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Annual Radiological Environmental Operation Report
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2021
Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML21144A186 (108)



Exelon Generation.


Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services April 2021

Intentionally Left Blank Table Of Contents I. Summary and Conclusions .............................................................................................. 5 II. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 6 A. Objectives of the REMP ..... ................ ..... ............ ...... .. .. ... .... ...... .......... ................ 6 B. Implementation of the Objectives ........ .............. .. ...................... ... ........... .... ... .... . 6 Ill. Program Description ......... ............. ........ .... ............ ......... ..................................... ......... .. 7 A. Sample Collection ............................................................... ... ..... ... ...................... 7 B. Sample Analysis ... .... ...... ........ ... .... .... .. ... ..... ..... .. ......... ........................................ 8 C. Data Interpretation ........................... .. ..... ........ .... .......... ... .. ... ... ... ........... ..... ... ...... 9 D. Program Exceptions .......................................................................................... 10 E. Program Changes ...................................... ...... ........ ... .............. ...... .................. 12 IV. Results and Discussion .... .... ...... .. ...... ........ ............................ ........ .... ...... ... .... ... ..... .. .. 13 A. Aquatic Environment ................ ....... .................................................................. 13

1. Surface Water .. ............................................................................ ..... ...... 13
2. Drinking Water ............. ... ........ .. ... ... ...... ....... ....... ... .... ................. ... .... ..... 13
3. Well Water ...... ..................... .. ....... ......................................................... 14
4. Fish .. .... .... ... ... .. ........................ .. ... ..................... .. ................................... 14
5. Shoreline Sediment. ......................... ..................... ..... ............................. 14 B. Atmospheric Environment ... ...... ... ............................................................... ...... 15
1. Airborne .................................. .......... .................... ...................... ...... ...... 15
a. Air Particulates ...... ... ........... .......... ..... ....... ..... ... ....... ..... ........ .... .. . 15
b. Airborne Iodine ....... ......... .... ..... ............ ...... ........ .. ... ... ................... 15
2. Terrestrial .. ..... ..................... .. ................................. ................................. 15
a. Milk .... .......... ...... ......... ................... ... ...... .. .... .. .. ..... ....................... 15
b. Food Products ........... ....... ... .. .......... .... .. ....................................... 16
c. Grass ................. .......... ........ .. ... .... ............ ...... .............. ........... ..... 16 C. Ambient Gamma Radiation ....................... ........ ..................... .......... ................. 16 D. Independent Spent Fuel Storage (ISFSI) ........... .. .. ........ ................................... 17 E. Land Use Survey ......... ............................................................ ..................... ..... 17 F. Errata Data ................................ .................................... ........... .. .... .. ......... ....... .. 18 G. Summary of Results - Inter-laboratory Comparison Program ... ....................... 18 V. References ................. .. .............................. .... ........................... ... ... ........ ..... ...... .......... 21

Appendices Appendix A Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report Summary Tables Table A-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Summary for the Clinton Power Station , 2020 Appendix B Location Designation , Distance & Direction , and Sample Collection &

Analytical Methods Tables Table B-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Sampling Locations ,

Distance and Direction , Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table B-2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Summary of Sample Collection and Analytical Methods, Clinton Power Station , 2020 Figures Figure B-1 Environmental Sampling Locations Within One Mile of the Clinton Power Station , 2020 Figure B-2 Environmental Sampling Locations Between One and Two Miles of the Clinton Power Station , 2020 Figure B-3 Environmental Sampling Locations Between Two and Five Miles of the Clinton Power Station, 2020 Figure B-4 Environmental Sampling Locations Greater Than Five Miles from of the Clinton Power Station , 2020 Appendix C Data Tables and Figures Tables Table C-1.1 Concentrations of 1-131 in Surface Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table C-1.2 Concentrations of Tritium in Surface Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table C-1.3 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Surface Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table C-I1.1 Concentrations of Gross Beta in Drinking Water Samples Collected in ii

the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table C-I1.2 Concentrations of Tritium in Drinking Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table C-I1.3 Concentrations of 1-131 in Drinking Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table C-I1.4 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Drinking Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table C-II1.1 Concentrations of Tritium in Well Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table C-III .2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Well Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table C-IV.1 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Fish Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table C-V.1 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Sediment Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table C-Vl.1 Concentrations of Gross Beta in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table C-Vl.2 Monthly and Yearly Mean Values of Gross Beta Concentrations in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table C-Vl.3 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020.

Table C-Vll.1 Concentrations of 1-131 in Air Iodine Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table C-Vlll.1 Concentrations of 1-131 in Milk Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table C-Vlll.2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Milk Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table C-IX.1 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Vegetation Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table C-IX.2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Grass Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table C-X.1 Quarterly DLR Results for Clinton Power Station, 2020 iii

Figures Figure C-1 Mean Monthly Gross Beta Concentration in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of CPS, 2020 Figure C-2 Mean Quarterly Ambient Gamma Radiation Levels (DLR) in the Vicinity of CPS , 2020 Appendix D Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program Tables Table D-1 Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Table D-2 DOE's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP)

Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Table D-3 ERA Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Appendix E Errata Data Appendix F Annual Radiological Groundwater Protection Program Report (ARGPPR) iv

I. Summary and Conclusions This report on the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) conducted for the Clinton Power Station (CPS) by Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Exelon) covers the period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 .

During that time period , 1,556 analyses were performed on 1,430 samples. In assessing all the data gathered for this report and comparing these results with preoperational data, it was concluded that the operation of CPS had no adverse radiological impact on the environment.

There were zero (0) radioactive liquid releases from CPS during 2020. Releases of gaseous radioactive materials were accurately measured in plant effluents.

There were no gaseous effluent releases that approached the limits specified in the CPS Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) . The highest calculated offsite dose received by a member of the public in 2020 due to the release of gaseous effluents from CPS was 3.92E-02 or 0.0392 mRem .

Surface, drinking, and well water samples were analyzed for concentrations of tritium and gamma-emitting nuclides. Drinking water samples were also analyzed for concentrations of gross beta and iodine-131 (1-131 ). No fission or activation products were detected. No tritium or gross beta activity was detected and the required lower limit of detection (LLD) was met.

Fish and shoreline sediment samples were analyzed for concentrations of gamma-emitting nuclides . No fission or activation products were detected in fish or shoreline sediment samples.

Air particulate samples were analyzed for concentrations of gross beta and gamma-emitting nuclides. No fission or activation products were detected.

lodine-131 analyses were performed on weekly air samples. All results were less than the lower limit of detection for 1-131.

High sensitivity 1-131 analyses and gamma analyses were performed on cow milk samples. All results were below the required LLDs for 1-131 . Concentrations of naturally-occurring K-40 were consistent with those detected in previous years.

No fission or activation products were found.

Food product samples were analyzed for concentrations of gamma-emitting nuclides . No fission or activation products were detected .

Grass samples were analyzed for concentrations of gamma-emitting nuclides. No fission or activation products were detected .

Environmental gamma radiation measurements were performed quarterly using Dosimeters of Legal Record (DLR). Levels detected were consistent with those observed in previous years.

II. Introduction The Clinton Power Station (CPS), consisting of one approximately 1,140 MW gross electrical power output boiling water reactor is located in Harp Township ,

DeWitt County, Illinois. CPS is owned and operated by Exelon and became operational in 1987. Unit No. 1 went critical on February 27, 1987. The site encloses approximately 13,730 acres. This includes the 4,895 acre, man-made cooling lake and about 452 acres of property not owned by Exelon . The plant is situated on approximately 150 acres. The cooling water discharge flume - which discharges to the eastern arm of the lake - occupies an additional 130 acres.

Although the nuclear reactor, supporting equipment and associated electrical generation and distribution equipment lie in Harp Township, portions of the aforementioned 13,730 acre plot reside within Wilson , Rutledge, DeWitt, Creek, Nixon and Santa Anna Townships .

A Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) for CPS was initiated in 1987. The preoperational period for most media covers the periods May 1980 through February 27, 1987 and was summarized in a separate report. This report covers those analyses performed by Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) and Landauer on samples collected during the period January 1, 2020 through December 31 , 2020.

A. Objectives of the REMP The objectives of the REMP are to:

1. Provide data on measurable levels of radiation and radioactive materials in the site environs .
2. Evaluate the relationship between quantities of radioactive material released from the plant and resultant radiation doses to individuals from principal pathways of exposure.

B. Implementation of the Objectives The implementation of the objectives is accomplished by:

1. Identifying significant exposure pathways .
2. Establishing baseline radiological data of media within those pathways.
3. Continuously monitoring those media before and during Station operation to assess Station radiological effects (if any) on man and the environment.

Ill. Program Description A. Sample Collection This section describes the general collection methods used by Environmental Inc. Midwest Labs (EIML) to obtain environmental samples for the CPS REMP in 2020 . Sample locations and descriptions can be found in Tables B-1 and B-2 , and Figures 8-1 through B-4, Appendix B.

The sampling methods used by Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs) are listed in Table B-2 .

Aquatic Environment The aquatic environment was evaluated by performing radiological analyses on samples of surface water, drinking water, well water, fish , and shoreline sediment. Two gallon water samples were collected monthly and quarterly from composite samplers located at three surface water locations (CL-90 , CL-91 and CL-99) and one drinking water location (CL-14) . A monthly grab sample was obtained from one surface water location (CL-13) . Quarterly samples were obtained from two well water locations (CL-7D and CL-12). All samples were collected in new unused plastic bottles, which were rinsed at least twice with source water prior to collection . Fish samples comprising the flesh of largemouth bass , channel catfish, bluegill , carp, and white crappie , the species most commonly harvested from the lakes by sporting fishermen , were collected semiannually at two locations, CL-19 and CL-105. CL-105 was the control location , which is located about 50 miles upwind of the station. Shoreline sediment samples composed of recently deposited substrate were collected at two locations semiannually (CL-07B and CL-105 (control)) .

Atmospheric Environment The atmospheric environment was evaluated by performing radiological analyses on samples of air particulate , airborne iodine , milk, food produce and grass. Airborne iodine and particulate samples were collected and analyzed weekly and quarterly at ten locations (CL-1 , CL-2, CL-3, CL-4 ,

CL-6 , CL-7 , CL-8 , CL-11 , CL-15 and CL-94) . CL-11 was the control location , which is located 16 miles upwind of the station. Airborne iodine and particulate samples were obtained at each location , using a vacuum pump with charcoal and glass fiber filters attached . The pumps were run continuously and sampled air at the rate of approximately one cubic foot per minute . The filters were replaced weekly and sent to an independent laboratory fo r analysis.

Milk samples were collected biweekly at one location (CL-116) from May through October to coincide with the grazing season , and monthly from November through April. All samples were collected in new unused plastic bottles from the bulk tank at the dairy farm , preserved with sodium bisulfite and shipped promptly to the laboratory.

Food products were collected once a month from June through September at three locations (CL-114, CL-115 and CL-118) . The control location was CL-114 , which is located 12.5 miles upwind of the station . Various broad leaf vegetable samples were collected and placed in new unused plastic bags and sent to the laboratory for analysis .

Grass samples were collected biweekly at four locations (CL-01 , CL-02 ,

CL-08 and CL-116) from May through October. CL-116 was the control location , which is located 14 miles WSW of the station . All samples were collected in new unused plastic bags and sent to the laboratory for analysis .

Ambient Gamma Radiation Direct radiation measurements were made using DLRs . Each location consisted of 2 dosimeter sets in a vented PVC conduit located a few feet off the ground. The DLRs were exchanged quarterly and sent to Landauer for analysis . The DLR locations were placed around the CPS site as follows :

An inner ring consisting of 16 locations (CL-1 , CL-5 , CL-22 , CL-23 , CL-24 ,

CL-34, CL-35 , CL-36 , CL-42 CL-43 , CL-44 , CL-45 , CL-46 , CL-47, CL-48 and CL-63) .

An outer ring consisting of 16 locations (CL-51 , CL-52 , CL-53 , CL-54 ,

CL-55, CL-56 , CL-57 , CL-58 , CL-60 , CL-61 , CL-76, CL-77 , CL-78 ,

CL-79 , CL-80 and CL-81 ).

A special interest set consisting of seven locations (CL-37 , CL-41 , CL-49 ,

CL-64 , CL-65 , CL-74 and CL-75) representing special interest areas .

A supplemental set consisting of 14 locations (CL-2 , CL-3, CL-4, CL-6 ,

CL-7 , CL-8 , CL-15, CL-33 , CL-84 , CL-90 , CL-91, CL-97 , CL-99 and CL-114) .

CL-11 represents the control location for all environmental DLRs .

The specific DLR locations were determined by the following criteria :

1. The presence of relatively dense population ;
2. Site meteorological data taking into account distance and elevation for each of the sixteen-22 1/2 degree meteorological sectors around the site , where estimated annual dose from CPS, if detected, would be most significant;
3. On hills free from local obstructions and within sight of the HVAC and VG stacks (where practical) ;
4. And near the closest dwelling to the HVAC and VG stacks in the prevailing downwind direction .

B. Sample Analysis This section describes the general analytical methodologies used by TBE and Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs) to analyze and collect environmental samples for radioactivity for the CPS REMP in 2020. The analytical procedures used by the laboratories are listed in Table B-2.

In order to achieve the stated objectives , the current program includes the following analyses:

1. Concentrations of beta emitters in drinking water, air particulates and vegetables
2. Concentrations of gamma emitters in surface, drinking and well water, air particulates, milk, fish , grass , sediment and vegetables
3. Concentrations of tritium in surface , drinking and well water
4. Concentrations of 1-131 in air, milk, drinking water and surface water
5. Ambient gamma radiation levels at various off-site environs C. Data Interpretation The radiological and direct radiation data collected prior to CPS becoming operational was used as a baseline with which these operational data were compared . For the purpose of this report, CPS was considered operational at initial criticality. In addition , data were compared to previous years' operational data for consistency and trending . Several factors were important in the interpretation of the data :
1. Lower Limit of Detection and Minimum Detectable Concentration The lower limit of detection (LLD) was defined as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that would yield a net count (above background) that would be detected with only a 5%

probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" value. The LLD was intended as a before the fact estimate of a system (including instrumentation , procedure and sample type) and not as an after the fact criteria for the presence of activity. All analyses were designed to achieve the required CPS detection capabilities for environmental sample analysis .

2. Net Activity Calculation and Reporting of Results Net activity for a sample was calculated by subtracting background activity from the sample activity. Since the REMP measures extremely small changes in radioactivity in the environment, background variations may result in sample activity being lower than the background activity resulting in a negative number. A minimum detectable concentration (MDC) was reported in all cases where positive activity was not detected.

Gamma spectroscopy results for each type of sample were grouped as follows :

For surface water, drinking water, well water, fish , and sediment:

12 nuclides, Mn-54, Co-58, Fe-59 , Co-60 , Zn-65 , Nb-95 , Zr-95, Cs-134, Cs-137 , Ba-140, La-140 and Ce-144 were reported For milk: 13 nuclides, K-40 , Mn-54, Co-58 , Fe-59, Co-60, Zn-65 ,

Nb-95, Zr-95 , Cs-134, Cs-137 , Ba-140 , La-140 and Ce-144 were reported For grass and vegetation : 13 nuclides , Mn-54, Co-58 , Fe-59 , Co-60 ,

Zn-65 , Nb-95 , Zr-95 , 1-131 , Cs-134, Cs-137 , Ba-140, La-140 and Ce-144 were reported For air particulate : 9 nuclides , Co-60 , Nb-95 , Zr-95 , Ru-103 , Ru-106 ,

Cs-134 , Cs-137 , Ce-141 and Ce-144 were reported The mean and standard deviation of the results were calculated . The standard deviation represents the variability of measured results for different samples rather than single analysis uncertainty.

D. Program Exceptions The exceptions (Issue Reports, IRs) described below are those that are considered 'deviations' from the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program as required by the Station 's ODCM . By definition , 'deviations' are permitted as delineated within NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Rower Plants", October 1978, and within Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position , Revision 1, November 1979, which states ... . "Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions , seasonal unavailability, malfunction of automatic sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons .... " The below section addresses the reporting requirements found within Section 6.0 of the Station 's ODCM .


1. IR 4341468 ODCM/REMP Samples Impacted By COVID-19 Pandemic
a. Delayed sampling date on biannual fish sampling at CL-105 and CL-19 (ODCM) - also due to low lake temperatures.
b. Delayed sampling date on biannual sediment sampling at CL-19 (ODCM) .

Attempts to acquire these samples were unsuccessful due to the additional controls put in place by IDNR to response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These samples were obtained and analyzed per the schedule once the additional controls were lifted in May 2020.

2. IR 4352577 ODCM Garden CL-117 Not Available for Sampling 06/24/2020 - the farmer (owner) elected not to grow a garden this year or in future years . CL-117 is located approximately 0.9 miles North of the plant. Gardens CL-114, CL-115 and CL-118 are still available for sampling.
3. IR 4362103 ODCM: July REMP Anomalies 07/15/2020 - during the weekly sample surveillance, the Environmental, Inc. sampling vendor identified the timers on CL-7 (non-ODCM) , CL-8 (ODCM) and CL-94 (non-ODCM) were short, indicating power outages at some point during the sampling week. Significant storms had gone through the area during the week, which could have potentially caused these outages. The samplers and timers were back up and running as expected . The samples were sufficient for analyses but were not continuous as required by the ODCM .
4. IR 4382237 ODCM: August and September REMP Anomalies
a. 08/05/2020 - During the weekly air sampling surveillance , two AP and charcoal filters were mislabeled by the Environmental , Inc.

vendor. The vendor laboratory, Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) , received 2 AP filters labeled as CL-7 and 2 charcoal filters labeled as CL-6. Since the samples are too similar to distinguish between , they were analyzed as samples A and Band were reported as CL-7 .

b. August 2020 - during the monthly ODCM vegetation sampling, the Environmental , Inc. vendor only obtained one type of vegetation from gardens CL-114, CL-115 and CL-118. Enough sample was obtained from CL-115 and CL-118 for two separate analyses but both samples were of the kale variety. This was a backup sampling vendor who did not reach out to the station point of contact for guidance to determine that three separate types of vegetation are required from each location .
c. 09/23/20 - during the weekly ODCM air sampling surveillance, the Environmental, Inc. vendor identified that the timers on CL-7 (non-ODCM) and CL-8 (ODCM) were short, indicating power outages at some point during the sampling week. The samplers and timers were back up and running as expected. The samples were sufficient for analysis, but the sample collections were not continuous as required by the ODCM .
d. September 2020 - during the monthly ODCM vegetation sampling ,

the Environmental , Inc. vendor noted that there was only one type of broad leaf vegetation available for sampling instead of the required three type at garden CL-115. Corn leaves were collected as a substitute for CL-115. There was no third option available for CL-115 , so additional broccoli was collected for analysis. CL-118 had 3 types of vegetation , but not enough straight kale for analysis.

Therefore , a mixture of kale and cabbage was collected as a substitute fo r only kale . The re were no issues identified at the control garden , CL-114.

Throughout 2020, the following IRs were generated to document program exceptions that were entered into the corrective action program for trending purposes .

