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Changes Related to AP1000 Gts Section 5.7, High Radiation Area
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/02/2015
Craig Harbuck NRR/DSS 301-415-3140
Shared Package
ML22240A001 List: ... further results
Download: ML22240A021 (21)


GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 Advanced Passive 1000 (AP1000)

Generic Technical Specification Traveler (GTST)


Changes Related to Section 5.7, High Radiation Area I. Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Travelers, Approved Since Revision 2 of STS NUREG-1431, and Used to Develop this GTST TSTF Number and


None STS NUREGs Affected:

Not Applicable NRC Approval Date:

Not Applicable TSTF Classification:

Not Applicable Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 1

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 II. Reference Combined License (RCOL) Standard Departures (Std. Dep.), RCOL COL Items, and RCOL Plant-Specific Technical Specifications (PTS) Changes Used to Develop this GTST RCOL Std. Dep. Number and


None RCOL COL Item Number and


None RCOL PTS Change Number and


Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 2

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 III. Comments on Relations Among TSTFs, RCOL Std. Dep., RCOL COL Items, and RCOL PTS Changes This section discusses the considered changes that are: (1) applicable to operating reactor designs, but not to the AP1000 design; (2) already incorporated in the GTS; or (3) superseded by another change.

None Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 3

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 IV. Additional Changes Proposed as Part of this GTST (modifications proposed by NRC staff and/or clear editorial changes or deviations identified by preparer of GTST)

None Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 4

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 V. Applicability Affected Generic Technical Specifications and Bases:

Section 5.7, High Radiation Area Changes to the Generic Technical Specifications and Bases:

None Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 5

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 VI. Traveler Information Description of TSTF changes:

None Rationale for TSTF changes:

Not applicable Description of changes in RCOL Std. Dep., RCOL COL Item(s), and RCOL PTS Changes:

None Rationale for changes in RCOL Std. Dep., RCOL COL Item(s), and RCOL PTS Changes:

Not applicable Description of additional changes proposed by NRC staff/preparer of GTST:

None Rationale for additional changes proposed by NRC staff/preparer of GTST:

Not applicable Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 6

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 VII. GTST Safety Evaluation Technical Analysis:

None References to Previous NRC Safety Evaluation Reports (SERs):

None Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 7

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 VIII. Review Information Evaluator Comments:

None E. Danial Doss Argonne National Laboratory 630-252-5967 Review Information:

Availability for public review and comment on Revision 0 of this traveler approved by NRC staff on 5/14/2014.

NRC Final Approval Date: 9/02/2015 NRC


C. Craig Harbuck U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-415-3140 Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 8

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 IX. Evaluator Comments for Consideration in Finalizing Technical Specifications and Bases None Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 9

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 X. References Used in GTST

1. AP1000 DCD, Revision 19, Section 16, Technical Specifications, June 2011 (ML11171A500).
2. Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4, Technical Specifications Upgrade License Amendment Request, February 24, 2011 (ML12065A057).
3. NRC Safety Evaluation (SE) for Amendment No. 13 to Combined License (COL) No. NPF-91 for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Unit 3, and Amendment No. 13 to COL No.

NPF-92 for VEGP Unit 4, September 9, 2013, ADAMS Package Accession No. ML13238A337, which contains:

ML13238A355 Cover Letter - Issuance of License Amendment No. 13 for Vogtle Units 3 and 4 (LAR 12-002).

ML13238A359 Enclosure 1 - Amendment No. 13 to COL No. NPF-91 ML13239A256 Enclosure 2 - Amendment No. 13 to COL No. NPF-92 ML13239A284 Enclosure 3 - Revised plant-specific TS pages (Attachment to Amendment No. 13)

ML13239A287 Enclosure 4 - Safety Evaluation (SE), and Attachment 1 - Acronyms ML13239A288 SE Attachment 2 - Table A - Administrative Changes ML13239A319 SE Attachment 3 - Table M - More Restrictive Changes ML13239A333 SE Attachment 4 - Table R - Relocated Specifications ML13239A331 SE Attachment 5 - Table D - Detail Removed Changes ML13239A316 SE Attachment 6 - Table L - Less Restrictive Changes The following documents were subsequently issued to correct an administrative error in Enclosure 3:

ML13277A616 Letter - Correction To The Attachment (Replacement Pages) - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 3 and 4-Issuance of Amendment Re:

