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Application for Amend to License R-106,changing Paragraphs 2.C.(a) & 2.C.(2) & Tech Specs 3.1,6.7.e,2.1,6.4 & 6.7, Increasing Max Licensed steady-state Power Level to 1.1 Mw.Amend 5 to SAR Encl
Person / Time
Site: Oregon State University
Issue date: 11/06/1989
From: Andrea Johnson
Oregon State University, CORVALLIS, OR
Shared Package
ML19327C040 List:
NUDOCS 8911150122
Download: ML19327C039 (3)


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7 Radiation Center Unw ity cones, oregon waai mmm  !

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November 6, 1989  :

, Document Control Desk

. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington,'O. C. 20555


Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor (OSTR), l Docket No. 50-243, Facility License No. R-106; OSU Letter. Dated November 7, 1988,  ;

USNRC Reply Letter Dated July 25, 1989.



Request for Changes to OSTR Facility License No. R-106, Paragraphs 2.C.(a) and 2.C.(2); Changes to OSTR Technical Specifications 3.1 and 6.7.e; and Corrections to Technical Specifications 2.1, 6.4 and 6.7.  ;


Subsequent to our communications about the current maximum steady-state power level for the OSTR, Oregon State University would like to revise its proposed ~ change to OSTR Technical Specification 3.1 as submitted in our <

- letter of November 7, 1988. Upon further consideration, it seems that the best and simplest way of. addressing the various concerns which have been  !

expressed during our joint review of this issue is to request an increase in the maximum-licensed steady-state power level of the OSTR to 1.1 megawatts.

Therefore, we would like to request that the applicable part of the phrase ,

contained in section 2.C.(1) of the OSTR facility license be amended to read:

"The: licensee may operate the facility-at steady-state power levels not in l- - excess of 1100 kilowatts (thermal), and . . . . . . ." Additionally, we request a Amendment No. 11-to the Technical (Specifications. conforming change to section Regarding the Technical Specifications, we would like Technical Specific-ation 3.1 to be changed to read: "The reactor power level shall not exceed L 1.1 megawatts, except for pulsing operations". Ancther conforming change is also needed for the wording in the Bases for Technical Specification 2.2 such that the last sentence in the first paragraph reads: "In steady-state opera-tion up to l'.1 megawatts ample margins exist between this setting and the safety limits of Il50'C and 1000*C for FLIP and standard fuel respectively."

An amended Safety Analysis Report (SAR) is attached which addresses the implications of the increased power level. As the SAR clearly shows, there 8911150122 891106 PDR ADOCK 05000243 P PDC Oregon State University is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer o - . .. . - . - - -

2 are no negative or unreviewed safety implications associated with operating the OSTR at 1.1 megawatts. However, it is still our intent to routinely operate the reactor at a maximum steady-state power level of 1 megawatt.

In addition to these power related changes, we would like to request a change to Technical Specification 6.7.e. The current specification requires our annual report "within 75 days following the 30th of June of each year".

For a variety of reasons beyond our control (such as tne work load in our printing department), this date has presented us with problems over the last several years and has caused us to issue two versions of our annual report.

To remedy this undesirable situation, we would like to change Technical Specification 6.7.e to read: "An annual report by November 1, of each year (in writing to the NRC, Document Control Desk, Washington, D. C and a copy to the NRC, Region V)."

Finally, there are three errors in our current Technical Specifications which we would like to request you consider changing. First, Technical Specification 2.1.b states that: "The temperature in a standard TRIGA fuel element shall not exceed 1380*F (1000*C) under any condition of operation."

The temperature 1380'F is a typographical error in the conversion from 1000'C.

It should be 1830*F.

The second error is in Technical Specification 6.4.b where it states that reports "shall be submitted to the Reactor Safety Committee for review." The name of this committee at OSU is the Reactor Operations Committee. The OSU committee is given the correct title in the other parts of the Technical Specifications such as 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, and 6.5. Therefore, we would like to request that 6.4.b be changed to indicate Reactor Operations Committee instead of Reactor Safety Committee.

The third error is in Technical Specification 6.7 where there are two consecutive sub-items designated 6.7.b. Clearly, the item labeled 6.7.b on page 35 is a typographical error and should be changed to 6.7.c.

In closing, we wish to emphasize that our primary motivation for request-ing the specified changes is to remove the possibility of confusion or misunderstanding. All proposed changes have been reviewed and approved by the OSTR Reactor Operations Committee. In addition, proposed revised pages for the Technical Specifications are attached for your convenience. Should there be a need for further clarification or justification, or should more informa-tion be required, please let me know. Thank you for your assistance.

Yours sincerely, f _

A. t DireNohnson r

AGJ/ef l

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3 Enclosures cc: Non-Power Reactor, Decommissioning, and Environmental Projects Directorate, Washington, D. C. 20555, ATTN: Mr. Al Adams ,

Regional Administrator, USNRC, Region V Oregon Department of Energy, Salem, OR 97310, ATTN: Mr. H. Moomey Prof. S. E. Binney, Chairman, Reactor Operations Committee Prof. B. Dodd, Reactor Administrator Prof. J. F. Higginbotham, Senior Health Physicist t

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s A. G. Johnson, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he has affixed his signature to the letter above in his official capacity as Director, Oregon State University Radiation Center; that in accordance with the provisions of Part 50, Chapter 1, Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, he is attaching this affidavit; that the facts set forth in the within letter are true to his best information and belief.

fi A. G. Jihnspn Director V  !

Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notwry Public, in and for the County of Benton, A/agembec.

State f Oregon, this (, m day of , A.D.,1989.

. (>?7t/1bf' A'h b~98~9h Titary Publi6/of Oregon v My Commission Expires li f