Missed Samples

1. IR 4341468 REMP/ODCM Sampling Impacted By COVID-19 Pandemic
a. 03/05/2020 - quarterly groundwater at CL-70 (ODCM) was not collected.
b. 03/26/2020 and 06/26/2020 - quarterly TLD exchange at CL-07 (non-ODCM) was not performed.
c. 03/18/2020 - 04/29/2020 - weekly air particulate/charcoal filter samples at CL-07 (non-ODCM) not obtained .
2. IR 4362103 ODCM : July REMP Anomalies 07/29/2020 - during the monthly ODCM vegetation sampling , the Environmental, Inc. sampling vendor noted that only 2 different types of broad leaf vegetation were available for sampling instead of the required 3 types at gardens CL-115 and CL-118. All varieties of cabbage and lettuce had died , most likely due to the extreme heat and root rot. There were no issues identified at the control garden , CL-114 . Will attempt to obtain additional vegetation , but it is unlikely to be found due to the lateness of the planting season .

Program exceptions were reviewed to understand the causes of the exception and to return to ODCM sample compliance before the next sampling frequency period.

The overall sample recovery rate indicates that the appropriate procedures and equipment are in place to assure reliable program implementation.

E. Program Changes

3. IR 4352577 ODCM : REMP Garden CL-117 Not Available for Sampling The farmer who owns the land that Garden CL-117 (located approximately 0.9 miles North of the plant) has elected to not grow a garden this year or future years , so it has been evaluated to remove CL-117 from the REMP program.

IV. Results and Discussion A. Aquatic Environment

1. Surface Water Composite samples were taken hourly at three locations (CL-90 ,

CL-91 and CL-99) on a monthly schedule and grab samples were taken monthly from one location (CL-13). The following analyses were performed:

lodine-131 Monthly samples from location CL-90 were analyzed for 1-131 activity (Table C-1.1 , Appendix C) . No 1-131 was detected in any samples and the required LLD was met.

Tritium Monthly samples from all locations were composited quarterly and analyzed for tritium activity (Table C-1.2, Appendix C). No tritium was detected in any samples and the required LLD was met.

Gamma Spectrometry Samples from all locations were analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides (Table C-1.3, Appendix C). No plant-produced radionuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met.

2. Drinking Water Monthly composite samples were taken hourly at one location (CL-14).

The following analyses were performed :

Gross Beta Monthly samples were analyzed for concentrations of gross beta . No gross beta was detected in any of the samples .

(Tables C-I1.1, Appendix C)

Tritium Monthly samples were composited quarterly and analyzed for tritium activity. No tritium was detected in any samples and the required LLD was met. (Table C-I1.2 , Appendix C) lodine-131 Monthly samples from location CL-14 were analyzed for 1-131 activity.

No 1-131 was detected in any samples and the required LLD was met.

(Table C-I1.3, Appendix C)

Gamma Spectrometry Monthly samples were analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides . No plant-produced radionuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met. (Table C-II.4 , Appendix C)

3. Well Water Quarterly grab samples were collected at two locations (CL-07D and CL-12, consisting of CL-12R [a raw water sample from this well] and CL-12T [same well water, but after treatment and available for consumption]). The following analyses were performed :

Tritium Samples from all locations were analyzed for tritium activity. No tritium was detected in any samples and the required LLD was met.

(Table C-II1.1 , Appendix C)

Gamma Spectrometry Samples from all locations were analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides.

No plant-produced radionuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met. (Table C-II1.2 , Appendix C)

4. Fish Fish samples comprised of largemouth bass , channel catfish , bluegill ,

carp and white crappie were collected at two locations (CL-19 and CL-105) semiannually . The following analysis was performed :

Gamma Spectrometry The edible portion of fish samples from both locations was analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides . No plant-produced radionuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met. (Table C-IV.1, Appendix C)

5. Shoreline Sediment Aquatic shoreline sediment samples were collected at CL-07B and CL-105 semiannually. The following analysis was performed :

Gamma Spectrometry Shoreline sediment samples were analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides. No plant-produced radionuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met. (Table C-V.1, Appendix C)

B. Atmospheric Environment

1. Airborne
a. Air Particulates Continuous air particulate samples were collected from 10 locations on a weekly basis. The 10 locations were separated into three groups: Group I represents locations within one mile of the CPS site boundary (CL-2 , CL-3, CL-4, CL-6, CL-15 and CL-94);

Group II represents the locations at an intermediate distance within one to five miles of CPS (CL-1, CL-7 and CL-8); and Group Ill represents the control location greater than five miles from CPS (CL-11 ). The following analyses were performed:

Gross Beta Weekly samples were analyzed for concentrations of beta emitters (Table C-Vl.1 and C-Vl.2 and Figure C-1, Appendix C) .

Detectable gross beta activity was observed at all locations.

Comparison of results among the three groups aid in determining the effects, if any, resulting from the operation of CPS. The results from the On-Site locations (Group I) ranged from 7 to 36 E-3 pCi/m 3 with a mean of 17 E-3 pCi/m 3 . The results from the Intermediate Distance location (Group II) ranged from 8 to 33 E-3 pCi/m 3 with a mean of 17 E-3 pCi/m 3 . The results from the Control location (Group Ill) ranged from 8 to 33 E-3 pCi/m 3 with a mean of 17 E-3 pCi/m 3 . Comparison of the 2020 air particulate data with previous years' data indicate no measurable impact from the operation of CPS. In addition , a comparison of the weekly mean values for 2020 indicate no notable differences among the three groups.

Gamma Spectrometry Weekly samples were composited quarterly and analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides. No plant-produced radionuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met.

(Table C-Vl.3 , Appendix C)

b. Airborne Iodine Continuous air samples were collected from 10 locations (CL-1, CL-2, CL-3 , CL-4, CL-6, CL-7, CL-8, CL-11, CL-15 and CL-94) and analyzed weekly for 1-131. All results were less than the MDC and the required LLD was met. (Table C-Vll.1, Appendix C)
2. Terrestrial
a. Milk Samples were collected from CL-116 biweekly May through October to coincide with the grazing season , and monthly November through April. The following analyses were performed :

lodine-131 Milk samples were analyzed for concentrations of 1-131 .

lodine-131 was not detected in any of the samples. The required LLD was met. (Table C-Vlll.1 , Appendix C) .

Gamma Spectrometry Each milk sample was analyzed for concentrations of gamma-emitting nuclides. Naturally-occurring K-40 activity was found in all samples. No plant-produced radionuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met. (Table C-Vlll.2 , Appendix C)

b. Food Products Broadleaf vegetation samples were collected from three locations (CL-114, CL-115 and CL-118) monthly June through September to coincide with the harvest season . The following analysis was performed:

Gamma Spectrometry Each food product sample was analyzed for concentrations of gamma-emitting nuclides. No plant-produced radionuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met.

(Table C-IX.1, Appendix C)

c. Grass Samples were collected from four locations (CL-1, CL-2 , CL-8 ,

and CL-116) biweekly May through October. The following analysis was performed :

Gamma Spectrometry Each grass sample was analyzed for concentrations of gamma-emitting nuclides. No plant-produced radionuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met.

(Table C-IX.2, Appendix C)

C. Ambient Gamma Radiation Ambient gamma radiation levels were measured utilizing DLRs . Fifty-four DLR locations were established around the site . Results of DLR measurements are listed in Tables C-X.1 , Appendix C.

A total of 214 OSLO measurements were made in 2020. The average dose from the inner ring was 19.6 mRem/quarter. The average dose from the outer ring was 19.8 mRem/quarter. The average dose from the special interest group was 19.5 mRem/quarter. The average dose from the supplemental group was 18.6 mRem/quarter. The quarterly measurements ranged from 15.1 to 23.4 mRem/quarter.

The inner ring and outer ring measurements compared well to the Control Station, CL-11 , which ranged from 15.8 to 18.6 mRem/quarter with an average measurement of 17.4 mRem/quarter. A comparison of the Inner Ring and Outer Ring data to the Control Location data indicate that the ambient gamma radiation levels from all the locations were comparable.

The historical ambient gamma radiation data from the control location were plotted along with similar data from the Inner and Outer Ring Locations (Figure C-2, Appendix C) .

D. Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

Ambient gamma radiation levels were measured utilizing DLRs.

Fifty-four DLR locations were established around the site, which encompasses the ISFSI pad. ISFSI dose contribution is in the form of direct radiation as no liquid or gas releases are expected to occur. Results of DLR measurements are listed in Table C-X.1, Appendix C.

E. Land Use Survey The Annual Land Use Survey conducted during the growing season around the Clinton Power Station (CPS) was performed by Environmental Inc.

(Midwest Labs) for Exelon to comply with Clinton 's Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, section 8.0. The report to CPS was dated November 20, 2020.

The purpose of the survey was to document the nearest resident, milk-producing animal and garden of greater than 50 m2 in each of the sixteen 22 1/2 degree sectors around the site. The distance and direction of all locations from the CPS Station HVAC vent stack were positioned using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. There were no changes required to the CPS REMP as a result of the Land Use Survey. The results of this survey are summarized below:

Distance in Kilometers from the CPS Station HVAC Vent Stack Sector Residence Garden Milk Animal (km) (km) (km) 1 N 1.50 1.50 1.50 2 NNE 1.50 1.50 >8 3 NE 2.07 3.46 >8 4 ENE 2.86 4.22 >8 5 E 1.67 1.67 >8 6 ESE 5.14 >8 >8 7 SE 3.90 >8 >8 8 SSE 2.90 >8 >8 9 S 4.78 >8 6.60 10SSW 4.68 >8 >8 11 SW 1.17 5.61 >8 12WSW 3.62 3.66 4.32 13W 1.95 >8 3.29 14WNW 2.63 >8 >8 15 NW 2.65 >8 >8 16 NNW 2.05 2.05 2.05 F. Errata Data There was no errata data for 2020 .

G. Summary of Results - Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program The TBE Laboratory analyzed Performance Evaluation (PE) samples of air particulate, air iodine, milk, soil, vegetation, and water matrices for various analytes. The PE samples supplied by Analytics Inc., Environmental Resource Associates (ERA) and Department of Energy (DOE) Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) , were evaluated against the following pre-set acceptance criteria :

A. Analytics Evaluation Criteria Analytics' evaluation report provides a ratio of TBE 's result and Analytics' known value . Since flag values are not assigned by Analytics , TBE evaluates the reported ratios based on internal QC requirements based on the DOE MAPEP criteria.

B. ERA Evaluation Criteria ERA's evaluation report provides an acceptance range for control and warning limits with associated flag values. ERA's acceptance limits are established per the USEPA, National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) , state-specific Performance Testing (PT) program requirements or ERA's SOP for the Generation of Performance Acceptance Limits , as applicable.

The acceptance limits are either determined by a regression equation specific to each analyte or a fixed percentage limit promulgated under the appropriate regulatory document.

C. DOE Evaluation Criteria MAPEP's evaluation report provides an acceptance range with associated flag values. MAPEP defines three levels of performance:

  • Acceptable (flag = "A") - result within +/- 20% of the reference value
  • Acceptable with Warning (flag = "W') - result falls in the +/- 20% to

+/- 30% of the reference value

  • Not Acceptable (flag = "N") - bias is greater than 30% of the reference value Note: The Department of Energy (DOE) Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) samples are created to mimic conditions found at DOE sites which do not resemble typical environmental samples obtained at commercial nuclear power facilities.

For the TSE laboratory, 126 out of 133 analyses performed met the specified acceptance criteria. Seven analyses did not meet the specified acceptance criteria for the following reasons and were addressed through the TSE Corrective Action Program. A summary is found below:

1. The MAPEP February 2020 AP U-233/234 and U-238 results were evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value for U-233/234 was 0.0416 +/- 0.0102 Sq/sample and the known result was 0.075 Sq/sample (acceptance range 0.053 - 0.098). The reported value for U-238 was 0.0388 +/- 0.00991 Sq/sample and the known result was 0.078 Sq/sample (acceptance range 0.055 - 0.101 ). This sample was run as the workgroup duplicate and had RPD's of 10.4% (U-234) and 11 .7%

(U-238) . After the known results were obtained , the sample was relogged . The filter was completely digested with tracer added originally; the R1 results were almost identical. It was concluded that the recorded tracer amount was actually double, causing the results to be skewed. Lab worksheets have been modified to verify actual tracer amount vs. LIMS data. TSE changed vendors for this cross-check to ERA MRAD during the 2nd half of 2020. Results were acceptable at 97 .8% for U-234 and 106% for U-238 . (NCR 20-13)

2. The Analytics September 2020 milk Sr-89 result was evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value was 62.8 pCi/L and the known result was 95.4 (66%). All QC data was reviewed and there were no anomalies. This was the first failure for milk Sr-89 since 2013 and there have only been 3 upper/lower boundary warnings since that time .

It is believed that there may have been some Sr-89 loss during sample prep . The December 2020 result was at 92% of the known .

(NCR 20-19)

3. The ERA October 2020 water 1-131 result was evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value was 22.9 pCi/L and the known result was 28 .2 (acceptance range 23 .5 - 33 .1). The reported resu lt was 81 %

of the known , which passes TSE QC criteria . This was the first failure for water 1-131 . (NCR 20-17)

4. The ERA October 2020 water Gross Alpha and Gross Beta results were evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported/acceptable values and ranges are as follows:

Reported Known Range Gross Alpha 40 .0 26.2 13.3 - 34.7 Gross Beta 47 .5 69.1 48.0 - 76 .0 All QC data was reviewed with no anomalies and a cause for failure could not be determined. This was the first failure for water Gross Beta. A Quick Response follow-up cross-check was analyzed as soon as possible with acceptable results at 96 .8% for Gross Alpha and 102%

for Gross Beta. (NCR 20-13)

5. The MAPEP August 2020 soil Ni-63 result was evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value was 438 +/- 21.1 Bq/kg and the known result was 980 Bq/kg (acceptance range 686 - 1274). It is believed that some Ni-63 loss occurred during the sample prep step . (NCR 20-20)

The Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program provides evidence of "in control" counting systems and methods, and that the laboratories are producing accurate and reliable data .

V. References

1. American National Standards Institute , Inc., "Performance , Testing and Procedural Specifications for Thermoluminescent Dosimetry," ANSI N545-1975.
2. Code of Federal Regulations , Title 10, Part 20 (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) .
3. CPS 2014 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.
4. "Environmental Radioactivity ," M. Eisen bud , 1987 (E187).
5. "Natural Radon Exposure in the United States ," Donald T. Oakley, U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency. ORP/SID 72-1, June 1972.

6. Federal Radiation Council Report No . 1, "Background Material for the Development of Radiation Protection Standards," May 13, 1960.
7. International Commission on Radiation Protection , Publication 2, "Report of Committee II on Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation ," (1959) with 1962 Supplement issued in ICRP Publication 6; Publication 9, "Recommendations on Radiation Exposure, " (1965); ICRP Publication 7 (1965) , amplifying specific recommendations of Publication 26 (1977).
8. International Commission on Radiation Protection , Publication No. 39 (1984) , "Principles of Limiting Exposure to the Public to Natural Sources of Radiation ".
9. "Radioactivity in the Environment: Sources , Distribution and Surveillance, "

Ronald L. Kathren, 1984.

10. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report No.

22 , "Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and Water for Occupational Exposure ," (Published as National Bureau of Standards Handbook 69 ,

issued June 1959, superseding Handbook 52) .

11. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements , Report No.

39 , "Basic Radiation Protection Criteria ," January 1971.

12. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements , Report No .

44, "Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere - Accumulation, Biological Significance ,

and Control Technology ," July 1975.

13. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report No .

91 , "Recommendations on Limits for Exposure to Ionizing Radiation ," June 1987.

14. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report No.

93 , "Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States ,"

September 1987.

15. National Research Council , 1990, Committee on Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR V) , Board on Radiation Effects Research on Life Sciences, "The Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation ".
16. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Regulatory Guide 4.1 ,

"Programs for Monitoring Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, April 1975.

17. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Regulatory Guide 4.13 ,

"Performance , Testing and Procedural Specifications for Thermoluminescence Dosimetry: Environmental Applications , "Revision 1, July 1977.

18. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Dose to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR Part 50 ,

Appendix I, "Revision 1, October 1977.

19. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Branch Technical Position ,

"An Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program ," Revision 1, November 1979.

20. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Regulatory Guide 4 .15, "Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Norm Operations) - Effluent Streams and the Environment," Revision 1, February 1979.
21. Technical Specifications , Clinton Power Station , Unit No. 1, Docket No. 50-461 , Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation , 1986. Facility Operating License Number NPF-62 .

22 . Clinton Power Station , Updated Safety Analysis Report.

23. Clinton Power Station , Unit 1, Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual.







H-3 16 2000 <LLD <LLD 0 GAMMA 48 MN-54 15 <LLD <LLD 0 CO-58 15 <LLD <LLD 0 FE-59 30 <LLD <LLD 0 CO-60 15 <LLD <LLD 0 ZN-65 30 <LLD <LLD 0 NB-95 15 <LLD <LLD 0

)> ZR-95 30 <LLD <LLD 0 I

CS-134 15 <LLD <LLD 0 CS-137 18 <LLD <LLD 0 BA-140 60 <LLD <LLD 0 LA-140 15 <LLD <LLD 0 CE-144 NA <LLD <LLD 0 DRINKING WATER GR-B 12 4 <LLD NA 0 (PC//LITER)

H-3 4 2000 <LLD NA 0 1-131 (LOW LVL) 12 <LLD NA 0 GAMMA 12 MN-54 15 <LLD NA 0 CO-58 15 <LLD NA 0 FE-59 30 <LLD NA 0 CO-60 15 <LLD NA 0 ZN-65 30 <LLD NA 0 NB-95 15 <LLD NA 0 ZR-95 30 <LLD NA 0 CS-134 15 <LLD NA 0 CS-137 18 <LLD NA 0 BA-140 60 <LLD NA 0 LA-140 15 <LLD NA 0 CE-144 NA <LLD NA 0 (M) The Mean Values are calculated using the positive values. (F) Fraction of detectable measurement are indicated in parentheses.





GAMMA 11 MN-54 15 <LLD NA 0 C0-58 15 <LLD NA 0 FE-59 30 <LLD NA 0 CO-60 15 <LLD NA 0 ZN-65 30 <LLD NA 0 NB-95 15 <LLD NA 0

)> ZR-95 30 <LLD NA 0 I

N CS-134 15 <LLD NA 0 CS-137 18 <LLD NA 0 BA-140 60 <LLD NA 0 LA-140 15 <LLD NA 0 CE-144 NA <LLD NA 0 FISH GAMMA 16 (PCI/KG WET) MN-54 130 <LLD <LLD 0 C0-58 130 <LLD <LLD 0 FE-59 260 <LLD <LLD 0 CO-60 130 <LLD <LLD 0 ZN-65 260 <LLD <LLD 0 NB-95 NA <LLD <LLD 0 ZR-95 NA <LLD <LLD 0 CS-134 130 <LLD <LLD 0 CS-137 150 <LLD <LLD 0 BA-140 NA <LLD <LLD 0 LA-140 NA <LLD <LLD 0 CE-144 NA <LLD <LLD 0 (M) The Mean Values are calculated using the positive values. (F) Fraction of detectable measurement are indicated in parentheses.