Technical Specifications Upgrade (LAR 12-002) (TAC No. RP9402)

ML13277A637 Enclosure 3 - Revised plant-specific TS pages (Attachment to Amendment No. 13) (corrected)

4. TSTF-GG-05-01, Writer's Guide for Plant-Specific Improved Technical Specifications, June 2005.
5. RAI Letter No. 01 Related to License Amendment Request (LAR)12-002 for the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 3 and 4 Combined Licenses, September 7, 2012 (ML12251A355).
6. Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4, Response to Request for Additional Information Letter No. 01 Related to License Amendment Request LAR-12-002, ND-12-2015, October 04, 2012 (ML12286A363 and ML12286A360).

Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 10

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1

7. APOG-2014-008, APOG (AP1000 Utilities) Comments on AP1000 Standardized Technical Specifications (STS) Generic Technical Specification Travelers (GTSTs), Docket ID NRC-2014-0147, September 22, 2014 (ML14265A493).

Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 11

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 XI. MARKUP of the Applicable GTS Subsection for Preparation of the STS NUREG The entire section of the Specifications and the Bases associated with this GTST is presented next.

Changes to the Specifications and Bases are denoted as follows: Deleted portions are marked in strikethrough red font, and inserted portions in bold blue font.

Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 12

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 High Radiation Area 5.7 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.7 High Radiation Area As provided in paragraph 20.1601(c) of 10 CFR Part 20, the following controls shall be applied to high radiation areas in place of the controls required by paragraph 20.1601(a) and (b) of 10 CFR Part 20:

5.7.1 High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Not Exceeding 1.0 rem/hour at 30 Centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation

a. Each entryway to such an area shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area. Such barricades may be opened as necessary to permit entry or exit of personnel or equipment.
b. Access to, and activities in, each such area shall be controlled by means of Radiation Work Permit (RWP) or equivalent that includes specification of radiation dose rates in the immediate work area(s) and other appropriate radiation protection equipment and measures.
c. Individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures and personnel continuously escorted by such individuals may be exempted from the requirement for an RWP or equivalent while performing their assigned duties provided that they are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures for entry to, exit from, and work in such areas.
d. Each individual or group entering such an area shall possess:
1. A radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates in the area, or
2. A radiation monitoring device that continuously integrates the radiation dose rates in the area and alarms when the devices dose alarm setpoint is reached, with an appropriate alarm setpoint, or
3. A radiation monitoring device that continuously transmits dose rate and cumulative dose information to a remote receiver monitored by radiation protection personnel responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure within the area, or
4. A self-reading dosimeter (e.g., pocket ionization chamber or electronic dosimeter) and, AP1000 STS 5.7-1 Amendment 0Rev. 0 Revision 19 Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 13

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 High Radiation Area 5.7 5.7 High Radiation Area 5.7.1 High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Not Exceeding 1.0 rem/hour at 30 Centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation (continued)

(i) Be under the surveillance, as specified in the RWP or equivalent, while in the area, of an individual qualified in radiation protection procedures, equipped with a radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates in the area; who is responsible for controlling personnel exposure within the area, or (ii) Be under the surveillance as specified in the RWP or equivalent, while in the area, by means of closed circuit television, of personnel qualified in radiation protection procedures, responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure in the area, and with the means to communicate with individuals in the area who are covered by such surveillance.

e. Except for individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures, or personnel continuously escorted by such individuals, entry into such areas shall be made only after dose rates in the area have been determined and entry personnel are knowledgeable of them. These continuously escorted personnel will receive a pre-job briefing prior to entry into such areas. This dose rate determination, knowledge, and pre-job briefing does not require documentation prior to initial entry.

5.7.2 High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Greater than 1.0 rem/hour at 30 Centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation, but less than 500 rads/hour at 1 Meter from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation

a. Each entryway to such an area shall be conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and shall be provided with a locked or continuously guarded door or gate that prevents unauthorized entry, and, in addition:
1. All such door and gate keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the shift supervisor, radiation protection manager, or his or her designees, and
2. Doors and gates shall remain locked except during periods of personnel or equipment entry or exit.

