC06-76ER C. del DAftD ($te black 18)

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ID ACCouMf tNG AND APPROPaiAllON DATA (l[ ref eired)

I t. THis BLOCK APPtit$ ONLY TO AnODINCATIONS OF CONTRAoS/ORDEt5 e,... O,d- .. ....a a) O n.. C o. ..

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Ti... s o,,i. mea,oi men. .. .a. .he,.,, e, The Atomic Eneray Act of 1954 as amended and i.i A,.. .d ,a e , ea, ,e

= a . ese.e mb.,u .ea,. , e. .e. ..,. ia wea i r. Public Law 95-91.

12 OtSCMf80N OF AMENDMINT/MODsPICATION The total number of kilograms (kg's) of Uranium 235, as specified in Paragraph A of Article IV - CONSIDERATION of this contract, which are on loan to the Contractor for use, burnup, and normal loss in the fuel elements in use under this contract, is changed from approximately 16.32 kg's to approximately 12.824 kg'se The change is the result of the Contractor's return to the government of 3.496 kg's (before burnup) of Uranium 235 contained in 92 fuel elements transferred to the Fuels and Materials Examination Facility at the Hanford Project.

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