I c,J LA-140 NA <LLD <LLD 0 CE-144 NA <LLD <LLD 0 AIR PARTICULATE GR-B 511 10 17 17 18 CL-94 INDICATOR 0 (E-3 PC/ICUMETER) (459/459) (52/52) (52/52) OLD CLINTON ROAD 7-36 8-33 7- 34 0.6 MILES E OF SITE GAMMA 40 CO-60 NA <LLD <LLD 0 NB-95 NA <LLD <LLD 0 ZR-95 NA <LLD <LLD 0 RU-103 NA <LLD <LLD 0 RU-106 NA <LLD <LLD 0 CS-134 50 <LLD <LLD 0 CS-137 60 <LLD <LLD 0 CE-141 NA <LLD <LLD 0 CE-144 NA <LLD <LLD 0 AIR IODINE GAMMA 511 (E-3 PC//CUMETER) 1-131 70 <LLD <LLD 0 (M) The Mean Values are calculated using the positive values. (F) Fraction of detecta ble measurement are indicated in parentheses.






GAMMA 19 K-40 NA NA 1110 1110 CL-116 CONTROL 0 (19/19) (19/19) DEMENT DAIRY 818 -13 11 818-1311 14 MILES WSW OF SITE MN-54 NA NA <LLD 0 C0-58 NA NA <LLD 0 FE-59 NA NA <LLD 0 CO-60 NA NA <LLD 0

)> ZN-65 NA NA <LLD I 0

~ NB-95 <LLD NA NA 0 ZR-95 NA NA <LLD 0 CS-134 15 NA <LLD 0 CS-137 18 NA <LLD 0 BA-140 60 NA <LLD 0 LA-140 15 NA <LLD 0 CE-144 NA NA <LLD 0 VEG ETATION GAMMA 32 (PCIIKG WE1) MN-54 NA <LLD <LLD 0 C0-58 NA <LLD <LLD 0 FE-59 NA <LLD <LLD 0 CO-60 NA <LLD <LLD 0 ZN-65 NA <LLD <LLD 0 NB-95 NA <LLD <LLD 0 ZR-95 NA <LLD <LLD 0

/-131 60 <LLD <LLD 0 CS-134 60 <LLD <LLD 0 CS-137 80 <LLD <LLD 0 BA-1 40 NA <LLD <LLD 0 LA-140 NA <LLD <LLD 0 CE-144 NA <LLD <LLD 0 (M) The Mean Values are calculated using the positive values. (F) Fraction of detectable measurement are indicated in parentheses.





)> CS-137 80 <LLD <LLD 0 I

U1 BA-140 NA <LLD <LLD 0 LA-140 NA <LLD <LLD 0 CE-144 NA <LLD <LLD 0 DIRECT RADIATION OSLD-QUARTERL Y 214 NA 19.4 17.5 21.4 CL-45 INDICATOR 0 (M/LLI-ROENTGENIQ TR.) (210/210) (4/4) (4/4) 15.1 -23.4 15.8- 18.6 19.8-23.4 2.8 MILES S (M) The Mean Values are calculated using the positive values. (F) Fraction of detectable measurement are indicated in parentheses.


Intentionally left blank TABLE B-1 : Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Sampling Locations , Distance and Direction Clinton Power Station, 2020 Location Location Description Distance & Direction From Site A. Surface Water CL-13 Salt Creek Bridge on Rt. 10 (indicator) 3.6 miles SW CL-90 Discharge Flume (indicator) 0.4 miles SE CL-91 Parnell Boat Access (control) 6.1 miles ENE CL-99 North Fork Access (control) 3.5 miles NNE B. Drinking (Potable) Water CL-14 Station Plant Service Bldg (indicator) Onsite C. Well Water CL-7D Mascoutin Recreation Area (indicator) 2.3 miles ESE CL-12T DeWitt Pump House (indicator) 1.6 miles E CL-12R DeWitt Pump House (indicator) 1.6 miles E D. Milk - bi-weekly/ monthly CL-116 Dement Dairy (control) 14 miles WSW E. Air Particulates/ Air Iodine CL-1 Camp Quest 1.8 miles W CL-2 Clinton 's Main Access Road 0.7 miles NNE CL-3 Clinton's Secondary Access Road 0.7 miles NE CL-4 Residence Near Recreation Area 0.8 miles SW CL-6 Clinton's Recreation Area 0.7 miles WSW CL-7 Mascoutin Recreation Area 2.3 miles SE CL-8 DeWitt Cemetery 2.2 miles E CL-11 Illinois Power Substation (control) 16 miles S CL-15 Rt . 900N Residence 0.9 miles N CL-94 Old Clinton Road 0.6 miles E F. Fish CL-19 End of Discharge Flume (indicator) 3.4 miles E CL-105 Lake Shelbyville (control) 50 miles S G. Shoreline Sediment CL-7B Clinton Lake (indicator) 2.1 miles SE CL-105 Lake Shelbyville (ontrol) 50 miles S H. Food Products CL-114 Residence SSE of Site (Control) 12.5 miles SSE CL-115 Site's Secondary Access Road 0.7 miles NE CL-118 Site's Main Access Road 0.7 miles NNE I. Grass CL-1 Camp Quest 1.8 miles W CL-2 Clinton's Main Access Road 0.7 miles NNE CL-8 DeWitt Cemetery 2.2 miles E CL-116 Pasture in Rural Kenney (control) 14 miles WSW B-1

TABLE 8-1 : Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Sampling Locations , Distance and Direction Clinton Power Station, 2020 Location Location Description Distance & Direction From Site J. Environmental Dosimetry - DLR Inner Ring CL-1 1.8 miles W CL-5 0.7 miles NNE CL-22 0.6 miles NE CL-23 0.5 miles ENE CL-24 0.5 miles E CL-34 0.8 miles WNW CL-35 0.7 miles NW CL-36 0.6 miles N CL-42 2.8 miles ESE CL-43 2.8 miles SE CL-44 2.3 miles SSE CL-45 2.8 miles S CL-46 2.8 miles SSW CL-47 3.3 miles SW CL-48 2.3 miles WSW CL-63 1.3 miles NNW Outer Ring CL-51 4.4 miles NW CL-52 4.3 miles NNW CL-53 4.3 miles E CL-54 4.6 miles ESE CL-55 4.1 miles SE CL-56 4.1 miles SSE CL-57 4.6 miles S CL-58 4.3 miles SSW CL-60 4.5 miles SW CL-61 4.5 miles WSW CL-76 4.6 miles N CL-77 4.5 miles NNE CL-78 4.8 miles NE CL-79 4.5 miles ENE CL-80 4.1 miles W CL-81 4.5 miles WNW Special Interest CL-37 3.4 miles N CL-41 2.4 miles E CL-49 3.5 miles W CL-64 2.1 miles WNW CL-65 2.6 miles ENE CL-74 1.9 miles W CL-75 0.9 miles N B-2

TABLE B-1: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Sampling Locations , Distance and Direction Clinton Power Station, 2020 Location Location Description Distance & Direction From Site J. Environmental Dosimetry - DLR (cont'd)

Supplemental CL-2 0.7 miles NNE CL-3 0.7 miles NE CL-4 0.8 miles SW CL-6 0.8 miles WSW CL-7 2.3 miles SE CL-8 2.2 miles E CL-15 0.9 miles N CL-33 11 .7 miles SW CL-84 0.6 miles E CL-90 0.4 miles SE CL-91 6.1 miles ENE CL-97 10.3 miles SW CL-99 3.5 miles NNE CL-114 12.5 miles SE Control CL-11 16 miles S B-3

TABLE B-2: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Summary of Sample Collection and Analytical Methods, Clinton Power Station, 2020 Sample Analysis Sampling Method Analytical Procedure Number Medium Monthly grab and; composite Surface Gamma TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma-Emitting Radioisotope Analysis from a continuous water Water Spectroscopy Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual compositor Surface Quarterly composite from a TBE, TBE-2011 Tritium Analysis in Drinking Water by Liquid Scintillation Tritium Water continuous water compositor Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual Surface Monthly composite from a TBE , TBE-2012 Radioiodine in Various Matrices 1-131 Water continuous water compositor Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual TBE, TBE-2008 Gross Alpha and/or Gross Beta Activity in Various Drinking Monthly composite from a Matrices Gross Beta Water continuous water compositor Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual Drinking Gamma Monthly composite from a TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma-Emitting Radioisotope Analysis Water Spectroscopy continuous water compositor Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampl ing Procedure Manual Drinking Quarterly composite from a TBE, TBE-2011 Tritium Analysis in Drinking Water by Liquid Scintill ation Tritium Water continuous water compositor Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampl ing Procedure Manual Drinking Monthly composite from a TBE, TBE-2012 Radioiodine in Various Matrices 1-131 Water continuous water compositor Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual Gamma Quarterly composite from a TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma-Emitting Radioisotope Analysis Well Water Spectroscopy continuous water compositor Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual Quarterly composite from a TBE, TBE-2011 Tritium Analysis in Drinking Water by Liquid Scintillation Well Water Tritium continuous water compositor Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampl ing Procedure Manual Semi-annual samples TBE-2007 Gamma-Emitting Radioisotope Analysis Gamma Fish collected via electroshocking Spectroscopy Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual or other techniques Gamma TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma-Emitting Radioisotope Analysis Sediment Semi-annual grab samples Spectroscopy Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual One-week composite of TBE , TBE-2008 Gross Alpha and/or Gross Beta Activity in Various Air Matrices Gross Beta continuous air sampling Particulates through glass fiber filter paper Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampl ing Procedure Manual Air Gamma Quarterly composite of each TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma-Emitting Radioisotope Analysis Particulates Spectroscopy station Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual One-week composite of TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma-Emitting Radioisotope Analysis Gamma Air Iodine continuous air sampling Spectroscopy Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual throuah charcoal filter Bi-weekly grab sample when TBE, TBE-2012 Rad ioiodine in Various Matrices Milk 1-131 cows are on pasture.

Monthly all other times Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual Bi-weekly grab sample when TBE-2007 Gamma-Emitting Radioisotope Analysis Gamma Milk cows are on pasture.

Spectroscopy Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual Monthly all other times TBE, TBE-2008 Gross Alpha and/or Gross Beta Activity in Various Food Monthly grab Matrices Gross Beta Products June through September Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual Food Gamma Monthly grab TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma-Emitting Rad ioisotopes Analysis Products Spectroscopy June through September Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual Gamma Biweekly TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma-Emitting Radioisotopes Analysis Grass Spectroscopy May through October Env. Inc., SPM-1 Sampling Procedure Manual Thermo- Quarterly DLRs comprised DLR Luminescence of two Al2O3:C Landauer Landauer Incorporated Dosimetry Incorporated elements 8-4

Figure B-1 Environmental Sampling Locations Within One Mile of the Clinton Power Station , 2020 B-5

N 0

t..L 8T 54 Figure 8-2 Environmental Sampling Locations Between One and Two Miles of the Clinton Power Station , 2020 B-6

Figure B-3 Environmental Sampling Locations between Two and Five Miles of the Clinton Power Station , 2020 B-7

Figure B-4 Environmental Sampling Locations Greater Than Five Miles of the Clinton Power Station, 2020 8 -8


Intentionally left blank Table C-1.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF 1-131 IN SURFACE WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION PERIOD CL-90 12/26/19 - 01/29/20 < 0.6 01/29/20 - 02/26/20 < 0.5 02/26/20 - 03/25/20 < 0.7 03/25/20 - 04/29/20 < 0.5 04/29/20 - 05/27/20 < 0.6 05/27/20 - 06/24/20 < 0.7 06/24/20 - 07/29/20 < 0.7 07/29/20 - 08/26/20 < 0.9 08/26/20 - 09/30/20 < 0.9 09/30/20 - 10/28/20 < 0.7 10/28/20 - 11/25/20 < 0.9 11/25/20 - 12/30/20 < 0.9 MEAN Table C-1.2 CONCENTRATIONS OF TRITIUM IN SURFACE WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PC I/LITER+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION PERIOD CL-13 CL-90 CL-91 CL-99 01/29/20 - 03/25/20 < 196 < 193 < 192 < 194 04/29/20 - 06/24/20 < 178 < 179 < 179 < 178 07/29/20 - 09/30/20 < 183 < 199 < 179 < 185 10/28/20 - 12/30/20 < 187 < 184 < 183 < 189 MEAN C-1

Table C-1.3 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN SURFACE WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-144 CL-13 01/29/20 - 01/29/20 < 7 < 4 < 11 < 6 < 13 < 7 < 11 < 6 < 6 < 23 < 10 < 44 02/26/20 - 02/26/20 < 7 < 6 < 10 < 9 < 16 < 9 < 10 < 8 < 7 < 32 < 10 < 41 03/25/20 - 03/25/20 < 7 < 9 < 15 < 7 < 15 < 6 < 13 < 8 < 7 < 34 < 12 < 43 04/29/20 - 04/29/20 < 8 < 7 < 12 < 7 < 22 < 10 < 14 < 10 < 9 < 38 < 11 < 48 05/27/20 - 05/27/20 < 7 < 6 < 10 < 8 < 14 < 6 < 10 < 10 < 8 < 29 < 8 < 51 06/24/20 - 06/24/20 < 4 < 6 < 12 < 6 < 11 < 6 < 9 < 5 < 5 < 20 < 7 < 38 07/29/20 - 07/29/20 < 6 < 6 < 14 < 9 < 16 < 7 < 11 < 7 < 7 < 39 < 13 < 52 08/26/20 - 08/26/20 < 8 < 7 < 10 < 6 < 8 < 7 < 11 < 8 < 9 < 25 < 12 < 45 09/30/20 - 09/30/20 < 3 < 4 < 8 < 3 < 8 < 4 < 6 < 5 < 4 < 18 < 6 < 27 10/28/20 - 10/28/20 < 7 < 6 < 16 < 10 < 12 < 7 < 12 < 7 < 8 < 38 < 9 < 52 11 /25/20 - 11 /25/20 < 7 < 8 < 14 < 6 < 15 < 8 < 11 < 7 < 7 < 36 < 11 < 49 12/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 8 < 8 < 16 < 9 < 11 < 7 < 13 < 6 < 7 < 34 < 12 < 45 C') MEAN I


CL-90 12/26/19 - 01/29/20 < 5 < 6 < 12 < 7 < 11 < 6 < 11 < 6 < 6 < 28 < 11 < 37 01/29/20 - 02/26/20 < 6 < 7 < 15 < 9 < 20 < 7 < 13 < 9 < 6 < 31 < 11 < 43 02/26/20 - 03/25/20 < 4 < 5 < 13 < 7 < 10 < 7 < 10 < 7 < 5 < 28 < 10 < 51 03/25/20 - 04/29/20 < 8 < 5 < 13 < 7 < 13 < 7 < 11 < 9 < 7 < 30 < 9 < 49 04/29/20 - 05/27 /20 < 8 < 8 < 17 < 5 < 17 < 8 < 13 < 9 < 9 < 33 < 12 < 61 05/27/20 - 06/24/20 < 5 < 6 < 12 < 7 < 13 < 6 < 9 < 7 < 6 < 26 < 5 < 38 06/24/20 - 07 /29/20 < 7 < 6 < 11 < 11 < 17 < 9 < 11 < 8 < 7 < 22 < 11 < 40 07/29/20 - 08/26/20 < 6 < 5 < 14 < 6 < 13 < 4 < 9 < 4 < 6 < 29 < 10 < 41 08/26/20 - 09/30/20 < 4 <4 < 8 < 4 < 9 <4 < 7 < 4 < 5 < 18 < 6 < 27 09/30/20 - 10/28/20 < 6 < 7 < 10 < 7 < 18 < 7 < 10 < 9 < 7 < 31 < 14 < 46 10/28/20 - 11 /25/20 < 5 < 4 < 17 < 8 < 12 < 6 < 11 < 6 < 7 < 27 < 13 < 38 11 /25/20 - 12/30/20 < 7 < 7 < 11 < 10 < 8 < 6 < 11 < 9 < 8 < 30 < 15 < 43 MEAN

Table C-1.3 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN SURFACE WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-144 CL-91 12/26/19 - 01/29/20 < 7 < 7 < 13 < 8 < 17 < 7 < 12 < 8 < 8 < 27 < 10 < 38 01 /29/20 - 02/26/20 < 6 < 7 < 12 < 9 < 14 < 7 < 11 < 8 < 7 < 29 < 11 < 41 02/26/20 - 03/25/20 < 5 < 6 < 15 < 8 < 14 < 7 < 14 < 8 < 8 < 28 < 12 < 43 03/25/20 - 04/29/20 < 7 < 7 < 12 < 6 < 13 < 6 < 14 < 8 < 8 < 31 < 10 < 43 04/29/20 - 05/27120 < 6 < 7 < 16 < 3 < 13 < 8 < 13 < 7 < 8 < 26 < 14 < 44 05/27/20 - 06/24/20 < 6 < 6 < 9 < 6 < 11 < 5 < 7 < 7 < 4 < 25 < 8 < 40 06/24/20 - 07/29/20 < 6 < 7 < 15 < 6 < 12 < 6 < 12 < 5 < 5 < 27 < 8 < 43 07129/20 - 08/26/20 < 8 < 6 < 8 < 8 < 14 < 9 < 11 < 9 < 9 < 31 < 10 < 42 08/26/20 - 09/30/20 < 3 < 5 < 8 < 6 < 6 < 5 < 7 < 5 < 5 < 20 < 8 < 29 09/30/20 - 10/28/20 < 7 < 7 < 16 < 8 < 12 < 7 < 11 < 6 < 8 < 29 < 10 < 44 10/28/20 - 11 /25/20 < 7 < 6 < 10 < 7 < 9 < 7 < 13 < 7 < 6 < 27 < 8 < 42 11/25/20 - 12/30/20 < 5 < 7 < 17 < 6 < 13 < 7 < 11 < 7 < 7 < 28 < 14 < 44


w CL-99 12/26/19 - 01/29/20 < 5 < 6 < 11 < 6 < 10 < 5 < 8 < 6 < 5 < 23 < 6 < 40 01/29/20 - 02/26/20 < 9 < 7 < 13 < 8 < 17 < 8 < 13 < 9 < 8 < 35 < 10 < 54 02/26/20 - 03/25/20 < 7 < 6 < 16 < 7 < 14 < 8 < 12 < 7 < 7 < 34 < 8 < 54 03/25/20 - 04/29/20 < 7 < 7 < 13 < 10 < 14 < 8 < 11 < 9 < 7 < 41 < 14 < 46 04/29/20 - 05/27120 < 8 < 6 < 14 < 7 < 14 < 7 < 13 < 9 < 9 < 33 < 9 < 49 05/27/20 - 06/24/20 < 5 < 6 < 14 < 7 < 13 < 6 < 10 < 9 < 3 < 27 < 10 < 46 06/24/20 - 07/29/20 < 7 < 8 < 18 < 8 < 17 < 8 < 14 < 7 < 8 < 32 < 8 < 45 07/29/20 - 08/26/20 < 6 < 7 < 12 < 4 < 11 < 8 < 10 < 8 < 7 < 30 < 11 < 41 08/26/20 - 09/30/20 < 5 < 5 < 8 < 6 < 9 < 4 < 8 < 4 < 5 < 19 < 6 < 28 09/30/20 - 10/28/20 < 6 < 7 < 11 < 5 < 14 < 8 < 9 < 7 < 6 < 28 < 10 < 52 10/28/20 - 11 /25/20 < 6 < 7 < 9 < 8 < 11 < 7 < 10 < 7 < 5 < 27 < 12 < 42 11 /25/20 - 12/30/20 < 6 < 7 < 15 < 7 < 13 < 8 < 12 < 7 < 7 < 30 < 12 < 41 MEAN