AP1000 STS 5.7-2 Amendment 0Rev. 0 Revision 19 Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 14

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 High Radiation Area 5.7 5.7 High Radiation Area 5.7.2 High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Greater than 1.0 rem/hour at 30 Centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation, but less than 500 rads/hour at 1 Meter from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation (continued)

b. Access to, and activities in, each such area shall be controlled by means of an RWP or equivalent that includes specification of radiation dose rates in the immediate work area(s) and other appropriate radiation protection equipment and measures.
c. Individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures may be exempted from the requirement for an RWP or equivalent while performing radiation surveys in such areas provided that they are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures for entry to, exit from, and work in such areas.
d. Each individual group entering such an area shall possess:
1. A radiation monitoring device that continuously integrates the radiation rates in the area and alarms when the devices dose alarm setpoint is reached, with an appropriate alarm setpoint, or
2. A radiation monitoring device that continuously transmits dose rate and cumulative dose information to a remote receiver monitored by radiation protection personnel responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure within the area with the means to communicate with and control every individual in the area, or
3. A self-reading dosimeter (e.g., pocket ionization chamber or electronic dosimeter) and, (i) Be under surveillance, as specified in the RWP or equivalent, while in the area, of an individual qualified in radiation protection procedures, equipped with a radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates in the area; who is responsible for controlling personnel exposure within the area, or (ii) Be under surveillance as specified in the RWP or equivalent, while in the area, by means of closed circuit television, or personnel qualified in radiation protection procedures, responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure in the area, and with the means to communicate with and control every individual in the area.

AP1000 STS 5.7-3 Amendment 0Rev. 0 Revision 19 Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 15

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 High Radiation Area 5.7 5.7 High Radiation Area 5.7.2 High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Greater than 1.0 rem/hour at 30 Centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation, but less than 500 rads/hour at 1 Meter from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation (continued)

4. In those cases where options (2) and (3), above, are impractical or determined to be inconsistent with the As Low As is Reasonably Achievable principle, a radiation monitoring device that continuously displaces radiation dose rates in the area.
e. Except for individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures, or personnel continuously escorted by such individuals, entry into such areas shall be made only after dose rates in the area have been determined and entry personnel are knowledgeable of them. These continuously escorted personnel will receive a pre-job briefing prior to entry into such areas. This dose rate determination, knowledge, and pre-job briefing does not require documentation prior to initial entry.
f. Such individual areas that are within a larger area where no enclosure exists for the purpose of locking and where no enclosure can reasonably be constructed around the individual area need not be controlled by a locked door or gate, nor continuously guarded, but shall be barricaded, conspicuously posted, and a clearly visible flashing light shall be activated at the area as a warning device.

AP1000 STS 5.7-4 Amendment 0Rev. 0 Revision 19 Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 16

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 XII. Applicable STS Subsection After Incorporation of this GTSTs Modifications The entire subsection of the Specifications and the Bases associated with this GTST, following incorporation of the modifications, is presented next.

Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 17

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 High Radiation Area 5.7 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.7 High Radiation Area As provided in paragraph 20.1601(c) of 10 CFR Part 20, the following controls shall be applied to high radiation areas in place of the controls required by paragraph 20.1601(a) and (b) of 10 CFR Part 20:

5.7.1 High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Not Exceeding 1.0 rem/hour at 30 Centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation

a. Each entryway to such an area shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area. Such barricades may be opened as necessary to permit entry or exit of personnel or equipment.
b. Access to, and activities in, each such area shall be controlled by means of Radiation Work Permit (RWP) or equivalent that includes specification of radiation dose rates in the immediate work area(s) and other appropriate radiation protection equipment and measures.
c. Individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures and personnel continuously escorted by such individuals may be exempted from the requirement for an RWP or equivalent while performing their assigned duties provided that they are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures for entry to, exit from, and work in such areas.
d. Each individual or group entering such an area shall possess:
1. A radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates in the area, or
2. A radiation monitoring device that continuously integrates the radiation dose rates in the area and alarms when the devices dose alarm setpoint is reached, with an appropriate alarm setpoint, or
3. A radiation monitoring device that continuously transmits dose rate and cumulative dose information to a remote receiver monitored by radiation protection personnel responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure within the area, or
4. A self-reading dosimeter (e.g., pocket ionization chamber or electronic dosimeter) and, AP1000 STS 5.7-1 Rev. 0 Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 18

