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Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 03/10/2022
From: Brett Titus
Nuclear Energy Institute
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML22153A344 (9)


Leveraging Risk Insights in License Renewal Brett Titus Nuclear Energy Institute Licensing Director March 10, 2022

Risk Insights in License Renewal - Why?

U.S. Department of Energy, Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program (

Nuclear power has reliably and economically contributed approximately 20 percent of electrical generation in the United States over the past two decades. It remains the single largest contributor (approximately 56%) of non-greenhouse-gas-emitting electric power generation in the United States.

Operation of the existing fleet of plants to 60 years, extending the operating lifetimes of those plants beyond 60 years and, where practical, making further improvements in their productivity are essential to support the nations energy needs: supply, reliability, and diversity. (emphasis added)

License Renewal Status

  • Comanche Peak 1 & 2 - 2022
  • Perry 1 - 2023
  • Clinton 1 - 2024
  • Turkey Point 3 & 4 - December 2019
  • Peach Bottom 2 & 3 - March 2020
  • Surry 1 & 2 - May 2021
  • North Anna 1 & 2 - April 2022
  • Point Beach 1 & 2 - July 2022
  • Oconee 1 & 2 & 3 - January 2023
  • St. Lucie 1 & 2 - July 2023

Risk Insights in License Renewal - How?

  • Since 1995, the NRC and industry have significantly expanded use of PRA & risk insights:
  • Maintenance Rule
  • Risk-informed Oversight
  • Risk-Informed Plant Licensing Basis Changes
  • Risk-Informed In-Service Inspection
  • Risk-Informed Categorization of SSCs (§50.69)
  • Risk-Informed Technical Specifications
  • Risk-Informed Fire Protection
  • All operating reactors have invested heavily on site-specific PRA models that added significant quality and level of detail since the 1990s
  • While the focus of each risk-informed application may be different, they have direct or indirect links to managing aging effects; to the extent that revisiting the use of risk insights can be beneficial

Relationship Between Risk-Informed Programs/PRA/AMPs

  • For individual AMPs, it is important to understand the role, scope, and overlap AGING MANAGEMENT between the risk insight information that is PROGRAMS available and that specific AMP
  • The intent is not to plug PRA or RI-ISI directly RIAM into RIAM, but to adapt it where it can RISK- PRA support risk-insights in a technically INFORMED MODEL adequate manner PROGRAMS

Overall Approach to Decision-Making with Risk Insights Risk Insights for Aging Management - Actions and Next Steps

  • Submitted Selective Leaching and Inaccessible Cable AMP mark-ups for incorporation into GALL-SLR and GALL
  • Publication of final EPRI Report detailing framework
  • Development of NEI Technical Report on application of Risk Insights for Aging Management
  • Ongoing and future communications with NRC and industry