Table C-I1.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF GROSS BETA IN DRINKING WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION PERIOD CL-14 12/26/19 - 01/29/20 < 1.9 01/29/20 - 02/26/20 < 1.7 02/26/20 - 03/25/20 < 1.6 03/25/20 - 04/29/20 < 1.5 04/29/20 - 05127120 < 2.0 05/27/20 - 06/24/20 < 1.5 06/24/20 - 07/29/20 < 1.8 07/29/20 - 08/26/20 < 1.8 08/26/20 - 09/30/20 < 1.6 09/30/20 10/28/20 < 1.8 10/28/20 11/25/20 < 1.5 11/25/20 12/30/20 < 1.8 MEAN Table C-I1.2 CONCENTRATIONS OF TRITIUM IN DRINKING WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION PERIOD CL-14 12/26/19 - 03/25/20 < 194 03/25/20 - 06/24/20 < 178 06/24/20 - 09/30/20 < 183 09/30/20 12/30/20 < 187 MEAN Table C-I1.3 CONCENTRATIONS OF 1-131 IN DRINKING WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION PERIOD CL-14 12/26/19 - 01/29/20 < 0.7 01/29/20 - 02/26/20 < 0.9 02/26/20 - 03/25/20 < 0.7 03/25/20 - 04/29/20 < 0.7 04/29/20 - 05/27/20 < 0.7 05/27/20 - 06/24/20 < 0.7 06/24/20 - 07/29/20 < 0.8 07/29/20 - 08/26/20 < 0.8 08/26/20 - 09/30/20 < 0.7 09/30/20 - 10/28/20 < 0.8 10/28/20 - 11/25/20 < 0.8 11/25/20 - 12/30/20 < 0.9 MEAN C-4

Table C-11.4 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN DRINKING WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-144 CL-14 12/26/19 - 01/29/20 < 5 < 3 < 9 < 5 < 9 < 5 < 8 < 7 < 6 < 23 < 9 < 34 01/29/20 - 02/26/20 < 6 < 6 < 11 < 8 < 12 < 6 < 8 < 6 < 7 < 28 < 14 < 36 02/26/20 - 03/25/20 < 7 < 7 < 16 < 9 < 14 < 8 < 13 < 8 < 8 < 33 < 11 < 45 03/25/20 - 04/29/20 < 6 < 7 < 12 < 6 < 11 < 5 < 11 < 8 < 5 < 27 < 9 < 41 04/29/20 - 05/27/20 < 8 < 8 < 15 < 8 < 14 < 8 < 13 < 8 < 8 < 37 < 5 < 62 05/27/20 - 06/24/20 < 6 < 6 < 12 < 7 < 13 < 6 < 10 < 8 < 6 < 27 < 8 < 48 06/24/20 - 07/29/20 < 5 < 5 < 10 < 5 < 12 < 7 < 11 < 6 < 6 < 27 < 8 < 45 07/29/20 - 08/26/20 < 7 < 7 < 10 < 7 < 13 < 5 < 13 < 7 < 8 < 21 < 11 < 45 08/26/20 - 09/30/20 < 4 < 3 < 8 < 4 < 7 < 4 < 6 < 4 < 4 < 17 < 6 < 28 09/30/20 - 10/28/20 < 6 < 7 < 12 < 6 < 9 < 6 < 12 < 9 < 7 < 28 < 11 < 45 10/28/20 - 11/25/20 < 6 < 6 < 15 < 10 < 15 < 5 < 10 < 7 < 6 < 28 < 9 < 42 11/25/20 - 12/30/20 < 6 < 5 < 13 < 6 < 12 < 7 < 11 < 7 < 7 < 32 < 11 < 45

(') MEAN I


Table C-111.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF TRITIUM IN WELL WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION PERIOD CL-07D CL-12R CL-12T 03/25/20 - 03/25/20 (1) < 181 < 182 06/24/20 - 06/24/20 < 184 < 177 < 186 09/30/20 - 09/30/20 < 180 < 179 < 181 12/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 182 < 188 < 182 MEAN (1) SEE PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS SECTION FOR EXPLANATION C-6

Table C-111.2 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN WELL WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION , 2020 RESU LTS IN UNITS OF PC I/LITER+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-144 CL-07D 03/25/20 (1) 06/24/20 < 6 < 6 < 14 < 7 < 14 < 7 < 13 < 8 < 8 < 28 < 9 < 39 09/30/20 < 5 < 4 < 9 < 4 < 11 < 5 < 8 < 5 < 4 < 19 < 6 < 28 12/30/20 < 7 < 8 < 17 < 8 < 14 < 9 < 14 < 8 < 6 < 29 < 11 < 57 MEAN CL-12R 03/25/20 < 9 < 10 < 14 < 11 < 20 < 10 < 13 < 10 < 9 < 41 < 13 < 67 06/24/20 < 6 < 5 < 10 < 7 < 12 < 6 < 11 < 7 < 5 < 22 < 11 < 39 09/30/20 < 4 <4 < 9 < 6 < 10 < 4 < 7 < 5 < 5 < 16 < 9 < 37 12/30/20 < 8 < 6 < 13 < 4 < 17 < 6 < 12 < 8 < 7 < 28 < 10 < 48 MEA N



"" CL-12T 03/25/20 < 8 < 6 < 14 < 8 < 12 < 9 < 10 < 9 < 8 < 25 < 5 < 46 06/24/20 < 5 < 5 < 11 < 5 < 11 < 6 < 10 < 6 < 5 < 24 < 4 < 38 09/30/20 < 5 < 6 < 11 < 6 < 11 < 6 < 9 < 6 < 5 < 23 < 10 < 39 12/30/20 < 7 < 6 < 16 < 8 < 14 < 7 < 12 < 8 < 7 < 36 < 13 < 47 MEA N (1) SEE PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS SECTION FOR EXPLANATION

Table C-IV.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN FISH SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION , 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS O F PCI/KG WET +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION S ITE PER IOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-144 CL-19 Largemouth Bass 05/04/20 < 67 < 55 < 96 < 69 < 80 < 59 < 90 < 51 < 71 < 176 < 33 < 249 Channel Catfish 05/04/20 < 78 < 70 < 118 < 67 < 169 < 58 < 121 < 83 < 77 < 241 < 68 < 326 Bluegill 05/04/20 < 62 < 44 < 98 < 51 < 118 < 61 < 109 < 61 < 70 < 229 < 82 < 269 Carp 05/04/20 < 51 < 46 < 104 < 51 < 95 < 47 < 92 < 65 < 60 < 238 < 61 < 264 Largemouth Bass 10/05/20 < 86 < 77 < 96 < 73 < 139 < 73 < 119 < 76 < 79 < 228 < 64 < 318 Channel Catfish 10/05/20 < 58 < 66 < 111 < 70 < 123 < 54 < 134 < 71 < 75 < 257 < 87 < 356 Bluegill 10/05/20 < 71 < 50 < 85 < 55 < 134 < 52 < 91 < 77 < 45 < 200 < 18 < 256 Carp 10/05/20 < 66 < 51 < 144 < 52 < 134 < 71 < 111 < 71 < 62 < 307 < 86 < 377 MEA N CL-105 Largemouth Bass 05/04/20 < 84 < 70 < 151 < 100 < 223 < 84 < 136 < 95 < 85 < 278 < 142 < 372 White Crappie 05/04/20 < 53 < 54 < 77 < 52 < 110 < 52 < 92 < 44 < 50 < 208 < 48 < 235


I Bluegill 05/04/20 < 42 < 38 < 78 < 47 < 97 < 44 < 78 < 45 < 42 < 167 < 55 < 247 co Carp 05/04/20 < 56 < 66 < 141 < 73 < 152 < 72 < 127 < 88 < 52 < 259 < 70 < 326 Largemouth Bass 10/05/20 < 69 < 49 < 180 < 61 < 155 < 67 < 117 < 76 < 60 < 277 < 73 < 359 White Crappie 10/05/20 < 49 < 44 < 115 < 57 < 133 < 41 < 101 < 55 < 52 < 210 < 34 < 223 Bluegill 10/05/20 < 62 < 67 < 97 < 58 < 104 < 67 < 121 < 55 < 67 < 302 < 79 < 366 Carp 10/05/20 < 60 < 61 < 117 < 42 < 121 < 57 < 104 < 65 < 65 < 249 < 70 < 351 MEAN

Table C-V.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN SEDIMENT SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/KG WET+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-144 CL-07B 05/04/20 < 42 < 41 < 113 < 51 < 111 < 40 < 81 < 48 < 49 < 210 < 87 < 261 10/05/20 < 38 < 34 < 85 < 49 < 68 < 43 < 69 < 39 < 36 < 148 < 49 < 188 MEAN CL-105 05/04/20 < 44 < 40 < 113 < 60 < 123 < 52 < 85 < 65 < 53 < 182 < 67 < 269 10/05/20 < 60 < 50 < 127 < 60 < 142 < 64 < 83 < 64 < 57 < 210 < 59 < 251 MEAN




Table C-Vl.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATE SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF E-3 PCI/CU METER+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION GROUP I PERIOD CL-2 CL-3 CL-4 CL-6 CL-15 CL-94 01/01/20 - 01/08/20 13 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 18 +/-4 11 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 14 +/-4 01/08/20 - 01/15/20 11 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 12 +/-4 13 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 9 +/-4 01/15/20 - 01/22/20 25 +/- 5 29 +/- 5 29 +/- 5 31 +/- 5 27 +/- 5 27 +/- 5 01/22/20 - 01/29/20 14 +/-4 19 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 01/29/20 - 02/05/20 12 +/-4 9+/-4 11 +/-4 15 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 14 +/-4 02/05/20 - 02/12/20 12 +/-4 14 +/- 4 16 +/-4 16 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 14 +/-4 02/12/20 - 02/19/20 13 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 16 +/-4 14 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 18 +/-4 02/19/20 - 02/26/20 19 +/- 4 23 +/- 5 22 +/-4 20 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 19 +/-4 02/26/20 - 03/04/20 15 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 17 +/-4 16 +/-4 14 +/- 4 14 +/-4 03/04/20 - 03/11/20 9 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 13 +/-4 11 +/- 4 10 +/-4 03/11 /20 - 03/18/20 7 +/- 3 10 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 10 +/-4 8 +/- 3 7 +/- 3 03/18/20 - 03/25/20 15 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 11 +/-4 11 +/- 4 15 +/-4 03/25/20 - 04/01/20 13 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 14 +/-4 14 +/- 4 14 +/-4 04/01/20 - 04/08/20 15 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 13 +/-4 13 +/- 4 14 +/-4 04/08/20 - 04/15/20 15 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 22 +/-4 16 +/- 4 17 +/-4 04/15/20 - 04/22/20 16 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 17 +/-4 18 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 04/22/20 - 04/29/20 16 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 17 +/-4 16 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 04/29/20 - 05/06/20 10 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 05/06/20 - 05/13/20 12 +/- 3 12 +/- 3 10 +/- 3 14 +/- 4 13 +/- 3 12 +/- 3 05/13/20 - 05/20/20 10 +/- 4 7 +/- 4 11 +/-4 12 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 11 +/-4 05/20/20 - 05/27/20 16 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 15 +/-4 18 +/-4 13 +/- 3 18 +/-4 05/27/20 - 06/03/20 13 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 14 +/-4 13 +/- 4 16 +/-4 06/03/20 - 06/10/20 13 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 14 +/-4 13 +/- 4 17 +/-4 06/10/20 - 06/17/20 11 +/- 4 9 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 13 +/-4 14 +/- 4 16 +/-4 06/17/20 - 06/24/20 14 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 19 +/-4 19 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 06/24/20 - 07/01/20 13 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 15 +/-4 11 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 07/01/20 - 07/08/20 25 +/- 5 22 +/- 5 24 +/- 5 27 +/- 5 25 +/- 5 29 +/- 5 07/08/20 - 07/15/20 13 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 15 +/-4 11 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 07/15/20 - 07/22/20 23 +/- 5 18 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 21 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 07/22/20 - 07/29/20 14 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 15 +/-4 12 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 17 +/-4 07/29/20 - 08/05/20 13 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 11 +/-4 (1) 14 +/- 4 11 +/-4 08/05/20 - 08/12/20 17 +/- 4 22 +/- 5 20 +/-4 21 +/- 4 25 +/- 5 19 +/-4 08/12/20 - 08/19/20 19 +/- 4 23 +/- 4 22 +/-4 21 +/- 4 25 +/- 4 22 +/-4 08/19/20 - 08/26/20 24 +/- 5 24 +/- 5 24 +/- 5 25 +/- 5 28 +/- 5 34 +/- 5 08/26/20 - 09/02/20 12 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 18 +/-4 09/02/20 - 09/09/20 15 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 09/09/20 - 09/16/20 17 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 21 +/- 4 20 +/- 4 20 +/- 4 09/16/20 - 09/23/20 23 +/- 5 27 +/- 5 26 +/- 5 28 +/- 5 25 +/- 5 29 +/- 5 09/23/20 - 09/30/20 14 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 14 +/-4 18 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 09/30/20 - 10/07/20 15 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 11 +/-4 16 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 15 +/-4 10/07/20 - 10/14/20 22 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 18 +/-4 20 +/- 4 22 +/- 4 23 +/-4 10/14/20 - 10/21/20 15 +/- 4 21 +/- 5 21 +/- 5 18 +/- 4 20 +/- 4 22 +/- 5 10/21/20 - 10/28/20 16 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 14 +/-4 10/28/20 - 11 /04/20 23 +/- 5 28 +/- 5 22 +/- 5 25 +/- 5 28 +/- 5 28 +/- 5 11/04/20 - 11/11/20 13 +/- 4 20 +/- 5 17 +/- 4 20 +/- 5 16 +/- 4 20 +/- 4 11/11/20 - 11/18/20 18 +/- 4 20 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 25 +/- 5 24 +/- 5 11/18/20 - 11/25/20 17 +/- 5 20 +/- 5 18 +/- 5 16 +/- 5 18 +/- 5 22 +/- 5 11/25/20 - 12/02/20 18 +/- 5 19 +/- 5 19 +/- 5 14 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 22 +/- 5 12/02/20 - 12/09/20 28 +/- 5 27 +/- 5 25 +/- 5 24 +/- 5 30 +/- 5 30 +/- 5 12/09/20 - 12/16/20 36 +/- 5 34 +/- 5 31 +/- 5 28 +/- 5 34 +/- 5 31 +/- 5 12/16/20 - 12/23/20 28 +/- 5 28 +/- 5 29 +/- 5 28 +/- 5 30 +/- 5 32 +/- 5 12/23/20 - 12/30/20 11 +/- 3 11 +/- 3 13 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 11 +/- 3 MEAN+/- 2 STD DEV 16 +/- 11 18 +/- 11 17 +/- 10 18 +/- 10 18 +/- 12 18 +/- 13 THE MEAN AND TWO STANDARD DEV/AT/ON ARE CALCULATED USING THE POSITIVE VALUES (1) SEE PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS SECTION FOR EXPLANATION c~10

Table C-Vl.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATE SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF E-3 PCI/CU METER+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION GROUP II GROUP Ill PERIOD CL-1 CL-7 CL-8 CL-11 01/01/20 - 01/08/20 13 +/-4 16 +/-4 14 +/-4 13 +/-4 01/08/20 - 01/15/20 15 +/-4 12 +/-4 10 +/-4 14 +/-4 01/15/20 - 01/22/20 28 +/-5 28 +/-5 30 +/-5 26 +/-5 01/22/20 - 01/29/20 16 +/-4 16 +/-4 14 +/-4 18 +/-4 01/29/20 - 02/05/20 19 +/-4 13 +/-4 13 +/-4 14 +/-4 02/05/20 - 02/12/20 10 +/-4 14 +/-4 10 +/-4 14 +/-4 02/12/20 - 02/19/20 15 +/-4 16 +/-4 18 +/-4 14 +/-4 02/19/20 - 02126/20 20 +/-4 20 +/-4 25 +/-5 22 +/-4 02/26/20 - 03/04/20 14 +/-4 14 +/-4 17 +/-4 21 +/-4 03/04/20 - 03/11/20 11 +/-4 13 +/-4 13 +/-4 11 +/-4 03/11/20 - 03/18/20 11 +/-4 (1) 10 +/-4 9 +/-4 03/18/20 - 03/25/20 12 +/-4 (1) 15 +/-4 12 +/-4 03/25/20 - 04/01/20 13 +/-4 (1) 13 +/-4 17 +/-4 04/01/20 - 04/08/20 13 +/-4 (1) 13 +/-4 15 +/-4 04/08/20 - 04/15/20 15 +/-4 (1) 18 +/-4 15 +/-4 04/15/20 - 04/22/20 16 +/-4 (1) 16 +/-4 16 +/-4 04/22/20 - 04/29/20 14 +/-4 (1) 17 +/-4 16 +/-4 04/29/20 - 05/06/20 10 +/-4 (1) 12 +/-4 11 +/-4 05/06/20 - 05/13/20 11 +/-3 11 +/-3 9 +/-3 12 +/-3 05/13/20 - 05/20/20 11 +/-4 8 +/-4 14 +/-4 8 +/-4 05/20/20 - 05/27/20 15 +/-4 16 +/-4 16 +/-4 14 +/-3 05/27/20 - 06/03/20 13 +/-4 14 +/-4 12 +/-4 14 +/-4 06/03/20 - 06/10/20 13 +/-4 13 +/-4 14 +/-4 15 +/-4 06/10/20 - 06/17/20 10 +/-4 13 +/-4 14 +/-4 16 +/-4 06/17/20 - 06/24/20 17 +/-4 19 +/-4 17 +/-4 15 +/-4 06/24/20 - 07/01/20 13 +/-4 10 +/-4 15 +/-4 14 +/-4 07/01/20 - 07/08/20 24 +/-5 19 +/-5 33 +/-5 28 +/-5 07/08/20 - 07/15/20 12 +/-4 12 +/-4 15 +/-4 18 +/-4 07/ 15/20 - 07/22/20 17 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 07122120 - 07/29/20 13 +/-4 16 +/-4 15 +/-4 17 +/-4 07/29/20 - 08/05/20 12 +/-4 12 +/-4 14 +/-4 11 +/-4 08/05/20 - 08/12/20 19 +/-4 19 +/-4 22 +/-5 19 +/-4 08/12/20 - 08/19/20 21 +/-4 16 +/-4 22 +/-4 22 +/-4 08/19/20 - 08/26/20 27 +/-5 25 +/-5 20 +/- 4 25 +/-5 08/26/20 - 09/02/20 17 +/-4 13 +/-4 17 +/-4 18 +/-4 09/02/20 - 09/09/20 19 +/-4 17 +/-4 18 +/-4 14 +/-4 09/09/20 - 09/16/20 20 +/-4 17 +/-4 18 +/-4 21 +/-4 09/16/20 - 09/23/20 28 +/-5 27 +/-5 30 +/-5 28 +/-5 09/23/20 - 09/30/20 13 +/-4 18 +/-4 16 +/-4 13 +/-4 09/30/20 - 10/07/20 14 +/-4 13 +/-4 14 +/-4 13 +/-4 10/07/20 - 10/14/20 19 +/-4 19 +/-4 21 +/-4 27 +/-5 10/14/20 - 10/21/20 21 +/-5 17 +/-4 21 +/-4 15 +/-4 10/21/20 - 10/28/20 15 +/-4 16 +/-4 16 +/-4 13 +/-4 10/28/20 - 11/04/20 23 +/-5 28 +/-5 25 +/- 5 29 +/-5 11/04/20 - 11/11/20 14 +/-4 15 +/-4 17 +/-4 15 +/-4 11/11/20 - 11/18/20 19 +/-4 16 +/-4 19 +/-4 16 +/-4 11/18/20 - 11/25/20 19 +/-5 18 +/-5 19 +/-5 18 +/-5 11/25/20 - 12/02/20 18 +/-5 17 +/-4 20 +/-5 21 +/-5 12/02/20 - 12/09/20 32 +/-5 26 +/-5 27 +/-5 30 +/-5 12/09/20 - 12/16/20 32 +/-5 30 +/-5 32 +/-5 28 +/-5 12/16/20 - 12/23/20 28 +/-5 28 +/-5 25 +/-5 33 +/-5 12/23/20 - 12/30/20 12 +/-4 12 +/-3 14 +/-4 13 +/-4 MEAN+/- 2 STD DEV 17 +/- 11 17 +/- 11 17 +/- 11 17 +/- 12 THE MEAN AND TWO STANDARD DEVIATION ARE CALCULATED USING THE POSITIVE VALUES (1) SEE PROGRAM EXCEPTION S SECTION FOR EXPLANATI ON ,