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 High Radiation Area 5.7 5.7 High Radiation Area 5.7.1 High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Not Exceeding 1.0 rem/hour at 30 Centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation (continued)

(i) Be under the surveillance, as specified in the RWP or equivalent, while in the area, of an individual qualified in radiation protection procedures, equipped with a radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates in the area; who is responsible for controlling personnel exposure within the area, or (ii) Be under the surveillance as specified in the RWP or equivalent, while in the area, by means of closed circuit television, of personnel qualified in radiation protection procedures, responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure in the area, and with the means to communicate with individuals in the area who are covered by such surveillance.

e. Except for individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures, or personnel continuously escorted by such individuals, entry into such areas shall be made only after dose rates in the area have been determined and entry personnel are knowledgeable of them. These continuously escorted personnel will receive a pre-job briefing prior to entry into such areas. This dose rate determination, knowledge, and pre-job briefing does not require documentation prior to initial entry.

5.7.2 High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Greater than 1.0 rem/hour at 30 Centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation, but less than 500 rads/hour at 1 Meter from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation

a. Each entryway to such an area shall be conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and shall be provided with a locked or continuously guarded door or gate that prevents unauthorized entry, and, in addition:
1. All such door and gate keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the shift supervisor, radiation protection manager, or his or her designees, and
2. Doors and gates shall remain locked except during periods of personnel or equipment entry or exit.

AP1000 STS 5.7-2 Rev. 0 Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 19

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 High Radiation Area 5.7 5.7 High Radiation Area 5.7.2 High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Greater than 1.0 rem/hour at 30 Centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation, but less than 500 rads/hour at 1 Meter from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation (continued)

b. Access to, and activities in, each such area shall be controlled by means of an RWP or equivalent that includes specification of radiation dose rates in the immediate work area(s) and other appropriate radiation protection equipment and measures.
c. Individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures may be exempted from the requirement for an RWP or equivalent while performing radiation surveys in such areas provided that they are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures for entry to, exit from, and work in such areas.
d. Each individual group entering such an area shall possess:
1. A radiation monitoring device that continuously integrates the radiation rates in the area and alarms when the devices dose alarm setpoint is reached, with an appropriate alarm setpoint, or
2. A radiation monitoring device that continuously transmits dose rate and cumulative dose information to a remote receiver monitored by radiation protection personnel responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure within the area with the means to communicate with and control every individual in the area, or
3. A self-reading dosimeter (e.g., pocket ionization chamber or electronic dosimeter) and, (i) Be under surveillance, as specified in the RWP or equivalent, while in the area, of an individual qualified in radiation protection procedures, equipped with a radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates in the area; who is responsible for controlling personnel exposure within the area, or (ii) Be under surveillance as specified in the RWP or equivalent, while in the area, by means of closed circuit television, or personnel qualified in radiation protection procedures, responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure in the area, and with the means to communicate with and control every individual in the area.

AP1000 STS 5.7-3 Rev. 0 Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 20

GTST AP1000-A50-5.7, Rev. 1 High Radiation Area 5.7 5.7 High Radiation Area 5.7.2 High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Greater than 1.0 rem/hour at 30 Centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation, but less than 500 rads/hour at 1 Meter from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation (continued)

4. In those cases where options (2) and (3), above, are impractical or determined to be inconsistent with the As Low As is Reasonably Achievable principle, a radiation monitoring device that continuously displaces radiation dose rates in the area.
e. Except for individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures, or personnel continuously escorted by such individuals, entry into such areas shall be made only after dose rates in the area have been determined and entry personnel are knowledgeable of them. These continuously escorted personnel will receive a pre-job briefing prior to entry into such areas. This dose rate determination, knowledge, and pre-job briefing does not require documentation prior to initial entry.
f. Such individual areas that are within a larger area where no enclosure exists for the purpose of locking and where no enclosure can reasonably be constructed around the individual area need not be controlled by a locked door or gate, nor continuously guarded, but shall be barricaded, conspicuously posted, and a clearly visible flashing light shall be activated at the area as a warning device.

AP1000 STS 5.7-4 Rev. 0 Date report generated:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Page 21