Table C-Vl.2 MONTHLY AND YEARLY MEAN VALUES OF GROSS BETA CONCENTRATIONS IN AIR PARTICULATE SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VIC INITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF E-3 PCI/CU METER+/- 2 SIGMA GROUP 1- ON-SITE LOCATIONS GROUP II - INTERMEDIATE DISTANCE LOCATIONS GROUP Ill - CONTROL LOCATIONS COLLECTION MIN MAX MEAN COLLECTION MIN MAX MEAN COLLECTION MIN MAX MEAN PERIOD +/-2SD PER IOD +/- 2SD PERIOD +/-2SD 01/01/20 - 01/29/20 9 31 18 +/- 14 01/01/20 - 01/29/20 10 30 18 +/- 14 01/01/20 - 01/29/20 13 26 18 +/- 12 01/29/20 - 03/04/20 9 23 15 +/- 6 01/29/20 - 03/04/20 10 25 16 +/- 8 01/29/20 - 03/04/20 14 22 17 +/- 8 03/04/20 - 04/01/20 7 17 12 +/- 6 03/04/20 - 04/01/20 10 15 12 +/- 3 03/04/20 - 04/01/20 9 17 12 +/- 7 04/01/20 - 04/29/20 11 22 16 +/- 5 04/01/20 - 04/29/20 13 18 15 +/- 4 04/01/20 - 04/29/20 15 16 16 +/- 1 04/29/20 - 06/03/20 7 18 13 +/- 5 04/29/20 - 06/03/20 8 16 12 +/- 5 04/29/20 - 06/03/20 8 14 12 +/- 5 06/03/20 - 07/01/20 9 19 15 +/- 5 06/03/20 - 07/01/20 10 19 14 +/- 5 06/03/20 - 07/01/20 14 16 15 +/- 2 07/01/20 - 07/29/20 11 29 18 +/- 10 07/01/20 - 07/29/20 12 33 17 +/- 12 07/01/20 - 07/29/20 17 28 20 +/- 10 07/29/20 - 09/02/20 10 34 20 +/- 11 07/29/20 - 09/02/20 12 27 18 +/- 9 07/29/20 - 09/02/20 11 25 19 +/- 10 09/02/20 - 09/30/20 14 29 19 +/- 9 09/02/20 - 09/30/20 13 30 20 +/- 11 09/02/20 - 09/30/20 13 28 19 +/- 14 09/30/20 - 11/04/20 11 28 19 +/- 9 09/30/20 - 11/04/20 13 28 19 +/- 9 09/30/20 11/04/20 13 29 19 +/- 16 11/04/20 - 12/02/20 13 25 19 +/- 6 11/04/20 - 12/02/20 14 20 17 +/- 3 11/04/20 - 12/02/20 15 21 17 +/- 5 (1



12/02/20 - 12/30/20 11 36 25 +/- 16 12/02/20 - 12/30/20 12 32 25 +/- 15 12/02/20 - 12/30/20 13 33 26 +/- 17 I\)

01/01/20 12/30/20 7 36 17 +/- 11 01/01/20 - 12/30/20 8 33 17 +/- 11 01/01/20 - 12/30/20 8 33 17 +/- 12

Table C-Vl.3 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN AIR PARTICULATE SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VIC INITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF E-3 PCI/CU METER+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Co-60 Nb-95 Zr-95 Ru-103 Ru-106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ce-141 Ce-144 CL-1 01/01/20 - 04/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 3 < 16 < 1 < 2 < 3 < 10 04/01/20 - 07/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 18 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 12 07/01/20 - 09/30/20 < 2 < 3 < 5 < 3 < 18 < 2 < 2 < 5 < 8 09/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 1 < 16 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 8 MEAN CL-2 01/01/20 - 04/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 1 < 17 < 3 < 2 < 2 < 8 04/01 /20 - 07/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 14 < 2 < 1 < 2 < 9 07/01/20 - 09/30/20 < 3 < 3 < 5 < 3 < 19 < 2 < 2 < 5 < 9 09/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 18 < 2 < 1 < 3 < 8 MEAN

(") CL-3 01/01/20 - 04/01/20 < 3 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 14 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 8 I

04/01 /20 - 07/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 19 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 8 c,J 07/01/20 - 09/30/20 < 3 < 4 < 7 < 5 < 16 < 3 < 2 < 6 < 10 09/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 3 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 17 < 2 < 1 < 2 < 6 MEAN CL-4 01/01 /2 0 - 04/01/20 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 3 < 21 < 3 < 2 < 3 < 10 04/01/20 - 07/01/20 < 3 < 2 < 5 < 3 < 21 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 10 07/01 /20 - 09/30/20 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 3 < 15 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 7 09/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 3 < 2 < 5 < 2 < 20 < 3 < 2 < 3 < 10 MEAN CL-6 01/01/20 - 04/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 14 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 6 04/01/20 - 07/01 /20 < 2 < 3 < 5 < 3 < 21 < 3 < 2 < 3 < 10 07/01/20 - 09/30/20 < 2 < 3 < 5 < 3 < 19 < 2 < 2 < 5 < 11 09/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 4 < 3 < 7 < 4 < 28 < 4 < 3 < 4 < 11 MEAN

Table C-Vl.3 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN AIR PARTICULATE SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF E-3 PCI/CU METER+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Co-60 Nb-95 Zr-95 Ru-103 Ru-106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ce-141 Ce-144 CL-7 01/01/20 - 04/01/20 < 5 < 5 < 7 < 5 < 41 < 5 < 4 < 5 < 18 04/01/20 - 07/01/20 < 7 < 7 < 11 < 6 < 51 < 6 < 5 < 6 < 22 07/01/20 - 09/30/20 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 3 < 17 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 8 09/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 2 < 3 < 3 < 2 < 18 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 9 MEAN CL-8 01/01 /20 04/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 15 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 7 04/01/20 - 07/01/20 < 1 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 14 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 8 07/01/20 - 09/30/20 < 3 < 2 < 5 < 3 < 18 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 9 09/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 17 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 8 MEAN


CL-11 01/01/20 - 04/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 15 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 7 I

04/01/20 - 07/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 15 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 8 07/01/20 - 09/30/20 < 2 < 3 < 6 < 4 < 21 < 2 < 2 < 5 < 9 09/30/20 12/30/20 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 3 < 16 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 11 MEAN CL-15 01/01/20 - 04/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 21 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 8 04/01/20 - 07/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 22 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 13 07/01/20 - 09/30/20 < 2 < 4 < 4 < 3 < 20 < 3 < 3 < 5 < 11 09/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 18 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 7 MEAN CL-94 01/01/20 - 04/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 3 < 2 < 18 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 7 04/01/20 - 07/01/20 < 2 < 2 < 4 < 2 < 16 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 8 07/01/20 - 09/30/20 < 3 < 4 < 6 < 5 < 26 < 3 < 3 < 6 < 12 09/30/20 - 12/30/20 < 2 < 3 < 5 < 3 < 22 < 3 < 2 < 3 < 10 MEAN

Table C-Vll.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF I-131 IN AIR IODINE SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF E-3 PCI/CU METER+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION GROUP I PERIOD CL-2 CL-3 CL-4 CL-6 CL-15 CL-94 01/01/20 - 01/08/20 < 29 < 25 < 30 < 29 < 59 < 58 01/08/20 - 01/15/20 < 30 < 15 < 31 < 31 < 24 < 21 01 /1 5/20 - 01/22/20 < 34 < 35 < 14 < 34 < 23 < 20 01/22/20 - 01/29/20 < 24 < 19 < 24 < 24 < 29 < 28 01/29/20 - 02/05/20 < 34 < 35 < 35 < 34 < 33 < 33 02/05/20 - 02/12/20 < 32 < 23 < 33 < 33 < 39 < 39 02/12/20 - 02/19/20 < 67 < 29 < 67 < 67 < 28 < 42 02/19/20 - 02/26/20 < 28 < 24 < 28 < 29 < 22 < 52 02/26/20 - 03/04/20 < 25 < 12 < 24 < 25 < 20 < 20 03/04/20 - 03/11/20 < 52 < 53 < 52 < 22 < 34 < 34 03/11 /20 - 03/18/20 < 24 < 24 < 20 < 24 < 36 < 36 03/18/20 - 03/25/20 < 33 < 15 < 33 < 34 < 47 < 47 03/25/20 - 04/01/20 < 23 < 33 < 34 < 34 < 30 < 30 04/01/20 - 04/08/20 < 44 < 45 < 45 < 42 < 41 < 18 04/08/20 - 04/15/20 < 42 < 42 < 42 < 42 < 26 < 25 04/15/20 - 04/22/20 < 47 < 46 < 46 < 46 < 29 < 28 04/22/20 - 04/29/20 < 24 < 42 < 43 < 42 < 46 < 47 04/29/20 - 05/06/20 < 15 < 36 < 35 < 36 < 38 < 38 05/06/20 - 05/13/20 < 13 < 31 < 31 < 31 < 23 < 22 05/13/20 - 05/20/20 < 32 < 38 < 39 < 39 < 24 < 58 05/20/20 - 05/27 /20 < 30 < 29 < 13 < 29 < 18 < 18 05/27 /20 - 06/03/20 < 16 < 38 < 39 < 38 < 38 < 16 06/03/20 - 06/10/20 < 23 < 23 < 23 < 23 < 10 < 22 06/10/20 - 06/17/20 < 28 < 28 < 16 < 28 < 46 < 45 06/17/20 - 06/24/20 < 32 < 32 < 32 < 32 < 43 < 18 06/24/20 - 07/01/20 < 52 < 53 < 23 < 53 < 37 < 20 07/01/20 - 07/08/20 < 37 < 37 < 16 < 37 < 29 < 29 07/08/20 - 07/15/20 < 51 < 50 < 22 < 50 < 33 < 59 07/15/20 - 07/22/20 < 35 < 35 < 17 < 35 < 35 < 17 07/22/20 - 07/29/20 < 46 < 47 < 20 < 46 < 51 < 21 07/29/20 - 08/05/20 < 30 < 30 < 31 < 44 < 43 < 43 08/05/20 - 08/12/20 < 40 < 41 < 21 < 40 < 29 < 36 08/12/20 - 08/19/20 < 41 < 41 < 18 < 41 < 15 < 31 08/19/20 - 08/26/20 < 38 < 38 < 16 < 37 < 42 < 41 08/26/20 - 09/02/20 < 43 < 43 < 19 < 44 < 32 < 13 09/02/20 - 09/09/20 < 39 < 39 < 17 < 39 < 55 < 23 09/09/20 - 09/16/20 < 41 < 41 < 41 < 41 < 54 < 54 09/16/20 - 09/23/20 < 24 < 56 < 56 < 56 < 65 < 64 09/23/20 - 09/30/20 < 14 < 31 < 32 < 32 < 52 < 52 09/30/20 - 10/07/20 < 41 < 18 < 43 < 42 < 28 < 28 10/07/20 - 10/14/20 < 21 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 60 < 60 10/14/20 - 10/21/20 < 55 < 55 < 24 < 55 < 38 < 38 10/21/20 - 10/28/20 < 27 < 63 < 64 < 63 < 42 < 17 10/28/20 - 11/04/20 < 32 < 32 < 32 < 32 < 21 < 21 11/04/20 - 11/11/20 < 15 < 28 < 28 < 28 < 16 < 33 11/11/20 - 11/18/20 < 47 < 48 < 21 < 48 < 44 < 44 11 /18/20 - 11/25/20 < 19 < 44 < 45 < 45 < 62 < 62 11/25/20 12/02/20 < 18 < 18 < 18 < 18 < 28 < 27 12/02/20 12/09/20 < 37 < 36 < 37 < 37 < 48 < 48 12/09/20 12/16/20 < 36 < 37 < 38 < 37 < 29 < 29 12/16/20 - 12/23/20 < 28 < 33 < 33 < 33 < 31 < 30 12/23/20 - 12/30/20 < 53 < 52 < 54 < 54 < 56 < 23 MEAN C-15


  • 01/08/20 < 30 < 25 < 58 < 59 01/08/20
  • 01/15/20 < 31 < 25 < 25 < 24 01/15/20
  • 01/22/20 < 34 < 23 < 23 < 23 01/22/20
  • 01/29/20 < 25 < 29 < 28 < 13 01/29/20
  • 02/05120 < 16 < 17 < 33 < 33 02/05/20
  • 02/12/20 < 33 < 39 < 16 < 39 02/12/20
  • 02/19/20 < 66 < 42 < 42 < 41 02/19/20
  • 02/26/20 < 29 < 52 < 52 < 52 02/26/20
  • 03/04/20 < 25 < 20 < 20 < 10 03/04/20
  • 03/11 /20 < 53 < 34 < 14 < 33 03/11 /20
  • 03/18/20 < 24 (1) < 35 < 36 03/18/20
  • 03/25/20 < 34 (1) < 46 < 46 03/25/20 - 04/01/20 < 33 (1) < 30 < 30 04/01/20
  • 04/08/20 < 45 (1) < 42 < 41 04/08/20
  • 04/15/20 < 18 (1) < 13 < 27 04/15/20
  • 04/22/20 < 20 (1) < 29 < 28 04/22/20
  • 04/29/20 < 43 (1) < 46 < 46 04/29/20
  • 05/06/20 < 36 (1) < 39 < 39 05/06/20
  • 05/13/20 < 32 < 13 < 23 < 23 05/13/20
  • 05120/20 < 38 < 56 < 57 < 57 05/20/20
  • 05127120 < 30 < 18 < 18 < 10 05/27/20
  • 06/03/20 < 38 < 39 < 39 < 39 06/03/20
  • 06/10/20 < 12 < 22 < 22 < 22 06/10/20
  • 06/17/20 < 28 < 45 < 19 < 45 06/17/20
  • 06/24/20 < 27 < 43 < 43 < 43 06/24/20
  • 07/01/20 < 53 < 37 < 37 < 37 07/01/20
  • 07/08/20 < 37 < 29 < 29 < 17 07/08/20
  • 07/15/20 < 52 < 59 < 59 < 58 07/15/20
  • 07122/20 < 35 < 35 < 35 < 35 07/22/20
  • 07/29/20 < 45 < 50 < 50 < 50 07/29/20
  • 08105/20 < 13 (1) < 44 < 29 08/05/20
  • 08/12/20 < 40 < 36 < 35 < 35 08/12/20
  • 08/19/20 < 41 < 31 < 31 < 31 08/19/20
  • 08/26/20 < 39 < 41 < 17 < 41 08/26/20
  • 09/02/20 < 42 < 31 < 31 < 31 09/02/20
  • 09/09/20 < 39 < 55 < 55 < 56 09/09/20
  • 09/16/20 < 18 < 53 < 53 < 22 09/16/20
  • 09/23/20 < 56 < 29 < 68 < 65 09/23/20
  • 09/30/20 < 32 < 52 < 52 < 21 09/30/20
  • 10/07/20 < 43 < 28 < 28 < 12 10/07/20
  • 10/14/20 < 50 < 60 < 25 < 60 10/14/20
  • 10/21/20 < 55 < 18 < 38 < 38 10/21/20
  • 10/28/20 < 62 < 41 < 41 < 41 10/28/20
  • 11 /04/20 < 15 < 21 < 21 < 21 11/04/20
  • 11/11/20 < 29 < 33 < 33 < 33 11/11/20
  • 11/18/20 < 48 < 19 < 44 < 44 11/18/20
  • 11/25/20 < 44 < 63 < 27 < 61 11/25/20
  • 12/02/20 < 19 < 28 < 27 < 13 12/02/20
  • 12/09/20 < 30 < 24 < 47 < 48 12/09/20
  • 12/16/20 < 16 < 29 < 30 < 12 12/16/20
  • 12/23/20 < 33 < 15 < 31 < 31 12/23/20
  • 12/30/20 < 23 < 54 < 56 < 54 MEAN (1) SEE PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS SECTION FOR EXPLANATION C-16

Table C-Vlll.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF I-131 IN MILK SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION CONTROL FARM PERIOD CL-116 01/29/20 < 0.6 02/26/20 < 0.5 03/25/20 < 0.7 04/29/20 < 0.7 05/13/20 < 0.7 05/27120 < 0.7 06/10/20 < 0.8 06/24/20 < 0.7 07/08/20 < 0.8 07/22/20 < 0.6 08/05/20 < 0.8 08/19/20 < 0.9 09/02/20 < 0.7 09/16/20 < 0.8 09/30/20 < 0.8 10/14/20 < 0.9 10/28/20 < 0.7 11/25/20 < 0.9 12/30/20 < 0.8 MEAN C-17

Table C-Vlll.2 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EM ITTERS IN MILK SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VIC INITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE PER IOD K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-144 CL-116 01/29/20 1224 +/- 150 < 6 < 7 < 17 < 8 < 14 < 7 < 10 < 8 < 8 < 26 < 9 < 44 02/26/20 1086 +/- 188 < 8 < 8 < 18 < 8 < 17 < 9 < 11 < 9 < 9 < 33 < 10 < 60 03/25/20 1167 +/- 169 < 8 < 9 < 15 < 9 < 17 < 7 < 16 < 10 < 9 < 30 < 10 < 51 04/29/20 1311 +/- 196 < 9 < 8 < 18 < 9 < 17 < 11 < 15 < 6 < 9 < 40 < 10 < 61 05/13/20 1290 +/- 167 < 7 < 8 < 14 < 8 < 16 < 7 < 11 < 9 < 9 < 26 < 10 < 51 05/27/20 1159 +/- 156 < 7 < 5 < 14 < 9 < 16 < 7 < 11 < 7 < 6 < 34 < 8 < 48 06/10/20 1008 +/- 188 < 8 < 8 < 16 < 7 < 19 < 7 < 13 < 10 < 7 < 27 < 9 < 57 06/24/20 1248 +/- 158 < 7 < 7 < 17 < 7 < 13 < 7 < 15 < 9 < 8 < 33 < 6 < 51 07/08/20 1164 +/- 150 < 6 < 7 < 15 < 8 < 16 < 7 < 11 < 6 < 7 < 21 < 8 < 40 07/22/20 1221 +/- 147 < 7 < 8 < 15 < 8 < 15 < 6 < 10 < 7 < 7 < 29 < 8 < 45 08/05/20 1085 +/- 177 < 9 < 8 < 16 < 10 < 18 < 8 < 14 < 8 < 9 < 35 < 11 < 43

(') 08/19/20 1204 +/- 189 < 6 < 7 < 20 < 7 < 18 < 9 < 13 < 6 < 10 < 44 < 10 < 59 I

...I. 09/02/20 1301 +/- 170 < 8 < 8 < 17 < 8 < 13 < 8 < 13 < 6 < 7 < 37 < 8 < 50 ex, 09/16/20 898 +/- 145 < 7 < 8 < 15 < 7 < 15 < 7 < 13 < 10 < 7 < 34 < 10 < 54 09/30/20 1097 +/- 123 < 6 < 4 < 11 < 6 < 12 < 5 < 9 < 5 < 5 < 20 < 5 < 36 10/14/20 818 +/- 161 < 7 < 6 < 15 < 8 < 20 < 9 < 10 < 8 < 7 < 31 < 11 < 45 10/28/20 1032 +/- 137 < 6 < 6 < 13 < 7 < 13 < 8 < 11 < 7 < 7 < 29 < 10 < 44 11/25/20 887 +/- 163 < 7 < 7 < 21 < 9 < 15 < 9 < 15 < 11 < 8 < 33 < 9 < 63 12/30/20 885 +/- 157 < 7 < 7 < 17 < 9 < 11 < 8 < 13 < 8 < 8 < 38 < 8 < 54 MEAN+/- 2 STD DEV 1110 +/- 305 THE MEAN AND TWO STANDARD DEV/A TION ARE CALCULATED USING THE POSITIVE VALUES

Table C-IX.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN VEGETATION SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION , 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/KG WET+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-144 CL-114 Kale 06124120 < 34 < 34 < 72 < 34 < 66 < 33 < 59 < 49 < 36 < 36 < 128 < 36 < 185 Cabbage 06/24/20 < 26 < 24 < 61 < 32 < 60 < 28 < 50 < 37 < 30 < 26 < 107 < 41 < 126 Broccoli 06124/20 < 24 < 24 < 50 < 26 < 49 < 22 < 42 < 31 < 23 < 23 < 90 < 27 < 123 Broccoli 07/29120 < 37 < 25 < 65 < 36 < 85 < 33 < 44 < 45 < 36 < 27 < 136 < 38 < 184 Cabbage 07/29120 < 26 < 34 < 64 < 44 < 69 < 32 < 49 < 43 < 35 < 32 < 144 < 43 < 157 Kale 07129120 < 40 < 35 < 91 < 38 < 74 < 41 < 59 < 52 < 32 < 34 < 174 < 45 < 208 (1) 08126120 Cabbage 08126120 < 23 < 28 < 55 < 29 < 53 < 31 < 46 < 35 < 32 < 32 < 115 < 39 < 167 Cabbage 09130120 < 19 < 21 < 44 < 25 < 46 < 26 < 36 < 29 < 19 < 21 < 83 < 23 < 123 Kale 09130120 < 42 < 21 < 104 < 37 < 70 < 25 < 64 < 43 < 46 < 30 < 177 < 60 < 193 Broccoli 09130120 < 26 < 30 < 50 < 25 < 64 < 29 < 47 < 32 < 25 < 28 < 102 < 34 < 139 MEAN CL-115 Broccoli 06124120 < 25 < 26 < 49 < 31 < 65 < 25 < 42 < 35 < 27 < 26 < 103 < 31 < 120 Broccoli 06124120 < 25 < 25 < 57 < 21 < 58 < 20 < 37 < 29 < 26 < 27 < 107 < 35 < 118 Cabbage 06124120 < 23 < 26 < 37 < 22 < 38 < 22 < 35 < 28 < 26 < 23 < 94 < 27 < 122 0I Broccoli 07129120 < 31 < 29 < 70 < 25 < 59 < 26 < 52 < 45 < 32 < 24 < 121 < 27 < 143 (D

Broccoli 07129120 < 33 < 29 < 88 < 39 < 88 < 42 < 57 < 52 < 35 < 35 < 177 < 58 < 208 Cabbage 07129120 < 31 < 30 < 59 < 40 < 75 < 30 < 57 < 47 < 34 < 36 < 142 < 41 < 177 Kale 08126120 < 36 < 31 < 72 < 36 < 67 < 34 < 52 < 44 < 36 < 33 < 151 < 29 < 182 Kale 08126120 < 41 < 39 < 71 < 43 < 86 < 42 < 71 < 55 < 48 < 44 < 154 < 49 < 231 Broccoli 09130120 < 27 < 29 < 65 < 35 < 78 < 28 < 45 < 45 < 34 < 35 < 104 < 31 < 197 Broccoli 09130120 < 47 < 41 < 105 < 54 < 94 < 48 < 86 < 52 < 46 < 45 < 138 < 65 < 244 Corn 09130120 < 25 < 29 < 73 < 37 < 83 < 31 < 50 < 41 < 33 < 32 < 153 < 18 < 163 MEAN CL-117 (1)

CL-118 Broccoli 06124120 < 37 < 31 < 62 < 39 < 94 < 39 < 57 < 48 < 39 < 34 < 144 < 51 < 200 Broccoli 06124120 < 23 < 23 < 48 < 25 < 49 < 22 < 38 < 34 < 24 < 24 < 97 < 19 < 110 Kale 06124120 < 27 < 23 < 53 < 26 < 55 < 25 < 39 < 33 < 26 < 26 < 105 < 34 < 128 Broccoli 07129120 < 39 < 34 < 73 < 44 < 79 < 40 < 44 < 50 < 41 < 41 < 136 < 30 < 176 Kale 07129120 < 32 < 36 < 63 < 38 < 54 < 33 < 56 < 46 < 31 < 34 < 131 < 40 < 187 Kale 07129120 < 38 < 26 < 48 < 42 < 74 < 36 < 48 < 46 < 32 < 29 < 156 < 57 < 163 Kale 08126120 < 55 < 40 < 104 < 46 < 105 < 54 < 79 < 59 < 53 < 47 < 218 < 69 < 263 Kale 08126120 < 35 < 36 < 62 < 38 < 80 < 36 < 62 < 48 < 44 < 41 < 134 < 44 < 204 Kale 09130120 < 31 < 39 < 62 < 27 < 82 < 28 < 51 < 43 < 38 < 30 < 135 < 34 < 203 Cabbage/Kale 09130120 < 38 < 42 < 82 < 45 < 104 < 48 < 66 < 58 < 46 < 42 < 197 < 34 < 210 Broccoli 09130120 < 38 < 32 < 75 < 38 < 88 < 33 < 59 < 53 < 41 < 39 < 159 < 56 < 232 MEAN (1) SEE PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS SECTION FOR EXPLA NATION

Table C-IX.2 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN GRASS SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/KG WET+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-144 CL-01 05/13/20 < 27 < 22 < 60 < 28 < 70 < 30 < 39 < 29 < 32 < 25 < 111 < 13 < 182 05/27/20 < 26 < 23 < 62 < 26 < 61 < 22 < 48 < 31 < 30 < 25 < 114 < 36 < 170 06/10/20 < 32 < 32 < 73 < 48 < 84 < 29 < 59 < 34 < 33 < 26 < 114 < 37 < 178 06/24/20 < 26 < 33 < 62 < 28 < 69 < 32 < 59 < 46 < 38 < 27 < 135 < 36 < 180 07/08/20 < 37 < 33 < 80 < 33 < 85 < 39 < 50 < 46 < 32 < 34 < 120 < 39 < 210 07/22/20 < 21 < 25 < 52 < 34 < 77 < 33 < 56 < 33 < 24 < 28 < 97 < 28 < 137 08/05/20 < 28 < 25 < 50 < 32 < 66 < 26 < 47 < 39 < 37 < 31 < 109 < 40 < 186 08/19/20 < 39 < 40 < 93 < 39 < 102 < 42 < 69 < 40 < 53 < 36 < 123 < 36 < 206 09/02/20 < 37 < 32 < 66 < 35 < 96 < 38 < 61 < 39 < 41 < 39 < 159 < 24 < 237 09/16/20 < 20 < 20 < 42 < 22 < 49 < 23 < 39 < 30 < 25 < 26 < 97 < 27 < 136 09/30/20 < 22 < 24 < 53 < 24 < 45 < 23 < 39 < 35 < 24 < 22 < 102 < 27 < 138 10/14/20 < 20 < 23 < 56 < 27 < 59 < 27 < 32 < 31 < 25 < 26 < 112 < 33 < 152


I 10/28/20 < 31 < 32 < 72 < 45 < 75 < 35 < 48 < 48 < 41 < 37 < 152 < 43 < 186 N

0 MEAN CL-02 05/13/20 < 39 < 41 < 60 < 53 < 107 < 38 < 73 < 41 < 43 < 45 < 131 < 33 < 240 05/27/20 < 31 < 30 < 68 < 29 < 64 < 30 < 57 < 37 < 30 < 25 < 137 < 41 < 167 06/10/20 < 29 < 33 < 71 < 30 < 74 < 32 < 60 < 35 < 32 < 30 < 11 3 < 32 < 206 06/24/20 < 23 < 23 < 46 < 25 < 60 < 24 < 45 < 36 < 31 < 23 < 113 < 31 < 131 07/08/20 < 35 < 30 < 69 < 31 < 77 < 32 < 43 < 46 < 39 < 35 < 136 < 33 < 205 07122/20 < 28 < 26 < 60 < 25 < 59 < 26 < 41 < 42 < 29 < 21 < 98 < 17 < 182 08/05/20 < 34 < 38 < 60 < 34 < 74 < 29 < 50 < 43 < 39 < 35 < 133 < 49 < 197 08/19/20 < 38 < 32 < 81 < 32 < 68 < 36 < 64 < 49 < 39 < 42 < 181 < 49 < 218 09/02/20 < 40 < 41 < 91 < 42 < 106 < 35 < 62 < 41 < 48 < 36 < 143 < 25 < 245 09/16/20 < 24 < 20 < 49 < 23 < 45 < 24 < 37 < 28 < 24 < 22 < 92 < 18 < 138 09/30/20 < 31 < 32 < 85 < 41 < 89 < 41 < 65 < 56 < 41 < 43 < 168 < 32 < 258 10/14/20 < 19 < 17 < 41 < 22 < 43 < 18 < 33 < 19 < 20 < 18 < 68 < 18 < 100 10/28/20 < 40 < 30 < 48 < 36 < 78 < 34 < 39 < 43 < 32 < 34 < 137 < 41 < 183 MEAN

Table C-IX.2 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN GRASS SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION , 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/KG W ET+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTIO N SITE PERIOD Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-1 37 Ba-140 La -140 Ce-144 CL-08 05/ 13/20 < 26 < 26 < 56 < 26 < 65 < 31 < 41 < 29 < 30 < 27 < 97 < 31 < 147 05/27/20 < 27 < 23 < 59 < 23 < 62 < 21 < 43 < 35 < 29 < 27 < 83 < 28 < 166 06/10/20 < 36 < 31 < 71 < 26 < 84 < 26 < 46 < 32 < 28 < 32 < 116 < 29 < 189 06/24/20 < 32 < 25 < 70 < 27 < 56 < 32 < 42 < 43 < 36 < 30 < 123 < 34 < 126 07/08/2 0 < 24 < 25 < 64 < 27 < 70 < 33 < 46 < 41 < 27 < 32 < 117 < 37 < 165 07/22/20 < 26 < 27 < 67 < 29 < 53 < 24 < 44 < 35 < 25 < 26 < 119 < 34 < 161 08/05/2 0 < 36 < 33 < 66 < 42 < 74 < 37 < 55 < 53 < 37 < 32 < 146 < 45 < 226 08/19/2 0 < 29 < 32 < 70 < 26 < 76 < 30 < 52 < 40 < 38 < 36 < 123 < 28 < 179 09/02/20 < 32 < 33 < 73 < 32 < 100 < 34 < 71 < 36 < 39 < 27 < 128 < 30 < 184 09/16/20 < 23 < 22 < 47 < 29 < 62 < 25 < 40 < 33 < 27 < 25 < 97 < 26 < 139 09/30/20 < 34 < 36 < 79 < 39 < 89 < 40 < 63 < 51 < 40 < 39 < 140 < 40 < 258 10/14/20 < 38 < 33 < 61 < 33 < 77 < 33 < 54 < 48 < 38 < 30 < 122 < 26 < 211


I 10/28/20 < 24 < 30 < 81 < 35 < 59 < 36 < 57 < 51 < 37 < 35 < 127 < 29 < 216 N

MEA N CL-116 05/13/2 0 < 26 < 27 < 67 < 34 < 73 < 25 < 56 < 31 < 36 < 25 < 109 < 35 < 165 05/27/2 0 < 29 < 32 < 70 < 34 < 63 < 26 < 50 < 41 < 33 < 26 < 128 < 36 < 154 06/ 10/20 < 29 < 30 < 75 < 35 < 61 < 31 < 55 < 38 < 36 < 30 < 89 < 25 < 184 06/24/20 < 35 < 30 < 85 < 40 < 90 < 37 < 53 < 46 < 37 < 32 < 140 < 47 < 176 07/08/20 < 27 < 25 < 45 < 28 < 66 < 25 < 42 < 41 < 30 < 26 < 131 < 34 < 177 07/22/20 < 28 < 23 < 42 < 23 < 57 < 23 < 34 < 27 < 18 < 27 < 95 < 37 < 116 08/05/20 < 34 < 28 < 69 < 35 < 63 < 32 < 48 < 43 < 33 < 31 < 118 < 39 < 155 08/19/20 < 32 < 33 < 80 < 44 < 90 < 31 < 56 < 45 < 40 < 41 < 156 < 40 < 187 09/02/2 0 < 29 < 36 < 61 < 36 < 91 < 33 < 48 < 30 < 34 < 29 < 98 < 15 < 161 09/16/20 < 19 < 17 < 41 < 20 < 45 < 20 < 33 < 26 < 21 < 19 < 82 < 18 < 102 09/30/20 < 30 < 28 < 64 < 42 < 65 < 32 < 63 < 47 < 36 < 38 < 111 < 28 < 206 10/14/20 < 16 < 16 < 33 < 17 < 36 < 16 < 28 < 19 < 18 < 17 < 62 < 20 < 95 10/28/20 < 42 < 31 < 68 < 34 < 75 < 32 < 57 < 40 < 31 < 38 < 96 < 19 < 184 MEA N

Table C-X.1 QUARTERLY DLR RESULTS FOR CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr4 Normalized Annual BA+ Annual Facil ity Location BAl1)

(mrem) (mrem) (mrem) (m rem ) Dose, MA (mrem/yr) MDDA121 Dose, FA (mrem)

CL-01 17.7 19.2 21 .3 19.1 77.3 74.0 83 .6 ND CL-02 19.5 18.6 21 .9 19.6 79.6 76 .7 86 .2 ND CL-03 18.3 20.1 20 .8 19.6 78.8 74 .7 84.2 ND CL-04 18.6 18.4 20 .3 18.5 75.8 72 .8 82 .3 ND CL-05 18.5 18.6 20.0 20.8 77.9 76 .5 86 .0 ND CL-06 16.4 18.6 18.5 17.5 71 .0 65 .8 75 .3 ND CL-07 (3) (3) 21.5 18.6 40.1 69.5 79 .0 ND CL-08 18.1 18.9 19.2 18.3 74.5 74.0 83 .5 ND CL-11 17.3 18.2 18.6 15.8 69.9 69.3 78 .8 ND CL-15 16.3 16.7 19.0 16.1 68.1 66 .3 75 .8 ND CL-22 19.4 20.0 21 .5 21 .0 81 .9 77.6 87.1 ND CL-23 18.2 19.9 21.8 22.4 82 .3 81 .5 91 .0 ND CL-24 18.6 20.6 23 .0 21 .2 83.4 80 .5 90.0 ND CL-33 18.9 19.9 21 .1 20 .7 80.6 79 .2 88.7 ND CL-34 18.0 18.0 21 .8 19.2 77.0 77 .5 87.0 ND CL-35 17.6 17.9 19.0 18.3 72.8 71 .6 81 .1 ND CL-36 18.7 17.4 21 .0 19.8 76.9 74.2 83.7 ND CL-37 17.8 18.3 19.1 18.4 73.6 71 .1 80.6 ND CL-41 18.1 21 .1 22 .8 21 .0 83 .0 79.4 88.9 ND CL-42 17.8 19.1 19.4 18.3 74.6 74.2 83.7 ND CL-43 18.6 21.6 21 .3 21 .1 82.6 79.7 89.2 ND CL-44 18.3 18.9 20.5 19.9 77.6 75.4 84.9 ND CL-45 19.8 21 .3 23.4 21 .0 85.5 80.6 90 .1 ND CL-46 18.5 18.2 19.8 18.6 75.1 73.0 82 .5 ND CL-47 18.4 20.5 20.5 22 .2 81 .6 79.4 88 .9 ND CL-48 17.3 20 .5 20.9 19.4 78.1 74.2 83 .7 ND CL-49 19.6 21 .0 22 .6 18.9 82.1 79.8 89 .3 ND CL-51 19.2 21 .7 22.2 20.4 83.5 76 .6 86.1 ND CL-52 19.5 20 .8 21 .3 22 .0 83.6 75.6 85 .1 ND CL-53 17.0 19.9 20 .8 19.4 77.1 71 .9 81.4 ND CL-54 19.5 19.6 22 .2 19.7 81 .0 78 .0 87 .5 ND CL-55 19.7 21 .6 21 .0 19.3 81 .6 78 .7 88 .2 ND CL-56 19.0 21 .0 22.4 21 .2 83.6 81 .0 90 .5 ND CL-57 19.7 20 .8 20 .0 20 .2 80.7 81 .5 91 .0 ND CL-58 18.0 20.9 19.8 21 .3 80.0 79.1 88.6 ND CL-60 19.9 19.4 19.4 17.7 76.4 79 .0 88 .5 ND CL-61 18.7 20 .0 19.5 20 .7 78.9 78 .1 87.6 ND CL-63 16.0 18.0 17.7 17.2 68.9 66 .6 76.1 ND CL-64 18.5 21 .1 20 .9 20 .3 80.8 75 .9 85.4 ND CL-65 20 .0 21 .0 21 .1 20 .8 82 .9 80.5 90 ND CL-74 17.9 17.8 18.0 16.3 70 68 77.5 ND CL-75 16.2 20 .6 19.0 19.0 74.8 75.7 85.2 ND CL-76 19.6 20 .8 20 .9 19.7 81 78 .7 88.2 ND CL-77 17.9 17.7 18.9 18.9 73.4 72.2 81 .7 ND CL-78 18.2 18.2 18.9 20 .3 75 .6 72 81 .5 ND CL-79 17.3 20 .3 19.6 20 .1 77 .3 77 .1 86.6 ND CL-80 18.7 19.1 19.0 17.8 74 .6 75 .5 85 ND CL-81 18.9 20 .6 21 .0 20.4 80.9 76.8 86.3 ND CL-84 19.7 17.2 19.1 20 .8 76 .8 76 .3 85 .8 ND CL-90 15.7 15.2 16.3 15.2 62.4 62 .2 71 .7 ND CL-91 17.4 18.6 18.7 18.5 73 .2 69.5 79 ND CL-97 20.1 22 .1 20.4 21 .3 83.9 77.6 87 .1 ND CL-99 15.1 16.2 16.2 16.9 64.4 60 .6 70 .1 ND CL-114 16.5 18.9 20 .7 20 .0 76.1 72 .3 81 .8 ND

<O Base li ne background dose (BA): The esti mated mean background radiation dose at each field monitoring location annua lly based on historical measurements, excluding any dose contribution from the monitored facility 21

< Minimum differential dose (MDDA) : The smallest amount of faci lity related dose at each monitored location annually above the baseline background dose that can be rel iably detected by an envi ronmental dosimetry system (3) SEE PROGRAM EX CEPTIONS FOR EXPLANATION C-22


E 0.037 0.032 0

- a.



0.022 0


0.017 0.012 0.007 0.002

~- ~- ~- ~- -4. c,* ~- c,*

';"t- <[<} ~,. ~ ~~ t'~- t'~ - ~ c-:,<8-oc, ~o



_.,_ 2020 INDICATOR

...,_2020 CONTROL C-23



a, 20 0:::

E 15 10 QUARTER PRE-OP 2020 indicator 2020 control C-24


Intentionally Left Blank Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Prog ram Table D-1 Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Identification Kn own Ratio of TBE to Month/Year Matrix Nuclide Units TBE Value Evaluation (b)

Number Val ue (a) Known Result September 2020 E13247 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 62 .8 95.4 0.66 N<1)

Sr-90 pCi/L 12.0 12.8 0.94 A E13248 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 156 150 1.04 A Co-58 pCi/L 172 180 0.96 A Co-60 pCi/L 369 379 0.97 A Cr-51 pCi/L 372 372 1.00 A Cs-134 pCi/L 171 200 0.85 A Cs-137 pCi/L 241 250 0.96 A Fe-59 pCi/L 217 200 1.08 A 1-131 pCi/L 84 .6 95.0 0.89 A Mn-54 pCi/L 175 180 0.97 A Zn-65 pCi/L 252 270 0.93 A E13249 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 70 .2 75.8 0.93 A E13250 AP Ce-141 pCi 101 101 1.00 A Co-58 pCi 111 120 0.92 A Co-60 pCi 249 254 0.98 A Cr-51 pCi 287 249 1.15 A Cs-134 pCi 114 134 0.85 A Cs-137 pCi 159 168 0.95 A Fe-59 pCi 127 134 0.95 A Mn-54 pCi 114 121 0.94 A Zn-65 pCi 168 181 0.93 A E13251 Soil Ce-141 pCi/g 0.241 0.191 1.26 w Co-58 pCi/g 0.211 0.228 0.93 A Co-60 pCi/g 0.466 0.481 0.97 A Cr-5 1 pCi/g 0.450 0.472 0.95 A Cs-1 34 pCi/g 0.273 0.254 1.07 A Cs-137 pCi/g 0.370 0.390 0.95 A Fe-59 pCi/g 0.233 0.254 0.92 A Mn-54 pCi/g 0.217 0.229 0.95 A Zn-65 pCi/g 0.368 0.343 1.07 A E13252 AP Sr-89 pCi 79.9 100.0 0.80 A Sr-90 pCi 12.1 13.4 0.90 A (a) The Analytics known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation (b) Analytics evaluation based on TBE internal QC limits:

A = Acceptable - reported result falls within ratio limits of 0.80-1 .20 W = Acceptable with warning - reported result falls within 0. 70-0.80 or 1.20-1.30 N = Not Acceptable - reported result falls outside the ratio limits of < 0. 70 and> 1.30 (1) See NCR 20-19 (Page 1 of 2)


Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Table D-1 Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Identification Known Ratio of TBE to Month/Year Matrix Nuclide Units TBE Value Evaluation (b)

Number Value (a) Known Result December 2020 E13254 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 82 .2 89.7 0.92 A Sr-90 pCi/L 12.4 13.0 0.96 A E13255 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 91 .1 100 0.91 A Co-58 pCi/L 77.5 84.3 0.92 A Co-60 pCi/L 147 152 0.97 A Cr-51 pCi/L 259 253 1.02 A Cs-134 pCi/L 97.1 108 0.90 A Cs-137 pC i/L 117 127 0.92 A Fe-59 pCi/L 114 112 1.02 A 1-131 pCi/L 84 .3 91 .9 0.92 A Mn-54 pCi/L 137 143 0.96 A Zn-65 pCi/L 175 190 0.92 A E13256 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 70 .2 78.2 0.90 A E13257A AP Ce-141 pCi 67.4 74.6 0.90 A Co-58 pCi 57 .9 62 .9 0.92 A Co-60 pCi 108 113 0.95 A Cr-51 pCi 162 189 0.86 A Cs-134 pCi 68 .1 80.4 0.85 A Cs-137 pCi 82.4 95.0 0.87 A Fe-59 pCi 80 .5 83.7 0.96 A Mn-54 pCi 102 107 0.95 A Zn-65 pCi 115 142 0.81 A E13258 Soil Ce-141 pCi/g 0.167 0.170 0.98 A Co-58 pCi/g 0.125 0.143 0.87 A Co-60 pCi/g 0.245 0.257 0.95 A Cr-51 pCi/g 0.393 0.429 0.92 A Cs-1 34 pCi/g 0.147 0.183 0.80 A Cs-137 pCi/g 0.260 0.288 0.90 A Fe-59 pCi/g 0.199 0.190 1.05 A Mn-54 pCi/g 0.229 0.243 0.94 A Zn-65 pCi/g 0.320 0.322 0.99 A E13259 AP Sr-89 pC i 85 .0 78.6 1.08 A Sr-90 pCi 13.1 11.4 1.15 A (a) The Analytics known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation (b) Analytics evaluation based on TBE internal QC limits:

A= Acceptable - reported result falls within ratio limits of 0.80-1 .20 W = Acceptable with warning- reported result falls within 0. 70-0.80 or 1.20-1 .30 N = Not Acceptable - reported result falls outside the ratio limits of< 0. 70 and> 1.30 (Page 2 of 2)


DOE's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP)

Table D-2 Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Identification TBE Known Acceptance Month/Year Matrix Nuclide Units Evaluation (bl Number Value Value (a) Range February 2020 20-GrF42 AP Gross Alpha Sq/sample 0.676 1.24 0.37 - 2.11 A Gross Beta Sq/sample 2.03 2.00 1.00 - 3.00 A 20-MaS42 Soil Ni-63 Bq/kg 0.01 (1) A Sr-90 Bq/kg 348 340 238 - 442 A 20-MaW42 Water Ni-63 Bq/L 11 .6 11 .1 7.8 - 14.4 A Pu-238 Bq/L 0.926 0.94 0.66 - 1.22 A Pu-239/240 Bq/L 0.712 0.737 0.516 - 0.958 A 20-RdF42 AP U-234/233 Sq/sample 0.0416 0.075 0.053 - 0.098 N<3J U-238 Sq/sample 0.0388 0.078 0.055 - 0.101 N(3l 20-RdV42 Vegetation Cs-134 Sq/sample 3.23 3.82 2.67 - 4.97 A Cs-137 Sq/sample 2.64 2.77 1.94 - 3.60 A Co-57 Sq/sample 0.0281 (1) A Co-60 Sq/sample 2.62 2.79 1.95 - 3.63 A Mn-54 Sq/sample 4.3 4.58 3.21 -5 .95 A Sr-90 Sq/sample 0.396 0.492 0.344 - 0.640 A Zn-65 Sq/sample 3.93 3.79 2.65 - 4.93 A August2020 20-GrF43 AP Gross Alpha Sq/sample 0.267 0.528 0.158- 0.898 A Gross Beta Sq/sample 0.939 0.915 0.458 - 1.373 A 20-MaS43 Soil Ni-63 Bq/kg 438 980 686 - 1274 N<4J Tc-99 Bq/kg 1.11 (1) A 20-MaW43 Water Ni-63 Bq/L 0.175 (1) A Tc-99 Bq/L 8.8 9.4 6.6-12.2 A 20-RdV43 Vegetation Cs-134 Sq/sample 3.635 4.94 3.46 - 6.42 w Cs-137 Sq/sample 0.0341 (1) A Co-57 Sq/sample 5.855 6.67 4.67 - 8.67 w Co-60 Sq/sample 3.122 4.13 2.89 - 5.37 w Mn-54 Sq/sample 4.524 5.84 4.09 - 7.59 A Sr-90 Sq/sample 1.01 1.39 0.97 - 1.81 w Zn-65 Sq/sample 4.706 6.38 4.47 - 8.29 w (a) The MAPEP known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation (b) DOEI MAPEP evaluation:

A = Acceptable - reported result falls within ratio limits of 0.80-1 .20 W = Acceptable with warning - reported result falls within 0. 70-0.80 or 1.20-1 .30 N = Not Acceptable - reported result falls outside the ratio limits of < 0. 70 and > 1. 30 (1) False positive test (3) See NCR 20-13 (4) See NCR 20-20 (Page 1 of 1)


ERA Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Table D-3 Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Identification Known Acceptance Month/Year Matrix Nuclide Units TBE Value Evaluation (bl Number Value <*> Limits March 2020 MRAD-32 Water Am-241 pCi/L 52 .5 45.3 31 .1-57.9 A Fe-55 pCi/L 155 152 89.3 - 221 A Pu-238 pCi/L 34 .0 36.4 21 .9 - 47 .2 A Pu-239 pCi/L 30.9 33 .6 20 .8-41.4 A April 2020 RAD-121 Water Ba-133 pCi/L 41 .8 41 .8 34.0- 46.7 A Cs-134 pCi/L 42 .9 46.3 37 .1 - 50.9 A Cs-137 pCi/L 226 234 211 - 259 A Co-60 pCi/L 52.4 50.3 45 .3 - 57 .9 A Zn-65 pCi/L 83 .3 86 .8 78.1 -104 A GR-A pCi/L 20.1 23.6 11.9 - 31 .6 A GR-B pCi/L 45 .6 60 .5 41.7 - 67.2 A U-Nat pCi/L 18.45 18.6 14.9 - 20 .9 A H-3 pCi/L 14200 14100 12300 - 15500 A Sr-89 pCi/L 58.0 60.1 48 .3 - 67 .9 A Sr-90 pCi/L 34.1 44 .7 33 .0 - 51.2 A 1-131 pCi/L 27.4 28 .9 24 .1 - 33 .8 A September 2020 MRAD-33 Soil Sr-90 pCi/Kg 4360 4980 1550 - 7760 A AP Fe-55 pCi/Filter 189 407 149 - 649 A U-234 pCi/Filter 17.9 18.3 13.6-21.4 A U-238 pCi/Filter 19.1 18.1 13.7-21 .6 A Water Am-241 pCi/L 160 176 121 - 225 A Fe-55 pCi/L 299 298 175 - 433 A Pu-238 pCi/L 200 191 115-247 A Pu-239 pCi/L 105 100 61 .9-123 A October 2020 RAD-123 Water Ba-133 pCi/L 37.1 37 .0 29 .8 - 41.6 A Cs-134 pCi/L 50.6 52 .7 42 .5 - 58 .0 A Cs-137 pCi/L 131 131 118 - 146 A Co-60 pCi/L 62 .9 60 .5 54.4 - 69.1 A Zn -65 pCi/L 167 162 146 -191 A GR-A pCi/L 40.0 26 .2 13.3 - 34 .7 N<1>

GR-B pCi/L 47 .5 69.1 48 .0 - 76 .0 N(l)

U-Nat pCi/L 17.2 20 .3 16.3 - 22 .7 A H-3 pCi/L 23800 23200 20 ,300 - 25 ,500 A Sr-89 pCi/L 41 .1 43 .3 33.4 - 50 .5 A Sr-90 pCi/L 28.5 30.2 22 .0 - 35 .0 A 1-131 pCi/L 22 .9 28 .2 23 .5 - 33 .1 N<2>

November 2020 QR111920K Water GR-A pCi/L 50.7 52.4 27 .3 - 65 .6 A GR-B pCi/L 24.9 24 .3 15.0 - 32 .3 A (a) The ERA known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation.

(b) ERA evaluation:

A = Acceptable - Reported value falls within the Acceptance Limits N = Not Acceptable - Reported value falls outside of the Acceptance Limits (1) See NCR 20-18 (2) See NCR 20-17 (Page 1 of 1)



Intentionally Left Blank There was no errata data for 2020.



Intentionally Left Blank ARGPPR Table Of Contents I. Summary and Conclusions ......... ............... ........... .... ................................. ...................... 1 II. Introduction .... .................. ............ .... .... ... ...... .... .. .. ... .. ... .... ...... ... ........... ......... ... .... ...... .. .. 2 A. Objectives of the RGPP ................... .. .......... .... ...... .. .. .. ... .... ...... ......... ... .... ... ...... .. 2 B. Implementation of the Objectives ................................ .. .... .. ........................... .. .. . 2 C. Program Description ......... ......... ... .... ... ... .. .. ....... .. ... ........... .. ...... ... .............. .. .. ... .. 3 D. Characteristics of Tritium (H-3) .. .. .... .. ........... .. .......................... .. ........................ 3 Ill. Program Description .. ... .. ... .. ........ .. .. .......... .. .. .. .... ...................... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. .. .... .... ....... 5 A. Sample Analysis ..... ...... .......... ... .. .. ......... ... ... .. ..... ........ .. .. .. ... ...... ............ ............ . 5 B. Data Interpretation .......................... ....... .. ... .. .... .... ..... .................... .. .... ... ..... ... .. ... 5 C. Background Analysis ............................... ............................. ... ............. .. ............. 6

1. Background Concentrations of Tritium .. .............. ...... .. .......... .......... .. ....... 6 IV. Results and Discussion .... .. ............ ..... .. .................................................. .. .... ... ......... ... . 8 A . Program Exceptions ..................... .... ...... .... ..... .. ...... .. .................. .... .... ...... ...... .. .. 8 B. Program Changes ..... .. ................... .. ........... .... .. ......... .. .. .. ........ ......... .. ...... .......... 8 C. Groundwater Results ...... .. .... ................... .. ................................... ........... ...... .... . 8 D. Surface Water Results .......................... .. .......... .. ..... .. ................ .. .................... ... 9 E. Precipitation Water Results (Recapture) .............. .. .... .... .... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .............. . 9 F. Summary of Results - Inter-laboratory Comparison Program ...... .. ...... .... ...... ...... 9 G. Errata Data ............ ......................................... .... ............... ...................... .. ..... .. .... 9 H. Leaks, Spills and Releases .......... .... .. .. .. .. ........... .... ...... ... .................................... 9 I. Trends .... .. .. ..... ... .. ...... .. ..... ... .... .... .. ...... ..... ... ... .. .... ... ... .... .... ....... ....... .... ... ... ... ... ..... 9 J. Investigations .................. ........... .. ................. ..... ... .. .. ... .. .................. .. .. .... ....... ..... 9 K. Actions Ta ken ............ .. .. .. ................. .. .. ...... ........................... ... .. ............ .. .. ..... ..... 9

ARGPPR Appendices Appendix A Location Designation of the Annual Radiological Groundwater Protection Program Report (ARGPPR)

Tables Table A-1 Radiological Groundwater Protection Program - Sampling Locations ,

Clinton Power Station, 2020 Figures Figure A-1 Onsite Sampling Locations at Clinton Power Station Figure A-2 Sampling Locations South of Clinton Power Station Figure A-3 Sampling Locations East of Clinton Power Station Figure A-4 Recapture Sampling Locations of Clinton Power Station Appendix B Data Tables of the Annual Radiological Groundwater Protection Program Report (ARGPPR)

Tables Table B-1.1 Concentrations of Tritium and Strontium in Groundwater Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table B-1.2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Groundwater Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table B-1.3 Concentrations of Hard To Detects in Groundwater Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 Table B-I1.1 Concentrations of Tritium in Surface Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station, 2020 Table B-II1.1 Concentrations of Tritium in Precipitation Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Clinton Power Station , 2020 ii

I. Summary and Conclusions In 2006, Exelon instituted a comprehensive program to evaluate the impact of station operations on groundwater and surface water in the vicinity of Clinton Power Station (CPS) . This evaluation involved numerous station personnel and contractor support personnel. This report covers groundwater and surface water samples , collected outside of the Licensee required Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) requirements , both on and off station property in 2020. During that time period , 101 analyses were performed on 57 samples from 37 locations .

The monitoring was conducted in four phases.

In assessing all the data gathered for this report, it was concluded that the operation of CPS had no adverse radiological impact on the environment, and there are no known active releases into the groundwater or surface water at CPS . No program changes occurred during the sampling year of 2020 .

Gamma-emitting radionuclides associated with licensed plant operations were not detected at concentrations greater than their respective Lower Limits of Detection (LLDs) as specified in NUREG-1302 in any of the groundwater or surface water samples. In the case of tritium , Exelon specified that the independent laboratory achieve a lower limit of detection ten times lower than that required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) regulation .

Strontium-89 (Sr-89) was not detected in any samples. Strontium-90 (Sr-90) was not detected in any samples.

Tritium was not detected in any of the groundwater or surface water samples at concentrations greater than the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) drinking water standard (and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reporting Limit) of 20 ,000 pCi/L. Background levels of tritium were detected at concentrations greater than the self-imposed LLD of 200 pCi/L in two of seventeen groundwater monitoring locations. The tritium concentrations ranged from 239 +/- 123 pCi/L to 303 +/- 124 pCi/L. Tritium was not detected in any surface water or precipitation water samples .

Hard-to-Detect analyses of iron-55 (Fe-55) and nickel-63 (Ni-63) were performed on ten groundwater locations . Hard-to-Detects may also include americium-241 (Am-241 ), cerium-242 (Cm-242) , cerium-243/244 (Cm-243/244) , plutonium-238 (Pu-238) , plutonium-239/240 (Pu-239/240) , uranium-234 (U-234) , uranium-235 (U-235) and uranium-238 (U-238). The nuclides analyzed were not detected in any samples .

II. Introduction The Clinton Power Station (CPS) , consisting of one approximately 1,140 MW gross electrical power output boiling water reactor is located in Harp Township ,

DeWitt County, Illinois. CPS i_s owned and operated by Exelon and became operational in 1987. Unit No. 1 went critical on February 27, 1987. The site encloses approximately 13,730 acres . This includes the 4 ,895 acre , man-made cooling lake and about 452 acres of property not owned by Exelon . The plant is situated on approximately 150 acres . The cooling water discharge flume , which discharges to the eastern arm of the lake , occupies an additional 130 acres.

Although the nuclear reactor, supporting equipment and associated electrical generation and distribution equipment lie in Harp Township , portions of the aforementioned 13,730 acre plot reside within Wilson , Rutledge , DeWitt, Creek, Nixon and Santa Anna Townships.

This report covers those analyses performed by Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) on samples collected in 2020 .

A. Objectives of the Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

The long-term objectives of the RGPP are as follows :

1. Identify suitable locations to monitor and evaluate potential impacts from station operations before significant radiological impact to the environment and potential drinking water sources .
2. Understand the local hydrogeologic regime in the vicinity of the station and maintain knowledge of flow patterns on the surface and shallow subsurface .
3. Perform routine water sampling and radiological analysis of water from selected locations .

4 . Report new leaks , spills, or other detections with potential radiological significance to stakeholders in a timely manner.

5 . Regularly assess analytical results to identify adverse trends.

6. Take necessary corrective actions to protect groundwater resources .

B. Implementation of the Objectives The objectives identified have been implemented at Clinton Power Station as discussed below:

1. Exelon and its consultant identified locations as described in the Phase 1 study. Phase 1 studies were conducted by Connestoga Rovers and Associates (CRA) and the results and conclusions were made available to state and federal regulators as well as the public in station specific reports .
2. The Clinton Power Station reports describe the local hydrogeologic regime. Periodically, the flow patterns on the surface and shallow subsurface are updated based on ongoing measurements.
3. Clinton Power Station will continue to perform routine sampling and radiological analysis of water from selected locations .
4. Clinton Power Station has procedures to identify and report new leaks , spills, or other detections with potential radiological significance in a timely manner.
5. Clinton Power Station staff and consulting hydrogeologist assess analytical results on an ongoing basis to identify adverse trends .

C. Program Description

1. Sample Collection Sample locations can be found in Table A-1 and Figures A-1 , A- 2, A-3 , and A-4 Appendix A.

Groundwater, Surface Water and Precipitation Water Samples of water are collected , managed , transported and analyzed in accordance with approved procedures following regulatory methods . Groundwater, surface water, and precipitation water are collected. Sample locations , sample collection frequencies and analytical frequencies are controlled in accordance with approved station procedures . Contractor and/or station personnel are trained in the collection, preservation management, and shipment of samples , as well as in documentation of sampling events. Analytical laboratories are subject to internal quality assurance programs and inter-laboratory cross-check programs , as well as nuclear industry audits. Station personnel review and evaluate all analytical data deliverables after in itial review by the contractor.

Analytical data results are reviewed by both station personnel and an independent hydrogeologist for adverse trends or changes to hydrogeologic conditions .

D. Characteristics of Tritium (H-3)

Tritium (chemical symbol H-3) is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. The most common form of tritium is tritium oxide , wh.ich is also called "tritiated water." The chemical properties of tritium are essentially those of ordinary hydrogen.

Tritiated water behaves the same as ord inary water in both the environment and the body. Tritium can be taken into the body by drinking water, breathing air, eating food , or absorption through skin . Once tritium enters the body, it disperses quickly and is uniformly distributed throughout the body. Tritium is excreted primarily through urine with a clearance rate characterized by an effective biological half-life of about 14 days . Within one month or so after ingestion , essentially all tritium is cleared . Organically bound tritium (tritium that is incorporated in organic compounds) can remain in the body for a longer period .

Tritium is produced naturally in the upper atmosphere when cosmic rays strike air molecules . Tritium is also produced during nuclear weapons explosions , as a by-product in reactors producing electricity, and in special production reactors , where the isotopes Lithium-? (Li-7) and/or Boron-10 (B-10) are activated to produce tritium. Like normal water, tritiated water is colorless and odorless . Tritiated water behaves chemically and physically like non-tritiated water in the subsurface , and therefore tritiated water will travel at the same velocity as the average groundwater velocity.

Tritium has a half-life of approximately 12.3 years. It decays spontaneously to Helium-3 (3He). This radioactive decay releases a beta particle (low-energy electron). The radioactive decay of tritium is the source of the health risk from exposure to tritium . Tritium is one of the least dangerous radionuclides because it emits very weak beta radiation and leaves the body relatively quickly. Since tritium is almost always found as water, it goes directly into soft tissues and organs . The associated dose to these tissues is generally uniform and is dependent on the water content of the specific tissue.

Ill. Program Description A. Sample Analysis This section describes the general analytical methodologies used by TBE to analyze the environmental samples for radioactivity for the Clinton Power Station RGPP in 2020 . In order to achieve the stated objectives ,

the current program includes the following analyses:

1. Concentrations of gamma emitters in groundwater
2. Concentrations of strontium in groundwater
3. Concentrations of tritium in groundwater, surface water and precipitation samples
4. Concentrations of Fe-55 in groundwater
5. Concentrations of Ni-63 in groundwater B. Data Interpretation The radiological data collected prior to Clinton Power Station becoming operational were used as a baseline with which these operational data were compared. For the purpose of this report, Clinton Power Station was considered operational at initial criticality. Several factors were important in the interpretation of the data :
1. Lower Limit of Detection and Minimum Detectable Concentration The lower limit of detection (LLD) is defined as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that would yield a net count (above background) that would be detected with only a 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal. The LLD is intended as an a priori (a before the fact) estimate of a system (including instrumentation ,

procedure and sample type) and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) criteria for the presence of activity. All analyses were designed to achieve the required CPS detection capabilities for environmental sample analysis .

The minimum detectable concentration (MDC) is defined above with the exception that the measurement is an a posteriori (after the fact) estimate of the presence of activity.

2. Laboratory Measurements Uncertainty The estimated uncertainty in measurement of tritium in environmental samples is frequently on the order of 50% of the measurement value . Statistically, the exact value of a measurement is expressed as a range with a stated level of confidence. The convention is to report results with a 95% level of confidence. The uncertainty comes from calibration standards ,

sample volume or weight measurements, sampling uncertainty and other factors . Exelon reports the uncertainty of a measurement created by statistical process (counting error) as well as all sources of error (Total Propagated Uncertainty or TPU) . Each result has two values calculated . Exelon reports the TPU by following the result with plus or minus+/- the estimated sample standard deviation , as TPU , that is obtained by propagating all sources of analytical uncertainty in measurements.

Analytical uncertainties are reported at the 95% confidence level in this report for reporting consistency with the AREOR.

C. Background Analysis Pre-operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (pre-operational REMP) was conducted to establish background radioactivity levels prior to operation of the Station. The environmental media sampled and analyzed during the pre-operational REMP were atmospheric radiation , fall-out, domestic water, surface water, marine life , milk, and vegetation. The results of the monitoring were detailed in the report entitled , Environmental Radiological Monitoring for Clinton Power Nuclear Power Station , Illinois Power Company, Annual Report 1987, May 1988.

The pre-operational REMP contained analytical results from samples collected from the surface water and groundwater.

1. Background Concentrations of Tritium The purpose of the following discussion is to summarize background measurements of tritium in various media performed by others:
a. Tritium Production Tritium is created in the environment from naturally-occurring processes both cosmic and subterranean, as well as from anthropogenic (i.e. , man-made) sources . In the upper atmosphere , "Cosmogenic" tritium is produced from the bombardment of stable nuclides and combines with oxygen to form tritiated water, which will then enter the hydrologic cycle .

Below ground , "lithogenic" tritium is produced by the bombardment of natural lithium present in crystalline rocks by neutrons produced by the radioactive decay of naturally abundant uranium and thorium . Lithogenic production of tritium is usually negligible compared to other sources due to the limited abundance of lithium in rock. The lithogenic tritium is introduced directly to groundwater.

A major anthropogenic source of tritium and Sr-90 comes from the former atmospheric testing of thermonuclear weapons.

Levels of tritium in precipitation increased significantly during the 1950s and early 1960s, and later with additional testing , resulting in the release of significant amounts of tritium to the atmosphere.

The Canadian heavy water nuclear power reactors, other commercial power reactors , nuclear research and weapons production continue to influence tritium concentrations in the environment.

b. Precipitation Data Precipitation samples are routinely collected at stations around the world for the analysis of tritium and other radionuclides . Two publicly available databases that provide tritium concentrations in precipitation are Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) and USEPA's RadNet database . GNIP provides tritium precipitation concentration data for samples collected world wide from 1960 to 2006. RadNet provides tritium precipitation concentration data for samples collected at stations through out the U.S. from 1960 up to and including 2006. Based on GNIP data for sample stations located in the U.S. Midwest, tritium concentrations peaked around 1963. This peak, which approached 10,000 pCi/L for some stations , coincided with the atmospheric testing of thermonuclear weapons. Tritium concentrations in surface water showed a sharp decline up until 1975, followed by a gradual decline since that time. Tritium concentrations in Midwest precipitation have typically been below 100 pCi/L since around 1980. Tritium concentrations in wells may still be above the 200 pCi/L detection limit from the external causes described above.
c. Surface Water Data Tritium concentrations are routinely measured in Clinton Lake .

According to the USEPA, surface water data typically has an uncertainty+/- 70 to 100 pCi/L 95% confidence bound on each given measurement. Therefore, the typical background data provided may be subject to measurement uncertainty of approximately +/- 70 to 109 pCi/L.

The radio-analytical laboratory is counting tritium results to an Exelon specified LLD of 200 pCi/L. Typically, the lowest positive measurement will be reported within a range of 40 - 240 pCi/L or 140 +/- 100 pCi/L. Clearly, these sample results cannot be distinguished as different from background at this concentration .

IV. Results and Discussion A. Program Exceptions

1. Sample Anomalies There were no sample anomalies in 2020 .
2. Missed Samples The 2 nd quarter 2020 RGPP sampling round was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, no RGPP sampling activities were completed between April and June 2020.

B. Program Changes Exelon-specific RGPP procedures were fully rewritten to enhance the programs . Program changes include , but are not limited to , additional precipitation samples , reformed sample frequencies and altered LLD limitations .

C. Groundwater Results Groundwater Baseline samples were collected from off-site wells during three (3) phases at the station . Analytical results are discussed below:

Tritium Samples from seventeen locations were analyzed for tritium activity.

Tritium values ranged from below the Exelon-imposed LLD of 200 pCi/I to 303 pCi/1. (Table B-1.1 Appendix B)

Strontium Sr-89 was not detected in any of the samples analyzed and the required LLD of 10 pCi/L was met. Sr-90 was also *not detected in any of the samples analyzed and the required LLD of 1 pCi/L was met.

(Table B-1.1 Appendix B)

Gamma Emitters No plant-produced radionuclides were detected .

(Table B-1.2 , Appendix B)

Hard-to-Detect Hard-to-Detect analyses for Fe-55 and Ni-63 were performed on ten groundwater locations. Neither Fe-55 nor Ni-63 was detected in any of the samples analyzed. (Table B-1.3 Appendix B)

D. Surface Water Results Baseline samples were collected from on-site surface waters during one (1) phase at the station . Analytical results are discussed below.

Tritium Samples from six locations were analyzed for tritium activity. Tritium was not detected at concentrations greater than the LLD .

(Table B-11 .1 Appendix B)

E. Precipitation Water Results (Recapture)

Precipitation water samples from 14 locations were analyzed for tritium activity. Tritium was not detected in any sample greater than the LLD.

(Table B-II1.1 , Appendix B)

F. Summary of Results - Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program results for TSE are presented in Section IV, Part Gin the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.

G. Errata Data There was no Errata Data for 2020.

H. Leaks , Spills , and Releases There were no leaks , spills or releases in 2020 .

I. Trends No trends have been identified in 2020 .

J. Investigations Currently no investigations are on-going.

K. Actions Taken

1. Compensatory Actions There have been no station events requiring compensatory actions at the Clinton Power Station in 2020 .
2. Installation of Mon itoring Wells No new wells were installed during the 2020 .
3. Actions to Recover/Reverse Plumes No actions were required to recover or reverse groundwater plumes.


Intentionally Left Blank TABLE A-1: Radiological Groundwater Protection Program - Sampli ng Locations, Clinton Power Station, 2020 Site Site Type 8 -3 Monitoring Well MW-CL-1 Monitoring Well MW-CL-2 Monitoring Well MW-CL-12I Monitoring Well MW-CL-13I Mon itoring Well MW-CL-13S Mon itoring Well MW-CL-14S Monitoring Well MW-CL-15I Monitoring Well MW-CL-15S Monitoring Well MW-CL- 16S Monitoring Well MW-CL-17S Monitoring Well MW-CL-18I Monitoring Well MW-CL- 18S Monitoring Well MW-CL- 19S Mon itoring Well MW-CL-20S Monitoring Well MW-CL-21S Monitoring Well MW-CL-22S Monitoring Well SW-CL- 1 Surface Water SW-CL-2 Surface Water SW-CL-4 Surface Water SW-CL-5 Surface Water SW-CL-6 Surface Water SW-CL-7 Surface Water Precipitation Water 2 Precipitation Water 3 Precipitation Water 4 Precipitation Water 5 Precipitation Water 6 Precipitation Water 7 Precipitation Water RG-N Precipitation Water RG-N-UNL Precipitation Water RG-NNW Precipitation Water RG-S Precipitation Water RG-SE Precipitation Water RG-WNW Precipitation Water RG-WSW Precipitation Water A-1


I I\)

Figure A- 1 Onsite Sampling Locations at Clinton Power Station



(,J Figure A- 2 Sampling Locations South of Clinton Power Station

Sampling LocafionsFigure A -Cl'3inton Power Station East of

Figure A-4 Recapture Sampling Locations of Clinton Power Station A-5


Intentionally left blank TABLE 8-1. 1 CONCENTRATIONS OF TRITIUM AND STRONTIUM IN GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VI CI NITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION , 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE DATE H-3 Sr-89 Sr-90 8 -3 03/11/20 < 184 MW-CL-1 03/11/20 < 183 MW-C L-2 03/11/20 < 180 MW-CL-12I 03/13/20 < 181 MW-CL-12I 07/10/20 < 191 < 6.0 < 0.8 MW-C L-12I 10/28/20 < 185 MW-CL-13I 03/13/20 < 179 MW-C L-13S 03/13/20 < 178 MW-CL-13S 07/10/20 < 188 < 8.0 < 0.9 MW-CL-13S 10/28/20 < 184 MW-C L-14S 03/12/20 303 +/- 124 MW-CL-14S 07/10/20 < 191 < 5.3 < 0.8 MW-C L-14S 10/29/20 239 +/- 123 MW-CL-15I 03/11/20 < 177 MW-CL-15S 03/11/20 < 181 MW-C L-16S 03/1 2/20 < 182 MW-CL-16S 07/10/20 < 193 < 6.7 < 0.8 MW-CL-16S 10/29/20 < 184 MW-CL-17S 03/12/20 < 182 MW-CL-17S 07/10/20 < 188 < 5.5 < 0.8 MW-CL-17S 10/29/20 < 180 MW-C L-18I 03/12/20 < 180 MW-CL-18I 07/10/20 < 187 < 7.5 < 0.8 MW-CL-18I 10/29/20 < 184 MW-C L-18S 03/12/20 < 176 MW-C L-18S 07/10/20 < 187 < 5.0 < 1.0 MW-C L-18S 10/29/20 < 186 MW-CL-19S 03/13/20 < 182 MW-C L-19S 07/10/20 < 187 < 6.4 < 0.6 MW-CL-19S 10/28/20 < 182 MW-C L-20S 03/11 /20 < 185 MW-C L-21S 03/13/20 < 187 MW-CL-21S 07/10/20 < 198 < 7.1 < 1.0 MW-CL-21S 10/28/20 < 179 MW-C L-22S 03/12/20 < 185 MW-CL-22S 07/10/20 < 197 < 4.6 < 0.8 MW-CL-22S 10/29/20 < 182 B-1

Table B-1.2 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION , 2020 RE SULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITE R + SIG MA COLLECTION SITE DATE Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 MW-C L-13I 03/13/20 < 50 < 101 < 5 < 6 < 14 < 6 < 11 < 5 < 11 < 6 < 6 < 32 < 10 MW-C L-13S 03/13/20 < 28 < 44 < 4 < 4 < 7 < 4 < 7 < 4 < 7 < 3 < 4 < 17 < 7 MW-C L-14S 03/12/20 < 52 < 107 < 6 < 8 < 9 < 9 < 16 < 8 < 10 < 6 < 8 < 33 < 13 MW-CL-21S 03/13/20 < 38 < 73 < 4 < 4 < 6 < 4 < 8 < 4 < 7 < 4 < 4 < 20 < 6 OJ I


TABLE 8-1.3 CONCENTRATIONS OF HARD TO DETECTS IN GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION , 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE DATE Am-241 Cm-242 Cm-243/244 Pu-238 Pu-239/240 U-234 U-235 U-238 Fe-55 Ni-63 MW-C L-12I 07/10/20 < 114 < 4.6 MW-CL-13S 07/10/20 < 74 < 4.9 MW-CL- 14S 07/10/2 0 < 93 < 4.9 MW-CL-16S 07/10/20 < 135 < 4.8 MW-CL-17S 07/10/20 < 147 < 5.0 MW-CL-18I 07/10/20 < 106 < 5.0 MW-CL- 18S 07/10/20 < 93 < 4.6 MW-CL-19S 07/10/20 <92 < 4.9 MW-CL-2 1S 07/10/20 < 96 < 4.8 MW-CL-22S 07/10/20 < 85 < 4.2 co I



TABLE B-111.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF TRITIUM IN PRECIPITATION WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF CLINTON POWER STATION, 2020 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PC I/LITER+/- 2 SIGMA COLLECTION SITE DATE H-3 08/06/20 < 183 2 08/06/20 < 180 3 08/06/20 < 185 4 08/06/20 < 183 5 08/06/20 < 180 6 08/06/20 < 184 7 08/06/20 < 188 RG-N 12/02/20 < 546 RG-N-UNL 12/02/20 < 216 RG-NNW 12/02/20 < 215 RG-S 12/02/20 < 197 RG-SE 12/02/20 < 618 RG-WNW 12/02/20 < 544 RG-WSW 12/02/20 < 314 B-5

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